other_ln.ini Driver File Contents (7cdm110401.exe)

; common string start ********************************************************
;#OTHER				= -> deleted.
#INFINITY			=Infinito
#UNKNOWN			=desconocido
#NOPAPER			=Sin papel
#EXIST				=Existe
#NOTINSTALLED		=No instalado
#INSTALLED			=Instalado
#SHEET				=Página
#PAGE				=Página
;#ON				=
;#OFF				=
;#ENABLE			=
#PPM				=ppm
#INCH				=pulgada
#MM					=mm
#DPI				=ppp

; print technoroty
#LED				=Electro photographic LED system
#LASER				=Electro photographic laser system
#EPS				=Electro photographic system
#IMPACT9			=Impact moving head dot matrix 9 Pin system
#IMPACT24			=Impact moving head dot matrix 24 Pin system
#IMPACTDOT			=Impact moving head dot matrix system
#IMPACTFULL			=Impact moving head fully formed system
#IMPACTBAND			=Impact band system
#IMPACT				=Impact system
#INKAQ				=Ink jet aqueous system
#INKSO				=Ink jet solid system
#INK				=Ink jet system
#PEN				=Pen system
#THERMALTR			=Thermal transfer system
#THERMALSE			=Thermal sensitive system
#THERMALDI			=Thermal diffusion system
#THERMAL			=Thermal system
#ELECTROEROSION		=Electro erosion system
#ELECTROSTATIC		=Electrostatic system
#PHMICRO			=Photographic microfiche system
#PHIMAGE			=Photographic imagesetter system
#PHOTO				=Photographic system
#ION				=Ion deposition system
#ELECTBEAM			=Electronic beam system
#TYPESETTER			=Type setter system

; Language code
#JAPANESE			=Japonés
#ENGLISH			=Inglés
#FRANCH			=Francés
#GERMAN			=Alemán
#ITALIAN			=Italiano
#SPANISH			=Español
#SWEDISH			=Sueco
#DANISH			=Danés
#NORWEGIAN			=Noruego
#NETHERLAND			=Neerlandés
#FINLAND			=Finés
#PORTUGUESS			=Portugués
#TURKEY			=Turco
#POLISH			=Polaco
#RUSSIAN			=Ruso
#CZACHOSLOVAKIA			=Checo/Eslovaco
#HUNGARY			=Húngaro
#NORWEGAIN			=Noruego
#KOREAN			=Coreano
#CHINESE			=Chino

; paper size
#LEDGER				=Ledger
#LEGAL				=Legal
#LETTER				=Letter
#A2					=A2
#A3					=A3
#A4					=A4
#A5					=A5
#A6					=A6
#B4					=B4(JIS)
#B5					=B5(JIS)
#B6					=B6(JIS)
#EXECUTIVE			=Executive
#ENVELOPEC4			=Sobre C4
#ENVELOPEC5			=Sobre C5
#ENVELOPEC6			=Sobre C6
#ENVELOPEB5			=Sobre B5
#ENVELOPE10			=Sobre #10
#ENVELOPE9			=Sobre #9
#ENVELOPEM			=Sobre Monarch
#FLS1				=FLS1
#FLS2				=FLS2
#CHOU1			=Sobre japonés Chou n.º 1
#CHOU2			=Sobre japonés Chou n.º 2
#CHOU3			=Sobre japonés Chou n.º 3
#CHOU4			=Sobre japonés Chou n.º 4
#ENVKAKU0			=Sobre japonés Kaku n.º 0
#KAKU1			=Sobre japonés Kaku n.º 1
#KAKU2			=Sobre japonés Kaku n.º 2
#KAKU3			=Sobre japonés Kaku n.º 3
#JPOSTCARD			=Postal japonesa
#JDOUBLEPOSTCARD			=Postal japonesa doble
#TABLOID			=Tabloid Extra
#CH8K				=8K
#NOSHIHANSHI		=Noshi Hanshi
#NOSHIMINOU			=Noshi Minou
#FOLIO				=Folio
#ENVYOU1			=Sobre japonés You n.º 1
; add paper size

; common string end. *********************************************************
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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