Chapter2_1.txt Driver File Contents (

Chapter 2 Detailed Explanation of the Commands2.2 Detailed Explanation of the 

2.2.1 Explanation
The following sections describe the format and functions of individual commands
The following is an example of how the descriptions are organized.

( ) Sets and queries the display format.                       ___________(1)
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FORMat A$           ___________(2)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FORMat?
                   (response)    A$
     Explanation   Sets the display format.                    ___________(3)
                   Returns the current display format as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FORMat SINGle                    ___________(4)
                   Sets the display format to SINGLE.
     When allowed                                              ___________(5)

(1) Command function

(2) Command syntax

  command gives the syntax of a command program message,
  query the syntax of query program message, and
  response the format of the response message.
  The parameters,referred to as data, are shown as follows:
  A,B,C,... Numerical data (e.g. 1.5, 10E-3)
  A$,B$,... Character data (e.g. A,B1,GND,OFF)
  "A","A$",.. Character string data (e.f. "1.5","mA")
  (Single quotation marks(') can be used instead of double quotation

  The format of numericaldata follows the formats <NR1>,<NR2>,and<NR3>.
  A<NR1> Numerical parameter in NR1 format
  A<NR2> Numerical parameter in NR2 format
  A<NR3> Numerical parameter in NR3 format

  NOTE: If no format is mentioned,<NR1>format is accepted.
  NR1 format integer data
  NR2 format fixed point numbers
  NR3 format floating point numbers
  The term "NRf format" includes all these three formats.
  When the unit is receiving a command or query program message, it
  accepts format,but when it is sending it utilizes whichever one of
  the formats <NR1> to <NR3> is indicated in the particular command.
  Response messages may or may not have headers prefixed.

(3) Explanation of the command function.

(4) Example of command use.

(5) This lists the functions in which the command may be used.

Execution of commands

  *Commands are input into the input buffer and are executed in order.
  *However the :ABORT command is executed immediately, even if commands
  are waiting in the input buffer - more precisely, at the instant its
  terminator is received. 
  *Commands other than those which can be handled by the unit in its
  current state are not executed but generate execution errors. 
  This happens, for example, when in memory recorder function it is 
  attempted to execute a recorder mode setting.
  *Further, The commands other than the following cannot be executed
  during measurement operation.
  *The query command is executed during measurement , other than those
  which can be handled by the unit in its current state. 

2.2.2 Standard Commands

-1. System data commands

(1) *IDN?  ---  Queries device ID.
     Syntax        (query)       *IDN?
                   (response)    HIOKI, 8855, 0, V1. 00
                                 ^^^^^  ^^^^  ^  ^^^^^^
                                   1.     2.  3.   4.
     Note          1. First field Manufacturer's name
                   2. Second field Model name
                   3. Third field Serial number (not used: 0)
                   4. Fourth field Software version

(2) *OPT?  ---  Queries device option provision.
     Syntax        (query)       *OPT?
                   (response)    ch1 to ch8<NR1>
                                 ch1 to ch8:analog channel present.
                                    0=not present,other =exist
                                    (1:8950 unit
                                     2:8952 unit
                                     3:8955 unit
                                     4:8954 unit
                                     5:8951 unit
                                     6:8953 unit)
     Explanation   Whether or not input channel present is returned as an NR1
                   numerical value.

-2.Internal operation commands

(1) *RST  --- Device initial setting.
     Syntax        (command)     *RST
     Explanation   Initializes the unit (same as system reset).
     Note          It does not clear interface related items.
                   (the event registers, the enable registers, the input
                   buffer and the output queue)
                   Time is required to the end of a *RST command.
                   Please send the next command after wait for the completion
                   of an initialization and send *OPC? after *RST, in the case
                   that you  want to send the next command.

(2) *TST?   --- Queries the result of the ROM/RAM check.
     Syntax        (query)       *TST?
                   (response)    A <NR1>
                                 A = 0, 1
                                     0: normal
                                     1: failure
     Explanation   The result of the ROM/RAM check of the unit is returned
                   as an NR1 numerical value.

-3.Synchronous commands

(1) *OPC  --- After all action has been completed during execution, sets
              the LSB (bit 0) of SESR (the standard event status register).
     Syntax        (command)     *OPC
     Explanation   When the command preceding the *OPC command completes
                   execution, the LSB of SESR is set.
     Example       A$;B$;*OPC;C$
                   (After the execution of the commands A$ and B$ is
                   completed, the LSB of SESR is set.)

(2) *OPC?  --- After execution is completed, replies with ASCII [1].
     Syntax        (query)      *OPC?
                   (response)   1
     Explanation   When the command preceding the *OPC command completes
                   execution, the response of ASCII [1] is made.

(3) *WAI  --- After the execution of the command is completed, subsequently
              performs the following command.
     Syntax        (command)    *WAI
     Example       A$;B$;*WAI;C$
                   The command C$ following *WAI is not executed until the
                   execution of the commands A$ and B$ is completed.

-4.Status and event control commands

(1) *CLS  --- Clears the status byte and associated queues
              (except for the output queue).
     Syntax        (command)    *CLS
     Explanation   This instruction clears the event register associated
                   with each bit of the status byte register.
                   It also clears the status byte register.
     Note          Because it does not clear the output queue, it has no
                   effect upon bit 4 (MAV) of the status byte.

(2) *ESR?  --- Reads out and clears the contents of the standard event status
               register (SESR).
     Syntax        (query)       *ESR?
                   (response)    A <NR1>
     Explanation   The contents of SESR are returned as an NR1 numerical

(3) *STB?  --- Reads the status byte and MSS bit, without performing serial
     Syntax        (query)       *STB?
                   (response)    A <NR1>
                                 A = 0 to 255
     Explanation   This is the same as reading out the status byte with
                   serial polling.
     Note          Bit 6 is not RQS, but is MSS.

(4) :ESR0?  --- Reads event status register 0 (ESR0).
     Syntax        (query)      :ESR0?
                   (response)   A <NR1>
                                A = 0 to 255
     Explanation   The contents of ESR0 are returned as an NR1 numerical
                   value, and ESR0 is cleared.

2.2.3 Specific Commands

-1.Execution control commands

(1) Performs starting.
     Syntax        (command)   :STARt
     Explanation   Same as the START key of the unit.
                   Starts waveform sampling operation.

(2) Performs stopping.
     Syntax        (command)   :STOP
     Explanation   Same as the STOP key of the unit.
                   Terminates at the instant that waveform sampling operation
                   is completed.
     Note          :STOP command after it did the measurement for record time,
                   when record time is except for a continuation, when you
                   implement it 1 time it stops.  It does not stop at the time
                   of a continuation.:STOP command it stops when record time was
                   implemented 2nd :STOP at the time of except for a continuation
                   and also continuation, when you implement it twice.

(3) Aborts processing.
     Syntax        (command)   :ABORT
     Explanation   Same as the STOP key of the unit. Forced halt. Terminates
                   even if waveform sampling operation is not yet completed.
                   Also stops printer operation.
     Note          :ABORT command transmission after, please do so that you send
                   the next command, after you wait for more than 0.2 seconds.

(4) Performs printing.
     Syntax        (command)   :PRINt
     Explanation   Same as the PRINT key of the unit.

(5) Screen copy function.
     Syntax        (command)   :HCOPy
     Explanation   Same as the COPY key of the unit. Produces a copy of the

(6) Feeds printer paper.
     Syntax        (command)   :FEED A
                                A = 1 to 255
     Explanation   Feeds the paper by a distance from 1 to 255 in millimeters
                   determined by the numerical value.

(7) Automatic range setting.
     Syntax        (command)   :AUTO
     Explanation   Same as the AUTO key of the unit.
                   Sets the time axis range and the voltage axis range automatically,
                   and measures.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(8) Queries the unit error number.
     Syntax        (quety)      :ERRor?
                   (response)   A <NR1>
                                 A = error no.
     Explanation   The number of error or warning that has occurred on the
                   unit is returned in <NR1> as a numerical value.
                   (For errors or warnings, refer to the instruction manual
                   included with the unit.)

(9) Enables and disables headers, and queries header enablement.
     Syntax        (command)    :HEADer A$
                   (quety)      :HEADer?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets header enablement. When headers are enabled, responses
                   to queries are prefixed by headers; when headers are
                   disabled, responsesare not so prefixed.
                   Returns whether or not headers are prefixed to responses to
                   The initial toggle state for headers (when the power is
                   turned on) is OFF
     Example       Response to :HEADer?:
                     1.When headers are disabled: OFF
                     2.When headers are enabled: :HEADER ON

(10) Queries the communication errors.
     Syntax        (quety)      :CERRor?
                   (response)   A, B, C <NR1>
                                 A: parity error
                                 B: overrun error
                                 C: framing error
     Explanation   The number of times of communication errors are returned
                   in <NR1> as a numerical value.

(11) Sets and queries the function selection.
     Syntax        (command)    :FUNCtion A$
                   (quety)      :FUNCtion?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Switches to the function designated by A$.
                   Returns the name of the current function as character data.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(12) Execute One-touch save.
     Syntax        (command)   :SAVE
     Explanation   Same as the SAVE key of the unit.
                   (8855 V2.55, 9549 V5.55)

-2.CONFigure command(Sets and queries time axis range, recording length, etc.)


(1) Sets and queries the recording interval.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:SAMPle A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:SAMPle?
                   (response)   A<NR3>
                                 A=1e-6 to 1e-1
     Explanation   Sets the recording interval to a numerical value (unit seconds).
                   Returns the currently set value of the recording interval
                   as an NR3 numerical value.
                   (If an attempt is made to set the time axis range to
                   a non-permitted value, and there is a range above that
                   value, that range will be selected.)
     Example       :CONFigure:SAMPle +100.0E-3
                   Sets the recording interval to 100ms.
     When allowed  In REC.

(2) Sets and queries the time axis range
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:TDIV A(,B)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:TDIV?
                   (response)   A<NR3>(,B<NR3>)
                                 A=time axis range( for REC in R&M).
                                 B=time axis range for MEM in R&M.
     Explanation   Sets the time axis range to a numerical value (unit seconds).
                   Returns the currently set value of the time axis range
                   as an NR3 numerical value.
                   (If an attempt is made to set the time axis range to
                   a non-permitted value, and there is a range above that
                   value, that range will be selected.)
                   (Time axis range is possible only bigger setting than a recording
     Example       :CONFigure:TDIV +1.0E+0
                   Sets the time axis range to 1s.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3)Sets and queries recording length.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:SHOT A(,B)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:SHOT?
                   (response)   A<NR1>(,B<NR1>)
                                 A=recording length( for REC in R&M).
                                 B=recording length for MEM in R&M.
     Explanation   Sets the numerical value of the recording length (unit divisions).
                   Sets the recording length during memory segmentation.
                   Returns the currently set value of the recording length as an NR1 numerical value.
                   0 indicates CONT.
     Example       :CONFigure:SHOT 20
                   Sets the recording length to 20 divisions. 
     When allowed  In ALL.

(4) Sets "Samples/DIV".
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:EXTSample A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:EXTSample?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=10 to 1000
     Explanation   Sets the number of data samples per DIV(in externally controlled sampling).
                   Returns the number of data samples per DIV.
     Example       :CONFigure:EXTSample 100
                   Sets "Samples/DIV" to 100.
     When allowed  In MEM,POW(in externally controlled sampling).

(5) Sets and queries the display format.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FORMat A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FORMat?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=XYSingle,XYQuad (XY format)
     Explanation   Sets the display format.
                   Returns the current display format as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FORMat SINGle
                   Sets the display format to SINGLE.
     When allowed  Not FFT.

(6) Sets and queries the interpolation function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:DOTLine A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:DOTLine?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=DOT, LINE
     Explanation   Sets the interpolation function(DOT or LINE).
                   Returns the currently set interpolation as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:DOTLine LINE
                   Sets the interpolation function to LINE.
     When allowed  In XY format, FFT.

(7) Sets and queries the roll mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ROLL A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ROLL?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the roll mode.
                   Returns the currently set roll mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:ROLL ON
                   Sets the roll mode to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,POW.

(8) Sets and queries the waveform overlay.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:OVERlay A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:OVERlay?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the screen waveform overlay.
                   Returns the current setting of the waveform overlay as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:OVERlay ON
                   Sets the screen waveform overlay to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,POW.

(9) Sets and queries the count for averaging.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:AVERage A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:AVERage?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the count for averaging.
                   Returns the current setting of the count for averaging
                   as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CONFigure:AVERage 32
                   Sets the count for averaging to 32.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(10) Sets and queries the memory segmentation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:MEMDiv A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:MEMDiv?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the memory segmentation.
                   Returns the current setting of the memory segmentation.
     Example       :CONFigure:MEMDiv ON
                   Sets the memory segmentation to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(11) Sets and queries the number of memory blocks.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:MAXBock A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:MAXBock?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the number of memory blocks.
                   Returns the current setting of the number of memory blocks.
     Example       :CONFigure:MAXBock 16
                   Sets the number of memory blocks to 16.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(12) Sets and queries the memory block used.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:USEBock A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:USEBock?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=1 to number of segmentations.
     Explanation   During memory segmentation, sets the memory block used("use block").
                   Returns the current setting of the memory block used.
     Example       :CONFigure:USEBock 15
                   Sets the block used to 15.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(13) Sets and queries the start block.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:STTBock A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:STTBock?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=1 to number of segmentations.
     Explanation   Sets the start block.
                   Returns the current setting of the start block as an NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CONFigure:STTBock 5
                   Sets the start block to 5.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(14) Sets and queries the end block.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ENDBock A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ENDBock?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=1 to number of segmentations.
     Explanation   Sets the end block.
                   Returns the current setting of the end block as an NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CONFigure:ENDBock 50
                   Sets the end block to 50.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(15) Sets and queries the reference block function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:REFSet A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:REFSet?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the reference block function.
                   Returns the current setting of the reference block function as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:REFSet ON
                   Enables reference blocks.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(16) Sets and queries the reference mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:REFBock A,B$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:REFBock?
                   (response)   A<NR1>,B$
                                 A=1 to number of segmentations.
                                 B$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the reference mode for selected block.
                   Returns the current setting of the reference mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:REFBock 10, ON
                   Sets the reference mode to ON in block number 10.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M.

