readC3x.txt Driver File Contents (

Spectrum Digital Inc                                                 Sept. 2000                                     
12502 Exchange Dr.
Suite 440
Stafford, Texas 77477

Phone:      281-494-4500
Fax:        281-494-5310

XDS510PP/SPI510/SPI515/XDS510PP_PLUS/SPI530 for TMS320C3x/VC3x and TMS320C4x,  
Win95/WinNT Drivers for GoDsp Code Composer version 4.1

Driver Release 1.2

1.0 New Features
Release 1.2
- Enabled higher speed timing mode for the XDS510PP MPSD to support 60 MHz
  C31 and C32.

Release 1.1
- Initial release of TMS320C3x, TMS320VC3x and TMS320C4x drivers for Code 
  Composer 4.x.

- Initial support for the TMX320VC33 (rev 1.0 silicon) which includes
  JTAG based emulation. 

2.0 What is Included
The following files are included in the TMS320C54xx Code Composer driver

  readC3x.txt             - This file
  portio.exe              - XDS510PP Port utilities
  spi510.exe              - SPI510 Port utilities
  spi515.exe              - SPI515 Port utilities              - C30, C31, C32, XDS510PP-MPSD emulation driver           - C30, C31, C32, SPI530-MPSD emulation driver            - VC33, XDS510PP, XDS510PP_PLUS, SPI515, SPI510 JTAG
                            emulation driver              - C40, C44, XDS510PP, XDS510PP_PLUS, SPI515, SPI510 JTAG
                            emulation driver
  sdiont.sys              - WinNT port io driver
  sddllmgt.dll            - Dll name manager
  sdsmg51095.dll          - Xds510pp SMG/SCIF dll
  tismg51095.dll          - Spi510/Xds510  SMG/SCIF dll
  sdspi515.dll            - Spi515/XDS510PP_PLUS SMG/SCIF dll
  xds510pp.ini            - XDS510PP initialization file
  sdopts.cfg              - Options file
  specdig\examples\c3x    - C3x sample code
  specdig\docs\c3x        - C3x\C4x documentation
  specdig\examples\c4x    - C4x example code

2.1 Installation Directories
The install directories are setup to match your C3x Code Composer install
paths.  Express directory specifiers:

       <INSTALLDIR>    Base location that you specify on install. Default is

       <WINDIR>        Win95  - \windows
                       WinNT  - \winnt

       <WINSYSDIR>     Win95  - \windows\system
                       WinNT  - \winnt\system32

       Install File Directories:

       <INSTALLDIR>\specdig                       - Root level for SD tools
       <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\bin                   - SD binary files/utilities
       <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\docs\c3x              - C3x specific docs
       <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\examples\c3x          - C3x specific examples/gel files
       <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\examples\c4x          - C4x specific examples/gel files
       <WINDIR>\ti\drivers  - Code Composer specific drivers
       <WINSYSDIR>          - SD emulator drivers and config files.

       <WINSYSDIR>\drivers  - NT specific kernel mode drivers

3.0 Installation
  Make sure you have installed Code Composer.

  If installing under Windows NT you have to log on as administrator to load
  the driver "sdiont.sys".

  3.1 Software 
    3.1.1. If installing from floppy disk run "setup.exe".  If installing
           from self extracting setup then run "setupCC3x.exe".   
  3.2 NT Driver Install (Manual Install)
    If you did not install the NT driver during the software installation you
    can manually install the driver by doing the following:

    3.2.1. Log on as administrator
    3.2.2. From the <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\bin directory execute 
           "portio -dadd <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\sdiont.sys".
           <INSTALLDIR> has to be the full path name to the
           sdiont.sys WinNT driver.  This will load and start the driver.
           It also sets the driver flags for automatic startup on system

4.0 Code Composer Setup
Run the Code Composer Setup utility and follow the steps below.  When installing
a driver you have three choices:
     1.     - C30/C31/C32, XDS510PP-MPSD
     2.  - C30/C31/C32, SPI530
     3.   - VC33, XDS510PP, XDS510PP_PLUS, SPI515, SPI510
     4.      - C40/C44, XDS510PP, XDS510PP_PLUS, SPI515, SPI510

