release.txt Driver File Contents (

Release Notes

        Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver
	           For Netware 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
        Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation
                 All rights reserved.

Version 14.00 November 4, 2009
   1. Added support for BCM5717, BCM5718, BCM5724, BCM57781, BCM57785,
      BCM57761, BCM57765, BCM57791, and BCM57795 controllers.

   1. Adjust version number for Software Rel 14.

Version 12.23 July 21, 2009
   1. Problem:
               CQ #42659 - Unable to connect to server on BCM5785 with AC131 PHY.
               Added support for AC131 PHY for BCM5785 controllers.
               BCM5785 controllers only.

   1. Built with Lower Module of as of July 20th 2009.

Version 12.22 July 11, 2009
   1. Added support for BCM57788 devices.

Version 12.00 March 27, 2009
   1. Added support for BCM5785 10/100 controllers.

   1. No release for v11.92 - v11.99.

Version 11.91 January 5, 2009
   1. Added support for BCM5761S controllers.
   2. Updated Copyright banner to reflect year of 2009.

Version 11.90 December 17, 2008
   1. Added support for BCM5785, BCM57760, BCM57780, and BCM57790 controllers.

Version 11.03 April 25, 2008
Refresh build. No changes except the version.

Version 11.02 January 31, 2008
 1. Added software workaround for FW bw & Line Distortion problem for
    the 5761, 5784 & 5723 controllers.
 2. Added APE inter-processor interface code to work with updated DASH
    firmware for 5761 controllers.

Version 11.01 December 07, 2007
Added support for the 5723 controllers. 

Version 11.00 October 15, 2007
Added support for the 5761, 5784, 5764 controllers. 

Version 10.70 September 4, 2007
Updated driver version for release.

Version 10.41 February 1, 2007
Added branding.

Version 10.40 January 19, 2007
Re-added support for 5756ME & 5722.

Version 10.01 November 15, 2006
Removed support for 5756ME & 5722.

Version 10.0 September 20, 2006
Added support for 5906 & 5756ME & 5722.

Version 9.72 August 24, 2006
Removed support for 5906 & 5756.

Version 9.71 August 11, 2006

 Problem 1: CQ26296 Multiple nics+frames will hang.
  Cause   : A bug was introduced in the driver in v9.70 that would not disable
            interrupts properly.
  Change  : Removed bug.
  Impact  : All nics function as expected.

 Problem 2: CQ26302 Client32 will hang after successive cable disconnects.
  Cause   : Client32 hangs when a CMSM print statement is used in some 
            driver code paths.
  Change  : Removed "link down" print statement from driver for client 32.
  Impact  : Driver should function as expected.

Version 9.70 August 8, 2006
Added support for the 5906 10/100 & 5756.

Version 9.45  June 30, 2006      
        CQ25115, CQ24126  ASF firmware may read incorrect data from internal
        registers under heavy traffic.
        A fix for a hardware errata was not enabled by the device driver.
        Corrected the ndis driver to enable the fix for the hardware errata.
        Resolve CQ25115, CQ24126

Version 9.44 June 21, 2006
        CQ25155 and CQ23480. Under rare circumstances, 5721 devices can
        encounter a read DMA overrun.  This would result in subsequent
        read DMA operations not completing.  This in turn would lead
        to network applications failing or "timing out".
        This is due to a newly discovered corner case HW bug in the
        The same problem is also in 5751, 5753, 5789, 5752, and 5755
        devices.  5787, 5705, and devices introduced before the 5721 and
        5751 are not affected by this issue.  This HW issue can occur
        under a rare circumstance where a very large Rx BD read 
        request is generated while the RDMA read FIFO is partially
        filled with Tx  data and the TxMbuf memory is full.  Most network 
        applications would never generate this circumstance, and thus
        this problem is hard to reproduce, and won't occur with most
        network applications. This problem could theoretically occur
        at 1Gb speed but is more likely to occur at 10mb or 100mb
        operation, and is more likely to occur with applications that
        generate lots of smaller (e.g. 82B) packets. More information
        about this issue will be included in future 57xx chip errata
        documents for affected devices.
        Modified the driver to limit how many BDs the HW will try to
        fetch at any given time.  With this workaround, the HW should never 
        fetch more than 15 RX BDs in a read burst during runtime (not
        init time). This avoids the circumstance that could expose the HW
        The performance impact of this change is negligible.

Version 9.43 June 14, 2006
 Problem: CQ25089 client32 occasionally cannot attach to server.
  Cause : The phy was not being reset as part of the nic/phy 
          initialization process. The driver code for phy reset 
          was inadvertently removed before driver version 9.40.
          This problem was not seen when running in a server
          environment, yet the potential for link failure 
          exists as the phy was being initialized from an 
          unknown state. 
  Change: The phy reset code has been put back into the 
          nic/phy initialization code path.
  Impact: 5714s/5715s function as expected.

Version 9.42 May 10, 2006

 1. Change phy settings for better link detection. Refer to CQ24525.
 2. Added Time Slot/Ipg paramaters for fiber just in case 
    autoneg ends up with half duplex.
 3. Link "de-bounce" code was added to ensure link changes are 
    reported properly in the driver.

