SoufuLabel.ini Driver File Contents (7pdt091106.exe)

;   Cover sheet editor, address book, and setup parameter name file

;Address Book Labels
name1000=Phone Book
name1001=Folder Name
name1002=Number of entries
name1006=Edit &Group
name1007=Fax No.
name1009=&Acquire Device's Phone Book
name1021=Data Fields
name1023=Furigana (Japanese)
name1024=Fax No.
name1025=Call Type
name1026=Email Address
name1027=Company Name
name1029=Job Title
name1031=Direct Phone No.
name1032=Extension Phone No.
name1033=Country Code
name1037=Phone Book Entry

name1038= Direct Dial
name1039= Local outside line 
name1040= Long distance outside line 
name1041= Inter-office line 

name1060=Group name
name1065=Group registration
name1080=Add New Group Name
name1081=Edit Group Name
;The following are for messages
name1110=Cannot find file.
name1111=Cannot display address book.
name1112=Cannot create Phone Book Entry.
name1113=Cannot display title.
name1114=Cannot create group.
name1115=Deleting selected information. OK to proceed?
name1116=Deleting selected information from group. OK to proceed?
name1117=Deleting Phone Book Entry
name1118=Creating Phone Book Entry
name1119=Some items are missing.
name1120=No furigana entered. Saving in the "Other" folder.
name1121=OK to proceed?
name1122=Initial character of furigana is invalid.
name1123=Enter furigana as standard (half-size) katakana characters.
name1124=Completely delete selected group?
name1125=Delete group
name1126=You cannot add data that has already been added.
name1127=Add member
name1128=An illegal character is being inputted.
name1129=A setting file isn't found.
name1130=Confirm a setting of registry.
name1131=The registration of the group.
name1132=It has already registered.
name1133=The Email address which it is inputted from is not an effective Internet Email address.
name1134=Do you input this address?
name1042=Device name
name1043=Device location
name1044=Dialing Method
name1046=Use default setting
name1047=Selects automatically according to priority
name1135=Unregistered Device is selected. Is that OK?

;02/04/25 Additions
name1201 = 640
name1202 = 300
name1136 = The inputted facsimile number is already registered. Do you want to continue?

;02/05/31 Additions
name1137=Acquire the device's Phone Book data
name1138=Acquiring the Phone Book data from the device...

name1139=The update of the Phone Book data wasn't done properly. Please restart the application just in case.

;03/01/27 Additions
name1300 = &File
name1301 = &New Phone Book Entry...
name1302 = Edit &Group...
name1303 = &Edit Phone Book Entry...
name1304 = &Select All
name1305 = &Delete
name1306 = &Import...
name1307 = &Export...
name1308 = &Acquire Device's Phone Book
name1309 = &Close

name1310 = &View
name1311 = Status&bar
name1312 = &Sort
name1313 = &Name
name1314 = &Fax No.
name1315 = &Company Name
name1316 = &Department
name1317 = &Job Title
name1318 = &Address
name1319 = Direct &Phone No.
name1320 = &Extension Phone No.
name1321 = Device &Name
name1322 = Device &Location
name1323 = &Help
name1324 = &Contents
name1325 = Import contents
name1326 = &OK
name1327 = &Cancel
name1328 = Change &Mapping...
name1329 = Data Field
name1330 = Addressbook Field
name1331 = Change Mapping
name1332 = &OK
name1333 = &Cancel
name1334 = Import
name1335 = Select Import Phone Book File
name1336 = Failed to import file
name1337 = Importing...
name1338 = Export
name1339 = Select Export Phone Book File
name1340 = Failed to export file
name1341 = Exporting...
name1342 = There is no data
name1343 = CSV file
name1344 = (No allotment)
name1345 = Overwrite
name1346 = There is the same data. Do you want ot overwrite it?
name1347 = Yes
name1348 = Yes to All
name1349 = No
name1350 = It cannot register any more.
name1400 = It was changed to the default device due to the invalid device was selected in the some destinations.
name1401 = Please confirm.
name1410 = Panafax Desktop
name1411 = Failed to start application because the same application was running currently.

name1505 = There is no field selected.
name1506 = The number of the maximum registration was exceeded at the importing. The numbers which are overflowed will be lost.

name1510 = Select Import Phone Book Type
name1511 = Select Export Phone Book Type
name1512 = &OK
name1513 = &Cancel
name1514 = All Files

