Japanese.ini Driver File Contents (EPU-4_V10201_Win7VistaWinXP3264.zip)


Auto = ª0ü0È0

Turbo = Turbo

High performance = Ñ0Õ0©0ü0Þ0ó0¹00Øš

Max power saving = wû–›R

Mode Setting = â0ü0É0-Šš[

Mode = â0ü0É0

Current Status = þs(Wn0¶rKa

Tranquility = Y—ó—

Performance = Ñ0Õ0©0ü0Þ0ó0¹0

Reliability = ‰[š[

Convenience = ¿O)R

Energy Saved = wû–›R

Current = þs(Wn0$P

Total = TŠ

Total reduced CO2 Emission = JRnW0_0CO2n0’cúQÏ}Ï‘

Reduced CO2 Emission = JRnW0_0CO2n0’cúQÏ‘

Since = ‹•ËYåeBf

Calibrate = ­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0

Setting = -Šš[


Cancel = ­0ã0ó0»0ë0

Default = Rg-Šš[

Exit = úQ

vCore Voltage Downgrade = vCore V À0¦0ó0°0ì0ü0É0

VDDNB Voltage Downgrade = VDDNB V À0¦0ó0°0ì0ü0É0

CPU Loadline = CPU Loadline

Turn Off hard disks = Ï0ü0É0Ç0£0¹0¯0’0OFFk0Y0‹0

AI Nap Idle Time = AI Nap ¢0¤0É0ê0ó0°0Bf“•

Turn Off Screen = ¹0¯0ê0ü0ó0’0OFFk0Y0‹0

Fan Control = Õ0¡0ó0³0ó0È0í0ü0ë0

Small = NO

Medium = -N

Heavy = Øš

Keep BIOS Setting = BIOS-Šš[’0ÝOYu

Slow = NO

Quiet = Y—ó—

After %1 mins = %1 RŒ_

After %1 hours = %1 Bf“•Œ_

After 1 min =  1 RŒ_

After 1 hour =  1Bf“•Œ_

Never = OFFk0W0j0D0

ASUS AI Suite required = ASUS AI Suite L0Å_‰g0Y0


Voltage = û–'W

Yes = o0D0

No = D0D0H0

FirstRunEPU-4 = EPU-4 Engine ’0R0f0O(uY0‹0›–o00 wÕR-Nn0hQf0n0×0í0°0é0à0’0‰•X00EPU_jý€n0­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0’0Ÿ[LˆW0f0O0`0U0D00

SetToAutoCalibrate = êÕRâ0ü0É0k0-Šš[Y0‹0MRk00 EPU_jý€n0­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0’0Ÿ[LˆW0O0`0U0D00 EPU­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0n0MRk00wÕR-Nn0hQf0n0×0í0°0é0à0’0‰•X0f0O0`0U0D00

BackToDefault = MRÞVn0-Šš[	YôfL0ŸSàVg0
N‰[š[k0j0c0_0_000EPU-4 Engine o0êÕR„vk0Rg-Šš[$Pk0;bŠ0~0W0_00

ChangeSetting = S0n0-Šš[k0ˆ0Š0·0¹0Æ0à0o0

CalibrateAfterSetting = CPUû–'W~0_0o0ÖNn0û–'W-Šš[’0	YôfW0_04XTo00­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0’0Q¦^LˆF0Å_‰L0B0Š0~0Y00wÕR-Nn0hQf0n0×0í0°0é0à0’0‰•X0f0K0‰00EPU­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0’0Ÿ[LˆW0f0O0`0U0D00

InformCalibration = EPU­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0n0MRk00wÕR-Nn0hQf0n0×0í0°0é0à0’0‰•X0f0O0`0U0D00

Calibrating, please wait... = ­0ã0ê0Ö0ì0ü0·0ç0ó0-Ng0Y00J0…_a0O0`0U0D0...

