WRT_M8-6.INI Driver File Contents (R171788.exe)

stacgui.cpl = 0x25
stlang.dll = 0x25
stacsv.exe = 0x25
stacui64.cpl = 0x25
stlang64.dll = 0x25
stacsv64.exe = 0x25
STacSV -r
STacSV64 -r
STacSV.exe -u
STacSV64 -u
stapo.dll = 0x25
stcplx.dll = 0x25
stapo64.dll = 0x25
stcplx64.dll = 0x25
Config_Lang		= dword: 0x00000000
ControlPanel		= "stacgui.cpl"
HideTrayIcon 		= dword: 0x00000001
PopUpType		= dword: 0x00000001
PerPortEvents		= dword: 0x00000001
ConfigCapabilities	= dword: 0x00000000
ShowEventDialog		= dword: 0x00000001
RecordPriority 		= dword: 0x00000000
DDLSupport		= dword: 0x00000000
PollingPeriod		= dword: 0x000003e8
ForceHT			= dword: 0x00000000
DefSpkCfg		= dword: 0x00000004
DolbyCfg		= dword: 0x00000000
HwSpkCfg		= dword: 0x00000001
HdmiSupport		= dword: 0x00000000
HdmiGateId		= dword: 0x00000001
SpdifGateId		= dword: 0x00000002
MicRetasking		= dword: 0x00000000
MultiStream		= dword: 1
Config_Lang		= dword: 0x00000000
ControlPanel		= "stacui64.cpl"
HideTrayIcon 		= dword: 0x00000001
PopUpType		= dword: 0x00000001
PerPortEvents		= dword: 0x00000001
ConfigCapabilities	= dword: 0x00000000
ShowEventDialog		= dword: 0x00000001
RecordPriority 		= dword: 0x00000000
DDLSupport		= dword: 0x0
PollingPeriod		= dword: 0x000003e8
ForceHT			= dword: 0x00000000
DefSpkCfg		= dword: 0x00000004
DolbyCfg		= dword: 0x00000000
HwSpkCfg		= dword: 0x00000001
HdmiSupport		= dword: 0x00000000
HdmiGateId		= dword: 0x00000001
SpdifGateId		= dword: 0x00000002
MicRetasking		= dword: 0x00000000
MultiStream		= dword: 1
ShowEventDialog 	= dword: 1
ShowEventDialoga	= dword: 0
ShowEventDialoge	= dword: 1
ShowEventDialogf	= dword: 0
MultiStream		= dword: 1
CodecName = "STAC9228"
InitVerbs				= hex: 01,01,C7,01
BiosType1 				= hex: 01
TraceFlags                           	= dword: 0x89B3
ImpedanceMeasurementTimeMs 		= dword: 0
AllowHpOnNotSupportingPin 		= hex: 1
PmEnabledWidget				= hex: 0D
CPL_SaveExtraPower			= hex: 0
CPL_MaySwitchExtAmpPowerState		= hex: 1
CodecAccessAttempts 			= dword: 0x000003E8
CfgDflt = dword: 0x0321121F     
AltCfg = hex: 1F,12,11,03     
Action = hex: 81,0D
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FA     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FB     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x90170310     
ExtAmpCtrl = hex: 02,05,02
CfgCurr = dword: 0x03A11230     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x03111212     
AltCfg = hex: 12,12,11,03,30,12,81,03,30,12,A1,03     
Bias = hex: FF,04,02
Action = hex: 0A,0E
CfgCurr = dword: 0x0321121F     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x03111211     
AltCfg = hex: 11,12,11,03,1F,12,21,03     
Action = hex: 81,0D
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FC     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FD     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FE     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x90A60350     
Mic0Type            			= dword: 0 
Mic0XCoord          			= dword: 0
Mic0YCoord          			= dword: 0x00000040 
Mic0ZCoord          			= dword: 0
Mic0VerticalAngle   			= dword: 0
Mic0HorizontalAngle			= dword: 0
Mic1Type            			= dword: 0 
Mic1XCoord          			= dword: 0
Mic1YCoord          			= dword: 0xFFFFFFC0 
Mic1ZCoord          			= dword: 0
Mic1VerticalAngle   			= dword: 0
Mic1HorizontalAngle			= dword: 0
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400003FF     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x03441340     
GpiForPinSense = dword: 0x202  
CfgDflt = dword: 0x40C003F1     
UniqueID                             	= hex: 0
LegacyIoctlHere                      	= hex: 1
Associations                         	= hex: 1
DigitalVolumeControl                 	= hex: 0
EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates 		= dword: 0xfffffffe
EnableHwSpeakerConfigurationSupport 	= hex: 1
EnableIntSpkrMute			= hex: 1
