READDOS.TXT Driver File Contents (

        IDE/PP DOS Utilities   (c) SyQuest, 1992 - 1996
    *                   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                *
    *                                                                    *
    * 1.0     FILES IN THIS RELEASE                                      *
    * 2.0     APPLICATION AND COMPATIBILITY NOTES                        *
    * 3.0     Jumper pin settings for internal IDE drives                * 
    *                                                                    *
    * Note: All rules regarding DBLSPACE have to be followed by DRVSPACE *
    *       users.                                                       *

The SyQuest DOS IDE/PP (Parallel Port) UTILITY is intended for use
with SyQuest IDE drives and Enhanced Parallel Port attached IDE drives on a
80286 and above systems.

In the discussions below, DBLSPACE is used to refer to both DBLSPACE of
MS DOS 6.0 and MS DOS 6.2 and DRVSPACE of MS DOS 6.22.

This software is designed to support SyQuest IDE drives connected to a
generic IDE adapter, a SyQuest SQ08 IDE controller, SyQuest EZ135 PP
drives and SyQuest EZFlyer PP drives.

If you use a SyQuest internal IDE drive with a "INTELLIGENT" IDE controller
there is a good chance that this software won't work.  In which case you
can most likely use your SyQuest IDE drive as a FIXED DRIVE.

See below for instructions on how parameters can be used to custom install
SyQuest drivers your system.

At the end of this file, there is a short description of the jumpers
on the SyQuest internal IDE drive.


    If you run the INSTALL program from this release, files will be
    created on your hard drive.  The files are listed below with a brief
    description of each.  Additional information is available in the
    on-line help files and/or your User Manual.

1.1 The files contained in C:\SYQUEST (default) or (User_defined) 

1.  SQSHELL.EXE   - A menu program which allows you to run SyQuest Utilities
2.  SCREEN.XXX    - An ASCII file that defines how the SQSHELL Menu and
                    corresponding utilities are configured.
        XXX=BTH   - used if you have both SyQuest IDE and SCSI 
                    drives installed in your Computer.
        XXX=OPS   - used to select the options utilities menu. 

3.  THELP.EXE     - A program to display help screens from within the SQSHELL.

4.  TUTILS.EXE /L - The Lock Cartridge utility.

5.  TLOCK.HLP     - An ASCII help file for the Lock Cartridge option.

6.  TUTILS.EXE /U - The Unlock Cartridge utility.

7.  TUNLOCK.HLP   - An ASCII help file for the Unlock Cartridge option.

8.  TUTILS.EXE /F - The Fixed Cartridge utility.

9.  TFIXED.HLP    - An ASCII help file for the Fixed Utility option.

10. TUTILS.EXE /R - The Removable Cartridge utility.

11. TREMOVE.HLP   - An ASCII help file for the Removable Utility option.

12. TUTILS.EXE /E - The Enable Write Cache utility.

13. TCACHE.HLP    - An ASCII help file for the Enable Write Cache utility.

14. TUTILS.EXE /D - The Disable Write Cache utility.

15. TCACHED.HLP   - An ASCII help file for the Disable Write Cache utility.

16. TUTILS.EXE /J - The Eject Drive utility.

17. TEJECT.HLP    - An ASCII help file for the Eject utility.

18. TUTILS.EXE /P - The Enable Write Protect Cartridge utility.

19. TPROTECT.HLP  - An ASCII help file of Enabling Write Protect utility.

20. TUTILS.EXE /W - The Disable Write Protect Cartridge utility.

21. TWRITE.HLP    - An ASCII help file of Disabling Write Protect utility.

22. TFORMAT.HLP   - An ASCII help file for SQATPREP.EXE, cartridge
                    preparation and format program.

23. TSCOPY.HLP    - An ASCII help file for SCOPY.EXE program

24. TSAFESCN.HLP  - An ASCII help file for DOS 6.2 SCANDISK.EXE utility.

25. UNLOCK.BAT    - A batch file for running the cartridge UNLOCK utility.

1.2 C:\SYQUEST\IDE (default) or (User_defined)\IDE subdirectory:

1.  SQATDRVR.SYS if you use a SyQuest internal IDE drive.

    This is the device driver for the SyQuest IDE drives.

