ISLangUni.ini Driver File Contents (


RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Hardware eta driver-ak kentzen ari gara"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Hardware-a bilatzen eta driver-ak instalatzen ari gara"

MustVista 		= "WLAN driver-paketea Windows Vistan instalatu behar duzu!"

Complete		= "Amaitu da"

SafelyRemove		= "Zure WLAN moldagailua sistematik segurtasunez ken dezakezu orain."

PlugAdapter		= "Zure WLAN moldagailua orain entxufa dezakezu"

NowRemove	 	= "kentzen ari gara"

NowInstall	 	= "instalatzen ari gara"

Msg_Run_Admin           =  Barkaiguzu, administratzaile bezala egin behar duzu!! 

Msg_OS_not_support      =  Barkaiguzu, ez dugu sistema operatzaile hau onartzen!! 

Msg_HW_fail             =  Ez dugu hardware bateragarririk aurkitu. Sistema honek ez du instalatzen ari zaren softwarea onartzen, eta hortaz softwarea ez dugu instalatuko. Instalakuntzatik irtengo gara orain. 

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Ziurtatu zure sistema eta egokitzaile bakarra dauka. Entxufatu edo kendu gehiegizko moldagailuetakoak eta gero egin klik 'Ados'"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetook ez duzu sisteman instalaturik."

BTInstall               = "REALTEK Bluetooth kentzen ari gara"

BTUninstall             = "REALTEK Bluetooth instalatzen ari gara"

BTUnique           	="Beste konfigurazio hau instantzia dagoeneko martxan da. Mesedez, itxaron beste instantzia eta, bukatzeko, gero saiatu berriro."

BTOffice		="Detecting you are using Microsoft Office softwareÿwould you like to shut them down so the uninstalling would continue?"

BTNoDongle          ="Bluetooth zure sisteman gaiturik duzula egiazta ezazu. Entxufa ezazu zure gailua eta sakatu  Ados ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth kontrolatzailea ez da behar bezala desinstalatu, sakatu "OK" jarraitzeko"


RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "@5<0E20=5 =0 E0@4C5@ 8 4@0925@8"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= ""J@A5=5 =0 E0@4C5@ 8 8=AB0;8@0=5 =0 E0@4C5@"

MustVista 		= "">78 ?0:5B A WLAN 4@0925@8 B@O120 40 A5 8=AB0;8@0 2 Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "02J@H5=>"

SafelyRemove		= "0H8OB WLAN 040?B5@ 25G5 <>65 157>?0A=> 40 A5 872048 >B A8AB5<0B0."

PlugAdapter		= ">65B5 40 A2J@65B5 A WLAN A530."

NowRemove	 	= "@5<0E20=5 =0"

NowInstall	 	= "=AB0;8@0=5" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "!J60;O20<! 7?J;=8 :0B> "4<8=8AB@0B>@ !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "!J60;O20<! 5 ?>44J@60<5 B078 >?5@0F8>==0 A8AB5<0!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "O<0 >B:@8B AJ2<5AB8< E0@4C5@. !>DBC5@JB, :>9B> A5 >?8B20B5 40 8=AB0;8@0B5 , =5 A5 ?>44J@60 >B B078 A8AB5<0.">78 A>DBC5@ =5 5 8=AB0;8@0=.0AB@>9:0B0 I5 A5 70B2>@8."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "#25@5B5 A5, G5 A8AB5<0B0 28 8<0 548= 8 A0<> 548= 040?B5@. :;NG5B5 8;8 ?@5<0E=5B5 87;8H=0B0 040?B5@8 8 A;54 B>20 I@0:=5B5 2J@EC "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth =5 5 8=AB0;8@0= =0 0H0B0 A8AB5<0."

BTInstall               = "=AB0;8@0=5 REALTEK Bluetooth."

BTUninstall             = "@5<0E20=5 =0 REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="@C3 A;CG09 =0 B078 =0AB@>9:0 25G5 @01>B8. >;O, 87G0:09B5, 70 4@C38O A;CG09, 70 40 702J@H8 8 >?8B09B5 >B=>2>."

BTOffice		="B:@820=5 87?>;720B5 Microsoft Office A>DBC5@, 18EB5 8A:0;8 40 38 70B2>@OB, B0:0 G5 458=AB0;8@0=5B> I5 ?@>4J;68?"

BTNoDongle          =">B2J@45B5, G5 Bluetooth is enabled, on your system. :;NG5B5 CAB@>9AB2>B> A8 8 =0B8A=5B5   ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Realtek Bluetooth 2>40GJB =5 <>65 40 1J45 458=AB0;8@0= ?@028;=>, =0B8A=5B5 "OK" 70 40 ?@>4J;68B5"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Now removing Hardware and Drivers"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Now searching for Hardware and installing Drivers"

MustVista 		= "This WLAN driver package must be installed in Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Completed"

SafelyRemove		= "Your WLAN adapter can now be safely removed from the system."

PlugAdapter		= "You can plug in your WLAN adapter now."

NowRemove	 	= "Now removing"

NowInstall	 	= "Now installing"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "!J60;O20<5! 7?J;=8 :0B> "4<8=8AB@0B>@ !!

Msg_OS_not_support      = "!J60;O20<5! 5 ?>44J@60<5 B078 >?5@0F8>==0 A8AB5<0!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "O<0 >B:@8B AJ2<5AB8< E0@4C5@. !>DBC5@JB, :>9B> A5 >?8B20B5 40 8=AB0;8@0B5, =5 A5 ?>44J@60 2 B>78 @568<. $09;JB =O<0 40 A5 ?>;CG8. >=D83C@8@0=5B> I5 A5 ?@5:@0B8.

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Comproveu que el sistema té una i només un adaptador. Connecta o treure l'excés d'adaptadors i feu clic a 'Acceptar'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth no està instal·lat al sistema."

BTInstall               = "S està instal·lant el REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "S està eliminant el REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Un altre exemple d'aquesta configuració s'està executant. Si us plau, esperi per a l'altra instància a fi i torneu a intentar."

BTOffice		="La detecció està utilitzant programari de Microsoft Office, li agradaria que tanquin de manera que la desinstal · lació continuarà?"

BTNoDongle          ="Comproveu que el Bluetooth està activat al sistema. Connecteu el dispositiu i feu clic a  Acceptar ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Driver Realtek Bluetooth no pot ser desinstal · lat correctament, premeu el botó "D'acord" per continuar"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "ck(W Rd–lxöNŒTqš¨Rz^"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "ck(Wd"}lxöNŒT‰[ňqš¨Rz^"

MustVista 		= "dk WLAN qš¨Rz^SÅ_{˜‰[ň(W Windows Vista -N!"

Complete		= "ò]Œ[b"

SafelyRemove		= "°s(WïSåN‰[hQ0WÎNû|ß~-N Rd–¨`„v WLAN M‘hV0"

PlugAdapter		= "°s(WïSåNÒceQ¨`„v WLAN M‘hV0"

NowRemove	 	= "ck(W Rd–"

NowInstall	 	= "ck(W‰[ň"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "ù[
Nw! ÷‹åN¡{tXT«ŽýNЏLˆ!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "ù[
Nw! bìN

Msg_HW_fail             = "*gÑS°s|Q¹[„vlxöN0dkû|ß~

Page_Send               = "u˜b—ÑS0R݄Yr¾‹Y"

Picture_Send            = "þVGrÑS0R݄Yr¾‹Y"

DetectBTDongle          = "÷‹nx¤‹¨`„vû|ß~-N	gNêS	gN*NM‘hV0÷‹ÒceQÿb€ûyd–YYOM‘hVÿ6qTUSûQ nxš[ 0"

BTNotInstall            = "¨`„vû|ß~-N*g‰[ň Realtek Bluetooth0"

BTInstall               = "ck(W‰[ň REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "ck(WxS} REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="dk‰[ňò]	gæSNž[‹O(WЏLˆ0 ÷‹I{…_ƒ[Œ[bÿbÖSˆmƒ[QЏLˆdk‰[ň0"

BTOffice		="ÀhKm0R¨`ck(WO(u®_oOfficeoöNÿ/f&TsQí•åNŒ[bxS}ÿ" 

BTNoDongle          ="nx¤‹¨`„vû|ß~ò]/T(u Bluetooth0ÒceQ¨`„v¾‹Yÿ6qTUSûQ nxš[ 0"

BTMultiDongle       ="nx¤‹¨`„vû|ß~êS	gN*N BluetoothM‘hV0Ôbd–YYO¾‹Yÿ6qTUSûQ nxš[ 0"

BTOtherDongle      ="¨`„vû|ß~X[(W*gˆcCg„v BluetoothM‘hV0Ôbd–by(u勾‹Yÿ6qTUSûQ nxš[ 0"

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK„v݄Yrqš¨Rz^ïSý€àeÕlcknxxS}ÿUSûQ"OK"ç~í~"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "þs(Wˊûyd–lxԚÊSEšÕRz_"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "þs(Wckd\lxԚ&N‰[݈EšÕRz_"

MustVista 		= "dk!qÚ}²}ïEšÕRz_WY݈ߎԚÅ_˜‰[݈¼eWindows Vista°tƒX-Nÿ"

Complete		= "Œ[b"

SafelyRemove		= "þs(W¨`„v!qÚ}²}ïM‘¥caSïS‰[hQ0Wêû|q}ûyd–0"

