; ; Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista, LANIER DRIVER SETUP INFORMATION FILE ; Copyright(C) 2009 LANIER CO., LTD. ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%LANIER% ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer CatalogFile=RC8EL12K.CAT DriverVer=12/25/2008 [Manufacturer] %LANIER%=LANIER [LANIER] %PRNNAME9%=RPCS9.DLL,USBPRINT\LANIERLP125cx/LP126cED15,LPTENUM\LANIERLP125cx/LP126cED15,LANIERLP125cx/LP126cED15 [RPCS9.DLL] CopyFiles=RPCSDRV,RPCSDRV9,BIDIFILE,PRTPROCS DataSection=RPCSDAT9 AddReg=Environment_Reg PrintProcessor=%LANIER_PRTPROCS% [RPCSDRV9] RC8EL13A.RCS RC8EL13A.BCS RC8EL13B.RCS RC8EL13B.BCS [RPCSDRV] RC8EL100.dll RC8EL130.dll RC8EE1gm.HLP RC8EE1gm.CNT RC8EE1gm.DLL RC8EC1XX.DLL RC8EC123.DLL rc4mon.dll RC00C140.DLL RC8EE140.DLL RCINST.INI RC8EE172.ini IPC40dat.dll RICDB32.dll MFRICRES.dll Rc4manNT.dll TIBase64.dll TIFmtA.dll TrackID.dll rpcsecl.dll rdrvlog.dll rdrvinf.dll RICJC32.dll JCUI.exe RCPRINT.dll RC00C150.dll RCINST.dll RCINSTM.ini RC8EC151.rcm RC8EC152.rcm RC8EC153.rcm RC8EC15H.rcm RC8EC15B.rcm RC8EE171.rsb RC8EE18Z.RSD RC8EE19Z.RSQ [RPCSDAT9] DriverFile=RC8EL100.dll ConfigFile=RC8EL130.dll HelpFile=RC8EE1gm.HLP DataFile=RC8EL13A.RCS UserModeDriver=RC8EC123.DLL LanguageMonitor=%RPCS_MONITOR% [PRTPROCS] RC00C1B0.dll,,,0x00000020 [BIDIFILE] rc4mon.dll [Environment_Reg] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 PRTPROCS=66001 BIDIFILE=66002 [SourceDisksNames.x86] 99 = %DISK1%,,,\ [SourceDisksFiles] RC8EL100.dll=99 RC8EL130.dll=99 RC8EE1gm.HLP=99 RC8EE1gm.CNT=99 RC8EE1gm.DLL=99 RC8EC1XX.DLL=99 RC8EL13A.RCS=99 RC8EL13A.BCS=99 RC8EL13B.RCS=99 RC8EL13B.BCS=99 RC8EC123.DLL=99 rc4mon.dll=99 RC00C1B0.dll=99 RC00C140.DLL=99 RC8EE140.DLL=99 RCINST.INI=99 RC8EE172.ini=99 IPC40dat.dll=99 RICDB32.dll=99 MFRICRES.dll=99 Rc4manNT.dll=99 TIBase64.dll=99 TIFmtA.dll=99 TrackID.dll=99 rpcsecl.dll=99 rdrvlog.dll=99 rdrvinf.dll=99 RICJC32.dll=99 JCUI.exe=99 RCPRINT.dll=99 RC00C150.dll=99 RCINST.dll=99 RCINSTM.ini=99 RC8EC151.rcm=99 RC8EC152.rcm=99 RC8EC153.rcm=99 RC8EC15H.rcm=99 RC8EC15B.rcm=99 RC8EE171.rsb=99 RC8EE18Z.RSD=99 RC8EE19Z.RSQ=99 [Strings] LANIER="LANIER" PRNNAME9="LANIER LP125cx/LP126cn RPCS" DISK1="LANIER RPCS Driver Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista Disk" RPCS_MONITOR="LANIER Language Monitor2,rc4mon.dll" LANIER_PRTPROCS="RPCSPRN,RC00C1B0.dll"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.