============================ R E L E A S E N O T E S ============================ Broadcom SD 3.0 Driver Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. Version - July 19, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ70144: BSOD on "Concurrent Hardware And Operating System (CHAOS) Test "under Win7 x86/x64". Cause: CHAOS test is passing a NULL parameter to HwAdapterControl(). BSOD was caused by driver dereferencing parameter. Change: Do not process control command when AdaEx parameter is NULL. Version - July 10, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ69844: SD BSOD on Win8.1 after inserting SD drive. Cause: Driver was calling a driver support routine at an invalid dispatch level when updating the drive icon. Change: Removed call to the driver support routine at IRQ dispatch level. 2. Problem Driver failing with WHCK 2.1 kit. Cause: Driver is the using the "SDHost" class GUID which is causing WHCK to run tests that is assuming the use of the Microsoft SD driver. Change: Change the class GUID to "System". The side effect is the SD driver will now reside under "System Devices" in the Device Manager. Version - June 11, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ69553: The SD driver BSOD during installation under W7 x64. Cause: An update of the WDK caused a Win8 library (bufferoverflowfastfailk.lib) to be linked into the driver. Change: Modified build to use BufferOverflowK.lib. Version - June 10, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem 200 msec delay was observed when system resumed from sleep with SD driver. Cause: Driver was timing out with the reset of the CMD and DATA lines. Change: Removed reset of the CMD and DATA lines since driver will do a reset all that will cause both lines to reset. Enhancement: ============= 1. Use registry parameters set in the INF file to support OEM specific configuration of the SD driver. Version - May 22, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Added 4-part ID in INF file to limit speed to UHS50. Version - April 10, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ68609: Failure to detect SD card on insertion. Cause: The card present bit was not stable within the debounce time of 200 msec. Change: Increase the debounce time to 400 msec. 2. Problem CQ68611: Custom icon not display on SD card insertion. Cause: Uninitialize variable would cause the driver not to call routine to create the icon entry in the registry. Change: Initialize the variable. 3. Problem CQ68612: SD card drive stil persist after SD media has been removed. Cause: Driver was not handling the removal event to delete the icon entry from the registry. Change: Driver will delete the icon entry from the registry when the removal event is detected. Version - April 2, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem SD card can't be detected. (SD card can be detected after Disable / Enable SD controller ). SD drive icon will not disappear after eject SD card from system. Cause: Driver was seeing both the card insert and removal bits set in the interrupt status register. The result was the driver ignored the interrupt. Change: Ignore the conflicting interrupt status and continue to debounce the card detection. 2. Problem Custom icon was not removed from registry when driver was disabled with card inserted. Cause: Driver did not handle the condition with driver disabling with card inserted. Change: Added call to remove icon from registry when drive detects that driver has been disabled. 3. Problem Power to card was toggle when switching from 3.3v to 1.8v. Cause: Driver was powering off and on the card during the voltage switch. Change: Drive will leave power on to the card during voltage switch. Version - March 21, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ68190: Insert some SD cards then uninstall / install driver will random happen BSOD. Cause: Queued icon work item was accessing the SD driver extension data structure after it had been freed. Change: Copy the information needed from the SD driver extension data structure to one allocated for the queued work item. 2. Problem CQ68189: OEM - MAXSPEED registry setting is HS. It should be UHS50. Cause: INF file did not have the entries for the two OEM 4-part IDs to set the registry value to UHS50. Change: Add the two OEM 4-part IDs to the INF file to set the registry value to UHS50. 3. Problem CQ68397: Add ClkReq workaround for SD card detection issue for two OEM systems. Cause: This feature request has been added to support these two OEM IDs. Change: Modified driver to support these two OEM IDs. 4. Problem CQ68251: Change device drive letter the same with SD that device will become SD icon. Cause: Drive icon registry keys were not deleted. Change: Delete the drive icon registry keys whenever driver detect a change to the SD device drive letter. Version - March 4, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ68063: Custom icons fail to display in Win8 x86 Cause: Registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons did not exist. Change: Create the registry key if it does not exist. Version - February 6, 2013 ---------------------------------------- Enhancement: ============= 1. Added