Utility_Release.txt Driver File Contents (Realtek_W7.zip)

Title: Realtek Wireless LAN Utility Release Note.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.2006.1.18
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  01/18/2006
	1.Increases install UI for X64.    
	2.Unifies the Install Path with Rtl8187.
	3.Revises the installshield part character to be unable normally to demonstrate the question.
	4.The revision uses Microsoft UI to control the WZC switch we UI to be unable normally to demonstrate the question.
	5.Increases different card use different profile list.
	6.Channel Set reelection country.
	7.Revises RtlLib.dll to increase for X64. about the Register control.
	8.The creation limits Utility Profile Name a character Yuan number to limit 49 characters Yuan.
	9.The creation limits Utility SSID Name a character Yuan number and limits 32 characters Yuan.
	11.Off Ezconfig.

  Comment: UI for X64
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.2006.1.26
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  01/26/2006
	1.Accepts four key different length.      
	2.Supposes the switch install must be WZC mode. //You can modify the text.file under \\DATA
							//WZC=1 or WZC=0
  	3.Revision exceptionally chooses Country. 
	 //You can modify the text.file under \\DATA
         //AutoSelected=1  ;1 means nCountry= default value and no UI for user to select domain, 
                           ;0 means there is UI for user to select

         //nCountry= 2 	;CountryList[]={
         		0 "FCC Standard"
         		1 "IC Standard"
         		2 "ETSI Standard"
         		3 "Spain Standard"
         		4 "France Standard"
         		5 "MKK Standard"
         		6 "MKK1 Standard"
         		7 "Israel Standard"
         		8 "TELEC Standard"
         		9 "African"
         		10 "Australia"
         		11 "Belgium"
         		12 "Canada"
         		13 "China"
         		14 "Colombia"
         		15 "Czech Republic"
         		16 "Egypt"
         		17 "Europe"
         		18 "France"
         		19 "Gaza Stri"
         		20 "Germany"
         		21 "Greece"
         		22 "Hong Kong"
         		23 "India"
         		24 "Israel"
         		25 "Italy"
         		26 "Japan(MKK)"
         		27 "Japan(MKK1)"
         		28 "Korea"
         		29 "Luxembourg"
         		30 "Malaysia"
         		31 "Mexico"
         		32 "Netherlands"
         		33 "New Zealand"
         		34 "Poland"
         		35 "Portugal"
         		36 "Singapore"
         		37 "South Africa"
         		38 "Spain"
         		39 "Taiwan"
         		40 "Thailand"
         		41 "Turkey"
         		42 "Ukraie"
         		43 "United Kingdom"
         		44 "United States" };

  Comment: Accepts four key different length.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1001
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  02/08/2006
	1.Add call RT_Disassociate() on S4.      

  Comment: Revises Qcom to be unable the Link AP in Tikp or AES S4.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1002
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  02/22/2006
	1.Revises Restart PC ,UI will renew connection when open Desktop UI.
	2.Revises WZC contrl is on,UI Available Network (show Double click on item to join/create profile).      

  Comment: Revises Restart PC & WZC contrl.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1003
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  02/23/2006
	1.Add 3 Keywords in text.file for Network-key/Confirm-Network-key appearance or asterisked.
		if ( EnableAsterisked!="" )
			there is one "Network-key asterisked" check-button will appear to control Network-key/Confirm-Network-key appearance or asterisked
			if ( NotKeyPassword!="" )
				if ( EnableKeyPasswordEdit!="" )
					In Add-profile, the Network-key/Confirm-Network-key will appear, not be asterisked
					In Edit-profile, the Network-key/Confirm-Network-key will be asterisked
					In Add-profile, the Network-key/Confirm-Network-key will appear, not be asterisked
					In Edit-profile, the Network-key/Confirm-Network-key will appear, not be asterisked

	2. for Pronet, it will be : NotKeyPassword="Yes", EnableKeyPasswordEdit="", EnableAsterisked=""

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1004
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  03/6/2006
	1. Revision bug for Site Survey list (Rates).
	2. Revises Radio off is Show for Disable Adapter.      

  Comment: Revision bug for Site Survey list.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1005
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  03/13/2006
	1. Revision WZC bug for RT_IsXPConfig().     

  Comment: Revision bug for WZC.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402.0.5.1006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/06/2006
	1. about B mode ,list B and G mode AP.     

