Chapter2.txt Driver File Contents (

Page Title: Chapter 2 Commands

Chapter 2 Commands

2.1 Command Summary

2.1.1 Standard Commands Specified by IEEE 488.2

|Command|          Data          |                Explanation                 |
|       |(for a query, response d|                                            |
|       |          ata)          |                                            |
|*CLS   |                        |Clears the status byte and associated queues|
|       |                        |.                                           |
|*ESR?  |A<NR1>:0 to 255         |Queries SESR.                               |
|*IDN?  |Maker's name, model numb|Queries device ID.                          |
|       |er                      |                                            |
|       |serial number(not used, |                                            |
|       |0)                      |                                            |
|       |software version        |                                            |
|*OPC   |                        |Sets the LSB of SESR after all action has be|
|       |                        |en                                          |
|*OPC?  |A<NR1>                  |ASCII 1 is the response after all action has|
|       |                        |been                                        |
|*OPT?  |ch1 to ch8              |Queries device option provision.            |
|       |0=none,other=exist      |                                            |
|*RST   |                        |Device initial setting.                     |
|*STB?  |A<NR1>:0 to 255         |Reads the STB and the MSS bit,without perfor|
|       |                        |ming                                        |
|       |                        |serial polling.                             |
|*TST?  |A<NR1>:0=OK,1=NG        |Queries the result of the ROM/RAM check.    |
|*WAI   |                        |Executes the following command after action |
|       |                        |has                                         |
|:ESRO? |A<NR1>:0 to 255         |Queries ESR0.                               |

2.1.2 Specific Commands

(1) Execution control etc.

|  Command   |           Data            |          Explanation          |    |
|            |(for a query, response data|                               |    |
|            |             )             |                               |    |
|:ABORT      |                           |Force halt.                    |    |
|:CERRor?    |A,B,C<NR1>(number of times)|Queries the communication error|    |
|            |A:parity error,            |s.                             |    |
|            |B:overrun error,           |                               |    |
|            |C:framing error            |                               |    |
|:ERRor?     |A<NR1>:error number        |Queries error number.          |    |
|:FEED A     |A:1 to 255(unit:mm)        |Feeds the paper the specified d|    |
|            |                           |istance.                       |    |
|:HCOPy      |                           |Same as the COPY key.          |    |
|:HEADer A$  |A$:OFF,ON                  |Enables and disables headers.  |    |
|:HEADer?    |A$                         |Queries headers.               |    |
|:PRINt      |                           |Same as the PRINT key.         |    |
|:STARt      |                           |Same as the START key.         |    |
|:STOP       |                           |Same as the STOP key.          |    |
|:AUTO       |                           |Same as the AUTO key.          |    |
|:FUNCtion A$|A$:MEM,REC,R&M,FFT         |Sets function.                 |ALL |
|:FUNCtionH |A$                         |Queries                        |    |
|:SAVE       |                           |Same as the SAVE key.          |    |

(2) CONFigure command (Setting and querying the time axis range, the recording
length, etc.)

|     Command     |         Data         |        Explanation        |function|
|   :CONFigure    |(for a query, response|                           |        |
|                 |        data)         |                           |        |
|:TDIV A(,B)      |A,B:TIME/DIV(unit s)  |Sets time axis range       |MEM,REC |
|:TDIVH          |A<NR3>(unit s)        |Queries                    |,R&M,POW|
|:EXTSample A     |A:10 to 1000          |Sets "Samples/DIV"         |MEM,POW |
|:EXTSample?      |A<NR1>                |Queries                    |        |
|:SAMPle A        |A:interval(unit s)    |Sets recording interval    |REC     |
|:SAMPle?         |A<NR3>(unit s)        |Queries                    |        |
|:SHOT A(,B)      |A,B:recording length(u|Sets recording length.     |MEM,REC |
|                 |nit DIV)              |                           |,R&M,POW|
|:SHOT?           |0:CONT                |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |                           |        |
|:DOTLine A$      |A$:DOT,LINE           |Sets the interpolation fuct|MEM,REC |
|:DOTLine?        |A$                    |ion.                       |,FFT    |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:FORMat A$       |A$:SINGle,DUAL,QUAD,OC|Sets the format.           |ALL     |
|                 |T,                    |                           |        |
|                 |XYSingle,XYQuad       |                           |        |
|:FORMat?         |SINGle,DUAL,NYQuist(FF|Queries the format.        |        |
|                 |T)                    |                           |        |
|                 |A$                    |                           |        |
|:ROLL A$         |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets the roll mode.        |MEM,POW |
|:ROLL?           |A$                    |Queries roll mode enablemen|        |
|                 |                      |t.                         |        |
|:OVERlay A$      |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets waveform overlay.     |MEM,POW |
|:OVERlay?        |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:AVERage A       |A:0(OFF) to 1024      |Sets the count for averagin|MEM     |
|:AVERage?        |A<NR1>                |g.                         |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:MEMDiv A$       |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets memory segmentation.  |MEM,R&M |
|:MEMDiv?         |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:MAXBlock A      |A:4 to 1024           |Sets the number of memory  |MEM,R&M |
|                 |                      |blocks                     |        |
|:MAXBlock?       |A<NR1>                |Queries                    |        |
|:USEBlock A      |A:1 to number of block|Sets the memory block used.|MEM,R&M |
|:USEBlock?       |s                     |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |                           |        |
|:STTBlock A      |A:1 to number of block|Sets the start block       |MEM,R&M |
|:STTBlock?       |s                     |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |                           |        |
|:ENDBlock A      |A:1 to number of block|Sets the end block         |MEM,R&M |
|:ENDBlock?       |s                     |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |                           |        |
|:REFSet A$       |A$:OFF,ON             |Enable the reference blocks|MEM,R&M |
|:REFSet?         |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:REFBlock A,B$   |A:1 to number of block|Sets the reference blocks. |MEM,R&M |
|                 |s                     |                           |        |
|:REFBlock? A     |B$:OFF,ON             |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A<NR1>,B$             |                           |        |
|:SEQDisp A$      |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets the follow-up waveform|MEM     |
|                 |                      |display                    |        |
|:SEQDisp?        |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:ATSAve A$(,B$)  |A$:OFF,FD,PC,SCSI,MO,L|Sets auto save             |ALL     |