Version 9.41 April 28, 2006
Addition of product string names in code.

Version 9.40 March 22, 2006
Added support for 5755, 5755M, 5786.

Version 9.02 February 28, 2006
Removed support for 5755, 5755M.

Version 9.01 February 15, 2006
1.Problem: CQ22960 Client32 hangs when SPEED parameter is set to 
           invalid value.
    Cause: Client32 has a bug that does not properly check string
           parameters. The driver used a string type for the SPEED 
   Change: The SPEED parameter was changed from type string to type
   Impact: All cards on Client32.

2.Problem: CQ22961 driver peformance with Chariot is below expected 
           performance level.
    Cause: The driver was changed in v8.63 so that it would not queue
           transmit packets and each transmit packet was allocated a 
           set amount of buffer descriptor resources. This change
           slowed the transmits down.
   Change: The driver will queue transmit packets and dynamically 
           allocate buffer descriptor resources per packet.
   Impact: All adapters will have higher performance than driver 
           v8.63 to v9.00.

3.Problem: CQ22962 ODI LAN Stress test fails with driver v9.0.
    Cause: The stress test would typically fail when the nwagent
           side of the ODI CERT test was using the 5703 adapter.
           The nwagent would starv the 5703 driver of RCBs which
           would cause the 5703 transmits to halt. It appears that
           the nwagent would not return RCBs until the transmits 
           would complete.
   Change: The driver will recycle the RCBs if RCBs are not
           being returned to it.
   Impact: Adapters 5704 and under will not fail the cert stress test.
Version 9.00 January 23, 2006
Added Jade, Ceaser, Stanford support to 8.65.
Changed DMA/MBUF thresholds for testing.

Version 8.65 January 20, 2006
1.Problem: CQ22749 Poor performance on Chariot tests.
    Cause: The driver kept a count of transmit buffer descriptors
           that it would check for sufficient resources to 
           transmit. A bug was introduced in v8.63 that caused
           the count to not reflect the proper resource number.
   Change: The code was changed to use a different method to 
           determine available transmit resources.
   Impact: The performance should increase from that last version.

Version 8.64 January 12, 2006
1.Problem: CQ22153 load b57 with multiple adapters and frame types.
    Cause: The netware parse parameter api would return the wrong
           slot number when multiple adapters with multiple frames
           where used.
   Change: Changed the driver to use the slot numbers corresponding 
           to the already configured config table after each one of
           the adapters were found.
   Impact: The driver will function as expected.

2.Problem: CQ22747 speed=AUTO with fiber adapters cause the driver 
           to fail with an error message. 
    Cause: The driver will not accept a speed keyword when running
           on a fiber board. The driver runs fine if the speed keyword
           is not used or if fiber=force is used to force the fiber to 
           1000FD. This bug was introduced in driver v8.57.
   Change: Fixed code to accept speed=AUTO for fiber.
   Impact: Fiber boards since driver v8.57.

3.Problem: CQ13378 The driver running 5780 fiber may freeze the system
           after cable is disconnected and reconnected multiple times
           during stress test on client32.
    Cause: The driver has a feature which will force fiber to 1000fd if
           it detects the cable is connected but without link. A race
           condition occured in client32 between the fallback algorithm
           and normal interrupt autonegotiation. This does not occur
           in Netware Server because the fallback algorithm does not 
           get called as quickly due to a slower timer interval. It
           is possible that this bug existed in the Netware Server,
           however it was not seen in tests.
   Change: The driver was modified to eliminate the possibility of a 
           race condition.
   Impact: All 5714,5715,5780 Serdes devices in client32.

Version 8.63 December 16, 2005
Removed support for 5754, 5755, 5787 controllers.

 Problem: CQ13344 Occasional failure on HTLE with ODI LAN 
          stress test in NW CERT tests.
   Cause: The txfreecount was not being updated properly under heavy stress.
          This would cause the driver and protocol to be out of sync
          and occasionally would cause the transmits to abort.
          This is a bug that was introduced in 7.x driver version.
  Change: The driver was changed to update the txfreecount properly.
  Impact: Driver should not stop transmitting when under heavy stress.

Version 8.62 December 6, 2005
   1.Problem: CQ14625 5754/5787 boards are displayed as boards with 
              PCI-X bus type instead of PCI-E.
     Cause  : The driver was updating the config table before the 
              correct value was received from HW. This bug was
              introduced in v8.61.
     Change : Correct value is collected before display.
     Impact : Functions as expected.

   2.Problem: CQ14639 Jumbo Frame switch is not ignored when NW driver
              is loaded on 5754.
     Cause  : A bug in the driver failed to check for proper support.
              This bug was introduced in the last version.
     Change : Modified driver to properly check for supported feature.
     Impact : Function as expected.

   3.Problem: CQ14655 LDI Syntax and Autodetection test of Novell 
              Cert Tests fails w/5754/5755/5787.
              CQ14656 Remote Core Dump Test of Novell Cert Tests fails
              on 5754/5755/5787.
     Cause  : The LDI syntax was skewed from last driver version.
     Change : Fixed LDI file.
     Impact : Function as expected.