EnableVendorPCBeep			= hex: 1
UseHwMuteAlways				= hex: 1
PCBeepMute				= hex: 0
PCBeepVolume				= dword: 0xffd00000 
EnableRenderConvertersAutoSearch	= hex: 1
SystemSpeakerConfiguration		= dword: 0x00000003
ReportInfoForInternalDevPinsToo 	= hex: 0
MasterVolume				= dword: 0xfff40000 
UniqueID                             	= hex: 1
LegacyIoctlHere                      	= hex: 0
CaptureConverter                     	= hex: 7
EnableCompositeMuxAndAdcCtrl         	= hex: 0
Associations                         	= hex: 3
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates        	= dword: 0x0a0060  
DisableMicBoost                      	= hex: 0
MicBoost				= hex: 1
LineInRecVolume				= dword: 0x000fb000
MicInRecVolume				= dword: 0x000fb000
MicBoostLevel   			= dword: 0x00140000   
EnableSubdeviceOnDevicePresence     	= hex: A,0,8,0  
UniqueID                             	= hex: 2
LegacyIoctlHere                      	= hex: 0
CaptureConverter                     	= hex: 8
EnableCompositeMuxAndAdcCtrl         	= hex: 0
Associations                            = hex: 5
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates        	= dword: 0x0a0060  
DisableMicBoost                      	= hex: 0
MicArrayVersion              		= dword: 0x100
MicArrayType                 		= dword: 0      
MicArrayVerticalAngleBegin   		= dword: 0
MicArrayVerticalAngleEnd     		= dword: 0
MicArrayHorizontalAngleBegin		= dword: 0x00FFDDE9 
MicArrayHorizontalAngleEnd		= dword: 0x00002217 
MicArrayFrequencyBandLo			= dword: 0x50 
MicArrayFrequencyBandHi			= dword: 0x2710 
UniqueID                             	= hex: 3
LegacyIoctlHere                      	= hex: 0
Associations                         	= hex: 4
SpdifMaster                          	= hex: 2
SpdifOutConverter                    	= hex: 1E
DisableSPDIFControl                     = hex: 0
SpdifOutCtrl	                        = hex: 1
MicIn 					= "{CD2AF943-305E-4786-BCFA-1BE25DECACDB}"
MicIn                                	= "{A218C4A7-BDF8-4e59-9BEE-994835B7F393}"   
MicBoostLevel 				= dword: 0x00140000
02 					= hex: 0x82
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}"
idEffect = dword: 50
idEffectType = dword: 50
load = dword: 1
order = dword: 5
ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}"
EndpointId = dword: 0xFFFFFFFF
idEffect = dword: 0x8
idEffectType = dword: 0x8
load = dword: 0x1
order = dword: 500
bypass = dword: 0x0
SpoofJackPresence = dword: 1
SpoofJackPresenceFront = dword: 1
SpoofJackPresenceCLfe = dword: 1
SpoofJackPresenceRearPair3 = dword: 1
bypass = dword: 0x1
bypass = dword: 0x0
bypass = dword: 0x1
bypass = dword: 0x0
RegVersion = dword: 1
load = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 44
order = dword: 1000  
bypass = dword: 0
MasterGainDbX100 = dword: 2500
load = dword: 1
idEffect = dword: 40
order = dword: 1001
Config_ExAdv                            = dword: 0x2
Config_ExTab                            = dword: 0x1
Config_ExAdvName                        = "IDS_TITLE_EPPCONFIG_DMIC"
Config_ExTab   				= dword: 0x0
Config_Tab				= dword: 0x0000000A
Config_Lang				= dword: 0x00000000
Config_Oem				= dword: 0x00000000
Config_Adv				= dword: 0x00000001
Config_Portmap				= dword: 0x00000006
Config_Rates				= dword: 0x00000000
Config_Spk				= dword: 0x00000018
Config_Credits				= dword: 0x00000000
Config_SpkFlags				= dword: 0x0000001f
Config_Dolby				= dword: 0x00000000
Config_Update				= dword: 0x00000001
Config_DefPage				="PORTMAP"
Config_Pwr				= dword: 0x9
Config = dword: 0x0
Nconfigs = dword: 0x1
GroupOffset = dword: 0x1
Name      = ""
Desc      = ""
Njacks    = dword: 0x3
SpkConfig = dword: 0x4
X1 = dword: 0x8C
X2 = dword: 0x24B
Y1 = dword: 0x6B
Y2 = dword: 0x118
Pos = dword: 0x3
Port = dword: 0xA
Color = dword: 0x1  
Label = dword: 0x3
X1 = dword: 0x147
Y1 = dword: 0x28
X2 = dword: 0x19F
Y2 = dword: 0x80
