NTRBOOT.TXT Driver File Contents (retxrpl.ZIP)

       º                                                              º
       º    Compex RE100TX 10/100Base-TX PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter   º
       º        (C) Copyright PDS, 1998. All Rights Reserved.         º
       º                                                              º

Run the file RXNTRBOT.EXE to a new formatted diskette. 
It will self-extract to the following files;

Lable the disk as Compex NT Remoteboot Support Disk

  Installation procedure to add remoteboot support on Windows NT Server
  v3.50/v3.51/v4.0 with Compex RE100TX PCI adapters.

Before You Start
You should have the following items ready before you start:

1. Windows NT Server has been installed and you have
   administrator user right.

2. Latest distribution diskette for that Compex LAN Adapter

3. Compex NT Remoteboot Support Diskette.
   This disk is available from Compex WEB,FTP or BBS server.
   Download file name:  NTRBUPx.EXE

4. Compex RE100TX Boot ROM installed on the adapter.

** Note:- Throughout this procedure, Windows NT Server is assumed to
          have installed to C:\WINNT directory.

Installation Steps

Step 1.
   Install the Remoteboot Service.
   Add NT Remoteboot software support and create the remoteboot image
   structure on the NT server. Make sure DLC and NetBEUI protocols are also

   Remotebooting MS-DOS OS is the installation procedure explained below.

   For more details on NT Remoteboot software installation and creation
   of the remoteboot image structure, please refer to NT Server's manual, or
   NT Help document (if installed in NT Server during initial installation),
   or Windows NT Server CR-ROM help document.

Step 2:
   Install the MS-DOS system files.
   1. Prepare a bootable disk and copy all the DOS utilities file to the disk
       e.g. MS-DOS v6.22,  that the workstation will boot.

   2. On Windows NT Server, log on as Administrator user or equivalent
      administrator user.

   3. Do the following sub-steps to copy the files.
      a) Copy all the files on bootdisk prepared in Step2-1 to the following

           C:\> Copy A:\*.* C:\WINNT\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622

      b) Change directory to C:\WINNT\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622
	 and copy the system files in bootdisk to drive C 
         attrib -s -h  A:\io.sys
         attrib -s -h  A:\msdos.sys
         copy A:\io.sys  C:
         copy A:\msdos.sys  C:

Step 3:
   Start the Remoteboot Service.
   1. In the Control Panel, choose the Services icon.
   2. In the Services dialog box, select the Remoteboot service.
   3. Choose the Start button.

Step 4:
   Copy Compex RE100TX PCI card profile files to NT Server.
   1. On Windows NT Server, log on to a user account that belongs
      to the Administrators local group.

   2. Make a directory RE100 under directory,


   3. From Compex support disk or RE100TX distribution disk
      copy the following;

    a) Copy Compex RE100TX PCI card profile files DOSBB.CNF and
       PROTOCOL.INI to the subdirectory,


    b) Copy RE100.DOS to the subdirectory,


    c) Copy RE100.NIF to subdirectory,


Step 5.
   Creating Remoteboot configurations for RE100TX PCI Adapter.
   ** Note: Some entries are case sensitive. Please enter as indicated.

      Run RPLCMD utility to add a boot block record for the new
      RE100TX PCI adapter. Please follow the sequence of commands
      to create boot block record:

               C:\WINNT\RPL> rplcmd

      Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quit]: b
      Add Del Enum: a
         All other parameters are optional
      BootComment=Compex RE100TX PCI Adapter

      Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quit]: c
      Add Del Enum: a
         All other parameters are optional
      ConfigComment=MS-DOS 6.22 Compex RE100TX PCI Adapter

** Note: VendorName should be exactly the same as the above,
         e.g., 000021.
   For BootName, enter the name of the boot block record you
         created in Step 5-1.

Step 6.
   Create new Profiles.
   1. On Windows NT Server, log on to a user account that belongs
      to the Administrators local group.

   2. From the Remoteboot menu in Remoteboot Manager, choose
      New Profile.

   3. For the Profile Name, type a name for this profile, for
      example, DOS622RL.TX

      ** Note: For the Profile name, if the server's RPL directory is
         on a FAT file system, use standard MS-DOS 8.3 format (eight
         characters, with an optional period and three more characters
         with no spaces or backslashes(\)).

   4. In the Configuration box, choose configuration you just
      created, e.g. MS-DOS 6.22 Compex RE100TX PCI Adapter

   5. For the Description, type a comment for the profile. For example,

             Compex RE100TX PCI boot MS-DOS v6.22

   6. Choose the OK button.

Step 7:
   Adding a new workstation.
   1. On Windows NT Server, log on to a user account that belongs
      to the Administrators local group.

   2. Start the Remoteboot Manager on the server.

   3. Start the remoteboot workstation.

   ** Note: The workstation does not actually boot, but it does send
            a boot request to the server.

   4. In Remoteboot Manager on the server, from the View menu,
      choose Refresh.

   5. In Remoteboot Manager, select the adapter record that has
      appeared with the network adapter ID number in place of the
      workstation name. 
      From the Remoteboot menu, choose Convert Adapters.

   6. In the Wksta Name box, type a name for the workstation. The
      name can have up to 15 characters. The Remoteboot service will
      create a Windows NT user account with this name, not for the
      user but for the workstation itself.

   7. In the Description box, type a comment that describes the
      workstation. The box already contains a comment provided by
      the network adapter itself.

   8. Choose a configuration type:

      Shared if this workstation can share its profile with other

      Personal if this workstation must use a personal copy of a
      profile so that you can customize the environment for the

   9. In the Wksta In Profile box, choose the profile just created,
      e.g., DOS622RL.TX, for this workstation.

   10. In the TCP/IP Configuration box, enter appropriate addresses
       only if the workstation will use TCP/IP and will not use DHCP
       for automatic address handling.

   11. Choose the Add button.

Step 8:
   Testing the remote boot on the workstation.
   Cold boot the workstation. A remote boot logon prompt appears:

   Type remoteboot username, or press enter if it is <workstation>:

Step 9:
   Remoteboot is successfully installed.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web4, load: 0.64