[Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%Lexmark% ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer DriverVer=07/24/2006 CatalogFile.NTx86=lxctcdrv.cat CatalogFile.NTamd64=lxctdr64.cat [Manufacturer] %Lexmark%=Lexmark_PRINTERS,NT.5.1,NTamd64 ;;2k [Lexmark_PRINTERS] "Lexmark 5400 Series" = INST_DRVR_NT,USBPRINT\Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7,Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7 ;;XP [Lexmark_PRINTERS.NT.5.1] "Lexmark 5400 Series" = INST_DRVR_NT_5_1,USBPRINT\Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7,Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7 ;;XP 64bit Edition [Lexmark_PRINTERS.NTamd64] "Lexmark 5400 Series" = INST_DRVR_NT_5_1,USBPRINT\Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7,Lexmark_5400_SeriesACB7 [InstallOnReboot] AddReg=AddRegRebootSection [AddRegRebootSection] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,InstallOnReboot,,"""%52%\3\lxctpswx.exe /F=%PRINTER% /T=400""" [RemoveArchives] lxctwavs.exe,WAVS_ARCHIVE,%11%,%52%\3 [WAVS_ARCHIVE] lxk_bllo.wav lxk_blpr.wav lxk_canc.wav lxk_cllo.wav lxk_cmpb.wav lxk_covr.wav lxk_crm1.wav lxk_crmg.wav lxk_ivcb.wav lxk_lpaf.wav lxk_lpmf.wav lxk_ntmg.wav lxk_pajm.wav lxk_phlo.wav lxk_prcp.wav lxk_prpb.wav lxk_prst.wav lxk_tkyu.wav [Cats.Reg] HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",lxctCATS,"""%52%\3\lxcttime.dll RunDLLEntry""" [INST_DRVR_NT] CopyFiles=DRIVER_FILES,PRTPROCS_FILES,PRINTMON_FILES,LCNA_FILES DataSection=lxct_DATA_NT LexRunApps=LEX_PROGRAMS LexReadMe=lxctrme.doc,WORDPAD lxctrme.doc LexTechSupp=CONTACT.HLP,WINHLP32 CONTACT.HLP [INST_DRVR_NT.CoInstallers] CopyFiles=CoInstallers_Files AddReg=CoInstallers_Reg [INST_DRVR_NT_5_1] CopyFiles=DRIVER_FILES,PRTPROCS_FILES,PRINTMON_FILES,LCNA_FILES DataSection=lxct_DATA_NT_5_1 LexRunApps=LEX_PROGRAMS LexReadMe=lxctrme.doc,WORDPAD lxctrme.doc LexTechSupp=CONTACT.HLP,WINHLP32 CONTACT.HLP [INST_DRVR_NT_5_1.CoInstallers] CopyFiles=CoInstallers_Files AddReg=CoInstallers_Reg [lxct_DATA_NT] DriverFile=lxctdr.dll ConfigFile=lxctdrui.dll HelpFile=lxcthelp.chm DataFile=lxctdrui.dll LanguageMonitor="5400 Series Port,lxctlmpm.dll" PrintProcessor="Lexmark 5400 Series Print Processor,lxctdrpp.dll" NoTestPage=1 ; The following 2 lines only used by custom installer LexPrintProcessor="Lexmark 5400 Series Print Processor,lxctdrpp.dll" LexDefaultDataType=LEMF [lxct_DATA_NT_5_1] DriverFile=lxctdr.dll ConfigFile=lxctdrui.dll HelpFile=lxcthelp.chm DataFile=lxctdrui.dll LanguageMonitor="5400 Series Port,lxctlmpm.DLL" PrintProcessor="Lexmark 5400 Series Print Processor,lxctdrpp.dll" NoTestPage=1 ; The following 2 lines only used by custom installer LexPrintProcessor="Lexmark 5400 Series Print Processor,lxctdrpp.dll" LexDefaultDataType=LEMF VendorSetup=lxctvs.dll,VendorSetup ;----------------------- ; Coinstaller section - BEGIN ;----------------------- [CoInstallers_Files] lxctcoin.dll ; required for coinstaller to start ; read by CPD generic coinstaller (gencoin) [CoInstallerModules] <CD_ROOT_DIR>\install\x86\softcoin.dll,pnpInstall [CoInstallerModules.NTamd64] <CD_ROOT_DIR>\install\x64\softcoin.dll,pnpInstall [CoInstallers_Reg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"lxctcoin.dll,CoInstaller" ;----------------------- ; Coinstaller section - END ;----------------------- [LEX_PROGRAMS] 0,1,lxctcoms.exe,-install,8,1,Win32 0,1,lxctcoms.exe,-addMonitor,8,1,Win32 [LCS_SUSPEND] 0,1,lxctcoms.exe,-suspend,8,1,Win32 [LCS_RESUME] 0,1,lxctcoms.exe,-resume,8,1,Win32 [DEL_PROGRAMS] 0,1,lxctcoms.exe,-uninstall [PreUninstallCheck] IDS_AIOC_PROGRAM_ACTIVE,lxctaiox.exe IDS_LSC_PROGRAM_ACTIVE,lxctpswx.exe IDS_PHOTOEDITOR_PROGRAM_ACTIVE,lxctvb.exe [LCNA_FILES] lxct.loc lxctcfg.dll lxctcfg.exe lxctcoin.dll lxctcomc.dll lxctcomm.dll lxctcoms.exe lxctcu.dll lxctcub.dll lxctcur.dll lxctgf.dll lxctgrd.dll lxcthbn3.dll lxcthelp.chm lxctiesc.dll lxctih.exe lxctinpa.dll lxctins.dll lxctinsb.dll lxctinsr.dll lxctjswr.dll lxctlmpm.dll lxctpmui.dll lxctpplc.dll lxctprox.dll lxctserv.dll lxctusb1.dll lxctutil.dll lxctvs.dll [PRTPROCS_FILES] ;the following file is placed in ;\Winnt\System32\Spool\Prtprocs\{cpu} ; ;Note, if the dll is in use this allows an installation ;but you need to re-boot before the new one gets used lxctdrpp.dll,lxctdrpp.dll,lxctdrpp.tmp [PRINTMON_FILES] lxctlmpm.dll [DRIVER_FILES] ;the following files are placed in ;\Winnt\System32\Spool\Drivers\{cpu}\3 lxctbubl.dll lxctcfg.dll lxctclr1.lut lxctclr2.lut lxctclr3.lut lxctclr4.lut lxctcomx.dll lxctcu.dll lxctcub.dll lxctcur.dll lxctdr.dll lxctdrec.dll lxctdrui.dll lxctdtst.bmp lxctdtst.jpg lxctedf.dll lxcteula.txt lxctflib.dll lxctgf.dll lxcthelp.chm lxcthpec.dll lxcthpeh.dll lxcthpep.dll lxctins.dll lxctinsb.dll lxctinsr.dll lxctjsw.dll lxctjswb.dll lxctjswr.dll lxctjswx.exe lxctlpa.dll lxctlpab.dll lxctlpar.dll lxctppx.dll lxctprod.ver lxctprp.dll lxctprpb.dll lxctprpr.dll lxctpsw.dll lxctpswb.dll lxctpswr.dll lxctpswx.exe lxctretv.dll lxctrme.doc lxctserv.exe lxctsk0.dll lxcttime.dll lxcttime.exe lxcttsfw.dll lxctuldr.dll lxctupd.dll lxctupdb.dll lxctupdr.dll lxctupld.exe lxctutil.dll lxctview.exe lxctwavs.exe lxctwww.htm [EXTRA_FILES] ;the following file is copied by GUI thru backend ;for it to be uninstalled, it has to be in the removeall section lxctuser.chm [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 LCNA_FILES=66002 PRTPROCS_FILES=66001 PRINTMON_FILES=66002 CoInstallers_Files=66002 [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %instdisk%,,, 2 = %instdisk%,,,\common 3 = %instdisk%,,,\common\%LANG_PATH% 4 = %instdisk%,,,\i386 5 = %instdisk%,,,\i386\%LANG_PATH% [SourceDisksNames.amd64] 1 = %instdisk%,,, 2 = %instdisk%,,,\common 3 = %instdisk%,,,\common\%LANG_PATH% 4 = %instdisk%,,,\x64 5 = %instdisk%,,,\x64\%LANG_PATH% [SourceDisksFiles] ; Source=1: Root directory lxctprod.ver = 1 ; Source=2: common directory lxct.loc = 2 lxctclr1.lut = 2 lxctclr2.lut = 2 lxctclr3.lut = 2 lxctclr4.lut = 2 lxctdtst.bmp = 2 lxctdtst.jpg = 2 lxctsk0.dll = 2 lxctwww.htm = 2 ; Source=3: common\(lang) directory lxcteula.txt = 3 lxcthelp.chm = 3 lxctrme.doc = 3 lxctwavs.exe = 3 ; Source=4: (cpu) directory lxctbubl.dll = 4 lxctcfg.dll = 4 lxctcfg.exe = 4 lxctcoin.dll = 4 lxctcomc.dll = 4 lxctcomm.dll = 4 lxctcoms.exe = 4 lxctcomx.dll = 4 lxctcu.dll = 4 lxctcub.dll = 4 lxctdr.dll = 4 lxctdrec.dll = 4 lxctdrpp.dll = 4 lxctdrui.dll = 4 lxctedf.dll = 4 