sdladrv.inf Driver File Contents (

;Copyright (c) 1984-2010 Sangoma Technologies All rights Reserved
;Module Name:
;    sdladrv.inf
;	David Rokhvarg <>
;    Inf File for installing Sangoma Hardware Abstraction driver on Windows XP/2003/2008/7.

Signature	= "$Windows NT$"
classGUID	= {680D0063-63ED-4e66-A2CC-6F54CB331CF5}
Provider	= %V_Sangoma%
DriverVer	= 04/18/2011,

DefaultDestDir	    = 12
Drivers_Dir         = 12 ;system32\drivers
system32.CopyFiles  = 11 ;system32




1 = %DiskId1%,,,""
2 = %DiskId1%,,,\x86

1 = %DiskId1%,,,""
2 = %DiskId1%,,,\x64

sdladrv.sys			= 2,,
sdlacfg.dll			= 2,,
wan_aftup.exe		= 2,,
wanec_client.exe	= 2,,
stelephony.dll		= 2,,
libsangoma.dll		= 2,,
waneclib.dll		= 2,,
wanpipemon.exe		= 2,,
stail.exe			= 2,,
wan_xilinx_test.exe	= 2,,
wanrouter.exe		= 2,,
wancfglib.dll		= 2,,

; Install Section


;S518-ADSL. Using ADSL section.
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__ADSL.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_ADSL,   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_S518_ADSL
; A101/2/4/8-T1/E1 and A140-Serial
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line1.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE1
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line2.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE2
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line3.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE3
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line4.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE4
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line5.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE5
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line6.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE6
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line7.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE7
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line8.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE8
;A200 - analog
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A200.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_Analog, CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT__A200
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line1.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_56k,    CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_A056__56K
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A500.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_BRI,    CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_A500__BRI

;S518-ADSL. Using ADSL section.
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__ADSL.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_ADSL,   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_S518_ADSL
; A101/2/4/8-T1/E1 and A140-Serial
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line1.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE1
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line2.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE2
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line3.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE3
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line4.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE4
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line5.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE5
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line6.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE6
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line7.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE7
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line8.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter, 	   CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT_LINE8
;A200 - analog
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A200.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_Analog, CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_AFT__A200
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line1.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_56k,    CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_A056__56K
%SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A500.DeviceDesc%=SangomaVirtualAdapter_BRI,    CommsAdapter\SangomaAdapter_A500__BRI

Characteristics	= 0x81	; NCF_VIRTUAL | NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg		    = sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Common, sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Media_T1
CopyFiles		= Drivers_Dir, system32.CopyFiles
BusType			= 15	; PNPBus

AddService = sdladrv, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, sdladrv_Service_Inst

Characteristics	= 0x81	; NCF_VIRTUAL | NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg		    = sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Common, sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Media_Analog
CopyFiles		= Drivers_Dir, system32.CopyFiles
BusType			= 15	; PNPBus

AddService = sdladrv, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, sdladrv_Service_Inst

Characteristics	= 0x81 ; NCF_VIRTUAL | NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg		    = sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Common, sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Media_ADSL
CopyFiles		= Drivers_Dir, system32.CopyFiles
BusType			= 15	; PNPBus

AddService = sdladrv, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, sdladrv_Service_Inst

Characteristics	= 0x81 ; NCF_VIRTUAL | NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg		    = sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Common, sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Media_56k
CopyFiles		= Drivers_Dir, system32.CopyFiles
BusType			= 15	; PNPBus

AddService = sdladrv, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, sdladrv_Service_Inst

Characteristics	= 0x81 ; NCF_VIRTUAL | NCF_HAS_UI
AddReg		    = sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Common, sang_virtual_if_enum.reg.Media_ISDN_BRI
CopyFiles		= Drivers_Dir, system32.CopyFiles
BusType			= 15	; PNPBus

AddService = sdladrv, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, sdladrv_Service_Inst

HKR, , DeviceName,		0,	"\Device\sdladrv"
HKR, , EnumPropPages32,	,	"sdlacfg.dll,EnumPropPages"
HKR, , Icon,			,	"0"

; Port Driver default configuration
HKR, , LogErrors,  				0, "1"  ;1 - Log errors, 0 - do not log
HKR, , SerialNumbersRange,  	0, "0"	;For the first start use, will be changed by the driver.
HKR, , UserWanpipeNumber,		0, "0"	;If "0" - Automatic number assignment, based on "last_serial_number_range" written by
										; "SngBus.sys" in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\busenum".
										; If a number between 1 and 128, then user provided it.
HKR, , ExternalSynchronization, 0, "0"	;Off (IN). Use internal Oscillator (default).
HKR, , StartPortWhenComputerStartsFlag, 0, "1"	;WANOPT_YES
HKR, , BufferMultiplierFactor,	0, "1"
HKR, , tdmv_law,				0, "2" 	;default for all types of cards WAN_TDMV_MULAW
HKR, , TDMV_DCHAN,				0, "0"	;dchan not used

