[General] BypassKey=123 MaximumRetries=0 SuppressErrorNotification=Yes TitleStyle=\B\S14\OR DialogFont=MS Sans Serif DialogFontSize=14 InternalDateFormat=MDY InternalDateSeparator=/ [Register Function] Run=Yes NameTitle=Registration Name=registration ActionTitle=Register Action=register Cancel=Register &Later CancelText=Register Later [Company] Name=Zoom Telephonics, Inc DisplayName=Zoom [Product] Name=Zoom 56k Modem DisplayName=Zoom 56k Modem Code=GVB01-01 SKU=4300 Platform=232 - BT Version= Media= FamilyCode= [Files] Data=^201\EReg^150.dat|^201E-RegCard ^150 Data TempTransmit=^202\EReg^150T.tmp|^202E-RegCard ^150 Transmit TempPrint=^202\EReg^150P.tmp|^202E-RegCard ^150 Print TempInternet=^202\EReg^150T.tmp [Data File Sections] PublicUser=Public User Data PrivateUser=^154 User Data PublicStatus=Public Status Data PrivateStatus=^154 ^171 Status Data [Windows Registry Keys] UseRegistry=No PublicUser=\Software\^153\User PrivateUser=\Software\^153\User\^154 PublicStatus=\Software\^153\Status PrivateStatus=\Software\^153\Status\^154\^171 [Register Transmit Record] RecordType=00003 EventCode=1 FileName=RegXMit.txt [Default Protocol] Script=Default [CSPOS Protocol] Script=CSPOS Parm1=K00001 [Register Reminder Rules] MaximumReminders=15 ReminderDelayTimes=0 ReminderDelayDays=0 ReminderIntervalTimes=0 ReminderIntervalDays=1 BypassDelayTimes=0 BypassDelayDays=0 BypassIntervalTimes=0 BypassIntervalDays=0 [Register Reminder Dialog] Show=Yes Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Please take a moment and register your product. Bullet1=By registering you will speed up free technical support from our friendly experts. Bullet2=You will automatically receive important information, such as the availability of new software updates for your product. Paragraph4=For your convenience, you can register Electronically and Free of any charge. Command1Label=Register &Now Command2Label=^176 [Register Bypass Dialog] Show=Yes Picture= Background=Bitmap1.bmp, HorizontalShift=190, VerticalShift=227 Title=Please Register Your Software Paragraph1=It has been ^180 days since you installed your copy of ^154 and you have skipped registering your copy ^102 times. Paragraph2=You can proceed with the registration now by clicking Register Now, or you can call our operator at the number shown below for your Customer Number (select the country in which you are currently located for the telephone number nearest you). Text1=Telephone: ^166 Paragraph3=To avoid these prompts in the future, enter your Customer Number below and click Bypass. KeyName=Customer Number: Country Text= Additional Info= Command1Label=&Bypass Command2Label=Register &Now Command3Label=^176 [Register Repeat Dialog] Show=Yes Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=You already registered your copy of ^154 on ^112. Paragraph4=If you want to change your registration information and send it again, you can do so Electronically and Free of charge. Command1Label=Register &Again Command2Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 1 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1NotCompleted=Please complete this product registration. All fields with underlined names must be entered. Use Tab or the mouse to move between fields. Paragraph1Completed=This information was sent to ^153 on ^112. Please indicate any changes below. All fields with underlined names must be entered. Use Tab or the mouse to move between fields. Text1= Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 OptionalStyle=\R RequiredStyle=\R\U [Register Data Entry 2 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 3 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 4 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 5 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 6 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Data Entry 7 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Questions Paragraph1= Text1= Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [System Info Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=The following system information has been found. This inventory will help us better understand your computing needs. Header1Windows=Hardware: Text1Windows=^207 processor, ^210, ^212 RAM Header2Windows=\RSystem Software: Text2Windows=^250 Header3Windows=Storage: Text3Windows=^213 total disk space with ^214 free, ^238 Header4Windows=Video: Text4Windows=[^230 monitor, ][^229 video card, ][^231 display resolution (^232 maximum), ]^233 Color Depth Header5Windows=\RPrinter: Text5Windows=^235 Header1Macintosh=\RHardware: Text1Macintosh=^205 with ^207 processor[ running at ^209][ and ^210 math co-processor], ^212 RAM Header2Macintosh=\RSystem Software: Text2Macintosh=System software version ^221, ROM version ^218 Header3Macintosh=\RStorage: Text3Macintosh=^213 total disk space with ^214 free, ^238 Header4Macintosh=\RVideo: Text4Macintosh=Display size is ^231 with ^233 (maximum depth is ^234) Header5Macintosh=\RPrinter: Text5Macintosh=^235 with ^236 resolution Paragraph2=In addition to the above information, please indicate if you have any of these devices: Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Method Dialog] Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=You entered ^22 as the country in which you reside. If you are currently located in a different country, please select that country using the menu to the right. Paragraph1Location=You entered ^22 as the country in which you reside. If you are currently located in a different country, please select that country using the first menu to the right. Select the nearest location using the second menu. Paragraph2=If you have a modem, click Send via Modem to send your ^173 electronically using our toll-free telephone number. Paragraph3=If you have a modem and internet connection, click Send via Internet to send your ^173 via the internet. Text1=Fax number: ^167 ##Paragraph4=If you have a fax machine, click Print for Faxing to print your ^173 as a fax sheet. ##Paragraph5=Click Print for Mailing to print your ^173 for mailing using the postal service. Command1Label=&Previous ##Command2Label=^176 Command3Label=&Send via Modem ##Command4Label=Print for &Faxing ##Command5Label=Print for &Mailing Command6Label=Send via &Internet [Proxy Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=If appropriate, please specify a proxy host name. This will either be the address of an HTTP proxy on your firewall that your system administrator has installed. Paragraph2=You can leave these fields empty if no proxy server available. Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 OptionalStyle=\R RequiredStyle=\R\U [Dialing Dialog] Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=If you are currently in an office building you may have to dial additional digits such as a "9" to obtain an outside line. If so, enter those numbers in the field below. Paragraph2=The number to be dialed is shown below. Please make any changes you believe are necessary for the number to work from your current location. Paragraph3=Your modem may not be able to detect a dial tone if you are dialing from a location outside North America. Click off the check box below if you believe that your modem can not detect a dial tone. Paragraph4=Make sure your modem is connected to your computer and turned on. Click Next to begin the transmission to our toll-free telephone number. Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Register Transmit Success Dialog] Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your copy of ^154 is now registered! Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy using ^154. Paragraph4=If you would like a copy of your ^173 for your records, click Print. Command1Label=&Done Command2Label=&Print [Transmit Success Dialog] Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 has been sent! Thank you for your time and we hope you continue to enjoy using ^154. Paragraph4=If you would like a copy of your ^173 for your records, click Print. Command1Label=&Done Command2Label=&Print [Internet Success Dialog] Picture=logo.bmp Background=wallpapr.bmp Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 has been sent! Thank you for your time and we hope you continue to enjoy using ^154. Paragraph3=If you would like a copy of your ^173 for your records, click Print. Paragraph4=If you have connected to the Internet using a Dial-Up connection you may wish to disconnect at this time. Command1Label=&Done Command2Label=&Print [No Modem Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=A modem could not be found. Please make sure that your modem is connected to your computer and turned on. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again now. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [No Dial Tone Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=The modem found does not have a dial tone. Please make sure that your modem is connected to an active telephone line before trying again. Paragraph4=If you are sure your modem is connected to an active telephone line and you are outside of North America, try turning off the option instructing the modem to wait for a dial tone before dialing. Paragraph5=Click Retry to try again now. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Line Busy Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=The ^153 server is busy. Please wait a few minutes and click Retry to try again. Paragraph4=Click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [No Answer Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=The ^153 server is not responding at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again now. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [User Abort Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=You have aborted the transmission. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Transmit Problem Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=An unknown problem was encountered while sending your ^173 via modem and the transmission could not be completed. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again now. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Print Fax Success Dialog] Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 has been printed. Please fax the printout to the telephone number on the printout. Paragraph4=Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy using ^154. Paragraph5=If you would like a copy of your ^173 for your records, click Print. Command1Label=&Done Command2Label=&Print [Print Mail Success Dialog] Picture= Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 has been printed. Please mail your registration to the address on the printout. Paragraph4=Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy using ^154. Paragraph5=If you would like a copy of your ^173 for your records, click Print. Command1Label=&Done Command2Label=&Print [No Printer Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=A printer could not be found. Please make sure that your printer is connected to your computer, turned on, and on line. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Print Problem Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=An unknown problem was encountered while printing your ^173. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Register Final Problem Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 can not be processed at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience. Paragraph3=To register your copy of ^154 by telephone please call our operator at ^166. We will give you a Customer Number to enter in the field below. When you have a valid Customer Number, click Bypass to avoid being prompted to register in the future. Header1=Customer Number: Command1Label=&Bypass Command2Label=^176 [Final Problem Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=Your ^173 can not be processed at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience. Command2Label=^176 [Register Billboard 1 Dialog] Show=yes Background=Billbrd1, HorizontalShift=100, VerticalShift=129 Command1Label=&Next [Register Billboard 2 Dialog] Show=No Background=Billbrd2, ScaleDialog Command1Label=&Done [Invalid Key Dialog] Title=Invalid Customer Number Paragraph1=The Customer Number you entered is not valid. Please try again. [Missing Field Dialog] Title=Missing Information Paragraph1=Please enter ^A so that we can process your ^173. [Invalid Format Dialog] Title=Invalid Format [Invalid Past Date Dialog] Title=Invalid Past Date Paragraph1=The value entered for ^A is not a valid date on or before today, ^191. Please enter today's date or a past date in the format ^193 such as "^191". [Invalid Future Date Dialog] Title=Invalid Future Date Paragraph1=The value entered for ^A is not a valid date on or before today, ^191. Please enter today's date or a future date in the format ^193 such as "^191". [Invalid Date Dialog] Title=Invalid Date Paragraph1=The date entered for ^A is not a valid date. Please enter the date in the format ^193 such as "^191". [Invalid E-Mail Address Dialog] Title=Invalid E-Mail Address Paragraph1=The value entered for ^A is not a valid e-mail address. Please enter an address in the format "name@domain.com". [Notification 1 Dialog] Title= Paragraph1= [Internet Access Dialog] Paragraph1=Please, enter the internet http address to send the registration. EditBoxLabel= Command1Label=&Send Command2Label=&Previous Command3Label=&^176 Later [Internet Not Responding Dialog] Background= Title=Electronic ^172 Paragraph1=The ^153 server is not responding at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience. Paragraph4=Click Retry to try again now. Or click ^177 to ^175 at