custom icons support for Win8. Version - January 15, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Changed 4-part IDs in INF file to limit speed to SD 2.0. Version - January 15, 2013 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Limit speed of SD interface to UHS50 by setting registry key value in INF file. Version - January 11, 2013 ---------------------------------------- Enhancement: ============= 1. CQ66970 : Turn off MMC support in SD CR driver for 57786xA1 4-part ID. 2. Limit SD speed to UHS50 for 4-part ID. Version - August 14, 2012 ---------------------------------------- Enhancement: ============= 1. Driver will respond with a ProducId of "SD" for SD cards and "MMC" for MMC cards for the SCSIOP_INQUIRY command. Version - August 9, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ65116: 16MB MMC card can not be detected Cause: The SD clock was running too fast causing errors when sending MMC commands. Change: Slow the SD clock to 300KHz when enumerating MMC cards. Version - July 10, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ64414: Unable to detect Apacer 4GB C6 SDHC Cause: Data CRC errors were occurring during multiple block reads. Change: When read errors are detected use the UHS delay path. Version - June 19, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ62604: SD card cannot be auto-detected when install SD driver with the card inserted Cause: Host controller did not reset during driver installation. Change: Reset host controller during driver installation. Version - June 13, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ63802: After plug in/out SD card then plug in xD unable to detect. Cause: Debouncing code was not running. Code was disabled when build script was ported to Win8 build environment. Change: Enable debouncing code. 2. Problem CQ63716: Install SD driver will yellow mark in Win7. Cause: The new Win8 build environment is linking with the bufferoverflowfastfailk.lib which is causing a bugcheck on OS versions prior to Win8. Change: Use BufferOverflowK.lib instead of bufferoverflowfastfailk.lib. 3. Problem CQ63672: Lower performance on 57785 on OEM system. Cause: Driver was limiting the speed of the OEM system to workaround some card detection issues. It turns out that we don't need this workaround since the card detection issues were resolved (CQ62894 and CQ63309). Change: Remove 4-part ID check that limited the speed. 4. Problem CQ63309: Unable to detect Transcend 1GB MMC card. Cause: Driver was using a wrong clock source during enumeration. Change: Use 63MHz clock source when enumerating MMC cards. Switch back to base clock source after completion of enumeration. 5. Problem CQ62894: Unable to read/write to Transcend Class 6 4GB SDHC card. Cause: Changes made since affected the detection of this card. Change: Do not use the UHS tap delay path by default. Only use if errors are detected. Use base clock source (50/200MHz) at the start of enumeration. Do not send a command to switch the current limit for non-UHS cards. Version - June 5, 2012 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Migrate to WDK 8400. Version - April 25, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Added additional 4-part IDs to INF file to limit speed to SD 2.0. Version - April 20, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Change source clock to 63MHz base on 4-part ID. Version - April 20, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ62057: On OEM system, some non-UHS SD card is not detected. Cause: Signal integrity on the data lines were causing data CRC during data transfers. Change: Enabled the tap delay path for HS cards. Version - February 10, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ61541: Failed on WHQL infchk testing. Change: Fixed errors in INF file. Version - February 9, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement: Limit speed of SD interface by setting registy key value in INF file. Version - February 8, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Customer Request: Limit speed to SD 2.0. 2. Enhancement: Always use the I/O delay path for SD and MMC cards. 3. Enhancement: Adjust the tap delay value whenever a CRC error is detected. Version - January 16, 2012 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ60761, CQ60738: Unable to detect SD card after a couple times of quickly insertion/removal. Cause: Driver ignored card detect event because the card remove event did not finish the freeing of driver internal data structures due to card detect event. Change: Modified driver to free internal data structures if they are not NULL before handling the card detect event. 