ndiswdm.inf Driver File Contents (WUSB54GSCv2_20080804_0.zip)

; Broadcom 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %LINKSYS%
DriverVer   = 10/09/2007,
CatalogFile = bcm43xx.cat
CatalogFile.NTamd64 = bcm43xx64.cat


; x64 (AMD64, Intel EM64T) - WinXP

%NdisWDM.DeviceDescFullcdc%   =  NdisWDM.ndi, usb\vid_1737&pid_0075

; x86 - Win9x, Win2K, WinXP
%NdisWDM.DeviceDescFullcdc%   =  NdisWDM.ndi, usb\vid_1737&pid_0075
; Microsoft Virtual Ethernet Adapter
Characteristics = 0x4 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
BusType		= 15 ; if you specify NCF_PHYSICAL, you must specify bustype
AddReg          = NdisWDM.Reg, common.reg, g.options.reg, bg.options.reg
DelReg		= common.delreg, rate.delreg
CopyFiles       = NdisWDM.CopyFiles

AddService      = WUSB54GSCV2, 2, NdisWDM.Service, NdisWDM.EventLog

; Microsoft Virtual Miniport Common
HKR,    ,                         BusNumber,           0, "0" 
HKR, Ndi,                         Service,             0, "NdisWDM"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,              UpperRange,          0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,              LowerRange,          0, "ethernet"

	HKR, Ndi\params\RoamPref
	HKR, Ndi\params\AssocPref
	HKR, Ndi\params\Locale

	HKR, Ndi\params\Rate
	HKR, Ndi\params\RateA


	HKR, ,"EnableAutoConnect",	0,	"1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta, ParamDesc,	0,	%RoamingTendency%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta\enum, "0",	        0,	%Aggressive%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta\enum, "1",         0,	%Moderate%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta\enum, "2",         0,	%Conservative%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamDelta,default,,"1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag, ParamDesc,	0,	%FragmentationThreshold%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,type,0,"dword"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,min,,"256"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,max,,"2346"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\frag,default,,"2346"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts, ParamDesc,	0,	%RTSThreshold%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,type,0,"dword"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,min,,"0"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,max,,"2347"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\rts,default,,"2347"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc,	0, %LocallyAdministeredMACAddress%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, type,	0, "edit"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText,	0, "12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase,  0, "1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, default,	0, ""
	HKR,	Ndi\params\NetworkAddress, optional,	0, "1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut, ParamDesc,	0,	%PowerOutput%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut\enum, "100",	0,	"100%"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut\enum, "75",	0,	"75%"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut\enum, "50",	0,	"50%"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut\enum, "25",	0,	"25%"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PwrOut,default,,"100"

	HKR, 	Ndi\params\Managed, ParamDesc,0,	%Manage_Wireless_Settings%
	HKR, 	Ndi\params\Managed, type,     0, 	"enum"
	HKR, 	Ndi\params\Managed\enum, "0", 0,	%Disabled%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Managed\enum, "1", 0,	%Enabled%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\Managed,default,,"1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\FrameBursting, ParamDesc,	0,	%XPress_Technology%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\FrameBursting, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\FrameBursting\enum, "0",		0,	%Disabled%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\FrameBursting\enum, "1",		0,	%Enabled%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\FrameBursting,default,,"1"	

	HKR,					,"ledbh0",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledbh1",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledbh2",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledbh3",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledblinkslow",0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledblinkmed",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"ledblinkfast",0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"leddc",	0,	"0"

	HKR,					,"scan_channel_time",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"scan_unassoc_time",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"scan_home_time",	0,	"-1"
	HKR,					,"scan_passes",		0,	"-1"

	HKR,					,"EFCEnable",		0,	"0"

	HKLM,	Software\Broadcom\802.11, PerUserPN, 0x00010001, 0
	HKLM,	Software\Broadcom\802.11, DisallowPNChanges, 0x00010001, 0

	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger, ParamDesc,	0,	%RoamingDecision%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger\enum, "-60",	0,	%OptimizeBandwidth%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger\enum, "-70",	0,	%Default%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger\enum, "-80",	0,	%OptimizeDistance%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\RoamTrigger,default,,"-70"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader, ParamDesc,	0,	%BSSPLCPHeader%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader\enum, "-1",	0,	%Long%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader\enum, "0",	0,	%AutoShortLong%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\PLCPHeader,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, ParamDesc,	0,      %IBSS54gtmMode%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode, type,         0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "0",     0,      %80211bOnly%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "1",     0,      %54gLRS%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "2",     0,      %54gAuto%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode\enum, "4",     0,      %54gPerformance%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGMode,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGProtection, ParamDesc,	0,      %IBSS54gtmProtectionMode%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGProtection, type,       0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGProtection\enum, "0",   0,      %Disabled%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGProtection\enum, "2",   0,      %Auto%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\IBSSGProtection,default,,"2"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, ParamDesc,	0,	%Rate%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "0",	0,	%Usebestrate%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "2",	0,	" 1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "4",	0,	" 2"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "11",	0,	" 5.5"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "12",	0,	" 6"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "18",	0,	" 9"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "22",	0,	"11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "24",	0,	"12"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "36",	0,	"18"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "48",	0,	"24"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "72",	0,	"36"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "96",	0,	"48"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate\enum, "108",0,	"54"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Rate,default,,"0"