   4.Problem: CQ22219 "NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver" description
              is displayed for NetLink and Fast Ethernet Adapters.
     Cause  : Marketing requirement.
     Change : Changed the default description to:
              "Broadcom Ethernet Network Controller Driver"
     Imapct : New for this version for all supported adapters.

Version 8.61 November 8, 2005
Added support for 5714S, 5715S, 5754, 5755, 5787 controllers.

Version 8.60 October 20, 2005
    Problem: Jumbo frame support did not work. 
      Cause: The driver failed to enable jumbo frames on the 5780. 
             This bug was introduced in the v8.57 driver 
     Change: Fixed code to enable jumbo frames properly for the 5780.
     Impact: 5780 controllers.

Version 8.59 October 18, 2005
Removed support for 5714S, 5715S.

Version 8.58 October 7, 2005

  1.Problem: CQ14060 1000FD option is not displayed in Speed 
             Setting display in MONITOR.
      Cause: 1000FD is only supported for fiber and was not
     Change: Added 1000FD in the display. Added code to only
             allow 1000 setting for fiber NICs.
     Impact: All fiber nics.

  2.Problem: CQ14067 No link when driver is loaded w/ SPEED=1000FD 
             LINK=AUTO and Switch port is set to Autonegotiate.
     Cause : Third party problem, but warrented changes to the code.
     Change: The LINK parameter is supported by copper cable phy 
             controllers. To force fiber cable controllers, the command 
             line option: FIBER=FORCE is used. Autoneg is default.
             Since fiber cabled controllers have only a 1000Mbs capacity,
             the SPEED parameter is ignored.
     Impact: All Fiber nics.

 NOTE: 5714/5715 controller support is included in this driver version.
Version 8.56a August 19, 2005

5714/5715 controller support was removed in this version.
This version is for Novell as a fix for v8.56.

Version 8.57 August 18, 2005

 1. Default driver mode is set to interrupt mode.

 2. 5714/5715 controller support is included in this version driver.

    Problem: CQ13622 Server abends with NMI during NW6.5 installation.
      Cause: This only occurred on one specific system that we can tell.
             The PHY goes into low power mode when a cable is not
             detected, and the driver wrote to registers that need
             full power for successful access.
     Change: The device will not lower power when the cable is not
     Impact: 5721 LOM only.

  2.Problem: The remote dump feature did not function properly when
             the driver is in poll mode.
     Cause : The driver called the EnablePolling function and not the
             ResumePolling function that is required after the 
             driver is suspended.
     Change: The ResumePolling function is called as required.
     Impact: All nics when driver is in polling mode and remote
             dump is required.                 


Version 8.56 July 22, 2005

 1. Default driver mode is set to poll for performance.

 2. 5714/5715 controller support was removed from this version driver.

Version 8.55 June 24, 2005
 1.  Problem: CQ13005 5714 family fiber controller will not link 
              when speed is forced.
      Cause : The code to force fiber link was not implemented.
      Change: Implemented force fiber link code.
      Impact: All 5714 family fiber controllers.

 2.  Problem: CQ13122 5714 family fiber cannot establish link on
              some switches intermittently.
      Cause : The driver had a bug where if link was not immediately
              established, there was no code to retry autoneg.
      Change: Implemented code to ensure link occurs and to retry
              when necessary.
      Impact: All 5714 family fiber controllers.

Version 8.54 May 31, 2005


     Problem: CQ12892 Jumbo frames option does not work for 5714/15.
      Cause : The 5714/15 code in the driver did not include proper
              device configuration for jumbo frames support.
      Change: The driver configures the 5714/15 properly for jumbo 
              frame support.
      Impact: None. 

Version 8.53 May 23, 2005
   Sync-up with common code from windows.


  Problem: (CQ12900)Same slot number is displayed twice when loading 
           NW driver 8.52 on Montara
   Cause : The driver was putting the device into a low power mode 
           that may have caused this problem. The fix to the power
           mode setting have made this problem go away.
   Change: The driver runs at full power mode. See problem 7 below.
   Impact: None.

Fixes in common code shared with Windows ver 8.31 May 17,2005:

 1.  Problem:
        CQ12857  Flow control is not functional on 5714/5715s Fiber Adapter.
        When 5714/5715s Fiber is interfacing  to a slow 10 Mbs client; it would not
        observe Transmit Pause from the slow client and keep sending packets.
        This would result in a very low interface speed between the 1 Gbps fiber
        5714/5715s device and the 10 Mbps client.
        Driver support for 5714/5715s Fiber was not using proper register 
        selection to read and set Flow Control propreties.
        Updated driver to use latest register data to read and set 5714/5715s
        Fiber Flow Control properties.
        Resolve CQ12857 issue.

  2.  Problem:
        CQ12894  Need to disable LSO for 5789 device in AMD64 INF file.
        LSO option was made available for 5789 by error in INF install file.
        Removed LSO option for 5789 in INF install file.
        Resolve CQ12894 issue.

  3.  Enhancement Request:
        CQ12862  Add power management support for Shasta BX and CX.
        Enable DLL power-down on Shasta BX and CX Parts.
        Select 6.25Mhz core clock on 5751M BX and CX parts when ASF is disabled
        and linked at 10mb.
        Allow Wake-on-Link on Shasta CX parts for required OEMs.
        Resolve CQ12862 issue.

