rt2860.inf Driver File Contents (WLAN_NE762H.zip)



; RT2860.inf


;   This installation script supports Windows 2000 & XP for the

;   Ralink RT2860 series Wireless LAN Card.


;   Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Ralink Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

;   Developed by RaLink Technology, Corp. -- http://www.ralinktech.com




Signature       = "$Chicago$"

Class           = Net

ClassGUID       = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

Provider        = %Ralink%

Compatible      = 1

DriverVer       = 06/09/2010,

CatalogFile     = rt2860.cat


ExcludeFromSelect = *


%Ralink%        = Ralink

%Sitecom%       = Sitecom

%Edimax%        = Edimax

%Conceptronic%  = Conceptronic

%Planex%        = Planex

%Asus%          = Asus

%D-Link%        = D-Link

%Gigabyte%      = Gigabyte

%AL%            = AL

%Airlink%       = Airlink

%Corega%        = Corega

%Sparklan%      = Sparklan

%ZCOM%          = ZCOM

%Quanta%        = Quanta

%AMIT%          = AMIT

%Foxconn%       = Foxconn

%LITE-ON%       = LITE-ON

%Arcadyan%      = Arcadyan

%Pegatron%      = Pegatron

%AzureWave%     = AzureWave

%Amigo%         = Amigo

%2L%            = 2L

%Zinwell%       = Zinwell

%Logitec%       = Logitec

%I-O%           = I-O

%Linktek%       = Linktek

%Allied%        = Allied

%Allied2%       = Allied2

%ALLWIN%        = ALLWIN

%Askey%         = Askey


; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3091

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3092

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3950E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3592

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3060

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3062

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3950P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3562

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_28601814

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_27901814

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E_C5.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_30901814

; MSI                          

%MSI_6890.DeviceDesc%          = RT2700E_C3.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_68901462

%MSI_890A.DeviceDesc%          = RT2700E_C2.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_890A1462

%MSI_6891.DeviceDesc%          = RT3900E_C2.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_68911462

%MSI_891A.DeviceDesc%          = RT3900E_C3.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_891A1462

%MSI_6892.DeviceDesc%          = RT3900E_C2.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3091&SUBSYS_68921462

%MSI_3872.DeviceDesc%          = RT3900E_C2.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_38721462

%MSI_872A.DeviceDesc%          = RT3900E_C3.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_872A1462

; Qcom                         

%Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc%         = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_624718E8

%Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc%         = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_626318E8

; HP

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3092&SUBSYS_001515A9

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_663211AD

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_760211AD

%Generic_1453.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E_C7.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_1453103C

; Alpha

%Generic.DeviceDesc%           = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_68941462


; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_0015182D

%Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_0016182D

%Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3062&SUBSYS_0038182D

%Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_0037182D

%Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_0043182D



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_77281432

%Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_77081432

%Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_77581432

%Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_77381432

%Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_77481432

%Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_77681432

%Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_77271432

%Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3060&SUBSYS_30601B75

%Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3060&SUBSYS_77111432

%Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc%       = RT3950P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3062&SUBSYS_30621B75

%Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3062&SUBSYS_77221432



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc% = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C851948

%Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc% = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C861948

%Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc% = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C901948

%Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc% = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C911948


; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_ED0714EA

%Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_ED0914EA

%Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_ED0814EA



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Asus_130F.DeviceDesc%         = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_130F1043

%Asus_130E.DeviceDesc%         = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_130E1043

%Asus_832E.DeviceDesc%         = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_832E1043



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C0A1186

%D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C431186

%D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3060&SUBSYS_3C041186



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_E9371458

%Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_E9381458

%Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_E9391458

%Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_E93A1458

%Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_E93B1458

%Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc%     = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_E93C1458

%Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc%     = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_E93D1458

%Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc%     = RT3900E_Gigabyte.ndi, PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_105713BD

%Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc%     = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3091&SUBSYS_E93E1458



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%AL_3C89.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C891948

%AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C8A1948



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C871948

%Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C881948

%Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C8C1948

%Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C8D1948



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Corega_C124.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_C1241259

%Corega_C129.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_C1291259



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_002217F9

%Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_002317F9



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc%         = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_006117CF

%ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc%         = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_006317CF



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_03001A32

%Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_05031A32

%Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_02971028

%Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_02981028

%Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_02991028

%Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_029A1028

%Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E_LSP.ndi,      PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_03021A32

%Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900E_C4.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_03071A32



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%AMIT.DeviceDesc%              = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_050018EB



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700E_LS.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_E002105B

%Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_0E40105B

%Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E_C3.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_0E41105B

%Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_0E42105B

%Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E_C2.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_0E43105B



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_660011AD

%LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700E_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_760011AD

%LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700E_LS.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_660111AD 

%LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_660211AD

%LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc%      = RT3900E_C8.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_662211AD



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_73221113

%Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_83221113

%Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_73121113

%Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_77221113

%Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc%     = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_87221113

%Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_77121113



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_83201043

%Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_00361B0A

%Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc%     = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_130F1043



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc%    = RT2700E_LS_LT.ndi,    PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_10591A3B

%AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900ELG_LT.ndi,        PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_10871A3B

%AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900EG_Az_LT.ndi,      PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_1A871A3B

%AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900E_Az_LT.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3091&SUBSYS_1A871A3B

%AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900EL_LT.ndi,         PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3091&SUBSYS_10881A3B

%AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900E_C9_LT.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_20411A3B

%AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc%    = RT3900E_C6_LT.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_2A411A3B



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc%        = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_916116EF

%Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc%        = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_926116EF

%Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc%        = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_926216EF

%Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc%        = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_915116EF

%Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc%        = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_925116EF

%Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc%        = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_925216EF



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%2L_3C85.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_3C851948

%2L_3C86.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_3C861948



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_03615A57

%Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_03005A57

%Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_03015A57

%Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_03025A57



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_002A6409

%Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_002B6409



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%I-O_D057.DeviceDesc%          = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_D05710FC

%I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc%          = RT3950P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3562&SUBSYS_D05E10FC



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Linktek.DeviceDesc%           = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_3C8B1948

%Linktek.DeviceDesc%           = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C921948

%Linktek.DeviceDesc%           = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_3C931948



; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Allied_1205.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_12051259

%Allied_1206.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_12061259


; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc%      = RT2800PC.ndi,         PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_C12A1259

%Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_C12B1259

%Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc%      = RT2700P_C1.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_C12C1259


; DisplayName                  Section                 DeviceID

; -----------                  -------                 --------

%ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_0701&SUBSYS_27608516

%ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc%       = RT2700E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_0781&SUBSYS_27908516

%ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_0601&SUBSYS_28608516

%ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc%       = RT2800E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_0681&SUBSYS_28908516

%ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_30908516

%ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3091&SUBSYS_30918516

%ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3092&SUBSYS_30928516

%ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3062&SUBSYS_30628516

%ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900E.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3592&SUBSYS_35928516

%ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc%       = RT3900P.ndi,          PCI\VEN_8516&DEV_3562&SUBSYS_35628516


%Askey_7186.DeviceDesc%        = RT3900E_C9.ndi,       PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_7186144F


; NT specific entries



AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, IEEE80211HEnable.reg, CarrierDetect.reg, AdhocN.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, Customer2.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, Customer1.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, LinkSpeedControl.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, LinkSpeedControl.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, DisablePowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg, LinkSpeedControl.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, DisablePowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, CoInstOpt_DisableN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, GainProSpeed.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Giga_Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, PowerContrl.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, CoInstOpt_DisableN.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, CoInstOpt_DisableN.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, GainProSpeed.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, DisablePowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlScan.reg, AdhocN.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlScan.reg, CoInstOpt_DisableN.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, DisablePSMode.reg, SmartScan.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlLED.reg, AdhocN.reg, BTCoexist.reg, S3S4PsControl.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlLED.reg, CoInstOpt_DisableN.reg, BTCoexist.reg, S3S4PsControl.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, PowerContrl_C2.reg, AdhocN.reg, BTCoexist.reg, S3S4PsControl.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

DelReg                  = CountryRegion.DelReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, PowerContrl_C1.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlLED.reg, AdhocN.reg, BTCoexist.reg, S3S4PsControl.reg, FastRoaming.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, PowerContrlLED.reg, AdhocN.reg, BTCoexist.reg, S3S4PsControl.reg, FastRoaming.reg, LinkSpeedStatus.reg, EnableTKIPonHT.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, AdhocN.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, SingleBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, Customer2.reg

DelReg                  = IEEE80211H.delReg, CountryRegionABandRemove.delReg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, PowerContrl.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles


AddReg                  = Common.reg, RT80x86.ndi.NT.reg, DefaultBand.reg, AdhocN.reg, IEEE80211H.reg

Characteristics         = 0x84                      ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL

BusType                 = 5

CopyFiles               = NT.CopyFiles

; NT services sections


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog 


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog 


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog 


AddService              = RT80x86, 2, Generic.Service, common.EventLog 


; NT CoInstallers Sections



CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg 


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg 


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg 


CopyFiles = CoInstaller.CopyFiles

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg 


; common regs for NT and W9x




; System Level Property


; CCX drastic roaming use


HKR, ,                        CCXPktLossLimitTime,    0, "30"


; CCX Dbm offset


HKR, ,                        CCXDbmOffset,    0, "4"


; CCX VO/VI Drop Period, 3 or 5 is recommanded


HKR, ,                        CACDropPeriod,    0, "0"


; CCX VO/VI Drop Criteria


HKR, ,                        CACDropCriteria,    0, "1700"


; Current Profile


HKR, ,                        CurProfile,      0,""

HKR, Default,                 CurProfile,      0,""


; Radio On/Off


HKR, ,                        Radio,           0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,        ParamDesc,       0, %RadioOnOff%

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,        type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio,        default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum,   1,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum,   0,               0, %Enable%


; Auto Reconnect Mode


HKR, ,                                  AutoReconnect,      0, "1"


; Show Hidden SSID in Site Survey Page


HKR, ,                                  ShowHiddenSSID,     0, "0"   ; 0=disable(default), 1=enable


; Block ACK settings


HKR, ,                            BACapability,      0x10001, "0x0b034040"

HKR, Default,                     BACapability,      0x10001, "0x0b034040"


; Transmit Rate setting


HKR, ,                            TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x2BA15"

HKR, Default,                     TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x2BA15"


; Rssi Delta


HKR, ,                            RssiDelta,      0, "6"


; Advance Page


; OpMode


HKR, ,                            OpMode,          0, "0"


