CHAPTER2.txt Driver File Contents (

Chapter 2       Commands
                (CH$ means the ch number)

                (NOTE:HARM is possible set up only with 8807-51,8808-51)

2.1 Command Summary 

2.1.1 Standard Commands Specified by IEEE 488.2
Command         | Data                          | Explanation
                | (for a query, response data)  | 
*CLS            |                               | Clears the status byte
                |                               | and associated queues.
*ESR?           | A <NR1> : 0 to 255            | Queries SESR.
IDN?            | Maker's name, model number    |
                | serial number(not used, 0)    | Queries device ID.
                | software version              |
*OPC            |                               | Sets the LSB of SESR after
                |                               | all action has been
                |                               | completed.
*OPC?           | A <NR1>                       | ASCII 1 is the response
                |                               | after all action has been
                |                               | completed.
*OPT?           | ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4,A             | Queries device option
                |  A:printer unit               | provision.
                |  0: none, 1: exist            |
*RST            |                               | Device initial setting.
*STB?           | A <NR1> : 0 to 255            | Reads the STB and the MSS
                |                               | bit, without performing
                |                               | serial polling.
*TST?           | A <NR1> : 0=OK, 1=NG          | Queries the result of
                |                               | the ROM/RAM check.
*WAI            |                               | Executes the following
                |                               | command after action has
                |                               | been completed.
:ESR0?          | A <NR1> : 0 to 255            | Queries ESR0.

2.1.2 Specific Commands

 (1)Execution control etc. (common to all functions) 
Command         | Data                          | Explanation
                | (for a query, response data)	| 
:ABORT          |                               | Forced halt.
:AUTO           |                               | Sets the time axis and
                |                               | the voltage axis
                |                               | automatically.
                |                               | (only memory recorder
                |                               | function.)
:CERRor?        | A, B, C :<NR1>                | Queries the communication
                |            (number of times)  | errors.
                |  A: parity error              | 
                |  B: overrun error             | 
                |  C: framing error             | 
:ERRor?         | A <NR1> : error number        | Queries error number.
:FEED A         | A: 1 to 255 (unit mm)         | Feeds the paper the 
                |                               | specified distance.
:FUNCtion A$    | A$: MEM, REC, RMS, HARM       | Changes the function.
:FUNCtion?      | A$                            | Queries the function.
:HCOPy          |                               | Same as the COPY key.
:HEADer A$      | A$: OFF, ON                   | Enables and disables 
                |                               | headers.
:HEADer?        | A$                            | Queries headers.
:PRINt          |                               | Same as the PRINT key.
:STARt          |                               | Same as the START key.
:STOP           |                               | Same as the STOP key.
Command         | Data                          | Explanation        
                | (for a query, response data)  |          

 (2)CONFigure command 
    (Setting and querying the time axis range, the recording length, etc.) 

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:ATPRint A$     | A$: OFF, ON           | Enables and disables  | MEM,HARM
                |                       | auto print.           | 
:ATPRint?       | A$                    | Queries auto print    | 
                |                       | enablement.           |
:ATSAve         | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets auto save.       | ALL
 A$(,B$(,"C$")) | B$:Bin,Text           |                       | 
                | C$:File Name          |                       |
                | (up to 8 Characters)  |                       | 
:ATSAve?        | A$(,B$,"C$")          | Queries auto save.    | ALL
:ATARea A$      | A$:ALL,A_B            | Sets auto save range. | ALL
:ATARea?        | A$                    | Queries               |
:ENDBlock A     | A: 1 to number of     | Sets the end block    | MEM,RMS
                |    blocks             | (during sequential    | 
                |                       |  save)                |
:ENDBlock?      | A <NR1>               | Queries the end block.| MEM,RMS
:FORMat A$      | A$: SINGle, DUAL,     | Sets the display      | ALL
                |  QUAD, XYDot, XYLine  | format.               | 
:FORMat?        | A$                    | Queries the display   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | format.               |
:FREQuency A    | A: 50, 60 (Hz)        | Sets the frequency.   | RMS
:FREQuency?     | A <NR1>               | Queries the frequency.| RMS
                |    PHASE,POWER,       | analyze               |
                |    P-RATIO,P-PHASE    |                       |
:HANAlyze?      | A$                    | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | analyse               |
:HCHAN A$       | A$:CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4    | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | channel               |
:HCHAN?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | channel               |
:HDISP A$       | A$:VALUE,GRAPH        | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | disp kind             |
:HDISP?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | disp kind             |
:HFREQuency A$  | A$:AUTO,50,60,        | Sets HARM-frequency   | HARM
                |    45.0 to 65.0       |                       |
:HFREQuency?    | A$                    | Queries HARM-frequency| HARM
:HMODE A$       | A$:INSTANT,SERIES     | Sets HARM-mode        | HARM
:HMODE?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-mode     |
:HPRCHan ch$,A$ | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | print channel         |
:HPRCHan? ch$   | ch$,A$                | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | print channel         |
:SANAlyze NO$,A$| NO$:NO1 to NO20           | Sets HARM-SERIES-analyze | HARM
                | A$:OFF,RMS,RATIO,PHASE,   |                          |
                |    T-RMS,THD-F,THD-R,     |                          |
                |    POWER,P-RATIO,P-PHASE, |                          |
                |    WATT,VA,VAR,P-FACTOR   |                          |
:SANAlyze? NO$  | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | analyze               |
:SCHAN NO$,A$   | NO$:NO1 to NO20       | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                | A$:CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4    | channel               |
:SCHAN? NO$     | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | channel               |
:SDEGRee NO$,A  | NO$:NO1 to NO20       | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                | A:1 to 40             | number                |
:SDEGRee? NO$   | NO$,A<NR1>            | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | number                |
