; INF file for Lexmark System Driver ; Copyright 2001, Lexmark International [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%LEXMARK% LayoutFile=ntprint.inf ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer DriverVer=07/09/2001 CatalogFile=lxaisdrv.cat ; ; Manufacturer section. ; ; This section lists all of the manufacturers ; that we will display in the Dialog box ; [Manufacturer] %LEXMARK%=LEXMARK_PRINTERS,NT.5.1 ; ; Model sections. ; ; Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order ; that they appear in the INF file. ; [LEXMARK_PRINTERS.NT.5.1] "Lexmark Z23/Z33 Color Jetprinter" = INST_DRVR_NT,LexmarkLexmark_Z23-Z7FE8 [LEXMARK_PRINTERS] "Lexmark Z23/Z33 Color Jetprinter" = INST_DRVR,LexmarkLexmark_Z23-Z7FE8 ; ; Installer Sections ; ; These sections control file installation, and reference all files that ; need to be copied. The section name will be assumed to be the driver ; file, unless there is an explicit DriverFile section listed. ; [INST_DRVR_NT] CopyFiles=DRIVER_FILES, SYSTEM32_FILES DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=LXAISDRV.GPD Include=NTPRINT.INF Needs=UNIDRV.OEM VendorSetup=LXAISUI.DLL, VS_SetDefaultPrinter [INST_DRVR] CopyFiles=DRIVER_FILES, SYSTEM32_FILES DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=LXAISDRV.GPD Include=NTPRINT.INF Needs=UNIDRV.OEM ; Copy Sections ; ; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced ; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains ; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the ; installer section, using the @filename notation) or if it's a color ; profile (since the DestinationDirs can only handle sections, and not ; individual files). ; ; May need to modify this [PSCRIPT4] and [UNIDRV4] sections to comply ; with the actual released names of the of the NT 5 core drivers back ported to NT 4. [DRIVER_FILES] LXAISDRV.GPD LXAISPSZ.GPD LXAISDRV.INI LXAISRDR.DLL LXAISDIC.DLL LXAIFCIC.DLL LXAISDC1.DLL LXAISDC2.DLL LXAISDC3.DLL LXAISUI.DLL LXAISRES.DLL LXAIALG1.out LXAIALG3.out LXAIALG4.OUT LXAICLN1.OUT LXAICLN3.OUT LXAICLN4.OUT LXAILIC.TXT [SYSTEM32_FILES] LXAISUI.DLL ; ; Data Sections ; ; These sections contain data that is shared between devices. ; ; ; Location of source files not in Layout.inf. ; ; May need to alter the source locations for the pscript4 and Unidrv4 files ; to indicate where to install them from. [SourceDisksNames.ia64] 1 = %instdisk%,,,"fre\ia64" 2 = %instdisk%,,,"fre\ia64\"%LANG_PATH% 4 = %instdisk%,,,"" 5 = %instdisk%,,,"prebuilt" [SourceDisksnames.x86] 1 = %instdisk%,,,"fre\i386" 2 = %instdisk%,,,"fre\i386\"%LANG_PATH% 4 = %instdisk%,,,"" 5 = %instdisk%,,,"prebuilt" [SourceDisksFiles] lxaisdrv.gpd = 4 lxaispsz.gpd = 4 lxaisdrv.ini = 4 lxaisrdr.dll = 1 lxaisui.dll = 2 lxaisres.dll = 2 lxaisdic.dll = 1 lxaifcic.dll = 1 lxaisdc1.dll = 1 lxaisdc2.dll = 1 lxaisdc3.dll = 1 lxaialg1.out = 5 lxaialg3.out = 5 lxaialg4.out = 5 lxaicln1.out = 5 lxaicln3.out = 5 lxaicln4.out = 5 lxailic.txt = 2 ; ; Call SetupSetDirectoryId with 66000 to set the target directory at runtime ; (depending on which environment drivers are getting installed) ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 SYSTEM32_FILES=11 ; ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" LANG_PATH="english" ;Chinese