; WirelessMode


HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "5"


; Enable TX Burst


HKR, ,                            TXBurst,              0, "1"


; Enable TGnWifiTest Mode


HKR, ,                            TGnWifiTest,         0, "0"


; Use Short Slot Time


HKR, ,                            ShortSlot,       0, "1"


; Use Turbo rate


HKR, ,                            TurboRate,       0, "0"


; Use Ofdm rate in adhoc mode


HKR, ,                            AdhocOfdm,       0, "1"


; Disable 5GHz adhoc mode


HKR, ,                            Adhoc5GDisable,       0, "0"


; Use BG Protection


HKR, ,                            BGProtection,    0, "0"


; FrameAggregation


HKR, ,                            FrameAggregation,0, "0"


; IEEE80211H


HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "0"


; CarrierDetect


HKR, ,                               CarrierDetect,   0, "0"


; AutoChannelSelect


HKR, ,                            AutoChannelSelect,      0, "0"


; WMMCapable


HKR, ,                            WMMCapable,      0, "1"


; APSDCapable


HKR, ,                            APSDCapable,     0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BE,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BK,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VI,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VO,       0, "0"


; MaxSPLength


HKR, ,                            MaxSPLength,     0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     MaxSPLength,     0, "0"


; DLSCapable


HKR, ,                            DLSCapable,      0, "0"


; DirectMode


HKR, ,                            DirectMode,      0, "0"


; SmartScan


HKR, ,                            SmartScan,       0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              ParamDesc, 0, %SmartScan%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              type,      0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              default,   0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,         0,         0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,         1,         0, %Enable%




HKR, ,                            RDG,             0, "1"


; AllowBW40InBGBand


HKR, ,                            AllowBW40InBGBand,      0, "1"


; AdhocN40MHzAllowed


HKR, ,                            AdhocN40MHzAllowed,      0, "0"


; PSP XLink mode


HKR, ,                            PSPXlink,        0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         ParamDesc,       0, %PSPXlink%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    1,               0, %Enable%


; CCX2 control


HKR, ,                            CCX2Control,     0x00010001, 0x00fa4600


; Initialize Delay


HKR, ,                            InitDelay,     0x00010001, 0x00080000


; Power Saving Control


HKR, ,                            PSControl,       0x00010001, 0x00000000


; ProhibitTKIPonHT


HKR, ,                            ProhibitTKIPonHT,      0, "1"


; Link Speed Status


HKR, ,                            LinkSpeedStatus, 0, "0"


; Vendor Description


HKR, ,                            VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%


; WPS Device Name


HKR, ,                            WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%


; Profile




;HKR, ,                            SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, Default,                     SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             ParamDesc,       0, "SSID"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             type,            0, "edit"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             limitText,       0, "32"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             default,         0, %SSID_DEF_STR%


; Network Type


HKR, ,                            NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%


; Channel


HKR, ,                            Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%

HKR, Default,                     Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%


; Channel list


HKR, ,                            CountryRegion,   0, "0"

HKR, ,                            CountryRegionABand, 0, "0"


; System Configuration Page


; Local Administration MAC Network Address


HKR, ,                            NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, Default,                     NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   ParamDesc,       0, %LocalNetworkAddress%

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   type,            0, "edit"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   limitText,       0, "12"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   default,         0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\Networkaddress,   optional,        0,  "1"


; Power Saving Mode


HKR, ,                            PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           ParamDesc,       0, %PSMode%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      0,               0, %CAM%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      1,               0, %MAXPSP%


; CAM when AC Power


HKR, ,                            ACPowerCam,      0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     ACPowerCam,      0, "0"


; Preamble Type


HKR, ,                            PreambleType,    0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PreambleType,    0, "0"


; RTS Threshold


HKR, ,                            RTSThresh,       0, "2347"

HKR, Default,                     RTSThresh,       0, "2347"


; Fragment Threshold


HKR, ,                            FragThresh,      0, "2346"

HKR, Default,                     FragThresh,      0, "2346"


; Authentication & Security Page


; Authentication Type


HKR, ,                AuthenType,      0, "0" ; Open System

HKR, Default,         AuthenType,      0, "0"


; Encryption


HKR, ,                Encryption,      0, "1" ; Disable

HKR, Default,         Encryption,      0, "1"


; WEP Keys Length


HKR, ,                WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"

HKR, Default,         WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"


; WEP Key to use


HKR, ,                WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"

HKR, Default,         WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"


; WEP Key1


HKR, ,                WEPKey1,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey1,         0,""


; WEP Key2


HKR, ,                WEPKey2,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey2,         0,""


; WEP Key3


HKR, ,                WEPKey3,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey3,         0,""


; WEP Key4


HKR, ,                WEPKey4,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey4,         0,""


; Reposit Bssid List


HKR, ,                BssidRepositTime,       0, "90"


; BTHS Country Code string


HKR, ,                CountryCodeString,	0,"XXX"



; System Level Property


; Current Profile


HKR, ,                    CurProfile,      0,""

HKR, Default,             CurProfile,      0,""


; Radio On/Off


HKR, ,                            Radio,           0, "0"


; Auto Reconnect Mode


HKR, ,                                  AutoReconnect,      0, "1"


