AecUsbTCx64.inf Driver File Contents (

;; AecUsbTC.inf 

;; *********  PLEASE READ ***********
;; The wizard cannot create exact INF files for all buses and device types.
;; You may have to make changes to this file in order to get your device to
;; install. In particular, hardware IDs and logical configurations require
;; intervention.
;; The Windows DDK documentation contains an excellent INF reference.
;--------- Version Section ---------------------------------------------------

;Signature="$Windows 95$"
Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
; If device fits one of the standard classes, use the name and GUID here,
; otherwise create your own device class and GUID as this example shows.

;--------- ClassInstall/ClassInstall32 Section -------------------------------

; Not necessary if using a standard class

; 9X Style

; NT Style

HKR,,DeviceCharacteristics,%REG_DWORD%,0x100                    ; FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN
HKR,,Security,,"D:P(A;;GR;;;WD)(A;;GA;;;SY)(A;;GA;;;BA)"        ; generic read - everybody

;--------- DestinationDirs Section -------------------------------------------

DefaultDestDir = 10
AecUsbTC_Files_Driver = 12

;--------- SourceDiskNames and SourceDiskFiles Section -----------------------

; These sections identify source disks and files for installation.  They are
; shown here as an example, but commented out.

1 = "USB-TC Install Disk",Disk1,,

AecUsbTC.sys = 1,,

;--------- Manufacturer and Models Sections ----------------------------------

%MfgName%=Mfg0, NTAMD64

; DisplayName               Section           DeviceId
%DeviceDesc%=AecUsbTC_DDI, USB\VID_AECB&PID_6600
%DeviceDesc%=AecUsbTC_DDI, USB\VID_AECB&PID_6610

%DeviceDesc%=AecUsbTC_DDI, USB\VID_AECB&PID_6600
%DeviceDesc%=AecUsbTC_DDI, USB\VID_AECB&PID_6610

;---------- DDInstall Sections -----------------------------------------------
; --------- Windows 9X -----------------

; Experimentation has shown that DDInstall root names greater than 19 characters
; cause problems in Windows 98

; --------- Windows NT -----------------


Addservice = AecUsbTC, 0x00000002, AecUsbTC_AddService

; --------- Service ----------------------

DisplayName    = %SvcDesc%
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\AecUsbTC.sys
;LoadOrderGroup = Extended Base		;? what's this?

; --------- Files (common) -------------


;--------- Strings Section ---------------------------------------------------

ProviderName="Adrienne Electronics ("
MfgName="Adrienne Electronics Corp. ("
DeviceDesc="AEC USB-TC time code device_"
DeviceClassName="Adrienne USB-TC (time code)_"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.24