PlugAdapter		= "þs(W¨`ïS¥c

NowRemove	 	= "ck(Wûyd–"

NowInstall	 	= "ck(W‰[݈"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "±bIkÿˊåNû|q}¡{táT«ŽR÷WLˆÿ"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "±bIkÿbP

Msg_HW_fail             = "~b
N/eôc¨`VfŠ‰[݈„vߎԚÿàVdk

Page_Send               = "˜b—|v0RͅYr݈n"

Picture_Send            = "WGr|v0RͅYr݈n"

DetectBTDongle          = "ºxÝO¨`„vû|q}	gNêS	gNPiM‘hV0ÒceQb*Rd–Y™„viM‘hVÿ&N	cNN0ºxš[

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth *g‰[݈¼eû|q}-N"

BTInstall               = "ck(W‰[݈ REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "ck(Wûyd– REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="dk-Šn„væSNPæ[‹Oò](WKLˆ0ˊI{…_vQÖNæ[‹OŒ[bÿ6qŒ_Q!kVfŠ0"

BTOffice		="¢j,n¨`O(u„v/fMicrosoft OfficeߎöNÿ`Oó`\vQܕ‰•ÿŒ[bxS	ÿ"

BTNoDongle          ="ºxŠû|q}-N„vͅYrŸRý€ò]_U(u0ÒceQ݈n&N	cNN0ºxš[

BTMultiDongle       ="ºxŠû|ß~êS	gN*NͅYrM‘hV0Ôbd–Y™-Š™Pÿ6qTUSûQ nxš[ 0"

BTOtherDongle      ="¨`„vû|q}-NX[(W’l	gˆc
k„vͅYriM‘hV0Ôbd–b€y(urŠ-Š™Pÿ6qŒ_	cNN0ºxš[

BTUninstallErr    =""



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Sada uklanjam hardver i upravlja
ke programe"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Sada tra~im hardver i instaliram upravlja
ke programe"

MustVista 		= "Ovaj paket upravlja
kih programa za WLAN mora se instalirati na Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Dovraeno"

SafelyRemove		= "WLAN adapter se sada sigurno mo~e ukloniti iz sustava."

PlugAdapter		= "Sada mo~ete utaknuti WLAN adapter."

NowRemove		= "Uklanjanje"

NowInstall		= "Instaliranje" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "}ao nam je! Pokrenite u svojstvu administratora!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "}ao nam je! Ne podr~avamo ovaj operativni sustav!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Nema pronaenog kompatibilnog hardvera. Sustav ne podr~ava softver koji pokuaavate instalirati. Softver nee biti instaliran. Postava se sada zatvara."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Pobrinite se da Vaa sustav ima jedan i samo jedan adapter. Uklju
ite ili uklanjanje viaka adaptera, a zatim pritisnite 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth nije instaliran u vaa sustav."

BTInstall               = "Instaliranje REALTEK Bluetootha"

BTUninstall             = "Uklanjanje REALTEK Bluetootha"

BTUnique           	="Drugi primjer ovog postava je ve pokrenut. Molimo pri
ekajte za druge primjer do kraja, a zatim pokuaajte ponovno."

BTOffice		="Otkrivanje koristite Microsoft Office softver, ~elite da ih isklju
ite tako deinstaliranje e se nastaviti?"

BTNoDongle          ="Potvrdite da je na vaaem sustavu aktiviran Bluetooth. Ukop
ajte ureaj i kliknite 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Bluetooth Realtek Driver ne mo~e biti deinstaliran ispravno, pritisnite tipku "OK" za nastavak"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Odebírání hardwaru a ovlada

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Vyhledávání hardwaru a instalování ovlada

MustVista 		= "Tento balí
ek ovlada
o WLAN musí být nainstalován v opera
ním systému Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Dokon

SafelyRemove		= "Nyní lze adaptér WLAN bezpe
n odebrat ze systému."

PlugAdapter		= "Nyní mo~ete pYipojit adaptér WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Odebírání"

NowInstall	 	= "instalování"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Omlouváme se! Spusete jako správce!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Omlouváme se! Nepodporujeme tento opera
ní systém!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Nebyl nalezen ~ádný kompatibilní hardware. Software, který se pokouaíte nainstalovat, není v tomto opera
ním systému podporován.Software nebude nainstalován.Instala
ní program bude nyní ukon

Page_Send               = "Odeslat stránku do zaYízení Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            = "Odeslat obrázek do zaYízení Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Ujistte se, ~e váa systém je jeden a pouze jeden adaptér. Zapojte se nebo odstranní nadbyte
ných adaptéry a potom klepnte na tla
ítko "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "Rozhraní Realtek Bluetooth je nyní nainstalováno ve vaaem systému."

BTInstall               = "Instalování REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Odebírání REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Detekce pou~íváte Microsoft Office software, byste rád za jejich zruaení, tak~e odinstalace bude pokra

BTOffice		="Dalaí pYíklad tohoto nastavení je ji~ spuatna. Prosím, vy
kejte na dalaí instance a~ do konce a zkuste to znovu."

BTNoDongle          ="OvYte, zda je rozhraní Bluetooth aktivováno ve vaaem systému. PYipojte vaae zaYízení a klepnte na 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek Bluetooth Driver nemusí být odinstalován správn, stisknte tla
ítko "OK" pro pokra



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Fjerner hardware og drivere"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Søger efter hardware og installerer drivere"

MustVista 		= "Denne driverpakke til WLAN skal installeres i Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Fuldført"

SafelyRemove		= "Din WLAN-adapter kan fjernes fra systemet."

PlugAdapter		= "Du kan nu tilslutte din WLAN-adapter."

NowRemove	 	= "Fjerner"

NowInstall	 	= "installerer"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Desværre! Kør som Administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Desværre! Vi understøtter ikke dette styresystem!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Ikke noget kompatibelt hardware fundet. Hardwaret, som du forsøger at installere, understøttes ikke i dette system. Softwaret vil ikke blive installeret.Installation afsluttes nu."

Page_Send               = "Send side til Bluetooth enhed"

Picture_Send            = "Send billede til Bluetooth enhed"

DetectBTDongle          = "Sørg for, at dit system har én og kun én adapter. Sæt i eller fjerne overskydende adaptere og klik derefter på 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth er ikke installeret på dit system."

BTInstall               = "Installerer REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Fjerner REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Et andet eksempel på dette setup kører allerede. Vent venligst til den anden omgang at finish og derefter prøve igen."

BTOffice		="Afsløring du bruger Microsoft Office-software, vil du gerne lukke dem ned, så det afinstallere ville fortsætte?"

BTNoDongle          ="Kontroller, at Bluetooth er aktiveret på dit system. Tilslut din enhed, og klik på 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek Bluetooth driveren muligvis ikke afinstalleres korrekt, skal du trykke på "OK" for at fortsætte"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Bezig met verwijderen van hardware en stuurprogramma's"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Bezig met zoeken van hardware en het installeren van stuurprogramma's"

MustVista 		= "Dit WLAN-stuurprogrammapakket moet worden geïnstalleerd in Windows Vista."

Complete		= "Voltooid"

SafelyRemove		= "Uw WLAN-adapter kan nu veilig worden verwijderd van het systeem."

PlugAdapter		= "U kunt de WLAN-adapter nu aansluiten."

NowRemove	 	= "Bezig met verwijderen"

NowInstall	 	= "Bezig met installeren"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Sorry! Dit moet worden uitgevoerd als Administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Sorry! Deze bewerking wordt niet ondersteund!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Er is geen compatibele hardware gevonden. De software die u wilt installeren wordt op dit systeem niet ondersteund.De software wordt dan ook niet geïnstalleerd.Setup wordt nu afgesloten."

Page_Send               ="Pagina verzenden naar Bluetooth-apparaat"

Picture_Send            ="Afbeelding verzenden naar Bluetooth-apparaat"

DetectBTDongle          = "Zorg ervoor dat uw systeem heeft een en slechts een adapter. Steek in of verwijderen overtollige adapters en klik op 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth is niet op uw computer geïnstalleerd."

BTInstall               = "REALTEK Bluetooth wordt verwijderd"

BTUninstall             = "REALTEK Bluetooth wordt geïnstalleerd"

BTUnique           	="Een ander voorbeeld van deze opstelling is al actief is. Wacht tot de andere bijvoorbeeld om vervolgens af en probeer het opnieuw."

BTOffice		="Detecteren u Microsoft Office-software gebruikt, wilt u ze te sluiten, zodat het verwijderen zou blijven?"

BTNoDongle          ="Bevestig dat Bluetooth op uw computer is ingeschakeld. Plaats het apparaat en klik op 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth-stuurprogramma mogelijk niet goed worden verwijderd, drukt u op "OK" om verder te gaan"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Now removing Hardware and Drivers"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Now searching for Hardware and installing Drivers"

MustVista 		= "This WLAN driver package must be installed in Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Completed"

SafelyRemove		= "Your WLAN adapter can now be safely removed from the system."

PlugAdapter		= "You can plug in your WLAN adapter now."

NowRemove	 	= "Now removing"

NowInstall	 	= "Now installing" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Sorry ! Please Run As Administrator !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Sorry ! We do not support this operation system !!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "No compatible hardware found. The software you are attempting to install is not supported on this system.The software will not be installed.Setup will now exit."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Make sure your system has one and only one adapter. Plug in or remove excess adapters and then click 'OK'"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth is not installed on your system."