; Show Hidden SSID in Site Survey Page


HKR, ,                                  ShowHiddenSSID,     0, "1"   ; 0=disable(default), 1=enable


; Block ACK settings


HKR, ,                            BACapability,      0x10001, "0x0b034040"

HKR, Default,                     BACapability,      0x10001, "0x0b034040"


; Transmit Rate setting


HKR, ,                            TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x2BA15"

HKR, Default,                     TransmitSetting,      0x10001, "0x2BA15"


; Advance Page


; OpMode


HKR, ,                            OpMode,          0, "0"


; WirelessMode


HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "5"


; Enable TX Burst


HKR, ,                            TXBurst,              0, "1"


; Enable TGnWifiTest Mode


HKR, ,                            TGnWifiTest,         0, "0"


; Use Short Slot Time


HKR, ,                            ShortSlot,       0, "1"


; Use Turbo rate


HKR, ,                            TurboRate,       0, "0"


; Use Ofdm rate in adhoc mode


HKR, ,                            AdhocOfdm,       0, "1"


; Use BG Protection


HKR, ,                            BGProtection,    0, "0"


; FrameAggregation


HKR, ,                            FrameAggregation,0, "0"


; IEEE80211H


HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "0"


; CarrierDetect


HKR, ,                               CarrierDetect,   0, "0"


; AutoChannelSelect


HKR, ,                            AutoChannelSelect,      0, "0"


; WMMCapable


HKR, ,                            WMMCapable,      0, "1"


; APSDCapable


HKR, ,                            APSDCapable,     0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BE,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_BK,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VI,       0, "0"




HKR, ,                            APSDAC_VO,       0, "0"


; MaxSPLength


HKR, ,                            MaxSPLength,     0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     MaxSPLength,     0, "0"


; DLSCapable


HKR, ,                            DLSCapable,      0, "0"


; AdhocNMode


HKR, ,                            AdhocNMode,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       ParamDesc,       0, %AdhocNMode%

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode\enum,  0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode\enum,  1,               0, %Enable%


; SmartScan


HKR, ,                            SmartScan,       0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              ParamDesc, 0, %SmartScan%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              type,      0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan,              default,   0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,         0,         0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum,         1,         0, %Enable%




HKR, ,                            RDG,             0, "1"


; AllowBW40InBGBand


HKR, ,                            AllowBW40InBGBand,      0, "1"


; AdhocN40MHzAllowed


HKR, ,                            AdhocN40MHzAllowed,      0, "0"


; PSP XLink mode


HKR, ,                            PSPXlink,        0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         ParamDesc,       0, %PSPXlink%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink,         default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\PSPXlink\enum,    1,               0, %Enable%


; CCX2 control


HKR, ,                            CCX2Control,     0x00010001, 0x00fa4600


; Initialize Delay


HKR, ,                            InitDelay,     0x00010001, 0x00080000


; Power Saving Control


HKR, ,                            PSControl,       0x00010001, 0x00000000


; ProhibitTKIPonHT


HKR, ,                            ProhibitTKIPonHT,      0, "1"


; Link Speed Status


HKR, ,                            LinkSpeedStatus, 0, "0"


; Vendor Description


HKR, ,                            VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR%


; WPS Device Name


HKR, ,                            WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR%


; Profile




;HKR, ,                            SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, Default,                     SSID,            0, %SSID_DEF_STR%

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             ParamDesc,       0, "SSID"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             type,            0, "edit"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             limitText,       0, "32"

;HKR, NDI\params\SSID,             default,         0, %SSID_DEF_STR%


; Network Type


HKR, ,                            NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%

HKR, Default,                     NetworkType,     0, %NETWORK_TYPE_DEF_STR%


; Channel


HKR, ,                            Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%

HKR, Default,                     Channel,         0, %CHANNEL%


; System Configuration Page


; Local Administration MAC Network Address


HKR, ,                            NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, Default,                     NetworkAddress,  0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   ParamDesc,       0, %LocalNetworkAddress%

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   type,            0, "edit"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   limitText,       0, "12"

HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,   default,         0, ""

HKR, NDI\params\Networkaddress,   optional,        0,  "1"


; Power Saving Mode


HKR, ,                            PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PSMode,          0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           ParamDesc,       0, %PSMode%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode,           default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      0,               0, %CAM%

HKR, NDI\params\PSMode\enum,      1,               0, %MAXPSP%


; CAM when AC Power


HKR, ,                            ACPowerCam,      0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     ACPowerCam,      0, "0"


; Preamble Type


HKR, ,                            PreambleType,    0, "0"

HKR, Default,                     PreambleType,    0, "0"


; RTS Threshold


HKR, ,                            RTSThresh,       0, "2347"

HKR, Default,                     RTSThresh,       0, "2347"


; Fragment Threshold


HKR, ,                            FragThresh,      0, "2346"

HKR, Default,                     FragThresh,      0, "2346"


; Authentication & Security Page


; Authentication Type


HKR, ,                AuthenType,      0, "0" ; Open System

HKR, Default,         AuthenType,      0, "0"


; Encryption


HKR, ,                Encryption,      0, "1" ; Disable

HKR, Default,         Encryption,      0, "1"


; WEP Keys Length


HKR, ,                WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"