  4.  Enhancement Request:
        CQ12863  Add power management support for 5752M.
        Enable DLL power-down on 5752M if ASF is disabled.
        Select 6.25Mhz core clock on 5752M when ASF is disabled and linked
        at 10mb.
        Resolve CQ12863 issue.

  5.  Enhancement Request:
        CQ12392  Format and organize the AMD64 INF similar to the XP32 INF.
        Formatted and organize the XP32 INF similar to the  AMD64  INF install file.
        Resolve CQ12392 issue.

  6.  Problem:        
        Hamilton family (5714/5715) NICs (not LOMs) could be configured to
        draw from Vaux power if the drivers for both ports were loaded, then
        then disabled, and then one of the ports was re-enabled. In this 
        specific scenario, the NIC could be configured to draw Vaux power
        even though PCI (main) power was present, and this could potentially
        lead to a case where the NIC drew excessive current (> 600mA) from
        the slot which could exceed the amount of power that some systems
        provide to slots.  This problem is the same as CQ 9992 which was
        resolved for 5704 NICs about a year ago (v7.75).
        Driver did not force GPIO2 HIGH on 5714 NIC designs at initialization
        Modified driver to apply the same fix for CQ 9992 to Hamilton as 
                was previously applied to 5704 NIC devices in v7.75.  This fix
                involves having the driver force GPIO2 to be HIGH during the 
                driver's early initialization code.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.

  7.  Problem:        
        Register reads to the Hamilton family of devices could return 
        incorrect data if the core clock was slowed to 12.5Mhz or 6.25Mhz.
        Hamilton was designed to only support memory-mapped register reads
        when the PCI clock (133Mhz) was never more than 10X the speed of 
        the core clock.  Previous drivers could make a few memory-mapped
        register reads to the Hamilton family of devices when the core 
        clock was slowed.
        Modified driver to not rely on any values read from registers after
        the core clock was slowed to 12.5Mhz.  This involved re-ordering some
        code fragments.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.  It may correct
                a few previous cases where WoL functionality could have failed.

  8.  Problem:        
        Register reads to the HT2000 (aka HT-LE) family of devices could
        return incorrect data if the core clock was slowed.
        HT2000 (like Hamilton) was designed to only support memory-mapped
        register reads when the PCI clock (133Mhz) was never more than 10X
        the speed of the core clock.  Previous drivers could make a few
        memory-mapped register reads to the Hamilton family of devices when
        the core clock was slowed to 12.5Mhz.
        Modified driver to never slow the core clock on HT2000 devices.  
        Slowing the core clock was not a requirement for HT2000 devices,
        because power consumption was not a major concern for this chipset.
        Power consumption will be higher because the LAN core clock is not
        slowed on HT2000 platforms.  However, this change may correct
                a few previous cases where WoL functionality could have failed.

  9.  Problem:        
        Minor hand-shaking problem between the driver and management
        (ASF or IPMI PT) firmware on Hamilton and HT2000 class of products.
        The driver was not leaving the "NICDRV_STATE_INIT_DONE" flag in 
        shared memory on Hamilton/HT2000 products when the driver shutdown
        or went into a low power state.  This could potentially cause
                failures related to management FW after the driver shutdown or the 
                system went into a low power state.
        Modified driver to deposit the "NICDRV_STATE_INIT_DONE" flag in
                shared memory when shutting down or going into a low power state.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.

  10. Problem:        
        CQ12875 - The controller would link at 10mb when the driver is
        disabled in windows and WOL speed in the control panel is set
        10mb. The expected behavior is for the controller to link at
        the speed specified in nvram when the driver is disabled.
        The driver was not correctly configuring the WOL speed when
        the driver's halt routine was called when the driver is disabled.
        Modified driver to correctly configure the WOL speed based on
        nvram setting when the driver's halt routine was called.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.

  11. Problem:        
        CQ12862 - Improve power management for Shasta CX step parts.
        Allow gphy dll to be powered down when link is not present
        and asf is disabled.
        Select 6.25mhz core clock when linked at 10mb and asf is disabled.
        Allow wake on link feature for required OEM platforms.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.

  12. Problem:        
        CQ12863 - Add support for power management mode in 5752M.
        Allow gphy dll to be powered down when link is not present
        and asf is disabled.
        Select 6.25mhz core clock when linked at 10mb and asf is disabled.
        There is no known negative impact of this change.

Fixes in common code shared with Windows driver Version 8.30  May 09, 2005      
  1.  Problem:
        CQ11937 5714c , 5714s, 5715c, 5715s, and 5780 Clock Slowing when
        Windows is Shutting down.
        A device limitation in 5714, 5715, 5780 prevents enabling of very slow
        clocks (6.25 Mhz) as compared to other 57xx devices.
        All 57xx Driver code paths were reviewed and changed to avoid setting
        the affected devices' clocks to very slow clock.
        Resolve CQ11937 issue.  

  2.  Problem:
        CQ12830   5714s and 5715s Fiber adapters do not pass Jumbo frame traffic.
        The driver had not enabled 5714s and 5715s Fiber adapter Jumbo frames
        pending hardware compatibility testing completion.      
        Enabled 5714s and 5715s Fiber adapter Jumbo frames support.
        Resolve CQ12830 issue.  