(17) Sets and queries the follow-up waveform display.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:SEQDisp A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:SEQDisp?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets whether or not the data are displayed on the screen after
                   they are saved to the blocks.
                   Returns the current setting of the follow-up waveform display
                   as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:SEQDisp ON
                   Displays the data on the screen after they are saved to the blocks.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(18) Sets and queries the auto save function
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATSAve A$(,B$)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATSAve?
                   (response)   A$,B$
                                  OFF   :Auto save is disabled. (B$ is omitted.)
                                  MO,HDD:internal SCSI device.
                                  SCSI  :external SCSI device.
                                  BIN:save binary format.(while starting)
                                  TEXT:save text format.(after stop)
     Explanation   Sets the auto save function.
                   Omit B$ only when A$ = OFF.
                   Returns the current setting of the auto save function as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATSAve PC,BIN
                   Stores on PC card automatically as binary data.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(19) Sets and queries the auto save filename.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATFIle "NAME$"
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATFIle?
                   (response)   "NAME$"
                                 NAME$=filename(8 characters)
     Explanation   Sets the auto save filename.
                   Returns the file name of the auto save function as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATFIle "WAVE"
                   Sets the auto save filename to "WAVE".
     When allowed  In ALL.

(20) Sets and queries the auto save directory.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATDIR A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATDIR?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the making directory function in auto save.
                   Returns the current setting of the making directory function.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATDIR ON
                   Makes directory in auto save runing.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(21) Sets and queries the auto save channels.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATCH A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATCH?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=DISP, ALL
                                  DISP:saves display channels
                                  ALL :saves all channels
     Explanation   Sets the method of channel selection in auto save.
                   Returns the current setting of the method of channel selection.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATCH DISP
                   Saves only displayed channels.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M.

(22) Sets and queries the auto save method.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:DELSave A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:DELSave?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=NORMal, DEL
                                  NORMal:stops storage in media full.
                                  DEL   :deletes old files in media full.
     Explanation   Sets the method of auto save.
                   Returns the current setting of the method of auto save.
     Example       :CONFigure:DELSave NORMal
                   When the media becomes full, automatic storage stops.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(23) Sets and queries the auto save area.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATARea A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATARea?
                   (response)   A$
                                  ALL:saves all area.
                                  A_B:saves between the A and B cursors
     Explanation   Sets the area of auto save.
                   Returns the current setting of the area of auto save.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATARea A_B
                   When the A and B cursors on screen, saves waveform between
                   the A and B cursors.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(24) Sets and queries the interval for the auto text save function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:THINout A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:THINout?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the interval points that is applied when data is stored
                   in text format by the auto save function.
                   Returns the current setting of the interval for the auto text
                   save function as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:THINout X1_2
                   Sets the thining data for 1/2.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(25) Sets and queries the real time print output.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:PRINt A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:PRINt?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the real time print output.
                   Returns the currently set state of the real time print output
                   as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:PRINt ON
                   Sets the real time print output to ON.
     When allowed  In REC,R&M.

(26) Sets and queries the print mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:PRKInd A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:PRKInd?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the print mode.
                   Returns the currently set state of the print mode
                   as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:PRKind WAVE
                   Sets the print mode to WAVE.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(27) Sets and queries the auto print output.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATPRint A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATPRint?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the auto print output.
                   Returns the current setting of device for auto print as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATPRint PRINter
                   Sets auto print for internal printer.
     When allowed  In MEM,FFT,POW.

(28) Sets and queries the logging output interval.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:LOGGing A(,B)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:LOGGing?
                   (response)   A<NR2>(,B<NR2>);
                                 A=0.01 to 100.0  (MEM)
                                 A= 1   to 100.0  (REC, REC of R&M)
                                 B=0.01 to 100.0  (MEM of R&M)
     Explanation   Sets the logging output interval.
                   Returns the current setting of the logging output interval for the
                   current display function as NR2 numeric value.
     Example       :CONFigure:LOGGing 100
                   Sets the logging output interval to 100 samples.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(29) Sets and queries the smooth printing function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:SMOOth A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:SMOOth?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the smooth printing function.
                   Returns the current setting of the smooth printing function as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:SMOOth ON
                   Sets the smooth printing function to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M,POW.

(30) Sets and queries the waveform decision mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:WVCOmp A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:WVCOmp?
                   (response)   A$
                                  EXEC:execute waveform decision
     Explanation   Sets the waveform decision mode.
                   Returns the current setting of the waveform decision mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:WVCOmp OUT
                   Sets the waveform decision mode to OUT.
     When allowed  In MEM, FFT,POW.

(31) Sets and queries the waveform decsion stop mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:CMPStop A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:CMPStop?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the stop mode during waveform decision.
                   Returns the current setting of the stop mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:CMPStop GO
                   Sets the stop mode during waveform decision to GO.
     When allowed  In MEM, FFT,POW.

(32) Sets and queries the additional recording function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:VIRTual A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:VIRTual?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the additional recording function.
                   Returns the current setting of the additional recording function
                   as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:VIRTual ON
                   Sets the additional recording function to ON.
     When allowed  In REC, R&M.

(33) Sets and queries the count for averaging in the FFT function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTAVERage A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTAVERage?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the count for averaging in the FFT function.
                   Returns the current setting of the count for averaging in
                   the FFT function as NR1 numerical values.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTAVERage 2048
                   Sets the count for averaging to 2048.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(34) Sets and queries the type of averaging in the FFT function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTAVKind A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTAVKind?
                   (response)   A$
                                    T_LIN :simple time axis averaging
                                    T_EXP :exponential time axis averaging
                                    F_LIN :simple frequency axis averaging
                                    F_EXP :exponential frequency axis averaging
                                    F_PEAK:frequency axis peak hold
     Explanation   Sets the averaging method designated by A$.
                   Returns the current setting of the averaging method as
                   character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTAVKind T_EXP
                   Sets time axis exponential averaging.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(35) Sets and queries the FFT channel mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFMode A,ch1$(,ch2$)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFMode?
                   (response)   A<NR1>,ch1$,ch2$
                                 ch1$=CH1 to CH8 :analysis channel W1
                                 ch2$=CH1 to CH8 :analysis channel W2
     Explanation   Sets the FFT channel mode.
                   Returns the current FFT channel mode as a numerical
                   value NR1 format,and the analysis channel as character
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTMode 2, CH3,CH5
                   The channel mode is set to the two-channel FFT mode,
                   and the object channels for FFT mode are set to be
                   channel 3 and channel 5.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(36) Sets and queries the FFT window function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTWind A$(,B)
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTWind?
                   (response)   A$,B<NR1>
                                 A$=RECTan     :rectangular window
                                    HANNing    :hanning window
                                    EXPOnential:exponential function window
                                 B =0 to 99(units %):coefficient for the
                                                     exponential function
     Explanation   Sets the window function as indicated by A$. If the
                   exponential window function is designated by A$,
                   its exponential function coefficient can be set by using B.
                   Returns the current window function as character data, and
                   the current exponential function coefficient as a numerical
                   value in NR1 format.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTWind HANN
                   The window function is set to Hanning window.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(37) Sets and queries the FFT analysis mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTFunction A$,B$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTFunction? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
                                 A$=G1, G2 :graph number
                                 B$=STR :stored waveform
                                    LIN :linear spectrum
                                    RMS :RMS spectrum
                                    PSP :power spectrum
                                    ACR :auto-correlation function
                                    HIS :histogram
                                    TRF :transfer function(*)
                                    CSP :cross power spectrum(*)
                                    CCR :cross correlation function(*)
                                    IMP :impulse response(*)
                                    COH :coherence function(*)
                                    OCT :octave analysis
                   (*)can only be used when the two-channel FFT mode is set.

     Explanation   Sets the FFT analysis mode.
                   The FFT analysis mode can be set to transfer function, coherence
                   function, cross power spectrum, cross correlation function, or
                   impulse response only in the two-channel FFT mode. In this case,
                   the corresponding function is calculated from channel 1 and channel 2.
                   The result of the calculation is displayed on the graph designated
                   by A$. G2 can be designated even if the display format is SINGLE,
                   but this does not affect the display.
                   Returns the current FFT analysis mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTMode 2, CH1, CH3
                   :CONFigure:FFTFunction G1, IMP
                   The impulse response calculated from channel 1 and channel 3 is
                   displayed on G1.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(38) Sets and queries the FFT data source.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTRef A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTRef?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=NEW :new data
                                    MEM :data stored in the memory
     Explanation   Designates the source for FFT data as specified by A$.
                   Returns the current FFT data source as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTRef NEW
                   New data is used as FFT data.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(39) Sets and queries the FFT display scaling method.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTSCale A$,B$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTSCale? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
     Explanation   Sets the display scaling method for the graph number
                   designated by A$.
                   Returns the current display scaling method for the graph
                   number designated by A$ as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTSCale G1,AUTO
                   The scaling method for graph number 1 is set to automatic.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(40) Sets and queries the FFT display scale vertical axis upper limit.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTUp A$,B
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTUp? A$
                   (response)   A$,B<NR3>
                                 B =-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the FFT display scale vertical axis upper limit for
                   the graph number designated by A$ to the value designated
                   by B.
                   Returns the current FFT display scale vertical axis upper
                   limit for the graph number designated by A$ as a numerical
                   value in NR3 format.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTUp G2,100
                   The FFT display scale vertical axis upper limit for graph 2
                   is set to 100.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(41) Sets and queries the FFT display scale vertical axis lower limit.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTLow A$,B
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTLow? A$
                   (response)   A$,B<NR3>
                                 B =-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the FFT display scale vertical axis lower limit for
                   the graph number designated by A$ to the value designated
                   by B.
                   Returns the current FFT display scale vertical axis lower
                   limit for the graph number designated by A$ as a numerical
                   value in NR3 format.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTLow G2,100
                   The FFT display scale vertical axis lower limit for graph 2
                   is set to 100.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(42) Sets and queries the FFT x-axis.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTXaxis A$,B$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTXaxis? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
                                 B$=LINhz, LOGhz:LIN,RMS,PSP,TRF,CSP,COH
                                    OCT1, OCT3  :OCT
     Explanation   Sets the x-axis of the graph number designated by A$. When
                   the analysis mode is octave analysis, OCT1 or OCT3 can be
                   set;otherwise, LINhz or LOGhz can be set. Some settings are
                   not available for some analysis modes.
                   Returns the current x-axis setting as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTXaxis G1, LINHZ
                   The setting for the x-axis of graph 1 is set to LINHZ.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(43) Sets and queries the FFT y-axis.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTYaxis A$,B$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTYaxis? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
                                 B$=LINREal:linear real axis magnitude
                                    LINIMag:linear imaginary axis magnitude
                                    LINMAg :linear magnitude
                                    LOGMAg :logarithmic magnitude
                                    PHASE  :phase
     Explanation   Sets the y-axis of the graph number designated by A$. Some
                   settings are not available for some analysis modes.
                   Returns the current y-axis setting as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTYaxis G1, LINMAg
                   The setting for the y-axis of graph 1 is set to LINMAG.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(44) Sets and queries the FFT frequency range.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FREQ A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FREQ?
                   (response)   A<NR3>
                                 A=8.0e6 to 0.133(Hz)
     Explanation   Sets the frequency range. If an attempt is made to set
                   an unacceptable value, i.e. a value which is not one of
                   the above, then the frequency range is set to the next
                   higher one of the above values.
                   Returns the currently set frequency range as a numerical
                   value in NR3 format.
     Example       :CONFigure:FREQ 80
                   The frequency range is set to 80Hz.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(45) Sets and queries octave filter type.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:OCTFilter A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:OCTFilter?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=NORMal, SHARp
     Explanation   Sets the type of octave filter.
                   Returns the currently set type of octave filter as
                   character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:OCTFilter NORMal
                   Sets the octave filter type to NORMAL.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(46) Sets and queries peak value display.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:PEAK A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:PEAK?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, PEAK, MAX
     Explanation   Sets the peak value display.
                   Returns the currently set peak value display as character
     Example       :CONFigure:PEAK PEAK
                   Sets the peak value display to PEAK.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(47) Sets and queries the number of FFT points.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:FFTSAmple A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:FFTSAmple?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the number of FFT points.
                   Returns the currently set number of FFT points as a
                   numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :CONFigure:FFTSAmple 2000
                   Sets the number of FFT points to 2000.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(48) Sets and queries the auto save function.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATFUnc A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATFUnc?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the auto save function.
                   Returns the current setting of the auto save function as
                   character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATFUnc REC
                   Saves only REC wave.
     When allowed  In R&M.

(49) Sets and queries the auto save divison.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:ATDIVision A
                   (query)      :CONFigure:ATDIVision?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the auto save division.
                   Returns the current setting of the auto save division
                   as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CONFigure:ATDIVision 32
                   Saves 32MB division.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW

(50) Sets and queries the waveform overlay mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CONFigure:OVERMode A$
                   (query)      :CONFigure:OVERMode?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=AUTO, MANUal
     Explanation   Sets the screen waveform overlay mode.
                   Returns the current setting of the waveform overlay mode as character data.
     Example       :CONFigure:OVERMode AUTO
                   Sets the screen waveform overlay mode to AUTO.
     When allowed  In MEM,POW.

-3.TRIGger command (Sets and queries trigger.)


(1) Sets and queries the trigger mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:MODE A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:MODE?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=SINGle,REPEat,AUTO  (MEM,FFT)
                                    SINGle,REPEat       (REC)
                                    SINGle,REPEat,TIMEr (R&M)
     Explanation   Sets the trigger mode.
                   Returns the current trigger mode as character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:MODE REPEat
                   Sets the trigger mode to repeat.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the pre-trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:PRETrig A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:PRETrig?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=0 to 100, -95 (%)
     Explanation   Sets pre-trigger value to a numerical value.
                   The currently set pre-trigger value is returned as an NR1
                   numerical value.
     Example       :TRIGger:PRETrig 20
                   Pre-trigger value is set to 20%.
     When allowed  In MEM, R&M, FFT,POW.

