Readme.txt Driver File Contents (

		Infineon TPM Professional Package


1. »¶Ó­

2. °²×°

3. Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þ
  3.1 Security Platform ÉèÖù¤¾ß
  3.2 Security Platform ¿ìËÙ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
  3.3 Security Platform ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
  3.4 Security Platform Óû§³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
  3.5 Security Platform ÒÆÖ²Ïòµ¼
  3.6 Security Platform ±¸·ÝÏòµ¼
  3.7 Security Platform ÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼ 	
  3.8 Security Platform PKCS #12 µ¼ÈëÏòµ¼ 	
  3.9 Security Platform Ö¤Êé²é¿´Æ÷ºÍÖ¤ÊéÑ¡Ôñ 	
  3.10 Security Platform ÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨ÖªÍ¼±ê
  3.11 Security Platform ¼¯³É·þÎñ
  3.12 Security Platform ·þÎñ

4. Èç¹ûÄúÓÐÎÊÌâ

5. ·¢ÐÐÐÅÏ¢
  5.1 ¹ØÓÚ´Ë·¢Ðа汾
  5.2 Ó²¼þºÍÈí¼þƽ̨ҪÇó
  5.3 °æ±¾ÐÅÏ¢
  5.4 Trusted Platform Module ¹Ì¼þÉý¼¶
  5.5 ÒÑ֪ȱÏݺÍÏÞÖÆ


1. »¶Ó­

»¶Ó­Ê¹Óà Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þ¡£
ÒªÇó Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þÒÔʹÓà Trusted Platform Module¡£
Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þÊÇÒ»¸öÕë¶Ô PC µÄ TCG ¼æÈÝ°²È«½â¾ö·½°¸¡£

ÓÐ¹Ø TCG (Trusted Computing Group) µÄ½øÒ»²½ÐÅÏ¢£º

2. °²×°

Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þ°²×°³ÌÐò £­¡°Setup.exe¡±°²×°£º

- Security Platform °ïÖú
- Security Platform ÉèÖù¤¾ß
- Security Platform ¿ìËÙ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform Óû§³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ÒÆÖ²Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ±¸·ÝÏòµ¼
- Security Platform ÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼
- Security Platform PKCS #12 µ¼ÈëÏòµ¼
- Security Platform Ö¤Êé²é¿´Æ÷ºÍÖ¤ÊéÑ¡Ôñ
- Security Platform ÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨ÖªÍ¼±ê
- Security Platform ¼¯³É·þÎñ
    * Microsoft(R)Outlook(R) ¼¯³É
    * Mozilla Firefox ºÍ Thunderbird ¼¯³É
    * ¼ÓÃÜÎļþϵͳ¼¯³É
    * Personal Secure Drive
    * ²ßÂÔ¹ÜÀí
- Security Platform ·þÎñ
    * TSS£¨TCG Èí¼þ¶ÑÕ»£©Service Provider
    * TSS Core Service
    * TSS É豸Çý¶¯³ÌÐò¿â

ÔÚ½ûÓÃÁË Trusted Platform Module ºÍ Physical Presence Interface Ö§³ÖµÄϵͳÉÏ£¬Äú¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ýÑ¡Ïî¡°×¼±¸ TPM ×¢²á¡±ÆôÓà Trusted Platform Module¡£ Õ⽫ÔÊÐíÄúÒÔºó³õʼ»¯Æ½Ì¨£¬ÎÞÐèÔÙ´ÎÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ÏµÍ³¡£

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- ΪËùÓÐÓû§½øÐа²×°£º      setup.exe /s /v"/qn"

ÔÚ ReadmeUpgrade.txt Öн«ÃèÊöÈçºÎÉý¼¶¾É²úÆ·°æ±¾¡£

3. Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þ

3.1 Security Platform ÉèÖù¤¾ß

ʹÓà Security Platform ÉèÖù¤¾ß£¬¿É»ñµÃÓйØϵͳ Trusted Platform Module µÄ¸÷ÖÖÐÅÏ¢¡£ ´ËÍ⣬Äú»¹¿ÉÒÔÖ´ÐÐһЩ¹ÜÀíÈÎÎñ¡£ ´Ë×é¼þÉè¼ÆΪ¿ØÖÆÃæ°å Applet¡£ ËüÌṩÁËÒ»¸öÖÐÑë·ÃÎʵ㣬ÓÃÓÚ¹ÜÀí Infineon Security Platform¡£