|                 |AN                    |                           |        |
|:ATSAve?         |B$:Bin,Text           |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A$(,B$)               |                           |        |
|:ATFIle 'NAME$'  |NAME$:file-name       |Sets the auto save file-nam|ALL     |
|:ATFIle?         |NAME$                 |e.                         |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:ATDIR A$        |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets auto save directory.  |ALL     |
|:ATDIR?          |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:ATCH A$         |A$:DISP,ALL           |Sets auto save channel.    |MEM,REC |
|:ATCH?           |A$                    |Queries                    |,R&M    |
|:ATFUnc A$       |A$:REC,MEM,R_M        |Sets auto save function.   |R&M     |
|:ATFUnc?         |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:DELSave A$      |A$:NORMal,DEL         |Sets auto save method.     |ALL     |
|:DELSave?        |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:ATARea A$       |A$:ALL,A_B            |Sets auto save range.      |ALL     |
|:ATARea?         |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:THINout A$      |A$:OFF,X1_2,X1_5,X1_10|Sets auto save interval.   |ALL     |
|                 |,X1_20,X1_50,         |                           |        |
|:THINout?        |X1_100,X1_200,X1_500,X|Queries                    |        |
|                 |1_1000                |                           |        |
|                 |A$                    |                           |        |
|:ATDIVision A    |A:0(OFF),32,128,512   |Sets auto save divison.    |MEM,REC |
|:ATDIVision?     |A<NR1>                |Queries                    |,R&M,POW|
|:PRINt A$        |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets printer output.       |REC,R&M |
|:PRINt?          |A$                    |Queris                     |        |
|:PRKInd A$       |A$:WAVE,LOGGing       |Specifies the printer outpu|ALL     |
|                 |                      |t                          |        |
|:PRKInd?         |A$                    |style.                     |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:ATPRint A$      |A$:OFF,PRINter,LAN    |Sets auto print            |MEM,FFT |
|:ATPRint?        |A$                    |Queries                    |,POW    |
|:LOGGing A(,B)   |A,B:0.01 to 100       |Specifies the logging outpu|ALL     |
|                 |                      |t                          |        |
|:LOGGing?        |A<NR2>(,B<NR2>)       |style.                     |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:SMOOth A$       |A$:OFF,ON             |Enables and Disables smooth|MEM,R&M |
|                 |                      |printing.                  |,POW    |
|:SMOOth?         |A$                    |Queries                    |        |
|:WVCOmp A$       |A$:OFF,OUT,ALLOut,EXEC|Sets the waveform decision |MEM,FFT |
|:WVCOmp?         |A$                    |mode.                      |,POW    |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:CMPStop A$      |A$:GO,NG,G_N          |Sets the stop mode.        |MEM,FFT |
|:CMPStop?        |A$                    |Queries                    |,POW    |
|:VIRTual A$      |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets the additional recordi|REC,R&M |
|:VIRTual?        |A$                    |ng.                        |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTAVERage A    |A:2,4,8,16,32,64,128,2|Sets the count for averagin|FFT     |
|                 |56                    |g                          |        |
|:FFTAVERage?     |,512,1024,2048,4096   |in the FFT function.       |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTAVKind A$    |A$:OFF                |Sets the averaging method. |FFT     |
|                 |,T_LIN,T_EXP,F_LIN,F_E|                           |        |
|:FFTAVKind?      |XP,F_PEAK             |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A$                    |                           |        |
|:FFTMode A,ch1$(,|A:1,2                 |Sets the FFT channel mode. |FFT     |
|ch2$)            |ch1$,ch2$:CH1 to CH8  |                           |        |
|                 |A<NR1>                |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTMode?        |                      |                           |        |
|:FFTWind A$(,B)  |A$:RECTan,HANNing,EXPO|Sets the window function.  |FFT     |
|                 |nential               |                           |        |
|:FFTWind?        |B=0 to 99(%)          |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A$(,B<NR1>)           |                           |        |
|:FFTFunction A$,B|A$:G1,G2              |Sets the FFT analysis mode.|FFT     |
|$                |B$:STR,LIN,RMS,PSP,ACR|                           |        |
|                 |,HIS                  |                           |        |
|                 |,TRF,CSP,CCR,IMP,COH,O|Queries                    |        |
|:FFTFunction?    |CT                    |                           |        |
|                 |A$,B$                 |                           |        |
|:FFTRef A$       |A$:NEW,MEM            |Designates the source for F|FFT     |
|:FFTRef?         |A$                    |FT                         |        |
|                 |                      |analysis data.             |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTSCale A$,B$  |A$:G1,G2              |Sets the display scaling   |FFT     |
|                 |B$:AUTO,MANUal        |method for a graph.        |        |
|:FFTSCale? A$    |A$,B$                 |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTUp A$,B      |A$:G1,G2              |Sets the vertical axis uppe|FFT     |
|                 |B:-9.9999E+29 to 9.999|r                          |        |
|:FFTUp? A$       |9E+29                 |limit for a agraph.        |        |
|                 |A$,B<NR3>             |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTLow A$,B     |A$:G1,G2              |Sets the vertical axis lowe|FFT     |
|                 |B:-9.9999E+29 to 9.999|r                          |        |
|:FFTLow? A$      |9E+29                 |limit for a agraph.        |        |
|                 |A$,B<NR3>             |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTXaxis A$,B$  |A$:G1,G2              |Sets the x-axis.           |FFT     |
|                 |B$:LINhz,LOGhz,OCT1,OC|                           |        |
|:FFTXaxis? A$    |T3                    |Queries                    |        |
|                 |A$,B$                 |                           |        |
|:FFTYaxis A$,B$  |A$:G1,G2              |Sets the y-axis            |FFT     |
|                 |B$:LINREal,LINIMag    |                           |        |
|                 |,LINMAg,LOGMAg,PHASE  |                           |        |
|:FFTYaxis? A$    |A$,B$                 |Queries                    |        |
|:FREQ A          |A:8.0E6 to 0.133      |Sets the frequency range.  |FFT     |
|:FREQ?           |A<NR3>                |Queries                    |        |
|:OCTFilter A$    |A$:NORMal,SHARp       |Sets the type of octave fil|FFT     |
|:OCTFilter?      |A$                    |ter.                       |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:PEAK A$         |A$:OFF,PEAK,MAX       |Sets the peak value display|FFT     |
|:PEAK?           |A$                    |.                          |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:FFTSAmple A     |A:1000,2000,5000,10000|Sets the number of FFT poin|FFT     |
|:FFTSAmple?      |A<NR1>                |ts.                        |        |
|                 |                      |Queries                    |        |
|:OVERMode A$     |A$:AUTO,MANUal        |Sets waveform overlay mode.|MEM,POW |
|:OVERMode?       |A$                    |Queries                    |        |