  Step 1) Select Install Device Driver.  Choose one of the drivers above.
  Step 2) Now drag the driver icon from the Available Processor Types to
          the System Configuration window.
  Step 3) Double clock on driver in the System Configuration window. 
          - Select Board Properties and set the I/O address to one of the following;
              0x3bc, 0x278, 0x378 (Valid XDS510PP/SPI515/XDS510PP_PLUS printer port addresses)
              0x240, 0x280, 0x320, 0x340 (Valid XDS510/SPI510 port address)
          - Select Processor Configuration (VC33 and C4x )  
            - Under Available Processors select the appropriate DSP
	    - Select Add Single (one processor session)  See Code Composer docs
              for multiprocessor support.
          - Select Finish
  Step 4) Save your settings and exit Code Composer setup.

5.0 Example Code
Examples are included in the <INSTALLDIR>\specdig\examples\C3x and
<INSTALLDIR>\specdig\examples\C4x directories.  

6.0 XDS510PP.ini Options( xds510pp only)
Several options have been added to the xds510pp.ini.  Following is a summary
of all the xds510pp.ini options (required for xds510pp only):

    speed=<0-100>              Set the "delay" time between port accesses, 
                               default is 0.
    mode= < spp4, spp8, epp>   Set the port operationg mode.
    port= < 278, 378, 3bc >    Set the printer port address.
    opto                       Include opto-isolator pod in the scan path.
    nopoll                     Skip certain polling operations during scan
                               operations for improved performance. 

    Sample xds510pp.ini (default)
       port = 378
       mode  = epp
       speed = 0

   Sample xds510pp.ini with no polling
       port = 378
       mode  = epp
       speed = 0


   1. The xds510pp.ini file search rules are 
        A. Look in current directory
        B. Then look in path specified by D_DIR.
        C. Then look in the Windows system directory.

      For an application like the C54x  Debugger and Composer Studio the 
      xds510pp.ini file should be placed in the system directory. This allows
      both applications to share the same file settings.

   2.  speed - The low level port drivers have been optimized so that this
               parameter can be set to 0 in most cases.

   3.  nopoll - This is generally a safe optimization when your JTAG TCK rate
                is above 5MHz.  The XDS510PP default TCK rate is 10MHz.

   4.   When the low level port driver is started it will generate a file,
       "SdEmuLog.txt".  If you run into problems during start up check the
       contents of this file.  The file will tell you what values it is
       using from the xds510pp.ini and the path to the xds510pp.ini file.
       If the xds510pp.ini file settings match the SdEmuLog.txt file settings
       but there is an error then run the "portio.exe" utility to determine
       the cause of the error and proper port settings.

6.1 sdopts.cfg Configuration Options (xds510pp, spi510, xds510, 
                                      spi515, xds510pp_plus)
The following section is extracted from the sdopts.cfg which is installed
into your Windows System directory.

