speedml.txt Driver File Contents (ROGGameFirst_V10102_XpVistaWin7.zip)

#language 1025
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Arabic";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "لا يبدو أنها %p حزم التشغيل المرسلة من قبل\n%p  وصلت و بدونها لا يستطيع تشكيل حركة مرور";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "للحدود القصوى بسبب الكثير من %p rx تم دفع تشكيل حركة مرور\nالإتصالات. قد يكون الأداء أفضل مع الإتصالات الأقل . أنقر هنا للتعليمات";
no_setup = " (setup.exe) تعذر بدء الإعداد";
speed_orderurl = "http://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_ar.htm";
lic_dexpire = "لقد أنتهت فترة التجربة من %1 %2 . أطلب %3 اليوم";
dayl_plural = "يوم/أيام";
dayl_singular = "يوم";
speed_endsoon = "فترة تجربتك سينتهي قريبا , الرجاء طلب %1 اليوم";
lic_expired = "لقد أنتهت فترة إختبارك للبرنامج . إن %1 معطل الآن . أطلب %1 اليوم";
order_info = "الطلب الآن :\nwww.cfos.com : بالإنترنت\nبالهاتف : +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "تحديد اللغة";
budget_settings = "إعدادات الميزانية";
settings = "إعدادات";
netconfig = "الإتصالات";
ask_clear_tsdata = "مسح بيانات تشكيل حركة المرور و بدء ضبط معايرة تحديد خط جديد\nحسب إستخدام الإنترنت ، قد يستغرق ذلك بضعة أيام حتى تتوفر كامل السعة\nهل تستمر ؟";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_ar.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_ar.htm";
install_dir = "مجلد البرنامج";
password_bad = "كلمة مرور سيئة";
short_dexpire = "انتهى %1 %2";
short_try = "تجربة لمدة %1 %2";
days_plural = "يوم/أيام";
days_singular = "يوم";
lic_try = "لمدة %1 %2 بالرغم من ذلك قبل الشراء %3 يمكنك تجربة";
err_file_auth = "بعض ملفات هذا التوزيع تالفة أو مفقود\nمرخص %p الرجاء إحصل على توزيع\n(www.cfos.com مثلا من)";
short_exp = "منتهي";
badkey = "هناك مشكلة بمفتاح الرخصة\nالرجاء إعادة تثبيت المفتاح عن طريق النقر مرتين على\nالملف الأصلي الذي أستلمته بالبريد الإلكتروني أو الموجود على القرص";
licensed_to = "%? مرخص باسم";
license = "الرخصة";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "لقد أنتهت رخصة الـ %3 في %1 %2";
sygate_hint = "sygate برنامج الجدار الناري من %p إكتشف\nالذي يسبب خطأ في نبض المعايرة من الحظر من هجوم الخدمة . لذا يجب عليك أن تعمل\nأي تحميل و بعد ذلك تعمل أي إرسال مع سرعة كاملة حوالي 30 ثانية على التوالي حيث\nإن ذلك يساعد على معايرة النبض\nمعلومة : وظيفة برنامج الجدار الناري ضد التلاعب بـ (أي-بي) يجب أن تكون غير نشطة";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "يوجد هناك تعارض في النسخة بين مكونات هذا البرنامج . الرجاء إعادة تثبيت آخر نسخة";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "لغات أخرى";
translator = "دائما معكم";
translator_msg = "awadh_al_ghaamdi@hotmail.com";
translator_name = "ترجمة الأستاذ : الأستاذ عوض الغامدي";
none = "بدون";
connections = "الإتصال إلى";
upgrade = "إحصل على نسخة جديدة من البرنامج";
config = "خيارات";
graph_title = "مخطط الإستهلاك";
order = "الطلب الآن";
connect_to = "  %? الإتصال بـ";
disco_ras = "تسجيل خروج";
redetect_routes = "إعادة تحديد نوع الأتصال";
calibrate = "خط مساعد";
favor_ping = "وقت التشغيل المفضل";
favor_bandwidth = "نطاق العرض المفضل";
enable_speed_shaping = "تمكين تشكيل حركة المرور";
disable_speed_shaping = "تعطيل تشكيل حركة المرور";
openwindows = "فتح نوافذ";
closewindows = "إغلاق النوافذ";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "لم يتم تحميل برنامج التشغيل";
taskbaricon = "أيقونة شريط المهام";
trayicon_tip = "www.cFos.com , إنترنت أسرع مع تشكيل حركة المرور";
service_desc = "%p يقوم بتنفيذ مقياس كامن و عمليات مميزة لـ";
allow_traffic_shaping = "السماح بتشكيل حركة المرور لهذا الإتصال ؟";
winsettings = "إعدادات النافذة";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "إستخدام سلوك النظام";
slide_effect = "تمرير النوافذ";
blend_effect = "تلاشي النافذة";
defpos = "الموقع الإفتراضي";
click_through = "نقر ضمني";
topmost = "دائما بالمقدمة";
autoopen = "فتح تلقائي/إخفاء تلقائي";
closewindow = "إغلاق النافذة";
openwindow = "فتح نافذة";
selectskin = "تحديد الغلاف";
autoarrange = "ترتيب النوافذ تلقائيا";
effects = "تأثيرات";
make_own_skin = "صمم الغلاف الخاص بك";
enable_win = "تمكين نافذة الحالة ؟\n\nتظهر نافذة الحالة حالة إتصالك النشطة";
ask_disconnect_ras = "أنت على وشك إعادة تكوين إتصال شبكة نشيط حاليا\nيستحسن قطع الإتصال قبل المتابعة\nهل تقطع إتصال الشبكة الحالي ؟";
yes = "نعم";
no = "لا";
ole_error = "لكي تستعمل لائحة التكوين هذه\\nمثبتا و شغال على كمبيوترك %p يجب أن يكون\\n\\nالرجاء التحقق من هذا و إعادة التثبيت عند الضرورة";
budget = "الميزانية";
bgraph_totals = "الإجمالي";
show_for = "إظهار من أجل";
last_12_months = " آخر 12 شهر";
last_3_months = " آخر 3 أشهر";
last_month = " آخر شهر";
this_month = "هذا الشهر";
rxtx_button = " RX/TX تحديد";
sum_button = "تراكمي";
please_select = "الرجاء التحديد";
budgets = "الميزانيات المباشرة";
protocols = "(بروتوكول(ات";
programs = "برنامج/برامج";
ts_config = "%p تكوين تشكيل حركة مرور";
dialup_connections = "الإتصالات الهاتفية";
help = "تعليمات";
nc_connections = "الإتصالات";
ask = "سؤال";
aux_lines = "خطوط مساعدة";
traffic_shaping = "تشكيل حركة المرور";
ras_con_help = "<b>نعم</b> : تنشيط , <b>لا</b> : عدم تنشيط ، <b>السؤال</b> : السؤال مرة واحدة فقط و من ثم حفظ الإعداد";
dialup_connection = "الإتصال الهاتفي";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "متوسط";
connection_type = "نمط تشكيل حركة المرور";
regid1 = "ثابت";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "إتصالك ذو موجة عرض ثابتة . أنت تستخدم هذا الإتصال لنفسك أو مع غيرك من خلال حركة مرور موجهة على الإنترنت من خلال هذا الكمبيوتر مثلا (مشاركة الإتصال) ـ";
regid2 = "(متغير (تعاوني";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "إتصالك له نطاق عرض متغير و/أو إنك تستعمله مع عدة كمبيوترات في نفس الوقت\nلحركة المرور على كافة الكمبيوترات cFos تم تثبيت تشكيل";
regid3 = "(متغير (غير- تعاوني";
variable_bandwidth_help = "إتصالك له نطاق عرض متغير و/أو إنك تستعمله مع عدة كمبيوترات في نفس الوقت\nلحركة المرور cFos على الأقل كمبيوتر واحد ليس فيه تشكيل";
ok = "حسنا";
off = "إغلاق";
on = "فتح";
router_connections = "إتصالات جهاز التوجيه";
net_components = "إتصالات الشبكة";
auto = "تلقائي";
router_help = "<b>نعم</b> : تنشيط , <b>لا</b> : عدم تنشيط ، <b>تلقائي</b> : تمكين تشكيل حركة المرور إذا تم العثور على جهاز توجيه على مكون الشبكة هذا";
network_adapter = "محول الشبكة";
router = "جهاز التوجيه";
and_save_settings = " و حفظ الإعدادات ";
preferences = "تفضيلات";
def_bandwidth_help = "إفتراضي للإتصالات <b>الجديدة</b>";
limit_bandwidth = "حدود نطاق العرض للإتصال الحالي";
rx_limit = "RX حد";
max = "أقصى";
tx_limit = "TX حد";
apply_limits = "تطبيق الحدود";
limit_help = "القيم بـ (كب/ث) ، تتضمن كافة البروتوكولات و ما فوق ، 0 = بدون حدود";
l7_prot_detection = " Layer-7 إكتشاف بروتوكول";
l7_prot_detection_help = "أكتشف البروتوكولات من خلال تحليل البيانات . أستخدم لائحة 'عمل الأولوية للبروتوكولات' لتغيير أولوية مختلف البروتوكولات . إذا قمت بتعطيل هذا الخيار فإن البروتوكولات يتم إكتشافها حسب رقم المنفذ المستخدم";
favor_ping_help = "<b>فتح</b> : سيقلل البرنامج من زمن فحص الإتصال على حساب تخفيض بسيط لنطاق العرض (عند الضرورة) ـ<br/><b>إغلاق</b> : سيزيد البرنامج من نطاق العرض على حساب زيادة بسيطة لزمن فحص الإتصال (عند ضرورة) ـ";
activate_firewall = " تنشيط الجدار الناري";
activate_firewall_help = "الحماية ضد تدخلات الشبكة بواسطة ترشيح الحزم الخطرة ، تقصى الحالة و نمط التسلل";
mtu_opt = " MSS (MTU) ضبط آلي لـ";
mtu_opt_help = "لأقصى حد . حيث إن القيم MSS/MTU أضبط سرعة عملية النقل لـ\nالمثالية التي عادة تكون أقل من 1500/1492 تعطي سرعة أكبر";
strict_rtp = " لا غير RTP عمليات تدقيق";
strict_rtp_help = "إذا كان منشط فإن البرنامج سيتعرف فقط على تلك الحزم التي هي بهيئة (آر-تي-بي) و التي تأتي مع هوية مصدر (آر-تي-سي-بي) صالحة . يجب عليك تعطيل هذا الخيار لبرامج المكالمات الهاتفية مثل (فويب باستر) التي لا ترسل حزم (آر-تي-سي-بي) ـ";
ts_prios = "خصائص تشكيل حركة مرور";
prog_overwrite = "موجود مسبقا في القائمة #p برنامج\\nهل تريد الكتابة على المدخلة بالقيم الجديدة";
games = "الألعاب";
file_sharing = "مشاركة الملفات";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "تدفق الوسائط";
remote_control = "التحكم عن بعد";
other = "غير ذلك";
hint = "معلومة";
prog_hint_text = "قد يعمل ترتيب الأفضليات فقط إذا تم إعطاء أولوية عالية لبيانات صغيرة بقدر الإمكان . و إعطاء الأولوية المنخفضة للبرامج التي تبعث الكثير من البيانات<br/>Windows XP ترتيب الأفضليات للبرنامج متوفرة فقط مع";
save_priorities = "حفظ الأولويات";
undo = "تراجع";
filter_selection = "تحديد المرشح";
program = "برنامج/برامج";
entries = "المدخلات";
set_priority = "وضع الأولوية";
delete = "حذف";
higher = "أعلى";
higher_prog_help = " مكالمات تلفونية على الإنترنت و ربما ألعاب";
high = "عالية";
high_prog_help = "و البرامج التفاعلية الأخرى Telnet الألعاب و الوسائط المتدفقة و";
low = "منخفضة";
low_prog_help = " بيانات الملقم , FTP بيانات";
lower = "أشد إنخفاضا";
lower_prog_help = "حركة مرور خلفية دائمة ، مثل مشاركة الملفات";
delete_help = "إزالة من القائمة ( و بمعنى آخر : معاملة الحزم بشكل طبيعي) ـ";
note = "ملاحظة";
prog_help = "عملية النقل للحزم ذات الأولوية المنخفضة أو الأشد إنخفاضا يتم تبطيئها فقط عند معالجة بيانات ذات أولوية أعلى في نفس الوقت . و ما عدا ذلك فإن البيانات ذات الأولوية المنخفضة أو الأشد إنخفاضا يتم إرسالها بسرعة قصوى";
normal = "عادية";
filename = "إسم الملف";
description = "الوصف";
new_program = "برنامج جديد";
add = "إضافة";
prio_protocols = "عمل أولويات للبروتوكولات";
client_protocols = "بروتوكولات التابع";
server_protocols = "بروتوكولات الملقم";
special = "خاص";
hint_text = "قد يعمل ترتيب الأفضليات فقط إذا تم إعطاء أولوية عالية لبيانات صغيرة بقدر الإمكان . و إعطاء الأولوية المنخفضة للبرامج التي تبعث الكثير من البيانات . علما أن ترتيب الأفضليات للبروتوكول تتم قبل ترتيب الأفضليات للبرنامج";
save_protocols = "حفظ البروتوكولات";
protocol = "(بروتوكول(ات";
high_help = "المعالجة قبل الحزم ذات الأولوية العادية";
low_lower = "منخفضة ، منخفضة جدا";
low_help = "في قائمة الإنتظار أثناء معالجة الحزم الأخرى ذات (أولوية مرتفعة) ، أو المعالجة مع سرعة طبيعية";
normal_help = "بدون وضع أولوية . قد يعالج ذلك من قبل أولوية البرنامج";
ts_settings = "إعدادات تشكيل حركة المرور  ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ  (ترجمة الأستاذ عوض الغامدي) ـ";
deactivated = "غير منشط";
prio_programs = "عمل أولويات للبرامج";
current_connections = "الإتصالات الحالية";
budget_title = "المباشرة %p ميزانيات";
hard_limit_help_set = "سيتم إسقاط الحزم إذا أنتهت الميزانية";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "سيتم عرض الميزانية المنتهية في نافذة الحالة فقط";
save_budgets = "حفظ الميزانيات";
time = "الوقت";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "الصوت";
hard_limit = "حدود<br>صعبة";
time_limit = "وقت محدود";
time_min = "دقيقة";
volume_limit = "حدود الصوت";
reset_day = "إستعادة اليوم";
reset_day_unit = "يوم من شهر";
spdbudget_help = "لإستعمال أي ميزانية ، أنتقل إلى لائحة الإتصالات ثم عينها على إتصال معين";
blocklist = "IP-حاجب";
blocklist_help = "لكافة حركات المرور المحجوبة IP قائمة بعناوين";

asus_save = "حفظ الأولويات";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "الألعاب المعالجة قبل الحزم ذات الأولوية العادية";

#language 1028
#fallback 2052
#fallback1 1033
#charset 0

language = "Traditional Chinese";

autohide_on_fullscreen = "全螢幕時自動隱藏";
no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "沒有看到由 %p 送出的反應封包,沒有這些反應封包,%p 流量塑型不能正常運作,點擊這裏來取得幫助。";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "%p 接收的流量塑型已因太多連線而達到限制,如果連線數較少應該可以運作的比較好,點擊這裏來取得幫助。";
no_setup = "無法啟動安裝程式(setup.exe)";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_tw.htm";
lic_dexpire = "您的試用期已到期了 %1 %2。請立即訂購 %3!";
dayl_plural = "天";
dayl_singular = "天";
speed_endsoon = "您的試用期即將結束!請您儘快訂購 %1!";
lic_expired = "您的試用期已經結束,%1 不能使用了。請立即訂購 %1!";
order_info = "立即訂購:\n網址:www.cfos.com\n電話:+49-228-7669826";
select_language = "選擇語系";
budget_settings = "預算設定";
settings = "設定";
netconfig = "連線";
ask_clear_tsdata = "清除流量塑型的資料並且開始新的線路校正。\n根據您的網際網路使用方式,達到最高資料流量可能會需要幾天時間,\n您確定要將其清除嗎?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_tw.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_tw.htm";
install_dir = "安裝目錄:";
password_bad = "不正確的密碼";
short_dexpire = "過期 %1 %2";
short_try = "試用 %1 %2";
days_plural = "天";
days_singular = "天";
lic_try = "您還可以試用 %3 程式 %1 %2,之後請您訂購。";
err_file_auth = "此發佈的一些檔案損毀或遺失。\n請取得可靠的 %p 發佈檔案。\n(例如從 www.cfos.com 下載)。";
short_exp = "過期!";
badkey = "您的授權碼有問題。\n請雙擊您透過電子郵件取得或存於磁碟上的原始檔案,\n來重新安裝您的授權檔案。";
licensed_to = "授權給 %?";
license = "授權";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "您的 %3 授權有效期在 %1 %2。";
sygate_hint = "%p 偵測到 Sygate 防火牆,此防火牆將 %p 的校正脈衝誤認為是\n阻絕服務攻擊(DoS)的「Ping-of-Death」封包。\n因此您應該分別進行一次長達 30 秒鐘的全速下載及全速上載,\n這樣會如同使用校正脈衝來校正 %p。\n\n提示:防火牆的「Anti IP Manipulation」功能應該被停用。";
after_calibration = "calibration_tw.htm";
component_mismatch = "在這個程式的不同元件中存在版本衝突,請重新安裝最新版本。";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "其他的語系";
translator = "翻譯人員";
translator_msg = "若有任何翻譯問題,請寄信到 ChrisHsu.Taiwan@gmail.com";
translator_name = "Chris Hsu";
none = "無";
connections = "連線到";
upgrade = "取得新版本程式";
config = "選項";
graph_title = "流量圖";
order = "立即訂購!";
connect_to = "連線到 %?";
disco_ras = "中斷 ";
redetect_routes = "重新偵測路由";
calibrate = "線路校正";
favor_ping = "偏好反應時間";
favor_bandwidth = "偏好頻寬";
enable_speed_shaping = "啟用流量塑型";
disable_speed_shaping = "關閉流量塑型";
openwindows = "開啟視窗";
closewindows = "關閉視窗";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "驅動程式未載入!";
taskbaricon = "系統列圖示";
trayicon_tip = "使用流量塑型加快網際網路速度,www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "測量 %p 的等待時間及執行特權操作";
allow_traffic_shaping = "是否允許此連線使用流量塑型功能?";
winsettings = "視窗設定";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "使用系統設定值";
slide_effect = "滑動視窗";
blend_effect = "漸漸顯示視窗";
defpos = "預設位置";
click_through = "滑鼠點擊可穿透視窗";
topmost = "最上層顯示";
autoopen = "自動開啟/自動隱藏";
closewindow = "關閉視窗";
openwindow = "開啟視窗";
selectskin = "選擇面板";
autoarrange = "自動排列視窗";
effects = "效果";
make_own_skin = "設計您自己的面板";
enable_win = "您想啟用狀態視窗嗎?\n\n狀態視窗顯示您目前使用中連線的狀態。";
ask_disconnect_ras = "一個正在使用中的網路連線必須重新進行設定。\n我們建議您先中斷此連線,\n您要中斷目前的網路連線嗎?";
yes = "是";
no = "否";
ole_error = "為了使用本設定視窗,\\n您必須在電腦安裝並執行 %p。\\n請您檢查這點,如果需要的話,請重新安裝該程式。";
budget = "預算";
show_for = "顯示";
last_12_months = "最近 12 個月";
last_3_months = "最近 3 個月";
last_month = "最近一個月";
this_month = "這個月";
rxtx_button = "接收/傳送選擇";
sum_button = "累積的";
please_select = "請選擇";
budgets = "線上預算";
protocols = "協定";
programs = "程式";
ts_config = "%p 流量塑型設定";
dialup_connections = "撥號連線";
help = "幫助";
nc_connections = "連線";
ask = "詢問";
aux_lines = "輔助線";
traffic_shaping = "流量塑型";
ras_con_help = "<b>是</b>:啟用,<b>否</b>:停用,<b>詢問</b>:只詢問一次並儲存設定";
dialup_connection = "撥號連線";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "介面";
connection_type = "流量塑型模式";
regid1 = "固定的";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "您的連線擁有固定的頻寬,您不是獨立使用就是所有網路連線都是透過這台電腦(例如:網際網路連線共用)。";
regid2 = "可變的(合作模式)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "您的連線擁有可變的頻寬,而且/或是同時有多台 PC 使用,cFos 流量塑型已安裝至所有 PC。";
regid3 = "可變的(非合作模式)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "您的連線擁有可變的頻寬,而且/或是同時有多台 PC 使用,至少一台 PC 沒有安裝 cFos 流量塑型。";
ok = "確定";
off = "關閉";
on = "啟用";
router_connections = "路由器連線";
net_components = "網路元件";
auto = "自動";
router_help = "<b>是</b>:啟用,<b>否</b>:停用,<b>自動</b>:如果在這個網路元件上發現路由器,就啟用流量塑型";
network_adapter = "網路介面";
router = "路由器";
and_save_settings = "並儲存設定";
preferences = "選項";
def_bandwidth_help = "<b>新</b>連線預設值";
limit_bandwidth = "限制目前連線的頻寬";
rx_limit = "接收限制";
max = "最大";
tx_limit = "傳送限制";
apply_limits = "套用限制";
limit_help = "單位 KB/s,包含所有協定的額外支出,0 表示不限制。";
l7_prot_detection = "網路七層協定偵測";
l7_prot_detection_help = "經由分析資料來偵測協定,使用「協定優先順序」視窗來改變各種協定的優先順序,假如您不啟用這個選項,將會依據使用的連接埠來偵測協定。";
favor_ping_help = "<b>開啟</b>:%p 將會稍微減少可用頻寬(假如必要),來讓反應時間最小。<br /><b>關閉</b>:%p 將會稍微增加反應時間(假如必要),來讓頻寬最大。";
activate_firewall = "啟用防火牆";
activate_firewall_help = "使用過濾危險封包、狀態檢查和偷竊模式的方式來保護網路防止入侵。";
mtu_opt = "自動 MSS(MTU)最佳化";
mtu_opt_help = "調整 MSS/MTU 讓傳輸速度最大,一般來說,數值範圍稍微低於 1500/1492 可得到較快的速度。";
strict_rtp = "嚴謹的 RTP 檢查";
strict_rtp_help = "如果啟用,%p 將只會識別出從有效 RTCP 來源 ID 發出的封包,如果使用不會發出 RTCP 封包的網路電話程式(像是 VoIPBuster),您應該停用這個選項。";
ts_prios = "流量塑型優先順序";
prog_overwrite = "程式 #p 已經在清單內。\\n您要以新的值覆寫這個項目嗎?";
games = "遊戲";
file_sharing = "檔案共享";
voip = "網路電話";
media_streaming = "串流多媒體";
remote_control = "遠端控制";
other = "其他的";
hint = "提示";
prog_hint_text = "優先順序只在傳輸少量資料設定為高優先順序時能正常運作,請指定較低優先順序給「送出大量資料的程式」。<br />在 Windows 2000 中,「程式優先順序」是無法使用的!";
save_priorities = "儲存優先順序";
undo = "取消";
filter_selection = "選擇過濾器";
program = "程式";
entries = "項目";
set_priority = "設定優先順序";
delete = "刪除";
higher = "最高";
higher_prog_help = "網路電話、或是遊戲";
high = "高";
high_prog_help = "遊戲、串流多媒體、Telnet 及其他的互動程式";
low = "低";
low_prog_help = "伺服器資料, FTP 資料";
lower = "最低";
lower_prog_help = "固定性背景流量,像是檔案分享";
delete_help = "從清單移除(視為一般封包)。";
note = "注意";
prog_help = "傳輸低(最低)優先順序的封包,只在和較高優先順序封包同時傳輸時比較慢,否則低(最低)優先順序的資料會以最大速度傳輸。";
normal = "一般";
filename = "檔案名稱";
description = "描述";
new_program = "新的程式";
add = "加入";
prio_protocols = "協定優先順序";
client_protocols = "客戶端協定";
server_protocols = "伺服器協定";
special = "特殊的";
hint_text = "優先順序只在傳輸少量資料設定為高優先順序時能正常運作,請指定較低優先順序給「送出大量資料的程式」,「協定優先順序」處理完後才會處理「程式優先順序」。";
save_protocols = "儲存協定";
protocol = "協定";
high_help = "比一般封包優先處理。";
low_lower = "低、最低";
low_help = "等待其他的封包(較高優先順序)被處理,否則以一般速度處理。";
normal_help = "不做優先處理,可能以「程式優先順序」處理。";
ts_settings = "流量塑型設定";
deactivated = "停用";
prio_programs = "程式優先順序";
current_connections = "目前連線";
budget_title = "%p 線上預算";
hard_limit_help_set = "假如預算用完封包將會被丟棄";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "當預算用完時只會在狀態視窗顯示";
save_budgets = "儲存預算";
time = "時間";
time_units = "時:分";
volume = "流量";
hard_limit = "硬體<br>限制";
time_limit = "時間限制";
time_min = "分";
volume_limit = "流量限制";
reset_day = "重置日期";
reset_day_unit = "每月固定的一日";
spdbudget_help = "若要使用預算,請前往連線設定視窗並指定到特別的連線";
asus_save = "儲存";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "遊戲比一般封包優先處理";

