STA_iwpriv_ATE_usage.txt Driver File Contents (

ATE Test Command Format for station driver

****** IMPORTANT ******
If you are not familiar with hardware, it is recommanded not to modify hardware default value.
It may damage hardware.

	iwpriv rausb0 [act] [parameters]=[val]


[act]	[parameters] 	[val] constraints		explaination
-----	------------- 	-----------------    	--------------------------------
set		ATEDA		    xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx   	set ATE frame header addr1

		ATESA		    xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx		set ATE frame header addr2

		ATEBSSID	    xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx		set ATE frame header addr3

		ATETXPOW	    0 ~ 31			   		set ATE Tx power
		ATECHANNEL	    1 ~ 14			   		set ATE Channel

		ATETXFREQOFFSET	1 ~ 14    				set ATE RF frequency offset

		ATETXLEN	    24 ~ 1500			   	set ATE frame length

		ATETXCNT	    1 ~				   		set ATE frame Tx count

		ATETXRATE	    0 ~ 11			   		set ATE frame Tx rate (rate_1 ~ rate_54)

		------- set ATE actions ------- 
		ATE		    	STASTOP			   		stop STA & ATE function
		ATE          	STASTART           		start STA function
		ATE           	TXCONT			   		start STA continuous TX
		ATE           	TXCARR			   		start STA carrier test
		ATE          	TXFRAME			   		transmit frame
		ATE         	RXFRAME			   		continuous RX
		ResetCounter	0				   		reset statistic counter

		bbp				0 ~	xx				   	read/write BBP register

		mac				0 ~	xxxxxxxx			read/write MAC register

		e2p				0 ~ xxxx				read/write E2PROM

For example:
1. Check EVM & Power
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP				; Stop STA working
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATEDA=00:11:22:33:44:55
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATESA=00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATEBSSID=00:11:22:33:44:55
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXRATE=11				; Set Tx Rate 0~11
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATECHANNEL=1				; Set Ate channel
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXLEN=1024				; Tx frame length(no include 802.11 header)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXPOW=18				; Tx power(decmial)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXCNT=100000			; Tx frame count(decmial, this value must
												; larger than meausurement period)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXFRAME				; Start Tx Frame
	...											; Measure EVM and Power with instrument
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXPOW=19				; dynamic adjust Tx Power in decmial
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXPOW=20
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP				; Stop

2. Check Carrier
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXRATE=11				; Set Tx Rate 0~11
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXCNT=50				; Tx frame count(decmial)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXFRAME				; Start Tx Frame(inform BBP to change 												; modulation mode)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXCARR				; Start Tx carrier
	...											; Measure carrier with instrument
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP

3. Check specturm mask
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXRATE=11				; Set Tx Rate 0~11
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXCNT=50				; Tx frame count(decmial)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXCONT				; Start continuous TX
	...                          				; Measure specturm mask with instrument
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP

4. Frequency offset tuning
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXRATE=11				; Set Tx Rate 0~11
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXCNT=50				; Tx frame count(decmial)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXFRAME				; Start Tx Frame
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXFREQOFFSET=0			; Set frequency offset 0(decimal)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=TXCARR				; Start Tx carrier
	...											; Measure carrier frequency with instrument
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXFREQOFFSET=10		; Dynamic turning frequency offset 													; 10(decimal)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXFREQOFFSET=20		; Dynamic turning frequency offset 													; 20(decimal)
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP				; Stop
												; Store the tuning result to EEPROM

5. Rx
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP
	iwpriv rausb0 set ResetCounter=0			; Reset statistic counter
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATETXRATE=11				; Set Tx Rate 0~11
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=RXFRAME				; Start Rx
	...											; Transmit test packets
	iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP				; Stop
	iwpriv rausb0 stat

6. Hardware access
	iwpriv rausb0 bbp 0							; read BBP register 0
	iwpriv rausb0 bbp 0=12						; write BBP register 0 as 0x12
	iwpriv rausb0 mac 0							; read MAC register 0
	iwpriv rausb0 mac 0=1234abcd				; write MAC register 0 as 0x1234abcd
	iwpriv rausb0 e2p 0							; read E2PROM 0
	iwpriv rausb0 e2p c=12ab					; write E2PROM 0xc as 0x12ab

7. ASIC model check status
	iwpriv rausb0 chk_asic_ver
	{status = 0}							; The result mismatched between EEPROM and ASIC hard code.
	{status = 1}							; The result matched between EEPROM and ASIC hard code.

	1. To turn on ATE functionality, you have to add compile flag "DBG" and "RALINK_ATE" to Makefile
	2. Before doing ATE testing, please stop STA function (iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP)
	3. If you want to test another ATE action, prefer to stop STA & ATE function (iwpriv rausb0 set ATE=STASTOP)
	4. All ATE function settings will lose efficacy after reboot.
	5. Before hardware register access, please reference hardware spec.

	1. In ATE mode, the channel must set via "ATECHANNEL"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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