(3) TRIGger command (Setting and querying trigger.)

|     Command     |           Data           |       Explanation       |functi|
|    :TRIGger     |(for a query, response dat|                         |  on  |
|                 |            a)            |                         |      |
|:DETECTDate      |year:0 to 99              |Sets the date for trigger|ALL   |
|year,month,day   |month: 1 to 12            |detection.               |      |
|                 |day:1 to 31               |                         |      |
|:DETECTDate?     |year,month,day <NR1>      |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:DETECTTime      |hour: 0 to 23             |Sets the time for trigger|ALL   |
|hour,min,sec     |min: 0 to 59              |detection.               |      |
|                 |sec:0 to 59               |                         |      |
|:DETECTTime?     |hour,min,sec <NR1>        |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:EXTErnal A$     |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets external trigger.   |ALL   |
|:EXTErnal?       |A$                        |Queries                  |      |
|:FILTer ch$,A    |A:0(OFF),0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,1|Sets trigger filter.     |ALL   |
|                 |.5,2                      |                         |      |
|                 |2.5,5.0,10.0(DIV)(MEM,R&M,|                         |      |
|:FILTer? ch$     |FFT)                      |Queries                  |      |
|                 |A:0(OFF),1(ON) (REC)      |                         |      |
|                 |ch$,A<NR2>                |                         |      |
|:KIND ch$,A$     |A$:OFF,LEVEl,IN,OUT,PERIod|Sets type of trigger.    |ALL   |
|                 |,                         |                         |      |
|                 |GLITch,EVENt(MEM)         |                         |      |
|:KIND? ch$       |A$:OFF,LEVEl,IN,OUT,PERIod|Queries                  |      |
|                 |(REC)                     |                         |      |
|                 |ch$,A$                    |                         |      |
|:LEVEl ch$,A     |A:trigger level           |Sets the trigger level of|ALL   |
|                 |                          |the level                |      |
|:LEVEl? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                |trigger.                 |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:LOGAnd ch$,A$   |A$:OFF,OR,AND             |Sets AND/OR for the logic|ALL   |
|                 |ch$:CHA,CHB,CHC,CHD       |trigger                  |      |
|:LOGAnd? ch$     |ch$,A$                    |pattern.                 |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:LOGPat ch$,"A$" |A$:xxxx(trigger pattern:x,|Sets the pattern for     |ALL   |
|                 |0,1)                      |a logic trigger.         |      |
|:LOGPat? ch$     |ch$:CHA,CHB,CHC,CHD       |Queries                  |      |
|                 |ch$,"A$"                  |                         |      |
|:LOWEr ch$,A     |A:lower limit level       |Sets lower limit level of|ALL   |
|                 |                          |                         |      |
|:LOWEr? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                |window-in/-out trigger.  |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:MODE A$         |A$:SINGle,REPEat          |Sets trigger mode.       |ALL   |
|                 |,AUTO(MEM,FFT) ,TIMEr(R&M)|                         |      |
|:MODE?           |A$                        |Queries                  |      |
|:PRETrig A       |A:0,2,10,...,95,100,-95(%)|Sets pre-trigger.        |MEM,R&|
|:PRETrig?        |A<NR1>                    |Queries                  |M     |
|                 |                          |                         |,FFT,P|
|                 |                          |                         |OW    |
|:SLOPe ch$,A$    |A$:UP,DOWN,UPDOwn         |Sets the trigger slope   |ALL   |
|                 |                          |(level trigger).         |      |
|:SLOPe? ch$      |ch$,A$                    |Queries                  |      |
|:SOURce A$       |A$:OR,AND                 |Sets trigger logical oper|ALL   |
|                 |                          |ator to                  |      |
|:SOURce?         |A$                        |AND or OR.               |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:STOPDate        |year:0 to 99              |Sets the date for trigger|REC   |
|year,month,day   |month: 1 to 12            |detection.               |      |
|                 |day:1 to 31               |                         |      |
|:STOPDate?       |year,month,day <NR1>      |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:STOPTime        |hour: 0 to 23             |Sets the time for trigger|REC   |
|hour,min,sec     |min: 0 to 59              |detection.               |      |
|                 |sec:0 to 59               |                         |      |
|:STOPTime?       |hour,min,sec <NR1>        |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:TIMEr A$        |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets timer trigger.      |ALL   |
|:TIMEr?          |A$                        |Queries                  |      |
|:TIMIng A$       |A$:START,STOP,S_S         |Sets trigger timing.     |REC   |
|:TIMIng?         |A$                        |Queries                  |      |
|:TMINTvl         |day: 0 to 99              |Sets time interval for ti|ALL   |
|day,hour,min,sec |hour: 0 to 23             |mer trigger.             |      |
|                 |min: 0 to 59              |                         |      |
|                 |sec:0 to 59               |                         |      |
|:TMINTvl?        |day,hour,min,sec<NR1>     |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:TMSTArt         |month:1 to 12             |Sets start time of timer |ALL   |
|month,day,       |day:1 to 31               |trigger.                 |      |
|hour,min         |hour:0 to 23              |                         |      |
|                 |min:0 to 59               |                         |      |
|:TMSTArt?        |month,day,hour,min<NR1>   |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:TMSTOp          |same as TMSTArt           |Sets stop time of timer t|ALL   |
|month,day,       |                          |rigger.                  |      |
|hour,min         |                          |                         |      |
|:TMSTOp?         |                          |                         |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:UPPEr ch$,A     |A:upper limit level       |Sets upper limit level   |ALL   |
|                 |                          |of window-in/-out trigger|      |
|:UPPEr? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                |.                        |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:LFILter ch$,A   |A:0(OFF),0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,1|Sets logic trigger filter|ALL   |
|                 |.5,2                      |.                        |      |
|                 |2.5,5.0,10.0(DIV)(MEM,R&M,|                         |      |
|:LFILter? ch$    |FFT)                      |                         |      |
|                 |A:0(OFF),1(ON) (REC)      |Queries                  |      |
|                 |ch$,A<NR2>                |                         |      |
|:LOGPat ch$,'A$' |A$:xxxx trigger pattern(x,|Sets the pattern for a lo|ALL   |
|                 |0,1)                      |gic                      |      |
|:LOGPat? ch$     |                          |trigger                  |      |
|                 |ch$,"A$"                  |Queries                  |      |
|:PUPPer ch$,A    |A:upper limit level(s)    |Sets upper period limit o|ALL   |
|                 |                          |f                        |      |
|:PUPPer? ch$     |ch$,A<NR3>                |period trigger.          |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:PLOWer ch$,A    |A:lower limit level(s)    |Sets lower period limit o|ALL   |
|                 |                          |f                        |      |
|:PLOWer? ch$     |ch$,A<NR3>                |period trigger.          |      |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |      |
|:WIDTh ch$,A     |A:glitch width(s)         |Sets the glitch width.   |MEM,R&|
|:WIDTh? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                  |M     |
|                 |                          |                         |,FFT,P|
|                 |                          |                         |OW    |
|:EVENt ch$,A     |A:event count             |Sets the event count.    |MEM,R&|
|:EVENt? ch$      |ch$,A<NR1>                |Queries                  |M     |
|                 |                          |                         |,FFT,P|
|                 |                          |                         |OW    |
|:PRIOrity A$     |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets the trigger priority|MEM,R&|
|:PRIOrity?       |A$                        |.                        |M     |
|                 |                          |Queries                  |,POW  |

(4) UNIT command (Setting and querying input channel)

|      Command       |        Data         |        Explanation        |functi|
|       :UNIT        |(for a query, respons|                           |  on  |
|                    |       e data)       |                           |      |
|:COUPling ch$,A$    |A$:DC,AC,GND         |Sets input channel coupling|ALL   |
|:COUPling? ch$      |ch$,A$               |.                          |      |
|                    |                     |Queries                    |      |
|:FILTer ch$,A       |A:0(OFF),5 to 50000(H|Sets input channel filter. |ALL   |
|:FILTer? ch$        |z)                   |Queries                    |      |
|                    |ch$,A<NR3>           |                           |      |
|:POSItion ch$,A     |A:position value(unit|Sets the zero position for |ALL   |
|                    |%)                   |an input channel.          |      |
|:POSItion? ch$      |                     |Queries                    |      |
|                    |ch$,A<NR1>           |                           |      |
|:RANGe ch$,A        |A:voltage axis range(|Sets input channel voltage |ALL   |
|                    |unit V,C,%)          |or tc or humid axis range. |      |
|:RANGe? ch$         |                     |Queries                    |      |
|                    |ch$,A<NR3>           |                           |      |
|:AAFilter ch$,A$    |A$:OFF,ON            |Turns on or off the FFT ant|ALL   |
|                    |                     |ialiasing                  |      |
|:AAFilter? ch$      |ch$,A$               |filter.                    |      |
|                    |                     |Queries                    |      |
|:ADJUST             |                     |Carries out zero adjustment|ALL   |
|                    |                     |.                          |      |
|:PROBe ch$,A$       |A$:X1,X10,X100,X1000 |Sets probe ratio.          |ALL   |
|:PROBe? ch$         |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:RJC ch$,A$         |A$:INT,EXT           |Sets point of contact compe|ALL   |
|                    |                     |nsation                    |      |
|:RJC? ch$           |ch$,A$               |for tc mode.               |      |
|                    |                     |Queries                    |      |
|:BOUT ch$,A$        |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets burn out.             |ALL   |
|:BOUT? ch$          |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:RESPonse ch$,A$    |A$:FAST,NORMal,SLOW  |Sets response.             |ALL   |
|:RESPonse? ch$      |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:SENSor ch$,A$      |A$:OFF,K,J,E,T,N,R,S,|Sets sensor kind for tc mod|ALL   |
|:SENSor? ch$        |B,W                  |e.                         |      |
|                    |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:CLAMp ch$,A$       |A$:VOLT,C3273,C3274, |Sets clamp kind for current|ALL   |
|                    |C3275,C3276,C3273_50 |mode.                      |      |
|                    |C9270,C9271,C9272L,  |                           |      |
|:CLAMp? ch$         |C9272H,              |                           |      |
|                    |C9277,C9278,C9279    |Queries                    |      |
|                    |ch$,A$               |                           |      |
|:RMS ch$,A$         |A$:DC,RMS            |Changes DC/RMS mode.       |ALL   |
|:RMS? ch$           |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:FVMOde ch$,A$      |A$:FREQ,RPM,POWER,DUT|Changes FV mode.           |ALL   |
|                    |Y                    |                           |      |
|:FVMOde? ch$        |,COUNT,PULSE         |Queries                    |      |
|                    |ch$,A$               |                           |      |
|:FVLEvel ch$,A      |A:-10 to 10          |Sets the threshold level(FV|ALL   |
|:FVLEvel? ch$       |ch$,A<NR1>           |unit).                     |      |
|                    |                     |Queries                    |      |
|:FVHOld ch$,A$      |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the hold(FV unit).    |ALL   |
|:FVHOld? ch$        |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:FVSLope ch$,A$     |A$:UP,DOWN           |Sets the slope(FV unit).   |ALL   |
|:FVSLope? ch$       |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:PULLup ch$,A$      |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the pull-up(FV unit). |ALL   |
|:PULLup? ch$        |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |
|:FVSIde ch$,A$      |A$:HIGH,LOW          |Sets the level(FV unit).   |ALL   |
|:FVSIde? ch$        |ch$,A$               |Queries                    |      |