a later time (all of the information you entered will be saved until then). Command1Label=&Retry Command2Label=^176 [Region 1] RegisterPrintFaxFile=RegFax.txt RegisterPrintMailFile=RegMail.txt RegisterPrintRecordFile=RegRcrd.txt MailingName=^153 MailingAddress1= MailingAddress2=P.O. Box 174260 MailingAddress3=Denver, CO 80217-4260 MailingCountry=United States VoiceNumber=(voice number) FaxNumber=+415-561-3956 InternetAddress=http://www.hdreg.com/local-bin/Receiver.cgi OptionalState=Yes OptionalZip=Yes Country1=Antigua Country2=Australia Country3=Barbados Country4=Belgium Country5=Bermuda Country6=Brazil Country7=British Virgin Islands Country8=Canada Country9=Chile Country10=Colombia Country11=Costa Rica Country12=Cyprus Country13=Denmark Country14=Dominican Republic Country15=Finland Country16=France Country17=Germany Country18=Greece Country19=Guam Country20=Hong Kong Country21=Hungary Country22=Indonesia Country23=Ireland Country24=Israel Country25=Italy Country26=Japan Country27=Korea Country28=Luxembourg Country29=Mexico Country30=Netherlands Country31=Netherlands Antilles Country32=New Zealand Country33=Norway Country34=Philippines Country35=Portugal Country36=Saipan Country37=Singapore Country38=South Africa Country39=Spain Country40=Sweden Country41=Switzerland Country42=Taiwan Country43=Thailand Country44=Turkey Country45=United Kingdom Country46=United States Country47=Venezuela [Canada] OptionalState=No OptionalZip=No Location1=All Locations|1-800-211-7754:Default FaxNumber=650-638-7811 [United States] OptionalState=No OptionalZip=No Location1=All Locations|1-800-211-7754:Default FaxNumber=650-638-7811 # Generated from source version 2.02.03 [Data Store Tags] 1=ClientUse1 2=ClientUse2 3=ClientUse3 4=ClientUse4 5=ClientUse5 6=ClientUse6 7=ClientUse7 8=ClientUse8 9=ClientUse9 10=Salutation 11=FirstName 12=MiddleInitial 13=LastName 14=Title 15=Company 16=Department 17=Address1 18=Address2 19=City 20=State 21=Zip 22=Country 23=Phone 24=Extension 25=Fax 26=EMailAddress 27=EMailService 28=NotifyViaEMail 29=SerialNumber 30=WherePurchased 31=WhenPurchased 32=DateOfBirth 33=Gender 34=Language 35=ApartmentNumber 36=UseProxy 37=TransportMethod 38=DialSuffix 39=ProxyHostName 40=ProxyHostPort 41=ProxyUserName 42=ProxyUserPassword 43=PreferredNotifyMethod 44=AddressType 45=ProvideNameToOthers 46=BypassKey 47=HaveDVDROM 48=BrowserDevice 49=EMailDevice 50=WhereUsed 51=SoftwareRating 52=DocumentationRating 53=GeneralComments 60=Suggestions 80=HaveModem 81=ModemSpeed 82=HaveCDROM 83=CDROMSpeed 84=HaveJoystick 85=HaveGamepad 90=SendSystemInfo 91=SendInstalledSoftware 92=LocationCountry 93=Location 94=DialPrefix 95=WaitForDialTone 96=EditedTransmitNumber 97=ModemDevice 100=CustomerNumber 101=TimesRun 102=TimesSkipped 103=TimesCompleted 104=TimesBypassed 105=TimesReminderShown 106=TimesBypassShown 107=TimesRunSinceReminderShown 108=TimesSkippedSinceBypassShown 109=DateFirstRun 110=DateLastReminderShown 111=DateLastBypassShown 112=DateLastCompleted 113=DateLastBypassed 114=CompletedKey 300=DateOfBirthCustom 301=MaritalStatus 302=Children 303=Child1Gender 304=Child1Age 305=Child2Gender 306=Child2Age 307=Child3Gender 308=Child3Age 309=Child4Gender 310=Child4Age 311=YourOccupation 312=SpousesOccupation 313=YourClassification 314=SpousesClassification 315=FamilyIncome 316=LevelOfEducation 317=CreditCardsUsed 318=PrimaryResidence 319=DoInNext6Months 320=DoInNext12Months 321=Interests 322=Interest1 323=Interest2 324=Interest3 325=HouseholdDescription 326=ReceiveMailings 327=EMailOffers 328=PolkReserved29 329=PolkReserved30 330=PolkReserved31 331=PolkReserved32 332=PolkReserved33 333=PolkReserved34 334=PolkReserved35 335=PolkReserved36 336=PolkReserved37 337=PolkReserved38 338=PolkReserved39 339=PolkReserved40 340=StoreLocation 341=Salesperson 342=WhyPurchased 343=OtherWhyPurchased 344=PrimaryUse 345=BundledSoftware 346=NumberComputers 347=InternetProvider 348=OtherInternetProvider 349=InternetRating 350=InternetHours 351=InternetLike 352=OtherInternetLike 353=InternetDislike 354=OtherInternetDislike 355=OtherYourOccupation 356=OtherSpousesOccupation 500=AffinityPartner1 [Transmit Tags] 1=CLNT1 2=CLNT2 3=CLNT3 4=CLNT4 5=CLNT5 6=CLNT6 7=CLNT7 8=CLNT8 9=CLNT9 10=S 11=F 12=MI 13=L 14=TL 15=CO 16=D 17=A1 18=A2 19=C 20=SP 21=Z 22=CY 23=PH 24=EX 25=FN 26=E 27=ES 28=NVE 29=SN 30=WRP 31=WNP 32=DB 33=G 34=LNG 35=AN 36=UP 37=TM 38=DS 43=PNM 44=AT 45=PNO 47=DVDR 50=WU 51=SR 52=DR 53=GC 60=SG 80=MD 81=MS 82=CDR 83=CDS 84=JS 85=GP 90=SS 91=SI 92=LC 93=LO 100=CU 101=TR 102=TS 103=TC 104=TB 105=TRS 106=TBS 