:SLOGGing A     | A:1 to 1600           | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | logging output        |
                |                       | interval              |
:SLOGGing?      | A<NR2>                | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | logging output        |
                |                       | interval              |
:SPRKInd A$     | A$:WAVE,LOGGing,      | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |    CALC,WAVE&CALC     | print mode            |
:SPRKInd?       | A$                    | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | print mode            |
:SRESult W$,A   | W$:W1 to W4           | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                | A:0(OFF),1 to 20      | display               |
:SRESult? W$    | W$,A<NR1>             | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | display               |
:SSHOT A        | A:SHOT(unit hour)     | Sets HARM-SERIES-shot | HARM
:SSHOT?         | A<NR1>(unit hour)     | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | shot                  |
:SSMOOth A$     | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | smoothing             |
:SSMOOth?       | A$                    | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | smoothing             |
:STIME A        | A:TIME/DIVunit hour)  | Sets HARM-SERIES-time | HARM
:STIME?         | A<NR3>(unit hour)     | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | time                  |
:LOGGing A      | A: 1 to 8000          | Specifies the logging | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | output interval.      |
:LOGGing?       | A <NR2>               | Queries the logging   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | output interval.      |
:MAXBlock A     | A:2,4,8,16,32         | Sets the number of    | MEM,RMS
                |                       | memory blocks         | 
                |                       |  (during sequential   |
                |                       |   save)               |
:MAXBlock?      | A : <NR1>             | Queries the number of | MEM,RMS
                |                       | memory blocks         | 
:MEMDiv A$      | A$: OFF, ON           | Sets memory           | MEM,RMS
                |                       | segmentation.         |
:MEMDiv?        | A$                    | Queries memory        | MEM,RMS
                |                       | segmentation.         |
:MEMRec A$      | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets the Instantaneous| RMS
                |                       | Waveform Recording.   |
:MEMRec?        | A$                    | Queries the           | RMS
                |                       | Instantaneous Waveform|
                |                       | Recording.            |
:PRINt A$       | A$: OFF, ON           | Sets printer output.  | REC,RMS,HARM
:PRINt?         | A$                    | Queries printer output.| REC,RMS,HARM
:PRKInd A$      | A$: WAVE,LOGGing      | Specifiles the print  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | mode.                 |
:PRKInd?        | A$                    | Queries the print mode.| MEM,REC,RMS
:ROLL A$        | A$: OFF, ON           | Enables and disables  | MEM
                |                       | roll mode.            | 
:ROLL?          | A$                    | Queries roll mode     | MEM
                |                       | enablement.           |
:SEQDisp A$     | A$: OFF, ON           | Sets the follow-up    | MEM
                |                       | waveform display      |
                |                       | (during sequential    | 
                |                       |  save).               |
:SEQDisp?       | A$                    | Queries the follow-up | MEM 
                |                       | waveform display.     |
:SHOT A         | A: recording length   | Sets the recording    | ALL 
                |                       | length (during memory |
                |         (unit DIV)    | segmentation)         | 
:SHOT?          | A <NR1> (unit DIV)    | Queries the recording | ALL 
                |                       | length.               |
:SMOOth A$      | A$:OFF, ON            | Sets the smooth       | MEM
                |                       | printing.             |
:SMOOth?        | A$                    | Queries smooth| MEM   |
                |                       | printing enablement.  |
:STTBlock A     | A: 1 to number of     | Sets the start block    | MEM
                |    blocks             | (during sequential save)| 
                |                       |  save)                  |
:STTBlock?      | A : <NR1>             | Queries the start block.| MEM
:TDIV A         | A: TIME/DIV           |  Sets the time axis   | ALL
                |        (unit seconds) | range.                |
:TDIV?          | A <NR3> (unit seconds)| Queries the time axis | ALL
                |                       | range.                |
:THINout A$     | A$:OFF,               | Sets the degree of    | MEM,REC,RMS
                |   1_2,1_4,1_8,1_20,   | thinning              |
                |   1_40,1_80,1_200,    | before storing.       | 
                |   1_400,1_800         |                       |
:THINout?       | A$                    | Queries the degree of   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | thinning before storing.| 
:USEBlock A     | A: 1 to number of     | Sets the memory block | MEM
                |    segmentations      | used.                 | 
                |            (32 max.)  |                       |
:USEBlock?      | A : <NR1>             | Queries the memory    | MEM
                |                       | block used.           |
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (3)TRIGger command  (Setting and querying trigger.) 

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:DETECTDate     | year: 0 to 99         | Sets the date for     | ALL
  year,month,   | month: 1 to 12        | trigger detection.    | 
  day           | day: 1 to 31          |                       | 
:DETECTDate?    | year, month, day      | Queries the currently | ALL
                |         all <NR1>     | set date for trigger  | 
                |                       | detection.            | 
:DETECTTime     | hour: 0 to 23         | Sets the time point   | ALL
  hour, min,    | min: 0 to 59          | for trigger detection.| 
  sec           | sec: 0 to 59          |                       | 
:DETECTTime?    | hour, min, sec        | Queries the currently | ALL
                |         all <NR1>     | set time point for    | 
                |                       | trigger detection.    | 
:EXTErnal A$    | A$: OFF, ON           | Enables and disables  | ALL
                |                       | external trigger.     | 
:EXTErnal?      | A$                    | Queries external      | ALL
                |                       | trigger enablement.   | 
:FILTer ch$, A  | A:0(OFF),0.1, 0.2, 0.5| Sets trigger filter.  | MEM,REC
                |  1.0, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5.0|                       | 
                |  10.0(DIV)(MEM)       |                       | 
                | A:0(OFF), 1(ON) (REC) |                       | 
:FILTer? ch$    | ch$, A <NR2>          | Queries trigger filter.| MEM,REC
:HCHAN NO$,A$   | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A$:CH1 to CH4         | channel               |
:HCHAN? NO$     | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | channel               |
:HDEGRee NO$,A  | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A:1 to 40             | number                |
