sdb1m.inf Driver File Contents (

; Copyright 2013 Dell. ALL right reserved.

Signature="$Windows NT$"
CatalogFile =

; The Manufacturer section lists all of the manufacturers that we will
; display in the Dialog box

%PROVIDER% = MODEL,NTx86,NTx86.6.0,NTamd64,NTamd64.6.0

; Model section for Windows 2000 and XP
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, LPTENUM\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, USBPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, WSDPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10

"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, LPTENUM\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, USBPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, WSDPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10

"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTx86.6.0, LPTENUM\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10 
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTx86.6.0, USBPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10 
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTx86.6.0, WSDPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10 

"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, LPTENUM\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, USBPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL, WSDPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10

"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTamd64.6.0, LPTENUM\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTamd64.6.0, USBPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10
"Dell B1160 Mono Laser Printer GDI" = DRVINSTALL.NTamd64.6.0, WSDPRINT\DellB1160_Mono_LaserBA10


; Installer Sections
; These sections control file installation, and reference all files that
; need to be copied. If the section name will be assumed to be the driver
; file, unless there is an explicit DriverFile section listed.

; Installation section for Win2000 and XP

AddReg = DRVINSTALL.NTx86.6.0.AddReg

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1msm.exe
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\w32x86\3"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",Policy,0x00010001,3

;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1mei.exe
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\w32x86\3"
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",Policy,0x00010001,3

;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1meu.exe
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\w32x86\3"
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",Policy,0x00010001,3

AddReg = DRVINSTALL.NTamd64.6.0.AddReg

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1msm.exe
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\x64\3"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDSM%",Policy,0x00010001,3
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1mei.exe
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\x64\3"
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEI%",Policy,0x00010001,3
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",AppName,0x00000000,sdb1meu.exe
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",AppPath,0x00000000,"%51%\drivers\x64\3"
;HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\%GUIDEU%",Policy,0x00010001,3
; Data Sections
; These sections contain data that is shared between devices.
LanguageMonitor="sdb1M Langmon,sdb1mlm.dll"





; Copy Sections
; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced
; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains
; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the
; installer section, using the @filename notation)

sdb1mpc.dll,  itdrvpc.dll

sdb1mci.dll,  coinst.dll
sdb1mci.exe,  coinst.exe

;lusetup.exe,  setup.exe

; Driver Core files and DLLs and Other files
sdb1m.dll,    itdrv.dll
sdb1mdu.dll,  itdrvdu.dll
sdb1muc.dll,  itdrvuc.dll
sdb1mur.dll,  itdrvur.dll
sdb1mpp.dll,  itdrvpp.dll
sdb1mo.dll,   itdrvo.dll
sdb1mf.xml, itdrvf.xml

; FrameBuffer files
sdb1mlf.dll,  itdrvlf.dll
sdb1mum.dll,  itdrvum.dll
sdb1mum.xml,  itdrvum.xml

; DCU (Driver Configuration Utility)
sdb1mcu.dll,	itdrvcu.dll

; SmartCMS files
sdb1msc.dll,  itdrvsc.dll

; Manual Duplex files
sdb1mm.dll,   itdrvm.dll
sdb1mex.exe,  itdrvex.exe
sdb1mm1.bmp,  itdrvm1.bmp
sdb1mm2.bmp,  itdrvm2.bmp
sdb1mm3.bmp,  itdrvm3.bmp

; Lite Status Monitor files
sdb1msm.exe,  itdrvsm.exe
sdb1msm.trs,	itdrvsm.trs
sdb1msm.xml,	itdrvsm.xml

; MUI files
sdb1mmu.dll,  itdrvmu.dll

; Model dependent script files

; Bmp files
;sdb1mlc.bmp,  itdrvlc.bmp
sdb1myc.bmp, itdrvyc.bmp
;sdb1mxc.bmp, itdrvxc.bmp

; Model dependent bitmap

; SNMP files
sdb1mio.dll,  itdrvio.dll
sdb1mn.dll,   itdrvn.dll

; Eco Virtual files
;sdb1mei.exe,  itdrvei.exe
;sdb1meu.exe,  itdrveu.exe
;sdb1mec.dll,  itdrvec.dll
;sdb1med.dll,  itdrved.dll