(5) DISPlay command (Setting and querying changeover of the screen mode, wavefo
rm display)

|     Command     |        Data        |        Explanation         |function |
|    :DISPlay     |(for a query, respon|                            |         |
|                 |      se data)      |                            |         |
|:CHANge A$       |A$:(screen)         |Sets the screen mode.       |ALL      |
|:CHANge?         |A$                  |Queries                     |         |
|:DRAWing ch$,A$  |A$:OFF,C1 to C12    |Sets waveform display color.|MEM,REC  |
|:DRAWing? ch$    |ch$,A$              |Queries                     |,R&M,POW |
|:GRAPh ch$,A     |A:1 to 8            |Sets waveform display graph.|MEM,REC  |
|:GRAPh? ch$      |ch$,A<NR1>          |Queries                     |,R&M,POW |
|:LOGDraw         |A$:OFF,C1 to C12    |Sets logic waveform display |MEM,REC  |
|ch$,N,A$         |ch$:CHA to CHD,N:1 t|color                       |,R&M,POW |
|:LOGDraw? ch$,N  |o 4                 |                            |         |
|                 |ch$,N,A$            |Queries                     |         |
|:LOGPosi ch$,A   |A:1 to 8            |Sets the position of logic  |MEM,REC  |
|                 |                    |waveform display.           |,R&M,POW |
|:LOGPosi? ch$    |ch$,A<NR1>          |Queries                     |         |
|:PAGE A          |A:1 to              |Changes over the page of    |ALL      |
|                 |                    |the screen.                 |         |
|:PAGE?           |A<NR1>              |Queries                     |         |
|:SIZE            |A$:NORMal,NARRow    |Sets the screnn size.       |MEM,REC  |
|:SIZE?           |A$                  |Queries                     |,R&M,POW |
|:WAVE A$         |A$:ACUR,TRIG,POINT  |Executes waveform           |MEM,R&M  |
|:YMAG ch$,A$     |A$:X1_2,X1,X2,X5,X10|Sets the magnification/compr|ALL      |
|                 |,                   |ession                      |         |
|:YMAG? ch$       |X20,X50,X100        |ratio on the voltage axis.  |         |
|                 |ch$,A$              |Queries                     |         |
|:XAXIs A,ch$     |A:1 to 8            |In X-Y format,sets the X-axi|ALL      |
|:XAXIs? A        |A<NR1>,ch$          |s.                          |         |
|                 |                    |Queries                     |         |
|:YAXIs A,ch$     |A:1 to 8            |In X-Y format,sets the Y-axi|ALL      |
|:YAXIs? A        |A<NR1>,ch$          |s.                          |         |
|                 |                    |Queries                     |         |
|:XMAG A$(,B$)    |A$,B$:X10 to X1_1000|Sets the magnification/compr|MEM,REC  |
|                 |00(MEM)             |ession                      |,R&M,POW |
|                 |A$:X1 to X1_20000(RE|factor on the time axis.    |         |
|:XMAG?           |C)                  |Queries                     |         |
|                 |A$:X10 to X1_10000(P|                            |         |
|                 |OW)                 |                            |         |
|                 |A$                  |                            |         |
|:XYCLr A$        |A$:OFF,ON           |Sets the display clear funct|REC      |
|:XYCLr?          |A$                  |ion.                        |         |
|                 |                    |Queries                     |         |
|:LWIDth          |A$:WIDE,NARRow      |Sets logic recording width  |MEM,REC  |
|:LWIDth?         |A$                  |Queries                     |,R&M,POW |
|:VARIable ch$,A$ |A$:OFF,ON           |Sets upper-lower mode.      |ALL      |
|:VARIable? ch$   |ch$,A$              |Queries                     |         |
|:VARIUPLOw       |B:C: -9.9999E+29 to |Sets upper-lower level.     |ALL      |
|ch$,B,C          |9.9999E+29          |                            |         |
|:VARIUPLOw? ch$  |                    |Queries                     |         |
|                 |ch$,B<NR3>,C<NR3>   |                            |         |
|:ZOOM A$         |A$:OFF,ON           |Sets zoom function.         |MEM,POW  |
|:ZOOM? A$        |A$                  |Queries                     |         |
|:ZOOMMag A$      |A$:Same as :XMAG    |Sets zoom magnification.    |MEM,POW  |
|:ZOOMMag?        |A$                  |Queries                     |         |
|:RMDIsplay A$    |A$:REC,MEM,R_M      |Sets the CRT display wavefor|R&M      |
|                 |                    |m                           |         |
|:RMDIsplay?      |A$                  |in the R&M function.        |         |
|                 |                    |Queries                     |         |
|:FFTDrawing A$,B$|A$:G1,G2            |Sets the FFT waveform color.|FFT      |
|                 |B$:OFF,C1 to C12    |Queries                     |         |
|:FFTDrawing? A$  |A$,B$               |                            |         |
|:OVERAll? A$     |A$,B<NR3>           |Queries the over-all value. |FFT      |
|                 |A$:G1,G2            |                            |         |
|:MAXPeak? A$,B   |B<NR1>,C<NR1>,D<NR3>|Queries the FFT value(MAX or|FFT      |
|                 |A$:G1,G2            |PEAK).                      |         |
|                 |B:1 to 10           |                            |         |
|                 |C:point, D:FFT value|                            |         |
|:COMMent A$      |A$:OFF,ON           |Sets comment display.       |MEM,REC  |
|:COMMent? A$     |A$                  |Queries                     |,R&M,POW |

(6) CURSor command (Cursor setting and reading)

|   Command   |           Data            |       Explanation       |function |
|   :CURSor   |(for a query, response data|                         |         |
|             |             )             |                         |         |
|:ABCUrsor A$ |A$:A,ORA,ORB,A_B           |Chooses among the A, B an|ALL      |
|:ABCUrsor?   |A$                         |d A&B cursors.           |         |
|             |                           |Queries                  |         |
|:ACHAnnel A  |A:bit0 to bit7 as CH1 to CH|Sets the A cursor channel|MEM,REC  |
|:ACHAnnel?   |8                          |.                        |,R&M,POW |
|             |ch$                        |Queries                  |         |
|:APOSition A |(vertical cursor,trace curs|Sets the position of the |ALL      |
|             |or)                        |A cursor.                |         |
|:APOSition?  |A:0 to amount of stored dat|                         |         |
|             |a                          |Queries                  |         |
|             |A<NR1>                     |                         |         |
|:BCHAnnel A  |A:bit0 to bit7 as CH1 to CH|Sets the B cursor channel|MEM,REC  |
|:BCHAnnel?   |8                          |.                        |,R&M,POW |
|             |ch$                        |Queries                  |         |
|:BPOSition A |(same as APOSition)        |Sets the position of the |ALL      |
|:BPOSition?  |A<NR1>                     |B cursor.                |         |
|             |                           |Queries                  |         |
|:DTREad? A$  |B$                         |Queries the cursor readou|MEM,REC  |
|             |A$:A,B,B_A                 |t time axis value.       |,R&M,POW |
|             |B$:readout value(time axis)|                         |         |
|             |                           |                         |         |
|:DVREad? A$,c|ch$,B$(,C$)                |Queries the cursor readou|MEM,REC  |
|h$           |A$:A,B,B_A                 |t volt axis value.       |,R&M,POW |
|             |ch$:CH1 to CH8, Z1 to Z8(PO|                         |         |
|             |W)                         |                         |         |
|             |B$,C$readout value(volt axi|                         |         |
|             |s)                         |                         |         |
|:MODE A$     |A$:OFF,TIME,VOLT,TRACe     |Sets the A and B cursor t|ALL      |
|             |OFF,Xcur,Ycur,TRACe (XY)   |ype.                     |         |
|             |OFF,TRACe (FFT)            |                         |         |
|:MODE?       |A$                         |                         |         |
|             |                           |Queries                  |         |
|:ABCHAnnel A$|A$:G1,G2                   |Sets the A and B cursor g|FFT      |
|:ABCHAnnel?  |A$                         |raph.                    |         |
|             |                           |Queries                  |         |
|:DFREad? A$  |B$,C$                      |Queries the cursor readou|FFT      |
|             |A$:G1,G2                   |t.                       |         |
|             |B$:x-axis                  |                         |         |
|             |C$:y-axis                  |                         |         |
|             |                           |                         |         |