Simplified Language [Strings.0804] instdisk="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò°²×°´ÅÅÌ" LEXMARK="Lexmark ´òÓ¡»úÇý¶¯³ÌÐò" LANG_PATH="chi_simp" ;Chinese Traditional Language [Strings.0404] instdisk="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡¦w¸ËºÏ¤ù" LEXMARK="Lexmark ¼Q¾¥¦Lªí¾÷ÅX°Êµ{¦¡" LANG_PATH="chi_trad" ;Czech Language [Strings.0005] instdisk="Instalaèní disk ovladaèe tiskárny Lexmark Inkjet" LEXMARK="Ovladaèe tiskárny Lexmark Inkjet" LANG_PATH="czech" ;Danish Language [Strings.0006] instdisk="Installationsdiskette til Lexmark Inkjet Driver" LEXMARK="Drivere til Lexmark Inkjet" LANG_PATH="danish" ;Dutch Language [Strings.0013] instdisk="Installatiediskette stuurprogramma voor Lexmark inkjetprinters" LEXMARK="Stuurprogramma's voor Lexmark inkjetprinters" LANG_PATH="dutch" ;Finnish Language [Strings.000b] instdisk="Lexmark-mustesuihkutulostinohjaimen asennuslevyke" LEXMARK="Lexmark-mustesuihkutulostinohjaimet" LANG_PATH="finnish" ;French Language [Strings.000c] instdisk="Disquette d'installation du pilote Lexmark Inkjet" LEXMARK="Pilotes Lexmark Inkjet" LANG_PATH="french" ;German Language [Strings.0007] instdisk="Installationsdiskette für Lexmark Inkjet-Treiber" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet-Treiber" LANG_PATH="german" ;Hungaran Language [Strings.000e] instdisk="Lexmark nyomtatóillesztõ telepítõlemez" LEXMARK="Lexmark nyomtatóilleszõ" LANG_PATH="hungaran" ;Italian Language [Strings.0010] instdisk="Disco di installazione del driver Lexmark Inkjet." LEXMARK="Driver Lexmark Inkjet" LANG_PATH="italian" ;Japanese Language [Strings.0011] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet ÄÞײÊÞ ²Ý½Ä°Ù ÃÞ¨½¸" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet ÄÞײÊÞ" LANG_PATH="japanese" ;Norwegan Language [Strings.0014] instdisk="Installeringsdisk for Lexmark Inkjet-driver" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet-drivere" LANG_PATH="norwegan" ;Polish Language [Strings.0015] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet - dysk instalacyjny sterownika" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet - sterowniki" LANG_PATH="polish" ;PortBrzl Language [Strings.0016] instdisk="Disco de instalação de drivers de impressoras jato de tinta Lexmark" LEXMARK="Drivers de impressoras jato de tinta Lexmark" LANG_PATH="portbrzl" ;Russian Language [Strings.0019] instdisk="Óñòàíîâî÷íûé äèñê äðàéâåðà äëÿ ñòðóéíûõ ïðèíòåðîâ Lexmark" LEXMARK="Äðàéâåðû ñòðóéíûõ ïðèíòåðîâ Lexmark" LANG_PATH="russian" ;Spanish Language [Strings.000a] instdisk="Disco de instalación de controladores de impresoras de inyección de tinta Lexmark" LEXMARK="Controladores de impresoras de inyección de tinta Lexmark" LANG_PATH="spanish" ;Swedish Language [Strings.001d] instdisk="Installationsdiskett för Lexmark Inkjet-drivrutin" LEXMARK="Skrivardrivrutiner för Lexmark Inkjet" LANG_PATH="swedish" ;arabic language [Strings.0001] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" LANG_PATH="arabic" ;hebrew language [Strings.000d] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" LANG_PATH="hebrew" ;korean language [Strings.0012] instdisk="Lexmark Inkjet Driver Installation Disk" LEXMARK="Lexmark Inkjet Drivers" LANG_PATH="korean"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.