;Setup Labels
name1 = Print
name4 = &Cancel
name7 = Company Name
name8 = Name
name10 = &Help
name11 = &Help Topics
name15 = &OK
name16 = &File
name17 = Setup
name18 = E&xit
name19 = &Edit
name20 = &Undo
name21 = Cu&t
name22 = &Copy
name23 = &Paste
name29 = Department
name30 = Job Title
'name31 = Pronunciation (Japanese)
name32 = Address
name33 = Direct Phone No.
name34 = Extension Phone No.
name35 = Direct Fax No.
name36 = Extension Fax No.
'name37 = Email Address
'name38 = Country Code
name39 = Apply
name44 = Setup
name45 = Dialing Settings
'name48 = Dial
name49 = To access an outside line:
name50 = To access an inter-office line, dial
'name51 = Do
name52 = For local calls, dial 
name53 = For long distance calls, dial 

'name58 = Select All
name75 = Sender Details
name97 = Update
'name171 = Connection
'name172 = Connection
'name173 = Server
'name174 = Client
'name175 = Standalone
'name176 = Send Log
'name177 = Receive Log
'name178 = Browse...
'name179 = Scheduler
'name180 = Log Table Setting
'name182 = Directory Path
'name183 = Send Log Table Path
'name184 = Receive Log Table Path
'name185 = Directory Path
'name186 = Send Log Management Database (SndLogList.mdb)
'name187 = Receive Log Management Database (RcvLogList.mdb)
'name188 = Scheduler (Mfpscdl.exe)
name189 = PIN Code
name190 = PIN Code
name191 = Not Used
name192 = Prefix
name193 = Suffix
name194 = PIN Code

;The following are for messages
name104 = The following files do not exist.
'name130 = Restart is required to apply the following updates.

;Cover Sheet Labels
name301 = Cover Sheet Editor

;File Menu
name302 = &File
name303 = Open
name304 = &Save
name305 = Save As
name306 = &Delete...
name307 = &Open...
name308 = Save &As...
'name309 = &Group Setting
'name310 = &Registration Cover Sheet
name312 = &Comments
name313 = &Preview
name314 = &Line Style...
name315 = &Date Format...
name362 = E&xit

;Edit Menu
name316 = &Edit
name317 = &Undo
name318 = Cu&t
name319 = &Paste
name320 = Delete
name311 = &Delete Object
name321 = D&ate Frame
name323 = &Image Frame
name324 = Page Si&ze
name325 = Title
name328 = &Line/Box
name329 = &Recipient Details
name330 = Name
name331 = Company Name
name332 = Address
name333 = Department
name334 = Extension Phone No.
name335 = Direct Phone No.
name336 = Extension Fax No.
'name337 = Email Address
name338 = &Sender Details

;View Menu
name339 = &View
name340 = &Show Grid
name342 = Full size
name343 = 50%
name344 = 25%
name345 = &Preview
name346 = S&how Status Bar
name348 = &Options
name349 = &Font...
name350 = Line Style
name351 = &OK
name352 = &Cancel
name353 = &Text Alignment
name354 = Left Justify
name355 = Center
name356 = Right Justify
name363 = Fax No.
name364 = Job Title
'name365 = Country Code
name366 = &Copy
name367 = Text &Frame
name368 = &New
name369 = &Zoom
name370 = Date Format
name371 = Open Bitmap
name372 = BMP File
name373 = Comment
name374 = &Show
name375 = E&xit Preview
name376 = 2.5 mm
name377 = 5 mm
name378 = 1 cm
name379 = Hide
name550 = Recipient
name551 = Recipient's Company
name552 = Recipient's Address
name553 = Recipient's Department
name554 = Recipient's Job Title
name555 = Recipient's Extension Phone No.
name556 = Recipient's Direct Phone No.
name557 = Recipient's Extension Fax No.
name558 = Recipient's Direct Fax No.
name559 = Recipient's Title
name560 = Sender
name561 = Sender's Company 
name562 = Sender's Address
name563 = Sender's Department
name564 = Sender's Job Title
name565 = Sender's Extension Phone No.
name566 = Sender's Direct Phone No.
name567 = Sender's Extension Fax No.
name568 = Sender's Direct Fax No.
name570 = Name
name571 = Company  
name572 = Address 
name573 = Department
name574 = Job Title
name575 = Extension Phone No.
name576 = Direct Phone No.
name577 = Extension Fax No.
name578 = Direct Fax No.