:HDEGRee? NO$   | NO$,A<NR1>            | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | number                |
:HINOUT NO$,A$  | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A$:IN,OUT             | input/output          |
:HINOUT? NO$    | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | input/output          |
:HKINd NO$,A$   | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A$:OFF,RMS,RATIO,     | kind                  |
                |    T-RMS,THD-F,THD-R, |                       |
                |    POWER,P-RATIO,     |                       |
                |    P-PHASE            |                       |
:HKINd? NO$     | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | kind                  |
:HLEVEl NO$,A   | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A:trigger level       | level                 |
                | (unit V)              |                       |
:HLEVEl? NO$    | NO$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | level                 |
:HMODE A$       | A$:SINGle,REPEat      | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                |                       | mode                  |
:HMODE?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | mode                  |
:HPRETrig A     | A:0,5,10(unit DIV)    | Sets HARM-pre trigger | HARM
:HPRETrig?      | A<NR1>(unit DIV)      | Queries HARM-         | HARM
                |                       | pre trigger           |
:HSLOpe NO$,A$  | NO$:NO1 to NO4,       | Sets HARM-trigger     | HARM
                | A$:UP,DOWN            | direction (slope)     |
                |                       | (level trigger)       |
:HSLOpe? NO$    | NO$,A$                | Queries HARM-trigger  | HARM
                |                       | direction             |
:JKINd ch$,A$   | A$:SIN50,SIN60,       | Sets the kind of      | MEM
                |         PRE50,PRE60   | waveform detection    |
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:JKINd? ch$     | ch$,A$                | Queries the kinds of  | MEM
                |                       | waveform detection    | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:JVOLt ch$,A    | A:Standard voltage    | Sets the standard     | MEM
                |          (uint Vrms)  | voltage of waveform   | 
                |                       | detection trigger.    | 
:JVOLt? ch$     | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries the standard  | MEM
                |                       | voltage of waveform   | 
                |                       | detection trigger.    | 
:JWIDth ch$,A   | A:control range       | Sets the contorl      | MEM
                |          (unit V)     | range of waveform     | 
                |                       | detection trigger.    | 
:JWIDth? ch$    | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries the contorl   | MEM
                |                       | range of waveform     | 
                |                       | detection trigger.    | 
:KIND ch$, A$   | A$:OFF,LEVEl,IN,OUT,  | Sets type of trigger. | MEM,REC,RMS
                |    DROP,JUDGE (MEM)   |                       | 
                | A$:OFF,LEVEl,IN,OUT   |                       | 
                |    (REC,RMS)          |                       | 
:KIND? ch$      | ch$, A$               | Queries type of trigger.| MEM,REC,RMS
:LEVEl ch$, A   | A: trigger level      | Sets the trigger level| MEM,REC
                |          (unit V)     | of the level trigger. | 
:LEVEl? ch$     | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries the trigger   | MEM,REC
                |                       | level of the level    | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:LOGAnd ch$, A$ | A$: OFF, OR, AND      | Sets AND/OR for the   | MEM,REC,
                |                       | logic trigger pattern.| RMS
:LOGAnd? ch$    | ch$, A$               | Queries AND/OR for the| MEM,REC,
                |                       | logic trigger pattern.| RMS
:LOGPat ch$,    | A$: xxxx trigger      | Sets the pattern for  | MEM,REC,
           'A$' |     pattern (x, 0, 1) | a logic trigger.      | RMS
:LOGPat? ch$    | ch$, "A$"             | Queries the pattern   | MEM,REC,
                |                       | for a logic trigger.  | RMS
:LFILter ch$, A | A:0(OFF), 0.1, 0.2,   | Sets logic trigger    | MEM,REC,
                |   0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, | filter.               | RMS
                |   2.5, 5.0, 10        |                       | 
:LFILter? ch$   | ch$, A <NR2>          | Queries logic trigger | MEM,REC,
                |                       | filter.               | RMS
:LOWEr ch$, A   | A: lower limit level  | Sets lower limit level| MEM,REC
                |  (unit V)             | of window-in/-out     | RMS
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:LOWEr? ch$     | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries lower limit    | MEM,REC
                |                       | level of window-in/-out| 
                |                       | trigger.               | 
:MANU A$        | A$: OFF, ON           | Sets manual trigger.  | ALL
:MANU?          | A$                    | Queries manual trigger.| ALL
:MODE A$        | A$:SINGle,REPEat,     | Sets trigger mode.    | MEM,REC,RMS
                |    AUTO(MEM)          |                       | 
                |    SINGle,REPEat      |                       | 
                |    (REC,RMS)          |                       | 
:MODE?          | A$                    | Queries trigger mode. | MEM,REC,RMS
:PRETrig A      | A:0,2,10,¥¥90,95,100, | Sets pre-trigger.     | MEM,RMS
                |   -95% (MEM)          |                       | 
                |   0,5,10DIV(RMS)      |                       | 
:PRETrig?       | A <NR1> (unit %)      | Queries pre-trigger.  | MEM,RMS
:RLEVel ch$, A  | A: trigger level (V)  | Sets the trigger level| RMS
                |                       | of RMS level trigger. | 
:RLEVel? ch$    | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries the trigger   | RMS
                |                       | level of RMS level    | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:RSLOpe ch$, A$ | A$: UP, DOWN          | Sets the direction    | RMS
                |                       | (slope) of RMS level  | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:RSLOpe? ch$    | ch$, A$               | Queries the direction | RMS
                |                       |  (slope) of RMS level | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:SLOPe ch$, A$  | A$: UP, DOWN          | Sets the trigger      | MEM,REC
                |                       | direction (slope)     | 
                |                       | (level trigger).      | 
:SLOPe? ch$     | ch$, A$               | Queries the trigger   | MEM,REC
                |                       | direction (slope).    | 
:SOURce A$      | A$:OR,AND             | Sets trigger logical  | ALL
                |                       | operator to AND or OR.| 
:SOURce?        | A$                    | Queries trigger logical| ALL
                |                       | operator (AND or OR).  | 
:STOPDate       | year: 0 to 99         | Sets the date for     | REC
  year,month,   | month: 1 to 12        | termination.          | 
  day           | day: 1 to 31          |                       | 
:STOPDate?      | year, month, day      | Queries the date of   | REC
                |         all <NR1>     | termination.          | 
:STOPTime       | hour: 0 to 23         | Sets the termination  | REC
  hour,min,     | min: 0 to 59          |time of operation.     | 
  sec           | sec: 0 to 59          |                       | 
