92HDM5-1.INI Driver File Contents (IDT_92HDxxx-HD-Audio_A06_R213367.exe)

stlang.dll = 0x25
idtsg.cpl = 0x25
AESTCtrl.cpl = 0x25
AESTFltr.exe = 0x25
stlang64.dll = 0x25
idtsg64.cpl = 0x25
AESTCt64.cpl = 0x25
AESTFl64.exe = 0x25
stacsv.exe -r
stacsv64.exe -r
ShowEventDialog = dword: 1
HPSupport		= dword: 0x01
SpkSupport		= dword: 0x01
Config_Oem      = dword: 2
PollingPeriod   = dword: 200
RecordPriority = dword: 1
HwSpkCfg       = dword: 1
MultiStream     = dword: 1
MicRetasking 	= dword: 0
ControlPanel    = "IDTSG.cpl"
HideTrayIcon   	= dword: 1
Automatic      	= dword: 0
ControlPanel    = "IDTSG64.cpl"
HideTrayIcon   	= dword: 1
Automatic      	= dword: 0
110="if(JackState(11) == 1 ,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))"
120="if(JackState(11) == 1 ,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))"
CodecName = "92HD81B1X"
InitVerbs						= hex: 17,F4,17,00
TraceFlags						= dword: 0x89B3
CPL_SaveExtraPower				= hex: 1
CPL_MaySwitchExtAmpPowerState	= hex: 1
EnablePcBeepAtCd  				= hex: 1
Biostype1 						= hex: 1
PmEnabledWidget					= hex: 0A,0B,0D,0E,0F,0C
CPL_SecondsAfter 				= dword: 30
ShareSystemMicJackAsLine 		= hex: 0
AfgPowerStatePolicy 			= hex: 2
CPL_ControlAfgPowerState 		= hex: 0x1
KeepAnalogLoopbackAlwaysOn 		= hex: 1
DelayInMsAfterPortDisabling 	= dword: 0x40
PlaybackCaptureAssociations		= hex: 21
SAEN = dword: 0x08
RenderPathOptimization = hex: 1
EnableExtraD3PowerSaving = hex: 0
AfgPwrSeqDelayMs = dword: 16
AfgPwrSeqDelay2Ms = dword: 1
AEMicSource = dword: 0x2
PlaybackCapture = "{88C02F6A-D1E7-4fe3-A506-9E0AE51D1234}"
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F0
CfgDflt = dword: 0x0421301F
Action = hex: 80,00,87,00
PathNode 			= hex: 2B
Bias = hex: FF,04,02
CfgDflt = dword: 0x90170110
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F0
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F2
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F3
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F4
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F5
MAEOpts = dword: 0x10
UniqueID                             = hex: 0
LegacyIoctlHere                      = hex: 1
Associations              			= hex: 1,2,6
DigitalVolumeControl                = hex: 0
DisableMicBoost                      = hex: 0
EnableSetFormatSupport              = hex: 1
EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates 		= dword: 0xFFFFFFFE
KeepAdcAlwayson                     = hex: 1
EnabledNonPcmBitsAndRates           = dword: 0x20040
ZeroPcmBitsAndRates                 = dword: 0x20040
DisableNonPcmPin                    = hex: 0
Mixer = hex: 0x1E
EnableVendorPcBeep                  = hex: 1
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates       = dword: 0x0A0060
MicInRecVolume                      = dword: 0x108000
PlaybackCaptureVolume				= dword: 0x127c9b
DisableLineInFromRender = hex: 1
DisableMicInFromRender			= hex: 1
MicBoostLevel                       = dword: 0x00140000
MicIn                    = "{4B33E924-E22C-48b4-B028-4069442FD3BD}"   
Mic2In                     = "{A218C4A7-BDF8-4e59-9BEE-994835B7F393}" 
Config_Tab                           = dword: 0x8
Config_Adv                           = dword: 0x800001 
Config_Pwr                           = dword: 0x19
RegVersion = dword: 1
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AESFl64.exe]
(Default) = "c:\windows\system32"
Path = "%systemroot%\system32"
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AESFltr.exe]
(Default) = "c:\windows\system32"
Path = "%systemroot%\system32"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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