YUKONMT.txt Driver File Contents (Lan_Marvell_10.60.6.3_Vistax64Vistax86_A.zip)

(C)Copyright 2003-2008 Marvell(R).
All rights reserved.

YUKONMT.txt created 06-May-2008

Readme File for Yukon Manufacturing Tool v1.30.4.3
for MS-DOS Version 6.22 or higher. 
Yukon Ethernet Adapter Family

This file contains

 1  Overview
 2  Required Files
 3  Installation
 4  Usage
 6  Tool Description
    6.2  YUKONM2R.EXE
    6.6  YUKONMT.BAT
    6.7  YUKREDO.BAT
    6.8  YUKSPI.BAT
    6.10 YUKOTP.BAT
 7  List of Returned Error Levels


1  Overview

This README explains how to use the Yukon Manufacturing Tool Chain to
- select a MAC address and OEM specific PCI IDs from an INI file.
- patch the selected MAC address and OEM specific PCI IDs into 
  the ROM file.
- program the ROM file to the serial EEPROM or OTP ROM
- read/program the SPI flash.

2  Required Files

The manufacturing package consists of these files:

    YUKONMAC.EXE    - selects the next MAC address(es) from the INI file.
    YUKONM2R.EXE    - patches the MAC address into the ROM file.
    YUKONVPD.EXE    - programs the ROM file into the EEPROM.
    YUKONSPI.EXE    - read/program SPI flash.
    YUKONOTP.EXE    - read/program OTP ROM
    YUKONMT.BAT     - Sample batch file invoking YUKONMAC, YUKONM2R,
                      YUKONVPD and YUKONDG to have an automatic
                      process environment.
    YUKSPI.BAT      - Sample batch file invoking YUKONMAC, YUKONM2R
                      and YUKONSPI to program adapters which only have
                      SPI flash ROMs.
    YUKREDO.BAT     - Sample batch file to rework programmed
                      adapters with new MAC address, SVID and SDID.
    YSPIREDO.BAT    - Sample batch file to rework flash-only programmed
                      adapters with new MAC address, SVID and SDID.
    YUKOTP.BAT      - Sample batch file invoking YUKONMAC, YUKONM2R,
                      YUKONOTP and YUKONDG for automated batch programming
                      of adapters containing OTP (One Time Programmable)
    MACADDR.INI     - Sample INI file needed to build the MAC addresses.
    TEST.SC         - Sample diagnostics script file.

Required files outside this package:

    YUKONDG.EXE     - Diagnostics tool YUKONDG v6.06 or higher.

A binary file containing the EEPROM contents as well as a binary file
containing the SPI content to be programmed is also needed, if the
adapter to be programmed uses EEPROMs and flash ROMs. If it is a
flash ROM-only adapter or an adapter containing OTP (One Time
Programmable) ROM, a file containing the ROM contents to be programmed
in Intel hex format is required.
Please request a suitable EEPROM.RAW and SPI.RAW file (for 
EEPROM+flash adapters) or ROM.HEX file (for flash-only and OTP adapters)
for your design from your Marvell(R) contact and refer to the technical
specifications describing the RAW or Intel hex file format.

Please read the following sections of this readme carefully before
executing the manufacturing tool.

3  Installation

The tool is designed to run on any PC under MS-DOS Version 6.22 or higher.

1. Copy the manufacturing package into your working directory.
2. Edit the MACADDR.INI file according to your needs.
   For more details please refer to section 5.
3. Copy the ROM and SPI flash file for this design to your working
4. Modify the batch file YUKONMT.BAT (YUKSPI.BAT for flash-only
   adapters or YUKOTP.BAT for adapters with OTP ROM) according
   to your needs.

4  Usage

1. Install the freshly-produced Ethernet adapter or bring the 
   freshly-produced motherboard with Yukon on board into your 
   production setup.

2. Start YUKONMT (YUKSPI for flash-only adapters or YUKOTP for
   adapters using OTP ROMs). Required parameters are the file
   names of the MAC ADDRESS.INI file and the ROM.RAW file (or
   ROM.HEX file if using YUKSPI with a flash-only adapter or
   YUKOTP with an OTP ROM adapter).


3. Verify the programming and the test results of YUKONVPD 
   with YUKONDG.


A sample MACADDR.INI is shown below.

