Release.txt Driver File Contents (Input_Driver_6F2PM_WN_16.3.8.62_A00.EXE)

                Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Release Notes
                             April 07, 2013

This document describes changes to the Synaptics TouchPad Driver
for Windows XP, Vista, Win7 and Linux. Only external releases have been documented.
Other releases were for internal use, beta tests, or for specific customer
requests. These are not documented here.

Version 04/07/2013 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Added NotifyInUse.

Version 01/11/2013 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Shorten the timeout value for acquire SMBus Interface to meet customer's

Version  16.3.8 01/03/2013 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -changed & added StaticImg in property page to win8 style
  -Added & changed video for win8 in property page
  -Enable pivot rotate in default
  -Change 2B12 edge region settings.
  -Move share section to OemCommCtrls and modify some settings for newUI.
  -changed & added StaticImg in property page to win8 style
  -In win8 default, 2F tap will be right click. Customer ask to remove that. 
  -One finger V/H scrolling configs should not be changed.
  -Change mode of  2F scrolling calculation.
  -UserZoneFlags values should be hexadecimal. All registry values that represent bits should be hex.
  -Support InterTouch for SYN2601
  -Adjust tap motion mickey limit to customer's preference value.
  -Delayed to run extended action for 1finger moving to select an item when fast switch.
  -Disabled edge pulls and restrict pointing to zone.
  -Disable double-tapping to on/off touchpad and hide the control
  -Fix SMBus driver on x86 Win8 platform.
  -Modified wait time to 2500 ms for OEM three-finger flick.
  -Fix for top edge swipe doesn't work in Win8 metro main page.
  -Add photo gallery slideshow app specific settings for 2 finger scrolling
  -added Win8 registry entry for force continuation of 2F Vertical and 2F Horizontal scrolling
  -Add a timer to check if the WDF request was actually completed.
  -Ignore Tap action to change enable/disable state when device is under lid-close disable state.
  -Support disable devices by RMI GPIO pulled by EC and set from BIOS.
  -When we disable port(I2C/SMB/HID) device, TP also need to update its handle.
  -Solve the issue that 2 Finger Click Action not correct.
  -Fixed different text displayed at the Zoom and Rotate on Two Finger Gestures Tab.
  -Fixed the Advanced tab, it shows "Smart Check Threshold" while the spec says "Palm Check Threshold".

Version  16.3.7 12/20/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
Bug Fixes

  -Update vs2012 project 
  -Support different interface between UI and bootloader.
  -Change to Plug-in Action for 2 finger scrolling zone under photo viewer, photo gallery and also remove 2finger scrolling touch-injection
  -Add two ids SYN2A13/SYN2A14, all settings are same as SYN2A04. 
  -Set flag to enable filter to supress possible cursor jumps.
  -Two Finger Rotate should be enabled by default for UX UI.
  -Fixed wrong default setting for "Inertia" on Scroll tab.
  -Three-finger Vertical flick's teach screen isn`t the same with actual function
  -Unchecked 2F reverse scrolling direction, applied for Win7.
  -Set two finger clicking action to left click if both fingers are in active area.
  -Add registries to not doing reset device when suspend or shutdown
  -Add activate once bit to Twist gestures
  -Added AppMatchType to MS windows explorer settings to avoid conflict with metro mode immersive launcher.
  -"Switch Direction" for One Finger Edge Scrolling on Scroll tab should be unchecked.
  -Support disable devices by RMI GPIO pulled by EC and set from BIOS.
  -SendPacket still upload to user mode application when lid close happened.
  -Add an extendedState2 flag bit for a suppressing feature.
  -Polling DeviceStatus instead of DeviceState.
  -Use SendInput() and KeyScroll to let both pinch and horizontal scroll work for Win8 PDF Reader.
  -Fixed "Restore All Defaults" button at the Synaptics Control Panel doesn't work properly

Version  16.3.6 12/13/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Duplicate Inf sections 
  -Adjust the PNPIDs in order 
  -Move config information (related to force continuation of gestures) to
   the registry. Also enabled force continuation of 1F EdgeScrolling 
  -Merge changes from WinRT branch 
  -Add ACPI as Bus enumerator
  -Fixed the logic for button state of tray icon when butoon is swapped 
  -Fixed the setting dependency between 1F activate and drag 
  -Added back double click to enable/disable TP in 2013 platform, set default off.
  -Enabled canceling gesture while typing or high W by default 
  -Add SmartSense video for touchpad
  -Fixed default setting for Scrolling Speed UI
  -Fixed text display issue in the "Three Finger Click" drop down box.
  -Fixed "Click" page.  Should be switched with "Clicks" according to the UX UI
  -Fixed Check Box for "Disable Touchpad when an external mouse is connected".
  -Fixed text color on the Synaptics Control Panel showing light gray color
  -Create a workitem to do the deregister stuff in passive level
  -Get FW revision from HID information for HID/I2C instead of querying RMI register
  -Unhided 4 finger swipe up and 3 finger quick launch.
  -Fixed Multiple help icon appears in Mouse Properties.
  -resolve SyntTPEnh.exe hanging issue when "Speakers" are not found 
  -Improve Multi-Finger Gestures in button zone 
  -Customer request to disable touchinjection when Desktop shows up
  -Support for RMIHID port type.
  -Add settings for Retry gesture in button zone, adjust pointerMotionSpeed,
   and adjust edgePull zone sizes. 
  -Change name of Retry flag in button zone. 
  -Enabled canceling gesture while typing or high W by default for all
   customers, and increased motion suppression threshold  while typing
   because key down callback delays about 550ms between first and second key
   down this could cause cursor motion. 
  -Improve Multi-Finger Gestures in button zone with waiting for while
   before quit decoding. 
  -Turn off Gesture filter as default to allow gestures triggered in the
   edage of the pad. 
  -Removed top left corner double tap to dsable/enable TP feature
  -Fixed Check Box for "Disable Touchpad when an external mouse is
  -Fixed sensitivity context help for "Disable Touchpad when an external mouse is connected".
  -Fixed "" is missing from Synaptics Control Panel.
  -Fixed text display issue in the "Three Finger Click" drop down box.
  -Additional check inf for .services, .hw, .wdf, .coinstaller sections 

Version  16.3.5 12/06/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add method in coinstaller to remove KB upper filter while uninstall.
  -"SPB" protocol support for HID/I2C FW image.
  -Update new PNPID TOS1160
  -Copied audio files to forcepad_RMIHID folder.
  -Added feature to disable button when touchpad is disabled. But the button can be re-enabled separately even when touchpad is disabled.
  -Added back the double tapping to enable/disable tp for 1E88.
  -Active once for twist and free twist
  -adjust clickmotion limit for tapping.
  -install SmbDrv driver on Win7
  -Modified default settings, added 3FF reverse direction reverse.
  -Change 3F-Flick setting of PnPID = SYN2706, SYN2707  in Win7 as same as Win8
  -update 2F-tap feature for four platforms that allow 2F tap with one finger tap-violation.
  -Enabled inertia for 2F scrolling on Win7 for OEM. 
  -fix Three-finger Vertical flick's teach screen 
  -Added LED and TP on/off function with double tap in PNPID = TOS1160.
  -Fix palm check filtering for free twist zone
  -ACM2 work
  -Support 64 bytes block read for customer.
  -fixed tap gesture for clicking-drag of ForcePad.
  -drag with force was being dropped when entering edge motion zone.
  -Shown RMIHID port in control panel if it is hid device.
  -Hide ctrl will not be running when track point is disabled. Change that logic.

Version  16.3.4 11/29/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Duplicate Inf Sections: need only one #insert "Oem.tmp" in  
  -Support for "Connected Standby" mode. 
  -Fix some misc scrolling issues caused by Force Continuation 
  -hysteresis in doing force calculation.
  -Refactor CSliderZone to use "m_bForceLock" member (similar to CPinchZone)
  -In case of momentum bounce off the corner of the screen, limit speed in
   both axes to the predefined max bounce speed. 
  -Enable lid close/open feature. 
  -Update scroll method for some application. 
  -Copy syncom.dll and syntpapi.dll to installation folder instead of system32 folder.
  -Added a slider in Clicking page to allow end users to adjust Force Click Threshold for ForcePad.
  -Added enable/disable TP by lid open/close 
  -Add edge swipe in default 
  -Added keyboard class upper filter, vow->Waw
  -Changed 3F flick ioctl to control global disablegestyre flag instead of controlling flags in the plugin zone.
  -Change Mfgr for external device as SYNAPTICS Inc.
  -clicking is released on ForcePad.
  -Disable DragLock for SYN2B11
  -Disabled the feature to enable/disable TP with double tap on top left zone.
  -Do not cancelLoagDrag for Forcepad with finger count increased.
  -Fixed 1F resting and one finger dragging drop or right button 
  -Fixed momentum bounce direction.
  -Fix some misc scrolling issues caused by Force Continuation
  -Implemented Syncom & syntpapi side by side.
  -In case of momentum bounce off the corner of the screen, limit speed in both axes to the predefined max bounce speed.
  -New UX UI request 
  -Only include Hid class device specified in SynPd.inf
  -Refactor CSliderZone to use "m_bForceLock" member (similar to CPinchZone)
  -Remove small wheel scroll property in Win8 IE10.
  -Send ctrl key only if sliding is active for left slider zone.
  -Set "OnlyEnableTopEdgePullInMetroMode" setting as default.
  -Set right SynTPEnh windows class with uuid otherwise CEnhAPI cannot find SynTPEnh window.
  -Support for "Connected Standby" mode.
  -consider OEMOmniMode as one of the OmniMode

Version  16.3.3 11/21/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -When feeding packets back one at at time for InterTouch or USB, ensure
   groups get incremented on finger count packets (or primary packet, if
   there's no finger count packet). 
  -Remove disable free scrolling in IE10, and change scrolling database for
  -Fix a TYPO for SnedVirtualKey. 
  -Adjust Edge Swipe Zone. 
  -Turn on flag for allowing 2F-tap with one finger in tap violation area. 
  -Do not allow 2F-button and drag action if 2F-gesture is in process. 
  -Do not send 2F button and drag to OS for active 2F-gesture. 
  -Fixed OEM string "Click Anywhere" issue when screen DPI set to 100%

Version  16.3.2 11/15/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Fixed resource strings after TechPub reviewed; EdgeMotion is one word.
  -Fixed some BSODs that occurred with packet grouping turned off.
  -Process packet groups as they arrive from touchpad, rather than waiting on the first packet of the next group to trigger processing. 
  -Fix Xcopy in post build event command 
  -SynTP.sys built with WDK8.0 and vs2012 
  -Separated edge swipe video for each edge swipe action. 
  -Only allow top edge pull in metro mode. 
  -Fixed tray icon is disappeared for the first time you logged in to a new account.
  -Add new ID support for Haswell SMBus Host Controller.
  -Add error checking for device in non-Mux mode.
  -Fixed an issue of 1F-in-button-zone and 1F-clicking-drag , when force is less tham threshold, sometimes secondary clicking item (menu) pop-up.
  -Enabled 1F v/h Scrolling, ChiralMotion and Coasting
  -When animated tray icon hasn't been added, don't process the touchpad packet to refresh icon 
  -Added new inc file to support HID over I2C platform for customers. 
  -Disable 1Finger Scrolling / 3 Finger Flick by default for OEM
  -Fixed InterTouch not work when there is other device on the bus and do transaction during the time we do initialization.
  -Hide Enable and Disable buttons 
  -More AppZoneFlags fixes 

Version  16.3.1 11/08/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes

  -Fix VS2005 project file 
  -Smb_driver_AMDASF.sys built with WDK8.0 and vs2012 
  -Smb_driver_Intel.sys built with WDK8.0 and vs2012 
  -SynTP.sys built with WDK8.0 and vs2012 
  -Add back tool TPEnableDisable.exe 
  -3FFlick reverse unchecked but actually doing reverse. 
  -fix an issue of 2F-scrolling with primary finger up. 
  -OEM MUP update to V2.3.0 
  -Remove WdfIoTargetClose the old target IO object to avoid deadlock.
  -Increased ClickPad button press&release packet suppression count to fix
   cursor movement when button is pressed and released. 
  -Disabled 3Finger press for SYN2503 and SYN2508 
  -The activate once bit should be in AppZoneFlags. 
  -hide "Two-Finger Double Tap" in the UI Win8 only 
  -Add new PNPID 1E8A for OEMConsumer 
  -Add 2 new ids SYN2B1B/SYN2B1C, settings are same as SYN2B0A. 
  -Removed "swipe up from bottom edge" word and function in Toggle Menu Bar
  -SynTPEnh isnt started under the Guest account when using Windows 7's Task
   Scheduler, so revert to using Run key 
  -Customer modify the edge zone configuration for 104A/B/C/D/E, 2B0A/B. 
  -Enable continuous free twist for Office apps 
  -Fix no cursor tracking flags 
  -Slider1 zones should not default to activate once 

Version  16.3.0 11/02/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
Bug Fixes

  -Fix app zone flags 
  -Get correct flags 
  -Merge .inc changes from synaptics_touchpad_configflags_redesign_20120109 
  -Merge from synaptics_touchpad_configflags_redesign_20120109 
  -Move szfFreeScroll to AppZoneFlags. Fix app zone registry entries. 
  -Convert to vs2012: SynTPCpl. overwrite MFC SetModidies and GetParentSheet
  -Customer's BIOS cannot pass LID close/open ACPI events to the driver 
  -load click/release sounds to memory prior to playback  
  -Translate "Touchpad" into local languages. 
  -Use the fct from scutil to convert from coords to mils. uiFGMils and
   FgDeltaRaw are already calculated above. 
  -Changed 3F flick ioctl to control global disablegestyre flag instead of
   controlling flags in the plugin zone. 
  -Add fixed slope linear mapping for pinch and fixed radius circle mapping
   for rotation 
  -Default enable edge swipe for non-motro mode app 
  -Add a new plugin action for launching appList in win8 
  -Add support of sending keys in kernel 
  -Default setting change request for SYN1F07, SYN1F08 
  -1. modified 4F left/right swipe in IE for win7 
  -Remove extended action of right edge pull 
  -Win8 IE has a feature "smooth scrolling", the option is default on. 
  -Added support for InterTouch ForcePad. 
  -Added support for new PNPID:
  -Copy sound files to forcepad OEM distribution folder. 
  -Created new INF file for testing ForcePad InterTouch. 
  -Fixed an issue where the click down position was not correct for
   InterTouch forcepads, as the packet data was not yet normalized. . 
  -Enabled InterTouch for specific platform. 
  -Enabled the Cancel button after Apply button is clicked. 
  -To display physical button on tray icon when button swapped. Current
   design is to display the reported button state. 
  -Modified the binding of Drag control is enabled to the status of Activate
  -Adjust button sizes according to cusotmer's request. 
  -Updated Control Panel code to swap clickpad button zones when the user
   changes the left/right handedness of their system when in ClickSmart mode
   in the same way that it was already being done for Omni mode. 
  -Updated Enhancements App code to swap clickpad button zones when the user
   changes the left/right handedness of their system when in ClickSmart mode
   in the same way that it was already being done for Omni mode. 
  -Disable Stick Filter in SmartCheck 
  -If current TouchPad is ClickPad, shown ClickPad Properties in tray icon
   menu instead of TouchPad Properties. 
  -Turn On EdgeTap / ButtonTap Filter 
  -Add PnPID 1E9B 1E9C in 
  -For photo viewer, photo gallery we fall back to hot-key rotation 
  -Customer report a bug that kernel horizontal scrolling will be abnormal
  -Added SP_ProductVersionNumber to SynCOM for third party software can read
   (SP_Pid already defined) 
  -Added our EMIT capabilities in DEBUG mode 
  -Send HID ProductID and Version number to SynTP.sys 
  -if GroupProcessing is enabled, at least keep the old functionality, as
   otherwise it will always return false, as there's never finger on pad. 
  -Improve inertia for scrolling 
  -Changed setting to show 4FingerFlick demo video 
  -Adjust UI to use sensor coordinates and adjust edgetap/starting zone
  -Added new help string for reverse scrolling. 
  -Removed SynRMIHID.sys when unsinstall 
  -Avoid loading GUI at boot time. 
  -Change settings to fix 1F-scrollig can't be triggered problem on SYN1212 
  -Expanding the Tiny motion region to suppress motion when finger in button
   zone and highZ. 
  -Modifications for Group89, Group90, Group91 
  -Remove "double tapping to enable/disable TP" function on 2013 platform
  -Fix yellow bang on HID TLC2 device when unplug.
  -Added 2F horizontal flick video. 
  -We should inject the finger down position according the cursor position
   when wrapping aroud
  -Ignored installation warning message if the driver version which is
   install is older than installed driver. 
  -Set 3f-press enabled on default 
  -Applied ZoomPerfect for SYN1B5B 
  -1. Use Helper to injection to fix UAC problem. 2. Fix some injection
  -OEM request to have a App list that should force use touch-injection
   other app use moden touchpad setting 
  -The drag item should be grayed out when the Select or Activate item is
  -Made 1F scrolling control selectable. 
  -Checked whether there is a VerifyDriverLevel key if VerifyDrivers does
   not exist in some cases even Verifier is enabled but VerifyDrivers is not
   created, which cuases BSOD. 
  -Support autorotation. 
  -Add SYN2B17/SYN2B18, settings are same as SYN2B11. Change scan code as
   same as SYN1D14. 
  -Added PNPID SYN1B6D 
  -Disabled 3Finger press for SYN2503 and SYN2508 
  -Add a new plugin action for launching appList in win8 
  -Translate a string for Win8 uninstall 

Version  16.2.21 10/25/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes

  -Add new string "Smart Check" to the resouce file.
  -Presentation on RMI through HID 
  -Convert to vs2012: SynTPCpl. overwrite MFC SetModidies and GetParentSheet
  -[ADC] Put the SMBStatusNames back. Take out the cast for he NotifyFct --
   declare it properly. 
  -Add a new plugin action for launching appList in win8 
  -Add support of sending keys in kernel 
  -Duplicate section in Inf file is a bug 
  -1. modified 4F left/right swipe in IE for win7 (merged from branch) 2.
   Merged default scrolling direction change
  -Created new INF file for testing ForcePad InterTouch. 
  -Enabled the Cancel button after Apply button is clicked. 
  -To display physical button on tray icon when button swapped. Current
   design is to display the reported button state. 
  -Modified the binding of Drag control is enabled to the status of Activate
  -Adjust button sizes according to cusotmer's request. 
  -Updated Control Panel code to swap clickpad button zones when the user
   changes the left/right handedness of their system when in ClickSmart mode
   in the same way that it was already being done for Omni mode. 
  -Add PnPID 1E9B 1E9C in 
  -Customer report a bug that kernel horizontal scrolling will be abnormal
   during boot up. The root cause is driver saving scrolling direction in
   ucFlag, but delaypacket will not save that flag together. 
  -Added our EMIT capabilities in DEBUG mode 
  -Create SYN2A0F, all settings are same as SYN2A0D. 
  -Add a PnPID for HID/I2C device.
  -Changed setting to show 4FingerFlick demo video 
  -Adjust StartingZone/Edge Tap filter zone sizes again 
  -Added new help string for reverse scrolling. 
  -Removed SynRMIHID.sys when unsinstall 
  -Avoid loading GUI at boot time. 
  -Change settings to fix 1F-scrollig can't be triggered problem on SYN1212 
  -Narrow the EdgeSwipe size for SYN1052/SYN1054 
  -Expanding the Tiny motion region to suppress motion when finger in button
   zone and highZ. 
  -Remove "double tapping to enable/disable TP" function on 2013 platform
   (1E85, 1E86, 1E87, 1E88, 1E89, 1E90, 1E91,1E92, 1E93, 1E94, 1E95, 1E96,
   1E97, 1E98, 1E99, 1E9A, 1E9B, 1E9C) 
  -Fix yellow bang on HID TLC2 device when unplug.
  -We should inject the finger down position according the cursor position
   when wrapping aroud, otherwise the injected finger will not falls inside
   the window area. 
  -OEM request to have a App list that should force use touch-injection
   other app use moden touchpad setting 
  -Enabled TP rotate according to screen orientation. 
  -Add a new plugin action for launching appList in win8 

Version  16.2.20 10/18/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add support for HID/USB configured OEM device 
  -Merge checking IoTarget to trunk 
  -Convert to vs2012; zib module 
  -Make sure all the build use the same Framework 4.5 release 
  -Add feature of checking speed for slider activation 
  -Improve EdgePull zone performance: for not successful gesture, release
   cursor if need. 
  -Fix an issue for button clicking not select a item on Charm Bar. 
  -Make kernel horizontal scrolling direction is same as TouchScreen in
  -disable 3F_flicking in MetroUI for a PnPID 
  -Add supprt for displaying cursor with Stick Scrolling. 
  -Changed trayicon from static to animated. 
  -Suppress Clicking by palm 
  -change flag name to ...SearchTitleDatebase 
  -Hide old UI if SGS94 UI is installed for specific OEMs. 
  -Reset "m_bTapScheduled" flag 
  -Edge Tap violation will confuse customer when doing multi-finger tap. Add
   registry to skip tap violation when multi-finger tap. 
  -Add Non-linear mapping from touchpad position to injected position for
   pinch gesture. Add interpolation mechanism 
  -1. Allow the setting dialog to be accessible even if the option is
   unchecked 2. Allow touchpad on/off to function when tapping is disabled 
  -Change SYN1B61 setting as same as SYN1B60 
  -fix the issue that 2 fingers pointing outside starting zone sometimes
  -Disabled 3FPress for TOS0220. 
  -Enabled 2FClick for TOS1100, TOS1110, TOS1120, TOS1130. 
  -Modified default settings. 
  -fix the issue that ClickSmart break the priority settings when they are overlapped. 
  -ScrollInjectionInhibitWidthInEdge and ScrollInjectionInhibitHightInEdge 
  -Set 2F clcik action to left click if both fingers are in active area. 
  -Added "enable edge swipe" checkbox. 
  -adjust inertia speed for 2F_H-scrolling in win8 
  -Add 4 Ids are all same as SYN073B. 
  -Set flag to show cursor with stick scrolling in Win8 
  -Set platform toolset to WDK 8 for 2012 projects so that build machine
   does not even need to have VS 2012 installed. 

Version  16.2.19 10/11/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
   -Fixed crash for none forcepad after resuming. 
  -Presentation of WPF UI. 
  -Restored 3F and 4F flick to original default. 
  -Added  version info about FingerIndexRaw support in Feedback 
  -Correct the case of section name 
  -Merge serializing of attention reports to trunk 
  -Presentation on RMI through HID 
  -Build script to build with WDK8.0, needs OS build machine >= win7 
  -Convert to vs2012 
  -Make sure all the build use the same Framework 4.5 release 
  -SynOsLib with vs2012 
  -Consolidated/renamed registry sections for hiding 3F Press. 
  -Removed 3F Press option for Forcepad as it conflicts w/ 3F Click. 
  -Added method to retrieve the number of ForcePads that are installed. 
  -Significantly derease likelihood of accidental dragging when using
  -OEM customization request for win8, audio volume slide change to absolute
  -Release cursor after doing reversed direction action for Edge-pull zones,
   make as default. 
  -Don't show first TP on/off OSD after session changes. 
  -return PR number on SMB mode 
  -More minor fixes for Russian and Polish
  -port TP-32953 edge swipe STD UI to all PNPs 
  -Update loading/unloading customer scrolling tables based on current
   scrolling method 
  -Translation for 3 finger and 4 finger 
  -Improved rejection of Palm-induced click by increasing click decoding
   debounce from 3 to 5 frames. 
  -Improve Pinch activation. 
  -Improve gestures performance in metro apps. 
  -Set flag for using accumulated distance in pinch decoding. 
  -Expend Edge pull sizes 
  -increase exit threshold for Right and Top Edge pull zone. 
  -OpenOffice Calc horizontal scrolling direction is
   reversed as TP defined. Add one property to specify this and turn it back
   to same as TP defined. 
  -Disabled 3F Flick and 4F Flick for OEM 
  -Prevent triggering top edge swipe from classic desktop. 
  -Remove TP enable/disable buttons.
  -Fixed win7 annotation. 
  -Remove 2 Finger tap as multiple selection 
  -Customized the tray tip for OEM 
  -Set  "External pointing device detection" default to off. 
  -Adjusted edge swipe zone for specific platform. 
  -Edge swipel is now enabled/disabled via conrtrol panel 
  -Fixed an issue for Top-edge-pull zone both direction swipes. 
  -Fixed an issue for unexpected edge-pull-action. 
  -Disabled two finger free scrolling. 
  -fixed an issue for failing 3F-flicking with NGI or USB device. 

Version  16.2.18 10/04/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  - no more SynGroupWrap.h 
  -Move SynRMIHID changes to trunk 
  -merge SetRMIMode race condition fix to trunk 
  -Build script to build with WDK8.0, needs OS build machine >= win7 
  -Fixed problems with ClickSmart code that resulted in incorrect
   determination of the last landed finger when in 5-button clickpad mode.. 
  -added audiojack detection and modified SessionVolume control 
  -moved PlaySound function into it's own thread to prevent garbled audio
   for fast clicks 
  -Enabled edgemotion when physical button is down by default. 
  -OEM customization request for win8, audio volume slide change to absolute
  -Add flag to switch scrolling methods from Synaptics and Customer 
  -Turn on flag for using Customer's scrolling method for Stick Scrolling 
  -Set forcepad settings to enable locking drags, edge motion with pressure
   for dragging and scrolling. 
  -Added all OEM 2013 platfroms. 
  -Changed device name from "TouchPad" to Trackpad" in device list. 
  -FollowUp: Make GetPortNum() to report the correct port number.
  -Two and Three-finger click action will not work 
  -remove the check for OEMScrolling in order to show Scrolling icon
  -Added 3F Flick L/R for Clear fi 
  -Enabled 3f flick if gesture notification is enabled even current focus
   window is desktop. 
  -Enable NGI passthrough Stick in OEM. 
  -Add 1 Palm 1 finger and avoid Palm + finger to act as gesture. 
  -Simplify code for getting accumulated distance. 
  -Expand height of Right Edge Pull zone, and set button click for corner
  -Add lid-close feature to SYN1E89/SYN1E90 
  -Remove 3F/4F veritcal scrolling in SYN2B01, SYN2B06, SYN2B0A/SYN2B0B.
  -Fix the visual jittering (discontinuity) when we perform pinch or
  -For certain desktop application, it doesn't support touch-injection, so
   we need to use our default gesture action 
  -Fix the sensitivity of 3 finger tap 
  -Use the filtered x&y to inject for scrolling gesture, so that the scroll
   action can be more smoothly 
  -Improved palm detection and added debounce to ClickSmart button mode. 
  -Hide the button actions UI for OEM 
  -Added 2finger tap action and 4F flick video 
  -Enable PS2 only for SYN1052. 
  -Change values in the PNPDisableExclusionList.
  -Enabled InterTouch for customer platform. 
  -Add a flag for patching FW error. 
  -Check in the original metadata file with the binary flag set. 
  -Try again to check in the metadata 
  -Merge pipe fixes from v16_2_12_0_main_branch 
  -Notify gesture service when a client disconnects 

Version  16.2.17 09/28/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Added build machine info when building driver   
  -Add Visual Studio 2012 support for SynTPEnh 
  -Merge changes from Windows RT branch for RMI HID 
  -Update MS_Win8_RMIHID for x86/x64 
  -Using NonStdLocClickPad instead of NonStdLocOminMode 
  -Added settings to enable ClickSmart mode, Group Processing and Skip Click
   when gesture processing 
  -Updated ClickSmart code to detect how many fingers are on the pad when a
   click occurs better by using the proximity bit instead of the finger bit.
   Also worked on better handling of the top middle button when in 5-button
   clickpad mode.. 
  -Enabled 4FFlick and 2Finger Tap for OEM. 
  -Updated the 2F tapping UI for OEM 
  -[ADC] Add a comment where the ezct types are defined about the order for
   scroll zones. 
  -Add feature for releasing cursor without finger up for an edge pull
  -make cursor can be released for an edge pull slider. 
  -set the flag to allow release cursor without lifting finger. 
  -improve 3F-flicking for fast stroke. 
  -Restored to original UI and fixed coasting does not work issue. 
  -Fix left edge swipe injection error and 2 finger gesture injection error
   when the 3rd finger appears. 
  -Fix an issue of pinching in reader for win8 
  -HID\VID_06CB&PID_0001&Col01 is our Synaptics PnpID for HID/USB 
  -Added feature "ForceInstall" in Update Install 
  -Change ForceInstall to specific AllowOverwriteNewer in Update Install 
  -Added edge swipe videos. 
  -When dragging, only play button sound on the initial click down and on
   drag release. 
  -Fix left button of passthru device not work problem.
  -Adjusted edge sipe zone size. 
  -Add feature of right click for 2F tapping .
  -Hide Click-and-drag control. 
  -port TP-32953 edge swipe STD UI to all PNPs 
  -Add PnPID 1E96 1E97 1E98 1E99 in 
  -Fixed the issue which coasting does not work on old UI. 
  -Reading default setting for 2F reverse srolling logic should be reversed.   
  -Set Momentum default enabled for  SYN2704, SNYA004, SNYA005, SNYA00A,
   SYN2705, SNYA00B in Windows 8 
  -disable "3-F flick" and "scrolling" as default for SNYA005,
  -Added SGS94 UI for SYN1053 and SYN1055 
  -Add id SYN2B0F/SYN2B10, and settings are same as SYN2B09. 
  -set coasting time longer 
  -make "Disable the internal PD if an ext USB mouse arrives" feature
   enabled and default on 
  -Fixed coasting and momentum won't work issue on new UI with inertia
  -Add warning message when user install a non-certified driver 
  -Fix manifest creation 
  -Merge injecting keys through the keyboard filter to trunk 
  -Add pipe connection attempts to help with attempts to connect before the
   Enhancements app is ready. Add GestureDisconnect message. 

Version  16.2.16 09/21/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Check if the build tag already existed in CVS 
  -Fix build break, alwasy reset Variables first 
  -Just use the same for Synarp packaging 
  -Merge RMIHID changes for canceling requests and others to trunk 
  -Needs=PS2_Inst -> Needs=HID_Mouse_Inst.NT 
  -Updated ClickSmart code to handle 5-button clickpad where the clickpad is
   used for the Stick buttons. 
  -added Forcepad volume control to SoundMixer control panel. 
  -Fix trackpoint mode behavior 
  -Added the correct action settings for clickpad omnimode 
  -Removed 4F Flick video on Win8 
  -Showed Inertia UI instead of coasting + momentum slider.  
  -Need RMIHID_ClickPad_Settings_AddReg 
  -OEM_RMIHID driver for  HID\VID_06CB&PID_2454 
  -Added PnpID for HIDClass device SynRMIHID.sys 
  -Intertouch_Clickpad_Settings -> RMIHID_Clickpad_Settings 
  -Exclude COM bus TouchScreen.
  -Move the line higher to keep the list in alphabetical order.
  -Default setting change request for SYN1F07, SYN1F08 
  -Added SGS94 UI for SYN130A on Win8 
  -There is no double tapping in upper-left corner to disable/enable the
  -Customize DoubleClickSpeed for OEM 
  -Set right 3F press default settings for different platforms. 
  -Applied the settings of OEM new UI to SYN0A19 
  -RMIHID Not PS/2 platform 
  -We don't need SmbDrv for RMIHID platform 
  -New HID over I2C PnPID request.
  -This is HID/I2C not HID/USB, use VEN/DEV instead of VID/PID.
  -2F Scroll inertia is too sensitive and needs tweaking 
  -Removed InterTouch ClickPad setting 
  -Change 2F Scrolling video files in win8. 
  -Fixed an issue for continues taps with some invalid tap action generated.
  -Fixed one finger right edge seipe cause charm bar disappear. 
  -Enabled coasting and 2F scrolling reverse by default. 
  -change SYN1D1D, SYN1D1C, SYN1D16, SYN1D1F to SGS94 UI 
  -Add PnPID LEN0034 in 
  -Add PnPID LEN0034, LEN0035  
  -Added hotkey for enable/disable TP for OEM. 
  -New HID over I2C PnPID request.
  -"enable reverse three finger direction" must be checked 
  -Add PnPID LEN0035 in 
  -Enabled motion suppression while typing. 
  -Send the scrolling method of "middle button + stick" as wheel when focus
   in HelpPane.exe. 
  -Customer requests to add back the disable/enable function by double
   tapping in upper-left corner zone.
  -Driver show wrong message in device manager 
  -Add feature to trigger pinch with one finger moving in button zone.
  -Put back Decay factor for using inertia scrolling. 
  -Fix binary attribute on CVS 

Version  16.2.15 09/13/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
   -New click sound files. 
  -Checked in missing bmp files from branch to trunk. 
  -Fixed middle button restore issue.  
  -Merge SynRMIHID changes from Windows RT branch  
  -Merge fault injection fix and locking fix to trunk 
  -Merge fix for reconnecting to RMIHID driver got HID/I2C devices 
  -Only use PS/2 W value mapping on SMB devices 
  -change text "EdgeMotionRegion" to "EdgeSwipeRegion" 
  -Disabled free scroll on metro apps. 
  -Add PersistState to store the enable/disable state 
  -Fix xcp for files that have spaces in them 
  -Fix system can't enter sleep mode after lid close for 1 min.
  -Add feature for switch IME for plugin action. 
  -Applied to twist zone for PS TP 
  -Turn on feature for switching IME for a plugin action. 
  -Added PnpID for HIDClass device SynRMIHID.sys 
  -Added SynRMIHID.src for x86, and x64 
  -Enable 4 finger flick and 1 finer scrolling 
  -update ConfigKeyParser for RMIHID device 
  -Suffix _RMIHID indicate for RMIHID platform only 
  -Set 3FButtonClickAction to be Middle and Remove CornerClickAction. 
  -Disable dynamically change friction for 1Finger Coasting.
  -UI was changed to disalbe/enable 3F flick using DisableGesture 
  -"Three-Finger vertical flick" behavior doesn't match with video 
  -Using CopyINF to have only 1 [Exit status: SUCCESS]  
  -3F flick is disabled in plugin zone default settings 
  -Adjust the tiny motion threshold for a low resolution device. 
  -Fixed an issue for inertia with momentum not work properly 
  -Changed device description from TouchPad to Trackpad for specific OEM USB
  -In simpleSGS multigesture should be control by global flag not config
  -Adjust threshold for tiny motion when finger down. 

Version  16.2.14 09/07/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add DriverBuildHistory.log file to keep build history 
  -Add DriverBuildInfo.txt file to indicate a driver build in progress 
  -Added info of branch build in tagging notification 
  -Check if build directory already existed   
  -Kernel reflash 
  -Merged changes from branch to trunk for SynOEMInputManager. 
  -Add english help text for the control panel to rtf help
   files for all languages to prepare for localization 
  -Add new Tool Tip strings to resources and inc file. 
  -SetLongProperty is normaly called by the control, and the state is saved
   when clicking ok.  
  -Got the "Disable PD when mouse connected" feature working with the new
   Pointing Device Properties page.. 
  -Control Panel UI - hover on text/bmp to show tooltip 
  -Take out one wdm function, Get Touch device idx and call lid close/open
   thread Function. 
  -Change the TP status by real time. 
  -Fixed the UI slow start time after system boots up. 
  -Added help text ID for Friction slider at 2F scroll. 
  -Fixed gray out 4finger left/right if aero not enabled. 
  -Show only warning message for failed driver connection.
  -turn on Smart way of scrolling for 2F inertial in win8 
  -Adjust edge swipe zones for customer.
  -Correct the pVal of TP_Reverse_Scrolling_Direction_Reverse in
  -Disable dynamically change friction for 1Finger Coasting.
  -Only set/reset disable bit when pseudo suspend hot key is received
  -Make Pinch enabled in win8 for all platforms and disabled for some
   platforms in win7 
  -Put changes of disabling 3F and 4F flicking feature for win8 in main
  -PalmCheck Default setting set to 5 
  -Added double click trayicon to launch app. 
  -Add commandline switch to show ui 
  -2 Finger / 3 Finger clicking action set to default 
  -Change uninstall name 
  -Rename some section and modify UI configuration. 
  -Added Flick gestures acquire/unacquire support. 
  -Updated copyright topic to include ForcePad specific copyright notices. 
  -1. Hide 4F swipe up and 3F quick launch for touchpad on win8. 2. 2f
   inertial default set to ON. 3. Enable 2F tap as secondary click. 
  -Added hotkey support for RMIHID device 

Version  16.2.13 08/30/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Merged changes from v16_2_12_0_main_branch.  
  -Added post build step to SynTPRes to copy resource DLL to SynTPCpl debug
   folder for debugging. 
  -Continuing work on the new Control Panel and Pointing Device Properties
  -Add Flick gesture notification. 
  -Make app to work on non-MFC enviornment. 
  -Fixed to limit only for OEM registry to turn on this Acpi Bios notify
  -Interface to ACPI Bios upon lid close/open to disable TP. 
  -Removed this Acpi Bios interface feature at normal release. 
  -Fixed driver uninstall message for Win8. 
  -Dont send empty packets to Windows 8 
  -Added new Friction slider control for 2F scrolling. 
  -To use coastingDecay instead. 
  -Since run key for SynTPEnh was removed we cannot use this key to find
   where the drioer is installed, this caused tp4table.dat is not loaded 
  -Fix translations from branch for WHCK 
  -Disable Free Scroll in IE10. 
  -Customer report some foucs, the horizontal scrolling is not functional. 
  -Set the default scroll mode of "middle button + stick" as send VK. Caused
   of many metro application did not match anyone of case, the scrollmode is
   useFailSafe and do nothing. Set the default to send VK as basic behavior.
  -Turned on 3F flick gesture notification per customer request. 
  -Set all coasting of 1F/2F scrolling UI for all platforms. 
  -Add DoNotEnterMetroUIAfterRightEdgeSwipe_AddReg.
  -add new PnPID SYN1E90 in OEMConsumer.inf 
  -Enable Rotate / Twist /Pivot in PNPID 1E5B 1E5C 1E5D 1E5E 
  -Removed decay settings for old UI we have to set it to maximum to make
   coasting work. 
  -add new PnPID SYN1E91. SYN1E92 in OEMConsumer.inf 
  -When OnInterrupt is called we cannot pass usData to this call, this value
   is always zero, so the driver will mask out all interrupts from SMB.  
  -Video for 2finger mementum VH Scrolling for win8 
  -Modify 3F-flicking settings per new request. 
  -Added PNPID SYN1D21 
  -Fix PalmDetect get wrong default value problem.
  -Add SGS94 UI for SYN2900 in Windows 8, Shuttle.inf 
  -Update settings so 4F-flicking is enabled. 
  -un-check Three-Finger Press for SYN2901 in Shuttle.inf 
  -Fixed the issue that zooming still works when unchecked the controls of
   it and show pop-up menu. 
  -Disabled 1F scrolling by default per customer request. 
  -Adjust edge left swipe zone for SYN1B58
  -Added TouchPad DLL to MSDA project. 
  -Update MSDA sample for new RT driver IOCTLs for gestures. 

Version  16.2.12 08/23/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add post build event to copy SynTPRes.dll into SynTPCpl\debug    
  -### Fix linux build breaks ### 
  -Merge HID I2C code to trunk to support x86 HID I2C devices. 
  -Add default value tick mark in new UI slider. Also removed some obsolete
   code from previous experimental checkin. 
  -Draglock default set to off. 
  -Fixed translation. 
  -Remove first page for DIM. 
  -Update about page. 
  -use pre-multiplied RGB values (used for later alpha-blending) when
   loading raw bitmap image into buffer 
  -Add Edge pull checkbox in control panel for MS 
  -Added new button action type for Popup Help. 
  -Added support for Hover Help feature to SynStatic and SynBitmap controls.
   Also added a warning message for Restore All Defaults 
  -Changed CaptionID to USCaptionID on all "info text" controls so that they
   only appear on english systems because they likely won't fit in other
   languages. These strings also appear as Tool Tips in all languages. 
  -Fixed resource ID for custom Slider Control thumb 
  -Got custom slider ctrl working, fixed problem that disallowed multiple
   CSynMediaPlayer controls in a single control panel, prevented launching
   more than one control panel, etc. 
  -Made preparation of png images for alpha blending an explicit option that
   defaults to FALSE to ensure that we don't break any old code. 
  -RMIHID x86/x64 coinstaller 
  -Added check box controls for left, right and top edge swipes. 
  -Set DoubleClickSpeed at HKCU,Control Panel\Mouse. 
  -Add mechanism to suppress tap in button zone when having another finger
   resting in button zone.
  -Update EdgePull zone size based on Usability testing results. 
  -Help video for two-finger scroll for win8 
  -Updated multi-language settings 
  -Get Multifinger gesture flag values before settiing values. 
  -Add notify 0x97 command for TP status notification. 
  -Added show battery level. 
  -Fix an scrolling under ponter issue. 
  -make scroll using SendInput for win8. 
  -SYN2509 right button function can't be changed in TP setting 
  -Adjust edge swipe zone for SYN130A.
  -Do not enter Metro UI after right edge swipe
  -Updated TP_Gestures_All 
  -Add correct setting for Disable_if_externalPresent feature in the
   property setting page
  -Modified edge gesture string for OEM 
  -OEM Settings change for SYN1F00, SYN1F02, SYN1F05 in Windows 8 
  -Fix keyboard mutex acquire to correctly use internal ioctl and set PS/2
   keyboard type. 
  -Adjust edge swipe zone for SYN1B5C.
  -settings changed for SYN2901 in 
  -Change help topic to one without reference to 3f vertical flick for
   pnpids that have the feature disabled 
  -enable 3F-flicking reverse item on default. 
  -Change 2F Scrolling help video in win8. 
  -make 2FRotate, 3F and 4F flicking to be disabled by default. 
  -make rotation and 3F 4F flicking to be disabled by default. 
  -Merge kbfilter's acquire mutex change into trunk 
  -update video for SynChiralScrolling video for win8 

Version  16.2.11 08/16/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Kernel RMI reflash.   -set 2Finget tap action to right button clicking 
  -If initialize the callbacks for device file create for usb
   device, moved to HKLM 
  -Added loading of various Control Panel colors from the Registry. Fixed
   problems introduced by previous fixes to the OEM Control Panel  
  -Added support for Tool Tips and Hover Help to control panel. 
  -Fixed problems in OEM Control Panel. Also fixed some GDI memory leaks. 
  -Disable 1F scrolling gesture in Interim State
  -update coast video for win8
  -Fixed edge pull set down time bigger than 500ms will NOT trigger edge
  -Using GetFingerDownPkt to get the time difference for edge pulls setdown
   time and remove no needed flags. 
  -fix detab and add comments for sidePanel flag 
  -Added hotkey to enable/disable TP 
  -We need to set(or clear) the edgemotion bit for both 1finger & 2finger
   scroll zone
  -Change the edge swipe default setting 
  -Added plugin action for win snap left, win snap right. 
  -Fixed 3F Horizontal not working. 
  -Hide 1 finger edge swipe on win7. 
  -Default set select to saved language. 
  -Keep current selected LCID on next reboot. 
  -SYN1052,SYN1054 need to enable and hide "scrolling- under pointer",
   "tapping and tap again and hold to drag" 
  -SYN1F00, SYN1F02, SYN1F05, SYN1F06, Edge Swipe and 4F gesture setting
  -Create Utli functions using Shlwapi.h 
  -Fix feature RemoveOldSettings is broken induced by fixing WHCK TP-40619 
  -Simplify copying dpinst.xml 
  -Ignore Left and Right EdgeSwipe when Palm
  -We should use raw position data to calculate the gesture criteria 
  -Assign guid of NOTIFYICONDATA struct. 
  -In metro application "Window Reader", need to send key for scrolling. 
  -Fixed update metrolist localized text when switching language. 
  -Adjust UI to fit translated text. 
  -Do not show windows at start up. 
  -Added battery level feature. 
  -Modified reverse scrolling zone ids. 
  -Remove app carousel from 2F gesture. 
  -Overwrite the Minimize all window validzones value of previous section so
   that we can see the plugin action for selection. 
  -Update udev rule. Implement kbc byte write function 
  -Added hotkeys for enable/disable TP for OEM  
  -Change DLL0591, 0592, 0596 to InterTouch in OEMWPF 
  -remove un-used sections and comments. 
  -Adjust EdgePullZone size. 
  -Add feature for running different action when finger up from touchpad. 
  -Modify PointerMotionSpeed per customer request. 
  -Enable feature of LeftClickWithNoFinger. 
  -correct registry settings for button clicking without finger. 
  -Changed profile sensor to intertouch. 
  -Add ID SYN2B09, all settings are same as SYN2B08. 
  -Disabled 3F flick and 1F scrolling by default. 
  -Fix Debian installation bug 
  -Change "Default" button to "RestoreAllDefaults" button for SYN2509 
  -remove enable/disable key for TOS1120 in Win8 
  -Hide and disable vertical 3Finger Flick 
  -Export checkbox to enable/disable 3F/4F Horzontal scrolling zone. 
  -Fixed can not save middle button action. 
  -Disable click with nofinger feature. 
  -Adjust 2F Momentum Slider Friction for FOX0011, 0012, 0013 
  -Fix edge swipe malfunction after pressing default button.
  -Instal ourselves as a keyboard class upper filter below kbdclass. 
  -Fix double release of pService. 
  -Fix Linux build break.  Gcc requires class initialization list to match
   the order of class member variable definition. 

Version  16.2.10 08/09/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes

  -Duplicate SynLinearVScroll.mpg file 
  -Fix touch injection for NGI 
  -Fix transation between two finger scrolling and pinch in touch injection
  -Fix two finger scrolling using touch injection API in Win8 
  -Add new files, CPropertySheetCtrl.cpp and .h to SynOEM project to fix the
   build break 
  -Merge of *** Control Panel branch into trunk 
  -Wrong video for 4F flick. 
  -Add English translations for Serbian and Bulgarian locales.  Synaptics
   does not intend to translate to these two languages. 
  -Tuned edge sipe for OEM platform. 
  -Help video for two-finger scroll
  -Help video for 4F flick (windows8)
  -Added a setdown time for edge swipe function. 
  -Disable RMI interrupts in the beginning to avoid processing unintentional
   interrupt .
  -Added video playback when mouse over the controls 
  -Updated highlight background color in style 
  -3FF up changed to Fast Witch and fixed 2F scrolling settings 
  -Updated Bottom EdgePull for *** New UI 
  -add a new App (QWidget browser) for 3F-flicking 
  -Customer wants Reverse Scrolling to be default enabled for NCT1002,
  -Default add 2finger inertial scrolling 
  -Also add check for LeftSlider zone with zoom setting.
  -Issued rReset command to switch the TP to PS2 before system sleeps, and
   only allow send PS2 command in PS2 mode
  -Fixed video flicking issue on Windows 8 while switching help video
  -The 3 Radio button controls for tray icon in settings page should not
   always be enabled. 
  -Remove request 4 finger click menu
  -Remove duplicated string for Edge swipe. 
  -Change file ownership of Ubuntu files to root:root per customer request 
  -Fix Linux optimization determination 
  -SYN1F07 edge swipe and 4F gesture setting change 
  -Added Videos for Win8 
  -Switch to udev for serio_raw node creation 
  -Removed all of the pairing buttons and pages. 
  -Disabled hosting process. 
  -Set right initial value for SGS94 EdgeMotion control. 
  -Enable autorotation. 
  -Fix incorrect usage of GetLongDefaultProperty() 
  -Set to correct bit for reverse scrolling 
  -Add a registry for showing the brand name in CPL Dialogbox 
  -[ADC] Add to the comment explaining why it has to be 9 characters  
  -Use the brand name registry key to replace the name 
  -In win8 taskmanger, driver should send Ctrl + Arrow key for horizontal
  -Fixed bottom edge swipe zone id. 
  -Correct Lid Open/Close related scan code settings. 
  -Remove PseudoSuspend related registries for 1E71, 1E74, 1E75, 1E76, 1E77,
   1E7A, 1E7B, 1E7D, 1E7E 
  -SYN2601 no demo video for "enable Edge swipes" 
  -Fix for Excel Starter 
  -Fixed wrong coasting friction. 
  -Remove 1 Finger Scrolling. 
  -Change description:Tune edge swipe for SYN0184. 
  -Tune edge swip for SYN017C and SYN0187.
  -Tune edge swipe for SYN017B and SYN0181. 

Version  16.2.9 08/02/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Literal string in quote to prevent being interpreted as regular
  -Simplify copying common driver package files 
  -Duplicate Syn4FingerFlick.wmv file 
  -Fix reverse scrolling for silder zones 
  -Add SmartCheck On/Off in different states in Dynamic mode and update the
   criterias for chaning states. 
  -Correct the finger count in each finger packet in InterTouch mode when
   there's only 1 finger on the touchpad. 
  -Base on comments, change the proper WheelKey for "Stick+Middle button
  -Tuned edge swipe zones. 
  -Changed default settings for button zone gesture decoding. 
  -Updated video for Win8 (gesture icons) 
  -Make "TrackPoint button with middle button" to trigger scrolling in Win8
   Task manager. 
  -Disable and hide 3f vertical flick selection 
  -Add video files for edge pulls
  -Adjusted monmentum maximum to avoid coasting is triggered if slide is
   moved to maximum. 
  -Configure the 4F Horizontal Scrolling behavior are same as 3F Horizontal.   
  -TOS1120 four-finger flick function is not match with "show video"
  -Build script for .NET4 
  -Merged build scripts for .NET3.5 and .NET4
  -Turn off balloon notification only on Win8.
  -Add CPIOCTL to enable edgemotion for both 1finger&2finger scroll 
  -Change the edgemtion scrolling enable checkbox ioctl to enable both
   1figner&2finger edgemotion scrolling bit at the same time 
  -Fix coinstaller version 
  -Fixed Slider controls not moving in steps of 10. 
  -Hidden 3F vertical flick checkbox. 
  -Set Reverse 2Finger Scrolling  default disabld 
  -Added PNPID SYN2509 
  -Fixed Left/Right handed switch on clickpad. 
  -Move DisableIntPD.... from PagePointingDevice to Settings Dialog 
  -In win8 default, 2F Tap will be right click. 
  -Added uninstall run key. 
  -Changed the prompt text and command of the app switchng to
  -Enable Coasting checked as default for 2F-Scrolling. 
  -Add PnpID 1E88 in OEMConsumer (Will update customer name later) 
  -Remove global disable and add disabledeviceuntilsessionend. 
  -Set PinchScale to notch 4 
  -Removed bottom edge swipe. 
  -No longer necessary to set configflags bits for reverse scrolling

Version  16.2.8 07/26/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add video files for edge pulls
  -Updated video for Win8 (gesture icons)
  -Implement Windows RT device interface for MSDA samples 
  -Merge 5 button Clickpad improvements codes  -- Correct the resource ID 
  -Updated UI. Added Win8 support. 
  -Do not play click (release) sound when dragging. 
  -Set drag lock autorelease timer for forcepad to 500ms. 
  -Fixed 1F chiral won't work issue in InterTouch if secondary finger
   feeding is enabled.  
  -Tuned edge swipe zones. 
  -Updated board number and customer platform 
  -Enable cursor tracking in all zone in Win8.
  -ignore the first tap after tying. The
   reason is their user experience show people are easy touch touchpad when
   typing. However they do not like our time filter idea. 
  -Add TP_EdgeMotion_CancelDragGestureOnButton for OEMconsumer 
  -Set LED level to medium level for some platforms because these platforms
   don't support the highest level.  
  -Changed to use .NET4.0. 
  -Adjust edge swipe zone.
  -Adjusted 2F scrolling speed. 
  -Set SliderActive when StrokeState just chagnes to TwoFingerTwist state.
  -Changed device description from PS2 to SMB. 
  -Added UI in SynTPCpl to allow setting edge pull region. 
  -FAE ask to remove session-end settings and also add global disable to
   SYN2B01 win8 platform. 
  -Set 3f-flick reverse default to disabled 
  -Set default state of 3f reverse flick for pnpids properly 
  -Added Disablegesturemask for Edge Pull zones for OEMWPF. 
  -Ignore left/right edge swipe when typing.
  -Added 1F reverse scrolling control 
  -Set right 3F flick control. 
  -Fix the UI and behavior for Win8 and Win7 according customer's requests 
  -Don't open the app when finger up after right edge pull 
  -Disabled the menu also when click the left button on TP tray icon.
   Applied some settings from group22 to group21 
  -Fixed Metro UI Gesture settings. 
  -Fixed Smart Gesture UI would be closed if we right click on it 
  -Removed the Device Settings page from Mouse Properties 
  -Customer list some click sequence should be right click. However, 2F/3F
   click is disabled as before request. Treat those clicks as right-corner
  -Fix Norway translation 
  -Turnoff OSD for device enable/disable.
  -Fixed an error for 5BCB to break corner clicking. 
  -Add TaskSetting for StopIfGoingOnBatteries.
  -Some hardware ids are lost in Win8 section. 
  -Enable reverse scrolling.   
  -Added PNPID SYN2A0D 
  -Set 1f-slide scroll in the forward direction 
  -Remove 4F flick feature in SYN1F07 and SYN1F08 in win8. 
  -:Created demo INC for customer testing PnP ID. 
  -:Disabled SMB per customer request. 
  -Hide press-to-select. All the settings are same as Group4. 
  -Fix edge swipe subkeys 
  -Adjust edge swipes 
  -Edge swipe zone offsets for specific pnpids 

Version  16.2.7 07/20/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Add final structure members and accessors for protocol abstraction. Add
   definition of protocol Add severity definitions for
  -Merge 5 button Clickpad improvements codes 
  -Remove the Ex_TapViolation bit 
  -1. Updated Strings. 2. Fixed localization bugs. 
  -Updated icon images. 
  -Updated click-drag default values for ForcePad; created separate click
   threshold for 2F clicking. 
  -Removed unused member variable from SSynTPEnhSetItem and
  -Fixed the WidgetsToDisplay be over-written for 3F reverse flick. 
  -Use CoInstaller to schedule task to launch SynTPEnh.exe process. Update
   SynTPCo11 -> SynTPCo12 
  -Added delkey in INF DelReg to delete registry keys under HKR because it
   is not deleted anymore from kernel driver. 
  -Fixed OEM TFM to remove tap control and show 4F flick. 
  -add palm checking for button clicking. 
  -change and add a bit for palm violations. 
  -New language translations for Win8 for OEMWPF.  
  -Adjust key press delay time for pointing motion.
  -1. Disabled Edge Motion by default. 2. Modified default edge swipe
   settings. 3. Disable 3FFlick by default. 
  -Added animations for metro list. 
  -Replaced device setting page by OEM Touchpad page. 
  -Tracking balloon pop-up without modify ConfigFlags and only monitor the
   Temp flag. 
  -add SGSUI items for hiding ChiralRotate and PivotRotate. 
  -Fixed 3FFlick not triggerd on desktop. 
  -Hide/Unhide 4F gesture depends on OS version and features. 
  -Customer request to enable 1Finger gestures for Win8.
  -Adjust the edge swip area for customer request 
  -Add GestureAPI settings for Win8 and Win7 for PnPIDs SYN0741
   SYN0743 SYN073B SYN073E SYN073D 
  -Change settings of SYN0742. Apply GestureAPI in win7, apply GestureAPI_II
   in Win8. 
  -For Windows 7 OS, it's necessary to support API 1.0.  For Windows 8 OS,
   use API 2.0 
  -make the active state and timing as user's  selection. 
  -Enabled EdgeMotion and hide ChiralRotate. 
  -Default disable "Twist Rotate" function for SYN2704 in 
  -Hidden tray icon by default. 
  -Made tray icon visible by default per customer's request. 
  -Add PnPID SNYA00B in OEM2006 
  -Enable one finger scroll on Win8.
  -Add Bottom Edge Swipe for SYN1052, SYN1054 in Win8 
  -Modified OEM StdUI to SGS94UI for all its HIDs. 
  -SYN1E84 should be same as SYN1E71. 
  -Expand the left edge zone. 
  -Add "Windows Photo Viewer" to the list.
  -Allow rotate in button zone.
  -Removed some items from tray icon menu and adjusted default settings. 
  -Notified KBC the TouchPad is not in use when the TP is disabled but this
   notification is mssing. 
  -Add GlobalDisable setting.
  -Modify 3 finger flick behavior in Excel 
  -Add PnPID 1E85, 1E86, 1E87 in OEMConsumer -- Same settings with 1E81 
  -Set 2 finger tap as 1 finger tap for OEMWPF. 
  -Disable OSD for device enable/disable.
  -1finger scrolling default enabled for SYN0501/SYN0503. 
  -modify the settings of PNPID 1E62 
  -Modify the settings for PnPID 1E49 in OEMConsumer 
  -Set right corner zone size to 0. 
  -Reimplemented 3F reverse logic. 
  -Add two ids SYN0321 & SYN0326, settings are same as SYN0330. 
  -Removed all options when right click TP tray icon 
  -Set 2Finger click 1F in left and 1F in right button zone to right
  -Turn off balloon for device disable/enable.

Version  16.2.6 07/12/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes

  -Fix launching proper device settings page from the "Hardware and Sound"
   device list in the Control Panel. 
  -Remove no use section for group 65. 
  -Enabled Gesture Drag, DragLock and Tap for Group22
  -1. Switch Left Right handed. 2. slider default set to middle 3. adjust
   slider frequency. 4. Update pairing pages. 5.Added main page re-size
  -Add single instance support. 
  -Update DIM controls. 
  -Fixed HID for OEM USB devices in the exclusion list. 
  -Fixed client message size mismatch between sender and receiver if
   application is 32-bit and OS is 64-bit. 
  -Fixed 3FFlick LR default settings. 
  -Fixed 3FFlick left/right bug. 
  -Added 3F flick reverse direction control. 
  -Added help id text for reverse 3F flick and 2F click. 
  -Added resource text for reverse 3F flick. 
  -Only check eei3Fflickreverse flag. 
  -Removed clicking for one finger click and actually hide the clicking

Version  16.2.5 07/05/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Fixed 1F-tap not working properly in or outsode StartZone. 
  -Use Active Filter time for Tap-idle time. 
  -Added new help ID text to describ 3F press default function not work. 
  -Prepare new translation for Default Button and 3F Press and Edge Swipes 
  -Added 2F Click On/Off for OEM. 
  -Fixed moving 3/4 finger flick to under multifinger gesture control
  -Set 3FClick to mute. 
  -Clear FIFO of RMI passthru device before starting to use it.
  -Use the know F03 information to read whole FIFO data in one transaction.
  -Applied the same setting of this feature as OEM_IS_simple_UI.inf 
  -Add 2Figner horizontal scroll 3finger flick & remove 2 finger flick for
   win8 for SYN1B56, SYN1B59, SYN1B5D, SYN1B5E, SYN1B5F, SYN1B60,
   SYN1B61, SYN1B62, SYN1B63, SYN1B64  
  -Add HWIDS. 
  -Disabled interial, pinch, rotate by default for group3, group7. 
  -Add IsHotkeyEnabledFor Device check for both DisableKey and LidClose.
  -Add 2 Finger reverse scrolling without check the checkbox in Win8 
  -Adjust Left Edge Swipe zone setting. 
  -Update DIM source code and animation. 
  -Fixed to adjust right button size for OEM. 
  -Added PNPID 0A2B 
  -Add "Enable Edge Pull" help text 
  -remove the setting of GreyOutEdgeMotionRegion_AddReg for 1E81,1E82,1E83 
  -Remove 3 finger flick up/down behavior(Play/Stop) according customer's
  -Make 1B60 and 1B65 at the same group in Windows8 
  -Added 2FClick, 3Fswipe, Reverse Scroll support for win8. 
  -Apply GestureAPI2 to SYN0742 
  -Add ID of USB touchsceen into exclusion list.
  -Make PNP0F13 in OEM support Intertouch Clickpad 
  -Add Win8 Group (1B00, 13, 24, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37)
  -Disable EdgeSwipe gesture for SYN0502.
  -Allow rotat gesture in button zone.
  -Added scan code for disable/enable TP at OEM HID. 

Version  16.2.4 06/28/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes

  -Fix OneNote Tab list scrolling 
  -Use small wheel message for OneNote 
  -Added logging of force sensor data. 
  -Add 2F-tap behviors for idle or active features. 
  -Add multifinger-taps with idle or active finger motion status. 
  -Add support for palmCheck with multifinger-taps 
  -Added capability to allow for maintaining & locking drags without
   pressing with click-threshold force throughout the stroke. Only works
   with 1 Finger dragging now. 
  -Extend the sleep time to 30ms due to still find mode swtich case.
  -Updated UI design and help text for win8. 
  -Fixed 3 finger up/down flick video and add disable top edge swipe for
  -Fixed for OEM updated TFM request. 
  -Fixed for OEM button zone size to middle. 
  -Added testing Inf for oem edge pull. 
  -Do not do RollBackClickMotion when TP is disabled.
  -Add 3finger flick down as Ctrl+P (play/pause) for win7 system 
  -Adjust button zone size for all IS clickpad.
  -Fix 3 finger flick can't be enabled problem. 
  -Disabled 4F Flick for OEM. 
  -Added new HID for OEM. 
  -Add LidSwitch related settings.
  -Protect the whole devices detection even for MUX.
  -Turn off OSD for device disable/enable.
  -Hide Enable/Disable button of device setting 
  -Add SkipClickWhenGestureProcess_AddReg.
  -Fixed for new Hid for OEM WoA I2C setting.. 
  -SYNA005 smart sense size need to change same with test log. 
  -Enable Gesture API 2 to SYN073D SYN073E 
  -Fix an horizontal scroll issue for Opera 

Version  16.2.3 06/21/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes  -3F Flick option is not disabled properly in MS_Win8_NGI 
  -Removed SynGroup2.h/cpp from VS 2010 project 
  -Add edge swipe zone registry settings that use FW reported boundary as
   reference for PS2 devices. 
  -Modified the polling interval and register callback routine 
  -use Win + Ctrl + Backspace for 4F Horizontal flick for Win8. 
  -Added registry values to allow for force filtering. 
  -Added user configuarable page background color and update the icon and
   hyperlink for OEMWPF. 
  -Fixed OEM request 3 F Flick up/down max/min the page display pages. 
  -Take out 3F vertical flick control for OEM HIDs. 
  -Change 1F scroll and 2F scroll momentum scroll set to maximum still
   momentum scrolling for an OEM 
  -Add 2F-scrolling feature in kernel 
  -Only decode 2F scrolling for win8 and finger count is 2, reverse
   scrolling direction. 
  -Fix an issue that veritical scrolling cursor's icon is wrong when using
   Trackpoint+Centr button 
  -Change 3Finger Flick down behavior for Media Center 
  -Customer change the KeyPress behavior. 
  -Added 1F reverse scroll registry and control for new UI. 
  -Turn off one finger scroll inertia at default for OEM at Win8. 
  -Set proper default for 1F scrolling for Microsoft INF.  
  -Set PalmRT value to 1 following Customer's request 
  -Add comment and add the PalmKmsX and HighWDelayKmsX as the largest
   PalmKWmsX value among all the gesture zone. 
  -Disable tapping for 1000msec after last key input.  Disable pointing for
   250msec after last key input. Disable multi-touch gestures except for
   two-finger scrolling for 1000msec after last key input
  -Fix for suppressing gesture timing. 
  -Disable and Hide 4Finger Flick for all PnPIDs in OEM.
  -Added 1F reverse scroll registry and control for new UI on OEM HIDs for
  -Add 1palm 1 Finger feature.
  -Remove middle button support for pnpid SYN019E 

Version  16.2.2 06/15/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes
  -Added setenv call   -Add protected before CopyProperty 
  -Disable 1F scroll, 3F & 4F flick for Microsoft NGI 
  -Disable cursor tracking globally in win8 
  -Only disable gesture, not zone's ConfigFlags 
  -Set 2F tap to right click for Win8 
  -Allow 2F-tap even finger(s) not in StartZone. 
  -Make 2F-tap work in button zones. 
  -Revise wheel units used in the Win8 linear scroll.  Sending 600 wheel
   units when travel full touchpad distance. 
  -Fixed an issue for right-button clicking and dragging: the draging either
   sluggish or stopped, for intertouch device. 
  -Updated OEM Input Manager: 1. Added Multi-language support 2. Added
   switch between 2Fscroll and plugin action. 3. Fixed known bugs. 
  -Added Dome click without finger to click as left click. 
  -Added ¦Left & Right button with two fingers -> Primary + Secondary
   button; for testing. 
  -Fix an issue the control panel can't play videos in Win8 64bit 
  -Rename to Win8_2FingerReverseScrolling. 
  -Add VID_PID to SynHID.inf.
  -Do RMI devices detection after PS/2 devices detections.
  -Fixed BMWz - UI MultiFinger Gesture page is missing 3F and 4F Gestures. 
  -Set action of 1Finger in left button zone and 1finger in right button
   zone to right button click action.
  -Customer wants to rename "Enable Coasting" to "Enable Momentum" under
   2Finger Scrolling page. 
  -Remove old hkcu settings for OEM when upgrade installation 
  -Add Rotate and 3Finger horizontal flick for picasa 
  -Change 3 Finger horizontal flick behavior in excel
  -Only support  Zoom in/out in photo viewer and IE for OEM 
  -Modified button zone size for TM-02222 and TM-02227 
  -Disable 3F flick in Microsoft INF for PS2 
  -Disable rotate in Microsoft INF for PS2 
  -Disable 1F H/V scroll by default for Win8 
  -Added Picasa Photo Viewer support for rotate. 
  -Disable 1F vertical, horizontal and coasting. (Win8 only) -- TOS0310 

Version  16.2.1 06/07/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes 
  -Added Gestures with Palm On Pad and ClickSmart features as defaults for
   non-Win8 installs. 
  -Enhanced ISynGroup, CSynGroup and SynGroup to be more useful and added
   Reference counting to Linux code. 
  -Added SynGroupWrap.h so OEMModules can reference SynGroup in distribution
  -Make the OSD window show as fixed color. 
  -Check-in OEM Input Manager GUI. 
  -Shown button device in device list for ClickPad, too. 
  -Add features for actiontype switching. 
  -Change the name of AddService to show the same name when finishing setup
   for both AMD and Intel chipset.
  -Added locking drag video for OEM HIDs. 
  -Reset some plugin actions for customeZone. 
  -Added pressure-controlled edge motion for pointing & dragging for
  -Insure edge motion type is properly set and reset for ForcePads, to avoid
   accidental click locks. 
  -Added edge motion speed control by force 
  -Increase the size of right edge pull zone for beeter recognition rate 
  -Implement 3Finger vertical flick gesture by using 3Finger Vertical Slide
   rzone and implement 3Finger horizontal flick gesture by using plugin zone
   according customer's request 
  -Fixed for TRM request at Win8 for OEM HID. 
  -Turn on 3F Flick reverse next/previous directory follow by 2F reverse
   flag at Win8 for OEM HID. 
  -Copied OEM INF to OEM_Demo INF and enable scan code query for specific
  -Turn off 4F flick for Microsoft INF 
  -Add 2F scroll ConfigFlags with reverse bit on for Win8 
  -Increase top edge pull zone by 1000 microns 
  -Add scan code for FOX0013. DisableKey 0x63 and EnableKey 0x62. 
  -Turn off cursor tracking for OneNote application so that both scroll and
   pinch work. 
  -Keyboard device name is different in win8, correct to register keyboard
   hook. Thanks for Mickey's input. 
  -SynAPI should inherit from LinuxSynAPI on Linux 
  -Fixed PnP ID remove 4 Finger Flick at Win8 for OEM. 
  -Shown TP disable/enable balloon message when session changes. 
  -Shown balloon instead of OSD. 
  -Add PnPID SYN0745 in 
  -Enable Palm suppress pointing to TOS0310. 

Version  16.2.0 05/31/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features:
  - Using pipe server.
Bug Fixes
  -Update vs 2010 project files with the new SynCom changes 
  -Updata custome id doc 
  -Merge change from branch to trunk to ignore over 3F click. 
  -Implement OS version specific subkey parsing so that we can include OS
   specific user behaviors in the same INF file.  Enabled 4F vertical flick
   for Win8. 
  -Remove reference to Win8_4FingerFlickGestures_AddReg which is included in
   4FingerFlickGestures_AddReg already. 
  -Update the right edge pull zone size for MSFT INF 
  -make OSD at bottom of the center on screen. 
  -Allow gestures and pointing with palm or resting finger on pad feature.
  -Make the OSD window background color to be black. 
  -Support for v5 img file format. 
  -Fixed OEM SMB TouchPad with physical buttons for one HID. 
  -Removed PS2 HID which is not for I2C device. 
  -Fixed an issue of scrolling speed for ControlBar. 
  -Fix a bug IE scroll alart sound in a platform 
  -Added pressure-controlled edge motion for pointing & tap-dragging for
  -Modified device description for SYN1E76, 1E77. 
  -Added new HID for oem usb device. 
  -Added support to allow drag with 2nd finger for OEM 
  -change the edge pull zone to edge regions. 
  -Remove "settings" icon for "TouchPad Activation Gesture" 
  -Unchecked Enable horizontal scrolling 
  -Xlib XKeycodeToKeysym is deprecated in Xorg 1.11 but luckily
   XkbKeycodeToKeysym has been available since Xorg 1.5 to replace it 
  -Disabled one finger horizontal scrolling for OEM 
  -Fixed oem request for disable 3F Flick as default for HIDs. 
  -Fixed OEM HID setting modifications. 
  -Fixed SMB clickpad description for OEM HID at Win8. 
  -Modify settings for SYN1B56
  -Change Palm Detect Config settings in default. 
  -Change the inertia for 2f scroll frequency to every 12ms for Win8 

Version  16.1.8 05/24/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Enable 2F reverse scrolling only for Win8 
  -store the win8 reverse scroll flag in HKCU that is in sync with
   bcfReverseDirection after user makes any changes in control panel 
  -Added 2Finger scrolling support for OEM gesture API. Only receive
   GestureActionNotification of IE, Excel, Word and Photo Gallery. 
  -Get the process ID of application windows instead of the current focused
   window. Since the process ID may be different. 
  -Add strings for TP enable/disable for a customer. 
  -Adjust OSD window size and position based on current test count and
   user's settings. 
  -Use customer provided string for JP TP disable/enable. 
  -Fix a bug Edge region is not grayed out after disabled.  
  -Add feature to delete old user settings when ugrading the driver 
  -Fixed OEM Dome and both L/R click buttons for primary/2ndary buttons
   request for Win8. 
  -Fixed OEM Win8 supports for EdgePulls and 2FReverseScroll in all the
   INFs. Plus fixed follow up to be in PnP order. 
  -Changed control panel device name to ForcePad if the device is a forcepad  
  -Hide oem control setting features for Win8. 
  -Initial support for thin stick reflash. 
  -Fixed an issue for OSD window display with Aero feature. 
  -Fixed OEM Win8 supports for EdgePulls and 2FReverseScroll in all the
  -Make 32-bit dll registrations compatible on Win8 x64 
  -Use SendInput for Win8 linear scroll instead 
  -Apply SYN0740, SYN072E and SYN072F to support Win8 gestures 
  -Add PnPID SNYA00A for 
  -Added disable key config for M14. 
  -Fixed KBCNotifyConfig. 
  -Modified FOX0012 to use only PS2. 
  -Enablle InterTouch mode to FOX0011. 

Version  16.1.7 05/17/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)

Bug Fixes  -Fix compilation for modern Debian based Linux distros 
  -Added edge pull gestures for customer. 
  -Support report rate from F/W. 
  -Fix small zoom wheel and linear scrolling with large wheel message 
  -Fixed an speed issue for ControlBar scrolling. 
  -Support MUX revision.
  -Make Lid close/open to disable/enable TouchPad. 
  -Fixed help files when switching languages with OS MUIs 
  -Fixed the Taiwan language for OEM control tip pop up message. 
  -Customer report the Ctrl key is always down after doing pinch. 
  -Fixed coinstaller version number. 
  -Followup: Check the bits for the Right. Left, middle & ExBtn4. Add
  -Fxied 3F press run app does not restore after click default button. 
  -Hide advance scrolling magnifying glass control setting for OEM HIDs at
  -Improve performance for rapid 2F Microsoft linear scrolling inertia 
  -Correct the logic for SuppressSlowMotion function about
  -Add a read-only IOCTL TP_DeviceStatus for customer's API to get the TP
   deivce Disable/Enable status.
  -Set device to default state when system goes to
  -Fixed to remove interTouch for OEM Hids. 
  -Fixed to remove Press-to-Select and hide magnifying glass for OEM Hids. 

Version  16.1.6 05/10/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Change Win8 previous windows shortcut key to win + ctrl + backspace 
  -Change left edge pull action to win + ctrl + backspace shortcut key. 
  -Enable inertia for win8 demo INFs. 
  -Increase right edge pull charm bar slider scale so that user can scroll
   to the last item from middle of the touchpad 
  -Turned illumination for InterTouch if it has LED, this will make LED work
   correctly when the system boots to PS2 mode. 
  -Put the force model in the Defaults key. 
  -Use 16 more accumulation buffers for the force model; added decay to the
   model for easier recovery. 
  -Fixed click thresholds for forcepad. 
  -Schedule a thread to do StartDevice right after RedetectAllDevices for
   the first boot.
  -Apply WIN8 Swipe gestures to all PnPIDs in OEMConsumer 
  -Add WIN8 Swipe in gestures and Turn on 97 command for SYN2C01 
  -Allow second edge swipe attempt after first attemp was rejected among
   continuous pointing 
  -Removed chiral rotate video for OEM HID. 
  -Added sound when clicking and releasing buttons with forcepad. 
  -Fix a bug clicking default button shink the palmcheck starting zone size 
  -Added new HID to support Win8 gesture for OEM. 

Version  16.1.5 05/03/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Modify compiler flags to build on GCC 4.6.3 
  -Turned off rotate for specific PnP ID. 
  -Disable 3F and 4F gestures for MSFT build 
  -MSFT changed recommendations that full height or width of the travel to
   be mapped to 3/4 page for both vertical and horizontal directions 
  -turn on 3F-flicking without finger up feature for usability team testing.   
  -Fixed wrong default setting for Tdouble tap disable/enable the TP. 
  -Make the button display text reasonable for corner zone button. 
  -Fixed if not Win8 turned on supported gesture, still be able to install
  -Add mechanism to avoid query scan codes being eaten by keyboard driver.
  -Added SMB and I2C support in information dialog. 
  -Enabled TP disable/enable OSD. 
  -Added 2F gesture cursor not changed videos for OEM. 
  -Added Force (in grams) to API. 
  -Modified default click thresholds for ForcePad. 
  -Removed force model decay and changed finger force calculation to use
   calibrated force (grams). 
  -Fixed HID request to turn on Intertouch. 
  -Fixed to remove the 1F scrolling coasting. 
  -Modified default 2F scrolling momentum friction value for OEM. 
  -Set report rate to 100 for specific OEM InterTouch platforms, this fixed
   tap and drag is very hard to trigger issue. 

Version  16.1.4 04/26/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -OEM Infs are now using the same 24 languages supported as our default
  -Support reset for all RMI passthru PS/2 devices 
  -Fix linear scroll for IE in desktop as it's not reported as immersive
   process by IsImmersiveProcess API call 
  -Correct the logic for enable/disable SlowMotion/ConstrainedMotion 
  -Corrected SlowMotion/ConstrainedMotion 
  -Fixed the issue which SlowMotion / ConstrainXY UI enable checkbox does
   not sync with list box. 
  -Add decay factor for force model. 
  -Even TouchPad is disabled by external pointing device but still allowed
   hot key to enable for specific OEM. 
  -Change MSFT left edge pull key macro from WIN+SHIFT+TAB to WIN+TAB 
  -Add enter key handle to cancel half way 4F-flicking 
  -allow 3F flick working in windows explorer 
  -set default 3F left/right flick to alt + left/right arrow keys. 
  -correct the default value for SlowMotion/ConstrainedMotion 
  -Fixed coasting not work at the old UI. 
  -Add registry control to disable the "SP_HasTwoFingerDoubleTap" property.  
  -UI: Clicking should be displayed instead of Buttons for clickpad device. 
  -Use forcepad calibration values to calculate total click force in grams. 
  -Show animated trayicon for SYN2A08 

Version  16.1.3 04/19/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated SynForcePad solution file for Vs2005  
  -Add the registry entry place holder for people to test it, set touch
   injection disable for now. 
  -Detect start screen and app search screen as metro app.  
  -Fix a minor issue in the 2F touch injection logic 
  -Fix coasting issue using win8 linear scroll 
  -Fix edge pull in Metro app mode 
  -Make top and right edge pull reversible for MSFT INF 
  -Send max of 120 wheel units at a time when post wheel message through
   kernel according to MSFT requirements. 
  -Use touch injection to scroll, zoom and twist in Win8 Metro App while 2F
   are on the pad 
  -Correct the logic for enable/disable SlowMotion/ConstrainedMotion 
  -Allow gestures with palm or resting fingers on pad
  -Change PS2 or SMB device to NonUSB device  
  -Fixed palm click reject registry settings. 
  -Fix Left-Edge pull is easily False-activated by accident. 
  -Add Hscroll mode definition 
  -Fixed OEM request to have Win8 edge gestures and updates. 
  -Fixed Win8 InterTouch for OEM PnP IDs in SMBus. 
  -Use Hide2FClick_AddReg instead of Disable_2FClick_AddReg.
  -Fix an issue some settings can be changed from the control panel. 
  -Set visibility for "Enable EdgeMotion Checkbox" in Simple UI to
   0x10(Ky_HideButActive). Otherwise it will have 2 items on the UI when
   clicking the checkbox. 
  -Added Win8 InterTouch for OEM PnP IDs. SMBus. 
  -Add ScaleToTheSameXYDPM to assure consistent cursor speed in X and Y

Version  16.1.2 04/12/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix to touch injection code to fix problem running on the latest Win8
  -Added LEN0025 for testing 
  -If the inf specify OEMSetup with MatchID=1, setup.exe only install if a
   real device ID supported in the inf. 
  -Added TP enable/disable hotkey and ballon notification. 
  -If an app acquires a gesture, we should cancel that gesture. 
  -Turn on all 2F gestures in button zone 
  -Change 2F scroll to reverse direction in Win8 
  -Set a default button handed state 
  -Sync Button swap state from UI to Driver 
  -Exclude Imaging sensor for Small Z vale checking.
  -Add ClickPadButtonPacketSuppressLimit.
  -Make top edge pull reversible. Remove Veritical edge pull zone code. 
  -for Win8, Disable interlock zone for 4F swipe up so that cursor can be
   moved to make selection 
  -In CPointingDevice::APILoadState re-read capabilities with device
   specific parameters first since other later loadstate setups depend on
   these capabilities. 
  -Added middle button support for omnimode. 
  -Fix false trigger of top edge pull during 2F Scroll 
  -Added clickpad functionality to forcepads. 
  -1. Disable inertial by default 2. Added additional checking of
   ConfigFlagsEx for inertial. 
  -Prevent sending packets that arrive during detection of USB forcepads. 
  -Add Disable_2FClick_AddReg.
  -Removed 2F double tap which OEM was asking before. 