;******* single Group of channels, default settings:
HKR,,	Media,	     						0,	"0" 		;WAN_MEDIA_NONE
HKR,,	aft_number_of_logic_channels,		0, 	"1"
HKR,,	aft_logic_channel_0_active_ch,		0, 	"1"	
HKR,,	aft_logic_channel_0_line_mode,		0, 	"BitStream"	;do NOT use HDLC as default to avoid CRC error interrupts during install
HKR,,	aft_logic_channel_0_mtu,			0, 	"160"
HKR,,	aft_logic_channel_0_operational_mode,0, 	"API"		;general API, not Voice API
HKR,,	aft_logic_channel_0_idle_char,		0, 	"255"		;0xFF
HKR,,	ClkRefPort, 						0, 	"0"			;0 means no reference port
;E1 only but set a default in case user switches to E1
HKR,,	E1Signalling,						0,	"1"		;E1 CCS
HKR,,	HighImpedanceMode,					0,	"0"		;Off - WANOPT_NO
;Receiver Sensitivity (Max Cable Loss Allowed)
HKR,,	TE_RX_SLEVEL,						0,	"120"	;WAN_TE1_RX_SLEVEL_12_DB
HKR,,	TE_IGNORE_YEL,						0,	"0"		;WANOPT_NO


;Serial AFT A140 default settings - Start
HKR,,	serial_connection_type,		0,	"0"	;WANOPT_PERMANENT
HKR,,	serial_line_coding,			0,	"0"	;WANOPT_NRZ
HKR,,	serial_line_idle,			0,	"0"	;WANOPT_IDLE_FLAG
HKR,,	clock_source,				0,	"0"	;WANOPT_EXTERNAL
HKR,,	Baudrate,					0,	"0"	;64000 - a baud rate in bits per second
;Serial AFT A140 default settings - End

;******* End of common defaults *******

; T1 Media Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,,Media,			0,	"1"	;T1
HKR,,LDecoding,		0,	"2"	;B8ZS
HKR,,Framing,		0,	"1"	;ESF
HKR,,ClkMode,		0,	"1"	;Normal
HKR,,LBO,			0,	"1"	;0dB
HKR,,tdmv_law,		0,	"2"	;WAN_TDMV_MULAW
; T1 Media Configuration Defaults - End

; E1 Media Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,,Media,			0,	"2"	;E1
HKR,,LDecoding,		0,	"2"	;HDB3
HKR,,Framing,		0,	"4"	;CRC4
HKR,,ClkMode,		0,	"1"	;Normal
HKR,,LBO,			0,	"1"	;0dB
HKR,,E1Signalling,	0,	"1"	;E1 CCS
HKR,,tdmv_law,		0,	"1" ;WAN_TDMV_ALAW
; E1 Media Configuration Defaults - End

; Analog Media Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,,Media,	     						0, "8" 		;FXO/FXS Analog
HKR,,tdmv_law,							0, "2" 		;WAN_TDMV_MULAW
HKR,,aft_logic_channel_0_mtu,			0, "160"	;default length for Analog - provides 20Ms timing
HKR,,aft_logic_channel_0_operational_mode,	0, "TDM_CHAN_VOICE_API"	;overwrite what was written by 'reg.Common'!!
HKR,,remora_fxo_operation_mode_name,	0, "FCC"	;FCC - is default == TDMV_OPERMODE
HKR,,RM_BATTTHRESH,						0, "3"
HKR,,RM_FXO_TAPPING_OFF_HOOK_THRESHOLD,	0, "10" 	;valid values between 5 and 20 == RM_OHTHRESH
HKR,,RM_LCM,							0, "0"		;Off - FXO Loop Current Monitoring is off by default

HKR,,RM_FXSTXGAIN,						0, "0"		;a value
HKR,,RM_FXSRXGAIN,						0, "0"		;a value
HKR,,RM_FXOTXGAIN,						0, "0"		;a value
HKR,,RM_FXORXGAIN,						0, "0"		;a value
HKR,,RM_RINGAMPL,						0, "0"		;a value
; Analog Media Configuration Defaults - End

; AFT 56k Media Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,,Media,	     			0, "3" 		;WAN_MEDIA_56K
HKR,,electrical_interface,	0, "1"		;WANOPT_V35
HKR,,clock_source,			0, "0"		;WANOPT_EXTERNAL
HKR,,BaudRate,				0, "0"		;the line speed, if Internal clock
; AFT 56k Media Configuration Defaults - End

; ISDN_BRI Media Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,, Media,				0, "9"		;WAN_MEDIA_BRI		0x09
HKR,, tdmv_law,				0, "1"		;WAN_TDMV_ALAW
HKR,, aft_bri_clock_mode,	0, "1"		;WAN_NORMAL_CLK