HKR, Default,         WEPKeyLen,       0, "0"


; WEP Key to use


HKR, ,                WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"

HKR, Default,         WEPKeyUse,       0,"1"


; WEP Key1


HKR, ,                WEPKey1,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey1,         0,""


; WEP Key2


HKR, ,                WEPKey2,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey2,         0,""


; WEP Key3


HKR, ,                WEPKey3,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey3,         0,""


; WEP Key4


HKR, ,                WEPKey4,         0,""

HKR, Default,         WEPKey4,         0,""


; Reposit Bssid List


HKR, ,                BssidRepositTime,       0, "90"


; BTHS Country Code string


HKR, ,                CountryCodeString,	0,"XXX"


; Seperate Setting


HKR, ,                BTSoftwareOn,      0, "0"

HKR, ,                BTConfiguration, 0x00010001, 0x380034dd


HKR, ,                S3S4PowerSavingControl,      0, "0"



; IEEE80211H


HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       ParamDesc,       0, %IEEE802_11h%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  1,               0, %Enable%


HKR, ,                            IEEE80211H,      0, "1"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       ParamDesc,       0, %IEEE802_11h%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H,       default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum,  1,               0, %Enable%


HKR, ,                CarrierDetect,   0, "1"


HKR, ,                SmartScan,       0, "1"


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x0000001f


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x0000005f


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x000000df


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x0000009f


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x00000017


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "1"

HKR, ,               PSControl, 0x00010001, 0x00000000


HKR, ,               PSMode,           0, "0"



; 2.4G Band


HKR, ,                                 CountryRegion,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion24G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    0,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    1,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    2,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    3,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    4,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    5,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    6,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    7,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_7%



; 2.4G Band


HKR, ,                                 CountryRegion,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion24G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion,         default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    0,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    1,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    2,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    3,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    4,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    5,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    6,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum,    7,                  0, %CountryRegion24G_7%


; 5G Band


HKR, ,                                 CountryRegionABand, 0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,    ParamDesc,          0, %CountryRegion5G%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,    type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand,    default,            0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,0,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_0%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,1,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_1%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,2,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_2%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,3,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_3%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,4,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_4%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,5,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_5%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,6,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_6%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,7,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_7%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,8,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_8%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,9,                 0, %CountryRegion5G_9%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,10,                0, %CountryRegion5G_10%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,11,                0, %CountryRegion5G_11%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,12,                0, %CountryRegion5G_12%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,13,                0, %CountryRegion5G_13%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,14,                0, %CountryRegion5G_14%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,15,                0, %CountryRegion5G_15%

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,16,                0, %CountryRegion5G_16%


; Remove CountryRegionABand

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand



; AdhocNMode


HKR, ,                            AdhocNMode,      0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       ParamDesc,       0, %AdhocNMode%

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       type,            0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode,       default,         0, "0"

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode\enum,  0,               0, %Disable%

HKR, NDI\params\AdhocNMode\enum,  1,               0, %Enable%


; Customer Request




; LinkSpeedStatus


HKR, ,                            LinkSpeedStatus, 0, "1"


HKR, ,                            GainProSpeed, 0x00010001, 0x00000300 


HKR, ,                            LinkSpeedControl, 0x00010001, 0x00000001 


; Remove IEEE80211H

HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H

; Customer request for Allied


; Vendor Description

HKR, ,                            VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1%

HKR, Default,                     VendorDesc,      0, %VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1%

; WPS Device Name

HKR, ,                            WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1%

HKR, Default,                     WPSDevName,      0, %WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1%



; D-Link Request


; WMMCapable

HKR, ,                            WMMCapable,      0, "1"

; Show Hidden SSID in Site Survey Page

HKR, ,                            ShowHiddenSSID,  0, "1"   ; 0=disable(default), 1=enable

; Enable TX Burst

HKR, ,                            TXBurst,         0, "1"

; FrameAggregation

HKR, ,                            FrameAggregation,0, "1"

; DLSCapable

HKR, ,                            DLSCapable,      0, "1"


HKR, ,                                 FastRoamingSensitivity, 0, "2"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,    ParamDesc,          0, %FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,    type,               0, "enum"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity,    default,            0, "2"

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,1,                 0, %LOWEST_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,2,                 0, %MEDIUM_STR%

HKR, NDI\params\FastRoamingSensitivity\enum,4,                 0, %HIGHEST_STR%


HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion

HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand



; ProhibitTKIPonHT


HKR, ,                            ProhibitTKIPonHT,      0, "0"


; RaCoInstaller Options



HKR, ,                    RaCoInstOpt,      0,"00101111"

; WirelessMode

HKR, ,                            WirelessMode,    0, "3"


HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "RaCoInst.dll,ClassCoInstaller"


; DestinationDirs



NT.CopyFiles            = 12    ; system32\drivers subdirectory on NT

CoInstaller.CopyFiles   = 11


rt2860.sys                        ; NT Installation





1                       = %INSTALL_DISK_STR%,,,


rt2860.sys                = 1

RaCoInst.dll              = 1

RaCoInst.dat              = 1


; NT specific



HKR, Ndi,                   Service,            0, "RT80x86"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        UpperRange,         0, "ndis5"

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,        LowerRange,         0, "ethernet"