  Comment: Revision bug for B mode.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1080, 0407, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/07/2006
	1. Revision bug for 802.1x (revision by CCW).     

  Comment: Revision bug for 802.1x.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1090, 0419, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/19/2006
	1. Revision (CPU Utilization to 100%)bug for WZC-ON.     

  Comment: Revision bug for WZC-ON.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1100, 0425, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/25/2006
	1. Revision memory leak bug for ICS Api.     

  Comment: Revision bug for memory leak.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1110, 0426, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/26/2006
	1. Revision SET AUTO for WirelessMode A/B/G.     

  Comment: Revision bug for Set WirelessMode.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1120, 0428, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  04/28/2006
	1. Revision user account bug for Read/Write Profile.     

  Comment: Revision bug for user account.
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1130, 0502, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  05/02/2006
	1. Revision WirelessMode A/B/G alters to A .      

  Comment: Revision bug for WirelessMode.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1140, 0503, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  05/03/2006
	1. Supposes the (Fast switch user).      

  Comment: Supposes the (Fast switch user).

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1150, 0508, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  05/05/2006
	1. Revision Setting bug for (limit user).      

  Comment: Revision Setting bug for (limit user).

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1160, 0515, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  05/15/2006
	1. Add 802.1x for WEP(add by CCW).      

  Comment: Add 802.1x for WEP.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1170, 0525, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  05/25/2006
	1. Supports the multi- countries language. 
	2. Supports the multi-Utility(RTL8185 and RTL8187 coexist). 
    3. Easy Setting utility in \\DATA\text.file
           [UI Config]
           AP_Mode_WPA_PSK_ENABLE="0"  //RTL8185 AP Mode not have WPA-PSK
           EzConfigPage_SHOW="1"       //Easy Config Page ;1=ON/0=OFF

  Comment: multi-language.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1180, 626, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  06/26/2006
	1. Supports the Disable Adapter for X64 os. 
	2. Supports the WDS AP Mode.
	 Easy Setting utility in \\DATA\text.file
           [UI Config]

  Comment: Disable Adapter for X64.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1190, 801, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  08/01/2006
	1. Revision bug for RT_Set. 
	2. Supports the RT_Set Easy Setting utility in \\DATA\text.file.
           [UI Config]
    3. Revision Hide bug for Show Tray ICO.
  Comment: Revision bug for RT_Set.

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1200, 901, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  09/01/2006
	1. (Eappkt and Aegisp)UI Source Code all in one. 
        2. Supports the multi- countries language for 98/me os.
        3. Remove RtWake.exe for 98/me os.
  Comment: Eappkt and Aegisp UI Source Code all in one.(Eappkt-RtlLib v220.3001.901,2006)

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1210, 906, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  09/06/2006
	    1. Revision (AUTO Link Default Profile) bug for WinXP(NO WZC sercice) . 
  Comment: UILinkDefaultProfile() bug

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1220, 908, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  09/06/2006
        1. increase performace .
	    2. Revision PreambleMode(AUTO) bug for AP Mode .
  Comment: performace

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1220, 908, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  09/06/2006
        1. increase performace .
	    2. Revision PreambleMode(AUTO) bug for AP Mode .
  Comment: performace

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1230, 925, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  09/25/2006
        1. Revision DHCP bug for Win98/ME.
  Comment: DHCP 

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1240, 1003, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  10/03/2006
        1. Revision bug for Selected Adapter.
  Comment: Selected Adapter

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1250, 1017, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  10/17/2006
        1. Revision AUTO Selected Adapter.
  Comment: AUTO Selected Adapter

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1260, 1026, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  10/26/2006
        1.add Supports the multi-Adapter HWID for RtlLib.DLL(V402.1200.1025.2006).
  Comment: multi-Adapter HWID

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1270, 1107, 2006
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  11/07/2006
		1.add Supports Disable/Enable Adapter for WIN98/ME. 
        2.add Supports Setting IP for WIN98/ME .
  Comment: Disable/Enable Adapter for WIN98/ME

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1280, 1109, 2006
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  11/09/2006
		1.add Supports Wi-Fi Protect Set
  Comment: Wi-Fi Protect Set for WINXP/2000

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1290, 1124, 2006
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  11/24/2006
		1.Revision (DHCP)bug for Remove Adapter.
		2.Revision bug(load EAPPkt Driver) for RT_Initialize.
                3.Revision bug for Get Driver information.
  Comment: Bug for Eappkt LIB

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1300, 1204, 2006
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  12/04/2006
           	1.Show different UI setting for different model type.
                   	8185 load 8185.ini setting
			8187 load 8187.ini setting
			8185B load 8185B.ini setting
			8187B load 8187B.ini setting
  Comment: AUTO Chack Mode type(8187/8187B/8185/8185B)

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1310, 1212, 2006
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  12/12/2006
           	1. Supports Gina.