  3.  Enhancement Request:
        CQ12728 Support 64 entries in multicast table.
        Expanded the multicast table from 34 to 64 entries.
        The ndis driver now supports 64 entries across all windows platforms.
        Resolve CQ12728 issue. 

  4.  Problem:
        CQ12871  IA64 Driver v.8.29 showing v8.28 Under File Properties.
        The 8.29 build for XP64 IA64 Release was not done properly, 
        as a result of build problem.
        Releases 8.30 will have the proper driver file version.
        Resolve CQ12871 issue.  

Version 8.52 May 5, 2005
    Support was included for devices with pci ids 1668, 1669, 
    1678, 1679, 166a and 166b.

     Problem: (CQ12807) NW cert fails reset test on legacy nics.
       Cause: A bug was introduced in the reset code of v8.51.
              The code failed to reset the legacy nics properly.
              Specifically the 5700,5701,5702 and 5703.
      Change: The code was fixed to reset the legacy nics properly.
      Impact: All nics function properly.

Version 8.51a May 5, 2005

     Problem: (CQ12807) NW cert fails reset test on legacy nics.
       Cause: A bug was introduced in the reset code of v8.51.
              The code failed to reset the legacy nics properly.
              Specifically the 5700,5701,5702 and 5703.
      Change: The code was fixed to reset the legacy nics properly.
      Impact: All nics function properly.

Version 8.51 April 4, 2005
    Support was removed for devices 1668, 1669, 1678, 1679.

     Problem: (CQ12539) PCI Express device displayed as PCIX.
       Cause: The device with the PCI ID of 16xx was coded to
              display the wrong bus value. This device is the 
              only device that had this problem of displaying 
              the wrong value.
      Change: The code was changed display the correct bus value
              for this device.
      Impact: None.

Version 8.50 March 18, 2005
    Support was included for devices 1668, 1669, 1678, 1679, 1600, 1601.

Version 8.12 March 10, 2005
    1.Problem: (CQ11991) Driver hangs on some systems after disabling
                the LOM in the BIOS.

        Cause: This BIOS disables the LOM by setting the IRQ of the 
               device to 0xff. The driver can still see the device 
               and tries to load.
       Change: At init time the driver will check for a IRQ value 
               of 0xff and return failure to ODI loader.

       Impact: None.

Version 8.11 March 2, 2005
    Support was removed for devices 1668, 1669, 1678, 1679, 1600, 1601.

Version 8.10a January 11, 2005
    Support was added for devices 1668, 1669, 1678, 1679, 1600, 1601.

Version 7.63 November 23, 2004

    1.Problem: (CQ11117) Need SERDES parameter support.

        Cause: Certain 5704 designs have requested that certain bits 
               be set in SERDES config to non-default values.

       Change: Changes made to use presupplied value for SERDES 
               whenever parameter is found in NVRAM.

       Impact: None.

    2.Problem: (CQ11088) Remove the ability to set speed & duplex on 
               the 150T

       Cause : The switch on this nic is set to auto only. The line 
               speed on the 5705 must always be set to auto for proper 
               link to be established.

      Change : Added code to check for switch nics and always set it 
               to auto.

      Impact : None.

   1. Change : GPIO2 not allowed to output on device ids for 5753.

   2. Change : Added code to support more flash (and EEPROM) types.
               The flash write code has been separated into buffered
               and unbuffered versions.  The flash and EEPROM read
               code has been modified to support sub-32bit word reads.
               New nvram sizing functions have been introduced.

Version 7.62 October 12, 2004

    Support added for devices 16dd,16f7,16fd and 16fe.

Version 7.61 June 18, 2004

    1.Problem: CQ#10387 NW driver Ver 7.60 causes cert system
               to abend.

    Cause:   The new Transmit Resource Logic causes the legacy
             NICs in the secondary system to crash the system
             during Transmit Endurance test.
    Change:  Back out the new Transmit Resource Logic.
    Impact:  Fixes CQ10387 issue.


    1. Enable capacitive coupling feature on the PHY if this
       feature is administratively enabled.

Version 7.60 June 10, 2004


    1. Added support for the 5789.

    2. Added greater support for the 5751M.


    Problem:CQ9033 Flow control does not work consistantly.

    Cause:  When the phy is initially powered on, the default behavior
      	    is to not advertise flow control.
    Change: Restart autoneg when flow control is configured to notify
    	    the link partner that flow control is desired.
    Impact: None.

Version 7.59 May 27, 2004

    1.Problem: CQ#10033 5700 B2 LOM with v1.3 Bootcode does not pass 

    Cause:   The older 5700 v1.3 Bootcode did not implement shared 
             memory driver-bootcode interface; so the driver would 
             not recognize nor initialize the PHY. 
    Change:  Added a fallback case to driver; so that in case of
             older bootcodes the driver would initialize the PHY 
             for proper operation. 
    Impact:  Fixes CQ10033 issue.

    2.Problem: CQ#9992 5704 nic may draw VAUX during device initialization 
               when only one port has been enabled.