Version  16.1.1 04/05/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Send minimum of 4 wheel units for Win8 apps that takes small wheel
   messages in case of post wheel through kernel.
  -Added CMousePointAction and CMousePointZone files to VS2010 project file   
  -Adding rubber sheeting response rate key with a default of 30 finger
   movement events before response is flat for Left edge pull. 
  -Updated VS2010 project file with Syncom changes.    
  -Added Win8 gesture to ACME INF. 
  -Added missing top and right edge pull registry settings for Win8 
  -Converted MS right edge pull to the new registry setting format.
  -Set different scrolling scales for veritical and horizontal scroll in
  -Rewrite fix of TP-33402 to notify synenh when user reverts all default
   setting to fix TP-39117. 
  -Fixed report rate in diag page. 
  -Support different report rates.       
  -Added ForceSample to SynCom. 
  -Merged new SynCom interface to the trunk. 
  -Updated SDK help files to include description of new interface. 
  -Fixed inconsistent scrolling behaivor 
  -Minor fix for edge motion and coasting when applying scroll factor.
  -Fixed fake inertia scrolling for some apps 
  -Added both-fingers-move-Twist features 
  -Made twist more accurate decoded. 
  -Made rotation configurable for pivot or free style. 
  -Changed the value of ConfigFlagEx for the Edge Pull so the original value
   can be used by Twist Zone. 
  -Set flags for usability team to test 4F-flicking improvements. 
  -Fixed a potential problem for not using secondary finger packet. 
  -Only call the Query scancode code once. 
  -Enabled 4FingerFlick for Group21 in OEMSynUI. 
  -Adjust the palm check rectangle according to customer's request.    
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request TFM missed items. 
  -Remove 4 finger flick feature on XP OS. 
  -Changed PS2OrSMB to nonUSB.       
  -Edge platforms with InterTouch + passthru    
  -Add Palm Click rejection.
  -Added ex4button support in SynCom and OEMWPF UI. 
  -If balloon message display is active, don't update tray icon otherwise
   balloon message will not shown if the TP is enabled using ZigZag. 
  -Added ecpfcmForce2FClickTo1FClickIfOnly1FInButtonZone.
  -Changed EdgeMotion Speed to Fixed speed for SNYA002 and SNYA003 
  -Fixed a problem default button will remove the friction for 1F scrolling in
   some OEMs 
  -Manufacturer sections can have multiple device types 
  -Fixed OEM Stella; the default setting show cut off in Portuguese 
  -Added palm click rejection for OEM. 
  -Kept vertical bar scroll if an app intends to use it. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID modifications. 
  -Fix 4F veritical flick for Win8
  -Changed device description. 
  -Enabled InterTouch for OEM platforms. 
  -Added PnPID SYN2506  
  -Merged previous fixes for XPS to BMW-z4. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP IDs for correct video and help files. 
  -Reenabled the touch injection interface in the drivers not associated
   with Microsoft. 
  -Only added Intertouch Passthrough support into OEM2 for OEM0022, OEM0026,
   OEM0050, OEM0051 

Version  16.1.0 03/29/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features:
  - InterTouch II.
Bug Fixes
  -Added a second try to switching the device into and out of flash mode. 
  -Turned on TouchPad active/inacvtive notification for customer specific
   platforms with InterTouch support. 
  -Added keys for new Left Edge Pull to inc files used for testing and
   demoing where MicroSoft requirements are not as critical. 
  -Restored code for Horizontal and Vertical Edge Pull zones with key macros
   to satisfy Microsoft requirements. 
  -Added Win8 Beta INFs 
  -Added timeout to the right edge pull so that the default selection will be
   made only if finger stays on the pad for more than 500ms after the right
   edge pull 
  -Bypass multi-finger scrolling adjustment for Win8 metro apps so that 1F
   and 2F scrolling amount matches 
  -Changed Win8 INF filename for Microsoft release 
  -Turned off secondary finger processing in the inc file. 
  -Only enabled right edge pull in internal testing INFs. 
  -Only use primary finger's scrolling distance for Win8 metro apps so that
   1F and 2F scrolling amount matches 
  -Do not accumulate force model training data if the total displacements
   exceeds a certain threshold. 
  -Removed saving of forcepad model to file. 
  -Fixed help text issue for Edge motion setting.
  -Changes for smooth scrolling.
  -Added flags to enable/disable anchor zoom (2 finger should move in
   different directions). 
  -Improved 4F-flicking by using accumulated distance shifts during
   activation checking. 
  -Fixed side effect and use registry configured.
  -Added scan code query feature. 
  -Changed 4 Finger up to invoke the App switcher via Ctrl+Alt+Tab rather
   then Alt+Tab 
  -Enabled rotate and 4FingerFlick for Group21 and Group22 in OEMSynUI.
  -Applied fix to twist. Move speedadjustflag to CZone and call it
  -Named SpeedAdjustFlag for all gestures. 
  -Added 1 finger click to have disable function. 
  -Fixed a bug that 1F, 2F scrolling is Coasting when Momentum Scrolling set
   to maximum 
  -Added enable/disable key.
  -Removed KBCNotify.
  -Fixed issue related to windows cannot do chkdsk after
   enable schedule disk check then reboot.
  -Fixed match ID feature in installation break if more than 1
   OS/architecture decorations 
  -Moved SYN0741 from to 
  -Fixed duplicate some SGS94 media files when adding SGS94UI.
  -Support SMBus with SYN0332 & SYN0333. 
  -Added code to fix cursor lock issue. 
  -Unhide enable reverse scrolling direction.
  -PnP ID Modification. 
  -Removed high touch threshold to make multifinger gestures work properly.
  -Allocating memory from heap instead of stack prevented stack overflow. 
  -Redo msconfig workaround to make XP and Vista work. 
  -Removed 4 finger flick feature on XP OS.
  -Checked PS2 or SMB touchpad present instead of user registry values.
  -Created an inf file for OEM PassThrough. Updated OEM UI to show SMB
  -Update OEM TrayIcon with SMB device.
  -Fixed a BSOD that happened with packet grouping, when using momentum or
   edge motion when pointing. 
  -Set ForcePad device type be TouchPad, as it has no clicking
   functionality; added 2Finger tapping capbility. 
  -Modified device name for OEM2302. 
  -Add ClickSmart for OEMWPF.
  -For OEM to test clicksmart mode button actions. 
  -Removed unecessary pointer motion speed setting due to we have gotten the
   right DPM.

Version  16.0.5 03/22/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added time stamp to the emit functions. 
  -Per customer's request, rolled back last week change. 
  -SuSE Linux requires linking with librt when calling clock_gettime() 
  -Merged SMB driver from v16_0_3_80_InterTouch_branch.
  -Split section name of MomentumRadioButtons to MomentumRadioButtons and
   Enable1FInertia_AddReg, and correct some section names. 
  -Added extended zone for right edge pull for charm selection.  Also add
   reverse trigger to close charm bar when finger exit from right edge of
  -Added internal /StressTest option. 
  -Added new IOCTL to read/write RMI register through SMB2 FW.
   TDC need that interface for LabView tool. 
  -Show horizontal icon when using TrackPoint with middle button to do
   horizontal scrolling. 
  -Revert TP back to PS/2 mode before entering suspend/hibernate or restart.
  -Put back the translations. Only replace with english the phrase
   that has changed and needs to be translated again.
  -Moved NCT1002 from OEM to OEM_brand 
  -Fixed all languages to match US English, which removed first line of
  -Removed the text that mentions "Fixed Speed OPtion", as it's the
   only option.
  -Worked around msconfig issue which changed SynTPEnh key type from
   expanded string to string so SynTPEnh cannot be found after running
   msconfig to disable/enable SynTPEnh. 
  -Creating a GetStringFromMultiSzByIndex function that takes the buffer 
   from the registry, and returns the pointer to the string indicated by 
   the index. 
  -Updated code for smooth scrolling 
  -Branch merge: Black frame is shown in the help movie. 
  -Fixed missed video file for OEM inf. 
  -Disallowed 2F vertical scroll in button zone.
  -Change state and reset init down time to allow click recheck without
   finger lift.
  -Roll-back a change that breaks normal 1F-double-clicking feature. 
  -Fixed incorrect button zone size. 
  -Added InterTouch support for SYN0335 
  -Change 2F scrolling settings based on 2F-scrolling improvements. 
  -Fixed an inconsistent of button state between UI and Driver due to
  -Do not get current button status for L/R button action for non-OmniMode
   of ClickPad and normal TP. 
  -Enabled 2 finger VH scrolling, pinch and rotating in button zone. 
  -Breitling - UI default settings change .
  -Changed the name of sections and fixed an error settings for group 17 
  -Send out a pinch scrolling when pinch just activated if configured by user.   
  -Not to show trayicon. 
  -Updated PNPIDs for 1. hide "Press-To-Select" 2. "Default show trayicon 
  -Added decoration to only allow InterTouch in Win8.
  -Changed some PnPIDs to InterTouch.
  -Fixed Japanese Help test "1 finger" will make text turn red issue. 
  -Added the mechanism to support different shape (rectangle and circle)of
   palm check zone. 
  -Added the registry to support different shape of Edge tapping filters 
  -To make it consistant with the default, we should break the loop once we
   found the zone of the shape. If we can' t find the zone, then return
  -Disable Pinch for OEMWPF inf group 2 setting 
  -Removed 3FFlick and enabled 2FFlick for several groups in OEM inf.
  -Added Win8 feature Win8Demo_EdgePull_AddReg to demo_Cervantes for OEM demo 
  -Created new define MFG_WIN8_SETTINGS for setting sections 
  -Restored after a merge which ovewrite the change. 
  -Reset m_bProcessingInterrupter to FALSE if sending SMB request failed,
   otherwise OnInterrupt always returned right away after failure case
   happend, this looks like TouchPad is dead this happens in installing
   Intel USB 3.0 driver. 
  -Added PNPID:1E62 for linux platform in OEMConsumer 
  -Added ReadDeviceInformationFromRegistryAfter1stDetection to some PnPIDs.
  -Modified button zone left/right edge setting. 
  -Customer asked to change the delay time (tapping) in motion suppress
  -Reversed previous fix at TP-38565 and bring back Omni mode click and

Version  16.0.4 03/15/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Create both x86 and x64 cat files for nightly build v99_99_98 
  -Create cat files for continual build and nightly build 
  -Removed Osd inc file. Osd failed  creating cat file: we don't build
   SynOsdCpl.cpl anymore 
  -Updated VerifyFiles.lst 
  -Updated logging with time stamp so the steps can be correlated to the
   other parts of the log file. 
  -Suppressed motion whily typing for specific platform. 
  -Support asynchronous reads during a RMI interrupt. 
  -Removed VS2010 default build profile dependency on SDK7.1 and WDK8.0. 
   Use headers and library files from T: drive 
  -Removed DisableTwistCursorOnFSpot 
  -Added initial Win8 scrolling momentum implementation according to MSFT's
  -Used escfPostKernelWheel for Win8 launcher screen and metro app according
   to MSFT's suggestions. 
  -Fixed Turkish translation 
  -Modified OEM 3FF on XP. The behavior is different from Win7. 
  -RMI register is 16bits addressing. 
  -Fixed for PnP ID SYN1F08 modification request. 
  -Fixed only certain pnpIDs have this
  -Solved force model after reading model data from the registry. 
  -Disabled momentum motion for SQA automation for adv gestures 
  -Only enabled SMB driver for Windows 8. 
  -Removed extra line from Hebrew 
  -Translations for Restrict Contact to Zone After Typing and Adjust
   EdgeMotion Speed 
  -Updated OEM PalmDetect values 
  -Implemented edge pull rejection if pointing/tapping was performed within
   defined time threshold in order to address accidental activation of edge
  -Correct the settings of EdgeMotion for SYN032F and SYN0330 
  -Improved scrlling smoothness 
  -Check return code of synxorg before editing xorg.conf 
  -Abort installation if not find dpinst.exe not SynPD.inf 
  -Apply for  SYN1E6F OEMConsumer,  TP-39052 
  -Apply for SYN1E72 not SYN1E6F OEMConsumer to test,  TP-39052 
  -Don't Install SMB Driver If It Is PS2 Platform. 
  -Install Smb driver before SynTP driver otherwise after installing SynTP
   driver user will be asked to reboot the system 
  -Added ReadDeviceInformationFromRegistryAfter1stDetection.
  -Let /? pass to dpinst otherwise dpinst will just isntall the driver
   because there is no option. 
  -Fixed mistakenly reset left button action. 
  -Rename some enum elements. 
  -apply 2F gestures improvements from BIC2.0 tests to Default. 
  -rename some enum elements. 
  -Rename Palmcheck-Enhanced to Smartsense for IS pnpid 
  -Correct the wrong group number. 
  -We do not support TNOTE any more; and there is no plan to support it; we
   probably don't need this. 
  -correct some settings error. 
  -remove duplicated sections. 
  -Added SGS94 videos. 
  -Moved SYN073B, SYN073C, SYN032F, SYN0330 to 
  -Renamed section. 
  -Updated pnpid.txt and added gesture api for SYN073B, SYN073C, SYN032F,
  -Fixed not to show 4 finger flick for pnp ids. 
  -Fixed some HID's default 4F flick funtion is ON at removed. 
  -Fixed 4F flick video file is not in the release directory. 
  -Solved an 4F-flicking not saved issue. 
  -Removed "Press to Select" from Driver UI. 
  -Add PnPID SYN1B63 for OEM.inf 
  -Added InterTouch support. 
  -Default settings for PNPID. 
  -Fixed the problem of Ctrl key down during pinch.
  -Fixed for OEM request to set PalmRT to 2. 
  -The Touch Injection was always being initialized, which was causing the
   whole touch injection stack to be started up.  This has been changed to
   do late as possible initialization of the touch injection interface. 
  -Fix comment (should be RMI not SMB!) 
  -Map SMB W values to PS/2. 
  -Fixed start button info is not stored correctly. 
  -Add "2F Clicking with 1F on Left button zone and another finger on right
   button zone worked as Secondary Clicking" for all clickpad in OEM 
  -Change SmartSense features for oem clickpad. 
  -Fixed Enable / Disable LED will not sync with touchpad's enable /disable
  -Fixed middle finger as right click. 
  -Added PNPID 1B64, oem inf. 
  -Added new PnP IDs. 
  -Fixed OEM HIDs modify request. 
  -Updated the inc files so that 4F Flick Up invokes the app choser. 

Version  16.0.3 03/08/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -We don't need to display non synaptics UI in individual inf build anymore   
  -Instead of doing dynamic casts, call the accessor functions for
   getting the ControlLogger too. 
  -We need to keep system from suspending when we are initializing the
   touchpad. Otherwise it will casue EC entering an unexpected state. 
  -Unneeded includes on LinuxRegisteryEx.cpp. 
  -Added force.h/c to vs2010 project files 
  -Removing directory, it's been moved to SynCom 
  -Add MinWin8WheelUnit registry settings for UX testing purpose 
  -Probably shouldn't change the meaning of the scroll type param. 
  -Removed bottom edge pull for Win8 according to UX 
  -Used the existing start delta threshold for scrolling to edge pull to help
   false negative case. 
  -Added missing Synaptics logo as ToolboxBitmap32 Synaptics COM classes.. 
  -Changed small Synaptics logo bitmap to be 16x16. 
  -Fixed name conflict for Linux build. 
  -Updated synaptics logo bitmap. 
  -Used correct Synaptics logo for Synaptics COM classes. 
  -Used correct Synaptics logo for Synaptics Controls. 
  -Fixed an unexpected tap issue for using StartZone to monitor taps. 
  -Used RIM edge to calculate width and height of zone instead of Sensor edge.  
  -Created ForcePad INF. 
  -Saved the force model to the registry; normalized coordinates for force
  -Updated include path of SynCom project to point to registry utility
  -Checked return value if registry value is set in HKLM properly, removed
   HKR otherwise keep HKR. 
  -Turned off cursor tracking for Linux. This is a system wide change 
  -Update m_bReverseScrollingDirection before calling HandleDisplayChange,
   otherwise its m_bConfigFlags will be changed that makes "Reverse
   Scrolling" status not correct.   
  -For profile sensor, we only allow for pivot rotation. So both finger
   moving should not trigger rotation. It could remove the problem which
   rotation icon shows up when 2 finger flicking. 
  -Removed Duplicity settings from unnecessary groups.  
  -Set Locking Drags default enabled. 
  -Accidental Clicks were stopping gestures. There was already a feature
   available called "SkipClicksWhileGestureProcessing" so I enabled it in for testing.
Version  16.0.2 03/01/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Make sure Continual build at the correct directory. 
  -Fixed build break in Google Chrome OS.
  -Merge 32-bit Chrome OS branch fixes to main trunk, for 64-bit builds.
  -Added file filter for SynCom in VS2010. 
  -Added a multiplier for zooming as it requires more wheel units to trigger
   than scrolling 
  -Checked if we're scrolling under the pointer.
  -Implementing a linear ramp up to a factor of 2 instead of a step
  -Checked if we can use the ActivateOnce zone flag, or create a
   different state so it does not affect other zones.
  -After edge pull gesture, Unacquire cursor until finger is up.   
  -Can't minimize and maximize AWCC window when click AWCC on taskbar. 
  -Fixed OEM TFM modification V2.1a settings. 
  -Fixed TRM request for PnP IDs. 
  -Moved some session to OEMcommon. 
  -Killed message notification timer if it is running when the system goes
   to sleep.  
  -Fixed exclusive checkbox can not be unchecked issue. 
  -Fixed and limited to only right button zone to remove rim size. 
  -Shouldn't use (&T) for languages that use embedded &'s. 
  -Disabled 2F/3F click feature from UI and function. 
  -Added the 2 bytes to the 4 to pass them thru the 6 byte packetizer.
  -Support PS/2 status bits for RMI pass-thru. 
  -Enable scroll for selected item only. This flag is set in order to
   disable get focus under pointer feature. 
  -Reverting back inf changes. 
  -Ignored pinch if current window is my computer. 
  -A basic forcepad app sample.
  -Added pdb files for lapack libraries. 
  -Changed the name of an undocumented interface method to avoid conflicts
   with new interface. 
  -Exclude force code form projects that include CTouchPad. 
  -Added this as part of the regular copyright notices. 
  -Set forcepad capabilities in the Parameters system key. 
  -Fixed dead loop in unrolling function when button is up if TouchPad is
   disabled at same time, this was caused by zero group number when packet
   was zeroed out when the TP was disabled. 
  -Modified help text of "Edge Motion Speed" to omit references to pressure
   sensitive speed setting 
  -Moved WriteScanCodeToLogBuf to CPDPort base class.
  -Parsing multi-sz property of HWIDs to match ID instead of just retrieving
   the first one in case the first HWID is not listed in synpd.inf.   
  -Revert back previous change. Update HelpID in GROUP8 only. 
  -Adjusted the Palm detect values. 
  -Modified the 2 Finger tapping action and 3FFlick action on Win7 Starter 
  -Add AOAC scan code to Group3. 
  -Modified the default zoom rate for OEM. 
  -Added PnPID NCT1002 for OEM 
  -Hide Press-to-Select for OEM0051 in -- correct 32bit setting. 
  -Fixed Default button doesnt work after clicking on save button in OEMWPF.   
  -OEM Simple UI change.
  -No warning to ugrade from v15 to v16. 
  -Avoid preventing SQA certifying the driver.
  -Fixed Multi Finger gestures cannot keep setting after change their
  -Removed registries from parameters when the driver is upgraded. 
  -Merging to trunk to test new build x64 2008 R2 machine 
  -We don't need to register SynTPCom when building the driver.
  -Sample Application illustrating how to get position and pressure
  -Made "Disable INT PD When External..." default to OFF and suppress tray
   notification when it's enabled by the user 
  -Changed device description name to "OEM Pointing Device" 
  -Fixed PnP ID request to turn on Drag Lock. 
  -Fixed a linux compile error. 
  -Fixed a cursor jump at button clicking, and update the motion threshold
   for tap. 
  -Removed DPM settings in the registry for some platforms with Sensor Size
   report of FW.
  -Applied tap threshold from one value to x and y direction. 
  -Disabled MF report and detection. 
  -Fixed an issue that 2F, 3F, 4F gestures fail to initiate near right edge of
  -Fixed PnP ID request to default off for 1F V/H/chiral scrolling. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request to 1F/2F coasting speed to be the same. 
  -Include SynapticsReflash.exe in SQAAutomation package for SQA 
  -Removed enable/disable TP by scan code for Group40. 
  -Customer asked to turn off InterTouch temporarily for SYN1E76, SYN1E77 

Version  16.0.1 02/23/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Rolled back the force calculation for this version.
  -Removed "Driver" name for building package and fix for dpkg amd64 build 
  -Applied Microsoft recommendations for scrolling.
  -Disabled touch injection and bottom edge pull for Win8. 
  -When checking for cancellation , rather than check for TriggerOnEnter,
   check for the angle variable being set.   
  -Let's use a temp CString to add the strings together and copy at
   the end to make sure a buffer overflow is impossible. 
  -Applied OEM application profile to its all platforms. 
  -Three-Finger Flick translation corrections.
  -Put the & in front of a character in the string; not at the end, for Greek. 
  -Removed uiRollbackFingerIndex.
  -Script to create Synaptics digitally singed cat files for driver 
  -Fixed the Right button zone setting UI incorrect issue. 
  -Figured out that top and bottom are needed to remove the Rim size at
  -Initial checkin of the TwistPinch action. 
  -Modified default settings for OEMA006 and OEMA007 
  -Added ForcePad settings to demo inf. 
  -Added IOCtl for force sensor count. 
  -Added LAPACK copyrights. 
  -Added force calculations to SynCOM. 
  -Added queue for group data. 
  -Free allocated memory when touchpad is removed; removed trace debug
  -Get raw force data through to the API. 
  -Moved the Shifts to Illumination Mask.
  -Check driver version for minimum RMI/Reflash SynCom support. 
  -Get KBCNotifyConfig from correct port (PS2) when running intertouch
  -Updated W value to allow accidental high-w touch not suppressed. 
  -Removed the send message to OEM app mechnism in OEM_Ideapad. 
  -Don't save devicedisable state if it does not change, otherwise it will
   mess up current user settings if per sesson disabled is turned off. 
  -Fixed translation in japanese. 
  -Created automation INF with all the advanced gestures features 
  -Changed settings for OEMConsumer SYN1E6A, SYN1E6B, SYN1E68, SYN1E70 
  -Create a new OEM_test inc 
  -Fixed pointer speed and touch pressure setting changes slightly when
   switching between UI pages. 
  -Enabled retrict tapping to zone and disabled restrict pointing to zone by
   default for customer platforms. 
  -Removed the settings that was only for PS/2 non-ClickPad. 
  -Temporary fix for the Windows driver's credits page 
  -Removed extra DPM settings since FW has built F11_Query12 into FW where we
   could get Sensor size.
  -Supported key stroke logging for InterTouch
  -Added PNPID SYN2B06 for OEM_Ideapad inf 
  -FAE make a newer call to enable multi-finger gesture. 
  -Customer asked to set timegap to 1sec when try tapping/gesture after
   typing - OEM0012 and OEM0013 
  -Modified the edge of Right Button Zone in the center. 
  -Added SkipDeviceDetectionIfNoDevicePresentOnPort to shorten the detection
  -Change default settings of Pinch-Zone as enabled. 
  -Fixed wrong values of pinch configflags. 
  -Fixed Tray icon missing even when "show OEM icon on the system tray"
   is checked. 
  -Added "disable TP when external USB device plugin" feature, and set it as
   disabled in default. 
  -Added PnPID OEM1002 for OEM 
  -Added SYN1B60 in 
  -Hide Press-to-Select for OEM0051 in 

Version  16.0.0 02/16/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
Bug Fixes
  -Used 2 copies of CRegistryHive object to avoid deleting the object
   while we are referencing it.   
  -Added ReadDeviceInforFromRegistry for customer to reduce device detection
  -Back out a fix for Linux that may be causing driver to not load properly
   in Windows 
  -Log KBC notification even only if this feature is enabled, and make log
   file more clearer.  
  -Added my name to the list of developers. 
  -Updates to RMI query regs: * F11_2D_Query10 is not always present *
   F11_2D_Query19~26 specify signed values. 
  -Apply Microsoft recommendations to the edge pull feature for Win8.
  -Turn on the 4FingerTap bit instead of assigning the CurZoneID.
  -Updated video file for slow motion. 
  -Fixed an error in the USB packetizer for forcepads. 
  -Log all the readRMIRegisters for queries, control.  
  -RMI function names are hex numbers.  
  -Fixed some translations 
  -Fix loading profile issues in InterTouch machines 
  -Made both 1FInBtnZone1FScrolling and Twist in button zone features work. 
  -Correct HotKeys for Localization Strings in OEM Smart Detector Page 
  -Notified KBC when the TP is disabled or enabled.  
  -Fixed an issue on kepping user's setting in Pinch Slider. 
  -Made UI exclusive. 
  -Fixed Hot key for "disable internal pointing device when external
   pointing device is attached" 
  -Added control to enable/disable restrict to zone after typing.   
  -Inlined the accessor functions. 
  -Adjust suppress packet counts when button clicked and released. 
  -Fix 3F Click action. 
  -Enable 1F Click control in NewUI.
  -Added raw force data. 
  -Minor bug fixes and workarounds for RMI pass through 
  -Fixed PnP ID request for adding smartsense, 2F/3F click and 4F flick
   defaults off. 
  -Disable Chiral Rotate for group10. 
  -Merged settings from branch. 
  -Added ReadDeviceInforFromRegistry for customer to reduce device detection
  -Turned on InterTouch for OEM.  
  -Fixed wrong range of scroll speed slider in touchpadview. 
  -Added const and enum for implementing EdgeMotion feature. 
  -Fixed an issue that sometimes when fingers are in edge zone the wrong
   direction scrolling will be triggered. 
  -Add use escfUseBitmapTracker for new Clear.Fi app.
  -Turn off syna gesture cursor required by OEM. 
  -Driver setting change -- Rotate enabled, 2 finger click action works as
   secondary click 
  -Adjust the tapping time delay value from 850ms to 500ms 
  -Added PnPIDs for Linux, OEMConsumer   
  -Fixed for not using pressure to control EdgeMtion speed for ClickPad. 
  -Uncheck "Veritcal Scrolling" for Group 55 
  -Merge from branch 15_3_45_70 
  -Removed the old Swap flag from this inf. 
  -Right now 2F clicking is always mapped to physical right button and
   corner clicking is always mapped to EXT4 button, now made them registry
  -Made changes according to TP-38854 
  -Modify Filter Activation Time to 0.25 sec, and set frequncy back to
  -Check m_hWdfIoTarget first before calling and related WDF function.
  -Update smarsense starting zone 
  -Copy SmartSense settings from demo to OEM. 
  -Activated the SuppressCursorInButtonZone for OEM. 
  -Added PNPIDs: 1E7D, 1E7E. 
  -Added PnPID SYN1B5F for 
  -Removed the InterTouch related settings since this applies
   TurnOffMultiphy currently. 
  -Added Enable/Disable Key and KBCNotifyCommand for 1B59 and 1B5F in

Version  15.3.45 02/09/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug(It causes AA 00 Detection fail while sending commands in
   initialization process) 
  -Fixed Android Duplicity packaging so it works with weekly automated build. 
  -Implemented Linux credits dialog 
  -Added 4FingerTap gesture to launch start screen in Windows 8 
  -Fixed 4FVertical flick for Win8 
  -Fixed a registry setting for 4FingerTap 
  -Modified USB packetizer to support ForcePad packets. 
  -Added a few helper functions for raw packet types. 
  -Removed some English text which doesn't match GUI checkbox labels 
  -The word "Enable" should not be included since checkbox only has
   "Three-Finger Flick" displayed. 
  -Correct HotKeys for Localization Strings in OEM Smart Detector Page 
  -Fixed an issue for possible cursor jumps when button is pressed or
   released for non-OmniMode ClickPad button mode. 
  -Split suppress packets count for each finger when button pressed or
  -Removed unnecessary binding to improve performance. 
  -Added video for Clicking actions. 
  -Created interpolated queue for linux 
  -Fixed Right button size UI when buttons are swapped 
  -Fixed build errors 
  -Modify PNPID settings 
  -Fixed missing files in the installation package 
  -Removed an unused definition. 
  -Correct the HelpID for "SmartSense" (as Palm Check Slider on Old UI) 
  -OEMWPF.inf - On OEM Mouse page, add Save and Cancel buttons. 
  -Replace 1F Click action text to ComboBox. Modify default settings. 
  -Reverting back to r1.296 
  -Added check for window manager on SLED 11 systems. Implement
  -Modified default settings 
  -Removed duplicated section. 
  -Corrected the Hot-Key for Romanian and Russian. 
  -Added new PNPID SYN1F08 for OEM 
  -Added NTamd64 for general x64 platform.
  -Added SYN1E00 and PNP0F13 for OEMConsumer. 
  -FAE updated, LEN0051 did not need to add in this change. LEN0015 FW
   Coordidate only need to apply in LEN0015, not all the TouchPad. 
  -Modified default settings for SNYA006 and SNYA007 
  -Fixed SynTPEnh crash because of NULL pointer. 
  -Add Right Button Zone Size UI for Fox0012, Fox0013 
  -Filter Activation Time Slider set to 0.25sec per 1 step 
  -Changed default settings.  
  -Turned on InterTouch for OEM. 
  -Added new ioctls and members to the processed packet structure for raw Z
   and force. 
  -Fixed pointer truncation 
  -Modified clicking action to right click 
  -Support RMI full level LED settings.
  -Added new PnP ID and turned off InterTouch for some platforms. 

Version  15.3.44 02/02/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes

  -Consolidate all the global varialbe into a global structure and remove
   unused code 
  -Back out previous change to syntpenh.conf and fix dbus 
  -Add Win8 manufacturer sections so that a different set of registry
   settings are applied on Win8 
  -[ADC] copyright 2010->2011  
  -Ignore non-primary packets from Profile Sensors when doing gesture
  -Add Chinese translations and correct Arabic translation 
  -Action functions to perform the Cursor pull of pullout menus. 
  -Add MousePull to vs2010 project 
  -Add feature for start tracking cursor 
  -Add feature for start tracking cursor. 
  -Make scrolling to work with once OEM scrolling 
  -track cursor for fast scrolling when just activated. 
  -Modified default settings: 1. Draglock default off 2.
   DragLockAutoReleaseTime set to 0.5sec 
  -[ADC] Pls move the Master, Slave, DeviceShift to consts.   
  -Added new API to query whether the driver supports LED double tap zone to
   enable/disable TP. 
  -[ADC] Check that the vertical scroll zone has the same config bits set as
   horizontal (except for possibly the enabled bit). We should always set
   both vertical and horizontal config flags in a section, for clarity. Pls
   also fix section above. 
  -Adjusted horizontal scrolling zone. 
  -Add optional arguments for SynaAndroid build. Add step to compile Android
  -Rename Palmcheck to Smartsense. Hide 2F Reverse Scrolling 
  -Added new PNPIDs for OEM 
  -FollowUp - Pls add the new PNPID to pnpid.txt 
  -Enabled Zigzag  stroke enable TP feature. 
  -Change clickpad button mode from omni mode to button zone mode. 
  -Changed starting zone size. 
  -Updated SYN073B and SYN073C PNPIDs to use Simple UI 
  -Added snaptotick property for palm reject slider. 
  -Fixed incorrect right button zone position in control panel 
  -Cosolidate similar feature of suppress after typing and rename some
   paramters as properly. Lack of TP control to change the parameter, i will
   finish it with another Jira. 
  -Customer ask to enable starting zone cheching after typing. And unlock it
   when finger on active area. 
  -Set PalmDetection per customer demo project. 
  -Fix DFM mismatch. 
  -Updated SYN032F and SYN0330 PNPIDs to use Simple UI 
  -Fixed button swap inconsistency 
  -Fixed button swap inconsistency. Corrected Cancel button handling 
  -Enable send device state for customer BIOS team reference. 
  -Adjust the step amount for pointer speed, Tapping Speed, Double Click
   Speed, 2F Scroll Speed, 1F Scroll Speed 
  -Enable 1F Chiral Horizontal Scroll by default 
  -Revert device back to PS2 when failed to start device.
  -Fixed an issue in wrong key for ClickPad button mode. 
  -[ADC] Add a param to RunInfFile... to ErrorOnFail, set it to TRUE by
  -Fixed memory leak in smb_driver 
  -Fixed the issue that button donw state is not released until finger is up
   on ClickPad. 
  -Disable 1F Scrolling 
  -Make sure cursor can move in button zone except Group8.    ( make sure
   SNYA002, SNYA003, SNYA004, SNYA005 can move cursor in button zone) 
  -One finger Scrolling default checked for SYN2503 
  -Changed InterTouch DPI.  
  -Changed DPI for InterTouch platform. 
  -Changed PalmCheck KeyPress Proximity times.  
  -Updated project name 
  -Enable 1F EdgeMotion Scrolling. 

Version  15.3.43 01/26/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes  -Fix segmentation fault for android 
  -Fix the log file for android 
  -Get rid of BOM which broke the build 
  -Fix Chrome OS build break 
  -Get trunk version of Enhancement app to run in 64-bit Chrome OS 
  -New DBUS modifications  

Version  15.3.42 01/19/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed segmentation fault for android 
  -Fixed the log file for android 
  -New DBUS modifications 
  -Added Metro UI mode detection based on current focused window 
  -Fixed horizontal scroll issue in win8 metro UI. Use small wheel message for
   start screen zooming. 
  -Merged VS2010 project configurations to trunk 
  -Added toggledesktop config for OEMWPF. 
  -Used SynCom instead of CTouchPad. 
  -Temporary fix for Japanese translation before other languages are ready. 
  -Chinese Taiwan translation replacing Chinese China 
  -Set Both Buttons on DLL0552/DLL0551/ DLL057B/ DLL0580 /DLL0550. 
  -Fixed incorrect linking of 64 bit executable 
  -Removed Run as admin requirement from reflash app to make it run on 8180
   Win8 build 
  -Fixed styk scrolling for 5 button clickpad 
  -Translations for OEMWPF gestures 
  -Changed default option of "Disable TP when external USB". Default checked.
  -Prevent the system from going to sleep during reflash. 
  -Correct the TYPO for sensitivity-- Default Setting Change for SYN073B and
  -Default Setting Change for SYN073B and SYN073C 
  -Fixed OmniMode overwritten the default Zone sizes. 
  -Fixed stick button down + pointing on TouchPad don't work properly on
   InterTouch platform. 
  -Fixed trayIcon flag to hide by default. 
  -OEMWPF.inf - when UI window is moved to upper-left corner of screen, the
   UI locks up. 
  -Match default settings 
  -Add new PNPID TOS1110 to OEM.inf 
  -Only uninstalled itself from SynPD INF instead of uninstalling other INF
  -OEMWPF.inf - Resting finger zone higher than 17mm. 
  -Fixed OEM request for PnP ID SmartSense Zone settings. 
  -Group12 already owns "SetACMFilterTimeOutTo3Sec_ModifyACMStartingZone",
   remove the one I added. 
  -SmartSense Zone settings for OEM PNPID SYN2705, SYN2704, FOX0012 and
  -Added interpolated packet queue and rollback 
  -Corrected the wrong default setting for 2FVerticalScrollingFlags 
  -Palm Rejection Value won't keep after disabled and re-open UI. 
  -Fixed 2F clicking action. 1F in active area and 1F in right button zone
   clicking, 1F in left button zone and 2F in right button zone clicking to
   secondary click. 
  -Added 3 finger tapping = secondary click for PnPID:1D15 
  -Added build2.bat. 
  -Added post-build step to embed manifest in SynReflashPkg 
  -Fixed PnP ID modify request for only group 8 in OEMOmniMode 
  -Changed default setting for SYN2A06 
  -Changed the Scan Codes for SYN1E79 
  -Modified PnP ID settings for OEM. 
  -Added new PnP ID for OEM 
  -Enabled InterTouch for SYN1E76, SYN1E77, OEMConsumer. 
  -Fixed When loading default configuration, PalmDetectConfig is not
  -Changed PalmRT setting to the third value 
  -Changed default option of "Disable TP when external USB" (Customer asked
   to rollback the change in TP-38493) 
  -Changed LED power state for enable/disable device 

Version  15.3.41 01/13/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed for android AA 00 detection fail 
  -Fixed for authentication fail for android duplicity 
  -Changed some names and fix wrong settings. 
  -Added SmartSense for OEM specific platforms. 
  -According to customer and change zone size. 
  -Changed Scan code to E001(Make) for Group24 
  -Considered stick and ControlBar because user present logic changes. 
  -Implemented KBC notification when fingers are down and up. 
  -Turned on KBC notification when fingers are down and up. 
  -Oringial change is not work in NGI platform. Caused the hotkey handler is
   appended to PS2 pointingdevice, and scan code info are readed to NGI
   pointing device. Switch the hotkey handler here. 
  -Also close the settings dialog if a device was disabled using SynCOM 
  -Reimplement closing the Control Panel's Settings dialog when a TouchPad
   device is disabled 
  -Added "device arrival" notification function.
  -Added SMBus event deregister function.
  -Register callback function to SMBus driver to process SMBus removing.
  -Corrected the Section Names for Group74 
  -Keep customized value for radius in OEM Smart Detector. 
  -Modified the description of 3F flick for OEM 
  -Customer very care the cursor move after click, and their testing will
   force moving after click. Delay the unroll time as double as usual. 
  -Unroll handler will suppress motion with packets count timer. However,
   NGI/USB packets will be multi-times as PS2 mode. For same interval, the
   adjust interval counting for NGI/USB mode. 
  -Added driver version on CPL and chagne "Default" Button Text to "Restore
   All Defaults" 
  -Update the UI for OEM Smart Detector 
  -Rename NGI to InterTouch in the .INC files 
  -Enabled the feature "Disable internal pointing device when external USB
   pointing device is attached" 
  -Added two applications VideoPlayer.exe and PhotoPlayer.exe in OEM inf,
   copied the settings from Clear Fi. 
  -Added new PNPIDs SYN1B5D, same settings as SYN1B56. 
  -PnPID request for SYN1B5E 
  -Fixed incorrectly updated Enabled/Disabled buttons on Device Settings
  -Fixed incorrectly cancelling dragging on OEM USB touchpad 
  -Removed Y invert flag per customer request. 
  -Add MatchID=1 in OEM2 inf file. 
  -Fixed the Horizontal Scrolling icon when ChiralMotion scrolling is also
  -Changed driver settings for SYN1F07. 
  -Corrected the DPM vaule. 
  -Added new PnP ID request for OEM 
  -Removed the scan code setting base on customer report. Move it from branch
   to trunk. 
  -removed the mitakenly added setting that makes coasting work. 
  -Moved click left/right button zone to center for OEM. 
  -increased the length for "Customize" text 
  -increased the length for "Unit" string 
  -Added PNPID SYN2A09 for OEM_SMB inf 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request for modifications. 
  -Modified default setting for OEM PnP ID. 
  -added 3 Finger tap for SYN0A1A
  -Set the resolution got from registry 
  -2 Finger tap default set to un-checked 

Version  15.3.40 01/05/2012 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Merged android branch fix to main trunk. 
  -Save HKLM registry hive to file only after we set the device info to
  -We should save the HKLM file when we ever changed it 
  -Ignored Force:LeftClickWithNoFinger if it is dribble packet from
   secondary finger, this fixed two fginers right dragging is cancelled if
   one finger lifts from the pad. 
  -Disable multiple profiles support in Linux.
  -Modified LSB of 3rd byte in SMB map table entry.
  -Put the PalmDetection bit back. 
  -Not use a generic class name AfxWnd100u.
  -Update the lost SYN1F05 PnPID. 
  -Rolled back the changes in CSynOSD. 
  -Fixed 2F double tap bring up App rate and under gesture filtering. 
  -Fixed other level of PalmKWms typing disabling gestures. 
  -Gestures disabled one second after typing for OEM.   
  -First pass using API. 
  -Replaced Hebrew IDS_TWOFINGERTAP string 
  -Fixed the name and endif location. 
  -Added missing break statement. 
  -Created functions to convert between DPI and DPM. 
  -Modified default settings for Group16. 
  -Updated default PnPID settings.
  -Removed different nomotion var setting for grouped packets.
  -Patched a corner case for grouped packet button down process. 
  -Changed scroll method from OEM to Synaptics. 
  -Put TP into sleep mode when suspend, power down ...
  -Installed SmbDrv driver only on Win8 or above.
  -Using separate SmbDrv.inf for different OEM.
  -Added AOAC key to registry. 
  -Increased AOAC disable/enable device function. Customer BIOS will send
   scan code to our driver for notifying enter/leave AOAC  state. 
  -Correct the UI for OEM.
  -Removed ReadDeviceInfoFromRegistry setting for InterTouch.
  -Removed check essTwoFingerStroke to avoid button suppress with one finger
   in left button zone.
  -PnPID request for OEM (SYN1F07 in 
  -PnP ID Request for OEM (SYN1E79) 
  -Added PNPID SYN0A1A, SYN0A1B OEM inf. 
  -Modified default setting -- Disable Pinch Zoom on Win7 Desktop 
  -Added Compatible ID SYN2B00 into 
  -Removed the "Buttons" Menu for OEM_PS_simple_UI 
  -Add MatchID=1 into OEM.inf 
  -PnP ID Request for OEM (Small Business) 
  -Turn off MUX detection for customer.
  -Fixed MatchID=1 will not be able to install on Synaptics' touchpad. Parse
   Manufacturer sections to retrieve the section name of PNPIDs for the case
   the section name is not "SynMfg". (e.g. OEMMfg) 
  -Fixed The setting didn't flick back to default immediately after press
  -Added application specific settings to make pinch avalible in Microsoft
  -Add Scancode Disable/Enable key for SYN1B56 
  -Add TouchPad NGI settings for OEM
  -Do not suppress cursor in button zone for SYN2705, SNYA004, SNYA005 
  -Keep the settings in [OEMOmnimode], add another setting for enable cursor
   in button zone. 
  -Fix param types in DBusEnhServer::SendMessage() to match WinDef.h's
   WPARAM and LPARAM typedefs 
  -Turn off NGI. 
  -Add "DisableDeviceUntilSessionEnd=1" for all PnPIDs in OEM
  -PnP ID request to turn off NGI for OEM. 

Version  15.3.39 12/22/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Correct key macros. Fine tune vertical/horizontal edge full zones. add
   comments to key macros. 
  -Updated Win8 edge pull registry settings 
  -Edge Pull Gesture changes 
  -Allow the GPIO mask to be overwritten by the registry
   (create a SetGPIO mask fct similar to SetCapabilities...) 
  -Added some code  to solve 2FDoubleTap hard to trigger issue. 
  -Fixed dead lock. 
  -Linux build break. 
  -Added Mouse Macro for 3FFlick. 
  -Fixed multiple finger gesture enable/disable API does not sync with new
   UI issue. 
  -Updated some translations for OEMWPF 
  -Made default driver has 2F-scrolling start threshold not depending other
  -Turned on InterTouch for specific OEM. 
  -3F Flick L/R send Message to OEM App and also take care 3F flick up/down
   in App plugIns. 
  -Send window message based on the registery string 1st char "#' to get use
  -Send Message to OEM App when 3F Flick left/right and Disable our 3F flick
   zone plugin for it. 
  -4 Finger gesture remapped for OEMWPF. 
  -Modified customzone number to avoid duplicate. 
  -Updated settings, enabled 1F H Scrolling. 
  -Adjust the slider threshold for 4FFlick.
  -Fixed rollback issues after click button released in NGI/USB pad.
  -Don't ignore power state changes on PS/2 side of Intertouch TP. 
  -Fixed various roll-back motion issues when button pressed or released. 
  -OEMWPF.inf - OEM sliders should default in the center setting but
   mapped to Syna default setting. 
  -Forced double click speed slider to center position for default value. 
  -Enable Pivot Rotation by default on OEM1E6A and OEM1E6B 
  -Added including SynHid.inf.
  -Recoverd to PS/2 device if failed to start device in SMBus mode.
  -Fixed incorrectly working buttons for 5-button clickpad 
  -Tool to create cat file for 64bit package 
  -Changed Enable/Disable Key as request. 
  -Changed device description for InterTouch device.
  -Updated Cosating in 1 Finger Scrolling to be default enabled for OEM0310
  -Revert SMBus mode to PS/2 mode after driver uninstall.
  -Added InterTouch support and uncheck Momentum for OEM2704 in 
  -Check arguments before calling xf86SetStrOption 
  -Simple UI driver for profile sensor 
  -Changed OEM1B56 in OEM to not support InterTouch. 
  -Disabled Pinch Zoom on Win7's desktop for OEM032F, OEM0330.
  -Always force small wheel messages for testing. 
  -Removed registry value settings that are the same as the defaults. 
  -Added back 3F Press Configuration Button. 
  -Put back CLick-And-Drag and Tap Zone Sizes on the UI 
  -Turned off Palm detect for specific OEM. 
  -Added Win8 demo registry settings to NGI_Test inc file 
  -Added edge pull registry settings 
  -Enabled multi-finger packets for touch injection zone 
  -Fixed for handling multiple fingers. 
  -Fixed for proper scaling. 
  -created a new group for Win8 demo features. 
  -Created a timer for touch injection timeout. 
  -Removed the 5btn and OEM057 etc. sections. 

Version  15.3.38 12/15/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added branch build reason (issue number) info to Cvs 
  -Fixed local variable is initialized but not referenced 
  -Modifications to support Windows 8 Touch Injection. 
  -Support for Function $03 
  -Added sensor size query, to determine resolution of the device. 
  -Calculate the offset of registers based on reported capability bits. 
  -Added checks for query registers. 
  -Fixed the help strings use inconsistent capitalizations, have extra pars,
   and do not sound correct in English.
  -Fixed broken "Suppress when typing" feature 
  -New wxMenuEx class to handle menu destructions by CPopupMenu.   
  -Code for setting Linearity params is duplicated.
  -Added rotate support in button zone, OEM2006. 
  -Updated the settings of bcfProcessSecondaryFinger, OEM2006. 
  -Updated the slider scale value.
  -Added more translated strings.
  -Adjust pinch scale for Office Word. 
  -Add pause-resume feature for 2F-gestures. 
  -Mapped ctrl+K, ctrl+L to rotation for OEM PhotoStage. 
  -Correct InterTouch redetect. Fixed overwriting memory. 
  -KTL packet logging refactor. 
  -Added 2F-scrolling improvements for all platforms that support the feature.
  -To use PlugIn Action for OEM App Send Msg anytime when it trigger. Not
   just for App in Focus. 
  -Fixed active momentum. 
  -Report both FW and scaled resolution; use the latter for gestures. 
  -Pass device type into QueryAbsoluteDevice.
  -The setting should go default if user choose run and cancel. 
  -Adjust the coordination boundary for OEM1000.
  -Modified default settings for Group10, Group16, OEM2006 inf. 
  -By default SliderScale is set to 0x80 so removing unnecessary default
  -Added PnPIDs. 
  -Modified ClickZones sizes to be equal 
  -Added KBC notification for InterTouch.  
  -Scrolling speed is too fast in NGI 
  -Change Key Press delay time as customer's request. 
  -Added setting to reduce resume time. 
  -Original Left/Right hand switch did not cover OEMOEMOmni mode. Added it to
   support list. Switch Left/Right hand will change the button zone size. 
  -Removed  TPTyping\Enabled=0 for letting typing suppress work. 
  -Convert UI to old UI for OEM. 
  -The scancode doesn't match the session name.
  -Modify default setting 
  -Changed LED level from medium to lower for TouchPad using T7, this makes
   T6 and T7 TouchPads have the same LED control.  
  -Adjusted to middle button zone position. 
  -Set X, Y minimum FW reported coordinates to zero.  
  -Continued to suppress the motion if a finger is down outside of starting
   zone within timeout but the starting zone is touched by Palm not a
  -Enable Pivot Rotation by default on OEM1E6A and OEM1E6B 
  -Added registry key as attached to OEM073E and OEM073D.
  -Fixed PnP ID request to modify for KBCDisableConfig value. 
  -Additional files/updates for Windows 8 Touch Injection support. 
  -Correct the API call to initiate touch injection.
  -Create a new group/section/pnp line for this demo.

Version  15.3.37 12/08/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Mutex to protect write user registry and also save the button swap
  -Merged fix from android branch to trunk.
  -Added new PnP IDs with right default settings. 
  -Updated version that enables or disables using a 2 finger acivation
   gesture with a control key down. 
  -Fixed diagnostics page.
  -Removed junk characters from beginning of file.  This was breaking the
   builds on certain versions of Linux. 
  -Allow for adjustment (or not) of multi finger tap thresholds based on
   finger positions, in the case of NGI/USB also. 
  -Allow for click unrolling of finger in button zone only with NGI/USB as
  -Allow limiting 2F clicking to when distance between fingers is above a
   configurable threshold, in the case of NGI/USB also. 
  -Calculate correct driver finger count for USB/NGI too if the number of
   fingers exceeds that of the filters. 
  -Consolidated reused code in one function. 
  -Have the caller of ProcessPacket set the subtype. 
  -Replaced a check for filter index with check for packet subtype. 
  -Updated the status of any delayed packets after processing buttons of the
   current packet. 
  -When processing groups, process multifinger gestures (button clicks and
   taps) after processing all the packets in a group, to insure most recent
   packets are used for gestue decoding.   
  -Reflash using SMB driver. 
  -Fixed Quick Launch help is missing in OEMWPF INF. 
  -Updated help text for quick launch. 
  -Added side-by-side  VS2010 to the trunk.
   Note that WinSDK7.1 has a MS known issue when compiling 64bit syncom.
  -Fixed error variable not referenced in Vs2010  
  -Support Inter-Touch only on Windows8, PNP0011, OEM2006. 
  -Create a SmallWheelForPinch flag which defaults to 0, and separate
   the scroll and zoom flags. 
  -Updated the clicking actions of button zone. 3F click to right click,
   1FInLeftButtonAnd1FInRightButtonZone to right click. 
  -Modify Default Setting -- Enable/diable by scan code: 0xE01E 
  -Modify Default Setting -- Show "OEM pointing device" on mouse
  -Fixed a number of translation bugs and put new translations into SynReFlash.
  -Fixed mixed up Help topic IDs from translators 
  -Not remove the whole "EdgeMotion Speed" Page.
  -Don't make the PS/2 PD as a legacy device until the SMB driver arrives. 
  -Reimplemented disable/enable gesture API and added sub touchpad query. 
  -Update help for new APIs.  
  -Always to enable focus desktop icon not to move by 3F Flicks. 
  -Improved 2F-scrolling smoothness. 
  -Put 2F-scrolling improvements for in house testing. 
  -Fixed the App class name, guid and param get from registry. Get the msgID
   using RegisterWindowMessage().
  -Continue processing when the last state is 3Fpress or PalmOnPad to avoid
   miss event end message.
  -Added new html file for Locking drags video.
  -Customer request to set scrolling only on focus window. 
  -Default settings for OEM MLK (OEMSynUI) disable twist/chiral rotate on 
   ImageSensor touchpad.
  -Do horizontal scroll in Acrobat using key scroll function.
  -Implement key scrolling for the Linux driver.
  -OmniMode settings should not include actions changes.
  -Fixed Choose "Run" and cancel in the "Quick Launch" will not show default
   set but show "Blank Screen". 
  -Added fixes to avoid triggering unwanted item changes. 
  -Fixed 1F horizontal scrolling, and edge zone posistion are wrong. 
  -Allowed for multifinger tapping with resting finger for USB/NGI. 
  -Fixed PnP ID twist rotate function cannot use and no video file. 
  -Added new PnP ID for OEM request. 
  -Modify default settings of SYN0742, OEM_Ideapad. 
  -Fixed control key locked up after doing pinch in XP virtual mode. 
  -Separate x64 and x86 driver support in SmbDrv INF
  -Added certification stamp to inf for DUA.
  -Collect all PnPIDs from OEM for form a new group section. 
  -All three OEM models are requested to apply PS2, not NGI. 
  -Update click button default action 
  -Fixed Border between left and right click area must be in the center of
  -Used defaultZoneSizes without the horizon scrolling value changed. 
  -Fixed packet feeding issue for cpl on USB/NGI driver 
  -Added support for suppressing multifinger taps when drumming fingers, for
  -Default draglock is on. 
  -OEMWPF UI changes. 
  -Customer request to remove trayicon. 
  -Customer ask to turn off feature "Allow left click with no finger". In
   default, it is enabled. 
  -Added info texts for 3F Flick, 4F Swipe for OEMwpf. 

Version  15.3.36 12/01/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added SynBuilder info into cvs checked in 
  -Added PS2 device type map after deteciton all the PS2 port in windows, so
   that we can save this map to registry and then save to HKCU_All for
  -Added for sync BIOS setting to android driver. 
  -We should save the regitry in Enhcement so that it can be saved in HKCU
   and also when bios disable both touchpad and stick, we can only save the
   registry via Enhancement to tell the android driver disable both touchpad
   and stick 
  -PNPID request SYN1B59 in 
  -Fixed PnP ID update the help text for clicking. 
  -Also increment groups on arrival on button only packets. 
  -Check the packet type for the processed packet - make sure we
   always set it to something.
  -Only reallocate packet buffers if the group size changes. 
  -Added UI controls for four finger gesture per spec update.   
  -Fixed the bug in OSD where it crashes where there's no ActionType. 
  -Moved the xxxCircleZoneRadiusSettings to zone related class. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request for update 3F flick video for OEM. 
  -Translated text to Hebrew, reference from other string. 
  -Change the way, SynTPEnh to set the Skip Button Mask when gesture is
   processing, and CPDFilter to go through these mask to skip click. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request for Ignore palm clicking for Clickpad. 
  -Fixed the SliderScale value -- it seems to be too high. Update
   the 2F scrolling settings. 
  -Adjust 4Finger gesture settings. 
  -Reviewed the GetIntValueFromRegistry function
  -Fix HasBothButtonFeature not work on CMFilter.
  -We have the Inertia settings in OEMCommCtls.
  -Restore OEMOmniMode settings in OEM2006 inf. 
  -Update ClickPadButtonMode, remove SuppressCursorInButtonZone and
   MiddleButtonAction for Group11. 
  -Adding a new platform for an customer. 
  -Fix some RTF errors from translators 
  -New strings for several projects. SynCtxtRU.rtf is not included because
   of unexpected font changes by translator. 
  -Recover the setting removed by other.
  -Use existing AddReg sections from OEMCommCtrls such as
  -Fixed focus desktop icon got moved by 3F Ficks. 
  -Change name from GetOSVersion to GetOSMajorVersion.
  -Remove ID of USB BlueTooth device from the exclustion list .
  -Add call to EnableDeviceSessionEnd() when Linux system resumes from s3/4 
  -Check if the device can switch to SMBus interface before set.
  -Remove the MultiFingerGesture UI & Feature for SYN2A01 and SYN2A02. 
  -Add autorotation for all the OEM group as default setting. 
  -Use DPM reported by F/W in PS/2 mode instead.
  -Fixed PnP ID request for using PS2 instead of NGI SMBus. 
  -Fixed missing TurnoffMultiPhyInterface for not NGI settings. 
  -Fixed to send Window Message to OEM App when 3F flick left/right. 
  -Sent packets between button down and button up if there is no fingers on
   the pad for regular InterTouch pad, and also sent dribble packets after
   button is up if there is no finger on the pad. This fixed button plugin
   actions won't work properly. 
  -Set to right DPI for InterTouch platform. 
  -Added missing Hardware Id for OEM wireless device to test.
  -OEM should fix the firmware, it's out of scale right now x:2048-7165,
  -Turn on Inter-Touch function.
  -Update Omnimode settings, use general Omnimode to enable cursor/gesture
   in button zone for OEM0011, Group15. 
  -Turned on 1F horizontal scrolling by default for specific OEM. 
  -Changed enable/disable TP hot key. 
  -4 Finger remapped for OEMWPF and add corresponding UI. 
  -Default settings for OEM MLK (OEMSynUI, DLL0550 DLL0551 DLL0552
   DLL057B DLL0580) 
  -Added new PNPID SYN1311 for OEM 
  -Change UI from SGS94 to StdUI and exlude any media files. 
  -Hiding 'Show Video' buttons in StdUI. 
  -Use USB Port info when read Cap bits in registry in device detection
  -Modify default setting for SYN2A03, SYN2A04, SYN2A05 in OEM_SMB 
  -Change SMBus device address to 0x20.
  -Modify default setting -- set RMIBusAddress = 0x20 
  -Set CornerAction default to 2 for IS ClickPad to replace the setting in

Version  15.3.35 11/23/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed for linux log 
  -PNPID request SYN0332 in 
  -Consolidated three EnableFeed functions into one. 
  -Returned an error if a client asks for group reporting but the
   device doesn't support it 
  -Returned InvalidParameter if the finger index is larger than
  -OEM wants chiral scrolling to be working on windows that under cursor,
   even if it is a different process to current focused one. 
  -Modified UI Layout. 
  -Modified scroll & zoom to edge scroll & zoom. 
  -Added commom support for Horizontal scrolling in an Adobe Photoshop App. 
  -Fixed an crash for switching apps. 
  -Split Commom and customer settings for AppFprofile settings 
  -Use DPM reported by F/W in PS/2 mode.
  -Help text for OEM Smart Detector.
  -Added 3 finger flick video without the up/down slider show. 
  -Fixed 3 finger aero flick horizonal only flick apps pages. 
  -Fixed for more than one videos in registry settings. 
  -Fixed type conversion of a 32-bit handle to a pointer-to-wxMenu object 
  -Changed the shape of TouchPad icon in Windows control panel 
  -Fixed the string of scroll zone size overlaps the picture. 
  -Fixed checkbox name cut of OEMwpf. 
  -Fixed character is cut off at default button in Finnish. 
  -Added registry to enable "Skip 1/2/3F click when gesture is processing".   
  -Added PNPIDs OEMWPF. 
  -Merged fix(TP-37893) from branch to trunk. 
  -Fixed an issue for pointing with palm on pad. 
  -Added "keep "Tap & Drag" gesture" for OEM_IS_simple_UI.inf according to
   customer request 
  -Option to keep "Tap & Drag" gesture when user touches ClickPad by another
  -Added OEM Picture Motion Browser profile to support left and right rotate
  -Checked the finger bit instead of Z. 
  -Fixed keyboard macro data for horizontal scrolling in Adobe Reader 
  -Modified logic so cursor tracking doesnt start until a transition from
  -Checked disabling the MultiPly capability bit, so the
   device can work in PS/2. 
  -Modify 3FFlick for OEMWPF. 3F V Flick acts as horizontal and supports
   tabbed browsing in web browsers(IE, Chrome and Firefox) 
  -Updated Horizontal scrolling default on, Group11, OEM2006 inf. 
  -Updated Inertia and momentum scrolling with OEM2006 inf. 
  -updated TFM settings -- 2 Finger Click as Secondary Click   
  -Fixed wrong ConfigEx for 4F vertical flick. 
  -To short the detection time, skip the detection for non-using port. 
  -Added DisableDeviceUntilSessionEnd setting.
  -Fixed 1F zoom issue. 
  -Changed setting and device name as request. 
  -Fixed OEM add PnP ID request. 
  -Clear all stroke related data at finger up instead of finger down.
  -Create a config flags to ignore Inter-Touch switch.
  -Add Help text and Video for "Tap to click" -- OEM simple UI 
  -When OEM Smart Detector enabled, tapping should not be suppressed at
   non-active area. 
  -Disabled radio buttons for "Top Left Action" settings in Linux ("Switch
   TouchPad off one session" isnt implemented) 
  -Added InterTouch mode switch for customer test tool.

Version  15.3.34 11/17/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the inc settings for Android Duplicity 
  -Merged android_branch fix to main trunk.
  -Insured we signal an event either on packet or on group processing, not
  -When processing groups, we always have a packet of each finger in the
   group - it may be an empty packet with the correct finger index. Have
   FindQGroupPacket return the empty packet rather than NULL. 
  -Added capability to load one group of packets from the driver, if group
   processing is supported and enabled. 
  -Added new Ioctls that would allow retrieval of packets based on group and
   finger index. 
  -Swap plug in associations when switch between left/right mouse. 
  -Updated feed flags. 
  -Fixed the bug where the MFFilter isn't created for IS. 
  -Topic 444 is used in the trunk for something else;
   update the help topic id in the inf. 
  -Read caps bits from registry in device detection stage so we can have
   right caps when CTPFilter is created. 
  -Added shortcuts now to all languages? 
  -Added 3Finger Vertical Flick support
  -Removed unused variables and code duplicated as the result of a
  -Added the lost TP_EnableTwoFingerTapping case in OnGetDefaultDeviceSettings. 
  -Change Hotkey in Swedish. 
  -Fixed hot key IDS_ABOUT in Thai. 
  -Adjust stroke number for OEM review 
  -CR request to revert changes 
  -Made writing to Event Log configurable for driver setup 
  -Option to keep "Tap & Drag" gesture when user touches ClickPad by another
  -Reverted the changes and added a flag check for TP filter 
  -Added PNPID SYN1D1C, OEM inf. 
  -Fixed TPoint not work after change Advanced->Magnify->default. 
  -Enabled left click if there is finger bit not set. 
  -Changed code for 1F scrolling to fit one oem 
  -Fixed Quick launch always run on IE & cannot save quick launch menu after
   save and close GUI. 
  -Fixed 'Tap to Click' and 'Draglock' cannot load default. 
  -Correct the issue that 'Tapping speed is incorrect after save and close
  -Fixed Zoom feature is too sensitive on Google Chrome 
  -Correct the issue that "Default Setting in 2F Scroll -- Momentum is
  -Removed OEMtpad from trunk. 
  -Support Enable/Disable LED. 
  -Restored OEM trayicon after chiral scrolling 
  -Replaced HScrollViaShiftVScroll with plugin action 
  -Moved "Tap to click" function from tray icon menu to main menu (Simple UI)   
  -Fixed no touchpad word shown on UI. 
  -On/Off switch support both Vertical and Horizontal scroll zone. 
  -Fixed No Minimize All. 
  -Fixed Inertial Scrolling(1F) cannot stop while user lift finger. 
  -Fixed Inertial Scrolling(2F) cannot stop while user lift finger. 
  -Fixed Zoom(1F) default setting is wrong. 
  -Fixed Scroll Zone Size are same on Narrow, Normal and Wide.   
  -Added Clickpad Button mode to OEMwpf. 
  -Removed suppressjump from INF because this platform is regular TouchPad,
   not ClickPad. 
  -Fix an issue for multifinger's finger-down packets recapture. 
  -Removed wheel scroll line change broadcast message which cuased other
   windows flicking. 
  -Removed checkbox from "Patents" tree item in button settings ui 
  -Added setting to reduce resume time. 
  -Modified default setting - Disable V/H scrolling. 
  -Modify scan code setting -- OEM0550 OEM0551 OEM057B OEM0552 to
  -Moved SetDelayedPacket to the beginning of the function to avoid missing
  -Fixed PnP ID request to change the device name at device manager. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request to add new one. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request to change TP disable/enable hotkey. 
  -Disabled PS2 write per port instead of disabling all ports after
   switching to InterTouch. 

Version  15.3.33 11/10/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the duplicity shared-storage check execution file path 
  -We have to recreate the user setting polling thread to check if we need
   to reload the user registry hive and reload all configuration 
  -Fixed Linux build break. 
  -Per Russ' request, increased warning level/warnings as errors. 
  -Created a fct to set the suppress bits.  
  -Removed 3F-flicking with finger on pad feature. 
  -1. Added Clickpad Views, 2.Fixed UI not translated in Norwegian. 
  -Added Right button zone resize for SGS94 
  -Added Windows Explorer support for 3FFlick as request 
  -Merged to trunk. Updated the Help string of 3FFlick provided. 
  -Set the detect mux off as default in OEM setting. 
  -Fixed a better section name for OEM inf. 
  -OEM inf also has its video file, removed. 
  -Adjusted gesture triggering threshould 
  -Not restrict OSDSupport only on CustomZone.
  -Fixed chrome build break 
  -Added code to remove some leftover files when uninstalled. 
  -Merging branch changes( 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request to add to the log. 
  -Fixed to follow TFM requirement for Inertial coasting. 
  -Improved an issue in tap or clicking rollback motion. 
  -Removed the duplicated add Reg. 
  -Turned off InterTouch for one OEM
  -Incorporating BIC Denali improvements into the OEM WPF driver. 
  -Put back pinch profiles for Eye of Gnome 
  -Added setting to FOX0011 not the FOX0012. 
  -Gesture profiles for LibreOffice application suite 
  -Fixed accidently removed previous fixes. 
  -Set right parent of InterTouch device.  
  -Created a document for listing all applications/PnPIDs that doesn't want
   to show cursor when scrolling. 
  -Changed the owner of /var/lib/Synaptics 
  -Removed default OmniMode related settings from INC files.
  -Modified default setting -- SYN073B set 2F V/H Scrolling and 3F Flick to
   default off 
  -OEM2 UI Change request -- Add  checkbox for enable/disable PalmCheck,
   named as "Prioritize for TrackPoint and keyboard input" 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request 
  -Adjusted scrolling speed when driver use DPI in scroll calculation 
  -Don't show circular(chiral) rotate video since there is only twist
  -Adjusted the tap cutoff distance criteria as OEM preferred. 
  -Merged improved feature to default driver 
  -Removed video and help context for OEM Smart Detector temporarily 
  -Set TOS0220 as TOS0300 setting, and remove non-referred section. 

Version  15.3.32 11/03/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated Makefile to use Android arm toolchain from Android NDK in
   linux-swtools directory 
  -Set the correct relative path for calling 
  -1.Fixed localization bugs, 2. Added support for building .NET3.5. 
  -Fixed warning when run on some platform. 
  -Tap to Click option enable/disable both taptoclick and tapdrag. 
  -Use .NET 3.5 in installation package. Copy original build script to
  -Use AnyCPU for compliing x64. 
  -OEM want to invoke the Smart Detector (SmartSense) dialog from system
   tray popup menu. 
  -Fixed the issure that SmartSense has no video (for now, we take
   "SynSmartSenseNB.wmv" for OEM smart detector since their functions
  -"Enable Right Button Zone Resize" feature moved according to customer
  -Fixed hide 3F press on an OEM inf setting. 
  -Fixed an issue for IS device not working with momentum. 
  -Fixed an issue for momentum feature. 
  -Repsond to power messages. 
  -Take care reseting the Flags for valid 2FDblTap monitor. 
  -Made clear on 2FDblTap tapping in the valid region and worked inside the
   Parse function. 
  -Enabling MultiFingerFilter for profile sensor touchpad. 
  -More hotkey fixes 
  -Warn user about switching user, etc. 
  -Merged chrome changes to trunk, cvs generated diff.
  -Fixed Android compile errors after Chrome code merged
  -Added help text for 2-finger tapping. 
  -Added the menu which can turn on/off the "two-finger tapping" gesture.
   Default value should be "Enable". 
  -Fixed OEM WPF UI language not translated to Norwegian (Bokmal). 
  -Fixed The On/Off word swaps at Scroll & Zoom menu in Czech. 
  -Corrected translation. 
  -Update PnPId settings 
  -Fixed OEM new NGI SGS UI PnP ID request. 
  -Turn on flag for usability testing. 
  -add settings for suppress possible tap jumps. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fixed BSOD caused by NULL pointer access.
  -Uninstall function will check keyword with case-sentisive, customer did
   not know it and it will break our rules. Fix it. 
  -Fixed a BSOD in InterTouch or USB TouchPad. 
  -Removed smb_driver package from OEM INF. 
  -Turned off InterTouch until we have the stable driver. 
  -Cleanup duplicate hotkeys flagged by mnemonic debug output 
  -Linux Enhancements app does not support sticky borders, so disable the
  -Added help video to default SGS94 2F scrolling-coasting control. 
  -Adjusted 2F Scrolling page as customer request. 
  -Modified default setting - SYN073D copies SYN073E's setting. 
  -PNPID request : 1E71 1E72 1E73 1E74 1E75 in  OEMConsumer.inf 
  -Pinch profile in Linux not ready to go live 
  -Add NGI settings for Copley TouchPad.
  -Enabled 1F Vertical scrolling when another finger in button zone. 
  -Fixed the 3FFlick up triggered Win + Tab several times. Get config flags
   before we set config with 3FVerticalScroll. 
  -Made the information message about not finding scrybe setup a debug only
   message since this is a normal case. 

Version  15.3.31 10/27/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the const id for android so that we can get the packrat id.
  -Fixed driver can't get parameter registry bug in android.
  -Fixed for Duplicity can't open the exe file.
  -Fixed for android x86 build. 
  -Fixed some bugs and save user setting in %USERPROFILE%\Synaptics\HKCU_All
   if shared-storage is not exist 
  -Added comments before CSTring destructor, reminding future programmer STD
   string destructor is not virtual, you cannot account on CSTring
   destructor is called. 
  -Instead of using pthread_cond_wait, use while loop and sleep 
  -Merged code from android_branch to main trunk 
  -Don't show tip window when restarting SynTPEnh. 
  -Updated version that enables or disables using a 3 finger acivation
  -Don't disable "Cancel" and "Help" buttons during recording. 
  -Don't set the Interpolated bit for devices that report groups. 
  -Made SendPacket function more readable by moving some code to new
  -Only allow for group processing if the multi finger filter is enabled. 
  -Added option to signal feed event for group rather than packet
  -Fixed BSOD on some Win7 systems because the thread gets stuck.
  -Fixed BSOD happening when psRawPacket is NULL.
  -Prevent Bluescreen when an user app feeds packets to a device in the
   Kernel  but this device does not support up to this finger index.
  -Only check HScrollParent for H Scroll since some scrolling targets such
   as scroll view pane do not have HScrollParent and VScrollParent. 
  -OEM changed their SPEC for SmartSense UI, please refer to
   "OEM SmartSense_Flow_v1 0_1017.pdf" 
  -OEM doesn't want the circle to be able to "drag". They just want to
   change the position of center to where the user's clicked. 
  -Fixed the issure that SmartSense has no video.
  -OEM asked for one finger move cursor and click to select the application
   when 3FFlick up launched. 3FFlick down is also supported at 3FFlick up
   state. Add Flip3D to app apecific. 
  -Fixed the issue when  move cursor and click to select the application in
   3FFlick up state, Win key did not release yet.   
  -Updated Makefile for DBUS exclusion.
  -Updated to support Android's x86 toolchain.
  -Updated SynCOM help html file. 
  -Fixed TFM/Driver mismatch found for TM2093-001.
  -Added 3 Finger Flick Aero 3D videos. 
  -Fixed three-finger flicks and its consistancy. This is not only for
   vertical, but also horizontal 3F flicks. 
  -Adjust palmchecking settings for typing. 
  -Added a restrict area to avoid accsidental 2F gestures. 
  -Split Feature settings and UI for Multifinger Gesture.
  -Updated multifinger gesture staring zone to avoid accidental Pinch and
   twist to be triggered when finger in bottom of the pad. 
  -Remove unused codes.
  -Removed the edge-motion speed page in clickpad for OEM.
  -Fixed the string in mouse properties. 
  -Making Momentum scroll default instead of Coasting Scroll.
  -Fixed a BSOD in InterTouch. 
  -Fixed BSOD happening because of stack overflow.
  -Added ability for SynTreeCtrl to display list items that have no selectable
   child controls.
  -OEM has requested that we not send vendor commands to query the device
   for its settings. The settings will be retrieved from the registry . 
  -Fixed selecting the device to reflash.
  -Added "Disable the internal PD if an ext USB mouse arrives feature is
   enabled" and defaulted to off. for 
  -Uncheck Rotating for 
  -Fixed HelpID.
  -Used static MFC libraries. 
  -Fixed shortcut-key duplicate error.
  -Added missing gui locker. 
  -Fixed build error, the referred section is already merged to general
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Embed manifest + other minor change. 
  -Fixed hot key for new NGI_Test inf settings. 
  -Added two finger taps as right click. 
  -Added coasting scrolling video to all the PnP IDs for OEM inf. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request for adding video coasting files. 
  -Add InterTouch support for OEM0011 in
  -Update the sections' name for NGI. 
  -PNPID OEM0012 added in OEM2006.inf same setting with OEM0011.
  -PNPID OEM1E6F added in OEMConsumer.INF 
  -Flush workitem before entering suspend.
  -Only disabled PS2 and SMB devices when USB Mouse present. 
  -Added two-finger tapping gesture to right click for OEM simple UI. 
  -Added pinching support to Eye of Gnome.  
  -For composite device, should use the proper description "USB_Comp"   
  -INF file for OEM Usb composite device.
  -PNPID OEM0742.
  -Also change related parameter default value for OmniMode.
  -Enable 4Finger Flick in Group1. 
  -Added PNPID 1E70, OEMConsumer inf. 

Version  15.3.30 10/20/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Android code cleanup 
  -Stub ICONINFO. Implement CString using std::string.
   Cleanup more Android ifdef. 
  -Merged android branch fix to main trunk.
  -Log the interrupt status bits and the raw data. 
  -Log only errors in SendRequest.
  -Error in log file. 
  -Added a dialog box to control configuration parameters. 
   Added a menu on the tray bar icon. 
  -Fixed sizeof issue on ptInfo memset. Factored some repeated code
   into a function. Removed some unnecessary initialization. 
  -Minor code refinements, using points as firstclass objects,
   rolled the version number.
  -Removed unnecessary .APS files. 
  -Fixed a bug that space bar does not change the cpl item selection after
   dialog is pupped up 
  -Fixed incorrect Help topic 
  -Catch corner cases of 2nd click treated as primary click mode.
  -Changed hotkey for constrained motion in other languages 
  -Fixed an unexpected gesture with one finger in the button zone. 
  -Added bit for motion suppressed for possible jumps. 
  -Only keep the SuppressedByKernel bit.  
  -Improved multifinger-flicking for fast flicking. 
  -Fixed UI string typo. Use select for different devices. Get config
   key using SP_SHORTNAME. Fixed settings for pointstick. Hide/Show
   control items according to device capabilities. 
  -Added validzones for stick scroll. 
  -Fixed wrong condition for finding device.   
  -Improved the setup program to exclude PNP0F13 if MatchID = 1,
   and do not remove the ID from the INF which needs it to do WHQLs.
  -Checked the pktLast GroupNumber vs. FingerJustDown GroupNumber. Check
   that FingerJustDown group number is not 0.  
  -Added 3F vertical flick video to the list. 
  -Remove redundant video. 
  -Moved Usb_Razer to Razer  
  -Fixed 3 finger flick up/down description for Aero function in English
  -Changed help ID and hide config button.
  -Adjust Pinch Trigger threshold and hide the chiral rotate control. 
  -Fixed 1F/2F scrolling edgemotion cannot be disabled issue. 
  -Support for devices with only the boot loader. 
  -Changed "Cancel" to "OK" after a successful reflash. 
  -Fixed installation failed error.   
  -One way to fix 2F double tap works at out side of smart sense filter
  -Set the MotionMinRT(0) to suppress motion. 
  -Added PNPID SYN2704, OEM2006 inf. Default to check all gestures on UI. 
  -Removed suppress pointing motion in button zone area.
  -Fixed MatchID=1 won't work with other touchpad vendor. Use setup api to
   get current present HWID instead of looking for registry key. 
  -Fix potential issue with acquiring mutex after the TPDriver has been
  -Apply TFM setting to OEM0020, OEM0022 
  -Section name will be export to public, rename it as generic. 
  -Update settings for OEM0026, OEM0027.
  -Fixed the space between the string of disable device when external
   pointing device arrives in Chinese. 
  -Fixed a BSOD because of NULL hWdfDeviceObject in the system with stick
   and InterTouch. 
  -Moved the fix to InterTouch only device. 
  -Fixed crash when no FW image selected. 
  -Changed default hotkey for "Enable Costing" checkbox 
  -Added PNPID 1E6C 1E6D 1E6E in 
  -Added InterTouch support for SYN1E67 in 

Version  15.3.29 10/13/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added build step number in build error/warning alert email 
  -Add wxStub header for Android 
  -Android code cleanup 
  -Merged SynTPEnh code from android_branch to main trunk 
  -Remove SynDetect for Android 
  -Added Command line utility to embed FW images in reflash tool. 
  -Support TP_BoardNumber for RMI. 
  -Ignored mouse click for root node of tree. 
  -Removed video playback from parent control. 
  -Demo_Cervantes is for clickpad, adding missing capablities 
  -Fixed a bug with a missing state transition.
  -Disabled Alt F4 to close the driver tray window 
  -Disabled the context menu for the edit of recording dialog 
  -Fixed cursor freeze issue if there is one finger with low Z. 
  -Look at adding a motion threshold for when it is enabled. 
  -Updated with better wording from our tech writer. 
  -Created new variable for group processing and moved getting and
   validating group-related members to pointing device class. 
  -Added back for tools working with previous version 
  -Added support for 3FingerPress in SetZoneAction(). 
  -Updated SynOEMWPF codes: 1. Fixed known bugs. 2.Support Show/Hide
   PointStick page on stick existence  3.Added driver version information
   4.Get buttons setting, Launch action from Registry 5.Fixed issues UI
   Window border. 
  -OEM ask to modify 2F/3F Click mapping action. 
  -Removed OEM XPS project PnP ID which moved to other place. 
  -Ignored mouse click for root node of tree. 
  -Merged OEM Palmcheck Circle Zone UI related codes into trunk
  -Added cases for TP_Enable_Custom_ThreeFingerFlick. 
  -Moved the 3F Scroll item code out of the reserved custome zone item
  -Ignored clicking if tap drag is in progress for specifc OEM. 
  -Added drag cancel delay time, so we can delay to cancel drag. 
  -Rolled back code and used autodraglock release timer with drag locking
  -When widget set to 5, it will not refer to control video. Add Rotate help
  -Modified default settings.
  -Fixed 3 Finger Flick video missing for vertical flick. 
  -For different definition of 3Finger Vertical Flick, add video to match
   the real behavior. 
  -Added gesture disable/enable API. 
  -Fixed cursor freeze issue when doing 3F press if 3F press is disabled.  
  -FAE changed request to copy setting from SYN1E62 as template. 
  -Fixed an issue for finger count increase in draging. 
  -Fixed V. edgeMotion when SuppressCursorInButtonZone is On at SynTPEnh. 
  -Also added Synaptics USB Cervantes ID just in case 
  -Razer only has Synaptics -USB touchpad only, also now we only use WDF to
   build our driver 
  -Added reading of model (board) subnumber for PS2 device 
  -Added reading of model (board) subnumber for RMI device 
  -Used tstring since Android does not support CString. Update comment 
  -Removed NGI 2finger scrolling setting. 
  -Added feature improvements to new inf file. 
  -Improved multifinger-tap speed. 
  -Made multifinger-tap more reliable. 
  -Added time criteria for multifinger tap decoding. 
  -Changed the pointer and double tap speed slider tab stops for OEM simple
  -Fixed default to 2nd left tab stop on Pointer Speed slider for OEM. 
  -Added "Locking Drags" option to SimpleSGS94 
  -Modified the function of the settings dialog Help button 
  -Created new Inf for OEM for Simple SGS with Circular Scrolling. 
  -Fixed translation for Asia on Circular Scrolling. 
  -Diagnostic log file cannot specify Win7 Professional Edition 
  -Added InvertY to Razer's product line 
  -Fixed a bug in 2F pinch detection 
  -Set back RecapFingDown for UX 
  -Set left and right button ComboBox items.
  -Modified ClickPad click settings.
  -Added a new PnPID support. 
  -Enabled EdgeMotion when scrolling (Under Two-Finger Scrolling tree): Set
   to check. in OEM_Ideapad.inf , SYN104A, SYN104C, SYN104E 

Version  15.3.28 10/06/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Just update the tool, it takes about 6 minutes 
  -Merged code from android_branch to main trunk 
  -Restored lost changes to resources. 
  -Fixed linux build breaks.
  -Fixed an issue where Win7 professional was being listed as Win7 business
   edition in the log file. 
  -Fixed a bug where putting all 4 or 5 fingers down would crash octet2 
  -Initial source code for Octet2, a Synaptics Touch Pad to Windows 8
   Injection bridge. 
  -Removed files that are kept in the driver tree.  Also altered the
   arguments to find device. 
  -Updated Chrome Stubs 
  -Make suppress first packet as default to improve tap decoding. 
  -Fix wrong direction multifinger-flicking issue. 
  -Added SynOEMWPF to the build 
  -Only get the minimum log for now 
  -Update OEMNewUI source code of 20111005 
  -Updated build script. 
  -Updated the localization resource files for OEMNewUI. 
  -Added ChkRC.exe into build of reflash RC. 
  -Removed "USB" from external USB pointing device 
  -Set "Locking Drag" default to off.  
  -Fixed some wrong direction in multifinger-flicking decoding. 
  -Fixed some multiple finger gesture missing issue. 
  -Improved gesture decoding speed by using correct data. 
  -Added some missing video. 
  -Added gesture disable/enable API.  
  -Fixed build break.  
  -Added definition to include SMBUS driver. 
  -Added new ID SYN1E69. 
  -Refer to NGI_Test, add other configuration for NGI. 
  -Removed SynOEMGestureMgr registry setting after uninstall.
  -removed tray icon for 1E51 
  -corrected an error in set finger count. 
  -OEM asked not to change 2F scroll cursor icon when 2F scrolling.
  -Forced 2FClick to 1FClick and also check either finger is on the right
   button zone.
  -Disabled context menus of videos in the cpl page 
  -Added the check for OEMLANGUAGE_SUPPORT 
  -Create SynArp.src template to package driver for OEM 
  -Search define with exact match 
  -Fixed a cursor suppressing issue for 1F in button zone and another one is
  -Fixed an issue for cursor suppressed in speeding gesture decoding. 
  -Added PnPID default setting, OEM inc, SYN1052. 
  -Added InterTouch support for OEM specific platforms.  
  -Added a new inf OEMWPF for XPS14"/15". 
  -PnPID 1E68 changed group to the same as 1E5F (GROUP 64) 
  -Fixed the EdgeMotion virtical scrolling down no function due to a fix at
  -Added API to retrieve FilterIndex from packet.  
  -Set right filter index for PS.  
  -Added new inf file Usb_Razer 
  -Added description of 3 new ISynDevice properties to SynCOM help file. 
  -Applied OEM New WPF UI to OEMWPF. 