; Localized XML files
sdb1mab.xml,  itdrvab.xml
;sdb1mbp.xml,  itdrvbp.xml
sdb1mcp.xml,  itdrvcp.xml
sdb1mct.xml,  itdrvct.xml
sdb1mcz.xml,  itdrvcz.xml
sdb1mdn.xml,  itdrvdn.xml 
sdb1mdt.xml,  itdrvdt.xml 
sdb1mel.xml,  itdrvel.xml 
sdb1men.xml,  itdrven.xml 
sdb1mfi.xml,  itdrvfi.xml 
sdb1mfn.xml,  itdrvfn.xml 
sdb1mgr.xml,  itdrvgr.xml 
sdb1mhb.xml,  itdrvhb.xml 
sdb1mhu.xml,  itdrvhu.xml
sdb1mit.xml,  itdrvit.xml 
;sdb1mkr.xml,  itdrvkr.xml 
sdb1mnr.xml,  itdrvnr.xml 
sdb1mpo.xml,  itdrvpo.xml 
sdb1mpt.xml,  itdrvpt.xml 
;sdb1mru.xml,  itdrvru.xml 
sdb1msp.xml,  itdrvsp.xml 
sdb1msw.xml,  itdrvsw.xml 
sdb1mtk.xml,  itdrvtk.xml 

; Help files
sdb1mab.chm,  itdrvab.chm
;sdb1mbp.chm,  itdrvbp.chm 
sdb1mcp.chm,  itdrvcp.chm
sdb1mct.chm,  itdrvct.chm
sdb1mcz.chm,  itdrvcz.chm
sdb1mdn.chm,  itdrvdn.chm 
sdb1mdt.chm,  itdrvdt.chm 
sdb1mel.chm,  itdrvel.chm 
sdb1men.chm,  itdrven.chm 
sdb1mfi.chm,  itdrvfi.chm 
sdb1mfn.chm,  itdrvfn.chm 
sdb1mgr.chm,  itdrvgr.chm 
sdb1mhb.chm,  itdrvhb.chm 
sdb1mhu.chm,  itdrvhu.chm
sdb1mit.chm,  itdrvit.chm 
;sdb1mkr.chm,  itdrvkr.chm 
sdb1mnr.chm,  itdrvnr.chm 
sdb1mpo.chm,  itdrvpo.chm 
sdb1mpt.chm,  itdrvpt.chm 
;sdb1mru.chm,  itdrvru.chm 
sdb1msp.chm,  itdrvsp.chm 
sdb1msw.chm,  itdrvsw.chm 
sdb1mtk.chm,  itdrvtk.chm 

; EVPD Help files
;sdb1meab.chm,  itdrveab.chm 
;sdb1mebp.chm,  itdrvebp.chm 
;sdb1mecp.chm,  itdrvecp.chm
;sdb1mect.chm,  itdrvect.chm
;sdb1mecz.chm,  itdrvecz.chm
;sdb1medn.chm,  itdrvedn.chm 
;sdb1medt.chm,  itdrvedt.chm 
;sdb1meel.chm,  itdrveel.chm 
;sdb1meen.chm,  itdrveen.chm 
;sdb1mefi.chm,  itdrvefi.chm 
;sdb1mefn.chm,  itdrvefn.chm 
;sdb1megr.chm,  itdrvegr.chm 
;sdb1mehb.chm,  itdrvehb.chm 
;sdb1mehu.chm,  itdrvehu.chm
;sdb1meit.chm,  itdrveit.chm 
;sdb1mekr.chm,  itdrvekr.chm 
;sdb1menr.chm,  itdrvenr.chm 
;sdb1mepo.chm,  itdrvepo.chm 
;sdb1mept.chm,  itdrvept.chm 
;sdb1meru.chm,  itdrveru.chm 
;sdb1mesp.chm,  itdrvesp.chm 
;sdb1mesw.chm,  itdrvesw.chm 
;sdb1metk.chm,  itdrvetk.chm 
; AMPV files
;sdb1mam.exe,  itdrvAM.exe

; Web Agreement files
;sdb1mdr.exe, itdrvDR.exe
;sdb1mua.dll, itdrvUA.dll		
;sdb1mua.xml, itdrvUA.xml
; Color profiles go to the colors directory.  All other files to the the
; system directory


;6 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\help\eco"
5 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\help"
4 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\string"
3 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"i386"
2 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common"
1 = %DISK_NAME%,,,

;6 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\help\eco"
5 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\help"
4 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common\string"
3 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"amd64"
2 = %DISK_NAME%,,,"Common"
1 = %DISK_NAME%,,,

; Driver Core files and DLLs and Other files
itdrv.dll       = 3
itdrvdu.dll     = 3
itdrvuc.dll     = 3
itdrvur.dll     = 3
itdrvpp.dll     = 2
itdrvo.dll      = 3
itdrvf.xml      = 2