    Cause:   Incorrect programming of GPIO2 when only one port has
             been enabled.
    Change:  Corrected programming of GPIO2.

    Impact:  5704 nic will not draw from VAUX during device initialization.

    3.Problem: CQ#9812 Fiber NIC 5701 has intermittent connectivity 
               at startup.

    Cause:   Unsuccessful negotiation at startup with fiber switch.

    Change:  Increased loop attempts to negotiate with fiber switch 
             from two to four times and also added initialize of 
             negotiation state machine prior to actual negotiation 
    Impact:  Fixes CQ9812 issue.

    Request: CQ#10193 Disable embedded cpu for 5750/5721 A3 rev parts.

    Cause:   Hardware errata for 5750/5721 A3 revision parts.

    Change:  Added cpu halt routine in device initialization for 
             affected parts.

    Impact:  Embedded cpu for affected parts will be halted.

Version 7.58 May 12, 2004
    1. (CQ#9811) Added IPMI PT and ASF support to the ODI-32 driver.
    2. Added support for the 5751M.

    Impact:  IPMI PT is supported on 5721.

Version 7.57 April 23, 2004
    Problem: (CQ#9955)Need to remove support for an untested 

    Cause:   The controller has not been tested for this release.

    Change:  PCI Device ID for non-production controller was removed 
             from driver.

    Impact:  None.

Version 7.56 April 20, 2004

    1.Problem: (CQ#9887)Bit Error Rate reporting greater than desired
               in corner case testing on 575x/5705 PHYs.

    Cause:     PHY settings not set to optimum setting. 

    Change:    The driver changed the PHY settings.

    Impact:    None.

    Changed Link related counter strings for better clarity.

Version 7.55 April 14, 2004

    Problem:  (CQ#9116) Frame integrity test failure in Novell 
                certification test.

    Cause:   	The driver ran out of transmit buffers without 
                notifiying the OS, causing the test to fail.

    Change:     The driver properly notifies the OS when it depletes
                transmit resources.

    Impact:     None.

Version 7.54 April 2, 2004

    1.Problem:  (CQ#9695) 5705 Error counters did not increment 
                under negative testing.

    Cause:   	Values were not being read properly. 

    Change:     Added code to access registers properly before 
                updating stats.

    Impact:     None.

    2.Problem: (CQ#9481) 5751 LEDs did not show correct color codes.

    Cause:     Controller LED config was not setup properly. 

    Change:    Controller LEDs are setup in the driver whereas they 
               were setup in the firmware in v7.53. 

    Impact:    None.

Version 7.53 March 18, 2004

    1.Problem: (CQ#9607) PCI bus mode description displayed invalid value.

    Cause:   Description was changed, but not corresponding driver code.  

    Change:  Driver displays correct value
    Impact:  None.

    2.Problem: 5751 NIC LEDs not displaying NIC activity.

    Cause:   The code was not implemented for LED display

    Change:  LED code is implemented.

    Impact:  None.

Version 7.52 March 5, 2004

    Problem: 5700 controller was not being recognized.

    Cause:   Driver code did not check for 5700 device id. This bug
             was introduced in v7.50.
    Change:  Driver now checks for 5700.
    Impact:  None.

Version 7.51 February 27, 2004

        1.Support of 575x rev A1.
        2.Reset delay values decreased.
        3.Driver invokes a further reset subsequent to PXE usage.
    Impact:  None.

Version 7.50e February 4, 2004

    Problem: (CQ#9295) PCI MODE field in Monitor displayed PCIX mode, when
			 controller was actually in PCIE mode.

    Cause:   PCIE mode display was not implemented.
    Change:  Added a PCIE mode.
    Impact:  None.

Version 7.50d January 13, 2004

    Problem: Link occasionally not established.

    Cause:   Initialiazation/Reset delay was not long enough.   
    Change:  Increased delay time in code after a initialization/reset.
    Impact:  None.

Version 7.50b November 26, 2003

    Problem: Occasional dropped connection.

    Cause:   802.2 HW Checking caused paddeded packets to be rejected.    
    Change:  Turned off default 802.2 checking in HW.
    Impact:  None.

Version 7.50a November 25, 2003

    Enhancement: Added support for 575x
    Impact:      New controller.

Version 7.08 February 4, 2004

    Request: (CQ #9141)String change. 

    Change:  String changed as requested in CQ#9141

    Impact:  None.

Version 7.07 January 13, 2004
    Problem: (CQ # 8532) The MAGICP= keyword does not function
             as documented.

    Cause:   The code did not enable the PME bit.
    Change:  Code was changed to enable PME bit on shutdown when
             the MAGICP= keyword is invoked.

    Impact:  None.

Version 7.06 January 6, 2004


    Problem:(CQ # 8835) Client32 driver halt occurs occasionally
            when running heavy stress tests. 

    Cause:  Driver did not thoroughly replenish receive packet
            resources causing the driver to reject packets.

    Change: Driver modified to service packets more thoroughly.

    Impact: None.

Version 7.04 December 3, 2003

    Problem:(CQ # 8982) Use of the vlan=1 keyword on multiple adapters
            displays the following message after the first adapter loads
            /enter value for vlan between - 0 - 0 

    Cause:  The keyword was not reset properly by the driver after the
            primary adapter loaded.

