Chapter2.txt Driver File Contents (

Page Title: Chapter 2 Commands

Chapter 2 Commands

2.1 Command Summary

2.1.1 Standard Commands Specified by IEEE 488.2

|Command |        Data        |                  Explanation                  |
|        |(for a query, respon|                                               |
|        |      se data)      |                                               |
|*CLS    |                    |Clears the status byte and associated queues.  |
|*ESR?   |A<NR1>:0 to 255     |Queries SESR.                                  |
|*IDN?   |Maker's name, model |Queries device ID.                             |
|        |number              |                                               |
|        |serial number,softwa|                                               |
|        |re version          |                                               |
|*OPC    |                    |Sets the LSB of SESR after all action has been |
|        |                    |completed.                                     |
|*OPC?   |A<NR1>              |ASCII 1 is the response after all action has be|
|        |                    |en completed.                                  |
|*OPT?   |A<NR1>:0=none,other=|Queries device option provision.               |
|        |exist               |                                               |
|*RST    |                    |Device initial setting.                        |
|*STB?   |A<NR1>:0 to 255     |Reads the STB and the MSS bit,without performin|
|        |                    |g                                              |
|        |                    |serial polling.                                |
|*TST?   |A<NR1>:0=OK,1=NG    |Queries the result of the ROM/RAM check.       |
|*WAI    |                    |Executes the following command after action has|
|        |                    |been completed.                                |
|:ESRO?  |A<NR1>:0 to 255     |Queries ESR0.                                  |

2.1.2 Specific Commands

(1) Execution control etc.

| Command  |              Data              |           Explanation           |
|          |  (for a query, response data)  |                                 |
|:ABORT    |                                |Force halt.                      |
|:CERROR?  |A,B,C<NR1>(number of times)     |Queries the communication errors.|
|          |A:parity error,                 |                                 |
|          |B:overrun error,                |                                 |
|          |C:framing error                 |                                 |
|:ERROR?   |A<NR1>:error number             |Queries error number.            |
|:HCOPY    |                                |Same as holding down the Card key|
|          |                                |for 2 seconds.                   |
|:START    |                                |Same as the START key.           |
|:STOP     |                                |Same as the STOP key.            |
|:COMPCLR  |                                |Clears comparison result output. |

(2) Setting and querying the time axis range, the recording length, etc.

