============================ R E L E A S E N O T E S ============================ Broadcom BACS command line interface utility for Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. June 25, 2010 Version 2.0.32 (June 25, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.18.1 Enhancements: ============== 1. Request: Support administrator account in Dash WS-Management Change: Added the new properties for this request. Impact: Use case around the issue. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ48136 Added 82567 adapter for teaming. Cause: This type of adapter was not listed in the header file of BSelList before. Change: Picked up the latest header file from BSelList. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.31 (June 07, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.18.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ47994 BACScli should not show oobmgmt IP address when “Management firmware” is disabled. Cause: To keep the consistency with BACS. Change: Added the visible condition of IP address. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ47995 Incorrect writing for several examples in BACSCLI_Readme.txt. Cause: Wrong writing. Change: Corrected it. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ48036 BACSCli crashed during the pressure test with oob management on Windows Vista. Cause: Coding errors with exceptional handling. Change: Fixed the related coding errors. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.30 (May 24, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.18.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ47910 OOBmgmt shows up on 5717, 5718 and 5724. Cause: Missing to check the bit of ASF enable for Dash Management. Change: Added the check with ASF enable bit for Dash management Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.29 (May 10, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.18.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ47579 BACScli didn't return an error code when saving team configuration failed. Cause: A coding error leaded to return the successful code. Change: Return the proper error code for this case. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.28 (April 15, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============== 1. Request: CQ44408: Support 5717,5718,5724. Change: Need at least BMAPI v7.18.1 to support. Impact: All available NX1 features. 2. Request: CQ45664: Support cable Analysis for 57761, 57765, 57781, 57785, 57791, 57795. Change: Need at least BMAPI v7.18.1 to support. Impact: Cable diagnostics. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Memeory leaking when getting gateway ip. Cause: Coding error. Change: Fixed. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: Return code mis-used when checking the status of console window. Cause: Coding error. Change: Fixed. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.27 (February 12, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ45744 The option of iSCSI Crash Dump isn't enabled on 5714/5715 with iSCSI boot. Cause: Missed the exceptional case of 5714/5715. Change: Enable iSCSI Crash Dump for 5714/5715. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.26 (February 3, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ45647 The configuration of system chimney is missing after long term stress test. Cause: The code is not robust enough. Change: Add more exceptional handling. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ45267 Report 57711E-CX4 as 57712. Cause: The definition of 57711 is wrong. Change: Correct this definition error. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.25 (February 1, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============== 1. Request: Support 57761,57765,57781,57785,57791,57795. Change: Need at least BMAPI v7.17.17 to support. Impact: All available NX1 features. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ45231 Failed to set "SNMP Community Name" on DASH. Cause: Misuse the type verification for this property. Change: Select the proper type verification. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ45233 The displayed IPv6 addresses on DASH oobmgmt are abnormal. Cause: There is a coding error when obtaining the IPv6 address. Change: Correct this coding error. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ45506 Shouldn't allow crash dump on IBM 5704 device. Cause: This special case was missed to check. Change: Add the check for this case. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ45297 Enable teaming on all NX1/NL Broadcom NICs. Cause: Doesn't support it before. Change: Update the support file from BSelList and change the check condition. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.24 (January 04, 2010) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ44488 BACScli console window became inactive after some command execuated on Windows 2008. Cause: Console window lost focus after command execuated. Change: After command executed, restore the active status of BACScli console window as before. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.23 (December 18, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ44913 Bacscli crashed during automation tests for "cfg advanced, cfg iscsimgmt, cfg resource" on 5709. Cause: Invalid memory access. Change: Changed the code sequence to avoid using the released memory. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ44982 BACScli should ask user to restart system after command "cfg iSCSIboot cdump" changes the value of "Crash Dump". Cause: Requirement changed. Change: Added the hint message to notify user to reboot system. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.22 (December 9, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41399 The Pre-Allocated iSCSI Resource isn't allocated when system is booted by iSCSI HBA. Cause: The Pre-Allocated iSCSI Resource was removed before and the driver ignores this configuration when system is booted by iSCSI HBA. Change: Automatically detect such a case and prompt a warning message when the "cfg resource" command or one of its sub commands is executed on the booted VBD device. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ44278 Still show IPv6 or IPv4 configuration options when system is booted up through iSCSI HBA on an IPv6 or IPv4 address. Cause: Misuse the BMAPI version and miss the case of "cfg iSCSIMgmt <key>" Change: The BMAPI version needs 7.17.14 and above, and add the handling on the missed case. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ44764 Output contains spelling errors. Cause: Typo and misspelling. Change: Correct the writing. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ41105 Add the ability to restore default values for NDIS Advanced Settings. Cause: There is no such function before. Change: Add the command "cfg advanced default" Impact: Use case around the issue. 5. Problem: CQ44101 Inconsistent available value list in "Management Console Address Type" of DASH firmware. Cause: There shouldn't be such a property for DASH. Change: Delete such a property and add the option "-ipv4|ipv6|hostname" on the command "cfg oobmgmt 'Management Console Address'=<value>" to verify the input value. Impact: Use case around the issue. 