;******* Three Groups of channels, default settings:
HKR, , aft_number_of_logic_channels,	0, 		"1"		;Two Voice channels and one D-channel. The D-channel interface will be created AUTOMATICALLY by the driver!
;group 0. B-channel 0.
HKR, , aft_logic_channel_0_active_ch,	0, 		"1-2"	;the voice channels
HKR, , aft_logic_channel_0_line_mode,	0, 		"BitStream"
HKR, , aft_logic_channel_0_mtu,			0, 		"160"	;provides 20Ms timing
HKR, , aft_logic_channel_0_operational_mode,0, 	"TDM_CHAN_VOICE_API"	;overwrite what was written by 'reg.Common'!!
																		;Note that on B700 both Analog and BRI lines are in the SAME mode - the 'TDM_CHAN_VOICE_API mode. Otherwize the card will not work.
HKR, , aft_logic_channel_0_idle_char,	0, 		"255"	;0xFF - required by ISDN BRI as idle char

HKR, , ClkRefPort, 						0, 		"0"	;0 means no reference port
; ISDN_BRI Media Configuration Defaults - End

; ADSL Configuration Defaults - Start
HKR,,Media,	     		0, "0" 		;WAN_MEDIA_NONE
HKR,,electrical_interface,	0, "1"	;WANOPT_V35
HKR,,clock_source,		0, "0"		;WANOPT_EXTERNAL
HKR,,BaudRate,			0, "0"		;the line speed, if Internal clock

HKR,,AdslEncapMode,		0, "0" 		;RFC_MODE_BRIDGED_ETH_LLC
;HKR,,AdslEncapMode,		0, "2" 		;RFC_MODE_ROUTED_IP_LLC

HKR,,AdslVpi,	     		0, "0" 		;
HKR,,AdslVci,	     		0, "35"		;

HKR,,AdslVerbose,     		0, "1" 		;

HKR,,AdslRxBufferCount,		0, "50"		;
HKR,,AdslTxBufferCount,		0, "50"		;

HKR,,AdslStandard,     		0, "4" 		;WANOPT_ADSL_MULTIMODE
HKR,,AdslTrellis,     		0, "32768"	;WANOPT_ADSL_TRELLIS_ENABLE == 0x8000
HKR,,AdslTxPowerAtten, 		0, "0" 		;
HKR,,AdslCodingGain,   		0, "65280"	;WANOPT_ADSL_AUTO_CODING_GAIN == 0xFF00
HKR,,AdslMaxBitsPerBin,		0, "15"		;== 0xE;
HKR,,AdslTxStartBin,	 	0, "6" 		;== 0x6
HKR,,AdslTxEndBin,     		0, "31"		;== 0x1F
HKR,,AdslRxStartBin,   		0, "32"		;== 0x20
HKR,,AdslRxEndBin,    		0, "255"	;== 0xFF

HKR,,AdslRxBinAdjust,  		0, "0" 		;WANOPT_ADSL_RX_BIN_DISABLE == 0x00
HKR,,AdslFramingStruct,		0, "3" 		;WANOPT_ADSL_FRAMING_TYPE_3 == 0x0003

HKR,,AdslExpandedExchange,	0, "32768"	;WANOPT_ADSL_EXPANDED_EXCHANGE == 0x8000
HKR,,AdslClockType,    		0, "4" 		;WANOPT_ADSL_CLOCK_CRYSTAL == 0x04
HKR,,AdslMaxDownRate, 		0, "8192"	;
HKR,,aft_logic_channel_0_mtu,		  0,    "1500"	;overwrite what was written by 'reg.Common'!!
HKR,,aft_logic_channel_0_operational_mode,0, 	"STACK" ;overwrite what was written by 'reg.Common'!!

HKR,,Adsl_atm_watchdog,		0, "0" 		;

HKR,,AdslRxCellCount,  		0, "1" 		;The minimum - for 64kbs line.
						;Controls the latency of rx interrupt.
; ADSL Configuration Defaults - End

DisplayName    = %sdladrv.SVCDESC%
ServiceType    = 1               ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3               ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 
ErrorControl   = 1               ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\sdladrv.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Extended Base



V_Sangoma	           	= "Sangoma Technologies"
DiskId1					= "Sangoma Installation Disk"
ClassName				= "Sangoma Communications Devices"

; BIG NOTE: The "Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver" string is used by software to search for
;		Sangoma Ports (libsangoma.c and others).  That means this string should not be
;		modified without a VERY good reason.
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__ADSL.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (ADSL)"
;A101/A102/A104/A108,  A056  and  A140 :
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line1.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 1)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line2.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 2)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line3.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 3)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line4.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 4)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line5.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 5)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line6.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 6)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line7.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 7)"
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT_Line8.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Port 8)"
;all Analog Ports:
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A200.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (Analog)"
;all ISDN BRI Ports:
SangomaVirtualAdapter_AFT__A500.DeviceDesc = "  Sangoma Hardware Abstraction Driver (ISDN BRI)"

sdladrv.SVCDESC        = "Sangoma Hardware Abstraction driver"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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