BTInstall               = "Now installing REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Now removing REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Another instance of this setup is already running. Please wait for the other instance to finish and then try again."

BTOffice		="Detecting you are using Microsoft Office softwareÿwould you like to shut them down so the uninstalling would continue?"

BTNoDongle          ="Confirm that Bluetooth is enabled on your system.  Plug in your device and click 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'."

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth Driver might not be uninstalled correctly, press "OK" to continue"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Poistetaan laitteita ja laiteohjaimia"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Etsitään laitteita ja asennetaan laiteohjaimia"

MustVista 		= "Tämä WLAN-laiteohjainpakkaus täytyy asentaa Windows Vistaan!"

Complete		= "Valmis"

SafelyRemove		= " WLAN-adapterin voi nyt poistaa järjestelmästä turvallisesti."

PlugAdapter		= "Nyt voit liittää WLAN-adapterin."

NowRemove	 	= "Poistetaan"

NowInstall	 	= "asennetaan"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Pahoittelemme! Sovellus on suoritettava järjestelmänvalvojana!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Pahoittelemme! Emme tue tätä käyttöjärjestelmää!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Yhteensopivia laitteita ei löytynyt. Ohjelmisto, jota yrität asentaa, ei tue tätä järjestelmää.Ohjelmistoa ei asenneta.Asennusohjelma lopetetaan."

Page_Send               = "Lähetä sivu Bluetooth-laitteeseen"

Picture_Send            = "Lähetä kuva Bluetooth-laitteeseen"

DetectBTDongle          = "Varmista, että järjestelmässä on yksi ja vain yksi sovitin. Kytke tai poista ylimääräinen sovittimia ja napsauta 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetoothia ei ole asennettu järjestelmääsi"

BTInstall               = "Nyt asennetaan REALTEK Bluetoothia"

BTUninstall             = "Nyt poistetaan REALTEK Bluetoothia"

BTUnique           	="Toinen esimerkki tästä Asennusohjelma on jo käynnissä. Odota muiden muassa loppuun ja yritä uudelleen."

BTOffice		="Havaitseminen käytät Microsoft Office-ohjelmisto, haluaisitko ne jouduttaisiin sulkemaan jotta asennuksen poistaminen jatkuisi?"

BTNoDongle          ="Varmista, että Bluetooth on käytössä järjestelmässäsi. Liitä laitteesi ja napsauta OK-painiketta"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Realtek Bluetooth Kuljettaja ei ehkä poisteta oikein, paina "OK" jatkaaksesi"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Suppression des pilotes et du matériel en cours"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Recherche du matériel et installation des pilotes"

MustVista 		= "Ce pilote WLAN doit être installé dans Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Terminé"

SafelyRemove		= "Votre adaptateur WLAN peut maintenant être retiré du système en toute sécurité."

PlugAdapter		= "Vous pouvez maintenant brancher votre adaptateur WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Suppression"

NowInstall	 	= "installation"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Désolé ! Vous devez être administrateur!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Désolé ! Nous ne prenons pas en charge ce système d exploitation !"

Msg_HW_fail             = "No compatible hardware found. The software you are attempting to install is not supported on this system.The software will not be installed.Setup will now exit."

Page_Send               = "Envoyer la page à un périphérique Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            = "Envoyer l'image à un périphérique Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Assurez-vous que votre système possède un et un seul adaptateur. Branchez-le ou supprimer des adaptateurs en excès et puis cliquez sur 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Reltek Bluetooth n est pas installé dans votre système."

BTInstall               = "Installation encours du REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Désinstallation en cours du REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Un autre exemple de cette configuration est déjà lancé. S'il vous plaît d'attendre de l'autre instance à la fin et puis essayez à nouveau."

BTOffice		="Havaitseminen käytät Microsoft Office-ohjelmisto, haluaisitko ne jouduttaisiin sulkemaan jotta asennuksen poistaminen jatkuisi?"

BTNoDongle          ="Confirmez que le Bluetooth est activé sur votre système. Branchez votre appareil et cliquez sur « OK »"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Pilote Bluetooth REALTEK pourrait ne pas être désinstallé correctement, appuyez sur "OK  " pour continuer"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Maintenant suppression du matériel et des pilotes"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Maintenant recherche du matériel et des pilotes d installation"

MustVista 		= "Ce progiciel de pilotes WLAN est à installer sous Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Termini"

SafelyRemove		= "Vous pouvez maintenant supprimer votre adaptateur WLAN du système, en toute sécurité."

PlugAdapter		= "Vous pouvez maintenant brancher votre adaptateur WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Maintenant suppression"

NowInstall	 	= "Maintenant d installation"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Désolé ! Vous devez être administrateur!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Désolé ! Nous ne prenons pas en charge ce système d exploitation !"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Matériel incompatible détecté. Le logiciel que vous tentez d installer n est pas pris en charge par ce système.Le logiciel ne sera pas installé..L assistant d installation va se fermer."

Page_Send               = "Envoyer la page à un périphérique Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            = "Envoyer l'image à un périphérique Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Assurez-vous que votre système possède un et un seul adaptateur. Branchez-le ou supprimer des adaptateurs en excès et puis cliquez sur 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth n est pas installé sur votre système."

BTInstall               = "Installation REALTEK Bluetooth en cours"

BTUninstall             = "Retrait REALTEK Bluetooth en cours"

BTUnique           	="Un autre exemple de cette configuration est déjà lancé. S'il vous plaît d'attendre de l'autre instance à la fin et puis essayez à nouveau."

BTOffice		="Détecter vous utilisez les logiciels Microsoft Office, voulez-vous les arrêter ainsi le désinstaller continuerait?"

BTNoDongle          ="Veuillez vous assurer que la fonction Bluetooth est activée sur votre système. Branchez votre appareil, puis cliquez sur 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Pilote Bluetooth REALTEK pourrait ne pas être désinstallé correctement, appuyez sur "OK  " pour continuer"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Hardware und Treiber jetzt entfernen"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Hardware jetzt suchen und Treiber installieren"

MustVista 		= "Dieses WLAN-Treiberpaket muss unter Windows Vista installiert werden!"

Complete		= "Fertig"

SafelyRemove		= "Ihr WLAN-Adapter kann jetzt sicher vom System entfernt werden."

PlugAdapter		= "Sie können Ihren WLAN-Adapter jetzt anstecken."

NowRemove	 	= "entfernen"

NowInstall	 	= "installieren"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Bitte als Administrator ausführen!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Dieses Betriebssystem wird leider nicht unterstützt!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Keine kompatible Hardware gefunden. Die Software, die Sie zu installieren versuchen, wird nicht von diesem System unterstützt.Die Software wird nicht installiert.Das Installationsprogramm wird nun beendet."

Page_Send               = "Seite an Bluetooth-Gerät senden"

Picture_Send            = "Bild an Bluetooth-Gerät senden"

DetectBTDongle          = "Achten Sie darauf, Ihr System ein und nur ein Adapter. Stecken und ziehen überschüssige Adapter und klicken Sie auf 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek-Bluetooth ist auf Ihrem System nicht installiert."

BTInstall               = "REALTEK Bluetooth wird jetzt installiert"

BTUninstall             = "REALTEK Bluetooth wird jetzt entfernt"

BTUnique           	="Ein anderes Beispiel dieser Setup wird bereits ausgeführt. Bitte warten Sie, für die andere Instanz zu beenden und dann erneut versuchen"

BTOffice		="Erkennen Sie mit Microsoft Office-Software, möchten Sie sie heruntergefahren, so dass die Deinstallation weiterhin?"

BTNoDongle          ="Stellen Sie sicher, dass Bluetooth an Ihrem System aktiviert ist. Stecken Sie Ihr Gerät ein und klicken auf  OK ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth-Treiber möglicherweise nicht korrekt deinstalliert werden, drücken Sie "OK", um fortzufahren"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "“¯½µÄ±¹ ÄÎÁ± º±Ä¬Á³·Ã· Ä¿Å ¥»¹º¿Í º±¹ Äɽ  Á¿³Á±¼¼¬Äɽ Ÿ´®³·Ã·Â"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "“¯½µÄ±¹ ÄÎÁ± ±½±¶®Ä·Ã· ¥»¹º¿Í º±¹ µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷  Á¿³Á±¼¼¬Äɽ Ÿ´®³·Ã·Â"

MustVista 		= "‘ÅÄÌ Ä¿ À±º­Ä¿ ÀÁ¿³Á±¼¼¬Äɽ ¿´®³·Ã·Â WLAN ÀÁ­Àµ¹ ½± µ³º±Ä±Ãı¸µ¯ õ Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Ÿ»¿º»·Áθ·ºµ"

SafelyRemove		= "Ÿ ÀÁ¿Ã±Á¼¿³­±Â WLAN ¼À¿Áµ¯ ÄÎÁ± ½± ±Æ±¹Áµ¸µ¯ ¼µ ±ÃƬ»µ¹± ±ÀÌ Ä¿ ÃÍÃÄ·¼±."