#****** sample MAC address INI file for YUKON manufacturing tool ******
#* further comments ...
SVID=   11ab
SDID=   4360
PREFIX= 00005a
BEGIN=  000000
END=    00000f
#** end of macaddr.ini file ***

The MACADDR.INI file can be modified as follows:
- Comments are marked by a '#' and may be inserted at the beginning
  of each line.
- The entries for the keywords SVID, SDID, SMBADR, PREFIX, BEGIN and
  END should be modified.
  The SMBADR keyword is used to define the System Management Bus
  (SMBus) address. It is important for adapters that support ASF, such
  as 88E8050, 88E8052, 88E8070, 88E8071, 88E8075. Any value is allowed
  for the SMBADR except of 00 and C2. The SMBADR value should be even.
  Odd values are allowed but will be modified to be even.
  The PREFIX contains the first three bytes of the MAC address (vendor
  specific). Note that the prefix should not be zero.
  BEGIN and END need to be defined according to your allocated MAC
  address range.
- At startup the COUNT entry should be set to zero.

6  Tool Description

For an overview of the manufacturing process a short description of
each utility is given here.



Action:  Calculates the new MAC address(es):
         MAC address = <3 bytes PREFIX> + <3 bytes (BEGIN + COUNT)>
         The counter COUNT is incremented too.

         Example (single port):

         Input:   SVID=   11ab
                  SDID=   4360
                  SMBADR= CA
                  PREFIX= 00005a
                  BEGIN=  112200
                  END=    11ffff
                  COUNT=  222#

         Results: macaddr.txt: "00005a1122DE"

                  macaddr.ini: COUNT=223#


         Example (dual port):

         Input:   SVID=   11ab
                  SDID=   4360
                  SMBADR= 05
                  PREFIX= 00005a
                  BEGIN=  112200
                  END=    11ffff
                  COUNT=  222#

         Results: macaddr.txt: "00005a1122DE"

                  macaddr.ini: COUNT=225#

Output:  The MAC addresses are written into the file MACADDR.TXT.
         SVID and SDID are also copied into this file.
         The new value for COUNT is written back into the file

Options: To select command line options '-' as well as '/' can be used.
         To get usage information please type: YUKONMAC -h or YUKONMAC -?

    -m <macfile>    MAC address file name different from default.(optional)
    -i <outfile>    ROM file name different from default.        (optional)
    -d              Generate MAC addresses for dual port adapter (optional)
    -h|?            Prints help screen.                          (optional)


Input:   MACADDR.TXT, ROM.RAW (ROM.HEX for flash-only or OTP adapters)

Action:  Patches the MAC address, SVID, SDID and SM Bus address into the
         ROM contents. The last 3 bytes of the MAC address is patched into
         the serial number residing in the VPD area. Also, YUKONM2R patches
         the MAC address in the config loader and init loader section
         wherever a MAC address entry is found.
         YUKONM2R defaults to find the config loader section from 0x100
         upwards and the init loader section from 0x200 upwards.
         For flash-only adapters these addresses are 0x1f800 and 0x1f000
         Adapters containing OTP ROMs have the init loader section at 0x0
         and config loader section at 0x100

Output:  ROM.RAW/ROM.HEX (flash-only and OTP)

Options: To select command line options, '-' as well as '/' can be used.
         To get usage information please type: YUKONM2R -h or YUKONM2R -?

    -m <macfile>    MAC address file name different from default 
                    macaddr.txt .                                (optional)
    -r <rawfile>    ROM file name different from default         
                    rom.raw .                                    (optional)
    -i <hexfile>    File name of Intel Hex-formatted ROM file,
                    used for flash-only or OTP adapters          (optional)
    -v              Verbose mode.                                (optional)
    -h|?            Prints help screen.                          (optional)


Input:   ROM.RAW

Action:  Looks for a Ethernet adapter, determines the EEPROM size,
         reads the ROM.RAW file and programs the EEPROM. EEPROMs up to 2k
         bytes are supported.
         After programming, a hardware reset is issued which starts the
         configuration loader and ensures that the new configuration data
         will be established immediately. The registers containing PCI
         resources are saved before and restored after the reset.
         Therefore no system boot is required before starting the
         diagnostics utility run.
         In a multiple device configuration please use either the network
         interface name, network interface bus and device number or network
         interface list index # to select the desired network interface.
         The utility supports an automatic device selection mode ('smart
         mode') whereby the RAW filenames are determined by examining the
         chip identifier and revision. To enable the usage of these preset
         filenames by other utilities, a batch file is generated, which sets
         two environment variables to the respective RAW and INI filenames.
         The batch file is called 'YMTNAME.BAT' and contains SET commands
         for the variables 'YMT_RAW_FILE' and 'YMT_MAC_FILE', which are set
         to the respective filenames used.
         Currently, this option is restricted to the 88E8053 and 88E8056
         devices. The filenames generated are '88E8053.INI' or '88E8056.INI'
         for the MAC files and '88E8053.RAW' or '88E8056.RAW' for the RAW
         EEPROM files.