:STOPTime?      | hour, min, sec        | Queries the termination| REC
                |         all <NR1>     | time of operation.     | 
:TIMEr A$       | A$: OFF, ON           | Sets timer trigger.   | ALL
:TIMEr?         | A$                    | Queries timer trigger.| ALL
:TIMIng A$      | A$:START,STOP,S_S     | Sets trigger timing.  | REC
:TIMIng?        | A$                    | Queries trigger timing.| REC
:TMINTvl        | day: 0 to 99          | Sets time interval for| ALL
  day, hour,    | hour: 0 to 23         | timer trigger.        | 
  min, sec      | min: 0 to 59          |                       | 
                | sec: 0 to 59          |                       | 
:TMINTvl?       | day, hour, min, sec   | Queries time interval | ALL
                |         all <NR1>     | for timer trigger.    | 
:TMSTArt        | month: 1 to 12        | Sets start time of    | ALL
  month, day,   | day: 1 to 31          | timer trigger.        | 
  hour, min     | hour: 0 to 23         |                       | 
                | min: 0 to 59          |                       | 
:TMSTArt?       | month, day, hour, min | Queries start time of | ALL
                |         all <NR1>     | timer trigger.        | 
:TMSTOp         | Same as :TMSTArt      | Sets stop time of     | ALL
  month, day,   |                       | timer trigger.        | 
  hour, min     |                       |                       | 
:TMSTOp?        | Same as :TMSTArt?     | Queries stop time of  | ALL
                |                       | timer trigger.        | 
:UPPEr ch$, A   | A: upper limit level  | Sets upper limit level| MEM,REC
                |         (unit V)      | of window-in/-out     | 
                |                       | trigger.              | 
:UPPEr? ch$     | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries upper limit   | MEM,REC
                |                       | level of window-in    | 
                |                       | /-out trigger.        | 
:VFREq ch$, A   | A: 50/60 (Hz)         | Sets measurement      | MEM
                |                       | frequency of voltage  | 
                |                       | drop trigger.         | 
:VFREq? ch$     | ch$, A <NR1>          | Queries measurement   | MEM
                |                       | frequency of voltage  | 
                |                       | drop trigger.         | 
:VLEVel ch$, A  | A: drop level (V)     | Sets drop level of    | MEM
                |                       | voltage drop trigger. | 
:VLEVel? ch$    | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries drop level of | MEM
                |                       | voltage drop trigger. | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (4)UNIT command (Setting and querying input channel)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:COUPling ch$,  | A$: GND, DC, CLAMp    | Sets input channel    | MEM,REC,RMS
             A$ |                       | coupling.             | 
:COUPling? ch$  | ch$, A$               | Queries input channel | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | coupling.             | 
:FILTer ch$, A  | A: 0 (OFF), 5, 500    | Sets input channel    | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | filter.               | 
:FILTer? ch$    | ch$, A$               | Queries input channel | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | filter.               | 
:HINPut ch$,A$  | A$:VOLT,9018,9132,    | Sets HARM-input kind  | HARM
                |    3283,3284,3285,9322|                       |
:HINPut? ch$    | ch$,A$                | Queries HARM-input    | HARM
                |                       | kind                  |
:HRANGe ch$,A   | A:volt(current)range  | Sets HARM-input       | HARM
                |  (unit Vr,Ar)         | channel  voltage or   |
                |                       | current axis range    |
:HRANGe? ch$    | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-input    | HARM
                |  (unit Vr,Ar)         | channel  voltage or   |
                |                       | current axis range    |
:HSCALing ch$,A$| A$:OFF,ON             | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
:HSCALing? ch$  | ch$,A$                | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
:HSCVSet ch$,A$ | A$:PT,A               | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
                |                       | kind                  |
:HSCVSet? ch$   | ch$,A$                | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
                |                       | kind                  |
:HSCCT ch$,A    | A:0.01 to 99999.00    | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
                |                       | ct ratio              |
:HSCCT? ch$     | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
                |                       | ct ratio              |
:HSCPT ch$,A    | A:0.01 to 99999.00    | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
                |                       | pt ratio              |
:HSCPT? ch$     | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
                |                       | pt ratio              |
:HSCVOlt ch$,A  | A:0.01 to 99999.00    | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
                |                       | volt                  |
:HSCVOlt? ch$   | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
                |                       | volt                  |
:HSCAMp ch$,A   | A:0.01 to 99999.00    | Sets HARM-scaling     | HARM
                |                       | amp                   |
:HSCAMp? ch$    | ch$,A<NR3>            | Queries HARM-scaling  | HARM
                |                       | amp                   |
:HWIRing A$     | A$:UNIQ,1P2W,1P3W,3P3W| Sets HARM-wiring      | HARM
:HWIRing?       | A$                    | Queries HARM-wiring   | HARM
:SPOSItion W$,A | W$:W1 to W4           | Sets HARM-series      | HARM
                | A:position(unit %)    | zero position         |
                |                       | for an input channel  |
:SPOSItion? W$  | W$,A<NR1>             | Queries HARM-series   | HARM
                |                       | zero position         |
                |                       | for an input channel  |
:POSItion ch$, A| A: position value     | Sets the zero position| MEM,REC,RMS
                |         (unit %)      | for an input channel. | 
:POSItion? ch$  | ch$, A <NR1>          | Queries the zero      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | position for an input | 
                |                       | channel.              | 
:RANGe ch$, A   | A: voltage or current | Sets input channel    | MEM,REC,RMS
                |    axis range         | voltage or current    | 
                |     (unit V,A)        | axis range.           | 
:RANGe? ch$     | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries input channel | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | voltage or current    | 
                |                       | axis range.           | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (5)DISPlay command (Setting and querying changeover of the screen mode, waveform display, etc.)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:CHANge A$      | A$:DISPlay,SET,SYSTem,| Changes over the      | ALL
                | CARD                  | display screen.       | 
:CHANge?        | A$                    | Queries the display   | ALL
                |                       | screen.               | 
:DIREct A$      | A$:                   | Switces directly to   | ALL
                |  DISPlay,DMM,STATus,  | the specified setting | 
                |  CHANnel,TRIGger,     | screen.               | 