#language 1030
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Danish";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Ping-pakkerne udsendt af  %p ser ikke ud til at komme igennem. Uden dem kan, %p Traffic Shaping ikke fungere optimalt. Klik her for at få hjælp.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
no_setup = "Kunne ikke starte setup (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_e.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Evaluerings perioden for %1 %2 er forbi. Bestil %3 idag!";
dayl_plural = "dage";
dayl_singular = "dag";
speed_endsoon = "Den testperiode er snart forbi! Vær venlig at bestil %1 idag!";
lic_expired = "Din testperiode er udløbet. %1 er nu deaktiveret. Bestil %1 today!";
order_info = "Bestil Nu!:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nPer Telefon: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Vælg Sprog";
budget_settings = "Budget Indstillinger";
settings = "Indstillinger";
netconfig = "Forbindelser";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Ryd Traffic Shaping-data og start en ny linje-kalibrering.\nAlt afhængigt af din brug af internettet, kan det tage et par dage indtill\nprogrammet virker med fuld kapacitet. Forsæt?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_e.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_e.htm";
install_dir = "Installationsmappe: ";
password_bad = "Ugyldigt Password";
short_dexpire = "Udløbet %1 %2";
short_try = "Prøv i %1 %2";
days_plural = "dage";
days_singular = "dag";
lic_try = "Du må prøve %3 i %1 %2 endnu før du skal købe det.";
err_file_auth = "Nogle filer i denne distribution er korrupte eller manglende.\nVær så venlig at få en ægte %p distribution\n(f.eks. fra www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Udløbet!";
badkey = "Der er et problem med licens-nøglen.\nVær venlig og geninstaller nøglen ved at dobbeltklikke på den\noriginale fil, som du modtog per e-mail eller på en diskette.";
licensed_to = "Licenseret til %?";
license = "Licens";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Din %3 licens udløber om %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p har opdaget Sygate Firewall, som fejlopfatter\n%p kalibrationspulsen som et Denial of Service angreb med\n\"Ping-of-Death\" pakker.\nDerfor burde du hhv. downloade og uploade med maksimal \nhastighed i 30 sekunder. Dette skulle kalibrere ligesom\n%p kalibrationspulsen.\n\nHint: Firewallfunktionen \"Anti IP Manipulation\" skulle \ndeaktiveres.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Der er en versions-konflikt mellem komponenter i dette program. Vær venlig at geninstaller den nyeste version.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Andre Sprog";
translator = "Oversætter";
translator_msg = "i <3 %p";
translator_name = "eZtaR";
none = "ingen";
connections = "Forbind til";
upgrade = "FÃ¥ en ny programversion";
config = "Egenskaber";
graph_title = "Usage Graph";
order = "Bestil Nu!";
connect_to = "Forbind til %?";
disco_ras = "Log af ";
calibrate = "Kalibrer linje";
favor_ping = "Favoriser Pingtider";
favor_bandwidth = "Favoriser BÃ¥ndbredde";
enable_speed_shaping = "Aktiver Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Deaktiver Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Åbn Vinduer";
closewindows = "Luk Vinduer";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
taskbaricon = "Proceslinje-Ikon";
trayicon_tip = "Hurtigere internet med Traffic Shaping, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Udfører latency-målinger og priviligerede opgaver for %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Tillad Traffic Shaping for denne forbindelse?";
winsettings = "Vindueindstillinger";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Brug systemadfærd";
slide_effect = "Lad vinduer glide";
blend_effect = "Udton vinduer";
defpos = "Standard Position";
click_through = "Klik igennem";
topmost = "Altid Øverst";
autoopen = "Auto-Ã¥bn/Auto-gem";
closewindow = "Luk Vindue";
openwindow = "Åbn Vindue";
selectskin = "Vælg Skin";
autoarrange = "Auto-arranger vinduer";
effects = "Effekter";
make_own_skin = "Design dit eget skin";
enable_win = "Aktiver status-vindue?\n\nStatusvinduet viser status for din aktive forbindelse.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "En aktiv netværks-forbindelse skal til at blive genkonfigureret.\nDet foreslåes at du afbryder forbindelsen inden du forsætter.\nAfbryd den aktive forbindelse?";
yes = "Ja";
no = "Nej";
ole_error = "For at bruge denne konfigurationsdialog skal,\\n%p være installeret og køre på din PC.\\nBekræft venligst dette og prøv igen, hvis nødvendigt.";
budget = "Budget";
show_for = "Vis for";
last_12_months = "sidste 12 måneder";
last_3_months = "sidste 3 måneder";
last_month = "sidste måned";
this_month = "denne måned";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX valg";
sum_button = "kumulativ";
please_select = "Vælg Venligst";
budgets = "Online Budgetter";
protocols = "Protokoller";
programs = "Programmer";
ts_config = "%p Traffic Shaping Konfiguration";
dialup_connections = "Opkaldsforbindelser";
help = "Hjælp";
nc_connections = "Forbindelser";
ask = "Spørg";
aux_lines = "Auxiliary linjer";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktiver, <b>nej</b>: deaktiver, <b>spørg</b>: spørg kun én gang og gem indstillingen";
dialup_connection = "Opkaldsforbindelse";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
off = "Deaktiveret";
on = "Aktiveret";
router_connections = "Routerforbindelser";
net_components = "Netværkskomponenter";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktiver, <b>nej</b>: deaktiver, <b>auto</b>: aktiver Traffic Shaping, hvis routeren findes på dette netværkskomponent";
network_adapter = "Netværksadapter";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "og gem indstillinger";
preferences = "Indstillinger";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protokol Opsporing";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Opspor protokoller ved at analysere dataene. Brug dialogen 'Prioriter protokoler'  til at ændre prioriteten på de forskellige protokoller. Hvis du deaktiverer denne indstilling, bliver protokollerne opsporet efter portnummeret de bruger.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Aktiveret</b>: %p vil minimere pingtider på bekostning af let reduceret båndbredde (hvis nødvendigt).<br /><b>Deaktiveret</b>: %p vil maksimere båndbredden på bekostning af lidt højere pingtider (hvis nødvendigt).";
activate_firewall = "Aktiver Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Beskyttelse mod netværkindtrængen ved filtrering af farlige pakker, tilstandseftersyn og stealth-mode.";
mtu_opt = "Automatisk MSS (MTU) optimering";
mtu_opt_help = "Juster MSS/MTU til maksimal overførselshastighed. Typisk, giver værdier lidt under 1500/1492 hurtigere hastigheder.";
strict_rtp = "Strenge RTP kontroller";
strict_rtp_help = "Hvis den er aktiveret, vil %p kun genkende de RTP-pakker som kommer med et gyldigt RTCP kilde-ID. Du burde deaktivere denne funktion for stemmekommunikationsprogrammer (som f.eks. VoIPBuster) som ikke sender RTCP pakker.";
ts_prios = "Traffic Shaping Prioriteter";
prog_overwrite = " Programmet #p er allerede på listen.\\nVil du overskrive den med nye værdier?";
games = "Spil";
file_sharing = "Fildeling";
voip = "Stemmekommunikationsprogrammer";
media_streaming = "Medie Streaming";
remote_control = "Fjernbetjening";
other = "Andet";
hint = "Hint";
save_priorities = "Gem prioriteter";
undo = "Fortryd";
filter_selection = "Filtervalg";
program = "Program";
entries = "Indskrivelser";
set_priority = "Vælg prioritet";
delete = "Slet";
higher = "Højere";
higher_prog_help = "Stemmekommunikation, måske spil";
high = "Høj";
high_prog_help = "Spil, Streamede Medier, Telnet og andre interaktive programmer";
low = "Lav";
low_prog_help = "Server data, FTP data";
lower = "Lavere";
lower_prog_help = "permanent baggrundstrafik, f.eks. fildeling";
delete_help = "Slet fra liste (d.v.s. behandl pakker som normalt).";
note = "Note";
prog_help = "Overførsel af pakker med lav(este) prioritet, bliver kun sænket i far hvis data med en højere prioritet behandles på samme tid.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Filnavn";
description = "Beskrivelse";
new_program = "Nyt Program";
add = "Tilføj";
prio_protocols = "Prioritering af protokoller";
client_protocols = "Klient Protokoller";
server_protocols = "Serverprotokoller";
special = "Speciel";
hint_text = "Kun hvis en så lille mængde data som muligt bliver sat på høj prioritet, vil prioritering virke ordentligt. Giv programmer som sender meget data lav prioritet. Protokol-prioriteting bliver gjort før program-prioritering.";
save_protocols = "Gem protokoller";
protocol = "Protokol";
high_help = "Behandles før pakker med normal prioritet.";
low_lower = "Lav, meget lav";
low_help = "Bliver sat i kø mens andre pakker (med højere prioritet) behandles, ellers normal hastighed.";
normal_help = "Ikke prioriteret. Kan håndteres med program-prioritering.";
ts_settings = "Traffic Shaping Indstillinger";
deactivated = "deaktiveret";
prio_programs = "Prioritering af programmer";
current_connections = "Nuværende Forbindelser";
budget_title = "%p Online Budgetter";
hard_limit_help_set = "Hvis budgettet er udmattet vil pakkerne blive droppet.";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Et udmattet budget vil kun blive indikeret i statusviduet";
save_budgets = "Gem Budgetter";
time = "Tid";
time_units = "time:minut";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Hårde<br>Grænser";
time_limit = "Tidsbegrænsning";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Volume Begrænsning";
reset_day = "Nulstil Dag";
reset_day_unit = "dag af måned";
spdbudget_help = "For at bruge et budget, gå til forbindelses-dialogen og tildel den en bestemt forbindelse.";
asus_save = "Gem";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Spil behandles før pakker med normal prioritet";

#language 1031
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Deutsch";

autohide_on_fullscreen = "Schließen bei Vollbild";
no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping.htm";
no_pings_error = "Die Ping Pakete von %p scheinen nicht verschickt zu werden. Ohne sie kann das %p Traffic Shaping nicht brauchbar funktionieren. Klicken Sie hier für Hilfe.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=23&thread=1744";
many_cons_error = "%p rx-Traffic Shaping arbeitet an der Grenze der Leistungsfähigkeit, weil zu viele Verbindungen gleichzeitig übertragen. Mit weniger Verbindungen wird es wahrscheinlich besser funktionieren. Klicken Sie hier für Hilfe.";
no_setup = "Setup (setup.exe) konnte nicht gestartet werden.";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Ihre Testzeit ist schon %1 %2 abgelaufen. Bestellen Sie %3 jetzt!";
dayl_plural = "Tage";
dayl_singular = "Tag";
speed_endsoon = "Ihre Testzeit endet bald! Bitte bestellen Sie %1 noch heute!";
lic_expired = "Ihre Testzeit ist abgelaufen. %1 ist jetzt deaktiviert. Bestellen Sie %1 noch heute!";
order_info = "Jetzt bestellen:\nInternet: www.cfos.de\nTelefonisch: 0228-7669826";
select_language = "Sprache auswählen";
budget_settings = "Budget Einstellungen";
settings = "Einstellungen";
netconfig = "Verbindungen";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Traffic Shaping Daten löschen\nund Leitung neu einmessen. Je nach Internet-Nutzung\nkann es ein paar Tage dauern, bis die die volle Leistung\nerreicht ist. Wirklich löschen?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download.htm";
install_dir = "Installations-Verzeichnis: ";
password_bad = "Falsches Passwort";
short_dexpire = "%1 %2 Verzug!";
short_try = "Noch %1 %2";
days_plural = "Testtage";
days_singular = "Testtag";
lic_try = "Sie können %3 noch %1 %2 testen, bevor Sie kaufen.";
err_file_auth = "Einige Dateien dieser Distribution fehlen oder sind beschädigt.\nBitte besorgen Sie sich eine authentische %p Distribution\n(z.B. von www.cfos.de).";
short_exp = "Abgelaufen!";
badkey = "Es ist ein Problem mit dem Lizenzschlüssel aufgetreten.\nBitte installieren Sie den Schlüssel neu, indem Sie auf\ndie Original-Datei, die Sie per E-Mail oder Diskette erhalten\nhaben, doppelklicken.";
licensed_to = "Lizenz für %?";
license = "Lizenz";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Ihre %3 Lizenz ist noch %1 %2 gültig.";
sygate_hint = "%p hat die Sygate Firewall gefunden. Diese hält den %p\nEinmess-Puls fälschlicherweise für eine Denial of Service Attacke\ndurch \"Ping of Death\"-Pakete.\nDaher sollten Sie statt dessen mit %p jeweils für 30 Sekunden\neinen Download und einen Upload mit voller Geschwindigkeit durchführen.\nDies sollte %p auch ohne einen Einmesspuls einmessen.\n\nHinweis: Die Firewall-Funktion \"Anti IP Manipulation\" sollte\nausgeschaltet sein.";
after_calibration = "calibration.htm";
component_mismatch = "Es gibt einen Versionskonflikt zwischen verschiedenen Komponenten dieses Programms. Bitte installieren Sie die neueste Version noch einmal.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Andere Sprachen";
translator = "Übersetzer";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "";
none = "keins";
connections = "Verbinden mit";
upgrade = "Neue Programmversion laden";
config = "Einstellungen";
graph_title = "Verbrauchsgrafik";
order = "Jetzt bestellen!";
connect_to = "Verbinden mit %?";
disco_ras = "Trennen: ";
redetect_routes = "Routing neu ermitteln";
calibrate = "Leitung einmessen";
favor_ping = "Ping-Zeit bevorzugen";
favor_bandwidth = "Bandbreite bevorzugen";
enable_speed_shaping = "Traffic Shaping aktivieren";
disable_speed_shaping = "Traffic Shaping deaktivieren";
openwindows = "Fenster öffnen";
closewindows = "Fenster schließen";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.de";
driver_not_loaded = "Treiber nicht geladen!";
taskbaricon = "Taskbar Symbol";
trayicon_tip = "Schnelleres Internet mit Traffic Shaping, www.cfos.de";
service_desc = "Misst Latenzzeiten und führt privilegierte Operationen aus";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping für diese Verbindung erlauben?";
winsettings = "Fenstereinstellungen";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "System-Einstellungen benutzen";
slide_effect = "Fenster rollen";
blend_effect = "Fenster einblenden";
defpos = "Standard Position";
click_through = "Klick-transparent";
topmost = "Fenster immer vorne";
autoopen = "Auto öffnen/schließen";
closewindow = "Fenster schließen";
openwindow = "Fenster öffnen";
selectskin = "Skin Auswählen";
autoarrange = "Fenster automatisch positionieren";
effects = "Effekte";
make_own_skin = "Eigenes Skin designen";
enable_win = "Soll das Status-Fenster aktiviert werden?\n\nDas Status-Fenster zeigt den Status Ihrer aktuellen Verbindung an.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Eine gerade aktive Netzwerkverbindung soll umkonfiguriert werden.\nEs wird empfohlen diese vorher zu trennen.\nSoll die aktuelle Verbindung jetzt getrennt werden?";
yes = "Ja";
no = "Nein";
ole_error = "Um diesen Dialog zu nutzen, muss %p installiert sein und laufen.\\nBitte prüfen Sie dies und installieren ggf. neu.";
budget = "Budget";
bgraph_totals = "Gesamt";
show_for = "Anzeigen für";
last_12_months = "letzte 12 Monate";
last_3_months = "letzte 3 Monate";
last_month = "letzten Monat";
this_month = "diesen Monat";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX Auswahl";
sum_button = "kumulativ";
please_select = "Bitte wählen";
budgets = "Online Budgets";
protocols = "Protokolle";
programs = "Programme";
ts_config = "%p Traffic Shaping Konfiguration";
dialup_connections = "DFÜ-Netz Verbindungen";
help = "Hilfe";
nc_connections = "Verbindungen";
ask = "Fragen";
aux_lines = "Hilfslinien";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktivieren, <b>Nein</b>: Deaktivieren, <b>Fragen</b>: Fragen und Einstellung dann speichern";
dialup_connection = "DFÜ-Netz Verbindung";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options.htm";
connection_medium = "Medium";
connection_type = "Traffic Shaping Modus";
regid1 = "fest";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Ihr Anschluß hat feste Bandbreite und Sie nutzen ihn entweder exklusiv oder sämtliche Internet-Daten werden durch diesen PC geleitet (z.B. mit Internet Verbindungsfreigabe).";
regid2 = "variabel (kooperativ)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Ihr Anschluß hat variable Bandbreite und/oder Sie nutzen ihn mit mehreren PCs gleichzeitig. Auf allen PCs ist cFos Traffic Shaping installiert.";
regid3 = "variabel (nicht kooperativ)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Ihr Anschluß hat variable Bandbreite und/oder Sie nutzen ihn mit mehreren PCs gleichzeitig. Mindestens ein PC hat kein cFos Traffic Shaping installiert.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Aus";
on = "An";
router_connections = "Router Verbindungen";
net_components = "Netzwerk Komponenten";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktivieren, <b>Nein</b>: deaktivieren, <b>Auto</b>: Traffic Shaping aktivieren, falls Router an Netzwerk Komponente erkannt wurde";
network_adapter = "Netzwerk-Karte";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "und Einstellungen speichern";
preferences = "Einstellungen";
def_bandwidth_help = "Voreinstellung für <b>neue</b> Verbindungen";
limit_bandwidth = "Bandbreite der aktuellen Verbindung limitieren";
rx_limit = "RX Limit";
max = "Max";
tx_limit = "TX Limit";
apply_limits = "Limits übernehmen";
limit_help = "Werte in kbyte/s, inklusive Protokol-Overhead, 0 = kein Limit";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protokoll Erkennung";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Protokolle anhand der Nutzdaten erkennen lassen. Sie können im Dialog 'Protokolle priorisieren' die Priorität der verschiedenen Protokolle einstellen. Wenn Sie diese Option deaktivieren, werden die Protokolle anhand der Portnummer erkannt.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>An</b>: %p minimiert die Ping-Zeit auch wenn dies zu leicht reduzierten Transferraten führt (falls nötig).<br /><b>Aus</b>: %p maximiert den Datendurchsatz auch wenn dies zu leicht höheren Ping-Zeiten führt (falls nötig).";
activate_firewall = "Firewall aktivieren";
activate_firewall_help = "Schutz gegen Zugriffe aus dem Netz mittels Filterung von gefährlichen Paketen, State-Inspection und Stealth-Mode.";
mtu_opt = "Automatische MSS (MTU) Optimierung";
mtu_opt_help = "Paßt die MSS/MTU auf maximale Transfer-Geschwindigkeit an. Typischerweise führen Werte, die etwas unter 1500/1492 liegen, zu höheren Geschwindigkeiten.";
strict_rtp = "Strenge RTP Prüfung";
strict_rtp_help = "Falls aktiviert, erkennt %p nur solche Pakete als RTP, die eine gültige RTCP Source ID haben. Sie sollten diese Option bei Voice-over-IP Programmen deaktivieren, die keine RTCP Pakete senden (wie VoIPBuster).";
ts_prios = "Traffic Shaping Prioritäten";
prog_overwrite = "Das Programm #p ist schon in der Liste.\\nÜberschreiben mit neuen Werten?";
games = "Spiele";
file_sharing = "Tausch börsen";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Media Streaming";
remote_control = "Fernsteuerung";
other = "Andere";
hint = "Hinweis";
prog_hint_text = "Priorisierung funktioniert nur effektiv, wenn möglichst wenig Daten hoch priorisiert werden. Geben Sie daher Programmen, die viele Daten senden, niedrige Priorität.<br />Programm-Priorisierung nur ab Windows XP!";
save_priorities = "Prioritäten speichern";
undo = "abbrechen";
filter_selection = "Filter Auswahl";
program = "Programm";
entries = "Einträge";
set_priority = "Priorität setzen";
delete = "Löschen";
higher = "Höher";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, vielleicht Spiele";
high = "Hoch";
high_prog_help = "Spiele, Streaming Media, Telnet und andere interaktive Programme";
low = "Niedrig";
low_prog_help = "Server Daten, FTP Daten";
lower = "Sehr Niedrig";
lower_prog_help = "Permanenter Hintergrund-Traffic, wie Tauschbörsen";
delete_help = "Aus der Liste löschen (d.h. mit normaler Priorität behandeln).";
note = "Hinweis";
prog_help = "Transfer von niedrig/sehr niedrig priorisierten Paketen wird nur verlangsamt, falls gleichzeitig höher priorisierte Daten verarbeitet werden müssen. Andernfalls werden solche Pakete natürlich mit voller Speed versendet.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Dateiname";
description = "Beschreibung";
new_program = "Neues Programm";
add = "Hinzufügen";
prio_protocols = "Protokolle priorisieren";
client_protocols = "Client-Protokolle";
server_protocols = "Server-Protokolle";
special = "Spezial";
hint_text = "Priorisierung funktioniert nur effektiv, wenn möglichst wenig Daten hoch priorisiert werden. Geben Sie daher Programmen, die viele Daten senden, niedrige Priorität. Protokoll-Prioritisierung geschieht vor Programm-Priorisierung.";
save_protocols = "Protokolle speichern";
protocol = "Protokoll";
high_help = "Wird vor Paketen mit normaler Priorität verarbeitet.";
low_lower = "Niedrig, sehr niedrig";
low_help = "Zurückgestellt, während andere Pakete mit höherer Priorität verarbeitet werden; andernfalls normale Verarbeitung.";
normal_help = "Nicht priorisiert. Kann durch die Programm-Priorisierung geändert werden.";
ts_settings = "Traffic Shaping Einstellungen";
deactivated = "deaktiviert";
prio_programs = "Programme priorisieren";
current_connections = "Aktuelle Verbindungen";
budget_title = "%p Online Budgets";
hard_limit_help_set = "Pakete werden verworfen, falls das Budget aufgebraucht ist";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Ein aufgebrauchtes Budget wird nur im Status Fenster angezeigt";
save_budgets = "Budgets speichern";
time = "Zeit";
time_units = "Std:Min";
volume = "Volumen";
hard_limit = "Harte<br>Limits";
time_limit = "Zeit-Limit";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Volumen-Limit";
reset_day = "Rücksetz-Tag";
reset_day_unit = "Tag im Monat";
spdbudget_help = "Um ein Budget zu nutzen müssen Sie dieses im Verbindungs-Dialog noch einer Verbindung zuordnen";
blocklist = "IP-Blocker";
blocklist_help = "Liste mit IP-Adressen zu denen jeder Verkehr geblockt wird.";
apply_blocklist = "Filterliste benutzen";
asus_save = "Speichern";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Spiele wird vor Paketen mit normaler Priorität verarbeitet";

#language 1033
#fallback 1031
#charset 0

language = "English";

autohide_on_fullscreen = "auto-hide on fullscreen";
no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "The ping packets sent by %p don't seem to come through. Without them, %p Traffic Shaping cannot function properly. Click here for help.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "%p rx-Traffic Shaping is being pushed to the limit, because of too many connections. With fewer connections it will likely perform better. Click here for help.";
no_setup = "Unable to start setup (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_e.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Your evaluation period has expired for %1 %2. Order %3 today!";
dayl_plural = "days";
dayl_singular = "day";
speed_endsoon = "Your test period is going to end soon! Please order %1 today!";
lic_expired = "Your test period is expired. %1 is now deactivated. Order %1 today!";
order_info = "Order now:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nBy phone: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Select Language";
budget_settings = "Budget Settings";
settings = "Settings";
netconfig = "Connections";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Clear Traffic Shaping data and start new line calibration.\nDepending on your internet usage, it may take a few days until\nthe full capacity is available. Continue?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_e.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_e.htm";
install_dir = "Installation directory: ";
password_bad = "Bad password";
short_dexpire = "Expired %1 %2";
short_try = "Try for %1 %2";
days_plural = "days";
days_singular = "day";
lic_try = "You may try %3 for %1 %2 yet before purchasing.";
err_file_auth = "Some files of this distribution are corrupt or missing.\nPlease get an authentic %p distribution\n(e.g. from www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Expired!";
badkey = "There is a problem with the license key.\nPlease re-install the key by double-click onto the\noriginal file, which you received by e-mail or on diskette.";
licensed_to = "Licensed to %?";
license = "License";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Your %3 license expires in %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p has detected the Sygate Firewall, which mistakes the\n%p calibration pulse for a Denial of Service attack with\n\"Ping-of-Death\" packets.\nTherefore you should do a download and then an upload with full\nspeed for some 30 seconds, respectively. This should calibrate\n%p like the calibration pulse.\n\nHint: The Firewall-Function \"Anti IP Manipulation\" should be\ndeactivated.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "There is a version conflict between components of this program. Please re-install the most recent version.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Other languages";
translator = "Translator";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "";
none = "none";
connections = "Connect to";
upgrade = "Get new program version";
config = "Options";
graph_title = "Usage Graph";
order = "Order now!";
connect_to = "Connect to %?";
disco_ras = "Log off ";
redetect_routes = "Re-detect routes";
calibrate = "Calibrate line";
favor_ping = "Favour Ping Time";
favor_bandwidth = "Favour Bandwidth";
enable_speed_shaping = "Enable Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Disable Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Open Windows";
closewindows = "Close Windows";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Driver not loaded!";
taskbaricon = "Taskbar Icon";
trayicon_tip = "Faster Internet with Traffic Shaping, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Performs latency measurement and privileged operations for %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Allow Traffic Shaping for this connection?";
winsettings = "Window Settings";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Use system behaviour";
slide_effect = "Slide windows";
blend_effect = "Fade windows";
defpos = "Default Position";
click_through = "Click-through";
topmost = "Always on Top";
autoopen = "Auto-open/Auto-hide";
closewindow = "Close Window";
openwindow = "Open Window";
selectskin = "Select Skin";
autoarrange = "Auto-arrange windows";
effects = "Effects";
make_own_skin = "Design your own skin";
enable_win = "Enable status window?\n\nThe status window shows the status of your active connection.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "A currently active network connection is about to be reconfigured.\nIt is recommended that you disconnect before you continue.\nDisconnect the current network connection?";
yes = "Yes";
no = "No";
ole_error = "In order to use this configuration dialog,\\n%p must be installed and running on your PC.\\nPlease verify this and install again, if necessary.";
budget = "Budget";
bgraph_totals = "Total";
show_for = "Show for";
last_12_months = "last 12 months";
last_3_months = "last 3 months";
last_month = "last month";
this_month = "this month";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX selection";
sum_button = "cumulative";
please_select = "Please select";
budgets = "Online Budgets";
protocols = "Protocols";
programs = "Programs";
ts_config = "%p Traffic Shaping Configuration";
dialup_connections = "Dial-Up Connections";
help = "Help";
nc_connections = "Connections";
ask = "Ask";
aux_lines = "Auxiliary lines";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Yes</b>: activate, <b>no</b>: deactivate, <b>ask</b>: ask once only and then save the setting";
dialup_connection = "Dial-Up Connection";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Medium";
connection_type = "Traffic Shaping Mode";
regid1 = "fixed";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Your connection has fixed bandwidth and you either use it exclusively or all Internet traffic is routed through this PC (e.g. with Internet Connection Sharing).";
regid2 = "variable (cooperative)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Your connection has variable bandwidth and/or you use it with several PCs simultaneously. cFos Traffic Shaping is installed on all PCs.";
regid3 = "variable (not cooperative)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Your connection has variable bandwidth and/or you use it with several PCs simultaneously. At least one PC has no cFos Traffic Shaping.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Off";
on = "On";
router_connections = "Router Connections";
net_components = "Network Components";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Yes</b>: activate, <b>no</b>: deactivate, <b>auto</b>: enable Traffic Shaping, if router found at this network component";
network_adapter = "Network Adapter";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "and save settings";
preferences = "Preferences";
def_bandwidth_help = "Default for <b>new</b> connections";
limit_bandwidth = "Limit Bandwidth For Current Connection";
rx_limit = "RX Limit";
max = "Max";
tx_limit = "TX Limit";
apply_limits = "Apply Limits";
limit_help = "Values in kbyte/s, including all protocol overhead, 0 = no limit.";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protocol Detection";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Detect protocols by analyzing the data. Use the dialog 'Prioritise protocols' to change the priority of the various protocols. If you deactivate this option protocols are detected according to the port number used.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: %p will minimise ping times at the expense of slightly reduced bandwidth (if necessary).<br /><b>Off</b>: %p will maximize bandwidth at the expense of slightly higher ping times (if necessary).";
activate_firewall = "Activate Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Protection against network intrusions by means of filtering dangerous packets, state inspection and stealth mode.";
mtu_opt = "Automatic MSS (MTU) optimisation";
mtu_opt_help = "Adjusts MSS/MTU for maximum transfer speed. Typically, values ranging slightly below 1500/1492 produce faster speeds.";
strict_rtp = "Strict RTP checks";
strict_rtp_help = "If activated, %p will recognize only those packets as RTP that come with a valid RTCP source ID. You should deactivate this option for Voice-over-IP programs (like VoIPBuster) that send no RTCP packets.";
ts_prios = "Traffic Shaping Priorities";
prog_overwrite = "The program #p is already in the list.\\nWould you like to overwrite the entry with new values?";
games = "Games";
file_sharing = "File Sharing";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Media Streaming";
remote_control = "Remote Control";
other = "Other";
hint = "Hint";
prog_hint_text = "Prioritization will work properly only if as little data as possible is given high priority. Give programs sending out lots of data low priority.<br />Program prioritization is not available for Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Save priorities";
undo = "Undo";
filter_selection = "Filter selection";
program = "Program";
entries = "Entries";
set_priority = "Set priority";
delete = "Delete";
higher = "Higher";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, maybe games";
high = "High";
high_prog_help = "Games, Streamed Media, Telnet and other interactive programs";
low = "Low";
low_prog_help = "Server data, FTP data";
lower = "Lowest";
lower_prog_help = "permanent background traffic, like file sharing";
delete_help = "Remove from list (i.e., treat packets as normal).";
note = "Note";
prog_help = "Transfer of low(est)-priority packets is slowed only if data with a higher priority is being processed at the same time. Otherwise, low(est)-priority data is, of course, sent at maximum speed.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Filename";
description = "Description";
new_program = "New program";
add = "Add";
prio_protocols = "Prioritising protocols";
client_protocols = "Client Protocols";
server_protocols = "Server Protocols";
special = "Special";
hint_text = "Prioritization will work properly only if as little data as possible is given high priority. Give programs sending out lots of data low priority. Protocol prioritization is done before program prioritization.";
save_protocols = "Save protocols";
protocol = "Protocol";
high_help = "Processed before packets with normal priority.";
low_lower = "Low, very low";
low_help = "Queued while other packets (with higher priority) are being processed, otherwise processed at normal speed.";
normal_help = "Not prioritised. May be handled by program prioritization.";
ts_settings = "Traffic Shaping Settings";
deactivated = "deactivated";
prio_programs = "Prioritising programs";
current_connections = "Current Connections";
budget_title = "%p Online Budgets";
hard_limit_help_set = "Packets will be dropped if the budget is exhausted";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "An exhausted budget will be indicated in the status window only";
save_budgets = "Save Budgets";
time = "Time";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Hard<br>Limits";
time_limit = "Time Limit";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Volume Limit";
reset_day = "Reset Day";
reset_day_unit = "day of month";
spdbudget_help = "To use a budget, go to the connections dialog and assign it to a particular connection";
blocklist = "IP-Blocker";
blocklist_help = "List of IP addresses for which all traffic is blocked.";
apply_blocklist = "Use filterlist";
asus_save = "Save";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Games processed before packets with normal priority";