(3) Sets and queries the trigger logical operator (AND/OR).
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:SOURce A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:SOURce?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the logical operator determining whether the analog,
                   logic, external and timer triggers are ANDed or ORed.
                   Returns the current setting of the trigger logical operator
                   (AND/OR) as character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:SOURce OR
                   Sets the trigger source to OR.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(4) Sets and queries the kind of trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:KIND ch$,A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:KIND? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                    LEVEl :level trigger
                                    IN,OUT:window trigger
                                    PERIod:eriod tirgger
                                    GLITch:glitch trigger(MEM)
                                    EVENt :event trigger(MEM)
     Explanation   Sets the type of trigger for the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns as character data the type of the current trigger
                   for the channel designated by ch$.
     Example       :TRIGger:KIND CH1,LEVEl
                   Sets channel 1 to level trigger.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(5) Sets and queries trigger level of the level trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:LEVEl ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:LEVEl? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
     Explanation   Sets the trigger level of the level trigger of the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns as an NR3 numerical value the current trigger level
                   of the channel designated by ch$.
     Example       :TRIGger:LEVEl CH1,50E-3
                   Sets the trigger level of channel 1 to 50 mV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(6) Sets and queries the level trigger direction (slope).
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:SLOPe ch$,A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:SLOPe? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 A$=UP    :rising
                                    DOWN  :falling
                                    UPDOwn:rising or falling
     Explanation   Sets the trigger direction of the level trigger of
                   the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns as a character value the current level trigger
                   direction of the channel designated by ch$.
     Example       :TRIGger:SLOPe CH1,UP
                   Sets the level trigger direction of channel 1 to rising.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(7) Sets and queries the trigger filter width.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:FILTer ch$,A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:FILTer? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                    1.5,2.0,2.5,5.0,10.0(DIV) (MEM,R&M,FFT)
                                 A$=0(OFF),1(ON) (REC)
     Explanation   Sets the trigger filter width of the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current filter width as an NR2 numeric value.
     Example       :TRIGger:FILTer CH1,1.0
                   Sets the trigger filter direction of channel 1 to 1DIV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(8) Sets and queries the upper limit level for a window-in/-out trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:UPPEr ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:UPPEr? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A=upper level
     Explanation   Sets the upper limit level of the window trigger of the
                   channel designated by ch$ as a voltage axis value.
                   Returns the current upper limit level of the window
                   trigger as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :TRIGger:UPPEr CH1,+1.0E-3
                   Sets the upper limit level of the window trigger of
                   channel 1 to +1.0 mV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(9) Sets and queries the lower limit level for a window-in/-out trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:LOWEr ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:LOWEr? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A=lower level
     Explanation   Sets the lower limit level of the window trigger of the
                   channel designated by ch$ as a voltage axis value.
                   Returns the current lower limit level of the window trigger
                   as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :TRIGger:LOWEr CH1,-1.0E-3
                   Sets the lower limit level of the window trigger of
                   channel 1 to -1.0 mV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(10) Sets and queries the date for start operating termination.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:STOPDate A,B,C
                   (query)      :TRIGger:STOPDate?
                   (response)   A,B,C
                                 A=year :0 to 99(year)
                                 B=month:1 to 12(month)
                                 C=day :1 to 31(day)
     Explanation   Sets the date for start operating termination.
                   Returns the setting for the date for start operating
                   termination as a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :TRIGger:STOPDate?
                   The currently set date for start operating termination
                   is queried.
     When allowed  In REC.

(11) Sets and queries the time for start operating termination.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:STOPTime A,B,C
                   (query)      :TRIGger:STOPTime?
                   (response)   A,B,C
                                 A=hour:0 to 23(hour)
                                 B=min :0 to 59(min)
                                 C=sec :0 to 59(sec)
     Explanation   Sets the time for start operating termination.
                   Returns the setting for the time for start operating
                   termination as a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :TRIGger:STOPTime?
                   The currently set time for start operating termination
                   is queried.
     When allowed  In REC.

(12) Sets and queries the logic trigger filter width.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:LFILter ch$,A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:LFILter? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                    1.5,2.0,2.5,5.0,10.0(DIV) (MEM)
                                 A$=0(OFF),1(ON) (REC)
     Explanation   Sets the logic trigger filter width of the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current logic filter width as an NR2
                   numeric value.
     Example       :TRIGger:LFILter CH1,1.0
                   Sets the trigger filter direction of channel 1 to 1DIV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(13) Sets and queries the upper period limit for a period trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:PUPPer ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:PUPPer? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A= upper period limit (s)
     Explanation   Sets the upper period limit of the period trigger of the
                   channel designated by ch$ as a period.
                   Returns the current upper period limit of the period trigger
                   as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :TRIGger:PUPPer CH1,2.2E-2
                   Sets the upper period limit of the period trigger of channel
                   1 to 22ms.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(14) Sets and queries the lower period limit for a period trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:PLOWer ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:PLOWer? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A= lower period limit (s)
     Explanation   Sets the lower period limit of the period trigger of the
                   channel designated by ch$ as a period.
                   Returns the current lower period limit of the period trigger
                   as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :TRIGger:PLOWer CH1,2.0E-2
                   Sets the lower period limit of the period trigger of channel
                   1 to 20ms.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(15) Sets and queries the width for glitch trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:WIDTh ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:WIDTh? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR1>
                                 A=2 to 4000
     Explanation   Sets the width of glitch for the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current width as an NR2 numeric value.
     Example       :TRIGger:WIDTh CH1,10
                   Sets the width of channel 1 to 10.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M,FFT,POW.

(16) Sets and queries the logical operator (AND/OR) for the trigger pattern
     of a logic trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:LOGAnd ch$,A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:LOGAnd? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 ch$=CHA to CHD
                                 A$ =OFF,OR,AND
     Explanation   Sets the AND/OR logical operator for the trigger pattern
                   of a logic trigger.
                   Returns the present AND/OR setting for the trigger pattern
                   of a logic trigger as a character string.
     Example       :TRIGger:LOGAnd CHA,OR
                   Sets the AND/OR logical operator for the trigger pattern
                   of a logic trigger pf channel A to OR.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(17) Sets and queries the trigger pattern for a logic trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:LOGPat ch$,"a$"
                   (query)      :TRIGger:LOGPat? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,"a$"
                                 ch$=CHA to CHD
                                  trigger pattern(X,0,1)
     Explanation   Sets the trigger pattern for the logic trigger.
                   Returns the current setting for the trigger pattern for
                   the logic trigger as that specified by the given
                   character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:LOGPat CHA,"011X"
                   Sets the trigger pattern for the logic trigger of channel A
                   to "011X".
     When allowed  In ALL.

(18) Sets and queries the timer trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:TIMEr A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:TIMEr?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the timer trigger.
                   Returns the current timer trigger setting as character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:TIMEr ON
                   Sets the timer trigger.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(19) Sets and queries the start instant for the timer trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:TMSTArt A,B,C,D
                   (query)      :TRIGger:TMSTArt?
                   (response)   A,B,C,D
                                 A=month:1 to 12(month)
                                 B=day :1 to 31(day)
                                 C=hour :0 to 23(hour)
                                 D=min :0 to 59(min)
     Explanation    Sets the start instant for the timer trigger.
                   Returns the current setting for the timer trigger start
                   instant as NR1 numerical values.
     Example       :TRIGger:TMSTArt 7,22,11,22
                   Sets the start instant for the timer trigger to 11:22
                   on July 22nd.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(20) Sets and queries the stop instant for the timer trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:TMSTOp A,B,C,D
                   (query)      :TRIGger:TMSTOp?
                   (response)   A,B,C,D
                                 A=month:1 to 12(month)
                                 B=day :1 to 31(day)
                                 C=hour :0 to 23(hour)
                                 D=min :0 to 59(min)
     Explanation   Sets the stop instant for the timer trigger.
                   Returns the current setting for the timer trigger stop
                   instant as NR1 numerical values.
     Example       :TRIGger:TMSTOp 7,22,11,45
                   Sets the stop instant for the timer trigger to 11:45
                   on July 22nd.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(21) Sets and queries the time interval for the timer trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:TMINTvl A,B,C,D
                   (query)      :TRIGger:TMINTvl?
                   (response)   A,B,C,D
                                 A=day :0 to 99(day)
                                 B=hour:0 to 23(hour)
                                 C=min :0 to 59(min)
                                 D=sec :0 to 59(sec)
     Explanation   Sets the time interval for the timer trigger.
                   Returns the current setting for the timer trigger time
                   interval as NR1 numerical values.
     Example       :TRIGger:TMINTvl 1,20,30
                   Sets the time interval for the timer trigger to one hour,
                   twenty minutes, and thirty seconds.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(22) Sets and queries the time point for trigger detection.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:DETECTTime A,B,C
                   (query)      :TRIGger:DETECTTime?
                   (response)   A,B,C
                                 A=hour:0 to 23(hour)
                                 B=min :0 to 59(min)
                                 C=sec :0 to 59(sec)
     Explanation   Sets the time point for trigger detection.
                   Returns the setting for the time point for trigger
                   detection as a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :TRIGger:DETECTTime?
                   The currently set time point for trigger detection is

(23) Sets and queries the date for trigger detection.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:DETECTDate A,B,C
                   (query)      :TRIGger:DETECTDate?
                   (response)   A,B,C
                                 A=year :0 to 99(year)
                                 B=month:1 to 12(month)
                                 C=day :1 to 31(day)
     Explanation   Sets the date for trigger detection.
                   Returns the setting for the date for trigger detection
                   as a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :TRIGger:DETECTDate?
                    The currently set date for trigger detection is queried.

(24) Sets and queries the external trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:EXTErnal A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:EXTErnal?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Enables and disables external trigger.
                   Returns the current external trigger enablement state
                   as character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:EXTErnal OFF
                    Sets the external trigger to OFF.

(25) Sets and queries number of setting (COUNT) for an event trigger.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:EVENt ch$,A
                   (query)      :TRIGger:EVENt? ch$
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=1 to 4000
     Explanation   Sets the number of settings for the event trigger of the
                   channel designated of by ch$.
                   Returns the current number of counts for the event trigger
                   as an NR1 numerival value.
     Example       :TRIGger:EVENt CH1,10
                   Sets to 10 the number of counts for the event trigger of
                   channel 1.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M,FFT,POW.

(26) Sets and queries the trigger priority.
     Syntax        (command)    :TRIGger:PRIOrity A$
                   (query)      :TRIGger:PRIOrity?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the trigger priority of pre-trigger wait.
                   Returns the current trigger priority as character data.
     Example       :TRIGger:PRIOrity ON
                   Sets the trigger priority to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M,POW.

-4.UNIT command (Sets and queries input channel.)


(1) Sets and queries the measurement range of an input channel.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:COUPling ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:COUPling? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the input coupling for the channel designated
                   by ch$ to a numerical value.
                   Returns the current input coupling for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :UNIT:COUPling CH1,GND
                   Sets the input coupling for channel 1 to GND.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the anti-aliasing filter of the FFT unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:AAF ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:AAF? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the anti-aliasing filter for the channel designated
                   by ch$.
                   Returns the current setting of anti-aliasing filter for the
                   channel designated by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:AAF CH1,ON
                   Sets the anti-aliasing filter for channel 1 to ON.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the measurement range of an input channel.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:RANGe ch$,A
                   (query)      :UNIT:RANGe? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
     Explanation   Sets the measurement range for the channel designated
                   by ch$ to a numerical value.
                   Returns the current measurement range for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :UNIT:RANGe CH1,+100.E-3
                   Sets the measurement range for channel 1 to 100 mV.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(4) Sets and queries the input channel zero position.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:POSItion ch$,A
                   (query)      :UNIT:POSItion? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR1>
                                 A=zero position (%)
     Explanation   Sets the zero position for the channel designated by
                   ch$ in the range to a numerical value.
                   Returns the current zero position for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as an NR1 numerical value (unit percent).
     Example       :UNIT:POSItion CH1,50
                   Sets the zero position for channel 1 to 50%.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(5) Sets and queries the sensor kind for tc mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:SENSor ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:SENSor? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                    OFF:voltage mode
     Explanation   Sets the sensor kind for the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current sensor kind for the channel designated by
                   ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:SENSor CH1,K
                   Sets the sensor kind for channel 1 to K.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(6) Sets and queries the point of contact compensation for tc mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:RJC ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:RJC? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the point of contact compensation for the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current point of contact compensation for the
                   channel designated by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:RJC CH1,INT
                   Sets the point of contact compensation for channel 1 to int.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(7) Sets and queries the input channel filter.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FILTer ch$,A
                   (query)      :UNIT:FILTer? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A= low pass filter(Hz)
     Explanation   Sets the filter for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current filter setting for the channel designates by
                   ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :UNIT:FILTer CH1,5
                   Sets the filter for channel 1 to 5Hz.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(8) Carries out zero adjustment for the input units.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:ADJUST
     Explanation   Carries out zero adjustment for the input units.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(9) Sets and queries the probe ratio.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:PROBe ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:PROBe? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the probe ratio for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current probe ratio setting for the channel designates by
                   ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:PROBe CH1,X1
                   Sets the probe ratio for channel 1 to 1:1.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(10) Sets and queries the burn out.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:BOUT ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:BOUT? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the burn out for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current burn out setting for the channel designates by
                   ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:BOUT CH1,ON
                   Sets the burn out for channel 1 to ON.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(11) Sets and queries the response time.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:RESPonse ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:RESPonse? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the response time for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current response time setting for the channel designates by
                   ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:RESPonse CH1,FAST.
                   Sets the response time for channel 1 to FAST.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(12) Sets and queries the mode for VOLTAGE/CURRENT unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:CLAMp ch$,a$
                   (query)      :UNIT:CLAMp? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 A$=VOLT,(measuring voltage)
                                    C9277,C9278,C9279(measuring current)
     Explanation   Sets the mode for VOLTAGE/CURRENT unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the mode for VOLTAGE/CURRENT setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:CLAMp CH1,C9277
                   Selects the sensor for channel 1 to 9277.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(13) Sets and queries the mode for DC/RMS unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:RMS ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:RMS? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the mode for DC/RMS unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the mode for DC/RMS setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:RMS CH1,RMS
                   Sets the mode for DC/RMS unit for channel 1 to RMS.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(14) Sets and queries the mode for FV unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FVMOde ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:FVMOde? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the mode for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the mode for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:FVMOde CH1,FREQ
                   Sets the mode for FV unit for channel 1 to FREQ.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(15) Sets and queries the threshold level.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FVLEvel ch$,A
                   (query)      :UNIT:FVLEvel? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR2>
                                 A=-10 to 10
     Explanation   Sets the threshold level for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the threshold level for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as NR2 numerical value.
     Example       :UNIT:FVLEvel CH1,1.0
                   Sets the threshold level for channel 1 to 1.0.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(16) Sets and queries the hold for FV unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FVHOld ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:FVHOld? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the hold for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the hold for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:FVHOld CH1,OFF
                   Sets the hold for channel 1 to OFF.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(16) Sets and queries the slope for FV unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FVSLope ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:FVSLope? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the slope for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the slope for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:FVSLope CH1,UP
                   Sets the slope for channel 1 to UP.
     When allowed  In ALL(FVMOde = FREQ,RPM,POWER,COUNT).

