TChinese.ini Driver File Contents (


Make RAID\AHCI Driver Disk = ýˆ\ORAID/AHCI EšÕRz_ÁxGr

Select driver type = xÇdEšÕRz_^˜‹W

Driver type = EšÕRz_^˜‹W

Path = _

Current Selection = îvMR„vxÇd

Destination = îv„v0W

Free Space = iR™zz“•

You can use the USB flash disk to install only the Windows® Vista OS.Are you sure you want to copy the files? = 

Use a USB flash disk containing the RAID driver to install the Windows Vista or later OS.  = (WRAIDbAHCI ModeN‰[݈VistabVistaåN
N„vOSïSåNO(uFlash Disk0

Are you sure you want to copy the files?  = ºxš[‰‰ýˆ”jHhÎU?

Refresh = ͑°etet

About = ܕ¼e

Next = NNek

Exit = ▋•

OK = ºxŠ


Searching for the device, please wait... = d\݈n-N, ˊ

No proper disk found... = ~b

Select the destination disk.  = ˊxÇdNPîv„vÁxŸx_j0

File not found. = ~b

Failed to copy the files.= ”jHh‰ýˆ1YWe0

Please insert the disk. = ˊÒceQÁxGr(ÁxŸx)0

Error Path = 

Confirmation = ºxŠ

Confirm Dialog  = ºxŠ

Finished copying the files. Continue to verify the files? = ”jHh‰ýˆŒ[b, ‰WšI‹”jHh„vckºx'`ÎU?

All files checked. = ”jHhWšI‹Œ[b0

At least one file is not valid. Please copy again. = ó\	gNP”jHh
Nckºx, ˊQ͑°e‰ýˆ0

Standard floppy disk drive = N,‚j–nߎŸx_j

USB floppy disk drive= USBߎŸx_j

No USB floppy disk drive found.  = ~b

(Ensure that this device is connected to your computer's USB port).= (ˊºxŠdk݈nò]“}#¥c0Rèû–f0)

Select the device that you will use to install the Windows XP.  =ÁxGrŒ[bKNŒ_ÿ`Og\ÁxGr(u¼eêTN.z݈nåN‰[݈û|q}ÿ

Do you want to format the floppy disk in drive %1? =  ¨`‰<h_S(WߎŸx_j%1-N„vÁxGrÎUÿ

WARNING: All data on the disk will be lost! = f‹JTÿÁxGr
N@b	g„vnj™eýgz1Yÿ


The RAID/AHCI driver disk is complete. Continue to make another new driver disk? =  ÁxGrýˆ\OŒ[b, ‰|~Œ~Qýˆ\OæSN5_°eÁxGrÎU?

Formatting, please wait =<h_S-Nÿˊ
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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