  Comment: Supports Gina

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1320, 1218, 2006
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  12/18/2006
           	1. Supports Disable Show on UI for Zero Config.
	 	    //You can modify the text.file &(8185.ini|8185B.ini|8187.ini|8187B.ini) under \\DATA
         	//ZeroConfig_SHOW="0"   ;0 not Show Zero Config.   

  Comment: Disable Show Zero Config

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1330, 1229, 2006
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  12/29/2006
           	1. Revision multi-language string for RT-Set and about title.   

  Comment: string

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1340, 0105, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  1/5/2007
           	1. Revision Vanishes bug for Show MENU.   

  Comment: MENU bug

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1350, 0111, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  1/11/2007
           	1. Revision Key index bug for WEP.   

  Comment: MENU bug

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1360, 0116, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  1/16/2007
           	1.ADD PSP XLink.
			2.ADD WMM (QoS & Power Save (APSD) Enable).   

  Comment: PSP & WMM
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1370, 0119, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  1/19/2007
           	1.ADD WPA2 for AP_Mode.  

  Comment: WPA2 for AP_Mode

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1380, 0122, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  1/22/2007
           	1.Fix index bug for WEP.  

  Comment: WEP bug

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1390, 0215, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  2/15/2007
           	1.fix '&' bug for SSID. 
			2.fix ICS bug for APmode.

  Comment: '&'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1400, 0307, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  3/07/2007
           	1.add UIType for CC&C. 
			2.fix memory bug for Progress Bar.
			3.fix bug for Switch AP/Station Mode.

  Comment: 'Switch AP/Station Mode'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1410, 0314, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  3/14/2007
			1.fix ICS bug forAP Mode.
			2.fix even message bug for DeviceChange.
			3.Merge WPS for WinXP_UISourceCode.
			4.Revision PostMessage to ASUS_Guru UI.

  Comment: 'ICS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1420, 0322, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  3/22/2007
			1.Revision LinkProfile() for AP Mode  (R/W REG).
			2.fix SSID bug for SiteSurvey.

  Comment: 'SSID len=32'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1430, 0329, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  3/29/2007
           	1.Revision SiteSurvey BUG for Set Wizard.
			2.fix BUG for Radio Off.

  Comment: 'SiteSurvey'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1430, 0411, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  4/11/2007
           	1.fix Disable/Enable BUG for Microsoft UI.
			2.fix Set default BUG for Advanced.

  Comment: 'Set default'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1440, 0419, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  4/19/2007
           	1.Revision ReInitialized(Disconnected) for DeviceChange Message.

  Comment: 'DeviceChange'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1450, 0501, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  5/1/2007
           	1.Revision PEAP for 802.1x (by CCX).
			2.Revision Input MAC for WOL.
			3.Revision "Soft AP" to "ICS"
			4.Revision Life Time for Soft AP.

  Comment: '802.1x'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1460, 0503, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  5/3/2007
           	1.Add Set length limit 49 for Duplicate profile name.
			2.limits one Diglog for About_Diglog.
			3.Revision multi-Diglog for warning Message. 
			4.limits ReSize for UI_Frame.

  Comment: 'multi-MessageBox warning'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1470, 0523, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  5/23/2007
           	1.Revision status Authenticate show "WPA2-PSK" for not Link.
			2.Revision ICS for AP mode.
			3.Fix UI crash bug for WPS(PIN). 

  Comment: 'status Authenticate'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1480, 0606, 2007
  Released By:   karl
  Release Date:  6/6/2007
           	1.Fixed PBC Restart bug for WPS (By Jacken).
			2.Fix Setting (Fragment Threshold) Bug for WLanAdvancedPage.

  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1480, 0612, 2007
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  6/12/2007
           	1. Modify RT Setup-Wizard AP mode to support WPA2-PSK
			2. Add function to check connection status after WPS generated profile.

