;This file is used by the Hewlett-Packard Install Network Printer Wizard ;This file defines the location of the context sensitive help files [MAINHELP] MAINHELPPATH = help INDEX = index.htm ;WELCOME = 1welcome.htm SELECT_SEARCH_METHOD = identifyprinter.htm IDENTIFY_PRINTER_SIMPLE = idpntrlist.htm IDENTIFY_PRINTER_BY_SPECIFY = idpntraddr.htm NETWORK_CONFIG_OPTIONS = NtwkConfigOps.htm SET_PRINT_MODE = setntwkcommode.htm PORT_NAME = portname.htm NTWK_CONNECTION_TYPE = conn_type_wireless_wired.htm DVC_SETTINGS_SUMMARY = confirm_settings_printer_found.htm UNPLUG_CABLE = verfication_successful.htm SSID = select_network_name.htm WIRELESS_SETTINGS = wireless_settings.htm WEP_REQD = wep_required.htm WEP_NOT_DETECTED = wep_unknown.htm NO_DVC_FOUND = printer_not_found.htm PLUG_IN_CABLE = connect_network_cable.htm DVC_USER_ENTERED_SUM = printer_settings.htm DVC_SET_SUM_2ND_TIME = verify_settings.htm NO_VERIFY_WL_CONN = unable_verify_wireless_settings.htm DVC_SETTINGS_WIRED_SUM = confirm_settings_tcpip.htm CHECK_CABLE_CONN = check_cable_connection.htm EXIT_PTR_NOT_CONN = cannot_continue.htm ONE_PTR_FOUND = single_printer_found.htm NO_RECOVERY = unable_to_complete.htm NO_VERIFY_WIRED_SETTINGS = unable_verify_network_settings.htm INVALID_SETTINGS = invalid_settings.htm CNG_SETTINGS_WARNING = verify_settings.htm INSTALL_NTWK_PROTOCOLS = network_protocols.htm AUTHENTICATION = authentication.htm [LANGUAGE] 1025=ar 1029=cs 1030=da 1031=de 1032=el 1033=en 1034=es 1035=fi 1036=fr 1037=he 1038=hu 1040=it 1041=ja 1042=ko 1043=nl 1044=no 1045=pl 1046=pt 1049=ru 1051=sk 1053=sv 1054=th 1055=tr 2052=zhcn 1028=zhtw ;[TROUBLETREE] ;TROUBLETREEPATH = help ;TROUBLETREETOP = trouble.htm ;[ERRORHELP] ;ERRORHELPPATH = help\exthelp ;TEXT_E_NONETWORK = exip_ipx.htm ;NO_PRN_FOUND_DISCOVERY_1_STRING = exnoprn.htm ;CANT_CONNECT_TO_HP_WEB_STRING = exconn.htm ;CONNECTION_LOST_WEB_STRING = exlost.htm ;NO_DRIVERS_IN_INF_FILE_2_STRING = exinf.htm ;INCORRECT_CUR_INSTALL_DRIVER_STRING = exprdrv.htm ;PRINTER_DRIVER_INSTALL_2_STRING = exinster.htm ;GSE_2_STRING = exinstpr.htm ;AIO_MFP_SELECTED_1_STRING = exaio.htm ;CANT_DOWNLOAD_DRIVER_WEB_STRING = exdownld.htm ;INVALID_PRINTER_PC_NETWORK_SETTINGS_2_STRING = exincpc.htm ;DRIVER_NOT_FOR_OS_SELECT_ANOTHER_STRING = exincsw.htm ;CORRUPT_CAB_FILE_2_STRING = excab.htm ;CANNOT_READ_INF_FILE_2_STRING = exinf2.htm ;SUBNET_MASK_STRING = exsubnet.htm ;GATEWAY_ADDRESS_STRING = exgate.htm ;DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS_STRING = exdefip.htm IP_ADDRESS_ERROR_TEXT_STRING = exinvip.htm INVALID_MAC_TEXT_STRING = exinvhw.htm INVALID_IPX_TEXT_STRING = exinvipx.htm INVALID_HOSTNAME_TEXT_STRING = exinvhst.htm BINDERY_QUEUE_EXISTS_STRING = exqueue.htm PRINT_SERVER_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS_STRING = exnds.htm PRINTER_ALREADY_CONFIG_BINDERY_STRING = exbind.htm INVALID_NDS_OBJECT_SPEC_STRING = exinvnds.htm INVALID_NDS_OBJECT_ERROR2_STRING = exinvobj.htm CANT_FIND_DRIVER_LIST_WEB_STRING = exlist.htm DRIVER_FILE_CORRUPT_WEB_STRING = excorr.htmDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.