    Change: Code properly resets the keyword after each driver load.

    Impact: None.

Version 7.03 November 14, 2003

    Enhancement:Turned off default hardware 802.2 Length checking.

    Change: The code was changed to enable the hardware 802.2 length
            checking feature when set in a keyword. Default is off.

    Impact: None.

Version 7.02 October 17, 2003

    Problem: (CQ #8588) Fiber adapter will not default to link at 1000Mbs FD
			 when a switch will not participate in autonegotiation.
	Cause:   The fall back algorithm was not implemented.

	Change:	 A timer routine will cause a retry in the fiber link setup
			 which in turn allows the adapter to eventually default to 
			 link at 1000Mbs if a connection is sensed on the fiber. 

	Impact:  None.

Version 7.01 October 09, 2003

    Problem: (CQ #8561) The driver would hang on Client32 if receiving
    		packets with VLAN tags. 

	Cause:  The VLAN tag support was enabled allowing packets to be
			received and the driver behaved as if BASP were loaded,
			causing a hang.

	Change:	 VLAN tagging is enabled only when the VLAN keyword is set.

	Impact:  None.

Version 7.00 August 28, 2003

	Problem:(CQ #8389)Update readme.txt to reflect SPEED keyword
			changes. Update driver version to be consistent w/other 

	Change:	Updated.

	Impact: None.

Version 6.08 August 22, 2003

    Problem: (CQ #7931)
			 Need to have a 1000FD forced autoneg option in the
			 driver similar to that of 10FD, 10HD, 100FD and 
			 100HD options available in speed= parameter.  

	Cause: 	 The speed would autoneg with all values due to 
			 an error in enumeration of user input.

	Change:	 Fixed code so that user input is passed with 
			 correct values.

	Impact:  All adapters.

    Problem: (CQ #8303)
			 Fiber 5704 B0 would not pass traffic properly.

	Cause: 	 Transmit code was over-writing used BDs.

	Change:	 Changed transmit code to transmit serially.
	Impact:  All adapters.

Version 6.07 August 13, 2003


   1. Enhancement:
			   Syncs up with the latest changes to support 5704 B0.

      Change:  Changes to hardware specific code.
      Impact:  None.

   2. Enhancement: (CQ #7931)
			   Customers request a user enabled keyword that allows
			   setting the speed to 1000FD. Currently speed can be 
			   forced or advertised only upto 100FD.

      Change:  A 1000FD is a recognized parameter for the SPEED
			   keyword. 1000FD is only advertised in autoneg.

      Impact:  All gigabit adapters.

    Problem: (CQ #8095)

	Cause:     Spurious interrupts displayed on some NetWare systems.

	Change:	   Driver has read back functions for each write function to the 
			   adapter interrupt specific registers. 
			   These functions are user keyword controlled and can be 
			   disabled. The keyword is SPURIOUSFIX.

	Impact:    Slightly slower performance.

Version 6.06 May 16, 2003


   1. Enhancement:
			   Syncs up with the latest lower module code
			   that has more bond id checking.	

      Change:  Keyword check for "C32=1" to use in the DOS 
			   Client32 environment to force initialization failure
			   if no link is found. Under this condition, the 
			   following message is displayed:
			   "** Error:187 Link Down. Initialization Failed"


Version 6.04 May 12, 2003
   1. Problem: (CQ #4441)

	Cause:  Only seen on NetWare 4.2 server & only seen on specific 
			machines when sharing IRQs w\multiple Broadcom Adapters:
			OS occasionally loops on the wrong adapter driver entry 
			point. The System appears non functional.
    Change: Code was added to detect this condition and allow the
			OS to call a different driver entry point.

	Impact: All adapters. There should be no noticeable difference 
			if earlier driver versions function properly.

	2. Problem: (CQ #7729)

	Cause:  Driver displayed 570x when 5901 was loaded.

	Change: The driver displays a non adapter specific string.

	Impact: Same string is displayed for all adapters.

Version 6.03 April 29, 2003
   1. Problem: (CQ #7280)

	Cause:  Phy Locks up when continual resets to phy occur.
			Note: This a very rare condition and may not be reproducible.
    Change: Check the phy after each phy reset to determine if lockup
			occurs. Additional phy reset clears lockup.

	Impact: The fix to this problem should not be noticeable. 
			Fix is activated in 5703, 5704, 5705 adapters. 

03/20/03 v6.02
	Added support for 5788. Removed WireSpeed keyword.

02/14/03 v6.01
	Changed jumbo support from 9100 max to 9000 max. Link message is changed.
	Fixed CarrierSense Counter. Added new Device IDs.

01/13/03 v5.09
	Fixed cable disconnect delay for server.

01/02/03 v5.06
	Fixed cable disconnect delay for Client32.

12/20/02 v5.05
	Enhanced client32 support.

12/09/02 v5.04
	Added PCIX mode status in custom stats. 
	Fixed Link mode.

11/22/02 v5.03
	Fixed client32 slow connection problem. Checksum offload is default off.

11/08/02 v5.02
	Fixed checksum problem found in NW6 support pack 2.

10/29/02 v5.01
	Fixed rare eeprom read bug.