3.2 Security Platform ¿ìËÙ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼

Infineon Security Platform ¿ìËÙ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼ÃæÏò´ó¶àÊýÓû§£¬ÓÃÓÚͨ¹ýĬÈÏÉèÖÿìËÙ¶Ô Security Platform ºÍÓû§½øÐгõʼ»¯²Ù×÷¡£ ÐèÒªÕâЩ²Ù×÷À´ÆôÓà Infineon Security Platform ¹¦ÄÜ£¬²¢ÎªËùÓÐ Infineon Security Platform ½øÒ»²½²Ù×÷Ìṩ»ù´¡¡£

3.3 Security Platform ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼

Infineon Security Platform ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼Ò»°ãÓÉר¼ÒÓû§Ê¹Óã¬ÓÃÀ´¶Ô Security Platform ½øÐгõʼ»¯£¬²¢ÇÒÓÃÀ´ÅäÖà Security Platform ¹¦ÄÜ£¨±¸·Ý°üÀ¨½ô¼±»Ö¸´¡¢ÃÜÂëÖØÖá¢ÔöÇ¿ÐͼøȨ£©¡£ ÐèÒªÕâЩ²Ù×÷À´ÆôÓà Infineon Security Platform ¹¦ÄÜ£¬²¢ÎªËùÓÐ Infineon Security Platform ½øÒ»²½²Ù×÷Ìṩ»ù´¡¡£

3.4 Security Platform Óû§³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼

Infineon Security Platform Óû§³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼Ò»°ãÓÉר¼ÒÓû§Ê¹Óã¬ÓÃÀ´¶Ô Security Platform Óû§½øÐгõʼ»¯£¬²¢ÇÒÓÃÀ´ÅäÖÃÌض¨ÓÚÓû§µÄ¹¦ÄÜ£¨°²È«µç×ÓÓʼþ¡¢Ê¹Óà EFS ºÍ PSD µÄÎļþºÍÎļþ¼Ð¼ÓÃÜ¡¢ÔöÇ¿ÐͼøȨ£©¡£ ÿ¸ö´òËãʹÓøöÈË»¯ Infineon Security Platform ¹¦ÄܵļÆËã»úÓû§£¨Ò²¾ÍÊǽ«³ÉΪ Infineon Security Platform Óû§£©¶¼±ØÐëÆô¶¯´ËÏòµ¼¡£

3.5 Security Platform ÒÆÖ²Ïòµ¼

Infineon Security Platform ÒÆÖ²Ïòµ¼ÓÃÓÚ´ÓÒ»¸ö Infineon Security Platform °²È«µØÏòÁíÒ»¸öƽ̨ÒÆÖ² Infineon Security Platform Ìض¨ÓÚÓû§µÄÃÜÔ¿ºÍÖ¤Êé¡£

3.6 Security Platform ±¸·ÝÏòµ¼

Infineon Security Platform ±¸·ÝÏòµ¼ÓÃÓÚÖ´ÐÐ Security Platform Ïà¹ØÊý¾ÝµÄ±¸·Ý»ò»¹Ô­²Ù×÷¡£ ·¢Éú½ô¼±Çé¿öʱÐèÒªÕâЩ²Ù×÷ÒÔ±£»¤Êý¾ÝÃâÊÜÒâÍⶪʧ¡£

3.7 Security Platform ÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼ 	

Infineon Security Platform ÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼ÓÃÓÚÖØÖûù±¾Óû§ÃÜÂë¡£ ÖØÖûù±¾Óû§ÃÜÂë°üº¬¹ÜÀíÔ±²½ÖèºÍÓû§²½Öè¡£ Á½Õ߶¼°üº¬ÔÚÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼ÖС£

3.8 Security Platform PKCS #12 µ¼ÈëÏòµ¼ 	

Infineon Security Platform PKCS #12 µ¼ÈëÏòµ¼ÓÃÓÚ½« Personal Information Exchange Îļþµ¼Èë Security Platform¡£