Output:  None

Options: To select command line options '-' as well as '/' might be used.
         To get usage information please type: YUKONVPD -h or YUKONVPD -?

    -R <rawfile>    Read EEPROM and write content to file
    -P <rawfile>    Program EEPROM with raw file and verify it. Omit
                    <rawfile> when using option -S
    -V <rawfile>    Verify EEPROM content against RAW file. Omit <rawfile>
                    when using option -S
    -c <rawfile>    Verify EEPROM content against RAW file
                    (excluding MAC address sections)
    -e [val]        Erase EEPROM using <val> or 0 and verify it
    -G              Save current MAC addr, SVID & SDID to 'macaddr.txt'
    -a              Show current MAC address    
    -M addr         Overwrite MAC address (MAC addr format: 00005a112233).
                    Can be combined with option -P.
    -B smb          Overwrite SM Bus address (SM bus addr format: aa).
                    Can be combined with option -P.
    -u <val>        Update config data with SVID and SDID e.g. -u 11ab4344
                    Might be combined with option -M (but not with -P)
    -S              'smart' mode: automatically select RAW file according
                    to device ID.
    -n name         Network interface name - e.g. Yukon#1
    -b bus          Network interface bus number
    -d dev          Network interface device number
    -x index        Network interface list index
    -y YYYY         PCI vendor id (e.g.: 1148)                   (optional)
    -z ZZZZ         PCI device id (e.g.: 4000)                   (optional)
    -i AAAA         Defines I/O address for switch board         (optional)
                    environment. This address is used if
                    no I/O address is specified by the
                    PCI BIOS.
    -m              Run I/O mapped.                              (optional)
    -l              Network interface list
    -v              Enables verbose printing mode                (optional)
    -h|?            Prints help screen.                          (optional)


Input:   SPI.RAW or SPI.HEX for flash-only adapters

Action:  Looks for an Ethernet adapter, determines the SPI flash
         type and size and reads/programs the SPI flash.
         SPI flash types up to 1M bytes are supported.
         The utility also supports reading from and writing to parallel
         flash ROMs, which contain information and data sections.
         Generally, Intel hex files are used for flash data. These files
         contain memory type information which lets the utility determine
         automatically which section to program.
         When reading data from the ROM, the utility assumes the SPI flash
         is to be read. If the configuration or data (main) sections of the
         parallel flash are to be read instead, the -I or -D command line
         switches must be used respectively.
         In a multiple device configuration please use either the network
         interface name, network interface bus and device number or network
         interface list index # to select the desired network interface.

Output:  None

Options: To select command line options '-' as well as '/' might be used.
         To get usage information please type: YUKONSPI -h or YUKONSPI -?

    -r <file>       Read and save SPI flash contents to binary file. This
                    defaults to SPI flash. For parallel flash config or
                    data, the -I or -D flags must be used additionally.
    -p <file>       Program SPI flash with binary file content. Default is
                    SPI flash. Aditionally specify -I for parallel flash 
                    config section or -D for parallel flash data section
                    if using parallel flash ROM
    -R <file>       Read and save flash contents to Intel Hex file.
                    Default is SPI flash. For parallel flash config
                    section, the -I flag must also be used. For parallel
                    flash data, the -D flag must also be used.
    -P <file>       Program flash Intel Hex file content. Intel Hex files
                    contain type data that enable the utility to determine
                    automatically which type of flash should be programmed.
                    Therefore, this option does not require additional
                    flags (-I or -D) to select the flash type.
    -e              Erase SPI flash. Use -I or -D flag additionally if the
                    parallel flash config or data sections should be
    -G              Save MAC addresses, SVID and SDID to file 'macaddr.txt'
    -M <addr>       Overwrite MAC address (MAC addr format: 00005a112233).
    -B <smb>        Overwrite SM Bus address (SM Bus addr format: aa).
    -u <val>        Update config data with SVID and SDID e.g. -u 11ab4344
    -I              Select the configuration section of the parallel flash
                    ROM when reading from the ROM or when using raw binary
                    files when writing to the ROM
    -D              Select the data (main) section of the parallel flash
                    ROM when reading from the ROM or when using raw binary
                    files when writing to the ROM
    -n name         Network interface name - e.g. Yukon#1
    -b bus          Network interface bus number
    -d dev          Network interface device number
    -x index        Network interface list index
    -y YYYY         PCI vendor id (e.g.: 1148)                   (optional)
    -z ZZZZ         PCI device id (e.g.: 4000)                   (optional)
    -i AAAA         Specify I/O address                          (optional)
                    (def: from config. space)
    -m              Run I/O mapped.                              (optional)
    -l              Network interface list
    -v              Enables verbose printing mode                (optional)
    -h|?            Prints help screen.                          (optional)