(17) Sets and queries the pull-up for FV unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:PULLup ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:PULLup? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the pull-up for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the pull-up for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:PULLup CH1,ON
                   Sets the pull-up for channel 1 to ON.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(18) Sets and queries the level for FV unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :UNIT:FVSIde ch$,A$
                   (query)      :UNIT:FVSIde? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the level for FV unit for channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the level for FV setting for the channel designates
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :UNIT:FVSIde CH1,HIGH
                   Sets the level for channel 1 to HIGH.
     When allowed  In ALL(FVMOde = PULSE,DUTY).

-5.DISPlay command(Sets and queries changeover of the screen mode and waveform 


(1) Sets and queries the screen mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:CHANge A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:CHANge?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Changes the screen mode.
                   Returns the current screen mode as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:CHANge DISPlay
                   Switches to the display mode.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the page of the screen.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:PAGE A
                   (query)      :DISPlay:PAGE?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the page of the screen according to the NR1 numerical value.
                   Returns the current page of the screen as a NR1 numerical value.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the waveform display color.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:DRAWing ch$,A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:DRAWing? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 A$=OFF,C1 to C12
     Explanation   Sets the waveform display color for the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns the waveform display color for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:DRAWing CH1,C1
                   Displays the channel 1 waveform in display color 1.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(4) Sets and queries the waveform display graph.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:GRAPh ch$,A
                   (query)      :DISPlay:GRAPh? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR1>
                                 A =1 to 8(DUAL:1 to 2, QUAD:1 to 4)
     Explanation   Sets the waveform display graph on the screen.
                   On the screen, returns the current waveform display graph
                   for the channel designated by ch$ as a numerical value
                   in NR1 format.
     Example       :DISPlay:GRAPh CH1,1
                   Displays the channel 1 waveform in display graph 1.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(5) Sets and queries the pulse logic waveform display color.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:LOGDraw ch$,A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:LOGDraw? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 ch$=CHA to CHD
                                 A$=OFF,C1 to C12
     Explanation   Sets the logic waveform display color for the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns the logic waveform display color for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:LOGDrawing CHA,C1
                   Displays the CHA waveform in display color 1.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(6) Sets and queries the logic waveform display seat.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:LOGPosi ch$,A
                   (query)      :DISPlay:LOGPosi? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR1>
                                 A =1 to 8
     Explanation   Sets the position of logic waveform display.
                   Returns the position of the current logic waveform display
                   as numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :DISPlay:LOGPosi CHA,1
                   Displays the logic waveform in display position 1.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(7) Sets and queries the magnification/compression ratio on the voltage axis.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:YMAG ch$,A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:YMAG? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the magnification/compression ratio on the voltage
                   axis for the channel designated by ch$ according to the
                   character data.
                   Returns the current magnification/compression ratio on
                   the voltage axis for the channel designated by ch$ as
                   character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:YMAG CH1,X2
                   Sets the magnification ratio along the voltage axis
                   for channel 1 to be X2.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(8) Performs waveform display.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:WAVE A$
                                  A$=ACUR (the A cursor: trace cursor)
                                     TRIG (the trigger point)
                                     POINT (the point set by :MEMory:POINt)
     Explanation   Displays the waveform on the screen from the position
                   indicated by A$.
     Example       :DISPlay:WAVE ACUR
                   Displays the waveform from the position of A cursor.
     When allowed  In MEM,MEM of R&M.

(9) Sets and queries the upper-lower mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:VARIable ch$,A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:VARIable? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 (OFF=set in position,ON=set in up-low)
     Explanation   Sets the upper-lower mode for the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current upper-lower mode for the channel designated
                   by ch$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:VARIable CH1,ON
                   Sets the upper-lower mode for channel 1 to on.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(10) Sets and queries the upper-lower level.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:VARIUPLOw ch$,B,C
                   (query)      :DISPlay:VARIUPLOw? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,B,C<NR3>
                                 B,C=-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the upper-lower level for the channel designated
                   by ch$ to a numerical value.
                   Returns the current upper-lower level for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :DISPlay:VARIUPLOw CH1,1.0E+1,-1.0E+1
                   Sets the upper-lower level for channel 1 to 1.0E+1,-1.0E+1.
     When allowed  upper-lower mode of an input channel to "on".

(11) Sets and queries the zoom function.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:ZOOM A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:ZOOM?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the zoom function.
                   Returns the current setting of zoom function as charcter data.
     Example       :DISPlay:ZOOM ON
                   Sets the zoom function.
     When allowed  MEM,POW.

(12) Sets and queries the zoom magnification.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:ZOOMMag A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:ZOOMMag?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$= Same as :XMAG
     Explanation   Sets the zoom magnification.
                   Returns the current setting of zoom magnification
                   as charcter data.
     Example       :DISPlay:ZOOMMag X1_100
                   Sets to be 1/100 the compression ratio along the time
                   axis for the lower screnn in the zoom function.
     When allowed  MEM,POW.

(13) Sets and queries the logic recording width.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:LWIDth A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:LWIDth?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = WIDE,NARRow
                                      WIDE : set to wide
                                      NARRow : set to narrow
     Explanation   Sets the logic recording width.
                   Returns the logic recording width as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:LWIDth WIDE
                   Sets the logic recording width to wide.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(14) Sets and queries the display size.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:SIZE A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:SIZE?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = NORMal,NARRow
                                      NORMal : set to normal
                                      NARRow : set to narrow(half)
     Explanation   Sets the display size.
                   Returns the current display size as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:SIZE NARRow
                   Sets the display size to NARROW.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(15) Sets and queries the X-axis in the XY format.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:XAXIs A,ch$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:XAXIs? A
                   (response)   A<NR1>,ch$
                                 A = 1 to 8(graph)
     Explanation   Sets the X-axis channel in the XY format for the
                   display graph designated by A.
                   Returns the current X-axis channel in the XY format
                   for the display graph designated by A as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:XAXIs 1,CH1
                   Sets the X-axis of graph 1 to channel 1.
     When allowed  In ALL, in XY format.

(16) Sets and queries the Y-axis in the XY format.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:YAXIs A,ch$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:YAXIs? A
                   (response)   A<NR1>,ch$
                                 A = 1 to 8(graph)
     Explanation   Sets the Y-axis channel in the XY format for the
                   display graph designated by A.
                   Returns the current Y-axis channel in the XY format
                   for the display graph designated by A as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:YAXIs 1,CH1
                   Sets the Y-axis of graph 1 to channel 1.
     When allowed  In ALL, in XY format.

(17) Sets and queries magnification/compression factor on the time axis.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:XMAG A$(,B$)
                   (query)      :DISPlay:XMAG?
                   (response)   A$(,B$)
                                 A$,B$=X10 to X1_100000(MEM)
                                       X1 to X1_20000  (REC)
                                       X10 to X1_10000 (POW)
                                 B$=magnification/compression for MEM in R&M dual waveform.
     Explanation   Sets the magnification/compression factor on the time axis
                   according to character data.
                   Returns the current magnification/compression factor on the
                   time axis as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:XMAG X1_10
                   Sets the compression ratio along the time axis to be 1/10.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(18) Sets and queries the display clear function.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:XYCLr A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:XYCLr?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the display clear function.
                   Returns the current setting of the display clear function
                   as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:XYCLr ON
                   Sets the display clear function to ON.
     When allowed  In REC, in XY format.

(19) Sets and queries the CRT display waveform for the recorder
     and memory function.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:RMDIsplay A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:RMDIsplay?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the waveform shown on th screen, in the recorder and
                   memory function, according to the character data.
                   Returns the waveform shown on the screnn, in the recorder
                   and memory function, as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:RMDIsplay MEM
                   Sets the waveform shown in the recorder and memory function
                   to the memory waveform.
     When allowed  In R&M.

(20) Sets and queries the FFT waveform display color.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:FFTDrawing A$,B$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:FFTDrawing? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
                                 A$=G1, G2
                                 B$=OFF, C1 to C12
     Explanation   Sets the FFT waveform display color for the graph
                   designated by A$.
                   Returns the FFT waveform display color for the graph
                   designated by A$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:FFTDrawing G1,C1
                   Displays the graph 1 waveform in display color 1.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(21) Queries the over-all.
     Syntax        (query)      :DISPlay:OVERAll? A$
                   (response)   A$,B<NR3>
                                 A$=G1, G2
                                 B = over-all
     Explanation   Returns the over-all for the graph designated by A$
                   as NR3 format.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(22) Queries the peak/max value.
     Syntax        (query)      :DISPlay:MAXPeak? A$,B
                   (response)   B<NR1>,C<NR1>,D<NR3>
                                 A$=G1, G2
                                 B = 1 to 10
                                 C = x-axis point
                                 D = peak or max value
     Explanation   Returns the peak or max value for the graph designated by A$.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(23) Sets and queries the comment display.
     Syntax        (command)    :DISPlay:COMMent A$
                   (query)      :DISPlay:COMMent?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the comment display.
                   Returns the current setting of comment display as
                   charcter data.
     Example       :DISPlay:COMMent ON
                   Display comment.
     When allowed  MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

-6.CURSor command (Cursor setting and reading)


(1) Sets and queries the A and B cursor type.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:MODE A$
                   (query)      :CURSor:MODE?
                   (response)   A$
                                    OFF,Xcur,Ycur,TRACe (XY)
                                    OFF,TRACE           (FFT)
     Explanation   Sets the A and B cursor type.
                   Returns the current A and B cursor type as character data.
     Example       :CURSor:MODE TRACe
                   Sets trace cursors.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Selects among, and queries, A, B and A & B cursors.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:ABCUrsor A$
                   (query)      :CURSor:ABCUrsor?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Selects among A, B and A & B cursors.
                   Returns whether currently the A cursor, B cursor or both
                   A & B cursors are in use, as character data.
     Example       :CURSor:ABCUrsor A
                   Sets A cursor.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the channel for the A cursor.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:ACHAnnel A
                   (query)      :CURSor:ACHAnnel?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 bit0 to bit7 is CH1 to CH8
                                 (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 is CH1 to CH8)
     Explanation   Sets the channel for the A cursor.
                   Returns the current A cursor channel OR as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CURSor:ACHAnnel 3
                   Sets the channel for the A cursor to channel 1 and channel 2.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(4) Sets and queries the channel for the B cursor.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:BCHAnnel A
                   (query)      :CURSor:BCHAnnel?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 same to ACHAnnel command.
     Explanation   Sets the channel for the B cursor.
                   Returns the current B cursor channel OR as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CURSor:BCHAnnel 6
                   Sets the channel for the B cursor to channel 2 and channel 3.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M,POW.

(5) Sets and queries the position of the A cursor.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:APOSition A
                   (query)      :CURSor:APOSition?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=0 to number of stored data values(time,trace)
                                 A=0 to 500(volt axis)
     Explanation   Sets the A cursor position.
                   Returns the current A cursor position as character data.
     Example       :CURSor:APOSition 800
                   Move the A cursor position to 800 points.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(6) Sets and queries the position of the B cursor.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:BPOSition A
                   (query)      :CURSor:BPOSition?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A= same to APOSition command.
     Explanation   Sets the B cursor position.
                   Returns the current B cursor position as character data.
     Example       :CURSor:BPOSition 800
                   Move the B cursor position to 800 points.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(7) Queries the cursor readout time axis value.
     Syntax        (query)      :CURSor:DTREad? A$
                   (response)    B$
                                  A$ = A, B, B_A
                                  B$ = the readout value
     Explanation   Returns the cursor readout time axis value as character data.
     Example       (query)      :CURSor:DTREad? A
                   (response)   :CURSor:DTREad 5ms
                   Queries the A cursor readout value.
     When allowed  During use of the trace cursor or the vertical cursor.

(8) Queries the cursor readout value (V).
     Syntax        (query)      :CURSor:DVREad? A$,ch$
                   (response)    ch$,B$(,C$)
                                  A$ = A, B, B_A
                                  ch$= CH1 to CH8, Z1 to Z8(POW)
                                  B$,C$ = the readout volt axis value
     Explanation   Returns the cursor readout value as character data.
     Example       (query)      :CURSor:DVREad? A,CH1
                   (response)   :CURSor:DVREad CH1,10.000 mV
                   Queries the A cursor readout value.
     When allowed  During use of the trace cursor or the vertical cursor.
                   (excluding setting the channel to all)

(9) Sets and queries the graph for the A and B cursors.
     Syntax        (command)    :CURSor:ABCHAnnel A$
                   (query)      :CURSor:ABCHAnnel?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the graph for the A and B cursors when the display format
                   is DUAL. If the display format is SINGLe or NYQuist, the cursor is
                   displayed on graph 1, whatever setting is made with this command.
                   Returns the current graph setting for the A and B cursors as
                   character data.
     Example       :CURSor:ABCHAnnel G1
                   The A and B cursors are displayed on graph 1.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(10) Queries the cursor readout position for FFT data.
     Syntax        (query)      :CURSor:DFREad? A$
                   (response)    B$,C$
                                  A$= G1,G2
                                  B$= readout position for x-axis data
                                  C$= readout position for y-axis data
     Explanation   Returns the cursor readout position for FFT data as character data.
     When allowed  In FFT.