    The driver will perform one of the following functions:

      a. Take over some volumes that were previously installed by the DOS
         built-in driver so that you can change cartridge without
         rebooting the system.

      b. Add new volumes on the SyQuest drive that were not previously
         detected by the native DOS driver.

      c. Reserve volumes for your SyQuest drive that is not ready or
         is connected to your printer port when the /p option is used.

      Note: If you want to reserve multiple volumes, you may need to
      use the /n switch described below.

    Installation of SQATDRVR.SYS with no command line parameters
    should work for most systems provided that you use a generic
    IDE controller.  If you also have a EZ135 PP or EZFlyer PP
    drive, you must use /p option.
    The syntax for installing the driver is:
        device=[path]SQATDRVR.SYS [/p] [/a:x] [/n] [/d] [/i] [/x] [+s] [-s]
               [/t] [/m]
    Note that the [ and ] characters should not be typed; they are used
    here to indicate that these parameters are optional.  The options
    are not case sensitive.
    The following list briefly describes the parameters:
        /p This option is required if you also use a EZ135 PP or
           a EZFlyer PP drive.

        /a:0 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 0.
           The media is locked as soon as it is accessed.

        /a:1 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 1.
           The media is locked when it is accessed while Windows is
           running in Enhanced mode.  This is the default when /a:x
           is not specified.

        /a:2 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 2.
           The driver does not lock the media automatically.

           When the media is locked, you must use one of the SyQuest
           Utilities to unlock the media before media can be changed.

        /n "n" is a digit that indicates the number of volumes to
           reserve if no volumes were found at boot time.  The default
           is to reserve 1 for DOS versions 3.31 and above, and to
           reserve more for DOS versions 3.0 through 3.30 depending on
           the drive capacity.

           SyQuest PP drives need this parameter if you have cartridges
           with multiple partitions.
        /d With this option, the driver prints additional messages when
           it loads for debugging purpose.

        /i SQATDRVR.SYS always looks for SyQuest drive at two different
           IDE ports. These are the Primary IDE ports (1F0h-1F7h) and
           the Secondary ports (170h-177h) by default.

           This option asks the driver to look for SyQuest drives at
           Primary ports and Tertiary ports (1E0h-1E7h).

           So this option can be used for two purposes:
           1. To search SyQuest drive at Tertiary ports.
           2. To ignore Secondary ports.

        /x For Zenith DOS 3.3 Plus only.  Forces the driver to handle
           large partitions like Compaq DOS 3.31.
        +s "s" stands for a digit, 0 - 9, that instructs the driver
           to specifically support a device using BIOS.  To specifically
           support the first BIOS device in the system, use "+0". To
           support the third, use "+2", etc.   Note that the device
           specified must be accessible by the BIOS.

           This option is useful when SQATDRVR.SYS can not find your
           SyQuest drive and that drive is supported by BIOS.

           When driver is forced to install with this option, you must
           remove all jumpers on the drive except the Master/Slave jumper.
           Also LOCK and UNLOCK commands will all be ignored by the driver
           since the driver has no way to send these commands to the drive.

        -s "s" stands for a digit, 0 - 9, that instructs the driver
           to specifically NOT to issue BIOS commands to a device.  To
           ask driver to ignore the third BIOS device, use "-2".

           This option also can be used to ask the driver to ignore
           SyQuest drives at Primary ports.  "-0" to ignore the Master
           drive at primary ports, "-1" to ignore the Slave drive at
           primary ports.
        /t This parameter forces the driver to never issue a request that 
           crosses a track boundary. This may be necessary for DR DOS 6.0 
           and if you also use some versions of DM device driver.

