kxmb20ln.ini Driver File Contents (DEVMON20_115_1_ENG.exe)

; common string start ********************************************************
#OTHER				=Other
;#INFINITY			=Infinity
#UNKNOWN			=Unknown
#EXIST				=Exist
#NOPAPER			=Empty
#NOTINSTALLED		=Not Installed
#INSTALLED			=Installed
#IMPRESSION			=pages
#SHEET				=pages
#PAGE				=pages
#ON					=On
#OFF				=Off
#ENABLE				=Enabled
#DISABLE			=Disabled
#PPM				=ppm
#INCH				=inch
#MM					=mm
#DPI				=dpi

; print technoroty (change #LASER)
;#LED				=
#LASER				=Laser Printer
;#EPS				=
;#IMPACT9			=
;#IMPACT24			=
;#IMPACE			=
;#INKAQ				=
;#INKSO				=
;#INK				=
;#PEN				=
;#PHOTO				=
;#ION				=

; Language code.
;#JAPANESE			=Japanese
#ENGLISH			=English
#FRANCH				=French
#GERMAN				=German
#ITALIAN			=Italian
#SPANISH			=Spanish
#SWEDISH			=Swedish
#DANISH				=Danish
#NORWEGIAN			=Norwegian
#FINLAND			=Finnish
#PORTUGUESS			=Portuguese
#TURKEY				=Turkish
#POLISH				=Polish
#RUSSIAN			=Russian
#HUNGARY			=Hungarian
;#KOREAN			=Korean
#CHINESE			=Chinese

; paper size
;#LEDGER			=
#LEGAL				=Legal
#LETTER				=Letter
;#A2				=
;#A3				=
#A4					=A4
;#A5				=A5
;#A6				=
;#B4				=
#B5I				=B5(ISO)
#B5J				=B5(JIS)
;#B6				=
;#EXECUTIVE			=Executive
;#ENVELOPEC5		=Envelope C5
;#ENVELOPEC6		=Envelope C6
#ENVELOPE10			=Envelope #10
;#ENVELOPE9			=Envelope #9
#ENVELOPEDL			=Envelope DL
;#ENVELOPEM			=Envelope Monarch
;#FLS1				=
;#FLS2				=
;#CHOU1				=
;#CHOU2				=
;#CHOU3				=
;#CHOU4				=
;#KAKU1				=
;#KAKU2				=
;#KAKU3				=
;#JPOSTCARD			=Japanese Postcard
;#JDOUBLEPOSTCARD	=Japanese Double Postcard
;#CH8K				=
;#FOLIO				=
;#ENVKAKU0			=
;#ENVYOU1			=
; add paper size
;#CUSTOM				=Custom
#CH16K				=16K
;#ENVYOU4			=Japanese Envelope You #4
#85X13				=216x330mm[8.5x13"]
#85X134				=216x340mm[8.5x13.4"]

; original string start. *****************************************************
; media type
#PLAINPAPER			=Plain Paper
#THINPAPER			=Thin Paper
;#BOND_LETTERHEAD	=Bond/Letterhead
;#RECYCLEDPAPER		=Recycled Paper
#CARDSTOCK			=Card Stock
#TRANSPARENCY		=Transparency
#LABEL				=Label
;#COATEDPAPER		=Coated Paper
#ENVELOPE			=Envelope
;#POSTCARD_DOC		=Japanese Postcard
;#POSTCARD_ADD		=Japanese Postcard 2nd

; tray name
;#MPT				=Multi Purpose Tray
#TRAY1				=Tray #1
#TRAY2				=Tray #2
;#TRAY3				=Tray #3

; supplies name
#BLACKTONER			=Black Toner
#CYANTONER			=Cyan Toner
#MAGENTATONER		=Magenta Toner
#YELLOWTONER		=Yellow Toner
#PCBLACK			=Monochrome Drum Cartridge
#PCCOLOR			=Color Drum Cartridge
#WTC				=Waste Toner Cartridge
#AU					=Accumulator Unit
#TRANSFERUNIT		=Transfer Roller
#FUSER				=Fuser Unit

; remain string (only waste toner cartridge
#USABLE				=Usable
#FULL				=Full
#REPLACE			=Replace

; version string.
#ENGINEFW			=Engine Version
#FWCHECKSUM			=Check Sum

; console string
#CONSOLEL			=Console

; counter string.
#COUNTERMONO		=Monochrome Prints
#COUNTERCOLOR		=Color Prints
#COUNTERSIMMONO		=Simulated Monochrome Prints
#COUNTERSIMCOLOR	=Simulated Color Prints

; power save mode.

; orientation
#PORTRAIT			=Portrait
#LANDSCAPE			=Landscape

; interpreter.
#AUTOLANGUAGE		=Automatic Language Switching
#GDI				=GDI
#PCL				=PCL
#POSTSCRIPT			=PostScript
#PDF				=PDF

; NetWare frame type.
#802.3				=802.3
#802.2				=802.2
#802.2SNAP			=SNAP

; print notification message.
#PRINTOK			=Print Finished.
#PRINTCANCEL		=Print Canceled.
#SPOOLOK			=Spool Finished.

; toner capacity
#TC-B				=Black Toner Cartridge
#TC-C				=Cyan Toner Cartridge
#TC-M				=Magenta Toner Cartridge
#TC-Y				=Yellow Toner Cartridge

#STARTER			=Starter
#3K					=3K
#6K					=6K

; Scan Type
#ADF				=ADF
#FB					=Flatbed

; Scan ODH
#SIMPLEX			=Simplex
#FIRST2LAST			=First to Last
#SHEETS				=Sheets

; Scan Status
#IDLE				=Idle
#SCANNING			=Scanning
#DOWN				=Down
#JAMMED				=Paper Jammed

; Fax Channel
#G3					=G3
#IFAX				=Internet Fax

#FAXAVAIL			=Available
#MODEMERR			=Modem Error
#COMMUNICATING		=Communicating
#FAXBUSY			=Not Available
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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