6. Problem: CQ44103 No more configurable once "Transmit System Heartbeat Messages" in DASH firmware toggling to "NO". Cause: Misuse the string of "enable" instead of "yes" for comparison. Change: Use the correct string to compare. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.21 (October 9, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ43590 In Legacy mode, changes to resource reservations does not get refreshed. Cause: There is no refresh data after apply the change. Change: Refresh the data after apply the change. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ43774 Bacscli does not allow teaming of an iSCSI boot adapter. Cause: The iSCSI boot check use wrong Nic type. Change: Check the iSCSI boot correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ43786 Wrong spelling "recommended" as "recommanded" when typing the legacy command. Cause: Wrong spelling. Change: Correct the wrong spelling. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ43810 Application crash when performing "cabldiag" on 5704. Cause: One data structure is not initialized correctly. Change: Initialize the data correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 5. Problem: CQ43811 Failed to toggle setting of "Transmit platform Event Trap (PET) Messages" on 5761 with DASH. Cause: The wrong string is used for comparatioin when apply the change. Change: Use the correct string to compare. Impact: Use case around the issue. 6. Problem: CQ43546 The iSCSI adapter login and instate stats are N/A. Cause: When there is no session stats avaliable, all statistics show N/A. Change: Show 0s for statistics avaliable, Don't show session statistics if there is no session. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.20 (September 1, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42554 iBooted bxois configurations tab needs updates Cause: Prior versions of BACScli did not have a way to detect which IP address was used for HBA boot. Change: Using the information provided by driver through WMI to detect which IP address was used for HBA boot and addressed the cq accordingly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ43154 Remove all Legacy command syntax from BACScli Cause: Legacy commands are only supported for backward compatibility. Change: Instead of removing all Legacy commands, Added warning message for deprecated commands. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ43290 BACScli display version as 2.0.18, when the version should be 2.0.19 Cause: Version is not update correctly for last release. Change: Updated the version to 2.0.20. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ43346 Poor customer experience when trying to learn how to run diags. Cause: Help messages are not composed properly. Change: Changed the help messages. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.19 (August 19, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============= 1. Problem: Support cable diag, MII test and PHY loopback test on 5785. Change: Support added. Impact: Use cases around the enhancement. Version 2.0.18 (August 14, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ43039 Unable to set IPv6 DHCP to disable on iSCSI adapter. Cause: BACScli allows user to set static IPv6 address to disable IPv6 DHCP. Change: Allows use "disable" for valid setting to disable IPv6 DHCP. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ39425 Use VPD-R V0 entry as display firmware revision in BACS and other displays. Cause: BACScli display bc2 version for NX2 and Everest devices. Change: If VPD-R V0 entry is avaliable, then use it for display, otherwise use bc2 version. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ43134 5771x- Unable to run BACScli when 1+ ndis device is disabled in device manager or network properties. Cause: The NULL check is performed on the wrong variable. Change: Perform NULL check on the right variable. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ43156 BACScli runs 3 unsupported diag tests on 57710 fiber adapters. Cause: The check for external PHY is not correct. Change: Perform correct check for ecternal PHY. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.17 (July 31, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42786 Update BACScli to require HEX version of BDF in CLI mode for cfg advanced, cfg resource and cfg iscsimgmt. Cause: The fix in the last release missed one case on "list -f bdf ndis" view. Change: Change the display in "List -f bdf ndis" view to display bdfs in HEX format. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42863 Bacscli crushes when changing driver advanced property in legancy bdf/dev view. Cause: Application used wrong parameters for NX2/Everest devices. Change: Changed code to use the right data for NX2/Everest devices. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ42877 Cable diag failed on 57710 Cx4 Adapter. Test should not run, test not avaliable for this adapter. Cause: Application did not check this adapter before run the test. Change: Check if the adapter support before run the test. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: CQ42885 Bacscli display an invalid error message for valid "cfg iscsimgmt vlanid" command, vlanid does get set. Cause: After display vlan id, the code goes to wrong switch. Change: After display vlan id, return the right return code. Impact: Use case around the issue. 5. Problem: CQ42901 Bacscli display error message when setting "speed & duplex" to 1 gb full auto. Cause: When paramters list, some NDIS parameters are overwritten by VBD parameters. Change: Don't overwrite NDIS parameters. Impact: Use case around the issue. 6. Problem: Bacscli crushes when user try to disable dhcp on iscsi adapter in Legency mode. Cause: When IPV6 address is not set, it's not initilized correctly. Change: Initlize the address correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.16 (July 24, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42786 Update BACScli to require HEX version of BDF in CLI mode for cfg advanced, cfg resource and cfg iscsimgmt. Cause: In team command, it use BDF in HEX format, but in cfg command, it use BDF in decimal format. Change: Changed BDF format in HEX in cfg aommand. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.15 (July 17, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42564 cfg resource displays 1 pending tasks per connection when iSCSI disabled. Cause: pending tasks per connection is not displayed correctly. Change: display pending task per connection correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42655 Bacscli crashes when changing any advanced properties in legancy bdf or dev list context. Cause: When user enter wrong command an invalid parameter is passed in display error function. Change: passed in the correct parameter to the function. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ42489 Save a team with multiple vlans results in vlans being saved in config file out of order. Cause: Vlans are not sorted. Change: Sorted vlans by name. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.14 (July 2, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42415 Unable to change adv property "Chassis PHY" and "Chassis SW" settings. Cause: Dispaly name is not correctly mapped to internal name. Change: Map the display name and internal name correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42429 Set OOBmgmt "Data Integrity Key" would cause the OOB no response. Cause: The key length is not write correctly. Change: Set the key length correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ42443 The new team naming convention not reflect in ipconfig when no vlans are present in team. Cause: The renaming is not performed when there is no vlan in the team. Change: Perform rename for this case. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.13 (July 1, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42397 Unable to restore team using same config file used to create team. display error duplicate team name error message. Cause: Check the team names against existing teams for restore team. Change: Do not check team names against existing teams for restore team because the existing teams will be overwrite with the new teams. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: Application does not give error message regarding the bad IP address. Cause: Ip address validation missing the check for empty field. Change: Check IP address correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: Team name has an _ underscore at the end of team. Cause: Team name is changed when there is no VLAN. Change: If there is no VLAn, don not try to rename the VLAN. Impact: Use case around the issue. 4. Problem: Team name allows 40 characters, linit is 39. Cause: The limit used for checking name is not right. Change: Limit name length to 39 characters. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.12 (June 29, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42344 Error message when setting adv property "Receive Buffers (0=auto) on 57710 in interactive and CLI mode. Cause: "=" sign is used to parsing parameters and value pairs, parameter contains "=". Change: Use differnet method to parse the parameters and value pairs. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42346 There are missing advanced driver properties in dev/bdf list context. Cause: Parameters under VBD is not displayed. Change: Display the missing parameters. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ42365 OOBMgmt parameters in DASH are not changable. Cause: The flag is not set up correctly. Change: Set the flag correctly. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.11 (June 26, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Application can not exit with q command in certain cases at interactive mode. Cause: A wrong code is used in quit command. Change: Use the right exit code in quit command. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42305 No error message when trying to enable TOE when NDIS is disabled. Cause: Error message is missing. Change: Added error message for this. Impact: Use case around the issue. 3. Problem: CQ42229 Application crashes when "info" cmd is issued the 2nd time in BDF list context on dual port NX2 with iSCSI enabled in only 1 port. Cause: Bug in utility function creates invalid entry. Change: Fixed utility function. Impact: "info" command in bdf/dev list view. 4. Problem: No error message when set invalid value to "Vlan ID" in advanced configuration. Cause: Validation is missing one special case. Change: Added this for data validation. Impact: "cfg advanced" command. Version 2.0.10 (June 24, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============= 1. Problem: Application needs change VNIC's name on Vista and later. Change: Change VNIC's name after create the team. Impact: Use case around the issue. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42189 "There is no team to save" error message whe you try to remove team with no team present. Cause: Error message is not correct. Change: Changed the error message. Impact: Use case around the issue. 2. Problem: CQ42229 Application crashes when "list" cmd is issued in BDF list context. Cause: NULL pointer check was checking the wrong pointer. Change: Check the correct pointer for NULL before using it. Impact: "info" command in bdf/dev list view. 3. Problem: CQ42230 lists driver advanced properties different than DM and Bacs. Cause: Did not sort the list. Change: Added sorting. Impact: "cfg advanced" command. Version 2.0.9 (June 19, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============= 1. Problem: application does not detectTOE capabilities when chimeney offload state is set to auto. Change: Appropriately set the TOE state in resource reservation based on 1G or 10G device and System Chimney state. Impact: Use case around the issue. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ42064 CLI mode commands should not run, or give syntax error, when run without the quotes"". Cause: Application does not force double quotes. Change: Show error message if user does not have double quotes around the complex commands. For details information, please read BACScli_readme.txt. Impact: CLI mode commands. 2. Problem: CQ42069 no error message when setting invalid parameters. Cause: Two more new items was added on the CQ. Change: Show the correct error message for these cases. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 3. Problem: CQ42085 Unable to assign same ip address to team and dns in team configuration file. Cause: dns address is fixed on last release, gateway address still can not use the same one. Change: do the same for gateway address. Impact: "restore/add file" command. 4. Problem: CQ42087 In a vnic/adapter context, there are commands listed under help which do not run and give an error message. Cause: When display commands in help, bacscli does not check if it is applicable or not. Change: Check the capability for the command. Impact: "help" command. 5. Problem: CQ42104 TOE Protocol Type setting shows parameter is read only. Cause: Platform checking is not right. Change: Correctly check the platform information Impact: "cfg resource" command 6. Problem: CQ42149 OOBMgmt: Enable "Management Firmware" would show up warning message with un-readable characters. Cause: String is not used correctly. Change: Get the correct string for display. Impact: "cfg OOBMgmt" command 7. Problem: CQ42126 BacsCLI:Bacs: under guest account, both apps do not display sessions stats for active iscsi connection Cause: WMI access is denied in cases where the user is 'guest'. Change: WMI access is denied in cases where the user is 'guest'. So, displaying "N/A" in such cases. Also fixed the error message string. Impact: Bacscli usage under 'guest' account. 8. Problem: CQ42154 Under guest account iscsiconn and memconsumption shows as configurable. Cause: Did not check user privilege on these two properties. Change: check user privilege on these two properties. Impact: "cfg resource" command Version 2.0.8 (June 17, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41816 No error message when entering a command on a non-supportive device. Cause: Save team does not show error when there is no team avaliable. Change: Show error if there is no team. Impact: "save file" command. 