lxctflib.dll = 4 lxctgf.dll = 4 lxcthbn3.dll = 4 lxcthpec.dll = 4 lxcthpeh.dll = 4 lxcthpep.dll = 4 lxctiesc.dll = 4 lxctih.exe = 4 lxctinpa.dll = 4 lxctins.dll = 4 lxctinsb.dll = 4 lxctjsw.dll = 4 lxctjswb.dll = 4 lxctjswx.exe = 4 lxctlmpm.dll = 4 lxctlpa.dll = 4 lxctlpab.dll = 4 lxctpmui.dll = 4 lxctpplc.dll = 4 lxctppx.dll = 4 lxctprox.dll = 4 lxctprp.dll = 4 lxctprpb.dll = 4 lxctpsw.dll = 4 lxctpswb.dll = 4 lxctpswx.exe = 4 lxctretv.dll = 4 lxctserv.dll = 4 lxctserv.exe = 4 lxcttime.dll = 4 lxcttime.exe = 4 lxcttsfw.dll = 4 lxctuldr.dll = 4 lxctupd.dll = 4 lxctupdb.dll = 4 lxctupld.exe = 4 lxctusb1.dll = 4 lxctutil.dll = 4 lxctview.exe = 4 lxctvs.dll = 4 ; Source=5: (cpu)\(lang) directory lxctcur.dll = 5 lxctgrd.dll = 5 lxctinsr.dll = 5 lxctjswr.dll = 5 lxctlpar.dll = 5 lxctprpr.dll = 5 lxctpswr.dll = 5 lxctupdr.dll = 5 [REGISTRY] ;the following file will be added in the Registry \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lexmark IjPrtSettings = 1 ;*************************************************************** ; ; Language strings ; ;*************************************************************** ;If the driver is installed on a non-english OS that we do not have a Strings section ;it will default to the [Strings] section ;English [Strings] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="english" ;English [Strings.0409] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="english" ;Below are placeholders for multi-language support in this .inf. Need to be filled in ;whenever WW builds start up. ;Chinese Simplified Language [Strings.0804] instdisk="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò°²×°´ÅÅÌ" Lexmark="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="chi_simp" ;Chinese Traditional Language [Strings.0404] instdisk="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡¦w¸ËºÏ¤ù" Lexmark="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="chi_trad" ;Chinese Simplified Language (singapore) [Strings.1004] instdisk="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò°²×°´ÅÅÌ" Lexmark="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="chi_simp" ;Chinese Traditional Language (Hong Kong) [Strings.0c04] instdisk="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡¦w¸ËºÏ¤ù" Lexmark="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="chi_trad" ;Chinese Traditional Language (Macau) [Strings.1404] instdisk="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡¦w¸ËºÏ¤ù" Lexmark="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="chi_trad" ;Czech Language [Strings.0005] instdisk="Instalaèní disk ovladaèe tiskárny Lexmark Inkjet" Lexmark="Ovladaèe tiskárny Lexmark Inkjet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="czech" ;Danish Language [Strings.0006] instdisk="Installationsdiskette til Lexmark Inkjet Driver" Lexmark="Drivere til Lexmark Inkjet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="danish" ;Dutch Language [Strings.0013] instdisk="Installatiediskette stuurprogramma voor Lexmark inkjetprinters" Lexmark="Stuurprogramma's voor Lexmark inkjetprinters" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="dutch" ;Finnish Language [Strings.000b] instdisk="Lexmark-mustesuihkutulostinohjaimen