	HKR,    Ndi\params\Afterburner, ParamDesc,	0,      "Afterburner"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\Afterburner, type,       0,      "enum"
	HKR,    Ndi\params\Afterburner\enum, "0",   0,      %Disabled%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\Afterburner\enum, "1",   0,      %Enabled%
	HKR,    Ndi\params\Afterburner,default,,"1"

	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME, ParamDesc,	0,	%WME%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME, type,		0,	"enum"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME\enum, "-1",	0,	%Auto%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME\enum, "1",	0,	%Enabled%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME\enum, "0",	0,	%Disabled%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\WME,default,,"-1"
; the next line forces upgrade installation to configure WME value to be -1 
	HKR,	,"WME",0,"-1"

; options common to both b and g
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, ParamDesc, 0, %IBSSChannelNumber%
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, default,   0, "11"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, min,       0, "1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, max,       0, "14"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, step,      0, "1"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, base,      0, "10"
	HKR,	Ndi\params\Channel, type,      0, "int"

; Driver and Service Section

DisplayName     = %NdisWDM.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\WUSB54GSCV2.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS
AddReg          = TextModeFlags.Reg

AddReg = NdisWDM.AddEventLog.Reg

HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

HKR, , TextModeFlags,    0x00010001, 0x0001

1 = %DiskId1%,,,""

ndiswdm.sys  = 1,,

; DestinationDirs
NdisWDM.CopyFiles = 12

; Localizable Strings
LINKSYS			   = "Linksys, A Division of Cisco"
Msft                       = "Microsoft"                      

NdisWDM.DeviceDescFullcdc        = "Compact Wireless-G USB Network Adapter with SpeedBooster ver.2"
NdisWDM.Service.DispName    = "Compact Wireless-G USB Network Adapter  with SpeedBooster Service"
DiskId1 = "Compact Wireless-G USB Network Adapter Device Installation Disk #1"
Promiscuous        = "Set the physical NIC to promiscuous mode"
Promiscuous_Disable = "Disable"
Promiscuous_Enable  = "Enable"
1Mb=" 1 Mb"
2Mb=" 2 Mb"
55Mb=" 5.5 Mb"
6Mb=" 6 Mb"
9Mb=" 9 Mb"
11Mb="11 Mb"
12Mb="12 Mb"
18Mb="18 Mb"
24Mb="24 Mb"
36Mb="36 Mb"
48Mb="48 Mb"
54Mb="54 Mb"
4g80211bCompatible="54g - 802.11b Compatible"
54gAuto="54g - Auto"
54gLRS="54g - LRS"
54gPerformance="54g - Performance"
80211bMode="802.11b Mode"
80211bOnly="802.11b Only"
AdHoc="Ad Hoc"
AntennaDiversity="Antenna Diversity"
AssociationPreference="Association Preference"
AutoShortLong="Auto (Short/Long)"
AutoTxPreamble="Auto Tx Preamble"
BSSMode="BSS Mode"
BlueToothCollaboration="Bluetooth Collaboration"
Disable80211a="Disable 802.11a"
Disable80211gb="Disable 802.11g/b"
DisableBands="Disable Bands"
FragmentationThreshold="Fragmentation Threshold"
FrameBursting="Frame Bursting"
FullyAutomatic="Fully Automatic"
IBSS54gtmMode="IBSS 54g(tm) Mode"
IBSS54gtmProtectionMode="IBSS 54g(tm) Protection Mode"
IBSSChannelNumber="IBSS Channel Number"
IBSSMode="IBSS Mode"
LocallyAdministeredMACAddress="Locally Administered MAC Address"
LongTxPreamble="Long Tx Preamble"
Manage_Wireless_Settings="Manage Wireless Settings"
NetworkType="Network Type"
OptimizeBandwidth="Optimize Bandwidth"
OptimizeDistance="Optimize Distance"
PLCPHeader="PLCP Header"
PowerOutput="Power Output"
PreambleMode="Preamble Mode"
Prefer80211a="Prefer 802.11a"
Prefer80211gb="Prefer 802.11g/b"
RTSThreshold="RTS Threshold"
RadioEnableDisable="Radio Enable/Disable"
Region1="Region 1"
Region2="Region 2"
Region3="Region 3"
Region4="Region 4"
RoamingDecision="Roaming Decision"
RoamingPreference="Roaming Preference"
StayInBand="Stay In Band"
TransmitRate="Transmit Rate"
Usebestrate="Use best rate"
XPress_Technology="XPress (TM) Technology"
MaxPowerSavings="Max Power Savings"
HighPerformance="High Performance"
MiminumPowerConsumption="Minimum Power Consumption"
AssociationRoamPreference="Association Roam Preference"
BandPreference="Band Preference"
RoamingTendency="Roam Tendency"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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