109=DFR 110=DLRS 111=DLPS 112=DLC 113=DLB 127=PFN 128=PLN 129=PB 130=PD 150=CC 151=TRT 152=EC 153=CN 154=PN 155=PCD 156=SKU 157=PP 158=PV 159=PMD 160=PFC 178=EV 183=ECT 203=PL 204=PLC 205=M 206=MC 207=P 208=PC 209=PS 210=FP 211=FPC 212=PM 213=TD 214=FD 215=TF 216=FF 217=AM 218=BV 219=BS 220=BN 221=OV 222=DV 223=SL 224=SF 225=NW 226=K 227=KC 228=MM 229=V 230=MN 231=VS 232=VM 233=CD 234=CM 235=PT 236=PR 237=CRD 238=CDD 239=TP 240=SC 241=PDV 242=TBL 243=DVD 244=USB 250=ON 289=CSI1 290=CSI2 291=CSI3 292=CSI4 293=CSI5 294=CSI6 295=CSI7 296=CSI8 297=CSI9 298=CSI10 299=IS 300=C1 301=C2 302=C3 303=C4 304=C5 305=C6 306=C7 307=C8 308=C9 309=C10 310=C11 311=C12 312=C13 313=C14 314=C15 315=C16 316=C17 317=C18 318=C19 319=C20 320=C21 321=C22 322=C23 323=C24 324=C25 325=C26 326=C27 327=C28 328=C29 329=C30 330=C31 331=C32 332=C33 333=C34 334=C35 335=C36 336=C37 337=C38 338=C39 339=C40 340=C28 341=C29 342=C30 343=C31 344=C32 345=C33 346=C34 347=C35 348=C36 349=C37 350=C38 351=C39 352=C40 353=C41 354=C42 355=C43 356=C44 357=C58 358=C59 359=C60 360=C61 361=C62 362=C63 363=C64 364=C65 365=C66 366=C67 367=C68 368=C69 369=C70 370=C71 371=C72 372=C73 373=C74 374=C75 375=C76 376=C77 377=C78 378=C79 379=C80 500=AP1 501=AP2 502=AP3 503=AP4 504=AP5 505=AP6 506=AP7 507=AP8 508=AP9 509=AP10 [Public] 1=Yes 2=Yes 3=Yes 4=Yes 5=Yes 6=Yes 7=Yes 8=Yes 9=Yes 10=Yes 11=Yes 12=Yes 13=Yes 14=Yes 15=Yes 16=Yes 17=Yes 18=Yes 19=Yes 20=Yes 21=Yes 22=Yes 23=Yes 24=Yes 25=Yes 26=Yes 27=Yes 28=Yes 32=Yes 33=Yes 34=Yes 35=Yes 36=Yes 37=Yes 38=Yes 39=Yes 40=Yes 41=Yes 42=Yes 43=Yes 44=Yes 45=Yes 47=Yes 48=Yes 49=Yes 80=Yes 81=Yes 82=Yes 83=Yes 84=Yes 85=Yes 90=Yes 91=Yes 92=Yes 93=Yes 94=Yes 95=Yes 96=Yes 97=Yes 100=Yes 300=Yes 301=Yes 302=Yes 303=Yes 304=Yes 305=Yes 306=Yes 307=Yes 308=Yes 309=Yes 310=Yes 311=Yes 312=Yes 313=Yes 314=Yes 315=Yes 316=Yes 317=Yes 318=Yes 319=Yes 320=Yes 321=Yes 322=Yes 323=Yes 324=Yes 325=Yes 326=Yes 346=Yes 347=Yes 348=Yes 349=Yes 350=Yes 351=Yes 352=Yes 353=Yes 354=Yes 355=Yes 356=Yes [Ask] 10=Yes 11=Yes 12=Yes 13=Yes 15=Yes 17=Yes 19=Yes 20=Yes 21=Yes 22=Yes 23=Yes 26=Yes 28=Yes 29=Yes 30=Yes 31=Yes 36=Yes 37=Yes 39=Yes 40=Yes 41=Yes 42=Yes 46=Yes 47=Yes 48=Yes 49=Yes 50=Yes 51=Yes 52=Yes 53=Yes 60=Yes 80=Yes 81=Yes 84=Yes 85=Yes 90=Yes 92=Yes 94=Yes 95=Yes 96=Yes 97=Yes 300=Yes 301=Yes 302=Yes 303=Yes 304=Yes 305=Yes 306=Yes 307=Yes 308=Yes 309=Yes 310=Yes 311=Yes 312=Yes 313=Yes 314=Yes 315=Yes 316=Yes 317=Yes 318=Yes 319=Yes 320=Yes 321=Yes 322=Yes 323=Yes 324=Yes 325=Yes 326=Yes 340=Yes 341=Yes 342=Yes 343=Yes 344=Yes 345=Yes 346=Yes 347=Yes 348=Yes 349=Yes 350=Yes 351=Yes 352=Yes 353=Yes 354=Yes 355=Yes 356=Yes 500=Yes [Questions] 11=First Name: 12=Initial: 13=Last Name: 14=Title: 15=Company/School: 16=Department: 17=Street: 18=Address 2: 19=City: 20=State/Province: 21=Zip/Postal Code: 22=Country: 23=Telephone Number: 24=Ext: 25=Fax: 26=E-Mail Address: 27=E-Mail Service: 29=Serial Number: 30=Purchased From: 31=Date Purchased: 32=Date of Birth: 33=Gender: 35=Apt. No: 38=Dialing suffix: 39=Host: 40=Port: 41=User: 42=Password: 43=How do you want to receive new product notifications: 44=Where is this address: 46=Customer Number: 48=Select the Internet browser you want to use: 49=Select the e-mail application you want to use: 50=Where do you primarily use ^126? 51=How would you rate the ^126 software? 52=How would you rate the ^126 documentation? 53=Please provide any other comments about ^126 in the space below. 81=Speed: 83=Speed: 94=Outside line access: 96=Transmission number: 97=Select the modem you want to use: 300=Your date of birth: 301=Marital status: 302=Not including yourself, what is the GENDER and AGE (in years) of children and other adults living in your household? 304=Age: 306=Age: 308=Age: 310=Age: 311=Your occupation: (check all that apply) 312=Spouse's occupation: (check all that apply) 313=Are you: (check all that apply) 314=Is your spouse: (check all that apply) 315=Which group describes your annual family income? 316=Level of education: (select highest level completed) 317=Which credit cards do you use regularly? 318=For your primary residence, do you: 319=Which of the following do you plan to do within the next 6 months? 320=Which of the following do you plan to do within the next 7 to 12 months? 321=To help us understand our customers' lifestyles, please indicate the interests and activities in which you or your spouse enjoy participating on a regular basis. 322=Using the numbers in the above list, please indicate your 3 most important activities: 325=Please check all that apply to your household. 