                |  EX_STatus,EX_TRIGger,|                       | 
                |  SCALing,CALCulation, |                       | 
                |  ENVIronment,COMMEnt, |                       | 
                |  RS_Copy,INITialize,  |                       | 
                |  FILE,FILE_Conf       |                       | 
:DIREct?        | A$                    | Queries the display   | ALL
                |                       | screen.               | 
:DRAWing ch$, A$| A$: OFF, C1 to C6     | Sets waveform display | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | color.                | 
:DRAWing? ch$   | ch$, A$               | Queries waveform      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | display color.        | 
:GRAPh ch$, A   | A: 1, 2, 3, 4         | Sets waveform display | MEM,REC,RMS
                |  (for DUAL format,1,2)| graph.                | 
:GRAPh? ch$     | ch$, A <NR1>          | Queries waveform      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | display graph.        |
:HDRAWing ch$,  | A$:OFF,C1 to C6       | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
          A$    |                       | waveform disp color   |
:HDRAWing? ch$  | ch$,A$                | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | waveform disp color   |
:HYZOOM A$      | A$:LOG,X1_2,X1,X2,X5, | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |    X10,X20,X50,X100   | maginigication/       |
                |                       | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the voltage axi       |
                |                       | (at non-wave)         |
:HYZOOM?        | A$                    | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | maginigication/       |
                |                       | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the voltage axis      |
:SDRAWing W$,A$ | W$:W1 to W4           | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                  A$:OFF,C1 to C6       | waveform disp color   |
:SDRAWing? W$   | W$,A$                 | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | waveform disp color   |
:SXMAG A$       | A$:X1_48,X1_24,X1_12, | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |   X1_6,X1_4,X1_2,X1,  | maginigication/       |
                |   X2,X4               | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the time axis         |
:SXMAG?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | maginigication/       |
                |                       | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the time axis         |
:SYMAG W$,A$    | W$:W1 to W4,          | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                | A$:LOG,X1_2,X1,X2,X5, | maginigication/       |
                |    X10,X20,X50,X100   | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the voltage axis      |
:SYMAG? W$      | W$,A$                 | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | maginigication/       |
                |                       | compretion rario on   |
                |                       | the voltage axis      |
:LOGDraw ch$,   | A$: OFF, C1 to C6     | Sets logic waveform   | MEM,REC,RMS
        N, A$   | N: 1, 2, 3, 4         | display color.        | 
:LOGDraw? ch$, N| ch$, N, A$            | Queries logic waveform| MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | display color.        | 
:LOGPosi ch$, A | A: 1, 2, 3, 4         | Sets the position of   | MEM,REC,
                |                       | logic waveform display.| RMS
:LOGPosi? ch$   | ch$, A <NR1>          | Queries the position of| MEM,REC,
                |                       | logic waveform display.| RMS
:PAGE A         | A: a number of page   | Changes over the page | ALL
                |                       | of the screen.        | 
:PAGE?          | A <NR1>               | Queries the page of   | ALL
                |                       | the screen.           | 
:SIZE A$        | A$: NORMal, NARRow    | Sets the waveform     | ALL
                |                       | display size.         |
:SIZE?          | A$                    | Queries the waveform  | ALL
                |                       | display size.         |
:WAVE A$        | A$:ACUR,TRIG,POINT    | Executes waveform     | MEM
                |                       | display.              | 
:XAXIs, ch$     | ch$:CH1 to CH4        | In X-Y format, sets   | MEM,REC
                |                       | the X-axis.           | 
:XAXIs?         | ch$                   | In X-Y format, queries| MEM,REC
                |                       | the X-axis.           | 
:XMAG A$        | A$:*10 to *1_500(MEM) | Sets the magnification/| MEM,REC,
                |    *1 to *1_500       | compression ratio on   | RMS
                |          (REC, RMS)   | the time axis.         | 
:XMAG?          | A$                    | Queries the magnificat | MEM,REC,
                |                       | -ion/compression       | RMS
                |                       | ratio on the time axis.| 
:XYCLr A$       | A$:ON, OFF            | Sets the display clear| REC
                |                       | function.             | 
:XYCLr?         | A$                    | Queries the display   | REC
                |                       | clear function.       | 
:YMAG ch$, A$   | A$:X1_2,X1,X2,X5,X10  | Sets the magnification/| MEM,REC,
                |                       | compression ratio on   | RMS
                |                       | the voltage axis.      | 
:YMAG? ch$      | ch$, A$               | Queries the magnificat| MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | -ion/compression ratio| 
                |                       | on the voltage axis.  | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (6)CURSor command (Cursor setting and reading)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:ABCUrsor A$    | A$:A,ORA,ORB,A_B      | Chooses among the A, B| MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | and A&B cursors.      | 
:ABCUrsor?      | A$                    | Queries among the A, B| MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | and A&B cursors.      | 
:ACHAnnel ch$   | ch$: CH1 to CH4,ALL   | Sets the A cursor     | ALL 
                |                       | channel.              | 
:ACHAnnel?      | ch$                   | Queries the A cursor  | ALL
                |                       | channel.              | 
:APOSition A    | A:0 to amount of      | Sets the position of  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |        stored data    | the A        cursor.  | 
                |    (vertical and      |                       | 
                |       trace cursor)   |                       | 
                |   0 to 400            |                       | 
                |    (X-Y format)       |                       | 
                |    (horizontal cursor)|                       | 
:APOSition?     | A <NR1>               | Queries the position  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | of the A cursor.      | 
:BCHAnnel ch$   | ch$:CH1 to CH4,ALL    | Sets the B cursor     | ALL
                |                       | channel.              | 
:BCHAnnel?      | ch$                   | Queries the B cursor  | ALL
                |                       | channel.              | 
:BPOSition A    | Same as :APOSition    | Sets the position of  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | the B cursor.         | 
:BPOSition?     | A <NR1>               | Queries the position  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | of the B cursor.      | 
:DTREad? A$     | A$: A, B, B_A         | Queries the cursor    | ALL
