CHAPTER2.txt Driver File Contents (

Chapter 2   Commands

2.1 Command Summary 

2.1.1 Standard Commands Specified by IEEE 488.2
Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
*CLS                                              Clears the status byte and associated queues.
*ESR?             A<NR1>:0 to 255                 Queries SESR.
*IDN?             Maker's name, model number,     Queries device ID.
                  serial number(not used, 0),
                  software version
*OPC                                              Sets the LSB of SESR after all action has been completed.
*OPC?             A<NR1>                          ASCII 1 is the response after all action has been completed.
*OPT?             ch1 to ch16(8420-51,8421-51)    Queries device option  provision.
                    ,pls1 to pls4,A,B    
                  ch1 to ch16(8420-51,8421-51)
                    :analog channel
                  pls1 to pls4:pulse channel
                  A:IO unit
                  B:printer unit
*RST                                              Device initial setting.
*STB?             A<NR1>:0 to 255                 Reads the STB and the MSS bit, without performing serial polling.
*TST?             A<NR1>:0=OK,1=NG                Queries the result of the ROM/RAM check.
*WAI                                              Executes the following command after action has been completed.

:ESRO?            A<NR1>:0 to 255                 Queries ESR0.

2.1.2 Specific Commands

 (1)Execution control etc. (common to all functions) 
Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:ABORT                                            Forced halt.
:CERRor?          A,B,C<NR1>                      Queries the communication errors.
                   (number of times)
                  A:parity error,
                  B:overrun error,
                  C:framing error
:ERRor?           A<NR1>: error number            Queries error number.
:FEED A           A:1 to 255(unit mm)             Feeds the paper the specified distance.
:HCOPy                                            Same as the COPY key.
:HEADer A$        A$:OFF,ON                       Enables and disables headers.
:HEADer?          A$                              Queries headers.
:PRINt                                            Same as the PRINT key.
:STARt                                            Same as the START key.
:STATUS?          A<NR1>:bit6 to bit0             Query the storage status.
:STOP                                             Same as the STOP key.

 (2)CONFigure command 
    (Setting and querying the time axis range, the recording length, etc.) 

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:ATSAve           A$:OFF,BIN,TEXT                 Sets auto save.
 A$(,"B$")        B$:file name(8 character)
:ATSAve?          A$(,"B$")                       Queries auto save.
:SAMPle A         A:interval(unit s)              Sets recording interval.
:SAMPle?          A<NR3>(unit s)                  Queries recording interval.
:SAVEHead A$      A$:TYPE_1,TYPE_2                Sets text header type.
:SAVEHead?        A$                              Queries text header type.
:SAVEKind A$      A$:NORMal,DIVide,REGUlarly      Sets realtime save division.
:SAVEKind?        A$                              Queries realtime save division.
:SAVELen          day: 0 to 30(day)               Sets realtime save division length.
 day,hour,min     hour: 0 to 23(hour)
                  min: 0 to 59(min)
:SAVELen?         day,hour,min<NR1>               Queries realtime save division length.
:SAVEMode A$      A$:FILEfull,ENDless,REMove      Sets realtime save mode.
:SAVEMode?        A$                              Queries realtime save mode.
:SAVEReg          hour: 0 to 23(hour)             Sets realtime save regular time.
 hour,min         min: 0 to 59(min)
:SAVEReg?         hour,min<NR1>                   Queries realtime save regular time.
:SAVETime A       A:time(unit min)                Sets realtime save division time.
:SAVETime?        A<NR3>(unit min)                Queries realtime save division time.
:RECTime          day: 0 to 999(day)              Sets recording time.
 day,hour,min,sec hour: 0 to 23(hour)
                  min: 0 to 59(min)
                  sec: 0 to 59(sec)
                  0,0,0,0 = cont
:RECTime?         day,hour,min,sec<NR1>           Queries recording time.
:TDIV A           A:TIME/DIV(unit s)              Sets time axis range.
:TDIV?            A<NR3>(unit s)                  Queries time axis range.
:THINout A        A:save interval(unit s)         Sets save interval.
:THINout?         A<NR3>(unit s)                  Queries save interval.

 (3)TRIGger command  (Setting and querying trigger.) 