;Group Edit Screen
'name380 = Group Name
name381 = Comment
'name382 = Edit Group Folder
'name383 = Delete Group Folder
'name384 = Group Settings

;Line Types
name386 = Box Style
name387 = Line Width
name388 = Straight Line
name389 = Box
'name390 = Open Background Image
name391 = A4
name392 = B4
name393 = Letter
name394 = Legal
'name395 = Change Group Folder
'name397 = Delete Background Image
name398 = Cover Sheet File Name
name401 = H_Sel
name402 = S_Sel
name403 = DATESEL
name404 = FREESEL
name405 = LINE
name406 = IMAGE
name407 = TOP
name408 = LEFT
name409 = WIDTH
name410 = HEIGHT
name411 = STYLE
name412 = FONTNAME
name413 = FONTSIZE
name414 = FONTITALIC
name415 = FONTBOLD
name416 = FONTUNDER
name417 = FONTST
name418 = DATESTYLE
name419 = TEXT
name420 = BMFILE
name421 = SX
name422 = EX
name423 = SY
name424 = EY
name425 = TEXT_C
name426 = COMMENT
name427 = Fill
name428 = SUBJECT
name429 = S&cale unit
name430 = cm
name431 = inch

;00/06/20 Additions *** Date Format
name601 = DATESTYLE1ST
name602 = DATESTYLE2ST
name603 = DATESTYLE3ST
name604 = DATESTYLE4ST

;00/07/03 Additions *** Preview Function
name501 = Cover Sheet Preview
name511 = &Enlarge
name512 = &Close
name521 = &Reduce
name532 = Cannot find cover sheet file.
name533 = Cannot display preview.

;00/07/03 Additions *** Attached Information for 
name701 = Recipient
name702 = Recipient's Company
name703 = Recipient's Address
name704 = Recipient's Department
name705 = Recipient's Job Title
name706 = Recipient's Extension Phone No.
name707 = Recipient's Direct Phone No.
name708 = Recipient's Extension Fax No.
name709 = Recipient's Direct Fax No.
'name710 = Recipient's Email Address
'name711 = Country Code
name712 = Title
name721 = Sender
name722 = Sender's Company
name723 = Sender's Address
name724 = Sender's Department
name725 = Sender's Job Title
name726 = Sender's Extension Phone No.
name727 = Sender's Direct Phone No.
name728 = Sender's Extension Fax No.
name729 = Sender's Direct Fax No.
'name730 = Sender's Email Address
'name731 = Country Code

name741 = Comment Field
name742 = Subject Field

;Cover Sheet DB Save Screen
;Screen Titles
''name440 = Add to Cover Sheet Database
';Display Label
'name441 = File To Add
';Display Label
'name442 = Send File Path
';Save Button Name (Cancel uses name352)
'name443 = Save to Database

;The following are messages used for cover sheets.
name451 = Do you want to save the changes you made to a file?
name452 = Cannot attach file.
name453 = Cannot create bitmap.
name456 = File name is too long.
name457 = Deleting. OK to proceed?
name459 = Unable to paste anymore objects.
name460 = Continue loading file?
name461 = There are data registered in this group.
name472 = When a color image is specified, it will be converted to monochrome.
name473 = Paste Images.
name474 = There is not enough space in the system disk. A command can't be carried out.
name475 = Bitmap file isn't found.
name476 = Illegal file name.
name477 = Save a file.
name478 = A file with the same file name is already exist. Do you want to overwrite it?

';Used in Cover Sheet DB Save Screen
';When no cover sheet file at specified path.
'name463 = Cannot find unsaved cover sheet file.
';When all cover sheet groups have been deleted.
'name464 = No groups are registered.
';When saving cover sheet data to the DB fails.
'name465 = Error saving to the Database.
;When the same cover sheet already exists.
name466 = This cover sheet file already exists.
;Overwrite confirmation
name467 = OK to overwrite?

name468 = The frame is too small to display the text.
name469 = The name has already been registered.

;Used when saving files
;Button name
name470 = Save
;Extension name
name471 = .psf

;name800 = 53


;02/04/26 Additions
name479 = The specified file name cannot be saved since it is reserved by Windows. Please specify another name.
name900 = "con,aux,com1,com2,com3,com4,lpt1,lpt2,lpt3,prn,nul"
name950 = 600
name951 = 600
name952 = 400
name953 = 400
name954 = Panafax Desktop
name955 = "Failed to start application because the same application was running currently."
;02/05/09 Additions
name480 = New Folder
name383 = New Folder
name395 = Change Folder Name
name380 = Folder Name
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.38