  Comment: 'RT-Set'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       402, 1490, 0626, 2007
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/26/2007
           	1.Fixed Bug for show (Wi-Fi Protect Set) Page.
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1491, 0627, 2007
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/27/2007
           	1.Fixed Bug for Set ChannelPlan.
  Comment: 'ChannelPlan'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1492, 0724, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  7/24/2007
           	1.Change WPS Function.
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1494, 0803, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  08/03/2007
           	1.Add support 8190
  Comment: '8190'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1495, 0806, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  08/06/2007
           	1.Add WPS Multi-Language
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1496, 08??, 2007
  Released By:   ???
  Release Date:  ???
  Reason:  	 ???
  Comment: 	 ???
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1497, 0831, 2007
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  09/04/2007
           	1. Add 802.1x supporting
		2. No more delete ACM profiles while Profile page initialization.
		3. Add ACM_UILinkDefaultProfile() : 
		4. Add AP_ACM_LinkTemporaryProfile() : do not save profile to ACM
		5. Add ACM_LinkDefaultTemporaryProfile() : will use ACM profile for 802.1x profile
		6. modify ACM_LinkTemporaryProfile() : will save profile to ACM
  Comment: '802.1x'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1498, 0926, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  09/26/2007
           	1.Fixed WPS bug
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1502, 1024, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  10/24/2007
           	1.Add support 8187S
  Comment: '8187S'

 Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1503, 1025, 2007
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  10/25/2007
		1. Delete all ACM profiles when WPS starting
		2. modifiy WPS "Add profile" behavior

  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1504, 1030, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  10/30/2007
           	1.Fixed CPU Utilization 100% issue
  Comment: 'CPU'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1505, 1108, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  11/08/2007
           	1.Fixed RF Enable after S3
		2.Fixed when run WPS , the device unplug but UI still run.
  Comment: 'RF , WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1506, 1115, 2007
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  11/15/2007
           	1.Fix "WPS-PBC/WPS-PIN Cancel" issue, UI can connect to last profile.
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1507, 1126, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  11/26/2007
           	1.Add Model to support 8192P & 8192U
  Comment: '8192'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1508, 1127, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  11/27/2007
           	1.Change "Wlan Uitily" to "Wlan Utility"
		2.Change ChipType issue for 8192
		3."8192p" Change to "8192e"
  Comment: 'String'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1509, 1129, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  11/29/2007
           	1.Add model "8187SU"
  Comment: '8187SU'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1510, 1203, 2007
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  12/03/2007
           	1.add Relinks for Setting WirelessMode.
  Comment: 'Relinks'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1511, 1207, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  12/07/2007
           	1.Fixed WPS "0000000000" issue
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1512, 1212, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  12/12/2007
           	1.Send Selected MAC to WPS
  Comment: 'WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1513, 1218, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  12/18/2007
           	1.Fixed disable adapter tree view show icon
		2.Fixed RTS Number fail after restart
  Comment: 'ICON , RTS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1514, 1221, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  12/21/2007
           	1.Fixed Command Line can be click in string issue.
  Comment: 'Command Line'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1515, 0103, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  01/03/2008
           	1.Fixed when driver Link at ANY , UI will not set linkany
		2.Add icon to unknow networktype
  Comment: 'linkany' 'networktype'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1516, 0114, 2007
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  01/14/2008
           	1.fix "Server Busy" issue
  Comment: '802.1x'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1517, 0219, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  02/19/2007
           	1.Fixed the string over button bug.
		2.Fixed the select AP Dialog can't be closed when the device be unplug.
  Comment: 'unplug'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1518, 0403, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  04/03/2007
           	1.Add Hardware PBC Function.
		2.Add 11n TxRx Rate show in debug page.
  Comment: 'HWPBC'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1519, 408, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/8/2008
           	1.Follow XP to Update Version.

  Comment: 'Mesh mode'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1520, 0409, 2007
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  04/09/2007
           	1.Fixed 11n Tx show 300M in 10 sec.
		2.When S3/S4 , UI will hide to the trayicon.
		3.Fixed the bug of RF off
  Comment: 'S3/S4'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1521, 410, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/10/2008
           	1.Follow XP to Update Version.

  Comment: 'Mesh mode'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1522, 414, 2008
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  4/14/2008
			1.Change 11n Tx Rate show in general Page.

  Comment: 'Tx Rate'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1523, 415, 2008
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  4/15/2008
			1.Modify Tx rate show.