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:DETECTDate       year:0 to 99(year)              Sets the date for trigger detection.
 year,month,day   month: 1 to 12(month)
                  day:1 to 31(day)
:DETECTDate?      year,month,day<NR1>             Queries the date for trigger detection.
:DETECTTime       hour: 0 to 23(hour)             Sets the time for trigger detection. 
 hour,min,sec     min: 0 to 59(min)
                  sec:0 to 59(sec)
:DETECTTime?      hour,min,sec<NR1>               Queries the time for trigger detection.
:EXTErnal A$      A$:OFF,ON                       Sets external trigger.
:EXTErnal?        A$                              Queries external trigger.
:KIND ch$,A$      A$:OFF,LEVEl,WINDow             Sets type of trigger.
:KIND? ch$        ch$,A$                          Queries type of trigger.
:LEVEl ch$,A      A:trigger level(unit V,C,%)     Sets the trigger level of the level trigger.
:LEVEl? ch$       ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries the trigger level of the level trigger.
:LOGAnd A$        A$:OFF,OR,AND                   Sets AND/OR for the logic trigger pattern.
:LOGAnd?          A$                              Queries AND/OR for the logic trigger pattern.
:LOGPat "A$"      A$:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             Sets the pattern for a logic trigger.
                  trigger pattern(x,0,1)
:LOGPat?           "A$"                           Queries the pattern for a logic trigger.
:LOWEr ch$,A      A:lower limit level             Sets lower limit of window-in/-out trigger.
                     (unit V,C,%)
:LOWEr? ch$       ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries lower limit of window-in/-out trigger.
:MODE A$          A$:SINGle,REPEat                Sets trigger mode.
:MODE?            A$                              Queries trigger mode.
:PKIND pls$,A$    A$:OFF,LEVEl,WINDow             Sets type of pulse trigger.
:PKIND? pls$      pls$,A$                         Queries type of pulse trigger.
:PLEVEl pls$,A    A:trigger level(unit c,r/s)     Sets the pulse trigger level of the level trigger.
:PLEVEl? pls$     pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries the pulse trigger level of the level trigger.
:PLOWEr pls$,A    A:lower limit level             Sets lower limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger.
                     (unit c,r/s)
:PLOWEr? pls$     pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries lower limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger.
:PRETrig          day: 0 to 999(day)              Sets pre-trigger. 
 day,hour,min,sec hour: 0 to 23(hour)
                  min: 0 to 59(min)
                  sec:0 to 59(sec)
:PRETrig?         day,hour,min,sec<NR1>           Queries pre-trigger.
:PSIDE pls$,A$    A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the pulse trigger side  (window trigger). 
:PSIDE? pls$      pls$,A$                         Queries the pulse trigger side (window trigger). 
:PSLOPe pls$,A$   A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets the pulse trigger slope  (level trigger). 
:PSLOPe? pls$     pls$,A$                         Queries the pulse trigger slope  (level trigger). 
:PUPPEr pls$,A    A:upper limit level             Sets upper limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger.
                    (unit c,r/s)
:PUPPEr? pls$     pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries upper limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger.
:SLOPe ch$,A$     A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets the trigger slope  (level trigger). 
:SLOPe? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries the trigger slope  (level trigger).
:SIDE ch$,A$      A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the trigger side  (window trigger). 
:SIDE? ch$        ch$,A$                          Queries the trigger side  (window trigger).
:SOURce A$        A$:OR,AND                       Sets trigger logical operator to AND or OR.
:SOURce?          A$                              Queries trigger logical operator to AND or OR.
:TIMEr A$         A$:OFF,ON                       Sets timer trigger. 
:TIMEr?           A$                              Queries timer trigger.
:TMINTvl          day: 0 to 99(day)               Sets time interval for timer trigger.
 day,hour,min,sec hour: 0 to 23(hour)
                  min: 0 to 59(min)
                  sec:0 to 59(sec)
:TMINTvl?         day,hour,min,sec<NR1>           Queries time interval for timer trigger.
:TMSTArt          month:1 to 12(month)            Sets start time of timer trigger.
 month,day,       day:1 to 31(day)
 hour,min         hour:0 to 23(hour)
                  min:0 to 59(sec)
:TMSTArt?         month,day,hour,min<NR1>         Queries start time of timer trigger.
:TMSTOp           same as TMSTArt                 Sets stop time of timer trigger.
:TMSTOp?          same as TMSTArt                 Queries stop time of timer trigger.
:UPPEr ch$,A      A:upper limit level             Sets upper limit level of window-in/-out trigger. 
                    (unit V,C,%)
:UPPEr? ch$       ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries upper limit level level of window-in/-out trigger. 