09/26/02 v5.00
	This version has 5705 support.

09/26/02 v4.00
	Fixed client32 cable disconnect bug. Took out 5705 support.

08/21/02 v3.03
	Added support for 5705.

05/13/02 v3.02
	Changed water marks for performance tuning.

05/13/02 v3.01
	Fixed bug in tx checksum that prevented snmp events.
	Fixed bug preventing completion of 72 hour stress test.

05/03/02 v3.00
	Added support for 5704 controller.

05/07/02 v2.32
	Fixed bug in tx checksum that prevented snmp events.

04/19/02 v2.31
	Added delays in driver for initialization.

03/22/02 v2.29 
	Fix of Jumbo size reported to Netware certification.

03/20/02 v2.28
	Added changes to control LEDs.

03/19/02 v2.27
	Added two command line keywords: fiber=auto/force & MagicP=0/1.

03/14/02 v2.26
	Changed driver to work in DOS CLIENT32. 
	VLAN support broken on older versions of BASP use only on BASP 2.09 or later.

02/25/02 v2.25
	Fixed some keywords that were not being reset properly.
	Added WireSpeed feature.

02/07/02 v2.24
	Added Jumbo frame dynamic size. Poll mode display.

01/22/02 v2.23
	Fixed dropped client problem.

01/22/02 v2.22
	Further enhancement of the spurious int fix.

01/19/02 v2.21
	Spurious int fix is now default on.

12/19/01 v2.20
	Added code to better handle spurious interrupts on some machines.

12/06/01 v2.19
	Fixed ipx vlan problem.

11/28/01 v2.18
	Fixed 100 hr stress problem.

11/16/01 v2.17
	Fixed multicast address size, performance improvement.

11/07/01 v2.16
	Fixed backward compatibility probs.

10/30/01 v2.15
	Jumbo certified.

09/18/01 v2.14
	Fixed cable fault problem.

09/12/01 v2.12
	Fixed FrameAlignment & ChecksumError counters.

08/24/01 v2.10
	Fixed a PCIX problem.
08/17/01 v2.09
	Fixed a jumbo mode problem.

08/03/01 v2.08
	Fixed Perform3 problem.

07/20/01 v2.07
	Improved fiber support.

07/06/01 v2.06
	802.3 bug fix.

07/02/01 v2.05
	Fix for fiber link.
	Fix for shutdown.

06/14/01 v2.02
	Fixed fiber support/performance improvements.

06/04/01 v2.01
	Rebuild for new release.

05/04/01 v1.27
	Added registration for advanced server program.

04/24/01 v1.25
	supports 5701

04/12/01 v1.23
	Reset bug fix.

03/27/01 v1.22
	Jumbo frame support added. 

02/26/01 v1.20
	Checksum is default off.

02/15/01 v1.18
	Fix for vlan bug in ipx, and min packet size with vlan.

02/08/01 v1.16
	Fixed bug for 4.x primary install.

02/05/01 v1.15
	Fixed new persistent driver bug, multicast bug, and basp support bug.

01/30/01 v1.12
	Fix for vlans.

01/29/01 v1.10
	Added changes in PCI-X support.

01/26/01 v1.09
	Fixed NESL bug.

01/19/01 v1.08
	Fixed persistent driver mode bug.

01/05/01 v1.07
	Added persistent driver mode.

12/29/00 v1.06
	Added better checksum support.

12/21/00 v1.05
	Added more user info.	

12/15/00 v1.04
	Fixed spurious interrupt reports.

12/11/00 v1.03
	Made changes for better performance.

12/08/00 v1.02
	Added better ipx w/802.3 support.

12/01/00 v1.01
	Added console status messages for link up/down.

11/27/00 v1.00
	1st release.

11/22/00 v0.26
	Real update of lower module.

11/22/00 v0.25
	Updated lower module for led change.

11/22/00 v0.24
	Added support for 32 minimum receive buffers.

11/18/00 v0.23
	Updated lower module for better flow control. Passes Novell certification. 

11/17/00 -v0.22
	Upgraded the checksum off load support & receive code.

11/08/00 -v0.21
	Updated lower module.

11/06/00 -v0.20
	Fixed link problem and unwanted messages.

11/03/00 -v0.19
	Added support for new firmware.

11/01/00 -v0.18
	Fixed vlan bug for large packets.
	Changed promiscuous mode support.

10/30/00 -v0.17
	Added vlan support for BASP.

10/28/00 -v0.16
	Added code to guard against ECB starvation. Enhanced code for speed

10/23/00 -v0.15
	Added a custom NESL event for changing the MAC address to work with
10/20/00 -v0.14
	Made adjustments for certification test.

10/16/00 -v0.13
	New release.

10/13/00 -v0.12
	Fortified reset code and isr.

10/6/00 - v0.11
	Added support for sharing ints between multiple B57s.
	Added support for "auto" within the speed keyword.
	Displays line speed more consistently.

9/22/00 - v0.10
	Changed allocated resources amount. Fixed bug in user defined

9/20/00 - v0.09
	Change in reset and interrupt code (checks if initialized).

9/14/00 - v0.08a
	Changed interrupt enable/disable.
9/13/00 - v0.08- 
	First Engineering Release.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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