ansmw60.inf Driver File Contents (PROWin32.exe)

;; Copyright 1999-2015 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.
;; The source code contained or described herein and all documents related
;; to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its
;; suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel
;; Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade
;; secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its
;; suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide
;; copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the
;; Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded,
;; posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's
;; prior express written permission.
;; No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other
;; intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by
;; disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by
;; implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such
;; intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in
;; writing.

Signature               = "$Windows NT$"
Provider                = %V_Intel%
DriverVer               = 08/24/2015,
Class                   = Net
ClassGUID               = {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
CatalogFile             =

; Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter

%V_Intel%               = Intel, NTx86.6.0

ExcludeFromSelect =  *


%iANSMiniport.Desc%     = iANSMP.ndi.NTx86.6.0,     iANSMiniport

; [Intel.NTx86.6.0]
AddReg                  = iANSMP.ndi.AddReg.w60
CopyFiles               = iANSMP.ndi.CopyFiles.w60
*IfType         = 6		; IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD
*MediaType      = 0		; NdisMedium802_3
*PhysicalMediaType = 0		;NdisPhysicalMediumUnspecified

AddService              = iANSMiniport,   %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, iANSMP.AddService.w60, NetEventLog.w60

AddReg                  = CoInstaller_AddReg.w60
CopyFiles               = CoInstaller_CopyFiles.w60


; [Event Log] sections.
AddReg = NetEventLog.AddReg.w60

HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000, %CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60%

DisplayName             = %iANSMiniport.Desc%
ServiceType             = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType               = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ServiceBinary           = %12%\iansw60.sys
LoadOrderGroup          = NDIS
ErrorControl            = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
;StartName               = ; No name
AddReg                  = iANSMP.AddService.AddReg.w60

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Add any miniport-specific parameters here.  These are params that your
; miniport driver is going to use.  

HKR,Ndi,				Service,    , "iANSMiniport"
HKR,Ndi,				HelpText,   , %iANSMiniport.Help%

HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,                   "UpperRange", %FLG_NOCLOBBER%, "ndis5"
HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,                   "LowerRange", %FLG_NOCLOBBER%, "ethernet"

; CoInstaller section
; This section installs the CoInstaller files, and sets the registry for Intermediate driver
NicCo36.dll,,,           0x00000010 ;don't overwrite

HKR,, CoInstallers32,   0x00010000, "NicCo36.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry"
HKR,, NicCoPlugins,     0x00010000, "NCS2DMIX.dll,NCS2DMIXEntry,1"

DefaultDestDir          = 11
iANSMP.ndi.CopyFiles.w60    = 12
CoInstaller_CopyFiles.w60   = 11

1 = %DISKNAME%,,,

iansw60.sys = 1 
iansmsg.dll = 1
NicCo36.dll = 1

CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iansw2k.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ianswxp.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iansw32e.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iansw64.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iansw60.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iansw60e.sys"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ians6064.sys"
iANSMiniport.Help           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter is used for advanced features like teaming and virtual LAN"
DISKNAME                    = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services CD-ROM or floppy disk"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="Ó¢Ìضû(R) ¸ß¼¶ÍøÂç·þÎñÐéÄâÊÊÅäÆ÷ÓÃÓÚ·Ö×éºÍÐéÄâ¾ÖÓòÍøÖ®ÀàµÄ¸ß¼¶¹¦ÄÜ¡£"
DISKNAME                    ="Ó¢Ìضû(R) ¸ß¼¶ÍøÂç·þÎñµÄ¹âÅÌ»òÈíÅÌ"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="Intel(R) ¶i¶¥ºô¸ôªA°È Virtual Adapter ¨Ï¥Î©ó¦¨²Õ©MµêÀÀ LAN ªº¶i¶¥¥\¯à¡C"
DISKNAME                    ="Intel(R) ¶i¶¥ºô¸ôªA°È ¥úºÐ¤ù©ÎºÏ¤ù"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0407] ; German (Germany)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="Intel(R) Erweiterte Netzwerkleistungen Virtual Adapter wird für erweiterte Funktionen wie Gruppenbildung und virtuelles LAN verwendet."
DISKNAME                    ="Intel(R) Erweiterte Netzwerkleistungen CD-ROM oder Diskette"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="El Adaptador virtual de Servicios avanzados de red Intel(R) se utiliza para funciones avanzadas como la creación de equipos y LAN virtual."
DISKNAME                    ="CD-ROM o disquete de los Servicios avanzados de red Intel(R)"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.040C] ; French (France)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="La carte virtuelle Services réseau avancés Intel(R) est utilisée pour les fonctionnalités évoluées telles que l'agrégation de cartes ou les réseaux VLAN."
DISKNAME                    ="CD-ROM ou disquette Services réseau avancés Intel(R)"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="Servizi avanzati di rete Intel(R) Virtual Adapter è usato per funzioni evolute quali il raggruppamento e le LAN virtuali."
DISKNAME                    ="CD-ROM o dischetto di Servizi avanzati di rete Intel(R)"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="ƒCƒ“ƒeƒ‹(R) ƒAƒhƒoƒ“ƒXƒgEƒlƒbƒgƒ[ƒNEƒT[ƒrƒX Virtual Adapter ‚̓`[ƒ€‰»‚¨‚æ‚щ¼‘z LAN ‚Ȃǂ̍‚“x‹@”\‚ÉŽg‚í‚ê‚Ü‚·B"
DISKNAME                    ="ƒCƒ“ƒeƒ‹(R) ƒAƒhƒoƒ“ƒXƒgEƒlƒbƒgƒ[ƒNEƒT[ƒrƒX CD-ROM ‚Ü‚½‚̓tƒƒbƒs[ƒfƒBƒXƒN"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="ÀÎÅÚ(R) °í±Þ ³×Æ®¿öÅ© ¼­ºñ½º °¡»ó ¾î´ðÅÍ´Â ÆÀ ±¸¼º ¹× °¡»ó LAN°ú °°Àº °í±Þ ±â´É¿¡ »ç¿ëµË´Ï´Ù."
DISKNAME                    ="ÀÎÅÚ(R) °í±Þ ³×Æ®¿öÅ© ¼­ºñ½º CD-ROM ¶Ç´Â Ç÷ÎÇÇ µð½ºÅ©"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
[Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil)
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w2k  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_wxp  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w32e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w64  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60  ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_w60e ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
CustomizedEventMessageFile_6064 ="%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\iANSmsg.dll"
iANSMiniport.Help           ="O Adaptador virtual Intel(R) para serviços avançados de rede é usado para recursos avançados como agrupamento e LAN virtual."
DISKNAME                    ="CD-ROM ou disquete do Serviços avançados de rede Intel(R)"

V_Intel                     = "Intel"
iANSMiniport.Desc           = "Intel(R) Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter"

; ServiceType values
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       = 0x00000001

; StartType values
SERVICE_DEMAND_START        = 0x00000003

; ErrorControl values
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL        = 0x00000001

; Registry types
REG_MULTI_SZ                = 0x10000
REG_DWORD                   = 0x10001

; Service install flags

; AddReg flags
FLG_NOCLOBBER        = 0x00000002
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 0.79