                | B$,C$:readout value(t)| readout value (t).    | 
:DVREad? A$     |B$ (, C$)              | Queries the cursor    | ALL
                | A$: A, B, B_A         | readout value (V).    | 
                | B$,C$:readout value(V)|                       | 
:HABCUrsor A$   | A$:OFF,A,ORA,ORB,A_B  | Chooses among the A, B| HARM
                |                       | and A&B HARM cursors. | 
:HABCUrsor?     | A$                    | Queries among the A, B| HARM
                |                       | and A&B HARM cursors. | 
:HAPOSition A   | A:0 to 511            | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | position of A cursor  |
:HAPOSition?    | A<NR1>                | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | position of A cursor  |
:HBPOSition A   | (same as HAPOSition)  | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | position of B cursor
:HBPOSition?    | A<NR1>                | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | position of B cursor
:HDEGRee A      | A:1 to 40             | Sets HARM-number      | HARM
                |                       | of cursor             |
:HDEGRee?       | A<NR1>                | Queries HARM-number   | HARM
                |                       | of cursor             |
:HMODE A$       | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets HARM-A and B     | HARM
                |                       | cursor type           |
:HMODE?         | A$                    | Queries HARM-A and B  | HARM
                |                       | cursor type           |
:SAPOSition A   | A:0 to storaged data  | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | position of A cursor  |
:SAPOSition?    | A<NR1>                | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | position of A cursor  |
:SBPOSition A   | (same as SAPOSition)  | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | position of B cursor  |
:SBPOSition?    | A<NR1>                | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | position of B cursor  |
:SAWAve W$      | W$:W1 to W4,ALL       | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | wave of A aursor      |
:SAWAve?        | W$                    | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | wave of A aursor      |
:SBWAve W$      | W$:W1 to W4,ALL       | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                |                       | wave of B cursor      |
:SBWAve?        | W$                    | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | wave of B cursor      |
:MODE A$        | A$:OFF,TIME,VOLT,TRACe| Sets the A and B      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |    OFF,Xcur,Ycur,TRACe| cursor type.          | 
                |    (in X-Y format)    |                       | 
:MODE?          | A$                    | Queries the A and B   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | cursor type.          | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (7)MEMory command
      (Setting and querying input and output, etc., from the memory)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:ADATa B, C,... | B, C,... :            | Input data to memory  | MEM
                |         -2048 to 2047 |                       | 
                |     all <NR1>         |               (ASCII).| 
:ADATa? A       | B, C,...<NR1>         | Queries Output data   | MEM
                | A: 1 to 80            | from memory(ASCII).   | 
                |     (number of        |                       | 
                |      output units)    |                       | 
                | B, C,...:-2048 to 2047|                       | 
                |              all <NR1>|                       | 
:AREAl? ch$     | A <NR1>               | Output stored data.   | MEM,REC,RMS
                | A: -2048 to 2047      | Real time data output.| 
                |                       |         (ASCII)       | 
:BDATa? A       | A: 1 to 200           | Performs binary       | MEM
                |    (amount of         | transfer for stored   | 
                |     output data)      | data.                 | 
                | Response data:binary, |                       | 
                |     integer data      |                       | 
:BREAl? ch$     | Response data         | Real time data output.| MEM,REC,RMS
                |   :binary,integer data| (binary)              | 
:GETReal        |                       | Captures real time data.| MEM,REC,RMS
:HPOINt ch$,A   | A:1 to 40(number)     | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | point in memory of    |
                |                       | output (at non-wave)  |
:HPOINt?        | ch$,A<NR1>            | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | point in memory of    |
                |                       | output (at non-wave)  |
:HVDATa? A      | B,C<NR3>...           | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                | A:1 to 40(data num)   |  (at non-wave)        |
:HVTOTal? ch$,A$| B<NR3>                | output HARM-INSTANT   | HARM
                | A$:T-RMS,THD-F,THD-R, | total data            |
                |    WATT,VA,VAR,       |                       |
                |    P-FACTOR           |                       |
:HWPOINt ch$,A  | A:0 to 511            | Sets HARM-INSTANT-    | HARM
                |                       | point in memory of    |
                |                       | output (wave)         |
:HWPOINt?       | ch$,A<NR1>            | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                |                       | point in memory of    |
                |                       | output (wave)         |
:HWVDATa? A     | B,C<NR3>...           | Queries HARM-INSTANT- | HARM
                | A:1 to 40(data num)   | data (wave)           |
:SMAXPoint?     | A<NR1>                  | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                | 0=no data               | amount of data stored |
                | 1 to 4800(60DIV*80point)|                       |
:SPOINt W$,A    | W$:W1 to W4                | Sets HARM-SERIES-     | HARM
                | A:0 to 4800(60DIV*80point) | point in memory of    |
                |                            | output                |
:SPOINt?        | W$,A<NR1>             | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                |                       | point in memory of    |
                |                       | output                |
:SVDATa? A      | B,C<NR3>...           | Queries HARM-SERIES-  | HARM
                | A:1 to 40(data num)   | data
:LDATa B, C,... | B,C,...:0 to 15       | Input logic data from | MEM
                |                       | memory.               | 
:LDATa? A       | Response data         | Output logic data from| MEM
                |   <NR1>: 0 to 15      |                       | 
                | A: 1 to 100 (amount of| memory.               | 
                |    output data)       |                       | 
:LREAl? ch$     | A <NR1>: 0 to 15      | Logic real time data  | ALL
                |                       | output.               | 
:MAXPoint?      | A <NR1>               | Queries the amount of | MEM
                |   : 0 (not stored)    | data stored.          | 
                |     80 to 256000      |                       | 
                |      (CH1 MAX)        |                       | 
:POINt ch$, A   | A:0 to 256000         | Sets point in memory  | MEM
                |      (CH1 MAX)        | for input and output. | 
:POINt?         | ch$, A <NR1>          | Queries point in memory| MEM
                |                       | for input and output.  | 
:PREPare        |                       | Prepares the memory   | MEM