        /m This parameter tells the driver that the CPU is 80286 or
           above.  It is not necessary unless the driver complains without

        We recommend you load the DOS utility SHARE.EXE when you use our
        driver.  Because SHARE.EXE informs our driver when files are
        open, our driver can better tell if a change of media is

        Older SMARTDRV (below 4.0) and some other caching software prevents
        the driver to work properly.  If you use any caching software other
        than SMARTDRV 4.0 and above, please be cautious.

2.  SQPPDRVR.SYS if you use a EZ135 PP or a EZFlyer PP drive.

    This is the device driver for the EZ135 PP or EZFlyer PP drives.

    The driver will add new volumes on the SyQuest drive.

    Note: If you want to reserve multiple volumes, you must use the /n
    switch described below.

    Installation of SQPPDRVR.SYS with no command line parameters
    should work for most systems.
    The syntax for installing the driver is:
        device=[path]SQPPDRVR.SYS [/a:x] [/n] [/d] [/x] [/t] [/m]
    Note that the [ and ] characters should not be typed; they are used
    here to indicate that these parameters are optional.  The options
    are not case sensitive.
    The following list briefly describes the parameters:
        /a:0 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 0.
           The media is locked as soon as it is accessed.

        /a:1 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 1.
           The media is locked when it is accessed while Windows is
           running in Enhanced mode.  This is the default when /a:x
           is not specified.

        /a:2 This option asks the driver to use AUTO-LOCKING level 2.
           The driver does not lock the media automatically.

           When the media is locked, you must use one of the SyQuest
           Utilities to unlock the media before media can be changed.

        /n "n" is a digit that indicates the number of volumes to
           reserve if no volumes were found at boot time.  The default
           is to reserve 1 volume.

           You need this parameter if you have cartridges with multiple
        /d With this option, the driver prints additional messages when
           it loads for debugging purpose.

        /x For Zenith DOS 3.3 Plus only.  Forces the driver to handle
           large partitions like Compaq DOS 3.31.
        /t This parameter forces the driver to never issue a request that 
           crosses a track boundary. This may be necessary for DR DOS 6.0 
           and if you also use some versions of DM device driver.

        /m This parameter tells the driver that the CPU is 80286 or
           above.  It is not necessary unless the driver complains without

        We recommend you load the DOS utility SHARE.EXE when you use our
        driver.  Because SHARE.EXE informs our driver when files are
        open, our driver can better tell if a change of media is

        Older SMARTDRV (below 4.0) and some other caching software prevents
        the driver to work properly.  If you use any caching software other
        than SMARTDRV 4.0 and above, please be cautious.

3.  SQATPREP.EXE, and the associated HELP & INDEX files:

    SQATPREP.EXE is the utility program that aids in preparing a new
    cartridge for use by DOS.

    If you use a SyQuest PP Drive you must load EPATSYQ.SYS before you can 
    use this program.

    HELP and INDEX are associated files for on-line help.

    HELP and INDEX must be in the current directory when you start
    SQATPREP.EXE or else the program will report:

    " No Help Found.   End..."  when you hit F1 key.

    Even though the program allows you to partition your cartridge any
    way you desire, if you plan to use this cartridge on another machine,
    use the default partition to minimize the effects of drive letter
    assignments after changing cartridges.


    A template for the CONFIG.SYS file that will be put on a newly
    prepared cartridge.


    An ASCII file that defines how the SQSHELL Menu and corresponding
    utilities are configured, if you have only IDE/PP drives installed
    in your Computer.

    A device driver that transports disk commands through the Parallel
    Port (for SyQuest PP drives only).

    SQPPDRVR.SYS and SQATPREP.EXE all use services provided by
    EPATSYQ.SYS to access a SyQuest PP drive.


    This readme file which can be accessed from SQSHELL program.

1.3 C:\SYQUEST\SYQDIR (default) or (User_defined)\SYQDIR subdirectory:

1.  SCOPY.EXE, and the associated CSHELP & CSINDEX files.

    This utility program helps when copying files to/from a SyQuest
    Cartridge Drive.  CSHELP and CSINDEX are associated files for on-line
    help (see above).  You will find it most useful if you need to copy
    files from one cartridge to another using the same drive.

