0x0409.ini Driver File Contents (Wireless_20LAN_Atheros_10.0.0.75_W8x64_A.zip)


1100=Setup Initialization Error


1102=%1 Setup is preparing the %2, which will guide you through the program setup process.  Please wait.

1103=Checking Operating System Version

1104=Checking Windows(R) Installer Version

1105=Configuring Windows Installer

1106=Configuring %s

1107=Setup has completed configuring the Windows Installer on your system. The system needs to be restarted in order to continue with the installation. Please click Restart to reboot the system.


1125=Choose Setup Language

1126=Select the language for this installation from the choices below.

1127=The installer must restart your system to complete configuring the Windows Installer service.  Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to restart later.

1128=This setup will perform an upgrade of '%s'. Do you want to continue?

1129=A later version of '%s' is already installed on this machine. The setup cannot continue.





1134=&Next >

1150=Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows. Please click OK and verify that the target system is running either Windows 95 (or later version), or Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (or later version), before relaunching the installation

1151=Error writing to the temporary location

1152=Error extracting %s to the temporary location

1153=Error reading setup initialization file

1154=Installer not found in %s

1155=File %s not found

1156=Internal error in Windows Installer

1158=Error populating strings. Verify that all strings in Setup.ini are valid.


1201=Setup needs %lu KB free disk space in %s. Please free up some space and try again

1202=You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation

1203=Command line parameters:

1204=/L language ID

1205=/S Hide intialization dialog.  For silent mode use: /S /v/qn.

1206=/V parameters to MsiExec.exe

1207=Windows(R) Installer %s found. This is an older version of the Windows(R) Installer. Click OK to continue.

1208=ANSI code page for %s is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language.

1210=Setup requires Windows Installer version %s or higher to install the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0. Please install the Windows Installer version %s or higher and try again.

1603=Error installing Windows Installer engine.  A file which needs to be replaced may be held in use.  Close all applications and try again.

1604=This setup does not contain the Windows Installer engine (%s) required to run the installation on this operating system.

1607=Unable to install %s Scripting Runtime.

1608=Unable to create InstallDriver instance, Return code: %d

1609=Please specify a location to save the installation package.

1611=Unable to extract the file %s.

1612=Extracting files.

1613=Downloading file %s.

1614=An error occurred while downloading the file %s.  What would you like to do?







1621=Failed to verify signature of file %s.

1622=Estimated time remaining: 

1623=%d %s of %d %s downloaded at %01d.%01d %s%s

1624=Preparing to Install...

1625=Get help for this installation.


1627=Unable to save file: %s

1628=Failed to complete installation.

1629=Invalid command line.

1630=/UA<url to InstMsiA.exe>

1631=/UW<url to InstMsiW.exe>

1632=/UM<url to msi package>

1633=/US<url to IsScript.msi>

1634=Setup Initialization Error, failed to clone the process.

1635=The file %s already exists.  Would you like to replace it?

1642=Could not verify signature.  You need Internet Explorer 3.02 or later with Authenticode update.

1643=Setup requires a newer version of WinInet.dll.  You may need to install Internet Explorer 3.02 or later.

1644=You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation

1645=Error installing Microsoft(R) .NET Framework, Return Code: %d

1646=%s optionally uses the Microsoft (R) .NET %s Framework.  Would you like to install it now?

1648=Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows. Please click OK and verify that the target system is running either Windows 95 (or later version), or Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 (or later version), before relaunching the installation

1649=%s optionally uses the Visual J# Redistributable Package. Would you like to install it now? 

1650= (This will also install the .NET Framework.)

1651=Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows. Please click OK and verify that the target system is running Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (or later version), before relaunching the installation

1652=%s requires the following items to be installed on your computer. Click Install to begin installing these requirements.

1653=Installing %s

1654=Would you like to cancel the setup after %s has finished installing?

1655=The files for installation requirement %s could not be found. The installation will now stop. This is probably due to a failed, or canceled download.

1656=The installation of %s appears to have failed. Do you want to continue the installation?











1667=The installation of %s has failed. Setup will now exit.

1668=The installation of %s requires a reboot.  Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to restart later.

1669=%1 optionally uses %2. Would you like to install it now?

1670=Unable to load module %s, Error Code: %d

1671=Downloading file %2 of %3: %1

1700=An error occurred initializing the InstallScript engine

1701=Unable to extract InstallScript engine support files to temp location

1702=This installation lets you install multiple instances of the product. Select the instance you would like to install, and then click Next to continue:

1703=&Install a new instance

1704=&Maintain or upgrade an existing instance


1706=Instance ID

1707=Product Name


1710=This installation lets you patch multiple instances of the product. Select an option below to specify how you would like to apply this patch, and then click Next to continue.

1711=Patch &all of the existing instances

1712=&Patch an existing instance

1713=This installation requires Windows Installer version 4.5 or newer. Setup will now exit.



1804=Choose Setup Language

1812=Select the language for the installation from the choices below.


1815=InstallShield Wizard


1834=&Next >

1835=< &Back

1837=Do you wish to install %s?

1838=Authenticity Verified

1839=The identity of this software publisher was verified by %s.

1840=Caution: %s affirms this software is safe.  You should only continue if you trust %s to make this assertion.

1841=&Always trust software published by %s.

1842=This software has not been altered since publication by %s.  To install %s, click OK.


1865=Preparing Setup

1866=Please wait while the InstallShield Wizard prepares the setup.


1873=Transfer rate: 

1874=Estimated time left:


1887=%s - InstallShield Wizard

1888=Exit Setup

1889=Are you sure you want to cancel the setup?

1901=&Install a new instance of this application.

1903=Existing Installed Instances Detected

1904=Select the appropriate application instance to maintain or update.

1905=Setup has detected one or more instances of this application already installed on your system.

1906=&Maintain or update the instance of this application selected below:

1907=Setup has detected one or more instances of this application already installed on your system. You can maintain or update an existing instance or install a completely new instance.

1908=Select the instance of the application you want to &maintain or update below:

1909=Display Name

1910=Install Location

2001=%s Setup is preparing the InstallShield Wizard, which will guide you through the rest of the setup process. Please wait.

2002=Error Code:

2003=Error Information:

2004=An error (%s) has occurred while running the setup.

2005=Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: %s.



2008=There is not enough space to initialize the setup.  Please free up at least %ld KB on your %s drive before you run the setup.

2009=A user with administrator rights installed this application. You need to have similar privileges to modify or uninstall it.

2010=Another instance of this setup is already running. Please wait for the other instance to finish and then try again. 

2143=Security Warning

2144=Do you want to run this setup?

2146=The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified.  You should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.

2147=I &do not trust this setup

2148=I &understand the security risk and wish to continue

2151=The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified because it was not signed by the publisher.   You should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.

2152=The origin and integrity of this application could not be verified. The certificate used to sign the software has expired or is invalid or untrusted.   You should continue only if you can identify the publisher as someone you trust and are certain this application hasn't been altered since publication.

2153=The software is corrupted or has been altered since it was published.  You should not continue this setup.

2154=This setup was created with a BETA VERSION of %s

2155=This Setup was created with an EVALUATION VERSION of %s

2156=Please enter the password





0x0404=Chinese (Traditional)





0x0409=English (United States)



0x040c=French (Standard)









0x0416=Portuguese (Brazilian)











0x0804=Chinese (Simplified)

0x0816=Portuguese (Standard)

0x0c0c=French (Canadian)

0x0c1a=Serbian (Cyrillic)

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 0.93