  Comment: 'Tx Rate'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       500, 1524, 416, 2008
  Released By:   Vincent
  Release Date:  4/16/2008
		1.Follow XP to Update Version.

  Comment: 'Ad Hoc'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1525, 424, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/24/2008
		1.Fixed the UI Busy for LinkProfile control.
		2.Fixed WIRELESS_MODE of N Mode.

  Comment: 'UI Busy for LinkProfile control'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1526, 428, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/28/2008
		1.Fixed Update UI BUG for Update_AP_View & Update_Station_View.

  Comment: 'Update View'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1527, 430, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/28/2008
		1.Fixed BUG for Run multi-UI.

  Comment: 'multi-UI'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1532, 502, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/02/2008
		1.Fixed S3/S4 BUG for OnPowerBroadcast.

  Comment: 'OnPowerBroadcast'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1533, 505, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/05/2008
		1.Fixed Read .ini BUG for GetChipType.

  Comment: 'GetChipType'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1534, 506, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/06/2008
		1.Fix UI_hang for double click profile.
		2.Fix double_LinkProfile(Fail Link) for plugging in NIC.

  Comment: 'Double LinkProfile'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1535, 512, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/12/2008
		1.Add Show Tx Rate.

  Comment: 'Tx Rate'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1536, 514, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/14/2008
		1.Fix BUG for Show Page.
		2.Revision Switch Mode.
		3.Fix BUG for Show TrayIcon.

  Comment: 'Show Page'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1537, 516, 2008
  Released By:   Hpfan
  Release Date:  5/16/2008
		1.Fix BUG for WPS connect.

  Comment: 'WPS'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1538, 521, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/21/2008
		1. Add WPS external registrar.

  Comment: 'external registrar'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1539, 523, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/23/2008
		1. Fix BUG Run LinkANY on AP_Mode.
		2. Fix UILinkDefaultProfile() BUG.

  Comment: 'UILinkDefaultProfile'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1540, 526, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/26/2008
		1. Fix BUG for LinkANY.
		2. Fix Edit/Remove Profile BUG for Profile_Page.

  Comment: 'Profile Edit'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1541, 529, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/29/2008
		1. Revises for Disable/Enable NIC.

  Comment: 'Disable/Enable NIC'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1542, 611, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/11/2008
		1. Revises for S3 NIC.

  Comment: 'S3 NIC'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1543, 618, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/18/2008
		1. add enable/disable external registrar for .ini file.

  Comment: 'enable/disable external registrar'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1545, 619, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/19/2008
		1. Remove Sitesurvey on Init.
		2. Revises UILinkDefaultProfile().

  Comment: 'LinkDefaultProfile'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1546, 623, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/23/2008
		1. Add Input PIN_Code from AP (WPS).
		2. Fix Memory Leak for CheckHWPBC().

  Comment: 'PIN for WPS'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1547, 626, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/26/2008
		1. Add string for multi- language.

  Comment: 'Add string'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1548, 701, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/01/2008
		1. Quickening Setting for ICS.

  Comment: 'ICS'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1549, 702, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/02/2008
		1. Revises UILinkDefaultProfile for S4(RTL8190).
		2. Revises Quickening Setting ICS for VistaX64.

  Comment: 'Revises UILinkDefaultProfile for S4'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1550, 703, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/03/2008
		1. Revises Setting Defaults (WirelessMode/ChannelPlan) for Advanced Page.

  Comment: 'Setting Defaults'

  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1551, 708, 2008
  Released By:   Hpfan
  Release Date:  7/08/2008
		1. Add API RT_WPS_External_Registrar_AP_PIN for WPS AP PIN.
		2. Fix Config AP_Mode BUG.
		3. Add API RT_SET_WPS_CUSTOMIZED_TIMEOUT_FLAG(bool flag) for customization timeout

  Comment: 'WPS AP PIN'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1552, 716, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/16/2008
		1. Supports the multi-language for Show TrayIcon.

        //in string.ini 
		Is_connected_to="[Product] is connected to [SSID]"
		Is_Disconnected="[Product] is Disconnected"
		Has_not_found="no [Product]"
		Is_Disable="[Product] is Disable"
		Is_AP_Mode="[Product] is AP Mode"
		Is_Mesh_Mode="[Product] is Mesh Mode"

  Comment: 'Show TrayIcon string'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1553, 729, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/29/2008
		1. Fix WPS crash bug for Remove Adapter.
		2. Fix UI crash bug fo WPS SiteSurvey.