340=Store Location: 341=Salesperson: 342=Why did you choose to buy this ^125 product? (check all that apply) 344=What are you using this product for? (check all that apply) 345=Which software bundled with this product, if any, influenced your purchase? 346=How many personal computers are in use where this product will be used? 347=Which Internet Service Provider do you currently use? 349=How would you rate your current Internet Service Provider? 350=Approximately how many hours per week are you connected to your internet service? 351=What do you LIKE most about your current Internet Service Provider? (check all that apply) 353=What do you DISLIKE most about your current Internet Service Provider? (check all that apply) [Answers] 10=Mr|Ms|Mrs 26=America Online|AT&T Worldnet|CompuServe|Genie|Microsoft Network|Mindspring|Prodigy 27=America Online|AT&T Worldnet|CompuServe|Genie|Internet|Mindscape|Microsoft Network|Prodigy|Other 28=Please notify me by e-mail of product updates. 33=Male|Female 34=Click this option for English|Presione aqui para Espanol 36=Connect using a proxy 43=E-mail|Postal mail|Fax|Do not notify me 44=Work|Home 45=Do not provide my name to other companies. 47=DVD-ROM 50=Home|Work|School 51=Excellent|Good|Average|Poor 52=Excellent|Good|Average|Poor 80=Modem 81=Under 28.8K|28.8K or 33.6K|56K|over 56K (e.g., ISDN or Cable) 82=CD-ROM 83=Single|Double|Triple|Quad|Faster 84=Joystick 85=Gamepad 90=Do not send my hardware and system software information. 91=Do not send information about other ^125 software installed on this machine. 95=Wait for dial tone when dialing the modem. 301=Married|Single 302=No one else in household|Child under 1 year 303=Male|Female 305=Male|Female 307=Male|Female 309=Male|Female 311=Professional/Technical|Upper Management/Executive|Middle Management|Sales/Marketing|Clerical/Service Worker|Tradesman/Machine Operator/Laborer|Other 312=Professional/Technical|Upper Management/Executive|Middle Management|Sales/Marketing|Clerical/Service Worker|Tradesman/Machine Operator/Laborer|Other 313=A Homemaker?|Retired?|A Student?|Self Employed/Business Owner?|Working from a Home Office?|In the Military?|A Federal Employee? 314=A Homemaker?|Retired?|A Student?|Self Employed/Business Owner?|Working from a Home Office?|In the Military?|A Federal Employee? 315=Under $15,000|$15,000-$19,999|$20,000-$24,999 |$25,000-$29,999|$30,000-$34,999|$35,000-$39,999|$40,000-$44,999|$45,000-$49,999|$50,000-$59,999|$60,000-$74,999|$75,000-$99,999|$100,000-$124,999|$125,000-$149,999|$150,000 & over 316=Completed High School|Completed College|Completed Graduate School 317=American Express, Diner's Club|Master Card, Visa, Discover|Department Store, Oil Company, etc.|Do not use credit cards 318=Own|Rent 319=Get Married|Have a Baby|Buy a House|Remodel a Home|Move to a New Residence|Buy a Personal Computer|Buy/Lease a New Vehicle|Buy/Lease a Used Vehicle 320=Get Married|Have a Baby|Buy a House|Remodel a Home|Move to a New Residence|Buy a Personal Computer|Buy/Lease a New Vehicle|Buy/Lease a Used Vehicle 321=01 Bicycling|02 Golf|03 Physical Fitness/Exercise|04 Running/Jogging|05 Snow Skiing|06 Tennis|07 Camping/Hiking|08 Fishing|09 Hunting/Shooting|10 Power Boating|11 Horseback Riding|12 Sailing|13 House Plants|14 Grandchildren|15 Needlework/Knitting|16 Flower Gardening|17 Vegetable Gardening|18 Sewing|19 Crafts|20 Buy Pre-Recorded Videos|21 Automotive Work|22 Electronics|23 Home Workshop/Do-It-Yourself|24 Recreational Vehicles|25 Listen to Records/Tapes/CDs|26 Avid Book Reading|27 Bible/Devotional Reading|28 Health/Natural Foods|29 Photography|30 Home Decorating/Furnishing|31 Attending Cultural/Arts Events|32 Fashion Clothing|33 Fine Art/Antiques|34 Foreign Travel|35 Cruise Ship Vacations|36 Travel in USA|37 Gourmet Cooking/Fine Foods|38 Wines|39 Coin/Stamp Collecting|40 Collectibles/Collections|41 Our Nation's Heritage|42 Real Estate Investments|43 Stock/Bond Investments|44 Mutual Funds|45 Entering Sweepstakes|46 Casino Gambling|47 Science Fiction|48 Wildlife/Environmental Issues|49 Dieting/Weight Control|50 Science/New Technology|51 Self-Improvement|52 Walking for Health|53 Watching Sports on TV|54 Community/Civic Activities|55 Home Video Games|56 Motorcycles|57 Watch Cable TV|58 Home Video Recording|59 Moneymaking Opportunities|60 Current Affairs/Politics 325=Shop by Catalog/Mail|Member of Frequent Flyer Program|Donate to Charitable Causes|Wear Women's Large/Tall Sizes|Wear Men's Large/Tall Sizes|Own a Compact Disc Player|Own a Camcorder|Have a