PCMFSSD.INI Driver File Contents (MFS78_121_ENG.exe)

;* PCMFSSD Language File
;* Laguage	: Spanish(ESP)
ID_TITLE				=###,0,0,414,222
ID_FONT					=Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
IDC_STATIC				=,125,99,286,79
IDC_BTNSCAN				=###,185,201,50,16
IDC_BTNCLOSE			=###,237,201,40,16
IDC_BTNAPPLY			=###,279,201,45,16
IDC_BTNDEFAULT			=###,326,201,49,16
IDC_BTNHELP				=###,377,201,35,16
IDC_FRMPREVIEW			=###,4,3,122,193
IDC_IMGPREVIEW			=,7,14,116,176
IDC_STATIC				=,4,191,122,29
IDC_LBLSCANSIZE			=###,7,201,69,17
IDC_TXTFILESIZE			=,76,201,48,10
IDC_FRMSCANMODE			=###,125,3,155,68
IDC_IMGSCANMODE			=,134,14,42,50
IDC_RADTEXT				=###,181,16,96,15
IDC_RADHALFTONE			=###,225,34,29,12
IDC_RADGRAYSCALE		=###,181,30,95,15
IDC_RADCOLOR			=###,181,44,97,15
IDC_GRPBRIGHTNESS		=,279,3,132,37
IDC_LBLBRIGHTNESS		=###,285,10,113,8
IDC_SLDBRIGHTNESS		=Slider1,311,22,58,11
IDC_LBLDARK				=###,282,22,29,8
IDC_LBLLIGHT			=###,369,22,27,8
IDC_GRPCONTRAST			=,279,35,132,36
IDC_LBLCONTRAST			=###,285,41,113,8
IDC_SLDCONTRAST			=Slider2,311,54,58,11
IDC_LBLLOW				=###,282,54,29,8
IDC_LBLHIGH				=###,369,54,27,8
IDC_LBLRESOLUTION		=###,130,74,72,10
IDC_CMBRESOLUTION		=,158,86,110,128
IDC_LBLPAPERSIZE		=###,130,105,80,10
IDC_CMBPAPERSIZE		=,159,117,110,64
IDC_FRMSCANAREA			=###,134,134,190,39
IDC_LBLLEFT				=###,139,146,44,8
IDC_EDTLEFT				=,191,142,30,12
IDC_LBLTOP				=###,139,161,44,8
IDC_EDTTOP				=,191,157,30,12
IDC_LBLWIDTH			=###,222,146,44,8
IDC_EDTWIDTH			=,275,142,30,12
IDC_LBLHEIGHT			=###,222,161,44,8
IDC_EDTHEIGHT			=,275,157,30,12
IDC_FRMUNIT				=###,342,134,58,39
IDC_RADMM				=###,350,144,48,10
IDC_RADINCH				=###,350,156,48,10
IDC_STATIC				=,125,173,286,23
IDC_LBLTARGET			=###,130,178,75,14
IDC_TXTTARGET			=###,205,180,141,10
IDC_BTNSELECT			=###,348,179,61,13
IDC_BTNPREVIEW			=###,127,201,56,16
IDC_BTNPREVIEW_B		=###,133,202,48,14
IDC_CMBDUPLEX			=,290,84,90,128
IDC_LBLDUPLEX			=###,282,72,52,12
IDC_STATIC				=,125,66,155,38
IDC_STATIC				=,279,66,132,38
IDC_DUPLEX				=,383,79,20,20

ID_TITLE				=###,0,0,135,45
ID_FONT					=Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
IDCANCEL				=###,41,24,50,14
IDC_PROGRESS			=Progress1,7,7,121,9

ID_TITLE				=###,0,0,310,107
ID_FONT					=Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
IDC_BTNCLOSE			=###,66,86,66,14
IDC_BTNSELDEV			=###,136,86,96,14
IDC_LBLOFFLINE1			=###,39,7,248,8
IDC_LBLOFFLINE2			=###,39,20,263,63
IDC_INFOICON			=,7,23,20,20
IDC_BTNIPCHG			=###,235,86,66,14

ID_TITLE				=,0,0,225,60
ID_FONT					=Arial,-12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
IDOK					=Aceptar,82,39,50,14
IDC_SUSPEND_MSG			=,7,7,211,22

