Release.txt Driver File Contents (

Release Notes for ACS Unified Driver

Update: (MNO/RW)            Date: 20-August-2015

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 10 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 10 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Update: (MNO/RW)              Date: 13-July-2015

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Version: (HG)                  Date: 30-May-2015

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Added support to Smart Card Plug and Play detection to multislot readers. Affected readers for this fix are the following:
  *ACR1251U-C3      PID_2242
  *ACR88U-A1        PID_2011
  *ACR88U-A2        PID_8902
  *ACR89U-A1        PID_8901
  *ACR89U-A1        PID_8900 
  *ACR33U-A3        PID_8307 
  *ACR33U-A2        PID_8302
  *ACR33U-A1        PID_8300
  *ACR33U-XX        PID_8301
  *ACR1281U-K9      PID_2236
  *ACR1281U-K (1S)  PID_2235
  *ACR1281U-K Dual  PID_2234
  *ACR123-A1        PID_222E
  *ACR1261          PID_2211
  *ACR1222L-D1      PID_2206
  *ACR1222U-C1      PID_2214
  *ACR1222U-C6      PID_2207
  *ACR1222U-C3      PID_1280
  *ACR1283L-D1      PID_2213
  *ACR1281U-C6      PID_2215
  *ACR1281-C1       PID_2224
  *ACR128U          PID_2100   
- Fixed BSOD issue when updating the driver of multislot reader from old driver to Unified Driver.Affected readers are the following:
  *ACR1251U-C3      PID_2242
  *ACR88U-A1        PID_2011
  *ACR88U-A2        PID_8902
  *ACR89U-A1        PID_8901
  *ACR89U-A1        PID_8900 
  *ACR33U-A3        PID_8307 
  *ACR33U-A2        PID_8302
  *ACR33U-A1        PID_8300
  *ACR33U-XX        PID_8301
  *ACR1281U-K9      PID_2236
  *ACR1281U-K (1S)  PID_2235
  *ACR1281U-K Dual  PID_2234
  *ACR123-A1        PID_222E
  *ACR1261          PID_2211
  *ACR1222L-D1      PID_2206
  *ACR1222U-C1      PID_2214
  *ACR1222U-C6      PID_2207
  *ACR1222U-C3      PID_1280
  *ACR1283L-D1      PID_2213
  *ACR1281U-C6      PID_2215
  *ACR1281-C1       PID_2224
  *ACR128U          PID_2100

- Fixed BSOD issue on ACR38 non-ccid reader. Affected readers are the following:
  *ACR38 (non-CCID)
  *ACR38U-A4 (SAM)
  *AET65 (1S)

- Fixed OACR warnings. Affected readers are the following:
  *ACR38U-I1        PID_90CC
  *ACR3801U-A1      PID_90D8
  *ACR39U-I1        PID_B100
  *ACR83U-A1        PID_90D2
  *ACR122U-A1       PID_90CC
  *ACR1251U-A1      PID_221A
  *APG8201          PID_8201  
  *ACOS5T-A1        PID_9006
  *ACOS5T-B2        PID_90DB

- Added fix on card removal issue on ACR83 with T=1 protocol. Affected readers are the following:
  *ACR83            PID_90D2

- Fixed hand and bsod issue on ACR1252. Affected readers are the following:
  *ACR1252          PID_223B  

Version: (HG)             Date: 05-November-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Removed sending of Get Slot Status Command when ACR1256 is powered ON
- Removed the added extra guard time for ISO7816-3 testing on ACR38U non-CCID readers
- Fixed issue encountered connection problem on APG8201

Version: (HG)              Date: 23-October-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Added Cryptomate (T2) Time Extension Support
- Added support for ACR1255U-J1 (PC-USB Mode)
- Added Extended APDU support for ACR1251U (PICC) and ACR1252U (PICC) Series
- Extended timeout on ACR38 SAM 
- Added Extended APDU support for ACR1281U-C6 PID 2215 (PICC)
- Added BSOD fix for ACR38K when using its USB port with devices that require more than the supplied current 
- Fixed issue on ACR83 SPE feature support

Version: (HG/GG)              Date: 21-July-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Added 2079 control code support to ACR128
- Added support for ACR1251U-C1 (PICC+ICC+SAM) PID_2242
- Bug Fix for ACR1251-A2 BSOD
- Added support for CryptoMate (T1) PID_B200
- Added support for CryptoMate (T2) PID_B106
- Bug Fix for ACR122T BSOD
- Added support for ACR3901U and ACR3901U-S1 sharing the same PID
- Added BSOD fix to multislot readers 
- Added fix for ACR128 sequence mismatch
- Added the extra guard time according to ISO7816-3 for ACR38U non-CCID
- Added return active protocol status if current state is SCARD_SPECIFIC and selected protocol matched

Update: (GG/QA-MNO/RW)         Date: 14-May-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Version: (GG)                Date: 28-April-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Updated T1 data handling for ACR1251U-A1 SAM 
  and composite ACR1281 devices
- Added support for ACR32-A1

