0009.txt Driver File Contents (KxDriver_cCD_cLP_20140115.zip)


1001	&Yes

1002	N&o

1003	Yes (recommended)

1004	&Back

1005	&Next

1006	Cancel

1007	&Finish

1008	&Install

1009	U&pgrade

1010	Reboot

1011	&Accept

1012	&Uninstall

1013	Create

1014	C&lose

1015	OK

1016	Add port& 

1017	Configure

1018	Device Settings

1019	All

1020	B&rowse

1021	Select all

1022	Clear all

1023	Install now

1024	Requires %s

1025	Open

1026	Upgrade now

1027	Uninstall now

1028	Run now

1029	Loading& 

1030	Start now

1031	Installed

1032	Upgradable

1033	Type

1034	Refresh

1035	Information

1036	Waiting to install

1037	Installing...

1038	Uninstalling...

1039	Failed

1040	Quit

1041	Back to start

1042	Removed

1043	Removing...

1044	Waiting to uninstall

1045	System restart required

1046	Upgrading...

1047	Waiting to upgrade

1048	Upgraded

1049	Newer version already installed. 

1050	Products

1051	Documentation

1052	About

1053	Language

1054	Properties

1055	Search devices

1056	Run

1057	Clear search

1058	Installed version

1059	Remove

1071	E&xit

1072	Details

1073	Product

1074	Detail

1101	Copying files

1102	Removing files

1103	Creating registry entries

1104	Removing registry entries

1105	Creating shortcuts

1106	Removing shortcuts

1107	Creating uninstall information

1108	Removing uninstall information

1109	Executing

1110	Verifying

1111	Pending uninstall

1112	Create device information& 

1113	Install device& 

1114	Remove device& 

1115	Install driver& 

1116	Remove driver& 

1401	Products to Install

1402	Select the programs and services to install on this computer.

1403	Products to Upgrade

1404	Select the programs and services to upgrade on this computer.

1421	Select an option to change or review.

1422	To continue, close %s.

1423	To continue, exit %s.

1501	Install devices and utilities

1502	Move the items to the Products to Install list.

1503	Devices

1504	Drivers

1505	Utilities

1506	Products to Install

1507	%d items

1508	%d of %d devices selected

1509	%d drivers

1510	%d utilities

1511	%d item

1512	%d of %d devices selected

1513	%d driver

1514	%d utility

1515	Driver

1516	Utility

1517	Use host name as port name

1518	Host name

1530	Select the device you want to add.


1532	Select the features you want to use with this device.


1534	%d devices

1535	%d device

1550	Select a tool from the list and click Run.


1552	Express Install

1553	Custom Install

1554	Maintenance

1555	Documents

1556	Uninstall

1557	Upgrade

1558	Quickly add a device and its drivers

1559	Add multiple devices and printing utilities

1560	Run utility programs

1561	Read manuals, licenses, and readme files

1562	Remove devices, drivers, and utilities

1563	Add new versions of drivers and utilities

1600	Device

1601	Driver

1602	Description

1603	Details

1604	Version

1605	Name

1630	Refresh

1631	Update the device list.

1632	Switch to icon view

1633	Switch to list view

1634	Change the appearance of the device list.

1635	Serial number: %s

1636	Add custom device

1637	Add device to the install list.

1638	Move to Products to Install list

1639	Add devices to the list with the arrows, or by dragging or double-clicking the device icon.

1640	Add driver to a device in the install list

1641	The driver will be used for the selected devices in the Products to Install list.

1642	Move to Products to Install list

1643	Add utilities to the list with the arrows, or by dragging or double-clicking the device icon.

1644	Remove

1645	Remove item from Products to Install list.

1646	Remove all

1647	Remove all items from Products to Install list.

1648	Select all

1649	Select all available devices.

1650	Unselect all

1651	Clear selection.

1652	Host name: %s

1680	Add device to Products to Install list

1681	Add driver to device

1682	Add driver to all devices

1683	Add utility to Products to Install list

2050	Installer

2051	Uninstaller

2052	Are you sure you want to leave the Installer?

2053	%s Setup


2055	v%s

2057	Uninstall

2058	Upgrade

2059	Are you sure you want to leave the Installer?

2104	WARNING: Administrator's rights are required to use this installer. Please log on as an administrator and try again.

2121	Devices

2122	Select a device to install

2123	Model

2124	Choose the device to install:

2130	Printer port

2131	Choose the port connected to your device:

2132	Port name

2133	Description

2134	Select or add the port connected to your device.

2201	Manage products

2203	Add %s to this computer.

2204	Apply updates.

2205	Remove selected %s features.

2210	View documentation

2211	Select a user manual or reference document and click Open. Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or higher is required for viewing these files.

2212	There is no program installed to open %s files. Please install a program that can open this file type and try again.

2220	Select the products to uninstall

2221	Remove devices, drivers and utilities. If you uninstall a driver, the devices using that driver will also be removed.

2241	Installing...

2242	Your software is being installed.

2243	Finished

2244	Your software is ready to use.

2245	Restart your computer

2246	Restart

2247	You must restart your computer to finish the installation.

2248	The installation did not complete successfully.

2251	Uninstalling...

2252	Your software is being uninstalled.

2253	Finished

2254	Your software is removed.

2255	You must restart your computer to finish the uninstallation.

2256	The uninstallation did not complete successfully.

2261	Upgrading...

2262	Your software is being upgraded.

2263	Finished

2264	Your software is upgraded.

2265	You must restart your computer to finish the upgrade.

2266	The upgrade did not complete successfully.

2300	Drivers can only be added to devices.

2301	%s has already been added to the %s device. 

2302	%s cannot be added to the %s device with the selected connection type. Select a different driver.

2303	The %s device does not support %s.

2304	Printer name already exists. Please use a different name.

2305	Share name already exists. Please use a different name.

2306	There is another device already set as your default printer. Do you want to override that setting with the current device?

3001	Print a test page

6101	Notice

6102	By using or installing the device drivers and software included in this package you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

6103	View License Agreement

8010	USB PnP installation failed. Please try again.

8011	Setup has detected a PnP event in progress. Try again later.

8012	USB connection lost. Please reconnect your device and try again.

8013	No devices can be found. Connect your printer to a USB device or to a network, then click Refresh to restart the discovery.

10202	Delete user data and settings

10203	User data and settings will be deleted. Do you want to continue?

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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