3.9 Security Platform Ö¤Êé²é¿´Æ÷ºÍÖ¤ÊéÑ¡Ôñ 	

Infineon Security Platform Ö¤Êé²é¿´Æ÷ºÍÖ¤ÊéÑ¡ÔñÓÃÓÚ¹ÜÀíÖ¤Êé¡£

3.10 Security Platform ÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨ÖªÍ¼±ê

¶Ô Security Platform ¹ÜÀíÈÎÎñÀ´Ëµ£¬ÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨ÖªÍ¼±êÊÇÒ»¸ö״̬Ãô¸ÐµÄÈë¿Úµã¡£ ͨ¹ý¸Ãͼ±ê£¬Äã¿ÉÒÔ·ÃÎÊÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨Öª²Ëµ¥¡£ ¶øÇÒ£¬Ìáʾ¿òºÍ¹¤¾ßÌáʾ»áÒÔ״̬Ãô¸ÐÐÅÏ¢°ïÖúÄú¡£

3.11 Security Platform ¼¯³É·þÎñ

Security Platform ¼¯³É·þÎñÆôÓñê×¼Ó¦ÓóÌÐòÀ´Ê¹Óà Trusted Platform Module ¹¦ÄÜ¡£ ¶ÔÓÚÖ§³Ö Microsoft Crypto-API »ò PKCS #11 Crypto-API µÄÓ¦ÓóÌÐò£¬ÕâÊÇ¿ÉÄܵġ£ 

- Infineon TPM Platform Cryptographic Provider (Platform CSP)
- Infineon TPM Cryptographic Provider£¨Óû§ CSP£¬²»°üº¬ AES Ö§³Ö£©
- Infineon TPM Strong Cryptographic Provider£¨Ç¿Óû§ CSP£¬²»°üº¬ AES Ö§³Ö£©
- Infineon TPM RSA ºÍ AES Cryptographic Provider£¨Óû§ CSP£¬°üÀ¨ AES Ö§³Ö£©
- Infineon TPM PKCS #11 Provider (Ò²³ÆΪ "TPM Cryptoki Token")
- Infineon TPM Key Storage Provider (KSP)

3.12 Security Platform ·þÎñ

Security Platform ·þÎñΪÄúÌṩÓë Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Ïà¼æÈݵÄÈí¼þ¶ÑÕ»¡£

TCG Èí¼þ¶ÑÕ» (TSS) ÓÉÒÔÏÂÄ£¿é¹¹½¨£º

- TSS£¨TCG Èí¼þ¶ÑÕ»£©Service Provider
- TSS Core Service
- TSS Device Driver Library

TCG Èí¼þ¶ÑÕ»ÊÇ TCG ¼æÈÝƽ̨µÄ¼¯³É²¿·Ö£¬Ìṩ¿ÉÓÃÓÚÔöÇ¿ÐͲÙ×÷ϵͳºÍÓ¦ÓóÌÐòµÄ¹¦ÄÜ¡£

ÇëÓëÄúµÄ²úÆ·Ö§³ÖÁªÏµ£¬ÒÔ¼ì²éÊÇ·ñÓпÉÓÃµÄ Trusted Platform Module ¹Ì¼þ¸üС£

4. Èç¹ûÄúÓÐÎÊÌâ

¿ÉÔÚ ֮ϻñµÃ½øÒ»²½µÄÐÅÏ¢ºÍÖ§³Ö

5. ·¢ÐÐÐÅÏ¢

5.1 ¹ØÓÚ´Ë·¢Ðа汾

´Ë°æ±¾°üº¬ÒÔÏÂ×é¼þ£¬ÓÃÓÚͨ¹ýÒÔÏÂÓ¦ÓóÌÐò£¨ÀûÓà TCG¡¢Microsoft(R) Crypto-API ºÍ PKCS #11 ËùÖ¸¶¨µÄ½çÃ棩»ñµÃ¶Ô Trusted Platform Module µÄ·ÃÎÊȨ£º

