iwpriv_usage.txt Driver File Contents (20.zip)

This is detailed explanation of each parameters for iwpriv.
Before reading this document, make sure you already read README.

	iwpriv ra0 commands val

	Wireless Extension Private Handlers

[commands]              [val] 
-----------------   	-------------------------------------------------
wsc_conf_mode			{0, 1, 2}
						::Set WPS conf mode
						0: WPS Disabled
						1: Enrollee
						2: Registrar

wsc_mode				{1, 2}
						::PIN or PBC
						1: PIN
						2: PBC

wsc_pin					{00000000 ~ 99999999}
						::Set Enrollee's PIN Code

wsc_ssid				{0~z, 1~32 ascii characters}
						::Set WPS AP SSID

wsc_start				NULL
						::Trigger RT2860 STA driver to do WPS process

wsc_stop				NULL
						::Stop WPS process

wsc_gen_pincode			NULL
						::Generate new PIN code

wsc_cred_count			{1 ~ 8}
						::Set count of WPS credential

wsc_cred_ssid			{"idx ssid_str"}
						::Set SSID into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
						ssid_str: 0~z, 1~32 ascii characters

wsc_cred_auth			{"idx auth_str"}
						::Set AuthMode into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
						auth_str: OPEN, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK, SHARED, WPA, WPA2

wsc_cred_encr			{"idx encr_str"}
						::Set EncrypType into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
				 		encr_str: NONE, WEP, TKIP, AES

wsc_cred_keyIdx			{"idx key_index"}
						::Set Key Index into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
						key_index: 1 ~ 4

wsc_cred_key			{"idx key"}
						::Set Key into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
						key: ASCII string (wep_key_len(=5,13), passphrase_len(=8~63)) 
					  		 Hex string (wep_key_len(=10,26), passphrase_len(=64))

wsc_cred_mac			{"idx mac_str"}
						::Set AP's MAC into credtentail[idx]
						idx: 0 ~ 7
						mac_str: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

wsc_conn_by_idx			{0 ~ 7}
						::Connect AP by credential index

wsc_auto_conn			{0, 1}
						::Set driver to re-connecting to AP or not after registration.
						0: Disabled, driver won't re-connect to AP with new configurations.
						1: Enabled, driver will re-connect to AP with new configurations.

wsc_ap_band 			{0, 1, 2}
						::Set prefer band to do WPS with dual band WPS AP
						0 : prefer 2.4G
						1 : prefer 5G
						2 : auto
						Default value is auto (2)

	iwpriv ra0 set [parameters]=[val]
	Execute one iwpriv/set command simultaneously.
[parameters]        	[val] 
-----------------   	-------------------------------------------------
CountryRegion       	{0~7}
						::Set country region                                   	
						0: 1 ~ 11 ch
						1: 1 ~ 13 ch
						2: 10, 11 ch
						3: 10 ~ 13 ch
						4: 14 ch
						5: 1 ~ 14 ch
						6: 3 ~ 9 ch
						7: 5 ~ 13 ch
					   31: 1 ~ 14 ch (ch1-11:active scan, ch12-14 passive scan)
CountryRegionABand		{0~11}
						::Set country region for A band  										                                       
       					0: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ch
						1: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140 ch
						2: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 ch
						3: 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161 ch
						4: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ch
						5: 149, 153, 157, 161 ch
						6: 36, 40, 44, 48 ch
						7: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ch
						8: 52, 56, 60, 64 ch
						9: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ch
					   10: 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ch
					   11: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 149, 153, 157, 161 ch
SSID                	{0~z, 1~32 ascii characters} 			
                    	::Set AP SSID
WirelessMode        	{0~10}
						::Set Wireless Mode								 
                    	0: legacy 11b/g mixed 
						1: legacy 11B only 
						2: legacy 11A only
						3: legacy 11a/b/g mixed
						4: legacy 11G only
						5: 11ABGN mixed
						6: 11N only
						7: 11GN mixed
						8: 11AN mixed
						9: 11BGN mixed
	   				   10: 11AGN mixed	
Channel             	depends on CountryRegion or CountryRegionForABand
                        ::Set Channel
BGProtection        	{0~2}
						::Set 11B/11G Protection                                   	
                   		1:Always on, 
                   		2:Always off
TxPreamble          	{0~2}
						::Set TxPreamble
                    	0:Preamble Long, 
                    	1:Preamble Short, 
RTSThreshold        	{1~2347}                               	                                                           
                    	::Set RTS Threshold
FragThreshold       	{256~2346}
						::Set Fragment Threshold                             	
TxBurst             	{0,1}
						::Set TxBurst Enable or Disable                                  	

