;Copyright(C) Canon Inc. All right reserved. ; Network Driver Setup ; Definition file ; LastModified: 07-Mar-2013 [Setup] ; Title, BgTitle, FontName, License can be specified in following format. ; Title.<LangID> ; In this format, you can specify language dependent strings. ; If the .<LangID> entry not found, installer uses no extension entry. ; Version=3.93 Title=MF Drivers - Setup Wizard ; OS Filter by Hex ; ??? | 2KXP NT 98Me 95 ; 000 | 000 0|00 00|0 001 --- 0x0001(Win95) ; 000 | 000 0|00 00|0 010 --- 0x0002(Win95 OSR2) ; 000 | 000 0|00 00|1 000 --- 0x0008(Win98) ; 000 | 000 0|00 01|0 000 --- 0x0010(Win98 SE) ; 000 | 000 0|00 10|0 000 --- 0x0020(WinMe) ; 000 | 000 0|01 00|0 000 --- 0x0040(WinNT 3.5) ; 000 | 000 0|10 00|0 000 --- 0x0080(WinNT 4) ; 000 | 001 0|00 00|0 000 --- 0x0200(Win2000) ; 000 | 010 0|00 00|0 000 --- 0x0400(WinXP/.NET Server) ; If you will mask installation on only Win2000(and NT3.5), ; you should set 4BF(1+2+8+16+32+64+128+1024) OSFilter=0x638 ; devconfig_config_device timeout(IP address setting timeout) DevconfigConfigTimeout=90 [Functions] ; Default function flags ; 0x1 Printer ; 0x2 FAX ; 0x4 Scanner DefaultTarget=0x7 DefaultTestPrint=0x1 [Printers] ; PrinterNames=0x1,0x2,0x4... with ACC. Key PrinterNames=&UFRII LT Printer Driver,&PCL5e Printer Driver,PC&L6 Printer Driver,P&S 3 Printer Driver,UFRII LT &XPS Printer Driver DefaultTestPrint=0x1f ;Canon Driver Information Assist Service Install Information [DIAS] Version=3.10 BuildNumber=3103 ServiceStart=1 ;Path from Setup.exe SetupPath=.\misc\DIASsetup.exe DiskSpace=20 [PortMonitor] SetupPath=.\misc\Ext\PMon\MFPMIN.dll UninstPath=.\misc\Ext\PMon\MFPMUI.ex_ [PushScanUtility] SetupPath=.\misc\Ext\SUtil\MFSUIN.ex_ CommandLine="-NOEULA -NOCONFIRMMSG" [NetworkWIAInstaller] SetupPath=.\misc\Ext\nwiainst.ex_ CommandLine=/I:"CANON_MFNP&D1300" [NetworkWIAInstance] SetupPath=.\misc\Ext\nwiastup.ex_ [NetworkScanGearInfo] MDL=D1300 KEY=HKLM,Software\Wow6432Node\Canon\SateraMFP1\ScanGear\11.3\Devices\D1300 CopyInfName=MF39SCN.INF CopyCabName=Scan.cab ; 0x1 TWAIN&WIA ; 0x2 WIA Only InstScanDriver=0x1 [DiscoverData] Methods=4 Character=65001 Timeout=600 Retry=3 [PortSetting] Allow_Port=0 Allow_IP=0 PortType=2 [Supported Devices] ; canPdInfoProductName = <Section Name> D1300 Series=WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3 [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3] ; Implemented function flags ; 0x1 Printer ; 0x2 FAX ; 0x4 Scanner Functions=0x7 InfRoot=..\..\ DiskSpace=10 ;add these numbers BDL=1,PCL5=2,PCL6=4,PS=8,XPS=16 ExistingDriverBit=0x1f ; Implemented Support Printer flags ; Refer to [Printers] Section Printers=0x1f DefaultPrinters=0x1f XPSDriver=0x10 ReadmeFileName=Readme_MD.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.1.NT5] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_UFC2A8 InfName=..\32bit\Driver\CNLB0U.INF InfGUID={2165CC42-34B9-4ee0-8FE1-83D0694B3AA3} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_UFRIILT.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.1.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_UFC2A8 InfName=Driver\CNLB0UA64.INF InfGUID={2165CC42-34B9-4ee0-8FE1-83D0694B3AA3} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_UFRIILT.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.2.NT5] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PC9894 InfName=..\32bit\Driver\CNP50U.INF InfGUID={CA156A75-C376-40aa-8DE7-C88A9E37BD00} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PCL.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.2.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PC9894 InfName=Driver\CNP50UA64.INF InfGUID={CA156A75-C376-40aa-8DE7-C88A9E37BD00} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PCL.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.4.NT5] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PCD4FA InfName=..