W92HDM14.INI Driver File Contents (Audio_IDT_W81_A00-HCMKP-Setup_ZPE.exe)

HKLM\Software\Waves Audio=Yes
HKCU\Software\Waves Audio=Yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\IDT Audio=yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\IDT Audio1=yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\IDT Audio2=yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper=Yes
stlang.dll = 0x25
IDTNCPL.cpl = 0x25
MaxxAudioAPOShell.dll = 0x25
W92HDM14.MPS = 0x25
W92HDM6BSKULL.mps = 0x25	
WavesGUILib.dll = 0x25
MaxxAudioIDT.dll = 0x25
MaxxAudioMeters.exe = 0x25
stlang64.dll = 0x25
IDTNC64.cpl = 0x25
MaxxAudioAPOShell64.dll = 0x25
W92HDM14.MPS = 0x25
W92HDM6BSKULL.mps = 0x25	
WavesGUILib64.dll = 0x25:WavesGUILib.dll
MaxxAudioIDT64.dll = 0x25:MaxxAudioIDT.dll
MaxxAudioMeters64.exe = 0x25
0x25\IDTNCPL.cpl = 0x17, "IDT Audio Control Panel", "OEM\PCAudio.ico"
0x25\IDTNC64.cpl = 0x17, "IDT Audio Control Panel", "OEM\PCAudio.ico"
STacSV -r
STacSV64 -r
STacSV -u
STacSV64 -u
stapo.dll = 0x25
stcplx.dll = 0x25
imapo32.dll = 0x25
imthx32.dll = 0x25
stapo64.dll = 0x25
stcplx64.dll = 0x25
imapo64.dll = 0x25
imapo32.dll = 0x25
imthx64.dll = 0x25
imthx32.dll = 0x25
FuncParam5 = dword: 16
MultiStream     = dword: 1
Config_DefPage = "PORTMAP"
ShowEventDialogB = dword: 0 
ShowEventDialog = dword: 1
HPSupport		= dword: 0x01
SpkSupport		= dword: 0x01
Config_Oem      = dword: 2
PollingPeriod   = dword: 1000
HwSpkCfg        = dword: 0
MultiStream     = dword: 1
MicRetasking = dword: 0
PopUpType       = dword: 2
ControlPanel = "IDTNCPL.cpl"
HideTrayIcon   = dword: 0
ShowPopupJack = dword:0x1			
ControlPanel = "IDTNC64.cpl"
HideTrayIcon   = dword: 0
ShowPopupJack = dword:0x1			
Function = dword: 8
IDTPIMA.exe -mode 2 -endpointAssoc 2 -enable 1 -endpointSequence 16 -timeout 240
IDTPIMA.exe -mode 2 -endpointAssoc 5 -enable 0 -endpointSequence 0 -timeout 240
IDTPMA64.exe -mode 2 -endpointAssoc 2 -enable 1 -endpointSequence 16 -timeout 240
IDTPMA64.exe -mode 2 -endpointAssoc 5 -enable 0 -endpointSequence 0 -timeout 240
CodecName = "92HD91"
ConservationIdleTime	= hex: 0	
IdlePowerState		= hex: 0
PerformanceIdleTime	= hex: 0
InitVerbs						= hex: 01,88,17,00
TraceFlags                      = dword: 0x89B3
AllowHpOnNonSupportingPin       = hex: 0
AntiPopGpoDelayInMsS3           = dword: 2000
AntiPopGpoDelayInMsS4           = dword: 2000
EnableDLCDWA                    = hex: 1
EnableExtraD3PowerSaving = hex: 0
AfgPwrSeqDelayMs = dword: 16
AfgPwrSeqDelay2Ms = dword: 16
AfgPowerStatePolicy = hex: 2
RenderPathOptimization = hex: 1
PmEnabledWidget					= hex: 0C,0D,0E,0F		
CPL_SaveExtraPower			= hex: 1
CPL_MaySwitchExtAmpPowerState		= hex: 1
CPL_ControlAfgPowerState = hex: 0x1
CPL_SecondsAfter = dword: 30
DelayInMsAfterPortDisabling = dword: 0x40
Biostype1 = hex: 0
EnableDevicePresenceAutoSearch = hex: 1			
ShareSystemMicJackAsLine = hex: 0
BtlPort = hex: 0xd
KeepAnalogLoopbackAlwaysOn = hex: 0
KeepPCBeepAlwaysOn = hex: 0
NoJackInfoForStereoMix = hex: 0		