- Security Platform °ïÖú
- Security Platform ÉèÖù¤¾ß
- Security Platform ¿ìËÙ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform Óû§³õʼ»¯Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ÒÆÖ²Ïòµ¼
- Security Platform ±¸·ÝÏòµ¼
- Security Platform ÃÜÂëÖØÖÃÏòµ¼
- Security Platform PKCS #12 µ¼ÈëÏòµ¼
- Security Platform Ö¤Êé²é¿´Æ÷ºÍÖ¤ÊéÑ¡Ôñ
- Security Platform ÈÎÎñÀ¸Í¨ÖªÍ¼±ê
- Security Platform ¼¯³É·þÎñ
    * Microsoft(R)Outlook(R) ¼¯³É
    * Mozilla Firefox ºÍ Thunderbird ¼¯³É
    * ¼ÓÃÜÎļþϵͳ¼¯³É£¨²¢·ÇÊÜËùÓÐ Microsoft Windows °æ±¾Ö§³Ö£©
    * Personal Secure Drive
    * ²ßÂÔ¹ÜÀí£¨²¢·ÇÊÜËùÓÐ Microsoft Windows °æ±¾Ö§³Ö£©
- Security Platform ·þÎñ
    * TSS£¨TCG Èí¼þ¶ÑÕ»£©Service Provider
    * TSS Core Service
    * TSS É豸Çý¶¯³ÌÐò¿â

5.2 Ó²¼þºÍÈí¼þƽ̨ҪÇó

5.2.1 Ó²¼þÒªÇó£º

һ̨¿ÉÒÔÔËÐÐÉÏÃæËùÌáµ½²Ù×÷ϵͳ²¢Å䱸ÁË Trusted Platform Module µÄ PC¡£

±ê×¼°²×°£º 120 MB£»°²×°ºó½«ÊÍ·ÅÒ»²¿·Ö´ÅÅ̿ռ䣨´óÔ¼ 20 MB£©¡£
ĬÈÏÉèÖÃµÄ PSD£º 200 MB£¬¼ÓÉÏϵͳ·ÖÇøÖÐµÄ 5000 MB£¨ÒòΪ²ßÂÔ¡°´´½¨ PSD ºóµÄ×îС×ÔÓɿռ䡱£©¡£

- Microsoft Windows XP Professional ºÍ Home 32 λ°æ£º 128 MB
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 °æ£º 256 MB
- Microsoft Vista Home Basic£º 512 MB
- Microsoft Vista Home Premium¡¢Business¡¢Enterprise ºÍ Ultimate °æ£º 1 GB
- Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium¡¢Professional¡¢Enterprise ºÍ Enterprise °æ£º 1 GB
- Microsoft Windows 8¡¢Windows 8 Pro ºÍ Windows 8 Enterprise °æ£º1GB
- Microsoft Windows 8.1¡¢Windows 8.1 Pro ºÍ Windows 8.1 Enterprise °æ£º1GB

5.2.2 Èí¼þÒªÇó£º

²Ù×÷ϵͳ£¨½öÓÃÓÚ 32 λ²úÆ·°æ±¾£©£º
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
- Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3
- Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Service Pack 3
- Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 Service Pack 3
- Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 2 £¨Home Basic¡¢Home Premium¡¢Business¡¢Enterprise¡¢Ultimate£©
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
- Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 £¨Home Premium¡¢Professional¡¢Enterprise¡¢Ultimate£©
- Microsoft Windows 8¡¢Windows 8 Pro¡¢Windows 8 Enterprise
- Microsoft Windows 8.1¡¢Windows 8.1 Pro¡¢Windows 8.1 Enterprise

²Ù×÷ϵͳ£¨½öÓÃÓÚ 64 λ²úÆ·°æ±¾£©£º
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2 (AMD64)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 2 £¨Home Basic¡¢Home Premium¡¢Business¡¢Enterprise¡¢Ultimate£© 
- Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 £¨Home Premium¡¢Professional¡¢Enterprise¡¢Ultimate£©
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
- Microsoft Windows 8¡¢Windows 8 Pro¡¢Windows 8 Enterprise
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft Windows 8.1¡¢Windows 8.1 Pro¡¢Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Microsoft Office:
- Microsoft Office 2003
- Microsoft Office 2007
- Microsoft Office 2010
- Microsoft Office 2013

- Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2010
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2013