:TIMIng A$        A$:START,STOP,S_S               Sets trigger timing. 
:TIMIng?          A$                              Queries trigger timing.
:SEXTErnal A$     A$:OFF,ON                       Sets external trigger at stop.
:SEXTErnal?       A$                              Queries external trigger at stop.
:SKIND ch$,A$     A$:OFF,LEVEl,WINDow             Sets type of trigger at stop.
:SKIND? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries type of trigger at stop.
:SLEVEl ch$,A     A:trigger level(unit V,C,%)     Sets the trigger level of the level trigger at stop.
:SLEVEl? ch$      ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries the trigger level of the level trigger at stop.
:SLOGAnd A$       A$:OFF,OR,AND                   Sets AND/OR for the logic trigger pattern at stop.
:SLOGAnd?         A$                              Queries AND/OR for the logic trigger pattern at stop.
:SLOGPat "A$"     A$:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             Sets the pattern for a logic trigger at stop.
                  trigger pattern(x,0,1)
:SLOGPat?          "A$"                           Queries the pattern for a logic trigger at stop.
:SLOWEr ch$,A     A:lower limit level             Sets lower limit of window-in/-out trigger at stop.
                     (unit V,C,%)
:SLOWEr? ch$      ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries lower limit of window-in/-out trigger at stop.
:SPKIND pls$,A$   A$:OFF,LEVEl,WINDow             Sets type of pulse trigger at stop.
:SPKIND? pls$     pls$,A$                         Queries type of pulse trigger at stop.
:SPLEVEl pls$,A   A:trigger level(unit c,r/s)     Sets the pulse trigger level of the level trigger at stop.
:SPLEVEl? pls$    pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries the pulse trigger level of the level trigger at stop.
:SPLOWEr pls$,A   A:lower limit level             Sets lower limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger at stop.
                     (unit c,r/s)
:SPLOWEr? pls$    pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries lower limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger at stop.
:SPSIDE pls$,A$   A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the pulse trigger side  (window trigger) at stop. 
:SPSIDE? pls$     pls$,A$                         Queries the pulse trigger side (window trigger) at stop. 
:SPSLOPe pls$,A$  A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets the pulse trigger slope  (level trigger) at stop. 
:SPSLOPe? pls$    pls$,A$                         Queries the pulse trigger slope  (level trigger) at stop. 
:SPUPPEr pls$,A   A:upper limit level             Sets upper limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger at stop.
                    (unit c,r/s)
:SPUPPEr? pls$    pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries upper limit of window-in/-out pulse trigger at stop.
:SSLOPe ch$,A$    A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets the trigger slope  (level trigger) at stop. 
:SSLOPe? ch$      ch$,A$                          Queries the trigger slope  (level trigger) at stop.
:SSIDE ch$,A$     A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the trigger side  (window trigger) at stop. 
:SSIDE? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries the trigger side  (window trigger) at stop.
:SUPPEr ch$,A     A:upper limit level             Sets upper limit level of window-in/-out trigger at stop. 
                    (unit V,C,%)
:SUPPEr? ch$      ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries upper limit level level of window-in/-out trigger at stop. 

 (4)UNIT command (Setting and querying input channel)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:FILTer A$        A$:OFF,50HZ,60HZ                Sets input channel filter. 
:FILTer?          A$                              Queries input channel filter.
:HUMSensor ch$,A$ A$:9653,9681,9701               Sets sensor kind for humidiry mode.(only 8420-51,8422-51)
:HUMSensor? ch$   ch$,A$                          Queries sensor kind for humidiry mode.
:INMOde ch$,A$    A$:VOLTAGE,TC,RTD,              Sets input channel mode.
                     HUMIDITY                     (RTD,HUMIDITY is only 8420-51,8421-51)
:INMOde? ch$      ch$,A$                          Queries input channel mode.
:PCOMOde pls$,A$  A$:ADD,INST                     Sets input pulse cout mode.
:PCOMOde? pls$    pls$,A$                         Queries input pulse cout mode.
:PCOUnt pls$,A    A:1 to 9999                     Sets pulse num per revolve.
:PCOUnt? pls$     pls$,A<NR1>                     Queries pulse num per revolve.
:PFILTer pls$,A$  A$:OFF,ON                       Sets input pulse channel filter.
:PFILTer? pls$    pls$,A$                         Queries input pulse channel filter.
:PINMOde pls$,A$  A$:COUNT,REVOLVE                Sets input pulse channel mode.
:PINMOde? pls$    pls$,A$                         Queries input pulse channel mode.
:POSItion ch$,A   A:position value(unit %)        Sets the zero position for an input channel.
:POSItion? ch$    ch$,A<NR1>                      Queries the zero position for an input channel.
:PPOSItion pls$,A A:position value(unit %)        Sets the zero position for an input pulse channel.
:PPOSItion? Pls$  pls$,A<NR1>                     Queries the zero position for an input pulse channel.
:PRANGe pls$,A    A:pulse range                   Sets input pulse channel range.
:PRANGe? pls$     pls$,A<NR3>                     Queries input pulse channel range.
:PSLOPe pls$,A$   A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets input pulse channel slope.
:PSLOPe? pls$     pls$,A$                         Queries input pulse channel slope.
:RANGe ch$,A      A:voltage axis range            Sets input channel voltage or tc or humid axis range.
                    (unit V,C,%)
:RANGe? ch$       ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries input channel voltage or tc or humid axis range.
:RJC ch$,A$       A$:INT,EXT                      Sets point of contact compensation for tc mode.
:RJC? ch$         ch$,A$                          Queries point of contact compensation for tc mode.
:RCONnect ch$,A$  A$:3LINE,4LINE                  Sets connect kind for rtd mode.(only 8420-51,8421-51)
:RCONnect? ch$    ch$,A$                          Queries connect kind for rtd mode.
:RTYPe ch$,A$     A$:PT100,JPT100                 Sets rtd kind for rtd mode.(only 8420-51,8422-51)
:RTYPe? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries rtd kind for rtd mode.
:SENSor ch$,A$    A$:K,J,E,T,N,R,S,B,W            Sets sensor kind for tc mode.
:SENSor? ch$      ch$,A$                          Queries sensor kind for tc mode.
:STORe ch$,A$     ch$=:CH1 to CH32,               Sets store channel for record data.
                       PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
:STORe? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries store channel for record data.
:WIRE ch$,A$      A$:OFF,ON                       Sets disconnection detection for tc mode.
:WIRE? ch$        ch$,A$                          Queries disconnection detection for tc mode.