NetworkType	    		{Infra,Adhoc}
    					::Set Network type
                        ::Set Authentication Mode 	

EncrypType          	{NONE,WEP,TKIP,AES}          			
						::Set Encryption Type
DefaultKeyID        	{1~4}                              		
						::Set Default Key ID
Key1                 	{5 ascii characters or 10 hex number or 
                     	13 ascii characters or 26 hex numbers}
                     	::Set Key1 String                                                                                                                        

Key2                 	{5 ascii characters or 10 hex number or 
                     	13 ascii characters or 26 hex numbers}                                                                                                                        
                      	::Set Key2 String
Key3                 	{5 ascii characters or 10 hex number or 
                     	13 ascii characters or 26 hex numbers}                                                                                                                        
						::Set Key3 String
Key4                 	{5 ascii characters or 10 hex number or 
                     	13 ascii characters or 26 hex numbers}                                                                                                                        
                        ::Set Key4 String
WPAPSK              	{8~63 ascii or 64 hex characters} 		 
						::WPA Pre-Shared Key
WmmCapable				{0,1}
						::Set WMM Capable
						0:Disable WMM, 
						1:Enable WMM

						::Set Power Saving Mode

HtBw					{0,1}
						::Set BandWidth
						0: 20Hz
						1: 40Hz

HtMcs					{0 ~ 15, 33}
						::Set MCS
						33: Auto Rate

HtGi					{0,1}
						::Set Guard Interval(GI)
						0: long GI
						1: short GI

HtOpMode				{0,1}
						::Set HT Operation Mode
						0: HT mixed format
						1: HT greenfield format

HtExtcha				{0,1}
						::Set Extended Channel Switch Announcement
						0: Below
						1: Above

HtMpduDensity			{0 ~ 7}
						::Set The Minimum Time Between MPDUs within an AMPDU

HtBaWinSize				{1 ~ 64}
						::Set BA WinSize

HtRdg					{0,1}
						::Set RDG Capable
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

HtAmsdu					{0,1}
						::Set AMSDU Capable
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

HtAutoBa				{0,1}
						::Set Auto BA Capable
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

HtBaDecline				{0,1}
						::Reject BA request from AP
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

HtProtect				{0,1}
						::Set HT Protect Capable
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

FixedTxMode				{CCK, OFDM}
						:: Set Fixed Tx Mode for fixed rate setting
						Mode = CCK
						MCS = 0		=> 1Mbps
							= 1		=> 2Mbps
							= 2		=> 5.5 Mbps
							= 3		=> 11 Mbps
						Mode = OFDM
						MCS = 0		=> 6Mbps
						 	= 1		=> 9Mbps
							= 2		=> 12Mbps
							= 3		=> 18Mbps
							= 4		=> 24Mbps
							= 5		=> 36Mbps
							= 6		=> 48Mbps
							= 7		=> 54Mbps

==> Build Ethernet Convert function. Please set 'HAS_ETH_CONVERT_SUPPORT=y' in os/linux/config.mk
EthConvertMode			{dongle, clone, hybrid}
						::Set Ethernet Convert Mode

EthCloneMac				{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx}
						:: Set Clone MAC

LongRetry				{0,255}
						:: Set Tx Long Retry Limit

ShortRetry				{0,255}
						:: Set Tx Short Retry Limit

MeshId					{Length 1~32 ascii characters}
						:: Set Mesh ID

MeshHostName			{Length 1~32 ascii characters}
						:: Set Mesh Host Name

MeshAutoLink			{1,0}
						:: Set Mesh Auto Link Capable
						0: Disabled
						1: Enabled

MeshAddLink				{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx}
						:: Add Mesh Link

MeshDelLink				{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx}
						:: Delete Mesh Link

MeshMultiCastAgeOut		{20 ~ 65535 seconds}
						:: Set AgeOut time for Mesh MultiCast