                |                       | for receipt of        | 
                |                       | waveform data.        | 
:VDATa B, C,... | B, C,...:             | Input data to memory  | MEM
                |       (voltage values)|  (voltage values).    | 
:VDATa? A       | B, C,...<NR3>         | Output stored data    | MEM
                | A: 1 to 40            | (voltage values).     | 
                |       (amount of data)|                       | 
:VREAl? ch$     | A <NR3>               | Real time data output | MEM,REC,RMS
                | A: voltage value      | (voltage values).     | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (8)SYSTem command (Setting and querying the system screen)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:BMPColor A$    | A$:COLOR,GRAY,MONO,   | Sets the bit map file | ALL
                |    MONO_R             | color.                | 
:BMPColor?      | A$                    | Queries the bit map   | ALL
                |                       | file color.           | 
:CHMArk A$      | A$: OFF, NUMBer,      | Enables and disables  | ALL
                |         COMMent       | channel markers.      | 
:CHMArk?        | A$                    | Queries enablement of | ALL
                |                       | channel markers.      | 
:COPY A$        | A$: IN_PRinter, PC,   | Sets the output       | ALL
                |     COM               | destination by the    | 
                |                       | COPY key.             | 
:COPY?          | A$                    | Queries the output    | 
                |                       | destination by the    | 
                |                       | COPY key.             | 
:CRTOff A       | A: 0 (OFF),           | Enables and disables  | ALL
                |    1 to 30 (minutes)  | the backlight saver.  | 
                |         all <NR1>     |                       | 
:CRTOff?        | A : <NR1>             | Queries enablement of | ALL
                |                       | the backlight saver.  | 
:DATAClear      |                       | Clear data.           | ALL
:DATE           | year: 0 to 99         | Sets the calendar.    | ALL
  year, month,  | month: 1 to 12        |                       | 
  day           | day: 1 to 31          |                       | 
:DATE?          | year, month, day      | Queries the calendar. | ALL
                |         (all <NR1>)   |                       | 
:GRID A$        | A$:OFF,STD,FINE,      | Sets the grid type.   | ALL
                |    STD_Dark,FINE_Dark |                       | 
:GRID?          | A$                    | Queries the grid type.| ALL
:LANGuage A$    | A$: JAPAnese, ENGLish | Sets the language.    | ALL
:LANGuage?      | A$                    | Queries the language. | ALL
:LCDDisp A$     | A$:C1 to C16          | Sets the screen color.| ALL
:LCDDisp?       | A$                    | Queries the screen color.| ALL
:LIST A$        | A$: OFF, LIST, GAUGe, | Sets list and gauge   | ALL
                |     L_G               | functions.            | 
:LIST?          | A$                    | Queries list and gauge| ALL
                |                       | functions.            | 
:LWIDth         | A$:WIDE,NARRow        | Sets logic recording  | ALL
                |                       | width.                | 
:LWIDht?        | A$                    | Queries logic|        | ALL
                |                       | recording width.      | 
:PRIDensity A   | A$:LIGHt,STD,DARK     | Sets the printer      | ALL
                |                       | density.              | 
:PRIDensity?    | A$                    | Queries the printer   | ALL
                |                       | density.              | 
:SOPEration A$  | A$:TIME1,TIME2,SEC2   | Sets the start key    | ALL
                |                       | activation condition. |
:SOPEration?    | A$                    | Queries the start key | ALL
                |                       | activation condition. |
:STARt A$       | A$: ON, OFF           | Enables and disables  | ALL
                |                       | start backup.         | 
:STARt?         | A$                    | Queries start backup  | ALL
                |                       | enablement.           | 
:TIME hour, min | hour: 0 to 23         | Sets the time.        | ALL
                | min: 0 to 59          |                       | 
:TIME?          | hour, min, sec        | Queries the current   | ALL
                |          (all <NR1>)  | time.                 | 
:TMAXis A$      | A$: TIME, TIME (60),  | Sets the time axis    | ALL
                |     SCALe, DATE       | display.              | 
:TMAXis?        | A$                    | Queries the time axis | ALL
                |                       | display.              | 
:USECH A        | A: 1, 2, 4            | Sets number of        | MEM
                |                       | channels used.        | 
:USECH?         | A <NR1>               | Queries number of     | MEM
                |                       | channels used.        |
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (9)SCALing command (Setting and querying scaling)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:KIND A$        | A$: POINT, RATIO      | Sets the type of      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | scaling.              | 
:KIND?          | A$                    | Queries the type of   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | scaling.              | 
:OFFSet ch$, A  | A: -9.9999E+9 to      | Sets scaling offset   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |          +9.9999E+9   | (RATIO).              | 
:OFFSet? ch$    | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries scaling offset.| MEM,REC,RMS
:SCUPLOw ch$,B,C| B,C: -9.9999E+29      | Sets the scaling SC UP,| MEM,REC,RMS
                |        to 9.9999E+29  | LOW (POINT).           | 
:SCUPLOw? ch$   | ch$,B,C<NR3>          | Queries the scaling   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | SC UP, LOW.           | 
:SET ch$, A$    | A$: OFF, SCI, ENG     | Enables and disables  | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | scaling.              | 
:SET? ch$       | ch$, A$               | Queries scaling       | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | enablement.           | 
:UNIT ch$, 'A$' | A$: scaling unit      | Sets scaling unit.    | MEM,REC,RMS
                |     (7 characters)    |                       | 
:UNIT? ch$      | ch$, "A$"             | Queries scaling unit. | MEM,REC,RMS
:VOLT ch$, A    | A: -9.9999E+9         | Sets the scaling      | MEM,REC,RMS
                |     to +9.9999E+9     | conversion value      | 
                |                       | (RATIO).              | 
:VOLT? ch$      | ch$, A <NR3>          | Queries the scaling   | MEM,REC,RMS
                |                       | conversion value.     | 
:VOUPLOw ch$,   | B,C:-9.9999E+29       | Sets the scaling VOLT | MEM,REC,RMS
         B, C   |     to 9.9999E+29     |  UP, LOW (POINT).     | 
:VOUPLOw? ch$   | ch$, B,C <NR3>        | Queries VOLT UP, LOW. | MEM,REC,RMS
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (10)COMMent command (Setting and querying comments)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:CH ch$,        | ch$:CH1 to CH4,       | Sets a comment for    | ALL
                |     CHA to CHB        | a particular channel. | 
    (NO$,) 'A$' | NO$:NO1 to NO4        |                       | 
                |         (logic only)  |                       | 
                | A$:comment string     |                       | 
                |  (up to 24 characters)|                       | 
