;****************************************************************************************** ;* PCMFSSD Language File ;* Laguage : Spanish(ESP) ;****************************************************************************************** [IDD_MAIN] ID_TITLE =###,0,0,414,222 ID_FONT =Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 IDC_STATIC =,125,99,286,79 IDC_BTNSCAN =###,185,201,50,16 IDC_BTNCLOSE =###,237,201,40,16 IDC_BTNAPPLY =###,279,201,45,16 IDC_BTNDEFAULT =###,326,201,49,16 IDC_BTNHELP =###,377,201,35,16 IDC_FRMPREVIEW =###,4,3,122,193 IDC_IMGPREVIEW =,7,14,116,176 IDC_STATIC =,4,191,122,29 IDC_LBLSCANSIZE =###,7,201,69,17 IDC_TXTFILESIZE =,76,201,48,10 IDC_FRMSCANMODE =###,125,3,155,68 IDC_IMGSCANMODE =,134,14,42,50 IDC_RADTEXT =###,181,16,96,15 IDC_RADHALFTONE =###,225,34,29,12 IDC_RADGRAYSCALE =###,181,30,95,15 IDC_RADCOLOR =###,181,44,97,15 IDC_GRPBRIGHTNESS =,279,3,132,37 IDC_LBLBRIGHTNESS =###,285,10,113,8 IDC_SLDBRIGHTNESS =Slider1,311,22,58,11 IDC_LBLDARK =###,282,22,29,8 IDC_LBLLIGHT =###,369,22,27,8 IDC_GRPCONTRAST =,279,35,132,36 IDC_LBLCONTRAST =###,285,41,113,8 IDC_SLDCONTRAST =Slider2,311,54,58,11 IDC_LBLLOW =###,282,54,29,8 IDC_LBLHIGH =###,369,54,27,8 IDC_LBLRESOLUTION =###,130,74,72,10 IDC_CMBRESOLUTION =,158,86,110,128 IDC_LBLPAPERSIZE =###,130,105,80,10 IDC_CMBPAPERSIZE =,159,117,110,64 IDC_FRMSCANAREA =###,134,134,190,39 IDC_LBLLEFT =###,139,146,44,8 IDC_EDTLEFT =,191,142,30,12 IDC_LBLTOP =###,139,161,44,8 IDC_EDTTOP =,191,157,30,12 IDC_LBLWIDTH =###,222,146,44,8 IDC_EDTWIDTH =,275,142,30,12 IDC_LBLHEIGHT =###,222,161,44,8 IDC_EDTHEIGHT =,275,157,30,12 IDC_FRMUNIT =###,342,134,58,39 IDC_RADMM =###,350,144,48,10 IDC_RADINCH =###,350,156,48,10 IDC_STATIC =,125,173,286,23 IDC_LBLTARGET =###,130,178,75,14 IDC_TXTTARGET =###,205,180,141,10 IDC_BTNSELECT =###,348,179,61,13 IDC_BTNPREVIEW =###,127,201,56,16 IDC_BTNPREVIEW_B =###,133,202,48,14 IDC_CMBDUPLEX =,290,84,90,128 IDC_LBLDUPLEX =###,282,72,52,12 IDC_STATIC =,125,66,155,38 IDC_STATIC =,279,66,132,38 IDC_DUPLEX =,383,79,20,20 [IDD_PROGRESS] ID_TITLE =###,0,0,135,45 ID_FONT =Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 IDCANCEL =###,41,24,50,14 IDC_PROGRESS =Progress1,7,7,121,9 [IDD_NOTCONNECT] ID_TITLE =###,0,0,310,107 ID_FONT =Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 IDC_BTNCLOSE =###,66,86,66,14 IDC_BTNSELDEV =###,136,86,96,14 IDC_LBLOFFLINE1 =###,39,7,248,8 IDC_LBLOFFLINE2 =###,39,20,263,63 IDC_INFOICON =,7,23,20,20 IDC_BTNIPCHG =###,235,86,66,14 [IDD_SUSPEND] ID_TITLE =,0,0,225,60 ID_FONT =Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 IDOK =Aceptar,82,39,50,14 IDC_SUSPEND_MSG =,7,7,211,22 [Message] IDS_MANUFACTURER =Panasonic IDS_PRODUCTFAMILY =Multi Function Station IDS_PRODUCTNAME =Multi-Function Station IDS_PAPERLETTER =Carta (8.5" x 11") IDS_PAPERA4 =A4 (210mm x 297mm) IDS_PAPERLEGAL =Legal (8.5" x 14") IDS_PAPERB5ISO =B5 (ISO, 176mm x 250mm) IDS_PAPERB5JIS =B5 (JIS, 182mm x 257mm) IDS_PAPER16K =16K (195mm x 270mm) IDS_PAPEROFICIO330 =216mm x 330mm (8.5"x 13") IDS_PAPEROFICIO340 =216mm x 340mm (8.5"x13.4") IDS_PAPERUSER =Definir por el usuario IDS_FMTRESO =%d dpi IDS_UITITLE =Multi-Function Station IDS_FRMPREVIEW =Prevista IDS_FRMSCANMODE =Modo Escáner IDS_RADTEXT =&Negro/Blanco IDS_RADHALFTONE =Gráfico B/N (Tono medio) IDS_RADGRAYSCALE =Escala de &grises IDS_RADCOLOR =C&olor IDS_LBLBRIGHTNESS =Bri&llo: IDS_LBLDARK =Oscuro IDS_LBLLIGHT =Claro IDS_LBLCONTRAST =Cont&raste: IDS_LBLLOW =Bajo IDS_LBLHIGH =Alto IDS_LBLRESOLUTION =Resol&ución: IDS_LBLPAPERSIZE =Med&ida a escanear: IDS_FRMUNIT =Unidad IDS_RADMM =&mm IDS_RADINCH =pulg&. IDS_FRMSCANAREA =Área de escaneado IDS_LBLLEFT =Iz&quierda: IDS_LBLWIDTH =Anc&ho: IDS_LBLTOP =Arri&ba: IDS_LBLHEIGHT =Al&to: IDS_LBLTARGET =Dispositivo de destino: IDS_BTNSELECT =S&eleccionar... IDS_LBLSCANSIZE =Tamaño de archivo escaneado: IDS_BTNHELP =A&yuda IDS_BTNDEFAULT =Por &defecto IDS_BTNAPPLY =&Aplicar IDS_BTNPREVIEW =Pre&vista IDS_BTNSCAN =E&scanear IDS_BTNCLOSE =&Cerrar IDS_BTNOK =&Aceptar IDS_LBLOFFLINE1 =Ha fallado la conexión con la unidad. IDS_LBLOFFLINE2 =1. Compruebe que la unidad esté encendida. IDS_LBLOFFLINE3 =2. Compruebe la conexión entre la unidad y el PC. IDS_LBLOFFLINE4 =3. Si desea cambiar el dispositivo de destino, seleccione 'Selección de dispositivo'. IDS_LBLOFFLINE5 =4. La dirección IP de la unidad puede cambiarse.\n Si desea buscarla automáticamente, seleccione 'Cambio de IP' y vuelva a\n intentarlo. IDS_BTNSELDEV =Selección de &dispositivo... IDS_BTNIPCHG =Cambio de &IP... IDS_PRGTITLE =Escaneado en curso... IDS_PRGCANCELBTN =Cancelar IDS_MBOX_DUALSTART_TITLE =Multi-Function Station IDS_MBOX_DUALSTART_MSG =El controlador del escáner se está utilizando en otra aplicación. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_TITLE =Multi-Function Station IDS_MBOX_ERROR_MEM_LOW_MSG =No hay suficiente memoria. \nReduzca el tamaño de escaneado o el ajuste de la resolución e inténtelo de nuevo. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_COMM_ERR_MSG =Se ha producido un error de comunicación. \nCompruebe que el dispositivo esté encendido y conéctelo correctamente. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_DEV_ERROR_MSG =El dispositivo está en estado de error. \nSolucione el error del dispositivo. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_DEV_BUSY_MSG =El dispositivo está ocupado. \nEspere un minuto y vuelva a intentarlo. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_CHECK_DEVMON_MSG =Se ha producido un error o un problema de comunicación. \nCompruebe el estado del dispositivo desde la aplicación del monitor del dispositivo de Panasonic. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_NO_DOCUMENT_MSG =No hay ningún documento en el ADF. \nColoque el documento en el ADF y pulse Aceptar. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_SUPPORT_MSG =No se admiten los parámetros de escaneado seleccionados.\nCambie los parámetros de escaneado. IDS_MBOX_ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE_MSG =No se admite el tipo de imagen seleccionada.\nCambie la selección del tipo de imagen. IDS_MBOX_WARN_SUSPEND_MODE =Escaneando actualmente... IDS_LBLDUPLEX =Dúple&x: IDS_DUPNONE =Ninguno IDS_DUPLONGEDGE =Orientación horizontal IDS_DUPSHORTEDGE =Orientación vertical IDS_LANG = ESPDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.