pmhidusb.inf Driver File Contents (

ÿþ; pmhidusb.INF


; Version, 2009/06/25


; INF file for PenMount USB HID Driver


; Copyright (c) 2009 PenMount



Signature   = "$WINDOWS NT$"

Class       = HIDClass

ClassGuid   = {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}

Provider    = %PENMOUNT.MFG%

DriverVer   = 06/25/2009,

CatalogFile.NTx86   =

CatalogFile.NTAMD64 =








pmhidusb.sys   = 1 ; should be %PENMOUNT.SERVICE.NAME%.sys, when self sign change this to the actual file name


ExcludeFromSelect = *


DefaultDestDir                      = 12

pmInstall.NT.CopyFiles.Driver       = 12

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;   Manufacturer Section

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




%PM6000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6000

%PM6250.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6250

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_5000

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_1204&PID_9998


%PM6000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6000

%PM6250.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6250

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_5000

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_1204&PID_9998


%PM6000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6000

%PM6250.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_6250

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_14E1&PID_5000

%PM5000.DeviceDesc% = pmInstall, USB\VID_1204&PID_9998

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Include   = input.inf

Needs     = HID_Inst.NT

Copyfiles = pmInstall.NT.CopyFiles.Driver

AddReg    = pmInstall.NT.AddReg




HKCU,"Control Panel\Mouse",DoubleClickHeight,0x00000000,"25"

HKCU,"Control Panel\Mouse",DoubleClickWidth,0x00000000,"25"

HKCU,"Control Panel\Mouse",DoubleClickSpeed,0x00000000,"800"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------


AddReg = pmInstall.NT.HW.AddReg



; -----------------------------------------------------------------------




AddReg  = pmInstall.NT.Interfaces.AddReg


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Include    = input.inf

Needs      = HID_Inst.NT.Services

AddService = %PENMOUNT.SERVICE.NAME%,,pmInstall.NT.Services.Install,pmInstall.NT.Services.EventLog


ServiceType    = 1

StartType      = 3

ErrorControl   = 0

ServiceBinary  = %12%\%PENMOUNT.SERVICE.NAME%.sys

LoadOrderGroup = extended base

AddReg         = pmInstall.NT.Services.Install.AddReg



AddReg = pmInstall.NT.Services.EventLog.AddReg



HKR,,TypesSupported  ,0x00010001,7

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------


PENMOUNT.DISK               ="PenMount HID Device Filter Driver Package"

PENMOUNT.MFG                ="PenMount"

PM6000.DeviceDesc           ="PenMount 6000 USB"

PM6250.DeviceDesc           ="PenMount M1 USB"

PM5000.DeviceDesc           ="PenMount 5000 USB"

PENMOUNT.SERVICE.NAME       ="pmhidusb"

PENMOUNT.SERVICE.DESC       ="PenMount HID Device Filter Driver"

PENMOUNT.GUID               ="{2dec70a3-3f00-432e-84de-f2c95a62ce79}"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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