;**************************************************************************** ;* FILE NAME: IMB_Drv.INF ;* FILE CONTAINS: ;* DESCRIPTION: Win 2003 "INF" file for Intel Server Management IMB WDM ;* driver. ;* NOTES: . ;**************************************************************************** ;* INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ;* This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or ;* nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied ;* or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. ;* Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************************** ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Spec driver info ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Version] signature = "$WINDOWS NT$" Class=System ClassGUID={4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ; Class = Unknown Provider = "Intel Corporation" CatalogFile = IMBDrv.cat DriverVer = 02/25/2009, ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Spec installation media for driver. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SourceDisksNames] 1=%DiskId% ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Spec files to be installed. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SourceDisksFiles] imbdrv.sys = 1 ;For production ; imbdrv.sys = 1,..\drivers\lib\i386 ;For development only ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Spec destination for files to be copied. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DestinationDirs] ; ;"12" specifies iosubsys or "%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers ; IMBDrvFilesSection = 12 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Spec manufacturers, and their associated devices, supported by this INF ; file. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Manufacturer] %Intel%=IntelDeviceSection,NTamd64 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Models section specs the devices supported by this INF file. ; ; dev-desc = install-section-name, h/w-id [,compatible-dev-id]... ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [IntelDeviceSection] %IMBDrvDesc% = IMBDrvInstallSection, *IMBDRV [IntelDeviceSection.NTAmd64] %IMBDrvDesc% = IMBDrvInstallSection, *IMBDRV ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Install section for "IMBDrvInstallSection". ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMBDrvInstallSection] CopyFiles = IMBDrvFilesSection [IMBDrvInstallSection.NT.WMI] WMIInterface = {4116f60b-25b3-4662-b732-99a6111edc0b},,WMIGuidSecurity_AdminFull [WMIGuidSecurity_AdminFull] security="O:BAG:BAD:(A;;0x12001f;;;BA)(A;;0x12001f;;;LS)(A;;0x12001f;;;NS)(A;;0x12001f;;;SY)(A;;0x100005;;;BU)" ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Separate the files into sections based upon where they will be ; copied. ;------------------------------------------------------------------ [IMBDrvFilesSection] imbdrv.sys ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Service install section. The INF processor will look for a section ; name of the form <install-section-name>.Services, where ; <install-section-name> is the name of the install section used. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMBDrvInstallSection.Services] AddService = imbdrv, 0x00000002, IMBDrvServiceSection ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Service description section ;-------------------------------------------------------------- [IMBDrvServiceSection] DisplayName = %IMBDrvDesc% ;Name displayed in cont panel ServiceType = 1 ;Kernel driver ; ; Changed "StartType" from 3 to 2, because IMB driver could not initialize ; an event object because the part of the system necessary for this ; initialization was not available yet. In theory, a "StartType" of 3 ; should be used for PnP drivers, but "StartType" of 2 still seems to work ; properly. ; StartType = 2 ;Auto start ErrorControl = 1 ;Normal err proc if drv fails ServiceBinary = %11%\drivers\imbdrv.sys ;Location of driver file AddReg = IMBDrv_AddRegSection ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Entries to add to the registry. ; ; Configuration Bits: ; ; 0x00000001 - Configure as a Win 2000 driver, i.e. not ; legacy driver. ; ; 0x00000002 - Use WMI interface. ; ; 0x00000004 - Disable legacy symbolic link name ; interface. ; ; 0x00000008 - (Unused) ; ; 0x00000010 - If unable to determine if platform is ; Win 2000 assume Win 2000. ;---------------------------------------------------------- [IMBDrv_AddRegSection] HKR,,Configuration,0x00010001,0x00000013 ; HKR,,Configuration,0x00010001,0x00000003 ; HKR,,DiagCode,0x00010001,0x0000000 HKR,,DiagCode,0x00010001,0x000007F ;Timeout values in microsecond HKR,,CommandWaitTimeOutPeriod,0x00010001,0x004c4b40 HKR,,IpmbWaitTimeOutPeriod,0x00010001,0x006acfc0 HKR,,BusyWaitTimeOutPeriod,0x00010001,0x000f4240 HKR,,BusyWaitPeriod,0x00010001,0x0000001e HKR,,DriverVersion,0x00010001,0x0000000D ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; String substitution macros ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Strings] Intel = "Intel, Inc." DiskId = "Intel IMB Driver Installation Disk 1 of 1" IMBDrvDesc = "Intel Intelligent Management Bus Driver V13.9"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.