asennuslevyke" Lexmark="Lexmark-mustesuihkutulostinohjaimet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="finnish" ;French Language [Strings.000c] instdisk="Disquette d'installation du pilote Lexmark Inkjet" Lexmark="Pilotes Lexmark Inkjet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="french" ;German Language [Strings.0007] instdisk="Installationsdiskette für Lexmark Inkjet-Treiber" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet-Treiber" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="german" ;Hungaran Language [Strings.000e] instdisk="Lexmark nyomtatóillesztõ telepítõlemez" Lexmark="Lexmark nyomtatóilleszõ" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="hungaran" ;Italian Language [Strings.0010] instdisk="Disco di installazione del driver Lexmark Inkjet." Lexmark="Driver Lexmark Inkjet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="italian" ;Japanese Language [Strings.0011] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet ÄÞײÊÞ ²Ý½Ä°Ù ÃÞ¨½¸" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet ÄÞײÊÞ" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="japanese" ;Norwegan Language [Strings.0014] instdisk="Installeringsdisk for Lexmark Inkjet-driver" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet-drivere" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="norwegan" ;Polish Language [Strings.0015] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet - dysk instalacyjny sterownika" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet - sterowniki" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="polish" ;PortBrzl Language [Strings.0016] instdisk="Disco de instalação de drivers de impressoras jato de tinta Lexmark" Lexmark="Drivers de impressoras jato de tinta Lexmark" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="portbrzl" ;Russian Language [Strings.0019] instdisk="Óñòàíîâî÷íûé äèñê äðàéâåðà äëÿ ñòðóéíûõ ïðèíòåðîâ Lexmark" Lexmark="Äðàéâåðû ñòðóéíûõ ïðèíòåðîâ Lexmark" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="russian" ;Spanish Language [Strings.000a] instdisk="Disco de instalación de controladores de impresoras de inyección de tinta Lexmark" Lexmark="Controladores de impresoras de inyección de tinta Lexmark" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="spanish" ;Swedish Language [Strings.001d] instdisk="Installationsdiskett för Lexmark Inkjet-drivrutin" Lexmark="Skrivardrivrutiner för Lexmark Inkjet" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="swedish" ;arabic language [Strings.0001] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="arabic" ;hebrew language [Strings.000d] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="hebrew" ;Greek Language [Strings.0008] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="greek" ;Turkish Language [Strings.001f] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" Lexmark="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="turkish" LexmarkPrinters="Lexmark Yazýcýlar" ;Korean Language [Strings.0012] instdisk="Lexmark À×Å©Á¬ µå¶óÀ̹ö ¼³Ä¡ µð½ºÅ©" Lexmark="Lexmark À×Å©Á¬ µå¶óÀ̹ö" Printer="Lexmark 5400 Series" LANG_PATH="korean"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.