|    Command    |           Data           |           Explanation            |
|               |(for a query, response dat|                                  |
|               |            a)            |                                  |
|:TDIV A        |A:TIME/DIV(unit s)        |Sets the time axis range.         |
|:TDIVH        |A<NR3>(unit s)            |Queries                           |
|:SAMP?         |A<NR3>(unit s)            |Queries the sampling period.      |
|:SHOT A        |A:recording length(unit DI|Sets the recording length.        |
|:SHOT?         |V)                        |Queries                           |
|               |A<NR1>(unit DIV)          |                                  |
|:FORM A$       |A$:SING,DUAL,XY           |Sets the display format.          |
|:FORM?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:AVE A         |A:0(OFF),2,4,8,16         |Sets the averaging count.         |
|:AVE?          |A<NR1>                    |Queries                           |
|:OLAY A$       |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets the overlay function.        |
|:OLAY?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:ATSA A$(,B$)  |A$:OFF,CARD,LAN           |Sets the auto save.               |
|               |B$:BIN,TXT                |                                  |
|:ATSA?         |A$(,B$)                   |Queries                           |
|:SVTH A$       |A$:OFF,2,5,10,20,50,100   |Sets the text interval for auto sa|
|:SVTH?         |A$                        |ve function.                      |
|               |                          |Queries                           |
|:DIRT A$(,'NAME|A$:NAME,DATE,TIME         |Sets the dirctory for auto save fu|
|$')            |NAME$:directory name      |nction.                           |
|               |A$(,'NAME$')              |                                  |
|:DIRT?         |                          |Queries                           |
|:CSTP A$       |A$:OR,AND                 |Sets the common stop mode.        |
|:CSTP?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:COMPEXE       |                          |Execute compare.                  |
|:SMOD A        |A:1 to 16                 |Registers test mode.              |
|:LMOD A        |A:1 to 16                 |Switches test mode.               |
|:CMOD A        |A:1 to 16                 |Deletes test mode.                |
|:WSET A$       |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets the area-comparison setting. |
|:WSET?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:WCON A$,B$    |A$:CH1,CH2,XY             |Sets the waveform decision mode.  |
|               |B$:OFF,OUT,ALLO           |                                  |
|:WCON? A$      |A$,B$                     |Queries                           |
|:WARE A$,B     |A$:CH1,CH2,XY             |Sets the waveform decision area.  |
|               |B:1 to 16(AREA)           |                                  |
|:WARE? A$      |A$,B                      |Queries                           |
|:WSAV A$       |A$:OFF,CARD,LAN           |Sets the BMP save.                |
|:WSAV?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:BCMP A$       |A$:NONE,COMP              |Sets BMP data format.             |
|:BCMP?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:WSTP A$       |A$:OK,NG,OK_NG            |Sets the stop mode.               |
|:WSTP?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:RTOTAL?       |A<NR1>(total comparison re|Queries total comparison results. |
|               |sult)                     |                                  |
|:RAREA? A$     |A$:ALL,CH1,CH2,XY         |Queries area-comparison results.  |
|               |B<NR1>(area-comparison res|                                  |
|               |ult)                      |                                  |
|:RMEAS? A$     |A$:ALL,NO1,NO2,NO3,NO4    |Queries value-comparison results. |
|               |B<NR1>(value-comparison re|                                  |
|               |sult)                     |                                  |
|:RNEW A$       |A$:OFF,STOP,ON            |Sets refresh disp.                |
|:RNEW?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:OKBP A$       |A$:OFF,BEEP1,BEEP2,BEEP3  |Sets beep pattern in OK judge.    |
|:OKBP?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:NGBP A$       |A$:OFF,BEEP1,BEEP2,BEEP3  |Sets beep pattern in NG judge.    |
|:NGBP?         |A$                        |Queries                           |
|:CNT?          |A<NR1>,B<NR1>,C<NR1>      |Queries number of test.           |
|               |                          |(V1.31 and later)                 |

(3) Setting and querying trigger.

|     Command     |           Data           |          Explanation           |
|                 |(for a query, response dat|                                |
|                 |            a)            |                                |
|:TGMD A$         |A$:SING,REPE,AUTO         |Sets the trigger mode.          |
|:TGMD?           |A$                        |                                |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |
|:PRTG A          |A:0 to 100(%)             |Sets the pre-trigger.           |
|:PRTG?           |A<NR1>                    |Queries                         |
|:TGSO A$         |A$:OR,AND                 |Sets the trigger logical operato|
|:TGSO?           |A$                        |r.                              |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |
|:TGKD ch$,A$     |A$:OFF,LEVE,IN,OUT,PERI   |Sets the type of trigger.       |
|:TGKD? ch$       |ch$,A$                    |Queries                         |
|:TGLV ch$,A      |A:trigger level           |Sets the trigger level.         |
|:TGLV? ch$       |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                         |
|:TGSL ch$,A$     |A$:UP,DOWN                |Sets the trigger slope.         |
|:TGSL? ch$       |ch$,A$                    |Queries                         |
|:TGFL ch$,A      |A:0(OFF),0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,1|Sets the trigger filter.        |
|                 |.5,2                      |                                |
|:TGFL? ch$       |2.5,5.0,10.0(DIV)         |Queries                         |
|                 |ch$,A<NR2>                |                                |
|:TGUP ch$,A      |A:upper limit level       |Sets upper limit level of       |
|                 |                          |window-in/-out trigger.         |
|:TGUP? ch$       |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                         |
|:TGLO ch$,A      |A:lower limit level       |Sets lower limit level of       |
|                 |                          |window-in/-out trigger.         |
|:TGLO? ch$       |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                         |
|:TPUP ch$,A      |A:upper limit level       |Sets upper period limit of      |
|                 |                          |period trigger.                 |
|:TPUP? ch$       |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                         |
|:TPLO ch$,A      |A:lower limit level       |Sets lower period limit of      |
|                 |                          |period trigger.                 |
|:TPLO? ch$       |ch$,A<NR3>                |Queries                         |
|:EXTG A$         |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets external trigger.          |
|:EXTG?           |A$                        |Queries                         |
|:TMTG A$         |A$:OFF,ON                 |Sets timer trigger.             |
|:TMTG?           |A$                        |Queries                         |
|:TSTT            |month:1 to 12             |Sets start time of timer trigger|
|month,day,       |day:1 to 31               |.                               |
|hour,min         |hour:0 to 23              |                                |
|                 |min:0 to 59               |                                |
|:TSTT?           |month,day,hour,min<NR1>   |                                |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |
|:TSTP            |same as TSTT              |Sets stop time of timer trigger.|
|month,day,       |                          |                                |
|hour,min         |                          |                                |
|:TSTP?           |                          |Queries                         |
|:TITV            |day: 0 to 99              |Sets time interval for timer tri|
|day,hour,min,sec |hour: 0 to 23             |gger.                           |
|                 |min: 0 to 59              |                                |
|                 |sec:0 to 59               |                                |
|:TITV?           |day,hour,min,sec<NR1>     |                                |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |
|:DETECTD         |year:0 to 99              |Sets the date for trigger detect|
|year,month,day   |month: 1 to 12            |ion.                            |
|                 |day:1 to 31               |                                |
|:DETECTD?        |year,month,day <NR1>      |                                |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |
|:DETECTT         |hour: 0 to 23             |Sets the time for trigger detect|
|hour,min,sec     |min: 0 to 59              |ion.                            |
|                 |sec:0 to 59               |                                |
|:DETECTT?        |hour,min,sec <NR1>        |                                |
|                 |                          |Queries                         |