(7) MEMory command (Setting and querying input and output, etc., from the memor

|  Command  |            Data             |       Explanation        |function|
|  :MEMory  |(for a query, response data) |                          |        |
|:ADATa B,C,|B,C<NR1>,...:                |Input data to memory (ASCI|MEM,R&M |
|...        |-32768 to 32767              |I).                       |        |
|           |                             |                          |        |
|:ADATa? A  |A:1 to 80(number of output un|Queries Output data from m|MEM,R&M |
|           |its)                         |emory                     |        |
|           |B,C<NR1>,...:                |(ASCII).                  |        |
|           |-32768 to 32767              |                          |        |
|:AREAl? ch$|ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Real time data output.(ASC|MEM,R&M |
|           |A<NR1>                       |II)                       |        |
|           |-32768 to 32767              |                          |        |
|           |                             |                          |        |
|:BDATa? A  |A:1 to 400(amount of output d|Performs binary transfer f|MEM,R&M |
|           |ata)                         |or                        |        |
|           |Response data:binary,integer |stored data               |        |
|           |data                         |                          |        |
|:BREAl? ch$|ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Real time data output.    |MEM     |
|           |Response data:binary,integer |(binary)                  |        |
|           |data                         |                          |        |
|:GETReal   |                             |Captures real time data.  |MEM     |
|:MAXPoint? |A<NR1>                       |Queries the amount of data|MEM,R&M |
|           |0=not stored                 |stored.                   |        |
|           |1 to max storaged data       |                          |        |
|           |                             |                          |        |
|:POINt ch$,|ch$:CH1 to CH8,CHA to CHD    |Sets point in memory for  |MEM,R&M |
|A          |A:0 to max storaged data     |input and output.         |        |
|           |ch$,A<NR1>                   |Queries                   |        |
|:POINt?    |                             |                          |        |
|:PREPare   |                             |Prepares the memory for   |MEM,R&M |
|           |                             |receipt of waveform data. |        |
|:VDATa B,C,|B,C,...:                     |Input data to memory      |MEM,R&M |
|...        |voltage                      |(voltage)                 |        |
|           |                             |                          |        |
|:VDATa? A  |A:1 to 80(amount of data)    |Output data to memory     |MEM,R&M |
|           |B,C<NR3>...                  |                          |        |
|           |voltage                      |(voltage)                 |        |
|:VREAl? ch$|ch$:CH1 to CH8,A<NR3>        |Real time data output     |MEM     |
|           |A:voltage                    |(voltage)                 |        |
|:FFTPOint A|A$:G1,G2                     |Sets the output point     |FFT     |
|$,B        |B:0 to                       |FFT data.                 |        |
|           |A$,B<NR1>                    |Queries                   |        |
|:FFTPOint? |                             |                          |        |
|:FFTData?  |A<NR3>,B<NR3>                |Output FFT data.          |FFT     |
|           |A:X-axis data, B:Y-axis data |                          |        |

(8) SYSTem command (Setting and querying the system screen)

|     Command      |        Data         |         Explanation         |functi|
|     :SYSTem      |(for a query, respons|                             |  on  |
|                  |       e data)       |                             |      |
|:CHMArk A$        |A$:OFF,NUMBer,COMMent|Sets the back channel marker.|ALL   |
|:CHMArk?          |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:CRTOff A         |A:0(OFF),1 to 30(min)|Sets the backlight saver.    |ALL   |
|:CRTOff?          |A                    |Queries                      |      |
|:DATAClear        |                     |Clear data.                  |ALL   |
|:DATE             |year :0 to 99        |Sets the calendar.           |ALL   |
|year,month,day    |month:1 to 12        |                             |      |
|                  |day :1 to 31         |                             |      |
|:DATE?            |year,month,day<NR1>  |Queries                      |      |
|:GRID A$          |A$:OFF,STD,STD_Dark  |Sets the grid type.          |ALL   |
|:GRID?            |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:LANGuage A$      |A$:JAPAnese,ENGLish  |Sets the language.           |ALL   |
|:LANGuage?        |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:LCDDisp A$       |A$:C1 to C3          |Sets the screen color.       |ALL   |
|:LCDDisp?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:LIST A$          |A$:OFF,LIST,GAUGe,L_G|Sets list and gauge.         |ALL   |
|:LIST?            |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PRIDensity A     |A:1 to 5             |Sets the printer density.    |ALL   |
|:PRIDensity?      |A<NR1>               |Queries                      |      |
|:STARt A$         |A$:ON,OFF            |Sets start backup.           |ALL   |
|:STARt?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SOPEration A$    |A$:TIME1,TIME2,SEC2  |Sets the start key activation|ALL   |
|                  |                     |condition.                   |      |
|:SOPEration?      |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:TIME hour,min    |hour:0 to 23         |Sets the time.               |ALL   |
|                  |min :0 to 59         |                             |      |
|:TIME?            |hour,min,sec<NR1>    |Queries                      |      |
|:TMAXis A$        |A$:TIME,TIME(60),DATE|Sets the time axis display.  |ALL   |
|:TMAXis?          |,SCALe               |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:USECH A          |A:2,4,8              |Sets number of channels used.|MEM   |
|:USECH?           |A<NR1>               |Queries                      |      |
|:ATVARIable A$    |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the auto variable scale |ALL   |
|:ATVARIable?      |A$                   |function.                    |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:PGRID A$         |A$:OFF,STD,FINE,     |Sets the grid type(printer). |ALL   |
|                  |STD_Dark,FINE_Dark   |                             |      |
|:PGRID?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PTMAxis A$       |A$:TIME,TIME(60),SCAL|Sets the time axis print.    |ALL   |
|:PTMAxis?         |e,DATE               |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:PSIZE A$         |A$:SMALl,NORMal      |Sets the print size.         |ALL   |
|:PSIZE?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PXMAG A$(,B$)    |A$:SAME              |Sets the magnification/compre|ALL   |
|                  |A$,B$:X10,X5,X2(in ME|ssion                        |      |
|                  |M,POW)               |factor on the time axis(print|      |
|:PXMAG?           |X1 to X1_100000(ALL) |er).                         |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:PRIUplow A$      |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets printing of the upper   |ALL   |
|                  |                     |and lower limits.            |      |
|:PRIUplow?        |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:ZEROcom A$       |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the zero position commen|ALL   |
|:ZEROcom?         |A$                   |t.                           |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:COUNter          |A$:OFF,DATE,NAME     |Sets counter print.          |ALL   |
|A$,('NAME$',B)    |NAME$:counter name   |                             |      |
|                  |B:counter value      |                             |      |
|:COUNter?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PRINt A$         |A$:PRINter,LAN       |Sets the output destination b|ALL   |
|                  |                     |y                            |      |
|:PRINt?           |A$                   |the PRINT key.               |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:PSELect A$       |A$:OFF,ON            |Set the PRINT key activation.|ALL   |
|:PSELect?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVE A$          |A$:OFF,FD,PC,SCSI,MO,|Sets the output destination b|ALL   |
|                  |HDD,LAN              |y                            |      |
|:SAVE?            |                     |the SAVE key.                |      |
|                  |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SSELect A$       |A$:OFF,ON            |Set the SAVE key activation. |ALL   |
|:SSELect?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:BMPColor A$      |A$:COLOR,GRAY,MONO,MO|Sets the bit map file color. |ALL   |
|:BMPColor?        |NO_R                 |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:SAVEKind A$      |A$:SET,BIN,TEXT,     |Sets the SAVE TYPE of SAVE ke|ALL   |
|                  |ALLBin,ALLText,DISP,W|y.                           |      |
|:SAVEKind?        |AVE                  |                             |      |
|                  |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEName 'NAME$' |'NAME$'              |Sets the SAVE NAME.          |ALL   |
|:SAVEName?        |'NAME$'              |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEArea A$      |A$:ALL,A_B           |Sets the SAVE AREA.          |ALL   |
|:SAVEArea?        |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEThinout A$   |A$:OFF,X1_2,X1_5,X1_1|Sets the SAVE THIN of SAVE ke|ALL   |
|                  |0,                   |y.                           |      |
|                  |X1_20,X1_50,X1_100,X1|                             |      |
|:SAVEThinout?     |_200,                |                             |      |
|                  |X1_500,X1_1000       |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:SAVEComp A$      |A$:NOCOmp,COMP       |Sets the IMAGE COMPRESS.     |ALL   |
|:SAVEComp?        |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEShot A$      |A$:1 to 60(DIV)      |Sets the IMAGE SHOT.         |ALL   |
|:SAVEShot?        |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEDivision A   |A:0(OFF),32,128,512  |Sets the DIVISON of SAVE key.|MEM,RE|
|:SAVEDivision?    |A<NR1>               |Queries                      |C     |
|                  |                     |                             |,R&M,P|
|                  |                     |                             |OW    |
|:EXT1mode A$      |A$:START,STOP,S_S,PRI|Sets EXT.IN1 input.          |ALL   |
|:EXT1mode?        |NT,SAVE              |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:EXT2mode A$      |A$:START,STOP,S_S,PRI|Sets EXT.IN2 input.          |ALL   |
|:EXT2mode?        |NT,SAVE              |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:EXTTrig A$       |A$:UP,DOWN           |Sets EXT.TRIG input.         |ALL   |
|:EXTTrig?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:EXTSmpl A$       |A$:UP,DOWN           |Sets EXT.SMPL input.         |ALL   |
|:EXTSmpl?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:EXTGo A$         |A$:MEAS,COMP,OR,AND  |Sets EXT.GO mode.            |ALL   |
|:EXTGo?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:EXTNg A$         |A$:MEAS,COMP,OR,AND  |Sets EXT.NG mode.            |ALL   |
|:EXTNg?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:EXTOut A$        |A$:ERR,BUSY,START,TRI|Sets EXT.OUT mode.           |ALL   |
|:EXTOut?          |G,CAL                |Queries                      |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:TRGOut A$        |A$:PULSe,LEVEl       |Sets TRIG.OUT output.        |ALL   |
|:TRGOut?          |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:WAVEDensity ch$,A|A$:LIGHt,NORMal,MIDDa|Sets the printer density of  |ALL   |
|$                 |rk,DARK              |each waveform color.         |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:WAVEDensity? ch$ |A$                   |                             |      |
|:SETColor A$,R,G,B|A$:C1 to C12(wave col|Sets customer color.         |ALL   |
|                  |or)                  |                             |      |
|:SETColor? A$     |R,G,B:0 to 15(RGB lev|Queries                      |      |
|                  |el)                  |                             |      |
|                  |A$,R,G,B<NR1>        |                             |      |
|:BEEPer A$        |A$:OFF,BEEP1,BEEP2   |Sets kind of BEEP sound.     |ALL   |
|:BEEPer?          |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SCSIConnect A$   |A$:OFF,ON            |Enables and disables the cont|ALL   |
|                  |                     |rol                          |      |
|:SCSIConnect?     |A$                   |by PC.                       |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:MENU A$,B$       |A$:(menu)            |Enables and disables the menu|ALL   |
|                  |B$:OFF,ON            |.                            |      |
|:MENU? A$         |A$,B$                |                             |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:COPYGui A$       |A$:OFF,ON            |Set GUI display in hardcopy. |ALL   |
|:COPYGui?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEGui A$       |A$:OFF,ON            |Set GUI display in BMPcopy.  |ALL   |
|:SAVEGui?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:SAVEPage A       |A:ALL,1 to 100       |Set number of pages for BMPco|ALL   |
|:SAVEPage?        |A                    |py.                          |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |

(9) SCALing command (Setting and querying scaling)

|    Command     |            Data             |      Explanation      |functi|
|    :SCALing    |(for a query, response data) |                       |  on  |
|:KIND ch$,A$    |ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets the type of scalin|ALL   |
|                |A$:POINT,RATIO               |g.                     |      |
|:KIND? ch$      |ch$,A$                       |                       |      |
|                |                             |Queries                |      |
|:OFFSet ch$,A   |ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets scaling offset    |ALL   |
|                |A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9      |(RATIO).               |      |
|:OFFSet? ch$    |ch$,A<NR3>                   |Queries                |      |
|:SCUPLOw ch$,B,C|ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets the scaling SC UP,|ALL   |
|                |B:C: -9.999E+29 to 9.999E+29 |LOW                    |      |
|:SCUPLOw? ch$   |ch$,B,C<NR3>                 |(POINT).               |      |
|                |                             |Queries                |      |
|:SET ch$,A$     |ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets scaling kind.     |ALL   |
|                |A$:OFF,SCI,ENG               |                       |      |
|:SET? ch$       |ch$,A$                       |Queries                |      |
|:UNIT ch$,"A$"  |ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets scaling unit.     |ALL   |
|                |A$:scaling unit(7 character) |                       |      |
|:UNIT? ch$      |ch$,"A$"                     |Queries                |      |
|:VOLT ch$,A     |ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets the scaling conver|ALL   |
|                |A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9      |sion value             |      |
|:VOLT? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                   |(RATIO)                |      |
|                |                             |Queries                |      |
|:VOUPLOw ch$,B,C|ch$:CH1 to CH8               |Sets the scaling VOLT U|ALL   |
|                |B,C:-9.999E+29 to 9.999E+29  |P, LOW                 |      |
|:VOUPLOw? ch$   |ch$,B,C<NR3>                 |(POINT).               |      |
|                |                             |Queries                |      |

(10) COMMent command (Setting and querying comments)

|   Command   |                Data                 |    Explanation    |funct|
|  :COMMent   |    (for a query, response data)     |                   | ion |
|:CH ch$,     |ch$:CH1 to CH8 ,CHA to CHD           |Sets comment string|ALL  |
|(NO$,)"A$"   |NO$:NO1 to NO4(logic only)           |for each channel.  |     |
|             |A$:comment string(40 characters)     |                   |     |
|:CH? ch$     |ch$,(NO$,)"A$"                       |                   |     |
|             |                                     |Queries            |     |
|:EACHch (ch$,|ch$:CHA to CHD(logic only)           |Sets comment mode f|ALL  |
|)A$          |A$:OFF,SETTing,COMMent,S_C(analog)   |or each channel.   |     |
|             |A$:OFF,COMMent(logic)                |                   |     |
|             |(ch$,)A$                             |                   |     |
|:EACHch? ch$ |                                     |Queries            |     |
|:TITLe A$(,"B|A$:OFF,SETTing,COMMent,S_C           |Sets title comment |ALL  |
|$")          |B$:comment string(40 characters)     |mode and strings.  |     |
|             |A$,"B$"                              |                   |     |
|:TITLe?      |                                     |Queries            |     |