Ntypes = dword: 0x2
Dev[0] = dword: 0x2  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xF
Dev[1] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[1] = hex: 0x0
Pos = dword: 0x3
Port = dword: 0xE
Color = dword: 0x1  
Label = dword: 0x3
X1 = dword: 0x14
Y1 = dword: 0x28
X2 = dword: 0x6B
Y2 = dword: 0x80
Ntypes = dword: 0x3
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Dev[1] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[1] = hex: 0x2
Dev[2] = dword: 0x8  
Seq[2] = hex: 0x0
Pos = dword: 0x3
Port = dword: 0xF
Color = dword: 0x1  
Label = dword: 0x3
X1 = dword: 0xAD
Y1 = dword: 0x28
X2 = dword: 0x105
Y2 = dword: 0x80
Ntypes = dword: 0x4
Dev[0] = dword: 0x2  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xF
Dev[1] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[1] = hex: 0x1
Action1="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(15) == 1,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))"
Action2="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(15) == 1,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))"
Action3="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action4="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action5="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Action1="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(15) == 1,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))"
Action2="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(15) == 1,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))"
Action3="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action4="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action5="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Action1="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action2="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action3="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Action1="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15, 1)),(0))"
Action2="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 2,(SetDeviceType(15, 2)),(0))"
Action3="if(JackState(15) == 1,(SetVerified(15, 1)),(0))"
Action4="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 1 && JackState(14) == 0,(SetDeviceType(14, 1)),(0))"
Action5="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 2 && JackState(14) == 0,(SetDeviceType(14, 8)),(0))"
Action6="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action7="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action8="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Action1="if(GetDeviceType(15) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10, 1)),(0))"
Action2="if(GetDeviceType(15) == 2,(SetDeviceType(10, 2)),(0))"
Action3="if(JackState(10) == 1,(SetVerified(10, 1)),(0))"
Action4="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 1 && JackState(14) == 0,(SetDeviceType(14, 1)),(0))"
Action5="if(GetDeviceType(10) == 2 && JackState(14) == 0,(SetDeviceType(14, 8)),(0))"
Action6="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action7="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action8="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Action1="if((GetDeviceType(14)) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10, 1)),(SetDeviceType(10, 2)))"
Action2="if(JackState(10) == 1,(SetVerified(10, 1)),(0))"
Action3="if((GetDeviceType(14)) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15, 1)),(SetDeviceType(15, 2)))"
Action4="if(JackState(15) == 1,(SetVerified(15, 1)),(0))"
Action5="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(10,2)),(0))"
Action6="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(15,2)),(0))"
Action7="if(JackState(10) == 0 && JackState(15) == 0 && JackState(14) == 0 && GetPortPopup(14) == 1,(SetDeviceType(14,8)),(0))"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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