netathrx.inf Driver File Contents (

; * Copyright 2011-2014 Qualcomm Atheros Inc., all rights reserved.          *
; *                                                                           *
; * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.                                 *
; * All Rights Reserved.                                                      *
; * Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.                            *
; *                                                                           *
; * INF file for Qualcomm Atheros reference designs                                    *
; ****************************************************************************/

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %ATHEROS%
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 06/24/2014,

%ATHEROS%     = Atheros, NTamd64.6.1, NTamd64.6.3

ExcludeFromSelect = *
; OS 6.1 Manufacturer section
; DisplayName               Section                 DeviceID
; -----------               -------                 --------
;legacy HW Entries
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_988x.ndi,               PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_988x_LE_NFA344.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_304417AA ;for lenovo NFA344
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.2582%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_988x.ndi,               PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_15251A56 ;for Killer QCA2582

%ATHR.DeviceDesc.9357%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_988x_tf.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0042

;%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS61_988x.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_304517AA ;for lenovo NFA345

; OS 6.3 Manufacturer section
; DisplayName               Section                 DeviceID
; -----------               -------                 --------
;legacy HW Entries
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA344.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA345.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.2582%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA344.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_15251A56 ;for Killer QCA2582
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA344.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_3344168C ;for QCA NFA344i
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA345.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_3345168C ;for QCA NFA345i
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA324.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_3346168C ;for QCA NFA324
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA325.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_3347168C ;for QCA NFA325
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA354.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_3348168C ;for QCA NFA354  ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_NFA355.ndi,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_3349168C ;for QCA NFA355i ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA344.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_304417AA ;for lenovo NFA344-WW 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA344.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_314417AA ;for lenovo NFA344-US 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA344.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_324417AA ;for lenovo NFA344-Indonesia 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_304517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-WW 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_314517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-US 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_324517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-Indonesia 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_304517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-WW 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_314517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-US 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_LE_NFA345.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_324517AA ;for lenovo NFA345-Indonesia 
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA354.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_4125144D ;for samsung QCA6174/NFA354 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA354.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_4126144D ;for samsung QCA6174/NFA354 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA354.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_4127144D ;for samsung QCA6174/NFA354 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA354.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_4128144D ;for samsung QCA6174/NFA354 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA355.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_4121144D ;for samsung QCA6164/NFA355 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA355.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_4122144D ;for samsung QCA6164/NFA355 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA355.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_4123144D ;for samsung QCA6164/NFA355 ; TBD
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2%   = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_ss_NFA355.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_4124144D ;for samsung QCA6164/NFA355 ; TBD

; Tufello
%ATHR.DeviceDesc.9357%     = ATHR_DEV_OS63_988x_tf.ndi,  PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0042

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA344.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA344.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA344.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA344.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os61.reg, tufello_fpga.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA324.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA324.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA325.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA325.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA344.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA344.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA345.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA345.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA354.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA354.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA355.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA355.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, tufello_fpga.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, smbiosAuthEnable.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA344.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg, del_smbiosAuthEnable
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA344.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, smbiosAuthEnable.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA345.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg, del_smbiosAuthEnable
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA345.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, ignore11denable.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA354.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg, del_ignore11denable
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA354.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

Characteristics = 0x84
BusType         = 5
AddReg          = atheros_os63.reg, atheros11n.reg, smpsDynamic.reg, qca_utf.reg, D0PC.reg, roam.reg, wmmac.reg, ignore11denable.reg, FW_20.reg, BD_NFA355.reg
DelReg          = atheros.DelReg, del_ignore11denable
CopyFiles       = atheros.CopyFiles, atheros_FW.CopyFiles, atheros_BD_NFA355.CopyFiles
*IfType         = 71        ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211
*MediaType      = 16        ; NdisMediumNative802_11
*PhysicalMediaType = 9      ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11
Include         = machine.inf, netvwifibus.inf
Needs           = VWiFiBus.CopyFiles