2. Problem: CQ60129: Unable to detect SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-I 8G. Cause: Driver was sending commands to UHS SD card before the SD bus signal voltage had completed transition from 3.3v to 1.8v. Change: Modified driver to wait 20 milliseconds to allow enough time to transition to 1.8v. Version - November 29, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Newly created data file lost after card removed. Cause: This problem was introduced in version with the return of success for the SCSIOP_MEDIUM_REMOVAL command when the card is present. Change: Return success for the SCSIOP_MEDIUM_REMOVAL command only if the PREVENT bit field is not set and the card is present. Version - November 11, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ59649: [OEM]SD 2.0 card read performance is much lower with SD 3.0 enabled vs. SD 3.0 disabled. Cause: When SD 3.0 is enabled the driver is using the 63MHz clock source to enumerate the card and not switching back to the base clock source of 200MHz after completing the card enumeration on SD 2.0 cards. Change: Driver will switch the clock source to the base clock after enumerating the SD 2.0 cards. Version - October 28, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: TOPRAM SDXC card was not detected if SD 3.0 is enabled. Cause: Driver was setting the clock speed to 200MHz even though according to its operation modes the max clock speed it supported is 100MHz. Change: Driver will check the operational modes of the card and then set appropriate clock speed. Version - October 21, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ58103: Aspen-SD: In Win XP SP3, the eject function in context menu fails. Cause: Driver was returning an error value for the SCSIOP_MEDIUM_REMOVAL command. Change: Driver will return a success value for the SCSIOP_MEDIUM_REMOVAL command when the card is present. Version - September 30, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement: Enable UHS mode on more OEM platforms. Version - September 13, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ58479: Aspen-CR-SD : It fails to copy data to Sandisk 512M SD card on OEM system. Cause: Aspen host controller was getting data CRC errors on write commands. Change: Added error recovery to switch to serial mode when write commands failure occurs. Version - August 18, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50589: Aspen-B0-SD-xD interaction: Cannot detect xD-Picture card after inserting/removing a specific sd card. Cause: Reset was not done when SD card was removed. This CQ was re-opened due to change in last release. Change: Only reset when SD card is removed. Version - August 10, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50770: Aspen-B0-SD: Reload SD driver would break MS file transfer. Cause: Driver was resetting host controller when SD card was not present. Change: Reset only if SD card is present. Version - August 5, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50719: Aspen-B0-MS: Failed to read file when MS card inserted then install MS and SD driver. Cause: Driver was resetting host controller and setting clock register when SD card was not present. Change: Reset and set clock register only if SD card is present. Version - August 2, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ55745: Aspen-B0-SD: Compatibility-SanDisk 8G C6 SDHC inaccessible after resuming from S3/S4 mode. Cause: Timeout error in reading SD CID. Change: Added retry of enumerating card when timeout error occurs. Version - May 6, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ52415: Aspen-B0-SD- SDXC USH card unrecognized with SD3.0 default disabled. CQ55348: Aspen-B0-MS: R/W performance is very low. Cause: The enhancment in version was only applicable to SDXC (UHS) cards. Change: Added checks to apply the enhancement only for SDXC cards. Version - May 4, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ55040: Aspen CR SD/MMC: system BSOD when inserting a Kingston 1G MMC plus card Cause: A synchronous routine to perform the switch command was called that cause the internal data structure to be corrupted thus causing the BSOD. Change: Use the asynchronous routine to perform the switch command. Version - January 18, 2011 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Select a different clock source during enumeration that is a better fit for the slow card clock speeds during card enumeration. Version - January 13, 2011 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: ScsiPortNotification with ResetDetected causes an unneeded delay during card initialization. Cause: Function is meant for use by real SCSI bus controllers that have a significant recovery time requirement after a reset. Change: Eliminate the notification so ScsiPort will not wait several seconds. Version - December 11, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Some SD/MMC cards may not be detected after resume from S3/S4. Cause: This is introduced in that more than one requestor would try to enumerate the card. Change: Change the driver to start debounce timer to detect the media only if card is present upon start and resume. If the driver starts with no media, it follows the old way before v1.0.0.217. Version - December 11, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Some SD cards fail to be detected on some OEM systems. Cause: The SD socket is causing unexpected card insertion and removal events to be generated. Change: This driver modifies the algorithm used to detect SD/MMC cards. Version - December 9, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ51547: Driver fails to detect SD card. Cause: Change list to fix a problem introduced this issue. Change: Undo change list #129372 Version - December 7, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ51389: A class 10 card still shows write-protected state after card is unlocked. Cause: The driver does not clear the RO flag when it should. Change: This driver manages the RO flag correctly. 