PlugAdapter		= "œÀ¿Áµ¯Äµ ½± ÃŽ´­ÃµÄµ ÄÎÁ± Ä¿½ ÀÁ¿Ã±Á¼¿³­± WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "“¯½µÄ±¹ ÄÎÁ± ±Æ±¹Áµ¸µ¯"

NowInstall	 	= "“¯½µÄ±¹ ÄÎÁ± µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "›ÅÀ¿Í¼±Ãĵ! •ºÄµ»­Ãĵ ¼µ ´¹º±¹Î¼±Ä± ´¹±Çµ¹Á¹ÃÄ®!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "›ÅÀ¿Í¼±Ãĵ! ”µ½ ÅÀ¿ÃÄ·Á¯¶µÄ±¹ ±ÅÄÌ Ä¿ »µ¹Ä¿ÅÁ³¹ºÌ ÃÍÃÄ·¼±!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "”µ ²Á­¸·ºµ Ãż²±ÄÌ Å»¹ºÌ. ¤¿ »¿³¹Ã¼¹ºÌ À¿Å ÀÁ¿ÃÀ±¸µ¯Äµ ½± µ³º±Ä±ÃĮõĵ ´µ½ ÅÀ¿ÃÄ·Á¯¶µÄ±¹ õ ±ÅÄÌ Ä¿ ÃÍÃÄ·¼±.”µ½ ¸± ³¯½µ¹ µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷ Ä¿Å »¿³¹Ã¼¹º¿Í.¤¿ ÀÁ̳Á±¼¼± Ä·Â µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷ ¸± º»µ¯Ãµ¹."

Page_Send               ="‘À¿ÃÄ¿»® õ»¯´±Â õ ÃÅúµÅ® Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            ="‘À¿ÃÄ¿»® µ¹ºÌ½±Â õ ÃÅúµÅ® Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "’µ²±¹É¸µ¯Äµ ÌĹ Ä¿ ÃÍÃÄ·¼¬ ñ ­Çµ¹ ­½±½ º±¹ ¼Ì½¿ ­½±½ ÀÁ¿Ã±Á¼¿³­±. £Å½´­Ãĵ ® ±À¿¼±ºÁͽµÄ±¹ · ÀµÁ¯Ãõ¹± ÀÁ¿Ã±Á¼¿³µ¯Â º±¹ º±ÄÌÀ¹½ º¬½Äµ º»¹º ÃÄ¿ «Ÿš»."

BTNotInstall            = "¤¿ Realtek Bluetooth ´µ½ µ¯½±¹ µ³º±ÄµÃÄ·¼­½¿ ÃÄ¿ ÃÍÃÄ·¼¬ ñÂ."

BTInstall               = "“¯½µÄ±¹ µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷ Ä¿Å REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "“¯½µÄ±¹ ±Æ±¯ÁµÃ· Ä¿Å REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="ˆ½± ¬»»¿ À±Á¬´µ¹³¼± ±ÅĮ ķ Á͸¼¹Ã·Â µ¯½±¹ ®´· õ »µ¹Ä¿ÅÁ³¯±.  µÁ¹¼­½µÄµ ³¹± Ä¿ ¬»»¿ À±Á¬´µ¹³¼±, ³¹± ½± ¿»¿º»·Áɸµ¯ º±¹ ´¿º¹¼¬Ãĵ ¾±½¬."

BTOffice		="‘½¯Ç½µÅ÷ ÇÁ·Ã¹¼¿À¿¹µ¯Äµ Ä¿ Microsoft Office »¿³¹Ã¼¹ºÌ, ¸± ®¸µ»± ½± Ä¿Å º»µ¯Ãµ¹ ­Äù Ä·½ º±Ä¬Á³·Ã· Ä·Â µ³º±Ä¬Ãı÷ ¸± ÃŽµÇ¹Ãĵ¯;"

BTNoDongle          ="•À¹²µ²±¹ÎÃĵ ÌĹ Ä¿ Bluetooth µ¯½±¹ µ½µÁ³¿À¿¹·¼­½¿ ÃÄ¿ ÃÍÃÄ·¼¬ ñÂ. £Å½´­Ãĵ Ä· ÃÅúµÅ® ñ º±¹ À±Ä®Ãĵ 'OK'."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK ¿´®³·Ã·Â Bluetooth µ½´­ÇµÄ±¹ ½± ¼·½ º±Ä±Á³·¸µ¯ ÃÉÃĬ, À±Ä®Ãĵ "Ÿš" ³¹± ½± ÃŽµÇ¯ÃµÄµ"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Hardver és illesztQprogramok eltávolítása"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Hardver keresése és illesztQprogramok telepítése"

MustVista 		= "Ezt a WLAN illesztQprogram-csomagot Windows Vista alá kell telepíteni!"

Complete		= "Kész"

SafelyRemove		= "Az Ön WLAN adapterét most már biztonságosan eltávolíthatja a rendszerbQl."

PlugAdapter		= "Most már csatlakoztathatja a WLAN adaptert."

NowRemove	 	= "eltávolítása"

NowInstall	 	= "telepítése"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Sajnáljuk! Futtassa a mqveletet adminisztrátorként."

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Sajnáljuk! Ez az operációs rendszer nem támogatott."

Msg_HW_fail             = "Nem található kompatibilis hardvereszköz. A telepíteni kívánt szoftvert ez a rendszer nem támogatja.A szoftver nem lesz telepítve.A telepítési folyamat megszakad."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "GyQzQdjön meg arról, a rendszer egy és csak egy adapter. Dugd be vagy felesleges adaptereket, majd kattintson az "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "A Realtek Bluetooth nincs telepítve a rendszeren."

BTInstall               = "REALTEK Bluetooth telepítése most"

BTUninstall             = "REALTEK Bluetooth eltávolítása most"

BTUnique           	="Egy másik példány ez a beállítás már fut. Kérem, várjon, amíg a másik példány, hogy befejezze, majd próbálja újra."

BTOffice		="Észlelése Ön a Microsoft Office szoftvereket, szeretné, hogy állítsa le Qket eltávolítani, így a továbbra is?"

BTNoDongle          ="ErQsítse meg, hogy a Bluetooth engedélyezve van a rendszerén. Csatlakoztassa az eszközt, majd kattintson az OK gombra."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth driver lehet, hogy nem távolíthatók el megfelelQen, nyomja meg az "OK" gombra"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Melepas Perangkat Keras dan Menghapus Driver Sekarang"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Mencari Perangkat Keras dan Menginstal Driver Sekarang"

MustVista 		= "Paket driver WLAN ini harus diinstal di Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Selesai"

SafelyRemove		= "Adapter WLAN kini dapat dilepas dengan aman dari sistem."

PlugAdapter		= "Anda dapat memasang adapter WLAN sekarang."

NowRemove	 	= "Now removing"

NowInstall	 	= "Now installing" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Maaf! Jalankan Sebagai Administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Maaf! Kami tidak mendukung sistem operasi ini!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Tidak ditemukan perangkat keras yang kompatibel. Perangkat lunak yang akan diinstal tidak didukung di sistem ini.Perangkat lunak tidak akan diinstal.Konfigurasi kini akan ditutup."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Pastikan sistem Anda memiliki satu dan hanya satu adaptor. Menyambungkan atau menghapus adapter berlebih dan kemudian klik 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth tidak diinstal di sistem."

BTInstall               = "Menginstal REALTEK Bluetooth Sekarang"

BTUninstall             = "Menghapus REALTEK Bluetooth Sekarang"

BTUnique           	="Contoh lain dari konfigurasi ini sudah berjalan. Tunggu untuk contoh lain selesai dan kemudian coba lagi."

BTOffice		="Mendeteksi Anda menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Office, apakah Anda ingin untuk menutup mereka sehingga menguninstall akan melanjutkan?"

BTNoDongle          ="Konfirmasikan bahwa Bluetooth telah diaktifkan di sistem. Sambungkan perangkat, lalu klik 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek driver Bluetooth mungkin tidak dihapus dengan benar, tekan "OK" untuk melanjutkan"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Rimozione hardware e driver in corso"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Ricerca dell hardware ed installazione dei driver in corso"

MustVista 		= "Questo pacchetto driver WLAN deve essere installato su Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Completato"

SafelyRemove		= "Adesso la scheda WLAN può essere rimossa in modo sicuro dal sistema."

PlugAdapter		= "Adesso si può collegare la scheda WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Rimozione"

NowInstall	 	= "installazione"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Sorry ! Please Run As Administrator !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Sorry ! We do not support this operation system !!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "No compatible hardware found. The software you are attempting to install is not supported on this system.The software will not be installed.Setup will now exit."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Assicuratevi che il vostro sistema ha una ed una sola scheda. Inserire o rimuovere le schede in eccesso e quindi fare clic su 'OK ."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth non è installato sul sistema."

BTInstall               = "Installazione REALTEK Bluetooth in corso"

BTUninstall             = "Rimozione REALTEK Bluetooth in corso"

BTUnique           	="Un altro esempio di questa configurazione è già in esecuzione. Si prega di attendere per l'altra istanza per finire e poi riprovare."

BTOffice		="Rilevare si utilizza il software Microsoft Office, volete farli chiudere così la disinstallazione avrebbe continuare?"

