;The file is Insydeflash utility configuration file [Version] Version=00 ;Insydeflash utility will display the value at top [FDFile] FileName=BIOS.fd ;FileName -> Utility always load this file. [BackupROM] Flag=0 FilePath=c: FileName= ;Flag 1 -> Backup current BIOS and new BIOS binary ;FilePath -> If user does not enter the file path, utility will use current directory. ;FileName -> If user does not enter the file name, utility will use platform ID. ;xxx.xxx = Current BIOS image ;xxx_01.xxx = Previous BIOS image ;xxx_new.xxx = New BIOS image [UpdateBlock] PatchFv=0 FileName=intel.fv FileOffset=0 FlashSize=0 PhysicalAddress=FFF00000 FvID=945PL-A IDErrorAction=1 ;If user set PatchFv to 1, utility will go update mode. ;If user only need to update some blocks in file, please enter file offset and size ;in here. If flash size is 0, utility will update all binary in file. ;If flag in Platform_Check section is 1, utility will compare FvID with current ;platform ID. When ID comparison failed, user choose result by IDErrorAction. ;1 mean show error message box, 2 mean close utility and reboot/shutdown. [Platform_Check] flag=3 PlatformName=AA PlatformName2=BB PlatformName3= PlatformName4= PlatformName5= PlatformName6= PlatformName7= PlatformName8= PlatformName9= Check_Before_ROM_Size=0 ;This flag is the switch of comparing bios project ID with ROM file project ID. ;When flag is 1, utility will check project ID of new file.If ID doesn't match, utility will ;close the application. When flag is 0, utility won't check project id. ;When flag is 2, utility will check 9 platform IDs. If one is match, it will go flash. ;When flag is 3, this depend on BIOS report. ;PlatformName -> If ROM file do not contain correct ID, user can define ID in this file. ;Check_Before_ROM_Size -> Check platform name before rom size. [AC_Adapter] flag=1 BatteryCheck=1 BatteryBound=20 ;This flag is the switch of checking AC. When flag is 1, utility will check AC. If no AC ;plug in, utility will display warnning message. When flag is 0, utility won't check AC. [Bios_Version_Check] flag=2 ;This flag is the switch of checking Bios Version. When flag is 1, utility will ;check Bios Version. If rom file Version is older than Bios, utility will display warnning ;message and close application. When flag is 0, utility won't check rom file version. ;When flag is 2, this depend on BIOS report. [ForceFlash] ALL=0 BB_PEI=0 CPU_Microcode=0 Variable=0 DXE=0 EC=0 Password=0 OEM_NVS=0 Logo=0 Type#09=0 Type#08=0 ;ALL 1 -> Flash all ROM part. 0 -> Resverd all protect areas. ;BB_PEI, CPU_Microcode, Variable... ;1 -> Force flash these area if BIOS report them are protected areas. ;0 -> Protect these area if BIOS report them are protected areas. [FlashComplete] Action=2 Dialog=0 Counter=15 ;Action 0 -> Do nothing, 1 -> Shut down, 2 -> Reboot ;Dialog 0 -> Do not display dialog, 1 -> Display dialog, ; 2 -> Display dialog and wait several seconds. ;If user needs to reboot or shut down automatically in several seconds, ;user can set counter be a integer. [UI] Confirm=0 Silent=0 SilentWithDialog=2 DisplayID=1 InsydeInfo=1 VersionInfo=1 GroupInfo=1 ConfirmInfo=0 OnFlashingBeep=0 OnFlashingBeepDelayTime=800 DisableMouseAndKeyboardInput=1 BeforeRunToolDelayTime=0 ProgramStartToWrongMessageBox=0 GetFDFileButton=0 DelayBeforeFlash=0 ;Confirm 1 - > Display confirm dialog, 0 -> Do not display confirm dialog ;Silent 1 -> Silent mode, hide main dialog, 0 -> Normal mode ;SilentWithDialog 0 - > InsydeFlash won't display any dialog, 1 - > InsydeFlash will display main dialog, 2 - > InsydeFlash will display all dialogs without main dialog. ;DisplayID 1 -> Display BIOS ID, 0 -> Do not display BIOS ID ;InsydeInfo 1 -> Display Insyde copyright information and URL, 0 -> Do not display it ;VersionInfo 1 -> Display BIOS version, 0 -> Do not display BIOS version ;GroupInfo 1 -> Display group box, Do not display group box ;ConfirmInfo 1 -> Display version and date information in confirm dialog ;OnFlashingBeep 1 -> Beep on flashing, 0 -> Do not beep on flashing ;OnFlashingBeepDelayTime -> Set BEEP delay time(Milliseconds) ;DisableMouseAndKeyboardInput 1 -> Hook mouse and keyboard without "CTRL+ALT+DEL", 0 -> Do not hook mouse and keyboard. ;BeforeRunToolDelayTime ->If user need to delay several seconds before flash process, user can set decimal integer