Dog|Have a Cat|Own a Cellular Phone|Subscribe to an Online/Internet Service|Own a Windows Compatible Computer|Own an Apple/Macintosh Computer|Own a CD-ROM|Speak Spanish at Home 326=Please check here if, for some reason, you would prefer not to participate in this opportunity 327=Check here if you DO NOT want to receive mailings and special offers using your e-mail address 342=^125 reputation|Previous experience with ^125 products|Advertisement|Price|Specific product features|Software included|Style/appearance|Saleperson's recommendation|Someone else's recommendation|Magazine/newspaper review|Warranty coverage|Other 344=Personal Use|Home Office|Business 347=None|AOL|AT&T Worldnet|Compuserve|EarthLink|GTE|MCI|MindSpring|MSN|Netcom|Prodigy|Other 349=Poor|Fair|Good|Excellent 350=None|under 5|5 to 15|15 to 40|over 40 351=Reliability|High Speed Connections|Few Busy Signals|My E-mail Name|Space for My Own Web Pages|Technical Support|Price|Local Phone Call|Useful Starting Page Content|Chat Rooms|Other 353=Busy Signals|Not a Local Phone Call|Slow Login Procedure|Connects at Low Speeds|Unreliable Connections|Poor Technical Support|Price Too High|Not Enough E-mail Accounts Provided|My E-mail Name is Confusing|Not Enough Space for My Web Pages|Allows Access to Adult Content|Other 500=Yes, please send me the #1 computing resource for parents and kids to try free! If I like it, I'll get 11 more issues for just $12.95 - a 64% savings off what others pay on the newsstand.|Yes, please send me the #1 computer game magazine to try free! If I like it, I'll get 11 more issues for just $19.97 - a 58% savings off what others pay on the newsstand.|Yes, please send me the #1 guide to the best of the web to try free! If I like it, I'll get 11 more issues for just $19.99 - a 44% savings off what others pay on the newsstand.|Yes, please send me the #1 magazine for business computing experts to try free! If I like it, I'll get 11 more issues for just $14.99 - a 75% savings off what others pay on the newsstand.|No, please don't send me any magazines. [Responses] 26=aol.com|worldnet.att.net|cis.com|genie.com|msn.com|mindspring.com|prodigy.com 28=Yes|No 34=1|2 36=Yes|No 45=Yes|No 47=DVD-ROM| 80=Modem| 81=Lower than 28.8|28.8 or 33.6|56|Higher than 56 82=CD-ROM| 84=Joystick| 85=Gamepad| 90=Send system info|Do not send system info 91=Send software info|Do not send software info 95=Yes|No 301=1|2 302=1|2 303=1|2 305=1|2 307=1|2 309=1|2 311=1|2|3|4|5|6|7 312=1|2|3|4|5|6|7 313=1|2|3|4|5|6|7 314=1|2|3|4|5|6|7 315=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14 316=1|2|3 317=1|2|3|4 318=1|2 319=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 320=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 321=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|56|57|58|59|60 325=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15 326=Yes|No 327=Yes|No 342=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12 344=1|2|3 347=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12 349=1|2|3|4 350=1|2|3|4|5 351=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11 353=01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12 500=FamilyPC|Computer Gaming World|Yahoo Internet Life|PCComputing|None [Negatives] 45=Yes 90=Yes 91=Yes 326=Yes 327=Yes [Defaults] 1=^156 22=United States 28=Yes #34=1 40=80 #43=E-mail #45=Yes 90=Send system info #91=Do not send software info 95=Yes 326=Yes #327=Yes [Required] 11=Yes 13=Yes 17=Yes 19=Yes 20=Yes 21=Yes 48=Yes 49=Yes 60=Yes 92=Yes 93=Yes 96=Yes 97=Yes [Display Names] 10=your salutation 11=your first name 12=your middle initial 13=your last name 14=your title 15=your company or school name 16=your department 17=your street address 19=your city 20=your state or province 21=your zip code or postal code 23=your telephone number 24=your extension 25=your fax telephone number 26=your e-mail address 27=your e-mail service 29=your product serial number 30=the place you purchased ^126 31=the date you purchased ^126 32=your date of birth 33=your gender 35=your apartment number 38=the account number 39=the proxy server host name 40=the proxy server HTTP port number 41=the proxy server user name 42=the proxy server user password 43=the method by which you want to be notified of new product releases 44=your address location 46=your customer number 48=the Internet browser you want to use 49=the e-mail application you want to use 50=where you use ^126 51=your rating of the ^126 software 52=your rating of the ^126 documentation 53=your comments 60=your suggestions 81=your modem's speed 