1. Problem: UHS operation was broken in driver in Cause: A fix implemented in interferes with UHS normal operation. Change: This driver restores UHS proper operation. Version - December 2, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ51340: Aspen-B0-XD: Unable to detect MS or SD card after quick removal of XD card Cause: The LSI has an issue with this use case, so needs a SW WAR Change: This driver implements a WAR which resets the card reader functions as required. Impact: Requires LAN driver version or later Requires xD driver version or later Requires MS driver version or later Version - November 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: A customer reported that the prior version interferes with playing sounds. Cause: We introduced a synchronous delay in the last version. The delay stalls the processor. Change: This version attemtps to debounce the socket without using this delay. Impact: None. Version - November 6, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Turn on the delayed I/O data path when there are command errors (requested by LSI to enumerate some trouble cards). 2. Request: Inserting 100ms delay (wait for the bouncing to stop) after the card insert interrupt, and before proceeding to enumerate the card. Version - November 4, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: UHS capable cards do not enumerate on 85x platforms. Cause: The driver is attempting to use the card in UHS mode, which is not supported on the 85x. Change: This version enumerate UHS cards in High Speed mode. Impact: None. 1. Problem: The clock source may be set incorrectly when this driver gains control. Cause: Other drivers sharing the chip may leave the clock source set incorrectly. Change: This version restore the default clock source each time a card is inserted. Impact: None. Version - October 31, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50555- Some MMC cards are not recognized if using SD driver Cause: The MMC protocol was not implemented correctly in past drivers. Change: Fixed the implementation. Impact: None. Notes: Driver version was a bad release, so is skipped. Version - October 27, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50546 - K60/K62: After resuming from S3/S4 without an SD card inserted, the device is still mounted. Cause: The suspend resume/algorithm did not support this scenario. Change: This driver implements a better suspend/resume algorithm. Impact: None. Version - October 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50477 - Unable to recognize an xD card after MMC card was previously inserted. CQ50589 - Cannot detect xD-Picture card after inserting/removing a specific sd card. Cause: After driver issues soft reset for all, the sd_clk will stop, this make partial logics are not reset correctly. Change: Implement proper reset sequences to make device state machine transit correctly. Impact: None. Version - October 23, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50517, SD 3.0 Driver BSOD with 64GB SDXC Card. Cause: UHS processing was changed in prior drivers to accomodate Aspen B0. This change needs to take A0 into account. Change: Fixed UHS processing to work for Aspen A0 and B0. Impact: Notes:. 2. Problem: CQ50555, Some MMC cards are not recognized if using SD driver Cause: The MMC 4/8-bit implementation fails to enumerate the card if the bus width test does not complete Change: This driver select the card serial mode if the 4/8-bit bus width test does not complete. Impact: Notes:. Version - October 22, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50554, Aspen-57785x_B0-The system into S3/S4/S5 mode is too slow when the SD driver is installed.. Cause: The previous driver stopped processing the OS requests upon resuming. Change: Fixed a bug in the driver which prevented normalprocessing of OS requests upon system resume. Impact: Notes:. Version - October 20, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ50476, Aspen-B0-MMC has a low read/write speed. Cause: The previous driver only supported MMC serial mode. Change: This driver implements 4/8-bit parallel mode, which performs faster. Impact: Notes: Not all MMC cards support parallel mode. Only the cards with this feature will show a performance boost. Version - October 17, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ49126, Aspen-B0-FPGA-SD:ACPI only works once. Cause: The suspend/resume implementation in the driver was incorrect. Change: Implemented suspend/resume correctly. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: CQ49838, Unable to recognize an xD card after SD card was previously inserted Cause: The SDHC needs WAR which resets the controller once an SD card is removed. Change: Implemented WAR. Impact: Notes: The original issue is still seen with MMC cards. There should be a separate CQ for that. 3. Problem: CQ50403, The SD driver has a BSOD on xD DTM Plug and Play Driver Test Cause: Same as CQ49126. Change: Same as CQ49126 Impact: Notes: 4. Problem: UHS support is missing for Aspen B0 Cause: The UHS HW tuning algorithm requires new steps for Aspen B0. Change: Implemented the changes required to support Aspen B0 HW tuning. Impact: Notes: UHS is only supported on soldered Aspen B0 boards Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Microsoft confirms bug in ScsiPort and will escalate to sustaining engineering for Vista and Windows 7. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations such as mission board. Version - August 24, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: UHS card are no longer using max speed. UHS is broken in Cause: Incorrect test condition in the code to decide if UHS support should be enabled or not. This problem is corrected in this version. Change: Fixed the test condition in the driver source code. Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Microsoft confirms bug in ScsiPort and will escalate to sustaining engineering for Vista and Windows 7. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations such as mission board. Version - August 23, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ49280 - 64GB SDXC UHS card not recognized. Cause: B0 FPGA cannot use UHS. Change: Force UHS cards to use SDHC (HS) on the FPGA. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Microsoft confirms bug in ScsiPort and will escalate to sustaining engineering for Vista and Windows 7. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations such as mission board. Version - August 12, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ49280 - 64GB SDXC card not recognized. Cause: Driver Type A was being used and the default B should be set. Change: Remove setting of Driver Type A and let it default to B. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Microsoft confirms bug in ScsiPort and will escalate to sustaining engineering for Vista and Windows 7. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations such as mission board. Version - August 6, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ49093 - SD Card disappears after approximately 15 minute idle period. Cause: Windows issues a stop unit request to save power. Change: Ignore stop unit CBD with immediate bit set. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Microsoft confirms bug in ScsiPort and will escalate to sustaining engineering for Vista and Windows 7. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations. Version - July 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Added some code that doesn't work properly in 64-bit. Cause: Sign extension and byte order issues. Change: Revert to earlier version of the code. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations. Version - July 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ48891 - Immediate re-recognition after safely removing hardware CQ47599 - Aspen-CR-SD3.0: "Safely remove HW" icon doesn't appear on taskbar (it shows but doesn't work properly on v1.0.0.11) Cause: Disk drive was not being destroyed by driver. Change: Stop unit changed to fake LU removal. PnP IRP trapped to fake LU removal when eject is seen. Impact: Minimal Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. 2. SDR104 does not work on some hardware configurations. Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. Version - July 8, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Standard inquiry enhanced to return media size information. Cause: Read capacity was being relied upon to provide this information. Change: Append size information if requested. Impact: None Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Implement UHS104 support for compatible SDXC cards. Change: Significant Impact: Improved data transfer speeds. Notes: 2. Request: Improve memory leak detection in ScsiPort. Change: Allow size of structure LUN_EX to control if it is allocated. Impact: None Notes: 3. Request: Allow override of UHS104 to UHS50 via a registry key. Change: HwFindAdapter() parses a string to determine if override is desired. Impact: Minor Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for UHS 2. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. Version - June 16, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ48270 - Fails to continue data transfer after system resume from S1, S3, & S4. Cause: Bus change notification issued on both stopping the adapter and restarting it. SRBs submitted during host controller and flash memory card initialization are rejected. Change: Omit the bus change notifications if start and stop adapter processing is in progress. Return a busy indication to SRBs during initialization. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for UHS 2. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. Version - June 14, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ48295 - Performance is lower with the or driver. Cause: The new code was resetting the 4-bit flag when setting the 8-bt flag. Change: Use an OR statement to retain the 4-bit flag when adding the 8-bit flag. Impact: Speed improvement of 4x. Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for UHS 2. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. Version - June 10, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ48232 & CQ48233 - Unable to access or detect specific MMC cards. Cause: Cards unstable at higher speeds and bus widths. Change: Run all MMC cards at lower speeds and 1-bit data bus width. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: CQ47211 - Microsoft inbox driver cannot detect some MMC cards. Cause: Improper access to specific MMC cards. Change: Added MMC support to Broadcom SD driver. Impact: Some cards will require Broadcom driver and not inbox driver. Notes: 3. Problem: CQ48192 - Unable to detect SD card after ungraceful remove and re-insert. Cause: Removal of "Software Reset for All" will not allows host controller to be reset to a known state. Change: Allow "Software Reset for All" when media is present. Impact: Notes: New chip revision will do this in hardware. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: Notes: Restrictions + known issues (may be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for UHS 2. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. SRZ opened with Microsoft, but fixes are uncertain. Version - June 8, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ47211 - Compatibility test- Unable to detect Viking 256M MMC & Kingston 128M MMC+ Cards Cause: Microsoft's driver has several bugs. Change: Added support for MMC & MMC+ media in the Broadcom Secure Digital driver. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support MMC & MMC+ flash memory cards. Change: Add code to properly initialize MMC cards. Impact: Significant to MMC path, but minor to main code paths. Notes: Restrictions + known issues (will be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for MMC 2. No support for UHS 3. Added power management, but suspend/resume while copying files is still not supported 4. A couple of small memory leaks occur in ScsiPort when driver is disabled. Version - May 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: AMD64 support. Change: Significant. Impact: Major Notes: Restrictions + known issues (will be fixed in later versions): ============================================================== 1. No support for MMC 2. No support for UHS 3. Added power management, but suspend/resume while copying files is still not supported 4. Small memory leak when the driver is disabled 5. x86 only Version - May 20, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Exceeded boundary in query adapter control. Cause: If statement should be less than and not less than or equal. Change: Made the change. Impact: Eliminate assert when used with checked build of ScsiPort. Notes: 2. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: Cause: Change: Impact: Notes: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: None Notes: Version - May 17, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Unnecessary registry key value in inf. Cause: Old value is for non-PnP devices only. Change: Remove BusType registry entry. Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: CQ47599 - Safely remove hardware does not appear in taskbar. Cause: ScsiPort does not support this capability. Change: Modify query capabilities to indicate required values. Impact: Notes: 3. Problem: CQ47691 - Data loss after remove/insert media in XP. Cause: Media not completely flushed to disk. Change: Modify query capabilities to indicate required values. Impact: Notes: This CQ affects Memory Stick also. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change: Impact: None Notes: Version - May 7, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: ============= 1. Request: Add support for susend/resume. Change: Feature implemented Impact: Notes: 2. Problem: Software reset for all resets Memory Stick function Cause: Hardware limitation Change: Turn off clock and power instead of a reset all Impact: Notes: Version - May 4 , 2010 ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: ============= 1. Request: Implement SD media write protect. Change: Feature implemented. Impact: Notes: Version - May 1, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: ============= 1. Request: Change: Temporarily disable UHS mode until UHS104 mode becomes functional. Impact: Notes: Version - May 29, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: ============= 1. Request: Fix for intermittent BSOD during data transfer. This is the same issue reported against the prior driver version. Change: Driver fix to manage the DMA memory correctly. The prior fix was incorrect. Impact: Notes: Version - May 27, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Bug fix: ============= 1. Request: Fix for intermittent BSOD during data transfer. Change: Driver fix to manage the DMA memory correctly. Impact: Notes: Version - May 26, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Changed the device class to "SD Host Controller" to avoid confusing the user. The device class in the prior version suggested a SCSI device. Change: Impact: Notes: Version - May 23, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Initial release Change: Impact: Notes: Acknowledgement: =============== Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.