:CH? ch$ (,NO$) | ch$, (NO$,) 'A$'      | Queries comment for   | 
                |                       | a particular channel. | 
:EACHch (ch$,)  | ch$:CHA,CHB(logic only)| Enables or disables  | ALL
          A$    | A$:OFF,SETTing,COMMent,| a channe comment.    l
                |    S_C(analog)         |                      | 
                | A$:OFF,COMMent(logic)  |                      | 
:EACHch? (ch$,) | (ch$,) A$             | Queries channel       | 
                |                       | comment enablement.   | 
:TITLe A$, 'B$' | A$:OFF,SETTing,COMMent,| Sets a title comment.| ALL
                |    S_C                 |                      | 
                | B$: comment string     |                      | 
                |   (up to 24 characters)|                      | 
:TITLe?         | A$, "B$"              | Queries a title comment.| ALL
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (11)CALCulate command (Calculation setting and querying)

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:ANSWer? NO$,   | A$,B<NR3>             | Queries a calculation | MEM
           ch$  | NO$:NO1 to NO4        | result.               | 
                | A$:OFF,AVE,RMS,PP,MAX,|                       | 
                |    MIN,MAXT,MINT,AREA,|                       | 
                |    PERI,FREQ,XYAREA   |                       | 
                | B:calculation result  |                       | 
:MEASFsave A$   | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets storing          | MEM
                |                       | a calculation result. | 
:MEASFsave?     | A$                    | Queries storing       | MEM
                |                       | a calculation result. | 
:MEASPrint A$   | A$:OFF,ON             | Sets printing         | MEM
                |                       | calculation results.  | 
:MEASPrint?     | A$                    | Queries printing      | MEM
                |                       | calculation results.  | 
:MEASSet NO$,   | NO$:NO1 to NO4        | Sets numerical        | MEM
   A$, ch$      | A$:OFF,AVE,RMS,PP,MAX,| calculation item.     | 
    (,ch2$      |    MIN,MAXT,MINT,AREA,|                       | 
      (XYAREA)) |    PERI,FREQ,XYARea   |                       | 
                | ch$:ALL,CH1 to CH4    |                       | 
:MEASSet? NO$   | A$, ch$               | Queries numerical     | MEM
                |                       | calculation item.     | 
:MEASure A$     | A$:ON,OFF,            | Sets numerical        | MEM
                |    EXEC(execute)      | calculation.          | 
:MEASure?       | A$                    | Queries numerical     | MEM
                |                       | calculation.          | 
Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 

 (12)FDISK command (Setting and querying file operation) 

Command         | Data                  | Explanation           | Function
                | (for a query,         |                       | 
                |  response data)       |                       | 
:CHDIR NO       | NO: file number       | Changes the current   | ALL
                |                       | directory.            | 
:DELEte NO      | NO: file or directory | Deletes a file or     | ALL
                |     number            | a directory.          | 
:DIR?           | A$: directory name    | Queries the current   | ALL
                |                       | directory.            | 
:FILE?          | A <NR1>               | Queries the number of | ALL
                |    :number of files   | files.                | 
:FORMat         |                       | Formats media.        | 
:FREE?          | A$: allowable number  | Queries the allowable | ALL
                |     of bytes          | number of bytes.      | 
:INFOr? NO      | NO,"NAME$","DATE$",               | Queries information | ALL
                | "TIME$",A,B$,C$,D,                | about a file.       | 
                | "TDATE$,"TTIME$"                  |                     | 
                | NO:file and directory number      |                     |
                | NAME$: file and directory name    |                     |
                | DATE$: year/month/day of save     |                     |
                | TIME$: hour:min:sec of save       |                     |
                | A: file size (bytes)              |                     |
                | B$: function                      |                     |
                | C$: measurement contents          |                     |
                | D: recording length               |                     |
                | TDATE$: year/month/day of trigger |                     |
                | TTIME$: trigger time              |                     |
:LOAD NO (,A$)  | NO: file number        | Load a file.         | ALL
                | A$: NEW, ADD           |                      | 
:MKDIR 'A$'     | A$: directory name     | Creates a directory. | ALL
:NINFor? NO     | NO, "NAME$", A$        | Queries filename.    | ALL
                | NO:file number         |                      | 
                | NAME$: file name       |                      | 
                | A$:directory of a file |                      | 
:SAVE 'NAME1$.  | NAME1$: file name                             | Saves a file. | ALL
   NAME2$', A$, |  (up to 8 characters)                         |               | 
       B$ (, C$)| NAME2$: file extension                        |               | 
                |  (up to 3 characters)                         |               | 
                |                                               |               | 
                | A$: type of file(memory segmentation:OFF)     |               | 
                |       Bin: binary data                        |               | 
                |       Text: text data                         |               | 
                |       Set: settings                           |               | 
                | A$: type of file(During memory segmentation)  |               | 
                |       BAll:binary data(All blocks are saved.) |               | 
                |       BOne:binary data(One block is saved.)   |               | 
                |       TALL:text data(All blocks are saved.)   |               | 
                |       TOne:text data(One block is saved.)     |               | 
                | B$: channels to save                          |               | 
                |       ALL, CH1 to CH4, LOGIC                  |               | 
                | C$: spacing                                   |               | 
                |     OFF,1_2, to 1_800                         |               | 
:SORT A$        | A$:ON,OFF             | Sets the file list    | ALL
                |                       | sorting.              | 
:SORT?          | A$                    | Queries the file list | ALL
                |                       | sorting.              | 
:STYPe A$       | A$:NAME,TYPE,TIME,SIZE| Sets the sort order    | ALL
                |                       | type for the file list.| 
:STYPe?         | A$                    | Queries the sort order | ALL
                |                       | type for the file list.| 
:SDIRection A$  | A$:UP,DOWN            | Sets the sort         | ALL
                |                       | direction setting of  |    
                |                       | the file list.        | 
:SDIRection?    | A$                    | Queries the sort      | ALL
                |                       | direction setting of  | 
                |                       | the file list.        | 
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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