 (5)DISPlay command (Setting and querying changeover of the screen mode, waveform display, etc.)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:CHANge A$        A$:DISPlay,CHANnel,STATus,      Sets the screen mode.
:CHANge?          A$                              Queries the screen mode.
:DIREct A$        A$:DISPlay,MONItor,             Sets the screen mode directly.
:DIREct?          A$                              Queries the screen mode directly.
:DRAWing ch$,A$   A$:OFF,C1 to C6                 Sets waveform display color.
:DRAWing? ch$     ch$,A$                          Queries waveform display color.
:GRAPh ch$,A      A:1,2,3,4(for DUAL format,1,2)  Sets waveform display graph.
:GRAPh? ch$       ch$,A<NR1>                      Queries waveform display graph.
:GROUp ch$,A$     A$:S1,S2,S3,S4                  Sets waveform display seat.
:GROUp? ch$       ch$,A<NR1>                      Queries waveform display seat.
:LDRAWing log$,A$ A$:OFF,C1 to C6                 Sets logic waveform display color.
:LDRAWing? log$   log$,A$                         Queries logic waveform display color.
:LGROUp A$        A$:S1,S2,S3,S4                  Sets logic waveform display seat.
:LGROUp?          A$                              Queries logic waveform display seat.
:MARK                                             Sets event mark.
:MARK?            A<NR1>:0 to 100(0=none)         Queries event maek num.
:MARKJump A       A<NR1>;1 to 100                 Jump to event mark.
:MARKJump? A      A,B                             Queries event maek data num.
:MODE A$          A$:WAVE,D_W,G_W,D_D,D_C,M_W,    Sets display screen mode.
:MODE?            A$                              Queries display screen mode.
:PAGE A           A:1 to                          Changes over the page of the screen. 
:PAGE?            A<NR1>                          Queries over the page of the screen.
:PDRAWing pls$,A$ A$:OFF,C1 to C6                 Sets pulse waveform display color.
:PDRAWing? pls$   pls$,A$                         Queries pulse waveform display color.
:PGRAPh pls$,A    A:1,2,3,4(for DUAL format,1,2)  Sets pulse waveform display graph.
:PGRAPh? pls$     pls$,A<NR1>                     Queries pulse waveform display graph.
:PGROUp pls$,A$   A$:S1,S2,S3,S4                  Sets pulse waveform display seat.
:PGROUp? pls$     pls$,A$                         Queries pulse waveform display seat.
:PVARIable pls$,A$ pls$:PLS1 to PLS4,A$:OFF,ON    Sets pulse upper-lower mode.
:PVARIable? pls$  pls$,A$                         Queries pulse upper-lower mode.
:PVARIUPLOw pls$, pls$:PLS1 to PLS4               Sets pulse upper-lower level.
  B,C             B,C:-9.999E+19 to 9.999E+19
:PVARIUPLOw? pls$ pls$,B,C<NR3>                   Queries pulse upper-lower level.
:PYMAG pls$,A$    A$:X1_2,X1,X2,X5,X10,           Sets the magnification/compression ratio 
                     X20,X50,X100                 on the pulse axis.
:PYMAG? pls$      pls$,A$                         Queries the magnification/compression ratio
                                                  on the pulse axis.
:VARIable ch$,A$  ch$:CH1 to CH32,A$:OFF,ON       Sets upper-lower mode.
:VARIable? ch$    ch$,A$                          Queries upper-lower mode.
:VARIUPLOw ch$,   ch$:CH1 to CH32                 Sets upper-lower level.
  B,C             B,C:-9.999E+19 to 9.999E+19
:VARIUPLOw? ch$   ch$,B,C<NR3>                    Queries upper-lower level.
:WAVE A$          A$:ACUR,TRIG,POINT              Executes waveform 
:YMAG ch$,A$      A$:X1_2,X1,X2,X5,X10,           Sets the magnification/compression ratio
                     X20,X50,X100                 on the voltage axis.
:YMAG? ch$        ch$,A$                          Queries the magnification/compression ratio
                                                  on the voltage axis.