Version  15.3.27 09/29/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added clean option when building the Kernel 
  -Created solution and project files to build the driver in IDE 
  -Updated VerifyFiles.lst 
  -Updated build process  
  -Merged android branch to main trunk 
  -Merged code from android_branch to main trunk 
  -Merged part of Android branch back to main trunk, now only SynOsLib can be
   compiled for android. 
  -Fixed bug related to filtering FW images in advanced page. 
  -Disable embedded FW test images. 
  -Raised warning level. Warnings as errors. 
  -Removed erase checkbox, use FW version, follow up, etc. 
  -Simplified the way to include SmbDriver into our installation package 
  -Rounded Distance to Micron calculation to nearest integer. 
  -Fixed help text does not match to the control without 2F Flick issue. 
  -Enabled wheel scrolling by 1 line. 
  -Fixed Linux build break. 
  -Fixed "No action on profile doubleclick" issue 
  -Fixed incorrect text in Polish for Tapping title. 
  -Reset filtered Z if raw Z changes too rapidly or drops to 0. 
  -Created oemmodule for OEM New UI for XPS. 
  -Fixed CPDFilter member variables are not set correctly in its derived
   class CMFFilter, this caused if button action was no action in the
   registry, if you reenabled it from the CPL, you cannot enable it because
   we didn't call CPDFiilter::APISetItem  in CMFFilter. 
  -Created solution and project files to build the driver in IDE 
  -Removed comment that references ACPI. 
  -Fixed DBus c++ deadlock / assert issue on shutdown 
  -Customer report the right corner click is not matched with UI setting in
   default. Default ExButton4Action will be 1 (Left click) and UI control is
   secondary click. Make default synced. 
  -Set the helpID as customer request 
  -Split a help content to meet customer request. 
  -Customer ask to remove the setting page of rotate.  Rotate enable/disable
   option rely on the rotating tree control is simple. 
  -Zero out X and Y when there is no finger (Z and W are 0) on RMI based
  -Removed clickpad capability for prototype/demo touchpad. 
  -Turned on all 2F gestures on the button zone per customer request. 
  -added 97 command to control TP on/off (Tapping on upper-left area) for
   SYN1E5A to SYB1E68. 
  -Split two-finger-clicking-drag from one-finger-clicking-drag 
  -corrected the spliting of the help topics. 
  -Added SYN0002 and SYN2A00 and change PnP0F13 to Compatible IDs. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request. 
  -Fixed wrong button disabled state when the button is treated as separated
  -Took out noncomplete settings other wise will break debug version 
  -We don't have SynChiralHScrollNB.wmv 
  -The monitor thread was referenced before it was created. This caused the
   X input module to seg fault. 
  -Created new INF file for USB touchpad demo (Halo). 
  -Restored C preprocessor define. 

Version  15.3.26 09/22/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Embedded FW images for Reflash.
  -Fixed the Control Panel to be placed into an undefined state
   when the TouchPad is disabled and while the Settings window is displayed.   
  -Checked for mismatch between english and other languages that use the (&...).
  -Scaled virtual & 2F scrolling for differences in resolution; moved
   scaling functions to utilities. 
  -Removed unnecessary spaces in Engilsh and Portuguese. 
  -Added video for 2Finger horizontal flick.
  -Only remove or add the tab for the device that's gone or
   re-apperared for diagnostics devices.
  -Fixed cursor freeze when you switched device tab on the diagnostics page.   
  -Consolidate the 2 arcsoft profiles. 
  -Improved tap gesture. 
  -Checked the ulRollBackSeqNumDelta.
  -Added capability to post small wheel messages through the kernel; added
   new, more generic SynCOM property for forcing packets with wheel
  -Allow for vertical wheel scroll method to be overridden by registry
   value. Moved wheel flags and scroll units calculation to separate
   functions that can be reused for different scroll methods. 
  -When posting wheel messages, return the actual amount of residue used to
   scroll, rather than just 1. 
  -Fixed controls overlap.  
  -Fixed loading of Internet Explorer-specific DLLs into SynTPEnh address
  -Fixed potential problem in decoding 2F gesture. 
  -Special scenario will lead system to have two SynTPEnh.exe both running.
   One is running with session 0, another one is running with user session.
   Set the session 0 as TempDisable. Moved the checking to proper entry.
  -Move SYN0332 from OEM_ideapad to OEM_SMB 
  -Make sure adjust both the left and right button sizes, so they are not
  -Fixed an error in one of the SetLongProperty calls when aligning
   left & right button edges, also updated the left B & T so the 2 button heights
   would be consistent. 
  -Fixed to not suppress the cursor for 1Palm1Finger and also applied for TouchPad.
  -First checkin from translator after delivery (hotkeys not modified yet) 
  -Merged translated rtf files with trunk.
  -Fixed ibm2 show video issue. 
  -Created new INF group for OEM using defaultSGS94i.
  -OEM0011 set Point EdgeMotion unchecked.
  -Updated OEM PnP ID from std UI to SGS94 UI. 
  -Added Flicking Improvement settings.
  -Filter out abnormal packets with only finger count information.   
  -Sample for SynGestureAPI. 
  -Added building new SmbDrv.Inf and Smb_drv.sys to the build.
  -Added file version for  Smb_driver.sys, move smbus_syna.h to Lib. 
  -Added other Hardware IDs which accept Smb_driver.
  -Uninstall and delete Smb_driver.sys in uninstall TouchPad driver.
  -Add PnpID SYN1050, all setting is same as SYN104A. 
  -Added PnPID for OEM SYN1051. 
  -Fixed greyed out Scrolling zones and shifted Edge Motion region.
  -Modified default setting. 
  -Add one additional HWID for OEM: DLL057B 
  -Added Enable Four-Finger Flick shortcut key.
  -Added 1FChiralEdgeCoasting, 2FEdgeCoasting scrolling and
   TwistChiralRotate_Videos, use wmv instead of mpg video files.
  -Added 97 command for 1E63, 1E64, 1E65. 
  -Disabled pointing in button zone as request. 
  -Removed some settings per customer request.
  -Changed default settings.  
  -Added new PnPID support (for IS) 
  -Turned off ClickPadLeftCLickWithNoFinger for USB and NGI TouchPads,
   otherwise all clickings become left clicking. 
  -ARM fixes. 
  -Added LTS support and HID capabilities to SynReflash.
  -Create package support both NGI and Usb clickpads.
  -Added OEMSetup section for checking synaptics device in 2 OEM infs. 

Version  15.3.25 09/15/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Blat mail needs body.
  -Simplified code by removing extra local variables. 
  -When detecting 2F scroll gestures, always balance use of either raw or
   filtered data for the primary and secondary fingers. 
  -Refactored CSynDevice and make it OOP.
  -Changed the name to syndata.bin, during detection, open it and read just
   the one byte.
  -New reflash GUI (snapshot). 
  -Fixed the caption of Default Settings button is Cut off.
  -Added UI to adjust Clickpad right button zone. 
  -Added missing default settings handling for Right button zone adjustment.
  -Fixed the order of SynDeviceProperty enum entries. 
  -Fixed Hot key is not working after apply button clicked. 
  -Fixed tapping&draging was cancelled by accidental button clicking on the
  -Turned on drag lock and set auto drag lock release timeout to 0.5s. 
  -Changed 2F clicking in active area no action and 3F clicking no action
   default settings for OEM. 
  -Force add ReportedCoodinates capability for USB touchpad.
  -Adjusted scroll gain for differences in resolution, moved DeviceType
   check to the packet processing function.
  -Only adjust scroll gain for resolution if touchpad coordinate deltas are
   being used (not when using mickeys). 
  -Round resolution-adjusted scroll gain to nearest integer. 
  -Help inconsistancy OEM Shuttle.
  -Defaults and Apply buttons labels are cutoff in Russian.
  -Putting original Font back after text size calculation. 
  -Close the settings dialog of the device if it's disabled 
  -Added 3F-Flick support for Arcsoft TMT 5. 
  -Allowed for zone cancellation threshold to be registry configurable for
  -Removed EdgeMotion Speed option for ClickPad, now default is in fix
  -We can limit to post message on only SynCombox class
   instead of all combobox class. 
  -Rolled back the call ThrowResourceException before the build.
  -Improved tap. 
  -Added registry control for finger-down flicking decoding. 
  -Fixed the V Scroll in Lightroom 3 when the cursor is not on the scroll
  -Fixed wrong string for ChiralScroll. 
  -Merged branch to trunk about move PalmDetectConfig setting from CPDFilter
   to CPalmDetect. 
  -Moved get TP_PalmDetectConfig item from CPDFilter to CPalmDetect and add
   few comments. 
  -Saved 1F scrolling config when when TouchPad mode switches, only changeed
   enable bit. 
  -Tap zone region shows even though Tap zones are assign to No Zone 
  -Speed up the setting stroke state with Imaging Sensor device 
  -Force window to foreground before sending message.
  -Added smooth wheel scrolling capability for Word app. 
  -Add PnPID SYN1E67 into and PNPIDs.txt 
  -Added PNPID: SYN0334 
  -Fixed the CPL diagnostics page crash when reseting the device. 
  -Use ShellExecute instead of CreateProcess to prevent elevation problem.
  -Added PnPID SYN0335, OEM inf. 
  -Only enable 3 finger flicks and disable 2 finger flicks as it
   conflict w/ scrolling. Or move this to a separate group.  
  -Improved multifinger-flicking motion. 

Version  15.3.24 09/08/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Used PROG_FILES to replace C:\Program Files 
  -Read the registry in one place where it's only read once, not on
   every toggle. 
  -Updated strings from tech pubs. 
  -Unhide scrolling speed slider 
  -Parameter  'Reset starting zone after' set to default value 5s 
  -Specified default button width for the language that needs a larger width 
  -Fixed the caption of Default Settings button is Cut off.
  -Re-enable the "Settings Dialog" ui in the Control Panel 
  -Resolved mnemonic mismatch, duplicate and control overlap issues in
   SynOEM UI. 
  -Removed a space in Portuguese helps id #270  to make it be consistent with
  -Reimplemented 1Palm + 1Finger feature, now if 1Palm on the pad, we can
   use another finger to do pointing, tapping and clicking. 
  -Turned on 1palm+1finger feature for OEM.  
  -Fixed a bug pointing gets unlock in multifinger gestures 
  -Fixed street view person keeps spinning after 2F flick for Google map
  -Added packet, group interval time  in diagnostics page.
  -Added information  
  -Add PnPID SYN0A19 into and PNPIDs.txt 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fixed OEM PnPID request for temporary test XPS. 
  -Added "Circular Scrolling" to replace "Chiral Scrolling" for OEM 
  -Removed tree control expand/unexpand, and kept it always expanded for
   simpified UI.. 
  -Fixed repeated shortcut keys of 1F scrolling (Alt+C) 
  -Send 2 dribble packets if it has delayed packet.
  -Customer ask to remove tray icon. 
  -Removed extra lines in setup menu.
  -Replaced the '?' character with right words. 
  -Added Rotate gesture for application Photoshop Lightroom3. 
  -PnPID Request -- 1E66 for 
  -Use bitmap tracker instead of cursor tracker to avoid losing keyboard
   focus of Clear.Fi window.
  -Added device discovery enhancements for 1E4C, GROUP30, OEMConsumer. 
  -Added Enable/Disable Notification on driver. 
  -Added PNPIDs for OEM Inspiron and Vostro. 
  -Kept TP enable/disable state.
  -Added PnPID SYN1D19, OEM inf. 
  -Customer have issue to get unexpected scan code. need our help to reduce 
   this kind of case. 
  -Added PnPID SYN1D1A for OEM inf 
  -Added PNPIDs: DLL0550, DLL0551, DLL0552. 
  -Add EnableDeviceDiscoveryEnhancements_AddReg to PnPIDs after SYN1E3D in
  -Added 32 languages copies, MS languages header, IDs for localization. 
  -Fixed Eula missing points in the lettered points section and mislabled. 

Version  15.3.23 09/01/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Made slider angle activation requirements registry configurable. 
  -Added reg value to force small wheel scrolling. 
  -Add TouchPad state toggled notification via X server keyboard events 
  -Created a new var the finger prox count
  -Updated strings for initial translation. 
  -Fixed an issue that one finger scrolling region is missing in OEM 
  -Used small wheel messages in Chrome browser for smoother scrolling. 
  -Changed the initialized sequence. 
  -Removed active content to prevent warning when IE opens this file. 
  -Removed unused old SynLogo.bmp file 
  -Fixed "Slow" is cut at OEM control for Czech language. 
  -Some words should be capital letters in Dutch. 
  -Reset drag lock state when ALT+TAB is down, otherwise the driver drag
   lock state is not right even the OS already canceled drag lock action.  
  -Fixed missing TM for ChiralScrolling for Chinese. 
  -Fixed different font used at One-Finger Scroll. 
  -Fixed enable press to select is disable but settings button gets enable. 
  -Added comments. 
  -Post mousewheel scrolling message for combo box to prevent losing message
   when doing finger-scrolling on combobox. 
  -Removed ForceWindowToForeground since isn't needed any more  
  -Added a check for IsFinger besides W==15 
  -Added flag for testing smoother scrolling speed for mouse scroll. 
  -Defined prameter for linux 
  -Improved scrolling speed for mouse scroll. 
  -Created a small function for processing packets. 
  -Improved multifinger-flicking. 
  -Added comment for untranslated Arabic and remove \b0. 
  -Removed ACM from PalmCheck. 
  -Added driver file dates and size info on diagnostic page for LINUX. 
  -Use Platform::Format, CString Format does not work in Linux.
  -Adjust ACM starting zone for 1E5B, 1E5C, 1E5D, 1E5E. 
  -Added stronger condition to check CPL view 
  -Instead of creating a new flag, just check the V and H Parent vars in
  -Removed ConfigFlags for CurrentControlSet, Remove NGI settings
   from all INFs except NGI_Test, Move DPM settings from OemCommCtrl to
   NGI_Test .
  -Fixed putting one finger on the vertical scrolling area, but can trigger
   horizontal scrolling when finger moves from vertical to horizontal for
   OEM driver. 
  -Initial revision of the software specification for SynReflash 
  -Added SynReflash and SynatpicsReflash to the build 
  -Adding Manifest request AdminPrivilege 
  -Hidden some controls removed tree control expand/unexpand, and kept it
   always expanded for simpified UI.. 
  -Made "Save Profile" and "Info" buttons configuration, they can be shown
   or hidden by regsitry keys. 
  -Fixed control keu stuck issue during pinch if any of Win key, the right
   ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys is down. 
  -Added PNPID SYN1310, OEM inf. 
  -Use the authentication result of parent device.
  -Customer ask pointer direction did not rotate with screen rotation. 
  -Set m_bDragInProgress and m_bIsLockingDrag to FALSE befor calling
  -Add [ImageClickPadOmniModeStdUI_AddReg] for SYN2504
  -Add NotifyKBCOfDeviceState_AddReg for SYN1E5A
  -Add Static TrayIcon setting in SYN1E5A. 
  -Fixed untranslated text at Arabic. 
  -Fixed OEM request to change "ChiralScrolling" to "Circular Scrolling".
   Wait for localization. 
  -Fixed OEM request to change "ChiralScrolling" to Circular Scrolling". 
  -Fixed Trackpoint plus center button will not scroll all the way to the
   end of the page. 

Version  15.3.22 08/25/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed support for macro version 0. 
  -Removed some unneeded code and updated comments. 
  -Help button is not translated in Italian 
  -Removed duplicate SynReFlash. 
  -Check whether the reboot is needed.    
  -Added new slider zone settings. 
  -Added the registry to support duplicity 
  -Added time out in WaitForSingleObject. 
  -SendButtonStatePacket is not needed only need ProcessF11/F30Data.
  -Try to use the 'Finger in button zone' or proxy bit, but avoid
   setting the finger bit.  
  -Set a limit of 5 to how large s_uiStrokePalmDown can be. 
  -Fixed mismatch in Swedish. 
  -Allowed searching for class name/title higher in the window hierarchy than
   just parent and grandparent 
  -Basic support for internationalization. 
  -Fixed internationalization for windows.   
  -Localize most GUI strings. 
  -Fixed a run-time check error on 64-bit: stack corruption 
  -Added Syn data bin FileInfo 
  -Added SynTPEnhPS.dll FileInfo 
  -Initial source code for Octet, a Synaptics Touch Pad to Windows
   Injection bridge. 
  -Fixed inconsistent words in Help text for EdgeMotion in Swedish. 
  -Fixed inconsistent words in Help for Edgemotion. (Traditional Chinese). 
  -Fixed issues related to cross app modal dialogs such as focus can be
   changed to Window which is behind modal dialog.     
  -Added more check to avoid possible TP re-enable when motion suppressed 
  -Modify re-enable feature UI 
  -Checked whether Process2F handles the palm case.   
  -Removed pseudo device from diagnostics page. 
  -Updated TM numbers for 1E5F,1E60,1E61. 
  -Removed TP_OEMOmniModeVendor (from TPIOCTL.h) and assoc code.      
  -PnPID request :SYN1E62 in Hide 4FFlick from NEWUI 
  -Fixed an issue items on the setting page are greyout sometimes 
  -Added new PNPID : SYNA003
  -Added PNPID SNYA002.
  -Added horizontal scrolling support for Adobe Lightroom. 
  -Queues the work itme only if it is available.
  -Used different settings for NGI ClickPad and TouchPad.
  -Fixed OEM inf group No. does not show in the secret page. 
  -Disabled MultiPhyInterface for DLL052E.
  -PnP ID Request for OEM DLL0570 and DLL0571 in 
  -Added PNPID 1E63, 1E64, 1E65 for OEMConsumer, GROUP64 
  -Enabled 1F horizontal scrolling for PnPID:FOX0011 in OEM2006.INF 
  -Fixed SynTPEnh crash issue if the TP is disabled from BIOS. 
  -PNPID request: SYN104E. 
  -PnPID request SYN104F, 
  -Fixed OEM request to change "Flick" wording for Korean. 

Version  15.3.21 08/18/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Make cancellation threshold parameter registry configurable, and increase
   it when using raw (vs. filtered) data, to increase recognition rate of 2F
  -Check if duplicity.sharedstorage.exe exist and we have to wait the finish
   of this execution and then read the registry 
  -Fixed a bug where 2Finger Scrolling would often fail to start when using
  -Remove soft port support. 
  -Do not delay packets for the relative reverse feed. 
  -Only load the file once. 
  -Fixed mismatch in help text in Croatian. 
  -Fixed mismatch in help text in Finnish. 
  -Fixed mismatch in Hungarian. 
  -Added SmartSense option for PS touchpads 
  -Fixed mismatch in help text in Swedish. 
  -Trademark statitistics 
  -Fixed debug sample break. 
  -When a palm on pad only allow another finger pointing. If more than 1
   finger pointing suppress the cursor 
  -Instead of calling popup function, fixed the window handle
   which causes the losing focus problem of config window. 
  -Fixed more miss matched strings for Hebrew. 
  -Added missing TP caps and resolution for testing NGI. 
  -Fixed the issue on NGI platform that "Tap to click" option is grayed out
  -Cleaned up OEM omni mode.  
  -One OEM omni mode behavior was broken when OEM Id was introduced, added
   correct OEM id for its INF.  
  -Removed OEMOmniModeEnvdor, it is driver defautl value.  
  -Added new PNPID SYN2504. Default setting is same as SYN2501. 
  -Added PnPID SYN0331 
  -Added new PNPIDs SYN0332, setting is same as SYN032C. 
  -Added PnPID SYN0333
  -Delete SynaSmb.sys when uninstall the driver 
  -PnPID request :SYN1E62 in Same setting with 1E4C,
   disable 4FFlick, add NGI settings and bolck SMBus as default. 
  -Added PnPID SYN1D18.
  -Fixed In touchpad synaptics properties the Palmcheck-Enhanced ACM right
   picture area is black. 
  -PNPID request: SYN104C. 
  -PNPID request: SYN104D. 
  -Added new PNPID SYN073F
  -Added PnPId SYN0740, features are same as SYN073F. 
  -Changed PalmRT to 1 for OEM_ideapad.inf 

Version  15.3.20 08/11/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -White space need to be added in Finish 
  -Linux bug fixes. Support Enh command line. 
  -Working Linux reflash.
  -Reflash unauthenticated TPs + plus memory leaks. 
  -Added Rotating option for PS touchpads 
  -Replaced ShellExecute calls to SynExec to avoid loading Internet
   Explorer-related dlls 
  -Re-sizeded Rect with modify its AspectRatio function for smart check settings
   are slightly larger. 
  -Removed unused string. 
  -Fix a timing issue for button-tap 
  -Update build2 for video files 
  -Fix mismatch in Portuguese-Brazil. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Spanish. 
  -Fix mismatch in Croatian. 
  -Fix mismatch in Dutch. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Finnish. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in French. 
  -Fix mismatch in Greek. 
  -Fix mismatch in Portuguese-Brazil. 
  -Fix mismatch in Portuguese. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Portuguese. 
  -remove extra space 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Spanish. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in German. 
  -Allowed for scrolling in ribbon area for MSOffice. 
  -Reset Interrupt Sources number before loading RMI register map.
  -Added entries for special zones. 
  -Added INF file for Usability testing 
  -Removed unused INF file. 
  -Reorganized AddReg sections in INF files used for demos. 
  -Added registry control to turn on/off Profiles from system tray.  
  -Changed default settings per customer request.  
  -Added new PnP ID.  
  -Hide all gesture cursors 
  -Fixed translations for Enable Inertia for some languages. 
  -Added vertical scroll support for Adobe Lightroom and Elements Editor. 
  -Added code to avoid re-enable device when motion is suppressed 
  -Fixed chrome specific stub. 
  -Added HighWDelay PalmDetection in ButtonInViolation checking. 
  -For usability testing test with OEM2006 group8 
  -For usability testing: Initial check in update StrokeFilter 
  -Merge ignore palm from v15_2_18_50_linux_branch to the trunk 
  -Merge ignore palm from v15_2_18_50_linux_branch to the trunk Added
  -SynCom is OK, missing a change in Kernel 
  -help id 427, 428 and 429 are not finalized yet. 
  -OEM omni mode was broken. 
  -Clean up all the lowercase 'long' in driver source code (long -> LONG) 
  -Added NGI setting. 
  -PNPID request: 1E5B, 1E5C, 1E5D, 1E5E 
  -Removed unnecesary settings for NGI due to F/W has reported correct
  -Addrf a flag to not update the config flags. 
  -Fixed an issue in saving/resetting states. 
  -Add PnPID SYN2503
  -PnPID request: SYN073E 
  -Fixed hot keys conflict between Enable Inertia and Enable Momentum
   scrolling in German Language 
  -PnPID request: 1E5F, 1E60, 1E61 
  -Consolidated OEM omni modes.  
  -PnPID request SYN1D17 for Pegatron with default setting and no tips
  -Fixed an issue for TrayIcon show up for message show-up. 
  -Fixed miss matched for simple Chinese UI. 
  -Fixed miss matched for simple Chinese more UI. 
  -Fixed miss matched adding (H) to the helptext for Hebrew. 
  -Fixed miss matched strings for Crotian. 
  -Fixed EdgeMotion miss matched for Hebrew. 
  -Fixed SQA wrong report makes translation house confuse at help text for
  -Fixed Polish miss matched help text. 
  -Fixed miss matched Momentum string for Thai. 
  -Fixed the EdgeMotion miss matched at Turkish. 

Version  15.3.19 08/04/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Missing stamp DriverVer into SynHid.inf 
  -Run CheckInf for all the infs (check SynHid.inf, SynaSmb.inf ...) 
  -Fixed can't use existing shortcut forTouchStick Press to select in Czech.
  -Fixed hot key no function bug for Czech. 
  -Updates for compiling for arm based chrome systems. 
  -Fix write interrupt enable registers. 
  -Free workitem once we didn't need it.
  -White space need to be added in Finish 
  -Fixed hot key for hungarian. 
  -Fixed the mis-Matched UI with Help RTF from translation house. 
  -Linux Reflash Dialog. 
  -Linux build break. 
  -Windows build errors. 
  -Add code to support translation 2nd click to primary click 
  -Set LeftClickWithNoFinger default to true.  
  -Fix Chrome Stubs after LONG/ULONG/DWORD redefine 
  -Fixed video file did not copy to release issue 
  -Fixed video file did not copy to release issue; roll back. 
  -Modify scrolling to volume control switching features. 
  -Add video file 
  -Change return type of IsShiftScrolling() to BOOL 
  -Fix the build-break 
  -Fix unintended cancellation of "coasting" action when shift-scrolling. 
  -Fixed RTF help text to match with UI. 
  -Fixed copyright mark for Korean and Japan. 
  -Uninstall SynSmb driver when uninstall our touchpad driver 
  -Fixed mis-Matched UI and Help text for Norwegian. 
  -Turned on free 2F scrolling..  
  -Fixed mis-matched help text for Hong Kong Chinese. 
  -Fixed mis-matched issue for Czech. 
  -Fixed mis-matched issue for French 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Portuguese-Brazil. 
  -Fixed formatting issue for Dutch. 
  -Fixed localization format issue for Korean label. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Croatian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Czech. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Danish. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Dutch. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Finnish. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in French. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Greek. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Hungarian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Italian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Portuguese-brazil. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Portuguese. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Romanian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Russian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Slovakia. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Slovenian. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Spanish. 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in German. 
  -Move the specific codes to be controlled by registry. 
  -Added SmartSense checkbox, removed Basic/Advanced switch, removed
   Settings buttons, removed "Pointing" section 
  -Added separate videos for Vertical, Horizontal and Chiral scrolling 
  -Fix mismatch in help text in Norwegian. 
  -Add alternate Linux version text for some Sgs 9.4 dialogs. 
  -Use alternate Linux help text in Sgs 9.4 dialogs. 
  -Put Scroll_volumeControl feature to a new PnPID and remove it from old
  -Removed a new line in the installation title for Portuguese Brazil. 
  -Modified GetFingerCount function to return 0 if Z is below touch
  -Added support for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 Organizer. 
  -Changed button action activation types for ControlBar. 
  -Modify code to support plugin button action 
  -Added parameter bGetCurrentAppSubkey in WriteConfigString. Since 3F Press
   is not app specific, we do not have to get app subkey. 
  -Fixed 3F Press does not work properly.GetCurrentAppSubkey returning some
   app's reg path since m_uiCurrentAppID is not updated. 
  -Roll back change. 
  -Fixed mis-matched strings done by translation house updates. 
  -Consider the case if the dialog launching the config dialog is not main
   setting dialog 
  -Fixed Focus does not goes back to Property page when 3Finger Press
   setting window is close ( Alt+F4) 
  -Fixed Focus switch when arrow key is used to toggle between items within
  -Set 2FingerTapAction to be RightClicking 
  -Append a space at the end of each item to avoid losing '()' of last item
   in tooltip. 
  -Fixed Formatting issue for Chinese (Traditional) language OEMNewUI.inf 
  -Fixed Chiral Scrolling check box refreshing issues 
  -Fixed untranslated text at Arabic 
  -Fixed Formatting issue for Finnish. 
  -Fixed mis-Matched text at Swedish 
  -Fixed the mis-matched strings for Thai. 
  -PnPID request
  -Update default setting for SYN2502 -- show 1 finger
   horizontal scrolling 
  -AddED ClickPad checking back, the Left/Right button zone is existed with
  -FixED Linux build breaks 
  -PNPID FOX0011, set corner click as secondary click. 
  -Fixed mis-Matched text at Arabic 
  -Fixed mis-matched strings for Turkish. 
  -Fixed mis-matched strings for Finnish after tanslation house. 
  -Fixed mis-matched strings for Romanian 

Version  15.3.18 07/28/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed the defaults for NGI to use Host Notify and removed retries on
   status request sequence failures. 
  -White space need to be added in Finish language.
  -Don't need SynaSuddy.sys for production package. 
  -Fixed an issue for H-scrolling does not work in Opera browser. 
  -Made Horizontal scroll work in Opera. 
  -Fixed library makefile. 
  -Reflash library for Linux. 
  -Support RMI in Reflash Dialog.
  -Support for Linux direct kernel client. 
  -Fix hot key conflict in Greek language. 
  -Fix incorrect translation in Slovak language. 
  -Let's do the merging of the control data post-processing.
  -Delayed creating packet logger until we know the number of fingers.
  -Fixed pragmas 4311.
  -Changed the Acq/Unacquire fct to use LONG_PTR (on Windows too).  
  -Fixed include media files.
  -Set the Pinch ConfigFlags/ActionType just in one place. Add
   pinch support for Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9. 
  -Added OEM 4F Flick Up/Down video file. 
  -Fixed bug preventing Internet Explorer upgrade.
  -Correct JP string for scrollpad. 
  -Correct a bug for 4F flicking induced by a feature. 
  -Fixed shortern IDS strings after translated. 
  -Changed the default settings for Twist Rotate to activate only once in
   one direction, and to trigger slightly faster, as recommended by
  -Wakeup feature UI.
  -Fixed bug preventing switching to Left handed mode. 
  -Fixed missing entries in Devices control panel page.
  -Fixed RTF help text to match with UI from translation house. 
  -Fixed RTF help text to match with UI. 
  -Fix hot key conflict in Danish language. 
  -Fixed "Buttons" localization for Spanish. 
  -Fixed hot key conflict for all language in one Inf setting. 
  -Fixed hot key not consist with keyboard at Swedish. 
  -Check if NotifyFunction exists before calling it.
  -gnome-help (from SLE 11 SP1) wouldn't start with the Synaptics driver
   installed. Renaming the "gsynaptics-foss" backup filename makes it work. 
  -Add gesture support for Eye of Gnome 
  -Added the doc of directions for driver videos. 
  -Diagnostic page does not show the right number for Finger Presence for
   NGI, Cervantes 
  -Use new graphic videos for all PNPIDs of OEM UI.
  -Hide coasting slider control for 1 finger scrolling. 
  -Fixed Hot keys are inconsistent for practice page in Norwegian language. 
  -Added button zone size for OEM.
  -Playback multiple videos for StdUI.
  -Added file version and info of SynaSmb.sys in log file and diagnostic
  -Enabled the bit to set Desktop as target window before calling SendInput
  -Removed the conflict setting. 
  -Fixed the issue that Four Finger Flick Horizontal/Vertical checkbox won't
  -For OEMNEWUI all groups except group 5 are for PS
   platforms, there is no 4F flick support.
  -Change two finger down action as OEM request.
  -OEM has asked for the balloon popup for the control bar changing
   from scroll to volume mode.
  -Fixed the duplicated hot keys. 
  -Change pointing sensitivity from LV2 -> LV4. 
  -Solved Hot-key issue in Arabic.
  -Solved Hot-key issue for Swedish.
  -Add the version number to the Xorg log file.
  -Modify default setting -- Check and Set DisableKey=0xE071 for OEM Ids.
  -Removed ShowTips_AddReg for OEM. 
  -Modify default setting -- KBCDisableConfig set to 0x01 for OEM Ids.

Version  15.3.17 07/21/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Disable interrupts in polling mode. 
  -Enable status request sequence retries for NGI. 
  -Reads from the aux device do not have to be disabled. 
  -Added an ASSERT if more than one client tries to register for ALARM notifications. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request for Restore All Defaults. 
  -Log FingerState packets.
  -Make Control Logger global to log whole system.
  -Take out unnescesary USB logging.
  -Added "tarball package" target to Makefile.
  -Hiding "Palm Check" and "Scrolling Region" tree items 
  -Modify Settings for OEM2006.INF.
  -Make the Switch feature as default selection. 
  -Modify Japanese strings for ScrollPad messages.   
  -Fixed ClickPad size shown in Smart Check Settings are slightly larger.
  -Added registry setting for Adobe Acrobat hscrolling to all groups.
  -Rolled back some IDS strings with %s. 
  -Merged back translation house delivery. 
  -Merged new localization for IDS strings. 
  -Fixed localization control feature label is not the same as help topic. 
  -Fixed the name of features in the settings dialog should be the same with
   help dialog. 
  -Added all 2011 platforms PnP IDs for specifc OEM.    
  -Searched whole ACPI and find all possible PnP IDs related to mouse when
   using MatchID=1. 
  -Fixed a possible error in processing packet for CB. 
  -Added Allow_GetPackratID for LOG file and TP Diagnostics page. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID change request. 
  -Added the version number for all our components in Driver Tab of Diagnostic
  -Fixed hot key conflict in Hungarian language. 
  -Putting back deleted BOTTOMMARGIN. 
  -Fixed hot key conflict in Hebrew language. 
  -Turned on device discovery for demo_ui_sgs94.  
  -Fixed string cut off in Greek Language. 
  -Fixed Reset Devices Hot key. 
  -Fixed hot key conflict in German language. 
  -Fixed hot key conflict in French language. 
  -Fixed string is cut off in French Language 
  -Fixed hot key conflict in Italian language. 
  -Turned off "MultiPhyInterface" for customer to test PS/2 legacy only with
   F/W with NGI function.
  -Validated input parameter for SynTPEnh /CP[n], if it is invalid device
   handle, just do nothing.  
  -Fixed hot key conflict in Korean language.   
  -Fixed the bug that missing space between words in help Slovenian. 
  -Fixed video missing on SmartSense for regular TP. 
  -Added check in CheckAndRunExtAction function if  there
   is no controlbar-extend zone.
  -Fixed the issue that application gestures don't work. 
  -Fixed Hot-Key conflicting problem in Hungarian Language 
  -Added default settings for SYN1D16.
  -OEM asked to disable click, tap and pointing when palm detect. 
  -Changed the 4F Flick Up action as OEM request. 
  -Added new OEM omni mode for OEM: different 1F/2F click
   mapping action in IS.   
  -Fixed wrong keyMacro.
  -OEM asked to check simultaneously two finger click on Left and Right
   button zone. Simultaneously it is left+right click, otherwise it is right
   click. Default the referred timegap is 200 ms. 

Version  15.3.16 07/14/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added item for reading alert data.
  -Allowed for only one client to register for alarm notifications.
  -Linux version of command Reflash utility (compile only).
  -Fixed KTLFeed to work Multifinger gestures on Cervantes USB (and NGI).
  -Canceled 2F scrolling action if it is 2F down and secondary finger has
   low Z, this fixed the 2F pointing cursor.
  -Made the change only for 2-finger zones.
  -Key Value name does not have "" for Linux.
  -Added driver version info in the title of Diagnostic page.
  -Fixed Linux x64 build.
  -Redefining ULONG/LONG/DWORD typedefs to 32-bit integers.
  -Kept the "Scrolling Region Filtering" as disable in default.
  -Moved this code to utility and pass in a SynDevice pointer. And use
   it both here and the CPL.
  -Fixed the name for OmniMode AddReg.
  -Added Adobe Lightroom support in Pinch_Profiles section.
  -Fixed potential access violation if OSD is disabled.
  -Removed the OSD timer using input packet to trigger the OSD timer call.
  -Made it send WM_KEYDOWN/KEYUP in a pair.
  -Only send Key_Up when finger is UP at scroll.
  -Fixed occasional reversed scrolling caused by chiral feature toggling
   scrolling direction.
  -Taking out NGI_Settings_AddReg.
  -Added UI for CB button Switch mode feature.
  -Made sure the feature is enabled when handle switch mode.
  -Modified Messages for Indicator when scrolling and volume_control modes
  -Added ConfigKey to base class.
  -Fixed There is no sound when changing TP on/off status.
  -Disabled and Hide 1finger Scrolling OEM.
  -Fixed "Left and Right Button Action" translation for some languages.
  -Added registry to disable 4F Flick enable check. OEM need edit all the
   time, no matter there is another top-level window or not. Also it should
   not be disabled in WinXP.
  -Re-enable TP by strokes.
  -Null dereferences in Linux.
  -Disabled button action by default.
  -Added feature for button actions.
  -Modified customer settings to perform button pressing actions.

Version  15.3.15 07/07/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added comments and "Default" button will firstly read from HKLM.
  -Changed the path to existed constant string and fix the coding styles.
  -Updated the labels once per packet.
  -Set to Omni mode for OEM PnP ID request.
  -Added Pinch_Profiles to groups in OEMConsumer.
  -Added Adobe Premiere Pro support.
  -Moved pinch support for Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro from OEM.
  -Fixed UI cut off issue.
  -Adjusted the volume speed for scrollbar.
  -Fixed Glide distance slide bar for Momentum is missing.
  -Fixed some control panel setting label mismatched with help text for
   some languages.
  -Fixed control setting label should be the same as help text.
  -Fixed SmartSense section not displayed properly on Control Panel.
  -Fixed position of some slider bar in the CPL.
  -Fixed video.
  -Fixed a bug where button clicking was incorrectly decoded with NGI.
  -Redraw tree control on click and double click of checkbox.
  -Added wxWidget window style for grouping radio button widgets.
  -Moved tray icon disable code to another function.
  -Refused Click event when tritium is not enabled.
  -Fixed control setting label wording the same as help text.
  -1F scroll fix for Linux.
  -Removed SynOSDCpl.dll from the build.

Version  15.3.14 06/30/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated button zone sizes to kernel right away after pressed Save button
   and fix the values of y coordinates.
  -Updated to handle common control actions.
  -Search through the elements of the queue and ignore finger
   index packets when determining whether packets are pending.
  -Moved to protected.
  -Modified the condition on when to reset the display field.
  -Only reset the fingers not on the pad on diagnostic page.
  -Used the check of the real buffer length to access the packet buffer.
  -Turned on OEM specific UI for more platforms.
  -Fixed desktop icon pinch disabled issue when focus on running task
   bar/tray list.
  -Unblock commands sent to the kbc.
  -Set Palm Check new value to second to the max value.
  -Show the OEM name at the device driver page.
  -Updated 3F flick up/down will do left/right to the next/previous pages.
  -Used OEMComm PalmRT and use PinchStripWidth registry for Pinch action
  -Fixed disable desktop icon pinch in icon edit mode.
  -Reset the two flags outside the if/else and remove the else.
  -Fixed help text to match with 4F flick has only vertical flick function.
  -Added ScrollAction type for Horizontal and 2FHorizontal zones.
  -Added horizontal scroll key UP for OEM map street viewer.
  -Also send a KEYUP at vertical scroll.
  -Fixed parameter value when upgrading from old driver version.
  -Fixed "Configure" button for Three-Finger Press.
  -Used Prox bit instead of Finger for detecting a finger in the button
  -OEM would like to take 4F Horizontal flick to notify their app, and disable 3F Press.
  -Changed settings for OEM.
  -Fixed SynTPCpl pointer dereference.
  -Fixed the application name of 3F press.
  -Simplified the logic of app path and name.
  -Fixed UI cut off issue.
  -Fixed some rotation will be treated as Pinch operation cases.
  -Adding new PnPID.
  -Handled 'X' (window close) button click properly.
  -Made tree view update upon "restore all defaults" button clicked.
  -Renamed slider control names for Linux CPL.
  -Hide "Practice" buttons for 1f/2f scrolling.
  -Reposition "Off" static text control for the Palm Check ACM dialog.
  -Fixed PnP ID request for the value of KBCDisableConfig.
  -Added message pop-up in balloon.
  -Merge controlbar sections where possible.
  -Turned MultiFingerFilter and MultiFingerProcessPhysicalButton for IS by
  -Added referred registry path for product.
  -Added "finger-just-down-shifts" filter for customer.
  -Added RestingFingerZone settings for two IDs.
  -Added extra condition "FingerDownSimultaneous" for restrict pinch on button
   zones or resting finger zones.
  -Added zoneSpec setting in inf.
  -Used constant string variable instead.
  -Fix for 1f/2f horizontal scrolling being inadvertently disabled
   by "HScrollViaShift" registry value.

Version  15.3.13 06/23/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Faster re-flash for RMI.
  -NGI device driver logging.
  -Added send extra dribble packet to make locking drag release take effect.
  -Fixed disable desktop icon pinch function after S3 resume.
  -Added support for 3F flick to Windows Media Center picture gallery,
   combined key macros.
  -Reimplemented edgemotion scrolling for specific OEM scrolling code.
  -Currently, OEM asked to notify their application about
   gesture and action. Defined "OEM_CUSTOMIZE" to switch the notification.
  -Removed REGISTER_CALLBACK info from g_szSynGestureInfo.
  -Fixed shortcut key for "Enable Inertia" is not working in a specific language.
  -SynCOM2 will be ready if SynCOM is running at first. 
  -Removed Macro.
  -Added Scroll_volume control switch to various devices board.
  -Consolidated the two show OSD functions.
  -Moved EnableZone function from CManagedPointingDevice to CZone class.
  -Temporarily re-enable reads/writes on PS/2 to allow the keyboard to be enabled.
  -Set drag lock auto release time to 2 seconds for OEMCommercial.
  -Fixed 3F flick help text for OEM request.
  -Canceled tap drag if finger count changes.
  -Custom tree items for OEM.
  -Fixed incorrect status display in the device list.
  -Added a new PnP OEM directory and Inc file.
  -Changed the notify gesture back to 3F press. Enable 3F Click need
   to ClickPadButtonMode as 4(Omni), it is conflicted with the original setting.
  -Fixed PnP ID request to remove 3F press, hide Clicking and add MATCHID=1.
  -OEM Create a new Group to apply OEM Gesture API.
  -OEM ask 3F Click to send message.
  -Added a new reg value for this feature.
  -Used internal Touchpad.
  -Added Scroll Action type for adobe reader.
  -Added missing codes in Cancel().
  -Moved section to and add it to OEM.
  -Added FingerJustDown filter to enhance successful rate of qualified taps.
  -Fixed OEM street map 2F flick cause spinning due to key command without a key UP.
  -Turned on has middle button feature for specific OEM platforms on Linux.
  -Fixed 1F scrolling direction if Chiral scrolling is enabled.
  -Updated motion suppression code for NGI.
  -Fixed palm check starting zone missing issue.
  -OEM asked 4F Flick should notify their application, change the plugin
   action as send message. Also remove the 4F Flick Ext setting, it is
  -Fixed "SmartSense" in the patent notice for a language.
  -Changed PalmRT value to highest(7) for OEM (and
   PalmDetectConfig default set to 0x0b).
  -Enabled 3F press and 3F Flick for OEM.

Version  15.3.12 06/16/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the KBC focus for some configuration dialogs.
  -Enabled processing of buttons in the MF Filter for the next generation pad.
  -Fixed unable to re-adjust the top handle (black dot) for "Enable Edge tap Filtering".
  -Fixed 64bit Win7 for 4F flick does not work for only one App window.
  -Fixed an issue that cursor jumps when we place our palm on TP in 5 button project.
  -Updated 5 button project UI.
  -Fixed asserts when pressing "Reset Devices" after device has been unplugged.
  -Fixed errors on a re-detect after TP has been unplugged.
  -Fixed folder should be deleted from registry HKCU\software.
  -Fixed API re-detect for NGI with PS2 Legacy.
  -SynCom Linux SDK sample app.
  -Added checkboxes to choose which zone to adjust and take off the overlap
   check /  let each zone can be transparent to each other.
  -Corrected finger-count report by firmware.
  -Updated display labels.
  -Added support for 3F flick to Windows Media Center picture gallery.
  -Added OEM Gesture Manager application to build list.
  -Added definition of 3 finger press message.
  -Added monitor thread to register/unregister callback routine for specific
  -Changed keystroke mapping.
  -Checked window is valid before send message.
  -Set enum constant instead of hard code.
  -Put OEMGesutreMgr into run list and copy it in several applied INC.
  -Added feature for mode switching.
  -Added strings for Scrolling/Volume Control modes switch.
  -Added registry settings for mode switching feature.
  -Fixed Button configuration sync with OEM TouchPad.
  -Improved performance of 2F scrolling initiated from top and bottom edges
   with Gesture Filter enabled if gesture start zone has zero offset from
   top or bottom.
  -Custom control panel UI for OEM.
  -Replaced the 3Finger Press Video.
  -Fixed displaying help dialogs in Linux SGS 9.4 UI.
  -Added document explaining scrolling ballistic calculations for 2 finger
  -Added ReadResolution Retry if the Driver Gets Invalid Resolution.
  -Added ability for SynTPCpl to start directly in the settings dialog.
  -Fixed playing back a log file with some palm check filters enabled.
  -Supported horizontal scrolling triggered by SHIFT + vertical scrolling for
   some applications.
  -Added support of macro data for mouse event wheel for Linux.
  -Added Manifest.

Version  15.3.11 06/09/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed OEM request to take out 3D OEM in some PnP ID video.
  -The default tree view should be preserved upon reopening control panel.
  -Do not use MFC in portions of the enhancements app.
  -Removed unnecessary addreg.
  -Beta version of OSR driver.
  -Adjusted default settings.
  -Put SynaSmb component into shared place.
  -Descriptive display for Finger Presence.
  -Only display up to the max number of the fingers the device support. Also
   adjust the size of the dialog based on this number.
  -Clean up WinDef.h and include it.
  -Updated guard macro to typedefs for Linux SynCOM.
  -Updated header text.
  -Linux SynCom SDK.
  -Added "FingerJustDownShift" filter to make clickmotion small to improve
   consecutive tapping.
  -Per FAE report ODM asked to set it back.
  -Added no pinch on desktop for OEM.
  -Used current right button zone left/right position to decide
   if we need to do swap button, this way works in every case.
  -Added OEM request for 3 F flick swap function Up/Down with Left/Right.
  -Fixed OEM PnP id request for 4f flick up/left/right functions.
  -OEM request to turn on 4F flick control for its PnP ID.
  -Corrected PalmRT value to highest(7) for 1B4F and 1B51 for OEM.
  -There is a logic error to calculate scrolling delta when scrolling
   edge motion is enabled for specific OEM scrolling handler, this caused
   scrolling goes to opposite direction first, then it goes back to the right
  -Improved one-finger versus multi-finger gesture distinguish issues.
  -Modified sample codes to send out key-stroke message to OEM application.
  -Removed the unexpected characters.
  -Removed unnecessary keystroke mapping.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID modification request for PalmRT value.
  -Removed the TouchPad icon from system tray for OEM.
  -Corrected the section name for showing static icon on system tray for OEM
   old PnPIDs for OEM.
  -Removed the TouchPad icon from system tray for all PnPID.
  -Enabled diagnostics page.
  -Suppressed motion while typing.

Version  15.3.10 06/02/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed PS/2 keyboard issues after switching to RMI.
  -Fixed an issue for 1F-scrolling-with-1F-in button zone, if it does not allow
   other gestures in button zone.
  -Fixed an extra clicking decoded in fast clicking.
  -Clipped the accumulated amount.
  -Fixed an issue that cursor jumps with 3 finger click.
  -Added control panel entries updating the Device change notification.
  -Calculated accumulator for secondary finger processing too.
  -Fixed HelpID for one finger action.
  -Changed Tap speed to DoubleClick speed.
  -Removed IsSynapticsPage in SynProps.
  -Reset cursor on button down.
  -Updated comments for scrolling ballistics calculations.
  -Fixed 3 finger flick sometimes does not work for 64bit.
  -Updated 3F flick gesture for Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
  -During un-installation if any file needs to be deleted but cannot be: mark
   it so that it will be deleted at the next reboot.
  -Fixed a cursor jump due to packets not processed.
  -Turned on DeviceDiscovery for more PnP IDs.
  -Fixed Info wording at Korean Image Sensor.
  -Put the mnemonics into a contiguous section so that we can use loops to
   process. Display up to 11 fingers.
  -Changed UI layout per customer request.
  -Do not add motion into momentum history buffer if current packet is suppressed.
  -Fixed 4F Flick checkbox selection problem.
  -Fixed spare help widgets.
  -Fixed button swap issue for OEM2.
  -Fixed misaligned video window.
  -Fixed Pinch disable at desktop for OEM request.
  -Canceled any 2F gestures if one finger lifts.
  -Canceled 2F gestures and back to 1F pointing if there is one finger left
   on the pad before it is in 2F gesture mode.
  -Only allow 2F vertical scroll in button zone.
  -Fixed hit test for tree control.
  -Added disabling chiral scrolling checkbox when both vertical and
   horizontal scrolling are disabled.
  -Recover unintentional removed codes.
  -Set PointerMotion suppress for PalmDetectConfig as default.
  -Changed PalmRT to 6 for OEM.
  -Avoid sending WM_CLOSE to CPL to restore state back right after loading
   default state.
  -Corrected the assignment of m_hKey in CRegistryEx::Open for preventing the
   empty result of Setting Dialog in Control Panel in Linux.
  -Disabled tray icon for OEM.
  -Added additional include paths for Ubuntu.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID new settings request.
  -OEM asked for keystroke mapping for 2F/3F gesture.
  -Checked against a bit in FileAttribute.
  -Removed suppressing motion based on sequence number difference.
  -Fixed OEM settings to disable desktop pinch.
  -Fixed OEM request for turn off mux.
  -Fixed OEM modification request for vertical scroll zone.
  -Saved user registry values to file in inf format for android.

Version  15.3.9 05/26/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed EMIT for device reset.
  -SMB installed via PS2 port.
  -Enabled processing of buttons in MF filter for NGI.
  -Added code to handle 4FFlick not working when Synaptics Control Panel is the
   only app up.
  -Checked the signature of the write kernel registry key function. Also check
   device IO control. Make signatures of both functions architecture dependent.
  -Removed bcfe work with keyboard side by side due to the request from customer.
  -Added resources to the project file.
  -Changed the meaning of "pending packet" for NGI. It requires another
   packet of the same finger waiting in the queue.
  -Allowed to check the state of previous packets against specific
   bits when searching through the packet queue.
  -Adjusted 2 finger scrolling ballistics for NGI.
  -Turned on  3 finger press UI.
  -Just closed the control panel and do not reopen, as you do not know which
   device's settings were up.
  -Updated OEM's PnPIDs with appropriate configuration.
  -When rotating screen, keep scrolling consistent with direction user scrolls for Scroll strip.
  -Made big-big filter for any finger count.
  -Made new filter work in main trunk.
  -Adjusted jump-suppressing threshold.
  -Used same device description in both Device Manager and Control Panel, and
   add/remove programs and devices and printers.
  -Fixed tray Icon Info menu got garbage characters in many languages.
  -Made the unknown text at tray icon Info display in English.
  -Used ClickSmart for NGI.
  -Changed Pos-Pressure to (x, y) [z, w].
  -Put x,y position and Z, W values together.
  -Fixed a bug that occurred on NGI, where packet data retrieved through the
   API was partially incorrect.
  -Added video file and fixed the build.
  -Fixed Description for 2F flick inside help should match the behavior and
   its video.
  -Changed default button title.
  -Rearranged property page UI per customer's request.
  -Fixed an extra clicking decoded issue for fast clicking, as well as
   errors in rolling back procedure for clicking.
  -Avoid jumps in multi-finger drumming.
  -Set a flag to filter out the possible jumps.
  -Ensured only one copy of reference time exists.
  -Enabled "Scrolling Region Filter" as default.
  -Fixed Hebrew and Arabic cannot display at tray icon Info and About windows.
  -Enabled TP on/off control in left top side for OEM.
  -Set timeout for cursor movement after typing.
  -Removed install section that made top right corner zone unusable for NGI.
  -Added a rule file to change the file permission of serio_raw device node.
  -Fixed the failed string would be replicated in the title bar.
  -Changed GNOME's accessibility service (AT-SPI) to ignore SynTPEnh. AT-SPI
   was causing erractic gesture cursors to be shown, 
   due to wxWidgets' lack of support for the AT-SPI spec.
  -Fixed an issue that cursor jumps with 3 finger click.

Version  15.3.8 05/19/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Supported host notify.
  -Added "TrackPad" as a keyword for finding Synaptics Control Panel entries
   using Windows Explorer Search.
  -Added individual scrolling speed control for 1F and 2F scrolling, and
   moved reverse scrolling direction from global to 2F scrolling page, this
   was only applied to 2F scrolling.
  -Updated line lengths while tracing tap processing.
  -Get unroll from each filer instead of array.
  -Generic way of "reset to default" function for plugin action.
  -Reset the structure of a mutex owner sooner on release.
  -Added 2 finger click drag video to the Clicking control.
  -Added "Help"/"Settings" tree buttons and static image for Linux SGS
   9.4 UI.
  -Fixed can not use arrow keys to toggle between items in Tapping.
  -Fixed Horizontal Video in MarketingSGS9.4. Removed the redundant
   video settings of Four-Finger Flick since the video was updated 
   via another bug.
  -Modified CPL code to allow "Simplified SGS94" settings dialog creation.
  -Removed unused IOCTL.
  -Resolved conflicting name in resources.
  -Some fixes in simple SGS94 implementation.
  -Used SearchQPacket function more consistently.
  -Fixed setting window does not refresh when loaded from Profile button.
  -Unsuppress stroke when high W leaves and merge from branch.
  -Updated Registry.html for new unsuppress stroke when high W leaves.
  -FTP site for Scrybe package.
  -Fixed an issue for multi-finger-clicking.
  -Removed port from the Control Panel entry name.
  -Tried to fix driver info box localization for wide char languages.
  -Updated Diagnostic page for NGI device for Windows only.
  -Updated packet rate.
  -Rollback changes in SynListBox, do not change the behavior when press
   default button in settings for OEM. Keep changes in Syntpapi & plugin
   action for future use.
  -Only applied driver patch for specific platform.
  -Redefined typedef FIX8 to INT from LONG.
  -Removed static_cast.
  -Renamed FlatButton to CFlatButton., OnBlur->OnKillFocus.
  -Added simplified SGS94 support to Demo_UI_SGS94.inf.
  -Removed Horizontal at the "Enable Horizontal Scrolling" Caption ID for
  -Checking fingerCount==0.
  -Temperate fixing for wide char RTF display for Driver info dialog for
   some languages.
  -Fixed function in DoDataExchange.
  -Made adjustment after 1F and 2F UI pages changed.
  -Added more search able strings.

Version 05/13/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated new NGI registry.
  -Updated mode switch + follow-ups.
  -PS2 mode switch registry entries.
  -Made click does not like a tap in video.
  -Enabled DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade feature for OEM.
  -The user settings(HKCU) will be deleted on  app startup(init) if
   DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade is set and driver is upgraded .
  -Added creation of xorg.conf if it does not exist for Debian package.

Version  15.3.7 05/12/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added other attributes to deal with some command sequences with
   data responses.
  -Removed force left click with no finger.
  -Fixed 2F pointing issue if one finger has low Z. Fixed 2F clicking 
   if one finger has low Z.
  -Moved process physical buttons in Process Packet of the MF Filter.
  -Improved the tap jump roll-back.
  -Fixed a control-scroll for Excel.
  -Refactored logic to select appropriate dbus interface file.
  -Added option to create an xorg.conf file.
  -Changed return type to ULONG.
  -Used size_t when referring to sizes.
  -Reset tap and drag variables for all tpfilters if any button is down.
  -Made SentOSPacket logging buffer registry configurable (use
  -Checked code based on the windefs.h defines for Linux. 
  -Fixed the finger count checking for initial finger down time settings.
  -Fixed the cursor jump for 2F momentum.
  -Fixed an issue on 2F-clicking.
  -Fixed an issue for fast 2F-clicking was decoded as a 1F-clicking.
  -Added new function to remove code duplication.
  -Saved driver version at the HKCU level. The Synaptics settings will be
   deleted from HKCU if driver is upgraded.
  -Used GetProperty function to get the driver version.
  -Added a subtype for FingerCount packet (not DevicePosition). Also add
  -Added Lift/Right and Up/Down videos and html for 4Finger Flick.
  -Updated pointer motion speed for OEM.
  -Applied "OEM Gesture API" to several PnPIDs.
  -Changed 4Finger Scroll action to send message when OEM Gesture API
   is enabled.
  -Handled "toggle" argument.
  -Removed 3F press from the synagesture api reg settings.
  -Image sensor will refer to "Free Twist".
  -Solved "side by side" issue for gesture API sample app.
  -Created shared library for reflashing the TouchPad.
  -Added missing registry value read for stick sensitivity.
  -Plugin action should work in OEM platform.
  -Modified the scroll sense board number for OEM inf file.

Version  15.3.6 05/05/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Improved pinch strip algorithm.
  -Synchronized API call and device detection.
  -K->Slope, B->Intercept.Move XDistanceRaw next to XDistance.
  -Removed suppress limits for OEM and move it to the registry.
  -Disabled read/writes to PS2 port when RMI port is active.
  -Hide PS2Legacy in Cpl.
  -Disabled twist cursor on F-Spot.
  -Only allow setting for bc if no cursor tracking.
  -Fixed the OSD stub.
  -Improved the possible cursor jump with finger down in button zone.
  -Needed to release mutex.
  -Used TwistScale instead of SlideThreshold to speed up rotation
  -Fixed Starting Zone bar shows enable even though you disable Enable
   Starting Zone.
  -Only increment group # for TouchPad devices.
  -Made pointer comparisons in asserts x64 compatible.
  -Modified the code to check the major version or minor version of the
   installed driver version.
  -Handled stale synset, rawdev files.
  -Fixed Palm Check starting zone range for OEM.
  -[HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse] will not be changed in Win7.
  -Fixed the behavior when choosing 'Neither' in TrackPoint Settings.
  -Added a condition that the LastActiveTimeStamp is not too far away.
  -There's a potential race condition if 2 threads call GetInstance.
  -Added SliderScale for 2F V/H scrolling for OEM.
  -Changed default value and scale of Scrolling Speed for OEM.
  -Fixed OEM request for scroll sensor control.
  -Added configurable keywords for finding Synaptics control panel entries
   via Explorer Search.
  -Removed unused code in Linux for posting events from other threads in the
   X server since we no longer need that.
  -Fixed issue with NGI caused by incorrect filter index.
  -Fixed an issue for convert2F to 1F clicking when one finger is in corner
  -Added Gesture API support for 4Finger gesture and 3Finger press.
  -Created sample codes to show how to work with Gesture API SDK.
  -Set scrolling region filter default to off.
  -Only check for pinch strip if twist is enabled (bTwist).
  -Added DBusEnh64 xml interface definition file to support
   the Linux x64 driver. It redefines FindWindow() with a 64bit return type.

Version  15.3.5 04/29/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the FW Version in identify Synaptics.
  -Report fingers other than finger index 0 on NGI, only of the secondary
   packet feed is enabled.
  -Limited time stamp deltas to a minimum of 12ms
  -Fixed video for 1 finger click and drag.
  -Added new video for 4 Finger Flick Left Right only.
  -Added support to ConfigKeyParser for SMB & I2C.
  -Fixed the momentum issue.

Version  15.3.4 04/29/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed logic for constraint motion check.
  -Fixed hot key for option Home for OEM.

Version  15.3.3 04/28/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added code to increase recognition of twist rotate from pinch.
  -Implemented a mini kernel driver module to deal with i8042 command.
  -Fixed config key for mode switch.
  -Initial PS2/RMI mode switch.
  -Renamed "Synaptics Setting" as "ClickPad Setting" when ClickPad is
  -Get key press events directly from the Linux kernel's input event files.
  -Handled multiple Manufacturer entries when building HKLM files on Linux.
  -Added support for new connection types (SMB, I2C) in COM.
  -Instead of stopping any app that may use SynEnhPS.dll, unregister it and
   mark it to be deleted on reboot.
  -Needed to kill Scrybe when uninstall driver otherwise SynTPEnhPS.dll cannot
   be deleted.
  -Used kernel object instead of platform device object.
  -Put r on reference params.
  -Used the filter of the passed in packet instead of 0.
  -Made twist fast.
  -Fixed Profiles string display. Added deletion of control panel entries to
  -Made all 2F vertical scrolling not using accumulated amount in beginning
   of scrolling for all platforms, per customer's request.
  -Fixed the 1 finger click, 2 finger drag video file.
  -Worked around KBC issue.
  -Passed current packet as parameter to slider active function.
  -Added a new plugin action to activate Scrybe from the tapping zones. This
   will provide a new option for non-Multifinger enabled TouchPads.
  -Made sure the plugin does not show up in the list if Scrybe is not
  -Fixed slide bar's buttons will not work on since new SynCOM2.
  -Added code to support Twist Rotate gesture to be triggered when a finger
   is placed in the button zone.
  -Moved the full path case out of the loop.
  -Kept MotionMinRT as default.
  -Forced 2F click to 1F click.
  -Added code to fix the issue 2F scrolling up does not trigger reliably.
  -Modified code so scrolling also triggers when using NGI TouchPads.
  -Fixed a potential cursor jump in tapping with constrain motion.
  -Added header comment for UpdateMotion.
  -Removed unnecessary entries in SynPDInf.src file because control panel
   links are removed upon SynTPEnh.exe /Unregserver call.
  -Fixed palm check Recognition rate is lower in default settings.
  -Do not show original OSD window if OEM OSD window exists.
  -Fixed Chinese help text at TouchCheck control.
  -Adjusted the tap cutoff distance criteria as OEM preferred.
  -Do not suppress the TP if stick button is down.
  -Enabled KBCDisableConfig as 1 for notify KBC about LED status.
  -Renamed the general section for 1E4F,1E52&1E53. All follow the 2011 OEM
   meeting definition.
  -Checked for dX == 0.
  -Finger Click Action set to Disabled.
  -Forced 2F click to 1F click.
  -When resizing one button zone, overlap another, and resize back,
   mouse up, the other one's border should not change.
  -Make x and y criteria the same.
  -Do not calll Potential Hot Plug for the PS2Legacy device.
  -Changed current user Mouse Sensitivity, Double Click Speed for OEM.

Version  15.3.2 04/21/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added IOCTL for NGI capability.
  -NGI - dependency on sequence number (for timing) is replaced with Group
   number, if appropriate.
  -Customized video for OEM on 4F & 2F flick and SmartSense.
  -Removed __super, and specified the base class to call.
  -Changed to flags instead of a boolean.
  -Removed setting the action state to Cancel if you call Cancel().
  -Chiral stop should reset the scrolling finger index. The scrolling index
   should be reset to an invalid index.
  -Implemented multi-finger filter process physical button.
  -Fixed 2F-double-tap.
  -Temporary workaround for more GPIOs than connected.
  -Made Control panel hyperlinks fully customizable by registry, added
   "Upgrade Driver" string to the resources.
  -Fixed Unable to close "Select an Application" window for Three-Finger
   Press by clicking the close button.
  -How to use SynaMup to create a self extraction exe file from an existing
   zip file.
  -UnrollClickMotion only once when button pressed or released.
  -Modified free twist settings to only activate once and trigger much
  -Added Control panel registry keys to delete when uninstalling the driver.
  -Fixed a bug where the cursor accidentally move if a 3rd finger touched
   the pad while scrolling with 2 fingers, with one finger in a button zone.
  -Reduced the polling interval as 200 ms.
  -When system resume back from S3/S4, kernel device detection and
   API load state will run with different thread. In OEM platform, the whole time
   of detection is longer (probably 2.5 second) and  will send the IOCTL
   very soon. In this case,  will get the SE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED 
   event during kernel run detecting device. And will remove the 
   C managed pointing device due to device is not available. 
   To cover this kind of situation, delay to send SE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED 
   event here until device detecting procedure is complete.
  -Fixed Synaptics logo is flipped for right to left language.
  -For our default settings we want to have both vertical and
   horizontal flicks.
  -Hide the 4Finger Flick.
  -Fixed Edgemotion/cursor moves in direction.
  -Default disable "home" and apply them to ID for OEM.
  -Added registry key for the App Profile to match the focus application in
   different way.
  -Cycle back to SynTPCo0.dll.
  -Fixed error when Properties page is opened multiple times. Fixed Control
   panel hyperlink XML generation issue.
  -Upload Syn OEM Button Resize for showing real-time packet/hit area on
  -Do not add accumulated amout for starting of scrolling.
  -Corrected the default setting for OEM to EdgeMotion unchecked.
  -Fixed the application name in application list dialog.
  -Do not change Clickpad clicking state for interpolated packets.
  -Enabled Palm Reject.
  -Added code to look in parent and grandparent directories for the Scrybe
  -Multi-finger Gesture=> Rotating => default checked.
  -Script returns immediately so do not unset raw mode on exit.
  -Used -e to check existence of a file since upstart executes scripts using
   dash which does not support -a.
  -Fixed the SmartSense video should also apply to all SGS UI.
  -Fixed the LowRim for the EdgeMotion center value.
  -Made Y-tap delta same as X-tap delta (in micron).
  -Made tap motion limit configurable.
  -Set the corner click action as secondary click as default.
  -Changed the ConfigFlag bit to ConfigFlagEx.

Version  15.3.1 04/14/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes	
  -Added Linux/Windows switch for disable all gesture icons field.
  -Added call to store to disk, on device disable state changes. 
   Also, uncomment call to re-re init hive, so the
   Linux "registry" is reloaded upon a wake from suspension.
  -Checked that sequence number is not 0; variable name change.
  -Added Group Number property to packets.
  -Moved IOCTL validation/get value to pointing device.
  -Checked if the timer list still exists before calling the
  -Removed code that suppressed motion under a certain threshold.
  -Created an UI tool to adjust button zone size. 
   Exposed the IOCTLs to adjust slave button zone sizes.
  -Corrected the file name in vcproj file.
  -Removed "Windows Photo Viewer" and use "Windows Photo Gallery"
  -Added 3 Finger press to gesture API.
  -Added 4finger gesture features to gesture API.
  -Added feature to the gesture API so that the client can decide whether
   it receives notification if it is not in focus.
  -Called the function directly because Win 2000 is not supported.
  -Disabled pinch/twist/h-scroll/v-scroll/2F h-scroll/2F v-scroll gesture
  -Kept the old order for PS2 log files just in case some tools may
   depend on it. Special case: adding "End KTL section" for Processed
   packets and EnhApp log.
  -Unrolled click motion only once when button pressed or released.
  -Must update some tool if we want to unify this.
  -Moved KTL logging specific from text hile to KBC transaction logger.
   Put device number for non PS2 device on control, packets KTL log type
   headers so they can be used as delimiter in processing log file.
  -For USB, increased the size of packets logger, decreased the size of
   controls command logger.
  -Improved the plug-in action associated with multi-finger taps.
  -Support for Linux KTLFeed.
  -Removed a debug tag.
  -Added dynamic generation of Windows Control Panel entries for Synaptic
  -Used platform get HWND instead of m_hWnd for LINUX.
  -Added makefile for test tool.
  -Enabled test tool as part of the build that the makefile is checked in.
  -Instead of #ifndef SYNA LINUX, define the flag that is missing.
  -Fixed OEM request to turn off 4F flick.
  -Added 2 Finger Right Click video for SGS UI.
  -Moved the new check below, where the packet 3 and 1 index
   matches the raw packet.
  -Changed ClickPad button zone gesture decoding flag to support Pinch Zoom from
   button zone in addition to 2F Vertical Scroll  (flag 0xa).
  -Added Spline Interpolation to INF file.
  -Removed not needed install section.
  -New description for PNPID on DM page.
  -Put back bit for advanced gestures.
  -Changed the name of section.
  -Made the multi-finger continuing taps work.
  -Updated SYN1E4F with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed two-Finger Flick on Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
  -Fixed an issue when the verifier is enabled.
  -Fixed the video of Four-Finger Flick to match the actual behavior.
  -Added registry Desktop settings into log file.
  -Fixed a logic error.
  -Set default to omni mode for IS Clickpad.
  -Turned on position interpolation by default for IS ClickPad.
  -Changed re-used config bit to ex config.
  -Changed re-used config setting bit to be ex config.
  -Fixed the spacing for tabs created by VC/MFC. 

Version  15.3.0 04/07/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
  -Updated INF to be compliant with future Windows requirement.
Bug Fixes
  -Made multiFinger taps more accurate.
  -Added a linearity filter for OEM TouchPad.
  -Added dynamic generation of Control Panel entries for Synaptic devices.
  -Added support for customizing CPL tab name.
  -Stopped to enum child window when it found the right case.
  -More on USB Ctrl loggings.
  -Allowed 2F scrolling with fingers merging and splitting.
  -Adjusted the 2F-scrolling start speed to be smoother.
  -Fixed an issue for 2F-scrolling with one finger in button zone.
  -Decreased accumulated amount to add to 2F-H-scrolling to avoid big jump at
   beginning of scrolling.
  -Fixed SmartSense GUI issue with default driver.
  -Figure out which finger index is the one doing scrolling,
   so you do not stop scrolling when that finger is in a button zone.
  -If Motion is suppressed on the interpolated packet, do not reset the
   packet queue flag. It does not seem to be necessary to reset m_iDer to 0?.
  -Had the zones figure out when to Cancel instead of sending an empty	
  -Extended the rectangle zone for top/left.
  -Added new registry value for the new code, in the trunk.
  -Fixed cursor drifting if tapping is registered.
  -Fixed no include needs of ms mouse section in Services of INF section.
  -Fixed corner clicking action does match to UI.
  -Fixed a jumping issue of mouse property after loading a profile.
  -"Enable Coasting" and "Enable Momentum Scrolling" should
   gray out when scrolling is disabled.
  -Fixed drag drop in two fingers drag for ClickPad.
  -Fixed PalmCheck-Advanced ACM translation at TW Chinese.
  -Fixed cursor jumping when do 2F tapping with interpolation on.
  -Fixed 4F-Flick is not in the GUI, when perform it works.
  -A first draft method of scaling RMI positions to the standard coordinate
  -Change to !Zone or is finger in button zone can just return a pointer to the zone or NULL.
  -Customer ask to enable "DragLock" and "Two finger scroll coasting" features.
  -Switch TouchPad off for one session, OEM inf.
  -Uncheck and gray out coasting in 1 Finger scrolling.
  -Removed the check of pkt last sequence number to have the chance to process
   first button packet without real last packet.
  -Fixed the UI box appearing when running SynTPEnh.exe /cp from an elevated
   command prompt.
  -Fixed problems with processing raw finger data.
  -Removed unused queue.
  -Added debug prints; removed C-style comments.
  -Fixed paragraph space is missing for Cornerclick Help text.
  -Removed unused code & variables.

Version  15.2.20 03/31/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -We should use & augment the Config Key Parser to support/include
   the address, as it is shared by the kernel and
   enhancements app.
  -Added Three-Finger gestures support for Cyberlink PowerDVD 10.
  -Added gesture action event mapping.
  -Directly call Force Motion rather than calling from widget class.
  -When acquiring cursor with "eamAcquireOnly", should we check the
   previous acquire is indeed using "eamIncrementReferenceOnly" instead of
   basing on other condition.
  -Fixed cursor jump if two fingers are in button zone, third finger does
  -Added USB control logging.
  -Made USB control/packets their own log files so it can have more than 1
   device and do not mess up with the current PS2 device logging and KTLView.
  -Made multiple lines for binary data logging just in case some tools can
   not read line which is too long.
  -Solved the bug for RedetectAllDevice.
  -Moved registry setting with OEM one to the INF.
  -Call Find Window only feature turn on and no need to do the timer.
  -Moved to OEM registry configurable and in the OSD routines.
  -Removed the OEM commercial OSD send TP ON/OFF feature.
  -Updated registry html for the new registry settings.
  -Per MS request to add include/needs in Service Section.
  -Customer does not want the "ShowTips" feature at all.
  -Enabled button device when session changes if device disable is set to
   per session.
  -Turned on interpolation.
  -Added new PNPIDs.
  -Should check IsInSlaveButtonZone only if it is enable.
  -Disabled 2F scroll coasting and hide 4F Flick control for OEM SYN1E4F.
  -Changed the name of the CtrlKeyDown var and function Cusor->Cursor.
  -Checked the right Ctrl key.
  -Tracked cursor for scrolling changes to zooming by pressing ctrl key.
  -Added epd taps and strokes to PalmDetectConfig.
  -Adjusted position of control for BR language.
  -Added documentation.

Version  15.2.19 03/24/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added IOCTL for NGI capability.
  -Added sequence number to real packet check.
  -Added cursor tracking for implementation of gesture action API.
  -Fixed illumination registry entry.
  -Fixed growing packet queue.
  -Forced ASIC type.
  -Fixed RMI TouchPad would not point.
  -Dynamically allocate the array needed to hold the RMI finger data.
  -Removed default parameter.
  -Ensured the group start sequence is initialized to NULL.
  -Modified control regional settings and static text position for Russian language.
  -Suppressed motion on queued (delayed) packet, if motion is suppressed via
  -Turned on send extra command to make i8042 get unstuck to resolve KBC issue.
  -Changed platform name.
  -Fixed TP control panel sync with tray menu disable/enable.
  -Removed synpacket2 related code to make it faster.
  -We have to remove re-init hive because the registry settings in disk are
   possibly out of date. Linux registry unlike windows, will not save to
   disk each time we call set parameter. It just sets the setting in memory
   registry hive. When we will save the
   registry hive to disk, make sure the next time when system boots up we can
   load the right settings from disk.
  -C text file write string only write up to 80 chars.
  -Used set/list instead of vector.
  -Added X display lock to set input focus function.
  -Excluded match error to avoid exit of wxApp.
  -Fixed a bug in the slider zone that was suppressing TouchPad
   cursor after the stick was released.
  -Fixed cursor jumping when 2F tapping if interpolation is on.
  -Added new structure data member at the bottom for PlayBack tool compatible.
  -Build i8042.sys 64 bit.
  -Do not print out the processed packet queue for device if there is no
   packet in the queue.
  -USB device driver logging.
  -Removed non-useful settings.
  -Changed KBC disable configuration to 9.
  -Turned on "ignore modify key" to prevent customer from pressing
   Shift+Fn+F6 which can not disable our TouchPad.
  -Made the multi finger filter work for both finger button processing.
  -Made 2F-clicking for 1F-in button-zone and another finger outside button
   zone to be 1F-clicking.
  -Cancel 3FingerTap or 2FingerTap status if drag happens.
  -Turned off 2F scrolling and 3F flick in button zone.
  -Only do not allow a finger to point if it is in the resting button zone.
  -OEM updates for Touchpad ON/OFF OSD program.
  -Separated the Std UI and SGS UI for removing rotation.
  -Added a check for base zone id in calculate button zone size,
   check is in button zones against the version in TPFilter.
  -Added Windows Explorer to application profile for 3F flick.
  -Changed EnableKey for OEM.
  -OEM updates for Touchpad ON/OFF OSD program.
  -Corrected the pointer used in a for loop.
  -Made Synreflash not dependent on the X input module under linux.
  -Added new parameter to Processed Packet Queue initialize so mmap region can
   be mapped as read only.
  -Fixed cursor did not jump back to its original position after
   scrolling had started, also possibly creating the illusion that scrolling
   did not work as the cursor moved so much across the screen.
  -Added secondary finger processing to slider zone.
  -Disabled 2F Horizontal Scrolling.
  -Only process secondary finger data once slider is active.
  -Made the pointer motion speed work better.
  -Added exclusion list for OEM.
  -Configuration key/Version/Remove new/delete.
  -Modified PnP ID default settings for OEM.
  -Removed KBCDisableConfig, Enablekey and DisableKey setting of OEM.
  -Changed PalmCheck default settings.
  -Checked in test tool for reading Linux Multitouch events from a pipe/file.
  -Removed thread creation call that is not used in Linux.
  -If you detect a reset, you should do a redetect/reconfigure.
  -Canceled OEM OS 2-F scrolling behavior with palm on large
   TouchPad.  The bottom of the palms two ridges look like two large
   fingers, but palm detection did not cancel the scrolling.
  -OEM wants very little "rollback" while clicking.
  -Fixed three-finger action in a two-finger
   scroll zone putting conditions on the third finger instead of changing
   the action state.
  -Preserved order of build.
  -Removed multi-finger filter key because the default is enabled for IS ClickPad.

Version  15.2.18 03/17/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Used subset of multi-finger palm detection settings to optimize for two
   finger scroll activation for OEM.
  -Enh App fixes with NGI.
  -Save and pass hardware info to PnP delayed start device.
  -Returned NULL if we could not find a packet with a specified
   group and finger index number.
  -Added a code to launch SynTPEnh via COM if it is not running.
  -Created function for is real packet.
  -Created a queue that holds the sequence # of the first packet
   in a group.
  -Do not use recursion when searching for fingers in button zones
   in the case of NGI.
  -Make the queue size depend on the device's report rate.
  -Set group number on all TouchPads.
  -Still suppress motion on finger count change for NGI.
  ->32 blocks reads for SMB/Support for I2C/SMB port types.
  -SMB/I2C port types in Cpl.
  -Increased data array size to prevent issues with NGI.
  -Added IOCTL for NGI capability.
  -Use filter count instead of finger report.
  -Adjusted starting zone.
  -Added code to mirror left, right and middle slave button zones for 5
   button clickpad.
  -Fixed Hot keys are conflicting between Disable pointing Stick and Default
   button for OEM.
  -We don't have to re-initialize hive because Hive has been initialized in the
   driver initialization. API load state should not change the registry date
   from the disk  because the data in disk is out of date.
  -When scroll with fingers in button zone, it is possible that one finger
   is moving and the other finger is stationary at the moment we find a
   finger is moving, but in next packet time we will find the stationary
   finger will move.
  -Removed the cpd code.
  -Moved the conversion from filter to finger index to a function.
  -Used >= check for get number filters.
  -Arguments to write log seem to have been reversed in the Linux PS2 Port.
  -Used updated WinDDK 7600.16385.0.
  -Code consolidation.
  -Added i8042prt.sys into the Bin directory to be signed.
  -Deleted KTL log files before dump log in the kernel instead of user apps
   deleting these files in Windows directory from Vista/Win7.
  -Made the function clear() available in Create.
  -Moved KTL files to /tmp under Linux.
  -Changed user name to session ID to make the create instance from ROT 
  -TL2->TL3. Send the empty packet to a zone.
  -Made the 2F scrolling in an app to be panning.
  -Fixed device acquires after blank screen triggered by cover gesture.
  -Re-ordered PNPIds.
  -Cleared the non-useful 2F flick tree setting.
  -Fixed Smartcheck detailed filter setting check box lap over another
   check box.
  -Fixed dependency with SGS94 without Inertia control for 1F
  -Added MatchID=1 for OEM, OEM_dualmode.
  -Ultranav Tray icon will appear after S3/S4/Restart.
  -Improved the working in handling 2F-scrolling vs Pointing with 1F in
   button zone.
  -Fixed a pause pointing issue with 2F on pad and one finger in button
  -Removed the rotate feature for OEM.
  -Changed 2D Cursor & Button zone for OEM platform for testing.
  -Fixed constructor initialization build break and printf.
  -Needed to put registry check around ess 3F press
   or it may break non-OEM drivers.
  -Fixed OEM bug feature request to allow resting thumb in button zone
   and yet still allow two other fingers to produce pointing actions.
  -Documented few keys for Control Panel for SynTPCpl.
  -Fixed copy to folder.