AddService = Qcamain, 2, atheros.Service, atheros.EventLog
Include    = netvwifibus.inf
Needs      = VWiFiBus.Services

AddReg  = MSI.reg
Include = netvwifibus.inf
Needs   = PciASPMOptIn, VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration

;;End of Others Section

HKR, Ndi,                           Service,    0, "Qcamain"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                LowerRange, 0, "wlan,ethernet,vwifi"

HKR, Ndi,                           Service,    0, "Qcamain"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                LowerRange, 0, "wlan,ethernet,vwifi"

HKR, , singleBinary, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, , BanksSwitched, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, , radioEnable, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, , halPllSwitch, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , ApplyFWConfigWithClientNum, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , Rome11WlanSysSleep, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , BugCheckOnTargetFailure, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , UtfMode, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , ampEnable, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , DeferredSap, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, , txChainMask, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, , rxChainMask, 0x00010001, 1

;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    ParamDesc,  0, "%ReceiveBuffers%"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    default,    0, "256"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    min,        0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    max,        0, "00000512"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    step,       0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    Base,       0, "10"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,    type,       0, "int"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   ParamDesc,  0, "%TransmitBuffers%"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   default,    0, "512"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   min,        0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   max,        0, "00000512"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   step,       0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   Base,       0, "10"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,   type,       0, "int"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableACS,          ParamDesc,  0, %EnableACS%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableACS,          Type,       0, "enum"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableACS\enum,     "1",        0, %Enable%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableACS\enum,     "0",        0, %Disable%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableACS,          Default,    0, "0"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\PreferredSapBand,      ParamDesc,  0, %PreferredSapBand%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\PreferredSapBand,      Type,       0, "enum"
;HKR, Ndi\Params\PreferredSapBand\enum, "0",        0, %2.4GAp%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\PreferredSapBand\enum, "1",        0, %5GAp%
;HKR, Ndi\Params\PreferredSapBand,      Default,    0, "0"
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy,         ParamDesc,  0, %RoamAggressive%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy,         Type,       0, "enum"
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy\enum,    "5",        0, %RssiHighest%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy\enum,    "4",        0, %RssiMedium-high%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy\enum,    "3",        0, %RssiMedium%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy\enum,    "2",        0, %RssiMedium-low%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy\enum,    "1",        0, %RssiLowest%
HKR, Ndi\Params\roamPolicy,         Default,    0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     ParamDesc,  0,  %NetworkAddress%
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     default,    0,  ""
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     LimitText,  0,  "12"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     UpperCase,  0,  "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     optional,   0,  "1"
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,     type,       0,  "edit"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      ParamDesc,  0,  %scanTimeValid%
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      default,    0,  "60"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      min,        0,  "20"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      max,        0,  "120"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      step,       0,  "5"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      base,       0,  "10"
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid,      type,       0,  "int"

; Wake on pattern match (standardized keyword)
;HKR, ,                                          *WakeOnPattern,           0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnPattern,                 ParamDesc,                0, %WOPDesc%
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnPattern,                 default,                  0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnPattern,                 type,                     0, "enum"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnPattern\enum,            "0",                      0, "Disabled"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnPattern\enum,            "1",                      0, "Enabled"

; Wake on Magic Packet (standardized keyword)
;HKR, ,                                          *WakeOnMagicPacket,       0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnMagicPacket,             ParamDesc,                0, %WOMDesc%
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnMagicPacket,             default,                  0, "1"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnMagicPacket,             type,                     0, "enum"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnMagicPacket\enum,        "0",                      0, "Disabled"
;HKR, Ndi\params\*WakeOnMagicPacket\enum,        "1",                      0, "Enabled"

HKR, , UtfMode,       0x10001,  "0"
HKR, , UtfTraceLevel, 0x10001,  "0"

HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress
;HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers
;HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers
;HKR, Ndi\params\EnableACS
;HKR, Ndi\params\PreferredSapBand
HKR, Ndi\params\roamPolicy
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic
HKR, Ndi\params\D0PCEnable
;HKR, Ndi\params\scanTimeValid

HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic,            ParamDesc,  0,  %smpsDynamic%
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic,            Base,       0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic,            default,    0,  "0"
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic,            type,       0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic\enum,       "1",        0,  %Enable%
HKR, Ndi\params\smpsDynamic\enum,       "0",        0,  %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\D0PCEnable,ParamDesc,,          %D0PCDesc%
HKR, NDI\params\D0PCEnable,type,,               "enum"
HKR, NDI\params\D0PCEnable,Default,,            "0"
HKR, NDI\params\D0PCEnable\enum,0,,             %Disable%
HKR, NDI\params\D0PCEnable\enum,1,,             %Enable%

HKR, "Interrupt Management", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MSISupported, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MessageNumberLimit, 0x00010001, 8

HKR, , ftEnable, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, , wmmacEnable, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, , ignore11dBeacon, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, , ignore11dBeacon

HKR, , smbiosAuthenticationEnable, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, , smbiosAuthenticationEnable

HKR, , BugCheckOnTargetFailure, 0x00010001, 0x22
HKR, , targetRecoveryEnabled, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, , FWFileName, 0x00000000, "qca61x420.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA324i.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA325i.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA344i.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA345i.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA354xp.bin"

HKR, , BoardDataFileName, 0x00000000, "eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA355i.bin"

;;End of Customized Section

DisplayName     = %ATHR.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1         ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType       = 3         ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl    = 1         ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary   = %12%\Qcamainx64.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS

AddReg = atheros.AddEventLog.reg

HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7









1 = %DiskDescription%,,,

Qcamainx64.sys = 1,,
qca61x420.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA324i.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA325i.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA344i.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA345i.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA354xp.bin = 1,,
eeprom_ar6320_2p1_NFA355i.bin = 1,,

atheros.CopyFiles            = 12
atheros_FW.CopyFiles         = 12
atheros_BD_NFA324.CopyFiles  = 12
atheros_BD_NFA325.CopyFiles  = 12
atheros_BD_NFA344.CopyFiles  = 12
atheros_BD_NFA345.CopyFiles  = 12
atheros_BD_NFA354.CopyFiles  = 12
atheros_BD_NFA355.CopyFiles  = 12
DefaultDestDir               = 11

Msft                         = "Microsoft"
Atheros                      = "Qualcomm Atheros Communications Inc."
ATHR.Service.DispName        = "Qualcomm Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver"
DiskDescription              = "Qualcomm Atheros Sample Driver Disk 1"
;TransmitBuffers              = "Transmit Buffers"
Enable                       = "Enable"
Disable                      = "Disable"
;EnableACS                    = "EnableACS"
;PreferredSapBand                = "Preferred SAP Band"
;2.4GAp                       = "1. 2.4GHz SAP"
;5GAp                         = "2. 5GHz SAP"
RoamAggressive               = "Roaming aggressiveness"
RssiLowest                   = "1.Lowest"
RssiMedium-low               = "2.Medium-low"   
RssiMedium                   = "3.Medium"
RssiMedium-high              = "4.Medium-high"
RssiHighest                  = "5.Highest"
;ReceiveBuffers               = "Receive Buffers"
NetworkAddress               = "Network Address"
;scanTimeValid                = "Scan Valid Interval"
bkScanEnable                 = "BackgroundScan On/Off"
radioEnable                  = "Radio On/Off"
smpsDynamic                  = "Dynamic MIMO Power Save"
D0PCDesc                     = "D0 PacketCoalescing"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.988x         = "Qualcomm Atheros AR988x Wireless Network Adapter"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320         = "Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Wireless Network Adapter"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.6320_2       = "Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Wireless Network Adapter"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.2582		 = "Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1525 Wireless Network Adapter"
ATHR.DeviceDesc.9357         = "Qualcomm Atheros QCA9357 Wireless Network Adapter"
;WOPDesc                      = "Wake on pattern match"
;WOMDesc                      = "Wake on Magic Packet"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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