IDT_AP = hex:E4,00,21,00,00,0E,00,EE,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,16,00,22,00,FF,FF,10,00,00,00,65,00,00,00,00,00,00,80,00,00,00,00,36,00,22,00,FF,FF,30,00,00,00,05,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,80,3F,A9,A4,7E,3F,5B,B1,7F,3F,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,36,00,22,00,FF,FF,30,00,00,00,06,00,00,00,0A,00,00,00,00,00,40,C0,00,00,14,42,A4,70,7D,3F,A4,70,7D,3F,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,14,00,23,00,FF,FF,00,00,01,65,4C,04,05,05,7E,04,06,06,83,04,36,00,25,00,FF,FF,02,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,53,41,46,45,44,53,50,00,03,00,E0,82,27,02,38,73,27,02,02,95,27,02,44,53,50,43,46,47,30,00,02,00,E1,82,27,02,2C,73,27,02,06,00,EE,00,00,00
CfgDflt = dword: 0x02A11020
AltCfg = hex: 21,10,81,02
Bias = hex: FF,04,02
Action = hex: 0A,0B
CfgDflt = dword: 0x02211050
CfgCurr = dword: 0x0221101F
AltCfg = hex: 50,10,21,02,1F,10,21,02
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F0
CfgDflt = dword: 0x19170110			
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F1
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F2
CfgDflt = dword: 0x9617011F
CfgDflt = dword: 0xD5A30130
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F4
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F5
Associations                         = hex: 1,2
DigitalVolumeControl                 = hex: 0
EnableSetFormatSupport               = hex: 1
EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates 		= dword: 0xFFFFFFFE
EnableInputMonitor		     = hex: 1
KeepAdcAlwayson                      = hex: 1
EnabledNonPcmBitsAndRates            = dword: 0x20040
ZeroPcmBitsAndRates                  = dword: 0x20040
DisableNonPcmPin                     = hex: 0
EnableVendorPcBeep                  = hex: 1
MasterVolume				= dword: 0xfff9ed45
RenderOnly								= hex: 1
Mixer									= hex: 0x1B
ReportInfoForInternalDevPinsToo = hex: 1		
LegacyIoctlHere				= hex: 0
Associations				= hex: 5
EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates		= dword: 0x1F0FFF
EnableOnAltCfgDevPresence = hex: 1			
Associations                         = hex: 2
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates        = dword: 0x0A0060
MicInRecVolume                       = dword: 0x001C1296
LineOnMicInRecVolume                       = dword: 0x001C1296
PlaybackCaptureVolume						= dword: 0x00038212
MixInRecVolume						= dword: 0x00038212
MicBoostLevel                         = dword: 0x000A0000
MicBoostLevel                         = dword: 0x00140000
MixInRecVolume					= dword: 0x00068000
MicIn							= "{4B33E924-E22C-48b4-B028-4069442FD3BD}"
MixIn							= "{88C02F6A-D1E7-4fe3-A506-9E0AE51D1234}"
Associations                            = hex: 3
DisableMicBoost                      	= hex: 0
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates        	= dword: 0x0a0060
MicInRecVolume							= dword: 0x00188627
MicBoostLevel						= dword: 0x000A0000
MicIn                               	= "{9C56BB03-C758-4e8b-A23A-752D5968EA2D}"
MicBoostLevel                			= dword: 0x00140000
IsNETGUI = dword: 1
Config_Tab                           = dword: 0x8		
Config_Adv                           = dword: 0x101
Config_Pwr                           = dword: 0x9
Config_Spk                           = dword: 0x30
Config_SpkFlags = dword: 0x02
Config_Levels = dword: 0x1
Config_NTab = dword: 0x37
Config_MAVersion = dword:40
Config_TestTone = dword: 0x1
Config_NSpkMode = dword: 0x1 		
Config_NSpkLogo = dword: 0x1		
Config_EnableCommHP = dword: 5
Config_DDReset = dword: 3
IsNETGUI	= dword: 1				
InstallPath = "%ProgramFiles%\IDT\"
PerPortEvents = dword:0x0001