 (6)CURSor command (Cursor setting and reading)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:ABCUrsor A$      A$:A,ORA,ORB,A_B                Chooses among the A, B and A&B cursors.
:ABCUrsor?        A$                              Queries among the A, B and A&B cursors.
:ACHAnnel ch$     ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Sets the A cursor
                      PLS1 to PLS4,
:ACHAnnel?        ch$                             Queries the A cursor
:APOSition A      trace cursor                    Sets the position of the A cursor.
                  A:0 to amount of stored data
:APOSition?       A<NR1>                          Queries the position of the A cursor.
:BCHAnnel ch$     ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Sets the B cursor
                      PLS1 to PLS4
:BCHAnnel?        ch$                             Queries the B cursor
:BPOSition A      (same as APOSition)             Sets the position of the B cursor.
:BPOSition?       A<NR1>                          Queries the position of the B cursor.
:DTREad? A$       B$                              Queries the cursor readout value (t).
                  B$:readout value(t)
:DVREad? A$       B$(,C$)                         Queries the cursor readout value (V).
                  B$,C$:readout value(V)
:MODE A$          A$:OFF,TRACe                    Sets the A and B cursor type. 
:MODE?            A$                              Queries the A and B cursor type. 

 (7)MEMory command
      (Setting and querying input and output, etc., from the memory)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:ADATa B,C,...    B,C,...:                        Input data to memory.(ASCII)
                  -32768 to 32767(CH1 to CH32)
                  0 to 65535(PLS1 to PLS4,LOG)
:ADATa? A         A:1 to 80                       Queries output data from memory.(ASCII)
                  (number of output units)
                  -32768 to 32767(CH1 to CH32) 
                  0 to 65535(PLS1 to PLS4,LOG)
:AMAXPoint?        A<NR1>                         Queries the end of data stored.  
                  0=not stored                     (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)  
                  1 to 
:APOINt ch$,A     ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Sets point in memory for input and output.
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG             (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)  
                  A:0 to
:APOINt?          ch$,A<NR1>                      Queries point in memory for input and output.
:AREAl? ch$       ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Queries output real time data.(ASCII)
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG,
                  A: -32768 to 32767(CH1 to CH32)
                  0 to 65535(PLS1 to PLS4,LOG) 
:BDATa? A         A:1 to 200                      Queries output data from memory.(BINARY)
                  (number of output units)
                  Response data:binary,
                  integer data 
:BREAl? ch$       ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Queries output real time data.(BINARY)
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
                  Response data:binary,
                  integer data 
:CHSTore? ch$     ch$,A$                          Queries stored record data for each channel. 
                  ch$:CH1 to CH32,
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
:GETReal                                          Captures real time data.
:MAXPoint?        A<NR1>                          Queries the amount of data stored.  
                  0=not stored 
                  1 to 16777215(CH1 MAX)
:POINt ch$,A      ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Sets point in memory for input and output.
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
                  A:0 to 16777215(CH1 MAX) 
:POINt?           ch$,A<NR1>                      Queries point in memory for input and output.
:PREPare                                          Prepares the memory for receipt of waveform data.
:TARCH?           ch$                             Queries output real time store channel.
                                                   (channel of storage on all)
:TAREAl?          A<NR1>                          Queries output real time data.(ASCII)
                  A: -32768 to 32767(CH1 to CH32)  (channel of storage on all)
                  0 to 65535(PLS1 to PLS4,LOG) 
:TVRCH?           ch$                             Queries output real time store channel.
                                                   (channel of storage on all)
:TVREAl?          A<NR3>                          Queries output real time data.
                  voltage,tc,humid(CH1 to CH32)    (channel of storage on all)
                  count,revolve(PLS1 to PLS4) 
:TOPPoint?        A<NR1>                          Queries the top of data stored.  
                  0=not stored                     (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)  
                  1 to 
:VDATa B,C,...    B,C,...:                        Input data to memory 
                  voltage,tc,humid(CH1 to CH32)     (voltage,tc,humid values).
                  count,revolve(PLS1 to PLS4)       (count,revolve) 
:VDATa? A         A:1 to 40(amount of data)       Output data to memory
                  voltage,tc,humid(CH1 to CH32)     (voltage,tc,humid values).
                  count,revolve(PLS1 to PLS4)       (count,revolve) 
:VREAl? ch$       ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Real time data output
                      PLS1 to PLS4,
                  voltage,tc,humid(CH1 to CH32)     (voltage,tc,humid values).
                  count,revolve(PLS1 to PLS4)       (count,revolve) 