(4) Setting and querying input channel.

|    Command     |         Data          |            Explanation             |
|                |(for a query, response |                                    |
|                |         data)         |                                    |
|:URNG ch$,A     |A:voltage axis range(V)|Sets the voltage axis range.        |
|:URNG? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>             |Queries                             |
|:UCPL ch$,A$    |A$:DC,GND              |Sets the coupling method of input si|
|:UCPL? ch$      |ch$,A$                 |gnals.                              |
|                |                       |Queries                             |
|:UPOS ch$,A     |A:position value(unit %|Sets the zero position for input sig|
|:UPOS? ch$      |)                      |nals.                               |
|                |ch$,A<NR1>             |Queries                             |
|:UFLT ch$,A     |A:0(OFF),5 to 50000(Hz)|Sets a low-pass filter for input sig|
|:UFLT? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>             |nals.                               |
|                |                       |Queries                             |
|:ADJUST         |                       |Carries out zero adjustment.        |

(5) Setting and querying changeover of the screen mode, waveform display.

|    Command     |        Data                   |             Explanation              |
|                |(for a query, response data)   |                                      |
|:SCRN A$        |A$:(screen)                    |Sets the screen mode.                 |
|:SCRN?          |A$                             |Queries                               |
|:UCOL ch$,A$    |A$:OFF,C1 to C4                |Sets waveform display color.          |
|:UCOL? ch$      |ch$,A$                         |Queries                               |
|:UGR ch$,A      |A:1,2                          |Sets waveform display graph.          |
|:UGR? ch$       |ch$,A<NR1>                     |Queries                               |
|:TMMG A         |A:0.01 to 10                   |Sets the magnification/compression    |
|                |                               |ratio on the time axis.               |
|:TMMG?          |A<NR3>                         |Queries                               |
|:UMAG ch$,A     |A:0.5,1,2,5,10                 |Sets the magnification/compression    |
|                |                               |ratio on the voltage axis.            |
|:UMAG? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                     |Queries                               |
|:WAVE A$        |A$:ACUR,TRIG,POINT             |Executes waveform display.            |
|:UVRI ch$,A$    |A$:OFF,ON                      |Sets the variable function.           |
|:UVRI? ch$      |ch$,A$                         |Queries                               |
|:UPLO           |B:C: -9.9999E+19 to 9.9999E+19 |Sets ther upper andlower limit values |
|ch$,B,C         |                               |of the variable function.             |
|:UPLO? ch$      |ch$,B<NR3>,C<NR3>              |Queries                               |
|:INFOT A$       |A$:OFF,COMM,SET,COUNT,C_FC,C_CC|Sets the information(upper).          |
|:INFOT? A$      |A$                             |Queries                               |
|:INFOL A$       |A$:OFF,GAU1,GAU2,COMP,MEAS     |Sets the information(left).           |
|:INFOL? A$      |A$                             |Queries                               |