2. Problem: CQ42041 Chimney state does not get enabled with "cfg systoe enable". Cause: On line help is different from BACScli_readme.txt. Change: Update the online help command. Impact: "cfg systoe" command. 3. Problem: CQ42057 Application does not display limited privilege message when changing any iscsi settings while logged in as a guest. Cause: iscsimgme codedoes not check privilege. Change: Checked the user privilege before set the parameters. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 4. Problem: CQ42067 Error message seen when trying to disable iSCSI boot crush dump setting. Cause: The key is not check correctly. Change: Check the right key for iSCSI boot crush dump. Impact: "cfg iscsiboot" command. 5. Problem: CQ42068 Cannot change offload configuration to RSVD when iscsiprotocol=ipv6 Cause: Recource is not configured correctly. Change: Configure the resource correctly Impact: "cfg resource" command 6. Problem: CQ42069 No error message when setting invalid parameters. Cause: Did not do the validation on a few locations in resource reservation. Change: Added validation in the code. Impact: "cfg resource" command 7. Problem: CQ41961 When input a valid subnet mask, shows error message that it's an invalid mask. Cause: Subnet mask was validated as a regular IP address. Change: Use the correct subnet mask validation. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command 8. Problem: CQ42085 Unable to assign same ip address to team and DNS in team configuration file. Cause: Check duplicate ip for DNS against the team. Change: Don't check DNS against IPs in team. Impact: "restore/add file" command Version 2.0.7 (June 12, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41933 cfg resource does not return any data when license is not present. Cause: When failed with reading license, BACScli returned. Change: Display the same info as BACS3. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 2. Problem: CQ41958 Modify error message when trying to create a team with same name as an existing team. Cause: Missing the check with duplicate name with existing name. Change: Check the duplicates. Impact: "add file" command. 3. Problem: CQ41959 The IPv4 Default Gateway and Subnet Mask fields are reversed on iSCSI adapter. Cause: Display data on the wrong location. Change: Display the data in the right spot. Impact: "info" command. 4. Problem: CQ41816 No error message when entering a command on a non-supportive device Cause: Previous fix was overwritten in the last release Change: Put in bug fix again Impact: "cfg resource" command for 57710. 5. Problem: CQ41961 Able to program an invalid subnet mask on the iSCSI adapter Cause: Did not verify subnet mask Change: Check subnet mask before saving the change Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command 6. Problem: CQ41969 'Set resource config failed (201)' when re-enabling iSCSI offload Cause: Did not handle "reboot needed" return code properly Change: If reboot is needed, display message. Impact: "cfg resource" command 7. Problem: CQ42002 The JF MTU default setting on the iSCSI adapter is 0, it should be 1500. Cause: 0 is not a valid value for MTU. Change: Default MTU to 1500. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command Version 2.0.6 (June 10, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41815 Cannot set ndis/TOE/iSCSI under resource reservations when Offload configuration set to First Come First Served. Cause: This part is not allowed by BACScli. Change: Allows user change this part as BACS does. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 2. Problem: CQ41855 cfg resource configurable lists RDMA. Cause: RDMA is not removed. Change: Removed RDMA form configurable list. Impact: "cfg resource configurable" command. 3. Problem: CQ41881 Modify error code to indicate reason for failure, instead of general failure message. Cause: Application didn't check iSCSI support for NetXtream II device. Change: Check iSCSI support before put it in team. Impact: "restore/add" command. 4. Problem: CQ41893 Modify error message to indicate the max # of team members allowed in team. Cause: Message missing max # of team member allowed. Change: Added max # of team member allowed in message. Impact: "restore/add" command. 5. Problem: CQ41894 Update error message to indicate the max # of teams that are permitted in a system. Cause: Max # of teams permitted is missing in message. Change: Added max # of teams permitted in message. Impact: "restore/add" command. 6. Problem: CQ41816 No error message when entering a command on a non-supportive device Cause: Did not display error message if invalid param is specified for 57710 Change: Display error message if invalid parameter is specified Impact: "cfg resource" command for 57710. 7. Problem: CQ41849 Team cmd line mode command are displayed twice Cause: list command is implicitly executed when entering command line mode. Running list command in command line mode would cause a duplicate display Change: If running list command in command line mode, do not execute the implicit list command Impact: "list" command in command line mode. 8. Problem: CQ41877 An endless stream of "0," are display in the console when the cmd "cfg resource configuedrable" is issued when 5709 is in team Cause: In this test case, the resource configurations are read only, and a bug in the display function caused an infinite loop of printing "0, ". This configuration is not displayed in BACS. Change: Matching BACS, certain configurations are not displayed when read only. Impact: "cfg resource configurable" command. 9. Problem: CQ41932 cfg resource displays iSCSI offload even though there is no iSCSI offload license. Cause: Application didn't check license when display reserved resource Change: Checked the license for iSCSI Impact: "cfg resource" command 10. Problem: CQ41896 BacsCLI:In CLI mode, the remove cmd does not delete the specified team Cause: Although the correct team was picked for deletion, the view in which the pick would have been valid was wrong. Change: Using the correct view to delete the selected team. Impact: team add/remove/restore operations. Version 2.0.5 (June 5, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41663 cfg licenses displays RDMA licenses. Cause: Issue is fixed on new command but not in legancy command. Change: Remove RDMA licenses in legancy command. Impact: "cfg licenses" command. 2. Problem: CQ41776 cfg resource command does not return resource keys with AUT in team. Cause: Application missing a null check. Change: Added null check before using the data. Impact: "cfg resource" legancy command. 3. Problem: CQ41808 dev view does not list TOE under pre-allocated resources. Cause: TOE capbility is not checked correctly. Change: Checked the right data for TOE support. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 4. Problem: CQ41809 TOE parameter shown as READ ONLY in dev view. Cause: Read only property is not checked correctly. Change: Update the read only property correctly. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 5. Problem: Cont00041784 Crashes if trying to run diag test on non Broadcom NDIS device Cause: The code was incorrectly attempting to run diag tests on third-party adapters. Change: Not allowing cable/ethernet diag on third-party adapters. Impact: Cable/Ethernet diag. 6. Problem: CQ41806 Debug messages were displayed in 'cfg resource' command. Cause: Debug messages were displayed in legacy command. Change: Remove the display of Debug messages. Impact: "cfg resource" legacy command. Version 2.0.4 (June 3, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41663 cfg licenses displays RDMA licenses. Cause: RDMA licenses should be removed. Change: Remove RDMA licenses. Impact: "cfg licenses" command. 2. Problem: CQ41685 Exit code "1046" shown while command w/ -t team(or teamview). Cause: Error code shouldn't be displayed to user when the error message is already display to user. Change: Remove this part of code. Impact: Any invalid command. 3. Problem: CQ41601 Invalid IP/Subnet value successfully executed with no error . Cause: Did not check any extra characters at the end of IP address. Change: Make sure no extra characters follow IP address. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command. 4. Problem: CQ41688 Vlans are not listed in numerical order. Cause: vlans were not sorted. Change: Sort vlans. Impact: "list" command in teamview. 5. Problem: CQ41672 Error saving team config with 63 valns. Cause: Read IP address object is not used correctly. Change: Read Ip address correctly. Impact: "save" command in teamview. 6. Problem: CQ41500 Update the online file; update the format and include singular command help Cause: Unfriendly help format Change: Reformat help command Impact: "help" command. 7. Problem: CQ40074 E1.0: Add "memconsumption" command to the online help file Cause: The resource key in online help file is missing Change: Added back the keys for cfg resource Impact: "help" command. 8. Problem: CQ41750 readme.txt file is missing some commands and needs to be reformatted Cause: Readme.txt is missing examples Change: Added examples and add missing informations Impact: BACSCLI_Readme.txt 9. Problem: Cont00041679 Unable to save IP information of virtual adapters when teaming w/ Mixed IPv4 and IPv6 Livelink target Cause: The code was not looking at the link status information to decide if a virtual adapter is on DHCP or not. Change: Using the linkstatus information as it reflects the current state of the virtual adapter. Impact: Use cases around the bug. 10.Problem: Cont00041676 BACSCLI: Application error and unexpected quit from interactive mode while delete teamfrom BACS and issue "scan" in interactive mode. Cause: Null pointer was accessed. Change: Validating the NULL pointer before using it. Impact: Use cases around the bug. 11.Problem: Cont00041758 BACSCLI crushes when run cfg resource. Cause: Wrong data structure is passed indisplay function. Change: Pass in the correct data structure. Impact: Use cases around the bug. Version 2.0.3 (May 29, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41462 The ip address fields on the iSCSI adapter are not correctly alligned. Cause: IPv4 address title should not show up if DHCP is enabled. Change: Do not show title if IPv4 address is not avaliable and correct the misaligned default Gateway ip address. Impact: "cfg iSCSImgmt" command. 2. Problem: CQ41519 Errneous error message is displayed when setting duplicated ipv6 address on iSCSI address. Cause: error message is show several times. Change: Only show message once and show more accurate message. Impact: "cfg iSCSImgmt" command. 3. Problem: CQ36535 APPcrush occured while create a new teaming and set IP address. Cause: For team with DNS IP address, BACScli show error message that "No link is present for team to set IP address" when actually team has link. Change: Check link status correctly. Impact: "Add <file>" and "Restore <file>" command. 4. Problem: CQ41587 With a SLB team, no LL configured. 2 blank LL fields show up undered the ndis on a 57711. Cause: Application try to show Live Link when there is no live link configured. Change: Don't show Live link if it's not configured. Impact: "info" command. 5. Problem: CQ41509 BacsCLI crashes when creating a team with 63 vlans Cause: When trying to set the static IP Address, BACSCLI is able to set invalid object. Change: Check for invalid object and proceed Impact: "add" command. 6. Problem: CQ41551 dhcp ip address info is missing from the Vital Signs page on the iSCSI adapter Cause: Missing iscsi IP address information Change: Added IP Address information Impact: "info" command. 7. Problem: CQ41500 BacsCLI: Update the online file; update the format and include singular command help Cause: Unfriendly help format Change: Reformat help command Impact: "help" command. 8. Problem: Cont00041504 BacsCLI: The Team properties page and Vnic display different OL caps for a team Cause: The offload capabilities were not computed correctly. Change: Correctly computing it. Impact: Team info display. 9. Problem: Cont00041540 BacsCLI crashes with active HBA connection and launch bacsCLI Cause: Stack corruption due to imporper vector structure entry access. Change: Accessing only intialized vector entries. Impact: iSCSI stats display. Version 2.0.2 (May 26, 2009) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.17.1 Enhancements: ============= 1. Problem: Cont00041496 BacsCLI: Remove "List team" command and integrate it into the "List teamview" command Change: Added -b (bare format option) to the 'list teamview' command. Impact: Use case around the issue. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ41456 Info driver shows driver version incorrectly. Cause: BACScli doesn't display build private number. Change: Added build private. Impact: "info" command. 2. Problem: CQ41396 Attempt to log to an existing file cause exception. Cause: The CQ fixed problem on 2k3, but not on Vista. Change: Fixed problem on VIsta too. Impact: "log" command. 3. Problem: CQ41330 With an AFD team present, the BASP state filed is blank. Cause: Active state is cleared by mistake. Change: Correct the mistake. Impact: "info" command. 4. Problem: CQ41397 Missing Initiator Login and Instance Statistics Cause: If the initator login and instance statistics are not available, the application failed to display them Change: Display the default values Impact: "stats" command. 5. Problem: CQ41413 Not all writable oobmgmt fields can be set correctly. Cause: Data validation check the wrong return value. Change: Check the right return value. Impact: "cfg oobmgmt" command. 6. Problem: Cont00041447 BACScli: Failed to list NDIS devices Cause: Wrong data structure was accessed for NDIS. Change: Using the right data structure. Impact: Use case around the issue. 