Web ä¯ÀÀÆ÷£º
- Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

5.3 °æ±¾ÐÅÏ¢	

Infineon TPM Professional Package

5.4 Trusted Platform Module ¹Ì¼þÉý¼¶

°²×°Ö®ºó£¬½¨Òé¼ì²é ÊÇ·ñÌṩÁ˹̼þ¸üÐÂ


5.5.1 Trusted Platform Module µÄÎÊÌâ

Èç¹ûʹÓà Trusted Platform Module µÄÓ¦ÓóÌÐòʧ°Ü£¬ÖØÖà Trusted Platform Module ¿ÉÒÔ½â¾öÎÊÌâ¡£
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5.5.2 ÒÑÖªÁª»ú°ïÖú´íÎó

ÔÚ°²×°Íê Microsoft °²È«ÐÔ¸üк󣬵±´ÓÔ¶³ÌλÖôò¿ª .chm Îļþʱ£¬Security Platform °ïÖúÒ²Ðí²»ÄÜÕýÈ·µØÔËÐС£ ¸ü¶àÐÅÏ¢¿ÉÔÚ Microsoft ֪ʶ¿âÖлñµÃ£¬ÈçÔÚ Microsoft °²È«¹«¸æ MS05-026 ºÍ Microsoft ֪ʶ¿âÌõ¿î 896358 ÖС£

5.5.3 ÔÚ Windows XP¡¢Windows Vista¡¢Windows 7, Windows 8 ºÍ Windows 8.1 Éϲ»Ö§³Ö½« Personal Secure Drive ÄÚÈݱ£´æµ½ CD Êý¾Ý´ÅÅÌ

ÔÚ Windows XP¡¢Windows Vista¡¢Windows 7, Windows 8 ºÍ Windows 8.1 ÖУ¬Explorer Ö§³ÖʹÓà Joliet ºÍ ISO-9660 Îļþϵͳ½«Êý¾ÝÖ±½ÓдÈë CD Êý¾Ý´ÅÅÌ¡£
 ÔÚɾ³ý Personal Secure Drive µÄ¹ý³ÌÖУ¬²»Ö§³ÖÑ¡Ôñ´ËÀà CD Êý¾Ý´ÅÅÌÓÃÓÚ±£´æ Personal Secure Drive µÄÄÚÈÝ¡£ Èç¹ûÄúÒª½« Personal Secure Drive µÄÄÚÈݱ£´æµ½ CD Êý¾Ý´ÅÅÌ£¬ÇëÔÚɾ³ý Personal Secure Drive ֮ǰֱ½ÓʹÓà Windows Explorer¡£

5.5.4 Personal Secure Drive ºÍ Windows XP System Restore 
Èç¹ûÆôÓà System Restore£¬Çë×¢Òâ Personal Secure Drive Ïñϵͳ»¹Ô­Ëù¼àÊӵļÆËã»úÉϵÄÈκÎÆäËûÇý¶¯Æ÷Ò»Ñù¡£
Ϊȷ±£ System Restore Óë Personal Secure Drive ÕýȷЭ×÷£¬Ç뿼ÂÇÒÔÏÂÊÂÏ
a) Personal Secure Drive ´óС¸ß´ï 200 MB
ÄúÐèÒª°²×° Microsoft Hotfix WindowsXP-KB888402-x86-xxx.exe£¨ÆäÖÐ xxx ÊÇÌض¨ÓÚÓïÑԵİ汾£©¡£
´ËÈÈÐÞ¸´½öͨ¹ý Microsoft support ( ¶Ô Windows XP SP2 ¿ÉÓᣠÇë²ÎÔÄ KB888402¡£
Èç¹ûδ°²×°´ËÈÈÐÞ¸´£¬Ã¿µ±¼ÓÔØ PSD Çý¶¯Æ÷ʱ¶¼»áɾ³ýϵͳ»¹Ô­µã¡£
b) Personal Secure Drive ´óС´óÓÚ 200 MB
´óÓÚ 200 MB µÄ Personal Secure Drive ½«°´ÕÕÀàÐÍΪ¡°±¾µØ´ÅÅÌ¡±µÄÆäËûËùÓÐÇý¶¯Æ÷½øÐд¦Àí¡£
°´ÕÕÉÏÊöÒªÇó£¬ÇëÖÁÉÙÔÚ Personal Secure Drive ÉÏÁôÓÐ 80 MB µÄ¿ÉÓôÅÅ̿ռ䡣
5.5.5 Personal Secure Drive ºÍ Microsoft ¾íÓ°¸´ÖÆ·þÎñ (VSS)