(6) Cursor setting and reading.

|   Command   |           Data            |            Explanation            |
|             |(for a query, response data|                                   |
|             |             )             |                                   |
|:CSRON A$    |A$:OFF,A,AB                |Chooses among the A, B cursors.    |
|:CSRON?      |A$                         |Queries                            |
|:TCSR A$     |A$:TIME,VOLT,TRACE         |Sets the A and B cursor type.      |
|:TCSR?       |A$                         |Queries                            |
|:TCSRA A$    |A$:ALL,CH1,CH2             |Sets the A cursor channel.         |
|:TCSRA?      |ch$,A$                     |Queries                            |
|:TCSRB A$    |A$:ALL,CH1,CH2             |Sets the B cursor channel.         |
|:TCSRB?      |ch$,A$                     |Queries                            |
|:XCSR A$     |A$:X,Y,TRACE               |Sets the A and B cursor type.      |
|:XCSR?       |A$                         |Queries                            |
|:APOS A      |(vertical cursor,trace curs|Sets the position of the A cursor. |
|             |or)                        |                                   |
|:APOS?       |A:0 to amount of stored dat|Queries                            |
|             |a                          |                                   |
|             |A<NR1>                     |                                   |
|:BPOS A      |(same as APOS)             |Sets the position of the B cursor. |
|:BPOS?       |A<NR1>                     |Queries                            |
|:DTRE? A$    |B<NR3>:readout value(t)    |Queries the cursor readout value (t|
|             |A$:A,B,B_A                 |).                                 |
|:DVRE? A$    |B<NR3>(,C<NR3>):readout val|Queries the cursor readout value (V|
|             |ue(v)                      |).                                 |
|             |A$:A,B,B_A                 |                                   |

(7) Setting and querying input and output, etc., from the memory.

|  Command  |            Data             |            Explanation            |
|           |(for a query, response data) |                                   |
|:POINT ch$,|ch$:CH1,CH2                  |Sets point in memory for input and |
|A          |A:0 to max storaged data     |output.                            |
|           |ch$,A<NR1>                   |                                   |
|:POINT?    |                             |Queries                            |
|:PREPARE   |                             |Prepares the memory for            |
|           |                             |receipt of waveform data.          |
|:ADATA B   |B<NR1>:-1616 to 2000         |Input data to memory (ASCII).      |
|:ADATA? A  |A:1 to max storaged data     |Output data from memory(ASCII).    |
|           |B,C<NR1>,...:-1616 to 2000   |                                   |
|:VDATA B   |B:voltage                    |Input data to memory(voltage).     |
|:VDATA? A  |A:1 to max storaged data     |Output data to memory(voltage).    |
|           |B,C<NR3>,...:voltage         |                                   |

(8) Setting and querying the adjust/system screen.

|    Command     |             Data             |         Explanation         |
|                | (for a query, response data) |                             |
|:STBK A$        |A$:ON,OFF                     |Sets the start backup functio|
|:STBK?          |A$                            |n.                           |
|                |                              |Queries                      |
|:BKLT A         |A:0(OFF),1 to 30(min)         |Sets the backlight saver.    |
|:BKLT?          |A                             |Queries                      |
|:DATE           |year :0 to 99                 |Sets the calendar.           |
|year,month,day  |month:1 to 12                 |                             |
|                |day :1 to 31                  |                             |
|:DATE?          |year,month,day<NR1>           |Queries                      |
|:TIME hour,min  |hour:0 to 23                  |Sets the time.               |
|                |min :0 to 59                  |                             |
|:TIME?          |hour,min,sec<NR1>             |Queries                      |
|:DATAC          |                              |Clear the waveform data.     |
|:BEEP A$        |A$:OFF,ON                     |Sets the beep sound.         |
|:BEEP?          |A$                            |Queries                      |
|:EXTI A$        |A$:COMP_CLR,START_STOP        |Sets EXT_IN condition.       |
|:EXTI?          |A$                            |Queries                      |
|:EXTO NO$,A$    |NO$:NO1 to NO5                |Sets EXT_OUT condition.      |
|                |A$:TOTAL_OK,TOTAL_NG,AREA_OK,A|                             |
|                |REA_NG,                       |                             |
|                |MEAS1_OK,MEAS1_NG,MEAS2_OK,MEA|                             |
|:EXTO? NO$      |S2_NG,                        |Queries                      |
|                |MEAS3_OK,MEAS3_NG,MEAS4_OK,MEA|                             |
|                |S4_NG                         |                             |
|                |NO$,A$                        |                             |
|:CNTRST A       |A:-11 to 9                    |Sets the contrast.           |
|:CNTRST?        |A                             |Queries                      |
|:RNGOV A$       |A$:OFF,ON                     |Sets over-range detection.   |
|:RNGOV?         |A$                            |Queries                      |
|:LANG A$        |A$:JPN,ENG                    |Sets the language.           |
|:LANG?          |A$                            |Queries                      |