\32bit\Driver\CNP60U.INF InfGUID={14D9C499-82E2-410b-B22A-F83C26EFCE30} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PCL.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.4.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PCD4FA InfName=Driver\CNP60UA64.INF InfGUID={14D9C499-82E2-410b-B22A-F83C26EFCE30} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PCL.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.8.NT5] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PS1B49 InfName=..\32bit\Driver\CNS30U.INF InfGUID={A082E7AE-7ECB-4760-A971-5BB9DA30A180} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PS3.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.8.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_PS1B49 InfName=Driver\CNS30UA64.INF InfGUID={A082E7AE-7ECB-4760-A971-5BB9DA30A180} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_PS3.hta ;[WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.16.NT5] ;Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_UFB277 ;InfName=..\32bit\Driver\cnnx0_cb3_len-US_md1300mf6700xps_pi386.inf ;InfGUID={1407D160-3BD0-4b2f-A0C7-5BAE3D950BA5} ;DiskSpace=70 ;ReadmeFileName=Readme_len-US.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.PRINT.16.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_UFB277 InfName=Driver\cnnx0_cb3_len-US_md1300mf6700xps_pamd64.inf InfGUID={1407D160-3BD0-4b2f-A0C7-5BAE3D950BA5} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_len-US.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.FAX.NT5] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_FA90E5 InfName=..\32bit\Driver\cnxrpuw2.inf InfGUID={3C88119F-3534-465b-B7D6-CA4419723F3E} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_Fax.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.FAX.x64] Hwid=USBPRINT\CanonD1300/MF6700_FA90E5 InfName=Driver\cnxrpua6.inf InfGUID={3C88119F-3534-465b-B7D6-CA4419723F3E} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_Fax.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.SCAN.NT5] Hwid=CANON_MFNP&D1300 InfName=..\32bit\Driver\MF39SCN.INF InfGUID={87A7742F-5E78-4093-9053-E05E8CD0E2EC} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_SG.hta [WithPCL_WithFAX_WithPS3.SCAN.x64] Hwid=CANON_MFNP&D1300 InfName=Driver\MF39SCN.INF InfGUID={87A7742F-5E78-4093-9053-E05E8CD0E2EC} DiskSpace=70 ReadmeFileName=Readme_SG.hta [ExtractShareNameEditStr] 0=D1300 1=XPS 2=UFRIILT 3=PCL5e 4=PCL6 5=FAX 6=PS3 [LANGUAGES] ; 0000 ---- Neutral(Default) 0000=,NiHRes.dll [RegistrationAPI] PrintUI=1 SilentOption=0 [9XOsVersionString] US=Windows 95 or 98 JP=Windows 95 ‚Ü‚½‚Í 98 ; When ; HIWORD | LOWORD ; 0x 0001 XXXX Before ; 0x 0002 XXXX After ; 0x XXXX 0001 Dlg_Start ; 0x XXXX 0002 Dlg_SdWelcome ; 0x XXXX 0003 Dlg_SdLicense ; 0x XXXX 0004 INIT ; 0x XXXX 0005 Dlg_DiscoveryDevice ; 0x XXXX 0006 Dlg_SelectTarget ; 0x XXXX 0007 Dlg_PortSettings ; 0x XXXX 0008 Dlg_ConfirmSettings ; 0x XXXX 0009 Dlg_InstallProgress ; 0x XXXX 000A Dlg_Complete ; 0x XXXX 000B Dlg_SetDefault ; 0x XXXX 000C Dlg_PrintTestpage ; 0x XXXX 000D Dlg_ObjDialogs ; 0x XXXX 000E UNINIT ; 0x XXXX 000F Dlg_SdFinish ; ; Action ; DoInstall --- DoInstall .inx file ; LaunchApp --- Launch Application ; ; Name --- Display Name ; (can be specified language id same as Title, BgTitle, and FontName in [Setup] section.) ; Cmd --- Target file ; CmdLine --- Command line options ; ErrMsgOnLang --- ErrorMessages when the target installer's lang is different from this. ; ErrMsgOnBegin --- ErrorMessages when the file is not found. ; ErrMsgOnLaunch ---- ErrorMessages when the file is not found. ; You can specify message on begin, and on launch. ; 0xXXXXXXXX ; HIWORD ---- Abort or Not ; LOWORD ---- Message id. ; If you don't want to display the message, write 0 or don't write the entries. ; You can specify message id up to 10. ; These id is used MSG_ADDITIONAL_XX(00-10) on value.shl. ; ;Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.