#language 1034
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Spanish";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Parece que los paquetes de ping enviados por %p no están llegando. Sin estos paquetes el Traffic Shaping de %p no puede funcionar adecuadamente. Probablemente fueron bloqueados por un firewall. El servicio '%p Service' (spd.exe) debe tener acceso al Internet.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "%p el Traffic Shapping de RX está siendo utilizado en su límite debido a las demasiadas conexiones abiertas. Con menos conexiones abiertas el programa seguramente tendrá un rendimiento superior. Clique aquí para más ayuda.";
no_setup = "Setup (setup.exe) no pudo iniciarse.";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_es.htm";
lic_dexpire = "El tiempo de prueba ha expirado desde %1 %2. ¡Adquiera %3 ahora!";
dayl_plural = "días";
dayl_singular = "día";
speed_endsoon = "El tiempo de prueba se acabará pronto. ¡Por favor adquiera %1 hoy!";
lic_expired = "El tiempo de prueba ha caducado. %1 está desactivado. ¡Compre %1 hoy!";
order_info = "Comprar ahora:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\npor teléfono: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Seleccionar idioma";
budget_settings = "Configuración de presupuestos";
settings = "Preferencias";
netconfig = "Conexiones";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Restablecer los datos de Traffic Shaping\ny calibrar la línea nuevamente. Dependiendo de la utilización de Internet, la medición puede tardar un par de días, hasta que la potencia máxima sea alcanzada.\n¿Confirma Restablecer?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_es.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_es.htm";
install_dir = "Archivo de instalación: ";
password_bad = "Contraseña incorrecta";
short_dexpire = "¡%1 %2 de expiración!";
short_try = "Queda(n) %1 %2";
days_plural = "días de prueba";
days_singular = "día de prueba";
lic_try = "Puede seguir probando %3 por %1 %2, antes de comprar.";
err_file_auth = "Algunos archivos de esta distribución están corruptos o no pueden ser encontrados.\nPor favor obtenga un distribución auténtica de %p\n(por ejemplo desde www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "¡El tiempo de prueba ha expirado!";
badkey = "Hay un problema con la clave de la licencia.\nSe ruega a reinstalar la clave de la licencia haciendo un doble click sobre el archivo original, el cual recibió por e-mail o en disco.";
licensed_to = "Registrado en nombre de %?";
license = "Licencia";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Su licencia de %3 expirará en %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p ha encontrado un firewall de Sygate. Éste supone que el\npulso de medición de %p es un ataque de denegación de servicio\npor parte de paquetes del tipo 'Ping of Death'. En vez del pulso de medición deberá\nhacer un download y luego un upload con velocidad máxima respectivamente. Así %p puede\nmedir la línea sin el pulso de medición. Ayuda: La función del firewall \"Anti-Manipulación de IP\" debe estar desactivada.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Hay un conflicto de versión entre los diferentes componentes de este programa. Por favor reinstale la última versión nuevamente.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Otros idiomas";
translator = "Traductor";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "";
none = "ninguno";
connections = "Conectar a";
upgrade = "Actualizar a una nueva versión del programa";
config = "Preferencias";
graph_title = "Análisis de Volumen";
order = "¡Comprar ahora!";
connect_to = "Conectar a %?";
disco_ras = "Desconectar: ";
redetect_routes = "Redetectar rutas";
calibrate = "Calibrar línea";
favor_ping = "Priorizar el tiempo de ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Priorizar el ancho de banda";
enable_speed_shaping = "Activar el Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Desactivar el Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Abrir ventanas";
closewindows = "Cerrar ventana";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Controlador no cargado!";
taskbaricon = "Ícono de la barra de tareas";
trayicon_tip = "Internet acelerado por Traffic Shaping, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Mide tiempos de latencia y ejecuta operaciones privilegiadas";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Permitir el Traffic Shaping para esta conexión?";
winsettings = "Preferencias de las ventanas";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Usar preferencias del sistema";
slide_effect = "Rodar ventanas";
blend_effect = "Intercalar ventanas";
defpos = "Posición estándar";
click_through = "Transparencia al clic";
topmost = "Ventana siempre visible";
autoopen = "Abrir/cerrar automáticamente";
closewindow = "Cerrar ventana";
openwindow = "Abrir ventana";
selectskin = "Seleccionar piel o tema";
autoarrange = "Posicionar ventanas automáticamente";
effects = "Efectos";
make_own_skin = "Diseño de sus propios temas";
enable_win = "Desea activar la ventana de estado?\n\nLa ventana muestra el estado de su conexión actual.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Una conexión de la red activa debe ser re-configurada.\nSe recomienda que se corte la conexión antes.\n¿ Desea desconectar la conexión ahora?";
yes = "Sí";
no = "No";
ole_error = "Para usar este dialogo de configuración,\\n%p debe estar instalado y funcionando en su ordenador. Por favor compruebe %p\\ny lo instale nuevamente, de ser necesario.";
budget = "Presupuesto";
show_for = "Mostrar para";
last_12_months = "Últimos 12 meses";
last_3_months = "Últimos 3 meses";
last_month = "Último mes";
this_month = "Este mes";
rxtx_button = "Selección de RX/TX";
sum_button = "acumulativo";
please_select = "Por favor elija";
budgets = "Presupuesto Online";
protocols = "Protocolos";
programs = "Programas";
ts_config = "Configuración del Traffic Shaping de %p";
dialup_connections = "Conexiones por línea telefónica";
help = "Ayuda";
nc_connections = "Conexiones";
ask = "Confirmar";
aux_lines = "Líneas auxiliares";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Sí</b>: activar, <b>no</b>: desactivar, <b>confirmar</b>: confirmar solamente una vez y guardar preferencias";
dialup_connection = "Conexión por línea telefónica";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Medio";
connection_type = "Modo de Traffic Shaping";
regid1 = "fijo";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Mi conexión tiene el ancho de banda fija y uso la conexión en forma exclusiva o todas las conexiones son enrutadas a través de este PC (Por ejemplo, con Conexión compartida a Internet).";
regid2 = "variable (cooperativo)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Mi conexión tiene ancho de banda variable y/o la uso con varios PCs simultáneamente. El cFos Traffic Shaping está instalado en todos los PCs.";
regid3 = "variable (no cooperativo)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Mi conexión tiene ancho de banda variable y/o la uso con varios PCs simultáneamente. Al menos un PC no tiene el cFos Traffic Shaping.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Apagado";
on = "Encendido";
router_connections = "Conexiones de router";
net_components = "Componentes de la red";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Sí</b>: activar, <b>no</b>: desactivar, <b>auto</b>: activar el Traffic Shaping, de encontrarse un enrutador en este componente de red";
network_adapter = "Tarjeta de Red";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "y guardar preferencias";
preferences = "%p Preferencias";
def_bandwidth_help = "Valor por defecto para <b>nuevas</b> conexiones";
limit_bandwidth = "Limitar Ancho de banda para la conexión actual";
rx_limit = "Límite de RX (Recepción)";
max = "Máximo";
tx_limit = "Límite TX (Envío)";
apply_limits = "Aplicar límites";
limit_help = "Valores in kbyte/s, incluyendo las cabeceras y otros overheads de los protocolos, 0 = sin límite.";
l7_prot_detection = "Detección de protocolos de la capa 7 del modelo OSI";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Detecta los protocolos analizando los datos. Usar el diálogo 'Priorizar protocolos' para configurar las prioridades de los protocolos. Si esta opción está desactivada los protocolos serán detectados por medio de los números de puerto.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Activo</b>: %p El Traffic Shaping mejora los tiempos de Ping al costo de una ligera baja en el ancho de banda (cuándo fuera necesario).<br /> <b>Apagado</b>: %p El Traffic Shaping maximiza el ancho de banda al costo de un tiempo de Ping más alto.";
activate_firewall = "Activar Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Protección contra intrusiones de la red por medio de filtración de paquetes peligrosos, inspecciones del estado y modo invisible.";
mtu_opt = "Optimización automática del valor de MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Ajusta el valor de MSS/MTU para transferencias a una velocidad máxima. Normalmente los valores un poco debajo de los 1500/1492 producen las velocidades más altas.";
strict_rtp = "Control estricto de RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Si esta opción está activada, %p reconocerá como paquetes RTP sólo a aquellos que vienen con una identificación (ID) valida. Debe desactivar esta opción para programas de VoIP (Protocolo Internet de voz sobre IP) que no transmiten paquetes RTCP (por ejemplo VoIPBuster).";
ts_prios = "Prioridades del Traffic Shaping";
prog_overwrite = "El programa #p ya se encuentra en la lista. ¿ Desea reemplazarlo con nuevos valores?";
games = "Juegos";
file_sharing = "Compartir Archivos";
voip = "Telefonía sobre Protocolo Internet";
media_streaming = "Streaming multimedia";
remote_control = "Control Remoto";
other = "Otros";
hint = "Ayuda";
prog_hint_text = "La priorización solo funcionará si una cantidad ínfima de datos sea de alta prioridad. Los programas que transmiten muchos datos deben tener asignados una prioridad baja. <br/> ¡La priorización de programas no está disponible para Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Guardar prioridades";
undo = "Cancelar";
filter_selection = "Selección de filtros";
program = "Programa";
entries = "Entradas";
set_priority = "Establecer prioridad";
delete = "Borrar";
higher = "Prioridad muy alta";
higher_prog_help = "Voz sobre IP, o tal vez juegos";
high = "Prioridad alta";
high_prog_help = "Juegos, Streaming multimedia, Telnet y otros programas interactivos";
low = "Prioridad baja";
low_prog_help = "datos del servidor, datos de FTP";
lower = "Prioridad muy baja";
lower_prog_help = "circulación permanente de datos en segundo plano, por ejemplo programas p2p";
delete_help = "Quitar de la lista (es decir, tratar paquetes normalmente).";
note = "Comentario";
prog_help = "La transferencia de paquetes de baja y muy baja prioridad, se aplazará solamente si al mismo tiempo existieran paquetes de muy alta prioridad siendo procesados. En otro caso los paquetes de baja y muy baja prioridad serán transmitidos a máxima velocidad. ";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Nombre del archivo";
description = "descripción";
new_program = "Programa nuevo";
add = "Añadir";
prio_protocols = "Priorizar protocolos";
client_protocols = "Protocolos de cliente";
server_protocols = "Protocolos de servidores";
special = "Especial";
hint_text = "La priorización solo funcionará si una cantidad ínfima de datos sea de alta prioridad. Los programas que transmiten muchos datos deben tener asignados prioridad baja. La priorización de protocolos antecede a la priorización de programas.";
save_protocols = "Guardar protocolos";
protocol = "Protocolo";
high_help = "Procesar antes de paquetes con prioridad normal.";
low_lower = "Baja, muy baja";
low_help = "Esperar mientras otros paquetes (con prioridad muy alta) son procesados. En caso contrario, procesar con velocidad normal.";
normal_help = "Sin prioridad. Puede ser tratado por la priorización de programas.";
ts_settings = "Configuración del Traffic Shaping";
deactivated = "desactivado";
prio_programs = "Priorizar programas";
current_connections = "Conexiones";
budget_title = "%p Presupuestos Online";
hard_limit_help_set = "Los paquetes serán descartados si se alcanza el límite del presupuesto";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Un presupuesto él cual alcanzó su límite solo será indicado en la ventana de estado";
save_budgets = "Guardar presupuestos";
time = "Tiempo";
time_units = "horas:min";
volume = "Volumen";
hard_limit = "Límites<br>duros";
time_limit = "Límite de tiempo";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Límite de volumen";
reset_day = "Día de reinicio";
reset_day_unit = "día del mes";
spdbudget_help = "Para usar un presupuesto, ir al diálogo de Conexiones y adjudicarlo a una conexión";
asus_save = "Guardar";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Juegos procesar antes de paquetes con prioridad normal";

#language 1036
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Francais";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Le test ping de %p a échoué. Cliquez ici pour obtenir de l'aide.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "La modulation du traffic en emission de cFosSpeed atteint ses limites à cause du nombre de connexions actives. Vous obtiendrez de meilleurs résultats avec moins de connexions. Cliquez ici pour obtenir de l’aide.";
no_setup = "L’installation (setup.exe) n’a pas pu être démarrée.";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_fr.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Votre période d’essai est dépassée depuis %1 %2. Commandez %3  maintenant !";
dayl_plural = "jours";
dayl_singular = "jour";
speed_endsoon = "Votre période d’essai expire bientôt... Profitez-en pour commander %1 dès maintenant !";
lic_expired = "Votre période d’essai étant écoulée %1 a été désactivé. Si vous voulez continuer à profiter des mêmes performances, n’attendez pas et commandez %1 dès aujourd’hui !";
order_info = "Commander tout de suite :\npar Internet : http://www.cfos.com\nou par téléphone : +49-228-766 98 26";
select_language = "Sélectionner une langue";
budget_settings = "Configurer les compteurs";
settings = "Paramètres";
netconfig = "Connexions";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Effacer les données de Modulation du Trafic\net calibrer à nouveau la ligne. Selon votre utilisation d’Internet,\nil est possible que quelques jours s’écoulent jusqu’à ce que\nla performance maximale soit atteinte. Voulez-vous continuer ?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_fr.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_fr.htm";
install_dir = "Répertoire d’installation : ";
password_bad = "Mot de passe incorrect";
short_dexpire = "Expiration dans %1 %2 !";
short_try = "Plus que %1 %2";
days_plural = "jours";
days_singular = "jour";
lic_try = "Vous pouvez encore tester %3 pendant %1 %2, avant de passer commande.";
err_file_auth = "Certains fichiers de cette distribution manquent ou sont endommagés.\nVeuillez vous procurer une copie de %p originale\n(par ex. sur le site http://www.cFos.com).";
short_exp = "Expiré !";
badkey = "Le code de licence est corrompu.\nMerci de réinstaller le code en double-cliquant sur\nle fichier reçu par email.";
licensed_to = "Licence accordée à %?";
license = "Licence";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Votre licence de %3 est encore valable pour %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p a détecté le pare-feu Sygate. Celui-ci confond le signal\nde calibrage de %p pour une attaque par déni de service (DDoS ou Ping-of-Death).\nNous vous conseillons d’effectuer un téléchargement puis un envoi de fichier à vitesse maximum chacun pendant au moins 30 secondes.\n%p devrait ainsi se calibrer automatiquement sans avoir besoin du signal de calibrage.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Il existe un conflit de versions entre différents composants de ce logiciel. Merci de réinstaller la version la plus récente.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Autres langues";
translator = "Traducteur";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "Alex d'Auteuil Charest. Matthieu Koé";
none = "aucun";
connections = "Connecté à";
upgrade = "Obtenir la nouvelle version du logiciel";
config = "Configurer";
graph_title = "Graphique d'utilisation";
order = "Commander tout de suite !";
connect_to = "Connecter à %?";
disco_ras = "Déconnecter : ";
redetect_routes = "Relancer la detection des routeurs";
calibrate = "Calibration de la ligne";
favor_ping = "Priorité sur les temps de ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Priorité sur la Bande Passante";
enable_speed_shaping = "Activer la Modulation du Trafic ";
disable_speed_shaping = "Désactiver la Modulation du Trafic ";
openwindows = "Ouvrir les fenêtres";
closewindows = "Fermer les fenêtres";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Pilote cFos non chargé!";
taskbaricon = "Symbole dans la barre des tâches (à côté de l’horloge)";
trayicon_tip = "Votre connexion Internet plus rapide avec la ‘Modulation du Trafic’ www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Mesure les temps de latence (ping) et les opérations privilégiées pour %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Activer la Modulation du Trafic pour cette connexion?";
winsettings = "Configuration des fenêtres";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Utiliser les paramètres du système d’exploitation";
slide_effect = "Dérouler la fenêtre";
blend_effect = "Afficher la fenêtre à l’écran";
defpos = "Position par défaut";
click_through = "Sélectionner";
topmost = "Fenêtre toujours au premier plan";
autoopen = "Ouvrir/fermer automatiquement";
closewindow = "Fermer la fenêtre";
openwindow = "Ouvrir la fenêtre";
selectskin = "Sélectionner une apparence (skin)";
autoarrange = "Positionner la fenêtre automatiquement";
effects = "Effets";
make_own_skin = "Créer votre propre interface (skins) !";
enable_win = "La fenêtre de statut doit-elle être activée ?\n\nLa fenêtre de statut affiche les détails de votre connexion actuelle.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Une connexion active est sur le point d’être reconfigurée\net sera temporairement désactivée.\nVoulez-vous continuer ?";
yes = "Oui";
no = "Non";
ole_error = "Pour pouvoir accéder à cette page de configuration,\\n%p doit être installé et activé\\nsur votre ordinateur. Veuillez vérifier %p\\net, le cas échéant, réinstaller.";
budget = "Consommation et Forfaits";
show_for = "Afficher pour";
last_12_months = "les 12 derniers mois";
last_3_months = "les 3 mois précédents";
last_month = "le mois précédent";
this_month = "ce mois";
rxtx_button = "Sélection RX/TX (Réception/Emission)";
sum_button = "cumulatif";
please_select = "Merci de faire une sélection";
budgets = "Consommation et Forfaits en ligne";
protocols = "Protocoles";
programs = "Logiciels";
ts_config = "Configuration de la Modulation du Trafic de %p";
dialup_connections = "Connexions par modem";
help = "Aide";
nc_connections = "Connexions";
ask = "Demander";
aux_lines = "Autres lignes";
traffic_shaping = "Modulation du Traffic";
ras_con_help = "<b>Oui&nbsp;</b>: activer, <b>non&nbsp;</b>: désactiver, <b>demander</b>: demander seulement cette fois et sauvegarder les paramètres";
dialup_connection = "Connexion par modem";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Moyen";
connection_type = "Mode ‘Modulation du Trafic’";
regid1 = "fixe";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Votre connexion est à bande passante fixe ou vous l’utilisez uniquement à partir cet ordinateur.";
regid2 = "variable (cooperatif)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Votre connexion a une bande passante variable et/ou vous la partagez avec plusieurs ordinateurs en même temps : cFos Modulation du Trafic est installé sur tous ces ordinateurs.";
regid3 = "variable (non-cooperatif)";
variable_bandwidth_help = " Votre connexion a une bande passante variable et/ou vous la partagez avec plusieurs ordinateurs en même temps : cFos Modulation du Trafic n’est PAS installé sur au moins un de ces ordinateurs.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Désactivé";
on = "Activé";
router_connections = "Connexions du routeur";
net_components = "Composants Réseau";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>oui&nbsp;</b>: activer, <b>non&nbsp;</b>: désactiver, <b>auto&nbsp;</b>: Modulation du Trafic si un routeur est trouvé sur l’adaptateur réseau";
network_adapter = "Adaptateur Réseau";
router = "Routeur";
and_save_settings = "et sauvegarder les paramètres";
preferences = "Préférences";
def_bandwidth_help = "Défauts pour<b>nouvelle</b> connexion";
limit_bandwidth = "Limiter la bande passante pour la connexion active";
rx_limit = "Limite de Réception";
max = "Maximum";
tx_limit = "Limite d’Envoi";
apply_limits = "Appliquer les Limites ";
limit_help = "Valeurs en kbps pour l’intégralité du trafic, 0 = aucune limite.";
l7_prot_detection = "Détection par protocole Layer-7";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Détecte le protocole utilisé par l’analyse des données. Utilisez la page 'Priorité des protocoles' si vous souhaitez changer la priorité des différents protocoles. Si vous désactivez cette option les protocoles seront décodés en fonction du numéro de port utilisé.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: %p va raccourcir les délais ping en réduisant - si nécessaire - la bande passante.<br /><b>Off</b>:  %p va tenter de maximiser la bande passante.";
activate_firewall = "Activer le pare-feu";
activate_firewall_help = "La protection contre les intrusions est réalisée par le filtrage des paquets dangereux, l'inspection d'état et le mode fantôme.";
mtu_opt = "Optimisation automatique du MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "ajuste le MSS/MTU pour obtenir la meilleure vitesse de transfert. Normalement, les valeurs légèrement en dessous des valeurs 1500/1492 génèrent un meilleur débit.";
strict_rtp = "Validation RTP stricte";
strict_rtp_help = "si activé %p va reconnaître seulement les paquets RTP qui proviennent d’une source RTCP valide. Vous n’aurez besoin de désactiver cette option que si vous utilisez des logiciels de Voix-sur-IP comme VoIpBuster.";
ts_prios = "Priorités de la Modulation du Trafic";
prog_overwrite = "Le logiciel #p est déjà dans la liste.\\nVoulez vous remplacer la ligne avec ces valeurs ?";
games = "Jeux";
file_sharing = "Partage de fichiers";
voip = "Voix-sur-IP";
media_streaming = "Audio-Vidéo en continu";
remote_control = "Contrôle à distance";
other = "Autre";
hint = "Conseil";
prog_hint_text = "La priorisation fonctionnera seulement si la plus petite quantité de données possible a une priorité élevée. Donnez aux logiciels envoyant beaucoup de données une priorité faible. <br />La priorité par logiciel n'est pas disponible pour Windows 2000 !";
save_priorities = "Enregistrer";
undo = "Annuler";
filter_selection = "Sélection du filtre";
program = "Logiciel";
entries = "Entrées";
set_priority = "Appliquer la priorité";
delete = "Effacer";
higher = "Plus haut";
higher_prog_help = "Voix-sur-IP, certains jeux";
high = "Haut";
high_prog_help = "Jeux, Diffusion en continu (streaming) audio et vidéo, Telnet et autres logiciels interactifs";
low = "Faible";
low_prog_help = "Données Serveur ou FTP";
lower = "Très faible";
lower_prog_help = "trafic continu en arrière plan comme le partage de fichiers (peer-to-peer)";
delete_help = "Enlever de la liste (traitement standard des paquets).";
note = "Note";
prog_help = "La vitesse de transfert des paquets de faible priorité sera réduite uniquement si des paquets de plus haute priorité sont exécutés en même temps, autrement les données de faible priorité sont envoyés à la vitesse maximum.";
normal = "Normale";
filename = "Nom du ficher";
description = "Description";
new_program = "Ajouter/Configurer un logiciel";
add = "Ajouter";
prio_protocols = "Priorité des protocoles";
client_protocols = "Protocoles Client";
server_protocols = "Protocoles Serveur";
special = "Spécial";
hint_text = "L’attribution des priorités fonctionnera seulement si la plus petite quantité de données possible a une priorité haute. Pour de meilleurs résultats attribuez une priorité faible aux logiciels envoyant beaucoup de données, en effet les priorités de protocole seront actives avant les priorités logicielles.";
save_protocols = "Sauvegarder les protocoles";
protocol = "Protocole";
high_help = "Priorité sur les paquets ayant une priorité normale";
low_lower = "Faible, très faible";
low_help = "Mettre en attente pendant que les autres paquets (avec une priorité plus haute) sont exécutés.";
normal_help = "Sans priorité / Priorité par défaut. Vous pouvez aussi influencer ces paramètres via la page des priorités des logiciels.";
ts_settings = "Configuration de la Modulation du Trafic";
deactivated = "Désactivé";
prio_programs = "Priorité des logiciels";
current_connections = "Connexions actives";
budget_title = "%p Compteurs";
hard_limit_help_set = "Les données seront bloquées si les paramètres définis sont dépassés";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Un dépassement de la consommation ou du forfait sera uniquement indiqué dans la fenêtre de statut";
save_budgets = "Sauvegarder les paramètres de consommation";
time = "Temps";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Limites";
time_limit = "Limite de Temps";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Limite du Volume";
reset_day = "Réinitialiser le jour";
reset_day_unit = "jour du mois";
spdbudget_help = "Pour activer un forfait de consommation merci d’aller sur la page des connexions et de l’attribuer à une connexion.";
asus_save = "Enregistrer";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Jeux priorité sur les paquets ayant une priorité normale";

