EC_Russian.txt Driver File Contents (w151lmux_SMv2560_Win32.exe)

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-B>B ?@02>2>9 4>:C<5=B O2;O5BAO ;8F5=78>==K< A>3;0H5=85< <564C 0<8 8 :>@?>@0F859 Canon Inc. ("Canon"), >?@545;ONI8< 8A?>;L7>20=85 0<8 MB>3> ?@>3@0<<=>3> >15A?5G5=8O, 0 B0:65 8=B5@0:B82=KE 8 M;5:B@>==KE @C:>2>4AB2 (A>2<5AB=> =07K205<KE "  + !'").  "!/, '", #!"/ -"    !', + " " ! !! +", !/+ #!/ -" !(/. ! +  !!+ ! #!/ !"/) !(/, ! #  " -"#   # #!"   #!"" -"    !'.

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K =5 4>;6=K ?5@54020BL, 2K4020BL ?>4;8F5=78N, ?@>4020BL, 1@0BL 8;8 A4020BL 2 0@5=4C, 2=05< 8;8 2709<K, ?5@54020BL :0:>9-;81> B@5BL59 AB>@>=5, 2KAK;0BL 8;8 2K2>78BL MB>    !' 87 AB@0=K, 345 K 53> 87=0G0;L=> ?>;CG8;8, 2 4@C385 AB@0=K, 157 >1O70B5;L=>3> @07@5H5=8O A>B25BAB2CNI8E >@30=>2. K =5 4>;6=K :>?8@>20BL, ?5@52>48BL 8;8 ?@5>1@07>2K20BL : 4@C3><C O7K:C ?@>3@0<<8@>20=8O MB>    !', :0: A0<>AB>OB5;L=>, B0: 8 A ?@82;5G5=85< :0:>9-;81> B@5BL59 AB>@>=K, :@><5 A;CG052, O2=> >?8A0==KE 745AL. K =5 4>;6=K 87<5=OBL, <>48D8F8@>20BL, 4870AA5<1;8@>20BL, 45:><?8;8@>20BL 8;8 :0:-;81> 8=0G5 >ACI5AB2;OBL >1@0B=>5 ?@>5:B8@>20=85 MB>3>    !'/, :0: A0<>AB>OB5;L=>, B0: 8 A ?@82;5G5=85< B@5BL59 AB>@>=K.

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3.   !!"!": >@?>@0F8O Canon 8 55 ;8F5=7540B5;L >1;040NB 2A5<8 ?@020<8 =0 =0720=85, 2;045=85 8 8=B5;;5:BC0;L=CN A>1AB25==>ABL 2 >B=>H5=88 MB>3>    !'/. "0:8< >1@07><, :>@?>@0F8O Canon =5 ?5@5405B 0< =8:0:8E ?@02, O2=> 2K@065==KE 8;8 ?>4@07C<5205<KE, =0 8=B5;;5:BC0;L=CN A>1AB25==>ABL Canon, 70 8A:;NG5=85< O2=> ?@54CA<>B@5==KE 745AL A;CG052.

4.    : >@?>@0F8O Canon, 55 4>G5@=85 :><?0=88, 8E 48AB@81LNB>@K 8 48;5@K =5 =5ACB >B25BAB25==>AB8 70 A>?@>2>645=85 8;8 ?><>IL 0< 2 8A?>;L7>20=88 MB>3>    !'/, 70 >15A?5G5=85 0A :0:8<8 1K B> =8 1K;> >1=>2;5=8O<8, 8A?@02;5=8O<8 >H81>: 8;8 ?>445@6:>9 >?8A0==>3> =865    !'/.

5.  '/  "/  " " )/ #+": :>@?>@0F8O Canon, 55 4>G5@=85 :><?0=88, 8E 48AB@81LNB>@K 8 48;5@K =5 30@0=B8@CNB =5?@5@K2=>5 >1A;C6820=85 8;8 >BACBAB285 8A?@02;5=89 8 >H81>:. "0:8< >1@07><, MB>    !' ;8F5=78@C5BAO =0 >A=>25 ?@8=F8?0 " !",", 157 :0:8E-;81> 30@0=B89.

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6. ! : -B> !>3;0H5=85 8<55B A8;C A <><5=B0 CAB0=>2:8 MB>3>    !'/ 8 >AB05BAO 2 A8;5 4> ?@5:@0I5=8O 53> 8A?>;L7>20=8O. K <>65B5 ?@5:@0B8BL 459AB285 40==>3> !>3;0H5=8O, C=8GB>682 MB>    !' 8 2A5 53> :>?88. 59AB285 MB>3> !>3;0H5=8O ?@5:@0I05BAO B0:65 2 A;CG05 0H53> =52K?>;=5=8O ;N1>3> 87 ?>;>65=89 MB>3> !>3;0H5=8O.

 B><C 65, A>1;N40O 70:>==K5 ?@020 :>@?>@0F88 Canon, K 4>;6=K 2 B0:>< A;CG05 =5<54;5==> C=8GB>68BL MB>    !' 8 2A5 53> :>?88. 5A<>B@O =0 A:070==>5 @0=55, @0745;K A 3 ?> 6 459AB2CNB 8 2 A;CG05 ?@5:@0I5=8O !>3;0H5=8O.


The SOFTWARE is a "commercial item," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct 1995), consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept 1995).  Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users shall acquire the SOFTWARE with only those rights set forth herein.  Manufacturer is Canon Inc./30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan.

8.  ,!",  !(/:  A;CG05, 5A;8 :0:>5-;81> ?>;>65=85 MB>3> A>3;0H5=8O @5H5=85< :0:>3>-;81> AC40 8;8 AC451=>3> >@30=0 A>>B25BAB2CNI59 N@8A48:F88 1C45B ?@87=0=> =570:>==K<, MB> ?>;>65=85 4>;6=> 1KBL 87JOB> 2 A>>B25BAB288 A> AD5@>9 ?>;=><>G89 MB>3> AC40 8;8 AC451=>3> >@30=0, 0 2A5 >AB02H85AO ?>;>65=8O MB>3> !>3;0H5=8O >AB0NBAO 2 ?>;=>9 A8;5 8 459AB288.

9. $&, /: #!"/ -"    !', +  ", '" +  '" -" !(, / ,  !!+ +", !/+  /  #!/. + " !("!,, '" -" !( //"!/   !" $ #  !(/ #     & CANON  "( !# "+.  /" ! !  /   +#) !(/,  #!"+, "  !,+,  "  # ""+ #     & CANON  "( !# "+.    -"# #"# !"",+ ",  !#' % !  !""   & CANON, + !""!"#.)  .

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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