IDS_PRODUCTFAMILY		=Multi Function Station
IDS_PRODUCTNAME			=Multi-Function Station
IDS_PAPERLETTER			=Carta (8.5" x 11")
IDS_PAPERA4				=A4 (210mm x 297mm)
IDS_PAPERLEGAL			=Legal (8.5" x 14")
IDS_PAPERB5ISO          =B5 (ISO, 176mm x 250mm)
IDS_PAPERB5JIS          =B5 (JIS, 182mm x 257mm)
IDS_PAPER16K            =16K (195mm x 270mm)
IDS_PAPEROFICIO330		=216mm x 330mm (8.5"x 13")
IDS_PAPEROFICIO340		=216mm x 340mm (8.5"x13.4")
IDS_PAPERUSER			=Definir por el usuario
IDS_FMTRESO				=%d dpi
IDS_UITITLE				=Multi-Function Station
IDS_RADTEXT				=&Negro/Blanco
IDS_RADHALFTONE			=Gráfico B/N (Tono medio)
IDS_RADGRAYSCALE		=Escala de &grises
IDS_LBLDARK				=Oscuro
IDS_LBLCONTRAST			=Cont&raste:
IDS_LBLPAPERSIZE		=Med&ida a escanear:
IDS_FRMUNIT				=Unidad
IDS_RADMM				=&mm
IDS_RADINCH				=pulg&.
IDS_FRMSCANAREA			=Área de escaneado
IDS_LBLLEFT				=Iz&quierda:
IDS_LBLTOP				=Arri&ba:
IDS_LBLTARGET			=Dispositivo de destino:
IDS_BTNSELECT			=S&eleccionar...
IDS_LBLSCANSIZE			=Tamaño de archivo escaneado:
IDS_BTNHELP				=A&yuda
IDS_BTNDEFAULT			=Por &defecto
IDS_BTNAPPLY			=&Aplicar
IDS_BTNSCAN				=E&scanear
IDS_BTNOK				=&Aceptar
IDS_LBLOFFLINE1			=Ha fallado la conexión con la unidad.
IDS_LBLOFFLINE2			=1. Compruebe que la unidad esté encendida.
IDS_LBLOFFLINE3			=2. Compruebe la conexión entre la unidad y el PC.
IDS_LBLOFFLINE4			=3. Si desea cambiar el dispositivo de destino, seleccione 'Selección de dispositivo'.
IDS_LBLOFFLINE5			=4. La dirección IP de la unidad puede cambiarse.\n    Si desea buscarla automáticamente, seleccione 'Cambio de IP' y vuelva a\n    intentarlo.
IDS_BTNSELDEV			=Selección de &dispositivo...
IDS_BTNIPCHG			=Cambio de &IP...
IDS_PRGTITLE			=Escaneado en curso...
IDS_MBOX_DUALSTART_TITLE	=Multi-Function Station
IDS_MBOX_DUALSTART_MSG	=El controlador del escáner se está utilizando en otra aplicación. 
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_TITLE	=Multi-Function Station
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_MEM_LOW_MSG	=No hay suficiente memoria. \nReduzca el tamaño de escaneado o el ajuste de la resolución e inténtelo de nuevo.
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_COMM_ERR_MSG	=Se ha producido un error de comunicación. \nCompruebe que el dispositivo esté encendido y conéctelo correctamente. 
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_DEV_ERROR_MSG	=El dispositivo está en estado de error. \nSolucione el error del dispositivo.
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_DEV_BUSY_MSG	=El dispositivo está ocupado. \nEspere un minuto y vuelva a intentarlo.
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_CHECK_DEVMON_MSG	=Se ha producido un error o un problema de comunicación. \nCompruebe el estado del dispositivo desde la aplicación del monitor del dispositivo de Panasonic. 
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_NO_DOCUMENT_MSG	=No hay ningún documento en el ADF. \nColoque el documento en el ADF y pulse Aceptar.
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_SUPPORT_MSG	=No se admiten los parámetros de escaneado seleccionados.\nCambie los parámetros de escaneado.
IDS_MBOX_ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE_MSG	=No se admite el tipo de imagen seleccionada.\nCambie la selección del tipo de imagen.
IDS_MBOX_WARN_SUSPEND_MODE	=Escaneando actualmente...
IDS_DUPNONE				=Ninguno
IDS_DUPLONGEDGE			=Orientación horizontal
IDS_DUPSHORTEDGE		=Orientación vertical

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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