DisplayName                 = %Generic.Service.DispName%

ServiceType                 = 1                             ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%

StartType                   = 3                             ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%

ErrorControl                = 1                             ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%

ServiceBinary               = %12%\RT2860.sys

LoadOrderGroup              = NDIS




HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll,%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\RT2860.sys"

HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


; Strings



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio On/Off"

Disable                     = "Disable"

Enable                      = "Enable"

CountryRegion24G            = "Country Region (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Country Region (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Gaming Environment"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Local MAC Network Address"

PSMode                      = "Power Saving Mode"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Adhoc support 802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "Lowest"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medium"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Highest"


; Strings --- Traditional Chinese 



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "!qÚ}݈n ‹•/Ü•"

Disable                     = "\P(u"

Enable                      = "_U(u"

CountryRegion24G            = ";˜SãN¼x (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = ";˜SãN¼x (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Y’ZÔš/J2b°tƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "²}ïæ[ÔšMO@W"

PSMode                      = "wû–!j_"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "¨–a²}ï/eôc 802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "gNO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "-N"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "gØš"


; Strings --- Simplified Chinese



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "àe¿~ňn _/sQ"

Disable                     = "\P(u"

Enable                      = "/T(u"

CountryRegion24G            = "‘˜SãNx (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1-11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1-13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10-11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10-13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1-14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3-9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5-13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "‘˜SãNx (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36-64,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36-64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52-64,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36-48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36-165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52-64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36-116,132-165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36-48,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36-120,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52-161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36-116,136-165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149-173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36-173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Y’ZSO/8nb¯sƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "QÜ~ž[SO0W@W"

PSMode                      = "w5u!j_"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "–aQÜ~/ec802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "gNO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "-N"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "gØš"


; Strings --- Japanese



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "!qÚ}Ç0Ð0¤0¹0 ª0ó0/ª0Õ0"

Disable                     = "!q¹R"

Enable                      = "	g¹R"

CountryRegion24G            = "Á0ã0ó0Í0ë0³0ü0É0 (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Á0ã0ó0Í0ë0³0ü0É0 (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Þ0ë0Á0á0Ç0£0¢0/²0ü0ß0ó0°0°tƒX"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "í0ü0«0ë0¡{tU0Œ0‹0MAC¢0É0ì0¹0"

PSMode                      = "wû–›Râ0ü0É0"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "11nn0Adhocâ0ü0É0"


LOWEST_STR                  = "gNO"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "-N"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "gØš" 


; Strings --- Korean



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "|·µ$Æ ON/OFF"

Disable                     = "¬À©Æ HÅhÕ"

Enable                      = "¬À©ÆhÕ"

CountryRegion24G            = "m­¬/ÀÉíÅ (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1-11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1-13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10-11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10-13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1-14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3-9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5-13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "m­¬/ÀÉíÅ (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36-64,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36-64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52-64,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36-48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36-165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52-64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36-116,132-165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36-48,149-165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36-120,149-161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36-140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52-161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36-116,136-165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149-173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36-173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "@ºðÒø»µ´Å/Œ¬„Ç XÖ½¬"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "\¸ìÎ ­¬¹ MAC $±¸ÒÌÆlÐ üÈŒÁ"

PSMode                      = "ÈÈ ¨ºÜ´"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Adhoc ÀÉÐÆ 802.11n"

¼XÇ üÈÙ³1Á" 

LOWEST_STR                  = "\ÍXÕ"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "ô¼µÑ"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "\Íà¬" 


; Strings --- French



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Marche/Arrêt"

Disable                     = "Désactivé"

Enable                      = "Activé"

CountryRegion24G            = "Pays / Région (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Pays / Région (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Environnements Multimédia/Jeux"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Adresse Réseau d'Administration Locale MAC"

PSMode                      = "Mode Économie d'Énergie"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Adhoc Compatible 802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "Basse"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Intermédiaire"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Haut"


; Strings --- Italian



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Acceso/Spento"

Disable                     = "Disattiva"

Enable                      = "Attiva"

CountryRegion24G            = "Paese (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Paese (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente multimediale/giochi"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Indirizzo locale rete MAC"

PSMode                      = "Modalità risparmio energetico"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Modalità supporto 802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "più bassi"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medio"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Più Alto"


; Strings --- German



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio An/Aus"

Disable                     = "Deaktivieren"

Enable                      = "Aktivieren"

CountryRegion24G            = "Land Region (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Land Region (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Spielumgebung"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Lokale MAC Netzwerkadresse"

PSMode                      = "Stromsparmodus"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Adhoc Unterstützung 802.11n"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Roaming-Empfindlichkeit" 

LOWEST_STR                  = "Niedrigster"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medium"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Höchsten"


; Strings --- Spanish



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Encendido/Apagado"

Disable                     = "Desactivar"

Enable                      = "Activar"

CountryRegion24G            = "Región País (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Región País (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente de Multimedia/Juego"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Dirección de Red MAC Local"

PSMode                      = "Modo Ahorrador de Energía"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "802.11n de soporte Adhoc"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Itinerancia de sensibilidad" 

LOWEST_STR                  = "Más bajo"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medio"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Más alto" 


; Strings --- Brazilian Portuguese



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Rádio Ligado/Desligado"