Update: (GG/QA-MNO/RW)       Date: 25-March-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Version: (GG)                Date: 03-March-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Fixed ACR122U-SAM protocol setting

Update: (GG/QA-MNO/RW)     Date: 4-February-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Version: (GG)              Date: 25-January-2014

- Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- Fixed ACR1283L Bootloader driver
- Fixed ACR128U SAM reader name
- Fixed ACR123S Bootloader driver
- Added fix for slow proc speed with AT88SC Card
- Added extended APDU support for ACR1281UK PID_2233
- Added support for ACR1256U-A1
- Updated ACR1251U-C driver to support both ICC and PICC
- Updated ACR1281C7-SAM driver to use custom datarates
- Added extended APDU support for ACR1281U-C1
- Fixed ACR83 T1 data handling

Update: (GG/QA-MNO/RW)    Date: 7-November-2013

- ACS Unified Driver supporting all generic ACS PCSC/CCID SmartCard Readers.
  Package supports the following OSes
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

- WHQL certified drivers signed by Microsoft for:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Version: (GG) 	        Date: 10-October-2013

- ACS Unified Driver supporting all generic ACS PCSC/CCID SmartCard Readers
  List of supported readers:
  * VID_072F&PID_9006				CTM Fw110
  * VID_072F&PID_90DB				CTM64 Fw112
  * VID_072F&PID_2200				ACR122U/T
  * VID_072F&PID_90CC				ACR122U-SAM / ACS CCID
  * VID_072F&PID_2100				ACR128
  * VID_072F&PID_2224				ACR1281U-C1
  * VID_072F&PID_2220&MI_00/01			ACR1281U-C7
  * VID_072F&PID_220F				qPBOC PICC
  * VID_072F&PID_2208&MI_00/01			qPBOC Dual
  * VID_072F&PID_220A&MI_00/01			BSI Dual
  * VID_072F&PID_0901				ACR1281U-C4
  * VID_072F&PID_2215				ACR1281 2SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_2223				new qPBOC
  * VID_072F&PID_2233				ACR1281U-K PICC Reader
  * VID_072F&PID_2234				ACR1281U-K Dual Reader
  * VID_072F&PID_2235				ACR1281U-K 1S
  * VID_072F&PID_2236				ACR1281U-K 4S
  * VID_072F&PID_222C				ACR1283L PICC
  * VID_072F&PID_2213				ACR1283L 4SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_220C				ACR1283 Bootloader
  * VID_072F&PID_1280				ACR1222U-C3
  * VID_072F&PID_2207				ACR1222U-C6
  * VID_072F&PID_2214				ACR1222U-C1
  * VID_072F&PID_2206				ACR1222L
  * VID_072F&PID_2211				ACR1261U-C1
  * VID_072F&PID_221A&MI_00/01			ACR1251U-A1
  * VID_072F&PID_2229				ACR1251U-A2
  * VID_072F&PID_2218&MI_00/01			ACR1251U-C PICC + SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_221B				ACR1251U-C PICC
  * VID_072F&PID_2232&MI_00/01			ACR1251U-K PICC + ICC
  * VID_072F&PID_223B&MI_00/01			ACR1252U-A1
  * VID_072F&PID_223E				ACR1252U-A2
  * VID_072F&PID_223D				ACR1252U Bootloader
  * VID_072F&PID_223F                           ACR1255U-J1 PICC
  * VID_072F&PID_222E				ACR123-PICC+3SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_2237				ACR123-PICC
  * VID_072F&PID_2219				ACR123 Bootloader
  * VID_072F&PID_8301				ACR33XX - 4SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_8300				ACR33 - A1
  * VID_072F&PID_8302				ACR33 - A2
  * VID_072F&PID_8307				ACR33 - A3
  * VID_072F&PID_9000				ACR38 FW110
  * VID_072F&PID_90CF				ACR38USAM
  * VID_072F&PID_90D8				ACR3801
  * VID_072F&PID_1205				ACR100I
  * VID_072F&PID_1204				ACR101
  * VID_072F&PID_1206				ACR102
  * VID_072F&PID_0102				AET62 w/o SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_0103				AET62 w SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_0100				AET65 w/o SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_0101				AET65 w SAM
  * VID_072F&PID_90D2				ACR83
  * VID_072F&PID_8201				APG8201
  * VID_072F&PID_B100				ACR39U
  * VID_072F&PID_B000				ACR3901
  * VID_072F&PID_8900				ACR89 Standard
  * VID_072F&PID_8901				ACR89 CL
  * VID_072F&PID_8902				ACR89 FPA
  * VID_072F&PID_2010				ACR88
  * VID_072F&PID_2011				ACR88
  * VID_072F&PID_0001				ACR30
  * VID_072F&PID_8002				AET63

- Package supports the following OSes:
  * Windows 2000
  * Windows XP (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Vista (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows 8.1 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64)
  * Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  * Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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