-7.MEMory command (Sets and queries input and output, etc., form the memory.)


(1) Sets and queries the point in memory for input/output.
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:POINt ch$,A
                   (query)      :MEMory:POINt?
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR1>
                                 ch$=CH1 to CH8,CHA to CHD
                                 A=0 to (maximum data)
     Explanation   Sets the input/output point in memory.
                   Returns the current input/output point in memory as an NR1
                   numerical value.
     Example       :MEMory:POINt CH1,100
                   Sets the input/output point for channel 1 to the 100th
                   location from the start of memory.
     Note          It becomes an execution error, when the channel is not data stored.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M(MEM wave).

(2) Queries the number of data samples stored.
     Syntax        (query)      :MEMory:MAXPoint?
                   (response)   A <NR1>
                                 A = 0 : no data stored
                                 A=0 to (maximum data)
     Explanation   Returns the number of data samples stored in the memory as
                   a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       (query)      :MEMory:MAXPoint?
                   (response)   :MEMory:MAXPoint 3000 (when headers are on)
                   The number of data samples stored in the memory is 3000.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M(MEM wave).

(4) Prepares the memory.
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:PREPare
     Explanation   If there is no waveform data in the unit, ensures that
                   the memory is in a state ready and able to receive
                   transmitted data.
     Example       :MEMory:PREPare
                   Prepares the memory for receipt of waveform data.
     Note          If data is currently stored in memory, a waveform is erased.
     When allowed  In MEM,R&M(MEM wave).

(5) Inputs data to memory, and outputs stored data.(ASCII)
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:ADATa B,C,...
                   (query)      :MEMory:ADATa? A
                   (response)   B,C,... <NR1>
                                 B,C,... =-32768 to 32767
                                 A=1 to 80(number of data values to be output)
     Explanation   Puts the data of the data portion into the memory at the
                   channel and point set by the :MEMory:POINt command.
                   If there are several data values, they are input in order
                   from the point set by the :MEMory:POINt command.
                   The input/output point is incremented by the number of
                   data values.
                   The number of data values specified by A are output from
                   the memory channel and point set by the :MEMory:POINt
                   command. The input/output point is incremented by the
                   number of data values.

     * Relationship between data values in memory and measured when volt,tc,rtd,humid.

                   The relationship between the data values(-32768 to 32767)
                   input and output using the :MEMory:ADATa command and
                   the measured voltage axis values is described below.

                   measurement value = (data) x (voltage axis range) / (data num at 1 DIV)
                   data = 7680, voltage axis range = 1(V/10DIV)
                   data num at 1 DIV = 1600
                   measurement value =7680x1/1600=4.8(V)

     Example       :MEMory:POINt CH1,0
                   :MEMory:ADATa? 10
                   Sets the input/output point to channel 1 and data value
                   zero in memory, then outputs 10 stored data values.
     When allowed  In MEM and R&M(MEM wave), provided that stored data is present, and provided that the
                   input/output point is lower than the amount of data stored.

(6) Input voltage axis data to memory, and output volt axis data from memory.
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:VDATa B,C,...
                   (query)      :MEMory:VDATa? A
                   (response)   B,C,... <NR3>
                                 B,C,... =volt axis value
                                 A=1 to 80(data num)
     Explanation   Puts the data values (volt,tc,rtd,humid,count,revolve values)
                   in the data portion into the memory at the channel and point
                   set by the :MEMory:POINt command.
                   If there are several data values, they are input in order
                   from the point set by the :MEMory:POINt command.
                   The input/output point is incremented by the number of data
                   The number of stored data values specified by A are output
                   as volt axis values from the memory channel and point set
                   by the :MEMory:POINt command.
                   The input/output point is incremented by the number of data

                   When scaling, the scaled values are input and output.
                   When calculating the waveform, calculated results are input
                   and output.

     Example       :MEMory:POINt CH1,0
                   :MEMory:VDATa? 10
                   Sets the input/output point to channel 1 and data value
                   zero in memory, then outputs 10 stored data values
                   as volt axis values.
     When allowed  In MEM and R&M(MEM wave), provided that stored data is present, and provided
                   that the input/output point is lower than the amount of
                   data stored.

(7) Captures real time data.
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:GETReal
     Explanation   Captures the values which are currently input on the
                   channel for all the channel.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(8) Outputs real time data(ASCII)
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:AREAl? ch$
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                  A=-32768 to 32767
     Explanation   Returns the value input on the channel designated by ch$.
     Example       :MEMory:AREAl? CH1
                   :MEMory:AREAl 2000(HEADER ON)
     Note          When the :MEMory:GETReal command is not executed before
                   this command, the returned value is not fixed.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(9) Outputs real time data. (volt axis value)
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:VREAl? ch$
                   (response)   A<NR3>
     Explanation   Returns as a volt axis value the value input on the channel
                   designated by ch$.
     Example       :MEMory:VREAl? CH1
                   :MEMory:VREAl 4.7E-2(HEADER ON)
     Note          When the :MEMory:GETReal command is not executed before
                   this command, the returned value is not fixed.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(10)Binary transfer of stored data.
     Syntax        (query)      :MEMory:BDATa? A
                   (response)   #0.........
                                  A = 1 to 400
                                       (number of data values to be output)
     Explanation   Explanation   Outputs the data stored by a :MEMory:POINt specification
                   in binary format.
                   The input/output point is incremented by the number of
                   data values.
                   The format of the output data is as follows:
                     Initially: "#0" (Indicates binary format.)
                     After the "#0", the number of data values specified by A
                     (each value is two bytes),is transmitted.
                     The data is followed by LF (0AH) + EOI.

                   The data consists of the unaltered binary codes of the
                   data stored in memory.
                   The bits are transmitted most significant bit first.
                   The data obtained is the same as that for ADATa?; for details
                   refer to these commands.
                   It is not possible to input data in binary format.
     Example       :MEMory:POINt CH1,0
                   :MEMory:BDATa? 10
                   This sets the input/output point to channel 1, and stored
                   data value to address 0 in memory, then outputs 10 data
                   values in binary format.
     When allowed  In MEM and R&M(MEM wave), provided that stored data is present,
                   and provided that the input/output point is lower than the
                   amount of data stored.

(11)Outputs real time data (binary).
     Syntax        (query)      :MEMory:BREAl? ch$
                   (response)   Binary data (2 bytes)
     Explanation   See "Binary transfer of stored data."
     Note          When the :MEMory:GETReal command is not executed before
                   this command, the returned value is not fixed.

(12) Sets and queries the output point for FFT data.
     Syntax        (command)    :MEMory:FFTPOint A$,B
                   (query)      :MEMory:FFTPOint?
                   (response)   A$,B<NR1>
                                 A$=G1, G2
                                 B=0 to (number of FFT points -1):STR,ACR,CCR,IMP
                                   0 to (number of FFT points X 0.4):
                                   0 to 400                      :HIS,OCT
     Explanation   Sets the output point for FFT data on the graph number designated
                   by A$.
                   Returns the current output point as an NR1 format.
     Example       :MEMory:FFTPOint G1,100
                   Sets the output point for FFT data on the graph 1 to 100.
     When allowed  In FFT.

(13) Queries the FFT data at the output point.
     Syntax        (query)      :MEMory:FFTData?
                   (response)   A<NR3>,B<NR3>
                                 A=x-axis data
                                 B=y-axis data.
     Explanation   Returns the x-axis and y-axis FFT data at the output point
                   specified by the instruction :MEMory:FFTPOint in <NR3>
                   numerical format.
                   When this command is executed, only one output point is
                   calculated, and then the specified output point is increased
                   by one. By executing this command repeatedly, a continuous set
                   of data can be obtained.
     Example       :MEMory:FFTPOint G1,100
                   Returns the x-axis and y-axis FFT data at points of 100 on graph 1.
     When allowed  In FFT.

-8.SYSTem command (Sets and queries the system,copy&comm,print screen.)


(1) Sets and queries the start key activation condition.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SOPEration A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SOPEration?
                   (response)   A$
                                  A$ = TIME1,TIME2,SEC2
                                       TIME1 : press the start key once
                                       TIME2 : press the start key twice
                                        SEC2 : press the start key for
                                               two seconds
     Explanation   Sets the start key activation condition.
                   Returns the start key activation as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SOPEration SEC2.
                   Sets the start key activation condition to SEC2.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the start backup function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:STARt A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:STARt?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Enables and disables the start backup function.
                   Returns the current enablement state of the start backup
                   function as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:STARt ON
                   Sets the start backup function to ON.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the list function and the gauge function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:LIST A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:LIST?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets and queries the list function and the gauge function
                   according to character data.
                   Returns the current settings for the list function and
                   the gauge function as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:LIST LIST
                   Sets the list function.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(4) Sets and queries the grid type for display.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:GRID A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:GRID?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = OFF,STD,STD_Dark
                                      OFF: No grid
                                      STD: Standard grid
                                      STD_Dark: Standard (dark) grid
     Explanation   Sets the type of grid displayed.
                   Returns the current grid setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:GRID STD
                   Sets the standard grid.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(5) Sets and queries the grid type for printer.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PGRID A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PGRID?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = OFF,STD,FINE,STD_Dark,FINE_Dark
                                      OFF: No grid
                                      STD: Standard grid
                                      FINE: Fine grid
                                      STD_Dark: Standard (dark) grid
                                      FINE_Dark: Fine (dark) grid
     Explanation   Sets the type of grid printed.
                   Returns the current grid setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PGRID STD
                   Sets the standard grid.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(6) Sets and queries the time axis display.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:TMAXis A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:TMAXis?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the time axis display as character data.
                   Returns the current time axis display setting as
                   character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:TMAXis TIME
                   Sets the time axis display to TIME.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(7) Sets and queries the backlight saver function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:CRTOff A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:CRTOff?
                   (response)   A&lr;NR1>
                                  A = 0 (OFF), 1 to 30 (minutes)
     Explanation   Enables or disables the backlight saver function.
                   Returns the current enablement state of the backlight
                   saver function as a numerical value in NR1 format.
     Example       :SYSTem:CRTOff 1
                   Sets the backlight saver function to one minute.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(8) Sets and queries the display color.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:LCDDisp A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:LCDDisp?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=C1 to C3
     Explanation   Sets the display color according to character data.
                   Returns the current display color setting as character
     Example       :SYSTem:LCDDisp C1
                   Sets the display color to 1.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(9) Sets and queries the language.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:LANGuage A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:LANGuage?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the language.
                   Returns the current language setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:LANGuage JAPAnese
                   Sets the language to Japanese.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(10) Sets the calendar date, and queries the current calendar date.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:DATE A,B,C
                   (query)      :SYSTem:DATE?
                   (response)   A,B,C<NR1>
                                  A = 0 to 99 (year)
                                  B = 1 to 12 (month)
                                  C = 1 to 31 (day)
     Explanation   Sets the date on the internal calendar.
                   Returns the current date.
     Example       :SYSTem:DATE 00,10,16
                   Sets the internal calendar to Oct 16nd, 2000.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(11) Sets the time, and queries the current time.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:TIME A, B
                   (query)      :SYSTem:TIME?
                   (response)    A, B <NR1>
                                  A = 0 to 23 (hour)
                                  B = 0 to 59 (min)
     Explanation   Sets the time.
                   Returns the current time.
     Example       :SYSTem:TIME 10, 0
                   Sets the internal clock to 10:00.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(12) Clearing waveform data.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:DATAClear
     Explanation   Clear the waveform data.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(13) Sets and queries the start key activation condition.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SOPEration A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SOPEration?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$ = TIME1,TIME2,SEC2
                                      TIME1 : press the start key once
                                      TIME2 : press the start key twice
                                      SEC2 : press the start key for two seconds
     Explanation   Sets the start key activation condition.
                   Returns the start key activation as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SOPEration SEC2.
                   Sets the start key activation condition to SEC2.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(14) Sets and queries the output destination by the COPY key.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:COPY A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:COPY?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = IN_PRinter, PC
     Explanation   Sets the output destination by the COPY key.
                   Returns the current setting of the output destination
                   by the COPY key as character data.
                     IN_PRinter: Prints on the internal printer.
                     PC: Stores the screen data on PC card.
     Example       :SYSTem:COPY IN_PRinter
                   Prints on the internal printer.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(15) Sets and queries the bit map file color.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:BMPColor A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:BMPColor?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = COLOR, GRAY, MONO, MONO_R
     Explanation   Sets the copy color.
                   Returns the copy color setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:BMPColor COLOR
                   Sets the copy color to color.
     When allowed  When the output destination is set to other than the
                   internal printer in the previous command.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(16) Sets and queries the number of channels used.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:USECH A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:USECH?
                   (response)    A<NR1>
                                  A = 2, 4, 8
     Explanation   Sets the number of channels used a numerical value.
                   Returns the current number of channels used as an NR1
                   numerical value.
     Example       :SYSTem:USECH 4
                   Sets the number of channel used to 4.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(17) Sets and queries the print size.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PSIZE A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PSIZE?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the print size.
                   Returns the current setting of print size as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PSIZE SAMLl
                   Sets the print size to SMALl.
     When allowed  In MEM,REC,R&M.