#language 1038
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Magyar";

autohide_on_fullscreen = "Automatikus elrejtés, teljes képernyős programnál";
no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "A %p által küldött ping adatcsomagok nem értek célba. Enélkül a %p Traffic Shaping nem tud rendesen mûködni. Lehet, hogy a tûzfal blokkolja? '%p Service' (spd.exe) számára elengedethetetlen a nethozzáférés.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "A %p rx-forgalomalakítás elérte teljesítőképessége határát, mert jelenleg túl sok az aktív kapcsolat. Amint kevesebb lesz az aktív kapcsolatok száma, a forgalomalakítás hatékonyabban fog működni. Kattintson ide bővebb információkért.";
no_setup = "Setup (setup.exe) nem futtatható.";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_hu.htm";
lic_dexpire = "A próbaidõ már %1 %2 -ja lejárt. Vásárolja meg a %3 programot most!";
dayl_plural = "Nap";
dayl_singular = "Nap";
speed_endsoon = "Hamarosan lejár a próbaidõ! Kérem vásárolja meg a %1 programot még ma!";
lic_expired = "A próbaidõ lejárt. A %1 kikapcsolt. Vásárolja meg még ma a %1 -et!";
order_info = "Rendelje meg most:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nTelefonon: 0049-228-7669826";
select_language = "Nyelv kiválasztása";
budget_settings = "Forgalomkorlátozás";
settings = "Beállítások";
netconfig = "Kapcsolatok";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Traffic Shaping bemérési adatainak törlése\n, majd a kapcsolat újra bemérése. Internethasználattól függõen\nnapokig is eltarthat, amíg a legjobb teljesítmény\nújra elérhetõ lesz. Valóban törli a bemérési adatokat?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_hu.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_hu.htm";
install_dir = "Telepítési útvonal: ";
password_bad = "Hibás jelszó";
short_dexpire = "%1 %2 késedelem!";
short_try = "Még %1 %2";
days_plural = "Próbanap";
days_singular = "Próbanap";
lic_try = "A %3 még %1 %2 tesztelheti, mielõtt megvásárolná.";
err_file_auth = "A program néhány fájlja hibás vagy hiányos.\nKérem szerezzen be egy hiteles %p disztribuciót\n(Pl.innen: www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Lejárt!";
badkey = "Hiba lépett fel a licenc kulcssal kapcsolatban.\nKérem telepítse újra a kulcsot. Kattintson\nkétszer az eredeti kulcsra, amelyet eMail-ben vagy floppy lemezen kapott.";
licensed_to = "A licenc tulajdonosa %?";
license = "Licenc";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Az Ön %3 licence %1 %2 múlva lejár.";
sygate_hint = "A %p Sygate Firewall-t érzékelt, amely a\nbemérési adatot egy rendszertámadásnak\nvéli \"Ping of Death\"-csomagokkal.\n30 mp-en keresztül végezzen el teljes sebességgel történõ fel-, és letöltést.\nA %p ezt bemérési adat küldése nélkül is beméri.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Verzióhiba lépett fel az alkamazás több része között. Kérem telepítse újra a legfrissebb verziót.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Más nyelven";
translator = "Fordította";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "Application Translator Team Hungary";
none = "Semelyik";
connections = "Kapcsolódva";
upgrade = "Programfrissítés letöltése";
config = "Beállítások";
graph_title = "Használati grafikon";
order = "Megrendelem most!";
connect_to = "Kapcsolódás %?";
disco_ras = "Kapcsolat bontása: ";
redetect_routes = "Szabályok újraelemzése";
calibrate = "Kapcsolat kalibrálása";
favor_ping = "Ping javítása";
favor_bandwidth = "Átviteli sebesség elonyben részesítése";
enable_speed_shaping = "Forgalomalakítás engedélyezése";
disable_speed_shaping = "Forgalomalakítás letiltása";
openwindows = "Ablak megnyitása";
closewindows = "Ablak bezárása";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "A driver nincs betöltve!";
taskbaricon = "Megjelenítés a tálcán";
trayicon_tip = "Gyors internet, Traffic Shaping technológiával, www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Beméri a %p nek a várakozási mértéket és az elsõbbségbe helyezett alkalmazásokat";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Engedélyezi a forgalomalakítási technológiát erre a kapcsolatra?";
winsettings = "Ablakbeállítások";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Rendszerbeállítások használata";
slide_effect = "Ablakok görgetése";
blend_effect = "Felbukkanó ablak";
defpos = "Alapállapot";
click_through = "átkattinthatóság";
topmost = "Ablak mindig elõtérben";
autoopen = "Automatikus megnyitás/bezárás";
closewindow = "Ablak bezárása";
openwindow = "Ablak megnyitása";
selectskin = "Felület kiválasztása";
autoarrange = "Ablakok automatikus elhelyezése";
effects = "Látvány";
make_own_skin = "Saját felület szerkesztése";
enable_win = "Engedélyezi az állapotjelzõ ablakot?\n\nA cFos állapotjelzõ ablak kimutatja a jelenlegi kapcsolat állapotát.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Egy aktív hálózati kapcsolaton kíván változtatni.\nFolytatás elõtt ajánlott bontani a kapcsolatot.\nBontja a jelenlegi hálózati kapcsolatot?";
yes = "Igen";
no = "Nem";
ole_error = "Ehhez a beállításhoz a,\\n%p-nek telepítve kell lennie és futnia kell a rendszeren.\\nKérem futassa a rogramot vagy telepítse újra a %p-et.";
budget = "Korlátok";
show_for = "Megjelenítés";
last_12_months = "előző 12 hónap";
last_3_months = "előző 3 hónap";
last_month = "előző hónap";
this_month = "jelenlegi hónap";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX kiválasztás";
sum_button = "halmozott megjelentés";
please_select = "kérem válasszon";
budgets = "Lehetõségek";
protocols = "Protokolok";
programs = "Programok";
ts_config = "%p forgalomalakítási beállítások";
dialup_connections = "Telefonos kapcsolatok";
help = "Súgó";
nc_connections = "Kapcsolatok";
ask = "rákérdez";
aux_lines = "Segédvonalak";
traffic_shaping = "Forgalomalakítás";
ras_con_help = "<b>igen</b>: engedélyez, <b>nem</b>: letilt, <b>rákérdez</b>: rákérdez és utána elmenti a beállításokat";
dialup_connection = "Telefonos kapcsolat";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Kapcsolat";
connection_type = "Régi forgalomalakítás mód";
regid1 = "fix";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "A számítógép fix sávszélességgel rendelkezik, valamint a teljes sávszélességet egyedül használja vagy minden kapcsolatot egyedül ér el router-en keresztül. (Pl.: ha internetmegosztással osztja el az internetet).";
regid2 = "változó (együttmûködõ)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "A számítógép változó sávszélességgel rendelkezik és/vagy az internetkapcsolaton több géppel kell osztoznia (a %p telepítve van minden számítógépre).";
regid3 = "változó (nem együttmûködõ)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "A számítógép változó sávszélességgel rendelkezik és/vagy az internetkapcsolatot többen is használják egyszerre (van olyan gép, melyre nincs telepítve a %p).";
ok = "OK";
off = "kikapcsolva";
on = "bekapcsolva";
router_connections = "Útválasztó kapcsolatok";
net_components = "Hálózati eszközök";
auto = "auto";
router_help = "<b>igen</b>: aktiválás, <b>nem</b>: kikapcsolás, <b>auto</b>: forgalomalakíás engedélyezése, ha router észlelhetõ a hálózati kártyánál";
network_adapter = "Hálózati kártya";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "(Beállítások elmentése)";
preferences = "Beállítások";
def_bandwidth_help = "Ez az alapértelmezett az új kapcsolatoknál";
limit_bandwidth = "Sávszélesség korlátozása a jelenlegi kapcsolatra";
rx_limit = "RX korlát";
max = "Max";
tx_limit = "TX korlát";
apply_limits = "korlátozások alkalmazása";
limit_help = "Az értékek kbyte/s-ban értendők, ezek lesznek a protokolok felső határai, 0 = nincs korlát.";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protokol Detektálás";
l7_prot_detection_help = " Protokolok detektálása adatok analizása alapján. Használja a 'Protokolok priorizálása' opciót a protokolok priorizálásához. Amennyiben ezt az opciót kikapcsolja, a protokolok a port alapján lesznek detektálva.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Be</b>: a %p a lehető legjobb ping időt próbálja elérni, viszont a sávszélesség enyhe rovására mehet.<br /> <b>Ki</b>: a %p a lehető legnagyobb sávszélességet próbálja elérni, viszont a pings enyhe rovására mehet.";
activate_firewall = "Beépített tûzfal használata";
activate_firewall_help = "Védelem külsõ hálózati behatolások ellen a gyanús csomagok kiszûrésével.";
mtu_opt = "Automatikus MSS (MTU) optimizálás";
mtu_opt_help = "Beállítja az MSS/MTU értékeket a legnagyobb átviteli sebesség érdekében. Tipikusan a 1500/1492 értékek alatt érhető el a legjobb eredmény.";
strict_rtp = "Szigorú RTP Ellenőrzések";
strict_rtp_help = "Ha aktiválja, a %p csak azokat a packeteket észleli RTP-nek amik érvényes RTCP forrás ID-vel rendelkeznek. Ezt az opciót kapcsolja ki VoIP programoknál(mint pl. VoIPBuster) amik nem küldenek RTCP packeteket.";
ts_prios = "Forgalomalakítási Priorizálások";
prog_overwrite = "A #p nevű program már szerepel a listában.\\nFelül szeretné írni az új beállításokkal?";
games = "Játékok";
file_sharing = "Fájl megosztás";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Média Streaming";
remote_control = "Távirányítás";
other = "Egyéb";
hint = "Tipp";
save_priorities = "Priorítások Mentése";
undo = "Mégsem";
filter_selection = "Szûrõ kiválasztása";
program = "Program";
entries = "Bejegyzések";
set_priority = "Priorítás Beállítása";
delete = "Töröl";
higher = "Legmagasabb priorítás";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP (VoIP), esetleg játékok";
high = "Magas priorítás";
high_prog_help = "Játékok, Streaming Média, Telnet és más interaktív programok";
low = "Alacsony";
low_prog_help = "Szerver adat, FTP adat";
lower = "Legalacsonyabb";
lower_prog_help = "állandó háttérben zajló forgalom, mint például fájlmegosztás";
delete_help = "Listából törlés (más szóval normál priorítás visszaállítása).";
note = "Figyelem";
prog_help = "Az alacsony priorítású programok csak abban az esetben korlátozódnak le amennyiben egy magasabb priorítású program fut vele párhuzamosan. Egyéb esetben természetesen a legnagyobb sebességet próbálja elérni a %p.";
normal = "normál";
filename = "Fájlnév";
description = "Leírás";
new_program = "Új program";
add = "Hozzáad";
prio_protocols = "Forgalomszabályzási Protokol Priorítások";
client_protocols = "Kliens Protokolok";
server_protocols = "Kiszolgáló Protokolok";
special = "Különleges";
hint_text = "A priorizálás akkor nyer értelmet amennyiben minél kevesebb adat van magasan priorizálva. A sok feltöltéssel járó programoknak alacsony priotítást érdemes adni. Ne priorizálja azokat a programokat amiknek a protokoljai már a 'Protokolok' listában van. A programok priorizálása csak Windows XP alatt működnek!";
save_protocols = "Protokolok Mentése";
protocol = "Protokol";
high_help = "A normál prioritású csomagok elõtt érkeznek meg.";
low_lower = "Alacsony, legalacsonyabb";
low_help = "Várakozik míg a nála magasabb priorításu packetek forgalma lezajlik.";
normal_help = "Priorizálás nélkül. A program priorizálással kezelhetõ.";
ts_settings = "Forgalomalakítás Beállításai";
deactivated = "kikapcsolva";
prio_programs = "Programok priorizálása";
current_connections = "Kapcsolatok";
budget_title = "Forgalomkorlátozások";
hard_limit_help_set = "Az adatforgalom befejezõdik, ha elérte a limitet";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Csak egy figyelmeztetõ üzenet jelenik meg, ha elérte a limitet";
save_budgets = "Beállítások mentése";
time = "Idő";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Adatmennyiség";
hard_limit = "Szigorú korlátozások";
time_limit = "Időkorlát";
time_min = "Perc";
volume_limit = "Adatkorlát";
reset_day = "Nap Nullázása";
reset_day_unit = "a hónap x.napja";
spdbudget_help = "A forgalomkorlátozás használatához menjen a kapcsolatok menübe és állítsa be a megfelelo kapcsolathoz a korlátozást";
asus_save = "Mentés";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Játékok a normál prioritású csomagok elõtt érkeznek meg";

#language 1040
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Italiano";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "I pacchetti di ping inviati da %p sembra non riescano ad uscire. Senza di essi, %p Traffic Shaping non può funzionare correttamente. Cliccare qui per l'aiuto.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "Il Traffic Shaping in ricezione ha raggiunto il limite a causa delle numerose connessioni. Con meno connessioni è probabile un rendimento migliore. Premi qui per l'aiuto.";
no_setup = "Impossibile eseguire il setup (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_it.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Il periodo di prova è scaduto da %1 %2. Ordina subito  %3!";
dayl_plural = "giorni";
dayl_singular = "giorno";
speed_endsoon = "Il periodo di prova sta per scadere! Ordina subito %1!";
lic_expired = "Il periodo di prova è scaduto. %1 non è più attivo. Ordina subito %1!";
order_info = "Ordina:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nTelefono: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Selezione della lingua";
budget_settings = "Opzioni Budget";
settings = "Opzioni";
netconfig = "Configurazione di rete";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Elimina i dati di traffic shaping \ne avvia una nuova calibrazione della connessione. A secondo dell'utilizzo di Internet\npotrebbero essere necessari alcuni giorni per raggiungere il massimo delle\nprestazioni. Vuoi eliminare i dati?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_it.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_it.htm";
install_dir = "Cartella di installazione: ";
password_bad = "Password non corretta";
short_dexpire = "Scaduto da %1 %2!";
short_try = "Ancora %1 %2";
days_plural = "giorni di prova";
days_singular = "giorno di prova";
lic_try = "Puoi provare ancora %3 per %1 %2 prima di ordinarlo.";
err_file_auth = "Alcuni file d'installazione mancano o sono difettosi.\nRieffettua il download di %p \n(p.e. da www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Scaduto!";
badkey = "Si è verificato un problema con la chiave di licenza.\nInstalla nuovamente la chiave facendo doppio click\nsul file originale che hai ricevuto via e-mail o sul dischetto.\n";
licensed_to = "Licenza di %?";
license = "Licenza";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "La tua licenza di %3 vale ancora per %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p E'stato rilevato Sygate Firewall. Questo software firewall considera erroneamente gli impulsi\ndi calibrazione di %p come attacchi Denial of Service\nattraverso pacchetti \"Ping of Death\".\nsi consiglia quindi di eseguire sia un download che un upload con %p \nper almeno 30 secondi a piena velocità.\n%p dovrebbe potersi calibrare anche senza impulsi.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Si è verificato un conflitto tra le versioni dei componenti del programma. Reinstallare l'ultima versione.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Altre lingue";
translator = "Traduttore";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "Stefano Moreno";
none = "niente";
connections = "Connetti con";
upgrade = "Scarica la nuova versione del programma";
config = "Opzioni";
graph_title = "Grafico dell'utilizzo";
order = "Ordina subito!";
connect_to = "Connetti con %?";
disco_ras = "Disconnetti: ";
redetect_routes = "Rileva nuovamente l'instradamento dei pacchetti";
calibrate = "Calibrazione della linea";
favor_ping = "Priorità al tempo di ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Priorità alla larghezza di banda";
enable_speed_shaping = "Abilita Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Disabilta Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Apri le finestre";
closewindows = "Chiudi le finestre";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Driver non caricato!";
taskbaricon = "Mostra icona sulla barra degli strumenti";
trayicon_tip = "Internet veloce con traffic shaping, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Misura i tempi di latenza ed esegue le operazioni preferenziali.";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Abilitare il traffic shaping per questa connessione?";
winsettings = "Opzioni per le finestre";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Usa le opzioni di sistema";
slide_effect = "Scorri le finestre";
blend_effect = "Dissolvenza delle finestre";
defpos = "Posizione standard";
click_through = "Clicca-attraverso";
topmost = "Finestra sempre in primo piano";
autoopen = "Apertura/chiusura automatica";
closewindow = "Chiudi la finstra";
openwindow = "Apri finestra";
selectskin = "Seleziona la skin";
autoarrange = "Disposizione automatica";
effects = "Effetti";
make_own_skin = "Creare una propria skin";
enable_win = "Vuoi attivare la finestra di stato?\n\nLa finestra di stato visualizza lo stato della connessione.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Deve essere riconfigurata una connessione di rete attiva.\nSi consiglia di disattivare la connessione.\nDisconnettere ora la connessione attiva?";
yes = "Si";
no = "No";
ole_error = "Per utilizzare questa finestra di configurazione\\nè necessario installare e eseguire %p\\nsul tuo PC. Controllare %p\\ne nel caso di malfunzionamento reinstallarlo.";
budget = "Budget";
show_for = "Visualizza";
last_12_months = "ultimi 12 mesi";
last_3_months = "ultimi 3 mesi";
last_month = "mese scorso";
this_month = "questo mese";
rxtx_button = "Selezione RX/TX";
sum_button = "cumulativo";
please_select = "Prego selezionare";
budgets = "Online Budgets";
protocols = "Protocolli";
programs = "Programmi";
ts_config = "Configurazione %p Traffic Shaping";
dialup_connections = "Connessioni remote";
help = "Aiuto";
nc_connections = "Connessioni";
ask = "Conferma";
aux_lines = "Linea";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Si</b>: attivare, <b>no</b>: disattivare, <b>conferma</b>: chiede conferma e salva l'impostazione";
dialup_connection = "Connessione remota";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Tipo connessione";
connection_type = "Modalità Traffic Shaping";
regid1 = "fissa";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "La tua connessione ha una velocità di banda fissa e solo tu la usi, o, comunque tutto il traffico internet generato passa attraverso questo PC (es. tramite la Condivisione di Connessione Internet (ICS).";
regid2 = "variabile (cooperativa)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "La tua connessione ha una velocità di banda variabile e/o la usi contemporaneamente da più PC, e cFos Traffic Shaping è installato su tutti questi computer.";
regid3 = "variabile (non cooperativa)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "La tua connessione ha una velocità di banda variabile e/o la usi contemporaneamente da più PC, ed in almeno uno di questi computer, cFos Traffic Shaping non è installato.";
ok = "OK";
off = "disattivo";
on = "attivo";
router_connections = "Connessioni tramite router";
net_components = "Componenti di rete";
auto = "auto";
router_help = "<b>Si</b>: attivare, <b>no</b>: disattivare, <b>auto</b>: Traffic Shaping, se il router è stato rilevato tra i dispositivi di rete.";
network_adapter = "Scheda di rete";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "Le opzioni verranno applicate";
preferences = "Preferenze";
def_bandwidth_help = "Predefinita per le <b>nuove</b> connessioni";
limit_bandwidth = "Limita velocità di banda per la conessione corrente";
rx_limit = "Limite ricezione";
max = "Massimo";
tx_limit = "Limite trasmissione";
apply_limits = "Applica limiti";
limit_help = "Valori in kbyte/s, inclusi tutti gli overhead di protocollo, 0 = nessun limite.";
l7_prot_detection = "Rilevamento del protocollo Layer-7";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Rilevamento dei protocolli analizzando i dati. Usare la casella di dialogo 'Priorità dei protocolli' per cambiare la priorità dei vari protocolli. Se viene disattivata questa opzione i protocolli verranno rilevati in base al numero delle porte utilizzate.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: %p può abbassare il tempo di ping a discapito di una leggera diminuzione della larghezza di banda (se necessario) .<br /><b>Off</b>: %p può aumentare la larghezza di banda a discapito di un leggero inalzamento del tempo di ping (se necessario).";
activate_firewall = "Attivare il Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Protezione contro le intrusioni di rete con il filtraggio dei pacchetti pericolosi,ispezione sul loro stato e modalità stealth.";
mtu_opt = "Ottimizzazione automatica MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Regola il valore MSS/MTU per la massima velocità di trasferimento. Tipicamente valori regolati leggermente sotto 1500/1492 producono velocità piu alte.";
strict_rtp = "Verifica completa RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Se attivata, %p riconoscerà solamente quei pacchetti RTP che sono provenienti da una fonte di RTCP con ID valido. Questa opzione va disattivata per programmi Voice-over-IP (come VoIPBuster)che non inviano pacchetti RTCP.";
ts_prios = "Priorità di Traffic Shaping";
prog_overwrite = "Il programma #p è già nella lista.\\nvuoi sovrascrivere l'immissione inserendo nuovi valori?";
games = "Giochi";
file_sharing = "File Sharing";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Media Streaming";
remote_control = "Controllo remoto";
other = "Altro";
hint = "Consiglio";
prog_hint_text = "Il controllo della priorità funzionerà bene sempre quando si destinasse il minimo possibile di dati  in alta priorità. Assegnate poca priorità ai programmi che inviano  troppi dati. .<br /> Il controllo della priorità  non sta disponibile per l´Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Salva le  priorità";
undo = "Annulla la modifica";
filter_selection = "Selezione del filtro";
program = "Programma";
entries = "Inserire";
set_priority = "Configura le priorità";
delete = "Cancella";
higher = "Superiore";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, forse alcuni giochi";
high = "Alto";
high_prog_help = "Giochi, Media Stream, Telnet e altri programmi interattivi";
low = "Basso";
low_prog_help = "Dati server, dati FTP";
lower = "Abbassare";
lower_prog_help = "traffico permanente in background, come file sharing";
delete_help = "Rimuovi dalla lista (p.e., considera pacchetti normali).";
note = "Note";
prog_help = "Il trasferimento di pacchetti a bassa priorità avviene a bassa velocità solo se i dati con alta priorità sono inviati allo stesso tempo. Altrimenti, i dati a bassa priorità sono di norma inviati ad alta velocità.";
normal = "Normale";
filename = "Nome del file";
description = "Descrizione";
new_program = "Nuovo programma";
add = "Aggiungere";
prio_protocols = "Assegna la priorità ai protocolli";
client_protocols = "Protocolli dei Client";
server_protocols = "Protocolli server";
special = "Speciale";
hint_text = "L'assegnazione delle priorità funziona correttamente solo se il minimo dei dati possibile è assegnato in priorità alta. Assegnare a molti programmi l'invio dei dati con priorità bassa. L'assegnazione delle priorità al protocollo è eseguito con precedenza sull'assegnazione delle priorità al programma.";
save_protocols = "Salva i protocolli";
protocol = "Protocollo";
high_help = "Verranno processati prima i pacchetti con priorità normale.";
low_lower = "Basso, molto basso";
low_help = "I pacchetti con priorità bassa vengono accodati, se sono presenti altri pacchetti con priorità più alta.";
normal_help = "Priorità non assegnate. Il programma può assegnare un ordine di priorità.";
ts_settings = "Configurazione di Traffic Shaping";
deactivated = "disattivato";
prio_programs = "Assegna la  priorità ai programmi";
current_connections = "Connessioni correnti";
budget_title = "%p Online Budgets";
hard_limit_help_set = "I pacchetti verranno persi se il budget verrà esaurito";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Solo un budget esaurito verrà indicato nella finestra di stato";
save_budgets = "Salva i Budgets";
time = "Tempo";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Limite<br>Estremo";
time_limit = "Tempo Limite";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Limite Volume";
reset_day = "Giorno di ripristino";
reset_day_unit = "giorno del mese";
spdbudget_help = "Per usare un budget, andare alla finestra di dialogo connessioni ed assegnare ad esso una connessione particolare";
asus_save = "Salva le priorità";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Giochi verranno processati prima i pacchetti con priorità normale";