MeshAuthMode			{OPEN, WPANONE}
						:: Set Mesh Authentication Mode

MeshEncrypType			{NONE, WEP, TKIP, AES}
						:: Set Mesh Encryption Type

MeshDefaultkey			{1 ~ 4}
						:: Set Mesh Default Key ID

MeshWEPKEY				{5 ascii characters or 10 hex number or 
                     	13 ascii characters or 26 hex numbers}
                     	:: Set Mesh WEP Key String

MeshWPAKEY				{8~63 ascii or 64 hex characters}
						:: Set Mesh WPA Pre-Shared Key

a> Config STA to link with AP which is OPEN/NONE(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=OPEN
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=NONE
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
b> Config STA to link with AP which is SHARED/WEP(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=SHARED
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=WEP
	4. iwpriv ra0 set DefaultKeyID=1
	5. iwpriv ra0 set Key1="AP's wep key"
	6. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
c> Config STA to link with AP which is WPAPSK/TKIP(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=TKIP
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
	5. iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK="AP's wpa-preshared key"
	6. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
d> Config STA to link with AP which is WPAPSK/AES(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=AES
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
	5. iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK="AP's wpa-preshared key"
	6. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"

e> Config STA to link with AP which is WPA2PSK/TKIP(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPA2PSK
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=TKIP
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
	5. iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK=12345678
	6. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
f> Config STA to create/link as adhoc mode, which is OPEN/NONE(Authentication/Encryption)
	1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Adhoc
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=OPEN
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=NONE
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="Adhoc's SSID"

g>  Config STA to create/link as adhoc mode, which is WPANONE/TKIP(Authentication/Encryption)
    1. iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Adhoc
	2. iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPANONE
	3. iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=TKIP
	4. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
	5. iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK=12345678
	6. iwpriv ra0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
h> Get site survey 
	usage: iwpriv ra0 get_site_survey
i> Get Statistics 
	usage: iwpriv ra0 stat						; read statistic counter
		   iwpriv ra0 set ResetCounter=0		; reset statistic counter

j> Link with an AP which is the largest strength   ; set ANY SSID (ssidLen=0)
   usage: iwconfig ra0 essid ""                 
   usage: iwpriv ra0 set SSID=""

k> Config STA to link as dongle mode with STA own MAC
	usage: iwpriv ra0 set EthConvertMode=dongle

l> Config STA to link as clone mode
	usage: iwpriv ra0 set EthConvertMode=clone
		   iwpriv ra0 set EthCloneMac="Desired MAC"		;; 00:00:00:00:00:00 means using STA own MAC
														;; FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF means using source MAC of first packet coming from wired device

m> Config STA to link as hybrid(dongle+clone) mode
	usage: iwpriv ra0 set EthConvertMode=hybrid
		   iwpriv ra0 set EthCloneMac="Desired MAC"		;; 00:00:00:00:00:00 means using STA own MAC
														;; FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF means using source MAC of first packet coming from wired device


This is detailed explanation of each parameters for iwlist.

iwlist ra0 scanning		; list the results after scanning(manual rescan)


The following are our support in standard configuration - iwconfig

iwconfig ra0 essid {NN|on|off}			; set essid
iwconfig ra0 mode {managed|ad-hoc|...}  ; set wireless mode
>> rt2860sta driver support monitor mode with linux kernel > 2.4.20.
>> Note: For using monitor mode => if mesh interface is ON, please down the mesh interface first.
iwconfig ra0 freq N.NNNN[k|M|G]]		; set frequency
iwconfig ra0 channel N					; set channel
iwconfig ra0 ap {N|off|auto}			; set AP address
iwconfig ra0 nick N						; set nickname
iwconfig ra0 rate {N|auto|fixed}     	; set rate (only support legacy rate setting)
iwconfig ra0 rts {N|auto|fixed|off}		; set RTS threshold
iwconfig ra0 frag {N|auto|fixed|off}	; set Fragment threshold
iwconfig ra0 enc {NNNN-NNNN|off}		; set encryption type
iwconfig ra0 power {period N|timeout N}	; set power management modes

*** Wireless extension usage please refer to man page of 'iwconfig', 'iwlist' and 'iwpriv'. ***
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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