    Please note the following:

    The program tries to read in as many files as possible using low and
    XMS memory before it writes them back out to the new device.  So make
    sure you have a XMS memory manager like HIMEM.SYS installed before
    you run this program.


    This program allows the BOOT volume to be unmounted if the boot
    volume is compressed by DBLSPACE of DOS 6.  See below for more
    information regarding DBLSPACE.

    No parameter is needed to run this program.


    This program is a device driver loader.  It is used for loading
    EPATSYQ.SYS and SQPPDRVR.SYS in AUTOEXEC.BAT if you have a SyQuest
    Parallel Port drive.

    You can use "SQLOAD SQATDRVR.SYS" in a DOS prompt to load SQATDRVR.SYS
    instead of using "device=sqatdrvr.sys" in config.sys to alter the way
    drive letter is assigned if you set the CMOS type to 0 for your SyQuest
    IDE drive.


    The Installation utility modifies your system files.  Comments are also
    inserted in the system files so you can easily identify the changes.

    It may be necessary for you to move the device drivers around to alter
    the behavior of your system.  For example, if you want to load the driver
    (SQATDRVR.SYS) in high memory, it must be placed after the Memory Manager
    device driver in the CONFIG.SYS file.  Also, if you have a RAMDRIVE
    installed, the device driver (SQATDRVR.SYS) may have to be placed after
    RAMDRIVE device driver in the CONFIG.SYS file, if you want to keep the
    same drive letter for your RAMDRIVE.


1.  Caching programs must be used with caution, and should be limited 
    to those that support removable drives.  SMARTDRV 4.0 is one such 
    example. You should experiment before starting to use the program 
    by changing cartridges after caching has been enabled.  If you 
    can not get the system to recognize the new cartridge then the 
    caching program does not support removable drives.  See below for 
    special procedure to follow if you also use Microsoft DBLSPACE to 
    compress your SyQuest Drive.

2.  You may have to disable your SyQuest driver before you upgrade to 
    DOS 6 or compress your SyQuest Drive with DBLSPACE.  You can 
    re-enable your SyQuest driver after you finish the process.

3.  Depends on how you connect your SyQuest Drive to the system, 
    special procedures may have to be followed for those who also use 
    Microsoft DBLSPACE to compress their SyQuest Drives.

    a. If the volumes are installed by the driver as NEW or DUMMY 
       Under DBLSPACE 6.0, you must unmount your removable volume
       before you change cartridge.  You can mount it back after 
       you change it if necessary.  DBLSPACE 6.2 automatically 
       unmounts and mounts these volumes for you.  SMARTDRV will
       work correctly automatically.

    b. If your volumes are TAKEN OVER by the SyQuest Driver:
       DBLSPACE 6.2 auto-mount will not work with these volumes, 
       you must manually unmount and mount them before and after you 
       change cartridge. For the boot volume, the supplied
       UNMOUNTC.EXE program can be used to unmount C:.

       If you use SMARTDRV.EXE, you must unmount all volumes
       taken over from DOS before you start SMARTDRV.EXE or you
       will not be able to change the cartridge.

       If you boot from a SyQuest Drive, you must put a copy of 
       COMMAND.COM in the path (specified by the SHELL command in 
       your CONFIG.SYS file) and a copy of DBLSPACE.EXE on the HOST 
       volume of your C:.

    To find out what kinds of volume you have, read the messages 
    on the screen when the driver loads.

4.  If your Windows resides on cartridge, it is very important to
    exit Windows before changing cartridges.  Failure to do so may 
    result in system hang or data corruption.

5.  If your SyQuest Drive is connected to your primary IDE controller
    and you use Windows "32 Bit Disk Access" on your other IDE drive,
    then you must use "+n" option for installing SQATDRVR.SYS.

    When "+n" is used, SQATDRVR.SYS will use BIOS to access the drive
    instead of accessing the IDE I/O ports directly.  Accessing the
    I/O ports directly upsets the 32 Bit Disk Access Module.