Version  15.2.17 03/10/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updates to OEM's palm detection and scrolling settings.
  -Added zone exclusion filter which should be used when we get w=15 in the
   borders of a pad. Note that this is with PW algorithm only.
  -Handled device resets for SMB2.
  -SMB port for Linux.
  -Added dribble packets for all fingers in the case of USB multi-finger
  -Added some code for handling kernel gestures with NGI.
  -Updated Restore system wheel lines per OEM.
  -Fixed Tips duplicated windows by the windows handle of Tips Dialog.
  -Added parameter to the INF file.
  -Decreased the click roll back motion limit for specified device.
  -Fixed an unwanted-wanted rollback motion when clicking with 1F in button zone.
  -We should consider the movement amount to decide if there is a two
   finger movement in opposition direction.
  -Set pinch scale at notch4 on IE.
  -Disable 2F Vertical Scrolling on Windows Photo Viewer.
  -Changed image sensor rotate threshold to 20 degree for OEM.
  -Adjusted Pinch active area to smaller size for OEM.
  -Fixed together with chiral and twist rotate show video for non-SGS
  -Mux device uses device 0 to send OS packets.
  -Removed non-necessary calculation.
  -Fixed connection issues to COM2 server.  When searching ROT table 
   with COM+username, it may return "SYSTEM" for OEM service. 
  -Removed tray icon and Momentum is disabled.
  -Fixed cutting strings for HK Chines at OEM control settings.
  -Fixed "Select programs" for 3F Press won't reset to default.
  -Save registry binary data to the diagnostic log file.
  -Turned on suppress buttons for palm detection.
  -Removed duplicated file from file list.
  -Set no action if one finger is in resting finger zone, another finger is
   in corner zone and click.
  -Added USB device to the exclusion list.
  -Fixed certified value in log file even the driver is signed by SQA.
  -Fixed an issue of 1F-scrolling not working.
  -Fixed a bug in the slider zone that was mistakenly suppressing TouchPad
   cursor after the Stick was released.
  -Mux should not be Yes, OEM defaults contain Mux = Off.
  -Turned off registering left click if Z is very small and click is
  -Fixed sent OS packets with multiple devices.
  -Set Pointer Motion Speed default to 330.
  -OEM request to (1)disable horizontal scrolling (2)remove 2F flick (3)add
   3F flick (4)add 2F scrolling to SYN9015 & SYN9016.
  -Fixed memory issues caused by malloc call. Changed
   get user name by session to load WtsApi32.dll only once and reduce debug output.
  -OEM does not need language strings since there's no GUI.
  -Assigned the OEM OS 2-finger scroll fix to a registry value.
  -Used a W value of 10 to allow for flat finger pointing.
  -More stub classes for OEM OS.
  -Removed more unnecessary classes and removed the need for English strings
   since OEM OS does not display any of our strings.
  -Fixed retries.
  -Idle devices before closing.
  -Do not apply spline interpretation for packets which are generated by the
   Momentum timer.
  -Fixed a jump cursor issue.
  -Set no action if one finger is in resting finger zone, 
   another finger is in the corner zone and click.
  -Code for handling kernel gestures with NGI.
  -Set 4F flick up and down have the same action.

Version  15.2.16 03/03/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Ignored debounce time when tapping and clicking with both fingers outside
   the button zone.
  -Compile with one thread to avoid race conditions.
  -Relocated custom clickpad button mode in INF for OEM.
  -Updated i2c/SMB debug tools.
  -Fixes for pointing with lazy finger on NGI devices
   due to unnecessary dribble packets.
  -Support for USB muti-finger reporting.
  -Added feature for simulating mouse drag to pan in scrolling.
  -Fixes 1F scrolling/pointing when 1F down outside button zone 
   and then 1F down inside button zone.
  -The filter should detect whether it is multi-finger filter else
   do not route it through the pointing device.
  -Fixed registry to make OEM active stick disabling 2F gestures.
  -Updated Twist and Chiral Rotate video together into one file.
  -Rolled back change that created a filter for the mux master.
  -Fixed the Tips dialog duplication with the only classname.
  -Three-Finger Down Flick compatibility on MS Windows Live Photo Gallery.
  -Used win32 API EnumChildWindows instead of GetNextWindow.
  -Stopped to enum child window when it found the right case.
  -Added more application specific gestures support.
  -Consolidated the Palm related variable into cpd filter.
  -Palm detect config should be applied based on device type in registry.
  -Removed the unnecessary IOCTL.
  -Replaced stick palm check enabled and palm detect config
   and checked the bit for epb enable palm detect.
  -The device type subkey should be under SynTP not Defaults. Removed the
   ControlBar Palm Detect registry settings for those that do not 
   have control bar devices.
  -Fixed add 4FingerFlick full and up/down video for Marketing, default Full 
   and no button.
  -Fixed character truncated on Simplified Chinese for OEM control.
  -Made momentum work when there is a lazy finger in the button zone.
  -Fixed Touchpad property page opens even though you click on Pointing
   Device property page.
  -Fixed to get Enhancement log file in Vista and Win7.
  -Updated diagnostic log file for device which is clickpad but has no
  -Used filename path as Unicode since Application Data path can be localized.
  -Preliminary specification for SynCOM2 gesture API.
  -Updated cleared definition with property for save device disable state,
   instead of number.
  -Removed 4F Flick wmv for OEM to prevent two video files
   in the package.
  -Modified configuration for OEM. Removed tray icon and Momentum is disabled.
  -Fixed an issue existing in syncom application will not work after
   set gesture action notification was inserted in SynCOM API.
  -In the last version, fix for the OEM.inf which could not be installed.
  -Removed the Display locker in Error handler because we do not need it since
   the error handler is called in the same thread.
  -Added CertifyS to the documentation.
  -Added the feature to show "Driver failed SQA" into the control panel
   title bar.
  -Added a stub class for Localizer since OEM OS displays no localized
  -Added stubs for classes that are not used in OEM OS and fix some of
   their initialization quirks.
  -Used is finger in any button zone instead of left/right.
   Checked for the right state and removed the check for Chiral.
   Created a function for is 1F instead of not in multi-finger zone.
  -Cleaned up the code to support more than 2 mutliple filters.
  -Added ChiralRotate videos.

Version  15.2.15 02/24/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Turned on pinch and 2F scrolling in button zone. Removed some settings
   from IS ClickPad.
  -Removed suppressing small motion in the button zone.
  -Used higher optimization options for Linux.
  -NGI Fixes.
  -SMB2 snapshot.
  -Snapshot of driver for SMB.
  -Checked finger presence on the previous packet.
  -Checked the finger bit on the previous packet to decide whether
   to use interpolation.
  -Added feature for 1F scrolling with 1F in button zone.
  -Added feature for allowing 1F scrolling with 1F in button zone.
  -Added feature for getting use multi finger filter.
  -Removed secondary finger packet feeding to 1F horizontal slider zone.
  -Removed unneeded libraries for detect.
  -Added feature for getting multi-finger filter.
  -Saved PlugIn action when persisting state.
  -Used set long property bits.
  -Used the enum from ioctl for both Kernel and AP.
  -Used enable palm detect and taps and strokes to replace the initial value.
  -Reduced get property times and delay reduced.
  -Incremented CoInstaller version.
  -Modified the method of registering the COM modules.
  -Export TP_SaveDeviceDisableState to SDK SetProperty API, it could help to
   Sync the device disable state.
  -Fixed ToolTip for showing options for TapZones and Buttons.
  -Disabled TouchPad gestures when TrackPoint is active.
  -Fixed the Tips Windows duplication.
  -End dialog to only this Tips dialog window.
  -Fixed consistence for OEM IS and PS control settings.
  -Unsent extra command for I8042.
  -Added new group 1 for testing Palm Check SmartSense with new fw algorithm.
  -Disable 1F Horizontal Scrolling.
  -Initialize m_ulW.
  -Fixed the next window for PPStream application.
  -Added force left click with no finger support for OEM mode.
  -Used prox instead of finger bit to determine whether Button clicking is
  -Slowed down the scrolling speed for extended zone.
  -Updated slider threshold and scale for extended slider zone.
  -Scrolling-Speed settings are include in 1F-Scrolling page, so
   disabled the 1F-Scrolling control for OEM.
  -Swapped resting finger zone when buttons are swapped if resting zone does
   not take whole button area as the resting finger zone.
  -Turned on Palm detection.
  -Added new help string for different 3FingerPress action.
  -Modified the Three-Finger Press action as Home(Minimize all window).
  -Forced 2F clicking either to 1F clicking or corner clicking based on a
   finger is in left or corner zone.
  -Skip doing device detection from port0 to port2.
  -Fixed add 4FingerFlick full and up/down only video.
  -Only enable/disable TP/trackpoint when "Apply" is selected.
  -Fixed stick button click.
  -Fixed issue when using momentum with packet interpolation
  -Removed OEM brand name from pop-up related to un-installation.
  -Added to OEM exclusion list.
  -Turned on 2F vertical scrolling suppression if 2F horizontal distance is
   too large.
  -Implementation of Synaptics Gesture Action API.
  -Removed TrayAction for Linux.
  -Fixed Help text font size is inconsistent.
  -Ensured port member variable is initialized in Linux driver.
  -Fixed include path such that it can be built in SDK package.
  -Removed API from COM module for Linux to reduce library dependencies.
  -Separated OEM chroot build environment options and OEM compile time
   options into two variables for use when compiling outside of the chroot.
  -Updated documentation of registry keys used for Scrybe ad pop-up.
  -Introduced new defines for PNP sections
   that have the same PNPID but belong to different OS.
  -Updated copyright notices.

Version  15.2.14 02/17/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added disable TP when Styk is active and removed SmartSense.
  -Fixed ActiveStick and removed the SmartSense control.
  -Palm Check SmartSense with new firmware algorithm.
  -Support for SMB2 RMI physical interface.
  -Reduced get property times.
  -Put zone spec.
  -Register signal handlers so that cleanup code is executed in the tm events.
  -Fixed variable name to reflect its meaning; removed unused variable.
  -Moved function that calculates packet interpolation to
   different filter class and set the motion suppressed bit.
  -Added Synpatics header.
  -Took out Visual Basic instructions.
  -Fixed SynDrumPad cannot be built in SDK.
  -Changed the generated interface file name from SynTPEnh.h to SynCom2.h.
  -Put SynCom2.h into public SDK.
  -Used VS2005 to build the samples.
  -Block signal SIGALRM to avoid infinite loop to block X system.
  -Added a registry key value to send extra command byte and make its Ack
   handle I8042.
  -Added registry skip last command byte to skip sending last "Get KBC Command
   Byte" command for OEM mux kbc system.
  -For circular bar no need to swap at 90/270 degree.
  -Corrected a path for Static.html.
  -Mapped left and right button actions to 1F clicking and 2F clicking
  -Updated key macro messages which is suggested by technical publications.
  -Fixed flag does not match with CPL.
  -Changed the palm detect config setting.
  -Used bit 0 of palm detect config as a global enable switch.
  -Changed touch sensitivity notch of Styk from 7 to 8.
  -Changed the original packet name.
  -Blocked SIGIO in the signal handler.
  -Removed calls through internal.
  -Disable device state change does not apply to controls in settings page,
   so even when Device is enabled but settings cannot be selected.
  -Changed EndDialog to only this Tips dialog window.
  -For 5-button tp: 
   note to check that the packet has the correct virtual/translated buttons.
  -Forced 2F clicking to 1F click if there is a finger in the left button
  -Considered the case where the first packet of a
   multi-finger stroke is a secondary packet. Handled the case where
   that's the only packet w/ 2 fingers.
  -Added registry for changing the angle.
  -Modified default setting based on OEM's request.
  -Suppressed previous packet if current packet is suppressed, this fixed
   cursor jumping when finger count changes from 2 to 3 or 3 to 2.
  -Fixed OEM control Tips message box duplication issue.
  -Changed touch sensitivity notch of Styk from 7 to 8.
  -Moved init and the static value. Initialized to invalid value (-1)
   and checked for that value.
  -Only enabled lift finger requirement for stick.
  -Enabled Left Click with No Finger for ClickPad platforms.
  -Updated dependencies for the Linux build.
  -Removed TrayAction from OEM since it isn't used.
  -Fixed bezel test sample.
  -Fixed COM test.

Version  15.2.13 02/10/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Load all registry entries when the driver loads.
  -Added algorithm for interpolation.
  -Made packet delay registry configurable.
  -Enhanced how paths to Video files are generated, in order to load it dynamically.
  -Made a change using a constant string rather than using TEXT
   in the code.
  -Created tool for generating Linux kernel multitouch events.
  -Removed path for dbus daemon since it may change.
  -Added the services section. Also changed the Install key to
   reflect the installed group.
  -Added no finger filter to API Load / Set.
  -Moved the finger count index.
  -Cleanup of kernel driver.
  -Added extra initialization in API.
  -Avoid jumpy cursor by skipping first interpolated point.
  -Used spline fitting for packet interpolation.
  -Fixed to Styk when sample at port 3 will get StykPS2_3.
  -Changed function to be 0 by default to prevent
   accidental pinch while typing. 
  -Removed illumination option for new UI.
  -Used config flag to take care of control bar swap enabled.
  -Added classes to overcome connection state to COM server
  -Added missing member initialization for Linux.
  -Fixed XP64 connection to COM server.
  -Mask off the high extended state bits.
  -Removed the specific Hotkey definition for US version, it will be a conflict
   with other control.
  -Both current index finger or other index finger should be considered
   equally to check if it satisfies the criteria for vertical or horizontal
  -Checked generic PS/2 mouse if failed to detect Synaptics PS/2 device.
  -Modified key macro message.
  -Added group for USB device.
  -Changed the original packet. Rename the new one to Search.
  -Turned on force to left clicking if there is no finger but with button.
   Set 2F clicking no action but if there is a finger in button zone, 
   another finger is in button zone, and button is down, set it to 1F clicking for OEM.
  -Added registration for those COM modules that are in use during upgrade,
   and get replaced only at system boot.
  -Upgraded co-installer version.
  -Added SmartSense for OEM.
  -Added disable TP when Styk active.
  -Fixed DPI is used to calculate the distance between 2F.
  -Fixed OEM request for SmartCheck.
  -Changed ROT moniker naming by appending user name to the object names,
   otherwise multiple instances were creating multiple monikers
   with identical names.
  -Reorganized the registry keys where Scrybe ad popup values are saved.
   Created a persistent key that is not saved nor restored by profiles.
  -Fixed problem with the dependencies on the UI.
  -Set corner click as right button and 2F click as ext4.
  -Added logging of taps to KTL log.  Refactored code.
  -Fixed makefile for KBC Transaction files.
  -Fixed delay packet logic for stick button.
  -Adjusted starting zone size.

Version  15.2.12 02/03/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added option to suppress motion in button zone below a certain threshold.
  -Added retry mechanism for OEM.
  -Added index finger angle for consideration to check if the movement is
   horizontal or vertical.
  -Changed default touch sensitivity for some OEM systems.
  -Allowed left button click if a finger is in the edge of button zone and
   pressed down the button.
  -Created two configurations for OEM for profile sensors and for imaging sensors.
  -Fixed Styk Sensitivity index for OEM.
  -Consolidated for normalizing TouchPad packet.
  -Enabled suppressing small motion in the button zone for OEM.
  -GPIO buttons.
  -Updated group settings for different USB devices.
  -Adjusted button zone for OEM inf. Click on left parts of the
   right button zone which are near the middle line would perform/function
   left button.
  -Moved COM2 interfaces to ROT.
  -Print secondary finger packets. Also print out finger index and left/right button state.
  -Set Scrybe popup to be disable by default.
  -Set the value used when doing a repeated popup and made the timer frequency
   configurable in the registry.

Version  15.2.11 01/27/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the default value based on the sensor type, but still allow
   overrides by the registry.
  -Used default scrolling activation with resting finger for OEM.
  -Added a notification message to bring Scrybe to the user's attention.
  -Added extra Linux kernel driver string support.
  -Added smartsense to standard UI.
  -Added a registry key for key stroke logging and enabled it for various OEM.
  -Used physical button state for Sticks.
  -Generated a dribble packet if it is missing, and we send delayed packets.
  -Ensured that a pass-through device uses the same delay packet setting as
   its master.
  -Implemented the suppression motion on the previous packet on Linux
   for scrolling motion.
  -Moved the dialog to the English resources.
  -Reset Control Panel to 0 when stopping it.
  -Turned on cursor tracking for 1F scrolling.
  -For SGS94 UI Turn Off Momentum which is default On in Vertical
   and Horizontal config flags.
  -Added checks for COM server.
  -Fixed button after both TP and button are disabled
   from top left corner zone.
  -Fixed scrollsensor change from horizontal to vertical when
   screen is rotated 90 degrees.
  -Used "toggle_maximized" schema instead of "maximize" schema.
  -Fixed secondary finger pointing if primary finger is in
   button zone with low Z.
  -Modified to use apartment threaded mode. Fixed multiple
   instance prevention feature. Modified COM registration to only launch
   single server instance.
  -Exit the enhancements app and control panel and before the helper.
  -Removed the tips flag for optional setting.
  -Closed the warning dialog closed when the profile dialog is
   closed on Win7.
  -Used multi finger filter as default if it is an Imaging Sensor ClickPad.
  -Added the angle calculation in various functions.
  -Updated OEM languages supports.
  -Modified default setting of OEM and removed Press-to-Select.
  -Fixed Pinch Zoom and Rotating moving and re-arrange the tree.
  -Have the User session call "regsvr32.exe /s .dll".
  -Added double tap to disable/enable TP feature.
  -OEM is using an incompatible version of DBus C++ bindings so update
   it in other distros.
  -Added App test for smb.
  -Cleared interrupt status on startup.
  -RMI fixes.
  -Read sensor max X/Y.
  -Made OEM build overlay independent.
  -Removed gconf2 dependency.

Version  15.2.10 01/20/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Improved two finger activation when both fingers are outside the button
   zone and when only doing two finger scrolling.
  -OS Ports with remote targets. RMI/SMB.
  -Changed API's behavior to use left, middle and right button functions.
  -Enlarged the button zone for new two finger activation so two finger
   scrolling is triggered less.
  -Updated OEM Palm Check and Scrolling settings.
  -Broaden "gesture filtering" zone size for OEM.
  -Relaxed the start criteria for 2F scolling,
   even if one started outside the button zone.
  -Pointing with RMI.
  -Checked if the timer is stopped before calling the callback.
  -Modified Twist threshold to 15 degree for OEM.
  -Used Extended state to determine whether finger is in Button Zone.
  -Set extended bits if a secondary finger is in the button zone.
  -Changed 3F press default application.
  -Added function for handling the secondary finger
   packet when rotation TouchPad.
  -Modified to prevent sending Ctrl+ strokes to the application
   when pinch operation is done while using keyboard.
  -Read TouchPad board number with FW >= v8.0.
  -Fixed Slidebar left LED.
  -Fixed move IS Rotating control for OEM.
  -Changed Linux PNPIDs to use standard UI.
  -Rearrange the Tree sequence of MainUI per customer request.
  -Kill Timer for momentum coasting if Inertia is not Enabled.
  -Removed shared memory files after uninstall.
  -Ensured the shared memory region is large enough to hold the shared packet

Version  15.2.9 01/13/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added code to prevent displaying device settings page in
   case the Synaptics driver is uninstalled manually by the user.
  -Added an option to configure whether or not to display the page if there
   is no device present.
  -Added support for x768 with 120 DPI.
  -Added generation of separate logs for each pointing device.
  -Added a sleep condition. Also, closed the inputfile if there's no Synaptics device.
  -Ignore perpendicular motion when only doing 2F scrolling.
  -I2c read/writes.
  -Reloaded plugins when display changed when rotation flags are enabled.
  -Minimized overflow if multiplying by 1000000?.
  -Fixed residue files after uninstall.
  -The 0 value should be read from the registry, and the OEM inc file should
   be changed accordingly.
  -Moved IgnoreScanCode 0 to the default INF to cover all OEM pnp IDs.
  -Changed threshold from 5 to 8, and only check it for Z value.
  -Added hot key for checkbox of enable double tap enable disable TouchPad.
  -Fixed multi-finger click button unrolling.
  -Suppressed motion when coordinates are clipped.
  -Fixed last delay packet is saved when multiple finger filter is
  -Added string to CPL for Inertia and Momentum scrolling.
  -Removed unused global API variable.
  -Changed the button mode to omni mode and hide the 2 finger click.
  -Removed Omni-like Click Zone mode.
  -Removed the code of changing the Button zone area while handedness changes
   for Omni-like click zone.
  -Fixed single click from stick to trigger double click.
  -Fixed Three-Finger Flick is not working with SGS94 UI
   when Four-Finger gestures are disabled.
  -Store the last processed packets and get them through the MFF
   Enabled this with a registry key.
  -Fixed tap issues with MultiFingerFilter on Profile Sensor.
  -Added PalmCheck time settings for OEM.
  -In pinch state, if you press down any key, it becomes ctrl+that key by default.
  -Changed ACM starting zone default settings.
  -Changed Advanced Filter default idle timeout value.
  -Fixed default clickpad settings.
  -Changed button zone size.
  -Changed to omni mode.
  -Removed registry control for Clickpad type because the driver can
   distinguish from HW caps.

Version  15.2.8 01/06/2011 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Bumped SynTPCo5.dll to SynTPCo6.dll.
  -Used & instead | and keep accessor function IsFingerInAnyBtnZone.
  -Removed tag v15_2_8 due to fail build.
  -Changed the logging of X and Y to occupy two bytes each. Moved OS packet
   logging to CPointingDevice. Changed the logging code to use the same
   timestamp for all data within same event start/end.
  -Move PacketOS.KTL to /tmp under linux.
  -Temporarily disabled including OS packets into log until KTLView and
   KTLFeed are updated to properly work with it.
  -Added new include directories for building on ubuntu 10.10 
  -Print timestamps in timing file based on epoch time. 
  -Used free instead of xfree in the X Input Module since xfree is depricated
   in Xorg 1.9 
  -Added code for NGI:FW Reflash Tool through NGI.
  -Fixed hotkey conflict in Slovak language.
  -Also checked for new detection string in synset.
  -Changed LED power level from medium to low because some TP only supports
   one power level. 
  -Modify default setting (600 settings)  for DLL04EA (Zuma).
  -Added new feature to support checking PnPID before installation. 
  -Added setup option to turn on/off checking matched PnPID before
  -Added sgs94 ui for usb touchpad. 
  -Fixed click jump unrolling. 
  -Prevent cursor jump when finger moves at the edge. 
  -Added Rotation angle for stick & styk.
  -Changed the code arrangement and the calling procedure.
  -Rolled back 31871 because there are too many issues. 
  -Use Extended State to Determine Whether Finger is in Button Zone in
  -Added help for Inertia, integrating the text provided by Tech Pub. 
  -Fixed a bug that Four-Finger Flick continues to work despite being
  -Added PNPIDs: SYN1B4C, SYN1B4D   
  -OEM want one finger click on most area of clickpad as primary click and
   only when click on Right-bottom area is secondary click. 
  -Added 2FingerClick related registry in group 31 and add group 32 which
   following the marketing setting SYN1B4C apply in group32 SYN1B4D apply in
  -Added 2FingerFlick in SGS94NewUI.  
  -Added registry section and added SGS94UI macro. 
  -Add the new bit in "Visibility" to hide the Video of certain control.  
  -Changed the button zone layout when change to LeftHanded usage and
   currently only apply to Omnilike click zone click pad. 
  -Moved MomentumRadioButtons to OEMCommCtrls   
  -Fixed UI was cut off issue. 
  -Fixed a bug that predefined profiles can be renamed at first launch Manage
   Profile settings.
  -Added FIXME comment to make sure USB is fine in the future. 
  -Only User session calls "Program files\synaptics\syntp\SynTPEnh.exe /RegServer" 
  -Fixed setup program can not interpret command line switch which is
   indicated by '-'.  
  -Removed "LeftClickWithNoFinger" setting.
  -Fixed the issue that Windows explorer is launched when pressing Touchpad
   Bottons w/ a botton action. 
  -Pinch default should consider the secondary finger packet 
  -Fixed help text, HelpID 318, for US language. 
  -Fixed wrong help strings.   
  -Hidden ChiralRotate settings hint. 
  -Passed in param to EnableDis...  
  -Kept the button disable/enable state after system reboot or resume from
  -Used a function instead of replicated code. 
  -Change EMIT level from TL2->TL3. Remove from ReadMe.txt 
  -Improve multifinger tap vs gestures 
  -Add share/Images to the path.
  -Add comment about Twist config flags 
  -Request to enable PIVOT Rotate(originally, it is disabled and gray). 
  -Updated SYN0733/SYN0734 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Changed ACM default settings. 

Version  15.2.7 12/22/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added support for multi-finger reporting through USB.
  -Added feature to automatically update SGS version.
  -Added an Uninstall section for OEM.
  -Added Group definition for showing info.
  -Added 2011 to the copyright notice.
  -Fixed 2F scrolling after one finger is up.
  -Changed Fn+F9/F10 brightness control hotkey for OEM.
  -Removed treating system keys as ordinary keys. Fixes for accessibility features.
  -Snapshot of Linux kernel driver and test programs.
  -Fixed text strings in UI and various localization updates.
  -Fixed CPL hot key.
  -Restructured OS packet log creation feature and added support for Linux.
   Changed Button flags to accommodate Wheel flag.
  -Initialized with invalid scancode and it to the exclusion list.
  -Fixed finger index info.
  -Changed to button zone mode from omnimode.
  -Disabled/Enabled state of buttons stick to TP device.
  -Fixed tap jump.
  -Changed the OSD of Disable/Enable TP, from LED in left-top corner for OEM.
   Also, gray the Pivot-Rotate checkbox for OEM.

Version  15.2.6 12/16/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Plugin COM interface.
  -Added Reg keys for using SMB_port.
  -Added print to Driver Info page.
  -Updated Setup.exe to install Smb driver.
  -Updated tips position to use WIN32 API to calculate the working area,
   since user could change the taskbar size and position by wish.
  -Added OS packet log creation feature.
  -Changed the location of the html files from %Program FiIes% to
   %AllUsersProfile%, since we only use playlists.
  -Separated cancelling scrolling when one finger leaves from restricted two
   finger scrolls.
  -Linux i2c driver (in development) and associated test programs.
  -Fixed the middle button help tips logic after S3 for the new ComApi2.
  -Fixed TrackPoint stick cursor stopping at Scroll config in Auto over IE.
  -Changed the default device to TouchPad when /CP is used without a number.
  -Change the pinch active area to bigger size.
  -Fixed "Minimize all Windows" to appear on cover gesture action list.
  -Fixed unexpected taps with one finger to stay in button zone
   while another one is pointing.
  -Fixed an unexpected pinch triggered in button zone for imaging sensor
  -Enabled filter for IS by default.
  -Made filter work for primary and secondary fingers when multiple
   finger filters are enabled.
  -Changed Palm values for cursor response when fingers come together.
  -Fixed an potential issue for wide finger to do 2F scrolling.
  -Stopped issue end event in the middle of 2F dbl tap parsing.
  -Fixed multi-finger-tap with filters turned on.
  -Introduced a change to signal the kernel if buttons need to be
   enabled/disabled when enabling/disabling a device.
  -Added USB touchscreen IDs at exclusion list, changed Alpha order in list.
  -Modified the threshold for considering a stationary finger for two finger
   scroll gesture. Added a primary and secondary fingers direction check of
   two fingers scroll.
  -Register Enhancement app from the installed directory.
  -Added description of USB absolute packet.
  -Fixed enable/disable setting should remain after sleep states.
  -Created NGI_Test OEM package.
  -Only allow 2F Vertical Scroll in button zone for Marketing_SGS94_UI.

Version  15.2.5 12/09/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed for platforms covered under the newUI - If the TouchPad is
   disabled (by the UI, double tap upper left corner or fn+f5) then the
   TouchPad buttons also get disabled. - If the TouchStyk is disabled (by
   the UI) then the TouchStyk buttons also get disabled.
  -Added support to Enhanchement Application for -CPn. By running SynTPEnh -CPn, 
   the Settings dialog for device with handle n will be started. By specifying
   just -CP (or /CP), the primary device settings dialog (0) will be opened.
  -Added timing logging for button presses.
  -Added NGI driver code.
  -Forced the tray action window as the foreground window.
  -Enabled Chiral Rotate for OEM.
  -Fixed user is able to scroll help window horizontally even though there
   is no scroll bar.
  -Simplified check activation for Two Finger Vertical Scroll Only mode.
  -Fixed filters for multi-finger taps on Profile sensor device.
  -Fixed decoding tap.
  -Changed scrolling method for Opera to original large wheel instead of
   small wheel message.
  -OEM updates for table settings.
  -Changed open URL since it is not directly allowed in WinXPSP3
  -Localization fixes.
  -Conditionally report left clicks if button depressed and finger at/off
   edge. Changed default value for suppressing jumps.
  -Changed default settings of Touchpad Sensitivity, Taps, TouchCheck and
   Zoom Rate.
  -Changed to not detect port2 for OEM.
  -Enabled Chrial Motion in 1F scroll.
  -We have to modify the 1f V/H scroll width/height and Edgemotion border
   width because we of modifications to the rim size.
  -Fixed for a given profile, that its description can be changed to
   another description even though it is not duplicated.
  -Modified OEM settings for showing 1. Enabled EdgeMotion when scrolling
   (show/disable) 2.Enabled Coasting(show/disable).
  -Turned on KBC notification for specific platforms.
  -Excluded Momentum from Multiple finger gesture control.
  -Changed Tab Stop position for Action Static and Action List so the hot key 
   properly selects the combo box.
  -Hide 3F Press from UI since it is disabled.

Version  15.2.4 12/02/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed sleep before starting enhancement app.
  -Modified emit level.
  -Fixed TrackPoint help Tips after new SynAPI is suspended.
  -Added support Esc key and close the dialog.
  -Renamed "Enable Privacy mode" to "Home".
  -Corrected the error in Help String of Touch Sensitivity settings.
  -Updated touch sensitivity range which was set to restrictive.
  -Applied motion suppression when typing any key.
  -Theater pad does not revert to pointing when switching user.
  -Changed the tap motion criteria for multi-finger taps.
  -Fixed disable vertical/horizontal scrolling on TouchPad with scrollpad.
  -Modified the slide threshold for image/profile sensor.
  -Fixed Double click Speed help.

Version  15.2.3 11/24/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Improved multi-finger-tap for device if it has no secondary finger reported.
  -Added Task Modal flag to Message Box.
  -Reduced Palm Detect settings to 50ms.
  -Fixed value displayed for PalmCheck on report and secret page
   if setting the level to "Minimum". Also changed the label to "off".
  -Converted thresholds in physical units (microns).
  -Enabled pinch with Alt key.
  -Checked if button zone should be in scaled coordinates.
  -Added Secondary Finger Packet rate in Diag Page.
  -Default actions for 3F gestures.
  -Improved the tiny scrolling with MouseScroll method.
  -Fixed pinch and keyboard.
  -Updated SDK project with sample code.
  -Added report V to diagnostics page.
  -Fixed profile save dialog input field focus after
   closing a warning message box.
  -Disabled 3Finger Vertical Flick in UI for OEM.
  -Changed the name of "Enable Privacy Mode" to "Home" for the label in Multi Gesture
   configured page.
  -Fixed profile window should have a logo when using the Alt-Tab.
  -Fixed TrackPoint title group translation size.
  -Checked cap bit to determine if it is an uniform clickpad or not.
  -Only enabled hotkey for Touchpad for specific platform.

Version  15.2.2 11/18/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Improved multi-finger tap decoding.
  -Allowed restricted two finger vertical scroll to be configurable in the
  -Allowed use of an alternate scroll activation criteria when doing only two
   finger vertical scroll.
  -Put the 'Tab stop index' in button page in order so the 'Left-Button
   Action' combobox at the top is highlighted by default.
  -Linux tool for detecting hardware.
  -Limited DPM and Coordinate values read by the driver.
  -Updated palm detect settings.
  -Scaled Tap or click motion threshold based on DPM.
  -Updated Plugin zones after loading a profile.
  -Closed the profile configure window after the profile is loaded.
  -Allowed unique profiles names only.
  -Adjusted no-pinch if shift key is down.
  -Fixed releasing sys key.
  -If fingers are not in the button zone and clicking happens, report it as a
   primary button clicking.
  -Adjusted edgemotion drag and pointing.
  -Added resource short cut conflicts report to dump.
  -Set Enable Coasting to checked.
  -Updated newui to display buttons video.
  -Updated 2011 platforms with appropriate configuration.
  -We should only do this on the secondary finger if it is an imaging
   sensor.  Zero out ClickMotion after all the deltas have been added.
  -Enhanced 2F scrolling trigger.
  -Added SynTwistRotate video.
  -If there are multiple fingers on the TP, doubled the last down ctr for TP.
  -Made the height of Scrolling Speed text area higher.
  -Modified the Rim size and apply Pinch Zone active area to Rim size.
  -Modified registry key value flag of CaptionID and add HelpID for DualMode

Version  15.2.1 11/11/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Made the H-scrolling in IE 2 times faster.
  -Adjusted the right button zone size for OEM.
  -Made FireFox and Opera use Type of SmallWheel scrolling.
  -Handled condition if physical ctrl key is released.
  -Used new tp4table.dat from OEM.
  -Fixed extra tap from secondary finger for 1F click.
  -Added install info to each group.
  -Used omni pad button UI.
  -Prepared support for five new languages for OEM.
  -Added support for Clickpad videos; also added separate vertical and
   horizontal scroll videos, Tap Zones, Tap and Hold videos.
  -Allowed button clicking for 4F-Flicking post sliding to select item.
  -Added support for do not send button bit to OS and 
   for suppress button action to OS for 4F-flicking.
  -Fixed ShowVideo button for TwistRotate.
  -Improved motion suppression when the finger count decreased
   to 1 and the finger was moving in a button zone.
  -Added videos for Momentum and Coasting 1F and 2F, buttons/no buttons,
   Horizontal and Vertical.
  -Changed HTML files and VideoPath directory to use always Playlists
   such that video files can be selected dynamically.
  -Fixed Hot key after clicking Reset Device button in 'Device Settings' tab.
  -"Manage profile settings window" should appear in the foreground
   when "Profiles" button is clicked.
  -Added 32bit COM proxy registration for 64bitOS.
  -Set focus to the control panel after closing the profile dialog.
  -Improved the multi-finger tap gesture decoding.
  -Added a PnP ID Request for OEM.
  -Added Secondary Finger Position and Pressure in Diag Page.
  -Reset the acquired threshold to 2 when at multi-finger
   down state and detected 1 finger.
  -Added disable/enable hot key.
  -Default EdgeMotion drag enabled in fixed speed.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request for adding Omni mode.
  -Updated 4F vertical flick videos.
  -Checked for profile and driverinf support from the Scrybe registry.
  -Added OEM profile with Momentum scroll enabled with new controls.

Version  15.2.0 11/04/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
  -Converted SynTPEnh to the SynCOM server.
Bug Fixes
  -Integrated additional Syntpenh.conf changes.
  -Fixed hot key issue at Greek.
  -Set stick timeout to 0.
  -OEM profile changes.
  -Changed the name to UseKeyForHScroll?.
  -Added ConfigEx set of flags. Prep for fixing completely the
   Inertia/Coasting/Momentum feature (not ready yet - CPL to be done).
  -Corrected type.
  -Removed constant bcfe2Finger.
  -Changed PalmCheck to SmartSense.
  -Kept OEM infs PalmCheck Enhanced ACM and their help strings.
  -Fixed Scrollpad was set at default direction.
  -Added [DisableAllPluginZone] section in, and
   removed [Disable3FingerFlick] from
  -Updated SYN1B48 with appropriate configuration.
  -Undid "SetModified".
  -Set modification of parent window to enable apply button after the configure
   dialog returns.
  -Separated the CPL and Non-CPL registry.
  -Modified default setting.
  -Updated TOS0200/TOS0210/TOS0300 with appropriate configuration.
  -Temporary fix COM register issue in INF file.

Version  15.1.23 11/03/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Read default GUI font when we failed to read the font info. (If not, in
   Russian language pack the text in combobox or listbox will became some
  -Replaced some Russian words in the help.
  -Let us get the board # only when we open the diagnostics page.
  -Added a new SP_ item to match TP_BoardNumber.
  -Avoid shutdown race.
  -Fixed tap issue for Linux.
  -Have Chrome ebuild strip binaries.
  -Updates to startup script for Chrome.
  -Fixed Syncom issue under Linux.
  -Merge SynCom2 from branch to trunk.
  -Having the output write to an SQA share required that the share allow
   write access to RCS user.  Please refer to thread in 29211. Resultant
   file will  be in \\archie\checkpoints\TPDrv\latestversion.txt.
  -Fixed hotkey does not function at Swedish mouse properties page.
  -Added lock/unlock for working device switcher.
  -Changed Section Name from EnableDisableTouchZone to EnableDisableZone.
  -Removed "TP_TouchHoldEnableDisableTouchZone" and
   "TP_DblTapEnableDisableTouchZone" ioctl dependency of "Select session"
   and "Select permanent" control. and Change Section Name from
   EnableDisableTouchZone to EnableDisableZone.
  -Added fix for tap position not accurate for linux.
  -Fixed a tap position not accurate issue.
  -Added one scroll type.
  -Added support for w-finger scrolling in case of fingers split to two (keep
  -Added PNPID 1E41 1E42 1E43 to NewUI.
  -Added "SynTwistRotate.mpg" video.
  -Fixed magnifying popup menu for Styk.
  -Removed unused INF.
  -Decode tap if finger is not in button zone.
  -Fixed by set prev zone id.
  -Added "ReadDeviceInfoFromRegistry" after 1st detection.
  -Added new PnP IDs(SYN1E4D).
  -When focus on the list item and press the return key, we should open the
   profile save dialog or load the profile.
  -Modified default setting for SYN1E3E, SYN1E3F, SYN1E40, SYN1E41, SYN1E42
   and SYN1E43.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request.
  -Modified default settings for OEM ID: SYN0729.  (uncheck 2FVHScrolling,
   Pinch, 3FingerFlick).
  -Fixed Old Palmcheck UI always display even we have SmartSense UI.
  -Added new PnP IDs(SYN1B47, same setting as SYN1B46).
  -Patch for top clickpad button zone creation failure.
  -Added BranchConvention.docx to CVS which address branch policy.
  -Saved the original binary before stripping. When debugging problems, we
   will need this exact version from the tagged builds. Thanks to Andrew D.
   for bringing this up.
  -First pass at Linux I2C kernel module for ARM CPU.
  -Called the function instead of duplicate code.
  -Changed default installation group to marketing_SGS94_sui.
  -Created a new group for OEM demo.
  -Rather than calling SendOSPacket (and the 2 lines above it), you should
   have a function. that cleans up the flag required for momentum to work.
  -Fixed text box size for "Double Tap To Enable andDisable TouchPad".
  -Moved the ClickPad type variable used for the info dialog from Mktg_UI to
   all .INFs.
  -Removed the ClickPad type variable from Mktg_UI

Version  15.1.22 10/29/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes  
  -Check for NULL before closing a file pointer 
  -Allow PalmOnPad if HihgPalmW filter enabled 
  -Moving corner zone position only if it is a oem omin click pad 

Version  15.1.21 10/28/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added CPDWMSwitcher.cpp to Linux Build so the X Input Module can load.
  -Added logging of timing of motion / scroll events under Linux.
  -Added support for string returned by newer TouchPads.
  -Let us get the board # only when we open the diagnostics page.
  -Get Touchpad board number.
  -Fixed Tap Suppression check.
  -Several updates to Chrome configuration.
  -Linux RMI/I2C.
  -Used Axis Cur and Prev position instead of iDX and iDY which are set
  -There is a #ifdef LINUX_TODO in this file.
  -Reduced restrictions on 2F tap for Chrome.
  -Copy OEM extra to OEMtest inf.
  -Set SmallWheel flag for IE scrolling.
  -Modified mouse scroll for getting smoother scrolling.
  -Fixed Hotkey conflicts at the mouse properties pages for IDS_Apply.
  -Updated 4 Finger Flick video with correct file.
  -You have to change the logic on m_bFingerPresent.
  -Added configuration and code change to support 3Finger Tap activation
   from driver and sharing of same info page.
  -Corrected ScrybeActivatedByDriver (changed \ to ,).
  -Does 3FingerTap to be SP_?.
  -Changed inf.
  -Check that it is an OEMStick, and not OEMStyk, to determine whether to
   send a relative packet. Add comments explaining why it is correct, if it
  -OEM 5 button features.
  -Reorganize registry sections of double tap enable disable TouchPad and
   touch and hold enable disable TouchPad.
  -Merged in the user's INC file.
  -Reorganize registry sections of double tap enable disable TouchPad and
   touch and hold enable disable TouchPad.
  -Fixed help build2.bat without simple Chinese issue.
  -Changed Croatian string.
  -Eat any key when doing pinch; then stop pinch.
  -Put the path to Scrybe into a const.
  -Corrected UpdateData to refresh controls.
  -Fixed broken Configure button in 3FingerPress.
  -Added a bitmap support for customer zooming cursor image.
  -Added a new customer zooming image bitmap file.
  -Fixed an issue for zooming icon image showing in FireFox.
  -Moved the check for the new state together with the other twoFinger states.
  -OEM 2011 consumer to use SGS9.4 UI starting with Garbo.
  -Rearange code.
  -Used common section in
  -Fixed OEM scrolling Tips Still appear checked "Don't show"  after reboot.
  -Fixed ShowVideo button for TwistRotate.
  -Added settings of Enable/Disable touch zone and LED.
  -Fixed GROUP 3 - the old PNPID should not have the LED options.
  -Changed ACM help string - Keep the old help string, create the new id for
   the new one.
  -Changed ACM help string Synaptics default to the new string OEM keeps the
   old string.
  -Fall back to the old Palmcheck UI if it is a profile sensor and ACM is not
  -Modified default settings for SYN0500, SYN0501 and SYN0502.
  -Modified default setting for DLL04EA.
  -Fixed an issue for unexpected 1F-scrolling.
  -Adjusted corner zone UI and edgemotion y lo edge.
  -Fixed Japanese translation in UI and help ( Momentum>Glide).
  -Updated SYN1E46 with appropriate configuration.
  -As per Mktg. request, added double tap to disable/enable the TP and LED
   control to market_SGS94_ui.
  -Added the key ClickpadSeries1.5 with default value 0 (FALSE => Series
   3.0) to
  -As per Mktg. request, changed the device reporting in the driver info
  -Changed "Touchpad driver" to "Driver" and "Touchpad FW" to "FW" in the
   info dialog.
  -Updated SYN0180 with appropriate configuration.
  -Reloaded device state when HKLM was created first time to avoid wrong
  -Modified default settings for SYN1E47.
  -Added OEMtest.
  -Hidden rotate for specific platform.

Version  15.1.20 10/21/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed data type 0x00000004 -> REG_SZ from XP machine.
  -Changed the app launched by 3 finger press.
  -Removed OEMReady inf.
  -ChwSMBPDPort -> ChwRMIPDPort.
  -Interface class for OS RMI port.
  -Linux framework.
  -Get Device Name string for control bar based on board number.
  -Created a function to check both fingers in the button zone.
  -Removed test settings for wheelmouse scrolling.
  -Renamed to TapWithOtherFingerPresent? m_bFingerUp->m_bFingersPresent.Add
   comments to SendOSButtons, that it is safe to do this -- as if a finger
   goes away we get dribble packets that reset the button bits.
  -Thought about and entered information for supporting TouchPads that do not
   report multi-fingers but support 2 finger taps.
  -Moved this code to its own class. Does this only work for pass-through
  -OEM 5 button feature.
  -OEM 5 button implementation.
  -Added config to ibmtest.
  -Added code to avoid possible memory leak in cpl.
  -Improved the enhancement apps starting time on Chrome.
  -Added packet format with V in comments.
  -Changed for OEM profiles for marketing.
  -Changed OEM profile description.
  -If the connection is still the same, we should still return true for this
  -Changed key macro of 3F left and right flick for Gwenview.
  -Updated OEM's PnPIDs with appropriate configuration.
  -Do not swap the button if clicking is triggered in none-button zone (right
   and left button zone).
  -Added Install info to each GROUP for OEMConsumer.
  -Fixed dialog caption ID.
  -Adjusted ballistics when 2 fingers are on the pad.
  -Updated DLL04AF/etc with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed registry value error.
  -Removed unused ACM UI.
  -Fixed help text and UI label.
  -Added a small comment showing that we have removed this line to fix a
  -Updated DLL04AF/etc with appropriate configuration.
  -Changed short key from 'h' to 'P' to avoid conflict.
  -Fixed edgemotion cannot be check/unchecked after clicking Default button
   in EdgeMotion's page.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request.
  -Limited 2FIn1F-scrolling only work for Profile Sensor device.
  -Added feature if WThreshHoldMin < w < WThreshHoldMax, then treat it as two
   fingers on the pad and allow 2F scrolling.
  -Added support for repeatedly scrolling and pointing.
  -Updated SYN1E3B/etc with appropriate configuration.
  -Updated SYN1E3B/etc with appropriate configuration.
  -Created EnableDisableTouchZoneLEDSGS94UI_AddReg.
  -Modified default setting for SYN1046.
  -Modified default setting for SYN0733.
  -Modified default setting for SYN072D, SYN0730, SYN0734.
  -Added new installation file for Customer to use IS device.
  -Added two strings for Coasting Slider.
  -Added two strings for Coasting slider.
  -Fixed an error in typo.
  -Moved some common sections to share.
  -Put back the section [CoastingDecay_AddReg].
  -Updated SYN0321 with appropriate configuration.
  -Compare in UINT base to avoid very short text do text wrapping.
  -Consolidated groups.
  -Fixed 2F dragging issue if multiple finger filter is enabled.
  -Removed accessories from tray icon.
  -Set right default settings.
  -Do not unnecessarily suppress motion with IS.
  -Added info on registry key to Emit when a control creation fails.

Version  15.1.19 10/14/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added capability to have different Control panel UI for different
   BoardNumber devices
  -Fixed reverse logic applying for Controlbar.
  -Set right setting for specific controlbar.
  -Fixed OEM pnp request.
  -Removed kb filter and stick filter from ibm2.inf.
  -Adjusted scrolling speed by taking the registry setting gain.
  -Adjusted the scrolling speed for type of mouse scroll.
  -Adjusted the speed of MouseScroll.
  -Put a mousegain for testing.
  -Fixed an issue of click and drag failure.
  -Do not replace the string that doesn't match.
  -Changed oem profile description based on marketing request.
  -Made the pinch to work with Ctrl key pressed during gesture.
  -Updated DLL04EA with appropriate configuration.
  -Disabled ACM on PS pad unless specified otherwise.
  -Added new PnP IDs for Linux platform.
  -Updated SYN0E0F with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed an issue for conflicting of 2F and 4F configuration settings.
  -Fixed 2F scrolling up/right.
  -Fixed broken Configure button in 3FingerPress.
  -Fixed OEM request adding Exclusion List.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request.
  -Fixed reset of x.
  -Deleted all file residues when uninstall the driver.
  -Added kb filter and stick filter to ibmtest.inf.
  -Undid button swap.
  -Updated SYN1046 with appropriate configuration.

Version  15.1.18 10/08/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the default value from ulSLIDER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT_VALUE to
   ulTWIST_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT_VALUE for twist "SliderThreshold".
  -Removed condition for 2F tap and 3F tap that would not allow Plugin
   Action when there is no kernel action. 
  -Made the Pinch work when Ctrl key is pressed.
  -Fixed 2F Horizontal scrolling response time is too long on IE. 
  -Fixed a crash in enhanced app. 
  -Fixed installation failure. 

Version  15.1.17 10/07/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes.
  -Allowed passing of a filename to syncontrol diag command.
  -Handled truncated lines in the Linux Registry files.
  -Moved Syn_Gesture_Msg string to synwraps.h. Added 3 finger tap to
  -Updated DLL04C1/DLL04C4/DLL04C5/DLL04C6/DLL04D7/DLL04D8/DLL04D9/DLL04DA
   with appropriate configuration.
  -Made the numbers consts/move to EScrollDefaultNumbers. Reviewed the
   calculation of m_iResidue.Changed reg value name to
   UseWheelMousePageSettings. Added another registry - about using
   MOUSEWHEEL for evey app.
  -Removed adding accumulated amount for 2F scrolling.
  -Turned on flag for using mouse scroll and using wheel mouse page settings.
  -Used wheel mouse scroll for MouseScroll().
  -Fixed tap and drag becomes double tap issue when jumping cursor filter is
  -Made momentum changes for Linux.
  -Made momentum work for multiple fingers.
  -Used consistency (change count rather than threshold).
  -Fixed an issue in tapping to select an app in flip/flip-3D.
  -Fixed MaxValidDistance and DebouceTime, as it's the default value.
   Removed a default value from the inc (see about zone sizes).
   Added OEM SmartCheck.
  -OEM 5 button on Omni mode ClickPad.
  -Avoided the dribble packet effect on delaying tp timeout.
  -Reduced the timeout threshold to 250ms.
  -New GUI - Tree checkboxes.
  -Distinguished the Ioctl code: Double
   tap->TP_DblTapEnableDisableTouchZone(0x010004de) touch
  -Added new Cpl ioctrol code
  -Modified the "EnableDisableTouchZone_AddReg" and
   "EnableDisableTouchZoneWithDblTap_AddReg" and
   "EnableDisableTouchZonewithDblTapCPL_AddReg" to fix the contrl panel bug.
  -Modified the Dependencies of CPL Controls for "enable disable touchpad",
   because we separated ioctl touch/hold from double tap. Also removed not
   necessary registries.
  -Took top left corner action as no action while disable the "touch/hold
   enable disable touchpad". We should set the top left corner action as
   invalid when eable "enable disable touchpad".
  -For PlugIn case we need to check if Action Property(ex:
   TopLeftCornerAction) is equal to 0(for kernal it means no action). I add
   SE_ActionEnableDisable just because correspondance to
   Kernel(TP_Action_Mask).for else case(kernel), SE_ActionEnableDisable
   should run the second path in the else condition.
  -Get the translated strings from synoem.
  -See if we have About translated somewhere.
  -Deleted all the Synaptics files left over when update the driver then
  -When uninstall delete all user profiles.
  -Do this only for pinch and twist.
  -Rolled back some scrolling code.
  -Updated OEM scrolling code and table.
  -Added ACM/BIC for DLL0437/DLL0446/DLL047D and Demo.
  -PnP ID request for OEM(OEM).
  -Default on for "Disable internal PD if ext USB mouse exist".
  -Modified Default Setting.
  -Scrybe currently is 32-bit app, for 64bit OS if reading the info at 64
   bit app registry location fails then read at the registry location for
   32-bit app.
  -The installtion of current scrybe v1.5.63 put an empty key Scrybe in
   normal registry for 64 bit! So check the real version from the app
  -When uninstall delete all user profiles.
  -Set advance filters of ACM default to off for Marketing_sgs94_ui.
  -Changed image sensor to Image Sensor,  profile sensor to Profile Sensor in
   driver info page.
  -SGS 94 UI: change SmartSense ACM after Pointing instead of
  -Added dependency of CplIOCtl code "TP_Enable_2Finger_EdgeMotionScroll" for
   Edge Zone control.
  -Added EnableDisableKeysToggleWithE071 for group 21(SYN0733).
  -PNPID request for SYN0736 in oem.inf.
  -Updated SNY9015/SNY9016 with appropriate configuration.
  -1. The plugin should overwrite the Kernel action.
   2. For the case at display change let's say at 90 we want to set the
   topleft corner to Kernel action Primary click, it will be
   TopLeftCornerPlugInActionIDAtDisplay90 = 0xffffff01  The following call
   will set it back to Kernel action if defined for other display bRetVal =
   device.SetLongProperty(lActionProperty, dwActionPropVal);.
  -Rolled back for OEM.
  -Set all platforms with OEM standard gestures.
  -Turned on multiple finger filters.

Version  15.1.16 09/30/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes.
  -Fixed a hotkey conflict in Slovakia language.
  -Fixed issues with new initscript.
  -Fixed Help Text is missing for Corner click Action.
  -Fixed crash in enhanced app, when PinchZoom / 2FScrolling continually.
  -Added Syn_Gesture_Msg string and other enum for Gesture API.
  -Combined top slider zone and jog dial zone.
  -Rolled back: we will use BackForward zone with proper registry init.
  -Board query command only supported by FW 8.0 or above not 7.5.
  -Updated diag page with board number.
  -Updated TOS0100 with appropriate configuration.
  -Reported both clicks when one finger in left button zone, and another
   one in right button zone.
  -Cleared CComTouchPad Queue when SetupFeed runs.
  -Added stick check for all gesture zone.
  -Made scrolling smoother.
  -Don't send finger count informat packet to OS.
  -Used index to replace the efiPrimary and efiSecondary enums for NGI.
  -Added one finger tapping with another finger on the pad.
  -Changed multiple finger tapping decode logic.
  -Only do multifinger taps if every finger qualifies as a tap separately.
  -Took the RightHanded code back out, and any other changes that were made.
  -When you check the StrokeFingerCount it should be > 1.Use consistency
   (change count rather than threshold).
  -Made 40 as a constant.
  -Reset ulDribblePacket if finger count increase.
  -Updated DLL04A5 with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed error in tree control.
  -New UI for Linux (partial).
  -Changed OEM PNPID gesture settings.
  -Added SE_ActionEnableDisable(Enable/Diable touch Zone), since it is
   non-plugin Action.
  -Rolled back and Add
   so that the code can run to right path in function.
  -PnP ID Request for OEM.
  -Added TouchPad Properties into tray icon and make it as default option in
   demo_UI_SGS94 marketing.
  -Made Marketing_SGS94_UI as separate inf.
  -Changed TP model to reflect real TP model.
  -Driver Info changes.
  -Have a fct that returns the string for the OS instead of having the array.
  -Removed "Series".
  -Modified default setting:1. Remove the HighWDelay bit of EnablePalmDetect
   registry value 2. Modify the TouchThreshold to 0x16.
  -Updated SYN0326with appropriate configuration.
  -Added code to judge if the srcoll info of vertical scroll bar is equal to
   the max value, if this is true, we should scroll one more time for some
   application (Notepad) to actually scroll to the end.
  -Changed Palm check setting from 4 to 5(level 6).
  -Added OEMDefaultWithMomentum for marketing demo.
  -Added PS2_0, 2, 3.
  -Added bit in packet for reporting CtrlKey down.
  -Added support for CtrlKey down during pinch or twist.
  -Added DLL04EA with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed UI and help text wrong for "Double Tap" at top left corner to
   Disable/Enable touchpad.
  -Fixed build break on ARM CPU Linux compiler (GCC 4.3).

Version  15.1.15 09/23/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Modified Touchscreen to HWID exclusion list for OEM 
  -OEM system key combo filter exclusivity 
  -Created new Jog Dial zone (OEM request). 
  -Modified IOCTL name and enum member name and struct member name 
  -Added "SuppressPossibleJumps" settings to avoid possible cursor jump.
  -Recovered the setting of "one finger horizontal scroll".
  -Set StrokeState as slider is active and it is a ClickPad.
  -Set StrokeState if one finger scroll happened in ClickPad button zone.
  -Swapped packets due to finger position changes. 
  -Added board number Ioctl, board number info into diagnostic log file - TP
   with FW >= v7.5 support this feature 
  -Unified OEM Inf info in our install registry 
  -Fixed a bug that mouse property page doesn't open after reloading the
  -Moved whole presstoselect block after touch hold.  
  -The inital Edgemotion registry value should not be 0 or it can't be
   changed in new UI.
  -Deleted sub OEM profile files before delete the parent SynTP files 
  -Enumerated profile list from HKLM instead of disk. 
  -Used resource id constant. 
  -Fixed a dynamic dll loading failure issue 
  -Updated with new video files. 
  -Killed the TP on/off notification timer when distruct CSynOSD (System goes
   into suspend) 
  -Removed illumination capability 
  -PnP ID request for IEC(Wyse).
  -Removed dwmapi.lib|.h  
  -Used SDK v6.1 for now. If we use SDK version >= 7.0 either we have to
   install hot fix for vs2005 or install vs2008/2010 for all machines. 
  -Fixed cursor jumping when multiple fingers down on the pad for multiple
   finger filter. 
  -Missed to set packet type when sending dribbler packets to CTPFilter. 
  -Passed wrong parameters. 
  -Added DisableDeviceUntilSessionEnd_AddReg for group7,8 in   
  -Rolled back configuration change for DLL04A5. 
  -Updated DLL04A5 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Updated LEN0020/LEN0022/LEN0024 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Corrected W decoding issue for V report. 
  -Fixed W decoding error for secondary finger. 
  -Turned on cursor jumping for primary finger only. 
  -Created IOCTL to check slider position, then depend on children instead
   of introducing new class.  
  -Added class "CChiralDispatcher" to GetTraceMask for selective Emit. 

Version  15.1.14 09/16/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Speed up the build. Make the sg94 UI settings in its own file like the
   standard UI.  
  -Ensured motion is suppressed when a suppression is set while a packet has
   been delayed. 
  -Added virtual to the virtual functions and also kernelserver.h 
  -Removed bNoMtion and use flag TP_PacketState_MotionSuppressed. 
  -Only lock SuppressCursor / SuppressWheel when calling SetItem. 
   OEMButtonsPseudoDevices can be tested using OEMNEWUI.INF. 
  -Fixed crash in enhanced app, when PinchZoom / 2FScrolling continually. 
  -Set controlbar default settings.  
  -Added the check of EdgeZoneOverLap.
  -Set default 1F H scrolling disabled for OEM 
  -Fixed an issue for swapping packets if finger cnt > 2 
  -Don't load a profile on double-click when none is selected. 
  -Added Part Number for OEM0022 and OEM0024 
  -Added PNPID: OEM0024 in x86 of 
  -Fixed "Go to web page" for strings that begin with "www.". 
  -Added Press-to-select feature for SGS 
  -Adjusted scrolling zone size.  
  -Cancelled gesture actions if any finger moves into button zone. 
  -Removed the Middle button report when left and right button click at the
   same time, instead we report left and right button at the same time.
  -Enabled pivot rotate by default and hidden ChiralRotate control. 
  -Changed ACM branding and created new group.
  -Fixed OEM profile feature.
  -Moveed OEMDefault.syn to demo_ui_sgs94.
  -Modified default setting for SYN1E3B.
  -Added Linux center on screen. 
  -Added driver info dialog to tray menu.
  -Added code to expand any tree item in the tree at init time based on a
   flag. Set the flag for MultiFinger tree entry expanded by default.
  -Added support to check for requirements for 4F-flicking. 
  -Checked the Areo feature for 4F-flicking, Flip/Flip3D gesture 
  -Added missing video files. 
  -Changed html to use the playlist. Also changed the structure so that maintenance will be simplified.
  -Updated SYN0500/SYN0501/SYN0502 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added code to toggle the handlemask of the SynOriginationZone while enable/disable the feature 
  -ACM for Linux.
  -Modified Default Setting: Enable/disable key change to toggle. 
  -Remove double tap enable/disable touchpad feature 
  -MF Filter Test 
  -OEM default setting changes  
  -Fixed document for ChiralScroll_Rotation where Scroll.cpp removed. 
  -Short document on Emit registry configuration for debugging/tracing.

Version  15.1.13 09/09/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fedora 8 build break! 
  -Added support for setting pointer speed.
  -Simplified init scripts for Chrome. 
  -Support for creating a standalone reflash tool. 
  -Synaptics DBus daemon should not be a system daemon. 
  -Rollback removed code for edge tap.
  -Fixed gestures for MF filter. 
  -Support right/left handed switch for pointing in the buttonzone 
  -Reopen control panel if we close it at display change.
  -Checked controlbar and touchpad instead of rgbcontrolbar.  
  -Take care of more finger down during an active scrolling. 
  -Removed no longer needed settings for tap decoding.
  -Fixed context help.
  -Scroll zone UI and size change for omni pad  
  -Fixed OEM ACM hot keys issues. 
  -Fixed OEM ACM string cutting for Romania 
  -Fixed OEM requested localization of ACM driver.
  -Added m_ulSlideThreshold for twist zone.
  -Added PNPID: OEM0735.
  -Added strings for the LuxPad buttons Pseudo-Device and to provide port
   info for LuxPad and ClickPad. 
  -PnP ID request for OEMConsumer.
  -Added OEM1928 with appropriate configuration. 
  -PnP ID request for OEM.
  -Removed the Middle Button Capability.
  -Enabled ACM for all platforms.  
  -updated registry setting doc.

Version  15.1.12 09/03/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Associated NoMotion bool with correct packet under Linux. 
  -Needed the default property action for displays which are not 270/90 
  -Added AlwaysSuppressMotionWhileTyping in OEMCommCtrl.
  -Implemented OEM specific omni mode. 
  -Scroll zone UI and size change for omni pad.
  -Changed SynDeviceDesc to OEMDeviceDesc.
  -Moved DLL04C1, DLL04C4, DLL04C5, DLL04C6, DLL04D7, DLL04D8, DLL04D9,
   DLL04DA from OEMSynUI to OEMCommercial.
  -PnP ID request for OEM(OEM).
  -Fixed warning slidebar red selection default.

Version  15.1.11 09/02/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added SynWinFrame.h/cpp pair to the Linux. 
  -Only one continual build at a time, kill all the previous continual build
   command window prompts. 
  -Speed up the build: pruning empty directories.
  -Update verifylist for the branch also. 
  -Disabled secondary click button zone for Chrome.
  -Implement delay one packet under Linux. 
  -Reduce PalmDetect timeout for Chrome. 
  -Relocate init scripts on Chrome. 
  -Changed behavior of Palm Detect from time based to touchpad without
   fingers, as requested by OEM. 
  -Fixed Help Text is missing for Corner click Action. 
  -Added the missing help id for Greek (for Pseudo-Device support). 
  -Fixed enumerate registry bug. 
  -Saved kernel registry values to SynDiag file. 
  -Added saving kernel registry values to syncontrol. 
  -Reviewed the changes and roll back.
  -Merge to trunk HighPalmW EnhApp, UI, resource, Inf, kernel.
  -Used arrays for the parameters from 0-7.  
  -Removed the packet bit set/removing. 
  -Added new control bar. 
  -Updated OEM9015 and OEM9016 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed Help Text is not aligned for FourFingerFlick at Thai. 
  -Fixed hotkey at Finnish clickpad botton config.
  -Applied remap buttons actions at display change for stick/styk buttons.
  -Put the Remap LR buton actions feature separate from the default. 
  -Added new query to get board number from the FW if the FW verson is 7.5
   or above. 
  -Commented out whole function NotifyScrybe for Linux. 
  -Moved  m_bCurrentProfileIsDirty to profile manager. 
  -Removed SetUniqueKey.
  -Used sharedregdefs.h. 
  -Skipped Scrybe settings when save/load profile from driver.
  -Redo enable/disble tree for 28977. both new UI and std UI.
  -Modified default setting for OEM072D.
  -Fixed an issue a profile with no profile setting did not remove synaptics
  -Fixed an issue trayicon is out of sync between control panel and
  -Called CloseControlPanel() with timeout.
  -Modified short key of Disable TouchPad in Greek .
  -Modified short key to 'L' for consistency .
  -Updated OEM049C with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added OEM0E0F with appropriate configuration. 
  -Add PNPID: OEM0022 to 
  -Changed PNPIDs: 0713, 0715, 0718, 071C, 0720, 0721, 0724, 0728, 0729,
   072D, 0730, 0733 settings group using SuppressMotionWhileTyping2 so that
   it wont change the PalmRT value of previous setting 
  -Modified PNPIDs: 0308, 0311, 031B, 031C, 031D, 031E, 0320, 0321, 0324,
   0326, 0327 for always suppressing motion while typing 
  -Modified PNPIDs: 0713, 0715, 0716, 0718, 071C, 0720, 0721, 0724, 0728,
   0729, 072D, 0730, 0733 setting for always suppressing motion while typing   
  -Modified PNPIDs: 100D, 100E, 1013, 1022, 1023, 1024, 102A, 1031, 1036,
   1037, 1038, 1039 103a, 103B, 103C, 103D, 103E,  1043, 1044, 1046 for
   always suppressing motion while typing 
  -Changed button zone size and disabled gestures in button zone for
   specific OEM 
  -Removed Disable/Enable LED on the top-left corner.
  -Changed LED highest output level from F to E to work around non-smooth
   lighting up for OEM.
  -Change default settings for 10 PnPIDs.
  -Allowed users to change settings but keep the same description for
  -Fixed an issue that the item focus is wrong after saving a profile. 
  -Disabled "Profiles" button when not shown. 
  -Added PNPID: OEM0024 in 
  -Fixed multiple fingers tap becomes one finger tap issue. 
  -Modified Default setting of OEM0326 

Version  15.1.10 08/26/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated by the build process.
   -Added SNY9015 and SNY9016 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Automatically layout bottom row of buttons. 
  -Cosmetic changes. 
  -Problems with OEM Consumer. 
  -Add a enum in tpioctl.h, and use it everywhere 
  -Change the overlap flag as a enum type 
  -Put the option closing Control panel graciously no timeout 
  -Terminate the Control Panel process when Windows close message timeout
   and it still exists. 
  -Add a way to communicate with scrybe; Add a dirty flag for profile
  -Build break 
  -Ported branch "Swapped left and right button for specific platform" to
  -Sent a notification to KBC after receiving a hotkey from the KBC. 
  -Fix an issue that TP driver is crashed & disappeared when loading a
   profile having long name. 
  -Set right finger count for secondary finger packets 

Version  15.1.9 08/19/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Used Shared Memory to suppress the cursor under Linux. 
  -Added SetLongProperty in template class instead of SynDevice.  
  -Reset zone action property when Init Button And Corner Zones.
  -Fixed hotkey conflict in Greek language. 
  -Fixed GetFingerCount(), and rolled back GetFingerCount(). 
  -OEM filters documentation.
  -Added unauthenticated TouchPad type in diagnostics page. 
  -Added OEM9015 and OEM9016 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed Hot keys are inconsistent in OEM commercial Greek language.
  -Fixed Help text for Clicking in Japanese. 
  -Modified settings for OEM commercial.
  -Fixed Help Text is not aligned for FourFingerFlick.
  -Fixed Hot Keys are not consistent for configure button - Omni mode.
  -Fixed an issue that profile setting is not loaded completely due to string
  -Fixed 4 finger flick 2nd line got cut-off in some languages. 
  -Fixed missing hotkey for "Reset Devices" in Arabic. 
  -Added ChiralRotateDisabledByMultiFingerGestureDisable in demo infs.
  -Added multifinger disabled flag directly in the zone default file for left slider
   and reverted back the inc/INF involved files(i.e. eliminated
  -PnP ID request for OEM.
  -Added PNPId SYN1E48 in 
  -Filter out ClickPad to avoid extra pseudo device showing up.
  -Added PNPIds: DLL04D7, DLL04D8, DLL04D9, DLL04DA in 
  -Added code and the overlap flag of board position with sensor rectangle, 
   if the flag is setted, then we should disable the edgemotion of the corresponding
  -Modify the variable declaration position in CTPFilter class 
  -Removed calling SetDerivedMembers in SetAttributes, since this is not
  -add code the get or set the flag dwEdgeBoarderFlagOfOverlap from driver 
  -modify the space 
  -Fixed Delete button is enabled although user does not highlight any profile.
  -Moved test-signing Scrybe inf files be part of the Scrybe build.

Version  15.1.8 08/12/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Moved ContinualBuild cmd, WatchforCheckins.cmd  files into Lib directory
   to avoid accidentally running these files in a Driver root build of a
   already built directory. Note that in the build machine,  the call
   WatchforCheckins.cmd should find and run these files in the Window
   directory not from the current directory. 
  -Real fix for accidentally running continual build in a Driver root
   directory . 
  -Roll back the check for 0. Enter a bug for FW to verify why primary
   packets are missing 
  -Fixed an issue in swapping packets that results in some accidental tap
  -Fixed behavior of Apply button in Mouse Properties when changes in the
   Settings dialog are applied. 
  -updated AppProfiles for Cyberlink Power DVD. 
  -Moved all 2011 platform PnP ID to new INF.  
  -Copy folders to the proper destinations.
  -copy mup.xml to Distribution folder  
  -delete unused project. SynArp do the xml job now  
  -Fixed so we can build SynTPAPI in IDE 
  -Added VID&PID of touchscreen to exclusion list.
  -Fixed Sensitivity option needs to fit all text within one line. 
  -Fixed help balloon text alignment for Right-to-Left languages. 
  -Rolled back John's change for 28497 
  -Fixed warning message text is not wrapped properly 
  -Roll back the changes as it induced other 2F gesture working problem. 
  -Changed help text for buttons when there are PseudoDevices.
  -Emit to file for Linux. 
  -Fixed issues with momentem for mulit-finger filter. 
  -Fixed broken JogShuttle after first successful execution. 
  -Suppress motion if previous one finger is in button zone and another one
   is pointing, then pointing finger lift and leave stationary finger in
   button zone for ClickPad 
  -Modified setting for SYN0E0E.
  -Added PNPID:DLL04C1, DLL04C4 in 
  -Added PNPIds: DLL04C1, DLL04C4 in 
  -PnP ID request for OEM(OEM).
  -Fixed pinch/zoom not work on linux.
  -Added SNY9015 and SNY9016 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added DLL04C8 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0A16 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN1E46 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Used master device button action instead of the Pass through device 
  -Added SYN0733 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed failure in firmware authentication on Linux only 

Version  15.1.7 08/05/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Used generic help for (twist) rotating at the main settings help.
  -Added new code for kernel logger.
  -Fixed an issue 3 finger flick is not triggered for some rare cases 
  -Added finger swapping code to Linux APIGetItem substitute function. 
  -Disabled tap by default and move entries into approriately name settings.
  -Made the multifinger-tap to work properly 
  -Updated AppProfiles for Cyberlink Power DVD. 
  -Created a INF for OEM 2011 models.  
  -Fixed hotkey conflict on Reset Devices for mouse properties page. 
  -Suppressed the motion if two consecutive packets have same timestamp and
   small big small filter is turned on. 
  -Documented the various palm check features. 
  -Added PalmW check from branch to trunk.
  -Fixed edge tap filter for OEM.
  -Added capability to assign predefined action to Left Right buttons when
   display change.
  -Safety check not to update the button in handle display change when
   write/read config.
  -We don't check taps for regular touchpads, or PTS on a Styk.
  -Fixed horizontal scrolling still show in Help text and Video.
  -Modified default setting for OEM0447, OEM0448, OEM0459.
  -PnP ID request for OEM (OEMSynUI).
  -Fixed Polish Patent Notice numbers.
  -Fixed Hotkey conflicts for Czech and Portugese(Brazil) at oem control 
  -Fixed incorrect Slovenian translation for help text under "TouchPad
   Disable Zone". 
  -Added hot keys for 'Configure' buttons for clickpad in Omni mode.
  -Set right finger count for secondary finger packet to consider finger
   count packet is reported by FW even there is three finger on the TP.  
  -Set right finger count for secondary finger packet.  
  -Sent control key down&up pair when scrolling message was sent for pinch
   function instead of sening once in activation and cancelling the pinch. 
  -Changed ctors of CSettingsDlg and CSettingsProps to save the type of
   device (real or pseudo). 
  -Show all MessageBoxs on the topmost.
  -SYN1E41 remove the LED Control 
  -Created different demo_UI_SGS94 related INFs to exactly represent the
   feature of each.
  -Removed "Sroll under pointer" and "Scroll selected item" from SGS94 UI.  
  -Fix a bug 3 finger flick init from Clickpad button zone moves cursor 
  -Added per finger TP filter. 
  -Changed shortkey to 'D' for Profile delete button in Japanese.
  -PnP ID requests for OEMs
  -Added PNPID: SYN1E44, SYN1E45 in 

Version  15.1.6 07/29/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -If rotate zone action is no action, skip the rotate decoding, and allow
   more chance for 2F scrolling. 
  -Add IOCTL code to reflash RMI firmware on machines with multiple PS/2
  -RMI reflash utility needs the kernel PS2 Port driver to sleep while the
   TM-1523 completes the erase_all command, otherwise the Linux i8042 driver
   gets confused. 
  -Fixed Characters shows in “Record and Sequence of Keystrokes” when
  -Added defaults to slider activation entries in Chrome 
  -Adjusted Chrome scrolling parameters. 
  -Compiled the Chrome driver with the new UX. 
  -Ensured the Enhancement App gets started even when browsing without
   signing in on Chrome. 
  -Set Button Zone Gesture Decoding for Chrome 
  -Added the TP Disable/Enable UI Notification 
  -Updated AppProfiles for Cyberlink Power DVD. 
  -Added UI for enabler 
  -Added prolong suppression 
  -clean up the active filter. prepare for additional suppression 
  -Avoid using function "FingerUpProcessing" while tringger the momentum
   action with resting finger on button zone. Just use DoMomentum only. 
  -Added capability to rotate buttons and their actions when display changes   
  -Turned off DisableDevice function optimization for specific OEM
  -DRW-OEM UI modification to allow independent configuration for buttons
  -Eliminated unnecessary member variable and changed function name. 
  -Added Profile UI. 
  -Added a comment explaining the reverse logic for TP_DisableGesture  
  -Saved the "TouchPad LED On/Off" state after it is changed. 
  -Added registry to suppress cursor motion while typing.
  -Added hotkeys for Twist Rotate and 4 F flick 
  -If a finger is down on button zone with a resting finger or button
   pressing finger ,we wont do finger down inintial.
  -Added finger bit checking in IsFingerInButton zone to avoid unexpected
   errors when this function is called. 
  -Set secondary packet X, Y and Z the same as raw packet to avoid side
   effect because primary and secondary finger packets are swapped 
  -Fixed an issue of triggering momentum with pointing finger up but induced
   gestures not working properly. 
  -Check whether you need to check for cursor being suppressed when your
   long var name variable is TRUE.  
  -Modified default setting for SYN1E3B.
  -Removed existed 3Finger Flick setting.
  -PnP ID request for OEM.
  -Modified default setting for DLL049C.
  -Added Touchscreen to HWID exclusion list. DUA at v14.0.16 
  -Modified default setting for SYN0C18.
  -Ported changes for Google Chrome to trunk 

Version  15.1.5 07/22/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed ClickLock dialog box not seeing "?"/"X".
  -Recentered groupboxes for OEM's proprietary UI. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflict for Dutch. 
  -Added RMI reflash utility for Linux Gen III.  CosPS2Port needed to be
  -Added a Makefile to SynReFlash tool for Linux.
  -Incorporated Y axis in computation of ballistics under Linux. 
  -Removed control panel from chrome build. 
  -Set default Palm Check Threshold to Max for Chrome.
  -Fixed an issue for rapid clicking with button release just in two packets
  -Added a new PnP ID and set scrollbar scrolling direction to reversed
  -Added check hotkey routines at Enhance app for 3 MS control pages. 
  -Used another registry key to turn on/off FW LED control isntead of
   illumination cap bit, oherwise all LUXPAD related stuff will be turned
  -Added OEM1E3C with appropriate configuration. 
  -Add parameter registry ClickPadEnableTapHackWithRestingFinger to fix a bug.
  -Fixed for clickpad momentum action with resting finger on button zone 
  -If path or file name contains (;,?,*), ask a user to reenter path and
   file name. 
  -Handled the check conditon of Edgemotion for Vertical and Horizontal
   slider repectivly. 
  -Used a trigger flag to see if there is intention to trigger the edge
   motion scroll and prevent the unintentional edgemotion. 
  -We should check if the direction of Finger movement is consistant with
   the Edgemotion or the finger is stationary. If it is true, we can add the
   Edgemotion value. 
  -Removed TP on/off notification for OEM1E1C, OEM1E21, OEM1E22, OEM1E29.
  -Checked the NearKeyPress code for gestures.
  -Added OEM specific controls in new SGS94 UI. 
  -Added group of new PnP IDs. 
  -Enabled tap for top left corner zone for double tapping top left corner
   zone to disable/enable TP. 
  -Removed partial old CPL from new UI. 
  -Added automation to handle signing INF files with a test certificate for

Version  15.1.4 07/15/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Sample program shows how to call SynCOM API to find device and
   enable/disable packet feed.  
  -Created the directory for user settings if it doesn't already exist 
  -Allowed adjusting the power value for scrolling ballistics 
  -Fixed PalmCheck error under Linux 
  -Made the number of scroll events send per packet configurable under Linux
  -Removed expect fork option in upstart script 
  -Tried smaller power for scrolling ballistics on chrome 
  -made cursor suppress when both fingers land in button zone only on
   imaging sensor 
  -added couple of more chances for deciding if the secondary finger is
   landing in the button zone with lower z for ClickPad 
  -Localization for Glowing Touchpad. 
  -Fixed FW LED control is out of sync. with screen saver issue.  
  -Saved touchpad lighgting state.  
  -Reswapped the finger index before feeding the packet to the user mode
   application if the packet was swapped. 
  -Localization for the help of Profile control 
  -Localization for the help of four fingers flick 
  -Added AppProfiles for Cyberlink Power DVD 10. 
  -Turned on bothbuttonfeature for Linux driver on specific platforms. 
  -Restrict scrolling to supported methods (WM or Kernel) except on Chrome.
  -Fixed creation of Profiles directory. 
  -Profiles for Linux. 
  -changed id SNY9FF1 to SNY9014 
  -Set Enable FW LED control default to 1.  
  -Added PNPId: SYN0731, SYN0732 for oem.inf without any feature specified 
  -PNPId: SYN0731, SYN0732 reqeust for oem.inf without any feature
  -Closed all control panel child windows except main control panel if
   device configuration changes. 
  -Set the max palmcheck value to 7 in syncontrol 
  -Removed the enable and disable option in for PalmCheck in syncontrol 
  -Changed shortkey from 'E' to 's' for Profile save button in Canada.
  -Added PNPId: DLL04A5 for 
  -Fixed a cursor freezing during 2F-scrolliing is pending with one finger
  -Fixed an issue of cursor moves little bit before 2F-scroll activated, if
   finger is landing in the button zone of ClickPad. 
  -Made the gesture work for fingers swapping (landing in butoon zone then
   one moves out) for ClickPad. 
  -Suppressed the cursor after primary and secondary finger swapping
  -Modified default setting for SYN1D11.
  -build script change for generating oem mup xml  
  -Fixed hot keys conflict at Mouse Propertie Buttons page 
  -Fixed hot keys conflict at Profiles configuration page. 
  -PnP ID requests for OEM.
  -Added SYN1E3C with appropriate configuration. 
  -Made the cursor suppressed when both fingers land in the button zone of
  -Moved the cast so it does not possibly diminish precision. 

Version  15.1.3 07/08/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed hotkey conflict for Slovenian. 
  -Added 4 finger flick gesture configurations.
  -Make two finger tap result in a secondary click under Chrome 
  -Used runonce key    
  -Increased the eMinDelta and eMaxHorzSignature to make chiral
   scrolling harder to trigger.
  -Fixed Words "Minimum" and "Maximum" don't match at German help. 
  -Added Illumination settings in SGS94 UI.
  -Added Help case so that F1 key displays help. 
  -Fixed wrap text is not proper for warning message (Polish Language) 
  -Turned on bothbuttonfeature for Linux driver on specific platforms. 
  -Added SetPalmRT4/5/6/7 sections.
  -Added default action to double-click on list item. If <new> is selected,
   the default action is SAVE, if a profile is selected, the default action
   is LOAD that profile. 
  -Added pnpids DLL04C0, DLL04BF, DLL04BE, DLL04BD for 
  -Use Linux path separator (where possible) for Profiles. 
  -PNPIds request for OEMs.

Version  15.1.2 07/01/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added newline to support compilation on RedFlag 
  -Fixed a logic error.  
  -OSD.exe is not our file, so do not check the manifest of it. 
  -Queued accumulated packets 
  -Removed IntelAPI class/files 
  -Removed OEM_jp.dll, OEM_JP and Oem_brand2 Infs 
  -Added a warning message that informs the User to close the
   Features/Properties dialog before proceeding with a change from the icon
   tray menu. 
  -Fixed wrong "tab stop index".   
  -Dbl-check that the text for 4FFlick matches the latest action.  
  -Added a wildcard to a PnPID to match a group of devices for
  -Fixed some issues for rapid 2F-scrolling. 
  -Killed scrolling timer for plugin action on the app when the window focus
   changed to a different window 
  -Allowed the Linux implementation of CosForeignPDMonitor to handle long
   event strings 
  -Allowed multiple scroll events to be disabled by senting
   m_iLinuxBarScrollByAmount to -1. 
  -Fixed Linux Scroll Method Selection 
  -Reduced max number of button events for Linux Scrolling 
  -Start SynTPEnh when the user's session starts 
  -Under Linux post multiple button scroll events from the X server 
  -Cancel scroll timer when there is a key press. 
  -Break when authentication succeeds. otherwise go back to retry 
  -fixed coasting for 1F/2F scrolling. 
  -Rather than create a new reg value, try to use the capability mask to
   pretend we have illumination. Or, at least change the param name to
   somthing like "AllowFWLEDEnable..."   
  -Added desktop right-click menu  
  -Added toggle LED API 
  -Distributed OEM's OSD.exe 
  -Updated installer/uninstaller  
  -Removed ForceKbPacket, and use SetLongProperty instead.  
  -stop coasting when reaches the limit 
  -Moved the #defines to a header in Linux\Include 
  -Added OEM PnP ID for OEM requests

Version  15.1.1 06/24/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Renamed package for DEB.
  -Missed clickpad settings for one platform. 
  -Performing full link in build update is not an error.
  -Clean up SWTools\Tools 
  -Don't do the diff between last and crt packet; only use last
   packets' X/YDelta.  
  -Improved 2F-scrolling when scroll is fast. 
  -Check if the action was chaged on the left slider zone.
  -Fixed "Move" system menu. 
  -EnableFWLEDControl should check that the pad supports illumination.
  -Added SynGlwPad to inf copy file list.  
  -Added add/remove shortcut capabilites to SynGlwPad.  
  -Expanded install/uninstall to do oem setup.  
  -Fixed closing the diagnostics page will close the cpl. 
  -Fixed horizontal scroll not only hidden but also no function.
  -Reordered tab stop indice for controls otherwise radio buttons cannot be
   selected using arrow key because different controls use the same tab stop
  -Add feature to disable Guest to save/change/delete profiles.
  -Fixed an issue "Enable reverse scrolling direction" is not updated in
   profile reloading.
  -Fixed a kind of accidental H-Chiral scroll when finger landing in
   ClickPad button zone. 
  -Fixed Show Video does not work for 4 finger flicks.
  -If the UI isn't shown, then the 4F Flick gesture should be disabled.  
  -Take out the Help for 4 finger flick for now.  
  -Removed unneeded controls that, in certain conditions, create artifacts
   in some dialogs. 