(18) Sets and queries the auto variable scale function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:ATVARIable A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:ATVARIable?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the auto variable scale function.
                   Returns the current setting of auto variable scale
                   function as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:ATVARIable ON
                   The variable function responds automatically to changes
                   in scaling.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(19) Sets and queries the time axis print.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PTMAxis A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PTMAxis?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the time axis print as character data.
                   Returns the current time axis print setting as
                   character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PTMAxis TIME
                   Sets the time axis print to TIME.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(20) Sets and queries magnification/compression factor on the time axis of printer.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PXMAG A$(,B$)
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PXMAG?
                   (response)   A$(,B$)
                                 A$   = SAME
                                 A$,B$= X10 to X1_100000 (MEM,MEM of R&M,POW)
                                    SAME, X1 to X1_20000 (REC,REC of R&M)
                                    SAME:link to screen magnification/
                                         compression setting.
                                    In R&M, A$:REC of R&M. B$:MEM of R&M.
     Explanation   Sets the magnification/compression factor on the time axis
                   of printer according to character data.
                   Returns the current magnification/compression factor on the
                   time axis of printer as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PXMAG X1_10
                   Sets the compression ratio along the time axis to be 1/10.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(21) Sets and queries printing of the upper and lower limits.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PRIUplow A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PRIUplow?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets printing of the upper and lower limits.
                   Returns the current setting of printing of the upper and
                   lower limits.
     Example       :SYSTem:PRIUplow ON
                   Prints the upper and lower limits.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(22) Sets and queries the channel marker.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:CHMArk A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:CHMArk?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Makes the corresponding channel marker setting.
                   Returns the current channel marker setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:CHMArk NUMBER
                   Sets the channel marker to NUMBER.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(23) Sets and queries the printer density.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PRIDensity A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PRIDensity?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=1 to 5(1:light,5:dark)
     Explanation   Sets the printer density according to character data.
                   Returns the current printer density setting as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PRIDensity 3
                   Sets the printer density to standard.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(24) Sets and queries the zero position comment.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:ZEROcom A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:ZEROcom?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the zero position comment.
                   Returns the current setting of the zero position comment
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:ZEROcom ON
                   Prints comments in the zero position.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(25) Sets and queries the counter print.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:COUNter A$(,"NAME$",B)
                   (query)      :SYSTem:COUNter?
                   (response)   A$,"NAME$",B<NR1>
                                 NAME$=counter name (10 characters)
                                 B =counter value(0 to 9999)
     Explanation   Sets the counter print.
                   Returns the current counter print setting as character data.
                   NAME$ is effective only when A$ is set to NAME.
     Example       :SYSTem:COUNter OFF
                   The counter print is disabled.
                   :SYSTem:COUNter DATE,100
                   Prints the counter and date.
                   :SYSTem:COUNter NAME,"count", 100
                   Prints the counter name and counter.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(26) Sets and queries the alarm beep.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:BEEP A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:BEEP?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the alarm beep.
                   Returns the current alarm beep as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:BEEP BEEP1
                   Sets the alarm beep to on.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(27) Sets and queries the output destination by the PRINT key.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PRINt A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PRINt?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=PRINter, LAN
     Explanation   Sets the output destination by the PRINT key.
                   Returns the current setting of the output destination
                   by the PRINT key.
     Example       :SYSTem:PRINt PRINter
                   Prints out for internal printer unit.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(28) Sets and queries the PRINT select function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:PSELect A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:PSELect?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the PRINT select function.
                   Returns the current setting of the PRINT select function
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:PSELect ON
                   When the PRINT key is pressed to print, the print area or
                   print type can be selected.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(29) Sets and queries the output destination by the SAVE key.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVE A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVE?
                   (response)   A$
                                  MO,HDD:internal SCSI device.
                                  SCSI  :external SCSI device.
     Explanation   Sets the output destination by the SAVE key.
                   Returns the current setting of the output destination
                   by the SAVE key.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVE PC
                   Saves to PCcard.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(30) Sets and queries the SAVE select function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SSELect A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SSELect?
                   (response)   A$
                                 A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the SAVE select function.
                   Returns the current setting of the SAVE select function
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SSELect ON
                   When the SAVE key is pressed to save, the save area and
                   save type can be selected.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(31) Sets and queries the save type function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEKind A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEKind?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the save type function.
                   Returns the current setting of the save type function
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEKind SET
                   Saves the setting data when the SAVE key is pressed.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(32) Sets and queries the save name.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEName "NAME$"
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEName?
                   (response)   NAME$
                                 NAME$:save name(8 characters)
     Explanation   Sets the save name.
                   Returns the current save name as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEName "NAME"
                   Creates file name
                   When the SAVE key is pressed,Creates file name for "NAME".
     When allowed  In ALL.

(33) Sets and queries the save area.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEArea A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEArea?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the save area.
                   Returns the current setting of the save area as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEArea ALL
                   When the SAVE key is pressed, saves to all data.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(34) Sets and queries the interval for the SAVE key function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEThinout A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEThinout?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the interval points that is applied when data is stored
                   in text format by the SAVE key function.
                   Returns the current setting of the interval for the SAVE key
                   function as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEThinout X1_2
                   Sets the thining data for 1/2.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(35) Sets and queries the image compress function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEComp A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEComp?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the image compress function.
                   Returns the current setting of the image compress function
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEComp COMP
                   Color image files saved by pressing the SAVE key can be
     When allowed  In ALL.

(36) Sets and queries the wave image shot.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEShot A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEShot?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A= 1 to 60 (DIV)
     Explanation   Sets the wave image shot.
                   Returns the current setting of the wave image shot
                   as an NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEShot 30
                   Sets waveform image recording length to 30DIV when
                   SAVE key is pressed.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(37) Sets and queries the external input terminals.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:EXT1mode(EXT2mode) A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:EXT1mode(EXT2mode)?
                   (response)   A$
                                    S_S:start & stop
     Explanation   Sets the external input terminals(1 and 2).
                   Returns the current setting of the external input
                   terminals(1 and 2) as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:EXT1mode START
                   Start measuring with EXT.IN1 terminal transition
                   (H to L).
     When allowed  In ALL.

(38) Sets and queries the slope of external trigger terminal.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:EXTTrig A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:EXTTrig?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the slope of external trigger terminal.
                   Returns the current setting of the slope of external
                   trigger terminal as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:EXTTrig UP
                   Sets the slope of external trigger terminal to UP.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(39) Sets and queries the slope of external sampling terminal.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:EXTSmpl A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:EXTSmpl?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the slope of external sampling terminal.
                   Returns the current setting of the slope of external
                   sampling terminal as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:EXTSmpl UP
                   Sets the slope of external sampling terminal to UP.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(40) Sets and queries the GO(NG) output terminal.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:EXTGo(Ng) A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:EXTGo(Ng)?
                   (response)   A$
                                    OR :measure or wavecomp
                                    AND:measure and wavecomp
     Explanation   Sets the GO(NG) output terminal.
                   Returns the current setting of the GO(NG) output
                   terminal as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:EXTGo MEAS
                   Output L signal when the result of a numerical
                   calculation is GO.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(41) Sets and queries the EXT.OUT terminal.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:EXTOut A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:EXTOut?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the EXT.OUT terminal.
                   Returns the current setting of the EXT.OUT
                   terminal as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:EXTOut ERROR
                   Sets the EXT.OUT mode to ERROR.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(42) Sets and queries the TRIG OUT terminal.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:TRGOut A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:TRGOut?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the TRIG OUT terminal.
                   Returns the current setting of the TRIG OUT
                   terminal as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:TRGOut PULSe
                   Sets the TRIG OUT mode to PULSe.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(43) Sets and queries the printer density of each waveform display color.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:WAVEDensity ch$,A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:WAVEDensity? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the printer density of each waveform display
                   Returns the current setting of the printer density
                   of each waveform display color as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:WAVEDensity CH1,DARK
                   Sets the printer density of channel 1 to DARK.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(44) Sets and queries the customer color.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SETColor A$,R,G,B
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SETColor? A$
                   (response)   A$,R,G,B(<NR1>)
                                 A$=C1 to C12,GRID,A_B,NUM,FRAME,BACK
                                    A_B  :A and B cursor
                                    NUM  :numerical character
                                    FRAME:screen frame
                                 R,G,B=0 to 15(RGB level)
     Explanation   Sets the customer color.
                   Returns the current setting of the customer color
                   as an NR1 numerical values(RGB).
     Example       :SYSTem:SETColor C1,15,0,0
                   Sets the wave color 1 to red.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(45) Sets and queries the MO controlled by PC function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SCSIConnect A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SCSIConnect?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the MO controlled by PC function.
                   Returns the current setting of the MO controlled
                   by PC function as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SCSIConnect ON
                   The internal SCSI device is controlled from a PC
                   connected to this instrument on the SCSI bus.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(46) Sets and queries the menu conrol function.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:MENU A$,B$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:MENU? A$
                   (response)   A$,B$
     Explanation   Sets the menu control function.
                   Returns the current setting of the menu condition
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:MENU SCALing,OFF
                   Sets scale setting display to OFF.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(47) Sets and queries the SAVE key divison.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEDivision A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEDivision?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
     Explanation   Sets the SAVE key division.
                   Returns the current setting of the SAVE key division
                   as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEDivision 32
                   Saves 32MB division.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(48) Sets and queries the GUI dislay in hardcopy.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:COPYGui A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:COPYGui?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the GUI display in hardcopy.
                   Returns the current setting of the GUI display
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:COPYGui OFF
                   Copy widthout GUI.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(49) Sets and queries the GUI display in BMP save.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEGui A$
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEGui?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the GUI display in BMP save.
                   Returns the current setting of the GUI display
                   as character data.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEGui OFF
                   Saves BMP widthout GUI.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(50) Sets and queries the BMPfile pages.
     Syntax        (command)    :SYSTem:SAVEPage A
                   (query)      :SYSTem:SAVEPage?
                   (response)   A<NR1>
                                 A=ALL,1 to 100
     Explanation   Sets the number of pages for BMP save.
                   Returns the current setting of the pages for BMP save
                   as NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :SYSTem:SAVEPage 1
                   Saves BMP for 1 file.
     When allowed  In ALL.

-9.SCALing command(Sets and queries scaling at channel screen.)


(1) Sets and queries the type of scaling.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:KIND ch$,A$
                   (query)      :SCALing:KIND? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the type of scaling for the pulse designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current type of scaling for the pulse designated
                   by ch$ as a character string.
     Example       :SCALing:KIND CH1,POINT
                   Sets the type of scaling for channel 1 to POINT(2-point).
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the scaling kind.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:SET ch$,A$
                   (query)      :SCALing:SET? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the scaling kind for the pulse designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current scaling kind for the pulse designated
                   by ch$ as a character string.
     Example       :SCALing:SET CH1,ENG
                   Sets the scaling kind for channel 1 to ENG.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the scaling conversion value.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:VOLT ch$,A
                   (query)      :SCALing:VOLT? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A=-9.9999E+9 to +9.9999E+9
     Explanation   Sets the scaling conversion value for the channel designated
                   by ch$.
                   Returns the current scaling conversion value setting
                   for the channel designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :SCALing:VOLT CH1,+2.0E-3
                   Sets the scaling conversion value (eu/V) for channel 1
                   to +2. 0E-3.
     When allowed  In all functions, when the conversion scaling is set to RATIO.

(4) Sets and queries the scaling offset.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:OFFSet ch$,A
                   (query)      :SCALing:OFFSet? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A<NR3>
                                 A=-9.9999E+9 to +9.9999E+9
     Explanation   Sets the scaling offset for the channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current scaling offset for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :SCALing:OFFSet CH1,+1.0E-3
                   Sets the scaling offset (eu offset) for channel 1 to +1. 0E-3.
     When allowed  In all functions, when the conversion scaling is set to RATIO.

(5) Sets and queries the scaling unit.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:UNIT ch$,"A$"
                   (query)      :SCALing:UNIT? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,"A$"
                                 A$ = scaling unit (up to 7 characters)
     Explanation   Sets the scaling unit for the channel designated by ch$
                   (up to 7 characters allowed).
                   Entry of the special characters is as follows:
                   (Characters other than the following are replaced
                    by spaces.)
                      ^2(= the cube ), ^3(= the square ), ~c (= degree),
                      ~e (= micro straint), ~u (= maicro), ~o (= ohom)
                   Returns the current scaling unit for the channel
                   designated by ch$ as character data.
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of
                   double quotation marks (").
     Example       :SCALing:UNIT CH1,"mA"
                   Sets the scaling unit for channel 1 to milliamps.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(6) Sets and queries the scaling VOLT UP and LOW.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:VOUPLOw ch$,B,C
                   (query)      :SCALing:VOUPLOw? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,B,C<NR3>
                                 B,C=-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the scaling VOLT UP and VOLT LOW values for the
                   channel designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current scaling VOLT UP and VOLT LOW values
                   for the channel designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :SCALing:VOUPLOw ch1,+2.0E-1,0
                   Sets the values of the two points preceding conversion.
     When allowed  In all functions, when the 2-point scaling is set.

(7) Sets and queries the scaling SCALE UP and LOW.
     Syntax        (command)    :SCALing:SCUPLOw ch$,B,C
                   (query)      :SCALing:SCUPLOw? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,B,C<NR3>
                                 B,C=-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the scaling SC UP and SC LOW values for the channel
                   designated by ch$.
                   Returns the current scaling SC UP and SC LOW values for
                   the channel designated by ch$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :SCALing:SCUPLOw ch1,1.0E+1,0
                   Sets the converted values of the two points.
     When allowed  In all functions, when the 2-point scaling is set.

-10.COMMent comman (Sets and queries the comments at channel,status screen.)


(1) Sets and queries the title comments, and inputs comment characters.
     Syntax        (command)    :COMMent:TITLe A$(,"B$")
                   (query)      :COMMent:TITLe?
                   (response)   A$,"B$"
                                 B$ = comment string (up to 40 characters)
     Explanation   Enables and disables comments, and inputs a string of
                   comment characters.
                   Entry of the special characters is as follows:
                   (Characters other than the following are replaced by
                      ^2(= the cube ), ^3(= the square ), ~c (= degree),
                      ~e (= micro straint), ~u (= maicro), ~o (= ohom)
                   Comments may be omitted.
                   Returns the current enablement state of title comments,
                   and the characters of the comment if any, as character
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of double
                   quotation marks(").
     Example       :COMMent:TITLe COMMent,"HIOKI"
                   Inputs "HIOKI" as a title comment.
     When allowed  In ALL.

(2) Sets and queries the comments for all channels.
     Syntax        (command)    :COMMent:EACHch (ch$,) A$
                   (query)      :COMMent:EACHch? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,A$
                                 ch$=CHA to CHD (logic)
     Explanation   Enables and disables comments for all channels.
                   Returns the current enablement state of comments for
                   all channels as character data.
     Example       :COMMent:EACHch COMMent
                   Prints the comments for analog channels on the recording
     When allowed  In ALL.