    However, LOCK and UNLOCK commands will all be ignored by the
    driver since the driver has no way to send these commands to the
    drive.  You must not use the Windows version of the SyQuest
    Format Cartridge utility either.  You may use SQSHELL under
    DOS for formatting cartridge.

6.  We have not test our software with any caching controller.
    If you use a caching controller and you would like to find out
    if it supports removability, you can experiment it as follows:

    a. Force the driver to install with the "+n" option.
    b. Change cartridge a few times to verify if new cartridge is

7.  Some PC's hang if they are tested for EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port)
    operation with a SyQuest Parallel Port Device. 
    Should this happen:

    a.  Disconnect the SyQuest PP drives from your Computer.
    b.  Reboot your computer
    c.  Add the /de switch to the statement containing EPATSYQ.SYS 
        driver in your CONFIG.SYS file. For example change this line
            DEVICE=[path]\EPATSYQ.SYS /de
    d.  Reconnect the cable
    e.  Reboot your computer.

8.  If your system has a PCI IDE controller and an ISA IDE controller
    built-in on the mother board and you plan to use our driver to 
    support removability, we recommend that you connect the SyQuest
    Drive to the secondary controller (ISA controller).
    We have found that on such system (we have a Gateway 2000 P90 with 
    AMI BIOS ) if the SyQuest Drive is connected to the PCI IDE 
    controller and the drive is not acknowledged by the BIOS at boot
    time (perhaps because the cartridge is not inserted), accessing 
    the drive through the driver is not reliable.  We are working 
    on a solution.
    When the cartridge is inserted at boot time, such problem does
    not occur.  Connecting the SyQuest drive to the secondary
    controller (ISA controller) does not have such problem either.

9.  BIOS errors.

    BIOS issues media access commands to IDE drives for diagnostic
    purposes at boot time.  When there is no cartridge in the drive,
    these commands can not be performed and result in errors.  When
    this happens your BIOS may print a message such as
    "HDD controller failure",
    "D: drive error", or
    "1791 error".

    Some BIOS's wait for a long time before they declare such error.

    If you use SQATDRVR.SYS, you can generally ignore these messages.

    Note that SQATDRVR.SYS will install even if you set your CMOS
    drive type to 0 (or no drive) for the SyQuest IDE drive.  For
    DOS users who uses a FIXED drive as boot drive and do not use
    Windows 32-bit disk access, you may want to set CMOS type to 0
    for the SyQuest drive to avoid getting such error message.

10. Use of other Operating System other than DOS.

    If you use SyQuest PP drives and Windows NT, you need to install
    SyQuest NT driver.

    Windows NT 3.51 and below do not support removable IDE drives.
    NT 4.0 supports EZ 135 IDE drives without any SyQuest driver.  If
    your SyQuest drive shows as a fixed drive ICON in Program Manager
    or Explorer, be sure not to change cartridge till you shut down the

    Windows 95 support SyQuest internal IDE drives without the use of
    driver.  For PP drives, you must install SyQuest driver.

    If you use OS/2, you need to install SyQuest OS/2 drivers to
    obtain removability.

    Other operating system have not been tested.

    Note: The driver in the OS2 subdirectory are for the SyQuest
    IDE drive.  See user manual for more information.

3.0 Jumper pin settings for internal IDE drive

    A jumper set is a set of two pins that can be shorted together
    by means of a jumper.  There are four sets of jumper pins on
    SyQuest 3.5" IDE products.

    Master/Slave jumper pins.

    This set of jumper pins is on one end of the jumper block and
    is marked as such.  The drive is a master when a jumper is
    installed on the pins, slave otherwise.

    You can connect one or two IDE drives to an IDE cable.
    If you have only one drive, it must be Master, if you have
    two, one must be master and the other must be slave.

    System uses the master drive first.  If you already have
    an IDE drive on the system, you need to find out how to
    configure it so that it will work with a slave SyQuest

    All other sets must not be jumped.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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