Disable                     = "Desativar"

Enable                      = "Ativar"

CountryRegion24G            = "País Região (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "País Região (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Ambiente de Multimedia/Jogo"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Endereço de Rede MAC Local"

PSMode                      = "Modo Economizador de Energia"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "802.11n de suporte Adhoc"

FAST_ROAMING_SENSITIVITY_STR = "Roaming Sensibilidade" 

LOWEST_STR                  = "Menor"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medium"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Maior" 


; Strings --- Dutch



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = "Radio Aan/Uit"

Disable                     = "Uitschakelen"

Enable                      = "Inschakelen"

CountryRegion24G            = "Land regio (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "Land regio (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "Multimedia/Spelomgeving"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = "Lokaal MAC netwerkadres"

PSMode                      = "Stroombesparende modus"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = "Adhoc ondersteuning 802.11n"


LOWEST_STR                  = "Laagste"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "Medium"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "Hoogste" 


; Strings --- Russian



Ralink                      = "Ralink Technology, Corp."

Sitecom                     = "Sitecom Europe BV"

Edimax                      = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd"

Conceptronic                = "Conceptronic"

Planex                      = "Planex Communications, Inc."

Asus                        = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc."

D-Link                      = "D-Link"

Gigabyte                    = "Gigabyte Technology Corp."

AL                          = "AL Tech., Inc."

Airlink                     = "Airlink"

Corega                      = "corega"

Sparklan                    = "Sparklan Communications, Inc."

ZCOM                        = "Z-Com, Inc."

Quanta                      = "Quanta Microsystems, Inc."

AMIT                        = "AMIT Technology, Inc."

Foxconn                     = "Foxconn"


Arcadyan                    = "Arcadyan Technology Corporation"

Pegatron                    = "Pegatron corporation"

AzureWave                   = "AzureWave Technologies, Inc."

Amigo                       = "Amigo Technology Inc."

2L                          = "2L International BV"

Zinwell                     = "Zinwell Corporation"

Logitec                     = "Logitec Corporation"

I-O                         = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC."

Linktek                     = "Linktek"

Allied                      = "Allied Telesis Inc."

Allied2                     = "Allied Telesis K.K."

ALLWIN                      = "ALLWIN"

Askey                       = "Askey Computer Corporation"


; Device description


Generic.DeviceDesc          = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Generic_1453.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink RT3090 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter"

Sitecom_0015.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PC Card WL-180"

Sitecom_0016.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N Network PCI Card WL-181"

Sitecom_0038.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom Wireless-N PCI Adapter WL-320"

Sitecom_0037.DeviceDesc     = "SiteCom Wireless-N Cardbus Adapter WL-319"

Sitecom_0043.DeviceDesc     = "Sitecom 300N Wireless PCI Adapter WL-320"

Edimax_7728.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n PCI Card"

Edimax_7708.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Cardbus Card"

Edimax_7758.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7738.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe Cardbus"

Edimax_7748.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCIe PCI Card"

Edimax_7768.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless mini PCI Card"

Edimax_7727.DeviceDesc      = "Edimax 802.11n Wireless PCI Card"

Edimax_3060.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7711.DeviceDesc      = "150Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Edimax_3062.DeviceDesc      = "802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Card"

Edimax_7722.DeviceDesc      = "300Mbps Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter"

Conceptronic_3C85.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C86.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V1)"

Conceptronic_3C90.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PC-Card (V2)"

Conceptronic_3C91.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 802.11n PCI-Card (V2)"

Planex_ED07.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN card bus"

Planex_ED09.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless LAN PCI Bus Adapter"

Planex_ED08.DeviceDesc      = "PCI 802.11n Wireless Express Card LAN Adapter"

Asus_130F.DeviceDesc        = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_130E.DeviceDesc        = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Asus_832E.DeviceDesc        = "Asus UPWL-N2112 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

D-Link_3C0A.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter"

D-Link_3C43.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter"

D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc      = "D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter"

Gigabyte_E937.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WI30N 802.11n mini PCI WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E938.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP30N 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E939.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93A.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS30HN 802.11n dual-band mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93B.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS31N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93C.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93D.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WP32L 802.11n PCI-E WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_1057.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS32L mini WLAN Card"

Gigabyte_E93E.DeviceDesc    = "Gigabyte GN-WS33N 802.11n mini WLAN Card"

AL_3C89.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-240C)" 

AL_3C8A.DeviceDesc          = "AnyGate 11N W-LAN Adapter (XM-241P)"

Airlink_3C87.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless CardBus adapter"

Airlink_3C88.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 300N Wireless PCI Adapter"

Airlink_3C8C.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"

Airlink_3C8D.DeviceDesc     = "Airlink101 Wireless PCI Adapter"

Corega_C124.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Corega_C129.DeviceDesc      = "CG-WLCB144GNL"

Sparklan_0022.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n CardBus Adapter"

Sparklan_0023.DeviceDesc    = "Wireless Lan 11n PCI Adapter"

ZCOM_0061.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

ZCOM_0063.DeviceDesc        = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless Network Adapter"

MSI_6890.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_890A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6891.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_891A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_6892.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_3872.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

MSI_872A.DeviceDesc         = "802.11bg Mini Card Wireless Adapter"