# ======================================================================================
# Spectrum Digital Emulator Configuration file "sdopts.cfg".  This file should be 
# located in your Windows system directory so that it is available to all emulator
# applications. 
#  Windows System Directories
#    Win95      \windows\system
#    WinNT      \winnt\system32
# Supports
#     XDS510PP      Spectrum Digital emulator, printer port
#     XDS510        Texas Instruments emulator, ISA
#     SPI510        Spectrum Digital emulator, low voltage, data logging, ISA
#     SPI515        Spectrum Digital emulator, low voltage, printer port
#     SPI520        Spectrum Digital emulator, low voltage, data logging, printer port
#     eZdsp54x      Spectrum Digital eZdsp54x
#     eZdsp2710     Spectrum Digital eZdsp2710
#     XDS510PP_PLUS Spectrum Digital emulator, printer port (performance enhanced version)
# See your emulator documentation for more details on options and support.  XDS510PP
# emulation software will search for the traditional "xds510pp.ini" first.  If
# this file is not found then it will use "sdopts.cfg".  For other emulators
# "sdopts.cfg" is the only config file supported.
# sdopts.cfg file search order is:
#    1) Local directory.  Generally your debugger launch directory or GoDSP drivers
#       directory.
#    2) Directory pointed to by D_DIR
#    3) Windows System directory
# Emulator software has built in defaults for options which you can override by 
# supplying the appropriate option(s).  You only need to supply those options that
# you want to override.  Any options supplied that are not used by a
# particular emulator are ignored.
# ===============
# [EmulatorId=xxx]
# ----------------
#     where xxx is 1-99; SPI520 
#     where xxx is 3bc, 278, 378; XDS510PP,SPI515, XDS510PP_PLUS
#     where xxx is 240,280,320,340; XDS510, SPI510
#     The EmulatorId corresponds to the port address used to start the debugger.
#     Under GoDSP Code Composer this is supplied during the setup using cc_setup.exe.
#     For TI debuggers this is passed in with the -p option.  
#     CodeComposer Example: 
#                           [ I/O Port ]  0x3bc,  0x278,  0x378           -- XDS510PP/SPI515/eZdsp
#                                                                         -- XDS510PP_PLUS
#                           [ I/O Port ]  0x240,  0x280,  0x320,  0x340   -- SPI510/XDS510
#                           [ I/O Port ]  0x13bc, 0x1278, 0x2278, 0x2378  -- SPI520
#     TI Debugger  Example: 
#                             -p 3bc,  -p 278,  -p 378            -- XDS510PP
#                             -p 240,  -p 280,  -p 320,  -p 340   -- SPI510/XDS510
#                             -p 13bc, -p 1278, -p 2278, -p 2378  -- SPI520
#     NOTES: The SPI520 EmulatorId is taken from the most significant nibble of the
#            address.  Example: -p 1278 corresponds to EmulatorId=1.
#            The XDS510PP, SPI515 and XDS510PP_PLUS "share" the same EmulatorId (port address). 
#            To select an emulator uncomment it's product name and comment out the others.
#              EmuProductName=XDS510PP
#              #EmuProductName=SPI515
#              #EmuProductName=XDS510PP_PLUS
#            eZdsp products share the same EmulatorId with the XDS510PP, SPI515 and XDS510PP_PLUS.  
#            However the low level emulator interface is embedded and does not require the
#            EmuProductName.
# "Emu" options
# -------------
#     EmuPortAddr          Emulator port address
#     EmuPortMode          Printer port mode, SPP4,SPP8,EPP,ECP
#     EmuPortSpeed         Emulator port speed (0-fastest 100-slowest)
#                            If using the SPI515 or XDS510PP_PLUS in EPP mode on a fast PC then
#                            EmuPortSpeed may need to be set greater then 0. The failure 
#                            mode generally shows up as errors on DSP Reset or memory read/write.  
#     EmuAddOptoPod        Include SD opto-isolator pod
#     EmuDisablePolling    Disable certain emulation polling for improved performance.
#     EmuProductName       Name of hardware product. Valid names are XDS510PP or SPI515 
#                          or XDS510PP_PLUS.
#                          Default is XDS510PP. 
#     EmuDoWaitInReset     Perform C27x style Wait-In-Reset.  Option support by product:
#                             XDS510PP      - Not supported, (option ignored).
#                             SPI510        - Hard coded for Wait-In-Reset,(option ignored).
#                             SPI520        - Hard coded for Wait-In-Reset,(option ignored).
#                             SPI515        - Option supported.
#                             XDS510PP_PLUS - Option supported.
# "Dlog" options
# --------------
#     These options are only valid for the SPI510, SPI515 and SPI520.
#     DlogEmuPinEnable     Enable the use of C27x EMU0/1 datalogging
#     DlogRtdxEnable       Enable Rtdx support of EMU0/1 datalogging
#     DlogStopOnBufferFull Stop when buffer full(DlogExpress only)
#     DlogInvertDataRecv   Invert incoming data
#     DlogInvertFrameSync  Invert incoming frame sync.
#     DlogInvertClk        Invert incoming clock
#     DlogStoreIncremental Store data incrementally (as it comes in or on exit)
#     DlogUseDlogExpress   Use DlogExpress module if found
#     DlogBinFileName      Path\filename to store binary data
#     DlogStatusFile       Path\filename to store datalogging status information
#     DlogBinFileSize      Number of 1024 byte blocks to store
# ======================================================================================

7.0 Utilities
A configuration utility is included for each emulator.  
  Emulator          Support Utility
  --------          ---------------
  xds510pp          portio.exe
  xds510/spi510     spi510.exe
  spi520            spi520.exe
  spi515            spi515.exe

Executing the utility with -help, or no options will give the list of options 

Option support:

    Option                portio.exe  spi510.exe  spi530.exe  spi515.exe
    -h                       yes        yes         yes          yes
    -p                       yes        yes         yes          yes     
    -q                       yes        yes         yes          yes
    -e                       yes        no          yes          yes      
    -s                       yes        no          no           no
    -r                       yes        yes         yes          yes 
    -x                       yes        yes         yes          no
    -nsc                     yes        no          yes          yes 
    -tosh                    yes        no          yes          yes  
    -smc                     yes        no          yes          yes
    -dadd                    yes        yes         yes          yes
    -ddrem                   yes        yes         yes          yes 

7.1 Option explanation
-h      Help (shows the options)

-p xxxx Specify the host I/O port.