IsNETGUI	= dword: 1				
InstallPath = "%ProgramFiles%\IDT\"
PerPortEvents = dword:0x0001
Config_Oem				= dword: 0x00000005			
RecordPriority  = dword: 0xFFFFFFFF
EndpointId = dword: 0xFFFFFFFF
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}"
idEffect = dword: 81
idEffectType = dword: 56
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 1020
ParallelB = dword: 1
ParallelE = dword: 1
ApoClsId = "{44444440-42ce-433f-9992-8eb7976b907b}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}"
idEffect = dword: 148
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 1030
ApoClsId = "{F69E84AC-BDCD-44f3-AB8D-D17CD2867D77}"
ParallelB = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 149
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 1035
ApoClsId = "{2b809b36-e750-4c55-97de-8ea7a66f38dd}"
ParallelE = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 148
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 510
ParallelB = dword: 1
ApoClsId = "{FD1541D4-C681-424c-96A8-6490FFD4C556}"
idEffect = dword: 149
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 520
ParallelE = dword: 1
ApoClsId = "{3a94c9d4-dbca-480a-8037-21fcc81feaf8}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}"
load = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 40
idEffectType = dword: 40
order = dword: 1001
RegVersion = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 48
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 100
ApoClsId = "{FD1541D4-C681-424c-96A8-6490FFD4C556}"
load = dword: 0
idEffect = dword: 44
idEffectType = dword: 44
order = dword: 1000
bypass = dword: 0
MasterGainDbX100 = dword: 2500
020="if(tech==2, (APOParallelSkip("SpeakerHp",84, 1)), (APOParallelSkip("SpeakerHp",84,0)))"
030="if(tech==2, (SetSrsDWord("SpeakerHp",srsLFX,0,0,0,"PKEY_SRS_Enable_LFX",0)),(0))"
040="if(tech==2, (SetDSPState("SpeakerHp",13,1)),(SetDSPState("SpeakerHp",14,1)))"
010="INCLUDE GetJacksStatus"
030="JDA = JackDevice(10)"
050="if ((JDA==10), (SetVisibleEx(2, 0, 1)), (SetVisibleEx(2, 1, 1)))"
060="if ((JDA==10), (SetVisibleEx(2, 1, 0)), (SetVisibleEx(2, 0, 0)))"
120="INCLUDE JackDeviceA"
020="if((msenabled),(SetDeviceType(11,2) && SetVerified(11,1)),(SetDeviceTypeSlaved(11,2) && SetVerified(11,1)))"
010="SetDeviceTypeSlaved(11,2) && SetVerified(11,1)"
010="if(JackState(11) == 1,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))"
020="if(JackState(11) == 1,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))"
Config_ExAdv                            = dword: 0x2
Config_ExAdvName                        = "IDS_TITLE_EPPCONFIG_DMIC"
idEffect = dword: 53
idEffectType = dword: 53
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5000
Delay = dword: 0
Enable = dword: 0
idEffect = dword: 53
idEffectType = dword: 53
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 1000
Delay = dword: 0
Enable = dword: 0
Config_ExTab = dword: 0x800
idEffect = dword: 52
idEffectType = dword: 52
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 17
idEffect = dword: 54
idEffectType = dword: 54
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 16
Enable = dword:1
Enable = dword: 1
DebugMode = dword: 0
samplerate = dword: 16000
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio\MaxxAudio\General]
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.47