(9) Setting and querying scaling.

|    Command     |              Data              |        Explanation        |
|                |  (for a query, response data)  |                           |
|:SCAL ch$,A$    |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets scaling function.     |
|                |A$:OFF,ON                       |                           |
|:SCAL? ch$      |ch$,A$                          |Queries                    |
|:SCEU ch$,A     |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets the scaling conversion|
|                |A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9         |value(RATIO).              |
|:SCEU? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                      |                           |
|                |                                |Queries                    |
|:SCOS ch$,A     |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets scaling offset(RATIO).|
|                |A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9         |                           |
|:SCOS? ch$      |ch$,A<NR3>                      |Queries                    |
|:SCVOL ch$,B,C  |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets the scaling VOLT UP, L|
|                |B,C:-9.999E+19 to 9.999E+19     |OW(POINT).                 |
|:SCVOL? ch$     |ch$,B,C<NR3>                    |                           |
|                |                                |Queries                    |
|:SCSCA ch$,B,C  |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets the scaling SC UP, LOW|
|                |B:C: -9.999E+19 to 9.999E+19    |(POINT).                   |
|:SCSCA? ch$     |ch$,B,C<NR3>                    |                           |
|                |                                |Queries                    |
|:SUNT ch$,"A$"  |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Sets the scaling unit.     |
|                |A$:scaling unit(7 character)    |                           |
|:SUNT? ch$      |ch$,"A$"                        |Queries                    |

(10) Setting and querying comments.

|   Command    |               Data               |        Explanation        |
|              |   (for a query, response data)   |                           |
|:UCOM ch$,"A$"|ch$:CH1,CH2                       |Sets the comment for each c|
|              |A$:comment string(16 characters)  |hannel.                    |
|:UCOM? ch$    |ch$,"A$"                          |                           |
|              |                                  |Queries                    |
|:FCOM "A$"    |A$:comment string(20 characters)  |Sets file comment.         |
|:FCOM?        |"A$"                              |Queries                    |
|:HCOM? NO$    |NO$:NO1 to NO10                   |Queries the comment history|
|              |NO$,"A$"                          |.                          |
|              |                                  |                           |

(11) Setting and querying numerical calculation.