#language 1041
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Japanese";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "%pからのpingパケットが到達していません。帯域制御を行うことが出来ません。ヘルプはここを参照してください";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
no_setup = "セットアップが開始されませんでした(setup.exe)";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_jp.htm";
lic_dexpire = "お試し期間はすでに%1%2終了しました。今すぐに%3を購入してください";
dayl_plural = "日";
dayl_singular = "日";
speed_endsoon = "テスト期間がまもなく終了します、今すぐに%1を注文してください";
lic_expired = "テスト期間が終了しました。プログラムを休止します。今すぐに%1を購入してください";
order_info = "今すぐに注文:\nインターネットwww.cfos.com\n電話+49-228-7669826";
select_language = "言語選択";
budget_settings = "割当量の設定";
settings = "帯域制御設定";
netconfig = "接続設定";
ask_clear_tsdata = "帯域制御データをクリアし、基準値補正を行います。\nインターネット使用法によりますが、完全に機能するまでには数日かかる可能性があります。\n続行しますか?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_jp.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_jp.htm";
install_dir = "インストールディレクトリ:\n";
password_bad = "パスワードが違います";
short_dexpire = "残り%1%2";
short_try = "残り%1%2試用可能";
days_plural = "日";
days_singular = "日";
lic_try = "残り%1%2試用可能です";
err_file_auth = "いくつかのファイルが無いか、破損しています。\n信頼できる %p のパッケージを入手してください(例 www.cfos.com)";
short_exp = "期限切れ";
badkey = "ライセンスキーに関する問題が生じました。\nEメールやディスクで受け取ったオリジナルのファイルをダブルクリックしてインストールし直してください";
licensed_to = "%?にライセンスされています";
license = "ライセンス";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "あなたの%3のライセンス認証はまだ%1%2有効です";
sygate_hint = "Sygateのファイアウォールが見つかりました。これは測定用基準値補正信号を「Ping-of-Death」のサービス拒否攻撃と誤って認識してしまいます。基準値補正をするためにフルスピードでのダウンロードとアップロードを30秒ずつ行ってください。これにより、基準値の補正が行われるようになります。\n\nヒント: ファイアウォールの機能で「Anti IP Manipulation」は無効にしてください";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "プログラムコンポーネント間にバージョン不整合があります。もう一度、最新バージョンをインストールしてください";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "他の言語";
translator = "超訳:";
translator_msg = "これを機にソフト翻訳に本格的に身を乗り出そうかと。\n目指すはソフト翻訳の戸○奈津子さん。\n仕事あったらください。";
translator_name = "Babizo";
none = "なし";
connections = "接続";
upgrade = "新しいプログラムをダウンロード";
config = "動作設定";
graph_title = "使用状況グラフ";
order = "今すぐ注文";
connect_to = "%?に接続";
disco_ras = "切断";
calibrate = "基準値補正";
favor_ping = "Ping時間優先";
favor_bandwidth = "帯域幅優先";
enable_speed_shaping = "帯域制御有効";
disable_speed_shaping = "帯域制御無効";
openwindows = "表示";
closewindows = "閉じる";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
taskbaricon = "タスクバーアイコン";
trayicon_tip = "帯域制御で快速インターネット www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "サービス概要";
allow_traffic_shaping = "帯域制御を許可しますか?";
winsettings = "表示設定";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "システム設定を利用";
slide_effect = "スライド";
blend_effect = "フェード";
defpos = "デフォルトの位置";
click_through = "クリックを無視";
topmost = "常に手前に表示";
autoopen = "自動的に表示/隠す";
closewindow = "閉じる";
openwindow = "表示";
selectskin = "スキンを選ぶ";
autoarrange = "自動設置";
effects = "効果";
make_own_skin = "スキンのデザイン";
enable_win = "ステータスウィンドウを有効にしますか?\n\nステータスウィンドウは有効な接続の状態を表示します";
ask_disconnect_ras = "現在使用中のインターネット接続は再構成されます。\nあらかじめインターネット接続を切ることをお勧めします。\n現在使用中のインターネット接続を切断しますか?";
yes = "「はい」";
no = "「いいえ」";
ole_error = "この構成ダイアログを使用するためには\\n%pがコンピュータにインストールされ、起動している必要があります。\\n確認し、必要なら再インストールしてください";
budget = "割当量";
show_for = "期間";
last_12_months = "過去12ヶ月";
last_3_months = "過去3ヶ月";
last_month = "先月";
this_month = "今月";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX 選択";
sum_button = "累積";
please_select = "選択してください";
budgets = "オンラインでの割当";
protocols = "プロトコル";
programs = "プログラム";
ts_config = "%p 帯域制御設定";
dialup_connections = "ダイアルアップ接続";
help = "ヘルプ";
nc_connections = "接続";
ask = "確認";
aux_lines = "ヘルプライン";
traffic_shaping = "帯域制御";
ras_con_help = "<b>はい</b>:有効にする, <b>いいえ</b>: 無効にする, <b>確認</b>:一度だけ確認し設定を保存する;";
dialup_connection = "ダイアルアップ接続";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
off = "オフ";
on = "オン";
router_connections = "ルータ接続";
net_components = "ネットワーク構成";
auto = "自動";
router_help = "<b>はい</b>: 有効にする, <b>いいえ</b>: 無効にする, <b>自動</b>: ルータがネットワーク上にあれば帯域制御有効";
network_adapter = "ネットワークカード";
router = "ルータ";
and_save_settings = "設定する";
preferences = "設定";
l7_prot_detection = "レイヤ7プロトコル検知";
l7_prot_detection_help = "データ分析によってプロトコルを検知します。プロトコルの優先度を変えるには優先プロトコルのダイアログより行います。このオプションを無効にするとプロトコル検知は使用ポート番号によって行われることになります";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: 必要に応じて、Ping時間を最小にします(帯域幅が増えますが、最大とは限りません) <br /><b>Off</b>: 必要に応じて、最大帯域幅を確保します(Ping時間を低めに設定しますが、最小とは限りません)";
activate_firewall = "ファイアウォール有効";
activate_firewall_help = "危険パケットの排除、状態監視やステルスモードによりネットワークへの侵入を保護します";
mtu_opt = "MSS(MTU)自動最適化";
mtu_opt_help = "MSS/MTUの値を調整します。一般的に1500/1492のやや下あたりが最高速度がでると言われています";
strict_rtp = "厳密なRTPチェック";
strict_rtp_help = "有効にすると、%pは正しいRTCPのソースIDからのパケットのみをRTPと認識します。RTCPパケットを送信しないプログラム(例 VoIPBuster)などではこのオプションは無効にしてください";
ts_prios = "帯域制御の優先度";
prog_overwrite = "%p はすでにリストに存在します。\\n新しい値で上書きしますか?";
games = "ゲーム";
file_sharing = "ファイル共有";
voip = "VoIP";
media_streaming = "ストリーミング";
remote_control = "リモートコントロール";
other = "その他";
hint = "ヒント";
save_priorities = "優先度の保存";
undo = "元に戻す";
filter_selection = "フィルタ選択";
program = "プログラム";
entries = "エントリ";
set_priority = "優先度設定";
delete = "削除";
higher = "より高い";
higher_prog_help = "VoIPや一部のゲーム";
high = "高い";
high_prog_help = "ゲーム、ストリーミング、Telnetなどのインタラクティブなもの";
low = "低い";
low_prog_help = "サーバデータ、FTPデータ";
lower = "より低い";
lower_prog_help = "常にバックグラウンド、ファイル共有など";
delete_help = "リストから消去(通常の優先度)";
note = "メモ";
prog_help = "(より)低い優先度のパケットの転送は、高優先度のデータが処理されているときは遅くなります。それ以外では最大速度で送信されます";
normal = "通常";
filename = "ファイルネーム";
description = "概要";
new_program = "新しいプログラム";
add = "追加";
prio_protocols = "プロトコル優先順位";
client_protocols = "クライアントプロトコル";
server_protocols = "サーバプロトコル";
special = "特別";
hint_text = "優先順位は限りなく少ないデータに高優先度がつけられた時にのみ正しく機能します。プログラムに多くのデータを低優先度で送信させるようにしてください。プロトコルの優先順位はプログラムの優先順位よりも先に行われます";
save_protocols = "プロトコルの保存";
protocol = "プロトコル";
high_help = "通常の優先度のパケットより先に処理されます";
low_lower = "低い、より低い";
low_help = "高優先度のパケットが処理されている間はキューに格納され、それ以外は通常のスピードで処理されます";
normal_help = "プログラム優先度によってのみ左右される";
ts_settings = "帯域制御の設定";
deactivated = "無効";
prio_programs = "プログラム優先順位";
current_connections = "現在の接続";
budget_title = "%p オンラインでの割当";
hard_limit_help_set = "割当分が消費されるとパケットは破棄されます";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "消費された割当分はステータスウィンドウにのみ表示されます";
save_budgets = "割当量の保存";
time = "時間";
time_units = "時:分";
volume = "ボリューム";
hard_limit = "ハード<br>制限";
time_limit = "時間制限";
time_min = "分";
volume_limit = "ボリューム制限";
reset_day = "日付リセット";
reset_day_unit = "月日";
spdbudget_help = "割当量を使用する場合は接続ダイアログにて設定してください";
asus_save = "優先度保存";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "ゲーム通常の優先度のパケットより先に処理されます";

#language 1042
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Korean";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
no_setup = "셋업(setup.exe)을 실행할 수 없습니다.";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_kr.htm";
lic_dexpire = "테스트 기간이 만료된지 %1 %2 경과되었습니다. 지금 %3을 주문하십시오!";
dayl_plural = "일";
dayl_singular = "일";
speed_endsoon = "테스트 기간이 곧 만료됩니다. 오늘 바로 %1를 주문하십시오!";
lic_expired = "테스트 기간이 만료되었습니다. %1의 운용이 중단되었습니다. 오늘 바로 %1를 주문하십시오!";
order_info = "바로 주문하십시오:\n인터넷: www.cfos.com\n전화: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "언어 선택";
settings = "설정";
netconfig = "연결들";
ask_clear_tsdata = "트래픽 쉐이핑 데이터 삭제 및.\n회선의 새로운 측정. 인터넷 사용량에 따라\n최적화에는 며칠이 걸릴 수 있습니다.\n정말 삭제하시겠습니까?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_kr.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_kr.htm";
install_dir = "설치 디렉토리: ";
short_dexpire = "%1 %2 경과!";
short_try = "아직 %1 %2";
days_plural = "일";
days_singular = "일";
lic_try = "구입 이전에 %1 %2 동안 %3을 테스트해보실 수 있습니다.";
err_file_auth = "동 배급판의 일부 파일들이 부족하거나 손상되었습니다.\n정품 %p 배급판을 구입하십시오\n(www.cfos.com 웹사이트 등으로 부터).";
short_exp = "기간만료!";
badkey = "라이센스 키와 관련, 문제가 발생했습니다.\n이메일이나 디스켓으로 받은 오리지날 파일을 두 번 클릭하여\n키를 다시 설치하십시오.";
licensed_to = "%?를 위한 라이센스";
license = "라이센스";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "귀하의 %3 라이센스는 아직도 %1 %2 유효합니다.";
sygate_hint = "%p는 시게이트 방화벽을 발견하였습니다. 이는 %p의 측정 시그날을\n\"Ping of Death\" 패키지를 통한 서비스 공격에 대한 거부로 착각하였습니다.\n따라서 대신 %p를 이용, 각각 30초씩 빠른 속도로 다운로드와 업로드를\n실행하는 것이 좋습니다.\n이는 측정 시그날과 마찬가지로 %p를 측정하게 됩니다.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "동 프로그램에 속한 다양한 컴포넌트들 간에 버전 충돌이 있습니다. 가장 최신 버전을 다시한번 설치하십시오.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
translator = "번역";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "";
none = "없음";
connections = "연결";
upgrade = "신규 프로그램 버전 다운로드";
config = "설정";
order = "지금 주문하십시오!";
connect_to = "%?와 연결";
disco_ras = "연결 중단: ";
openwindows = "창 열기";
closewindows = "창 닫기";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
taskbaricon = "태스크바 아이콘";
trayicon_tip = "트래픽 쉐이핑을 이용한 더 빠른 인터넷, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "대기시간이 측정되며 특별한 권한을 필요로 하는 과정이 실행됨";
allow_traffic_shaping = "다음의 연결을 위해 cFos 트래픽 쉐이핑을 허용하겠습니까?";
winsettings = "창 설정";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "시스템 설정 이용";
slide_effect = "창 슬라이드";
blend_effect = "창 삽입";
defpos = "표준위치";
topmost = "창을 항상 앞쪽에";
autoopen = "자동 열기/닫기";
closewindow = "창 닫기";
openwindow = "창 열기";
selectskin = "스킨 선택";
autoarrange = "창 자동 배열";
effects = "효과";
enable_win = "상태창을 활성화시키시겠습니까?\n\n%p 상태창은 현재의 연결 상태를 보여줍니다.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "지금 현재 살아있는 네트워크 연결이 다시 컨피규레이션되어야 합니다.\n연결을 먼저 중단하는 것이 좋습니다.\n현재 진행중인 네트워크 연결을 중단시킬까요?";
yes = "예";
no = "아니오";
budgets = "언라인 버젯";
help = "도움";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
budget_title = "%p 버젯";
asus_save = "저장";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Games processed before packets with normal priority";

#language 1045
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Polski";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Pakiety ping wysyłane przez %p nie wracają. Bez nich modelowanie ruchu %p nie będzie funkcjonowało poprawnie. Kliknij tutaj aby uzyskać pomoc.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "Z powodu za dużej ilości połączeń modelowanie ruchu RX %p chwilowo przydzieliło limit. Z mniejszą ilością połączeń prawdopodobnie będzie pracować lepiej. Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać pomoc.";
no_setup = "Nie można uruchomić instalacji (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_pl.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Okres testowy wygasa za %1 %2. Zamów %3 już dziś!";
dayl_plural = "dni";
dayl_singular = "dzień";
speed_endsoon = "Okres testowy wkrótce kończy się! Zamów %1 już dziś!";
lic_expired = "Okres testowy zakończył się. %1 jest nieaktywny. Zamów %1 dziś!";
order_info = "Zamów teraz:\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nTelefonicznie: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Wybierz język";
budget_settings = "Ustawienia limitów";
settings = "Ustawienia";
netconfig = "Połączenia";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Nastąpi wyczyszczenie danych modelowania ruchu i uruchomienie nowej kalibracji łącza.\nW zależności od intensywności korzystania z Internetu może to zająć nawet kilka\ndni zanim zostanie osiągnięta pełna przepustowość. Czy kontynuować?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_pl.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_pl.htm";
install_dir = "Folder instalacyjny: ";
password_bad = "Nieprawidłowe hasło";
short_dexpire = "Kończy się %1 %2";
short_try = "Pozostało jeszcze %1 %2 testowania";
days_plural = "dni";
days_singular = "dzień";
lic_try = "Okres testowy %3 trwa jeszcze %1 %2";
err_file_auth = "Niektóre pliki tej dystrybucji są uszkodzone lub nie istnieją.\nProszę pobrać oryginalną wersję %p\nnp. z www.cfos.de.";
short_exp = "Skończył się!";
badkey = "Wystąpił problem z kluczem licencji.\nProszę ponownie zainstalować klucz klikając dwukrotnie na\noryginalnym pliku otrzymanym e-mailem.";
licensed_to = "Zarejestrowany dla %?";
license = "Licencja";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Licencja %3 wygasa za %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p wykrył Sygate Firewall, który myli wysyłany przez\n%p impuls kalibracyjny dla ataku typu \"denial of service\" z\npakietami typu\"ping-of-death\".\nW takim przypadku należy wykonać pobieranie i wysyłanie \n(z zachowaniem takiej kolejności) z pełną prędkością przez około 30 sekund. \nTo powinno wykonać kalibrację %p tak jak impuls kalibracji.\n\nPodpowiedź: Funkcja zapory \"Anti IP Manipulation\" powinna być wyłączona.";
after_calibration = "calibration_pl.htm";
component_mismatch = "Wystąpił konflikt pomiędzy wersjami komponentów programu. Proszę ponownie zainstalować program używając najnowszej wersji.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Inne języki";
translator = "Wersja polska:";
translator_msg = "Polska, nieoficjalna strona o cFos\nhttp://turbokrecik.pl";
translator_name = "Leszek(teo)Życzkowski";
none = "brak";
connections = "Połącz";
upgrade = "Sprawdź aktualizacje";
config = "Opcje";
graph_title = "Statystyki";
order = "Zamów teraz!";
connect_to = "Połącz z %?";
disco_ras = "Wyloguj ";
redetect_routes = "Wykryj ponownie trasy";
calibrate = "Kalibracja łącza";
favor_ping = "Pierwszeństwo dla czasu pingów";
favor_bandwidth = "Pierwszeństwo dla pasma";
enable_speed_shaping = "Włącz modelowanie ruchu";
disable_speed_shaping = "Wyłącz modelowanie ruchu";
openwindows = "Wyświetl okienko stanu";
closewindows = "Ukryj okienko stanu";
mainurl_name = "Strona domowa";
driver_not_loaded = "Sterownik nie załadowany!";
taskbaricon = "Wyświetl ikonę %p w obszarze powiadamiania";
trayicon_tip = "Szybszy Internet dzięki modelowaniu ruchu, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Przeprowadza pomiar opóźnienia oraz uprzywilejowane operacje dla %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Zezwolić na modelowanie ruchu dla tego połączenia?";
winsettings = "Ustawienia okienka stanu";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Styl systemowy";
slide_effect = "Efekt przewijania";
blend_effect = "Efekt przejścia";
defpos = "Domyślna pozycja";
click_through = "Wywołaj kliknięciem";
topmost = "Zawsze na wierzchu";
autoopen = "Automatycznie otwórz/ukryj";
closewindow = "Ukryj okienko stanu";
openwindow = "Wyświetl okno";
selectskin = "Wybierz motyw";
autoarrange = "Rozmieść okienko automatycznie";
effects = "Efekty";
make_own_skin = "Stwórz własny motyw";
enable_win = "Uaktywnić okienko stanu?\n\nOkienko stanu cFos pokazuje stan aktywnego połączenia.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Aktywne połączenie musi zostać ponownie skonfigurowane.\nZaleca się rozłączenie połączenia przed dalszymi krokami.\nRozłączyć bieżące połączenie?";
yes = "Tak";
no = "Nie";
ole_error = "Aby skorzystać z tego narzędzia konfiguracyjnego\\nmusi zostać zainstalowany i uruchomiony program %p.";
budget = "Numer<br />limitu";
show_for = "Pokaż dane z";
last_12_months = "ostatnich 12 miesięcy";
last_3_months = "ostatnich 3 miesięcy";
last_month = "ostatniego miesiąca";
this_month = "bieżącego miesiąca";
rxtx_button = "Wybór RX/TX";
sum_button = "Skumulowane";
please_select = "-- Wybierz --";
budgets = "Limity połączeń";
protocols = "Protokóły";
programs = "Programy";
ts_config = "cFosSpeed - konfiguracja modelowania ruchu ";
dialup_connections = "Połączenie dial-up";
help = "Podpowiedzi";
nc_connections = "Połączenia";
ask = "pytaj";
aux_lines = "Łącza pomocnicze";
traffic_shaping = "Modelowanie ruchu";
ras_con_help = "<b>Tak</b>: włącza, <b>Nie</b>: wyłącza, <b>Pytaj</b>: pyta tylko raz i zapisuje ustawienie";
dialup_connection = "Połączenia dial-up";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Medium";
connection_type = "Tryb Modelowania ruchu";
regid1 = "stały";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Twoje łącze ma stałą szerokość pasma i używasz go samodzielnie lub cały ruch internetowy jest kierowany przez ten komputer (np. używając Udostępniania połączenia internetowego (ICS)).";
regid2 = "zmienny (współdzielony)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Twoje łącze ma zmienną szerokość pasma i/lub używasz je jednocześnie z innymi komputerami. Modelowania ruchu cFos jest zainstalowane na wszystkich komputerach.";
regid3 = "zmienny (nie współdzielony)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Twoje łącze ma zmienną szerokość pasma i/lub używasz je jednocześnie z innymi komputerami. Minimum jeden z nich nie posiada Modelowania ruchu cFos.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Wyłączony";
on = "Włączony";
router_connections = "Połączenia routera";
net_components = "Komponenty sieciowe";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Tak</b>: włącza, <b>Nie</b>: wyłącza, <b>Auto</b>: włącza modelowanie ruchu jeśli w tym komponencie sieciowym znajduje się router";
network_adapter = "Karta sieciowa";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "i zapisz ustawienia";
preferences = "Ogólne";
def_bandwidth_help = "Domyślny dla <b>nowych</b> połączeń";
limit_bandwidth = "Limit szerokości pasma dla aktywnego połączenia";
rx_limit = "Limit RX";
max = "Maks.";
tx_limit = "Limit TX";
apply_limits = "Zastosuj";
limit_help = "Wartości w kbit/s (łącznie ze wszystkimi sumami kontrolnymi) 0 = bez limitu";
l7_prot_detection = "Zarządzanie protokółami warstwy L-7 (Layer-7)";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Wykrywa protokóły poprzez analizę danych. Jeśli ta opcja zostanie wyłączona, protokóły będą rozróżniane na podstawie używanego numeru portu. Aby zmienić priorytety protokółów proszę przejść do panelu \"Protokóły\".";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Wł.</b>: cFosSpeed będzie minimalizował czas pingów co może wpłynąć na zmniejszenie wykorzystanego pasma.<br /> <b>Wył.</b>: cFosSpeed będzie maksymalizował wykorzystanie pasma co może wpłynąć na wzrost czasów pingów.";
activate_firewall = "Zapora";
activate_firewall_help = "Ochrona przed sieciowymi intruzami poprzez filtrowanie podejrzanych pakietów, stały nadzór i pracę w tle.";
mtu_opt = "Automatyczna optymalizacja MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Dostosowuje MSS/MTU dla maksymalnej prędkości. Najczęściej wartości w zakresie 1500/1492 pozwalają na osiąganie większych prędkości.";
strict_rtp = "Dokładne sprawdzanie RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Włączenie tej opcji spowoduje, że cFosSpeed będzie rozpoznawał jako RTP tylko te pakiety, które przychodzą z prawidłowym źródłowym ID RTCP. Dla programów telefonii internetowej (np. VoIPBuster), które nie wysyłają pakietów RTCP należy tę opcję wyłączyć.";
ts_prios = "Priorytety modelowania ruchu";
prog_overwrite = "Program #p jest już na liście.\\nCzy zamienić ten wpis nowymi wartościami?";
games = "Gry";
file_sharing = "Wymiana plików";
voip = "Telefonia internetowa";
media_streaming = "Media strumieniowe";
remote_control = "Zdalne sterowanie";
other = "Inne";
hint = "Podpowiedź";
prog_hint_text = "Priorytezacja będzie działa poprawnie jedynie w przypadku przydzielenia wysokiego priorytetu jak najmniejszej liczbie programów. Aplikacje, które wysyłają duże ilości danych powinny otrzymać niski priorytet.<br />Priorytezacja programów nie jest dostępna w systemie Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Zapisz priorytety";
undo = "Cofnij";
filter_selection = "Wybór filtru";
program = "Program";
entries = "Dane";
set_priority = "Określ priorytet";
delete = "Usuń";
higher = "Najwyższy";
higher_prog_help = "Ten priorytet nadawaj telefonii internetowej, może grom";
high = "Wysoki";
high_prog_help = "Ten priorytet nadawaj grom, mediom strumieniowym, telnetowi oraz innym programom interaktywnym";
low = "Niski";
low_prog_help = "Ten priorytet nadawaj danym pobieranym przez HTTP i FTP";
lower = "Najniższy";
lower_prog_help = "Ten priorytet nadawaj stałemu transferowi w tle, np. wymianie plików";
delete_help = "Kliknięcie na znaku \"X\" usuwa dany element z listy";
note = "Informacja";
prog_help = "Prędkość transferu pakietów z niskim i najniższym priorytetem jest obniżana tylko wtedy, gdy w tym samym czasie są transferowane pakiety z wyższym priorytetem. W pozostałych przypadkach pakiety z niskim priorytetem przesyłane są z pełną prędkością.";
normal = "Normalny";
filename = "Nazwa pliku";
description = "Opis";
new_program = "Nowy program";
add = "Dodaj";
prio_protocols = "Priorytety protokółów";
client_protocols = "Protokóły klienckie";
server_protocols = "Protokóły serwera";
special = "Specjalne";
hint_text = "Aby system priorytetów działał prawidłowo jak najmniejsza ilość danych powinna otrzymać wysoki priorytet. Programom wysyłającym duże ilości danych należy nadać niski priorytet. Priorytety protokółów są wykonywane przed priorytetami programów.";
save_protocols = "Zapisz protokóły";
protocol = "Protokół";
high_help = "Nadanie tego priorytetu spowoduje, że pakiety będą przesyłane przed pakietami z priorytetem normalnym";
low_lower = "Niski, najniższy";
low_help = "Nadanie tego priorytetu spowoduje, że pakiety będą czekały w kolejce zanim nie zostaną przesłane pakiety z wyższym priorytetem. W pozostałych przypadkach będą przesyłane z normalną prędkością.";
normal_help = "Pakiety nie otrzymają żadnego priorytetu. Mogą zostać przetworzone przez priorytety programu.";
ts_settings = "Ustawienia modelowania ruchu";
deactivated = "wyłączony";
prio_programs = "Priorytety programów";
current_connections = "Aktywne połączenia";
budget_title = "%p - limity połączeń";
hard_limit_help_set = "Po wykorzystaniu limitu pakiety będą odrzucane.";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Wykorzystanie limitu będzie sygnalizowane w okienku stanu.";
save_budgets = "Zapisz limity";
time = "Czas";
time_units = "g:min";
volume = "Wolumen";
hard_limit = "Tryb<br />bezwarunkowy";
time_limit = "Limit czasu";
time_min = "min";
volume_limit = "Wolumen transferu";
reset_day = "Resetowanie";
reset_day_unit = "dzień miesiąca";
spdbudget_help = "Aby skorzystać z ustawień limitu, przejdź do ustawień połączenia i przypisz limit do danego połączenia";
asus_save = "Zapisz";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Gry nadanie tego priorytetu spowoduje, że pakiety będą przesyłane przed pakietami z priorytetem normalnym";