Version  15.1.0 06/18/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
New Features
   Additional feature support for Imaging sensors.
Bug Fixes
  -Included authentication code in Linux 
  -Added help for Four-Finger Flick and added checkbox in SGS 9.4 for
   Four-Finger Flick. 
  -Changed shortkey from 'r' to 'v'.
  -Refreshed chiral landing zone 
  -Fixed cursor issues with pivot/rotate. 
  -Allowed driver to compile with palm detect support on chrome. 
  -Added help for profile window  
  -Fixed a break for OEM control bar 
  -Modified the Drag Finger Up Momentum implementation to be independent from
   the registry
  -1st pass code for glowing pad app 
  -added OSD control 
  -Added general code to close popup windows, so that they will not stay
   open when closing Control Panel programmatically, nor will prevent to
   close the Control Panel. 
  -Fixed hot keys for "TP Disable Zone" page. 
  -Change "One-Finger Click" to "One-Finger Click Action" 
  -Fixed localization for Profile entry warning message. 
  -Removed unused rotation angle list. 
  -Removed the Click-And-Drag text label from the dialog and added an entry
   under "Clicking". This entry has only a video (currently the same until
   we get a specific one) and the help icon with the associated help file. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request to remove horizontal scroll 
  -Fixed archie does not like the space for the release mpg file in INF. 
  -Add a feature to import existing profiles when the driver is up 
  -Updated patent notices and removed Singapore patent 
  -Modified the FgCount Packet processing to adapt the changes of FW reporting
   the packet. 
  -updated scrolling code from OEM
  -Added scan code and notificaiton of TP disable/enable to DLL0490/DLL048F
  -Create directory %AppData%\Synaptics before create Create directory
  -Fixed a cursor freezing issue for pointing on ClickPad 
  -Fixed an issue of cursor sluggish due to cursor jump filter turned-on not
  -Added 4 fingerflick legacy UI 
  -Used Syn4FingerFlick.wmv 

Version  15.0.25 06/10/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Added checkboxes in the tree to all the items that can use it. The 
   checkboxes allow enabling/disabling features, leaving underlying configuration
  -Updated OEM044A with appropriate configuration. 
  -Created product subclass config key. 
  -Added the Chrial Rotate as checked for default 
  -Allowed for external tools such as SynARP to control packaging goals. 
   Consolidate packaging scripts. 
  -Fixed USB touchpad installation. 
  -Added 4f flick to OEMSynUI platform.
  -Adjusted controls position and size. Cleaned up an invalid control
  -Moved hardcoded _Caption strings that contain degree symbol into RC file 
  -Only show cursor after action been taken.
  -Added custom scroll message for sending mouse scroll messages and other
   chrome specific changes. 
  -Put user profiles under Profiles sub directory.
  -Verified that the seq-1 packet is of the type that you're expecting.  
  -Added new video file. 
  -Redo the undo/redo gesture.  
  -Corrected Tab index, Help order. 
  -Removed horizontal scroll in show video if hiden. 
  -Fixed word "Settings" truncated in German. 
  -Checked class flags before starting a cursor track. 
  -Added config flag to ignore modifier when processing the TP
   elabne/disable hot key. 
  -Added retry while Shell_NotifyIcon modify is fail for taskbar is busy.
  -Added Disabled Gestures flags to zone. DisableGestures for OEM
   now does not use the ConfigFlags but the new flags. 
  -Eliminated SuppressHzScroll and SuppressVzScroll eei functions. Scroll is
   suppressed now in the same general way, using flags of DisableGesturesFlags.
  -Removed the Scrolling flags from  4F and 3F Scrolling. The LeftZone mask 
   should include the Rotating bit. MultiFingerTap should include the 
   MultiFingerGestures and OEMbits. 
  -Made new request for NF-clicking, 2F=>1F-clicking, continuously-clicking,  
   as well as clicking-motion work for OmniMode of ClickPad. 
  -Added DisableDeviceUntilSessionEnd setting to OEM0604, OEM0605
  -Reassigned actions to 4F flick. 
  -Set ClickPadButtonZoneGestureDecoding default value in program instead of
   including registry section. 
  -Turned on both button feature but set middle button action none.
  -Modify Disable/Enable scan code for OEM2302
  -Added Clickpad with clickzones into SGS 9.4 UI.
  -Expanded syncom to do reverse keyboard feed.

Version  15.0.24 06/03/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -disable 2F-tap for OmniMode ClickPad. 
  -Implemented Linux style cursors for Windows (when needed). 
  -Fixed the program which isn't in foreground when it is launched by
  -Skipped device detection for specific ports.  
  -swapped 3FFlick Left with Right, for ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre app. 
  -Think about ORing the 2finger bit into the status for the primary packet.
  -Fixed MessageBox for Right-to-Left languages. 
  -Changed the value of center x position.
  -Returned DPinst exit code from synaptics setup program if it has /E or -E
  -Added rotation profile for OEM's proprietary software. 
  -Disable profiles for unauthenticated TPs 
  -Modified default setting for SYN0923
  -When pressing "Ok" on the message box warning for "Restore All Defaults",
   help window will be closed (hidden). 
  -Fixed Coasting slider text does not greay out when Coasting is disabled 
  -Fixed User is able to move coasting slider even though coasting is
  -Added PnP ID SYN2701,SYN2702 with appropriate configuration.
  -Adjusted settings from customer.
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Made up previous missed PnP IDs. 
  -Added SYN1E3B with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added a mpg file to OEM distribution release 
  -Removed Horizontal scrolling at the demo video if function being hiden. 
  -Fixed unable assign button actions to Touchpad Buttons 
  -We should not use the ClickPadMode value unless the device is a clickpad.
  -Changed "touching" to "double tapping" for all help rtf. 
  -Addecd Disable/Enable Touchpad hotkey for SYN0604, SYN0605 

Version  15.0.23 05/27/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Default button was incorrectly translated to Italian. 
  -Fixed hotkeys in Greek. 
  -Changed the communication between Control Panel and Enh. App. from
   SendMessage to PostMessage. Fixed the issues by making sure that these 
   dialogs close  when the User attempts to move away. 
  -Added closing of the Enh. App. popups when pressing page default button
   and Restore All Defaults for legacy UI. 
  -Fixed tabbing among buttons.
  -Created the device file if it currently doesn't exist.
  -Added verification code to walk thru the entire table 
  -Fixed Arabic and Hebrew hotkeys. 
  -Added some check condition and code to trigger the dragging momentum for
  -Added a class to deal with encoding.
  -Added codes to avoid creating profile with same name.   
  -Profile name could  arrange in alphabetical order. 
  -Fixed an issue that the mouse properties window can't be closed if the
   profile dialog is opened. 
  -Fixed an issue that profile window doesn’t close by pressing Esc key 
  -Fixed hotkeys in Greek, in Devices tab page. 
  -Allowed device detection even there is no device on the port if device
   detection request from the API such as reset. 
  -In the button zone, allowed 2F vertical scroll only, disabled all other
  -Removed code to do popup in setup about UAC is disabled. 
  -swap 3FFlick Left with Right
  -Only turned on the axis swap woraround for non-imaging sensor clickpad. 
  -SW workaround for Profile Sensor limitation.
  -Added support for ClickPads to SGS 9.4 UI.
  -Added Coasting decay to SGS 9.4 UI.
  -Turn on 4 finger flick UI in SGS 9.4 UI.
  -Highlight the text in the profile save dlg. 
  -Added redo, undo, fit-to-window gestures.
  -Added code to update kernel setting when a profile is loaded. 
  -Added checkmark to the systray submenu to show which profile is used
  -Adjusted PalmRT default value. 
  -Fixed an issue possible induced by gravity 
  -Removed HelpText in Tap Zones-Action lists.
  -Modified default setting for OEM1E31.
  -Reenabled the TP before system enters S3 if the touchpad enable/disable
   per session is checked. 

Version  15.0.22 05/20/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Created new map key for the Captions using the same resource Id 
  -Fixed Duplicated hot key  is found in tapping dialog (Romanian) 
  -Fixed in Greek language hot keys are inconsistent for one finger
  -Fixed Constrained motion and Default button hot keys are conflicting in
   Greek language 
  -Added binary only ebuild and updated source ebuild 
  -Merged quarterly localization stuff. 
  -Added the semaphore close and unlink and modify code as follow up 
  -Added RMI Packetizer, SMB Interrupts, some device info stuff, etc.
  -Added warning message when nothing in the profile description field and
   then try to press OK. 
  -Instead of just closing the Properties window, try closing all the
   control panel windows. 
  -Forced to use PostMessage to send wheelmouse scrolling message to the
   target window if it is IE and has child window with class name
   EVRVideoHandler, otherwise the video window does not repaint correctly
   while the scrolling happens. 
  -updated DLL048F, DLL0490 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed unwanted horizontal scroll help string if turns off. 
  -fixed popups for right-to-left languages. 
  -Always read packrat id from the HW if the packrat id is used as a config
   key on. 
  -Enable button swap for exnternal device, and disable button swap for
   unauth pad  
  -Improved the sencondary finger dow judgment. 
  -Improved the suppressing gesture ways for one finger in the button zone of
  -Closed config dialogs pupupped from cpl while going to lowpower state 
  -Fixed a bug that profilesave dialog is not closed when going to low power
  -Adjusted PalmCheck default settings. 
  -Turned on skipping device detection if there is no device on the port for
   specific platform. 
  -Fixed a bug "Can't use "move" right-click option for "Profiles" window." 
  -Added a loading balloon notification for the system tray menu. 
  -Tray icon sub-menu doesn't close when Profiles window is opened on Win7 
  -In the button zone, allowed 2F gestures to be disabled/enabled
  -Forced the Enh to foreground so that the launched application could be
   appears in the top most window 
  -Changed "touching" to "double tapping". 
  -Disabled all scrolling for pnpid SYN1507 
  -Fixed an issue that profile description displays ... for "enter", now not
   to allow "enter" 
  -Changed the way Help dialog works, solving many behavioral problems. Now
   help dialog is created as a control like the Feature dialogs and stays
   hidden when not needed. 
  -Fixed a memory leak 
  -Only create feature dialog when needed 
  -Fixed OEM issue - Vertical scrolling direction is opposite by default.  
  -Updated SYN1038/SYN1039 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed that finger gesture or mouse wheel can't set Synslider's value.
  -Make the debounce time changeable for ClickPad 
  -Added SYN2601 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Updated SYN0A15 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Consolidated CSynCriticalSection and CSynCritical_Section into one  
  -Changed hotkey for OEM platform. Changed default settings for OEM
  -Added case to change all LED brightness at once. 

Version  15.0.21 05/13/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Disable unicode strings in the registry until the file format is
  -Added option -lr to include SynReflash.log in diagnostic log file.
  -Create an OEM inc for the TNote.
  -Fixed 'Enable press to select' is not updated with Restore all defaults.
  -Created a separate connection for the Xserver for each thread to try and
   avoid possible lock contention. 
  -Put EnableWindow before ForceWindowToForeground. 
  -Changes for Chrome.
  -Finished the authentication code. 
  -Disabled authentication in debug build.
  -Unicode code string supported for Linux registry string key.
  -Added a semaphore and a thread function in CSynTPCplApp to see if the cpl
   should be raised up.
  -Added the customized wxEvent which used to inform the cpl raising up.
  -Fixed a bug that mute/unmute LEDs out of sync when the default endpoint
   device is changed.   
  -Found out if that Sleep prevents gestures, etc from working during that
  -Added help text.
  -Changed coasting slider string and setting direction 
  -Added OEM048F, OEM0490 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added Distributions directory to put distribution specific inc files to
   customize registry for different distributions.
  -Added a section for Customizing of different distributions.
  -Refresh the profile list to catch up any file deleted outside the driver.
  -Restore any mnemonic(&) symbol if we erased it.
  -Added message boxes when profile operations fail.
  -Added packratid in configkey, so the driver can read settings per
  -Modify default setting for OEM1508.
  -Set the default action of the corner zone to be secondary clicking for
   special mode ClickPad. 
  -Changed the warning message box from Yes/No style to Ok/Cancel style. 
  -Added 3Finger Flick (R/L) and PivotRotate support for Evince Doc Viewer.
  -Added OEM0101 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added PnP ID OEM1E38 with appropriate configuration.
  -Close profile config window when the system goes to lowpower.
  -Changed the Multi-finger gesture setting to default disable.
  -Added a balloon notification after loading a profile. 

Version  15.0.20 05/06/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated Registry.html 
  -Fixed Fedora 8 break 
  -Fixed hotkeys in some multi-byte languages, for Browse in selecting app
  -Fixed hot key not working at Dutch 2 finger flick. 
  -Changed the items order in the tree view for OmniMode ClickPad 
  -Added another set of checkbox widgets, mirror of the standard ones, to be
   used when the system is configured with a RTL language. 
  -Fixed Alt+I interfering with hotkeys. 
  -Fixed Click on TouchPad Button disable bitmap disappeared issue. 
  -Removed wrong Top and Height values for RU. 
  -Called SetCursor to restore the cursor to normal after the cursor
   tracking was stopped, otherwise the cursor didn't change back to the
   normal cursor if the gesture was initialed on the Tray Icon Popup. 
  -Trimmed white spaces in front and tail of executable program name string
   to make the executable program can be launched even there are spaces in
   front and tail of the executable program name string 
  -When 2F-pressing, make another finger can select and drag if one finger
   in the resting-finger-zone for OmniMode ClickPad. 
  -Changed Chars_set to R_E_S to specify the hotkey extracted from
   IDS_CHARACTERS_SET because Chars_Set contain Synaptics language symbols  
  -Restored defaults for all Dialogs 
  -Fixed Settings popups being off the screen, for Arabic. 
  -Turned motion suppression on when a key is down per customer request. 
  -Fixed access violation when added thread-safe code in SynCom. 
  -Added 4 finger flick to SGS9.4, but left the subkeys disabled
   (visibility=8). Added html file. 
  -Re-arrangd enable checkboxes in settings dialog for 4 finger flick in
   SGS9.4 to provide more space for the translated strings.. 
  -Renamed html file to Syn4FingerFlick.html. 
  -Added hotkey for "Profiles" button. 
  -Fixed a mixed-actions issue for OmniMode ClickPad 
  -Fixed a missing item in the UI for OmniMode ClickPad 
  -Added DisableGesture to Zoom Rate , Fast and Slow dependency list in
   Pinch page. 
  -Fixed hot key conflict after likely other hot key fixed. 
  -Added SYN0A15 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Disabled and Hided all multiple finger gestures and controls per customer
  -Fixed the out of order issue for profile items when used 
  -Minor change for the fixture of the out of order issue for profile items
   when used 
  -Fixed the slidebar LED tracing feature break. 
  -Added prototype SMB os port and HW SMB class. 
  -If Properties window is open, generate a balloon tip warning for 5 sec.,
   then close the window, discarding the user changes. 
  -If setting dialog is open, generate a warning message box, then close it,
   discarding the user changes. 
  -Added retry logic for fully device detection if normal detection fails. 
  -Fixed a small error when resending status request command sequence if
   there is any error happens. 
  -Add momentum feature to scrolling 
  -Added checkbox for disable TP when USB mouse plugged in. 
  -Added a check to see if the Properties window is open. If so, gives the
   User a warning asking to close it, before performing this operation. The
   user will have to re-try afterwards. 
  -Fixed Profiles popup for right-to-left languages. 

Version  15.0.19 04/29/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed "..." after "Settings..." for some languages. 
  -Fixed build individual build inf get incorrect result if the OEM
   directory  name is not matched case sensitive.
  -Changed implementation of Disable Gestures for OEM to allow disabling
   multiple features in a more general way. 
  -Change FeaturesDisabled back to DisableGestures and make sure the bits
   are right for backwards compatibility.
  -Fixed a shortcut key and a control cutoff, in Finnish. 
  -Relaxed a bit the Start criteria for ChiralScrolling. 
  -Implemeted scrolling module  
  -Change Hot Key from Windows reserved character "i" to "P", also extend
   "Disable" to "Disable(P)" because all the remain characters are used for
  -Removed error message box for Linux.
  -Removed the extra space in help string.
  -Another fix for screen saver on/off detection.
  -Used  a constant for the first OEM ID. 
  -Fixed tab alignment in control panel, for right-to-left languages. 
  -Added functions to cancel the 4F vertical flick when ESC is pressed. 
  -Used Xlib thread locking.
  -Fixed cursor jumping When the mixer mute status changes.
  -Added capability to specify the hotkey at the position in the label.
  -Added constant uiFINGER_COUNT_PACKET_INDEX.
  -Implemented authentication check.
  -For XP 64, "Show Video" checkbox is under "Setting" dialog. Changed
   caption to IDS_SHOW_VIDEO resource string.
  -Removed include file "Utility.h" for the Linux build.
  -Added a new API in SynCom that an application can change the button and
   zone action. 
  -Add "wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE" style to wrap static text automatically.
  -Added OEM0437, OEM0446, OEM047D with appropriate configuration.
  -Fixed garbage characters in Hebrew Patent info. 
  -Modified default setting for OEM0470.
  -DUA: updated OEM0470/OEM0471 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Moved ForceWindowToForeground from SynTPEnh to utility library. Forced
   the CPL current dialog box to foreground and set focus to right control
   after configurable plugin configuration dialog box is closed.
  -Added wrap text for help tip.
  -Adjusted "Restore Page Default" to the center.
  -Fixed Warning message Hot keys are inconsistent for Greek.
  -Changed shortkey for "Reset Device".
  -Prevent adding an extra '&' symbol to the static text.
  -Changed the code to select "New" after deleting an item in the profile
  -Fixed the focus issue in the profile configuration dlg. 
  -Enabled 1F scrolling and disabled one finger zoom for OEM. 
  -Added DisableGesture to Pinch Zoom Rate and Practice button of 2F
   scrolling dependency list.
  -Fixed Hotkey conflicts.

Version  15.0.18 04/22/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Linux)
Bug Fixes
  -Reenable pinch in syncontrol 
  -Change Hot Key from Windows reserved character "i" to "P".
  -Suppress v-scroll when stick is active.
  -Added PnP ID info for Linux.
  -Enabled (limited) ScheduleThread for Linux. 
  -Fixed SynOEM cannot load the resource for debug version in
  -Added capability to get the hotkey from the resource.
  -Removed LoadString.
  -Adjusted properly the width of the control to allow longer text. 
  -Forced control panel to foreground window after configuration dialog is
  -Fixed localization for IDS_TP_LIGHTING string apply to all languages. 
  -Replaced the spaces with non-breaking spaces only for affected languages.
  -Store back the actual size and position of the Bitmap control.
  -Eliminate Finger Info packets in history buffer under certain conditions.
  -Changed Russian shortkey and translation for "Reset Device".
  -Fixed an issure that thearterpad mute/unmute LED is on when the computer is
   on the logon interface under the button mode.
  -Fixed Glide Help text in Russian language. 
  -Removed shortkey for IDS_ENABLEDISABLE_ZONE_GROUP and add RUSSIAN shortkey
  -Changed shortcut character of "Right Cornet Pivot" from g to n.
  -Added slave right button.
  -Grab focus after default setting.
  -Fixed a shortcut key conflict in Greek. 
  -Fixed Practice button is disabled even though Two finger Scrolling is
  -Fixed a shortcut key conflict in Indonesian. 
  -Fixed Text truncated with 120 dpi for OEM control panel 
  -Hotplug authentication detect.
  -Changed default gesture settings per customer request. 
  -changed from sensor edge to rim edge.
  -Adding criteria for 2F-clicking.
  -Modified the value for height of the Resting-finger zone.
  -Fixed an issue for swapping L/R button for OminiMode ClickPad. 
  -Added the KdeWindowManager. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP request. 
  -Added checkbox under "Overview" to enable/disable media player launch
   (and video capability) on XP 64. Improved start and closing of Media
   Player when enabled. 
  -Added a new visibility option that makes a control always visible.
  -Tuned the zone size.
  -Fixed OEM PnP IDs request. 
  -Made "Restore All Defaults" button configurable (via INF) in size and
   position, to allow OEM logos. Changed caption to Defaults to shrink it.
   Added a warning MessageBox asking confirmation to the User. 
  -Removed 2FFlick video for OEM. 
  -Added SYN072B/SYN072C with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed new line character on the title bar of the Installation message. 
  -updated OEM0472/OEM048E with appropriate configuration. 
  -Modify default setting for SYN1508.
  -Added OEM PnP ID SYN017A. 
  -Do text wrap before checking clipping.
  -Removed Palm on Pad that was leftover after renaming it to Cover Gesture.

Version  15.0.17 04/15/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Moved external mouse detection into the the main thread 
  -Added Help Content for OmniMode ClickPad 
  -Added strings for OmniMode ClickPad UI 
  -Made dispatch msg only if the scrn save is on 
  -Fixed Enable edge tap filtering label does not completely fit on the
  -Fixed disable LED on issue when the system goes to S3. 
  -Added wrap text function for non-words languages.
  -Added some code to re-arange the vertical location of checkbox and
   radiobotton so that the words won't be overlap 
  -Fixed the top/hight of 1 Finger/2 Finger scrolling control for Russian
  -Added code to send OEM control command to TP 
  -Modified Brazil shortkey for "Configure" button.
  -Replaced TAB with non-breaking space to avoid unexpected text wrap.
  -Fix an unexpected double-clicking for ClickPad 
  -Fixed an unexpected double-click issue for ClickPad 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request 
  -Fixed Untranslated text at the Two-Finger Gestures Tab on OEM ctrl page. 
  -fixed ZoomRate slider control outline. 
  -Changed the shortcut of option "Reverse Scrolling" from s to v 
  -Added SYN1926/SYN1927 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added code to suppress both tap and motion. If in button mode,
   StrokeFilter should return right away, otherwise some gestures strill
   work even it is in the button mode. If an application is not launched 
   successfully by Event Action, the SynTPEnh is changed to most top and 
   focused Windows, so it will process all keyboard input. 
  -Set right default value, and removed the application no focus fix, it had
   side effect. 
  -Fixed Patent Marking Update for Driver/Scrybe 
  -Fixed cursor freezing issue after resuming from S3 if there are multiple
   fingers on the TP and force to sleep. 
  -Added Control Panel UI change for authenication 
  -updated SNYSYN0004 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added video capability to XP 64 by launching a separate Windows Media
   Player (32-bit) process. 
  -Updated file name to make it consistent with the rest of the files (html
   name contains either .wmv or .asx with the same name) 
  -Enlarged the pure checkbox width to prevent text cutoff.
  -Turn-on 4F-flicking with OmniMode ClickPad 
  -Added support for realplayer.

Version  15.0.16 04/08/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Fedora 10 linking error 
  -Fixed error retrieving old packets 
  -Used shared memory to transfer packets instead of dbus 
  -fixed mmap prot 
  -used nondeprecated function 
  -Fixed an issue "Able to trigger gesture within Button zone" even though
   "not allowed" is set 
  -Fixed an issue that Firefox does not scroll/zoom under the chiral/zoom
  -Created a SendNotification property and passed in the reason for the
  -Added compiler support for Ubuntu 10.04 which has version 7 API for X
  -Changed zone size for OmniMode 
  -Made the Right clicking zone swapped when swapping L and R buttons. 
  -Modified the code so that it could be more sense-straitforwad and add some
   comment to explain the code 
  -Fixed Alt+I stop the hotkey at mouse device setting properties page. 
  -Removed Gesture word at Button/Zone/Gesture completely disabled. 
  -Fixed Momentum settings labels are incorrect in Russian. 
  -Fixed issue four finger flick will freeze the cursor if no active window
   opened on the desktop 
  -Filter out the fractional historical motion vector, it may cause a large
  -US shortkey for "Perform EdgeMotion when dragging and pointing".
  -Break out of the for loop if you have no finger on primary finger packet.
  -Removed the NN language. 
  -Removed the LoadString method and use the parameter to GetResourceString
   for m_hInstance. 
  -Replaced CSynTPEnh::LoadString with CLocalizer::GetResourceString 
  -SynTPEnh  use EnhLocalizer 
  -Maximized usage of screen space for Edge Motion. 
  -Made InitTreeParameters a no-op when it should be, so you don't need to
   do the if. 
  -Made the constant strings all caps with underscores. 
  -Fixed incorrect parsing of RTF numeric parameters. 
  -Fixed "Scrolling Speed" label for some languages. 
  -Short key for Hungarian "Enable vertical scrolling". 
  -Hungarian short key for "Enable Three-Finger Flick". 
  -Adjusted "Enable reverse scrolling" field. 
  -Polish shortkey for "Enable Coasting".
  -Polish shortkey for "Perform EdgeMotion only when dragging".
  -Swedish short for "Enable Horizontal scrolling".
  -Swedish shortkey for "Enable EdgeMotion while dragging and pointing".
  -Autosize the enabled column. 
  -Updated PnPIDs text file for Windows OS supports. 
  -Maximize usage of Edge Motion Speed pane. 
  -On support regular buttons in the Cpl. 
  -Fixed formatting of message boxes. 
  -Used default width to let WX stretch to proper size.
  -Added PnP ID SYN0325 with appropriate configuration.
  -Enable 1Finger Vertical/Horizontal Scrolling 
  -Added tooltip for 3-finger press. Added string to SynTPRes.dll from
   Enhanced App resource file, since the dialog comes from Enh. App. Modify
   CSynTreeCtrl so that any control (even if not belonging to a dialog) can
   be added to tooltips. 
  -Brazil shortkey for "Tapping".
  -Updated exclusion list for OEM. 
  -Modified the right position so that the width will be proper to
   fit in all words inside without leaving too much space no metter the
   language is left-to-right or right-to-left 
  -Added MultipleProfiles to demo_UI_SGS94 

Version  15.0.15 04/01/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Don't localize standard dialog buttons for hot keys an ornaments. 
  -Caught a missing filename with -f option 
  -Blocked additional signals in the threads 
  -Fixed the issue a 2F horizontal scrolling triggers a pinch 
  -Fixed a bug FWLED control pad loses lighting status when coming back from
   low power 
  -The Read index should be update to next when the evet keycode and type
   are all the same as the one in read quene 
  -Current one OEM Red Flag System not support min/max window plugin 
  -Changed "Button/Zone/Gesture is completely disabled" to "Do Nothing". 
  -Fixed Strings in EdgeMotion Russian and Momentum labels. 
  -Xlib threading support seems to be broken under ubuntu 9.04, use our own
   mutex instead. 
  -Only turned on button zone qualification for the 2 bnts clickpad platform
   has mechenical problem.  
  -fixed PinchZoom inside OEM's proprietary application. 
  -Changed "Right Corner Pivot" hot key to "g" 
  -Try checking if the finger contact id has changed from this primary
   packet to the last; if so, suppress motion. 
  -Fixed Dutch help text for Maximum and Minimum bold. 
  -Fixed Greek hot-key by using English keyboard 
  -Fixed Finish hotkey no conflicts but not working issue. 
  -RTL context help / More on not localizing standard dialog buttons. 
  -Linux does not display shortkey on letter with descent (.i.e "j"). 
  -Make the size of the queue registry configurable. Changed use of & for
   mod to %, so doesn't need to be a power of 2. Added a temp variable for
  -added LEN0019, updated LEN0015/LEN0017 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Only sent KBC notification and deivce state when device disable state
  -Reset gesture engine when system goes to suspend, logoff and fast user
  -Restored device state to enable if per session disable is turned on when
   fast user switch and suspend happens. 
  -adjusted UI element to avoid text cutoff. 
  -Translated "Mouse Properties" in title bar. 
  -Applied alignment style to static controls! 
  -Workaround for right justication not working on all versions of GTK. 
  -Remove shortkeys from static text controls. 
  -Hidden "Edge tap filter" umder "Tapping" because it was moved to "Smart
   Checking Setting". 
  -Added new registry value that specify if a control Caption string should
   be included in a tooltip. 
  -Changed to support ToolTip showing the content of a dialog when hovering
   over setting widget. The display of the strings is fully configurable. 
  -Add 2F rotate back without "right corner pivot" option 
  -Mul-thread DLL -> Multi-Threaded 
  -updated SYN0720/SYN0721 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Default Enable 2F Vertical/Horizontal Scrolling and 3F Flick for SYN0720
   & SYN0721 
  -new W info for each finger proposal implemented 
  -SetFocus, SetForegroundWindow does not always work 
  -added SYN1E32 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Modified default setting for SYN1D11
  -Fixed Korean language mapping. 
  -Added a new registry variable to specify if ActionPath contains the Html
   path for the video. Previously using ActionType which is needed for
   3-Finger Press. 
  -Changed the logic of browser control creation (to display the videos) so
   that we have only one running that gets updated when moving on the tree. 
  -Updated the call to the OCX browser Navigate, to update the URL. Changed
   default html file. 
  -Removed check for "PS/2 Generic Mouse" in synset
  -added SYN1307 with appropriate configuration. 
  -updated DLL048E with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fix LED status issue for the theaterpad 
  -added SYN2302 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Add SYN2202 with appropriate configuration.

Version  15.0.14 03/25/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Automatically restart continual build when driver build is done.
  -Automatically adjust height of controls for wrapped text. 
  -Added tooltips to Tree Control (Help and Settings) 
  -Allowed syncontrol to read multiple commands from a file. 
  -Default to U.S. English language file if desired language is not found.
  -Hook up localization to Linux operating system preferences. 
  -OEM wants Synaptics Control Panel again for T-Note. 
  -Support more languages in Linux.
  -Fixed scrolling in MS Excel 2007 "Format As Table" dropdown. 
  -Added FWLED controlled pad lighting control to tray menu.
  -Removed INF that have been merged into another INF. 
  -Fixed compile warning.
  -Global hook for scrnsvr: 32bit hook and 64bit hook.
  -Disable OSD on a Linux platform to reduce CPU Utilization. 
   Set TP_MaxDevices to 1 to reduce size of memory map. 
  -Only apply RTL process for generic dialog with SGS 94.
  -Changed code to fulfill the new spec.
  -Added a sanity check to prevent system hanging.
  -3Finger Flick for OpenOffice.
  -Added estimated driver size key so the driver size can be shown in Win7's
   ControlPael\Uninstall and changed a program. 
  -Updated wording to match dialog.
  -Fixed hot-key conflicts with MS default for Romanian. 
  -Added tooltips to combobox (like in the listbox control).
  -Fixed extra period for Slovak help label. 
  -Fixed Global Settings localzation and hot-key at Slovak configure. 
  -Fixed hot-key for Dutch two-finger scrolling. 
  -Fixed an issue of Chiral scrolling after rotating screen.
  -Hidden corner zone action control page if it is used for button mode
  -Adjusted 1F scrolling zone size. 
  -Caching the map of language ID with language symbol.
  -Fixed main settings dialog loses focus after closing the feature settings
  -Disabled Chiral for sqaautomation.
  -Fixed an issue for cursor jump with Imaging sensor device.
  -RTL and other fixes for Linux.
  -Fixed incorrect orientation of TouchPad image in Right-to-Left languages.   
  -Missing Video files if specified at the root of the dialog. 
  -Added video for sticky borders under Accessibility. 
  -Hide Rock Button. 
  -Unified to use CLocalizer::GetResourceString instead of LoadString.   
  -Added writing of processed packets to log file. 
  -There was a '%' where there should have been an '&'. 
  -Fixed wrong tree name for three finger press in CPL. 
  -updated/Added Pnp IDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Modify the OEMCommercial GUI.
  -Adjusted UI element to avoid text cutoff. 
  -Added manifest.
  -Extended project changes to x64 builds, to register the Bin copy of the
   dll so the link won't fail if you rebuild after rerunning the enh app. 

Version  15.0.13 03/18/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Constant size macro structure, fixed linux gestures. 
  -Fixed custom zones / Twist directions. 
  -International help and other fixes. 
  -Fixed incorrect return codes and allow large unsigned values.
  -Updated SynOEM  Dialog consrtuctor. 
  -SetFocus on feature setting when pop up.
  -Fixed disappearing text in Debian builds and update version.
  -Added "External device disable touchpad". 
  -Modified the Scan code value and to toggle type.
  -Put the actionid in the broadcast and do the functionality over in the
   LED code.  
  -Rename PopUpDlg to SynShowDialog.
  -Used the eei directly. 
  -Don't use the 0xffff as button ioctl prefix.
  -Deal with the case when loading from the profile dlg failed.
  -Changed the fix for margins in help window for UI SGS 9.4 and fixed
   scrollbar chopping in Vista and Windows 7. Added top and scaling for
   every resolution 
  -Fixed a setting error for suppressing jump.
  -Fixed a compile error (Remove from ReadMe.txt) 
  -Fixed a jump cursor issue. 
  -Modified the criteria for small-big filter. 
  -Fixed tap missing issue when the middle button is down and a finger is
   not in the button zome. 
  -Global hook for scrnsvr.
  -Modified s_userEvent as a circular buffer keeping the post keystroke event.
  -Added the uiPrevKeyCode to preserve the old one.
  -Added the "Launch Default email Application for kde" 
  -Added "Lanuch Defaut browser" 
  -Fixed the IDS_CONFIGURE_BUTTON hot key conflicts issue. 
  -Turned off corner zone action. 
  -Added locking to Xlib calls.
  -Moved function CheckNoClipping() into base class.
  -Updated CheckMnemonics to check hotkeys from registry.
  -Cached the window handle, etc. 
  -Fixed an issue of setting and using pointing device not matched.
  -Updated video for TouchStyk Sensitivity 
  -Fixed Indonesian resource has not been built for OEM 
  -Fixed main settings dialog page loses focus after using "Alt+D" to
   "Restore All Defaults" 
  -Adjsut size of double tap enable/disable check box.
  -Center application gestures text.
  -Removed test PnPID.
  -Created a settings for testing jump-cursor fixing and 4F flicking for IS

Version  15.0.12 03/11/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Enh App abort on Linux during startup. 
  -Fixed a Linux build error 
  -Added Buildmaster email alias for build issue notifications 
  -Only update VerifyList for the trunk and just use the build
  -Compiled string resources plus Linux bitmap resource files. 
  -Fixed When pressing F1, help dialog opens for the currently selected 
   item in the tree. 
  -Added codes for profiles supports
  -Made stringutil work for Syntpenh 
  -no need to process secondary finger packet  
  -enable gestures when stick is not present because stick button zone
   should be removed.  
  -Changed the directory where to save playlists.
  -Added the temp video directory to the list of files deleted in uninstall. 
  -Used customer's text window.
  -Explicitly allow left/right button while in button mode  
  -WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE only supported from WinXP 
  -Used existing trim function.  
  -Changed dialog "Default" button size to prevent label cutting in some
  -Fixed hot key conflicts.
  -Specified hotkeys only for English for shortcutkeylist.
  -Fixed hot key conflicts for the point styk UI control. 
  -Change value of standard button height.
  -Fixed 3Finger Flick not working.
  -Fixed problem trademark symbol(TM) in front of the trademark word.
  -Fixed the problem of trademark symbol(TM) in front of the trademark word.
  -Removed unused PnP IDs. 
  -Fixed label strings are too long at Polish.
  -Fixed wrong hot key mark. 
  -Fixed "DisableGestures" state is out of sync. in tray icon control when
   the CPL is opened to click "Restore all to default". 
  -Set all corner zone default action to no action. 
  -Added hotkey for Edgemotion when scrolling 
  -added SYN1D11 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added sending of enhancement log messages to specified app. 
  -Used fireEvent so that mouse acquire can be unacquired  
  -Added DLL048Bwith appropriate configuration. 

Version  15.0.11 03/05/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -More on RC files for Linux. 
  -Additional video files.
  -Renaming video files .
  -Added Help Topic for Smart check for 32 languages. 
  -At REMOVE Style ORing WS_VISIBLE for modeless.
  -Disabled cursors via the config flags.
  -Enabled Unicode support for T-Note (ARM CPU) 
  -Removed control panel from T-Note. 
  -Unify XORG header location for old T-Note and new T-Note build envs.
  -Prepared OEM scrolling module.
  -Fixed the PalmCheck features hot keys. 
  -Turned cursor jumping filter for specific clickpad platform. 
  -Dbl-tap for FF/RW 
  -Made associate checkboxes HideButActive.
  -Prepared theaterpad launch app config.
  -Added animation for 3F gestures page. 
  -Added multiple finger gesture page. 
  -Added new control strings. 
  -Added new help strings. 
  -Added codes to support profile features.  
  -Allow for change in handedness for special mode ClickPads.
  -Scrybe installion.  
  -Supported dynamic video playlists.
  -Fixed help patent sync with Scrybe. 
  -Get rid of the intertphandle variable and get that value dynamically
   where needed.
  -Hotkeys for enable controls.  
  -Localization for PalmCheck UI changed. 
  -Enable filters as requested  
  -Disabled imaging sensor support until authentication is implemented or we
   decide to do something else. 
  -Added a criteria for motion suppress filter.
  -Don't need the list of feature dialogs, just close the main settings dialog.
  -Close any dialog box that associated with a device when a config change 
   happened (including add/remove devices) 
  -Completed, updated ClickPads with appropriate PivotRotate help video.   
  -Only create feature Dialog popup when user clicks on settings. 
  -Fixed TP does not turn back once the USB mouse is detached.
  -UI for special mode ClickPads.
  -updated OEM's PnPIDs to not show Tips dialog, by default. 
  -Fixed duplicated hot keys found in SGS UI. 
  -Added PnP Id for OEM Linux only platform. 
  -Rolled back previous partial checkin. 
  -Fix RPM package build error.
  -Change file name to ImageSensorRequirements.

Version  15.0.10 02/25/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Registry doc updated 
  -Fixed that the abbreviation is not match with lable title in Slovenian. 
  -Delay starting X server (loop on stat none existent path). 
  -Disable unicode build. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflicts at Default and Apply for OEM control. 
  -Fixed localization for Enable Cover gesture and ROM translation at UI. 
  -ClickButtons and ClickZones are no need to be translated. 
  -Help RTF Scrybe localization merged. 
  -Localization help strings for Scrybe. 
  -Position of "Slow" caption covers the end of "Scrolling Speed" 
  -Fixed The Configure  button  stops working after the computer back from
   sleeping mode 
  -Added visible flag to Linux popup dialog. Roll back to return if
   ReadFontInfo returns false 
  -Set focus to main setting dialog when close popup feature settings dialog
  -Added version option to syncontrol to get the version number 
  -Fixed segfault on startup in T-Note 
  -corrected Led fading value
  -Added new button mode.
  -Created enum for ClickPad button modes. 
  -Fixed Run App aborts if run an invalid program. 
  -System can be awakened from S3 by TP even it is disabled.
  -Changed default settings for some platforms. 
  -Changed the default settings to match OEM request and consolidated
  -Added workaround for the platforms with Styk buttons wired to TouchPad
  -Rolled kernel driver change back and mapped ext1 to middle button from
   the CPL. 
  -Turned on Styk buttons wired to the TP workaround for specific platforms.
  -DUA, updated OEM with appropriate configuration. 
  -Merged 2 of OEM's INF files into one. 
  -Updated OEM's PnPIDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Modified scroll zone width and touch sensitivity
  -Reset previous tap time stamp if double tap is decoded, this avoided
   triggering false double tap action after first double tap then tap. 
  -Dual mode mute zone illumination settings
  -Fixed IDE build break (since v11_2_13) 

Version  15.0.9 02/18/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Converted keyboard macros from old format to new format to make this app
   work as before. 
  -Reduce the waiting time with ChangesPending from 15 to 10 mintues 
  -Added string for Enable Cover Gesture.
  -Added/Fixed Cover Gesture UI.
  -Let's not include unnecessary files. 
  -Localization UI strings updates. 
  -Updated localization UI strings. 
  -Added Release.txt notes to RPM build.
  -Added Release.txt to Debian package. 
  -Checked input device events to see if its a mouse since T-Note doesn't use
   "mouse" in the hotplug event.
  -Removed the Notify calls. 
  -Updated version for Debian.
  -Moved GetTpZone and GetControlDevice into base class.
  -Took out the ASSERT for WarningSlider for SGS94 UI. 
  -Increased threshold for vertical and horizontal jumps. 
  -Added additional retrys for opening the device and starting dbus after
   seeing the driver fail to start correctly. 
  -Adde codes to support multiple profiles.
  -Let's just truncate the name and don't add ... 
  -Updated PNPIds with appropriate configurations. 
  -Help topic 345 had already been already translated.
  -Added Scrybe install to Setup Intl.
  -Changed default video from PinchZoom to Two-Finger scrolling. 
  -Added PnP ID for Linux only. 
  -Refreshed the help when open the dialog, if the help window is already open.
  -Updated patent label in the help for 33 languages. 

Version  15.0.8 02/11/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Digitally sign Sys and helper files before copy to v99_99_99 
  -Used Tstring instead of TCHAR Tokenize() for RunApp(). 
  -Added context help for new SGS UI 9.4 
  -Added warning message when restoring all defaults.
  -Replaced "Multifinger" with "MultiFinger" 
  -Resized Help dialog in new UI SGS 9.4 
  -Fixed Greek hotkey and re-arranged RC strings in 16 size. 
  -Rename the specific clickpad function to ApiLoadState. 
  -palm check on chiral rotate zone 
  -Removed middle button cap if it is one button click.   
  -Fixed a left hand settings 
  -Moved DBus to main thread in X server. 
  -Added a Redraw of the tree to update the checkboxes after restoring the
   default values. 
  -Apply and OK don't need to ApplyForAllControls again 
  -Don't need RestorePageDefaults Control in SGS 94 UI 
  -Implemented 'Restorle All Defaults' button in the main settings dialog for
   SGS 9.4 UI 
  -Need to pass down HideButActive Visibility to children of dialog box 
  -Fixed rotation in MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint. 
  -Fixed 1F scrolling in Datasheet objects embedded within MSWord. 
  -Fixed horizontal scrolling within Datasheet object in MSWord. 
  -Remove "Disable Touchpad" actions. 
  -Hide practice buttons. Use WX default height for all buttons. 
  -Added supports to multiple profiles (system tray popupmenu) 
  -suppress all touch pad event 
  -Ignore BadWindow errors while processing X window handles. 
  -Fixed text selection of RTFViewer. 
  -Change default setting for OEM
  -Hide and re-show the magnifying glass to prevent the frame border from
   being copied to the clipboard on Win7. 
  -Fixed build break, registry DWORD lenght must not be more than 8 
  -Updated help files for new UI SGS 9.4 
  -Updated helpID for new UI SGS 9.4 
  -Fixed Tutorial app quitting on "esc" from user. 
  -4 button click pad without styk 
  -PnP ID Request 
  -Added file history 

Version  15.0.7 02/04/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed indexing off in the tokenize functions. 
  -Moved RunApp with AND OR parse to Utility.
  -Adjusted controls position and size within the dialogs 
  -Created new Ioctl for Multifinger Gestures Entry 
  -Added Help for Multifinger Gestures 
  -Updated Rtf help text. 
  -Updated resource strings for translation 
  -Added a max(2, ...)also, check that the DPI is non-zero 
  -Takes XDPM into account to start chiral horizontal scrolling 
  -consolidated OEM's app name change. 
  -Move sections to public inc
  -Adjusted vertical scrolling zone size.  
  -Created Linux subdirectory for T-Note inc file 
  -Removed theater pad stuff in one OEM INF
  -Moved the "NotifyKBCOfDeviceState" section to global inc
  -Displayed a rotate image cursor for Chiral Rotate 
  -Fixed some hot keys conflicts. 
  -Used new method of detecting USB mouse that works on newer platforms 
  -Fixed handling of Alt+F4, in MediaPlayer. 
  -Added a new flag to disable/enable 1F zomm action instead of
   disabling/enabling whole scroll action.  
  -Fixed App is not launched in 64bit system 
  -Added support to Styk for OEM
  -Corrected Edge Motion fixed speed problem. 
  -Added new jump suppression registry values. 
  -Suppressed a few more possible cursor jumps. 
  -Make sure SGS 9.4 UI OK with 800X600 resolution 
  -Read driver registry parameters. 
  -Modified default setting 
  -Added a registry key for skipping KBC notification of device state at
   device idle
  -Added OEM with appropriate configuration. 
  -Checked zone pointer whether it is NULL before using it, this fixed
   access violation issue.  
  -Added more device id in exculsion list.   
  -Modified Scan code 
  -Fixed text selection of RTFViewer. 

Version  15.0.6 01/29/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -For CaptionID, use the IDS_ strings. 
  -Added codes for LED off effect.
  -Updated PnP list.  
  -Modified default settings for OEM Pnp Ids.
  -ModifyStyle function that adds/removes checkboxes property to the tree
   needs to be called ONLY for UI SGS 9.4 

Version  15.0.5 01/28/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes  
  -Added checkbox support; optimized variables using arrays
  -Added images for checkboxes in the tree; Changed resource file
  -Added registry variable for checkboxes in the tree
  -Adjusted the various popup configuration dialogs 
  -Changed OnClicked from protected to public to be called from the tree.
  -Changed Pointing Enhancements caption to Accessibility.
  -Replaced 3-finger down with 3-finger press. 
  -Enhanced CSynCtrlListEntry for checkboxes.  
  -Only WANTALLKEYS while recording the macro otherwise the EditText control
   will eat up the 'Esc' preventing the dialog from closing while not
  -Customer wanted brightness up/down control positions swapped. 
  -Turn off precompiled header for msgtran file. 
  -Fixed an issue introduced by memory allocation from paged pool 
  -Fixed a BSOD issue.
  -Moved the new code next to the other eei... Add a comment that if you
   press hotkeys right after each other you might lose one of them. Maybe
   see if you can move the defines to kernellib? change bLowPower to
   bWasLowPower Check that on FastUserSwitching only the active user sends
   the commands. - see TempEnable/Disable? 
  -Fixed an issue for showing the ChiralRotate feature.
  -Fixed linear Scrolling direction after display rotated to 90/270 degree. 
  -Made it a function TabOrderSetWindowPos.  
  -Logged more information for GetStatusRequestRegistryValue.  
  -Correct the Order of parameter passed to PostMessage 
  -Added code to specify default push button in the dialog.
  -Made 'Close' as default push button for pop up feature settings dialog.
  -Adjusted control positions. 
  -Dynamically changed CPL dialog box image according to resolution. 
  -Added OEM module to build list. 
  -Double tap on/off pad for Linux. 
  -Fix crash shutting down Enh App. 
  -Added rotating cursor when chiral rotating. 
  -Rolled back and need more time to think it over. 
  -Cosmetic fixes for OEMConsumer INF. 
  -Fixed the Control list up/down key problem.
  -Switched user logout with USB mouse. 
  -Fixed an issue for multi-zone actions in one physical area.
  -Fixed coasting on Linux. 
  -Added Enable/Disable notification.
  -Fixed wake up from S3 by touchpad when TP is disabled.
  -Fix an issue for Automation testing UI of Scrolling 
  -Fixed Apply button does not enabled when slider settings are changed in
   popup feature settings.
  -Prevent 2f virtical moving triggers twist gesture 
  -Fixed a bug that TP disabled  does not turn off SJM series LEDs.
  -Fixed a sliding issue using RGB ControlBar.
  -Code improvement for SJM pads under screen save mode.
  -Turned on Clickpad features. 
  -Added Hot Key to enable/disable touch-pad.
  -Added Scan code enable/disable TP and add Notification.

Version  15.0.4 01/21/2010 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Linux INF and build problems. 
  -Added more types to union to remove ambiguity for Linux build. 
  -Fixed some hungarian notation. 
  -Simplified and optimized enh logging. 
  -Added FF/RW feature for OEM dualmode TP
  -Fixed Apps launch keys Movie/Music and run App OR formats. 
  -Fixed hot key conflicted at Hungarian and French. 
  -Added an API to the slidebar dll for worksapce switch notification of apps 
  -Minor update for the dll header 
  -Fixed a clickpad cursor freeze problem that occurred after dragging. 
  -Modified OEM module per customer request. 
  -Put correct window class name in from customer. 
  -Added shortcut keys for other languages 
  -Allow overriding a hot key in the resource.  
  -Optimized to load the resource only once to get prepend Language symbol
   when open control panel 
  -Took out the not needed resource strings. 
  -Launch Windows Media Player if uninstalling OEM Arcade 
  -Added supports to OEM SJM 30/40/50 
  -Made Chiral scrolling/rotate also work for non-advanced-feature device. 
  -Put back checking for AdvancedFeature for Momentum. 
  -Fixed application profile for OEM's application name change. 
  -Fixed CPL hang over there when do reset on diagnostics page 
  -Fixed Incorrect font for Rotating in help - Dutch default. 
  -Fixed Coasting wasn't translated in Danish. 
  -Fixed No hot key found for option "Disable internal pointing device when
   external USB pointing is attached " 
  -Set the focus at the first tab index control in the dialog 
  -Updated Tab stop index 
  -Fixed Enable/Disable radio buttons are not alligned in OEM Commercial. 
  -Fixed Incorrect font for Properties Window in Overview help - Dutch 
  -added some EventLogs (ES, EE)  
  -Skipped the device detection if there is no in the port.  
  -Fixed an issue on updating Radio button check status. 
  -Modified the CPL UI setting 
  -Replaced the ok, cancel, apply btns to a close btn for SGS 9.4 UI 
  -Fixed wrong application description for OEM specific module. 
  -Turned off pivote rotate by default.  
  -Prevented trying to update help on the same window when F1 is pressed. 
  -Hide the ExtendButton1 entry in button action 
  -sent 97 command to KBC
  -Added Hot Key and ExtUSB disable touchpad 
  -Added short keys for Top Left Action.
  -Added a registry key for press hold time setting.
  -Updated Languages.doc after localization updates 

Version  15.0.3 01/14/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Sign SynTP.sys and SynTPHelper.exe for v99_99_99 
  -Linux version of Enhance KTL and other build breaks. 
  -Added ability to specify filename and location of log file. Refactored
   Enh logging. 
  -Adding missing stroke state. 
  -Merging enh app stroke state logging code. 
  -Used button zone flag enable bit instead using flag 
  -Added the following feature: a doubleclick on a tree leaf item will open
   the settings dialog 
  -Fixed missing stick middle button on OEM machine when installing Synaptics
  -Moved all the code into UseMasterDevice. 
  -Added new help file sections for the SGS UI 9.4.
   Modified HelpIDs accordingly. 
  -Removed the general description from the bottom of the settings dialogs. 
  -Removed extra \par so this topic looks like the other ones. Added
   separate help topics for separate controls.  
  -Added code so we can specify shortcut key in the registry   
  -Create an ectpeInvalidNumberOfArgs. 
  -Removed bEnforceRange 
  -Fixed application profile for OEM's application name change. 
  -Modify default horizontal scrolling region for DLL0472 
  -updated Pnp IDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed Linear Chiral Scrolling direction after display rotated. 
  -CopyRight updated for help files. 
  -Fixed scrolling does not work issue if the scrolling is issued with
   cursor on scrollbar control. 
  -Changed behavior when F1 key is pressed in dialog; help dialog will open.   
  -Fixed the URL dialog box display blank if there is nothing.
  -Dualmode TP icon change
  -Fixed Device Settings tab jumping around in RTL languages. 
  -Made the Double-Tap Enable/Disable CheckBox behavior consistent with
   Enable/Disable Tap and Tap Zone. 
  -Used Packrat ID to retrieve device information if it is available.  
  -Consolidated common INF sections for disabling gestures. 
  -Added 97 command
  -File with acronyms 
  -Removed some NT4 code. 

Version  15.0.2 01/07/2010 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -INF build on Ubuntu (no -q) 
  -Change the top-right corner tap zone to completely disabled. 
  -Fixed wrong path to SGS 94 stick button UI 
  -Fixed missing Middle button 
  -Removed the TheaterPad from the demo inc file 
  -Changed MediaPlayer WIDTH and HEIGHT to 100% because it did not fill up
   the control window on 1920x1200 resolution. 
  -Added new help string for double tapping to disable/enable the TP. 
  -Changed helpID for double tapping to disable/enable the TP. 
  -Added a basic get and set option and did some cleanup 
  -Temporary fix bug on an OEM dual device machine using CPL short keys to
   disable/enable OEM stick a few times then the system cannot regconize
   touchpad and stick any more. 
  -Fixed PnP ID request 
  -Changed to include new html files and javascript. 
  -Changed to use browser object instead of mediaplayer. 
  -We use the browser, with html files that either show a video  or a still
   image on XP x64 systems. Created a javascript that detects the OS. 
  -Modifed default horizontal scrolling region for OEM
  -Added "SYNA_LINUX" to fix nightly build failed.
  -Fixed CPL hang over there when do reset on diagnostics page
  -Ahanged default setting 
  -Fixed a bug that the mute LED brightness is not changed based on the mixer
   state when the system is back from s3/s4 
  -Modifed advance gesture default values for OEM
  -Use SendMessage for IE for scrolling on all OS. 
  -Copyright needs to be updated to 2010 
  -Moved some registry keys from software to system to avoid delaying bootup
  -Fixed horizontal scrolling does not work issue on MS office 2007 if
   cursor is on scrollbar. 
  -Fixed horizontal scrolling does not work issue on the PowerPointer. 
  -Modified the file type in browser from *.EXE to *.* 
  -Implemented BarScroll method for Linux. Clean-up Linux implementation of
  -Added notes for dependency of TPTapZone Image Controls vs TPZone ComBoxes. 

Version  15.0.1 12/23/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Linux build break. 
  -Linux build break. 
  -Updated by the build process.
   -Pinch/Zoom cursor. Cursor flashing. Added comments. 
  -Correct EMIT for last check in (Remove from ReadMe.txt) 
  -Separate 1F/2F/3F actions from L/R/M actions 
  -Separate 1F/2F/3F actions from L/R/M button actions 
  -Separate 1F/2F/3F clicking actions from L/R/M button actions for ClickPad
  -Fixed a bug that 32bit OEM theater pad app installed in 64 bit OS can't be
   launched by the pad 
  -patch pluginaction code 
  -Clean the codes 
  -The Help string already exists IDS_HELPSANSACCELERATOR. 
  -UpdateData in OnOK  for modeless dialog, clean comment format 
  -Followup: Create a fct that checks whether to suppress motion. 
  -Rename AttachToDeviceSymbolicName to pszAttachToDeviceSymbolicName.  
  -use Ioctl TP_Gestures for the tree entry on the main setting dialog will
   set all the Tapping to none 
  -added SYN0B16 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Corrected buttons positions in settings dialog for Windows Vista and 7 
  -Use a local var instead of changing the member var and change it back. 
  -Remove commented out InitCommonControls... from the files. 

Version  15.0.0 12/18/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
New Features: Synaptics Gesture Suit User Interface (SGS_UI) 9.4
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Linux INF build after merge. 
  -Fixed display of settings dlg on Linux after merge. 
  -Gestures for Chrome. 
  -Mimic cursors in Enh App. 
  -Updated Debian control version number to match trunk Lib/Version.h 
  -Adjust the position of "Enable reverse scrolling direction" option.
  -Cleanup up OEM INC file. 
  -Added few empty macros "ON_WM_xxx" to remove ifdefs from SynTreeCtrl.cpp 
  -Changed to WMV files and size update 
  -Apply before DestroyWindow() in OnOK.
  -GradientFille function.
  -The new HitTest return the hItem.
  -SetupURL can also use IfExist... for Linux too.  
  -If the windows under pointer is scrolling bar, fall back to "Sroll selected 
  -Adjusted button zone sizes.    
  -Attached the KBfilter driver to the keyboard driver stack before
   notifying the system the control device initialization is done, otherwise
   the system will send I/O requests or Windows Management Instrumentation
   (WMI) requests to the control device object before it is attached to the
   driver stack.  
  -Updated PnP Ids with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added UI settings for USB.
  -Added a check for UI settings in checkinf 
  -Do not add mpg Video files if not needed.
  -Merge branch_SGSUI94_v14_0_13 to the trunk. 
  -Put back  3Reverse scrolling direction,Top value.  
  -Added Media Player control to support 64 bit Windows OS.
  -Added changes to support new Media Player control. Media Player control
   (hide/show) needs to be treated differently. 
  -Added new control type to support Media Player control. 
  -Updated SGS94 dialog to support Media Player control. 
  -Fixed a display issue related to Apply on dialog window.
  -Used Three-Finger Press instead of Three-Finger Down.  
  -You cannot CancelOEMScrolling if it will unacquire the device if it
   hasn't been acquired.
  -Changed gesture options request.
  -Checked that the return of GetDlgItem(IDC_DEFAULTS) that it's not NULL.  
  -Changed enable/disable to toggle with 0xE071. 
  -Fixed missing some installation sections of group0.   
  -Supported driver notification in Cpl. 
  -Adjusted pointer motion speed.  
  -Fixed an issue that the system tray balloon does not show in new
   compilation configuration.
  -Added new Pnp Ids with appropriate configuration. 
  -Leave the default launching application of Three-Finger Press empty.
  -Turned off pivote rotate by default.   
  -Create Utility function IfExistShowDlgItem. 
  -Migrated theaterpad settings to OEM inf.
  -OEM theater pad button area adjustment. 
  -Made enable/disable toggle with 0xE071. 
  -Changed HTML parameter so that static image always fit. 
  -SubclassDlgItem before ShowWindow.

Version  14.0.19 12/10/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed issue of Rotating gestures. 
  -Hide the show video buttons again.
  -Send only left button click instead of left and right, if a finger is in
   the right button zone during the click, after it was used for pointing. 
  -Fixed App launch keys Movie/Music for OEM.
  -Added support for ArcSoft PhotoSuite for OEM. 
  -Updated SYN1032 with appropriate configuration. 
  -if the windows under pointer is scrolling bar, fall back to "Sroll
   selected item" logic to find right window to receive the scrolling
   message, otherwise some applications scrolling won't work. 
  -Removed "two-finger" from one topic of help files for 32 languages. 
  -Added some initial code to deal with jumpy cursors. 
  -Adjust "Reset Devices" button position.
  -Added multi finger gesture page.   
  -Added SYN2401 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added API for ChiralMotion. 
  -When the system shuts down, reenabled the TP and turned off the LED there
   is TP enable/disable zone. 
  -Added support for unidirectional touchpad 
  -Added SYN0322/SYN0323 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Changed the default settings. 
  -Added SYN0727/SYN0726 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0725 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0D06 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Changed controlbar mute LED brightness 
  -Changed the default settings. 
  -Removed scrolling zone size adjustment. 
  -Updated scrolling code to support multifinger scrolling for Customer
   Specified Scrolling code 
  -Changed shortkey of "Right Corner Pivot" option from "C" to "n".
  -Notified the user mode apps device arrived or removed after all devices
   detection is done instead of sending notification after each device
   detection, this can avoid the detection is interrupted during resuming
   from S3 and S4. 
  -Changed shortkey from "p"(pointing) to "P"(Perform).
  -Added QueryDeice in Driver Reset
  -Fixed Translations for Palmcheck Starting zone text change for 32
  -Changed shortkey of "Control speed with finger pressure" option from "c"
   to "n".
  -Fixed a hot key stop working issue 
  -Added SYN1E1D/SYN1E1E with appropriate configuration. 
  -Set "Disable Gesture" default to checked. 
  -Moved some PnP IDs from one INC to another INC. 
  -Moved LED power level registries from software to system to fix wrong LED
   state when the system bootup. 
  -Added a new PnP ID. 
  -Aligned Enable&Disable buttons. 

Version  14.0.18 12/03/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Gwenview Photo Manager for OEM
  -Get correct case sensitivty Inf directory name 
  -Fixed problems with zones in optimized build. 
  -Fixed Magnifying Glass copy wrong under special settings. 
  -Added actions for multifinger pressing on ClickPad 
  -Fixed an issue for ClickPad to support actions of both button zones and
   the finger count on whole pad zone 
  -Made the multifinger pressing action not configurable 
  -On a ClickPad, it is easy to accidentally click a button when repeatedly
   twisting.  Don't cancel the twist action in this case. 
  -Adding new files from branch SGS94 prior to merge 
  -Added support for ArcSoft PhotoSuite for OEM. 
  -updated SYN1032 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Removed ClickPadSettings_AddReg for one PnP ID.
  -updated SYN1304 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Put Japanese translation in for Two-Finger Double Tap HelpID. 
  -Fixed shortcuts in TouchStick for Russian. 
  -Fixed "Tap to click" string is cut off in Russian and hotkeys. 
  -Changed "two-finger gestures" to "gestures" in the Starting Zone help. 
  -Fixed scroll zone width help notes contain extra period in Slovak. 
  -Fixed hot key conflicts in an OEM configuration. 
  -Added SYN1E2E with appropriate configuration and removed SYN1043. 
  -Added Amarok music manager. 
  -Fixed a bug that the slidebar dll can't handle parameter exceptions. 
  -Updated slidebar dll codes to handle wrong parameters 
  -Moved SYN0604 and SYN0605 from one INC to another INC. 
  -Changed the hotkey. 
  -Fixed missing right click issue. 
  -Get the interrupt object pointer of keyboard driver to avoid invalid
   pointer when the keyboard driver stack is destroyed by other drivers
   during suspend/resume testing.   
  -Set right button zone size for specific platform. 
  -Added 3F left/right for Picasa 
  -updated SYN1E2F with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0B16 with appropriate configuration. 
  -updated SYN1037 and SYN103A with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN1038/SYN1039 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0F08 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added SYN0321 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed for SynTPEnh crash when using AppFinder
  -Replaced hard coded positions with sizers.
  -Used flexgridsizer to implement DriverStatus page.
  -Disabled "Scroll item under pointer" radio button option.

Version  14.0.17 11/25/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Allowed lower Z to trigger btn click on clickpads when the btn switch is
  -Updated by the build process.
   -Removed an unused cursor. 
  -Fix an naming issue for Follow Up:Think about finger debouncing (what
   happens if 1 finger on first packet, 2 fingers on second, 3 on third) 
  -Fixed no hot key under top left action controls. 
  -Added new cursor for free scrolling. 
  -fixed potential issue for scrolling with changes in finger count or
  -Change the include folders sequence. 
  -Use eosWinVista rather than eosWin64 
  -Added HW patch for missing dribble when switching touchpad between cursor
   and button mode using tap. 
  -update PnPID.txt   
  -added support for ArcSoft PhotoSuite for OEM. 
  -Fix a bug making OEM theater pad buttons not to work, because the default
   setting in cdeviceinfo.h was changed. 
  -Follow up, use IsControlBar() 
  -Fixed Indonesian UI translation for Mouse Macro 
  -Turned off coordinates clipping by default. 
  -Allowed lower Z to trigger btn click on clickpads when the btn switch is
  -Allowed lower Z to trigger btn click on clickpads when the btn switch is
  -Added TreeOrder control value and used for OEM. 
  -Created special Two-Finger Double Tap HelpID for OEM. 
  -In SetTreeOrder you don't have to check IsValid - it's done in GetDWORD 
  -Remove the extra section you've added. 
  -Prevent Xserver from crashing on shutdown. 
  -New english string table. 
  -Twm window manager. 
  -Fixed the label "wide" was incorrectly translated (Russian). 
  -Don't suppress cursor when 2 fingers are one the pad, if no multi-finger
   gestures are enabled. 
  -Turn off cursor track for WPF applications to fix scrolling issues. 
  -updated OEM's installation with appropriate configuration. 
  -updated LEN0017 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Reimplemented button click reported based on new criteria. 
  -Reimplemented button click reported based on new criteria.. 
  -Turned on TP on/off notification for specific OEM platforms. 
  -updated French/FrenchCanadian help with appropriate capitalization. 
  -added SYN0723 with appropriate configuration. 
  -INF build on EeePC. 
  -Added new PnP ID. 
  -Check in the changes to the trunk too.  
  -updated appropriate configuration. 
  -updated appropriate configuration. 
  -updated appropriate configuration. 
  -updated OEM's PnPIDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Enlarged height of video button to the value of configure button.
  -Changed hot key of "Enable Chiral Motion" from Alt+C to Alt+M.
  -Disabled "Scroll selected item" option and "Sticky Borders" subkey

Version  14.0.16 11/19/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Added vista/7 mixer msg support to LEDZone 
  -Adjusted the synslidebar dll default parameter. 
  -Updated reg definitions OEM TP on/off OSD notification. 
  -Fixed the help text for Three Finger Press for all languages. 
  -Modified Three Finger Down to Three Finger Press UI 
  -Fixed problems with bounce/momentum. 
  -Added support for rotation to test app. 
  -Fixed OEM control page is not fully translated. 
  -Fixed keyboard label for Ctrl, Shift and Alt for all languages. 
  -Relaxed start criteria for free scroll. 
  -Added support to get the mixer state notification under Vista or newer
  -Reversed the horizontal scrolling direction from the control panel 
  -Added Linux entries to the very end of the inf file. 
  -Disabled "Jump to the Start Button" and "Search" actions. 
  -Made resource change, slide ctrl freq change 
  -Fixed scrolling for OEM app. 
  -Hidden cover gesture UI if HW does not support this feature. 
  -Merged OEM inc files, and added a new PnP with multiple finger gesture
  -Fixed extra character in the title bar label of an installation message. 
  -Set "Scroll under pointer" as default. 
  -Added PnP ID. 
  -Set "Dsiable Gesture" default unchecked. 
  -Added support for ArcSoft PhotoSuite for OEM. 
  -Enabled 2F scrolling and pinch support in button zone for clickpad. 
  -Only report left or right button down state if let or right button is
   down and a finger is in button zone for 2-button clickpad. 
  -Gestures for OpenOffice on SLED 11. 
  -Fixed Finnish UI translation for Mouse Macro. 
  -Fixed Mirror helper cannot find match language. 
  -Fixed License Agreement should be corrected for Russian. 
  -Fixed Button real label is different from the one discribed in help
  -Fixed hot keys not working for pointing stick. 
  -Fixed controls label was incorrectly translated in Russian. 
  -Added pending events dispatch function function to skip pending events.
  -modified show video button size
  -Removed last vestiges of 
  -Updated build scripts to get default INF file from Linux builds instead of
   Windows builds. 
  -Added description of PointerMotionSpeed registry value. 

Version  14.0.15 11/12/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the runkey for synbtnasst to the uninstallation 
  -auto aspect ratio for zone ctrl 
  -Fixed an issue for 2F-scrolling with EdgeMotion 
  -Added more hot-keys for new UI. 
  -Fixed My Computer and three finger shortcut group 
  -Quarterly localization tasks. 
  -Fixed scrolling failure for a ControlBar project 
  -Fixed an issue for AV launcher LED stuff 
  -Don't hide rotation tree item. 
  -Changed pinch metric initialization logic to handle unexpected data from
  -Fixed extra space in Finish help text. 
  -Fixed an issue in scrolling due to finger count changes. 
  -Make two LED pulsing. Adjust button LED brightness. Change mutebutton to
   mixer state sensitive to sync with the OS. 
  -Tuning FW coordination report for PnP 
  -Added the feature allowing horizonal slider zone has diffrent direction
   from its default direction defined in the registry. 
  -Support window manager defaults and key bindings. 
  -Added scripts for build INF files under Linux 
  -Fixed Enh App aborts when started by xinit. 
  -disabled mixer notification 
  -updated OEM's PnPIDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Set touchpad off by default not per session. 
  -OEM inf settings to disable 2F flick 
  -Set "Disable Gesture" unchecked. 
  -Starting zone Disabled by default 
  -Implemented KTL for Linux 
  -Make sure users can write to /opt/Synaptics/SynTP so that the control
   panel can write the SynDiag file there. 

Version  14.0.14 11/05/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Minor code revision for OEM theater pad. 
  -Fixed configuration for OEM PnpID. 
  -Roll-back the StrokeFingerCount info setting in FingerInfo data.
  -Finger debouncing.
  -Gestures on LED 11. 
  -Let the handle get defined. 
  -Relax permissions on SynTPAPI semaphore to support multiple users. 
  -Moved the WM_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST define to CEnhApi.h.
  -Handled any messages other than add/remove as well. Tried starting
   the monitor thread before reading the file.
  -Used CopyData directly instead of unknown. 
  -OEM dual mode pad LED address changed, adjusted some LEDs' brightness.
  -Turned off light when device is disabled. turn on otherwise 
  -In ProcessPacket, checking if all the fingers are up instead of using
  -Fixed setting dialog and enable/disable button to release acquire.
  -Used PostMessage instead of SendMessageTimeout for Win7 Photo Viewer.
  -OEM dual mode pad coordination setting changed for new face sheet.
  -Added inf of the synsliderbar assistant to the OEM.inf.
  -Added the compile setting for the synsliderbar assistant for OEM.
  -Added the synsliderbar assistant to forward the button message for OEM.
  -Fixed to correct tap down time.
  -Added hotkey. 
  -Fixed the bug that dll can't report slidebar info after resuming from S3. 
  -Changed default settings and fixed Rotateonce issue. 
  -Decoupled dbl click tap from system dbl click time.
  -Moved 2F double tap from tap tree to app-gesture tree.
  -Turned on application gesture controls. 
  -Turned on button zone 2F gesture improvement and changed the button zone
  -Updated Pnp IDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Gave a chance for 2F scrolling, and fixed 2F scrolling goes to 2F
   pointing in button zone. 
  -Fixed the bug that unmute button LED does not fade out after 5s. 
  -Fixed a mixed up 2F and 1F scrolling in an overlap slider zone. 
  -Added new Pnp Ids with appropriate configuration.   
  -Showed the OEM Tray Icon. 
  -Added a hot key. 
  -Used a better method for determining when SynTPAPI shoud initialize shared
  -Turned on edge motion by default for specific OEM. 
  -Fixed is included again in driver installation package.   
  -Changed default settings. 
  -Fixed Linux Release mode build because EMIT is gone in Release mode.
  -Updated Debian version number manually again.

Version  14.0.13 10/29/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Linux driver compiling. 
  -Fixed a bug that recognized 2F scrolls in the left direction as pinches. 
  -App Finder and other issues. 
  -The Linux version for GetDriverParameter matched the Windows version.
   Similar changes for RegQuery. Avoided dbl-copying of m_ParamValue.
  -Changed the order in which m_pthreadID and m_bLocked are set. 
  -Implemented Notifications under Linux and add support for detecting the
   addition and removal of external USB mice. 
  -Fixed wrong Caption IDs.   
  -Brought enhancement app to foreground before launching an application. 
  -Fixed an issue for 4F vertical scrolling.
  -Updated OEM Pnp IDs with appropriate configurations. 
  -Created a new INC to replace old one. 
  -Renamed the OEM company name from information doc files. 
  -Reversed the scroll directions for OEM. 
  -Added option to include SetupAPI log. 
  -Updated Enable double taps check box help text. 
  -Removed 3FFlick/Magnifier from OEM Pnp IDs. 
  -Moved, renamed, and cleaned up some common sections. 
  -Changed the three finger down and two finger double tap configure buttons
  -Fixed an issue for hard to trigger 4F gestures.
  -Fixed an issue for 4F-flicking trigger Extended SliderZone with finger up
   or not.
  -Fixed an issue that OSD will change other windows z order 
  -Needed special dependency handling for Configure button.   
  -Disabled 1F VH scrolling and coasting for Clickpad, and Enabled 1F Vertical
   scrolling and disabled 1F Horizontal scrolling and coasting for None-Clickpad
   with LED zone. 
  -Hidden tap zones sub tree. 
  -Merged groups and removed unused group. 
  -Disabled momentum. 
  -Translation help text for Japanese Enhanced buttons. 
  -Disabled H scrolling by default for OEM.
  -Fixed an issue for quick 4F flicking. 
  -Fixed a trade mark (tm) at the EdgeMotion for Korean help text. 
  -Removed items of Version 12
  -Updated Debian version number to match weekly build version 

Version  14.0.12 10/22/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Modified Three Finger Down to Three Finger Press.
  -Fixed broken FreeScroll capability.
  -Added changes for Enable One-Finger Scrolling and Enable
   Two-Finger Scrolling checkboxes. 
  -OEM PnP ID modificantion requests.
  -Fixed missing inf during uninstall 
  -Brought application to top after it was launched. 
  -Fixed build error for Linux driver. 
  -Fixed a bug for wrong flicking direction for 4F-flicking 
  -Only recognize rotate gesture if the application supports it. 
  -Added help text for one OEM CPL page. 
  -Changed enable/disable TP UI from "Touch" to "Double Tap". 
  -double-tap enable the scrolling help text. 
  -Modified TP On/Off Double Tap GUI. 
  -Set "Disable Gesture" default unchecked. 
  -Changed disable/enable TP zone action from "touch" to "double tap". 
  -Allow 2F scrolling and outward pinches in button dead zones, if mode set.
  -Removed accessory from tray icon. 
  -Fixed the wrong direction for horizontal chiralscrolling on some OEM
  -Took out Rotation Angle help text (on the Twist Rotate page) 
  -Added double tap for disablin/enabling the TP. 
  -Changed the default settings. 
  -Removed unused group and changed the default settings. 
  -Don't do a flick when the fingers move in opposite directions. 
  -Changed button zone size to 13mm for OEM.
  -Fixed wrong HelpID. 
  -Changed to new bitmap, and removed unused group. 
  -Send possible navigation/gliding messages after touch setting time is
   passed and touch message is sent. 
  -Added help strings for OEM scrolling settings. 
  -Fixed one/two fingers enable the scrolling help text. 
  -Modified dependency relation for three-finger down configure button. 
  -Fixed the issue that the top most window may be take back after the OSD and
   not back to the topmost 
  -Modified button message format change for OEM request. 
  -Modified "control" for Debian based builds 
  -Modified the CPL component size and position properly
  -Removed the include path ../../WinNT/share
  -Finished macro dialog. 

Version  14.0.11 10/15/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed keyboard macros issue. 
  -Updated "What is a ClickPad?".
  -Combined RegQueryBinary into RegQuery.
  -Fixed a bug so that if there is no internal touchpad do not show osd 
  -Changed TP ON/OFF to Device on/off.
  -Monitor SE_Config_Changed to catch all TP onoff cases and to show TP
   on/off OSD. 
  -Hid "a doubletap to enable/disable TP" feature from three corner zones,
   only keep the one for the top left corner zone.
  -Reset the topleft corner flag to "tap" for the double tap section.
  -Monitor dblclick speed changes in registry from Syntpenh other than
  -Initialized DPC object in CosPS2Port constructor instead of StartDevice.
  -Read the container type from the registry.
  -Set all left slider zone app profile ActionTypes to ScrollAction in the
   one finger zoom case. 
  -Context help. 
  -Added a ControlBarDefaults and push it on in MPD's InitKey if the
   device is a ControlBar.   
  -Removed rotation show video and set "Switch Touchpad Off" checked by
  -Fixed the default setting of "Scrolling Region" which is too large.
  -Set clickpad caps bit. 
  -Always Refresh TrayIcon when HideBalloonPopup. 
  -Implemented balloon notification when touchpad On/Off. 
  -Added 1:1 filter to driver if FW didn't have it enabled 
  -Gesture setting update. 
  -TPonoffOSD does not lay at the topmost window. 
  -Use timer also with different timeout. Remove the current tap flag. 
  -Applied "Scroll on selected item" to all platforms for OEM. 
  -Decreased button zone height for OEM. 
  -Added new PnP IDs for OEM request. 
  -Modified OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fix an issue for 4F-flicking then scrolling without lifing finger. 
  -Skipped the cursor suppression if it is old Clickpad without mulitple
   finger report. 
  -Fixed OEM scrolling data file for VMWare XP. 
  -Removed gesture timing restrictions for OEM.
  -Turned on global gesture disable in Tray Icon. 
  -Added support for feeding FingerState packet. 
  -Final help text for ClickPad. 
  -Added global gesture disable feature. 
  -Added hotkey for specific platform. 
  -Removed unused PnP IDs. 
  -Adobe Reader support. 
  -Follow Up: Don't empty class name if exe name was found. 
  -Gestures: multiple class names, support for exe name, registry bug.

Version  14.0.10 10/09/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Replaced _Caption Use resource string IDs 
  -Fixed a fast clicking results wrong button action issue. 
  -Only sent configuration change notification when foreign pointing device
   is added or removed and TP detection is done. 
  -Skipped sending manufacture commands if device detection is not done. 
  -Fixed an issue for wrong firing action following a button action 
  -Updated PnP IDs settings with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed a timing issue with the helper app on Vista/Windows 7. 
  -Fixed Shotcut Alt +F is not working for Russian Two-finger flick. 
  -Fixed "Settings..." button is cut-off with Russian setup. 
  -Fixed hot key not work at animated tray icon for Slovenian. 
  -Added new zone edge configuration bit. 
  -Changed criteria for driver scaling. 
  -Fixed "cut off" characters on device select window in 120 DPI with Styk.
  -Added icons for general OSD notifications. 
  -Improve the 4F scrolling features. 
  -Fixed Same hot key found for Enable Press to select and default 
  -Updated OEM scrolling table for VMware. 
  -Added missing PersistState call in CTrayAction::WndProc. 
  -Added global disable gesture check/uncheck option in tray icon popup.
  -Changed string ID to OEM specific  
  -Added new sesource strings  
  -Removed pivote rotation from specific PnP ID. 
  -For branch build having an option sending notification to driver and sqa
  -Added new capability bit for "No 1:1 FW Filter". 
  -Added registry value for 1:1 filter for OEM. 
  -Added new pinch criteria for OEM. 
  -Disabled gestures if one finger in a button zone for OEM. 
  -Added time configurable support for waiting to run the extra action 
  -removed tap flag settings 
  -Changed scrolling default from under pointer to selected item. 
  -Fixed OEM controlbar button function not translated for Japanese. 
  -Decrease button zone height for OEM clickpad. 
  -Added Support of Binary Registry data in Kernel Level
  -Moved common text wrap function to SynCtrl class.
  -Added a wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE style of wxStaticText widget to wrap
  -Fixed a few plugin issues 

Version  14.0.9 10/01/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a inc merge problem.
  -Romove duplicate sections from
  -Added new strings to resource.
  -Added a "max distance between packets" key, and suppress motion if raw
   positions are more than that far apart on consecutive packets. Only
   useful on pads with no 1::1 filter (i.e. no production pads). 
  -With a TrackPoint present, OEM TouchPad's m_dwTrackPointModeFunction
   variable was only getting set on enhancements app startup.  It needs to
   also be set when the config changes. 
  -Add enable/disable TP by double tap to the action list. And not to add
   these features to the normal driver 
  -Added the function to get double click speed from the system for TP on/off
  -Moved resetting of the FingerIsDownInZone to FingerUp. 
  -Created a new document specifying the "reserved" custom zone IDs.   
  -Used two different config bits that say whether the positive or negative
   custom zone is enabled.    
  -Updated Pnp IDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Added new pivot rotate video for OEM. 
  -Added default key for 2F single tap.
  -Made fingler tap action list the same as button zone.
  -Fixed characters are not complete on Win7 and Windos XP for JP.
  -Fixed BlackScreen action bug in XP and Vista. 
  -Fixed Portuguese Brazil OEM CPL text cut off at 120DPI. 
  -Hid controls if HW does not have these features. 
  -Turned on Clickpad feature. 
  -Updated ClickPad settings for certain PnPIDs.   
  -Added new property items for SynCom to set/query 2F double tap state. 
  -Added new OEM inf and its PnP ID request. 
  -Added settings for new circular control bar. 
  -Updated a PNP ID configuration with PalmOnPad settings. 
  -Fixed wrong spelling in Japanese UI for OEM Cpl. 
  -Adjusted zoom speed range to make pinch still workable if the speed is changed
   to the slowest. 
  -Fixed characters are cut off on touchpad UI when change DPI to 120 - German.
  -Turned off the UI for rotation angle increement.
  -Only cancelled scrolling action if action state is not cancel, current
   zone is 2F, 3F and 4F and stroke state is in essOneFingerDown or
  -Turned on two-finger pointing for Clickpad. 
  -Added missing x64 config into the build and copy the dlls into
   distribution folder.
  -Added modifier key check to avoid getting 2nd KeySym of modifier key with
   shift key pressed.
  -Changed TP_FeedPacket_All for Linux only.
  -Added motion suppression check to suppress relative packet sent to X
  -Added text wrap function to both SynStatic and SynCheckBox.
  -X server aborted on Eee PC. 