(3) Sets and queries the comment characters for each channel.
     Syntax        (command)    :COMMent:CH ch$,(NO$,)"A$"
                   (query)      :COMMent:CH? ch$
                   (response)   ch$,(NO$,)"A$"
                                 NO$=NO1 to NO4 (logic)
                                  A$ = comment string (up to 40 characters)
     Explanation   Sets a string of comment characters for the channel
                   specified by ch$.
                   Entry of the special characters is as follows:
                   (Characters other than the following are replaced by
                      ^2(= the cube ), ^3(= the square ), ~c (= degree),
                      ~e (= micro straint), ~u (= maicro), ~o (= ohom)
                   Comments may be omitted.
                   Returns a string of comment characters for the channel
                   specified by ch$ as character data.
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of double
                   quotation marks(").
     Example       :COMMent:CH CH1,"ch1=TEST"
                   Sets the comment display for channel 1 to "ch1 = TEST".
     When allowed  In ALL.

-11.CALCulate command (Measurement setting and querying at measurement screen)


(1) Sets and queries the numerical calculation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MEASure A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MEASure?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the numerical calculation.
                   Returns the current setting of the numerical calculation
                   as character data.
                   Only valid when execution (EXEC) is enabled.
     Example       :CALCulate:MEASure ON
                   Sets the numerical calculation to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(2) Sets and queries the numerical calculation area
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MEASArea A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MEASArea?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the numerical calculation area.
                   Returns the current setting of the calculation area
                   as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:MEASArea ALL
                   Sets the calculation area to ALL data.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(3) Sets and queries the printing numerical calculation results.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MEASPrint A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MEASPrint?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets printing numerical calculation results.
                   Returns the setting for printing numerical calculation
                   results as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:MEASPrint ON
                   Sets printing numerical calculation results to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM,POW.

(4) Sets and queries the storing a numerical calculation result.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MEASFsave A$(,B$(,"NAME$"))
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MEASFsave?
                   (response)   A$,B$,"NAME$"
                                 NAME$=file name(8 characters)
     Explanation   Sets the store destination of a numerical calculation
                   Returns the current store destination of a numerical
                   calculation result as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:MEASFsave PC,NEW
                   Saves a calculation result to new file on a PC card.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(5) Sets and queries the numerical calculations.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MEASSet NO$,A$,ch$(,B)
                                :CALCulate:MEASSet NO$,XYARea,xch$,ych$
                                :CALCulate:MEASSet NO$,CALC
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MEASSet? NO$
                   (response)   A$
                                 NO$=NO1 to NO16
                                 ch$=CH1 to CH8, CHA to CHD
                                 xch$,ych$=CH1 to CH8
                                 B =1 to 4(when ch$ is CHA to CHD)
                                    AVE  : average value
                                    RMS  : effective value
                                    PP   : peak value
                                    MAX  : maximum value
                                    MAXT : time to maximum value
                                    MIN  : minimum value
                                    MINT : time to minimum value
                                    PERI : period
                                    FREQ : frequency
                                    RISE : rise time
                                    FALL : fall time
                                    STD  : standard deviation
                                    AREA : area value
                                    LEVEl: level time
                                    PWIDth:pulse width
                                    DUTY : duty
                                    PCOUnt:pulse count
     Explanation   Sets the the calculation item of the numerical calculation
                   designated by NO$.
                   Returns the the calculation item of the numerical calculation
                   designated by NO$.
     Example       :CALCulate:MEASSet NO1,MAX,CH1
                   Sets the calculation to be of the maximum value in channel 1
                   for the calculation NO1.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(6) Queries result of a numerical calculation.
     Syntax        (query)      :CALCulate:ANSWer? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A<NR3>
                                 NO$=NO1 to NO16
                                  A =calculation result
                                 **********:no calculation result
     Explanation   Returns the calculation result for the numerical
                   calculation item, channel and result specified by NO$.
                   When A$ is "NONE", there is no calculation result.
     Example       :CALCulate:ANSWer? NO1
                   Queries the calculation result of NO1.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(7) Sets and queries the decision for numerical calculation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:COMP NO$,A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:COMP? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the decision for numerical calculation.
                   Returns,as character data,the current enablement state
                   of the decision for the numerical calculation.
     Example       :CALCulate:COMP NO1, ON
                   Sets the decision of the calculation result of NO1 to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(8) Sets and queries upper and lower limits for decision for
     numerical calculation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:COMPArea NO$,A,B
                   (query)      :CALCulate:COMPArea? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A,B<NR3>
                                 A,B=-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the upper limit and the lower limit for the decision
                   for the numerical calculation designated by NO$.
                   Returns the settings of the upper limit and the lower limit
                   for the decision for the numerical calculation designated by
                   NO$ as NR3 numerical values.
     Example       :CALCulate:COMPArea NO1, 1, -1
                   Sets the decision value for the calculation NO1 to be in the
                   range -1 < NO1 < +1
     When allowed  In MEM.

(9) Sets and queries the stop mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:COMPStop A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:COMPStop?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets stop condition for the decision for the numerical
                   Returns the settings of stop condition for the decision for
                   the numerical calculation as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:COMPStop NG
                   Sets the stop mode to NG.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(10) Sets and queries the filter of measurement.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MFILter NO$,A
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MFILter? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A<NR2>
                                 A=0(OFF),0.1 to 10.0
     Explanation   Sets the filter of measurement.
                   Returns the settings of the filter of measurement
                   as an NR2 value.
     Example       :CALCulate:MFILter NO1,1.0
                   Sets the filter of measurement to 1.0.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(11) Sets and queries the slope of measurement.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MSLOpe NO$,A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MSLOpe? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the slope of measurement.
                   Returns the settings of the slope of measurement
                   as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:MSLOpe NO1,UP
                   Sets the slope of measurement to UP.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(12) Sets and queries the level of measurement.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MLEVel NO$,A
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MLEVel? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A<NR2>
                                 A=-50 to 50
     Explanation   Sets the level of measurement.
                   Returns the settings of the level of measurement
                   as an NR2 numerical value.
     Example       :CALCulate:MLEVel NO1,1.0
                   Sets the level of measurement to 1.0.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(13) Sets and queries the level percentage of measurement.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:PERCent NO$,A
                   (query)      :CALCulate:PERCent? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,A<NR1>
                                 A=5 to 30
     Explanation   Sets the level percentage of measurement(in RISE or
                   FALL function).
                   Returns the settings of the level percentage of
                   measurement as an NR1 numerical value.
     Example       :CALCulate:PERCent NO1,10
                   Sets the level percentage of measurement to 10.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(14) Sets and queries the arithmetic operators.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:ACCOunt NO$,N1,A$,N2
                   (query)      :CALCulate:ACCOunt? NO$
                   (response)   NO$,N1<NR1>,A$,N2<NR1>
                                 N1,N2=1 to 16 (No)
     Explanation   Sets the the arithmetic operators.
                   Returns the settings of the arithmetic operators
                   as an NR1 numerical value and character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:ACCount 1,PLUS,2
                   Sets the CALCULATION function to "NO1 + NO2".
     When allowed  In MEM.

(15) Queries the result of decision for the numerical calculation.
     Syntax        (query)      :CALCulate:JUDGe? A$
                   (response)   A$,B
                                 A$=NO1 to NO16, ALL
                                 B =judge
                                    0:no calculation result
     Explanation   Returns the result of decision for the numerical calculation.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(16) Sets and queries the waveform calculation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:WVCALc A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:WVCALc?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the waveform calculation.
                   Returns the current setting of the waveform calculation
                   as character data.
                   Only valid when execution (EXEC) is enabled.
     Example       :CALCulate:WVCALc ON
                   Sets the waveform calculation to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(17) Sets and queries the waveform calculation equation.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:Z Z$,"A$"
                   (query)      :CALCulate:Z? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,"A$"
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A$=calculation equation(up to 80 characters,
                                     alphabets in small letter,
                                     operator in capital letter)
     Explanation   Sets the waveform calculation equation.
                   Returns the current setting of the waveform calculation
                   equation as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:Z Z1,"a+b+ABS(CH1)"
                   Sets up the calculation equation for Z1 to be
                   "Z1 = a+b+ABS(CH1)".
     When allowed  In MEM.

(18) Sets and queries coefficients a to p.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:FACTor A$,B
                   (query)      :CALCulate:FACTor? A$
                   (response)   A$,B<NR3>
                                 A$=A to P
                                 B=-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E+29
     Explanation   Sets the one of the coefficients which is designated by A$.
                   Returns as an NR3 numerical value the current setting of
                   that one of the coefficients which is designated by A$.
     Example       :CALCulate:FACTor A, 1.234E+1
                   Sets the coefficient A to be equql to 1.234E+1.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(19) Sets and queries the display channel for the calculated result.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:ZDIsplay Z$,ch$,A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:ZDIsplay? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,ch$(,A$)
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 ch$=CH1 to CH8,NONE
                                 A$=MANUal,AUTO(when ch$ is not set to NONE)
     Explanation   Displays the calculated result of the calculation equation
                   for Z$ on the channel designated by ch$.
                   When A$ is MANUal,displays within upper and lower limits on
                   the variable screen.(When scaling,displays in its unit.)
                   Returns the currently set display channel of the calculated
                   result of the calculation equation for Z$.
     Example       :CALCulate:ZDIsplay Z1,CH1,MANUal
                   Displays the calculated result of the calculation equation
                   for Z1 on channel 1. Displays the range between upper and
                   lower limits for the channel 1 on the variable screen.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(20) Sets and queries the moving averaging.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:MOVE Z$,A
                   (query)      :CALCulate:MOVE? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A=1 to 4000
     Explanation   Sets the moving averaging for the calculation designated
                   by Z$.
                   Returns as an NR1 numerical value the current setting of
                   the value of the moving averaging for the calculation
                   designated by Z$.
     Example       :CALCulate:MOVE Z1, 200
                   Sets the moving averaging of Z1 equation to 200.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(21) Sets and queries the parallel movement.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:SLIDe Z$,A
                   (query)      :CALCulate:SLIDe? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A=-4000 to 4000
     Explanation   Sets the parallel movement for the calculation designated
                   by Z$.
                   Returns as an NR1 numerical value the current setting of
                   the value of the parallel movement for the calculation
                   designated by Z$.
     Example       :CALCulate:SLIDe Z1, 200
                   Sets the parallel movement of Z1 equation to 200.
     When allowed  In MEM.

(22) Sets and queries the  waveform calculation area.
     Syntax        (command)    :CALCulate:CALCArea A$
                   (query)      :CALCulate:CALCArea?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the waveform calculation area.
                   Returns the current setting of the calculation area
                   as character data.
     Example       :CALCulate:CALCArea ALL
                   Sets the calculation area to ALL data.
     When allowed  In MEM.

-12.FDISK command (Setting and querying relating to the file)


(1) Saves a file.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:SAVE "NAME1$.NAME2$",A$          (A$=Set)
                                :FDISK:SAVE "NAME1$.NAME2$",A$,B$       (A$=Bin)
                                :FDISK:SAVE "NAME1$.NAME2$",A$,B$(,C)   (A$=Text)
                                  NAME1$=file name (8 characters)
                                  NAME2$=extension (3 characters)
                                  A$=type of file
                                   Bin : binary data
                                   Text: text data
                                   Set : settings
                                  B$=saved channels(bin,text only)
                                   ALL,CH1 to CH8,LOGIC
                                  C$=interval that is applied when data is stored in text format
                                     OFF,X1_2 to X1_1000
     Explanation   Saves the information specified by A$. If an attempt is
                   made to save to a filename that already exists,
                   an execution error is generated.
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of double
                   quotation marks (").
                   In FFT or POW function, whatever B$ is, saves all channel.
     Example       :FDISK:SAVE "TEST.DAT",Bin,ALL
                    Saves all channels of bin data under the file name 'TEST. DAT'.
                   :FDISK:SAVE "TEST1.DAT",Text,ALL
                    Saves all channels of text data non-permitted under the
                    file name 'TEST1. DAT'.
                   :FDISK:SAVE "TEST2.DAT",Text,ALL,10
                    Saves all channels of text data 10sec interval under the
                    file name 'TEST2. DAT'.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(2) Loads a file.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:LOAD NO(,A$)
                                :FDISK:LOAD "NAME$"(,A$)
                                 NO = file number
                                 NAME$ = file name
     Explanation   Loads the data in the file numbered NO.
                   Loads the data in the "NAME$" file.
                   In FFT or POW function, always loads "NEW" mode.
     Example       :FDISK:LOAD 1,NEW
                   Loads the waveform data of the file numbered 1.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(3) Queries information about a file or directory.
    Syntax         (query)      :FDISK:INFOr? NO
                   (response)   NO<NR1>,"NAME$","DATE$","TIME$",A<NR1>,B$,C$
                                  NO     = file or directory number
                                  NAME$  = file name
                                  DATE$  = date of save
                                  TIME$  = time of save
                                  A      = size of file (bytes)
                                  B$     = (MEM)
                                  C$     = measurement contents (WAVE, SET)
                                  D      = recording length
                                  TDATE$ = year/month/day of trigger
                                  TTIME$ = trigger time
     Explanation   Returns information about the file numbered NO.
                   If the file cannot be read, returns:
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of
                   double quotation marks (").
     Note          It becomes the information to TIME$ in the case of a directory.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking

(4) Deletes a file or directory.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:DELEte NO
                                :FDISK:DELEte "NAME$"
                                 NO = file or directory number
                                 NAME$=file or directory name
     Explanation   Deletes the file or directory numbered NO.
     Example       :FDISK:DELEte 1
                   Deletes the file (directory) numbered 1.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(5) Formats media.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:FORMat A$(,B$)
                                 A$=Quick, Normal
     Explanation   Formats media (PC card).
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(6) Creates a directory.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:MKDIR "NAME$"
                                  NAME$ = subdirectory name
     Explanation   Creates a subdirectory in the current directory on
                   the media.
                   Single quotation marks (') can be used instead of double
                   quotation marks (").
     Example       :FDISK:MKDIR 'TEST'
                   Creates a subdirectory called TEST on the PC card.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(7) Changes the current directory.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:CHDIR NO
                                :FDISK:CHDIR "NAME$"
                                  NO = file number (directory)
                                  NAME$=directory name
     Explanation   Changes the current directory to the directory numbered
                   NO on the media.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(8) Queries the number of files.
     Syntax        (query)      :FDISK:FILE?
                   (response)    A <NR1>
                                  A = number of files
     Explanation   Returns the total number of files which are currently
                   saved as an NR1 numerical value.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(9) Queries the filename.
     Syntax        (query)      :FDISK:NINFor? NO
                   (response)    NO, "NAME$", A$
                                  NO = file number
                                  NAME$ = name of the file
                                  A$ = FILE (file)
                                       DIR (directory)
     Explanation   Returns the filename numbered NO as character data.
     Example       (query)      :FDISK:NINFor? 1
                   (response)   :FDISK:NINFor 1, "TEST. DAT", FILE
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place

(10) Queries the current directory.
     Syntax        (query)      :FDISK:DIR?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = directory name
     Explanation   Returns the current directory name (with the pass) on
                   the media as character data.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(11) Queries the allowable number of bytes.
     Syntax        (query)      :FDISK:FREE?
                   (response)    A <NR1>
                                  A = allowable number of bytes
     Explanation   Returns the allowable number of bytes for the PC card
                   as an NR1 numerical value.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(12) Sets and queries the media type.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:MEDIA A$
                   (query)      :FDISK:MEDIA?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = FD,PC,MO,HDD,SCSI,INTMEM
     Explanation   Sets the media type.
                   Returns the current media type as character data.
     Example       :FDISK:MEDIA FD
                   Floppy disk media are used.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(13) Sets and queries the sort order type for the file list.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:STYPe A$
                   (query)      :FDISK:STYPe?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = the sort order types
                                       OFF  = disable sort
                                       NAME = name order
                                       TYPE = type(extension) order
                                       TIME = date order
                                       SIZE = file size order
     Explanation   Sets the sort order type for the file list.
                   Returns the selected sort order type of the file list
                   as character data.
     Example       :FDISK:STYPe NAME
                   Displays the file list Sorted in name order.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

(14) Sets and queries the sort direction setting of the file list.
     Syntax        (command)    :FDISK:SDIRection A$
                   (query)      :FDISK:SDIRection?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$ = the sort direction
                                       UP   = ascending order
                                       DOWN = decending order
     Explanation   Sets the sort direction for the file list.
                   Returns the  sort direction setting of the file list
                   as character data.
     Example       :FDISK:SDIRection UP
                   Displays the file list in ascending sort order.
     When allowed  Providing that measurement operation is not taking place.

-13.GRAPh command (Commands relating to graphics editor)


(1) Sets the graphic editor mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:EDIT A$
                   (query)      :GRAPh:EDIT?
                   (response)    A$
                                  A$=OFF, ON
     Explanation   Sets the graphic editor mode.
                   Returns the graphic editor mode.
     Example       :GRAPh:EDIT ON
                   Sets the graphic editor mode to ON.
     When allowed  In MEM in SINGLE or XY SINGLE format.
                   In FFT in SINGLE or NYQUIST format.
                   In POW in SINGLE format.

(2) Paints the drawing
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:PAINT X,Y
     Explanation   Begins solid fill from the point specified by (X,Y).
                   X:0 to 750(SINGLE format), 0 to 500(XY SINGLE format)
                   Y:0 to 500
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(3) Parallel movement
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:PARAllel high,low,right,left
                                  high,low,right,left=0 to 10.0(div)
     Explanation   Carries out a parallel movement of the drawing.
                   The high and low parameters and the right and left parameters
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(4) Draws a line.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:LINE X1,Y1,X2,Y2
     Explanation   Draws a line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2).
                   Refer to the :GRAPh:PAINT command for details of X1,X2 and Y1,Y2.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(5) Erases the line.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:ERASe X1,Y1,X2,Y2
     Explanation   Erases the line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2).
                   Refer to the :GRAPh:PAINT command for details of X1,X2 and Y1,Y2.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(6) Clears drawing.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:CLEAr X1,Y1,X2,Y2
     Explanation   Clears the rectangle with the points (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2)
                   at diagonally opposite corners.
                   Refer to the :GRAPh:PAINT command for details of X1,X2 and Y1,Y2.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(7) Clears all drawing.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:ALLClear
     Explanation   Clears the entire drawing.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(8) Loads a waveworm into the editor.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:STORage
     Explanation   Loads a waveform into the editor.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(9) Reverses the video of the drawing.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:REVErse
     Explanation   Reverses the video of the drawing.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(10) Undoes the drawing.
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:UNDO
     Explanation   Reverses the effect of the immediately previus editor command.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

(11) Saves the drawing(decision area).
     Syntax        (command)    :GRAPh:SAVE
     Explanation   Saves the decision area created with the editor in the internal memory.
     When allowed  When in the editor mode.

-14.POWer command (Setting and querying power function.)


(1) Sets and queries the wiring.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:WIRIng A,B$
                   (query)      :POWer:WIRIng? A
                   (response)   A<NR1>,B$
                                 A=1 to 4
     Explanation   Sets the wiring.
                   Returns as character data of wiring of the channel designated by A.
     Example       :POWer:WIRIng 1,P1W2
                   Sets the wiring to "1 phase 2 wire".
     When allowed  In POW.

(2) Sets and queries the screen indication.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CALCdisp no$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CALCdisp? no$
                   (response)   no$,A$
     Explanation   Sets the screen indication.
                   Returns as character data of screen indication of the number designated by no$.
     Example       :POWer:CALCdisp NO1,VRMS
                   Sets the screen indication to voltage rms.
     When allowed  In POW.

(3) Sets and queries the indication.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:POWDdisp A$
                   (query)      :POWer:POWDdisp?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the indication.
                   Returns as character data of indication.
     Example       :POWer:POWDisp WAVE
                   Sets the indication to display waveform.
     When allowed  In POW.

(4) Sets and queries the voltage rms display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:VRMS A$
                   (query)      :POWer:VRMS?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the voltage rms display.
                   Returns as character data of voltage rms display.
     Example       :POWer:VRMS ON
                   Display voltage rms measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(5) Sets and queries the voltage mean display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:VMEAn A$
                   (query)      :POWer:VMEAn?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the voltage mean display.
                   Returns as character data of voltage mean display.
     Example       :POWer:VMEAn ON
                   Display voltage mean measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(6) Sets and queries the voltage DC display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:VDC A$
                   (query)      :POWer:VDC?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the voltage DC display.
                   Returns as character data of voltage DC display.
     Example       :POWer:VDC ON
                   Display voltage DC measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(7) Sets and queries the voltage peak display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:VPEAk A$
                   (query)      :POWer:VPEAk?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the voltage peak display.
                   Returns as character data of voltage peak display.
     Example       :POWer:VPEAk ON
                   Display voltage peak measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(8) Sets and queries the voltage frequency display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:VFREq A$
                   (query)      :POWer:VFREq?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the voltage frequency display.
                   Returns as character data of voltage frequency display.
     Example       :POWer:VFREq ON
                   Display voltage frequency measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(9) Sets and queries the current rms display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CRMS A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CRMS?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the current rms display.
                   Returns as character data of current rms display.
     Example       :POWer:CRMS ON
                   Display current rms measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(10) Sets and queries the current mean display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CMEAn A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CMEAn?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the current mean display.
                   Returns as character data of current mean display.
     Example       :POWer:CMEAn ON
                   Display current mean measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(11) Sets and queries the current DC display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CDC A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CDC?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the current DC display.
                   Returns as character data of current DC display.
     Example       :POWer:CDC ON
                   Display current DC measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(12) Sets and queries the current peak display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CPEAk A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CPEAk?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the current peak display.
                   Returns as character data of current peak display.
     Example       :POWer:CPEAk ON
                   Display current peak measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(13) Sets and queries the current frequency display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:CFREq A$
                   (query)      :POWer:CFREq?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the current frequency display.
                   Returns as character data of current frequency display.
     Example       :POWer:CFREq ON
                   Display current frequency measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(14) Sets and queries the power active display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:P_P A$
                   (query)      :POWer:P_P?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the power active display.
                   Returns as character data of power active display.
     Example       :POWer:P_P ON
                   Display power active measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(15) Sets and queries the power apparent display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:P_S A$
                   (query)      :POWer:P_S?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the power apparent display.
                   Returns as character data of power apparent display.
     Example       :POWer:P_S ON
                   Display power apparent measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(16) Sets and queries the power reactive display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:P_Q A$
                   (query)      :POWer:P_Q?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the power reactive display.
                   Returns as character data of power reactive display.
     Example       :POWer:P_Q ON
                   Display power reactive measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(17) Sets and queries the power factor display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:FACTor A$
                   (query)      :POWer:FACTor?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the power factor display.
                   Returns as character data of power factor display.
     Example       :POWer:FACTor ON
                   Display power factor measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(18) Sets and queries the phase display.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PHASe A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PHASe?
                   (response)   A$
     Explanation   Sets the phase display.
                   Returns as character data of phase display.
     Example       :POWer:PHASe ON
                   Display phase measurement.
     When allowed  In POW.

(19) Sets and queries the calculation waveform.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PWAVe Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PWAVe? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A$
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                    TRENd  :VARIABLE TREND
     Explanation   Sets the calculation waveform.
                   Returns as character data of calculation waveform.
     Example       :POWer:PWAVe Z1,INSTant
                   Calculates instantaneous waveform.
     When allowed  In POW.

(20) Sets and queries the calculation channel.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PCH Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PCH? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A$
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                    U1,U2,U3,U4             :voltage
                                    I1,I2,I3,I4             :current
     Explanation   Sets the calculation channel.
                   Returns as character data of calculation cahnnel.
     Example       :POWer:PCH Z1,P1
                   Calculates P1 channel.
     When allowed  In POW.

(21) Sets and queries the calculation waveform color.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PDRAw Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PDRAw? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A$
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A$=OFF, C1 to C12
     Explanation   Sets the calculation waveform color.
                   Returns as character data of calculation waveform color.
     Example       :POWer:PDRAw Z1,C1
                   Displays the Z1 waveform in display color 1.
     When allowed  In POW.

(22) Sets and queries the waveform display graph.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PDRAw Z$,A
                   (query)      :POWer:PDRAw? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A =1 to 8(DUAL:1 to 2, QUAD:1 to 4)
     Explanation   Sets the waveform display graph on the screen.
                   On the screen, returns the current waveform display graph
                   for the channel designated by Z$ as a numerical value
                   in NR1 format.
     Example       :DISPlay:PGRAph Z1,1
                   Displays the Z1 waveform in display graph 1.
     When allowed  In POW.

(23) Sets and queries the zero cross channel.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PCROss Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PCROss? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
     Explanation   Sets the zero cross channel for the calculation designated
                   by Z$.
                   Returns the current zero cross channel for the calculation
                   designated by Z$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:PCROss Z1,U1
                   Sets the zero cross channel of Z1 to voltage channel 1.
     When allowed  In POW.

(24) Sets and queries the zero cross slope.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PSLOpe Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PSLOpe? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
     Explanation   Sets the zero cross slope for the calculation designated
                   by Z$.
                   Returns the current zero cross slope for the calculation
                   designated by Z$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:PSLOpe Z1,UP
                   Sets the zero cross slope of Z1 to UP.
     When allowed  In POW.

(25) Sets and queries the zero cross filter.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PFILter Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PFILter? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
     Explanation   Sets the zero cross filter for the calculation designated
                   by Z$.
                   Returns the current zero cross filter for the calculation
                   designated by Z$ as character data.
     Example       :DISPlay:PFILter Z1,WIDE
                   Sets the zero cross filter of Z1 to WIDE.
     When allowed  In POW.

(26) Sets and queries the scale mode.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PSCAle Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PSCAle? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A$
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
     Explanation   Sets the scale mode for the calculation designated by Z$.
                   Returns the current scale mode for the calculation
                   designated by Z$ as character data.
     Example       :POWer:PSCAle Z1,AUTO
                   Sets the scale mode of Z1 to AUTO.
     When allowed  In POW.

(27) Sets and queries upper-lower level.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PUPLow Z$,A,B
                   (query)      :POWer:PUPLow? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A,B<NR3>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A =-9.9999E29 to 9.9999E29 (upper)
                                 B =-9.9999E29 to 9.9999E29 (lower)
     Explanation   Sets the upper-lower level for the calculation
                   designated by Z$.
                   Returns the current upper-lower level for the
                   calculation designated by Z$ as an NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :POWer:PUPLow Z1,1,-1
                   Sets the upper-lower level for Z1 to 1, -1.
     When allowed  In POW.

(28) Sets and queries power wave magnification/compression.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PMAG Z$,A$
                   (query)      :POWer:PMAG? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A$
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
     Explanation   Sets the power wave magnification/compression factor
                   designated by Z$.
                   Returns the current magnification/compression factor
                   on the power wave designated by Z$ as character data.
     Example       :POWer:PMAG Z1,X1
                   Sets the power wave magnification for Z1 to X1.
     When allowed  In POW.

(29) Sets and queries power wave position.
     Syntax        (command)    :POWer:PPOSition Z$,A
                   (query)      :POWer:PPOSition? Z$
                   (response)   Z$,A<NR1>
                                 Z$=Z1 to Z8
                                 A =position(%)
     Explanation   Sets the power wave position designated by Z$.
                   Returns the current position designated by Z$ as an
                   NR3 numerical value.
     Example       :POWer:PPOSition Z1,50
                   Sets the power wave position for Z1 to 50(%).
     When allowed  In POW.

(30) Queries result of a power calculation.
     Syntax        (query)      :POWer:ANSWer? NO$,A
                   (response)   NO$,A<NR1>,B<NR3>
                                 NO$=NO1 to NO5
                                 A =1 to 4     :wiring
                                 B =calculation result
                                 **********:no calculation result
     Explanation   Returns the calculation result for the power calculation
                   result specified by NO$.
     Example       :POWer:ANSWer? NO1,1
                   Queries the calculation result of NO1 of 1.
     When allowed  In POW.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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