#language 1046
#fallback 2070
#fallback1 1034
#fallback2 1033
#charset 0

language = "Português do Brasil";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Os pacotes de dados de ping enviados pelo %p parecem não estar retornando. Sem eles o Modelador de Tráfego do %p não pode funcionar corretamente. Clique aqui para obter ajuda.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "A Modelagem de Tráfego rx do %p está sendo usada ao extremo, devido ao excesso de conexões. Com menos conexões ela provavelmente irá funcionar melhor. Clique aqui para obter ajuda.";
no_setup = "Não pôde iniciar o pacote de instalação (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_e.htm";
lic_dexpire = "O seu período de avaliação acabou para %1 %2. Adquira o %3 hoje!";
dayl_plural = "dias";
dayl_singular = "dia";
speed_endsoon = "O seu período de teste acabará em breve! Por favor adquira o %1 hoje!";
lic_expired = "O seu período de avaliação acabou. O %1 está agora desativado. Compre o %1 hoje!";
order_info = "Encomende agora:\nInternet: www.cfos.de\nPor telefone: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Escolher Idioma";
budget_settings = "Configurações de Cota";
settings = "Configurações";
netconfig = "Conexões";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Limpar dados da Modelagem de Tráfego e iniciar nova calibração de linha.\nDependendo do seu uso da Internet, poderá demorar alguns dias até\nque o máximo da sua capacidade fique disponível. Continuar?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_e.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_e.htm";
install_dir = "Diretório de instalação: ";
password_bad = "Senha ruim";
short_dexpire = "Expirou %1 %2";
short_try = "Experimente por %1 %2";
days_plural = "dias";
days_singular = "dia";
lic_try = "Você ainda pode experimentar o %3 por %1 %2 antes de o adquirir.";
err_file_auth = "Alguns arquivos deste pacote de instalação estão corrompidos ou faltando.\nPor favor, obtenha um pacote de instalação original do %p\n(p.ex.: em www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Expirou!";
badkey = "Existe um problema com a chave de licença.\nPor favor, reinsira a chave com um duplo clique no\narquivo original, que recebeu por e-mail ou disquete.";
licensed_to = "Licenciado para %?";
license = "Licença ";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "A sua licença do %3 expira em %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "O %p detectou o Firewall Sygate, que confunde o sinal\nde calibragem do %p com um Ataque de Negação de\nServiço (DoS attack) com pacotes de dados \"Ping-of-Death\".\nAssim sendo, deve-se baixar e depois carregar um\narquivo com velocidade máxima durante 30 segundos, respectivamente.\nIsto deve calibrar o %p tal qual o sinal de\ncalibragem.\n\nDica: O recurso do Firewall \"Anti IP Manipulation\" deve ser desativado.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Há um conflito de versões entre componentes deste programa. Por favor, reinstale a versão mais recente.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Outras Línguas";
translator = "Tradutor";
translator_msg = "Para todos que desejam uma Internet mais rápida e eficiente; usem cFosSpeed!";
translator_name = "Bruno Eduardo da C. M. Pinto";
none = "nenhum";
connections = "Conectar a";
upgrade = "Obter nova versão do programa";
config = "Opções";
graph_title = "Gráfico de Uso";
order = "Encomende já!";
connect_to = "Conectar a %?";
disco_ras = "Desconectar ";
redetect_routes = "Detectar rotas novamente";
calibrate = "Calibrar linha";
favor_ping = "Favorecer Tempo de Ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Favorecer Largura de Banda";
enable_speed_shaping = "Habilitar Modelagem de Tráfego";
disable_speed_shaping = "Desabilitar Modelagem de Tráfego";
openwindows = "Abrir Janelas";
closewindows = "Fechar Janelas";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Controlador não carregado!";
taskbaricon = "Ícone da Barra de Tarefas";
trayicon_tip = "Internet mais rápida com Modelagem de Tráfego, www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Executa uma medição de latência e de operações privilegiadas para o %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Permitir Modelagem de Tráfego para esta conexão?";
winsettings = "Configurações das Janelas";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Usar configurações do sistema";
slide_effect = "Deslizar janelas";
blend_effect = "Esmaecer as janelas";
defpos = "Posição Padrão";
click_through = "Clicar através";
topmost = "Sempre no Topo";
autoopen = "Abrir/Ocultar automaticamente";
closewindow = "Fechar Janela";
openwindow = "Abrir Janela";
selectskin = "Escolher Skin";
autoarrange = "Auto-organizar as janelas";
effects = "Efeitos";
make_own_skin = "Crie a sua própria Skin";
enable_win = "Habilitar janela de estado?\n\nA janela de estado mostra o estado da sua conexão ativa.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Uma conexão de rede atualmente ativa está prestes a ser reconfigurada.\nÉ recomendado desconectá-la antes de continuar.\nDesconectar a atual conexão de rede?";
yes = "Sim";
no = "Não";
ole_error = "Para usar este diálogo de configuração,\\n %p necessita estar instalado e sendo executado neste computador.\\nPor favor, verifique isto e instale novamente se necessário.";
budget = "Cota";
bgraph_totals = "Total";
show_for = "Mostrar por";
last_12_months = "últimos 12 meses";
last_3_months = "últimos 3 meses";
last_month = "último mês";
this_month = "este mês";
rxtx_button = "Seleção de RX/TX";
sum_button = "cumulativo";
please_select = "Por favor, escolha";
budgets = "Cotas de Rede";
protocols = "Protocolos";
programs = "Programas";
ts_config = "Configuração do Modelador de Tráfego cFosSpeed";
dialup_connections = "Conexões de Acesso Discado";
help = "Ajuda";
nc_connections = "Conexões";
ask = "Perguntar";
aux_lines = "Linhas auxiliares";
traffic_shaping = "Modelagem de Tráfego";
ras_con_help = "<b>Sim</b>: ativar, <b>não</b>: desativar, <b>perguntar</b>: perguntar apenas uma vez e então salvar a configuração";
dialup_connection = "Conexão de Acesso Discado";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Tipo";
connection_type = "Modo de Modelagem de Tráfego";
regid1 = "fixa";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Sua conexão tem largura de banda fixa e é utilizada só por você ou todo o tráfego de Internet é encaminhado por este computador (p.ex.: Conexão Compartilhada de Internet). ";
regid2 = "variável (cooperativa)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Sua conexão tem largura de banda variável e/ou você a utiliza com vários computadores ao mesmo tempo. O Modelador de Tráfego cFos está instalado em todos os computadores.";
regid3 = "variável (não cooperativa)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Sua conexão tem largura de banda variável e/ou você a utiliza com vários computadores ao mesmo tempo. Ao menos um computador não possui o Modelador de Tráfego cFos instalado.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Desativado";
on = "Ativado";
router_connections = "Conexões do Roteador";
net_components = "Dispositivos de Rede";
auto = "Automático";
router_help = "<b>Sim</b>: ativar, <b>não</b>: desativar, <b>automático</b>: habilitar Modelagem de Tráfego, se um roteador for encontrado neste dispositivo de rede";
network_adapter = "Adaptador de Rede";
router = "Roteador";
and_save_settings = "e salvar configurações";
preferences = "Preferências";
def_bandwidth_help = "Padrão para novas conexões";
limit_bandwidth = "Limitar Largura de Banda para a Conexão Atual";
rx_limit = "Limite RX";
max = "Max";
tx_limit = "Limite TX";
apply_limits = "Aplicar Limites";
limit_help = "Valor em kbaite/s, incluindo todos os excessos dos protocolos, 0 = sem limite.";
l7_prot_detection = "Detecção de Protocolo Layer-7";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Detecta protocolos através da análise dos dados. Use o diálogo 'Priorizar protocolos' para mudar a prioridade de vários protocolos. Se esta opção for desativada os protocolos serão detectados pelo número da porta que estão usando.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Ativado</b>: O cFosSpeed irá minimizar os tempos de ping às custas de uma pequena redução na largura de banda (se necessário).<br /><b>Desativado</b>: O cFosSpeed irá maximizar a largura de banda às custas de tempos de ping um pouco mais altos (se necessário).";
activate_firewall = "Ativar Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Proteção contra intrusões de Rede através da filtragem de pacotes de dados perigosos, inspeção de estado e modo invisível.";
mtu_opt = "Otimização automática de MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Ajustar MSS/MTU para velocidade de transferência máxima. Normalmente valores um pouco abaixo de 1500/1492 produzem velocidades maiores.";
strict_rtp = "Checagem Rígida de RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Se ativada, o cFosSpeed irá reconhecer como RTP apenas os pacotes de dados que possuírem uma ID de fonte RTCP válida. Deve-se desativar esta opção para programas Voz-sobre-IP (como o VoIPBuster) que não enviam pacotes de dados RTCP.";
ts_prios = "Prioridades da Modelagem de Tráfego";
prog_overwrite = "O programa #p já está na lista.\\nDeseja reescrever a entrada com novos valores?";
games = "Jogos";
file_sharing = "Compartil hamento Arquivos";
voip = "Voz-sobre-IP";
media_streaming = "Mídia em Transmissão Contínua";
remote_control = "Controle Remoto";
other = "Outros";
hint = "Dica";
prog_hint_text = "A priorização só irá funcionar corretamente se apenas alguns dados possuirem prioridade alta. Dê aos programas que transferem muitos dados prioridade baixa.<br />A priorização de programas só está disponível para o Windows XP!";
save_priorities = "Salvar prioridades";
undo = "Desfazer";
filter_selection = "Seleção do filtro";
program = "Programa";
entries = "Entradas";
set_priority = "Definir prioridade";
delete = "Apagar";
higher = "Muito Alta";
higher_prog_help = "Voz-sobre-IP, talvez jogos";
high = "Alta";
high_prog_help = "Jogos, Mídia em Transmissão Contínua, Telnet e outros programas interativos";
low = "Baixa";
low_prog_help = "Dados de Servidor, dados de FTP";
lower = "Muito Baixa";
lower_prog_help = "tráfego em segundo plano permanente, igual ao compartilhamento de arquivos";
delete_help = "Remover da lista (isto é, tratar pacotes de dados como normais).";
note = "Aviso";
prog_help = "A transferência dos pacotes de dados de baixa ou muito baixa prioridade é reduzida apenas se dados com maior prioridade estiverem sendo processados ao mesmo tempo. Caso contrário, dados com baixa ou muito baixa prioridade são obviamente enviados na velocidade máxima.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Nome do arquivo";
description = "Descrição";
new_program = "Novo programa";
add = "Adicionar";
prio_protocols = "Priorizando protocolos";
client_protocols = "Protocolos dos Clientes";
server_protocols = "Protocolos de Servidor";
special = "Especial";
hint_text = "A priorização só irá funcionar corretamente se apenas alguns dados possuirem prioridade alta. Dê aos programas que transferem muitos dados prioridade baixa. A priorização de protocolo é feita antes da priorização de programas.";
save_protocols = "Salvar protocolos";
protocol = "Protocolo";
high_help = "Analisados antes dos pacotes de dados com prioridade normal.";
low_lower = "Baixa, Muito Baixa";
low_help = "Ficam em espera enquanto outros pacotes de dados (com prioridade maior) são processados, caso contrário são processados na velocidade normal.";
normal_help = "Sem prioridade. Pode ser controlado pela priorização de programa.";
ts_settings = "Configurações da Modelagem de Tráfego";
deactivated = "desativado";
prio_programs = "Priorizando programas";
current_connections = "Conexões Disponíveis";
budget_title = "Cotas de Rede do %p";
hard_limit_help_set = "Pacotes de dados serão ignorados se a cota estiver esgotada";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Uma cota esgotada será apenas indicada na janela de estado";
save_budgets = "Salvar Cotas";
time = "Tempo";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Limites<br>Rígidos";
time_limit = "Limite de Tempo";
time_min = "min";
volume_limit = "Limite de Volume";
reset_day = "Restaurar no Dia";
reset_day_unit = "dia do mês";
spdbudget_help = "Par usar uma cota, vá para o diálogo de conexões e defina-a para uma conexão específica";
blocklist = "Bloqueador-de-IP";
blocklist_help = "Lista de endereços IP para os quais todo o tráfego está bloqueado.";
apply_blocklist = "Usar lista de filtros";
asus_save = "Salvar";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Jogos analisados antes dos pacotes de dados com prioridade normal";

#language 1049
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Russian";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Похоже, что пинг пакет от %p не проходит. Без этого, %p корректировка трафика не может правильно функционировать. Нажмите здесь для помощи.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "Корректировка входящего трафика программой %p будет ограничена, из-за большого количества подключений. С меньшим количеством подключений корректировка будет работать нормально. Нажмите здесь для справки.";
no_setup = "Невозможно запустить инсталляцию (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_ru.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Ваш тестовый период заканчивается %1 %2. Закажите %3 сегодня!";
dayl_plural = "дней";
dayl_singular = "день";
speed_endsoon = "Ваш тестовый период скоро заканчивается! Пожалуйста, закажите %1 сегодня!";
lic_expired = "Ваш тестовый период закончился. %1 сейчас отключена. Закажите %1 сегодня!";
order_info = "Заказать сейчас:\nЧерез Интернет: www.cfos.com\nПо телефону: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Выберите язык";
budget_settings = "Настройка ресурсов";
settings = "Настройки";
netconfig = "Соединения";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Очистить данные о корректировке трафика.\nВ зависимости от интенсивности использования интернет канала, это может занять несколько дней\nдо полной калибровки программы. Продолжить?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_ru.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_ru.htm";
install_dir = "Директория инсталляции: ";
password_bad = "Неправильный пароль";
short_dexpire = "Заканчивается %1 %2";
short_try = "Попробуйте %1 %2";
days_plural = "дни";
days_singular = "день";
lic_try = "Вы можете попробовать %3 ещё %1 %2 перед покупкой.";
err_file_auth = "Некоторые файлы дистрибутива повреждены или отсутствуют.\nПожалуйста, скачайте %p правильный пакет установки\n(например, с www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Закончился!";
badkey = "Проблема с лицензионным ключом.\nПожалуйста переустановите ключ, дважды кликнув\nна оригинальный файл, который вы получили по почте или на дискете.";
licensed_to = "Лицензия для %?";
license = "Лицензия";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Ваша %3 лицензия заканчивается через %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p обнаружена программа Sygate Firewall, что может вызвать ошибки калибровки\n%p для атаки Denial of Service с\nпакетами \"Ping-of-Death\" .\nTПоэтому Вы должны скачивать и отправлять данные на полной\nскорости 30 секунд. Это поможет настроить\n%p программу.\n\nПодсказка: Функция сетевого экрана \"Anti IP Manipulation\" должна быть\nвыключена.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Конфликт версий между модулями программы. Пожалуйста переустановите последнюю версию программы.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Другие языки";
translator = "Русская версия от ";
translator_msg = "По всем замечаниям относительно перевода, пишите: ringil@rbcmail.ru";
translator_name = "Ringil Endimion";
none = "ни один";
connections = "Соединиться";
upgrade = "Проверить новую версию программы";
config = "Настройки";
graph_title = "График использования";
order = "Заказать сейчас!";
connect_to = "Соединиться с %?";
disco_ras = "Выйти ";
redetect_routes = "Повторно обнаружить маршруты ";
calibrate = "Калибровка линии";
favor_ping = "Наилучшее время ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Максимальное использование канала";
enable_speed_shaping = "Включить корректировку трафика";
disable_speed_shaping = "Выключить корректировку трафика";
openwindows = "Открыть окно";
closewindows = "Закрыть окно";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Драйвер не загружен!";
taskbaricon = "Иконка в строке задач";
trayicon_tip = "Ускорьте Интернет с www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Начинается настройка задержек и привилегий приложений для %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Разрешить трафик-шейпинг для этого соединения?";
winsettings = "Настройки окна";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Использовать системные функции";
slide_effect = "Расположить окна";
blend_effect = "Погасить окно";
defpos = "Позиция по умолчанию";
click_through = "Не реагировать на клик";
topmost = "Всегда наверху";
autoopen = "Авто-показывать/Авто-прятать";
closewindow = "Закрыть окно";
openwindow = "Открыть окно";
selectskin = "Выберите скин";
autoarrange = "Расположить окна автоматически";
effects = "Эффекты";
make_own_skin = "Создать свой собственный скин";
enable_win = "Включить окно статуса?\n\nОкно статуса будет показывать информацию об активном соединении.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Активное соединение поменяло свои настройки.\nРекомендуем отключить его прежде чем продолжить.\nОтключить текущее подключение к сети?";
yes = "Да";
no = "Нет";
ole_error = "Для использования этих настроек,\\nпрограмма %p должна быть установлена и запущена на вашем компьютере.\\nПроверьте корректность установки и переустановите программу при необходимости.";
budget = "Ресурс";
bgraph_totals = "Итого";
show_for = "Показывать за";
last_12_months = "Последние 12 месяцев";
last_3_months = "Последние 3 месяца";
last_month = "Прошлый месяц";
this_month = "Текущий месяц";
rxtx_button = "Трафик";
sum_button = "Суммарно";
please_select = "Выберите";
budgets = "Онлайн ресурсы";
protocols = "Протоколы";
programs = "Программы";
ts_config = "Настройка корректировки трафика %p";
dialup_connections = "Подключение удаленного доступа (Dial-Up)";
help = "Помощь";
nc_connections = "Соединения";
ask = "Спрашивать";
aux_lines = "Вспомогательные линии";
traffic_shaping = "Корректировка трафика";
ras_con_help = "<b>Да</b>: включить, <b>Нет</b>: выключить, <b>Спрашивать</b>: Спросить один раз и запомнить выбор";
dialup_connection = "Удаленный доступ (Dial-Up)";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Вид подключения";
connection_type = "Режим корректировки трафика";
regid1 = "Неизменное";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Ваше подключение имеет фиксированную пропускную способность и весь Интернет-трафик направлен на этот компьютер (этот компьютер единственный или другие компьютеры подключаются к интернету через этот компьютер).";
regid2 = "Варьируемое (совместно)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "У Вашего подключения варьирующийся интернет-трафик и/или Вы используете это подключение на нескольких компьютерах одновременно. Программа %p установлена на всех компьютерах.";
regid3 = "Варьируемое (само по себе) ";
variable_bandwidth_help = "У Вашего подключения варьирующийся интернет-трафик и/или Вы используете это подключение на нескольких компьютерах одновременно. По крайней мере на одном компьютере не установлена программа %p.";
ok = "Да";
off = "Отключить";
on = "Включить";
router_connections = "ЛВС или высокоскоростной интернет";
net_components = "Сетевые устройства";
auto = "Автоматически";
router_help = "<b>Да</b>: включить, <b>Нет</b>: выключить, <b>Автоматически</b>: включить корректировку трафика, если маршрутизатор (router) найден на этом сетевом адаптере.";
network_adapter = "Сетевой адаптер";
router = "Маршрутизатор (router)";
and_save_settings = "и сохранить настройки";
preferences = "Персональные настройки";
def_bandwidth_help = "По умолчанию для <b>новых</b> соединений";
limit_bandwidth = "Предельная пропускная способность для текущего подключения";
rx_limit = "Лимит входящего канала";
max = "Максимум";
tx_limit = "Лимит исходящего канала";
apply_limits = "Сохранить ограничения";
limit_help = "Значения в килобайтах в секунду (kbyte/s), включая весь трафик, 0 = не ограничивать.";
l7_prot_detection = "Обнаружение протокола Layer-7";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Обнаружение протокола, анализируя передаваемые данные. Используйте опцию расстановки приоритетов для протоколов, чтобы изменить приоритет различных протоколов. Если Вы отключите эту опцию, протоколы будут определяться согласно используемому номеру порта.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Включить</b>: %p минимизирует ping за счет немного уменьшенной пропускной способности канала (при необходимости).<br /><b>Выключить:</b>: %p увеличит пропускную способность канала за счет небольшого увеличения времени ping (при необходимости).";
activate_firewall = "Включить сетевой экран";
activate_firewall_help = "Защита против сетевых вторжений посредством фильтрации опасных пакетов и включения режима невидимости. (Не используйте, если у вас установлен другой сетевой экран (firewall))";
mtu_opt = "Автоматическая оптимизация MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Корректирует MSS/MTU для максимальной скорости передачи данных. Как правило, наилучшие результаты достигаются при скорости канала немного ниже 1500/1492.";
strict_rtp = "Строгая проверка RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "При включении этой опции %p будет определять только те пакеты RTP, которые идут с правильным логином RTCP. Вы должны выключить эту опцию для программ IP телефонии (например VoIPBuster), которые не посылают пакетов RTCP.";
ts_prios = "Приоритеты корректировки трафика";
prog_overwrite = "Программа #p уже присутствует в списке.\\nХотите перезаписать настройки с новыми значениями?";
games = "Игры";
file_sharing = "Пиринговые сети";
voip = "IP телефония";
media_streaming = "Потоковое аудио и видео";
remote_control = "Удаленный доступ";
other = "Другие";
hint = "Подсказка";
prog_hint_text = "Приоритезация будет работать как следует, только если как можно меньшему количеству данных будет выдан высокий приоритет. Дайте программам, отправляющим большие объемы данных, низкий приоритет.<br />Приоритезация программ не доступна в Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Сохранить настройки";
undo = "Отменить";
filter_selection = "Выбор фильтра";
program = "Программа";
entries = "Записи";
set_priority = "Установка приоритетов";
delete = "Удалить";
higher = "Наивысший";
higher_prog_help = "IP телефония, некоторые игры";
high = "Высокий";
high_prog_help = "Игры, потоковое аудио и видео, Telnet и другие интерактивные программы.";
low = "Низкий";
low_prog_help = "Данные серверов, FTP";
lower = "Очень низкий";
lower_prog_help = "Постоянный фоновый трафик, например пиринговые сети (Bittorrent)";
delete_help = "Удалить из списка (все пакеты будут передаваться с обычным приоритетом)";
note = "Заметка";
prog_help = "Передача данных с низким приоритетом замедляется только тогда, когда передаются данные с более высоким приоритетом. В противном случае данные отсылаются на максимальной скорости.";
normal = "Обычный";
filename = "Имя файла";
description = "Описание";
new_program = "Новая программа";
add = "Добавить";
prio_protocols = "Приоритеты протоколов";
client_protocols = "Протоколы клиентов";
server_protocols = "Протоколы серверов";
special = "Особые";
hint_text = "Расстановка приоритетов будет работать правильно, если для протоколов, передающих мало данных, установить высокий приоритет. Для протоколов, передающих много данных установите низкий приоритет. Установку приоритетов для протоколов желательно сделать перед установкой приоритетов для программ.";
save_protocols = "Сохранить настройки протоколов";
protocol = "Протокол";
high_help = "Пакеты данных будут отсылаться в первую очередь.";
low_lower = "Низкий, очень низкий";
low_help = "Данные будут поставлены в очередь, пока обрабатываются данные с высоким приоритетом. Если канал свободен, данные будут отправлены с обычным приоритетом.";
normal_help = "Не устанавливать приоритеты. Данные могут быть обработаны отдельно для каждой программы, использующей этот протокол.";
ts_settings = "Настройки корректировки трафика";
deactivated = "отключено";
prio_programs = "Приоритеты программ";
current_connections = "Текущие соединения";
budget_title = "Онлайн ресурсы %p";
hard_limit_help_set = "Скорость будет уменьшена, если ваш сетевой трафик исчерпан";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Информация о закончившемся трафике будет отображаться только в окне состояния";
save_budgets = "Сохранить ресурсы";
time = "Прошло времени";
time_units = "чч:мм";
volume = "Использовано трафика";
hard_limit = "Жесткие<br>ограничения";
time_limit = "Ограничение времени";
time_min = "В минутах";
volume_limit = "Ограничение трафика";
reset_day = "Сбрасывать каждого";
reset_day_unit = "Числа месяца";
spdbudget_help = "Чтобы использовать ресурс, зайдите в настройки подключений и назначьте его на выбранное подключение";
blocklist = "Блокировщик IP";
blocklist_help = "Список IP-адресов, для которых блокируется весь трафик.";
asus_save = "Сохранить";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Игры Пакеты данных будут отсылаться в первую очередь";

#language 1053
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Swedish";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Ping paketen som sänts av %p kommer inte igenom. Utan dom, %p kommer Traffic Shaping inte att fungera ordentligt. Klicka här för hjälp.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
no_setup = "Fel vid start av installationsprogrammet (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_se.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Din utvärderings tid har upphört för %1 %2. Beställ %3 idag!";
dayl_plural = "dagar";
dayl_singular = "dag";
speed_endsoon = "Testperioden håller på att ta slut! Var god beställ %1 idag!";
lic_expired = "Din test period har upphört. %1 är nu avaktiverad. Beställ %1 idag!";
order_info = "Beställ nu\nInternet: www.cfos.com\nBy phone: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Välj språk";
budget_settings = "Budget Inställningar";
settings = "Inställningar";
netconfig = "Inställningar för Traffic Shaping";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Rensa Traffic Shaping-data och starta kalibreringen på nytt.\nBeroende på din Internetanvändning kan det ta ett par dagar\ntills maxkapacitet nås. Vill du fortsätta?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_se.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_se.htm";
install_dir = "Installations mapp: ";
password_bad = "Fel lösenord";
short_dexpire = "Utgått %1 %2";
short_try = "Prova i %1 %2";
days_plural = "dagar";
days_singular = "dag";
lic_try = "Du får testa %3 i %1 %2 till innan köp.";
err_file_auth = "En del filer är felaktiga eller saknas.\nProva att ladda ner en officiell version\n(www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Utgått!";
badkey = "Ogiltig licensnyckel.\nOminstallera din licensnyckel genom att dubbelklicka på\norginalfilen som du mottagit via mail eller diskett.";
licensed_to = "Licensierad till %?";
license = "Licens";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Din %3 licens upphör om %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p har upptäckt Sygate Firewall, vilket misstar\n%ps kalibrationspuls för en \"Denial of Service\"-attack med\n\"Ping-of-Death\" paket.\nPå grund av det bör du först ladda ner och sedan upp med\nmaxhastighet i cirka 30 sekunder. Detta bör kalibrera\n%p på samma sätt som en kalibrationspuls";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Det är en versions konflikt mellan delar av detta program. Var vänlig ominstallera den senaste versionen.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Andra språk";
translator = "Svensk översättning av";
translator_msg = "Kommentarer/frågor om översättningen?\nMaila onetheneo@hotmail.com";
translator_name = "Mattias Boström";
none = "ingen";
connections = "Koppla till";
upgrade = "Ladda ner programuppdatering";
config = "Val";
graph_title = "Användnings kurva";
order = "Beställ nu!";
connect_to = "Koppla till %?";
disco_ras = "Logga ut ";
calibrate = "Kalibrera Linan";
favor_ping = "Favorisera Ping Tid";
favor_bandwidth = "Favorisera bandbredd";
enable_speed_shaping = "Aktivera Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Avaktivera Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Visa Fönster";
closewindows = "Stäng Fönster";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
taskbaricon = "Aktivitetsfältsikon";
trayicon_tip = "Snabbare Internet med Traffic Shaping, www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "Utför fördold mätning och privilgierad operation för %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Tillåta %p Traffic Shaping för denna anslutning?";
winsettings = "Fönsterinställningar";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Använd operativsystemets inställningar";
slide_effect = "Låt fönster glida";
blend_effect = "Tona Fönster";
defpos = "Standardposition";
click_through = "Genom-klickbar";
topmost = "Alltid överst";
autoopen = "Öppna/stäng automatiskt";
closewindow = "Stäng Fönster";
openwindow = "Visa Fönster";
selectskin = "Ändra utseende";
autoarrange = "Ordna fönster automatiskt";
effects = "Effekter";
make_own_skin = "Designa ditt eget skinn";
enable_win = "Aktivera statusfönster?\n\nStatusfönstret visar statusen för den aktiva anslutningen.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "En aktiv nätverksanslutning kommer att ändras.\nDu rekommenderas att inaktivera den innan du fortsätter.\nInaktivera den aktiva nätverksanslutningen?";
yes = "Ja";
no = "Nej";
ole_error = "För att kunna använda denna installations dialog,\\n%p måste vara installerad och köras på din PC.\\nvar vänlig och kontrollera detta och ominstallera vid behov.";
budget = "Budget";
show_for = "Visa för";
last_12_months = "senaste 12 månaderna";
last_3_months = "senaste 3 månaderna";
last_month = "senaste månaden";
this_month = "denna månad";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX sortiment";
sum_button = "Ökande";
please_select = "Var vänlig välj";
budgets = "Online Budget";
protocols = "Protokoll";
programs = "Program";
ts_config = "%p Traffic Shaping Inställning";
dialup_connections = "Uppringda uppkopplingar";
help = "Hjälp";
nc_connections = "Uppkopplingar";
ask = "Fråga";
aux_lines = "Hjälp linjer";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktivera, <b>nej</b>: avaktivera, <b>fråga</b>: fråga endast en gång och spara sedan";
dialup_connection = "Uppringd uppkoppling";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
off = "Av";
on = "PÃ¥";
router_connections = "Router Uppkopplingar";
net_components = "Nätverks Komponenter";
auto = "Auto";
router_help = "<b>Ja</b>: aktivera, <b>nej</b>: avaktivera, <b>auto</b>: aktivera Traffic Shaping, om en router hittas i detta nätverk";
network_adapter = "Nätverkskort";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "och spara inställningar";
preferences = "Rangordning";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protokoll upptäckt";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Upptäck protokoll med data analys. Använd dialogen 'Prioritera protokoll' för att ändra prioritering mellan dom olika protokollen. Om du avaktiverar denna möjlighet så upptäcks protokollen enligt port nummer istället.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: %p kommer att minimera ping tiden på bekostnad av lite sämre bandbredd (om det blir nödvändigt så).<br /><b>Off</b>: kommer %p att maximera bandbredden på bekostnad av något högre ping tid (om det blir nödvändigt).";
activate_firewall = "Aktivera Brandvägg";
activate_firewall_help = "Skydd mot nätverksintrång med medel som filtrering av farliga paket, tillstånds inspektion och dolt läge.";
mtu_opt = "Automatisk MSS (MTU) optimering";
mtu_opt_help = "Justera MSS/MTU för maximal överförings hastighet. Värden något lägre än 1500/1492 producerar högre hastigheter.";
strict_rtp = "Skärpt RTP kontroll";
strict_rtp_help = "Vid aktivering, kommer %p att bara känna igen dom paket som RTP som har en godkänd RTCP käll ID kod. Du borde avaktivera detta val för Voice-over-IP program (t.ex VoIPBuster) som inte sänder några RTCP paket.";
ts_prios = "Traffic Shaping Prioritering";
prog_overwrite = "Detta program #p är redan i listan.\\nVill du skriva över inlägget med nya värden?";
games = "Spel";
file_sharing = "Fil Delning";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Media Strömning";
remote_control = "Fjärr Kontroll";
other = "Annat";
hint = "Ledtråd";
save_priorities = "Spara prioriteringar";
undo = "Ångra";
filter_selection = "Filter sortiment";
program = "Program";
entries = "Inlägg";
set_priority = "Sätt prioritering";
delete = "Ta bort";
higher = "Högre";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, kanske spel";
high = "Hög";
high_prog_help = "Spel, Strömmande Media, Telnet och andra interaktiva program";
low = "LÃ¥g";
low_prog_help = "Server data, FTP data";
lower = "Lägre";
lower_prog_help = "permanent bakgrunds trafik, t.ex fil delning";
delete_help = "Ta bort ifrån listan (behandla paket som normalt).";
note = "Notering";
prog_help = "Transport av låg(lägre)-prioriterade paket saktas ner bara om data med högre prioritering rangordnas samtidigt. Annars så sänds låg(lägre)-prioriterad data med maximal hastighet.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Filnamn";
description = "Beskrivning";
new_program = "Nytt program";
add = "Lägg till";
prio_protocols = "Prioritera protokoll";
client_protocols = "Klient Protokoll";
server_protocols = "Server Protokoll";
special = "Special";
hint_text = "Prioritering kommer bara att fungera om så lite data som möjligt har hög prioritering. Ge program som sänder ut mycket data låg prioritering. Protokoll prioritering är gjort före program prioritering.";
save_protocols = "Spara protokoll";
protocol = "Protokoll";
high_help = "Bearbeta före paket med normal prioritering.";
low_lower = "Låg, väldigt låg";
low_help = "Köade medans andra paket (med högre prioritering) blir bearbetade, annars bearbetade under normal hastighet.";
normal_help = "Inte prioriterad. Kan behandlas av program prioritering.";
ts_settings = "Traffic Shaping Inställningar";
deactivated = "avaktiverad";
prio_programs = "Prioritera program";
current_connections = "Aktuella Uppkopplingar";
budget_title = "%p Online Budget";
hard_limit_help_set = "Paket kommer att dumpas om budgeten är överansträngd";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "En överansträngd budget kommer endast att redovisas i status fönstret";
save_budgets = "Spara Budget";
time = "Tid";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volym";
hard_limit = "Hård<br>Begränsning";
time_limit = "Tids Gräns";
time_min = "Min";
volume_limit = "Volym Gräns";
reset_day = "Nollställ dag";
reset_day_unit = "dag i månaden";
spdbudget_help = "För att använda en budget, gå till uppkopplings dialogen och ange det för en särskild uppkoppling";
asus_save = "Spara";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Spel bearbeta före paket med normal prioritering";