OcMode = EPU-4 Engine o0ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0â0ü0É0g0o0O(ug0M0~0[0“00BIOS Setup~0_0o0ASUSª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0æ0ü0Æ0£0ê0Æ0£0g0ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0â0ü0É0’0ã‰d–W0f0O0`0U0D00

ConflictAISuite =  EPU-4 Engine h0AI Suite o0TBfk0O(uY0‹0S0h0L0g0M0~0[0“00AI Suite ’0‰•X0f0K0‰0EPU-4 Engine ’0O(uW0f0O0`0U0D00

VGAWindow = VGAL0iúQU0Œ0~0[0“00’NÛc'`n0B0‹0Ó0Ç0ª0«0ü0É0’0ÖSŠ0ØNQ00ASUS SmartDoctor ’0	g¹Rk0W0f0O0`0U0D00’NÛc'`n0B0‹0Ó0Ç0ª0«0ü0É0n0ê0¹0È0o0!kn0ê0ó0¯0’0T0ÂSgqO0`0U0D00

Current CPU Power = þs(Wn0CPUû–›R

Total CPU Energy Saved = À{û–W0_0CPUû–›RÏ}Ï‘

Show tips = Ò0ó0È0’0hˆ:y

Auto Mode = êÕRâ0ü0É0

High Performance Mode = Ï0¤0Ñ0Õ0©0ü0Þ0ó0¹0â0ü0É0

Max Power Saving Mode = g'Ywû–›Râ0ü0É0

Current CPU Energy Saved = þs(W~0g0À{}W0_0CPUû–›R

Clear = ˆm»S

CanNotRunUnderBiosOc = EPUo0þs(Wn0ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0-Šš[g0o0wÕRg0M0~0[0“00·0¹0Æ0à0’0QwÕRW00BIOSg0EPURg-Šš[$P’0í0ü0É0W0f0K0‰0EPU’0wÕRW0f0O0`0U0D00

CanNotRunUnderApOc = EPUo0þs(Wn0ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0-Šš[g0o0wÕRg0M0~0[0“00·0¹0Æ0à0’0QwÕRW00TurboV/TurboKey ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0-Šš[’0¯0ê0¢0W0f0K0‰0EPU’0wÕRW0f0O0`0U0D00

CanNotRunUnderTurboV = TurboV ¦0¤0ó0É0¦0’0‰•X0f0K0‰0EPU’0wÕRW0f0O0`0U0D00

Run at system startup = "Run at system startup"

SetToHighPerformanceBeforeExit = EPU’0B}†NY0‹0h0EPUo0êÕR„vk0High Performance â0ü0É0k0;bŠ0~0Y00

AreYouSure = B}†NW0~0Y0K0ÿ

AutoRun = ¦0¤0ó0É0¦0º0n0¹0¿0ü0È0¢0Ã0×0K0‰0êÕR„vk0×0í0°0é0à0’0wÕRW0~0Y00

Clear CO2 Emission = CO2 Emission’0¯0ê0¢0

TweakItConfirm = EPU-4 Engine ’0Auto â0ü0É0k0Y0‹0h0TweakIt _jý€o0!q¹Rk0j0Š0~0Y00TweakIt ’0	g¹Rk0Y0‹0k0o0EPU-4 Engine ’0Turbo â0ü0É0k0W0f0O0`0U0D0!

SureContinue = š}LˆW0~0Y0K0ÿ

TweakItIsDisabled = TweakIt o0!q¹Rg0Y00TweakIt’0O(uY0‹0MRk0EPU-4 Engine ’0Turbo â0ü0É0k0W0f0O0`0U0D00

CannotLaunchOverclocking = ª0ü0Ð0ü0¯0í0Ã0¯0Bfo0EPUo0wÕRg0M0~0[0“00·0¹0Æ0à0’0QwÕRW0f0O0`0U0D00

GPUFrequency = GPUhTâlpe

GpuBoostNotInstalled = GPU Boost driver is not installed.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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