; Live Update
;setup.exe       = 2

; FrameBuffer files
itdrvlf.dll     = 3
itdrvum.dll     = 3
itdrvum.xml     = 2

; DCU (Driver Configuration Utility)
itdrvcu.dll			= 3
; SmartCMS files
sdb1msc.cts     = 2
itdrvsc.dll     = 3

; Manual Duplex files
itdrvm.dll      = 3
itdrvex.exe     = 3
itdrvm1.bmp     = 2
itdrvm2.bmp     = 2
itdrvm3.bmp     = 2

; Lite Status Monitor files
itdrvsm.exe     = 2
itdrvsm.trs     = 2
itdrvsm.xml     = 2
sdb1msm.bmp     = 2

; MUI files
itdrvmu.dll     = 3

; Model dependent script files
sdb1mc.xml	= 1
sdb1mp.xml	= 1
sdb1mpp.ver	= 1

; Bmp files
;itdrvlc.bmp     = 2
itdrvyc.bmp    = 2
;itdrvxc.bmp    = 2

; Model dependent bitmap

; SNMP files
itdrvio.dll     = 3
itdrvn.dll      = 3

; Eco Virtual files
;itdrvei.exe			= 3
;itdrveu.exe			= 3
;itdrvec.dll			= 3
;itdrved.dll			= 3

; Localized XML files
itdrvab.xml 	= 4
;itdrvbp.xml 	= 4
itdrvcp.xml 	= 4
itdrvct.xml 	= 4
itdrvcz.xml 	= 4
itdrvdn.xml 	= 4
itdrvdt.xml 	= 4
itdrvel.xml 	= 4
itdrven.xml 	= 4
itdrvfi.xml 	= 4
itdrvfn.xml 	= 4
itdrvgr.xml 	= 4
itdrvhb.xml 	= 4
itdrvhu.xml 	= 4
itdrvit.xml 	= 4
;itdrvkr.xml 	= 4
itdrvnr.xml 	= 4
itdrvpo.xml 	= 4
itdrvpt.xml 	= 4
;itdrvru.xml 	= 4
itdrvsp.xml 	= 4
itdrvsw.xml 	= 4
itdrvtk.xml 	= 4

; Help files
itdrvab.chm 	= 5
;itdrvbp.chm 	= 5
itdrvcp.chm 	= 5
itdrvct.chm 	= 5
itdrvcz.chm 	= 5
itdrvdn.chm 	= 5
itdrvdt.chm 	= 5
itdrvel.chm 	= 5
itdrven.chm 	= 5
itdrvfi.chm 	= 5
itdrvfn.chm 	= 5
itdrvgr.chm 	= 5
itdrvhb.chm 	= 5
itdrvhu.chm 	= 5
itdrvit.chm 	= 5
;itdrvkr.chm 	= 5
itdrvnr.chm 	= 5
itdrvpo.chm 	= 5
itdrvpt.chm 	= 5
;itdrvru.chm 	= 5
itdrvsp.chm 	= 5
itdrvsw.chm 	= 5
itdrvtk.chm 	= 5

; Eco Virtual Help files
;itdrveab.chm    = 6 
;itdrvebp.chm    = 6  
;itdrvecp.chm    = 6 
;itdrvect.chm    = 6 
;itdrvecz.chm    = 6 
;itdrvedn.chm    = 6 
;itdrvedt.chm    = 6  
;itdrveel.chm    = 6  
;itdrveen.chm    = 6  
;itdrvefi.chm    = 6  
;itdrvefn.chm    = 6  
;itdrvegr.chm    = 6  
;itdrvehb.chm    = 6  
;itdrvehu.chm    = 6 
;itdrveit.chm    = 6  
;itdrvekr.chm    = 6  
;itdrvenr.chm    = 6  
;itdrvepo.chm    = 6  
;itdrvept.chm    = 6  
;itdrveru.chm    = 6  
;itdrvesp.chm    = 6  
;itdrvesw.chm    = 6  
;itdrvetk.chm    = 6  
coinst.dll      = 3 
coinst.exe      = 3 
sdb1mlm.dll     = 3
sdb1mlm.smt     = 3

itdrvpc.dll     = 3

;itdrvAM.exe     = 2

; Web Agreement files
;itdrvDR.exe     = 3
;itdrvUA.dll	= 3	
;itdrvUA.xml     = 2

DISK_NAME = "Dell Printer Driver Installation CD"
GUIDSM = "{754592CF-C400-44d6-B55D-2F378402DEFC}"
;GUIDEI = "{E4555945-2E1C-4a93-B902-2D770D81DF27}"
;GUIDEU = "{39161FDE-7705-4e92-8FD1-175C1F30E0FC}"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.80