BTNoDongle          ="Confermare che Bluetooth è abilitato sul sistema. Collegare il dispositivo e fare clic su  OK "

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Bluetooth driver REALTEK potrebbe non essere disinstallato correttamente, premere il tasto "OK" per continuare"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Ï0ü0É0¦0§0¢0h0É0é0¤0Ð0’0JRd–W0f0D0~0Y0"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Ï0ü0É0¦0§0¢0’0i"}W00É0é0¤0Ð0’0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0W0f0D0~0Y0"

MustVista 		= "S0n0WLANÉ0é0¤0Ð0Ñ0Ã0±0ü0¸0o0Windows Vistak0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0Y0‹0Å_‰L0B0Š0~0Y0ÿ"

Complete		= "Œ[†N"

SafelyRemove		= "T0O(un0WLAN¢0À0×0¿0’0·0¹0Æ0à0k0ÖSŠ0Y[0~0Y00"

PlugAdapter		= "WLAN¢0À0×0¿0’0¥cš}g0M0~0Y00"

NowRemove	 	= "JRd–"

NowInstall	 	= "Ï0ü0É0¦0§0¢0’0i"}W00É0é0¤0Ð0’0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0W0f0D0~0Y0" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "3uW03ŠT0V0D0~0[0“0ÿ ¡{t€)jP–g0Ÿ[LˆW0f0O0`0U0D0ÿÿ"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "3uW03ŠT0V0D0~0[0“0ÿ S0n0ª0Ú0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0·0¹0Æ0à0k0o0þ[Ü_W0f0D0~0[0“0ÿÿ"

Msg_HW_fail             = "’NÛc'`n0B0‹0Ï0ü0É0¦0§0¢0L0‹‰d0K0Š0~0[0“0g0W0_00¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0W0ˆ0F0h0W0f0D0‹0½0Õ0È0¦0§0¢0o0S0n0·0¹0Æ0à0k0o0þ[Ü_W0f0D0~0[0“00½0Õ0È0¦0§0¢0o0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0U0Œ0~0[0“00ÊN0»0Ã0È0¢0Ã0×0’0B}†NW0~0Y00"

Page_Send               ="BluetoothÇ0Ð0¤0¹0k0Ú0ü0¸0’0áOY0‹0"

Picture_Send            ="BluetoothÇ0Ð0¤0¹0k0;uÏP’0áOY0‹0"

DetectBTDongle          = "J0OD0n0·0¹0Æ0à0L01d0`0Q0n0¢0À0×0¿0’0cc0f0D0‹0S0h0’0ºxŠW0f0O0`0U0D00 'OK'’0¯0ê0Ã0¯0W0f0×0é0°0¤0ó0~0_0o0NpR¢0À0×0¿0’0JRd–W0f00"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth o00J0OD0n0·0¹0Æ0à0k0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0U0Œ0f0D0~0[0“00"

BTUninstall             = "þs(W0REALTEK Bluetooth ’0ÖSŠ0YW0f0D0~0Y0"

BTInstall               = "þs(W0REALTEK Bluetooth ’0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0W0f0D0~0Y0"

BTUnique           	="S0n0»0Ã0È0¢0Ã0×0n0%Rn0¤0ó0¹0¿0ó0¹0L0Y0g0k0Ÿ[LˆU0Œ0f0D0~0Y00‚0F0N¦^fŠW0f0B}†Nh0Y0‹0ÖNn0¤0ó0¹0¿0ó0¹0’0…__jW0f0O0`0U0D00"

BTOffice		="o00Microsoft Officen0½0Õ0È0¦0§0¢0’0O(uW0f0D0‹0iúQY0‹0k0o00¢0ó0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0L0™}š}Y0‹0n0g00]0Œ0‰0’0·0ã0Ã0È0À0¦0ó0Y0‹0T0^gg0Y0K0ÿ"

BTNoDongle          ="J0OD0n0·0¹0Æ0à0
Ng0 Bluetooth L0	g¹Rg0B0‹0S0h0’0ºxŠW0f0O0`0U0D00 Ç0Ð0¤0¹0’0¥cš}W000OK

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEKn0BluetoothÉ0é0¤0Ð0L0ckW0O0¢0ó0¤0ó0¹0È0ü0ë0U0Œ0j0D0K0‚0W0Œ0~0[0“0L00™}š}Y0‹0k0o00[OK]’0¼bY0"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "XÕÜ´èÆ´Å@Æ Ü´|·tDŽ¼|¹ Èp¬XÕଠˆÇµÂȲä²."

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "XÕÜ´èÆ´Å|¹ €¬ÉÀXÕଠܴ|·tDŽ¼|¹ $ÁXÎXÕଠˆÇµÂȲä²."

MustVista 		= "tÇ WLAN Ü´|·tDŽ¼ (Ó¤ÐÀÉ|¹ Windows VistaÐÅ $ÁXÎtÕ|Å iÕȲä²."

Complete		= "DÆ̸"

SafelyRemove		= "ܤÂ\ÑÐÅÁ WLAN ´Å³0Ñ|¹ HÅÈXՌ¬ Èp¬`Õ  ˆÇµÂȲä²."

PlugAdapter		= "tÇÈ WLAN ´Å³0Ñ|¹ B¯DÇ  ˆÇµÂȲä²."

NowRemove	 	= "Èp¬XÕà¬"

NowInstall	 	= "$ÁXÎXÕà¬"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "ÄÈ¡ÁiÕȲä²! ­¬¹Ç\¸ ä‰ÕXÕíÂÜÂ$Æ!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "ÄÈ¡ÁiÕȲä²! tÇ ´ÆÆ´ÌÈ|¹ ÀÉÐÆXÕÀÉ JŵÂȲä²!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "8ÖXÖ´”² XÕÜ´èƴŬ ÆŵÂȲä². $ÁXÎXÕÜÂ$¸”² ŒÁÕ¸ÒèƴŔ² tÇ Ü¤Â\ÑÐÅÁ ÀÉÐÆ´ÀÉ JŵÂȲä².ŒÁÕ¸ÒèÆ´Å $ÁXά Éè²)´È²ä².$ÁXά …È̸)´È²ä²."

Page_Send               ="¾è¸,Ҥ ¥ÇXÎÐÅ ˜ÓtÇÀÉ ô¼´°0®"

Picture_Send            ="¾è¸,Ҥ ¥ÇXÎÐÅ tÇø»ÀÉ ô¼´°0®"

DetectBTDongle          = "ܤÂ\Ñ X՘° X՘°XÇ ´Å³0Ñ|¹ ¬ÀÉଠˆÇ”²ÀÉ UÖxÇXÕíÂÜÂ$Æ. 'UÖxÇ'DÇ ²x¹ ä²LÇÐÅ B¯<ÇXÕp¬˜° Íü¬XՔ² ´Å³0Ñ|¹ Èp¬XÕà¬."

BTNotInstall            = "ܤÂ\ÑÐÅ Realtek ¾è¸,Ҥ¬ $ÁXδÀÉ JÅXŵÂȲä²."

BTInstall               = "ÀÉ® REALTEK ¾è¸,Ҥ $ÁXÎ É"

BTUninstall             = "ÀÉ® REALTEK ¾è¸,Ҥ Èp¬ É"

BTUnique           	="tÇ $ÁXÎ Õ\¸ø­¨·XÇ ä²x¹ xǤÂ4Ѥ¬ tÇø» äÂ‰Õ ɅÇȲä². ä²Ü ÜÂij ÄÖ DÆ̸XÕଠä²x¹ xǤÂ4ѤÂÐÅ ³tÕ 0®ä²$¸üÈíÂÜÂ$Æ."

BTOffice		="”² Microsoft Office ŒÁÕ¸ÒèÆ´Å|¹ ¬À©ÆXՔ² ¬ÀÉ, ù²àÂ@Ç Èp¬\Õ Ä¬Á É ø­ä´DÇ …È̸ XÕÜ ¬µÂȲL®?"

BTNoDongle          ="ܤÂ\ÑÐÅ ¾è¸,Ҥ¬ \Ö1ÁTÖ´ÈŔ²ÀÉ UÖxÇXÕíÂÜÂ$Æ. ¥ÇXÎ|¹ ðÅ°¬XÕଠ'UÖxÇ'DÇ tЭ¹XÕíÂÜÂ$Æ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth Driver might not be uninstalled correctly, press "OK"to continue"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Fjerner nå maskinvare og drivere"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Søker nå etter maskinvare og installerer drivere"

MustVista 		= "Denne WLAN-driverpakken må være installert i Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Fullført"

SafelyRemove		= "Din WLAN-adapter kan nå trygt fjernes fra systemet."

PlugAdapter		= "Du kan koble til WLAN-adapteren din nå."

NowRemove	 	= "Fjerner"

NowInstall	 	= "installerer" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Beklager! Vennligst kjør som administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Beklager! Vi støtter ikke dette operativsystemet!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Ingen kompatibel maskinvare funnet. Programvaren du prøver å installere støttes ikke på dette systemet.Programvaren blir ikke installert.Oppsettet avsluttes nå."

Page_Send               = "Send side til Bluetooth-enheten"

Picture_Send            = "Send bilde til Bluetooth-enheten"

DetectBTDongle          = "Sørg for at systemet har en og bare en adapter. Plugg inn eller fjerne overflødige adaptere og klikk 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth er ikke installert på systemet."

BTInstall               = "Installerer nå REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Fjerner nå REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Et annet eksempel på dette oppsettet kjører allerede. Vennligst vent på at andre omgang å fullføre og prøv igjen."

BTOffice		="Oppdager du bruker Microsoft Office-programvare, ønsker du å stenge dem ned slik at avinstallering ville fortsette?"

BTNoDongle          ="Bekreft at Bluetooth er aktivert på systemet. Sett inn enheten og klikk på «OK»"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Realtek Bluetooth Driver kanskje ikke avinstalleres riktig, trykk på "OK" for å fortsette"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Trwa usuwanie sprztu i sterowników"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Trwa wyszukiwanie sprztu i instalowanie sterowników"

MustVista 		= "Ten pakiet sterowników dla sieci WLAN nale|y zainstalowa do systemu Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "ZakoDczono"

SafelyRemove		= "Teraz mo|na bezpiecznie usun kart WLAN z systemu."