Version  14.0.8 09/24/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated help text for four finger flick  
  -Changed tree item and group box caption from TwistRotate to Rotating since
   now user have Chiral Rotate also 
  -Added UI for twist rotate, and added angle rotation and chiral rotate 
  -Updated help text  
  -Added FreeScroll zone config flag 
  -Used 4 Finger scroll config flag instead of plugin bits to enable/disable
   Four-finger flick  
  -Fixed a display ratio change for wide screen laptop 
  -Fixed notification display problem in 64 bit OS 
  -Added a new group to specify double tap for some models 
  -Added demo codes for touch setup time for the slidebar 
  -Added touch setup time for the slidebar 
  -Improved the 4F scrolling process 
  -corrected an error for extened zone 
  -Let's do this only dor OEMSynUI. 
  -updated PnP ID with appropriate configuration. 
  -Changed default settings per customer's request. 
  -Fixed Japanese locale UI cutoff at the OEM CPL. 

Version  14.0.7 09/22/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Default to suppress motion, not suppress All, to solve this missing fast
   click issue. 
  -For OEM scroll and tap mode only cursor suppression, unsuppress when the
   finger count goes to zero, otherwise suppression counter can get out of
   sync on a configuration change. 
  -Make RotationAngle changeable by UI 
  -Add code to show TP on/off notification when enable/disable from Control
  -Fix an OSD related gesture failure 
  -Code improvement for TP enable/disable function visual&audio feedback 
  -Add regsistry values for TP enable/disable function audio feedback 
  -Add double tap to enable/disable TP 
  -Rewrite double tap detector in Kernel 
  -Fixed Japanese UI and hlep text for OEM request. 
  -Don't start feed notification if a user does not log on after resuming. 
  -Add/Show X position to Fingerleave message 
  -fixed a bug for extented sliderzone sliding 
  -Added OEM specific 3F up/down UI and function 
  -Use existing string IDs for Minimum & Maximum 
  -Fixed button caption at Advanced configure due to LInux merged. 
  -Fixed a bug in suppressing motion for 3Finger or 4Finger motion. 
  -Fixed issue in UndateScroll for 3F or 4F sliding 
  -Make the scrolling in extended zone work without lifting the finger. 
  -Added possibility to disable ability to reverse ("undo") rotate action
   for OEM. 
  -Commit/Revert plugins and other minor fixes. 
  -Process WndProc messages in main thread. Config dialogs. 
  -wxWin32 funcs, cleanup Utility,  etc. 
  -Bring in plugin framework
  -Update linuxreggen to put all plugin registry entries in HKLM_User 

Version  14.0.6 09/17/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed UI for 'Click and Drag' in winXP 64.
  -Fixed 2 buttons clickpad missing click issue due to supressed by scroll
  -Used strings Minimum/Maximum/Region.
  -Fixed a bug where Scroll Pad scrolling was not smooth. 
  -Fixed an error in demo installation.
  -Allowed FreeScroll only when in a state consistent with scrolling.
  -Enabled demo 4 finger Vertical and Horizonatl flick.   
  -Added new icons to resource.
  -Added inf info for TP on/off notification.
  -Added pngs for TP enable/disable notification.
  -Added TP on/off notification functions.
  -Fixed momentum is cancelled wrongly if there are muplitple users log on. 
  -Added two keyboard devices to the exclusion list. 
  -No palm check on 2 or more finger gestures.
  -Added middle button to diagnostics page. 
  -Added new PnP IDs with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed rotation for Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4. 
  -Fixed packet sub type definition of the driver does not match the definition of
  -Added magnifier application.
  -UI for 2F single tap.  
  -Changed zoom level when only needed.
  -Changed StrokeFilter and added magnifier zone   
  -Created an .inc file for dualmode touchpad. 
  -Fixed Russian UI cut-off at Advanced 2 finger h/v flick. 
  -Copied SynSideBar.dll to \windows\system32 folder when driver is installed. 
  -Continued Enh App development for phase 2. 
  -Moved *EVIL* pragma warning. 

Version  14.0.5 09/10/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Added magnifier application 
  -Fixed Ioctl typo so Click-and-Drag" under "Buttons and Click Zones" is
   not present under WinXP 64  
  -Enabled direct change 2f double tap action thru registry 
  -Temporary fix for 2 buttons Clickpad missing fast click issue
  -Improved the 4F-sliding activation 
  -Used floating point arithmetic for finger speed, for better deceleration
   when using momentum scrolling. 
  -Fixed OEM Japanese help topics 26 and 29 missing right parenthesis. 
  -Fixed the lack of a case for uninitialized packets. 
  -Updated OEM PnPID with appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed UI string cut off at OEM Japanese control app for external USB. 
  -Added X to the finger leave message for the slidebar. Add one finger
   gesture locking feature by setting touch setup time. 
  -Tested the finger leave message with X for the slidebar. Test the one
   finger gesture locking feature 
  -Minor updates to deal with the glide case 
  -Fixed a bug that mess up the extended action. 

Version  14.0.4 09/03/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated HelpText for ClickPad, added 'What is a ClickPad'.  
  -Updated OEM scrolling code.
  -Consolidated the two ReadRMI functions.
  -Fixed wrong default settings when loading the driver from preload image. 
  -Edge region filter text changed and approved by OEM.
  -Added PnpIds and appropriate configurations.   
  -Fixed hotkey LED display issue when external USB plugin. 
  -Fixed sliding bug and improve the 4F flicking 
  -Rewrote LED control APIs using SynCom interface.
  -Disabled filter when tap is disabled.
  -UI and context help updated. 
  -Fixed ShowTips strings cutoff at Chinese TW. 
  -Fixed OEM specific CPL cannot be launched. 
  -Rechecked suppression when default button is selected.
  -Removed 2Finger Flick for MS Media Center, for OEM.   
  -Turned off ChiralMotion and Coasting per customer's request.   
  -Put Synaptics startup script into Xandros build. 
  -Updated Debian control version number. 
  -Xlib GetKeyState. 

Version  14.0.3 08/27/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated OEM scrolling code. 
  -Added UI for starting zone delay Follow Up:Let's use existing strings for
   "Minimum" and "Maximum" and create a string for the slider title.
  -Fixed the status, when the packet type changes from absolute packet to
   secondary finger packet. 
  -Merge Linux branch to trunk 
  -Restore TIMERPROC casts. 
  -Bring over changes from branch_LinuxP1. 
  -Added regstry settings for 4F flicking features 
  -Added registry value for friction in momentum scrolling. 
  -By default, disable button on Scroll Pad. 
  -Changed the default settings per customer's request. 
  -Find a safer way to kill enhancement app, perhaps more string
  -Used build directories for Linux utilities 
  -Added Pnp IDs and appropriate configuration. 

Version  14.0.2 08/24/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an error in controlbar patch.
  -1st pass code for 2f dbl tap 
  -Fixed name and remove the un-used one. 
  -Fixed starting and scroll zone conflicts.
  -Employed idle time on start zone filter.
  -Retry 3 times in writing/reading RMI register.
  -Fixed help text at Portuguese for Devagar to Lenta. 
  -Fixed scrolling for OEM's software. 
  -To make the Windows 7 driver verifier happy, we allocate the remove lock
   on the heap directly.   
  -Stopped special scroll cursors from appearing. 
  -Added for OEM Mini xml file. 
  -Updated configurations for all PnPIDs, for OEM. 
  -Fixed for small scrolling region.
  -Ask HelperApp to check AdminAccessCapability when it's up running.   
  -Fixed scrolling on elevated app which is running in standard user. 
  -Fixed to notify KBC when TP is disabled by external PS2 device still want
   to enable it. 
  -Fixed global DisableGestures settings. 
  -Fixed issues that disabled pich or twist gestures will result in a
  -Added new flags for NF-flicking actions.
  -Implement the 4F-flciking action and induced actions 
  -Disabled 2F Flick for several apps, for OEM. 
  -Fixed PnP ID reqest of GROUP2 and GROUP11 was miss placed. 
  -Added Free Scroll capability. 
  -Added new Pnp IDs and appropriate configuration. 
  -Added LED control APIs to the slidebar dll.
  -Added codes handling LED controls APIs to the SynTPEnh.
  -Moved slidebar LED header file to Lib.
  -Reduced top left corner zone size for a Pnp ID. 
  -Removed obsolete PnPIDs. 
  -Updated configurations for several PnPIDs, for OEM. 
  -Fixed a Run-Time Check Failure. 
  -Scroll selected item is default for OEM 
  -The global disable gesture flag should not apply to all of the plugin
  -Fixed hiding the correct gestures for the specific customer platforms. 
  -Fixed a bug that reading the global disable gesture initial value

Version  14.0.1 08/13/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
Bug Fixes
  -Setting 2 and 3 finger tap action to be nothing by default. 
  -Minor adjustment for LED half brightness setting 
  -Removed ButtonLEDZone class and put the function to PlugInZone&Action 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Copied files to distribution OEM folder. 
  -Updated configurations for all PnPIDs, for OEM. 
  -return true/false; instead of TP_value to fix registry write issue
  -Added member var to keep default value. 
  -modified max tracking size 
  -Made error packet count threshold (required to trigger a redetect)
   registry configurable. 
  -Redesigned LED heartbeating implementation structures. 
  -inf revision for Redesigned LED heartbeating implementation structures. 

Version  14.0.0 08/07/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7)
New Features: Use WDK 1.9 Build 7600.16385.0
Bug Fixes
  -Modified Devagar to Lenta in Portugese UI.
  -Upgrade WDK from 1.7 to 1.9 build 7600.16385.0

Version  13.2.9 08/06/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7 RC)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed 'Scroll Sensor' to be not translated in Japanese. 
  -Updated configuration for 2 Pnp Ids.
  -Fixed bug in OEM Clickpad. 
  -Use TP_PacketState_Moving to detect significant move.
  -TimeOut in EdgeRegion Filter is now a config-able parameter .
  -FUP:Upgrade finger/button detect;redo the buttontap button release
   scenario;EdgeRegion eSuppress state to check tap bit 
  -Fixed no scroll in scroll zone while EdgeRegion filter is on.
  -Supporting any shape zone. 
  -Added Kernel capibilities to Enter RMI backdoor, Read/Write RMI registers
   with Firmware Gen III.
  -Added Google Chrome case to IsBrowser() function. 
  -Fixed  Words cut in Reset device button at Hungarian.   
  -Removed the 2/3FingerStroke bits and the unused code related to them.
  -Created a TP_ZoneID_MultiFingerGesturesAll.  
  -Make CB multifinger checking for either strips, not both. 
  -Revised IS2Finger at csliderzone. 
  -Adding new name to developer's list.
  -Fixed for registry failing to be copied when initialization is out
   of usual order. 
  -Fixed  incorrect grammar and spelling in Brazil Portuguess.   
  -Added new Pnp ID with appropriate configuration. 
  -Report and Display X during gliding.
  -APIGet/SetItem modify data member; APILoad/SaveState commit to registry.
  -Using non-paged string when CSynList lock is acquired 
  -Added Pnp IDs and appropriate configuration. 
  -Turned tips off by default. 
  -A ButtonLEDZone class is created to handle LED's brightness.
  -Updated inc for buttonLEDzone setting. 
  -Changed the default settings for scroll and TouchCheck. 
  -Fix the bug when X jumps triggering some gestures.

Version  13.2.8 07/30/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7 RC)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed OEM-specific stick scrolling issue by not suppressing buttons while
  -Fixed help Ids for 'Click Buttons' and 'Click Zones' 
  -Turned off kbc query for customer, and turned on session disable.
  -Fixed EdgeMotion traslation for Chinese TW matched with UI and help text.
  -Fixed OEM Clickpad not work right issues. 
  -Changed back dependencies logic. 
  -Fixed the root cause of button diable code and so changed back
   dependencies logic. 
  -Added UI for all filters.
  -Cahnged Inf file to assign palmcheck to all PNP ids.
  -Redo palmCheck filter 
  -Updated configuration for 2 PnP Ids.
  -Fixed language modification request for SP momentum to Impulso.
  -Turned off "Dual-pointing to not disable touchpad or stick buttons when
   TP or stick is disabled" for specific platform. 
  -Forced redetecting the device if the driver receives 40 timeout error
   packets in a roll.   
  -Made PNP0F13 have DeviceDesc for customers that have no PNPIds.   
  -Defaults for 2 Pnp Ids -- disable coasting, enable EdgeMotion when
  -Fixed an error induced by 4F-flicking code for 3F flicking.
  -Disabled dedicated button zones when there is more than one finger on the
  -Revision for using LEDZone index instead of LED address to control LEDs
  -Clean up OEM installation folder since we're now using OEM2.
  -Catch all finger leave events, some were missed in the previous version. 
  -Clear the gesture display area when finger touch happens. This is only
   for SQA. 
  -Added new value for turn on leds based on the duration of time stayed.
   Modified two values for LED on off patterns. 
  -Fixed a bug that it takes longer time to trigger LEDs when finger
   touches the bar. And some necessary operations for using LEDZone indexes
  -Maintained the correct driver build number for the next build in main
  -Fixed broken plugin list for enhanced controlbar button. 
  -Changed Scale for Twist Rotate. 
  -Added new Pnp ID and appropriate configuration. 
  -Added registry values for LED pattern setting related to pre/after low
  -Added configurable values for LED timing setting: heartbeating after a few
   seconds of no operation; start time for resume heartbeating 
  -Added configurable values for LED pattern of pre/after low power. Add LED
   timing setting: heartbeating after a few seconds of no operation.
  -Saved the buttons states and cleared the motion when the TP is disabled  
  -Add 4-fingers gestures plugin action support 
  -Merged the similar codes used in both SynTPEnh and in SynTPAPI 
  -Added new zone slider1 to simply the one/two fingers control flow.
  -Updated configuration for all PnPID for OEM. 
  -Added new name to developer's list 
  -Added new names to developer's list 
  -Suppress unroll past finger count changes. This may help in Fitts testing
   (and at other times). 
  -Removed check for FW rev to determine whether to run secondary position
   filter on imaging sensors. 
  -Added UI for zone itself 
  -Fixed language modification request by OEM.   
  -Added 4F down support 
  -Added Windows Picture and Fax Viewer to the list of apps that support
   rotation in XP. 
  -Fixed 3F flicking failed introduced by 4F flicking code.

Version  13.2.7 07/23/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7 RC)
Bug Fixes
  -Set "Scroll under pointer" as the default for all customers to enhance scrolling
   in Start Bar menu for Vista/Win 7 RC.
  -Don't check for MultiFingerReport.     
  -Fixed the hot-key for Disable Gestures at Chinese. 
  -Set advanced gestures default to on if global disable gestures control is
   truned on.  
  -Only Sent KBC disable state query after device redtection to fix
   deadlock between driver and KBC BIOS.  
  -Fixed OEM request to change ControlBar to Scroll Sensor. 
  -Changed device name for 2 OEM pnpIDs.
  -Fixed  the TP does not enable issue after reboot.
  -Created separate help topics for separate controls for TwistRotate. 
  -Merged imaging sensor changes to trunk. 
  -Move LED off control to LEDZones 
  -Changed for LED pattern controls related to low power 
  -Added a copy cmd to copy SynSlideBarDLL.h from SynSlideBar folder.
  -Instead of passing in WholePadMode, passed in a parameter called
   bAllowChording defaulted to TRUE.  
  -Fixed OEM CPL App when TP disalbe, the TP button should grey out and
  -Added UI for passing down/retrieve parameters.
  -Added registry and two palmcheck filters.
  -fixed application profile "default" button action, for OEM. 
  -Fixed coasting default off for OEM. 
  -Fixed broken ControlBar horizontal slider control. 
  -Fixed settings not correct after SGS for OEM. 
  -Used the HideSGSGestures_AddReg, and then added and removed in the individual
   inf what's specific for that OEM.  
  -Changed the default settings per customer's request.   
  -Added a condition in StrokeFilter to bShouldHaveCursorAcquired for the
   OEM scroll and tap only mode. 
  -Fixed OEM PNP ID modification request. 
  -Forced redetecting the device if the driver receives 40 parity error
   packets in a roll.   
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request to change veritcal scroll zone size. 
  -Changed default settings per customer's request.   
  -Fixed broken ControlBar enhanced button. 
  -Turned off ShowTip by customer's request.   
  -Added hide two finger scrolling section. 
  -Fixed finger number assigned is wrong for finger up case in
  -Used finger bits to decide if the finger number should be one.
  -Expanded the compatible ID lists and put SynCompatibleDevice where it
   should be. 
  -Add 4F-Flicking features.
  -Added OEM Pnp ID and appropriate configuration. 
  -Changed the default settings. 
  -Changed packet suppression algorithm.
  -Finished fix to OEM project. 
  -Added a timer operation for dealing with the no dribbling packet case of
   the slidebar .

Version  13.2.6 07/17/2009 (WinXP/Vista/Win7 RC)
Bug Fixes
  -Turned on recalibration. 
  -Added a global Gesture check/uncheck box to the Synaptics tray icon to
   globally turn off all gestures, with the default being unchecked. 
  -Disabled momentum and pinch if globlal disable gestures was set. 
  -Fixed a build error.  
  -Moved resource from SynTPRes to SynTPEnh.  
  -Saved states and fixed a typo. 
  -ClickPad 2.0 English help text  to all Rtf files 
  -Update Help text: Click-and-Drag ... 
  -Set Scroll item under pointer for OEM 
  -THere is a possibility that you may get another tap if the first finger
   is lifted right after the second finger's tap.\r\nYou may want to reset
   the PossTap flag.  
  -Let's call the new FingerIndex -> ContactID. 
  -Let's call the new FingerIndex -> ContactID.  
  -change device name. 
  -Add device change support 
  -Fix two finger LED bugs. Improved power related LED behaviors. Change the
   slide bar detection to the registry. 
  -Maybe all CB buttons should be extended buttons 
  -Made some change to share a header file with the customer 
  -Remove a unused function 
  -Update for using extendbuttons 
  -Remove the else - let it run through the state machine.  
  -Added new GetPlugInActionID function 
  -Made some change to the dll import header file to share it with the dll
  -Update for using extendbuttons 
  -Maybe have the TPFilter set the Left & Right button bits and let the
   ProcessChordedButtons... fct do its job than try to replicate it here.  
  -Added 3F and 2F flick support for Windows Explorer. 
  -partial code check in 
  -partial code check in. fix compiling break for now 
  -Set right status for secondary finger packet. 
  -Remove the EMITs  
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID change request. 
  -Fixed settings not correct after SGS for OEM. 
  -use exception to pass-thru any unknown commandl line command(s) 
  -Set right initial page index for shuttle page.  
  -Added new Caption and Help Topic IDs for Circular ScrollPad. 
  -Added new help strings for Circular ScrollPad. 
  -Changed string per OEM request. 
  -Added HID\FUJ02E7&Col02 to PNPDisableExclusionList. 
  -Rolled back to WDK1.7. 
  -Add groupbox for Click-and-Drag 
  -Added [OEM_GROUP0_PS2_Inst.HW] section. 
  -Add support for feeding FingerState packet 
  -Remove the FIXME comment  
  -Add OEMNAME="" to prevent HelpCopyPaste from executing previous one.
  -Add new Makefile to CVS, second attempt 
  -Document for windows driver build  
  -just to get rid of compiler warning so we can build the driver. 

Version  13.2.5 07/09/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added inventory log into system registry for OEM MUP 
  -Aeleted local info-zip dependency 
  -Enabled force restart in silent mode 
  -Filter file errno.h is not an error 
  -If the Tools have NOT been tagged with the new branch just use the
   current Tools 
  -Update comments: Our build script only tags new driver version
   vMM_nn_ss_bb  not the branch name to the Tools 
  -Prepared Disable Gesture string for OEM gesture check/uncheck. 
  -Prepared the "Disable Gestrues" string. 
  -Capitalize -finger Click to -Finger Click 
  -Change the order between Middle Click and Right Click 
  -For image sensor clickpad: ClickZones are OFF by default 
  -Turn off ClickZones Actions for profile sensor WholePadButtonZone
  -Added DLL042F and appropriate configuration. 
  -Fixed wrong registry path. 
  -Turned on 2F pointing workaround for Clickpad.  
  -Disabled tapping and double tapping hack for ClickPad by default per
   customer's request. 
  -THe IsInsideButtonZone fct should check that there IsFinger. Have the
   constr. w/o [arameter do nothing and make it private. 
  -Added support for counting nore than 3 fingers by using new EW mode packet 
  -Convert EXtraFingerState to a DWORD first to avoid sign extension.  
  -The MAX reported fingers is still 2. PLs roll this back 
  -The finger index mask should be ...FF...  
  -Fixed H. scroll not smooth in Google Chrome for OEM. 
  -Change the name of the cursor to OEM...  
  -fixed missing/extra application profiles. 
  -Grayed out Scrolling speed control "Fast" and "Slow" only when 1F and 2F
   scrollings are disabled. 
  -Removed all LED controls in the demo code. 
  -Added settings for demo ControlBar1362 
  -Added 2 ControlBar setting to OEM Inf 
  -Moved all LED features to Syntpenh finally. 
  -revision for July 9 build in dealing with power broadcast message 
  -See if you can change the counting of w packets outside this switch, if
   possible - as there may be other places here  where you would need to
   check for this condition. 
  -Added a reg value to turn on the chorded btn. clicks. 
  -On the ButtonZoneFlags maybe just check the Enabled bit. 
  -Reduced OEM PnP ID tap zone size by 15% 
  -Updated OEM scrolling code data table files. 
  -Removed 2F and 3F flick for MS explorer, it caused Windows Photo Gallery
   does not work. 
  -Fixed new PnP ID request for OEM 
  -Removed duplicated .mpg file in source file list. 
  -Increased value information buffer size, and added a logic to increase
   the buffer size according to return value if the buffer is still too
  -Added Click-and-Drag Item into ClickPad 2.0 UI 
  -Added self to credits dialog.  Fixed missing pixels in box. 
  -updated configuration for OEM. 
  -UI for TwistRotate Gesture - image sensor touchpad 
  -Added Visibility values to hide the Show Video buttons OEM.  Still need
   to remove the mpg files from the install. 
  -updated SYN0714 with appropriate configuration. 
  -Don't need new IOCTL for Twist Rotate - use the Pivot Rotate one. 
  -UI for Four-Finger Flick in Application Gestures - image sensor touchpad 
  -Set PalmOnPad delay to 375ms. 

Version  13.2.4 07/02/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Got the correct tool for Branch build.     -Changed 'Buttons' to 'Physical Buttons'. 
  -Added method for filtering finger position on loop control bars. 
  -Fixed OEM hotkey lost sync after S3 resume. 
  -Updated configuration for 2 Pnp IDs. 
  -Just forced finger up to trigger decodetap instead of changing packet
  -Only trigger gesture if both fingers are outside of button zone for
  -Fixed EdgeMotion scrolling not happening when speed is slow. 
  -Made sure all HKLM are changed to HKR.   
  -Set right default value for PalmOnPad.  
  -Added LED features to Syntpenh.
  -Added new features (button supports) and more message info to the dll.
  -Added button 4 and button 5 support for ControlBar.
  -Need the ControlBar Slider0 Zone.
  -Small revision for the .rc2 file 
  -Created APISaveState function for PalmDetect object.
  -Updated configuration for an Pnp ID. 
  -Added new features to the demo code. 
  -Fixed broken button1 for OEM. 
  -Added both button zones chord action feature for ClickPad.
  -Added support for 1F in Right button zone for WholePad and Button zone
  -Fixed couple clicpad related bugs.  
  -Added new Pnp ID and appropriate configuration. 
  -updated configuration for 3 Pnp IDs.
  -Turned on 1F vertical scrolling by customer's request.  
  -Changed Pnp ID. 
  -Log Device Type for ClickPas as 'ClickPad LuxPad' instead of LuxPad.
  -Took out LuxPad setting item in Tray Icon menu for clickpad. 
  -Used "Synaptics ClickPad v.." for clickpad device type 
  -Increased button zone size.  
  -Made 'Enable ClickZones' and 'Enable ClickButtons' functional in ClickPad UI.
  -Added custom video files for OEM. 
  -Fixed wrong dependency.  
  -Fixed "Two-Finger Click" and "Three-Finger Click "  saved same Action . 
  -Removed empty manufacture section to fix driver installation issue in
  -Set OEM_MFG_SECT to undefined because of USB driver. 
  -vertical scrolling configflags 9 -> 1. 
  -Extended one button Clickpad patch to two buttons Clickpad.  
  -Added 2F and 3F flick support for explorer. 
  -Enabled PalmonPad by default. 
  -Added document describing coodinate & DPM scaling. 

Version  13.2.3 06/25/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed lextra spaces before dots and dashes in Finish help. 
  -Added HelpID for demo ClickPad 
  -Added HelpText UI ClickZones with Middle Click 
  -Added HelpText UI ClickZones with Middle Click and Physical buttons 
  -Added settings for Show Video buttons and graphics for ClickPad 2.0 UI 
  -Added help text for clickpad 2.0 
  -Added one hot-key for button setting at OEM App. 
  -Fixed IDS_ENABLE stick hotkeys conflict issues. 
  -Added tap and double tap support for clickpad if one finger is rest in
   the button zone, another finger does tap or double tap.  
  -Changed the default left and right buttons zone, and enabled tap and
   double tap hack for clickpad.  
  -Set clickpad  to true for 2 buttons clickpad. 
  -Make sure all HKLM are changed to HKR.  
  -We need to call IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation before calling
   WdfDeviceWdmDispatchPreprocessedIrp if a new Irp is not created according
   to specs., otherwise it causes a BSOD if verifier is enabled in 64-bit
  -Added more dependencies for Scroll item under pointer, Scroll selected
   item, Enable reverse scrolling direction, and scrolling speed.  
  -Changed default settings.  
  -Added setting ControlBar1363 to demo in the trunk 
  -Excluded the ControlBar from showing up in our normal Mouse control panel 
  -1, Adjusted min amount of time the user will keep palm on the pad, before
   triggering an action from 1000ms to 200ms. 2, Fixed PalmOnPad end action
   was not fired because the stroke state was reset in secondary finger
   packet. 3, Fixed PalmOnPad was not detected if there were 3 fingers
   covering the TP.   
  -Updated for the SynSlidebar tester 
  -Converted old CPL tree to new CPL tree.  
  -Reorganized OEM inc files, and replaced all HKLM with HKR.  
  -Added document to describe adding new language support tasks 
  -updated configuration for PnP IDs
  -Added branch for Gen3 demo. 

Version  13.2.2 06/18/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed letter -"F" was missed in items under limited warranty of EULA. 
  -Fixed grouping for ODM merging. 
  -Used registry for LED down and Up pattern Release. 
  -Added Enable ClickButtons check box.
  -Fixed debug message for szEControlType.
  -Added demo ClickButtonsAndPhysicalButtons, ImageClickButtonsAndClickZonesOnly
   ImageClickButtonsClickZonesPhysicalButtons, ClickButtonsOnly, ClickZonesOnly
   and ClickZonesAndPhysicalButtons.
  -Added new Ioctl to enable/disable ClickPad actions.
  -Changed Button Emulation to ClickButtons for clickpad in wholepadmode.
  -Clean demo inf take out non-used demo sections. 
  -Reused the PalmOnPad bit.  
  -Fixed IDS_ENABLE, DISABLE hot-keys issues for OEM app. 
  -Fixed IDS_ENABLE, DISABLE hot-keys issues in Polish. 
  -Removed disable scancode for OEM Pnp ID. 
  -Turned on SGS per customer's request. 
  -Implemented timeout on ClickPad state reversion during twist/pinch. 
  -Defined new Finger Count Packet type. 
  -Translated the Dual Mode and sync with UI for all languages.
  -Fixed Horizontal scroll won't move at Chrome Browser at default driver. 
  -Added customized rotation cursor. 
  -Cleaned up INC files. 
  -Converted HKLM to HKR if it is defined for specific PnP IDs. 
  -Recalculated TwistMetrics based on sensor type. 
  -Removed scancode support for OEM Pnp ID.
  -Restored automation inf to old UI, so SQA can still run the automation
   testing tool.  
  -OEM slide bar project: updated code and dll.

Version  13.2.1 06/12/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Scroll in Win7 Start bar. 
  -Reset m_nByteNeedForNextRelativePackets when m_nBytesReceived is reset. 
  -Removed mpg file list from OEM, it is already in common section. 
  -Added PnpID and appropriate configuration, for OEM. 
  -Expanded path of accessories application. 

Version  13.2.0 06/11/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features: Use Synaptics Gestures Suite UI for all OEMs.
Bug Fixes
  -Removed unnecessary PnP IDs, as a result of merge for OEM. 
  -Fixed help spaces and translated Dual Mode.
  -Fixed RTF header via ChkRtf tool for Indonesian help. 
  -Changed the default settings.  
  -Still used the GROUP0 Coinst, WDF etc. sections.
  -Fixed RTF viewer control and content for Legal Help info section for OEM.   
  -Implemented OEM cursor for scrolling.
  -Checked wrong font table format and unnecessary font as warning.
  -Used font f0 in Arabic help file. 
  -Fixed parenthesis is over the text border at Russian for OEM panel. 
  -Removed commas at Russian UI for OEM panel. 
  -Fixed IDS_ENABLE hotkey conflict issue at OEM App. 
  -Updated configuration for OEM Pnp IDs.
  -Changed registry type from string to expanded string.  
  -Replaced %16422% with %PROGRAMFILES% to fix preload image installation
   issue in Win7. 
  -Simplied move registry logic. 
  -Removed Palm-On-Pad, for OEM. 
  -Disabled chiralmotion.   
  -Fixed for better text label block for OEM control app. 
  -Moved several PnP IDs from OEM to OEMConsumer. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request for setting PalmRT value. 
  -Fixed Korean UI translation error at OEM app and its hotkeys. 
  -Fixed Black Screen and Lock Computer not translated issues. 
  -Migrated to SGS 9.1 UI, and replaced HKLM with HKR if it is in platform
   specific registry section. 
  -Added support for imaging capability bit. 
  -Adjusted vertical scrolling zone size for specific platforms. 
  -Changed the default settings according to specs.     
  -Removed "Hide Momentum".   
  -Fix the suppression of motion on finger count change.
  -Fixed bug in finger count motion suppression where a single 2nd finger
   packet was being missed. 
  -OEM "enhancements" for ClickPads. 
  -Added PalmCheck to circular ControlBar. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request for setting Scroll Region Width. 
  -Fixed bullets help text display for Dual Mode and Button Mode entries. 
  -Added new PnP IDs.   
  -Changed 2Tapping to 7Tapping 3Button to 6Button; NoExternalPS2. 
  -Checked Illumination options for SGS UI.
  -Hide the Scrolling Selection ctrls for the OEM infs     
  -Fixed the masks and offsets used for product and sensor info. 

Version  13.1.3 06/04/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -New mail utility blat requires the content (body) of the message to be
  -Removed merged ODM INF files permanently. 
  -Changed the default settings to turn on the coasting for 2finger
  -Added UI for loop control bar. 
  -Added new strings. 
  -Adjusted location of controls on settings page; updated help IDs. 
  -Removed primary action dependency from ControlBar button. 
  -Set ReverseDirection config bit for loop slider. 
  -First checkin for Clickpad 2.0 UI for wholepad mode. 
  -Removed extra white space lines for Thai help text. 
  -Clean up more space issue. 
  -Capitalized at topic 30 for Finish help. 
  -Hid Palm-On-Pad, for OEM. 
  -Changed the default settings.. 
  -Fixed RTF viewer control for Legal Help info section for OEM. 
  -Custom cusor files for OEM 
  -Handle custom 2Finger scrolling cursor 
  -Added support for pre-setting SwapScrollAxis bit, and handled display
   orientation change accordingly. 
  -Added support for loop slider zones. 
  -Run ChkRtf for Synaptics rtf help files 
  -Updated configuration for OEM. 
  -Fixed Configue button is cut off in Commercial Russian. 
  -Cut-off string in 120 DPI of Russian CPL settings. 
  -Fixed for hotkey not consistent at OEM control panel. 
  -updated configuration for OEM. 
  -Post scroll bar messages works. 
  -Used eClassPostKernelWheel on Vista start bar to scroll 
  -Fixed secondary menu for control panel tray icon is not translated for
   CSY, ELL and HUN. 
  -Saved device specific information to
   CurrentControlSet\Class\{GUID}\xxxx\System and
   CurrentControlSet\Class\{GUID}\xxxx\Software, and the kernel driver moved
   them to corresponding HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SynTP, and
   HKLM\Software\Synaptics. This fixed different device settings overwirtten
   issue if the drivrer was installed from preload image in Windows 7. 
  -Removed Palm-On-Pad, for OEM. 
  -Added document describing rotation of user-selected objects in MS Office

Version  13.1.2 05/29/2009 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Take out v13.2.0 section. 
  -Updated by the build process.
   -Added Cover Gesture support. 
  -Added code back which was removed accidently. 
  -Fixed space before Punctuation on Help Topic in Slovenian 
  -Fixed space issue for "Normal" at Dutch. 

Version  13.1.1 05/29/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Rolled back version from 13.2.0 to 13.1.0. 
  -Added cover gesture support. 
  -Fixed a BSOD when the driver was uninstalled. 
  -Doc for implementing the Features of NFinger taps.

Version  13.1.0 05/28/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features: Use WDK 1.9 build 7100.0
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a cursor moving issue for NFinger flicking. 
  -SetFingerCount to 2... should be in the stroke filter.
  -Take out the tabs.
  -Fixed Hebrew Flick UI does not sync with help text issue. 
  -Fixed control Zoom Rate Minimum got cut-off. 
  -Fixed BR patent displayed not in-sync issue. 
  -Unified HelpTopicID format. 
  -Hot-key for Hebrew at OEM app. 
  -Fixed configuration for OEM PNP ID. 
  -Removed the hot-key for Zoom Rate. 
  -Fixed Synaptics Tutorial app for Right-to-Left languages. 
  -Changed an OEM PNP ID to use SGS UI.
  -Moved PNP ID from ODM's INF to OEM's INF. 
  -Rolled back to non-SGS UI, for OEM. 
  -Added IrDeviceV2&CoI08 into exclusion list.   
  -Don't call WdfFdoInitSetFilter for KBFilter device creation.           3,
   Set FileObjectClass = WdfFileObjectNotRequired when pass the WDF request 
   to next level driver.
  -Used right request format function to reformat internal device io control
   call before pass the request to the io target. 
  -Fixed static help message which is not in the center. 
  -Added TM after EdgeMotion at CH help text. 
  -Fixed extra space at CH help. 
  -Fixed Explorer does not translate at KR and space issues. 
  -Utility tool to check/update Rtf help files in Driver\Help 
  -Added PNP ID with appropriate configuration, for OEM.   
  -Changed horizontal scrolling width for OEM PNP ID. 
  -Added new PNP ID for OEM. 
  -Removed the help topic 112 being called at Enalbe Tap zones which creates
   white line.   
  -Updated enable/disable timeout for 2 OEM Pnp IDs. 

Version  13.0.7 05/22/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -fixed uninstallation issue due to read-only file attributes of INF files.
  -translate Middle Point Stick Button for AR. 
  -Fixed hot-key in one language for RU. 
  -Fixed bold only half the word of Turkish. 
  -Fixed extra space before a colon in French help screen 
  -Momentum UI is not translated and in-sync with help text for RU. 
  -Fixed Word cutoff in Turkish Menu for OEM App. 
  -Fixed no hot keys for buttons at OEM App. 
  -Fixed cleaned up all tabs and no garbage for OEM app. 
  -Fixed extra line after clean up for RU. 
  -Fixed New strings UI and help text localization for OEM project. 
  -Fixed New strings UI text cut-off. 
  -Fixed New strings UI text hot-keys. 
  -Taken out tab for OEM Rtf help text 
  -Added SGS UI per customer's request.  
  -Fixed Hebrew hotkey parenthesis for ChiralMotion is misplaced. 
  -Adjusted default settings for default driver. 
  -Fixed Hebrew about garbage at OEM App. 
  -Added a new PnP ID and adjusted default settings. 
  -Added PnP IDs. 
  -Add a way to get the HelpTopicIDs 
  -remove all tabs at beginning of help text, for help popups for OEM. 
  -rollback code to remove all tabs at beginning of help text, for help
   popups for OEM. 
  -Fixed Browse Button Label is Cut Off for OEM cpl. 
  -Fixed missing Show Video file. 
  -Changed the vertical scroll zone width for the customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Overview tree item may have been missing from an
   OEM's ControlBar settings. 
  -Updated OEM's configurations to SGS. 
  -Rolled back to WDK 1.7. 
  -Removed duplicated sections to fix build error. 
  -Fixed a typo in OEM inf that causes the installation to fail. 

Version  13.0.6 05/14/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed context-sensitive menu from key macro edit control. 
  -Only created one mediaplay object which can be shared by all show video
  -Added different grayed out image for each control. 
  -Added grey out video playback when a check box was unchecked. 
  -Sent broadcast message using SynTPHelper to power off monitor. 
  -Updated help text per customer's feedback.  
  -fixed alignment of tab control of control panel, for Right-to-Left
  -Changed default UI to SGS UI, and moved default settings to default
  -Added pinch speed slider control. 
  -Increase the timing  GestSuppressTimer for multi-finger tap so 2 finger
   tap and drag does not become 2 finger tap only. 
  -Added new criteria for unrolling clickpad packets; not currently enabled.
  -Reset Click Motion after Unroll. 
  -Fixed some translated strings. 
  -Fixed for OEM app About button garbage and font formats. 
  -Fixed extra line at NL Enable Tap Zones. 
  -Fixed for no line space after Flick at help ID 294. 
  -Fixed AR punctuation issue at help topic 260. 
  -Fixed canot get log file page without disable TP. 
  -Fix an issue of first time scroll in a window activated by tapping on it 
  -Fixed Spaces between the Patent area on Simplified Chinese. 
  -Fixed Finish Poinitng Enhancements need to translate. 
  -fixed uninstallation issue for Windows 7. 
  -Removed references of Windows 7 Beta. 
  -OEM UI and help text modification request. 
  -Updated for OEM UI translation fixes request. 
  -Turn Off Mux per OEM customer request. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID modification request. 
  -Cleaned up all tabs for help RTF in all languages. 
  -Fixed clean up tabs and overall fonts for help text. 
  -Added PnP ID. 
  -Adjusted driver default settings per customer's request. 

Version  13.0.5 05/07/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Eula file for Slv. 
  -Fixed Pointing Stick and Touchpad in OEM rc. 
  -Fixed extra space in OEM rc. 
  -Updated for Romanian strings. 
  -fixed application profile (rotation keystroke sequence) for OEM's
   proprietary software. 
  -Updated for OEM customer better localization request. 
  -Called LockWorkStation to lock the compuer instead of sending Windows
   Logo Key + L.  
  -Updated AVI files, and switched the video when control is
  -removed unnecessary dependencies for "Show Video" buttons for XP64. 
  -Implement a feature for swapping Primary and Secondary Buton action for
  -Add support for swap buttons with ClickPad. 
  -Fixed EdgeMotion-region is not translated in Swedish. 
  -Fixed the Middle-Button clicking does not working issue. 
  -Added packet unrolling and suppression on clickpad button action. 
  -Fixed Hebrew translation lost at OEM App. 
  -fixed popup help text for Right-to-Left languages, for OEM's proprietary
  -Fixed Dutch hotkeys issues. 
  -Fixed sub tree is shown up even there is no controls. 
  -Fixed one hotkey not work at Italian. 
  -Removed some unused Win2K code. 
  -Fixed Romanian hotkeys issues. 
  -Fixed space in RM help text. 
  -fixed slider for Right-to-Left languages, right/left arrow handling. 
  -Invalid char in install with Danish setup. 
  -OEM PnP ID modification request. 
  -fixed UI controls' centering for OEM's proprietary GUI, for Right-to-Left
  -OEM PnP ID modify request. 

Version  13.0.4 05/01/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed ROM UI problems. 
  -Fixed build error for new languages support, removed one. 
  -Fixed hot keys for new languages and help fonts. 
  -Fixed special characters error at ROM and HRV. 
  -Merged and modified hotkeys for new languages and UI. 
  -Fixed object rotation in Excel/Word/PowerPoint. 
  -Commented out the optimization for the TP disable/enable to resolve
   system lockup.  
  -Removed unnecessary help ID. 
  -Fixed customer reqeust wording changed for UI. 
  -Added "Black Screen" action support. 
  -Added AVI files for animation effect,  pinch, and 2finger scrolling
  -Added a PnP ID and changed default settings. 
  -Updated the help string. 
  -Used left side zone enable IOCTL to disable/enable left zone zooming. 
  -New mail utility and not use mail server 
  -Fixed hotkeys and extra spaces for UI file. 
  -Fixed new help ID cannot be shown for SV, RM and CR. 
  -Fixed Arabic parenthesis issues. 
  -Fixed help ID 0 comment. 
  -Fixed scrolling speed slider, to also work with 2 finger scroll zones. 
  -Added hypen after French word, peut at the help text. 
  -Fixed extra character show tips for Russian. 
  -Fixed extra space at Greman help text. 
  -Added linear cursor image support for Chiral in Linear scrolling zones 
  -Added L/R Btn and 3Finger-Click action for ClickPad 
  -Useed demo inf for testing clickpad 
  -Fixed some obvious mistakes in Romanian translation. 
  -Fixed drop down menu items not translated for 4 languages. 
  -Fixed Hebrew translation lost at OEM App. 
  -Removed characters between ## and HelpTopicID, otherwise thie help cannot
   be found. 

Version  13.0.3 04/23/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed 2Finger chiral scrollig issues 
  -Fixed wrong help id. 
  -Fixed TW OEM App seeing garbage at About patent version info. 
  -Fixed hot keys for new languages and UI. 
  -Added new languages supports for OEM App. 
  -Added new INF for new project. 
  -Added new control strings. 
  -Added two more plugin actions. 
  -Hidden all "Show Video" buttons for XP64. 
  -Fixed caption for Mouse Properties dialog, for RTL languages. 
  -Fixed disable-if-USB checkbox in Mouse Properties dialog, for RTL
  -Added checking for OEM definable button zones 
  -Fixed reshuffled help text, for RTL languages. 
  -Added tow more video files for three-finger H&V flicks. 
  -Merged various ODM into OEM. 
  -Added onre more string. 
  -Localization for project 18687 
  -Updated help strings. 
  -Changed default UI per customer's request. 
  -Added PnP IDs. 
  -Fixed EdgeMotion and Coasting enable/disable checkboxes are deactivated
   by default with a LuxPad. 
  -Fixed the comment or line about Plugin ConfigFlags.  
  -Added disable/enable TP hotkey.  
  -Fixed a bug where app-specific settings would not get loaded properly
  -Added new PnP IDs. 
  -added SYN1B2C for OEM. 
  -Added Win7 info to diagnostic log file 
  -Changed the htokey disable using API disabled flag. 
  -Tested 1F and 2F Tap and drag - Clickpad 2.0 
  -Changed the default settings per customer's request. 

Version  13.0.2 04/16/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Palm Check feature for Gestures. 
  -fixed rotation in Word/Excel/PowerPoint in Vista. 
  -Fixed hotkey Add and Remove of dialog Select program to Run. 
  -Fixed Pinch translation UI for Chinese. 
  -Fixed better translation for short and long for Czech at Glide CPL. 
  -Fixed from translation house for BR. 
  -fixed minimize/close button for Mouse Properties dialog. 
  -Added Support for 1 & 2 Finger Click & Drags 
  -Added support for 2F-clicking with ClickPad 
  -Fixed bolded for Vitese fixe for FR. 
  -Fixed R-to-L and L-to-R in item number stirngs for AR and HU. 
  -Fixed parenthesis problem at hebrew. 
  -Fixed Italian using capital after a Nota. 
  -Fixed Hebrew help text numbering and punctuation problems. 
  -Fixed some hypen for Hebrew two-finger flick help text. 
  -Removed notepad from 3 finger down application list. 
  -Added horizontal and vertical 3finger flick controls. 
  -Added 3-finger hiorizontal and vertical support. 
  -Decoded 3-finger gesture independently in hiorizontal and vertical. 
  -added SYN0602 with appropriate configuration, for OEM. 
  -added SYN1E13 with appropriate configuration, for OEM. 
  -corrected missing installation sections for SYN0602. 
  -Changed "Enable Pivot Rotate" to "Enable Rotate" and "Right Corner
   Pivote" to "Right Corner Rotate" for a customer. 
  -Fixed PDF English not translated in Japan help text. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflicts at mouse button CPL Portuguese(BR). 
  -Fixed hotkey at mouse Properties page for Finnish. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflict in Finnish. 
  -Fixed patent end with ':' in Finnish. 
  -Fixed hotkey and Apply UI for AR. 
  -Updated customer's scrolling configuration file. 
  -Added missed PnP IDs back to a new INF. 
  -Added missing INF section to OEM settings. 
  -corrected missing installation sections. 
  -added USB mouse disabling feature for for OEM. 
  -Adjusted vertical scrolling size per customer's request. 

Version  13.0.1 04/09/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Used the BConfigFlags in the SliderZone. 
  -Fixed a problem for 2 Finger Scrolling with Edge Motion for Scrolling.
  -Added preliminary code for incidental contact filtering for gestures. 
  -Reshot video files SynPivotRotate_ChiralRotate.mpg and SynPivotRotate.mpg.
  -Fixed space missing at FR help text. 
  -Fixed configuration for an OEM PnP ID.
  -Fixed two-finger flick localization issues for UI and hotkey. 
  -Turned scale corodinates on to fix an fimrware tuning issue.
  -Fixed hotkey does not work at three-finger flick for Greman language. 
  -Fixed period sign need to take out for button/tap zone listing item. 
  -Fixed enable tap zone adds white space issue for lots languages. 
  -Fixed Text Font is different in Danish Help Text. 
  -Added new PnP IDs for OEMs. 
  -Hide all "Show Video" buttons for XP64. 
  -Customer want the whole SGS  9.1 features.
  -Fixed Russian help got garbage at ID 226 - 230. 
  -Fixed missing item number and bold at Activat in France help. 
  -"Vitesse fixe" header needs to be bolded in France help. 
  -Fixed R-to-L and L-to-R in item number strings for AR and HU. 
  -Fixed reading alignment for numerically itemized help items, for
   right-to-left languages. 
  -Fixed parenthesis is misplaced for "Enable ChiralRotate"  hotkey for
   Hebrew, Thai. 
  -Fixed hotkey at right conner pivot not function for Italian. 
  -Updated illumination settings for an OEM Pnp ID.
  -Fixed bug where reverse scrolling and swapped axis did not work on chiral
  -Fixed capitalization after NOTA : of Italian help text. 
  -Fixed Thai help got garbages at ID 226 - 285.
  -Moved 3 PNP IDs from OEM Commercial to Consumer INF.
  -Changed the default settings per customer's request. 
  -Fixed install Eula got ? mark at Danish. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflicts at CPL Hungarian. 

Version  13.0.0 04/02/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features: Synaptics Gesture Suite.
Bug Fixes
  -Some documents about SGS gestures. 
  -Used Mt.exe in Post-Build Event to add manifest. 
  -Recentered "folder" icon. 
  -Fixed simplified Chinese garbage help text in SGS. 
  -Fixed IsClickPad, which broke dragging.
  -Fixed some more quirks with clickpads and gestures 
  -Fixed cutoff string in Virtual Scrolling section for OEM.   
  -Added hysteresis on angular direction change to prevent Rotate action
   reset during noisy conditions. 
  -Matched UI strings to English ones for localization. 
  -Fixed supported MS Office apps, cannot rotate after starting very first
   time, for Demo. 
  -Increased ulTRIGGER_DEVICE_DETECTION_THRESHOLD to half second, this
   avoided unneccessary the device redetection because of bad packets.  
  -Added support for N-finger-taps plugIn action.
  -Fixed a format error in inf file.
  -Put back in the "Enable Two-Finger Flick".
  -New helptext for Two-Finger Vertical and Horizontal Flick. 
  -Created a new OEM inc file with SGS UI. 
  -Changed the name of the file to OEMTM12...
  -Added new OEM inf with all existing OEM settings plus Trayicon is Off by default.
  -Added hotkey for all the Show Video buttons for all languages. 
  -Hotkey should be uppercase for Show Video. 
  -Fixed extra quotes in the uninstall message for Russian. 
  -Fixed bug for inappropriate translation for Three finger down in Russian. 
  -Fixed Paten Number format in Finish. 
  -Removed the hotkey for Add and Remove over the Select programs app. 
  -Fixed bug for some more hotkeys at Czech. 
  -Fixed bug for some fonts of help text are different in HK Chinese. 
  -Fixed one hotkey no function in Norwegian. 
  -Fixed one hotkey no function at French. 
  -Fixed a problem where the finger arrives too quickly to be registered as a
   finger but clicks a clickpad button. Missed the click. 
  -Fixed bug for bad translation at German for Gesture Settings. 
  -Fixed bug for the wrong item number listing at Portuguese help text. 
  -Fixed bug for "Press to select drag" for Touch Stick Norwegian. 
  -Fixed bug for hotkey conflicts at device setting perperties page for
  -Added new PnP IDs for OEMs. 
  -Removed old consumer PNP IDs from OEM (commercial) INF.
  -Added check for firmware revision to determine whether to filter
   secondary finger positions. 
  -Fixed spaces missing on French help text. 
  -Fixed font changes at French help text. 
  -Fixed the tapping does not work for some OEMs.  
  -Fixed bug for the wrong item number listing at Arabic help text. 
  -Fixed the dots got changed to dashes at AR help text. 
  -Recentered MediaPlayer control, and changed UI options for an OEM PNP ID. 
  -Added 2 new PnPIDs with SGS UI for an OEM.
  -Removed unnecessary EnableKey for an OEM PnP ID.
  -Fixed Open parenthesis appear as close, and close parenthesis as open. at
  -Changed PalmRT settings. 
  -Fixed Hotkeys are not working for Greek. 
  -Fixed no help text in Hebrew for SGS. 
  -Change default INF to use SGS UI, SQA automation will use sqaautomation.

Version  12.2.12 03/27/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed wrong video is shown for rotation.  
  -We'll still need USB back in the OEM file. 
  -Added more debug info for hotkey duplicated issues. 
  -Fixed Taiwan help text for SGS project. 
  -Fixed cutting string at Russian SGS CPL. 
  -Removed the VK_SPACE from scrolling cancel key list to work around IE 7
  -Reported tap zone gestures to SynTPEnh even the tapping was disabled. 
  -Synaptics.pch can be inserted rather than imported. - maybe then the cpl
   can be expanded first, and then inserted to speed up the build only contains UI elements. The SGS functionals will be
   in OEM inf. Only either CommonSGS_AddReg or Common_AddReg will be
   inserted in inf default to  Common_AddReg unless we have to define to get
  -Use extension .pch to show as Intermidate file. 
  -Added 3 new languages and 13 for OEM Apps. 
  -Added profiles for OEM MediaSmart Video/Photo/Music apps, for
   ChiralRotate and PivotRotate. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflicts issues for SAS project. 
  -Put more info for the string with duplicate or mismatch hotkey 
  -make user changes to ClickLock effective immediately. 
  -fixed KBC TP Disable key state mismatch for OEM. 
  -Fixed wrong video is shown for rotation.  
  -Fixing issue where tapping hard enough to activate clickpad button causes
   double action 
  -set SYN0715 to have maximum PalmCheck value (7). 
  -fixed SGS UI for OEMConsumer, SYN1E0B. also moved OEM MediaSmart app
   profile into OEMConsumer, from OEMCommCtrls. 
  -Added reverse scrolling support for specific OEM scrolling code. 
  -Added code to support coasting scrolling for specific OEM scrolling. 
  -Use "Enable Coasting" instead of "Enable coasting". 
  -PnP ID modification request. 
  -Fixed a bug where the pointer may seem to temporarily lock up after a
  -Added multifinger taps support 
  -Enabled 2F and 3F taps feature 
  -If multifinger tap or drag is in processing, don not process plugin
  -Put some checking to make sure the cursor isn't frozen during an N-finger
  -Added two-Finger flick UI for SGS localization. 
  -Demo Two Finger Flick in SGS UI - No separate help text for Two finger
   Vertical and Horizontal flick yet 
  -Fixed settings for Visibility and used Macro PROG_FILES 
  -Seperated Horizontal and Vertical Two Finger Flick 
  -Fixed Chinese help text got garbages issue. 
  -Fixed Arabic help text won't show for SGS project. 
  -Fixed does not translate at Add and Remove run app list buttons. 

Version  12.2.11 03/19/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added ClickPad checking 
  -Modified code for multifinger cursor supress 
  -Modified suppress cursor code during multifinger gestures. 
  -Added right corner rotation control. 
  -Created new INF for customer to support new UI with SGS. 
  -Used OEM2 for install key.  
  -Set reverse rotation depend on two finger rotation. 
  -Fixed interruption behavior when middle button is down while user is
   hiliting stuff with left button. 
  -Fixed an issue of the cursor tracking for overlaped scrolling zones 
  -Added for finding the clipping strings for all languages in CPL. 
  -Fixed some clipping strings for localization. 
  -Fixed translation error for IL, TZ, TW and CH in help RTF. 
  -Translations for SGS UI and Help RTF files. 
  -Fixed Dependencies string for OEM inf file.
  -For consistency, the Show Video button should be in the same place on all
   pages (Lower Right) 
  -Moved Show Video button to the right. 
  -Merged capability should use once. 
  -Differentiated Ioctls between Tree and UI Control items 
  -For FLicks & 3FingersDn check for MFCaps instead of MF Reports 
  -Added new Video for both Pivot and Chiral Rotate. 
  -Fixed help text for palm on Pad contains an unnecessary double space 
  -Fixed some issues with the 3 Fingers Down configuration dialog. 
  -Changed the default settings per customer's request. 
  -PnP ID request to modify default setting. 
  -modified settings for OEM; remove moodpad & pressure graph, added
  -Fixed bullets are not displayed on the License agreement for JPN and
  -Fixed ChrialMotion scrolling video shows at the non Advanced Gesture
   TouchPad UI. 
  -Added code to control disable device for one session. 
  -Got right default value and handled fast user switching for disable
   device for one session. 
  -Fixed Practice in virtual scrolling doesn't function. 
  -Fixed Practice in virtual scrolling doesn't function. 
  -Created a INF for new customer. 

Version  12.2.10 03/17/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Practice buttons not working. 

Version  12.2.9 03/13/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed some strings translated to Russian. 
  -Added check for DPI = 0. 
  -Fix potential issues with acquire and gesture decoding, when multiple
   fingers arrive and move on the pad.  
  -Removed the "Jump to Menu" code.  
  -Broke Switch TouchPad off into tree item and control. Updated rc file 
  -Fixed wrong Ioctl for 2 finger scrolling 
  -Checked for quotes in the help file.
  -Removed duplicated Help Topic. 
  -Updated "final" English help strings to other languages 
  -Changed advanced gestures in UI and enable/disable state, for OEM. 
  -Fixed possible issues of strings cut off during localization. 
  -Added new function for string tokenizing. 
  -Added support for runing more than one App
  -Added limit for number of apps to be run simultaneously. 
  -Added Configure button for 3 finger press
  -Added different Ioctl value for 3 finger press tree item. 
  -Added new strings 
  -Fixed Dependencies string. 
  -Added new dialog template for Running list of apps - used by 3Finger Press
  -Updated dialog size and added new strings. 
  -Prevented triggering a pinch incorrectly while trying to do a rotate. 
  -Allow disabling click buttons. Disable twist/pinch gestures if a button
   is pressed. 
  -Implement jump back and gesture cancellation when a button is clicked. 
  -Fixed a logic error otherwise the device redetection won't happen if it
   received really relative packets.  
  -Moved UI dependent settings to one file. 
  -Removed driver patch for uncalibrated OSC 
  -Added "Disable internel pointing device when extemal USB pointing device
   is attached" control per customer's request, set default to on. 
  -Updated PnP ID to remove MoodPad and Pressure Graph for OEM. 
  -Added video buttons and video files for Scrolling, Pinch and Rotating 
  -Added video files for Momentum, PalmOnPad,PivotRotate, Three Finger Flick and
   Three Fingers Down, TwoFingerScrolling 
  -Used new Video file for TwoFingerScroll for both Vertical and Horizontal 

Version  12.2.8 03/06/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed some options relating to advanced gestures in UI and
   enable/disable state, for OEM. 
  -Words Cut in button of CPL for an OEM 
  -Fixed a bug where the scroll zones were shifted from their original

Version  12.2.7 03/05/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Moved the unacquire at the beginning of DecodeGesture. 
  -Fixed cursor moving when multifinger-gestures are detected. 
  -New function SetLongPropertyBits.
  -Checked one finger OR two finger settings when getting the reverse 
   scrolling flag.
  -Implemented, add new Ioctls for reverse scrolling. Used new slider zones for
   2 finger scrolling. 
  -Added for OEM: profiles for MS Media Center and OEM Arcade Deluxe. 
  -Enabled KBC query for device disable.  
  -Used DebugPrintEx.  
  -OEM PNPIDs request. 
  -Fixed a bug where a pinch gesture was incorrectly recognized. 
  -Added demo videos for OEM, fixed some options' visibility settings. 
  -Disabled the ChiralRotate by default per customer's request. 
  -Fixed the cursor jumping issue when the finger count changed . 
  -PnP IDd request for modification. 
  -Directly called UpdateTrack from StartTrack instead of calling it only
   when ::SetCursorPos returns successfully. 
  -When the SynTPEnh is launched to check if the kernel mode driver is not
   loaded and it is launched by co-installer, it quits right away., 
  -Used configuration flags rather than scrolling mechanism for chiral and 2
   finger scrolling. 
  -Removed unused ini files. 
  -Disabled ChiralRotate by default, for OEM, all PnP IDs. 
  -Changed some options relating to advanced gestures in UI and enable/disable 
   state, for OEM. 
  -Prevented both R/L buttons overlapping, otherwise it's too hard to drag. 
  -Initial checking of ClickPad work. Implemented button zones. No conflict
   resolution yet. 
  -Removed Moodpad and Pressure Graph from accessories popup menu. 
  -Issued device redetection after the driver received five contiguous
   relative packets in the adsolute mode.
  -Removed DetectForceCompatibilityMode from registry. 
  -String cut at Enable Disable Touch Zone at some languages. 
  -Changed the project to register the Bin copy of the dll so the link won't
   fail if you rebuild after rerunning the enh app. 

Version  12.2.6 02/27/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added for OEM, profiles for MS Media Center and OEM App Deluxe. 
  -Fixed OEM PnP ID request 
  -Don't show "Restore Page Default" button if there is no configurable
   controls in the page.  
  -Added new configuration flags. 
  -Fixed incorrect characters in the Touchpad version information at CH. 
  -Need to depend on current button visiblility and HideIfDisabled flag
   to determine whether the button should be hidden or shown, not only
   HideIfDisabled flag, otherwise the button will be accidently shown.  

Version  12.2.5 02/26/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed OEM control point stick string cut at Russian and Finish. 
  -Improved 3 Finger gesture performance. 
  -Fixed text cut off in Indonesian language. 
  -Combined macro for 2 finger Z value. 
  -Adjusted the two-finger scrolling criteria. 
  -Added UI Ioctl TP_Reverse_PivotRotate_Direction.
  -Updated new help strings for SGS.
  -Fixed image disappearance for OEM. 
  -Fixed installation missing mpg files. 
  -Hid the horizontal scrolling control per customer's request. 
  -Used registries to overwrite FW reported coordinate.
  -Used DPI calculation for scrolling start criteria. 
  -Changed the enum name.
  -Fixed 2 fingers scrolling is faster than one finger scrolling issue. 
  -New PnP requests for OEMs. 
  -Updated PnP requests for OEMs. 
  -Fixed a bug where a pinch gesture was incorrectly recognized. 
  -Added gestures for OEM. 
  -Reversed the Disabke and Enabled keys per custmer's request.  
  -Added for OEM: Chiral Motion, Momentum, Pinch, Chiral Rotate, Flick. all
   disabled by default. 
  -Created new zones for 2 finger scrolling. 
  -Changed the SMTP server from poms to us-owa1. 

Version  12.2.4 02/19/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Used DPI for flick distance calculations. 
  -PalmOnPad should require an Advanced Gestures pad, default is OFF 
  -Used the plugin zone's config flag to set/reset this feature. 
  -Improved 2 finger scrolling. 
  -Made Sure both 2F and 1F scrolling work if both enabled 
  -Added tighter conditions for triggering a rotate action. 
  -Fixed PnP request for chiralMotion. 
  -Checked in for SGS Control panel demo. 
  -PnP request for OEM. 
  -Modified config flag for Plug In Zone to have horozontal and vertical 3
   finger gestures separately.  
  -Added possibility to reverse rotation direction. 
  -Cleaned up the kernel driver, and removed the WDM. 
  -Fixed wrong initial value of m_bSpeedDirection when a finger is down. 

Version  12.2.3 02/12/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Italian shortcut duplicated issues. 
  -Implemented Palm On Pad feature.  
  -Added Palm On Pad Enable in control panel - demo inf. 
  -Put back Momentum Show Video in demo.
  -Fixed a 2F scrolling not trigger issue. 
  -Fixed access violation because the device handle of empty packet is not
  -Added new icon for pivot rotate. 
  -Fixed an issue for Secondary finger position filter.
  -Fixed issue where 2 finger flick gestures were not recognized by photo
  -Fixed a bug where gestures would not work right after an unlock. 
  -To fit onto screen, reduced 30 pixels off height of OEM 600 dialogs,
   changed controls' location/size accordingly. 
  -Fixed the inconsistence of the conditions for TwoFinger-Scrolling.
  -Turned on the ChiralRotation per customer's request. 
  -Removed #ifndef _DEBUG from AGS code. 
  -OEM PnP ID request for modification. 
  -Default set scroll item under the pointer and hide Scroll Selection from
   the UI for OEM.
  -Added a capability for SynCtrl to load its caption string from a string
   specified in the registry.
  -OEM App for TouchCheck no need to translate at Arabic and Japanese. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fixed broken horizontal 2 finger flicks. 
  -Fixed pointing on ClickPads, if one finger is in the chiral zone 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -Fixed an issue for fast 2F scrolling.
  -Added new PnP ID. 
  -changed PalmCheck default value for OEM INF to max, which is 7. 
  -Prevented build inf pickup the wong share files when SYN_BUILD_ROOT has not
   been reset.

Version  12.2.2 02/05/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed OEM Settings hang at Greek. 
  -Fixed dots are missing on the end of text on Thai Un-installation. 
  -Fixed state machine for control bar where two fingers lift at same time.
  -Improved 3F-press vs 3F flick gestures.
  -Improved the 3F-Press action performance. 
  -Improved the two-finger scrooling so to not interfere with pinch 
  -Implemented tooltips for control buttons/Tap Zones actions. 
  -Fixed Ababic set up has problems using shortcuts. 
  -Fixed Russian unfinished sentence in ShowTips dlg. 
  -Fixed some Indonesian shortcuts don't work. 
  -Patched ForceAbsPacket to support controlbar. 
  -Added patch to recover from control bar firmware sending out Z/ZY=56. 
  -Fixed wrong ConfigFlags for Pinch in some OEM INFs. 
  -Changed removed unnecessary registry entry for external
  -Fixed shortcuts for OEM app for DragLock. 
  -Avoided unnecessary AttachThreadInput call, otherwise it caused double
   click missing if called it too frequently.  
  -Detacched the thread input when the SynTPEnh exits. 
  -Tried using CurrentFocus().  
  -Fixed press-to-select configuration for an OEM customer
  -Patched cutoff text and buttons in OEM UI, for RTL languages. 
  -Used DPI in Distance calculations 
  -Changed the acees mode from KernelMode to UserMode to fix the BSOD in
   Windows 7 when the driver verifier is enabled. 
  -Added 3 finger press and 3 finger flick enable/disable 
  -Put the order in scrolling tree item so the the help text will be in
  -Added one external USB device to the exclusion list. 
  -Changed default OEM setting to 2 finger scrolling; Enable Pinch 
  -Don't display the help text for controls which do not appear in the UI 

Version  12.2.1 01/30/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed bug for un-install messages localization. 
  -Removed Panning zones. 
  -Created new function for decoding 2 finger gestures. 
  -Used DPI in TwistMetric calculation. 
  -Changed configuration of Pinch feature for OEM. 
  -Fixed bug for Translation for "Enable vertical/horizontal Flick" for all
  -Bug fixed for Indonesian text on OEM app is cut off. 
  -Modified some customer zone.
  -Fixed Thai layout, to be like English layout. 
  -Added filter for secondary finger position.
  -Extended "Settings..." button size for Portuguese cut-off issue. 
  -Fixed tab sheet being cut off in OEM for RTL languages. 
  -Fixed patent notice versions dialog for OEM, missing text. 
  -Added Pivot Rotate.
  -Add Pivot Rotate Resource string 
  -New UI for control panel. 
  -New help ids.
  -Bug fixed for 'Pointing Device' translation in german incorrect. 
  -Fixed press-to-select visibility for OEM, collapsed groups accordingly. 
  -Hidden the Show Video button if the media play object cannot be created. 
  -Bug fixed for Text "Browse" on the Browse button cut off on Deutsch
  -Avoid accidentally triggering a rotate action when secondary finger is
  -Better gesture decoding for pinch & rotation. 
  -New utility function to calculate angles using DPI. 
  -Clip secondary finger coordinates to sensor edges. 
  -Added Windows Live Photo Gallery for XP to the list of apps that support
  -Added 2 finger scrolling capability to OEM scrolling mechanism. 
  -Solved conflict between 2 finger scrolling and dedicated OEM scroll pad. 
  -Enhanced build and check inf files.

Version  12.2.0 01/22/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features:
  -New OEM module.
Bug Fixes
  -Cleaned up the SynISDll.rc for better localization. 
  -Fixed text of the description in the "button action" section (Tab Zones) being
   cut off. 
  -Used a real MFC defined macro instead of _USRDLL.
  -Configured the twist zone to only activate once.
  -Fixed for OEM, in RTL, where OK/Cancel/Apply is cutoff and/or covered by
   Defaults button. 
  -New default top left corner action: "Minimize all windows" instead of "Jump to Menu".
  -Removed "Jump to Menu" for OEM. 
  -Fixed access violation if MeidaPlayer and Browser Controls fails initialization.  
  -Consolidated group for an OEM inf.
  -Added SYN191C into OEM INF. 
  -SYN1B20 MUX enabled per OEM request. 
  -Added an OEM.exe for testing OEMReady.
  -Handled WM_DESTROY message instead of using DefWindowProc for some OEM applications.
  -Changed Palm Check default value per customer's request. 
  -Changed the default settings per customer request. 
  -Fixed settings button words cut off in Brazilian Portuguese.
  -changed OEM Inf: Palm Check to be the same as default, turn off external USB. 
  -Added InstallLocation, Version Major and VersionMinor to the Uninstall
   key (for OEM Ready). 
  -Fixed patent notice versions dialog for OEM.
  -Adjusted the width of page description to fix the strings were cut off
   for some languages. 
  -Use official company name: Synaptics Incorporated.
  -Added new PnP IDs. 

Version  12.1.5 01/15/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed twist zone config flags, speed. 
  -Fixed "Apply" button being slightly off the OEM dialog, also fixed the
   "Defaults" button not mirrored, for RTL languages. 
  -Removed "Jump to Menu" feature from default settings, only turned it on
   for specific OEMs. 
  -Added virtual buttons support, when the finger is in the styk, the TP is
   switched to styk button mode to simulate the left and right buttons
   action of the styk, the button action is trigger by touch and tap. 
  -Created an INF for OEM demo for the above virtual buttons support. 
  -Disabled Flick, ChiralRotate, and Coasting by default per customer's
  -Added EnableDisableTouchZone, EnableDisableTouchZoneLED when touchhold on
   top left corner for SYN1E0B and SYN1E0D 
  -Added symmetry for patch for firmware deficiency, regarding LED staying
  -Fixed bad version+date text in pointing device tab in control panel, for
   RTL languages. 
  -Fixed bugs in OEM's secondary dialogs, for RTL languages. (menus, caption
   bar area buttons, OK/Cancel/Apply buttons cutoff, Default button wrong
  -Start a timer If register session notification fails, and  try it again
   until the SynTPEnh registers session notification successfully, otherwise
   fast user switching will cause the device state change lost. 
  -Updated copyright strings to 19xx-2009. 
  -Set UseAPIForKBCDisable to 1 by default, and changed the INFs
  -OEM PnP ID request. 

Version  12.1.4 01/08/2009 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the build break if there are spaces in build root.
  -Removed WinNT5 build. 
  -Partial fix: changed "Device Settings" page in Default driver to
   enumerate child windows, to do RTL mirroring. 
  -Partial fix: corrected SynTPCpl's "Settings" dialog's RTL-determination
  -Partial fix: fixed scroll zone control's visual correctness regarding RTL
  -Partial fix: incorporated mirrored OEM bitmaps, for RTL languages.
   Corrected a dialog's caption. 
  -Fixed install message got cut-off in some languages. 
  -Fixed to not send packets before the device is opened/created. 
  -Added an utility program app into OEM package for SYN0A13 and SYN0A14.
  -Improved the two-finger scrooling so to not interfere with pinch 
  -Fixed ChiralRotate cannot activate issue for specific OEM. 
  -Added SYN1B24 into OEM INF, rolled back SYN0407 in OEM INF. 
  -Localization for Enable v/h Flick Help strings. 
  -Turned on ChiralRotate and Flick per customer's request. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflicts at SK. 
  -Added advanced gestures into OEM default driver. 
  -Added/updated PnP IDs. 
  -Fixed install bug at Portuguese (Portugal). 
  -Fixed wrong syntax in batch file which causes files missing. 
  -PnP ID request to remove OEM control icon at un-install.
  -Fixed Simplified Chinese install wrong characters at EULA page. 
  -Fixed software for case where 2 fingers on strip will result  in LED
   staying on, due to old firmware.   
  -Improved the efficiency of calling recognition engine.
  -Hid advanced gestures control per customer's request.
  -Fixed IDS_TOUCOEMAD_DEVICE and IDS_STYK_DEVICE translation and formats. 
  -Added OEM Project actions.
  -Added multifinger support combination events.

Version  12.1.3 12/18/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Twist zone's registry keys. 
  -Added new files for rotate gesture. 
  -Adjusted twist zone ballistics. 
  -Fixed a bug where rotate zone was always disabled. 
  -Fixed a bug where twist actions won't work because of invalid context
  -Turned on the motion suppression by default. 
  -Read serial number when it is needed, and removed read serial from device
  -Added OEM/OEM's PNP request. 
  -Modified settings for OEM specific PnP IDs. 
  -Fixed a Pintch and scroll not work properly issue 
  -Corrected "AUI020" to "AUI0204" to exclusion list, for OEM. 
  -Fixed hot key conflicts at Dutch control panel. 
  -Fixed left and right button actions out of sync. between button page and
   device settings page. 
  -Added more restriction to not start a 3F flicking after 3F pressing 
  -Fixed an issue that 3F press-down action trigger a 3F-flick 
  -Turned all Flick and ChiralRotate per custmer's request. 
  -Disabled MUX KBC per customer's request. 

Version  12.1.2 12/12/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Spanish language help RTF issues. 
  -Partial fixed problem with Settings Dialog incorrect module handle. 
  -OEM PnPs request.

Version  12.1.1 12/11/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed hotkey duplicated at Enable Pinch and Practice.
  -Fixed most dialogs/controls in "Default" driver, for RTL languages. 
  -Issued device redetection if the driver receives more than 10 contiguous
   packets with the same values. 
  -Sent device state if the driver receives the relative packets instead of
  -Enabled motion suppression per customer's request. 
  -Added OEM code for WPF app. 
  -Added "Enable horizontal Flick" and "Enable vertical Flick" in Flick
   control page. 
  -Added new help strings. 
  -Used new help strings for Flick page. 
  -Disabled pinch by default for AGS demo. 
  -Changed Inf package from OEMReady to OEMReady_SQAOnly.
  -Fixed Greek Hotkeys issues. 
  -Merged more common registry sections into 
  -Fixed 3 Finger Flicks - to trigger app-specific actions.
  -Translated "Enable vertical/Horizontal flick" for all languages. 
  -OEM PnPs request.
  -Created 64-bit SynECR.dll.
  -Fixed Czech Hotkeys issues. 
  -Added "AUI020" to exclusion list, for OEM. 
Version  12.1.0 12/04/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Add OEMReady.
Bug Fixes
  -Made hot-key away from accented letters. 
  -Run utility to fix hot-key duplicated in all languages. 
  -Fixed horizontal scrolling for Corel Draw. 
  -Added comments for chars recognizing we only track the primary finger 
  -Removed "ChiralMotion" from UI for OEM. 
  -Removed "Momemtum" from UI for OEM. 
  -Added a new 3FingerStroke state. 
  -Some improvements to 3 Finger Down gesture. 
  -Added exclusion list entries for OEM, to fix USB mouse disable problem. 
  -Fixed bug where TouchPad stops working after unpluggin USB mouse, if
   "Disable..." is checked. 
  -Fixed hot-key not correct at all languages. 
  -Set disable coasting as default for one OEM. 
  -Added WPF scrolling code by OEM. 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -Allowed user mode application to set DPIs and FW reported coordnates. 
  -Modified for 3F Flick, 3F Down, 2F Panning demo 
  -Created OEMReady Inf Package which includes all the exe files in the
  -Fixed OEM file name. 
  -Created a shared .inc file to store shared registry controls. 
  -Fixed the Log file shows new languages as "Others". 

Version  12.0.5 11/26/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -If there is a bump in Synatics Major|Minor (equivalent to Microsoft 
   Major|Sub Major) version test "OEM ready".
  -Set default settings for panning to coasting disabled. 
  -Fixed vertical scrolling for Adobe InDesign. 
  -Added 3 Finger Down Press gesture. 
  -Reorganization of demo INF file. 
  -Fixed some conflicting hotkeys in SK language. 
  -Fixed hotkey conflict with secret key.
  -Added advanced gestures support per customer's request. 
  -Added new PnP ID with pinch enabled. 
  -Added new PnP ids. 
  -Changed default setting for "Disable ... USB ..." to unchecked. 

Version  12.0.4 11/20/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed "Disable" string too long for Turkish and Finnish. 
  -Fixed hotkeys for tray icon menu on Arabic, Russian, Hebrew and Thai.
  -Changed "DisableINTPD" default to be unchecked. 
  -Added SynFlickLR.mpg to copylist. 
  -Used demo video with left and right directions flick only. 
  -Added PnPID 015A.
  -Moved show video buttons to bottom right corner. 
  -Added advanced gestures support per OEM's request. 
  -Added 3 finger gestures (flick) to demo. 
  -Added app profiles for 3 finger flicks. 
  -Better differentiation between 2-finger and 3-finger gestures. 
  -Added code to support KTLFeed for non-touchpad devices. 
  -Added PnPID OEM0015.
  -Fixed OSD timer when removing a device. 
  -Added PnPID 1E0B to OEMConsumer. 
  -Fixed PREfast warnings.

Version  12.0.3 11/13/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added title to the installation dialogs. 
  -Added hotkeys into "Welcome" dialog. 
  -Fixed hotkeys for non-multibyte languages. 
  -Resized and relocated "click lock" static text (on "Buttons" page). 
  -Fixed Synaptics link being covered by "Defaults" button by re-centering
   link, also fixed incorrect comment about Vista/XP. 
  -Fixed dependency of macro edit control.
  -Relocated/realigned images and static links on OEM main pages. 
  -Fixed "Properties" dialog in Vista, so won't have controls near bottom
   and right edges.   
  -Added Arabic language for OEM control.
  -Added explicit running level request manifest into exe files.
  -Checked embed manifests for OEM ready.
  -Used the better translation string for Korea.
  -Shortened the strings at button/tap action listbox. 
  -Shortened lines for plugin action strings. 
  -Stop coasting when cursor moved or cancel key pressed, when using OEM
  -Added new patent numbers.
  -Fixed wrong tray icon animation behavior when doing chiral horizontally. 
  -Fixed some redundant dependencies. 
  -Removed redundant or incorrect linker settings. 
  -Added new PnP IDs.  
  -Added SynTPLpr back to the build. 
  -Added flick support per OEM request. 
  -Changed extension of Eula files. 
  -Renamed US Eula file. 
  -Updated settings for OEM INF.
  -Reduced the size of OEM package - take out the unused rtf files.
  -Added Arabic translation to OEM installation. 
  -Moved show video button to bottom right corner.
  -Insured the help control's scroll bar is at the top when selecting a new
   help topic. 

Version  12.0.2 11/06/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove "Help button" references from Help files. 
  -Insure that combination of TAB and arrow keys allows user to access any
   control on the Buttons page. 
  -fix bitmap with logo; moved "Synaptics" further away from edge of
   dialog box. 
  -Fix incorrect Dependencies on OEM page. 
  -Using assert in a header file included in several projects. 
  -Localization for OEM Arabic support 
  -Let's have the constants use our coding standards pls  
  -Fix localzation for Tutorial practice string. 
  -Add manifests in the build instead of using mt.exe after the build. 
  -Check in the manifest files for SynZMeter and SynMood.  
  -Remove AddManifests call from the NightlyBuild.  
  -Fix Setup international request at least 24 languages.. 
  -Add system DPI for y value also. 
  -Fix many cut off strings on Russian with 120 dpi. 
  -There is another GetKeyboardLayout call that needs to be fixed.  
  -Get System DPI settings into log file 
  -Strings cut off at 120 dpi issues. 
  -Fix control image was not scaled up issue in 120DPI because scale up
   logic was off for bitmap, so used PNG image instead of BMP.  
  -Branch build for Del600 
  -fix WordArt object getting larger with rotation. 
  -Fix Disable string in Greek language cut-off issue 
  -Fix button/tap action listbox string cut-off issues. 
  -Fix bug where One-finger zoom was not working for one OEM. 
  -Fix Russian string cut-off at shuttle page control. 
  -Fix a bug where the Ctrl key state did not get properly cleared after a
   pinch gesture. 
  -Add a new PnPID for an OEM 
  -Fix bug where incorrect profile settings were loaded when the
   enhancements app was started. 

Version  12.0.1 10/31/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove sentence with "Windows 95" reference. 
  -Change left to primary click. 
  -Add "..." to "Settings..." as needed for several languages. 
  -Update languages for new localization; CSY, ELL, HUN, and SKY. 
  -Change x86 to PlatformName. 
  -Fix a logical error to turn off cursor tracking for chiral mode. 
  -Fix where rotation creates pile-up of hidden images when selecting all
   and then rotating. 
  -Fix smoothness of rotation. 
  -Fix English text (Create Profile) of OEM control for Hong Kong Chinese. 
  -Preliminary work for 2-finger panning. 
  -Fix bug of 2-finger panning. 
  -Add ignored scan code list of Palm motion suppression. 
  -Fix tabs re-arrange in Chinese and Version to display correctly. 
  -Fix arrow of circular scroll icon not match scroll direction.
  -Adjusted iDEFAULT_SCROLL_CHUNK from 16 to 19.
  -Add new PnP ID. 
  -Modify default setting for an OEM 
  -When reposition of the buttons the top positions need to be scaled with
   the proportion of the height from registry value and the height of
   current  GetClientRect. 
  -Fix Russian strings issues for 120dpi.
  -Keep the 3 radio buttons evenly spaced. 
  -Translation for CSY, HUN, SKY, ELL, IDN, TRK and PLK for scrolling
  -Add manifest for OEM ready. 
  -Setup international for at least 24 languages. 
  -Set linear scrolling as default per customer's request. 
  -Fix strings cut off at 120 dpi. 
  -Change default setting for an OEM.
  -Add a new OEM PnP ID. 
  -Check the errors in adding manifest and signing. 
  -First Draft coding standards document.