Usage:   The following table explains which options to use for a particular
         flash memory device.

                                Flash Type
Action   |     SPI             Parallel Config          Parallel Data
binary   |
read     | -r file.bin        -I -r file.bin           -D -r file.bin
binary   |
write    | -p file.bin        -I -p file.bin           -D -p file.bin
erase    | -e                 -I -e                    -D -e
Hex      |
read     | -R file.hex        -I -R file.hex           -D -R file.hex
Hex      |
write    | -P file.hex        -P file.hex              -P file.hex
Modify   |
MAC      | -M macaddr         -I -M macaddr            -D -M macaddr
Modify   |
SV/SD    | -u svsd            -I -u svsd               -D -u svsd
Modify   |
SMB addr | -B smb             -I -B smb                -D -B smb

Note:    For the parameters -M -u and -B the specification of the
         parameters -I and -D is optional. Depending on the Yukon device
         Yukonspi will select the correct flash type (SPI / Parallel Config
         / Parallel Data) automatically.

Note:    PXE may only be programmed into the SPI flash. There is currently
         no support for programmming PXE code into the parallel flash.

         Parallel flash is only supported in Yukon Supreme devices.


Input:   OTP.HEX suitable for OTP ROMs

Action:  Looks for an Ethernet adapter and reads or programs the OTP ROM.
         Currently, the only OTP ROM size supported is 1k.
         In a multiple device configuration please use either the network
         interface name, network interface bus and device number or network
         interface list index # to select the desired network interface.
         Please note that OTP (One Time Programmable) ROMs support exactly
         one write to each memory location. Once written, the data cannot be
         erased. Therefore, particular care must be taken to verify that the
         correct hex file and PCI ID/MAC addresses are used to program the
         A limited capability exists for modifying subsystem vendor and
         subsystem device IDs after programming the device. This option is
         selected with the -u flag together with the -V and -D flags. It
         should be used only if absolutely necessary since only a small
         number of updates can be performed.
         In addition to the -u update flag, the possibility exists of
         performing a very limited number (up to 4) of full updates. This
         feature is enabled automatically by the use of the -p flag, causing
         the yukonotp utility to perform an update if the ROM already
         contains data.
         When using the -p flag to update a ROM, there are 5 possible
         outcomes, depending on whether the contents of the chip and the
         update file are the same. If they are different, a full update is
         made. If they are identical, the MAC address and the
         Subvendor/subdevice IDs are compared. If they are different, only
         the respective loader lines are updated, thus saving ROM space. The
         following outcomes are possible:
         1) Contents differ, a full update is performed
         2) Contents are identical, no update is performed
         3) Contents identical, but MAC different, MAC update is performed
         4) Contents identical, but SV/SD different, SV/SD update is
         5) Contents identical, but both MAC and SV/SD different, both MAC
            and SV/SD are updated
         The -n flag may be used to determine how many updates (full or MAC
         / SV/SD) have been performed and how many are still feasible. The
         -n flag also informs the user if the ROM has been incorrectly
         programmed due to a power failure during device programming. If
         this is the case, the display of the number of MAC or
         Subvendor/Subdevice updates may be incorrect and a full update must
         be performed to restore consistency to the ROM contents.

Output:  None

Options: To select command line options '-' as well as '/' can be used.
         To get usage information please type: YUKONOTP -h or YUKONOTP -?

    -r <file>       Read and save OTP ROM contents to hex file
    -p <file>       Program or update OTP ROM with hex file content
    -u              Update subvendor and subdevice IDs (requires -V and -D)
    -V subvendor    New subvendor ID for update mode
    -D subdevice    New subdevice ID for update mode
    -n              Displays number of updates made and number of updates
                    still possible
    -b bus          Network interface bus number
    -d dev          Network interface device number
    -x index        Network interface list index
    -l              Network interface list
    -v              Enables verbose printing mode                (optional)
    -h|?            Prints help screen.                          (optional)

Note:    OTP memory is one-time-programmable (hence the name). It CANNOT
         be erased! Updates, while possible, are severely limited!
         Please take particular care that both hex input file and
         PCI ID/MAC addresses are correct before programming the adapter!