PlugAdapter		= "Teraz mo|na wBczy kart WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Trwa usuwaniew"

NowInstall	 	= "Trwa instalowanie"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Przepraszamy! Wykonaj uruchomienie z uprawnieniami administratora!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Przepraszamy! Ten system operacyjny nie jest obsBugiwany!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Nie znaleziono kompatybilnych urzdzeD. Oprogramowanie, które próbujesz zainstalowa nie jest obsBugiwane w tym systemie.Oprogramowanie nie zostanie zainstalowane.Nastpi teraz zakoDczenie programu instalacyjnego."

Page_Send               = "Wy[lij stron do urzdzenia Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            = "Wy[lij obraz do urzdzenia Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Upewnij si, |e system ma jedn i tylko jedn kart. PodBczy lub usunicia nadmiaru kart, a nastpnie kliknij "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "W systemie nie ma zainstalowanego urzdzenia Bluetooth Realtek."

BTInstall               = "Wykonywana jest instalacja REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Wykonywane jest usuwanie REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Innym przykBadem tego jest to ju| dziaBa. Poczekaj na inne np. do koDca, a nastpnie spróbuj ponownie."

BTOffice		="Wykrywanie korzystania z oprogramowania Microsoft Office, chcesz zamknli je wic odinstalowa nadal"

BTNoDongle          ="Potwierdz, |e w systemie jest wBczona funkcja Bluetooth. PodBcz urzdzenie i kliknij 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Sterownik Bluetooth REALTEK nie mo|e zosta odinstalowany poprawnie, naci[nij przycisk "OK" aby kontynuowa"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Removendo hardware e drivers"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Pesquisando hardware e instalando drivers"

MustVista 		= "Este pacote de driver WLAN deve ser instalado no Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Concluído"

SafelyRemove		= "Seu adaptador WLAN pode ser removido do sistema com segurança."

PlugAdapter		= "É possível conectar seu adaptador WLAN agora."

NowHarware	 	= "Removendo"

NowInstall	 	= "instalando" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Desculpe! Favor Executar como Administrador!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Desculpe! Não suportamos este sistema operacional!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Hardware não compatível encontrado. O software que você está tentando instalar não é suportado neste sistema.O software não será instalado.A configuração será fechada agora."

Page_Send               = "Enviar página para Dispositivo Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            = "Enviar imagem para Dispositivo Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Verifique se o seu sistema tem um e apenas um adaptador. Conecte ou remova o excesso de adaptadores e clique em 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "O Bluetooth Realtek não está instalado em seu sistema."

BTInstall               = "Instalando agora o REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Removendo agora o REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Outro exemplo desta configuração já está em execução. Por favor, espere a outra instância para terminar e tente novamente."

BTOffice		="Detectar que você está usando software Microsoft Office, gostaria de fechá-los de modo a desinstalação vai continuar?"

BTNoDongle          ="Confirmar se o Bluetooth está habilitado em seu sistema. Plugue seu dispositivo e clique em 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Sterownik Bluetooth REALTEK nie mo|e zosta odinstalowany poprawnie, naci[nij przycisk "OK" aby kontynuowa"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "A remover o hardware e os controladores"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "A procurar o hardware e a instalar os controladores"

MustVista 		= "Este controlador da WLAN deve ser instalado no Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Concluído"

SafelyRemove		= "A sua placa WLAN pode ser removida do sistema em segurança."

PlugAdapter		= "Pode ligar a sua placa WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "A remover o "

NowInstall	 	= "A instalar os "

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Lamentamos, mas é necessário ter direitos de administrador para esta operação!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Lamentamos, mas este sistema operativo não é suportado!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Não foi encontrado hardware compatível. O software que está a tentar instalar não é suportado por este sistema.O software não vai ser instalado.A sair do programa de instalação."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Verifique se o seu sistema tem um e apenas um adaptador. Conecte ou remova o excesso de adaptadores e clique em 'OK'."

BTNotInstall            = "A função Bluetooth da Realtek não está instalada no seu sistema."

BTInstall               = "A instalar a função REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "A remover a função REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Outro exemplo desta configuração já está em execução. Por favor, espere a outra instância para terminar e tente novamente."

BTOffice		="Detectando você estiver usando software Microsoft Office, gostaria de fechá-los de modo a desinstalação continuaria?"

BTNoDongle          ="Certifique-se de que a função Bluetooth está activada no sistema. Ligue o dispositivo e clique em  OK ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Sterownik Bluetooth REALTEK nie mo|e zosta odinstalowany poprawnie, naci[nij przycisk "OK" aby kontynuowa"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Se _terg hardware-ul _i driverele"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Se caut hardware _i se instaleaz drivere"

MustVista 		= "Acest pachet de drivere pentru WLAN trebuie instalat în Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Terminat"

SafelyRemove		= "Adaptorul WLAN se poate elimina acum în siguranc din sistem."

PlugAdapter		= "Puteci conecta acum adaptorul WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Se _terge"

NowInstall	 	= "Se instaleaz" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Ne pare ru! Rulaci ca Administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Ne pare ru! Nu oferim suport pentru acest sistem de operare!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Niciun hardware compatibil nu a fost gsit. Software-ul pe care încercaci s-l instalaci nu este acceptat pe acest sistem.Software-ul nu va fi instalat.Instalarea va fi anulat."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Asiguraci-v c sistemul dumneavoastr nu are doar un singur adaptor. Conectaci sau elimina excesul de adaptoare _i apoi faceci clic pe "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth nu este instalat în sistemul dvs."

BTInstall               = "Se instaleaz REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Se _terge REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Un alt exemplu de acest setup se execut deja. V rugm s a_teptaci de exemplu, cellalt s termine _i apoi încercaci din nou."

BTOffice		="Detectarea utilizaci software Microsoft Office, dorici s le închid, astfel dezinstalare va continua?"   

BTNoDongle          ="Confirmaci c Bluetooth este activat în sistemul dvs. Conectaci dispozitivul _i faceci clic pe 'OK'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek driver Bluetooth nu ar putea fi dezinstalat corect, apsaci "OK" pentru a continua"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "45B C40;5=85 >1>@C4>20=8O 8 4@0925@>2"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "45B ?>8A: >1>@C4>20=8O 8 CAB0=>2:0 4@0925@>2"

MustVista 		= "-B>B ?0:5B 4@0925@>2 15A?@>2>4=>9 A5B8 ?@54=07=0G5= 4;O CAB0=>2:8 2 Windows Vista."

Complete		= ">B>2>"

SafelyRemove		= ""5?5@L 040?B5@ 15A?@>2>4=>9 A5B8 <>6=> 157>?0A=> C40;8BL 87 A8AB5<K."

PlugAdapter		= ""5?5@L <>6=> 2AB028BL 040?B5@ 15A?@>2>4=>9 A5B8."

NowRemove	 	= "45B C40;5=85"

NowInstall	 	= "45B CAB0=>2:0" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "728=8B5! "@51C5BAO 70?CA: A ?@020<8 04<8=8AB@0B>@0!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "728=8B5! -B0 >?5@0F8>==0O A8AB5<0 =5 ?>445@68205BAO!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "!>2<5AB8<>5 >1>@C4>20=85 =5 >1=0@C65=>. @>3@0<<=>5 >15A?5G5=85, :>B>@>5 2K ?KB05B5AL CAB0=>28BL, =5 ?>445@68205BAO 2 MB>9 A8AB5<5. =5 1C45B CAB0=>2;5=>.@>3@0<<0 CAB0=>2:8 7025@H05B @01>BC."

Page_Send               ="B?@028BL AB@0=8FC =0 CAB@>9AB2> Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            ="B?@028BL 87>1@065=85 =0 CAB@>9AB2> Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "#1548B5AL, GB> 20H0 A8AB5<0 8<55B >48= 8 B>;L:> >48= 040?B5@. >4:;NG8BL 8;8 C40;8BL 87;8H:8 040?B5@K 8 =06<8B5 :=>?:C "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth =5 CAB0=>2;5= 2 20H59 A8AB5<5."

BTInstall               = "#AB0=>2:0 REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "B:;NG5=85 REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="@C3>9 M:75<?;O@ MB>9 CAB0=>2:8 C65 70?CI5=. >60;C9AB0, ?>4>648B5, 4;O 4@C3>3> M:75<?;O@0 4> :>=F0 8 ?>?@>1C9B5 5I5 @07."

BTOffice		="1=0@C65=85 2K 8A?>;L7C5B5 Microsoft Office ?@>3@0<<=>3> >15A?5G5=8O, K E>B5;8 1K 70:@KBL 8E, B0: GB> C40;5=85 1C45B ?@>4>;60BLAO"

BTNoDongle          =">4B25@48B5 ?>4:;NG5=85 Bluetooth 2 20H59 A8AB5<5. >4:;NG8B5 CAB@>9AB2> 8 =06<8B5 :=>?:C OK"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek driver Bluetooth nu ar putea fi dezinstalat corect, apsaci "OK" pentru a continua"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Sada se uklanjaju hardver i drajveri"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Sada se pretra~uje hardver i instaliraju drajveri"

MustVista 		= "Ovaj paket drajvera za WLAN mora da bude instaliran na Windows Vista sistemu!"