Version  12.0.0 10/23/2008 (WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Use WDF for XP and Vista.
Bug Fixes
  -Fix the ESP translation for Virtual Scrolling Practice. 
  -Use WDF for both XP and Vista platforms 
  -Fix "Jump to Menu" plugin on some applications in XP. 
  -Fix an issue where a flick accidentally triggeres a zoom. 
  -Add localized EULAs for default driver 
  -New OEM localization support for Indonesian Eula. 
  -Localization for Czech, Greek, Hungary, Slovakia 
  -Set Pinch & ChiralRotate enabled state when changed in the UI (before
   clicking Apply). 
  -Fix pinch zooming too fast issue. 
  -Fix version dialog strings for multibyte languages for OEM control.
  -Reinitialize pinch metrics if last secondary finger packet is reset to
   empty packet. 
  -fix chiralRotate for the case where it only works once. 
  -Fix short cut key "Z" has no function at Hong Kong MUI. 
  -Make the tray icon images consistent in vertical and horizontal
  -Fix issue where 2-finger panning did not work both vertically and
  -Increase HW ID buffer, to avoid a BSOD for UBS touchpads. 
  -Add a new PNP ID. 
  -Fix garbage display at Chinese Vista control momentum help page. 
  -Fix the help at OEM control for TABs in Chinese. 
  -Tabs re-arrange in Chinese and Version display correctly. 

Version  11.2.15 10/17/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Get rid of the duplicate CRegistryKey class in the registry.lib project. 
   Change the name to CRegistryKeyMap and changed the affected code. 
  -Get rid of all the #pragma statements.
  -OEM should only include the eula files for the languages they support. 
  -Fix OEM control panel IDS_DNT_OEM strings. 
  -Fix a help id.
  -Fix an issue on tray icon color for scrolling and normal pointing.
  -Set Pinch & ChiralRotate to be in enabled state when changed in the UI 
   (before clicking Apply). 
  -Add Multifinger support for RGB Control Bar.
  -Reuse ReadResolution instead of a new fct.   
  -Handle display change for scrolling slider 0 and slider 1.
  -Fix continuous rotation, also un-did dividing rotation degree by 2. 
  -Fix crash when rotating while dialog is up.
  -Fix OEM control panel Defaults button cut-off at Russian. 
  -Change all "Debug non-Unicode" to "DebugA". 
  -Change the SynOsLib output folder to use x86 and x64.   
  -Remove old demo program. 
  -Remove unnecessary build configurations. 
  -Fix disappearance of objects after rotation in Word. 
  -Fix NDL Dutch does not translate in IDS_DNT_OEM 
  -OEM PnP ID request for enable H/V scroll by defaults. 
  -Remove incorrect ASSERT triggered during Pinch. 
  -Fix 2 EdgeMotion radio buttons options selected issue. 
  -Fix a logical error for packet feed interface. 
  -Fix runtime check failure when creating settings dialog. 
  -Center the tapping speed string. 
  -Add new PnP ID. 

Version  11.2.14 10/09/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
Bug Fixes
  -Fix Pointing Stick tab is missing header notes issue 
  -Improve flick performance and reject diagonal flicks. 
  -2 finger pan-scrolling demo 
  -Translation for End User License Agreement (EULA) in installation 
  -Localization for OEM languages ZHH, IDN, ESM support 
  -Fix for IDS_DNT_OEM strings for some languages 
  -Fix help strings number not right at the ID 241. 
  -Translation single to plural issue when patent number added. 
  -Add New PNPID per customer request. 
  -add code to rotate MS Word correctly. also fix some EMIT strings. 
  -Add branch_OEM_v11_2_12 
  -Return scrolling successfully even there is no horizontal bar, this fixes
   the cursor won't change to the scrolling cursor if the window does not
   have horizontal scrolling bar. 
  -Add multifinger sliding with LED zones 
  -Add multifinger support on one strip for ControlBar 
  -Add support for distinguish Expeanding LED Zones 
  -Enable pinch zooming as defautl instead of one finger zooming. 
  -Set PalmCheck threshold default to 6. 
  -Copy SynOEM.exe into common distribution folders. 
  -Fix string cut at the new support languages for OEM. 
  -Adjust default horizontal scrolling zone size per OEM's request. 
  -Fix a debug emit error message pop-up bug 
  -fix the emit problem in 64-bit wchar version as well. 
  -Include <wchar.h> for non-unicode build configuration to work 
  -fix unreleased dispatch pointers. also changed code to work with both
   Office 2003 and 2007. 
  -Add a new image file for showing the advanced scrolling icon on a
   custom UI. 
  -Resend F5(disable device) three times if it fails. 
  -Move PS states from PD class to CDeviceState, and use bit mask to replace
   the bool type PS state variables. 
  -Return right PnPID for IOCTL TP_PnPIDString. 
  -Add Define Emit Level  

Version  11.2.13 10/02/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Clean up SynOSDCpl regsitry key on uninstall. 
  -Move to Common_delReg in the OSD inf for removal of key on upgrade.
  -Create a Get/SetSettableConfigFlags. 
  -Remove Debugcpl project. 
  -Merge the Utility source files into the synoslib.
  -Move the OEMAPI source files from Syntpenh to SynOsLib.
  -Delete the emit and utility source files from the lib folder.
  -Fixe an issue on cursor changing in the Chiral scrolling.
  -The InWholePadMode should check whether the pad is in whole pad mode, not
   checking for 2 finger chiral.  
  -Fix TP disalbe by control API then hot key cannot enable. 
  -Add new languages for OEM supports. 
  -Fix a bug in checking if HKCU registry available. 
  -Fix the issue that Edge Motion setting does not take effect until user
   clicks apply.  
  -Fix the BSOD when clicking reset button to reset the device if the TP is
   not attached to the PS2 port when the system boots up. 
  -Update patent notices. 
  -Add "Gesture Settings" text/link on the main GUI page below "Scroll
   Settings" text.
  -Adjust "Gestures Settings" location. 
  -Fix an issue in scrolling on Button mode.
  -Fix an issue that in the Button mode, scrolling cursor image changes 
  -Add COM code to do ChiralRotate in MS Excel/Word/PowerPoint. 
Version  11.2.12 09/25/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Strings are stored in resource files in Unicode - Microsoft kb/196899:
   LoadStringW, on Windows NT, returns the exact string stored in the
   resource. LoadStringA converts the strings it reads to Multibyte
   Character Set (MBCS) before returning them. 
  -Add manifest file to SynOSDCpl. 
  -Fix hot key conflicts in Spanish Tag to Click control 
  -Add plugin suffix to flick / gesture registry value name. 
  -Add EULA for all OEMs 
  -Fix flick gesture in media player slide show mode by adding a new app
   profile & class name. 
  -Change Up Flick gesture macro for Media Center to "Play". 
  -Do not scale TP coordinates in the driver if the max coordinates are
   above typical bezel values. 
  -Fix an issue that scrolling does not work in Outlook Express in XP 
  -Clean up custom zones' key & mouse macro registry value names. 

Version  11.2.11 09/18/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Update szEPluginAction to avoid hitting EMITRAW(TL1) in debugging version
  -Insure button settings are saved properly when switching between
   supported app profiles while the control panel is open. 
  -Insure buffer length is large enough - this fixes a problem where app
   profile settings didn't get saved properly. 
  -Remove STL from the SynOsLib project. 
  -Move/resize some controls to fix text misfits. 
  -Instead of adding a new flag, check the bcfEnabledChiral flag.  
  -Move changes from wrong INC to right INC. 
  -Fix registry location where "CustomZoneKeyNMacroVXXX" should be saved. 
  -Added HelpTopic ID. 
  -Copy Eula files into common distribution folders. 
  -Put Video files into common folders instead of OEM folder.
  -Get the help of all the siblings which are not tree list entries.
  -Update helpIds for vertical and horizontal scrolling for advanced
  -Send keyboard macros to the window with the focus - to solve issues for
   apps embedded in other apps. 
  -Fix PhotoGallery vs LivePhotoGallery, one takes F11, other takes F12 to
   run slide show; now send both F11 and F12. 
  -Make StateMachine a class.
  -Fix assert when running OSD CPL with debugging version driver. 
  -Remove obsolete OEM inf.
  -New OEM PnP ID. 
  -Update SynChiralRotate.mpg with new file. 
  -New PNPID SYN1B1C for OEM.

Version  11.2.10 09/12/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove unused code after Windows style transparency is removed.  
  -Only do hroizontal scrolling for IE even there is no horizontal
   scrollbar. this fix wrongly horizontal scrolling.  
  -Fix the spaces missing in help text 
  -Fix an issue that the SynTPEnh crashes when terminates 

Version  11.2.9 09/11/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Merge the statemachine code from statemachine branch 
  -Add the first of some new libraries that will be used to contain any OS
   specific calls  
  -Resize some controls to fix text misfits. 
  -Check the hotspot on the cursors.  
  -correct the chiral cursor images 
  -Add new help string. 
  -Relayout virtual scrolling and long distance scrolling pages. 
  -Add an EULA to the driver installation - Test on eula inf 
  -Update SynArp to include EULA files 
  -Fix an issue that for some app the Touchpad may lock up when using
   app-specific slider zone. 
  -Add flag to turn off the Chiral cursor when is in Chiral scrolling 
  -Hide the MediaPlayer if stopped by user, but only if popup (ie not
   embedded in GUI). 
  -Move the hotspot of the Chiral cursor from (0, 0) to (12, 10) 
  -Remove window extened style transparent for all setting pages it does not
   work as we expected, it has some side effect. 
  -Fix cursor lockup after pinch gesture when using the demo driver. 
  -Fix 'Show Video' button grey out at Virtual scrolling 
  -OEM new product request. 
  -Gesture Finger/Pinch zoom cut-off at Japanese. 

Version  11.2.8 09/04/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -New string localization.   
  -Name branding DNT on OEM PAD. 
  -Name branding correct target directory. 
  -Add extra registry stuff for OSD, for Photo Gallery. 
  -Change default settings for new PnP ID. 
  -Change the default MINRT back to 7. 
  -Reverse chiral CCW with CW. 
  -Slow down speed of Left Slider (ChiralRotate) zone. 
  -Remove the added old WinSDK path.

Version  11.2.7 09/04/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Completely unhook Dual mode from OSD/app-specific functionality. 
  -moved/resized some controls to fix text misfits. 
  -Update OEM Chiral scrolling cursors. 
  -Updated flick actions for iTunes. 
  -Use the handle of the window under the pointer - if needed - to determine
   the correct app profile to use for gestures. 
  -OEM name brand request 
  -Also use class name to find Windows Photo Gallery profile. 
  -New videos for chiral, linear scrolling. Change file names. 
  -Allow NoAction to be valid action type for slider zones. 
  -Fix a memory leak on the ChiralRotate slider zone. 
  -When not rotating, moving the finger through the ChiralRotate zone should
   allow for pointing. 
  -Remove redundant help strings. 
  -Force the vertical scrolling to the wheel mouse scrolling path. 
  -Increased left slider zone size for demo by 25%. 
  -OEM platforms - Do not change tray icon into a circular arrow during
   circular scrolling 
  -OEM update table file for Eudora Mail scrolling issue. 
  -Wrongly change the maximum rejection threshold value. 

Version  11.2.6 08/28/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated video file for flick gesture. 
  -New strings localization. 
  -fix "up" flick gesture for Photo Gallery. 
  -reverse chiral rotation gestures CW and CCW for Photo Gallery. 
  -Fix rotation direction for Adobe Acrobat & Acrobat Reader 
  -Add build branch for OEM 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -Fix broken flick gestures. 
  -Fix incorrect iitial chirality for left slider zone. 
  -Demo Video for Momentum. 
  -Fix chiral rotation for Office 2007 apps. 
  -Set mux slave devices' bStarted flag to TRUE if master device is true,
   otherwise the devices are not set to default state after the system goes
   to restart, standby and hibernation.  
  -Allow for Pinch zone to be app-specific for usability testing. 
  -Reverse rotation direction for Windows Photo Gallery. 

Version  11.2.5 08/21/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Init all the vars to something reasonable, then if the key is
   valid, read the value from the reg, reduce unnecessary check.  
  -Simplify the utility functions. 
  -Move the LeftSlider settings from Defaults to TouchPad. 
  -Don't close MediaPlayer on stopping if not a popup. 
  -New help topics for Advanced gestures. 
  -Update new video files.   
  -Fix a static text size and a checkbox text size, for Japanese language.
  -Remove j river media center. 
  -Add chiral functions for Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Photoshop. 
  -Change macro so Alt key is up at very end, also correct comment in file
   regarding CW/CCW. 
  -Add sections for InterVideo WinDVD, add extra sections for Adobe Acrobat
   and Windows Photo Gallery, correct CW/CCW directions for some apps.
  -Set default keys for "up","down","left","right" to "page up","page
   down","left arrow","right arrow", respectively. 
  -For app-specific registry values, if the user-value does not exist, use
   the machine app-specific value rather than the system user value. 
  -Remove global parameter from ReadAction. 
  -Add DPInst.xml to OEM600. 
  -Fixe iTunes and Media Player's up and down flick functions.
  -Swap rotation macros for Adobe Reader.   
  -Add Demo Inf section information. 
  -Change German "SETUP" to "Installation". 
  -Add macros for "Microsoft Media Center". 

Version  11.2.4 08/14/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Assign diagonal flick gestures to do nothing by default. 
  -Enable Flick gesture by default. 
  -New help topics for Advanced gestures. 
  -Update HelpIDs for Advanced Gestures in Russian language.
  -Make a better looking OEM branding image. 
  -Fix unable to select buttons using jog shuttle bitmap. 
  -Externl USB mouse controls do not depent on the TP or pointing stick
   device is disabled or enabled. 
  -Fix Buttons function select list disappeared for OEM App. 
  -Restore global mouse settings when the system goes to shutdown, standby
   or hibernation if the settings are changed but not applied. 
  -Fix keyboard macros so they work with flick gestures. 
  -Fix a bug that all DualMode driver failed to load. 
  -Fix Shuttle Enable chiral text size. 
  -Fix the Enable Circular Scrolling for longer length language 
  -Fix Text cut off when enable circular scrolling 
  -Add "Play Video" button to "Advanced Gestures" categories, to launch MS
   MediaPlayer to play short instructional video when clicked upon. note,
   this feature is disabled until we have the gestures videos.
  -Add feature support to an OEM PnPID 
  -Add some typical synaptics string definitions to the MFC dlg test app 
  -Update development notes with a new section on how to retrieve the local
   source code. 
  -change build targets to statically link with MFC to reduce dependancies
   in WINE 
  -Test linux graphical ui merge tool. 
  -update wine developement notes.
  -Made checkbox text area larger to fit Japanese and Korean text. 
  -Made a text area larger and relocated and made a checkbox text larger for
   Japanese text. 
  -Fix some font issues in Russian RTF help file. 
  -Add app profiles, for flick and chiral rotate gestures. 
  -Remove chiral CW/CCW for "Adobe Photoshop", which doesn't have shortcut
   keys for rotation. 
  -OEM PnP ID request.. 
  -Hide "Illumination Options" in Control Panel and don't add the
   Illumination try icon menu when the LuxPad TP is a DualMode LuxPad. 

Version  11.2.3 08/08/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Pass in eea to LEDZOne or just don't set eea to eeaLEDAction. 
  -Add Left Slider operation for Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
  -Change the Rotate zone custom IDs to 126 & 127. 
  -Removal of branding in the UI as OEM request 
  -Add a registry key to enable/disable sending dribble packets patch.
   Default is disabled, it is enabled for the OEM with dualmode pad. 
  -Add patch to fix FW issue which is that when switching to command mode,
   the FW ignores to send dribble packets, this causes the driver does not
   clear the gesture after double tap.. 
  -Fix strings and help wording wrong in German translation 
  -Apply to OEM inf for the text size. 
  -Fix characters wrong in French translation 
  -Currently, save button, corner zone and gesture configuration only to
   system key. 
  -Only reset current app on foreign device change rather than on any
  -Fix pinch checkbox. 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -De-couple Pinch Zoom from 1 Finger Zoom. 
  -Move setting the cursor position after cancelling the momentum.   
  -Put details of inf ID expansion error into erorrs.txt for driver build
   and summary.htm  for single inf build. 

Version  11.2.2 07/31/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Implement Rotate, reorganize and clean up zone creation. 
  -Add code to process lib open/close event, and fix cursor won't move for
   2-4s when the lid is opened. 
  -Add PREPROCESSSOR _CLISTNONEW so Synlist don't use the default
   constructor Change the comment from SynCtrlMgr to CSynCtrl 
  -Merge to the trunk: Derived classed, use Registry reference instead of
  -Merge to the trunk: Manager and base classes, use Registry reference
   instead of pointer. 
  -Remove SynMutableCtrl.cpp/h from project 
  -Take out the TL0 for checking dwIoctl registry for this build 
  -Update 'mutable' control need Ioctl value debug message 
  -Enable the MUX KBC for SYN1E02. 
  -Add back the check for DualModePad() when creating te slider. 
  -fix size of "Description" static text for mouse/keystroke recording
  -for French version, fixed size of "Scrolling & Zoom Settings" and "Jog
   Shuttle Settings" static text. 
  -for Italian version, fixed size of "Touchpad Settings" and "Scrolling &
   Zoom Settings" static text. 
  -for Spanish version, fixed size of "Scrolling & Zoom Settings" and "Jog
   Shuttle Settings" and "External Mouse Settings" static text, to make
   everything look right. 
  -Fix "Release to select" feature does not work issue on OEM machine. 
  -Change InvertImage to NotifyOnUncheck 
  -Move the ermt to the existing ReceiveMessage enum.
  -The new fids should be either in Query Caps or Query Cas + 3 other fct. 
  -Add app-switching support to gestures. 
  -Add app-switching support to plugins for buttons and corner zones 
  -Added Flick and ChiralRotate to Advanced Gestures group. 
  -Move Pinch to Advanced Gestures group. 
  -New strings for Advanced Gestures group. 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -Fix garbage displayed at TW Help windows for momentum. 
  -Add a new PnPID support for an OEM 
  -Fix localization for "Description" at OEM gesture config tab. 
  -Add registry value to turn on/off Volume Control zone. 
  -Slight refactoring of the SPacket struct to deal with multi-format
   packets with common parts better. 

Version  11.2.1 07/24/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add "HID\VID_413C&PID_8158&REV_0100&Col01" to the execlusion list. 
  -Add 413c/8157 to exclusion list, also add Rev and Col number per the
   customer request. 
  -Use device names for 413C/8152 and 413C/8156.
  -Fix system hangup when doing reboot stress test.
  -Fix location/size of "Configure" button for macro section on OEM project
  -Fix bug where volume control zone was erroneously created on dual mode
  -Unhook OSD from Dual Mode (Custom Zone buttons). 
  -Use AppSpecificPath instead of CustomZonesPath when re-initializing
  -Fix broken ControlBar where no button action works after starting
   certain plugin actions. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Add a WMP SynControl and a Browser SynControl.

Version  11.2.0 07/17/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Use WDK 1.7 - build6001.18001
Bug Fixes
  -Unhook App Profile paths from Custom Zones. 
  -Some prework to make the gesture unpacking clearer 
  -Fix Adobe Illustrator profile (Jog and Btn 3 & 4 did not work) 
  -Widen the shuttle zone to OEM's specification. 
  -Fix a potential access violation in SynTPEnh.
  -Bad Itunes macro. Use Right-ctrl key versus left ctrl key. 
  -Fix Apple iTunes Button 3 to use right ctrl + alt. 
  -Fix Apple iTunes description and plugin operations. 
  -Fix incorrect resource string for iTunes. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fix Vista installation under non-Admin user with localized string. 
  -Add a registry to turn on/off device detection. 
  -Change key macro used for Adobe After Effects. 
  -Remove wrong dependencies. 
  -Add new localizaed string to fix OEM app profile bug. 

Version  11.1.22 07/10/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -With the control panel open, allow button mode only when the application
   being configured has focus. 
  -Fix Aplication Illustrator, OEM Left & Right, Button 3 & 4 don't work. 
  -Fix a wrong logic to change the slider zone size if slider is in left or
  -Adjust some controls positions 
  -Relayout all the pages of the CPL for OEM600. 
  -Update the image files for OEM600. 
  -Grey out the buttons control if both the TP and the pointing stick are
  -Pinch Zone is in relative coordinates. 
  -Buttons assignments for Application Illustrator are not loading correct 
   tool or applying assigned Macro action.
  -Change the registry key names to Apple iTunes.
  -iTunes's application profile is missing for OEM Touchpad.
  -Add PnP ID for OEM request. 
  -Add 3 new devices to exclusion list.
  -Fix for Windows Media Player: Button 1 "volume down" does not work.
  -Convert all macro binary data to use 64-bit structures. 
  -Fix broken macros on 64-bit OS. 
  -Don't set the version on garbage data read from the registry.
  -Enhance the layout of the Create Profile dialogbox. 
  -Add 3 PnP IDs for OEMs request. 
  -Localization works for OEM project. 

Version  11.1.21 07/03/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Generate files, no need to have them in CVS.  Every time we merge, these
   files get placed back into the merge source tree. 
  -Modify build scripts to place the *.pdb files along side the debug
   binaries in the Bin folder. this puts the symbol files in the bin\*\debug
   folder so we don't have to go searching for them when we need them. 
  -Fix in depependecies on Device page. Disable all controls when "Disable
   Tp.." is checked. 
  -Fix case where some controls are enabled when shouldn't be, when user
   toggles "Enable Jog Shuttle Mode" checkbox. 
  -Add comment that explains that potential issues with overlapping zones. 
  -Add code to adjust X, Y scaling factors based on registry keys, shrink
   the CPL page to 80% of original page for OEM 600 project. 
  -Add new image files for smaller screen resolution (1024 x 600)
  -Create a new OEM inf for smaller screen resolution (1024 x 600)
  -Modify the image id for the main page and the settings page. Also,
   change the height from 700 to 560 (for 1024 x 600 screen). 
  -Modify batch command to copy the necessary files to OEM folders. 
  -Add image control for OEM Jollie device page. 
  -Add PnP ID for OEM request. 
  -Add new PNP ID SYN1028 for OEM Inf. 
  -Adobe Illustrator profile: change Button 3 to Select All and Button 4 to
  -Remove dependency (external USB mouse is present) from TP and point stick

Version  11.1.20 06/30/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add text to highlight the drag icon for OEM
  -Fix broken key macros on corner tap zones. 
  -Add OS Suitmask info into log file (to identify XP embedded) 
  -Fixed debug EMITs, added comments, debug messages
  -Fixed keyboard macro assigned to Button 3 for app profile. 
  -Fixed OEM touchpad bitmap: buttons were too big. 
  -Add an OEM pnpIDs 
  -Fixed issue where blank bitmap was seen when switching between tabs
  -Add image control for OEM device page. 
  -Fixed location of frequency slider to match rest of control settings. 
  -Fix bug where any slider zone would zoom if the zoom zone had been
  -Fixed Typo mistake in "Select a Sequence of mouse actions " box.

Version  11.1.19 06/27/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Reimplement image load for check box and radio button if one control is
   associated with multiple images. 
  -Fix a bug that sending an event after cancel action.
  -Put the default back to Scrolling. 
  -Move vertical scrolling region adjustment from Default registry to the TP
   type registry.
  -Update stick scrolling PNG. 
  -New help strings for stick scrolling. 
  -Update frequency slider values. 
  -Disable Dual point with a generic OEM image. 
  -Fix the two buttons of the bitmap touchpad are too big. 
  -Check box needs to be added on the OEM Tab to allow disable OEM mode. 
  -Add a new OEM INC to work with v8.3.19 driver. 
  -Add PnP ID for an OEM request.
  -Fix bug where trying to save an empty keyboard macro would fail. 
  -Add code to adjust one finger zooming region and speed. 
  -Add configuration features for zoom width and speed. 
  -Fix a bug calling a wrong function for getting the zoom slider speed. 
  -Change all 4 coner tap zones to "No Zone (Normal Select, Normal Drag)" in
   cursor mode for an OEM. 
  -Fix broken Configure button after applying Default settings on OEM page. 
  -Add PnP ID for an OEM request. 
  -Add PnP ID for an OEM request. 
  -Add some device IDs in exclusion list for an OEM.
  -Add section to document on tab spacing. Also added section on SynArp
   network share and how to set up the proper access rights required. 

Version  11.1.18 06/20/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix "Back" button doesn't work well at the Key Macro. 
  -Fix the keyboard input up event was before the mouse up event 
   (keyDwn, BtnDwn, keyUp, BtnUp) when we should have (KeyDwn, BtnDwn,
   BtnUp, KeyUp).
  -Update the hot key is only enabled if the port is set, and the device type
   matches the device type in registry. 
  -Adjust vertical scrolling zone size. 
  -Add Stick Scrolling using middle button for OEM. 
  -Fix a dependency. 
  -Add new FID for stick scrolling with middle button. 
  -Fix key macro settings errors, and update to v0.7 of the Excel
  -Fix the two buttons of the bitmap touchpad are too big. 
  -Add "Water Mark" image needed for Jog\Shuttle Tab.  
  -Fix graphics from previous checkin.

Version  11.1.17 06/19/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Change Description to Macro for localization. 
  -Copy new string resource to all languages.
  -Need a new name for the device png so we can still use the old one
   for the other OEM project. 
  -New graphics from designer added. 
  -Set default operation to empty keyboard macro. 
  -Remove unused DependentTypes. 
  -Expand some button zones for LEDPattern supported app for an OEM 
  -Create a new IOCTL only for enabling/disabling scrolling, and change
   TP_Enable_Scrolling to TP_Enable_Scrolling_Zooming, then we can
   disable/enable the scrolling and zooming separately.
  -Fix a typo, should call GetLongPropertyDefault not GetLongProperty. 
  -Move blue tooth mouse id from global exclusion list to OEM specific
  -Turn on the hotkey function for each device or port according to registry
   mask value. 
  -Reset OSD current app when MPD is reinitialized to default then next time
   when the OSD timer is fired, it will set OSD current app to right one. 
  -Increase Jog zone size. 
  -Fixe an issue that pressing shift key not stop the playing an app for a
  -Fix bug where it was not possible to change default Jog/Shuttle settings
   for System profile. 
  -Add OEM strings for stick scrolling. 
  -Add new FIDs for checking middle button presence. 
  -New OEM image for stick scrolling. 
  -The text "Display icon on task bar" mess up. 
  -Change OEM strings for Enable Zoom. 
  -Fix slide plugin action bug. 
  -Fix the description errors, and updated to v0.7 of the Excel
  -Fix when Scrolling no customer Button action occurs.
  -Expand a buffer size for associations.

Version  11.1.16 06/17/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Take out the frame per second in RC for localization. 
  -Add Default functionality for keyboard macros. 
  -Fix wrong bitmap when zooming is enabled/disabled.
  -Relax start criteria for jog scroll zone. 
  -enable coasting for shuttle zone.

Version  11.1.15 06/16/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Change dependencies, dependent types, action types for an OEM proejct. 
  -Improve some combined actions issue. 
  -Added Default functionality for kbd. macros. 
  -Recapture keyboard macros
  -Add more PNP IDs into exclusion list. 
  -OEM PnP ID request 

Version  11.1.14 06/12/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add OEM keycodes to PlayMacro. 
  -Add infrastructure for getting default keyboard macros displayed in the
   control panel. 
  -add some code to default only the selected application and the selected
   control ("Button 1"/etc). 
  -Enlarge Mode, Home and Mute buttons for OEM.
  -Allow the SynCom based application to run without the SynTPEnh running. 
  -Fix a bug for the pinch feature with multidevices system. 
  -Only initiate the pinch when packets are from the pinch zone. 
  -Update the cursor/icon files for chiral, scrolling, and zoom. 
  -Add Help ID and Text for one finger zoom and circular scroll 
  -Fix the .exe name for PowerDVD, also add PowerDVD 8 to the list since
   it has a different exe name. 
  -Improve an issue in the plugin sliding. 
  -Adjust the shuttle mode buttons position using the real device. 
  -Increase the height of the shuttle zone to reduce the chance of possible
   "not reliable" behavior. 
  -Add new Help ID for "Record and play sequence of mouse action" 
  -Record and play a sequence of mouse actions not functioning properly. 
  -Fix display marquee in dropdown not in correct initial state.
  -Fix shift not working with Mosue Macro 
  -Fix Jog Right for Adobe After Effects CS3 doesn't work. 
  -Update profile data based on OEM 6/6 spreadsheet. 
  -remove extra space in a profile path name 
  -Add a new PNP ID SYN1917. 
  -OEM PnP ID request 
  -Remove Mouse Macro from the default settings. 
  -Fix an timing issue for LED Pattern supported Control Bar 
  -Fix button 3 for Microsoft Media Player doesn't work. 
  -Fix a wrong dependencies for scrolling enable.
  -Remove Edge Motion control for OEM SYN0F06. 
  -Set "Edge Motion" default to "No Edge Motion" instead of removing whole
   edge motion control tree. 
  -Don't refresh CPL controls if any changes in the macro configuration
   dialog are discarded. 

Version  11.1.13 06/08/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Some app names wrong in macro definition 
  -Fixed the issue for setting the plugin action correctly for application
   profile customer zones. 
  -Mouse Macro doesn't seem to apply the Shift key correctly. 
  -Remove resource-ID support in Release mode,. 
  -Fix an issue for Touching setting 
  -OEM localization updates for description. 
  -OEM localization updates. 
  -Add support for both tap and double-tap on a button zone for LEDSupported
  -Updated strings for Adobe Soundbooth. 
  -Fix resource strings for Adobe Reader. 
  -Add missing resource strings for Windows Photo Gallery. 
  -Process the hot key for master device. 
  -Updated/Fixed keyboard macros. 
  -Mispelling in the Mouse Macro dialog. Actually a clipping error. Dialog
   layout modified. 
  -Add / remove app profiles per OEM request. 
  -Updated strings for Adobe Flash. 
  -Updated strings for Apple Quicktime. 
  -Updated strings for Adobe Illustrator. 
  -Fixed the issue where tapping a custome zone triggered the action twice. 
  -Change Release.txt. 
  -Updated by the build process.

Version  11.1.12 06/06/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Restore the window messages on plug-in actions. we need this capability
   for application profiles in an OEM. 
  -Refix the illumination always on after log off if the illumination
   is disabled by current user. 
  -Fix access violation we should pass number of TCHARs not number of bytes
   when we call GetClassName and GetWindowText. 
  -Fixe a multi-user fast switching issue for ControlBar.
  -Add a setup package support for Demo. 
  -Add Description field to macro along with new app macro definitions from
  -Set "Unassigned" custome zone settings to "Do Nothing" plugin. 
  -By default, disable zoom and chiral scrolling for OEM. 
  -Add support for Touch to activate a zone action. 
  -Fix a bug that OEM UI cannot display the pointing stick settings link
   properly on a dual-pointing system. 
  -Add translations for scrolling & zoom OEM strings. 
  -Change Control Panel scrolling & zoom strings for OEM. 
  -Change the settings for LEDPattern supported features for an OEM.
  -Make the single-tap work immediately for an LEDPattern support
  -Do not change cursor while sliding in button mode. 
  -Change one application profile name to include Edition name. 
  -Partial fix a bug the macro version is un-initialized and un-assigned
   that cause  the macro be saved to a new random macro. 
  -Fix a bug in control bar sliding for an OEM.
  -Add ActionPath and Type for Practice button in control panel for advanced 
   features touchpad. 
  -Fix bug where current known application is not properly set after
   closing control panel. 
  -Add two PNP IDs to an OEM INF file. 
  -Check for null pointer before doing a tcsstrlen. 
  -Fix bug in makeinstaller which is not properly detecting the previous
   setup folder: old files were not always copied over 
  -Remove the APP COMMAND for volume plugins from OEM driver. 

Version  11.1.11 06/02/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove the new exposed flag. 
  -Add One Finger Zoom to OEM driver.
  -Show Active Profile when opening GUI, while running known application. 
  -Replace "Scrolling Settings" text to "Scrolling and Zoom Settings" for OEM.
  -Remove "Minimize All" from the operation drop-down from OEM GUI.
  -Put additional inf ID substitution error info at the end. 

Version  11.1.10 05/30/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix the illumination always on issue after log off. 
  -Fix caplocks key state changes the macro display 
  -Fix record and play a sequence of Keystrokes’ action doesn't work 
  -Fix a WinDVD Play after sliding issue for an OEM 
  -Add One Finger Zoom to OEM driver 
  -Add PNPID SYN0B11 for OEM Inf 
  -Fix zoom feature enabled not preserved after reboot issue. 
  -Fix an issue that AV Launcher LED pattern interrupted by other actions
   for an OEM 
  -Done an AV combined with other LEDPateern Action request for an OEM 
  -Create a new INF file for demo_1193 of CPT 
  -Add PNPIDs SYN070E, SYN070F for OEM_OEM inf 
  -Disable Mux for SYN070E, SYN070F 
  -Close control panel on suspend/hibernate. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Add PNPID SYN1025 into OEM inf. 
  -Fix application profile name mismatch, and wrong key macro. 
  -Adjust "Jog Settings" and "Scrolling Settings" position on OEM CPL page 

Version  11.1.9 05/23/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Turn on 'Minimize all windows' plugin features. 
  -Fix the Default button function error in Buttons control. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN1024.
  -Make code compliant with existing architecture, regarding "Defaults"
  -Move AppProfilesMgr (which backups/restores Application Profiles
   settings in registry), mainly used for "Defaults" button, from SynOEM
   project to SynTPEnh project. 
  -Rollback to only taking ERROR_SUCCESS as success. Made bigger the buffer
   that holds the registry value data.
  -Use "Synaptics PS/2 Port Compatible TouchPad" description
   string for SYN0002.    
  -Enlarge button zones, Change 'Home' button to do nothing for now. 
  -Use generic name Slider0/Slider1.
  -New Plugin 'Escape' and 'Enter'. 
  -Overwrite default values of ActionFlags and ActionType by registry values
   if existed.
  -Fix a LED issue for an OEM.
  -Fix a volume control bug for an OEM.
  -Fix inconsistent string for Japanese. 
  -Update PNPDisableExclusionList for OEMs. 
  -Fix an issue induced by multifinger behaviors on AV ControlBar   
  -Remove unused class declarations. 
  -Setup the dependency correctly for Enable Chiral Scrolling.
  -Reimplement primary finger packet feed to make it compatible with C++ API.
  -Export a new SYNCOM API for secondary finger packet feed.
  -Create new IOCTLs for secondary finger packet feed.  
  -Add a capability to a page so it can be checked against the feature ID to
   show or hide an entire page. 
  -Move all SYN1Exx IDs from OEM.INC to another INC file. 
  -Fix a potential LED issue in a Control Bar for an OEM.
  -Fix an issue related sliding induced by wrong finger motion for an OEM.
  -Fix a bug introduced from the branch that changed the way the help
   context got inserted. This broke the user experience and probably broke
   the test automation too. Change the logic back to what it was before. 
  -Add one finger zoom and Chiral scrolling to OEM project. 

Version  11.1.8 05/15/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Create new group using SYN1914 to override DPMNarrow for this PnPID. 
  -Use registry to override DPMNarrow to fix cursor moving too slow issue on
   small TP TM1143. 
  -Fix mnemonic hot-key conflict at Spanish resource. 
  -Update to bug fix for pinch (zoom) feature being jumpy when control panel
  -Fix cursor jumping after slow motion operation is done. 
  -Add a customer request feature for an OEM customer 
  -Fix bugs for LEDPattern related actions for an OEM 
  -Merge OEM_Nike_Driver branch to the trunk... 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Enable KBC notification and add the TP enable&disable hot keys. 
  -Rename registy keys for button mode slider zones. 

Version  11.1.7 05/08/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)

Bug Fixes
  -FastUser session switch will close the mouse control panel. 
  -Localicalization work for advanced gestures. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fix debug prints on Win2K kernel driver. 
  -Set enable zoom as the default.
  -Set one-finger-zoom as the default zooming gesture for OEM. 
  -Fixed a bug the pinch (zooming) is jumpy when CPL is opened. 
  -Fix cursor drift on touchpads that report coordinates, caused by rounding
  -Modify the default speed for one-finger zooming action. 
  -Change TouchThreshold default setting (to the lightest touch) for an OEM
  -Fixed a LED Pattern bug for an OEM 
  -Put more inf error info. 
  -Fix potential maintenence bug with multi-finger pads 

Version  11.1.6 05/05/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added new cursors to resources. 
  -Made cursors configurable. 
  -New OEM cursors 
  -Use "Synaptics PS/2 Port Compatible TouchPad" Descritions for compatible
   hardware ids, group all compatible ids into one line. 
  -Added a new one finger zoom slider zone on the left of the TouchPad. Also
   add a new flag to enable/disable zoom action regardless it is a one
   finger zoom or pinch zoom. 
  -Added a work around fix to change the image associated with a radio
   button to be changed depends on other control's state. 
  -Added controls for one finger zoom and pinch zoom in a new "Gesture" page
   for OEM UI. Also add Chiral scolling control in the scrolling page. 
  -Added new resources for the new OEM project. 
  -Insure no STRINGTABLE exceeds 16 strings. 
  -Update INF settings for new OEM peoject. 
  -Updated help files. 
  -Remove some button clicking settings for an OEM 

Version  11.1.5 05/01/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix crash on resume after using chiral scrolling before suspending. 
  -Add SYN0312 PnP ID. 
  -Modify LED related AV and Vol Control functions for an OEM.
  -Add features related to LED Pattern for an OEM.
  -Expand some Plugin zones for OEM request.
  -Add a new PnP ID SYN0313. 
  -Fixed Double Click Speed icon (folder) in the "Buttons" page
   is not properly updated the first time you double click on it. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 

Version  11.1.4 04/25/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix TouchPad Device string cut off in Chinese language.
  -Fix a bug for an OEM that scrolling activated by tapping and
   draging/holding the finger in a zone does not work. 
  -Separate AdvancedGestures from 2FingerReporting capability bits. 
  -Remove the thread monitoring registry keys. 
  -Remove obsolete help topics (for Enable/Disable tap zone). 
  -Fix gesture driver hangs with pass-thru touchpad. 
  -Call by reference for sRawPacket. 
  -Pop up an error message when driver uninstallation fails. 
  -Fix words cut off in button tab of mouse control.
  -Add the purpose in notification email if this is a driver branch build. 

Version  11.1.3 04/17/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove extended 4-way switch in driver UI. 
  -GetProcessImageFileName does not work on Win2k. 
  -Load device settings after RecalculateDeviceInfo.
  -For control bar if the slider does not exist in registry return 0 as a
   result for being disabled. 
  -Only reset non-configurable defaults. 
  -Fix a bug for repeat plugin action. 
  -Let's set the default repeat rate to 0, and always specify the value in
   the registry. 
  -Rather than have this be a side-effect on the NO_ACTION_ACTION, do
   something similar to RunApp. Use the API Send Message but read its config
   from the enhanced app PluginConfig. 
  -Add more syncom item ids. 
  -Add settings for cursor moving speed.
  -Fix Tap and hold on tap zone, the scrolling must continue scrolling 
  -Add check for TouchPad for ChiralScrolling. 
  -Make Advanced Gestures available for all customers and set the defaults
   to - 1 finger Chiral "Enabled"; momentum "Disabled"; pinch "Enabled".
   Note all these features require the new HW/FW to show up from the UI and
   function properly. 
  -Add support for the newest Advanced Features bit 
  -Only read Ultranav registry values when they are changed.
  -Process the packet which has 4th, 5th, up, down and extended buttons. 
  -Fix a bug in packetizer for the secondary finger packet. 
  -OEM PnP ID request for changing KBC notificaiton command. 
  -Don't always send DMB3 in debug mode. 
  -Add PNP0F03, etc. to demo INF file. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Don't send DMB3 to any device. 
  -OEM PnP ID request for Illumination state.

Version  11.1.2 04/10/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix the MS mouse driver installation failure when the TP driver was
   uninstalled this is beause the instNT is out of sync with driver
   installation server. 
  -Fix reverse slider. 
  -Move the SliderConfig next to the Vert/Horiz Config in SetItem. 
  -Remove the CapabilitiesMask, add comments. 
  -create & use eeiSlider0 and eeiSlider1Config, etc. items. 
  -Update to handle both sliders.
  -OEM PnP ID request.
  -New IOCTL to RecalculateDeviceInfo. 
  -Add SendWindowMessage Type support 
  -Update CheckInf to check Hex value of DWORD.
  -OEM PnP ID request for no chiral and momentum. 
  -OEM PnP ID request in exclusive list 
  -Fix OEM scrolling problem under Opera app. 
  -Remove multi finger gesture from the UI. 
  -1) ADD 2-finger gestures (CHIRAL) 2) Remove Synaptics icon from taskbar
   3) Fix Pinch broken.
  -Add the Momentum page to CplCtrl.ini so it will be in the default driver.
  -Momentum Page is default now.

Version  11.1.1 04/03/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes

  -Correctly initialize speed and scaled speed for the pinch. 
  -Fix a frozen cursor issue. Also, now that the stroke filter isn't locking
   into a one finger stroke, nor allowing a two finger stroke, we need to
   have the scroll zones cancel themselves if activated and a pinch starts.
   Once pinching, we still preserve pinching, at least. 
  -Change the divisor for the accumulator to slow down the rate of zooming. 
  -Fix some fonts problems 
  -Add UI element for Enabling/Disabling Pinch feature. 
  -Fix a bug in Chiral scrolling settings 
  -Set Zooming cursor instead of v/h scrolling cursor. this check-in does
   not set a zooming cursor which will result no cursor change. 
  -Use the stock "size" cursor for zooming. 
  -Add SYN1F01 for OEM with advanced but unchecked features.
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Modify Japanese resource string for Pinch and Momentum. 
  -Update Japanese help file for Pinch Chiral and Momentum. 

Version  11.1.0 03/31/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Two finger pinch gesture implemented.
Bug Fixes
  -Replace "?" using "/" in Tranditional Chinese RC translation. 
  -Update Dependencies for Chiral Scrolling settings 

Version  11.0.7 03/27/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Get rid of TPUtil.h 
  -Translate "Page Up" and "Page Down" to Korean. 
  -Add a new PNP ID for OEM platform. 
  -Add a snap filter to the pinch algorithm. 
  -add a slider scale for testing.
  -Hide Enable and Disable buttons for OEM PnP ID.
  -Add Settings for CustomZone Repeat Action time interval 
  -Add time interval for customzone repeat action 
  -change OEM platform settings. 
  -Update Verify Files list 

Version  11.0.6 03/20/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Check the index range in function GetAt. 
  -OEM request not to use KBC 9B command.
  -Add the function to check of whether the SenDeviceState needs to be
   called in DisableDevice. 
  -Enable both buttons feature for SQA automation. 
  -Define a feed flag to turn on/off secondary finger packet. 
  -Filter the secondary finger packet for the feed which does not enable the
   secondary finger packet request, and the TP supports multiple finger. 
  -Fix the coasting broken issue.
  -Add OS Service Pack info into log file.
  -OEM PnP ID Request.
  -Fix the log file name for Continual and Nightly builds.
  -fix continual build where InfErrorFilter is not an error.
  -Put a check for building in correct folder for continual build.
  -Change the check for Vista to build 6000 or above. Get rid of the fct
   that checks for Vista (XPAndAbove) as we won't use it. 

Version  11.0.5 03/13/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add a case for plugin finger motion.
  -Add zones for sliding-in-hold. 
  -Add a ktl log entry for control bar query. 
  -The PatternSupport registry value should be under the <DeviceConfigKey>.   
  -Update the zone edges.
  -Fix the LED turn-off bug in sliding.
  -Fix a bug of board number.
  -Fix wrong order of the KBC notification when the touch pad is enabled.
  -Skip sending SendDeviceState if the touch pad is not the Luxpad in the
   touch pad enable and disable path. 
  -Add new method ValidateProperty. 
  -Create a new inf for SQA automation tools, and turn on the 'Auto
   Disable with external device" check box. 
  -Get MultiFinger working right, implement stroke filter, and pinch. 
  -Make two finger chiral work correctly, as part of some more pinch
  -Modify SYN070B for OEM. 
  -Modify SYN070C for OEM.
  -Fix bugs of LED patterns not working properly.
  -Disable Mux support for SYN0158.
  -Fix continual build. 
  -Put a check preventing install XP driver into Vista OS.

Version  11.0.4 03/06/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add Finger release plugin action for LED patterns. 
  -Add LED tracking finger when sliding feature.
  -The name of the VOLUME_UP.DOWN consts should include the word "Pattern".
  -Add function GetKTLControlData to retrieve KTL control data one by one. 
  -Add new unmapped properties for GetProperty and SetProperty.   
  -Add two new member functions GetAt and Size. 
  -Remove the IOCTL call for scan code retrieving. 
  -Fix scrolling in device manager at Vista for OEM.
  -Fix black screen when the middle button press at OEM machine. 
  -Change the default registry location of ReportRate.
  -Add PNP ID Syn1916 into OEM Inf. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Fix build break in release version. 
  -Fix ex256, and initial pre-work for Pinch implementation. 
  -Update VerifyFiles list 
  -Change the echo to use %2 to specify which inf we build  
  -Fix build error. 
  -1D00 was already assigned to another company.  Allocate 1E00 to OEM. 

Version  11.0.3 02/28/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix chiral cursor tracking to only happen if app doesn't have a conflict. 
  -Set the Slider action only do once 
  -Add AV Launcher LED Pattern 
  -Add an IOCTL to retrieve scan code. 
  -Add function to retrive KTL data, and to clear KTL buffer. 
  -Define new event constants for ScanCode and KBC notification command. 
  -Define sub function id for GET_SCAN_CODE IOCTL call. 
  -Get KBC command notification IO port address. 
  -Get KTL control pointer. 
  -Handle multiple devices, and replace hard codes with constants. 
  -Log scancode and KBC notification command into KTL file for PS2 port. 
  -Move scan code and KBC notification command log logic from
   PointingDevice to PS2PDPort. 
  -Only logged the scan code if the key is pressed down. 
  -Add Syn0F06 with custome Tap zones to scroll up/down into OEM INF 
  -OEM PnP ID request copyright updated. 
  -Add a new group for SYN09C to disable/enable touchpad by hot key Fn+F3. 
  -PnP ID request for OEM 
  -Turn on multifinger counting for pads with advanced gestures. 
  -Add PNP ID SYN0159 into OEM Inf 
  -Try to use the existing CheckLog file instead of the new Perl script. 
  -Enable momentum cpl entries in debug version. 

Version  11.0.2 02/22/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix Double Click Speed in German control buttons page string cut off.
  -Add slider etc. support.
  -Fix bugs for LED action stuffs. 
  -Bug Fixing for AV controls. 
  -Remove AV Launcher feature. 
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Add a driver key to allow OEM to define KBC notification command when
   0x97 is not applicable for the KBC.
  -Add new PNP ID SYN1022 for OEM. 
  -Define KTL events for KBC. 
  -Log KTL events for KBC.
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Add PNP ID SYN0158. 
  -Fix KBC Notification command for  PNP ID SYN0158.
  -Update credits page. 
  -Change short name to "Minimize All".  
  -Fix Section [HID.AddReg.HW] not defined. 
  -Fix delete log error. 
  -Fix typo error in OEM inf. 
  -Put back HID_AddReg.HW. 
  -Update TouchPad in SynTPRes.rc.
  -Port CosSoftPort, CosSoftPS2Port and CosComPort to WDF. 

Version  11.0.1 02/14/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add new function support for activation type.
  -Add settings for ControlBar.
  -Add support for ControlBar LEDPatter support.
  -Add support for activation type.
  -Add support for overlapped zone.
  -Fix OEM help menu for Momentum at v10.2.7.
  -Update Japanese translation for Momentum and bounce off. 
  -Fix a bug in the packet processing code for ControlBar device where X
   or Y value is not properly cleared when finger is not present. 
  -Add "New Absolute Packet" in the Diag Page, and also write it into log
   file for the KTLview packet decoding purpose. 

Version  11.0.0 02/11/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Added a hardware lock to prevent advanced gestures, Chiral, Pinch and 
   Momentum for now, from running on standard TouchPads.

Bug Fixes
  -Added a missing parenthesis that caused the release version of the driver
   to not have chiral enabled. 
  -Fixed setting of bounceback. 
  -Fix for hotkeys for Chiral and Momentum translation in RC 

Version  10.3.0 02/08/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Release two finger Chiral and Momentum gestures.

Bug Fixes
  -Get back the settings for Welcome Windows to fix bug in Polish, Thai 
  -Test and fix issues in momentum.
  -Get back the settings for Buttons Page to fix bug in Polish 
  -Update bounce back and its setting. 
  -Add double-tap and TouchHold support for customzone action 
  -add LEDPattern support 
  -Add "minimize all windows" to the plugin list, set validzones to 0 so it
   will not display until we get the translation of this string. 
  -Fix translation issue for Korean "Search" at SynTPEnh.rc 
  -Fix some resource strings for Chinese (TW and HK). 
  -Fix English strings in control panel of Arabic OS. 

Version  10.2.7 02/01/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Enlarge ShowTips Dialog 
  -Add ControlBar LED Pattern support 
  -Add custome zone activation type support 
  -Change "LongTap" to "TouchHold". Also add a "TouchRelease".Remove the
   class name from the fct.'s def.  
  -Merge slider-plugin from branch 
  -Support ControlBar LEDPattern and CustomZone Activation Type 
  -Enlarge the show tips dialog so it's working for Polish, Thai 
  -use OEM default settings for PNP0F13 
  -Change the name for 0xE2 command  
  -Fix help IDs for Chiral scrolling and Momentum. 
  -Translation for Momentum and Chiral Motion Help strings 
  -Add SYN091C, SYN091F for an OEM 
  -Add SYN0157 for OEM 
  -New languages translation for ChiralMotion, momentum and more.

Version  10.2.6 01/28/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix bug of Chiral and regular scrolling cursor icon display.
  -Add PnP ID PNP0F13 into two OEM infs. 

Version  10.2.5 01/24/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Modify settings for SYN091A for OEM. 
  -Move reading the registry for capabilities in CDeviceInfo. 
  -Add ChiralMotion and Momentum feature support. 
  -Disable coasting when ChiralMotion is enabled 
  -Fix garbage characters shown in Buttons page of mouse control panel in
   Polish OS, MUIs.
  -Fix the scrolling selection issue.
  -OEM PnP ID request. 
  -Added "ClearPad" capability in the kernel to support the ClearPad
   TouchPad. Also added "GetProperty(SP_IsClearPad)" API to the SynCOM SDK
   for querying the device property. 
  -Latin American Spanish was called "LS" in the table but the help files
   use "LA".  This confused the translation house. 

Version  10.2.4 01/18/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Take out ShowTips in default section 
  -OEM PnO ID request for the DisableIntPDFeature changed. 
  -Add i8042prt.sys file version info to SynDiag and the registry RUN key
   info to the log file.
  -Added new PNPID SYN091E for OEM vendor
  -Add Chiral cursor support for Chiral scrolling 

Version  10.2.3 01/11/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Enhance syntpenh /l so it still get system/registry/eviroment info into
   the log file even if our driver is not installed. 
  -Change DumpLogs to allow dumping of the I8042 log even if our driver is
   not installed. We don't need the check for !m_pSynAPI in WriteDiag... 
   Add braces on the one-line if. 
  -Branch build for an OEM based on v7_5_17_27 
  -Use packet processing fct. for bounce back condition detection. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN0C16 for an OEM. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN0A11 for an OEM. 
  -Add new platform PnPID for OEM project. Note this is only a placeholder
   and the settings are yet to be complete. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN070B for an OEM. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN1503 for an OEM. 
  -Add new PNPID SYN070C for an OEM. 

Version  10.2.2 01/04/2008 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Update settings for SYN0C15.
  -Add new PNPID SYN1915 for an OEM.
  -Correct legacy support section in Inc files.
  -Allow using template resource for the property page without containing
   the IDC_DEFAULTS and IDC_URLTEXT controls. 
  -Update Copyright Year in Patent Notice.

Version  10.2.1 12/20/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -StopCoasting when temporary disable device. 
  -Improve the smoothness of the momentum motion .
  -OEM request to hide Press to Select on its app control with new PnP ID. 
  -Update "How to create a self-extracting ..." section in driver signing doc. 
  -Remove "OEM" from the Install\DPInst folder. 
  -Remove "OEM" from the copy list for the resource file. 
  -OEM request do not hide the check box of "Disable TP when USB mouse pluged in". 
  -Document for OS and MUI languages downloaded. 

Version  10.2.0 12/13/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Added Chiral and Momentum software to the driver.

Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the link "Click to change OEM Touchpad setting" is missing for KR
   and JP languages OS. 
  -Initialize spinlock 
  -move the timer functionality associated w/ momentum motion in
   CTPFilter into it's own "timer" class 
  -OEM request to hide Press to Select on its app control. 
  -Take out ShowDisableIcon from all the INFs since it's now the default in
   driver source code. 
  -OEM PnP ID Request 
  -Create a with Chiral and Momentum enabled. This is a request
   from Marketing to showcase the capabilities. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Control Panel will crash if the SynTPEnh is not
   running or the driver is not loaded (disabled from the device manager). 
  -Add new icons and reverse icons 
  -Add reverse icons 
  -decrease the update speed of icon image 
  -Registry-configurable dual mode switch corner location. 

Version  10.1.8 12/06/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Rollback to fix ScalarAdjust, subtract the absolute perpendicular 
   motion from the parallel motion. 
  -Pass UsePassThroughTunnel() instead of using default value in
  -Added (spin)lock/unlock functions to guard the memory pool operation
   during adding or removing a memory block in the list. 
  -Added a delay (KeDelayExecutionThread) to memory pool allocation loop
   when failed allocating a blobk of memory so the system has a chance to
   free up some memory. 
  -Set the ShowDisableIcon default to 1 in the source code rather than 
  -OEM PID request for hiding the disable PD if ext mouse 
  -Added new PnpID SYN0A10 in OEM INF. 
  -Copy SYN1912, SYN1913  from vendor inf to OEM inf 
  -Fix a potential bug on tray icon animation for Chiral Scroll 

Version  10.1.7 11/29/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Do not start chiral scrolling if the latest direction is perpendicular 
   with the scrolling zone. 
  -Only update latest direction before StartCriteria. 
  -Allow cursor to escape sticky borders only when finger is on the pad. 
  -Have momentum motion work with sticky borders. 
  -Momentum motion: Fix divide by zero error! 
  -Momentum motion: a first version of bounce-back. 
  -Momentum motion: preserve direction of motion. 
  -New IOCTL to stop momentum motion. 
  -New bounce back action class definition. 
  -Send a dribble packet when momentum is stopped. 
  -Added SYN0B10 in OEM (OEM OEM) 
  -OEM Apps scrolling support request 
  -OEM branch build request and fix tabbing 
  -Add PNPID SYN0C15 for vendor 
  -Remove group10 because AllowWheelsettings is obsolete. 
  -OEM sensitivity default settings changed. 
  -OEM sensitivity defaults request 
  -Updated by the build process.
  -Add Registry Settings 
  -Add TrayIcon support for Chiral scrolling 
  -Icons for Chiral Scrolling 
  -reset the multifinger defaults 
  -Add stop momentum motion way 
  -Stop momentum motion when scroll 

Version  10.1.6 11/16/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Create utility test sign bat file. 
  -Fixed "efaults" in Italian got cut off at OEM control setting. 
  -Change send message to HControl. 
  -Test OEM service agent. 
  -[remove from readme.txt] just re-arrange the code a bit. 
  -fixed the screen brightness using correct API of customer's HControl app.
  -Momentum motion - added comments. 
  -Momentum motion. 
  -More restrictive criteria for starting momentum motion. 
  -Var. name change 
  -Fixed tabs lack on Mouse Properties page in Spanish, Italian and Dutch. 
  -Copy SYN1020 and SYN1021 from OEM to vendor inf file 
  -Fixed TP disable/enable coordination fail 
  -Add Processsor architech into log file. 
  -Change Is64BitProcessorSupported if the processor is not IA64. 
  -Change function name. 
  -Change "Architect" to "Architecture". Add EMIT to ProcessorToStr 
  -Update function header. 
  -OEM PnP ID requests. 
  -Add Help content in help files 
  -Follow-up: use the HorizontalScrolling Flag 
  -Follow-up:Add a hot key for the Enable Chiral String 
  -Follow-up:nCheck chiral mechanism to determine whether to check for 1 or
   2 fingers before stopping chiral 
  -Foolow-up: back out the changes 
  -Update state when cancel Chiral Scrolling 
  -Follow-up: Have bcfEnableChiral set by default 

Version  10.1.5 11/08/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -remove unnecessary code especially the mixer calls in constructor of the
   volume action class which causes Vista to create a volume control in the
   mixer window. 
  -Momentum motion: new ioctls and strings. 
  -New inf file for testing momentum. 
  -Moved group 6 to the correct location in an OEM INC file. 
  -Fixed disable/enable hot key mis-match after switching user 
  -Turn off scaling for SYN0B0E 
  -Move system volume level code out of the GlobalSettings class where it
   doesn't belong to. Also avoid calling mixer funtion in the constructor
   which causes Vista to create a volume control bar in the mixer window. 
  -change SYN0146 settings from GROUP2 to GROUP8. 
  -New inf file for testing. 
  -Updated by the build process.
  -Add Chiral support 
  -Add ChiralEnable 
  -Add EnableChiral 
  -Add new Strings 
  -Add two-finger Chiral scrolling 
  -Removed unused code. 

Version  10.1.4 11/02/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
Bug Fixes
  -Removed redundant IoCtls: PS_PressToSelectAction and PS_PTSActionList. 
  -Use Touch&Hold instead of Touch&Release. 
  -OEM PnPID request fixed. 
  -New TP IOCTLS for momentum driver. 
  -Let's remove the hpq inc file  
  -Add KBC/Driver Disable/Enable Coordination feature to SYN1602 
  -Added PNP IDs SYN1020, SYN1021 into OEM Inf 
  -Add SYN1B15 to OEM INF. 
  -Add 4 PNPIDs for OEM 0302 , 0303, 1904, and 1905 into OEM INF 
  -OEM PnPID request fixed. 
  -OEM PnPIDs request 
  -OEM PnPIDs request 

Version  10.1.2 10/26/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Only start helper app after the booting time in Vista.

Version  10.1.1 10/26/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Don't use the SynInvalidParameterHandler. Add comments explaining how the
   handshaking works. 
  -Fixed OEM Property Sheet setting got cut-off for different lanaguages. 
  -Fixed variables name in the code 
  -Remove the enable/disable feature from SYN0311 (remove GROUP9) 
  -OEM PID request 
  -OEM request to remove SYN010D ~ SYN0126
  -Added "Disable internal pointing device when external USB pointing device
   is attached" feature to SYN1909 and SYN190B. Set the default to "off". 
  -Add PNPIDs SYN1912, SYN1913 into 
  -Checkin to code review splitting off Chiral specific stuff from O/S and
   app dependencies. 

Version  10.1.0 10/22/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -New module SynTPHelper to speed up loading in vista.

Bug Fixes
  -Fixed defaults buttons cut off at OEM TP setting in Spanish. 
  -Set m_bUseAPIFlagForKBCDisable = true as the default, this flag keeps the
   API and KBC disable in sync. 
  -Remove illumination options from CPL for TP w/ Enable/Disable LED zone. 
  -Fixed PNP ID SYN0140 to use GROUP8 (with KBC enable/disable). 

Version  10.0.21 10/19/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Consolidated the variables in the kernel for PTS means right click 
  -Default to PTS means left click. 
  -Removed redundant IoCtl for Styk Press To Select means right click. 
  -Added KBC notification when TouchPad is disabled/enabled by an external
   pointing device. 
  -Do not allow gestures on disabled device. 
  -New HelpIDs. 
  -New INF sections. 
  -New IOCTLs for the Enable/Disable zone. 
  -New device LED parameter. 
  -New strings and bitmap for the Enable/Disable zone. 
  -Save user's disabled state configuration. 
  -Add New PnP ID support 
  -Add support for new PnP ID 
  -Update PnP ID support 

Version  10.0.20 10/12/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed DeployChiralMouse 
  -Defaults and Apply buttons cut off at OEM TP setting in German. 
  -Fixed title of "Defaults" is cut off at OEM TP setting for German and
  -Browse button width missing at German setting. 

Version  10.0.19 10/09/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed SynTPElevated in the trunk. 
  -Fixed character cut off at OEM TP styk settings in French.
  -Fixed uninstall message without ending period "dot" in French.
  -Fixed character cut off at OEM TP setting in German. 
  -Changed IOCTLs for RGB ControlBar. 
  -Fixed Styk function 'Press to Select' means Right click got Left click function. 
  -Added AutoRotation_Motion for PNPID SYN0B0E in an OEM Inf. 
  -Fixed characters cut at OEM TP settings under Korean.  
  -Added registry value DisableDEviceBehavior = 1 for Device Png for an OEM Inf.
  -Removed unused registry entry. 
  -Updated signatures. 

Version  10.0.18 09/28/2007 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed cutting the character line of show tips for German 
  -Fixed system default locale prompts at log file 
  -OEM PID request. 
  -Created a word document that has links for the FTP 

Version  10.0.17 09/20/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added FW reported coordinates to device page. 
  -Fixed doc on default coordinate values. 
  -Fixed passthrough interleaving for Styks. 
  -Modifed setup code for silent install. 
  -Fixed hotkey twice to make TP enable 
  -Fixed section name error. 
  -Fixed duplicate debug mesages. 
  -Fixed the output debug for the hot-key mnemonic checker . 
  -Support build with WDK6000. 
  -Cleanup include path. 

Version  10.0.16 09/13/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix silent install still prompts message .
  -Updated by the build process.
  -Remove SynHid.inf from installation, when not needed. 

Version  10.0.15 09/07/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Checked in OEM Excel Spreadsheet for info on PNP IDs. 
  -Keep "Direct Media" still in button mode after activate. 
  -In SE_DeviceAdded need to ReadAllConfig for all devices for log on user 
   AFTER refreshing the List  not Before. 
  -Modify SYN0B0E for an OEM.
  -Old branch builds cannot be signed. 
  -Documented sign wdf Syntp.sys at different machine. 
  -Added code to prevent virtual scrolling while typing. 
  -Change using IsNearAKeyPress to IsTapViolation for scroll prevention. 
  -Fixed a bug in getting API function for TP_IsTapViolation. Also, respect
   the palmcheck flags set in different filter classes. 
  -remove the check for tap violation after scrolling has already started 
  -Add SYN0311 for an OEM. 
  -OEM PID request. 
  -Updated by the build process.
  -Fix a typo in scancode. 

Version  10.0.14 08/31/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Rearranged table. 
  -Added min & max time condition on button taps. 
  -Added new key watch parameter to ButtonCheck. 
  -Added new parameters fro min & max button tap times. 
  -Variable name change. 
  -ReadAllConfig again for the second device from different port when resume
   from suspend. This will be in SE_Configuration_Changed notification. 
  -OEM ID request 
  -Fix broken build. 
  -Registry control for new button check delays. 
  -Changed default MMB delays. 
  -Just set the Drive directly to F: 

Version  10.0.13 08/24/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fix a bug in HandleDisplayChange when system suspends and resumes.
  -Fix Blue screen w/ USB TouchPad. 
  -Update an PnP ID Request for an OEM customer. 
  -Added feature, "Disable internal pointing device when external USB
   pointing device is attached", default is "checked" for SYN1602.
  -Add a new flag "UseAPIFlagForKBCDisable" that indicates the KBC
   disable/enable feature should be saved to the API flag. This feature will
   allow both the API and KBC disable act as the same thing. In such case,
   we are responsible for saving the disable state and sync up the KBC state
   on all conditions such as S3/S4, logoff/logon, switch users, etc. 
  -Fix a bug that cancel the Control Panel UI will re-enable the TP that
   was previously disabled by KBC. 
  -Fixe a bug that saving the disable state for a wrong user. 
  -Remove KBC disable/enable notifications. 
  -Fix a copy & paste issue .
  -Removed unused files. 

Version  10.0.12 08/17/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the parameter in SetCurrentDevice to be the device index, not the
   device handle. 
  -Applied NavPoint features for OEM Pnp ID SYN0B0E. 
  -Check if Vista ahead of send WM_APP message. 
  -Changed to use WM_APP instead of WM_USER message. 
  -Chenged to use a different WM_APP message for mouse control. 
  -Removed a device (could be a real mouse) from the Pnp exclusion list. 
  -Added SYN0301 to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Added an empty string check before we attempt to convert the path resource
   ID to an integer for OSD settings.  If the string is empty, we skip and
   retrieve the next token. 
  -Changed 2 other implementations of the tokenize function to check for
   empty strings. 
  -Fixed a bug where in Vista x64 SynTPStart could not bring up the
   Enhancments application (SyntpEnh.exe). 
  -Added basic On Screen Button click code for OSD.  At this stage we can
   determine which object we have clicked on, but no action is being 
   performed yet. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID SYN1911 for an OEM customer. 
  -Added the "Disable internal pointing device when external USB pointing
   device is attached" feature to the settings for OEM Pnp ID SYN0A0D. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID SYN014C for an OEM customer. 

Version  10.0.11 08/10/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Merged OSD branch into trunk. 
  -Fixed garbage characters in SynDiag LOG file in registry info. 
  -Fixed SynDiag log file in Japanese OS so it no longer gets garbage
   chararacters for KTL log section. 
  -Added OEM PNP ID as per OEM request. 
  -Added USB touch panel devices to the exclusion list. 
  -Fixed a bug where we were sometimes unable to collect the daignostic
   log file in Vista. 
  -Added OEM PNP ID as per OEM request. 
  -Added a new PnPID for an OEM customer. 
  -Add SYN1601 to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Added a new USB HID to the exclusion list for an OEM customer. 
  -Added PNPID SYN0D05 to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Fixed a bug in DoMouseActivate to get correct parameters. 
  -Added an OEM data file change and re-WHQL request. 
  -Added code to allow KBC disable feature to override API disable feature. 
  -Removed USB from NavPoint INF file settings. 

Version  10.0.10 08/02/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added OEM specific Port I/O capability feature. 
  -Added a new OEM Module and OEM INF file settings for an OEM
   customers DualMode configuration. This adds a custom device settings
   tree to the Control Panels Device Settings for customizing the DualMode
   buttons and a custom Module to handle the new OEM specified actions. 
  -Added a new PNP ID SYN0B0E for an OEM customer. 
  -Modified the code to open the Control Panel from the tray icon with
   Normal Priority - before it was less than Normal Priority. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added new PnP ID settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Added Autorotation for Syn190D and Syn190E in an OEM customers inf file. 

Version  10.0.9 07/27/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Adjusted positions for some controls for Japanese OS for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a registry setting to an OEM INF file to allow for easier
   tapping on MicroPad. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID requested by an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed garbage characters in the Diagnostics LOG file registry info. 
  -Added a new OEM INF file. 
  -Added a new OEM specific Module. 
  -Changed registry plug-in values for an OEM customer. 
  -Disabled Chiral Scrolling for an OEM platform. 
  -Added new PNPIDs SYN0142, 0143, 0144, 0145, 0146, 0147, 0148, 0149, 014A,
   014B into an OEM inf. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added customization for an OEM customer for the user to be able to set
   the illumination power state only in specific cases. 
  -Added AutoRotation support for a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added 4 new PnP IDs and settings for multiple OEM customers. 
  -Fixed a bug where checking the check box for "Disable internal pointing
   device if an external USB device is plugged in" immediately disabled the
   internal TouchPad on systems with an MMB device. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Diagnostics LOG file was not written properly
   on a system with the Vista Japanese OS. 

Version  10.0.8 07/19/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes 
  -Updated the scrolling for NavPoint. 
  -Added a check to make sure we don't report coordinates outside the
   range for NavPoint. 
  -Fixed a NavPoint pointer drift issue. 
  -Fixed a scrolling speed problem in our Practice application. 
  -Changed the default PalmCheck value back to 4 for an OEM customer. 
  -Removed a duplicated OEM INF file. 
  -Added code to start SynTPEnh.exe with a parameter to raise the priority for
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 

Version  10.0.7 07/12/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the proirity to above normal for SynTPEnh.exe (our Enhancements
  -Added a registry control for setting the maximum amount of motion
   during a tap. 
  -Modified the diagnostic logging to delete the Kernel log files
   before dumping the diagnostic log. 
  -Changed the diagnostic logging to store the KTL files in SystemRoot. 
  -Added  "OEMNAME(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile" in our
   Window title database for posted messages during scrolling actions. This
   fixes a bug where scrolling would not work and caused an issue for an
   OEMs graphics controller control panel. 
  -Removed support for serial TouchPads from our default driver. 

Version  10.0.6 07/09/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Copy SyntpStart.exe to the installed directory. 
  -Fixed the '?'. '-'. 'X' button problem that become unaccessible after
   device get disabled. 
  -Change the Bitmap path 
  -Backout the previous change at .sys for log file is not working in XP. 
  -Fixed a bug that using 'X' button to close the dialog does not cancel
   unsaved settings. 
  -Change version string from "Synaptics Pointing Device Driver" to "OEM
   Touchpad Driver" in the version dialog. 
  -Add new PnPID support 
  -The log file cannot be viewed by KTLview.exe since v10.0.3 

Version  10.0.5 07/06/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Set above normal priority for SynTPEnh.exe. 
  -SynTPEnh priority using registry key to get the disk drive label. 
  -The fix lost during unicode merge. Fix it again to remove coasting for
   volume control. 
  -Added dummy call for release build. 
  -Added function SynInvalidParameterHandler to handle invalid parameter for
   secured functions, enhance to handle the case env variable value is empty
   and constrain the size of this value NOT to MAX_PATH but to the uiSize
   paramter passed in. 
  -Check MAX_PATH for pszRunString. 
  -check to make sure change crtSetReportMode back, add check the
   GetLastError with a real error condition, check the return value for
   calloc, use MAX_PATH for the output string. 
  -Follow-up: dynamic allocate memory for strings, use secure string
   functions to check the size,  change TL2 to TL4, 
  -Put SetReportMode back when exit the function. 
  -Branch build for branch_LG_v10_0_2 
  -OEM data file another updates 
  -Add file copying 
  -Get the OS drive from registry SystemRoot so when dumplogs we don't hard
   code to C drive. 
  -OEM PID updates request 
  -Added PNPID SYN0140 for OEM inf 
  -Added PNPID SYN0141 for OEM inf 

Version  10.0.4 06/28/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Enabled Navpoint scaling. 
  -Changed to not load config to non user default when the system is
   suspended (received WTS_SESSION_LOCK in Vista). This fixed the case
   for suspend to read non-user default. 
  -Fixed Russian strings for the DTM installation under Vista. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for a new OEM customer platform. 
  -Rolled back the scrolling region setting for an OEM customer. 
  -Updated and removed INF settings per an customers request. 
  -Updated Help Topic IDs for an OEM customer. 
  -Added some new Help Topic IDs for an OEM customer. 
  -Added some new resource strings for an OEM customer. 
  -Replaced some strings with customer provided translations. 
  -Corrected a PnP ID for an OEM customer. 

Version  10.0.3 06/22/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the ability to Read an application path for a plug-in from a
   registry key. 
  -Added functionality to expand environment variables in a 
   Run App string. 
  -Added MMB support strings to the resource file. 
  -Add support for XP Photo Gallery as a Run App for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a generic MMB bitmap to our resources. 
  -Renamed the MMB device type to be generic. 
  -Fixed missing OS Platform info in the diagnostic log file. 
  -Removed the Chiral scrolling feature based on an OEM customer request. 
  -Added OEM PNP ID request updates to have default MUX on. 
  -Changed a PNP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added an extended feature to suppress pointer motion while typing. 
  -Updated the "Search" string translation for Chinese. 
  -Fixed duplicate hot keys in Buttons page in Thai. 
  -Updated a custom data file per OEM customer change request. 
  -Fixed a bug in Vista where an external Mouse left-right handedness
   won't be saved after re-boot. 
  -Added a new OEM PNP ID. 
  -Changed the settings to use Styk only settings and not use VPrinted
   settings for an OEM customer Styk only platform. 

Version  10.0.2 06/15/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where and OEM MMB device was causing the MoodPad accessory to not work.
   Changed the search order of the GetDefaultDevice() to exclude OEMMMB when
   searching for a TouchPad. 
  -Fixed an Internet Explorer 7 scrolling issue that happened in Vista. 
  -Adjusted the positions of some strings in a custom OEM control panel
   for Japanese. 
  -Changed "Synaptics PS/2 Pointing Device" to a custom device name for
   an OEM customer. 
  -Created a new INF for an OEM customer. 
  -Added some new PNP IDs and features for an OEM customer. 
  -Combined HardwareBroadcast and ReadAllConfig into one function -
  -Removed the assumption that the DualMode flag setting of the user was
   available to be read and added a limited loop to allow the HKCU to
   be ready before reading any user settings. 
  -Added features for a Round LuxPad. 
  -Customer requested to remove the special virtual scrolling region setting
   for a specific OEM platform. 
  -Added a user_profile DirID for INF files. 
  -Added new PNP IDs and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Moved feature settings from an obsolute ini and previous inf files to
   a new INF file per OEM customers request. 
  -Removed some sections from an OEM INF file per request from the customer. 
  -Adjustments to Donut zone. 
  -Added a new PlugIn for NavPoint. 
  -Added a new registry value for Button Mode for NavPoint. 
  -Added support for Donut Zones for NavPoint. 
  -Added a feature for disabling device 
  -Fixed a bug where an MMB device is also disabled when the internal Pointing
   Device is disabled due to an external USB Pointing Device being attached. 

Version  10.0.1 06/07/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug caused by sending unnecessary device states when the Disable
   Internal Pointing Device feature is enabled. With this fix, the
   performance is also improved. 
  -Fixed a bug in setting the power flag of the port info. 
  -Fixed some errors made during the merge of the Unicode port. 
  -Made the user default DualMode setting "Enabled" in case reading the
   registry failed. 
  -Added new settings for a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Hot-key to Disable/Enable the TouchPad would
   not re-enable the TouchPad. 
  -Fixed a bug in the diagnostic log file format that was introduced
   by the port to Unicode. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed an OEM customers INF settings to apply the correct setting to make
   the Middle button actions invisible under the Styk settings in the 
   control panel since this is for a Styk only system. 
  -Removed unused NT4 code. 

Version  10.0.0 06/01/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Unicode Driver

Bug Fixes
  -Fix query number. 
  -Further enhanced a tighter port protection from user mode application to
   issue send device state command during suspend/resume. 
  -Fixed IE7 Vista scrolling issue regarding stream video
  -Added a registry setting to allow the driver to recal when the TP packet
   is out of the bezel area. 
  -OEM PID request 

Version  9.2.7 05/24/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a possible device detection issue on Suspend/Resume by avoiding
   sending the device state if the device type is unknown or unexpected.
   This could happen during S/R if the device is either idle or about to
   be redetected. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM custom control panel where the Help, Minimize,
   and Close buttons were getting grayed out if the device was disabled. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM custom control panel where the height
   (bigger for 2 lines) for a Japanese string translation of "Disable
   Touchpad/Pointing stick when external USB mouse is present" was cut off. 
  -Added power events to our diagnostic logging. 

Version  9.2.6 05/17/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the default to Enable Button Check (proximity to typing) for
   Synaptics ControlBars. 
  -Fixed a bug where the buttons from two separate pointing devices that
   are on separate PS/2 ports don't get merged in, causing multiple button
   presses in some cases. Solved this by combining button states of devices
   from different PS2 ports. 
  -Completely removed EdgeMotion from the control panel and set the
   default to have EdgeMotion disabled for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.2.5 05/10/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Merged in a custom OEM source code update to fix OEM specified features. 
  -Added settings to an OEM customers INF file to disable and hide 
   extended buttons. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -updated a wav file per OEM customer's request. 
  -Added Wacom digitizer HID\WACOMVIRTUALHID&Col03 to the 

Version  9.2.4 05/04/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug in Vista where changing the desktop icons size using wheel
   scrolling worked in reverse for screen at a time scrolling vs. line at
   a time. 
  -Implemented DualModePad double taps switching between BUTTON and
   CURSOR modes.
  -Updated for Double Taps for Dual mode INF file settings. 
  -Added logging of the Vista Edition to the diagnostics log file. 
  -Modified a default settings in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Changed a PNP ID from the original value to a different value
   as per OEM customers request. 
  -Merged an OEM customers INF file into the base OEM customers INF file. 
  -Modified a PNP ID for an OEM request. 
  -Fixed a possible BSOD that might occur when deleting keyboard filter
   devices for USB keyboards. 
  -Moved the registry settings for PNPDisableExclusionList to be under 
   the HKLM Services\SynTP\Parameters so that it can be available early
   on by the driver. 
  -Removed the coasting feature out of the default setting for volume control in

Version  9.2.3 04/26/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new setting to the AutoRotationFlag to support matching the
   display of motion or scrolling separately. 
  -Added new Help topics for NavPoint. 
  -Fixed a Scaling issue to allow for coordinates to be reported for
  -Added new control panel functionality for supporting NavPoint
  -Changed a custom sound file per OEM request. 
  -Updated an OEM customers control panels custom image. 
  -Added three new OEM PnP IDs and settings for multiple OEM customers. 

Version  9.2.2 04/19/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new Scroll Lock plug-in. 
  -Consolidated the existing Scroll Lock code. 
  -Updated chiral scrolling with newer start/stop criteria. 
  -Took out the check for plugin long name < 64 and short name < 32. 
   A plugin with a long name will now work as long as the length of the
   name is less than 256 bytes long. 
  -Added new PNP IDs and settings for two OEM customers. 
  -Moved Scaling Parameters from the software to the system key so they
   can be accessed by the driver. 
  -Added logging the passthrough capability and GlassPass capability
   information to the Diagnostics logging file. 

Version  9.2.1 04/12/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Enhanced the performance of our slider controls and also to allowed slider
   dependency images to update in real-time. 
  -Fixed a bug where we were unable to connect to the Synaptics driver thus
   causing the  uninstall feature to not work. 
  -Set the default flag for patching dribble packets for Styk devices to be
   TRUE so the OS power management feature can work properly always when a
   Styk is present on the system and removed the registry setting in some
   OEM INF files since the defualt is now TRUE. 
  -Fixed a bug where using the Styk causes the system not be able to go into
   sleep mode. 
  -Fixed a  ComboBox issue and dynamic device selection issue when an 
   excluded device is touched with the mouse control panel is open with the
   Buttons tab selected. 
  -Addded displaying language info into our diagnostics log file. 
  -Removed turning off MUX mode for 3 PNP IDs in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Modified the settings for a PNP ID in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Added the hotkey Disable/Enable feature for 8 platform PNP IDs in an OEM
   customers INF file. 
  -Added a new PNP ID with settings to disable the TP with a hot-key
   to and OEM customers INF file. 
  -Added a setting to hide the middle button settings in the settings dialog
   for the Styk for a PNP ID in an OEM customers INF file. 

Version  9.2.0 04/05/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  - Re-factored the Device List handling to allow for Exclusion of a
    Synaptics device from the list but still allow the device to be in our
    list of devices.
  - Added in the functionality for the new ControlBar device.
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where Collect Diagnostics didn't work correctly in Vista. 
  -Fixed a bug in the ControlBar Volume Slider. 
  -Fixed a bug in scrolling a window under MS Word. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Windows Search plugin action would exit
   Button-Mode immediately on a DualMode TouchPad. 
  -Fixed some dependency bugs on the button configurations for an OEM
   customer using the DualMode TouchPad. 
  -Expanded the whole pad scrolling initiation angle. For use when using
   the whole TouchPad for scrolling - also known as Scroll Locking. 
  -Fixed the horizontal slider control to only update it's setting when
   the position change is completed. 
  -Set the Styk middle button action to do stick scrolling by default
   in an OEM customers INF file settings. 