#language 1055
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Turkish";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "%p tarafından gönderilen ping paketlerinin çıkışı sağlanamıyor. Bu işlem yapılmadan, %p Trafik Düzenlemesi işlevini tam olarak yapamaz. Bir güvenlik duvarı, paketleri engelliyor olabilir. '%p Servisi'(spd.exe)' nin İnternete erişim izinlerinin açık olması gerekmektedir.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "%p rx-Trafik Düzenlemesi çok fazla bağlantı nedeniyle sınıra yaklaşıyor. Daha az bağlantı ile daha iyi çalışması mümkün olabilir Yardım için burayı tıklayın.";
no_setup = "Kurulum başlatılamıyor (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_tr.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Deneme süreniz %1 %2 önce sona ermiştir. %3 i hemen sipariş edin!";
dayl_plural = "gün";
dayl_singular = "gün";
speed_endsoon = "Deneme sürümünüz yakında sona erecek! Lütfen %1 i hemen sipariş verin!";
lic_expired = "Deneme süreniz bitmiştir. %1 pasif hale getirilmiştir. %1 i hemen sipariş edin!";
order_info = "Hemen sipariş ver:\nİnternetten: www.cfos.com\nTelefon ile: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Lütfen bir dil seçin";
budget_settings = "Bütçe Ayarları";
settings = "Ayarlar";
netconfig = "Bağlantılar";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Trafik Düzenlemesi verileri silinip, gerekli düzenlemeler baştan yapılacaktır.\nProgramın tam verimli çalışmaya başlaması, internet kullanımınıza göre\n bir kaç gün sürebilir.Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_tr.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_tr.htm";
install_dir = "Kurulum klasörü: ";
password_bad = "Yanlış parola";
short_dexpire = "%1 %2 sona erdi";
short_try = "%1 %2 daha deneyin";
days_plural = "gün";
days_singular = "gün";
lic_try = "%3'i satın almadan önce %1 %2 kadar daha deneyebilirsiniz.";
err_file_auth = "Bu kurulumdaki bazı dosyalar bozuk veya kayıptır.\nLütfen orijinal %p kurulumunu edininiz.\n(www.cfos.com)";
short_exp = "Sona erdi!";
badkey = "Lisansınız ile ilgili bir sorun var.\nLütfen e-posta, CD veya disket ile aldığınız\n orjinal dosyanın üzerine çift tıklayarak lisansınızı\n tekrar kurunuz.";
licensed_to = "Lisans Sahibi: %?";
license = "Lisans";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "%3 lisansınız %1 %2 içerisinde sona erecektir.";
sygate_hint = "%p; kalibrasyon sinyallerini, Ping-of-Death paketleri ile yapılan\n DoS atağı olarak algılayan Sygate Güvenlik Duvarını tespit etti. \nBu durumun üstesinden gelmek için; 30 saniye civarında bir süre,\n tam kapasite ile karşıdan yüklemeniz ve ardından tam kapasite ile karşıya yüklemeniz\n gerekmektedir. Bu %p'in düzenleme sinyali almış gibi ayar yapmasını sağlayacaktır.";
after_calibration = "calibration_tr.htm";
component_mismatch = "Bu programın bileşenleri arasında sürüm uyuşmazlığı bulunuyor. Lütfen en güncel sürümü tekrar kurun.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Diğer Diller";
translator = "Çeviren";
translator_msg = "http://www.geek.com.tr";
translator_name = "GEEK";
none = "Hiçbiri";
connections = "Bağlan";
upgrade = "Yeni sürümü kontrol et";
config = "Ayarlar";
graph_title = "Kullanım Grafiği";
order = "Hemen sipariş ver!";
connect_to = "%? : bağlanılsın mı?";
disco_ras = "Çıkış yap";
redetect_routes = "Güzergâhları yeniden algıla";
calibrate = "Hattı Ayarla";
favor_ping = "Ping süresine öncelik ver";
favor_bandwidth = "Bantgenişliği Taraflı";
enable_speed_shaping = "Trafik Düzenlemesini Aç";
disable_speed_shaping = "Trafik Düzenlemesini Kapat";
openwindows = "Pencereleri aç";
closewindows = "Pencereleri kapat";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Sürücü yüklenmedi!";
taskbaricon = "Simge";
trayicon_tip = "Trafik Düzenlemesi ile Daha Hızlı İnternet, www.cfos.com!";
service_desc = "%p için öncelikli eylemleri ve gecikme ölçümünü yapar";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Bu bağlantı için Trafik Düzenlemesine izin verilsin mi?";
winsettings = "Pencere ayarları";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Sistem ayarlarını kullan";
slide_effect = "Pencereleri kaydır";
blend_effect = "Pencereler sönükleşsin";
defpos = "Varsayılan konum";
click_through = "Üzerine tıkla";
topmost = "Her zaman üstte";
autoopen = "Otomatik-aç/Otomatik-gizle";
closewindow = "Pencereyi kapat";
openwindow = "Pencereyi aç";
selectskin = "Skin seçin";
autoarrange = "Pencereleri otomatik düzenle";
effects = "Etkiler";
make_own_skin = "Kendi görünümünüzü oluşturun";
enable_win = "Durum penceresi etkinleştirilsin mi?\n\n Durum penceresi etkin bağlantınızın durumunu gösterir.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Etkin olan bir ağ bağlantısı yeniden ayarlanacaktır.\nDevam etmeden önce bağlantıyı kesmeniz tavsiye edilir.\nEtkin durumdaki bağlantı kesilsin mi?";
yes = "Evet";
no = "Hayır";
ole_error = "Bu düzenleme penceresini kullanmak için \\n%p' in bilgisayarınızda kurulu ve sorunsuz çalışıyor olması gerekmektedir.\\nLütfen %p' i kontrol edin ve gerekiyor ise tekrar kurun.";
budget = "Bütçe";
show_for = "Göster";
last_12_months = "son 12 ay";
last_3_months = "son 3 ay";
last_month = "son ay";
this_month = "bu ay";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX seçimi";
sum_button = "toplam";
please_select = "Lütfen seçin";
budgets = "Çevrimiçi Bütçeler";
protocols = "Protokoller";
programs = "Programlar";
ts_config = "%p Trafik Düzenleme Seçenekleri";
dialup_connections = "Çevirmeli Bağlantılar";
help = "Yardım";
nc_connections = "Bağlantılar";
ask = "sor";
aux_lines = "yardım çizgileri";
traffic_shaping = "Trafik Düzenlemesi";
ras_con_help = "<b>Evet</b>: açık, <b>hayır</b>: kapalı, <b>sor</b>: bir kez sor ve ayarları kaydet.";
dialup_connection = "Çevirmeli bağlantı";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Ortam";
connection_type = "Trafik Düzenlemesi Modu";
regid1 = "sabit";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Bağlantınız sabit bir bant genişliğine sahip ve bunu özel olarak kullanıyorsunuz, veya tüm İnternet trafiği bu bilgisayar üzerinden yönlendiriliyor (örn. İnternet Bağlantısı Paylaşımı).";
regid2 = "değişken (ortak)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Bağlantınız değişken bir bant genişliğine sahip ve/veya bağantınızı birkaç bilgisayarda aynı anda kullanıyorsunuz. cFos Trafik Düzenlemesi tüm bilgisayarlarda yüklü.";
regid3 = "değişken (ortak değil)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Bağlantınız değişken bir bant genişliğine sahip ve/veya bağantınızı birkaç bilgisayarda aynı anda kullanıyorsunuz. En az bir bilgisayar cFos Trafik Düzenlemesi'ne sahip değil.";
ok = "Tamam";
off = "kapalı";
on = "açık";
router_connections = "Router Ayarları";
net_components = "Ağ Bileşenleri";
auto = "otomatik";
router_help = "<b>Evet</b>: aç, <b>hayır</b>: kapat, <b>otomatik</b>: Ağ bileşenlerinde router bulunduysa, Trafik Düzenlemesini aç";
network_adapter = "ağ bağdaştırıcısı";
router = "Router";
and_save_settings = "ve ayarları kaydet";
preferences = "Tercihler";
def_bandwidth_help = "<b>Yeni</b> bağlantılar için varsayılan";
limit_bandwidth = "Şu Anki Bağlantı İçin Bant Genişliğini Sınırla";
rx_limit = "RX Sınırı";
max = "En fazla";
tx_limit = "TX Sınırı";
apply_limits = "Sınırları Uygula";
limit_help = "Değerler kbayt/s cinsindendir, tüm protokol ek yükünü içerir. 0 = sınır yok";
l7_prot_detection = "Layer-7 Protokol Algılaması";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Verileri analiz ederek protokolleri algıla. 'Protokolleri önceliklendir' bölümününden belirli protokollere öncelik tanıyabilirsiniz. Eğer bu seçeneği iptal ederseniz, protokoller kullanılan port numaralarına bağlı olarak algılanacaktır.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Açık</b>: %p bant genişliğini (gerektiğinde) biraz azaltarak, ping sürelerini minimum hale getirecektir.<br /> <b>Kapalı</b>: %p ping sürelerini (gerektiğinde) biraz yükselterek, bant genişliğini maksimum hale getirecektir.";
activate_firewall = "Güvenlik Duvarını Etkinleştir";
activate_firewall_help = "Tehlikeli paketleri filtreleme yoluyla durum denetimini ve gizlilik modunu ağ güvenlik ihlallerine karşı koruyun.";
mtu_opt = "Otomatik MSS (MTU) Düzenlemesi";
mtu_opt_help = "MSS/MTU değerlerini maksimum transfer hızı için düzenler. Tipik olarak, 1500/1492 nin biraz altındaki değerler daha yüksek hız sağlarlar.";
strict_rtp = "Katı RTP kontrolleri";
strict_rtp_help = "Eğer etkinleştirilirse, %p sadece geçerli bir RTCP kaynak numarasına sahip RTP paketlerini algılayacaktır. Eğer RTCP paketleri göndermeyen Voice-over-IP programları (örneğin; VoIPBuster) kullanıyorsanız, bu seçeneği işaretlememelisiniz.";
ts_prios = "Trafik Düzenleme Önceliklendirmeleri";
prog_overwrite = "#p programı zaten listede bulunmaktadır.\\n Yeni değerlerle üzerine yazmak ister misiniz?";
games = "Oyunlar";
file_sharing = "Dosya Paylaşımı";
voip = "Voice-over-IP";
media_streaming = "Medya Yayın Protokolleri";
remote_control = "Uzaktan Erişim";
other = "Diğer";
hint = "Ä°pucu";
prog_hint_text = "Önceliklendirme sadece mümkün olan en az miktarda veriye yüksek öncelik verildiğinde düzgün şekilde çalışacaktır. Çok miktarda veri gönderen programlara düşük öncelik verin.<br />Program önceliklendirme, Windows 2000 üzerinde uygulanamaz!";
save_priorities = "Öncelikleri kaydet";
undo = "Geri al";
filter_selection = "Filtrele-Seç";
program = "Program";
entries = "Kayıtlar";
set_priority = "Öncelik belirle";
delete = "Sil";
higher = "Daha yüksek";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, belki oyunlar";
high = "Yüksek öncelik";
high_prog_help = "Oyunlar, Medya yayını, Telnet ve diğer etkileşimli yazılımlar";
low = "Düşük";
low_prog_help = "Sunucu verisi, FTP verisi";
lower = "Daha düşük";
lower_prog_help = "sürekli arkaplan trafiği, örneğin; dosya paylaşımı";
delete_help = "Listeden kaldır, yani; paketlere normal öncelik ver.";
note = "Not";
prog_help = "Düşük öncelikli paketlerin transfer hızı sadece daha büyük öncelikli paket transferleri ile aynı anda gerçekleştiğinde yavaşlamaktadır. Diğer durumlarda düşük öncelikli veriler maksimum hızda transfer edilmektedir.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Dosya adı";
description = "Açıklama";
new_program = "Yeni program";
add = "Ekle";
prio_protocols = "Trafik Düzenleme Protokol Önceliklendirmeleri";
client_protocols = "Ä°stemci Protokolleri";
server_protocols = "Sunucu Protokolleri";
special = "Özel";
hint_text = "Önceliklendirme, sadece çok küçük bir veri grubuna yüksek öncelik verilirse düzenli olarak çalışacaktır. Çok fazla veri transferi yapan programlara düşük öncelik veriniz. Protokol önceliklendirmesi işlemi, program önceliklendirmesi işleminden önce uygulanır.";
save_protocols = "Protokolleri kaydet";
protocol = "Protokol";
high_help = "Normal öncelikli paketlerden önce işleme sokulurlar.";
low_lower = "Düşük, çok düşük";
low_help = "Daha yüksek öncelikli paketler işleme sokulurken sıraya koyulurlar, aksi durumda normal hızda işleme alınırlar.";
normal_help = "Önceliklendirilmedi. Program önceliklendirilmesi tarafından tutulmuş olabilir.";
ts_settings = "Trafik Düzenleme Seçenekleri";
deactivated = "kapalı";
prio_programs = "Program Önceliklendirme";
current_connections = "Bağlantılar";
budget_title = "%p Çevrimiçi Bütçeler";
hard_limit_help_set = "Bütçe tüketildiyse paketler bırakılacaktır";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Tüketilen bir bütçe sadece durum penceresinde gösterilecektir";
save_budgets = "Bütçeleri Kaydet";
time = "Süre";
time_units = "s:dak";
volume = "Birim";
hard_limit = "Sert<br>Sınırlar";
time_limit = "Süre Sınırı";
time_min = "Dak";
volume_limit = "Birim Sınırı";
reset_day = "Günü Sıfırla";
reset_day_unit = "ayın günü";
spdbudget_help = "Bir bütçeyi kullanmak için, bağlantılar iletisine gidin ve onu özel bir bağlantıya atayın (tayın edin)";
asus_save = "Kaydet";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Oyunlar normal öncelikli paketlerden önce işleme sokulurlar";

#language 1066
#fallback 1033
#charset 0

language = "Vietnamese";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Các gói tin được gởi bởi %p không thấy đến. %p Phân loại dữ liệu không thực hiện chức năng một cách chính xác. Nhấn ở đây để xem trợ giúp.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "cFosSpeed rx-Traffic Shaping đang được đẩy lên giới hạn, vì có quá nhiều kết nối. Với ít kết nối hơn thì nó sẽ làm việc tốt hơn. Nhấn vào đây để được giúp đỡ.";
no_setup = "Không thể bắt đầu cài đặt(setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = "http://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_vn.htm";
lic_dexpire = "Bạn đã hết thời gian dùng thử cho %1 %2. Mua %3 ngay hôm nay!";
dayl_plural = "ngày";
dayl_singular = "ngày";
speed_endsoon = "Thời gian dùng thử đã hết! Vui lòng mua %1 ngay hôm nay!";
lic_expired = "Bạn đã hết thời gian kiểm tra phiên bản dùng thử. %1 không còn hoạt động. Mua %1 ngay hôm nay!";
order_info = "Mua ngay:\nQua Internet: www.cfos.com\nBằng điện thoại: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Chọn ngôn ngữ";
budget_settings = "Thiết lập Budget";
settings = "Thiết lập";
netconfig = "Kết nối";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Xóa dữ liệu trước đã dùng chức năng Phân loại dữ liệu và bắt đầu một xác định một đường mới.\nTùy thuộc kết nối Internet bạn đang dùng, nó có thể làm trong một vài ngày cho đến khi\nlấy được dung lượng đầy đủ còn trống. Tiếp tục?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_vn.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_vn.htm";
install_dir = "Thư mục cài đặt: ";
password_bad = "Sai mật khẩu";
short_dexpire = "Hết hạn %1 %2";
short_try = "Dùng thử trong %1 %2";
days_plural = "ngày";
days_singular = "ngày";
lic_try = "Bạn có thể dùng thử %3 trong %1 %2 trước khi mua chính thức.";
err_file_auth = "Một vài tập tin bị thay đổi hoặc bị thiếu.\nVui lòng lấy một xác thực cấp phép %p\n(Ví dụ từ www.cfos.com).";
short_exp = "Hết hạn!";
badkey = "Có vấn đề với khóa đăng ký.\nVui lòng cài đặt lại khóa bằng các nhấn đúp trỏ chuột trên\ntập tin gốc mà bạn đã nhận được qua thư điện tử hay đĩa mềm.";
licensed_to = "Đăng ký cho %?";
license = "Cấp phép";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "Bạn %3 giấy phép hết hạn trong %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "%p đã phát hiện tường lửa của Sygate, nó sẽ làm nhỡ \n%p các dữ liệu định trước bằng cách từ chối với dịch vụ chống tấn công với các gói tin\n\"Ping-of-Death\".\nBởi vậy bạn nên tải và sau đó truyền lên với \ntốc độ 30 giây cho riêng từng cái. Đây sẽ là kiểm tra \n%p giống như xung xác định.\n\nGợi ý: Chức năng Tường lửa\"Anti IP Manipulation\" sẽ đặt ở trạng thái \nkhông kích hoạt.";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Phiên bản này có sự trùng lắp giữa các thành phần của chương trình. Vui lòng cài đặt lại phiên bản gần đây đã sử dụng.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Ngôn ngữ khác";
translator = "Người dịch:";
translator_msg = "www.vietnamize.info";
translator_name = "Đoàn Nguyễn Bảo Lân";
none = "không";
connections = "Kết nối đến";
upgrade = "Cập nhật phiên bản mới";
config = "Tùy chọn";
graph_title = "Biểu đồ";
order = "Mua ngay!";
connect_to = "Kết nối đến %?";
disco_ras = "Đăng xuất ";
redetect_routes = "Phát hiện lại các đường dẫn mạng";
calibrate = "Tuyến định kích thước";
favor_ping = "Giảm ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Mở rộng đường truyền";
enable_speed_shaping = "Bật Phân loại dữ liệu";
disable_speed_shaping = "Tắt Phân loại dữ liệu";
openwindows = "Mở cửa sổ";
closewindows = "Đóng cửa sổ";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "Không thể nạp driver!";
taskbaricon = "Biểu tượng ở thanh tác vụ";
trayicon_tip = "Tăng tốc độ truy cập Internet với cFosspeed, www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Tự động thực hiện phép đo và trao đặc quyền hoạt động cho %p";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Cho phép sử dụng chức năng Phân loại dữ liệu ở kết nối này?";
winsettings = "Thiết lập cửa sổ";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Dùng thiết lập của hệ thống";
slide_effect = "Cửa sổ trượt";
blend_effect = "Cửa sổ mờ";
defpos = "Vị trí mặc định";
click_through = "Nhấn-xuyên qua";
topmost = "Luôn nổi trên màn hình";
autoopen = "Tự động-mở/Tự động-ẩn";
closewindow = "Đóng cửa sổ";
openwindow = "Mở cửa sổ";
selectskin = "Chọn giao diện";
autoarrange = "Tự động sắp xếp các cửa sổ";
effects = "Hiệu ứng";
make_own_skin = "Tự thiết kế giao diện";
enable_win = "Bật cửa sổ trạng thái?\n\nCửa sổ trạng thái sẽ hiển thị trạng thái của kết nối đang dùng.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Một kết nối đang kích hoạt hiện tại cần được cấu hình lại.\nĐề nghị bạn bỏ kết nối trước khi tiếp tục.\nBỏ kết nối mạng hiện tại?";
yes = "Đồng ý";
no = "Không";
ole_error = "Nếu mua sản phẩm hãy dùng hộp thoại từ chương trình,\\n%p nên cài đặt và chạy nó trên máy tính của bạn.\\nVui lòng kiểm tra và cài đặt tiếp, nếu cần thiết.";
budget = "Ngân quỹ";
show_for = "Hiển thị cho";
last_12_months = "12 tháng cuối";
last_3_months = "3 tháng cuối";
last_month = "tháng cuối";
this_month = "tháng này";
rxtx_button = "Lựa chọn RX/TX";
sum_button = "Tích lũy";
please_select = "Xin vui lòng lựa chọn";
budgets = "Budget trực tuyến";
protocols = "Giao thức";
programs = "Chương trình";
ts_config = "Cấu hình chức năng Phân loại dữ liệu";
dialup_connections = "Kết nối quay số";
help = "Trợ giúp";
nc_connections = "Kết nối";
ask = "Hỏi";
aux_lines = "Tuyến phụ";
traffic_shaping = "Phân loại dữ liệu";
ras_con_help = "<b>Đồng ý</b>: hoạt động, <b>no</b>: không hoạt động, <b>ask</b>: ask once only and then save the setting";
dialup_connection = "Kết nối quay số";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Trung bình";
connection_type = "Chế độ Traffic Shaping";
regid1 = "cố định";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "Kết nối của bạn có băng thông cố định và bạn hoặc sử dụng nó riêng biệt hoặ tất cả kết nối Internet đều được chuyển qua máy tính này(ví dụ với Internet Connection Sharing).";
regid2 = "thay đổi (hợp tác)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "Kết nối của bạn có băng thông thay đổi và/hoặc bạn sử dụng nó với nhiều máy tính cùng lúc. cFos Traffic Shaping được cái đặt trên tất cả máy tính.";
regid3 = "thay đổi (không hợp tác)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "Kết nối của bạn có băng thông thay đổi và/hoặc bạn sử dụng nó với nhiều máy tính của lúc. Có ít nhất một máy không cài đặt cFos Traffic Shaping.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Tắt";
on = "Mở";
router_connections = "Kết nối bộ định tuyến";
net_components = "Thành phần mạng";
auto = "Tự động";
router_help = "<b>Đồng ý</b>: hoạt động, <b>không</b>: không hoạt động, <b>tự động</b>: bật Phân loại dữ liệu, nếu tìm thấy bộ định tuyến ở mạng này";
network_adapter = "Loại mạng";
router = "Bộ định tuyến";
and_save_settings = "và lưu các thiết lập";
preferences = "Tùy chọn";
def_bandwidth_help = "Mặc định chp kết nối <b>mới</b>";
limit_bandwidth = "Giới hạn băng thông cho kết nối hiện tại";
rx_limit = "Giới hạn RX";
max = "Tối đa";
tx_limit = "Giới hạn TX";
apply_limits = "Thiết lập giới hạn";
limit_help = "Giá trị tính bởi kbyte/s, bao gồm tất cả các protocol, 0 = không giới hạn.";
l7_prot_detection = "Tự động phát hiện giao thức trong 7 tầng";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Quá trình tự động phát hiện giao thức đang phân tích dữ liệu. Dùng hộp thoại 'Độ ưu tiên cho giao thức' để thay đổi mức ưu tiên của các giao thức khác nhau. Nếu bạn không kích hoạt tùy chọn này thì nó sẽ hoạt động tùy theo số cổng được dùng.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>Bật</b>: cFosSpeed sẽ giảm thời gian tiêu phí khi băng thông hạ xuống thấp (nếu cần thiết).<br /><b>Off</b>: cFosSpeed will maximize bandwidth at the expense of slightly higher ping times (if necessary).";
activate_firewall = "Bật tường lửa";
activate_firewall_help = "Bảo vệ mạng khỏi các việc xâm phạm bên ngoài nghĩa là lọc bỏ các gói tin nguy hiểm, xem xét kỷ lưỡng các gói tin lén lút xâm nhập vào máy.";
mtu_opt = "Tự động tối ưu MSS (MTU)";
mtu_opt_help = "Điều chỉnh MSS/MTU cho tốc độ truyền tải lớn nhất. Điển hình, giá trị trong khoảng thấp nhất dưới 1500/1492 cho tốc độ nhanh nhất.";
strict_rtp = "Kiểm tra chính xác RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Nếu đã hoạt động, cFosSpeed chỉ chấp thuận các gói tin như là RTP đến với một RTCP đúng. Bạn sẽ bỏ kích hoạt tùy chọn này cho các chương trình dùng Âm thoại-qua-Interner (như VoIPBuster) gởi các gói tin không dùng RTCP.";
ts_prios = "Dùng chức năng Phân loại dữ liệu trước";
prog_overwrite = "Chương trình #p đã có trong danh sách.\\nBạn có muốn ghi đè lên giá trị cũ hay không?";
games = "Trò chơi";
file_sharing = "Chia sẻ tập tin";
voip = "Âm thoại-qua-IP";
media_streaming = "Nhạc trực tuyến";
remote_control = "Điều khiển từ xa";
other = "Khác";
hint = "Gợi ý";
prog_hint_text = "Sự ưu tiên sẽ làm việc chính xác chỉ khi các gói dữ liệu nhỏ được đặt mức ưu tiên cao. Để cho chương trình gởi dữ liệu ra ngoài bằng cách chọn mức ưu tiên thấp cho dữ liệu.<br />Thiết lập Ưu tiên cho chương trình chỉ hoạt động trên Windows XP!";
save_priorities = "Lưu ưu tiên";
undo = "Hoàn tác";
filter_selection = "Chọn bộ lọc";
program = "Chương trình";
entries = "Đầu mục";
set_priority = "Thiết lập quyền ưu tiên";
delete = "Xóa";
higher = "Cao nhất";
higher_prog_help = "Âm thoại-qua-Internet, có thể chơi trò chơi trực tuyến";
high = "Cao";
high_prog_help = "Trò chơi, Âm nhạc, Telnet và các chương trình khác";
low = "Thấp";
low_prog_help = "Dữ liệu máy chủ, dữ liệu FTP";
lower = "Quá thấp";
lower_prog_help = "truyền tải ở chế độ nền, giống như chia sẻ tập tin";
delete_help = "Gở bỏ từ danh sách(Ví dụ: làm việc bình thường với các gói tin).";
note = "Chú ý";
prog_help = "Sự truyền tải ở mức ưu tiên quá thấp (nhất) - các gói tin sẽ truyền tải chậm nếu các dữ liệu với độ ưu tiên cao nhất đang được xử lý trong cùng một khoảng thời gian. Cách khác, mức ưu tiên cho các dữ liệu là thấp (nhất), tất nhiên, sẽ được gởi ở tốc độ cao nhất.";
normal = "Bình thường";
filename = "Tên tập tin";
description = "Mô tả";
new_program = "Chương trình mới";
add = "Thêm";
prio_protocols = "Giao thức ưu tiên";
client_protocols = "Giao thức máy con";
server_protocols = "Giao thức máy chủ";
special = "Đặc biệt";
hint_text = "Sự ưu tiên sẽ làm việc chính xác chỉ nếu có một dữ liệu nhỏ được đặt mức ưu tiên cao nhất. Để chương trình có thể chọn việc gởi dữ liệu ra ngoài với mức ưu tiên thấp. Giao thức được quyền ưu tiên sẽ hoàn thành tốt hơn chương trình có mức ưu tiên đó.";
save_protocols = "Lưu giao thức";
protocol = "Giao thức";
high_help = "Đã xử lý gói tin trước khi nó được đặt mức ưu tiên bình thường.";
low_lower = "Thấp, rất thấp";
low_help = "Đang nằm trong hàng đợi trong khi các gói tin khác (với độ ưu tiên cao nhất) đang được xử lý;, các tiến trình khác sẽ diễn ra tốc độ bình thường.";
normal_help = "Không được ưu tiên. Có thể đặt mức ưu tiên chương trình.";
ts_settings = "Thiết lập chức năng Phân loại dữ liệu";
deactivated = "không hoạt động";
prio_programs = "Chương trình ưu tiên";
current_connections = "Các kết nối hiện tại";
budget_title = "%p Budget trực tuyến";
hard_limit_help_set = "Gói tin sẽ được truyền tải nếu hạ thấp Budget";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "hạ thấp Budget sẽ chỉ được hiển thị ở cửa sổ trạng thái.";
save_budgets = "Lưu vào Budget";
time = "Thời gian";
time_units = "giờ:phút";
volume = "Âm lượng";
hard_limit = "Giới hạn<br>Cứng";
time_limit = "Giới hạn thời gian";
time_min = "Phút";
volume_limit = "Giới hạn âm lượng";
reset_day = "Đăt lại ngày";
reset_day_unit = "ngày của tháng";
spdbudget_help = "Để dùng một budget, chuyển đến hộp thoại kết nối và gán nó tới một kết nối riêng biệt";
asus_save = "Lưu ưu tiên";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Trò chơi Đã xử lý gói tin trước khi nó được đặt mức ưu tiên bình thường";