 (8)SYSTem command (Setting and querying the system screen)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:BMPColor A$      A$:COLOR,GRAY,MONO,MONO_R       Sets the bit map file color.
:BMPColor?        A$                              Queries the bit map file color.
:BRIGhtness A$    A$:DARK,BRIGht                  Sets the backlight brightness.
:BRIGhtness?      A$                              Queries the backlight brightness.
:CHMArk A$        A$:OFF,NUMBer,COMMent           Sets the back channel marker.
:CHMArk?          A$                              Queries the back channel marker.
:COPY A$          A$:IN_PRinter,PC                Sets the output destination by the COPY key.
:COPY?            A$                              Queries the output destination by the COPY key.
:COPYSet A$       A$:OFF,ON                       Sets the enable or disable copy key.
:COPYSet?         A$                              Queries the enable or disable copy key.
:CRTOff A         A:0(OFF),1 to 30(min)           Sets the backlight saver.
:CRTOff?          A                               Queries the backlight saver.
:DATAClear                                        Clear data.
:DATE             year :0 to 99(year)             Sets the calendar.
 year,month,day   month:1 to 12(month)
                  day :1 to 31(day)
:DATE?            year,month,day<NR1>             Queries the calendar.
:FORMat A$        A$:SINGle,DUAL,QUAD,            Sets the display format.
:FORMat?          A$                              Queries the display format.
:GRID A$          A$:OFF,STD,FINE,                Sets the grid type.
:GRID?            A$                              Queries the grid type.
:HYBRid A         A:5 to 200DIV                   Sets interval for hybrid print.
:HYBRid?          A<NR1>                          Queries interval for hybrid print.
:LANGuage A$      A$:JAPAnese,ENGLish             Sets the language.
:LANGuage?        A$                              Queries the language.
:LCDDisp A$       A$:C1 to C16                    Sets the screen color.
:LCDDisp?         A$                              Queries the screen color.
:LIST A$          A$:OFF,LIST,GAUGe,L_G           Sets list and gauge.
:LIST?            A$                              Queries list and gauge.
:LOGGing          hour: 0 to 23(hour)             Sets interval for logging print.
 hour,min         min: 0 to 59(min)
 sec,milli        sec: 0 to 59(sec)
                  milli: 0 to 9(100ms)
:Logging?         hour,min,sec,milli<NR1>         Queries interval for logging print.
:LPOSI A$         A$:UP,LOW,U_L                   Sets draw posision of logic wave.
:LPOSI?           A$                              Queries draw posision of logic wave.
:LWIDth           A$:WIDE,NARRow                  Sets draw width of logic wave.
:LWIDth?          A$                              Queries draw width of logic wave.
:PRARea A$        A$:ALL,AB                       Sets print range.
:PRARea?          A$                              Queries print range.
:PRIDensity A     A$:LIGHt,STD,DARK               Sets the printer density.
:PRIDensity?      A$                              Queries the printer density.
:PRINt A$         A$:OFF,ON                       Sets real time print output.
:PRINt?           A$                              Queries real time print output.
:PRKInd A$        A$:WAVE,LOGGing,W_L             Sets print mode.
:PRKInd?          A$                              Queries print mode.
:STARt A$         A$:ON,OFF                       Sets start backup.
:STARt?           A$                              Queries start backup.
:SOPEration A$    A$:TIME1,TIME2,SEC2             Sets the start key activation condition.
:SOPEration?      A$                              Queries the start key activation condition.
:TIME             hour:0 to 23(hour)              Sets the time. 
 hour,min,sec     min :0 to 59(min)
                  sec :0 to 59(sec)
:TIME?            hour,min,sec<NR1>               Querie the time. 
:TMAXis A$        A$:TIME,DATE,SCALe              Sets the time axis display.
:TMAXis?          A$                              Querie the time axis display.

:EXTIN A$         A$:TRIG,EVENT                   Sets the external in port.
:EXTIN?           A$                              Querie the external in port.
:EXTFILTer A$     A$:OFF,ON                       Sets the filter of external in port.
:EXTFILTer?       A$                              Querie the filter of external in port.

 (9)SCALing command (Setting and querying scaling)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:KIND ch$ A$      ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets the type of scaling.
:KIND? ch$        ch$,A$                          Queries the type of scaling.
:OFFSet ch$,A     ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets scaling offset (RATIO).
                  A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9
:OFFSet? ch$      ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries scaling offset (RATIO).
:PKIND pls$,A$    pls$:PLS1 to PLS4,              Sets the type of pulse count scaling.
:PKIND? ch$       ch$,A$                          Queries the type of pulse count scaling.
:SCUPLOw ch$,B,C  ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets the scaling SC UP, LOW (POINT).
                  B,C: -9.999E+29 to 9.999E+29
:SCUPLOw? ch$     ch$,B,C<NR3>                    Queries the scaling SC UP, LOW (POINT).
:SET ch$,A$       ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets scaling kind.
:SET? ch$         ch$,A$                          Queries scaling kind.
:UNIT ch$,"A$"    ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets scaling unit.
                  A$:scaling unit(7 character)
:UNIT? ch$        ch$,"A$"                        Queries scaling unit.
:VOLT ch$,A       ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets the scaling conversion value (RATIO)
                  A:-9.999E+9 to 9.999E+9
:VOLT? ch$        ch$,A<NR3>                      Queries the scaling conversion value (RATIO)
:VOUPLOw ch$,B,C  ch$:CH1 to CH32,PLS1 to PLS4,   Sets the scaling VOLT UP, LOW (POINT).
                  B,C:-9.999E+29 to 9.999E+29 
:VOUPLOw? ch$     ch$,B,C<NR3>                    Queries the scaling VOLT UP, LOW (POINT).

 (10)COMMent command (Setting and querying comments)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:CH ch$,"A$"      ch$:CH1 to CH32,                Sets comment string for each channel.
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG1 to LOG16
                  A$:comment string
                  (20 characters)
:CH? ch$          ch$,2"A$"                       Queries comment string for each channel.
:EACHch ch$,A$    ch$:ANA,PLS,LOG                 Sets comment mode for each channel.
:EACHch? ch$      ch$,A$                          Queries comment mode for each channel.
:TITLe A$,"B$"    A$:OFF,SETTing,COMMent,S_C      Sets title comment mode and strings.
                  B$:comment string
                  (20 characters)
:TITLe?           A$,"B$"                         Queries title comment mode and strings.