|   Command   |              Data              |         Explanation          |
|             |  (for a query, response data)  |                              |
|:MEAS A$     |A$:OFF,ON                       |Sets the numerical calculation|
|:MEAS?       |A$                              |.                             |
|             |                                |Queries                       |
|:MSAV A$     |A$:OFF,CARD,LAN                 |Sets the store destination of |
|             |                                |a                             |
|:MSAV?       |A$                              |numerical calculation result. |
|             |                                |Queries                       |
|:MEASS NO$,A$|NO$:NO1 to NO4                  |Sets the item of numerical cal|
|(,ch$(,B))   |A$:OFF,AVE,RMS,PP,MAX,MIN,MAXT,M|culation.                     |
|             |INT,                            |                              |
|             |PERI,FREQ,RISE,FALL,AREA,INTEG,D|                              |
|             |IFF,                            |                              |
|             |PWID,DUTY,LEVE,PCOU,UPLO,XYAREA |                              |
|:MEASS? NO$  |ch$:CH1,CH2                     |Queries                       |
|             |B:level                         |                              |
|             |A$,ch$,B<NR3>                   |                              |
|:ANSW? NO$   |NO$,A$,B<NR1>,C<NR3>(,D<NR3>)   |Queries a calculation result. |
|             |NO$:NO1 to NO4                  |                              |
|             |A$:calculation item             |                              |
|             |B:judge result                  |                              |
|             |C,D:calculation result          |                              |
|:MARE A$(,B,C|A$:ALL,PART                     |Sets the range of numerical ca|
|)            |B,C:0 to max storaged data      |lculation.                    |
|             |A$                              |Queries                       |
|:MARE?       |                                |                              |
|:MSTP A$     |A$:OK,NG,OK_NG                  |Sets the stop mode of numerica|
|             |                                |l                             |
|:MSTP?       |A$                              |calculation.                  |
|             |                                |Queries                       |
|:MCOMP NO$,A$|NO$:NO1 to NO4                  |Sets the decision for numerica|
|             |A$:OFF,ON                       |l                             |
|:MCOMP? NO$  |NO$,A$                          |calculation.                  |
|             |                                |Queries                       |
|:COMPA NO$,A,|NO$:NO1 to NO4                  |Sets upper and lower limits fo|
|B            |A,B:upper,lower                 |r decision for numerical calcu|
|             |(-9.9999E+19 to +9.9999E+19)    |lation.                       |
|             |NO$,A<NR3>,B<NR3>               |                              |
|:COMPA? NO$  |                                |Queries                       |
|:MSLP NO$,A$ |NO$:NO1 to NO4                  |Sets slope for numerical calcu|
|             |A$:UP,DOWN                      |lation.                       |
|:MSLP? NO$   |NO$,A$                          |                              |
|             |                                |Queries                       |

(12) Setting and querying waveform calculation.

|    Command    |          Data           |            Explanation            |
|               |(for a query, response da|                                   |
|               |           ta)           |                                   |
|:CWAV A$       |A$:OFF,ON                |Sets the waveform calculation.     |
|:CWAV?         |A$                       |Queries                            |
|:CWVF ch$,A$   |ch$:CH1,CH2              |Sets the type of waveform calculati|
|               |A$:OFF,ABS,RECT,ADD,SUB,M|on.                                |
|:CWVF? ch$     |ULT,DIVI                 |                                   |
|               |A$                       |Queries                            |
|:CALCEXE       |                         |Executes waveform calculation.     |

(13) Setting and querying file operation.

|  Command  |                 Data                 |       Explanation        |
|           |     (for a query, response data)     |                          |
|:SVBI "NAME|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves waveform data for bi|
|$"         |                                      |nary.                     |
|:SVTX "NAME|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves waveform data for te|
|$",A       |A:thin out                            |xt.                       |
|:SVST "NAME|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves setting conditions. |
|$"         |                                      |                          |
|:BACKUP "NA|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves area and mode.      |
|ME$"       |                                      |                          |
|:LDNA "NAME|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Load a file.              |
|$"(,A)     |A<NR1>:area number                    |                          |
|:LDNO A(,B)|A:file number                         |Load a file.              |
|           |B<NR1>:area number                    |                          |
|:INFO? NO  |NO,"NAME$","DATE$","TIME",A,B$        |Queries information about |
|           |,C$,"TDATE$,"TTIME$"                  |a file.                   |
|           |                                      |                          |
|           |NO:file or directory number           |                          |
|           |NAME$:file or directory name          |                          |
|           |DATE$:year/month/day of save          |                          |
|           |TIME$:year/month/day of save          |                          |
|           |A:file size (bytes)                   |                          |
|           |B$:measurement contents               |                          |
|           |C:recording length                    |                          |
|           |TDATE$:year/month/day of trigger      |                          |
|           |TTIME$:hour:min:sec of trigger        |                          |
|:DELE "NAME|NAME$:file or directory name          |Deletes a file or a direct|
|$"         |                                      |ory.                      |
|:NDEL NO   |NO:file or directory number           |Deletes a file or a direct|
|           |                                      |ory.                      |
|:FOMT      |                                      |Formats media.            |
|:MDIR "NAME|NAME$:directory name                  |Creates a directory.      |
|$"         |                                      |                          |
|:CHDIRN "NA|NAME$:directory name                  |Changes the current direct|
|ME$"       |                                      |ory.                      |
|:CHDIR NO  |NO:directory number                   |Changes the current direct|
|           |                                      |ory.                      |
|:CDRT      |                                      |Changes the current direct|
|           |                                      |ory to root.              |
|:FILE?     |A<NR1>:number of files                |Queries the number of file|
|           |                                      |s.                        |
|:NINF? NO  |NO,"NAME$",A$                         |Queries filename.         |
|           |NO:file number                        |                          |
|           |NAME$:file name                       |                          |
|           |A$:directory of a file                |                          |
|:DIR?      |"NAME$":directory name                |Queries the current direct|
|           |                                      |ory.                      |
|:FREE?     |A<NR1>:allowable number of bytes      |Queries the allowable numb|
|           |                                      |er of bytes               |
|:CARD?     |A<NR1>:0=none, 1=exist                |Queries card existance.   |
|:SVSA "NAME|NAME$:file name(8 characters)         |Saves SET&AREA.           |
|$"         |                                      |                          |