83=your CD-ROM's speed 94=the number(s) you dial to access an outside line 96=the telephone number to dial 97=the modem you want to use 300=your date of birth 311=your occupation 313=your spouse's occupation 342=why you chose this ^125 product 347=your Internet service provider 351=what you like about your current Internet service provider 353=what you dislike about your current Internet service provider [Maximum Lengths] Default=50 12=1 17=30 18=30 19=30 20=20 21=15 23=20 24=10 25=20 27=20 29=24 31=10 32=10 35=10 38=30 53=1024 60=1024 94=10 96=20 304=3 306=3 308=3 310=3 322=2 323=2 324=2 346=6 [Valid Characters] Default=" &-),-9A-Za-z| &-),-9A-Za-z" 11=" '.A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| '.A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 12=" '.A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| '.A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 13=" '.A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| '.A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 14=" ./A-Za-z-| ./A-Za-z-" 15=" !#-,.-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| !#-,.-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 16=" !#-,.-z-| !#-,.-z-" 17=" #&-',-9A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ý| #&',.-9A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 18=" #&-',-9A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ý| #&',.-9A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 19=" '.A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| '.A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 20=" '.A-Za-z-| '.A-Za-z-" 21=" 0-9A-Za-z-| 0-9A-Za-z-" 23=" .0-9-| .0-9-" 24="0-9-|0-9-" 25=" .0-9-| .0-9-" 26=" -þ| -þ" 27=" A-Za-z-| A-Za-z-" 29=" 0-9A-Za-z-| 0-9A-Za-z-" 30=" !#-,.-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ýÿ-| !#-,.-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 31=".-9-|.-9-" 32=".-9-|.-9-" 35=" #&-',-9A-Za-zŠŸ¡À-ÅÇ-ÏÑ-ÖÙ-Ýà-åè-öù-ý| #&',.-9A-Za-z€-ŸË-ÍØÙå-ïñ-ô-" 38=" #*0-9,-| #*0-9,-" 94=" #*0-9,-| #*0-9,-" 96=" .0-9-| .0-9-" 300=".-9-|.-9-" 304="0-9|0-9" 306="0-9|0-9" 308="0-9|0-9" 310="0-9|0-9" 322="0-9|0-9" 323="0-9|0-9" 324="0-9|0-9" 346=",.0-9|,.0-9" [Upper Case] 20=Yes 21=Yes 29=Yes [Title Case] 11=Yes 12=Yes 13=Yes 14=Yes 15=Yes 16=Yes 17=Yes 18=Yes 19=Yes 30=Yes 340=Yes 341=Yes 347=Yes [Formats] 31=\Date 32=\Date 300=\Date [United States Formats] 20=?? 23=###[-./]###[-./]#### 25=###[-./]###[-./]#### [Canada Formats] 20=??|??? 23=###[-./]###[-./]#### 25=###[-./]###[-./]#### [Invalid Messages] 21=Invalid zip code. 29=The serial number entered is not a valid serial number. Please try again. 31=The date entered is not valid. Please try again. 300=The date entered is not valid. Please try again. [United States Invalid Messages] 20=The state entered is not valid. Please enter your two character state code. 23=The telephone number entered is not a valid United States telephone number. Please enter a telephone number such as "202-555-1212". 25=The fax number entered is not a valid United States telephone number. Please enter a fax number such as "202-555-1212". [Canada Invalid Messages] 20=The province entered is not valid. Please enter your two or three character province code. 23=The telephone number entered is not a valid Canadian telephone number. Please enter a telephone number such as "202-555-1212". 25=The fax number entered is not a valid Canadian telephone number. Please enter a fax number such as "202-555-1212". [Software Search 1] Name= CreatorCode=XXXX RegistryKey= FileName= [Register Debugging] 11=First 13=Last [Survey Debugging] 53=Debug comments. [Suggestion Debugging] 60=Debug suggestion. [Polk 1 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Optional Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Polk 2 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Optional Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Polk 3 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Optional Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Polk 4 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Optional Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Polk 5 Dialog] Show=Yes Background= DialogFontSize=|9 Title=Electronic ^172 Optional Questions Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 [Zoom 1 Dialog] Show=Yes Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 Title=Electronic ^172 [Zoom 2 Dialog] Show=Yes Command1Label=&Next Command2Label=&Previous ##Command3Label=^176 Title=Electronic ^172Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.