7. Problem: Cont00041496 BacsCLI: Remove "List team" command and integrate it into the "List teamview" command Cause: Enhancement request. Change: Added -b (bare format option) to the 'list teamview' command. Impact: Use case around the issue. Version 2.0.1 (May 22, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ41263 Unable to set max TOE connections to 8192 on Everest. Change: Added the support. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 2. Request: Add iSCSI mtu support. Change: Added the support. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 3. Request: Add TOE RSS support for Everest. Change: Added the support. Impact: "cfg resource" command. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ36535 APPcrush occured while create a new teaming and set IP address. Cause: Issue fixed on last release, but for team with third party nic, still has problem because VLAN check is not correct. Change: Perform the correct VLAN check. Impact: "Add <file>" and "Restore <file>" command. 2. Problem: CQ41331 With a team present, under statistics, it displays the team states as Statistics, should display BASP Statistics. Cause: Display string is not correct, and statistics fileds are empty. Change: Changed the string, and display the correct valus for ststistics. Impact: "stats" command. 3. Problem: CQ39962 Able to program invalid vlan id 4095 to the iscsi adapter. Cause: Partly fixed on last release, the range display is still not right. Change: Change the range. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 4. Problem: CQ41330 With an AFD team present, the BASP state filed is blank. Cause: The value is not return correctly for display. Change: Return the right data. Impact: "info" command. 5. Problem: CQ40031 Missing statistics fields for Intel adapter. Cause: Old BACScli issue. Change: New BACScli doesn't have this issue any more. Impact: "stats" command. 6. Problem: CQ41413 Not all writable oobmgmt fields can be set correctly. Cause: Data validation check the wrong return value. Change: Check the right return value. Impact: "cfg oobmgmt" command. 7. Problem: CQ41426 The team save cmd online help makes a reference to baspconfig. Cause: Text displayed is not correct. Change: Change the display text. Impact: Online help. 8. Problem: CQ41396 Attempt to log to an existing file cause exception. Cause: File is not closed after application exit. Change: Closed the file before BACScli exit. Impact: "log" command. 9. Problem: CQ41217 Unexpected quit from interactive mode while run diag with devicetype "dev" and "bdf" Cause: The quit problem is fixed last release, but diag does not return any result. Change: Set up and run diag correctly. Impact: "diag diag run -all" command. 10. Problem: CQ40504 Application error while access advanced propertites of "Number of Transmit Descriptors" on supported NX1 devices Cause: Did not expect missing values read from driver. Change: If value is not provided from driver, set default value. Impact: "cfg advanced" command in dev mode of bdf mode. 11. Problem: CQ41297 Bogus IPv6 addresses are inserted under iSCSI Configuration when a static Ipv4 address is added Cause: Did not initialize buffer properly when IPv6 address is empty. Change: Properly initialize buffer for IPv6 addresses. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 12. Problem: CQ41355 After deleting a team, bacscli crashes when you issue stats and info cmd Cause: A bug in a get function causing an invalid entry in the data map. Change: Fixed the bug in the function. Impact: running commands after deleting all the teams in team mode. 13. Problem: Cont00041354 BacsCLI:The Team Properties page is missing Cause: Prior to the fix, these properties were not populated. Change: Added those properties. Impact: 'info' command with team as active context. Version 2.0.0 (May 20, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ41267 BACScli: Remove any reference of upgrading TOE/iSCSI license in the readme.txt and online help file. Change: Remove the information from Readme.txt. Impact: None. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ36535 APPcrush occured while create a new teaming and set IP address. Cause: BACScli released set IP object every time when team is created. Change: Release the object when it is not needed. Impact: "Add <file>" and "Restore <file>" and "Remove" command. 2. Problem: CQ39081 Stop Working" error shown while query "Jumbo mtu" on 5704. Cause: BACScli missing the NULL check. Change: Perform NULL check before using the data. Impact: "cfg Advanced" command. 3. Problem: CQ39942 Unable to program iscsiprotocol on 5709 in command-line or interactive mode. Cause: Change is not applied to the device. Change: Mark the change and apply to the device. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 4. Problem: CQ39943 The JF MTU does not get refreshed/updated under "vital signs" when setting is changed. Cause: Last fix was working for NXI device, but not NXII device. Change: Refresh the data for NXII device after apply the setting. Impact: "cfg advanced" command. 5. Problem: CQ39962 Able to program invalid vlan id 4095 to the iscsi adapter. Cause: The range used for validation is not right. Change: use the correct number to validate vlan id. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 6. Problem: CQ41166 Guest account is able to change TOE connections on 5709. Cause: Readonly property is not set up when change resource parameter. Change: Set up readonly property correctly, so guest account is readonly. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 7. Problem: CQ41176 Allows invalid driver parameter to be configured on the mp driver; result in BACScli crashing Cause: Wrong value is applied and missing a NULL check. Change: Valid the value and do NULL check. Impact: "cfg Advanced" command. 8. Problem: CQ41268 Application crash while get current value of "IPv4 checksum offload" on 5704. Cause: BACScli missing a NULL check. Change: Perform the NULL check before using the data. Impact: "cfg advanced" command. 9. Problem: CQ41221 The version displays BACScli title as "Broadcom Advanced Control Utility for Windows v1.0.11".. Cause: Display name is different from official name of the program. Change: Change the display name. Impact: "version" command. 10. Problem: Cont00040510 Saving current team config with LiveLink results in bad ipv6 address inserted into config file Cause: Coding error to not check the empty ipv6 address when saving to a config file Change: Fixed the coding error to exclude the saving of empty ipv6 address Impact: "save" command in team 11. Problem: Cont00041229 When creating team with config file, I get error msg "SetWMIConnect: Cannot set ip address" Cause: WMI object was initialized and destroyed on every commands which result an error during the re-initialization Change: Initialized and uninitialized WMI object once during one application session Impact: "save" command in team 12. Problem: Cont00041235 Displays LiveLink IPv4 adapter addesses and LL Probe targets as duplicates Cause: Debug print was unintentionally printed out Change: Cleaned up all debug print on the release module Impact: All commands 13. Problem: Cont00041271 unexpected quit from Interactive mode while run diag with devicetype "dev" and "bdf" Cause: Coding error on uninitialized variables Change: Fixed coding error to initialized variables Impact: Legacy Commands 14.Problem: CQ39914 BacsCLI crashes when trying to view jumbo mtu properties on an NX1 device (5704). Cause: Did not expect missing values read from driver. Change: If value is not provided from driver, set default value. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 15.Problem: CQ40057 BacsCLI allows a user to set duplicate ipv4/ipv6 addresses for 2 iscsi adapters. Cause: Did not check for duplicate iscsi IPv6 addresses. Change: Added check for iscsi IPv6 address. Impact: "cfg iscsimgmt" command. 16.Problem: CQ41164 BacsCLI crashes if ndis is disable under Resource Reservations on 57710. Cause: Did not check for NULL pointer. Change: Added check for NULL pointer. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 17.Problem: CQ41266 BacsCLI crashes when using info cmd in list bdf view mode. Cause: Did not check for NULL pointer. Change: Added check for NULL pointer. Impact: "list bdf" command. Version 1.0.12 (May 15, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ41102 Update information in the Install section of Readme.txt. Change: The requested information was updated in the 'Install' section of Readme.txt. Impact: None. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ39997 BACScli: NX2:E1.0: "Failed to suspend driver" message when attempting to run diag test while logged under guest account. Cause: BACScli doesn't check the user privilege. Change: Check user privilige before the test. Impact: "diag" command. 2. Problem: CQ39943 BACScli: The JF MTU does not get refreshed/updated under "Vital Signs" when setting is changed. Cause: BACScli Doesn't refresh the data. Change: Refresh the data. Impact: "info" command. 3. Problem: CQ40032 BACScli: NX2:E1.0: MAC loopback test display is duplicated; PHY loopback test missing in listof avaliable tests. Cause: Display string is not right. Change: Fixed the display string. Impact: "diag" command. 4. Problem: CQ40002 BACScli: NX2:E1.0: BACScli allows an invalid config which causes SUT to assert on the eVBD. Cause: BACScli allows user to remove both NDIS and ISCSI. Change: Do not allow user to remove both. Impact: "cfg resource" command. 5. Problem: CQ40606 BACScli: Non-Administrative user is able to perform "diag" testing. Cause: BACScli doesn't check the user privilege. Change: Check user privilige before the test. Impact: "diag" command. 6. Problem: CQ40505 BACScli: Application error occurs when query advanced features on RSS capable NX1 devices. Cause: BACScli doesn't do null check. Change: do null check and display correct information. Impact: "cfg advanced" command. 7. Problem: CQ39086 BACScli: All commands should be case sensitive, but they are not. Cause: Some commands are case sensitive, some are not. Change: Changed all commands case insensitive. Impact: all commands. 8. Problem: CQ41159 BACScli: Networkdiag results in error msg "BACSCLI_CANNOT_LOCK_ADAPTER"; network test passed!. Cause: Wrong piece of code is executed. Change: Removed the invalid piece of code. Impact: "networkdiag" command. 9. Problem: CQ39061 Static IPv4 address remains after enable/disable IPv4 DHCP parameter. Cause: BACScli allows user to disable DHCP without setting the static IPv4 address. Change: BACScli will not allow user to disable DHCP. The DHCP is disabled automatically when the static IPv4 address is set. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command. 10.Problem: Cont00041160 BacsCLI: BacsCLI crashes when info then stats commands are used on eVBD/VBD on 57710/5708 Cause: Data corruption due to improper device check. Change: Reading firmware information according to the device appropriately. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command. 11. Problem: Cont00040510 BaspCfg: Saving current team config with LiveLink results in bad ipv6 address inserted into config file Cause: The code does not check for IPv6 existence in the system Change: BACSCli will not save IPv6 address if it doesn't configured Impact: "save" team command. Version 1.0.11 (May 11, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ38233 Added support for Virtual Adapter. Change: Added support for Virtual Adapter. Impact: Virtual Adapter. 2. Request: CQ38234 Added support to display detail information for Virtual Adapter. Change: Added support to display detail information for Virtual Adapter. Impact: Virtual Adapter. 3. Request: CQ39386 Added support to display iSCSI session statistics for attached LUNs. Change: Added support to display iSCSI session statistics for attached LUNs. Impact: iSCSI Adapter. 4. Request: CQ39733 Added support for Cable Diagnostics. Change: Added support for Cable Diagnostics. Impact: Cable Diagnostic test. 5. Request: Added support for OOB Management Change: Added support for OOB Management Impact: OOB Management Note: This version of BACScli implemented those functionalities that are currently supported in BACS3 except the DASH configuration under OOB Management. Version 1.0.10 (Feb 03, 2009) ------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ39445 Cannot enable NDIS resource after disabling it. Cause: The NDIS handle used became invalid after the NDIS resource was disabled. The error message was displayed when the NDIS handle was used by BACScli. Change: The NDIS handle is validated before it is used and the BACScli can enable the NDIS resource without error. Impact: "cfg resource" command to enable/disable NDIS. Version 1.0.9 (Jan 30, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39062 Added support to display the IPv4/IPv6 DHCP addresses for iSCSI HBA. Change: Added support to display the IPv4/IPv6 DHCP addresses for iSCSI HBA. Impact: "info" command. 2. Request: CQ39239 Added support to configure "IPv6 DHCP" for iSCSI HBA. Change: Added support to configure "IPv6 DHCP" for iSCSI HBA. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command. 3. Request: CQ39240 Added support to configure the "iSCSI Crash Dump" option. Change: Added support to configure the "iSCSI Crash Dump" option. Impact: "cfg iscsiboot" command. 4. Request: CQ39377 Change the copyright year/date in readme.txt. Change: Change the copyright year/date in readme.txt. Impact: None. Version 1.0.8 (Jan 26, 2009) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ38322 BACScli will not allow user to add the iSCSI adapter if the NIC is part of a LACP or GEC team. Change: BACScli will not allow user to add the iSCSI adapter if the NIC is part of a LACP or GEC team. Impact: "cfg Resource" command. 2. Request: CQ38502 The "resource" parameters can't be modified after a TOE-capable adapter was added to a BASP5 team. Change: BACScli will not allow user to modify the "resource" parameter after a TOE-capable adapter was added to a BASP5 team. Impact: "cfg Resource" command. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ38952 Diag test does not run on BCM57710 device. Cause: BACScli did not allow the Diag test to run on BCM57710 device. Change: BACScli allows the Diag test to run on BCM57710 device now. Impact: "Diag" command to run the Diagnostic test on BCM57710. 