#language 2052
#fallback 1028
#fallback1 1033
#charset 0

language = "Simplified Chinese";

autohide_on_fullscreen = "全屏时自动隐藏";
no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_cn.htm";
no_pings_error = "似乎没有来自 %p 发送的 ping 包。没有它们,%p 流量调整不能正常的工作。点击这里获得帮助。";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "%p rx-%p流量调整已经由于过多连接而将达到极限。使用更少的连接可能会让它更有效果。点击此处查看帮助。";
no_setup = "不能启动安装程序(setup.exe)";
speed_orderurl = "https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_cn.htm";
lic_dexpire = "您的试用期已过期 %1 %2。今天就订购 %3 !";
dayl_plural = "天";
dayl_singular = "天";
speed_endsoon = "您的试用期即将结束!请今天就订购 %1 !";
lic_expired = "您的试用期已经结束。%1 不能使用了。今天就订购 %1 !";
order_info = "立即订购:\n网址:www.cfos.com\n电话:+49-228-7669826";
select_language = "选择语言";
budget_settings = "预算设定";
settings = "设置";
netconfig = "连接";
ask_clear_tsdata = "清除流量调整的数据并且开始新的线路校准。\n根据您互联网的应用,它可能需要数天\n直到满负荷可用。继续吗?";
speed_mainurl = "http://www.cFos.de/index2_cn.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_cn.htm";
install_dir = "安装目录: ";
password_bad = "错误的密码";
short_dexpire = "过期 %1 %2";
short_try = "试用 %1 %2";
days_plural = "天";
days_singular = "天";
lic_try = "您在购买 %3 前还可以试用 %1 %2。";
err_file_auth = "此发行版本的一些文件已损坏或遗失。\n请您取得可靠的 %p 发行版本。\n(例如:从 www.cfos.com 下载)。";
short_exp = "过期!";
badkey = "您的授权文件有问题.\n请您双击您通过电子邮件取得的\n或存于软盘上的原始文件来重新安装授权文件.";
licensed_to = "授权给 %?";
license = "许可证";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "您的 %3 授权在 %1 %2 之后过期。";
sygate_hint = "%p 侦测到 Sygate Firewall,此防火墙将 %p 校准脉冲\n误认为是拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service)的“Ping of Death”封包。\n因此您应该分别进行一次\n约30秒钟的全速下载及全速上传。\n这将像校准脉冲一样校准 %p。\n\n提示:防火墙的“反IP控制”功能应该被关闭";
after_calibration = "calibration_cn.htm";
component_mismatch = "此程序的不同组件中存在版本冲突。请重新安装最新版本。";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "其他的语言";
translator = "翻译员";
translator_msg = "";
translator_name = "Neil";
none = "空";
connections = "连接到";
upgrade = "取得新版本程序";
config = "选项";
graph_title = "使用图表";
order = "立即订购!";
connect_to = "连接到:%?";
disco_ras = "注销";
redetect_routes = "重新检测路由";
calibrate = "线路校准";
favor_ping = "有助于 Ping 时间";
favor_bandwidth = "有助于带宽";
enable_speed_shaping = "启用流量调整";
disable_speed_shaping = "关闭流量调整";
openwindows = "打开窗口";
closewindows = "关闭窗口";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "驱动程序未加载!";
taskbaricon = "系统托盘图标";
trayicon_tip = "具有流量调整的更快的互联网,www.cfos.com";
service_desc = "对 %p 执行潜伏期测量和特权操作。";
allow_traffic_shaping = "允许此连接使用流量调整功能吗?";
winsettings = "窗口设置";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "使用系统行为";
slide_effect = "滑动窗口";
blend_effect = "窗口淡入淡出";
defpos = "默认位置";
click_through = "鼠标穿透";
topmost = "窗口总在最上";
autoopen = "自动开启或自动隐藏";
closewindow = "关闭窗口";
openwindow = "打开窗口";
selectskin = "选择外观";
autoarrange = "自动放置窗口";
effects = "效果";
make_own_skin = "设计您自己的外观";
enable_win = "您想启用状态窗口的功能吗?\n\ncFosSpeed 状态窗口显示您当前的连接的状态。";
ask_disconnect_ras = "当前活动的网络连接即将进行重新配置。\n我们建议您断开连接,然后再继续。\n断开当前的网络连接吗?";
yes = "是";
no = "否";
ole_error = "为了能够使用本配置对话框,\\n您必须在计算机中安装并运行 %p。\\n请验证这一点,如果需要,请重新安装。";
budget = "预算";
show_for = "显示";
last_12_months = "最近十二个月";
last_3_months = "最近三个月";
last_month = "最近一个月";
this_month = "这个月";
rxtx_button = "RX/TX 选择";
sum_button = "累积的";
please_select = "请选择";
budgets = "联机预算";
protocols = "协议";
programs = "程序";
ts_config = "%p 流量调整配置";
dialup_connections = "拨号连接";
help = "帮助";
nc_connections = "连接";
ask = "询问";
aux_lines = "辅助线";
traffic_shaping = "流量调整";
ras_con_help = "<b>是</b>:开启,<b>否</b>:关闭,<b>询问</b>:仅询问一次并保存设置";
dialup_connection = "拨号连接";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "适中";
connection_type = "流量调整模式";
regid1 = "固定";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "您的连接有固定的带宽,您可以完全的使用它或者通过此 PC 路由所有的 Internet 流量(例如:使用Internet连接共享)。";
regid2 = "可变(协同)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "您的连接具有可变带宽或许您与几个 PC 同时使用它。cFos 流量调整正被安装在所有 PC 上。";
regid3 = "可变(非协同)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "您的连接具有可变带宽或许您与几个 PC 同时使用它。 至少一台 PC 不具有 cFos 流量调整。";
ok = "确定";
off = "关闭";
on = "启用";
router_connections = "路由器连接";
net_components = "网络组件";
auto = "自动";
router_help = "<b>是</b>:开启,<b>否</b>:关闭,<b>自动</b>:如果路由器发现此网络组件,启用流量调整";
network_adapter = "网络适配器";
router = "路由器";
and_save_settings = "并保存设置";
preferences = "首选项";
def_bandwidth_help = "<b>新</b>建连接的默认项";
limit_bandwidth = "限制当前连接的带宽";
rx_limit = "RX 限制";
max = "最大";
tx_limit = "TX 限制";
apply_limits = "应用限制";
limit_help = "数值 kbyte/s,包括所有协议开销, 0 = 无限制。";
l7_prot_detection = "第七层协议侦测";
l7_prot_detection_help = "经由数据分析来侦测协议。使用“协议优先顺序”对话框来改变各种协议的优先级。假如您停用此选项,协议将会依据使用的端口号来侦测。";
favor_ping_help = "<b>开启</b>: (必要时)%p 将会稍微牺牲带宽来使 ping 的时间最短。<br /> <b>关闭</b>:(必要时)%p 将会以 ping 时间稍微增大来使带宽最大。";
activate_firewall = "启用防火墙";
activate_firewall_help = "通过过滤危险数据包、状态检查和隐形模式等方式来提供保护,防止网络入侵。";
mtu_opt = "自动 MSS (MTU) 最佳化";
mtu_opt_help = "调整 MSS/MTU 得到最大传输速率。通常,数值范围稍微低于1500/1492可产生较快的速度。";
strict_rtp = "严格的 RTP 检查";
strict_rtp_help = "假如启用,%p 只将附带一个有效 RTCP 源 ID 的封包识别为 RTP。您应该为不发送 RTCP数据封包的VOIP程序(如 VoIPBuster)停用这个选项。";
ts_prios = "流量调整优先级";
prog_overwrite = "程序 #p 已经在列表内。\\n您想要用新的值覆盖此条目?";
games = "游戏";
file_sharing = "文件共享";
voip = "VOIP";
media_streaming = "流媒体";
remote_control = "远程控制";
other = "其他的";
hint = "提示";
prog_hint_text = "要使优先次序能正常工作,就要给发送少量数据的程序高优先级,给发送大量数据的程序低优先级。<br />程序优先级不可用于 Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "保存优先次序";
undo = "撤消";
filter_selection = "过滤器选择";
program = "程序";
entries = "条目";
set_priority = "设定优先级";
delete = "删除";
higher = "最高优先顺序";
higher_prog_help = "VOIP, 或游戏";
high = "高优先顺序";
high_prog_help = "游戏、流媒体、Telnet 及其他的互动程序";
low = "低";
low_prog_help = "服务器、FTP数据";
lower = "最低";
lower_prog_help = "固定性后台流量,比如文件共享";
delete_help = "从列表移除(例如,视为正常数据包)。";
note = "注意";
prog_help = "(最)低优先级的封包只在同时处理更高优先级数据的情况下,其传输才被放慢。否则,(最)低优先级的数据当然还是会以最高速率传输。";
normal = "一般";
filename = "文件名称";
description = "描述";
new_program = "新程序";
add = "添加";
prio_protocols = "设定协议优先级";
client_protocols = "客户端协议";
server_protocols = "服务器协议";
special = "专用";
hint_text = "要使优先次序能正常工作,就要给发送少量数据的程序高优先级,给发送大量数据的程序低优先级。协议优先级高于程序优先级。";
save_protocols = "保存协议";
protocol = "协议";
high_help = "比一般封包优先处理。";
low_lower = "低、很低";
low_help = "排队,等待其他的封包(有较高优先级)被处理,否则以一般速度处理。";
normal_help = "不做优先处理。可以由程序优先顺序做处理。";
ts_settings = "流量调整设置";
deactivated = "未激活";
prio_programs = "设定程序优先级";
current_connections = "当前连接";
budget_title = "%p 联机预算";
hard_limit_help_set = "预算用完时封包将会被丢弃";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "当预算用完时只会在状态窗口显示";
save_budgets = "保存预算";
time = "时间";
time_units = "时:分";
volume = "量";
hard_limit = "硬件<br>限制";
time_limit = "时间限制";
time_min = "分";
volume_limit = "量限制";
reset_day = "重置日";
reset_day_unit = "每月一天";
spdbudget_help = "若要使用预算,转到连接对话框并将其分配给一个特定的连接";
asus_save = "保存";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "游戏比一般封包优先处理";

#language 2070
#fallback 1046
#fallback1 1034
#fallback2 1033
#charset 0

language = "Portuguese";

no_pings_help = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/noping_e.htm";
no_pings_error = "Os pacotes de pings transmitidos pelo %p não estão a conseguir passar. Sem isso, o Traffic Shaping do %p não poderá funcionar correctamente. Talvez um firewall esteja a bloquear o Serviço '%p Service' (spd.exe) Este serviço deve ter a autorização para aceder à Internet.";
many_cons_help = "http://www.cfos.de/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=8&thread=1994";
many_cons_error = "O Traffic Shaping RX do %p está a ser usado no seu limite, porque existem demasiadas ligações. Com menos ligações abertas o programa será mais eficaz. Clique aqui para saber mais sobre isso.";
no_setup = "Não é possível iniciar a instalação (setup.exe).";
speed_orderurl = " https://www.cfos.de/order/speedn_pt.htm";
lic_dexpire = "O seu período de avaliação acaba em %1 %2. Compre %3 hoje!";
dayl_plural = "dias";
dayl_singular = "dia";
speed_endsoon = "O seu período de teste acaba em breve! Por favor peça sua copia hoje!";
lic_expired = "O seu período de avaliação expirou. %1 está agora desactivado. Compre %1 hoje!";
order_info = "Encomende agora:\nInternet: www.cfos.de \nPelo telefone: +49-228-7669826";
select_language = "Seleccionar idioma";
budget_settings = "Configurações do orçamento";
settings = "Opções";
netconfig = "Ligações";
ask_clear_tsdata = "Limpar dados de Traffic Shaping e iniciar nova calibração da ligação.\nEm função da sua utilização da Internet, poderá demorar alguns dias até\nque o máximo de sua capacidade fique disponível. Deseja Continuar?";
speed_mainurl = " http://www.cfos.de/index2_pt.htm";
speed_updateurl = "http://www.cfos.de/download/download_pt.htm";
install_dir = "Directório da instalação:";
password_bad = "Contra-senha errada";
short_dexpire = "Expirou %1 %2";
short_try = "Experimente por %1 %2";
days_plural = "dias de avaliação";
days_singular = "dia de avaliação";
lic_try = "Pode experimentar o %3 por %1 %2 antes de o adquirir.";
err_file_auth = "Alguns ficheiros desta distribuição estão corruptos ou faltando.\nPor favor obtenha uma distribuição autêntica do %p \n(ex. em www.cfos.de).";
short_exp = "Expirou!";
badkey = "Existe um problema com a chave da licença.\nPor favor reinsira a chave clicando duas vezes sobre o\nficheiro original que recebeu por e-mail ou disquete.";
licensed_to = "Licenciado para para %?";
license = "Licença";
lic_reg_exp_warn = "A sua licença do %3 vence em %1 %2.";
sygate_hint = "O %p detectou o Firewall da Sygate, que confunde o sinal de calibragem do %p com um ataque de Negação de Serviço com pacotes do tipo \"Ping-of-Death\".\nPor tanto, deverá fazer um download e depois um upload à velocidade\nmáxima durante uns 30 segundos respectivamente. Esta acção deverá calibrar o\n%p como fosse um sinal de calibragem.\n\nConselho: A função do seu Firewall chamada \"Manipulação anti IP\" deverá estar desligada durante este período";
after_calibration = "calibration_e.htm";
component_mismatch = "Há um conflito de versões entre diferentes componentes deste programa. Por favor reinstale utilizando a versão mais recente.";
speed_langurl = "http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm";
other_languages = "Outros idiomas";
translator = "Tradutor";
translator_msg = "Para a comunidade portuguesa do %p.\nErros e sujestões de tradução, envie e-mail para:\n\njorgefrjoel@gmail.com\n\nJorge Joel - Tradutor cFosSpeed para Portugal";
translator_name = "Jorge Joel";
none = "nenhum";
connections = "Ligar a";
upgrade = "Obter a mais nova versão do programa";
config = "Opções";
graph_title = "Gráfico do uso dos recursos";
order = "Compre Agora!";
connect_to = "Ligar a %?";
disco_ras = "Desligar";
redetect_routes = "Voltar a detectar as rotas";
calibrate = "Calibrar a linha";
favor_ping = "Favorecer o tempo do Ping";
favor_bandwidth = "Favorecer a Largura da Banda ";
enable_speed_shaping = "Habilitar o Traffic Shaping";
disable_speed_shaping = "Desabilitar o Traffic Shaping";
openwindows = "Abrir as Janelas";
closewindows = "Fechar Janelas";
mainurl_name = "www.cfos.com";
driver_not_loaded = "O Controlador não foi carregado!";
taskbaricon = "Ícone da barra de tarefas";
trayicon_tip = "A sua Internet mais rápida com o Traffic Shaping, www.cFos.com";
service_desc = "Mede os tempos do estado latente e executa as operações prioritárias";
allow_traffic_shaping = "Permitir o Traffic Shaping (Configuração de Tráfego) para esta ligação";
winsettings = "Parâmetros das janelas";
make_own_skin_url = "http://www.cfos.de/skin/skin.htm";
win_behaviour = "Utilizar as configurações padrões do sistema";
slide_effect = "Deslizar as janelas";
blend_effect = "Dissolver o foco das janelas";
defpos = "Posição pré-definida";
click_through = "Continuar clicando";
topmost = "Sempre em cima";
autoopen = "Abrir/ocultar automaticamente";
closewindow = "Fechar a Janela";
openwindow = "Abrir a Janela";
selectskin = "Seleccionar Tema";
autoarrange = "Posicionar automaticamente as janelas";
effects = "Efeitos";
make_own_skin = "Desenhe o seu próprio tema";
enable_win = "Activar janela de estado?\n\nA janela de estado do cFos mostra o estado da sua ligação activa.";
ask_disconnect_ras = "Uma ligação de rede actualmente activa está prestes a ser calibrada .\nÉ recomendado que a desligue antes de continuar.\nDesligar a actual ligação de rede?";
yes = "Sim";
no = "Não";
ole_error = "Para poder usar este dialogo de configuração,\\n%p deverá estar instalado e correndo no seu computador. \\nPor favor verifique isto e reinstale o programa se necessário.";
budget = "Orçamento";
show_for = "Mostrar";
last_12_months = "Últimos 12 meses";
last_3_months = "Últimos 3 meses";
last_month = "Último mês";
this_month = "Este mês";
rxtx_button = "Selecção RX/TX";
sum_button = "cumulativo";
please_select = "Por favor escolha";
budgets = "Orçamento";
protocols = "Protocolos";
programs = "Programas";
ts_config = "Configuração de Traffic Shaping do %p";
dialup_connections = "Ligações com linha discada";
help = "Ajuda";
nc_connections = "Ligações";
ask = "Perguntar";
aux_lines = "Linha auxiliar";
traffic_shaping = "Traffic Shaping";
ras_con_help = "<b>Sim</b>: Activar, <b>Não</b>: Desactivar, <b>Perguntar</b>: Perguntar só uma vez e depois guardar a configuração";
dialup_connection = "Linha Discada";
ts_options_help = "http://www.cfos.de/traffic_shaping/ts_options_e.htm";
connection_medium = "Meio";
connection_type = "Modo deTraffic Shaping";
regid1 = "fixo";
fixed_bandwidth_help = "A sua ligação tem a largura da banda fixa e você a usa exclusivamente ou se todo seu tráfico é redireccionado através deste PC (ex: Com o partilhar da ligação da Internet).";
regid2 = "Variável (cooperativo)";
variable_bandwidth_coop_help = "A sua ligação tem a largura da banda variável e/ou você à usa com vários outros computadores simultaneamente. O Traffic Shapping da cFos está instalado em todos os computadores da rede.";
regid3 = "Variável (não cooperativo)";
variable_bandwidth_help = "A sua ligação tem o largo da banda variável e/ou você a usa com outros computadores simultaneamente. CFos Traffic Shapping esta instalado em todos eles.";
ok = "OK";
off = "Apagado";
on = "Ligado";
router_connections = "Ligações com o Roteador";
net_components = "Componentes de Rede";
auto = "Automático";
router_help = "<b>Sim</b>: Activar, <b>Não</b>: Desactivar, <b>Automático</b>: Habilitar o Traffic Shaping, se um roteador for encontrado neste componente de rede";
network_adapter = "Adaptador de Rede";
router = "Roteador";
and_save_settings = "Guardar configurações";
preferences = "Preferências";
def_bandwidth_help = "Padrão <b> novas</b> ligações";
limit_bandwidth = "Limitar a largura da banda nas ligações actuais";
rx_limit = "Limite do RX";
max = "Máximo";
tx_limit = "Limite do TX";
apply_limits = "Aplicar os limites";
limit_help = "Valores em kbyte/s, incluindo todas as cabeceiras dos protocolos, 0= sem limites.";
l7_prot_detection = "Detecção do protocolo da capa 7";
l7_prot_detection_help = "Detecta os protocolos a medida que analisa os dados. Use o diálogo \"Dar prioridade aos Protocolos\" para mudar a prioridade dos vários protocolos. Se você desactiva esta opção, os protocolos serão detectados de acordo com o número de porto usado.";
favor_ping_help = "<b>On</b>: O %p vai favorecer os tempos de Ping ao custo mínimo da largura da banda (Quando seja necessário).<br /><b>Off</b>: %p vai dar toda prioridade da banda, o que aumentará um pouco os tempos de Ping (Quando seja necessário).";
activate_firewall = "Ligar o Firewall";
activate_firewall_help = "Protecção contra intrusões na rede através da filtragem de pacotes perigosos, inspecção do estado, e do modo invisível.";
mtu_opt = "Optimização automática MSS (MTU).";
mtu_opt_help = "Ajusta o MSS/MTU para uma velocidade máxima de transmissão. Tipicamente, valores tais como 1500/1492 produzem velocidades maiores.";
strict_rtp = "Teste estrito de RTP";
strict_rtp_help = "Se for activado, o %p reconhecerá somente como RTP todos os pacotes com um ID de origem RTCP válido. Você deve desactivar esta opção para aqueles programas de Voice-over-IP (como o VoIPBuster) que não enviam pacotes RTCP.";
ts_prios = "Prioridades de Traffic Shaping";
prog_overwrite = "O programa #p já está na lista.\\nVocê gostaria de voltar a escrever esta entrada com novos valores?";
games = "Jogos";
file_sharing = "Partilha de Ficheiros";
voip = "Voice-Over-IP";
media_streaming = "Streaming de Meios";
remote_control = "Controle Remoto";
other = "Outro";
hint = "Sugestão";
prog_hint_text = "A prioridade de pacotes funcionará devidamente somente se o volume de dados em alta prioridade é mantido baixo. Dê pouca prioridade aos programas que transmitem muitos dados.<br/>A prioridade de programas não está disponível para o Windows 2000!";
save_priorities = "Guardar as prioridades";
undo = "Desfazer";
filter_selection = "Selecção de filtros";
program = "Programa";
entries = "Entradas";
set_priority = "Estabelecer a prioridade";
delete = "Apagar";
higher = "Mais alto";
higher_prog_help = "Voice-over-IP, talvez jogos";
high = "Alta";
high_prog_help = "Jogos, Streamed Media, Telnet e outros programas interactivos";
low = "Baixo";
low_prog_help = "Dados de Servidor, dados FTP";
lower = "O mais baixo possível";
lower_prog_help = "Tráfico permanente não perceptível, como o partilhar ficheiros (P2P).";
delete_help = "Remover da lista (ex: Tratar os pacotes normalmente).";
note = "Nota";
prog_help = "A transferência dos pacotes com a menor prioridade será posta de lado, somente se dados com maior prioridade estivessem sendo processados no mesmo momento. Em caso contrário, a transmissão destes pacotes de baixa prioridade será sempre à velocidade máxima.";
normal = "Normal";
filename = "Nome do arquivo";
description = "Descrição";
new_program = "Novo programa";
add = "Adicionar";
prio_protocols = "Dando prioridade aos protocolos";
client_protocols = "Protocolos do Cliente";
server_protocols = "Protocolos de Servidores";
special = "Especial";
hint_text = "A prioridade vai funcionar bem somente mantendo o quanto menos dados possíveis em Alta prioridade. Aloque os programas que transmitem muita informação, pouca prioridade. A prioridade de protocolos tem preferência ante a prioridade dos programas.";
save_protocols = "Guardar os protocolos";
protocol = "Protocolo";
high_help = "Processados antes dos pacotes com prioridade normal.";
low_lower = "Baixo, muito baixo";
low_help = "Mantido em fila de espera enquanto os outros pacotes (com maior prioridade) estão sendo processados; de outra forma serão processados com a velocidade normal.";
normal_help = "Sem prioridade. Pode ser administrado através da prioridade de programas.";
ts_settings = "Opções do Traffic Shaping";
deactivated = "Desactivado";
prio_programs = "Dando prioridade aos Programas";
current_connections = "Ligações Actuais";
budget_title = "Orçamentos online do %p";
hard_limit_help_set = "Os pacotes serão ignorados uma vez superada a quota";
hard_limit_help_not_set = "Um orçamento das quotas será mostrado na janela dos limites disponíveis";
save_budgets = "Guardar os orçamentos";
time = "Tempo";
time_units = "h:min";
volume = "Volume";
hard_limit = "Duro<br>Limites";
time_limit = "Limite de tempo";
time_min = "Minutos";
volume_limit = "Limitar Volume";
reset_day = "Recomeçar o dia";
reset_day_unit = "Dia do mês";
spdbudget_help = "Para usar um orçamento, vá até o dialogo das ligações e estabeleça um à uma ligação em particular.";
blocklist = "IP-Bloquear";
blocklist_help = "Lista de endereços IP para que todo o tráfego seja bloqueado";
apply_blocklist = "Use a Lista de Filtros";
asus_save = "Guardar";
asus_voip = "VoIP";
asus_game_high_help = "Jogos processados antes dos pacotes com prioridade normal";
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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