-q      Wait for user prompt to exit utility

-e      Examine the ports available on the PC and hopefully
        find one that works.

-s      Select the "fastest" operating mode for a port.  
        Must have power on the XDS510PP and target board.
        You must specify a -p <io port> option if you are not
        using 378 as your default.  This option does NOT 
        read xds510pp.ini.  It will create a xds510pp.sav file
        that you can copy to xds510pp.ini when you find a
        preferred setting.

-r      Resets the port (same as emurst)
        Must have power on the emulator and target board.
        This option will also print out extended diagnostics
        if there is trouble resetting the emulator. 

-x      Xds_diag.  Only run this after you think you have a good 
        port and a valid board.dat file.
        Must have power on the XDS510PP and target board.
        This utility will can verify the DSP processor Id and
        test that your basic scan path is functional.
        This option does NOT apply to the C3x as it is not
        a JTAG device.

        XDS diagnostics [options]                  
         - n  Processor name                   
         - f  Board file name                  
         - c  Continuous cycling               
         - d  Cycle data                       
         - v  Run integrity test  

-nsc    Replaces nscmode.exe.
        nscmode [options]
        -help         help
        -verbose      verbose
        -compatible   unidirectional
        -extended     bidirectional
        -epp1.7       EPP 1.7 enabled
        -epp1.9       EPP 1.9 enabled
        -ecp          ECP enabled

-tosh   Replaces tosh.exe.

-smc    Replaces smcmode.exe.
        smcmode [options]
        -h     help
        -r     reset status register
        -m x   set to mode x = 0..4

        Mode 0 -> Standard bidirectional mode
        Mode 1 -> EPP and SPP mode
        Mode 2 -> ECP mode
        Mode 3 -> ECP and EPP mode
        Mode 4 -> Non bidirectional mode

-dadd drvpath\drvname  Add\start NT driver.  The driver flags
                       will be set for automatic startup.  

-ddrem drvname         Stop\remove NT driver. Do not include 
                       .sys in the drvname

7.2 Setting Printer Port Mode 

Notes:  For new PCs try to set the port for ECP or ECP+ (SPP8 or EPP)
        if available.  If an ECP port is detected then the emulator
        software sets the ECP submode based on the setting in your 
        xds510pp.ini/sdopts.cfg file.

        ***WARNING***  Not all ECP mode devices support EPP submode. 
        After setting your port to ECP run portio.exe with -s.  This will
        show which submode is supported.

        Detecting EPP mode is not 100% reliable due to the various implementations
        of EPP mode.  If you run portio -e and it does not detect a port then
        run portio -s.  Running portio -s will make accesses to the emulation
        device in the XDS510PP.   This check is more reliable but does require
        that you have the XDS510PP and the target system powered up and have a
        minimally functional target.
        The portio.exe utility and low level emulator software generate a
        log file named SdEmuLog.txt.  Following is an example: 

		***** Spectrum Digital Inc.   *****
		***** *****

		IniFilePath = C:\composer
		Incoming Port Address     = 0x0378
		Using Port Address        = 0x0378
		Port Mode                 = EPP
		Port Speed                = 0x0000
		SCIF Error                = 0
        IniFilePath:            Path of the xds510pp.ini file that is 
                                being used.

        Incoming Port Address:  -p xxxx value passed in from the debugger.

        Using Port Address:     Actual address used by the emulator. These
                                should always be the same.	

        Port Mode:              Printer port mode used.

        Port Speed:             Port speed used.

        SCIF Error              Low level emulation driver error.  If the
                                error code is NOT 0 then run portio.exe -r.
                                This will attempt to reset the emulator and
                                check basic connection to the target.  It also
                                provides additional error message to help you
                                resolve the problem.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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