YUKONMT.BAT is a sample batch file to demonstrate how the
tools may work together. It may be modified any way.
Each tool returns an error level. To avoid adapters to be
programmed with invalid data the batch file will
stop immediately if an error occurs.


YUKREDO.BAT is a sample batch file to rework a already programmed
adapter with new EEPROM content. However the MAC addresses, the
Subsystem Vendor ID and the Subsystem ID will be reused.



YUKSPI.BAT is a sample batch file to demonstrate how the
tools work together to program a flash-only adapter.
It can be modified to suit the customer's needs.
Each tool returns an error level. To prevent adapters being
programmed with invalid data, the batch file will
stop immediately if an error occurs.


YSPIREDO.BAT is a sample batch file to reprogram the MAC
addresses, the subsystem vendor ID and the subsystem ID in
the SPI flash ROM of a flash-only adapter. It is similar
in function to the YUKREDO.BAT batch file, but for
flash-only adapters. Note that an Intel hex ROM file must
be used.



YUKOTP.BAT is a sample batch file to demonstrate how the
tools work together to program an adapter containing OTP ROM.
It can be modified to suit the customer's needs.
Each tool returns an error level. To prevent adapters being
programmed with invalid data, the batch file will
stop immediately if an error occurs.

7  List of Returned Error Levels

The manufacturing tools return their error status by setting a certain
error level. So if you start the tools from a batch file you can
inspect the returned ERRORLEVEL.

The tools are listed by short names: MAC = YUKONMAC, M2R = YUKONM2R,

Num MAC M2R VPD SPI OTP Description
 0   X   X   X   X   X  Everything is ok. The desired action was
                        completed successfully.
 1   X   X   X   X   X  Command line syntax error.
 2   X   X   -   -   -  General system error (internal).
 3   -   -   X   X   X  Adapter hardware error detected.
                        Run YUKONDG.
 4   X   X   -   -   -  Syntax Error in .INI file.
 5   X   X   -   X   X  File write error.
 9   -   -   X   X   X  No PCI bus present.

17   -   -   X   X   X  Writing to EEPROM failed.
                        Run YUKONDG.

32   -   X   -   -   -  RAW file too small.
                        At least 256 bytes are expected.
33   -   X   -   -   -  RAW file length incorrect
                        The length should be a multiple of 8.
34   -   -   X   X   -  RAW file too long.
35   -   X   -   -   -  Not enough entries in RAW file.

40   -   -   X   X   X  No network adapter found.
41   -   -   X   X   X  Unknown network interface
43   -   -   -   X   -  SPI flash not detected.
44   -   -   X   X   -  The adapter hasn't got any I/O space
                        Use option -i to assign an I/O space, but
                        ensure that this I/O space is not used by
                        another device too.
45   -   -   X   X   X  More than one adapter found.
46   -   -   -   X   -  SPI flash read error.
47   -   -   -   X   -  SPI flash write error.
48   -   -   -   X   -  SPI flash erase error.
49   -   -   -   X   -  Invalid SPI ROM read/write offset

50   X   X   X   X   X  File cannot be opened.
51   -   -   -   X   -  Out of memory --> allocating memory failed

62   X   -   -   -   -  Prefix is Multicast Address.
63   X   -   -   -   -  End of address range reached.
64   -   X   -   -   -  MAC address 1 not set.
65   -   X   -   -   -  MAC address 2 not set.
66   -   X   -   -   -  MAC address 3 not set.
67   -   X   -   -   -  Illegal VPD data found.
68   -   X   -   -   -  SN key not found in VPD.
69   -   X   X   -   -  RAW file has a wrong CRC value

70   -   -   -   X   -  Error in diagnostic library
71   -   -   -   X   -  Caller has insuffient rights
72   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: out of memory
73   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: open device failed
74   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: ioctl failed
75   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: map memory failed
76   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: claim device failed
75   -   -   -   X   -  diagnostic library: get physical base address
78   -   -   X   -   -  Device ID not yet supported in smart mode

80   -   -   -   -   X  Error in CFG data: PCI loader not found

*** End of Readme file ***
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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