2. Problem: CQ38969 BACScli cannot configure TOE in "Pre-Allocated Resource" to "enable" on BCM57710. Cause: BACScli did not configure TOE in "Pre-Allocated Resource" correctly. Change: BACScli now configures TOE in "Pre-Allocated Resource" correctly. Impact: "cfg resource" command to configure "toe" to "enable/disable". Version 1.0.7 (Nov 17, 2008) ------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ37323 Management Firmware should be dispalyed only if OOB Management was enabled. Cause: BACScli did not check the OOB Management status before displaying the Management Firmware. Change: Management Firmware will be displayed only if OOB Management is enabled. Impact: "info" command to display "Hardware" information. 2. Problem: CQ38165 BACScli did not display the IPv6 address that was assigned to the iSCSI HBA. Cause: The IPv6 addess was not programmed into the iSCSI HBA correctly. Change: The IPv6 addess is programmed into the iSCSI HBA correctly. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command to program/display IPv6 address of iSCSI HBA. Version 1.0.6 (Nov 10, 2008) ------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Limited the iSCSI Pending Tasks per Connection to 128 for BCM5706/5708/5709. Change: Limited the iSCSI Pending Tasks per Connection to 128 for BCM5706/5708/5709. Impact: "cfg Resource ISCSIPT" command for BCM5706/5708/ 5709. Version 1.0.5 (Oct 29, 2008) ------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ38164 Unable to assign IPv4 address to iSCSI HBA in x64 system. Cause: The input IPv4 address was not processed correctly in the x64 system. Change: Make sure the input IPv4 address is processed correctly in x64 systems. Impact: "cfg iSCSIMgmt" command to assign IPv4 address. Version 1.0.4 (October 9, 2008) ------------------------------- BMAPI DLL version: 7.15.1 Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Show MSI version (Msi or Msi-X) in BACSCLI Change: BACSCLI now shows Msi information under the resources category in the information tab. Impact: Msi information display in the resources category. 2. Request: Cont00036693 - Bacs: Add resource reservations tab in bacs for 57710 family of products. Change: Added resource configuration for 57710 family of products. Impact: Without Cont00037277 being addressed, it may not be possible to exercise this feature fully. 3. Request: Cont00037278 - Prevent BACS from displaying WoL for second 5709 device on quad port NIC Change: We now handle the case specially as that wasn't the case prior to this change. Impact: Use cases around the enhancement. 4. Request: Cont00036980: Indicating iSCSI boot status per virtual device, NDIS or Offload iSCSI Change: On VBD node we now display whether the device is on iSCSI boot or offload under the "Vital Signs" category. Impact: Use cases around the enhancement. 5. Request: Added iSCSI Statistics information Change: Added iSCSI Statistics under statistics information for each node that contains iSCSI Impact: Use cases around the enhancement. 6. Request: Not to support MAC loopback for 5761. Change: Remove MAC loopback support for 5761. Impact: 5761 Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00037523, Cont00037522: 5761s fails diagnostic test in BACS Cause: BACS did not have the support for 5761s adapter type. Change: Added support. Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 2. Problem: Cont00037329: BACScli: Give -Cnt a minus number (-1 or -2) will cause infinite loop testing. Same problem for -LEDIntv Cause: BACSCli did not handle negative number properly Change: Added validation check to handle negative number properly Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 3. Problem: Cont00037328: BACScli: Multiple options does not behave correctly. Cause: The code did not have a proper check for selective diagnostic Change: Added check for selective diagnostic Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 4. Problem: Cont00037327: BACScli: Command "BACScli.exe -mac 0010183605BB diag Diag Show" to show diag returned diag failed code = 38295296 Cause: The diagnostic code did set default return value when it is not running Change: Set default return value for diagnostic commands Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 5. Problem: Cont00037326: BACScli: Control Register Diag missing. Command diag Diag Run -REG, nothing runs. Cause: The bit flag for each test was not defined properly Change: Define bit flag for each test Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 6. Problem: Cont00037325: BACScli: diag Diag Run -MII. Other diag also performed. Cause: The bit flag for each test was not defined properly Change: Define bit flag for each test Impact: Use case around the bug fix. 7. Problem: Cont00037534: ServerCore CLI: using the info switch with no link shows duplex setting twice Cause: A typo in the code Change: Fixed the typo Impact: Use case around the bug fix. Version 1.0.3 (Sep 10, 2008 ) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: BACS command line interface utility to configure and run the Diagnostic test. Change: BACS command line interface utility to configure and run the Diagnostic test. Impact: All networking adapters in the Windows system. Version 1.0.2 (Sep 04, 2008 ) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: BACS command line interface utility to configure iSCSI Management and Resource Reservation parameters. Added command to display License information. Change: Added capability to configure iSCSI Management and Resource Reservation parameters. Added command to display License information. Impact: All networking adapters in the Windows system. Version 1.0.1 (Aug 20, 2008 ) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: BACS command line interface utility to configure Advanced parameters of the adapter. Change: Added capability to configure the Advanced parameters. Impact: All networking adapters in the Windows system. 2. Request: CQ36782 Added "bdf" command to display the PCI bus/device/function number information for all available PCI adapters. Change: Added "bdf" command to display the PCI bus/device/function number information for all available PCI adapters. Impact: All networking adapters in the Windows system. Note: Require BMAPI v7.13.3 or later. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ36783 Running BACScli for IA32 in the 64-bit Windows environment resulted the "failed to initialize" error message. The error message is not clear enough for the user. Cause: The error was detected when calling BMAPI function during BACScli Initialization. Change: The returned error code from BMAPI is analyzed and the "System platform is not supported" error is displayed. Impact: Run the BACScli for IA32 in the 64-bit Windows environment. Version 1.0.0 (Aug 06, 2008 ) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: BACS command line interface utility to retrieve information and statistics of the adapter. Change: Initial release supports all networking adapters in the Windows system. Impact: All networking adapters in the Windows system. Note: Require BMAPI v7.11.0 or later.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.