here. ;ProgramStartToWrongMessageBox 1 -> Pop-up a warning dialog before flash process, 0 -> Do not pop-up a warning dialog before flash process. ;GetFDFileButton 1 -> Pop-up a file browse dialog, 0 -> Do not pop-up a file browse dialog ;DelayBeforeFlash(second) [Logo] PatchLogo=0 FileName= GUID= [Others] ClearCMOS=0 FlashDevice=0 DisableCompare=0 DisableVerify=0 ErrorRetry=0 ErrorRetryDelay=0 SMIErrorRetry=0 ;FlashDevice 0 -> Default, 1 -> SPI flash part, 2 -> Non-SPI flash part. ;DisableCompare 0 -> Read BIOS and compare difference before writing, 1 -> Do not read BIOS and compare difference before writing. ;DisableVerify 0-> Verify BIOS after writing, 1-> Do not verify BIOS after writing. ;ErrorRetry 0 -> Do not retry if it found error. 1 -> Try to flash again if write or verify error. ;ErrorRetryDelay -> Delay time during SMI error retry(millisecond). ;SMIErrorRetry -> Retry how many times when SMI fail. (Note: This may let flash time become longer.) [Option] Flag=0 ;Flag 0-> Auto-flash mode. ;Flag 1-> User option mode, including option, start, exit buttons. ;Flag 2-> User flash mode, including start, exit buttons. [ApplicatonFlash] Flag=0 Model= ;Some specific platforms need to flash by application. Only support 32bit Windows. ;Flag 1-> Flash by application ;Flag 0-> Flash by BIOS ;Model is the name of the platform. [ReturnErrorCode] FileNotFound=3 ErrorBeforeFlash=4 ;FileNotFound -> If InsydeFlash not found the BIOS binary file, it will return this error code. ;ErrorBeforeFlash -> If InsydeFlash cause error before flash process, it will return this error code. [UpdateEC] Flag=1 EC_Dialog=0 BIOS_Only=0 Progress_Bar=0 ;0 -> Not flash EC by BIOS. ;1 or 2-> Flash by BIOS. ;0 -> Not show dialog comfirm when begin to update EC after flash bios. ;1 -> Show dialog comfirm. ;0 -> Flash EC whole file. ;1 -> Only flash BIOS part of the merge file. ;0 -> Flash EC without progress bar. ;1 -> Flash EC with progress bar. [UpdateOEMME] MEFileName= CheckVersion=0 ;ME file name input, if this file name or Multi-FD ME file name exist tool will run this case to flash ME. ;Set 1 -> you want to check ME file version, Set 0 -> you do not want to check ME file version [Region] BIOS=1 GbE=0 ME=0 DESC=0 Platform_Data=0 ;This section is used to control SPI descriptor mode. ;BIOS 1 -> InsydeFlash will flash BIOS area. ;GbE 1 -> InsydeFlash will flash GbE area ;ME 1 -> InsydeFlash will flash ME area. ;DESC 1 -> InsydeFlash will flash DESC area. [Log_file] Flag=1 FileName=InsydeFlash.Log ;Flag 0 -> No log file, 1 -> InsydeFlash will create a log file. [ReturnCodeDefinition] RETURN_SUCCESSFUL=0 RETURN_MODEL_CHECK_FAIL=259 RETURN_USER_CONFIRM_CANCEL=1701 RETURN_AC_NOT_CONNECT=1702 RETURN_LOAD_DRIVER_FAIL=1703 RETURN_NEED_REBOOT=3010 RETURN_USER_EXIT=1704 RETURN_SAME_VERSION_CHECK=99999 ;If value is "99999", tool will get default value. ;Value is not "99999", tool will get input value. [VARIABLE] Flag=0 SystemManufacturer=0 BoardManufacturer=0 SystemProductName=0 SystemSerialNumber=0 Uuid=0 POSTInfo=0 Version=0 SLP=0 Setup=0 BootPriority=0 LastBootRecord=0 AcpiGlobalVariable=0 SLP2M=0 SLP2P=0 ;Flag set 0 -> Nothing to do, 1 -> Erase variable before flash, 2 -> Erase variable only [MULTI_FD] Flag=0 FD#01=PCI,0,1F,2,80,7006,7007,9.fd,ME.fd FD#02=PCI,2,0,0,4,100006,100007,7.fd,ME.fd FD#03=PCI,2,0,0,18,0c,0e,9.fd,ME.fd FD#04=MPCIIO,2,PCI-0-1F-0-00-FFFFFFFF-3B0B8086,IO-538-0100-0000,9.fd,ME.fd FD#05=IO,C0,5AABFE02,5AABFE02,9.fd,ME.fd FD#06=IO,1F6,E7,E4,7.fd FD#07=IO,C0,fe03,fe03,7.fd FD#08=IO,C0,03,01,7.fd FD#09=PCI,2,0,0,0,813,812,9.fd ;Flag 1 -> Multi-FD mode, 0 -> normal mode ;FD#XX support 99 files FD#01 ~ FD#99 ;FD#XX=IO Type,Offset,Mask,Value,File name,ME File Name ;FD#XX=PCI Type,Bus,Device,Function,Offset,Mask,Value,File name,ME File Name ;FD#XX=MPCIIO Type,Conditon Number,PCI-Bus-Device-Function-Offset-Mask-Value,IO-Offset-Mask-Value,File Name ;Type -> Support IO space and PCI address type and multiple condition type. ;Offset -> Offset (HEX) ;Mask -> IO type support BYTE, WORD, DWORD (HEX). For example, BYTE -> 03, WORD -> 0A01, DWORD 100400D3 ; -> PCI type support DWORD only ;File name -> File name of FD ;ME File name -> ME File name of FD. If this exist, tool will run OEMME flash feature. ;If [Offset] & Mask == Value, then flash the following file.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.