ifcoepr.inf Driver File Contents (prowinx64.exe)

;**                                                                           **
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;* $Id$
;* $Source$

; IFCoEProt.INF -- Intel(R) FCoE Protocol Driver

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = NetTrans
ClassGUID   = {4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %Intel%
CatalogFile = ifcoepr.cat

%Intel%     = Intel, NTAMD64.6.0, NTAMD64.6.2


;Install on 2008/R2.

%IFCoEProt_Desc%=Install_2k8x64, IFCoEProt

; Block on 2012.


; Installation Section

Characteristics=0x20 ;NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE 

1 = %DiskId1%,,,

ifp60x64.sys = 1,,

DefaultDestDir    = 12    ; DIRID_DRIVERS

; Ndi installation support
HKR,    Ndi,                Service,,       "IFCoEProt"
HKR,    Ndi,                HelpText,,      %IFCoEProt_Desc%
HKR,    Ndi\Interfaces,     "UpperRange",,  noupper
HKR,    "Ndi\Interfaces",   "LowerRange",,  IFCoE
;HKR,   "Ndi\Interfaces",   "LowerRange",,  "ndis5,ndis6"
HKR,    Ndi,                ClsID,,         {9C38842E-F63A-426b-A707-40DC9EEEA178}
HKR,    Ndi,                ComponentDll,,  "FCNTObj.dll"

; Service installation support
AddService=IFCoEProt,,Install_2k8x64.Service, Install_2k8x64.EventLog

; Event Log settings

HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000,  %EventLogMessageDllPathA%
HKR,, TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000,  %EventLogMessageDllPathA%
HKR,, TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

;SERVICE_BOOT_START         (0x0)
;SERVICE_AUTO_START         (0x2) 

;LoadOrderGroup = NDIS ; Comes from VB instead
StartType       = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 
ErrorControl    = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceType     = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
ServiceBinary   = %12%\ifp60X64.sys
Description     = %IFCoEProt_Desc%
DisplayName     = %IFCoEProt_DisplayName%

Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ifP60X64.sys" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0407] ; German (Germany)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.040C] ; French (France)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"

[Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional)
Intel			         = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPathA   = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\FCoEMsg.dll" ;for x64
DiskId1			         = "Intel(R) FCoE Installation Disk"
IFCoEProt_Desc		     = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
IFCoEProt_DisplayName	 = "Intel(R) Ethernet FCoE Protocol Driver"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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