(11) CALCulate command (Calculation setting and querying)

|    Command     |          Data          |        Explanation         |functi|
|   :CALCulate   |(for a query, response d|                            |  on  |
|                |          ata)          |                            |      |
|:ANSWer? NO$    |NO$,A<NR3>              |Queries a calculation result|MEM   |
|                |NO$:NO1 to NO16         |.                           |      |
|                |A:calculation result    |                            |      |
|:MEASFsave A$   |A$:OFF,FD,PC,SCSI,MO,LAN|Sets the store destination o|MEM,PO|
|(,B$(,"NAME$")) |B$:NEW,EXIST            |f a                         |W     |
|                |NAME$:file name(8 charac|numerical calculation result|      |
|:MEASFsave?     |ters)                   |.                           |      |
|                |A$,B$,"NAME$"           |                            |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:MEASPrint A$   |A$:OFF,ON               |Sets printing numerical calc|MEM,PO|
|                |                        |ulation                     |W     |
|:MEASPrint?     |A$                      |results.                    |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:MEASSet        |A$:OFF,AVE,RMS,PP,MAX,MI|Sets the item of numerical c|MEM   |
|NO$,XYARea,xch$,|N,                      |alculation.                 |      |
|ych$            |MAXT,MINT,PERI,FREQ,    |                            |      |
|or              |RISE,FALL,STD,AREA,     |                            |      |
|NO$,A$,ch$(,B)  |LEVEl,PWIDth,DUTY,PCOUnt|                            |      |
|or              |xch$,ych$:CH1 to CH8    |                            |      |
|NO$,CALC        |ch$:CH1 to CH8,CHA to CH|                            |      |
|                |D                       |                            |      |
|:MEASSet? NO$   |B:1 to 4                |Queries                     |      |
|                |A$,ch$(,B)/A$,xch$,ych$/|                            |      |
|                |A$                      |                            |      |
|:MEASure A$     |A$:ON,OFF,EXEC          |Sets the numerical calculati|MEM,PO|
|:MEASure?       |A$                      |on.                         |W     |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:MEASArea A$    |A$:ALL,A_B              |Sets the numerical calculati|MEM,PO|
|:MEASArea?      |A$                      |on area.                    |W     |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:COMPStop A$    |A$:GO,NG,G_N            |Sets the stop mode of numeri|MEM   |
|                |                        |cal                         |      |
|:COMPStop?      |A$                      |calculation.                |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:COMP NO$,A$    |A$:OFF,ON               |Sets the decision for numeri|MEM   |
|                |                        |cal                         |      |
|:COMP? NO$      |NO$,A$                  |calculation.                |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:COMPArea NO$,A,|A ,B:upper ,lower       |Sets upper and lower limits |MEM   |
|B               |(-9.9999E+29 to +9.9999E|for decision                |      |
|                |+29)                    |for numerical calculation.  |      |
|:COMPArea? NO$  |NO$,A<NR3>,B<NR3>       |Queries                     |      |
|:MFILter NO$,A  |A:0(OFF) to 10          |Sets the filter of numerical|MEM   |
|:MFILter? NO$   |NO$,A<NR2>              |calculation.                |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:MSLOpe NO$,A$  |A$:UP,DOWN              |Sets the slope of numerical |MEM   |
|:MSLOpe? NO$    |NO$,A$                  |calculation.                |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:MLEVel NO$,A   |A:-50 to 50             |Sets the level of numerical |MEM   |
|:MLEVel? NO$    |NO$,A<NR2>              |calculation.                |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:PERCent NO$,A  |A:5 to 30               |Sets the level percentage of|MEM   |
|                |                        |measurement.                |      |
|:PERCent? NO$   |NO$,A<NR1>              |Queries                     |      |
|:ACCOunt NO$,N1,|N1,N2:1 to 16(No)       |Sets the arithmetic operator|MEM   |
|A$,N2           |A$:PLUS,MINUS,MULT,DIV  |s.                          |      |
|                |NO$,N1<NR1>,A$,N2<NR1>  |                            |      |
|:ACCOunt? NO$   |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:JUDGe? A$      |A$,B<NR1>               |Queries the result of decisi|MEM   |
|                |A$:NO1 to NO16,ALL      |on for                      |      |
|                |B:result of decision    |numerical calculation       |      |
|                |                        |                            |      |
|:WVCALc A$      |A$:OFF,ON,EXEC          |Sets waveform calculation.  |MEM   |
|:WVCALc?        |A$                      |Queries                     |      |
|:Z Z$,"A$"      |Z$:Z1 to Z8             |Sets the waveform calculatio|MEM   |
|                |A$:calculation equation |n                           |      |
|:Z? Z$          |Z$,"A$"                 |equation.                   |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |
|:FACTor A$,B    |A$:a to p               |Sets coefficients a to p.   |MEM   |
|                |B:-9.9999E29 to 9.9999E2|                            |      |
|:FACTor? A$     |9                       |Queries                     |      |
|                |A$,B<NR3>               |                            |      |
|:ZDIsplay Z$,ch$|ch$:CH1 to CH8,NONE     |Sets the display channel for|MEM   |
|(,A$)           |A$:MANUal,AUTO(ch$=CH1 t|the                         |      |
|                |o CH8)                  |calculated result.          |      |
|:ZDIsplay? Z$   |Z$,ch$(,A$)             |Queries                     |      |
|:MOVE Z$,A      |Z$:Z1 to Z8             |Sets the moving averaging.  |MEM   |
|                |A:1 to 4000             |                            |      |
|:MOVE? Z$       |Z$,A<NR1>               |Queries                     |      |
|:SLIDe Z$,A     |Z$:Z1 to Z8             |Sets the parallel movement. |MEM   |
|                |A:-4000 to 4000         |                            |      |
|:SLIDe? Z$      |Z$,A<NR1>               |Queries                     |      |
|:CALCArea A$    |A$:ALL,A_B              |Sets waveform calculation ar|MEM   |
|:CALCArea?      |A$                      |ea.                         |      |
|                |                        |Queries                     |      |

(12) FDISK command (Setting and querying file operation)

|  Command   |                 Data                  |   Explanation    |funct|
|   :FDISK   |     (for a query, response data)      |                  | ion |
|:MEDIa A$   |A$:FD,PC,SCSI,MO,INTMEM                |Sets the media typ|ALL  |
|:MEDIa?     |A$                                     |e.                |     |
|            |                                       |Queries           |     |
|:CHDIR NO   |NO:file number                         |Changes the curren|ALL  |
|:CHDIR "NAME|NAME$:file name                        |t directory.      |     |
|$"          |                                       |                  |     |
|:DELEte NO  |NO:file or directory number            |Deletes a file or |ALL  |
|:DELEte "NAM|NAME$:file or directory name           |a directory.      |     |
|E$"         |                                       |                  |     |
|:DIR?       |A$:directory name                      |Queries the curren|ALL  |
|            |                                       |t directory.      |     |
|:FILE?      |A<NR1>:number of files                 |Queries the number|ALL  |
|            |                                       |of files.         |     |
|:FORMat A$(,|A$=Quick,Normal                        |Formats media.    |ALL  |
|B$)         |B$=2HD,2HC,2DD                         |                  |     |
|:FREE?      |A$:allowable number of bytes           |Queries the allowa|ALL  |
|            |                                       |ble number of byte|     |
|            |                                       |s                 |     |
|:INFOr? NO  |NO,"NAME$","DATE$","TIME",A,B$         |Queries informatio|ALL  |
|            |,C$,D,"TDATE$,"TTIME$"                 |n about a file.   |     |
|            |                                       |                  |     |
|            |NO:file and directory number           |                  |     |
|            |NAME$:file and directory name          |                  |     |
|            |DATE$:year/month/day of save           |                  |     |
|            |TIME$:year/month/day of save           |                  |     |
|            |A:file size (bytes)                    |                  |     |
|            |B$:(MEM)                               |                  |     |
|            |C$:measurement contents                |                  |     |
|            |D:recording length                     |                  |     |
|            |TDATE$:year/month/day of trigger       |                  |     |
|            |TTIME$:hour:min:sec of trigger         |                  |     |
|:LOAD NO(,A$|NO:file number/NAME$:file name         |Load a file.      |ALL  |
|)           |A<NR1>:load top position               |                  |     |
|LOAD "NAME$"|B<NR1>:load data num                   |                  |     |
|(,A$)       |                                       |                  |     |
|:MKDIR "A$" |A$:directory name                      |Creates a director|ALL  |
|            |                                       |y.                |     |
|:NINFor? NO |NO,"NAME$",A$                          |Queries filename. |ALL  |
|            |NO:file number                         |                  |     |
|            |NAME$:file name                        |                  |     |
|            |A$:directory of a file                 |                  |     |
|:SAVE       |NAME1$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves a file.     |ALL  |
|"NAME1$.NAME|NAME2$:file extension(3 characters)    |                  |     |
|2$"         |A$:type of file                        |                  |     |
|,A$,B$ (,C) |Bin=binary data                        |                  |     |
|            |Text=text data                         |                  |     |
|            |Set=settings                           |                  |     |
|            |B$:channels to save                    |                  |     |
|            |ALL,CH1 to CH8,PLS1 to PLS4,LOG        |                  |     |
|            |C<NR3>:thin out(unit s)                |                  |     |
|:STYPe A$   |A$:OFF,NAME,TYPE,TIME,SIZE             |Sets the sort orde|ALL  |
|:STYPe?     |A$                                     |r type            |     |
|            |                                       |for the file list.|     |
|            |                                       |Queries           |     |
|:SDIRection |A$:UP,DOWN                             |Sets the sort dire|ALL  |
|A$          |A$                                     |ction             |     |
|:SDIRection?|                                       |setting of the fil|     |
|            |                                       |e list            |     |
|            |                                       |Queries           |     |
|:COPY "NAME$|NAME$:file name                        |Copy file.        |ALL  |
|",A$        |A$:FD,PC,SCSI,MO,HDD,INTMEM            |                  |     |