Complete		= "Zavraeno"

SafelyRemove		= "Vaa adapter za WLAN sada mo~e da bude bezbedno uklonjen sa sistema."

PlugAdapter		= "Sada mo~ete da priklju
ite svoj adapter za WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= "Sada se uklanja"

NowInstall	 	= "Sada se instalira" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "}ao nam je! Molimo pokrenite kao Administrator!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "}ao nam je! Ne podr~avamo ovaj operativni sistem!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Nije pronaen kompatibilni hardver. Softver koji pokuaavate da instalirate nije podr~an na ovom sistemu. \Softver nee biti instaliran.Podeaavanje e se sada okon

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "#25@8B5 A5 40 20H A8AB5< 8<0 X540= 8 A0<> X540= 040?B5@. @8:YCG8B5 A5 8;8 C:;>=8B5 28H0: 040?B5@5, 0 70B8< :;8:=8B5 =0 4C3<5 """

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth nije instaliran na vaaem sistemu"

BTInstall               = "Sada se instalira REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Sada se uklanja REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	=""

BTOffice		=""

BTNoDongle          ="Potvrdite da je Bluetooth uklju
en na vaaem sistemu. Priklju
ite svoj ureaj i kliknite na "OK""

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    =" 50;B5: @825@ <>640 =5[5 18B8 8A?@02=> 458=AB0;8@0=, ?@8B8A=8B5 "" 40 18AB5 =0AB028;8"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Prebieha odinatalovanie hardvéru a ovláda

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Prebieha vyh>adávanie hardvéru a inatalácia ovláda

MustVista 		= "Tento balík ovláda
ov pre WLAN musí bye nainatalovaný v systéme Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Dokon

SafelyRemove		= "Váa adaptér pre WLAN je teraz mo~né bezpe
ne odinatalovae zo systému."

PlugAdapter		= "Teraz mô~ete pripojie svoj adaptér pre WLAN." 

NowRemove	 	= "Prebieha odinatalovanie"

NowInstall	 	= "Prebieha inatalácia"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Sorry ! Please Run As Administrator !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Sorry ! We do not support this operation system !!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "No compatible hardware found. The software you are attempting to install is not supported on this system.The software will not be installed.Setup will now exit."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Uistite sa, ~e váa systém je jeden a iba jeden adaptér. Zapojte sa alebo odstránenia nadbyto
ných adaptéry a potom kliknite na tla
idlo "OK"."

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth nie je vo vaaom systéme nainatalované."

BTInstall               = "Prebieha inatalácia REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Prebieha odinatalovanie REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="alaím prípadom tohto nastavenia je u~ spustená. Prosím, po
kajte na druhej inatancii do konca a potom to skúste znova."

BTOffice		="Detekcia pou~ívate program Microsoft Office softvér, by ste radi vyradie ju tak odinatalácie bude pokra

BTNoDongle          ="Presved
te sa, ~e Bluetooth je vo vaaom systéme povolené. Pripojte zariadenie a kliknite na  OK ."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="RealTek Bluetooth Driver nemusí bye odinatalovaný správne, stla
te tla
idlo "OK" pre pokra



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Odstranjujem strojno opremo in gonilnike"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Ia
em strojno opremo in namea
am gonilnike"

MustVista 		= "Ta paket gonilnikov WLAN mora biti namea
en v Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Kon

SafelyRemove		= "WLAN vmesnik zdaj lahko varno odstranite iz sistema."

PlugAdapter		= "Zdaj lahko priklopite svoj WLAN vmesnik."

NowRemove		= "Odstranjujem"

NowInstall		= "Namea

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Oprostite !  Za~enite kot skrbnik !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Oprostite ! Tega operacijskega sistema ne podpiramo !!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Ni mogo
e najti zdru~ljive strojne opreme. Programska oprema, ki jo ~elite namestiti, ni podprta v tem sistemu. Programska oprema ne bo namea
ena. Namestitev bo prekinjena."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "Poskrbite, da vaa sistem ima eno in samo eno adapter. Priklju
ite ali odstranijo odve
ne adapterje in kliknite 'OK'"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth ni namea
en v vaaem sistemu."

BTInstall               = "Namea
am REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Odstranjujem REALTEK Bluetooth"  

BTUnique           	="Drug primer te nastavitve se ~e izvaja. Prosimo po
akajte, da druga na primer do konca in nato poskusite znova"

BTOffice		="Odkrivanje uporabljate Microsoft Office programske opreme, bi radi, da jih zaprli, tako da bi Odstranjevanje naprej?"

BTNoDongle          ="Potrdite, da je Bluetooth v vaaem sistemu omogo
en. Priklju
ite napravo in kliknite »V redu«."

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Realtek Bluetooth Driver morda ni pravilno odstraniti, pritisnite "OK" za nadaljevanje"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Se están quitando los controladores y el hardware"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Se está buscando el hardware e instalando los controladores"

MustVista 		= "Este paquete de controladores WLAN se debe instalar en Windows Vista."

Complete		= "Completado"

SafelyRemove		= "El adaptador WLAN se puede quitar ahora de forma segura del sistema ."

PlugAdapter		= "Puede enchufar el adaptador WLAN ahora."

NowRemove	 	= "Se están quitando los"

NowInstall	 	= "Se está instalando los" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Lo sentimos. Por favor, ejecute el programa como administrador."

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Lo sentimos. Este sistema operativo no es compatible."

Msg_HW_fail             = "No se encontró ningún hardware admitido. Este sistema no es compatible con el software que intenta instalar.El software no se instalará.El programa de instalación se cerrará ahora."

Page_Send               ="Enviar página al dispositivo Bluetooth"

Picture_Send            ="Enviar imagen al dispositivo Bluetooth"

DetectBTDongle          = "Asegúrese de que su sistema tiene una y sólo un adaptador. Conectar o quitar el exceso de adaptadores y haga clic en 'Aceptar'"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth no está instalado en su sistema"

BTInstall               = "Instalando REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Eliminando REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="Otro ejemplo de esta configuración se está ejecutando. Por favor, espera para la otra instancia para terminar y vuelva a intentarlo."

BTOffice		="Detectar que está utilizando el software Microsoft Office, ¿le gustaría a cerrar por lo que la desinstalación continuará?"

BTNoDongle          ="Confirme que Bluetooth está activado en su sistema. Enchufe su dispositivo y pulse OK"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Driver Realtek Bluetooth no puede ser desinstalado correctamente, pulse el botón "Aceptar" para continuar"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "Tar nu bort hårdvara och drivrutiner"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Söker efter hårdvara och installerar drivrutiner"

MustVista 		= "Detta paket med WLAN-drivrutiner måste installeras på Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "Fullbordat"

SafelyRemove		= "Din WLAN-adapter kan nu säkert tas bort från systemet."

PlugAdapter		= "Du kan nu ansluta din WLAN-adapter."

NowRemove	 	= "Tar nu bort"

NowInstall	 	= "installerar" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Tyvärr! Logga in som administratör!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Tyvärr! Vi stöder inte detta operativsystem!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Ingen kompatibel maskinvara hittades. Programvaran du försöker installera stöds inte av detta system.Programvaran kommer inte att installeras.Nu avbryts installationen."

Page_Send               ="Skicka sida till Bluetooth-enhet"

Picture_Send            ="Skicka bild till Bluetooth-enhet"

DetectBTDongle          = "Se till att ditt system har en och endast en adapter. Sätt i eller ta bort överskott adaptrar och klicka på "OK""

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth är inte installerad i ditt system."

BTInstall               = "Nu installeras REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "Nu tas REALTEK Bluetooth bort"

BTUnique           	="En annan instans av denna installation är redan igång. Var god vänta tills den andra hand till slut och sedan försöka igen."

BTOffice		="Upptäcka du använder Microsoft Office-program, skulle du vilja stänga ner dem så att avinstallera skulle fortsätta"

BTNoDongle          ="Bekräfta att Bluetooth är aktiverat i ditt system. Koppla in din enhet och klicka på "OK""

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth Driver kanske inte avinstalleras korrekt, tryck på "OK" för att fortsätta"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "05I3%1%.2#LA'#LA%0D#@'-#L"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "05I3%1I+2.2#LA'#L A%041ID#@'-#L"

MustVista 		= "A@D#@'-#L WLAN 5II-DI#12#41IC Windows Vista!"

Complete		= "*!9#L"

SafelyRemove		= "05I8*2!2#--0A@-#L WLAN -8--2#0DI-"H2%- 1""

PlugAdapter		= "05I8*2!2#@*5"-0A@-#L WLAN DIA%I'"

NowRemove		= "05I3%1-"

NowInstall		= "05I3%141I" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "-- 1" ! B##1C209I9A%#0 !!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "-- 1" ! @#2D!H*1*8#04142#5I !!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "D!H.2#LA'#L5HC
II'"1DI -LA'#L5H83%1"2"2!41ID!HDI#12#*1*8#05I -LA'#L0D!H941I 05IB#A#!41I02#32"

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "C+IAHC'H2#0-8!5+6HA%0@5"+6H-0A@-#L @*5"C-0A@-#L+#7-@-2*H'5H@421I%45H '%'"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek %99D!HDI41I#0-8"

BTInstall               = "05I2#41I%99  Realtek"

BTUninstall             = "-5I@-2 Realtek %99 "

BTUnique           	="-4*AL-2#41I5IG32-"9HA%I' B##-*1#9H*3+#1-4*AL-7H F 5H0@*#G*4IA%I'%--5#1I"

BTOffice		="2##'183%1C
I-LA'#L Microsoft Office 8I-2#04'@2%@7H-"@%42#41I03@4H-D?"

