btwdndis.inf Driver File Contents (

; Windows Installation File for the Bluetooth
; NDIS 5 LAN Access Server Virtual Driver
; Copyright (c) 2000-2003 WIDCOMM, Inc.
Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

CopyFiles.x86 = 12

1 = %V_WIDCOMM%,,,

btwdndis.sys = 1


; WIDCOMM LAN Access Device on WinXP or later
%BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc%=BTWDNDISXP, {95C7A0A0-3094-11D7-A202-00508B9D7D5A}\BTWDNDIS

; WIDCOMM LAN Access Device on Win2k
%BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc%=BTWDNDIS, {95C7A0A0-3094-11D7-A202-00508B9D7D5A}\BTWDNDIS

; Windows 2000 specific entries
Characteristics = 0x81; NCF_VIRTUAL, NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg          = BTWDNDIS.reg
CopyFiles = CopyFiles.x86

AddService = BTWDNDIS, 2, BTWDNDIS.Service, common.EventLog
AddService = BT2KNDFL,  , BT2KNDFL.Service


; Standard parameters
HKR, Ndi,            Service,               0, "BTWDNDIS"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange,            0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange,            0, "ethernet"

; The removal filter
HKR, ,               UpperFilters, 0x00010000, "BT2KNDFL"

DisplayName    = %BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc%
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\bt2kndfl.sys

; Windows XP or later specific entries
Characteristics = 0x81; NCF_VIRTUAL, NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg          = BTWDNDIS.reg
CopyFiles = CopyFiles.x86

AddService = BTWDNDIS, 2, BTWDNDIS.Service, common.EventLog

DisplayName     = %BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\btwdndis.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS
AddReg          = TextModeFlags.reg

AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg

HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001


; Localizable Strings
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN Access Server"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver - Filter"

[Strings.0404] ; Chinese Traditional
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="ÂÅªÞ LAN ¦s¨ú¦øªA¾¹ÅX°Êµ{¦¡"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="ÂÅªÞ LAN ¦s¨ú¦øªA¾¹"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="ÂÅªÞ LAN ¦s¨ú¦øªA¾¹ÅX°Êµ{¦¡ - Filter"

[Strings.0406] ; Danish
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Driver til Bluetooth LAN-access-server"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN-access-server"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Driver til Bluetooth LAN-access-server - Filter"

[Strings.0407] ; German
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Treiber für Bluetooth-LAN-Zugangsserver"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Treiber für Bluetooth-LAN-Zugangsserver - Filter"

; Localizable Strings
[Strings.040a] ; Spanish
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Controlador de servidor de acceso a LAN Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Servidor de acceso a LAN Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Controlador de servidor de acceso a LAN Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.040b] ; Finnish
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth-lähiverkkopalvelinohjain - Filter"

[Strings.040c] ; French
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Pilote de serveur d'accès au réseau local Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Serveur d'accès au réseau local Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Pilote de serveur d'accès au réseau local Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.0410] ; Italian
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Driver del server di accesso alla rete LAN Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Server di accesso alla rete LAN Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Driver del server di accesso alla rete LAN Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.0411] ; Japanese
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth LAN ƒAƒNƒZƒX ƒT[ƒo[ ƒhƒ‰ƒCƒo"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN ƒAƒNƒZƒX ƒT[ƒo["
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth LAN ƒAƒNƒZƒX ƒT[ƒo[ ƒhƒ‰ƒCƒo - Filter"

[Strings.0412] ; Korean
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth LAN ¾×¼¼½º ¼­¹ö µå¶óÀ̹ö"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN ¾×¼¼½º ¼­¹ö"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth LAN ¾×¼¼½º ¼­¹ö µå¶óÀ̹ö - Filter"

[Strings.0413] ; Dutch
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth stuurprogramma LAN Access Server "
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN Access Server"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth stuurprogramma LAN Access Server - Filter"

[Strings.0416] ; Brazilian Portuguese
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Driver do servidor de acesso à rede local Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Driver de acesso à rede local Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Driver do servidor de acesso à rede local Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.041d] ; Swedish
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth-serverdrivrutin för nätverksåtkomst"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth-server för nätverksåtkomst"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth-serverdrivrutin för nätverksåtkomst - Filter"

[Strings.0415] ; Polish
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Sterownik serwera dostêpu do sieci LAN Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Serwer dostêpu do sieci LAN Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Sterownik serwera dostêpu do sieci LAN Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.0419] ; Russian
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Äðàéâåð ñåðâåðà äîñòóïà ê ëîêàëüíîé ñåòè Bluetooth"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Ñåðâåð äîñòóïà ê ëîêàëüíîé ñåòè Bluetooth"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Äðàéâåð ñåðâåðà äîñòóïà ê ëîêàëüíîé ñåòè Bluetooth - Filter"

[Strings.0414] ; Norwegian
BTWDNDIS.DeviceDesc="Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver"
BTWDNDIS.Service.DispName="Bluetooth LAN Access Server"
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver - Filter"

[Strings.0804] ; ChineseSimplified
BT2KNDFL.SvcDesc="À¶ÑÀ¾ÖÓòÍø½ÓÈë·þÎñÆ÷Çý¶¯³ÌÐò - Filter"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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