 (11)CALCulate command (Calculation setting and querying)

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:ANSWer? NO$      NO$:NO1-1 to NO8-4              Queries a calculation result. 
                  ch$:OFF,CH1 to CH32
                  B:calculation resul
:MEASArea A$      A$:ALL,AB                       Sets calculation area.
:MEASArea?        A$                              Queries calculation area.
:MEASChan NO$,ch$ NO$:NO1-1 to NO8-4,             Sets calculation channel.
                  ch$=OFF,CH1 to CH32
:MEASChan? NO$    ch$                             Queries calculation channel.
:MEASFsave A$     A$:OFF,ON                       Sets storing a calculation result.
:MEASFsave?       A$                              Queries storing a calculation result.
:MEASPrint A$     A$:OFF,ON                       Sets printing a calculation result.
:MEASPrint?       A$                              Queries printing a calculation result.
:MEASSet  NO$,A$  NO$:NO1 to NO8                  Sets numerical calculation item.
:MEASSet? NO$     A$                              Queries numerical calculation item.
:MEASure A$       A$:ON,OFF,EXEC                  Sets numerical calculation.
:MEASure?         A$                              Queries numerical calculation.

:WVCALc A$        A$:ON,OFF                       Sets wave calculation.
:WVCALc?          A$                              Queries wave calculation.
:WVSET ch$,A$     ch$=CH1`CH32,A$:ON,OFF         Sets each channel calculation.
:WVSET? ch$       ch$                             Queries each channel calculation.
:WVSRC1 ch$,ch$   ch$=CH1`CH32,ch$=CH1`CH32     Sets source channel1.
:WVSRC1? ch$      ch$                             Queries source channel1.
:WVSRC2 ch$,ch$   ch$=CH1`CH32,ch$=CH1`CH32     Sets source channel2.
:WVSRC2? ch$      ch$                             Queries source channel2.
:WVKINd ch$,A$    ch$=CH1`CH32,A$:PLUS,MINUS     Sets wave calculation kind.
:WVKINd? ch$      ch$                             Queries wave calculation kind.

 (12)FDISK command (Setting and querying file operation) 

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:CHDIR NO         NO:file number                  Changes the current directory.
:DELEte NO        NO:file or directory number     Deletes a file or a directory.
:DIR?             A$:directory name               Queries the current directory.
:FILE?            A<NR1>:number of files          Queries the number of files.
:FORMat                                           Formats media.
:FREE?            A$:allowable number of bytes    Queries the allowable number of bytes.
:INFOr? NO        NO,"NAME$","DATE$","TIME",A,B$  Queries information about a file.
                  NO:file and directory number
                  NAME$:file and directory name
                  DATE$:year/month/day of save
                  TIME$:year/month/day of save
                  A:file size (bytes)
                  C$:measurement contents
                  D:recording length
                  TDATE$:year/month/day of trigger
                  TTIME$:hour:min:sec of trigger
:LOAD NO(,A,B)    NO:file number                  Load a file.
                  A<NR1>:load top position
                  B<NR1>:load data num
:MKDIR "A$"       A$:directory name               Creates a directory.
:NINFor? NO       NO,"NAME$",A$                   Queries filename.
                  NO:file number
                  NAME$:file name
                  A$:directory of a file
:SAVE             NAME1$:file name(8 characters)  Saves a file.
 "NAME1$.NAME2$"  NAME2$:file extension
                         (3 characters)
 ,A$,B$ (,C)      A$:type of file
                     Bin=binary data 
                     Text=text data
                  B$:channels to save
                     ALL,CH1 to CH32,
                     PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
                  C<NR3>:thin out(unit s)
:SORT A$          A$:ON,OFF                       Sets the file list sorting.
:SORT?            A$                              Queries the file list sorting.
:STYPe A$         A$:NAME,TYPE,TIME,SIZE          Sets the sort order type for the file list.
:STYPe?           A$                              Queries the sort order type for the file list.
:SDIRection A$    A$:UP,DOWN                      Sets the sort direction setting of the file list.
:SDIRection?      A$                              Queries the sort direction setting of the file list.

 (13)ALARm command  (Setting and querying alarm.) 