(14) Commands relating to graphics editor.

|   Command    |         Data         |              Explanation              |
|              |(for a query, response|                                       |
|              |        data)         |                                       |
|:EDIT A$      |A$:OFF,ON             |Sets the graphic editor mode.          |
|:EDIT?        |A$                    |Queries                                |
|:STOR (ch$)   |ch$:CH1,CH2           |Loads a waveform into the editor(normal|
|              |                      |).                                     |
|:STORO (ch$)  |ch$:CH1,CH2           |Loads a waveform into the editor(overla|
|              |                      |y).                                    |
|:STORM ch$,A,B|ch$:CH1,CH2           |Loads a waveform into the editor       |
|              |A,B:volt width        |(magnification).                       |
|:ALOAD A      |A:1 to 16(area)       |Loads an area into the editor.         |
|:SETB X1,Y1,X2|X1,Y1:(points)        |Sets edit window from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)|
|,Y2           |X2,Y2:(points)        |                                       |
|:CLRB         |                      |Resets edit window.                    |
|:AMAG A,B,C,D |A,B,C,D:0 to 5.0(DIV) |Carries out a parallel movement        |
|              |                      |of the drawing.                        |
|:ACUT A,B,C,D |A,B,C,D:0 to 5.0(DIV) |Carries out a parallel movement        |
|              |                      |of the drawing.                        |
|:CLEA         |                      |Clears the edit window.                |
|:REVE         |                      |Reverses the video of the drawing.     |
|:LINE X1,Y1,X2|X1,Y1:(points)        |Draws a line from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)    |
|,Y2           |X2,Y2:(points)        |                                       |
|:RECT X1,Y1,X2|X1,Y1:(points)        |Draws a box from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)     |
|,Y2           |X2,Y2:(points)        |                                       |
|:BOXP X1,Y1,X2|X1,Y1:(points)        |Box-paints from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)      |
|,Y2           |X2,Y2:(points)        |                                       |
|:CIRC X,Y,R   |X,Y:center points     |Draws a circle (X,Y) width radius (R)  |
|              |R:radius              |                                       |
|:CIRP X,Y,R   |X,Y:center points     |Circle-paints from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)   |
|              |R:radius              |                                       |
|:PAINT X,Y    |X,Y:(points)          |Begins solid fill from the point       |
|              |                      |specified by(X,Y)                      |
|:CLSP         |                      |Paints closed area.                    |
|:ERAS X1,Y1,X2|X1,Y1:(points)        |Erases a line from(X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)   |
|,Y2           |X2,Y2:(points)        |                                       |
|:ADEL A       |A:0(all),1 to 16(area |Deletes the comparison area.           |
|              |number)               |                                       |
|:UNDO         |                      |Reverses the effect of the immediately |
|              |                      |previous editor command.               |
|:ASAVE A      |A:1 to 16(area number)|Saves the decision area created with   |
|              |                      |the editor.                            |
|:SVAR "NAME$" |NAME$:file name(8 char|Saves area to "ARE" file.              |
|              |acters)               |                                       |
|:SVBM "NAME$" |NAME$:file name(8 char|Saves area to "BMP" file.              |
|              |acters)               |                                       |
|:LDAR "NAME1$.|NAME1$.NAME2$:file nam|Load a area file.                      |
|NAME2$"       |e(8.3 characters)     |                                       |

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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