Version  9.1.23 03/30/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated resource strings with new string translations. 
  -Fixed duplicate hot-keys for the settings dailog. 
  -Updated OEM resource strings for Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and
  -Removed custom images from an OEMs INF files for all the customers
   DualMode platforms. 
  -Added Microsoft Media Center eHome Remote Control device
   "HID\IrDevice&Col08" into the PNP device exclusion list. 
  -Fixed a bug where the "Apply" button won't grey out on a property page with
   a combobox or listbox control on that page. 
  -Added a new OEM INF file and added settings for a new PNP Id. 
  -Added settings to grey out DualMode button 1 ~ 4 and fixed missing items
   from the plugin action list and dependencies for an OEM DualMode control

Version  9.1.22 03/23/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated DualMode images per customer request. 
  -Removed the global KBCDisableConfig from a customers INF file settings. 
  -Removed custom images per customer request. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Added functionality to specifically check for a LuxPad so that we 
   can have custom tabs for both a TouchPad and a LuxPad showing up on the
   control panel. 

Version  9.1.21 03/16/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Modified a custom image to show the complete text on Vista for an OEM
   customers control panel. 
  -Merged in translations of new Help strings. 
  -Added 2 new PnP ID and settings for an OEM disable and enable hotkeys. 
  -Added a custom control panel applet for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a manifest to the cpl for an OEM customers control panel applet
   for Vista. 
  -Added registry settings to the INF file for an OEM customers control
   panel applet so it will show up in the control panel. 
  -Added setting to exclude the MMB device from showing in the Buttons
   and Device Settings list boxes for an OEM customer. 
  -Added in translations of OEM specific resource strings. 
  -Removed the GlobalDisable flag from the INF file for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.1.20 03/09/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Created a new hardware ID range for a new OEM customer. 
  -Changed the Tapping Speed slider frequency from 2 to 4 to make it
   look better. 
  -Added a new OEM custom resources file for a custom control panel tab. 
  -Added a new bitmap and static text strings and repositioned controls
   and used new CaptionIDs for an OEM customers custom control panel tab. 
  -Changed an OEMs PNP ID to a new value as per customers request. 
  -Removed unused settings from another OEMs INF file. 
  -Added functionality to be able to index the pages we add to the control
   panel so we can insert them in the exact location we want. 
  -Fixed a hot-key issues due to removal of too many tab stop indexes. 
  -Added a new USB bluetooth device to the exclusion list. 
  -Fixed a PNP ID (due to incorrect information). 
  -Added multiple PnP IDs and settings for OEM customers. 
  -Corrected the device name for an OEM PNP ID setting. 
  -Added a new PNP ID for a round touchpad with Chiral Scrolling feature. 
  -Fixed an OEM issue where the device did not have the correct entended
   buttons settings. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Help button did not show up on the dialog for
   entering a sequence of keystrokes (keyboard macro dialog). 
  -Added the setting to remove the LuxPad Illumination Settings from
   the tray pop-up menu for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed incorrect HelpID settings that were causing an OEM customers
   custom control panel tab to crash whenever a control on the tab 
   was being used. 
  -Set the default scrolling mechanism to "Chiral" for round touchpads. 
  -Created an OEM INF file to hide the scrolling, edge motion and coasting
   controls because Chiral scrolling does not support these features. 
  -Added a string for a driver detection error and added a query to the
   message box string to ask the user to uninstall the driver in this
   special case.  
  -Added support for an uninstall driver a meesage box if there is a driver
   error during installation. 
  -Added a new registry flag "GlobalDisable" in the system area to allow
   disabling/enabling the TouchPad globally (for all users). 
  -Added the new "GlobalDisable" registry setting key as the default
   setting for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.1.19 03/01/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes 
  -Added a plugin action for an OEM customer to launch Windows Search. 
  -Added a new registry setting that adds our Buttons tab and Device tab
   even if there are special OEM customer Pages that show up so that they
   can now co-exist in the mouse control panel. 
  -Added control settings for an OEM specific control panel page to the
   OEM customers INF file settings. 
  -Added settings to an OEM INF file to Disable the TouchPad when an 
   external USB mouse is plugged-in (Default is unchecked) and to 
   turn-off the TouchPad using a hot key. 
  -Updated some older OEM INF files to have the DisableKey in the correct
   registry location. 
  -Added the EnableKey same as DisableKey to an OEM customer INF file. 
  -Fixed a bug so that we now correctly use the DisableKey setting if no
   EnableKey setting is in the registry. 
  -Added a PNP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the red LED default illumination for an OEM customers settings
   for a custom lighted device. 
  -Created a DualMode configuration for an OEM customer. This DualMode
   program has 8 buttons with two additional features (not in our stock
   actions) so a new OEM module was created for the new features and for
   the custom resource strings. 
  -Updated an OEM customers DualMode images. 
  -Updated the images in the test area for an OEM customer. 
  -Implemented a new flag to allow property pages to be inserted into the
   mouse control panel as the first page. 
  -Fixed a bug where a custom control panel application failed to run in
   Vista 64. 
  -Added WS_TABSTOP to static link controls for accessing the link using
   the keyboard. 
  -Removed the Tab Stop style from static text controls. 
  -Removed unnecessary tab stop setting for static controls. Also removed
   tab stops for system buttons. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM customers custom control panel application where
   re-enabling the touchpad button setting could not be saved correctly. 
  -Fixed a string loading issue. 

Version  9.1.18 02/22/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug that subclassing the "Apply" button in property sheet does
   not show the ownerdraw image + text correctly while using the Alt+A
  -Fixed missing Japanese translation strings for OEM specific Help. 
  -Fixed a resource string for scroll zone in Simplified Chinese. 
  -Fine tuned an OEMs control positions in their INF file settings. 
  -Added a bitmap for Animated Styk tray icon and added it to the "Device
   Settings" dialog so we can now replace the Animated TP tray icon bitmap
   with an Animated Styk tray icon bitmap on the "Device Settings" tab
   based on a registry setting. 
  -Added the setting to display the Animated Styk tray icon bitmap to an
   OEM customers INF settings for a Styk only system PNP ID. 
  -Changed only to read not to create registries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
   section for SynTPCpl. 
  -Fixed a bug that "Default" button did not work using the hotkey - Alt+D. 
  -Fixed a hot-key problem in Button Settings page. 
  -Added a new PNP ID for and OEM customer. 

Version  9.1.17 02/15/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed some string cut-off issues in various languages happening on an
   OEM customers special custom control panel. 
  -Fixed a string format issue for a Help Topic for the Italian language. 
  -Fixed some controls size issues happening on an OEM customers custom
   control panel. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and its settings to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Set the "DragLock" feature to be ON by default for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and its settings to an OEM customers INF file.
  -Updated the custom resource module for and OEM customer. 
  -Fixed Enable/Disable button dependencies for an OEM customer. Also
   removed the dependency of the OEM control panel page on the device. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Updated an OEM customers INF file settings for a series of requested
   PNP IDs to include the KBC Enable/Disable settings. 
  -Removed some cancelled PNP IDs from an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Put sound file selection controls on the "Run a program" and the
   "Keyboard Macro" dialogs and functionality for selecting a wave file
   for the zone when the zone is activated. This feature will only be
   active for a customer if the customer has the registry setting to
   enabled it in their INF file. The defualt is the feature is off.  
  -Added an "About" entry to the tray menu to display the version
   information for an OEM customers custom tray icon pop-up menu. 
  -Fixed a scrolling bug in MS PowerPoint 2007. 
  -Modified the settings for a PNP ID in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Added 2 new Help Topics related to new products currently in progress. 
  -Added a new Help Topic for an OEM that refers to Windows Photo Gallery
   for a virtual button. 

Version  9.1.16 02/09/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed the setup.exe parameter /f2 to now accept the setup log file
   path with open double quotes with/without a set of closing double quotes. 
  -Added a new OEM customers OEM Module and build file to the build. 
  -Changed the icon (when minimized) to a small version of the OEM customers
   icon instead of the Synaptics logo for an OEM customer. 
  -Implemented customized version of the buttons for "Help", "Minimize",
   and "Close" buttons for an OEM customer. 
  -Added support for changing the button image while the mouse is hovering
   over the button. 
  -Fixed OnClick processor for not activating out of area messages. 
  -Fixed a bug where the "Default" setting for Disable/Enable device didn't
   work. This was never a problem in our normal control panel since we did
   not have a "Default" button on the "Device Settings" tab. However, it
   shows up for an OEM customer who does want a "Default" button on their
   tab that has Disable/Enable device. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a manifest to Enhancements application so that it can send messages
   and virtaual keys or scan codes to any application even if it's elevated.
   This is needed so that we can scroll and send plugin actions to
   applications that may be running at elevated priviledge level.

Version  9.1.15 02/06/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed scaling at 120 DPI for the tray icon (really a bitmap). 
  -Fix hdr comment and bits setting for SetIlluminationOnOff. Also change
   the function type. 
  -Added button image and text IDs to the list of CheckMaster function
   where the action list IDs belong to. This is to fix a button page where
   displaying incorrect button image and text description.
  -Fixed screen cut off issue on some platforms (found in XP with classic
   sytle and Vista Aero style, etc.) 
  -Added "Remove Icon" menu item to tray icon, it is registry flag controlled
   feature and defaults to FALSE. Set this flag to TRUE for OEM upon request.

Version  9.1.14 02/02/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes    
  -PalmCheck feature now checks for multiple buttons down. 
  -Assigned OEM specific resource strings to replace the Run App config
   dialog caption. 
  -Re-adjusted DualMode button positions for Wide DualMode TouchPad. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Both Button Action list control is disabled even
   though the Both Button feature is enabled. Also, remove(hide) the control
   (and the config button) if the feature is disabled. 
  -Updated translated strings from an OEM. 
  -Added a new PNP ID to an OEM INF. 
  -Changed an INF name for an OEM. Changed 6 PnpIDs for OEM platforms. 

Version  9.1.13 01/26/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an error in reading the result code in the 64-bit registry for
   setup that was causing the logging to fail on WinXP/Vista 64-bit OS. 
  -Added some new Help Topics for an OEM Customer. 
  -Added some new strings and Help Topics for MMB. 
  -Updated an OEM customers INF file to use their new Help IDs. 
  -Added PNP0F13 to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Properly set the copy file section for 64-bit installations so that
   both the 32-bit and 64-bit COM API will get registered and 32-bit
   third party applications that use our COM API running on a 64-bit OS
   will now work. 
  -Added a custom readme file for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed an issue with Button Check when typing. 
  -Fixed the location of the Enable sounds checkbox in an OEM customers INF
   file settings so it's not overwritten by the Select text string. Also,
   fixed the setting for PluginSoundConfig (missing type specifier -
   defaulted to REG_BINARY). 
  -Added functionality for Vista to perform elevation checking so that
   our scrolling will now work when scrolling elevated applications. 
  -Added functionality to associate a virtual key or scan code with a plugin
   and then added default virtual key codes in our default INF settings and
   added new scan codes in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Removed one OEM customers INF file by combining two INF files into one. 
  -Added a new requested INF file with settings for an OEM. 
  -Updated an OEM customers custom control panel to use new device images
   and to load the correct image for single vs. dual-pointing systems. 

Version  9.1.12 01/18/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the DualMode image is displayed incorrectly on the
   settings page for DualMode TouchPads. 
  -Added a custom Readme file for an OEM customer. 
  -Added functionality for enabling/disabling playing the sound for the
   zone when it is activated. 
  -Added 3 new PNP IDs and settings for OEM customers. 
  -Turned off Mux for a specific PNP ID in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Removed Middle click,  Button 4 click,  Button 5 click from the
   action lists for tap zones and button actions in the INF settings for
   an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the default setting for displaying the Tips dialog to
   Off by default in our defualt INF file. 

Version  9.1.11 01/12/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added translated resource strings for an OEM customer. 
  -Added 32/64 bit O/S information to the diagnostics log file. 
  -Fixed a possible blue screen that could be caused by USB keyboard
   device removal. 
  -Changed the control panel to not replace the Microsoft Mouse Control
   Panel Buttons tab when there is no Synaptics pointing device detected. 
  -Added the build of a 64-bit version to the Disabler sample code from
   the COM API samples. 
  -Added the KeyboardController=1 setting to an OEM customers INF file
   for a PNP ID. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Updated the copyrights that are shown in the UI from 1996-2006 to
  -Fixed the Record plugin for a specific OEM customer to use the
   correct scan code instead of a virtual key. 
  -Added settings for the default sound for the MMB buttons for an
   OEM customer to their INF file. 
  -Swapped Next and Prev settings on buttons 3 and 4 for an OEM customers
   custom control panel settings in their INF file. 
  -Added OEM specific plugin resource strings for a customer. 
  -Updated a help topic string for the Japanese language for an OEM
  -Removed incorrect control dependencies to fix a bug where the TouchPad
   cannot be re-enabled after being disabled. This was for an OEM customer
   special control panel settings. 

Version  9.1.10 01/05/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add Horizontal Scrolling support for MS Excel 2007 
  -Added new PnpID SYN0B0D for OEM 
  -Added new PnpID SYN0404 in OEM.inf 

Version  9.1.9 12/22/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed the INF setting for the default illumination value to Low
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the INF settings for the Extended Buttons to show no Extended
   Button Actions in the control panel and set the default Extended
   Button Actions to "No Action" for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed INF settings to disable Extended Buttons for an OEM customer. 
  -Added 3 new PNP IDs and setttings for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.1.8 12/15/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a problem where the launch page still had a choice to go to the
   Pointing Stick dialog for a Touchpad only system - which, if you click,
   simply opens the Touchpad page. 
  -Fixed an issue for an OEM customer where thier OEM specific 
   "Press-To-Select" function did not work correctly. 
  -Added settings to an OEM INF file to disable the tray icon and
   not show the Synaptics tips dialog. 
  -Fixed an issue where the diagnostic log file would contain stale data
   from a previous collect diagnostics session. 
  -Updated settings for a PNP ID for an OEM INF file. 
  -Added a new plugin for "Record". This plugin is not generally available
   yet and requires special registry settings to activate.
  -Added a new feature to associate a Sound with a plugin action for a
   button or tap zone. This feature requires a special registry setting
   and is not generally available yet. 
  -Added 6 new PNP IDs and associated settings to the INF file
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Added settings to the INF file for an OEM customer to enable the
   Record plugin and the Sound features described above. 

Version  9.1.7 12/08/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a command line option /f2 to log installation results to a log file
   for DPinst.exe installs on Vista. 
  -Added Legacy PNP ID support to an OEM INF file. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings to remove External button actions from
   the control panel and set the default action to "Button/Zone/Gesture
   completely disabled" for an OEM INF file. 
  -Added the SP_IlluminationState feature to the COM API to allow turning
   the LED on and off through our COM interface. 
  -Removed usb from an OEM INF file. 

Version  9.1.6 12/01/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new registry setting "ExtraCapabilities1Mask" so we can mask
   out any undesired ExtraCapabilities if needed. 
  -Changed our custom bitmap control to not change the style to stretch
   from center and then changed the image style in the OEM customers INF
   to always use strech. 
  -Fixed a typo in an OEM customers help file - removed an extra '.'. 
  -Fixed the associated page name for a single device page for an OEM
   customers control panel settings. 
  -Added new settings for a PNP ID in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Removed the font setting of "Arial" and replaced it with the default
   dialog font "MS Shell Dlg" for an OEM customers control panel settings. 
   Also set the individual control font to use 700 weight for bold. 
  -Fixed the font style, weight, size for property page titles and simple
   help for an OEM customers control panel settings and adjusted their
   window styles to center them vertically. 
  -Added a new key to allow specifying horizontal button margin in our
   custom control panel controls. 

Version  9.1.5 11/22/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Add define LANGS_XXXX for limited languages for OEM. 
  -fixed a bug that both button action list is not greyed out when both
   button action is not available. 
  -Added support to resize PropertySheet to support 120 DPI. 
  -Fix the image control size issue. 

Version  9.1.4 11/17/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added code to read AddOrReplace setting for the Property page in Property
   Sheet class and use that to determine if it will even add the page and
   setting to set AddOrReplace. 
  -Added language specific Help rtf files for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a feature to allow changing the PalmRT setting for the Styk. 
  -Changed to use correct Ioctl for PalmRT setting for the Styk and added
   missing dependecy so the slider will be grayed out when Palm Check is
   disabled for an OEM customers control panel. 
  -Fixed a registry setting causing Pointing Stick Settings controls to fail
   for an OEM customers custom control panel. 
  -Fixed a problem (MFC bug) where the Apply button window style got
   changed after the button is clicked. 
  -Implemented a new property page status control (using static control
   with an associated page name) for an OEM specific UI requirement. 
  -Added support for bitmap buttons for PropertySheet OK, Cancel, Apply
   and Help buttons. 
  -Replaced the old Japanese macro key Help string with a new re-translated
   string provided by the customer. 
  -Changed setup so that -s works with silent install of unsigned drivers in
  -Created a custom DPInst.xml file for an OEM customer. 
  -Implemented tabstop/focus capability to our SynStaticLink (hyperlink)
   control. Now the user can use keyboard tab through the links and use
   "space" key to trigger the link. 
  -Fixed the manifest file for 64-bit for an OEM customer custom control
   panel application. 
  -Changed the setting for the Top Left Zone Action from NO ACTION t
   use a Left click. This is a custom setting for an OEM customer. 
  -Removed the  "jump to the menu of the current window" from action lists
   and changed the Top-Left Tap Zone to "Left Click" for an OEM customer
   INF setting. 
  -Added a new PnpId for an OEM customer. 
  -Addressing some issues to support 120 (higher) DPI for an OEM customers
   control panel. 
  -Pulled out 2 USB PNP Ids, Microsoft_01 and  Microsoft_01, from the
   global exclusion list and moved them to the OEMs INF file settings.   
  -Added COM property specifiers for button sensitivity. 

Version  9.1.3 11/17/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Custom build identical to 9.1.2

Version  9.1.2 11/10/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes  
  -Added settings for single pointing device "Device Settings" tab (TP only)
   and changed the size of the Buttons tab to match all the others for
   an OEM customer control panel. 
  -Fixed a bug in our custom slider control where reverse conversion 
   mistakenly reset a wrong value to data member. 
  -Fixed a bug in our custom controls where a radio button group cannot
   be ended properly. 
  -Implemented a control for mirroring the MS "Pointing Speed" feature. 
  -Implemented a feature to allow our custom property sheet to hide the
   tab control if there is only one page in the property sheet. 
  -Reversed the min and max values for an OEM customers pointing Stick
   acceleration speed slider in their custom control panel. 
  -Added support to our custom controls for bitmap buttons with text
   and font color. 
  -Fixed all tab stop index and group settings for an OEM customers
   settings for their custom control panel. 
  -Set the text entry in Add/Remove programs to "OEM Touchpad" for
   an OEM customer. 
  -Added the ability to set a custom tray icon tip text. 
  -Fixed an issue where the cursor moves while doing stick scrolling. 
  -Modified the scrolling region settings for an existing PNP Id in
   the INF file for an OEM customer. 
  -Implemented a registry setting "TurnOffGlassPass" to keep the driver
   from trying to detect GlassPass even if the TP has GlassPass capabilities. 
  -Fixed the displaying of the version information for an OEM customers
   control panel. 
  -Added functionality to allow Enable/Disable of the tray icon to be saved
   immediately instead of being only saved on Apply/OK. 
  -Added settings in the INF file for an OEM customer to set the setting for 
   "DisableDeviceBehavior" (set to 1) for controls that should not be disabled
   (greyed out) when the device is disabled. 
  -Changed the check on adding an OEM customers control panel tab to check
   if this is the specific OEMs control panel so the tab will show up even
   if the TP is disabled by the OEMs BIOS. 
  -Removed the "Snap to Default" feature from an OEM customers control panel. 
  -Added an "AutoRelease" feature for drag lock. Default is no auto release.
   Use the "DragLockAutoReleaseTime" registry setting to specify the
   nanoseconds of timeout to be used before the drag lock is released. 
  -Added an "illumination time after touch" feature for use with Multi-Media
  -Added new MMB strings and adjusted controls settings and changed button
   default settings for an OEM MMB custom control panel. 

Version  9.1.1 11/03/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes 
  -Added a debugging feature to show the control borders so it is easier to
   adjust the registry settings for custom control panels. 
  -Fixed multiple issues with an OEM custom control panel UI so the controls
   will look right and work correctly. 
  -Implemented "Tapping Speed" for TouchPads. The default speed is 250 msec,
   the allowed range for changing is from 100 ~ 450. Also changed our
   slider control to support reverse settings when a setting of max is
   smaller than min. For example, setting value from 450 - 100 as from slow
   to fast. 
  -Modified an OEM customers INF settings for an existing PNP Id to have
   extended buttons settings for Scroll Up/Down/Left/Right. 
  -Added transparent background support for our checkbox control. Also added
   text color support for our checkbox control. 
  -Fixed a typo in the Korean string table for two strings. 
  -Fixed a bug where the icon did not change to the scrolling icon when using
   Stick scrolling on Vista. This feature is for a specific OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where entering S3/S4 suspend states did not close the control
   panel in Vista. 
  -Added a new defualt PalCheck setting into the INF file for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed an issue where an OEM customers feature for a custom magnifying glass
   did not function correctly when using a sizeable window. 
  -Added PalmCheck for buttons. 
  -Added a new OEMMMB product type. 
  -Added support for Button Sensitivity. 
  -Added registry keys, button images and controls settings for an OEM
   customers MMB page support. 

Version  9.1.0 10/27/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Beta version of custom UI

Bug Fixes
  -Added support for bitmaps/pngs to change on double click and left click. 
  -Modify enhancement app to allow launching a registry specified program
   when double click the tray icon. 
  -"Always in Button Mode" does not work correctly on Vista 
  -Figure out which key is used, probably StykPS2 and use only that key.
   That key is StykPS2 
  -Fix controls that were initialized with wrong defaults. 
  -Changed volume slider scale for OEM. 
  -Adding new Pnp IDs Syn013A, Syn013B, Syn013C for OEM.inf 

Version  9.0.3 10/20/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes  
  -Added OEM specific resource strings. 
  -Added bitmap background image support for property sheets and added
   custom caption height (titlebar) support for non-regular titlebars.
   This is for OEM specific GUI customization. 
  -Fixed a magnify window updating issue for an OEM customer. This feature
   is specific to this OEM customer only. 
  -Added bitmap support for custom dialog/propertysheets and also support
   for a new static link control. This is for OEM specific GUI
  -Added support to use the new Vista Multi-language DPInst.exe for
   installation for the WDF driver. 
  -Fixed a bug in scrolling and magnifying glass switching for an OEM
   customer. This feature is specific to this OEM customer only. 
  -Removed the "jump to the menu..." plugin from the action lists for
   tap zones and buttons, and changed the default top-left tap zone
   action to "No Action" for a specific OEM customer. 
  -Changed to use new "ImageResource" instead of "Resource" for the path
   to OEM modules where the OEM specific images are located. 
  -Modified PNP Id settings for an OEM customer for an existing PNP Id. 
  -Modified Setup.exe so that it no longer fails to lauch when using a
   full path to setup.exe. 
  -Implemented new Wide DualMode programs for an OEM customer with a new
   Windows Photo Gallery plugin. 
  -Fixed an issue where a 0 sized input and output IOCTL had the possibility
   of causing a bluescreen. This was reported when running PreFast as a
   possible issue but not reported by any customers. 

Version  9.0.2 10/12/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed an OEM customers INF settings to have the correct DisableKey,
   EnableKey and KBCDisableConfig settings for all platform PNP IDs that
   have the KBC Disable/Enable feature. 
  -Added Styk animated tray icon feature settings to a PNP ID in an
   OEM customers INF file for a Styk-only platfrom. 
  -Added the ability to load images from different resources for controls. 
  -Implemented features to the PropertySheet for adding a default button
   outside the tab control and also to allow removing the Help button
   and to adjust the other button positions (Ok, Cancel, Apply). 
  -Implemented a new class to support showing background images for a
  -Added functionality for Vista for apps that may not have the menu
   activated so that the jump to the menu of the current window has a
   better chance of working on more apps. 
  -Changed an OEM customers setting for a PNP ID to not put the KBC into
   Mux mode since the customers special KBC hot-key support can crash
   their system when the KBC is in Mux mode. 
  -Added a new product type specifier and functionality for a wireless
   USB TouchPad. 

Version  9.0.1 10/06/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Styk-only tray icon animation to our animated icon. This setting
   has to be turned on with registry settings for specific OEM platforms
   and currently is not enabled for any platforms. 
  -Bumped the coinstaller to SynTPCo4.dll from SynTPCo3.dll. 
  -Fixed a bug where SynTPEnh did not start on a USB-only installation. 
  -Changed DisableKey and EnableKey settings per an OEM customers request. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID and settings for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.0.0 09/29/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
   This is the release of the Vista driver. 
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the UAC error message for Vista installs. 
  -Added Disable internal pointing device when external USB pointing device
   is attached with default setting is Unchecked for an OEM customer. 
  -Removed languages not supported by an OEM. 
  -Added a message to tell the user to not install the driver if user did
   not reboot after uninstall. 
  -Fixed a bug in the COM Sample code for the Disabler where the
   Disable/Enable of buttons had Right/Left switched. 
  -Fixed a bug with an OEM installation using the wrong DPInst XML file. 
  -Updated the COM Sample code for the Disabler to show how to persist the
   changed setting. 

Version  8.4.3 09/22/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the uninstaller fails to remove the Synaptics folder
   on Vista. 
  -Added settings for the KBC Disable/Enable feature to exhisting PNP Ids
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Modified settings for PNP Ids for OEM supported features. 
  -Created a temporary Ini file for special Touchpad settings for an OEM. 
  -Added a cmd line parameter to setup to check for DPInst process
  -Added 2 new PNP Ids and custom settings for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.4.2 09/15/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the coinstaller to remove the old keyboard filter. We now 
   have a new coinstaller named SynTPCo3.dll instead of SynTPCo2.dll. 
  -Updated the installation to delete any old coinstallers. 
  -Added our icon to a new file and to the distribution folder. 
  -Cleaned up some old 9x/NT4 installation functionality since we
   no longer support newer drivers for 9x/NT4 in our regular driver
   releases and it's no longer used. 
  -Added an enhancement to the KBC Notification feature to not notify
   the Keyboard Contrioller of the Disable state if we are still in
   the process of detecting devices on susepend/resume or power up. 
  -Added new settings for the KBC Enable/Disable feature to two 
   platform PNP Ids per the OEMs instructions. 
  -Fixed the uninstallation so that any error messages that pop-up will
   be the top window and won't get hidden by other windows. 
  -Fixed a bug in Win2K on systems with Intel graphics cards where you
   could get an error message on the first logoff after installation.
  -Fixed a bug in the Context Sensitive Help pop-ups where the text
   would not get displayed correctly. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Driver does not open the correct language
   OEM help page. 
  -Fixed a bug where silent install did not work on Vista. 
  -Fixed a bug where the property page width and height cannot be read
   from the registry if the language specific key name is not used. This
   currently only effects one OEM who uses this feature for their custom
   control panel. 

Version  8.4.1 09/08/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed support for Serial device inf sections from Vista driver. 
  -Added a new Pnp Id and custom settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed an OEM customers setting for DisableIntPDFeature to only disable on when
   a USB pointing device is plugged in. 
  -Removed new plugins that an OEM doesn't know about or use that were
   added to the general plugins since their last release. 

Version  8.4.0 09/01/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Use DPInst for Vista driver installation

NOTE: If you encounter problems installing version 8.4.0 of the driver on
      Windows 2000 or XP, please contact us for an updated version of the
      setup program.

Bug Fixes
  -Fix Arabic help file to right justification 
  -Move the disablekey/enablekey value to the services key. 
  -Add OEM xml support (for DPInst) 
  -Update OEM inf setting to use the legacy KBC support. 
  -fixed a bug that changing to VS 2005 affecting the function "atoi"
   function where a large value could be truncated. 

Version  8.3.20 08/25/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed Help Topics for Arabic and other langauges that were not formatted
   correctly in the context sensitive Help file. 
  -Started building the driver and all applications, COM and the control
   panel using Visual Studio 2005 - starting with this build. 
  -Fixed a bug where an error message box with "Synaptics TouchPad Enhacements
   Stopped Working" would appear at the end of Vista installations if you
   didn't reboot at the end of the installation. 
  -Added settings for increasing the Defaults button and the tab hieght for
   an OEM custom GUI for some languages because if the user has the system
   in a docking station with a PS/2 mouse then there is only one Synaptics
   tab that gets processed and the height settings from the other tabs
   won't take effect. 
  -Fixed a bug where an OEM customers driver does not install on Vista Build5492. 
  -Fixd a bug that failed to load resource strings for the context sensitive
   help from the resource .dll and this caused the Help when using the "?" to
   not appear on the Devices Settings tab. 
  -Fixed a bug for an OEM customer where thier custom "Scrolling Tips" windows
   failed to appear. 
  -Updated the Release.txt version info for 8.3.18 onward because we
   don't ship Win9x&ME/WinNT starting from 8.3.18. 

Version  8.3.19 08/18/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed an OEMs .ini setting to set the KBCDisableConfig. 
  -Removed the HasBothButtonsFeature setting from the INF settings for
   an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the PNP0F13 settings to use the OEM defaults and removed some
   sensitive comments from an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Removed two PNP Ids and modified the settings for a PNP Id for an OEM
   customer using both DualMode and normal TouchPads. 
  -Did more re-organizing of the distribution folders and layout. 
  -Removed some unused code from the coinstaller that copied OEM files. 
  -Added a resource dll (SynTPRes.dll) to the distribution. 
  -Updated the driver signing document. 

Version  8.3.18 08/11/2006 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added in a 200ms delay for the active user in processing the console connect
   message so other inactive users have time to finish first in fastuser switching. 
  -Added two new entries into the INF settings for the PNPDisableExclusionList -
   Vid_0609&Pid_031d and Vid_0609&Pid_032d and removed the OEMExclusionList.ini. 
  -Refactored some code around ShowHideControl in the control panel controls. 
  -Fixed hot-keys in Polish and Turkish and slightly increased the Height of
   a control so the hot-key is visible. 
  -Added new PNP Ids and settings for OEM customers. 
  -Added x64 configurations to all the Oem Modules. 
  -Put the PNP Id settings back to the way they were for an OEM customers
   INF settings since they should not have been changed. 
  -Changed the Bin and Distribution folder structure. 
  -Cleaned up the build directory structure. 
  -Removed some unused files from the build. 
  -Updated SetupIntl to work with the new Distribution structure. 
  -Updated setup.exe to find the new Distribution folders. 
  -Fixed strings for Brazillian Portuguese for Lower Left and Lower Right
   Tap Zones and also corrected a misspelled string in the Help file. 

Version  8.3.17 08/04/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an issue where re-installing the driver after an uninstall,
   without rebooting, makes the TouchPad unusable. 
  -Fixed an issue for a customer OEM feature to hand-shake with the
   Keyboard Controler (KBC) to query and notify the pointing devices
   disable state. 
  -Fixed an issue for an OEM custom feature - when changing scrolling type the
   change does not immediately take effect. 
  -Fixed hot-keys for Polish and Turkish on the Device Settings dailog. 
  -Fixed a problem during resume where there is a possible crash of the
   enhancements application when it gets the display rotation information. 
  -Added support for a new model of DisplayPad. 

Version  8.3.16 07/28/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed a few places we were writing to HKLM for Vista. 
  -Added a USB device into PNPDisableExclusionList. 
  -Added two .ini files for OEM customer settings. 
  -Fixed a bug on the control panel registry controls Hide feature so
   we can now hide controls other than tree controls. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a setting to the INF file for an OEM customer to the
   appropriate PNP Id settings. 
  -Changed the .rtf Help files for Turkish, Polish and Thai to use the
   correct language ID so the Localizer will find the correct language for
   the Help topics. 
  -Separated the old and new DisplayPad into two different sections in the
   HID INF file so the settings can be different. 
  -Added new DisplayPad display properties in the registry settings in the 
   HID INF file. 
  -Fixed a string in the control panel for the Turkish language. 
  -Added a generic install section for the keyboard device of the composite
   HID device for the installation to work properly for USB composite
   keyboards with a TouchPad and/or Stick. 
  -Added "AbsoluteSuperPacketFormat" to support the new 8-byte super packets. 
  -Added new sections for the WDF coinstaller for Vista. 

Version  8.3.15 07/21/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Corrected several strings in Turkish and Greek. 
  -Updated a .ini file for an OEM to remove any old HKCU settings for that
   the platform because they will override the new default settings that
   were added. 
  -Removed writing to HKLM for Vista. 
  -Fixed tap zone sizes for an OEM Vista release. 
  -Fixed an issue for an OEM customer where their Magnifier glass size 
   was not always updated. 
  -Added a new PNP Id and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the hot-key for "Static tray icon in taskbar" in the buttons
   tab for Turkish from &U to &T since &U is already in use for the Apply
   button hot-key. 
  -Added TURKISH and POLISH to the table of supported languages so the
   Localizer will try to use them. 
  -Added and cleaned up device sections for new DisplayPad and Wireless
   TouchPad devices. 
  -Updated the supported languages list. 

Version  8.3.14 07/14/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes  
  -Automated driver signatures for Vista releases. 
  -Added support for Polish and Turkish languages. 
  -Added new PNP Ids and custom settings for OEM customers. 
  -Added new resource strings for a different DualMode feature set
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Consolidated various DualMode projects into one. 
  -Added an .ini file for an OEM setting to set the touch sensitivity. 
  -Added a "Search" function into an OEM customers OEM (DualMode) module. 
  -Added a new OEM (DualMode) module. 

Version  8.3.13 07/06/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug for an OEM customer where the Touchpad did not work well as
   dedicated scroller. 
  -Fixed a bug for an OEM customer where the Touchpad did not point after
   being used as dedicated scroller. 
  -Fixed cut off strings in GR Illumination Options tab for OEM UI. 
  -Fixed cut off string in SP Buttons tab for OEM UI. 
  -Fixed a bug for an OEM customer where the Stick will not point after Stick
   Properties were changed
  -Fixed Stick Properties saving for OEM customer. 
  -Added new PnP ID for an OEM customer.  
  -Fixed string cut off issues in Dutch (NL) for OEM UI. 
  -Fixed the cut off strings in Norwegian Illumination Options and Stick
   tabs in OEM UI. 
  -Fixed cut off strings for SE language for OEM UI in TouchPad, Stick and
   Illumination tabs. 
  -Fixed cut off strings in Arabic language OEM UI tabs. 

Version  8.3.12 06/30/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a problem where some plugins could not be configured in the previous
   release. This was only in the v8.3.10 and v8.3.11 of the control panel. 
  -Fixed an issue where the Stick stops working after its function is set as
   a dedicated scroller for an OEM's custom configuration. 
  -Fixed a bug that was causing the reading of Registry settings to fail in
   the case where there was not default value for the DisableIntPDFeature
   setting already present. 
  -Added a capability to run an application while switching to button mode
   in DualMode. The feature is registry controlled by adding a key called 
   "DualModeApp" and the path and name of the application to run. It will
   not turn off the button mode after launching the program. 

Version  8.3.11 06/29/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the capability to check the control panels controls for overlap and
   mnemonics in the Release version under registry control. The Debug version
   will still output to the debug window all the time. If turned on by the
   registry setting, the Release version will dump the output to a log file. 
  -Fixed a bug where an OEM's Dual Pointing Page settings were't always
   getting saved. 
  -Changed the KBCDisableFeature to send the data associated with the
   command to the data port rather than the command port.  Added support for
   slave device notification.  Slave notification is still not done due to a
   check in SendDeviceState. 
  -Updated the documentation to indicate which ports the KBCDisableFeature
   sends its bytes on. 
  -Added the DualMode platform for an OEM. This is just for testing since there
   is not yet a hardware ID assigned for this platform. 
  -Moved the new plugin actions implemented in SynTPEnh from customer settings
   into the main source INF file which will now make them available for all

Version  8.3.10 06/27/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed some strings in German, Spanish and Brazil(Port.) for an OEM
   customers custom control panel so they are not cut off at 120 DPI. 
  -Added a new PnP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.3.9 06/23/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added support for DisplayPad functionality. 
  -Removed some unused registry values that are depricated. 
  -Changed to save some registry values to HKCU rather than HKLM since
   Vista does not allow applications to write to HKLM if they are not
   running at a high enough security level. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Scroll with pointing stick while the button is
   pressed (on a Dual-Pointing machine) option would not show up in the
   plugin action lists on Vista. 
  -Added a .ini file for an OEM customer to change the default settings
   for the Extended buttons to make them have no action and so they
   don't show up in the control panel. 
  -Added new values for the registry setting DisableIntPDFeature to allow
   disabling the internal TouchPad feature to monitor PnP devices (USB or
   Serial) and MUX PS2 devices separately. 
  -Added prefast warning disables, etc. to make the kernel driver prefast
  -Added new PnP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Udpated the registry settings for a PNP Id entry for an OEM customer
   to add the AutoRotationFlag setting. 

Version  8.3.8 06/16/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed unused registry keys - "ReverseScrolling" and "SwapScrollAxis". 
  -Added new PnP IDs and settings for OEM customers. 
  -Fixed a bug where the uninstaller won't remove log files when the
   driver is uninstalled. This is only an issue if the user had ever
   used the Diagnostic page to dump logs. 
  -Added an .ini file for an OEM customer with the setting to fix
   the Styk S3/S4 resume/dribble packets issue that was resolved in
   a previous version of the driver. 
  -Fixed an OEM customers control panel issue where some strings were
   getting cut off in the Korean language at 120 DPI. 
  -Modified an exsisting  PnP ID setting for an OEM customer - added
   a setting to adjust the Vertical Scrolling Region to the size
   specified by the customer. 
  -Updated the setup error messages to include 'Vista'. 

Version  8.3.7 06/09/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the German translations for some help strings. 
  -Changed some sub-languages to Unknown to match those in the control
   panel so we will be able to find the correct languages for unknown
  -Fixed a bug where the second driver installation fails on Vista Beta2. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Styk sensitivity setting was lost after resume
   from system stand-by/sleep. This bug only happens on a dual pointing
   system with a TouchPad and a pass through TouchStyk and with a
   driver registry flag “RedetectPassThruOnResume” set to false. 
  -Added a new PnP Id and custom settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Updated a custom INF setting for an OEM customer. 
  -Added plugins for Volume Up, Volume Down and Volume Mute and a .ini
   file that will add these plugin settings for any customers that
   want to have these plugins show up in the control panel Tap Zones
   action lists. 
  -Added a plugin for "Start default Media Player". 
  -Added a new .ini file to set up Media Player plugins registry settings
   for any customers that want to have these plugins show up in the
   control panel Tap Zones action lists. 
  -Added an OEM module for custom settings and resources for an OEM
   customer to customize DualMode TouchPad custom zone features. 
  -Added a new INF file for an OEM customer to set up custom zones and
   plugins for customizing their DualMode TouchPad features. 

Version  8.3.6 06/02/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the virtual scrolling flags could be incorrect in a
   condition that the user logged in after the screen saver is activated. This
   bug can only be triggered on a dual pointing system with the auto retation
   feature turned on. 
  -Added a new PNP Id and settings for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.3.5 05/25/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes 
  -Added DisableKey and EnableKey settings to an existing PNP ID per 
   an OEMs' request. 
  -Fixed an issue where "Collect Diagnostics" did not work on Windows
   Vista Build 5365. 
  -Added a message box to display an appropriate message if the diagnostic
   data could not be saved when the user presses the "Collect Diagnostics"
   button on the Diagnostics page. 
  -Added new PnP IDs and their associated settings for multiple OEM customers. 
  -Added "WinVista" to the Diagnostic page so that we will get the correct
   OS displayed. 

Version  8.3.4 05/19/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new INF file for low touch OEM customers. The only special setting
   in this INF file is to set KeyboardController=1. 
  -Updated the Diagnostics page (secret page) to show the string
   "Generic Legacy" for KeyboardController = 1 instead of "Unknown". 
  -Changed the KeyboardController setting for Unknown to GenericLegacy
   and added a new NonMux type. Now, if the Diagnostics page shows
   Unknown for the Keyboard Controller type it will really indicate
   that the KeyboardController was not identified. Before, Unknown
   could have meant either it was not identified OR that we didn't
   even try to identify it. 
  -Updated the HTML files description of the KeyboardController setting
   to reflect the changes to the settings. 
  -Modified OEM customer ini and INF file settings to use resource IDs in
   place of hard coded numbers. 
  -Fixed a bug in the installation on WinME. 
  -Fixed a bug in the  SourceDiskFiles section for Vista installations. 
  -Updated the Test Signing documentation. 
  -Updated the HTML file description of the DisableIntPDFeature setting
   to more accurately describe how the setting is used. 

Version  8.3.3 05/12/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the function that builds the zone ID to use the correct API functions
   (FingerState & ButtonState) and fixed the composition method to comply with
   the recent COM API fix. Also, put back in the fix to the internal COM API
   that was backed out in the previous release. 
  -Added a feature to display an error message when the user is trying to
   disable taps from the TouchPad tray icon pop-up menu when there is also
   no button assigned to act on a primary click action (left-click). 
  -Added a Styk icon for systems that only have a Styk and created an
   .ini file to turn it on. 
  -Added an information line giving the PS/2 Passthrough capability of the
   selected device on the Device status tab in the Diagnostics page (secret
  -Fixed an issue where Animation controls won't load if the AVI is in
   a separate resource DLL. 
  -Modified our INF build process to use resource IDs in place of numbers 
   in our Control panel controls ini file. 
  -Removed the AutoRecalibration setting from a customers INF file since we
   don't see any reason for it being applied to all platforms. If they need
   it added for a specific platform we can add it back for that platform. 
  -Added a new PNP Id for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.3.2 05/05/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated two PNP Ids to support Vista for and OEM. 
  -Backed out the change to fix the internal COM API issue made in the
   previous release. 

Version  8.3.1 05/04/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added two ini files to set icon off/PalmCheck to default for two new
   OEM platforms. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Tap Zones were still being shown as activated when
   moving a finger over the upper/lower portion of a dedicated vertical scroll
  -Fixed an internal COM API issue where some packet properties for finger
   and/or button states were not getting set properly. 
  -Added a new INF file for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.3.0 04/28/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  -Added support for 120 DPI scaling in the control panel. 
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug to handle multiple scroll bars on the same window. Also,
   added a new program-specific flag in the scrolling database to not
   terminate scrolling at end of the scrollbar. 
  -Enabled the control panel scaling feature for an OEM customer. 
  -Added the registry setting to the INF file to disable redetect of
   pass through devices on resume for a specific OEM customer. 
  -Fix syntax error on a customer INF file. 
  -Retired some OEM INI files. 
  -Removed all the Readme.txt files from the Distribution. 
  -Added three new PNP Ids and requested settings for OEM customers. 
  -Add wallpaper updates when exit for cPad. 
  -Fixed the cPad setup so it works correctly. 
  -Modified settings for a PNP Id for a customer. 
  -Updated a customer specific PNG file for their custom UI. 

Version  8.2.26 04/21/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added functionality to handle scaling of controls in the settings dialog
   and custom UI tabs based on DPI. 
  -Added functionality to handle scaling of images in the UI. 
  -Added a registry key to override the scaling based on DPI with the default
   being scaling OFF. 
  -Optimized so at 96 DPI we won't scale and also fixed code to draw client
   edges for an image when scaling to a higher DPI. 
  -Removed SynTP.ini file for W2K/XP/Vista installation. 
  -Fixed a bug caused by changing the default device being displayed on the
   Buttons tab to be the first non-disabled device. Make sure we check the
   device disable flag by checking all three types of disable methods. 
  -Deleted Disable RockerSwitch settings from some OEM custom INF files
   since it does nothing. 
  -Added "EXCEL7" to scroll database to use wheel mouse scrolling message.
   This is to fix the problem were we cannot find the correct scroll bars
   for a specific split pane in MicroSoft Excel. 
  -Added four new PNP Ids and new settings for OEM customers. 
  -Commented out a USB PNP Id that is no longer being used. 
  -Fixed HID installation for WDF driver on XP. 

Version  8.2.25 04/14/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new feature for a PnP Id for an OEM customer. 
  -Added "HID\FUJ02E6&Col02" to exclusion list. 
  -Changed the Buttons tab to set the default selected device in the
   device combobox to be the first device that is not disabled. 
  -Removed SynTP.ini file for W2K/XP/Vista installation. 
  -Fixed the help ID specified for the checkbox control of "Enable sticky
   borders". This was causing extra help information to show up that was
   not part of the feature. 
  -Updated the settings for a PnP Id for an OEM customer. 
  -Added six new PnP Ids and settings for OEM customers. 

Version  8.2.24 04/07/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a flag to ignore the TP and screen reversing in systems that
   rotate the screen in the same direction as the TP/Styk. 
  -Created a OEM new custom inf file without serial mouse support nor USB
   support. Also enabled the auto rotation feature with the flag set to
   matching the display screen because the Styk is mounted on the same
   surface of the display. 
  -Added code to allow the middle button action be available for scroll up
   (extended button 1) and scroll down (extended button 2) plugin action
   lists. This was not available before - we could only set actions that
   were not primary click, secondary click, etc. 
  -Added an ini file will allow the middle button action to be available
   for scroll up (extended button 1) and scroll down (extended button 2)
   plugin action lists for an OEM customer. This is needed before we can
   move all control panel settings into the INF file. 
  -Added three new PNP Ids and settings for OEM customers. 
  -Changed setting for an OEM that requested we have Push-To-Select off by
   default instead of on. 
  -Added modifications for an OEM Beta. 

Version  8.2.23 03/31/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Wacom Penabled Digital Pen device to the PnP Exclusion List. 
  -Added bluetooth mouse HID\TOS_BT_MOU_0004&0005 to exclusion list. 
  -Added extended button action process to allow setup button state
  -Speed-up "Apply" for an OEM customers appliation.
  -Removed .opt file 

Version  8.2.22 03/24/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added additional Print out messages to the diagnostics log file if
   getenv failed. Also, fixed/reduced some log data which is OS dependent -
   for example, do not log x64 messages if it is not a 64-bit system. 
  -Fixed the diagnostic function to no longer using invalid "getenv" parameters
   for Win98/ME when collecting diagnostics.
  -Added registry settings to an OEM customers INF file to turn Press-to-select
   on as the default for a Styk only system. 
  -Added settings to an OEM customers INF file to keep PalmCheck from stopping
   taps/gestures when scan codes for the volume scroll strip on the OEM docking
   station are sent. 
  -Fixed a bug where using the left button click to scroll cannot continue
   scrolling while holding down the left button on a Styk only system. 
  -Added PnP ID support to the INF file for a customer. 
  -Added a new Pnp ID to an INF file for a customer. 
  -Fixed a possible problem with an incorrect unacquire. It may be associated
   with a symantic change to the return from SynDevice::Acquire(). 
  -Fixed a bug where the diagnostic log reports misleading version information for

Version  8.2.21 03/17/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the DisableKey/EnableKey setting to disable/enable the
   Synaptics pointing device via a scan code was not working for MUX KBCs. 
  -Fixed a bug that AUX PS2 mouse's resolution  is not set correctly during
   detection to comply with i8042 driver. 
  -Fixed a bug that the "Scroll with pointing stick while button is pressed"
   button action was not showing up in button actions lists. 
  -Created a new custom INF file for new customer. 
  -Added Vista driver installation support. 

Version  8.2.20 03/09/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Remove redundant flag that is used only to set the base class flag. Use
   the base class flag directly to avoild potential out of sync problem in
   the future. 
  -New singleton class to provide functionality for scaling of position and
   size of controls. 
  -Created new customer inf file. 
  -modify the scrolling zone range for a customer 
  -Changed INF files to support WDF driver. 
  -Modified SetupIntl to support 64-bit Vista. 

Version  8.2.19 03/03/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the System did not correctly perform power management
   with AC and DC on resume from suspend/hibernate in some cases. 
  -Fixed a bug that has a small probability of causing a system crash.
   Moved calls to the query registry function out of StartDevice since this
   can sometimes be called at IRQL=DISPATCH_LEVEL. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Snap To on the mouse Pointer Options tab was getting
   reverted from checked to unchecked if you opened the control panel and
   then hit Cancel at the Buttons tab. 

Version  8.2.18 02/24/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added PnPIDs and updated settings to OEM custom INF files. 
  -Fixed the sublanguage id so we find the resource for Spanish with unknown
   sublanguage for the control panel DualMode settings. 
  -Fixed a problem where the "Defaults" button did not revert the setting
   for "Swap the left and right buttons on the external USB pointing device"
   back to the default value.
  -Fixed a problem where the "Defaults" button did not revert the setting
   for "Snap to Default button" back to the defualt value. 

Version  8.2.17 02/17/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added ini file for inverting the TouchPad left-to-right. 
  -Added code to set the default polling timeout from a registry setting. 
  -Added new setting - DefaultPollingTimeout. 
  -Modify OEM inf to hide Illumination tab from showing by default even it the
   system has a LuxPad. Also, removed the setting for "TouchThreshold" to use
   the default. 
  -Installation change for Vista. 
  -Fix USB driver installation issues on Vista. 

Version  8.2.16 02/10/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where on resume from standby on a dual pointing system with a
   non-Synaptics type stick device it could take up to 5 ~ 8 seconds for the
   keyboard to come alive at the login screen. Reduced the time to ~2.5 seconds. 
  -Fixed the Enhanced app (SynTPEnh.exe) so that it selects the appropriate
   logo for the tray icon now that it uses the new 20x20 Synaptics logo icon. 
  -Changed the defualt value of the EnableKey registry setting to be the
   DisableKey and fixed the documentation in Registry.html for these registry
   keys entries. 
  -Added two new PnP IDs for new OEM customer platforms. 
  -Fixed the Setup.exe for x64 to show the Synaptics logo icon instead of
   the old InstallShield icon when displayed under Windows Explorer. 
  -Added code to dump the information about the OS, Screen Resolution,
   and Mouse registry properties to our Diagnostics dump. 

Version  8.2.15 02/03/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new PNP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a new Default Styk sensitivity to the INF settings for an OEM
  -Added custom Dual Mode Application 1 & 2 to launch Microsoft Word and
   Excel by default. 
  -Updated the driver with a new and improved logo, including the 20x20
   needed for control panel tabs and tray icon. 

Version  8.2.14 01/27/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Resolved an issue where using the "Reset Devices" button on the x64 driver
   would cause the control panel to crash. This button only shows up on the
   control panel "Devices Setting" tab if a Registry setting is added to
   enable it. By default this button does not show up. This issue only
   occurred on the x64 driver control panel. 
  -Fixed an issue on the "Buttons" tab that only shows up in the Win2K
   version of our control panel where the "Single click to open a file"
   setting change was not taking effect on icons/folders on the Desktop. 
  -Changed the settings for an OEM customer to workaround a timing
   issue on Resume from Standby for a specific set of platforms. 

Version  8.2.13 01/20/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed the Tips dialog for an OEM customer platform. 
  -Disabled virtual scrolling for an OEM customer platform. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for a customer for both Windows XP and x64. 
  -Updated the copyright information to the year 2006. 
  -Increased the button size of the "Run App" dialog for Korean only so the
   Korean text will now fit without getting cut off. 

Version  8.2.12 01/13/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added an option for the scrolling flag to improve the scrolling behavior
   of the Virtual Scrolling Practice application. 
  -Added a new PnPID for a customer plaform, with customized horizontal
   scroll zone size. 
  -Added new PnPIDs multiple for customer platforms. 

Version  8.2.11 01/05/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a problem where the Enhancement App cannot be ended properly when
   logging off of a new user the very first time. This happens only on Windows
   2000 with the Intel Video Graphics Driver. 
  -Fixed an issue where the context sensitive help popup window would get
   cleared if you attempted to do vertical or horizontal scrolling while
   the cursor is over the it. 
  -Added defualts for the illumination power setting for an OEM to Battery=Low
   and External=High. 
  -Made a change for DualMode TP to NOT to write the volume control registry
   settings into the user area since those are not user configurable. 
  -Adjusted the volume control zone position settings for DualMode TP. 
  -Updated all the copyright notices to 2006. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a new PnP ID and set the default extended button actions for
   an OEM platform. 

Version  8.2.10 01/02/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the features for an OEM customer for a specific PnP ID. 
  -Added a new PNP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Extend the Dual Mode volume control area to the left. 

Version  8.2.9 12/16/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Corrected a font format problem for the German help topic text.  
  -Fixed a problem where the device was not getting unacquired as early as
   possible for some plugin actions resulting in the mouse cursor appearing
   to be hung. This could happen for some plugin actions assigned to a button
   while the button is held down and also for tap zone actions that might
   cause a message box or dialog to pop-up. We will now unacquire the device
   as early as possible for these plugin actions so the device cannot be
   accidentally left in an acquired state. 
  -Added a DualModeQueryState function to the Enhancement App so we can use
   a test program to find out the current Dual Mode state (Cursor Mode or
   Button Mode). 
  -Added Styk only settings to remove MoodPad from the Accessories menu
   and also settings to replace "Tap to Click" with "Press to Select"
   in the tray icon menu for an OEM customers INF settings for a Styk
   only platform. 
  -Added a new PNP ID to the INF settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Corrected "Annullér" to "Annuller" for the Danish help topic text. 

Version  8.2.8 12/09/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the Rotation feature didn't work well only on
   Windows 2000 systems with the newer Intel graphics driver installed. 
  -Fixed a cursor image display issue when switching stick scrolling types
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Changed the default value of ShowTips to be disabled and udpated the
   INF setting for all OEMs. 
  -Fixed a problem when changing the plugin action in the middle of an
   action causing the plugin to stop without stopping the action event first. 
  -Moved an OEM customers ini settings into their INF file. 
  -Removed the "ShowWarningMessage" setting from OEM INF file so they will no
   longer get a bogus warning message. 

Version  8.2.7 12/02/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug for an OEM in the Stick Scrolling feature specific to that OEM. 
  -Fixed the patent notices information for Swedish and corrected a minor
   patent notice issue where a US notice was marked as EU and two notices
   were incorrectly labled as Korean. 
  -Fixed a bug where the checkbox to "Swap the left and right buttons on the
   external USB mouse" cannot be cancelled for a custom OEM control panel. 
  -Removed the settings for "Disable the Internal TouchPad when an external
   USB mouse is plugged in" and "Disable coasting for Vertical Scrolling" from
   an OEM INF file. Moved the default settings for non-Dual Mode platforms to
   be applied for ALL platforms for the same OEM INF file. 
  -Fixed a problem where the illumination light is out of sync with the Dual
   Mode mode. 
  -Fixed a bug where the "Always in Button Mode..." checkbox is automatically
   checked when saving other settings for Dual Mode. 
  -Added new PNP Ids for three new OEM platforms. 
  -Fixed an issue where the Snap to default setting was getting canceled when
   logging out and logging back in as the same user. 
  -Added help ids for Swap external buttons and Double click speed for an
   OEM custom control panel. 
  -Added setting in an OEM INF file to update height of a border box and a
   string for Italian so it is no longer cut off in their custom control panel. 

Version  8.2.6 11/23/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new PNP ID for an OEM. 
  -Fixed a bug that the Dual Mode TouchPad's illumination LED is turned off
   after S3/S4 but the mode is still in button mode which causes the feature
   out of sync. 
  -Fixed a bug that a non-current user's plugin action can be triggered by
   the current user. 
  -Created ini file for OEM to use to update height of a border box and a
   string for Italian so it is no longer cut off in their custom control panel. 

Version  8.2.5 11/18/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added missing blank line at end of HelpTopic 133 for all of the Help file
   and added a missing blank line at the end of HelpTopic 119 for the Spanish
   and Chinese(Hong Kong) Help files. 
  -Fixed a cursor icon problem when switch scrolling type for the Stick. 
  -Modified the Japanese help file regarding OEM features for Dual Mode. 
  -Changed the Dual Mode default setting to "disabled" and then modified the
   the appropriate OEM INF files to set the setting to "enabled". 
  -Changed the Double Click Icon for an OEM custom UI so it doesn't use SS_NOTIFY
   since this icon doesn't need to respond to mouse clicks. Also, modified
   icon control to use ON_CONTROL_REFLECT in place of ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to
   prevent the parent from processing the message. 
  -Added code to enable or disable the Default or Apply buttons on a tab or dialog
   to prevent the hot-keys from still working if the button is not visible. 
  -Fixed a bug that happened after installing the driver - a warning message
   about another driver being installed on the device would show up only the first
   time after installing and logging off. This bug happens when the ShowDriverWarning
   flag is set to a non-zero value in the INF. This was only being used by one OEM. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Help ID was wrongly assigned to Dual Mode buttons in a
   certain model. 
  -Add new PnP ID for one OEM Dual Mode platform. 
  -Increased height for Japanese for a string so it will no longer get truncated in a
   custom OEM custom UI. 
  -Fixed cut-off chars in Spanish for new translated strings in an OEM custom UI. 
  -Add new OEM PnP ID. 
  -Fixed some string sizes for French, Japanese, Brazillian and Spanisn so the strings
   won't be truncated in an OEM custom UI. 
  -Fixed two HelpTopics to have the correct ## preceding it for Japanese so they will
   be displayed correctly. 
  -Changed to use "(c)" for Chinese since the copyright character wasn't being 
   displayed correctly. 
  -Added in blank line that was missing at the end of some help topics. 
  -Added "EdgeMotion" to "Bewegung im Kantenbereich" in the control panel to match
   the same string in the Help file for German. 
  -Changed "Cancel" from "Annullér" to "Annuller" for Danish. 
  -Changed Langsom to Langsomt for the help on the EdgeMotion Speed slider for Danish.
  -Changed Maximum to Maximieren, Minimum to Minimieren and Feste BerUhrung
   to Starker Druck in the German Help file to match the strings being used in the
   slider controls on the control panel. 
  -Increased the size of the "Go to Device Setting" button on the Tips dialog to fit
   the Italian and Russian translation for the string. 
  -Updated the tab name string for an OEM custom UI to have EdgeMotion and then the
   German description in parenthesis. 
  -Changed the default top-right corner tap zone size for OEM INF file setting. 

Version  8.2.4 11/10/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed OEM PnPID settings. 
  -Fixed a bug that assigning left button to a "print"action locks the

Version  8.2.3 11/09/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Check-in two translated resource strings for all languages. 
  -Changed to use HSIDC_NOTRAYICON from SynTPCpl.rc 
  -Fixed a bug that Dual Mode mode does not update when external USB mouse
   plug and unplug. 
  -Fixed an Dual Mode bug on resume from stanby the TouchPad cannot move the
   cursor if it previously was in Button Mode. 

Version  8.2.2 11/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed HelpId for Dbl click slider to 0 since no help string currently
  -Korean translation fix for Left - Primary Click and Right - Secondary
  -Change product name "DualMode" to "Dual Mode" 
  -Fixed a plugin action launching custom app does not work when Control
   Panel is not running on the setting page of the action. 
  -Added translations for new resource strings. 
  -Fixed a bug that control panel setting dialog crashing when changing
   language settings. 
  -Updated "Help topic undefined" and other strings to have a blank line
   after the help topic to match all other previous help topics. 
  -Disable InstallShield message box during silent install. 
  -Updated copyright date. 

Version  8.2.1 10/28/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug in the context sensitive help pop-ups so that they now filter
   out an extra blank line and CR/LF at end of last line so that the context
   sensitive help doesn't have a bunch of white space after the end of the
   last line of text. 
  -Fixed a bug for DualMode where we needed to turn off Button Mode when the
   device is deleted. 
  -Fixed a bug where DualMode mode was not being correctly setup when going in
   and out the Control Panel settings dialog. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where SnapToDefault would not revert back
   to the original setting on Cancel. 
  -Removed an older OEM control panel configuration that is no longer
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where the stick scrolling speed was not
   being correctly written/read.
  -Changed the settings for an OEM control panel to re-align German text and
   resize the text so the strings in the Slow Motion and Constrain Motion combo
   boxes will no longer be cut off. 
  -Fixed the DualMode print function by changing the changing the acquire
   functionality to suppress the cursor for everything, not just for the motion.
   This way the kernel will not report a tap (left button click) while the device
   is suppressed. 
  -Added new ini files for an OEM that will enable the DisableIntPDIfExtPNPPresent
   feature - one ini file to set it to default of On, and one to set it to default
   of Off. 
  -Added New PNP IDs and custom settings to the INF file for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.2.0 10/21/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  -Added DualMode functionality.
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an issue where it was not possible reselect "Select off when typing"
   on Stick tab, once it had been unselected.
  -Updated OEM PnP INF file. 
  -Create a new OEM inf for DualMode platforms. 
  -Updated OEM inf file to use new resource IDs for new PNGs for single 
   pointing Devices tab. 
  -Updated for French langauge so it doesn't wrap over Default button.

Version  8.1.14 10/14/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed order of X and Y DPM to be correct for USB devices.  

Version  8.1.13 10/07/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where the auto disable was not working correctly before 
   the Windows logon screen. 
  -Removed the hotkey from the USB monitoring feature as requested by an
   OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the context sensitive help for an OEM control panel
   item was not being displayed correctly. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file with a new PnP ID that will disable scrolling by
  -Update an OEMs INF file settings so one PnP ID has an adjusted scrolling
   region, and another PnP turns the default feature off and the monitoring
   of external PnP devices to off. 
  -Added support for PnP IDs for OEM customers. 

Version  8.1.12 09/30/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the control panel text referring to an external USB device to be
   consistent with other references to USB devices. 
  -Added a hotkey for the Disable the internal device when a USB device is
   present feature. 
  -Added new PnP ID support for OEM customers. 
  -Fixed a bug that was causing some old folders/files to be left around
   when un-installing after upgrading an older driver to a newer driver.

Version  8.1.11 09/24/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed get byte polled to continue to wait rather than fail on the first
   attempt if the data has not yet been put into the buffer by the DPC. 

Version  8.1.10 09/22/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed to only set/clear kbd/aux interrupt bits and no longer read the
   command byte before disabling the kbc/aux interrupts when the keyboard
   controller is disabled and no longer read back the result of the
   write to enable the kbc/aux interrupts. This prevents us from generating
   unwanted kbd interrupts. This will fix the TP not detected on boot/reset
   for dual-processor systems and it also fixes an issue where the KBC may
   not be detected correctly on boot on some systems.
  -Changed the default setting for the Pnp Monitoring feature to off for
   an OEM customer.
  -Fixed a problem in recalibration where it could hang due to a mutex. 
  -Added support to use hotkeys to disable/enable both the passthrough and
   master devices independently.
  -Added new control values so that master and slave devices can be
   enabled/disabled by hotkeys independently.
  -Created an OEM customer INF file for supporting platforms with XP x64 Edition.
  -Added the feature to allow Control Panel to display a custom image on the
   top of the device settings dialog. 

Version  8.1.9 09/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a hang issue for DualMode TP when Media Player window is minimizing. 
  -Fixed up OEM inf file so that the buttons page will always display if
   there is any PS/2 device detected. 

Version  8.1.8 09/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an OEM customer issue with the TouchPad button enable/disable state
   when the PnP Disable feature was enabled. 
  -Fixed an LED on-off setting issue for LuxPad. 
  -Changed the default for the auto disable feature to be off for an OEM
  -Changed the COM API init error message to be clearer.

Version  8.1.7 09/01/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a  bug in processing of chorded buttons where a single packet from
   a mouse device was not getting through. This resulted in a PS/2 mouse left
   button not being detected until the mouse was moved. 
  -Added support to display special information in the device settings page
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Added new controls in to OEM inf file to support new features. 
  -Added support to the control panel to have a control that can monitor the
   active state of the disable internal device if and external PnP device is
   present feature. 
  -Fixed an issue where the device-independent features where not properly
   showing up in the control panel. 
  -Fixed some overlapping controls in an OEM UI. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file to update their customer UI with the
   DisableIntPDIfExtPdPresent feature/UI support. 
  -Add a proper error message for COM API init error. This is to
   differentiate the message about version error. 

Version  8.1.6 08/25/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a fix into the SynCOM API object to try and and regain its
   connection to the Enh App in the Initialize function if it was not
   properly able to do so when the COM API object was created. 
  -Add middle button support into OEM control panel.
  -Added a new Palm Rejection capability to reject taps/strokes for the Toggle
   on/off plugin.
  -Added the settngs to disabled scrolling in the INF file for an OEM customer. 
  -Added support for new PnP IDs in the x64 INF file for OEM customers. 

Version  8.1.5 08/18/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a key to remove the Pointer Refresh Rate settings from the control
   panel for an OEM. 
  -Added a change to not read the default configuration when the system is
   shutting down. Only do it during a log off. This is to avoid a problem of 
   resetting the display rotation in Windows 2000 for Intel Graphics chipsets
   where the Intel driver will not reliably respond when the system is 
   shutting down. 
  -Updated the registry settings for PnP IDs for OEM customers. 
  -Fixed the disable internal device when a USB Mouse is attached feature. 
   The red X in the tray menu will now properly update if the popup balloon
   is active. 
  -Fixed the alignment of brightness text for LuxPad. 
  -Added correct Simplified Chinese strings for LuxPad brightness settings. 

Version  8.1.4 08/11/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the configuration of the USB PnP Monitoring feature in the control 
  -Fixed a problem where the arrow keys would not properly cycle through the
   tray icon display options on the 'Device Settings' page. 
  -Added support to handle LEDS reverse direction when scrolling reverses and
   to stop LEDs when scrolling stops. 
  -Removed extra spaces out of the Traditional Chinese help file. 
  -Fixed a bug where the disable TouchPad with a hotkey feature was broken. 

Version  8.1.3 08/05/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added PNPId for ODM customer for 64-XP. 
  -Expose Pid for USB devices from kernel so enhanced app can get USB Pid. 
  -Expose the PID and the NumberOfLEDs information so it can be accessed
   through COM. 
  -Release the cursor before calling RunApp in the plugin event handling
   routine so the app can acquire the device.
  -Updated the Chinese help files to translate the word 'web' into the proper
   Chinese translation. 
  -Fixed an issue where the SynTPEnh.exe icon was at a lower resolution than
   the other Synaptics application icons.  Now it is using the proper 32x32
  -Unified device arbitration to a single device related function. 

Version  8.1.2 07/28/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated all the InstallShield strings with the new UltraNav branding. 
  -Plugin actions now respect device acquisition. 
  -Create 64-bit driver INF for OEM. 
  -Added new PnP for OEM. 

Version  8.1.1 07/20/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed the Synaptics tray menu icon so that the image looks more clear. 
  -Added Pid for new USB device. 
  -Modified normal scrolling to respect device acquisition. 
  -Revised OEM scrolling subsystem to respect device acquisition. 
  -Added a new warning message string for when the user attempts to
   reinstall the driver after it had just been uninstalled, but had not
   performed the required reboot. NOTE: This message is current only in 
  -Fixed a bug where setting the tray icon does not work properly when 
   balloon popup is displayed. 
  -Fixed the crash in the Enhancement App when using a tap zone for scrolling

Version  8.1.0 07/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  - Updated all the images and icons of the Synaptics logo into the new 
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the InstallShield text with new strings for the UltraNav driver
  -Clicked button events are now sent via OS event instead of forced feed 
  -Cursor suppression is now associated only with a particular device, not
   with all devices as a set. 
  -The chiral backend now respects device acquisition. 
  -Fixed a problem where the arrow keys could not be used to select through
   devices on the Device Settings page.  Also fixed an issue where using the
   mouse to click a specific device would unselect the device in the Device
   Settings page. 
  -Fixed a problem where the control panel could still detect a USB device
   right after it got notification of its removal.  This would cause the
   device to get listed in the control panel even when the device was not
  -Disable vertical and horizontal scrolling features for OEM. 
  -Fixed Spanish translation of "right-handed". From "Diestro" to "Derecho".
  -Fixed a bug that the device status does not monitor on disable/enable by
  -Re-worked enhancement app red-x tray icon functionality and fixed a bug
   so that teh red-x can show up properly when external USB mouse is present. 

Version  8.0.16 07/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Adding Russian as a supported language for InstallShield. 
  -Fixed a problem where some of the text in the InstallShield installation
   wasn't all in Russian.  This was fixed for WinWDM, WinNT4, and Win2K/XP.
  -Updated the branding, bitmaps and other related images for the UltraNav
   driver to the new manufacturer. 
  -Forced a new line in the InstallShield title for Russian so that all the
   text fits on the screen. 
  -Updated Chiral Scrolling to respect the cursor suppression return value.
   If it cannot be suppressed, do not activate scrolling. 
  -Added a new PnP for OEM. 
  -Fixed a bug when resume from standby without Windows Logon will not load
   user settings properly. This fix also applies to the issue of pluging in 
   an USB TouchPad does not load the user setting for the device properly. 
   This fix effects all OS's.

Version  8.0.15 06/30/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added PnP Id's to 64 inf file for OEM. 
  -Fixed the text description of the button swap control to explicity
   mention it only works on the external USB devices.
  -Removed some extra spaces in the French and French Canadian help files. 
  -Fixed a bug in device acquiring exclusively. 
  -Instead of dropping the packet when device is acquired exclusively,
   change to adding to the queue and advance the index.
  -Add DualMOde TouchPad application to standard build.

Version  8.0.14 06/24/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a problem where the radio buttons on the 'Devices' tab were not
   working as expected (by using the arrow keys) in the single pointing
   custom UI. 
  -Added new flag SF_AcquireExclusive to the SynDevice Acquire method to
   allow blocking data feed to other apps. 
  -Updated the UltraNav scrolling table to add support for Powerpoint, and
   the Opera web browser. 
  -Fixed a problem where the Synaptics bitmap was truncated in the Korean
   popup tips dialog. 
  -Fixed a bug that the left button click on a Synaptics Styk reported 
   both middle and right button data to OS. 
  -Fixed a problem where the current users settings would be set to the 
   defaults after a suspend/resume action.  This issue only happens on 
   Win2K and older. 
  -Assigned extended button settings for an existing OEM platform. 

Version  8.0.13 06/17/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Add the text 'Evaluation Copy' to the Mouse Properties window title for
   drivers that have not been certified. 
  -Added additional support information in the key for the Synaptics
   Add/Remove programs entry. 
  -For the Add/Remove program section for the Synaptics driver, the
   Change/Remove button has been changed to just Remove. 
  -Added new PnP ID for OEM. 
  -Fixed a problem where the button swap state of the Synaptics controlled
   devices was matching that of the external devices on Win98/ME systems. 
  -Fixed an issue with scrolling not working on non-trusted pages in
   Netscape 8.0. 
  -Fixed an issue where the device bitmap on the buttons page wouldn't
   change when the different devices were selected in the device dropdown
  -Updated all the .inf files so that the registry key that identifies the
   vendor the inf is installed for is installed in the correct location. 
   This change will allow the Synaptics folder to get properly deleted in
   the registry during uninstall. 
  -Added 4 new PnP ID for OEM.

Version  8.0.12 06/09/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -clean up some help files to use the same font name and size.
  -Added code to set/get Led Illumination settings. 
  -Localize the EdgeMotion word in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
  -Fixed an API initialization error when hot-plugged in an external PS/2
   device on a dual pointing device system running in non-Mux KBC mode. 
  -Added a balloon popup style notification message for when the internal
   device has been disabled because an external device has arrived. 
  -The messages that explains that the advanced features of the TouchPad
   have been disabled because of an external device will now be displayed in
   a popup ballon, and not with a popup dialog. 
  -Added improved translation of the help topic for the Palmcheck feature in
  -Added some PnP support for x64 system for OEM. 

Version  8.0.11 06/02/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the English help file so that it use the same font size, and 
   removed some redundant spaces.
  -Updated OEM inf files so that the 64-bit and 32-bit PnP are the same. 
  -Added new OEM INF file. 
  -Fixed a blue-screen on start-up when KBCDisableConfig is set to allow
   keystroke to disable/enable the TouchPad. 
  -Added support for displaying popup balloon messages in the tray
   notification area. 

Version  8.0.10 05/26/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added support for OEM LED Control tab for Circular Led illumination
   control checkboxes, and added support for AV illumination control radio
  -Updated the kernel build files so that they use the newest DDK (Win2003
  -Adding the 64-bit inf file for OEM. 
  -Fixed a control panel width issue for OEM on Korean XP. 
  -Added a new PnP IDs for OEMs. 
  -Enabled the both button feature for a OEM's PnP ID. 

Version  8.0.9 05/20/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Added Include=usb.inf and CopyFiles=USB.CopyFiles.NT to an OEM's inf.
  -Fixed an issue where the control panel registry settings would not get
   refreshed on upgrade installs.  Now on an upgrade, the previous control
   panel settings are deleted before the new ones are installed. 
  -Added support for the Intel EM64T processor type to setup international so
   it will install from a CD. 
  -Changed the scrolling popup dialog for the OEM control panel page to have
   a 'Close' button instead of OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons. 
  -Fixed a problem where the enabled/disable vertical and horizontal scroll
   settings weren't getting changed properly if the user hit the Apply
   button on the Gestures tab.  This problem only happens with OEM custom
   control panel. 
  -Fixed a problem where upgrading a driver pre v8.0.1 to v8.0.2-v8.0.7
   would generate and warning during install where the language version of
   the tutorial application don't match. 
  -Fixed a bug where multiple copies of the TouchPad in compatibility mode
   warning dialogs were showing up when plug/unplug an external PS/2 mouse
   multiple times. 
  -Added plugin settings for using the both button action to toggle TP 
   on/off for OEM.
  -Fixed a problem where some kernel functions were being called at the 
   wrong IRQL level.  This causes driver verifier to crash the system. 
  -Added a new 64-bit inf files for various OEM.
  -Added Button 4 and Button 5 click actions to OEM UI for Left/Right button,
   and tap zones action lists. 
  -Fixed the release version of the x64 kernel driver so that it doesn't
   include any debug information.

Version  8.0.8 05/12/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a transparent Passthrough escape sequence problem.
  -Added registry settings for AV plugins for OEM. 
  -Updated the COM API help with information about the
   'SP_DisablePDIfExtPresent' value, and also repaired the SP_DisableState
   keyword entry. 
  -Added DetectForceCompatibilityMode=1 and DetectWheelMouse=0 to customer's
   INF file to detect standard mouse on external PS/2 mouse arrival. 
  -Fixed a bug where a hot-plugin external PS/2 mouse doesn't work if the KBC
   type set to unknown in registry. 
  -Added a feature to the popup dialog window in the control panel to have
   an optional close button, instead of OK, Cancel, Apply buttons. 
  -Removed two spaces before [OK] in the Japanese help. 

Version  8.0.7 05/05/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Change the text 'previous media' to 'previous track', and 'next media' to
   'next track'.  Also decapitalized all the words for the plugin name
  -Added more USB device IDs to exclusion list. 
  -Added a registry key "Detect5ButtonWheelMouse" that turns off the 5-button
   wheelmouse detection. 

Version  8.0.6 05/02/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed the font in the Japanese Help file so that it is compatible with
   systems that have a reduced font set.
  -Fixed a bug that showing warning messages for internal disable or
   relative mode when an external PS2 mouse is attached. 
  -Check/fix the possibility that we might get multiple notification
   dialogs when an external PS2 mouse is attached.
  -Updated height of pages for Japanese control panel for OEM. This fixes an
   issue where the logo and "Default" buttons were cut off. 
  -Localized some of the text in the Korean patent notices help section. 
  -Adding USB "HID\VID_05E3&PID_FFE2&MI_00" to the USB PnP exclusion list. 
  -Added check for EM64T processor so that it now works with both Intel and
   AMD 64-bit enabled CPU's.
  -Fixed the browse forward/backward slider gesture so that it can go 
   through multiple web pages, and switch directions in one slide.
  -Added support for OEM UI feature for plugin actions that activate 
   multimedia fns. like Play, Stop, etc. 
  -Fixed a few problems for MultiKey38802 KBC. 1. Preventing polling thread
   to detect device immediately after the system resume from suspend. 2.
   Make canceling the polling thread more reliable so there won't be a 
   polling thread running when it shouldn't. 
  -Added the ShowResetButton setting to OEMs ini file for the round TP

Version  8.0.5 04/21/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Removed the hidden text 'tap_zones' from all the help files. 
  -Removed the English 'tap_zones' text from all the Chinese help files 
   where it was actually being displayed.
  -Fixed a bug that certain KBC cannot support detecting a hot-plug of
   external PS/2 mouse. Also, fixed a detection dead lock bug and allow a
   full cycle detection when the detect request is coming from the API. 
  -Shortened the text of the driver installation text title for the French
   installation so that it fits on the screen for really low resolutions
  -Localized all the text for the patent notices for the Japanese help file.
  -Fixed the simplified chinese help file to now just use one font type. 
  -Unified the entire font set for the Japanese help file. 
  -Fixed an issue where the control panel would crash if the user attempted
   to scroll the popup dialog control panel page. 
  -Fixed an issue where closing the control panel by using the cancel button
   could take up to 9 seconds depending on how many tabs have been selected.
  -Fixed a problem where the practice button wouldn't work for an OEM custom
   control panel. 
  -Fixed an issue where the radio button navigation with the arrow keys was
   reversed for some of the controls on the 'Devices' tab for an OEM custom
   control panel. 

Version  8.0.4 04/14/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the Edge motion speed bitmaps to align with the text of control
   speed with finger pressure. 
  -Fixed an issue where the cursor did not move until after user has logged 
   in. This issue only happened on TouchPads, with GlassPass, and with 
   pass-through abilities, with no pass-through device present. 
  -Added new PnP ID for customer. 
  -Added a registry key that can disable the scroll cursor for all
  -Remove legacy PnP ID fro OEM 
  -Fixed a problem whereby serial devices stopped working when switching
   between XP users. 
  -Fixed a problem where the device list in the control panel is not updated
   when a device is removed.
  -Fixed Traditional and Hong Chinese patent strings in the control panel. 

Version  8.0.3 04/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed button swap problem for suspend/resume, fast user switching and
   logout/shutdown. Consolidate all features into one location in the
   Enh App.
  -Added new PnP IDs into the exclusion list 
  -After pushing the "Reset Devices" button in the Cpl, the cursor didn't 
   move if the Touchpad had the glass-pass feature, and also had passthru 
   ability with no guest attached. 
  -Added support for help button functionality for the registry controlled
  -Add support to Cpl Icon control to support displaying an icon of any

Version  8.0.2 04/01/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Merged AutoDisable registry keys into a single key.  All inf files were
   updated to use the new key.
  -Fixed a string that had double click instead of double clic in French
  -Fixed a minor bug to set correct default value for button swap state. 
  -Added code to cause us to update the display rotation on init, login, and
   fast user switch since we are no longer calling PersistState() when we
   change display rotation. 
  -Fulfill a platform setting change request for customer. 
  -Repaired Russian translations
  -Added new PnP ID for customer. 

Version  8.0.1 03/25/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Known Defect
  -The auto rotation feature will not work.
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed problem with the kernel driver not loading on Windows 98 first
   edition due to a OS service not being available in Windows 98. 
  -Translated and corrected some Russian words 
  -Fixed DisableIntPDIfExtPnpPDPresent registry key location. 
  -Removed PersistState call in HandleDisplayRotation since this was
   being applied before we had gotten the login msg for Fast User Switching
   causing the previouse users settings to be applied before we could
   RestoreState for user2. 
  -PNGs now display. 
  -Correct Russian translation errors.
  -Add ODM specific platforms and settings. 
  -Remove compatible IDs for OEM
  -Decreased default PTS sensitivity to the point where my personal actual
   and spurious error rates are approximately equal. Also decreased the
   acceptable tap wander area to reflect improved ambiguous motion discard. 

Version  8.0.0 03/18/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  -Windows 64-bit driver.
  -New and improved scrolling algorithms.
  -Improved TouchStyk pointing and press-to-select algorithms.
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed up the SynTPFcs.dll so that it now will be backwards compatible
   with older products, like CCR.
  -The notify system when user present feature now works for all pointing 
   devices, not just the TouchPad. 
  -Updated the detection of the new ASIC chip types. 
  -Updated copyright properties information in all files to 2005.
  -Fixed some Canadian French, and French translations in the control panel.
  -Create new OEM inf and remove legacy PnP IDs. 

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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