Personal Secure Drive µ±Ç°¼È²»Ö§³Ö Microsoft VSS£¬Ò²²»Ö§³ÖÒÀÀµ VSS µÄ·þÎñ¡£
Èç¹ûÄú·¢ÏÖÓÐ¹Ø VSS »òÈκÎÒÀÀµ·þÎñµÄÎÊÌ⣬ÇëÈ·±£ÔÚʹÓà VSS ʱûÓмÓÔØÈκΠPersonal Secure Drive¡£

5.5.6 WLAN ¿Í»§¶ËÁ¬½ÓµÄÓû§Éí·ÝÑéÖ¤³¬Ê±

ÄúÐèÒª½øÐÐÉí·ÝÑéÖ¤ÒÔ½¨Á¢ WLAN ¿Í»§¶ËÁ¬½Ó¡£ Security Platform Óû§Éí·ÝÑéÖ¤ÒÑÏÔʾ³öÀ´¡£ ÇëÔÚ 30 ÃëÄÚÍê³ÉÉí·ÝÑéÖ¤¡£
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5.5.7 ÔÚ¡°ÔËÐз½Ê½¡±Ä£Ê½Ï¿ÉÄÜ´æÔÚµÄÓû§Éí·ÝÑéÖ¤ÎÊÌâ

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5.5.8 ´Ó V4.3 ֮ǰ°æÉý¼¶Ö®ºóµÄ×ֵ乥»÷ÐÐΪ

´Ë°æ±¾µÄ Infineon TPM Professional Package ÒÑÕë¶Ô Windows 8.1, 8 ÓÅ»¯ÁË×ֵ乥»÷ÐÐΪ¡£Èç¹û Infineon TPM Professional Package °²×°ÔÚÒѲÉÓÃÏÈÇ°°æ±¾ Infineon TPM Professional Package ³õʼ»¯Á赀 Security Platform ÉÏ£¬ÔòеÄ×ֵ乥»÷·ÀÓù²ÎÊýÖµ±ØÐëÃ÷È·ÅäÖ᣷ñÔò£¬×ֵ乥»÷ÐÐΪ½«²»ÏñÁª»ú°ïÖúÖÐÃèÊöµÄÄÇÑù²Ù×÷£¬¾ßÌåµØ½²£¬×ֵ乥»÷·ÀÓù²ÎÊý½«ÈÔ°´ÏÈÇ°°æ±¾ Infineon TPM Professional Package ËùÉèÖõÄÄÇÑù²Ù×÷¡£ÓйØÈçºÎ¸ü¸Ä×ֵ乥»÷·ÀÓù²ÎÊýµÄÐÅÏ¢£¬Çë²Î¿¼Áª»ú°ïÖúµÄ¡°×ֵ乥»÷·ÀÓù¡±²¿·Ö¡£

5.5.9 ¸ü¸Äϵͳʱ¼ä¿ÉÄܻᵼÖÂÒâÍâÐÐΪ

»Ø¹öϵͳʱ¼ä¿ÉÄܻᵼÖ Infineon Security Platform Èí¼þµÄÒâÍâÐÐΪ¡£ ÖØÐÂÆô¶¯ 

5.5.10 ¶à´Î´ÓÖ¸¶¨±¸·Ýµµ°¸Ö´Ðнô¼±»Ö¸´²Ù×÷ʱ£¬´æÔÚÈçÏÂÏÞÖÆ

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5.5.11 ÔÚ Windows Vista µÄÏÞÖƹÜÀíÕÊ»§ÏÂÉèÖÃÐÞ¸´Ä£Ê½

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5.5.12 ²Ù×÷ϵͳÉý¼¶ÖÁ Windows Vista

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5.5.18 RSA SecurID Software Token ¼æÈÝÐÔ

Infineon TPM Professional Package Óë RSA SecurID Software Token 3.05 »ò¸üµÍ°æ±¾¼æÈÝ¡£

5.5.19 ʹÓôøÓÐÖ¤ÊéµÄ EAP-TLS ʱ½¨Á¢ Microsoft VPN Á¬½Ó

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Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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