BTNoDongle          =""7"1'H3%999@433#0-8 @*5"-8#L-8 A%0%4 '%'"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="D#L@'-#L%99  REALTEK -20D!H-2#41I-"H29I-C+I "%" @7H-3@42#H-"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "^imdi Donan1m ve Sürücüler kald1r1l1yor"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "^imdi Donan1m aran1yor ve Sürücüler yükleniyor"

MustVista 		= "Bu WLAN sürücü paketi Windows Vista ya yüklenmelidir"

Complete		= "Tamamland1"

SafelyRemove		= "WLAN bada_t1r1c1n1z sistemden güvenli bir _ekilde kald1r1labilir."

PlugAdapter		= "WLAN bada_t1r1c1n1z1 takabilirsiniz."

NowRemove	 	= "^imdi kald1r1l1yor"

NowInstall	 	= "^imdi yükleniyor" 

Msg_Run_Admin           = "Üzgünüz! Lütfen Yönetici Olarak Çal1_t1r1n!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "Üzgünüz! Bu i_letim sistemini desteklemiyoruz!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "Uyumlu donan1m bulunamad1. Yüklemeye çal1_t11n1z yaz1l1m bu sistemde desteklenmiyor.Yaz1l1m yüklenmeyecek.Kurulumdan _imdi ç1k1lacak."

Page_Send               ="Bluetooth Ayg1t1na sayfa gönder"

Picture_Send            ="Bluetooth Ayg1t1na görüntü gönder"

DetectBTDongle          = "Sistem ve tek bir adaptöre sahip olduundan emin olun. 'Tamam' t1klat1n takmak veya a_1r1 adaptörleri ç1kar1n ve"

BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth sisteminizde kurulu deil."

BTInstall               = "^u anda REALTEK Bluetooth kuruluyor"

BTUninstall             = "^u anda REALTEK Bluetooth kald1r1l1yor"

BTUnique           	="Bu kurulum ba_ka bir örnei zaten çal1_1yor. Dier örnei için Lütfen bekleyin sonra tekrar deneyin bitirmek ve."

BTOffice		="Microsoft Office yaz1l1m1 kullan1yorsan1z, alg1lama, kald1rma devam edeceini böylece onlar1 kapatmaya istiyorsunuz?"

BTNoDongle          ="Bluetooth un sisteminizde etkin olduunu dorulay1n. Cihaz1n1z1 tak1n ve 'OK' (Tamam) a t1klay1n"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="REALTEK Bluetooth Driver doru kald1r1lamaz olabilir, devam etmek için "OK" tu_una bas1n"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= " ,'1M 'D"F %2'D) 'D#,G2) H(1'E, 'D*4:JD"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= " ,'1M 'D"F 'D(-+ 9F 'D#,G2) H*+(J* (1'E, 'D*4:JD"

MustVista 		= " J,( *+(J* -2E) (1'E, *4:JD 4(C) WLAN AJ F8'E Windows Vista!"

Complete		= " *E"

SafelyRemove		= " JECF 'D"F %2'D) EG'J& 4(C) WLAN EF 'D,G'2 (#E'F"

PlugAdapter		= " JECF 'D"F *H5JD EG'J& 4(C) WLAN."

NowRemove	 	= " ,'1M 'D%2'D) 'D"F"

NowInstall	 	= " ,'1M 'D*+(J* 'D"F"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "901K'! J1,I 'D*4:JD C#-/ E3$HDJ 'DF8'E!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "901K'! F-F D' F/9E F8'E 'D*4:JD G0'!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "DE J*E 'D9+H1 9DI #,G2) E*H'AB). 'D(1F'E, 'D0J *-'HD *+(J*G :J1 E/9HE 9DI G0' 'DF8'E.DF J*E *+(J* G0' 'D(1F'E,.3J*E %FG'! 'D%9/'/."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "*#C/ EF 'DF8'E 'D.'5 (C H'-/ HE-HD H'-/ AB7. 3/ 'D9,2 AJ 'DE-HD'* #H %2'D) 'D2'&/) HEF +E 'FB1 AHB "EH'AB"


BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth :J1 E+(* 9DI F8'EC."

BTInstall               = ",'1 *+(J* REALTEK Bluetooth 'D"F"

BTUninstall             = ",'1 %2'D) REALTEK Bluetooth 'D"F"

BTUnique           	="

E+'D ".1 EF G0' 'D%9/'/ BJ/ 'D*4:JD. EF A6DC 'F*81 'DE+JD 'D".1 H-*I 'DFG'J) H-'HD E1) #.1I."

BTOffice		="

C4A CF* *3*./E Microsoft Office 'D(1F'E, GD *1:( AJ %:D'BG' H('D*'DJ A%F %D:'! *+(J* 3*3*E1"

 BTNoDongle          ="AJ F8'EC. H5D ,G'2C +E 'FB1 AHB "EH'AB". Bluetooth *#"/ EF *ECJF"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="B/ D' REALTEK 3'&B (DH*H+ JECF %D:'! *+(J* (4CD 5-J- '6:7 9DI "EH'AB" DDE*'(9)"



RemoveHarwareDriver 	= "ÞáÙè Ûâê ×ÕÞèÔ ÕÞàÔÜÙ ÔêçàÙÝ"

SearchHardwareDriver 	= "Þ×äé Ûâê ×ÕÞèÔ ×ÓéÔ ÕÞêçÙß ÞàÔÜÙ ÔêçàÙÝ"

MustVista 		= "×ÑÙÜÔ ÖÕ éÜ ÞàÔÜ Ôêçß èéê ÐÜ×ÕØÙê (WLAN) ÞÙÕâÓê ÜÔêçàÔ Ñ-Windows Vista ÑÜÑÓ!"

Complete		= "ÔáêÙÙÝ"

SafelyRemove		= "Ûâê êÕÛÜ ÜÔáÙè ÑæÕèÔ ÑØÕ×Ô Ðê ÛèØÙá Ôèéê ÔÐÜ×ÕØÙê."

PlugAdapter		= "Ûâê êÕÛÜ Ü×Ñè Ðê ÛèØÙá Ôèéê ÔÐÜ×ÕØÙê."

NowRemove	 	= "ÞáÙè Ûâê"

NowInstall	 	= "ÞêçÙß Ûâê"

Msg_Run_Admin           = "ÞæØâèÙÝ! ÔäâÜ ÑÑçéÔ ÛéÙé ÜÚ ÔèéÐÕê ÞàÔÜ!!"

Msg_OS_not_support      = "ÞæØâèÙÝ! ÐÙààÕ êÕÞÛÙÝ ÑÞâèÛê ÔäâÜÔ ÞáÕÒ ÖÔ!!"

Msg_HW_fail             = "ÜÐ àÞæÐ ×ÕÞèÔ êÕÞÛê. ÔêÕÛàÔ ÐÕêÔ ÐêÔ ÞêçÙß ÐÙàÔ àêÞÛê âÜ ÙÓÙ ÞâèÛê ÖÐê.ÔêÕÛàÔ ÜÐ êÕêçß.êÕÛàÙê ÔÔêçàÔ êÙáÒè Ûâê."

Page_Send               = "Send page to Bluetooth Device"

Picture_Send            = "Send image to Bluetooth Device"

DetectBTDongle          = "ÕÓÐ ÔÞâèÛê Ùé Ð×Ó ÕÙ×ÙÓ ÞêÐÝ. Ü×Ñè ÐÕ ÜÔáÙè ÞêÐÞÙ âÕÓã ÕÜÐ×è ÞÛß Ü×å âÜ 'ÐÙéÕè'


BTNotInstall            = "Realtek Bluetooth ÐÙàÔ ÞÕêçàê ÑÞâèÛê éÜÚ."

BTInstall               = "ÞêçÙß REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUninstall             = "ÞáÙè REALTEK Bluetooth"

BTUnique           	="

âÕÓ ÞçèÔ éÜ ÔêçàÔ ÖÔ ÛÑè äÕâÜ. ÐàÐ ÔÞêß ÜÞéÜ ÔéàÙ ÜáÙÙÝ ÕÜÐ×è ÞÛß àáÔ éÕÑ."

BTOffice		="

ÒÙÜÕÙ ÐêÔ ÞéêÞé ÑêÕÛàÔ Microsoft Office, ÐêÔ èÕæÔ ÜáÒÕè ÐÕêÝ ÛÓÙ ÜÔáÙè Ðê Ôêçàê ÙÞéÙÚ?"

BTNoDongle          ="äâÙÜÔ ÑÞâèÛê éÜÚ. ×Ñè Ðê ÔÔêçß éÜÚ ÕÜ×å âÜ 'ÐÙéÕè' Bluetooth Ðéè éçÙéÕèÙê"

BTMultiDongle       ="Confirm that your system has only one Bluetooth adapter, remove the extras and click 'OK'"

BTOtherDongle      ="There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click 'OK'" 

BTUninstallErr    ="Driver Realtek Bluetooth ÐÕÜÙ ÜÐ ÔÕáè ÛèÐÕÙ, Ü×æÕ âÜ "ÐÙéÕè" ÛÓÙ ÜÔÞéÙÚ"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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