Quanta_0300.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM300 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0503.DeviceDesc      = "QMI EM503 11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0297.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0298.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0299.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_029A.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0302.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Quanta_0307.DeviceDesc      = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AMIT.DeviceDesc             = "802.11n Wireless Mini-PCI Adapter"

Foxconn_E002.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Foxconn_0E40.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL802P BGN"

Foxconn_0E41.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG"

Foxconn_0E42.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL801P BGN"

Foxconn_0E43.DeviceDesc     = "Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL821P BGN"

LITE-ON_6600.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_7600.DeviceDesc     = "802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter"

LITE-ON_6601.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6602.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

LITE-ON_6622.DeviceDesc     = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6247.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Qcom_6263.DeviceDesc        = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

Arcadyan_7322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_8322.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7312.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter"

Arcadyan_7722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_8722.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Arcadyan_7712.DeviceDesc    = "802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter"

Pegatron_8320.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_0036.DeviceDesc    = "Ralink RT2790/2720 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network"

Pegatron_130F.DeviceDesc    = "ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1059.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1087.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1A87.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_1088.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2041.DeviceDesc   = "802.11n Wireless LAN Card"

AzureWave_2A41.DeviceDesc   = "Wireless LAN Card"

Amigo_9161.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9261.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9262.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

Amigo_9151.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PC Card"

Amigo_9251.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter"

Amigo_9252.DeviceDesc       = "802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter"

2L_3C85.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card"

2L_3C86.DeviceDesc          = "Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card"

Zinwell_0361.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0300.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0301.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Zinwell_0302.DeviceDesc     = "802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card"

Logitec_002A.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Logitec_002B.DeviceDesc     = "Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D057.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter"

I-O_D05E.DeviceDesc         = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter"

Linktek.DeviceDesc          = "IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter"

Allied_1205.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied_1206.DeviceDesc      = "Wireless 11n PCI card"

Allied2_C12A.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300AGN"

Allied2_C12B.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNS"

Allied2_C12C.DeviceDesc     = "CG-WLCB300GNM"

ALLWIN_2760.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2760"

ALLWIN_2790.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2790"

ALLWIN_2860.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM55N-M"

ALLWIN_2890.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  2890"

ALLWIN_3090.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  AWM56N-X"

ALLWIN_3091.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3091"

ALLWIN_3092.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3092"

ALLWIN_3062.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3062"

ALLWIN_3592.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3592"

ALLWIN_3562.DeviceDesc      = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card  3562"

Askey_7186.DeviceDesc       = "Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card"

INSTALL_DISK_STR            = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Installation Disk"

Generic.Service.DispName    = "Ralink 802.11n Wireless Driver"

; Don't put spaces around=sign otherwise installer will not be able to

; find these lines.

;SSID_DEF_STR                = ""

VENDOR_DESC_DEF_STR         = "IEEE 802.11 Wireless Card."

VENDOR_DESC_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Wireless Card"


CHANNEL                     = "1"

WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR         = "Ralink Client"

WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1       = "Corega Client"

RadioOnOff                  = " 048> :;/K:;"

Disable                     = "K:;NG8BL"

Enable                      = ":;NG8BL"

CountryRegion24G            = "!B@0=0/@538>= (2.4GHz)"

CountryRegion24G_0          = "#0 (1 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_1          = "#1 (1 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_2          = "#2 (10 - 11)"

CountryRegion24G_3          = "#3 (10 - 13)"

CountryRegion24G_4          = "#4 (14)"

CountryRegion24G_5          = "#5 (1 - 14)"

CountryRegion24G_6          = "#6 (3 - 9)"

CountryRegion24G_7          = "#7 (5 - 13)"

CountryRegion5G             = "!B@0=0/@538>= (5GHz)"

CountryRegion5G_0           = "#0 (36 - 64,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_1           = "#1 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_2           = "#2 (36 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_3           = "#3 (52 - 64,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_4           = "#4 (149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_5           = "#5 (149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_6           = "#6 (36 - 48)"

CountryRegion5G_7           = "#7 (36 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_8           = "#8 (52 - 64)"

CountryRegion5G_9           = "#9 (36 - 116,132 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_10          = "#10 (36 - 48,149 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_11          = "#11 (36 - 120,149 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_12          = "#12 (36 - 140)"

CountryRegion5G_13          = "#13 (52 - 161)"

CountryRegion5G_14          = "#14 (36 - 116,136 - 165)"

CountryRegion5G_15          = "#15 (149 - 173)"

CountryRegion5G_16          = "#16 (36 - 173)"

IEEE802_11h                 = "IEEE802.11h"

SmartScan                   = "C;LB8<5489=0O/3@>20O A@540"

PSPXlink                    = "PSP Xlink Mode"

LocalNetworkAddress         = ">:0;L=K9 MAC-04@5A"

PSMode                      = " 568< M=5@3>A15@565=8O"

CAM                         = "CAM"

MAXPSP                      = "Max_PSP"

AdhocNMode                  = " 568< 802.11n ?@O<>3> A>548=5=8O"


LOWEST_STR                  = "!0<K5 =87:85"

MEDIUM_STR                  = "!@54=89"

HIGHEST_STR                 = "KAH0O" 

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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