(13) GRAPh command (Commands relating to graphics editor)

|  Command   |    Data     |             Explanation             |  function  |
|   :FDISK   |(for a query,|                                     |            |
|            |response data|                                     |            |
|            |      )      |                                     |            |
|:EDIT A$    |A$:OFF,ON    |Sets the graphic editor mode.        |MEM,FFT     |
|:EDIT?      |A$           |Queries                              |,POW        |
|:PAINt X,Y  |X,Y:(points) |Begins solid fill from the point     |MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |specified by(X,Y)                    |,POW        |
|:PARAllel A,|A,B,C,D:0 to |Carries out a parallel movement      |MEM,FFT     |
|B,C,D       |10.0(DIV)    |of the drawing.                      |,POW        |
|:LINE X1,Y1,|X1,Y1:(points|Draws a line from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)  |MEM,FFT     |
|X2,Y2       |)            |                                     |,POW        |
|            |X2,Y2:(points|                                     |            |
|            |)            |                                     |            |
|:ERASe X1,Y1|X1,Y1:(points|Erases a line from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) |MEM,FFT     |
|,X2,Y2      |)            |                                     |,POW        |
|            |X2,Y2:(points|                                     |            |
|            |)            |                                     |            |
|:CLEAr X1,Y1|X1,Y1:(points|Clears the rectangle with the        |MEM,FFT     |
|,X2,Y2      |)            |points(X1,Y1)and(X2,Y2)at            |,POW        |
|            |X2,Y2:(points|diagonally opposite corners.         |            |
|            |)            |                                     |            |
|:ALLClear   |             |Clears the entire drawing.           |MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |                                     |,POW        |
|:STORage    |             |Loads a waveform into the editor.    |MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |                                     |,POW        |
|:REVErse    |             |Reverses the video of the drawing.   |MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |                                     |,POW        |
|:UNDO       |             |Reverses the effect of the immediatel|MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |y                                    |,POW        |
|            |             |previous editor command.             |            |
|:SAVE       |             |Saves the decision area created with |MEM,FFT     |
|            |             |the editor.                          |,POW        |

(14) POWer command (Setting and querying power function.)

|     Command      |        Data         |         Explanation         |functi|
|      :POWer      |(for a query, respons|                             |  on  |
|                  |       e data)       |                             |      |
|:WIRIng A,B$      |A:1 to 4             |Sets the wiring.             |POW   |
|:WIRIng? A        |B$:OFF,P1W2,P1W3,P3W3|Queries                      |      |
|                  |V3A3,P3W4,DC         |                             |      |
|                  |A,B$                 |                             |      |
|:CALCdisp no$,A$  |A$:OFF,VRMS,VMEAn,VDC|Sets the screen indication   |POW   |
|                  |,VPPEak,VMPEak       |                             |      |
|                  |,VFREq,CRMS,CMEAn,CDC|                             |      |
|:CALCdisp? no$    |,CPPEak,CMPEak       |Queries                      |      |
|                  |,CFREq,P_P,P_S,P_Q,FA|                             |      |
|                  |CTor,PHASe           |                             |      |
|                  |A$                   |                             |      |
|:POWDisp A$       |A$:WAVE,VALUe        |Sets the indication          |POW   |
|:POWDisp?         |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:VRMS A$          |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the voltage rms display |POW   |
|:VRMS?            |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:VMEAn A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the voltage mean display|POW   |
|:VMEAn?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:VDC A$           |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the voltage dc display  |POW   |
|:VDC?             |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:VPEAk A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the voltage peak display|POW   |
|:VPEAk?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:VFREq A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the voltage frequency di|POW   |
|:VFREq?           |A$                   |splay                        |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:CRMS A$          |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the current rms display |POW   |
|:CRMS?            |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:CMEAn A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the current mean display|POW   |
|:CMEAn?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:CDC A$           |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the current dc display  |POW   |
|:CDC?             |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:CPEAk A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the peak display        |POW   |
|:CPEAk?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:CFREq A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the current frequency di|POW   |
|:CFREq?           |A$                   |splay                        |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:P_P A$           |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the power active display|POW   |
|:P_P?             |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:P_S A$           |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the power apparent displ|POW   |
|:P_S?             |A$                   |ay                           |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:P_Q A$           |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the power peactive displ|POW   |
|:P_Q?             |A$                   |ay                           |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:FACTor A$        |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the power factor display|POW   |
|:FACTor?          |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PHASe A$         |A$:OFF,ON            |Sets the phase display       |POW   |
|:PHASe?           |A$                   |Queries                      |      |
|:PWAVe Z$,A$      |A$:OFF,INSTant,TRENd |Sets the waveform            |POW   |
|:PWAVe? Z$        |Z$,A$                |Queries                      |      |
|:PCH Z$,A$        |A$:P1 to P4,P12,P34,P|Sets the calc channel        |POW   |
|:PCH? Z$          |123                  |Queries                      |      |
|                  |U1 to U4,I1 to I4    |                             |      |
|                  |Z$,A$                |                             |      |
|:PDRAw Z$,A$      |A$:OFF,C1 to C12     |Sets the drawing             |POW   |
|:PDRAw? Z$        |Z$,A$                |Queries                      |      |
|:PGRAph Z$,A      |A:1 to 8             |Sets the graph               |POW   |
|:PGRAph? Z$       |Z$,A                 |Queries                      |      |
|:PCROss Z$,A$     |A$:U1 to U4,I1 to I4 |Sets the zero cross          |POW   |
|:PCROss? Z$       |Z$,A$                |Queries                      |      |
|:PSLOpe Z$,A$     |A$:UP,DOWN           |Sets the zero cross slope    |POW   |
|:PSLOpe? Z$       |Z$,A$                |Queries                      |      |
|:PFILter Z$,A$    |A$:OFF,NARRow,WIDE,IN|Sets the zero cross filter   |POW   |
|:PFILter? Z$      |VErter               |Queries                      |      |
|                  |Z$,A$                |                             |      |
|:PSCAle Z$,A$     |A$:AUTO,MANUal       |Sets the scale mode          |POW   |
|:PSCAle? Z$       |Z$,A$                |Queries                      |      |
|:PUPLow Z$,A,B    |A,B:-9.9999E29 to 9.9|Sets the upper-lower         |POW   |
|:PUPLow? Z$       |999E29               |Queries                      |      |
|                  |Z$,A,B<NR3>          |                             |      |
|:PMAG Z$,A$       |A$:X1_2 to X100      |Sets the power wave magnifica|POW   |
|:PMAG? Z$         |Z$,A$                |tion                         |      |
|                  |                     |Queries                      |      |
|:PPOSition Z$,A   |A:position(%)        |Sets the power wave position |POW   |
|:PPOSition? Z$    |Z$,A<NR1>            |Queries                      |      |
|:ANSWer? NO$,A    |B,C<NR3>             |Queries a calculation result |POW   |
|NO$,A<NR1>,B<NR3> |B:1 to 4             |                             |      |
|                  |C:calculation result |                             |      |

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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