Command           Data                            Explanation 
                  (for a query, response data) 
:BEEP A$          A$:OFF,ON                       Sets alarm beep sound.
:BEEP?            A$                              Queries alarm beep sound.
:HOLD A$          A$:OFF,ON                       Sets alarm hold .
:HOLD?            A$                              Queries alarm hold sound.
:KIND alm$,A$     A$:OFF,LEVEl,WINDow             Sets type of alarm.
:KIND? alm$       alm$,A$                         Queries type of alarm.
:LEVEl alm$,A     A:alarm level(unit V,C,%)       Sets the alarm level of the level alarm.
:LEVEl? alm$      alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries the alarm level of the level alarm.
:LOGAnd alm$,A$   A$:OFF,OR,AND                   Sets AND/OR for thelogic alarm pattern.
:LOGAnd? alm$     alm$,A$                         Queries AND/OR for thelogic alarm pattern.
:LOGPat alm$,"A$" A$:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             Sets the pattern for a logic alarm.
                  alarm pattern(x,0,1)
:LOGPat? alm$     alm$,"A$"                       Queries the pattern for a logic alarm.
:LOWEr alm$,A     A:lower limit level             Sets lower limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
                    (unit V,C,%)
:LOWEr? alm$      alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries lower limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
:OUTCh alm$,ch$   ch$:OFF,CH1 to CH32,            Sets alarm channel
                      PLS1 to PLS4,LOG
:OUTCh? alm$      alm$,ch$                        Queries alarm channel
:PKIND alm$,A$    A$:OFF,LEVEl                    Sets type of pulse alarm.
:PKIND? alm$      alm$,A$                         Queries type of pulse alarm.
:PLEVEl alm$,A    A:pulse alarm level             Sets the alarm level of the pulse level alarm.
                    (unit c,r/s) 
:PLEVEl? alm$     alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries the alarm level of the pulse level alarm.
:PLOWEr alm$,A    A:pulse lower limit level       Sets pulse lower limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
                    (unit c,r/s)
:PLOWEr? alm$     alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries pulse lower limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
:PSIDE alm$,A$    A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the pulse alarm side  (window alarm). 
:PSIDE? alm$      alm$,A$                         Queries the pulse alarm side  (window alarm). 
:PSLOPe alm$,A$   A$:HIGH,LOW                     Sets the pulse alarm slope  (level alarm). 
:PSLOPe? alm$     alm$,A$                         Queries the pulse alarm slope  (level alarm). 
:PUPPEr alm$,A    A:pulse upper limit level       Sets upper limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
                    (unit c,r/s)
:PUPPEr? alm$     alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries upper limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
:SET A$           A$:OFF,ON                       Sets enable or disable alarm.
:SET?             A$                              Queries enable or disable alarm.
:SIDE alm$,A$     A$:IN,OUT                       Sets the alarm side  (window alarm). 
:SIDE? alm$       alm$,A$                         Queries the alarm side  (window alarm). 
:SLOPe alm$,A$    A$:HIGH,LOW                     Sets the alarm slope  (level alarm). 
:SLOPe? alm$      alm$,A$                         Queries the alarm slope  (level alarm). 
:UPPEr alm$,A     A:upper limit level             Sets upper limit level of window-in/-out alarm.
                    (unit V,C,%)
:UPPEr? alm$      alm$,A<NR3>                     Queries upper limit level of window-in/-out alarm.

2.1.3 Difference of the command between New model 8420-51,8421-51,8422-51 and Old model 8420-01,8421-01,8422-01

                         New model 8420-51,8421-51,8422-51    Old model 8420-01,8421-01,8422-01

*IDN?                    HIOKI, 8420-51, 0, V 3.00            HIOKI, 8420, 0, V 1.00
                         HIOKI, 8421-51, 0, V 3.00            HIOKI, 8421, 0, V 1.00
                         HIOKI, 8422-51, 0, V 3.00            HIOKI, 8422, 0, V 1.00

:UNIT:FILTer A$          A$:OFF,50HZ,60HZ                     A$:OFF,AVERage,HARD

:SYSTem:EXTFILTer A$     A$:OFF,ON                            Not Support this command

:CALC:MEASSet NO$,A$     NO$:NO1 to NO8                       NO$:NO1 to NO4
:CALC:MEASChan NO$,ch$   NO$:NO1-1 to NO8-4                   NO$:NO1-1 to NO4-4
:CALC:ANSWer? NO$        NO$:NO1-1 to NO8-4                   NO$:NO1-1 to NO4-4

:MEMory:MAXPoint?        A:1 to 16777215(CH1 MAX)             A:1 to 4194303(CH1 MAX)
:MEMory:POINt ch$,A      A:1 to 16777215(CH1 MAX)             A:1 to 4194303(CH1 MAX)

:MEMory:AMAXPoint?       Queries the end of data stored.               Not Support this command
                          (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)
:MEMory:APOINt ch$,A     Sets point in memory for input and output.    Not Support this command
                          (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)
:MEMory:TOPPoint?        Queries point in memory for input and output. Not Support this command
                          (when longer data is storaged than the inside memory)

:MEMory:TARCH?           Queries output real time store channel.       Not Support this command
                          (channel of storage on all)
:MEMory:TAREAl?          Queries output real time data.(ASCII)         Not Support this command
                          (channel of storage on all)
:MEMory:TVRCH?           Queries output real time store channel.       Not Support this command
                          (channel of storage on all)
:MEMory:TVREAl?          Queries output real time data.                Not Support this command
                          (channel of storage on all)
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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