  Comment: 'Crash for WPS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1554, 815, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  8/15/2008
		1. Show WPS_Page BUG for Resize.
		2. Add API RT_WPSAPLockedSurvey(WPS_BSSID WPS_BSSID_List[150]) for AP Setup Locked survey (By )

  Comment: 'BUG in WLanNormalSCPage'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1555, 820, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  8/20/2008
		1. Revises Edit Profile for Hide_SSID .
		2. Revises Link Profile.

  Comment: 'Link Profile'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1556, 825, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  8/25/2008
		1. Revises BUG for Add Profile.

  Comment: 'Add Profile'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1557, 902, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  9/02/2008
		1.Close all Page for QUIT.
		2.Revises Timer for UpDate TrayIcon.
		3.Add On/off MAC Filter for AP_Mode. (MACfilterPage_SHOW="1")

  Comment: 'MAC Filter'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1558, 918, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  9/18/2008
		1.Revises AUTO SEL Lan for ICS.

  Comment: 'AUTO ICS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1559, 925, 2008
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  9/25/2008
		1.Add DHCP Server in SoftAP Mode.

  Comment: 'DHCP Server'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1561, 1023, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  10/23/2008
		1.Revises ICS for SoftAP Mode.
		2.Revises UpDate list for Statistics Page.
		3.Revises DHCP Server.

  Comment: 'ICS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1562, 1027, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  10/27/2008
		1.Revises ICS for SoftAP Mode.

  Comment: 'ICS'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1563, 1105, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  11/05/2008
		1.Revises run RtDHCP.exe for SoftAP.

  Comment: 'RtDHCP'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       600, 1564, 1120, 2008
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  11/20/2008
		1.Revises FRAME and String size.

  Comment: 'Revises size'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1567, 113, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  1/13/2008
		1.add Supports Win7.  

  Comment: 'Win7'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1568, 121, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  1/21/2009
		1.add Supports two IP Address for General_Page.  

  Comment: 'two IP'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1569, 312, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  3/12/2009
		1.add Supports SoftAP for Win7.  

  Comment: 'SoftAP for Win7'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1570, 326, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  3/26/2009
		1.add Supports Link_ANY_ENABLE="0".  

  Comment: 'Enable/Deable Link ANY'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1571, 403, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/3/2009
		1.Fix BUG for Find & Init Adapter.  

  Comment: 'Init Adapter'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1572, 415, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/16/2009
		1.Setting DeviceChange TimerOut 30s (nDeviceChange=60).  

  Comment: 'DeviceChange TimerOut'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1573, 428, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  4/28/2009
		1.Fix BUG for Disable/Enable Adapter.   

  Comment: 'Disable/Enable Adapter'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1575, 511, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/11/2009
		1.Fix BUG for OnDeviceChange.   

  Comment: 'OnDeviceChange'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1576, 522, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  5/22/2009
		1.Add LinkProfile for chack(HW RF-OFF => RF-ON).   
		2.Revises multi- language string for WPS Page.
		3.Add On/off ICS Page for AP_Mode. (ICS_Page_SHOW="1")

  Comment: 'HW RF'
  Name:          RtWLan (Vista)
  Version:       700, 1577, 622, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  6/22/2009
		1.Revises Setting ICS for S3.   

  Comment: 'ICS for S3'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1578, 702, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/02/2009
		1.Add Setting TxPower Percentage for General Page.   

  Comment: 'Setting TxPower Percentage'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1579, 709, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/09/2009
		1.Fix S3 BUG for Radio off.   
		2.92E disable adapter. 
		3.Rewrites profile after the detachment.

  Comment: 'Rewrites profile'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1580, 712, 2009
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  7/12/2009
		1.Update detect APMode function in Win7
		2.Modify frame 

  Comment: 'AP MOde'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1581, 721, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/21/2009
        1.Add RT_ACM_SoftAP_GetStatus function. 
		2.Update detect APMode for RT_ACM_SoftAP_GetStatus function.
		3.Add control VWiFi (Start/Stop) API. 
		4.Add VWiFi Page.

  Comment: 'VWiFi Page'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1582, 724, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  7/24/2009
        	1.Revises Show INFO for VWiFi.
		2.Add VWiFi (Get MAC INFO) API. 
		3.Revises Enable (SoftAP Start Button) for Vwifi allowed(Not available) Status.

  Comment: 'VWiFi Get MAC'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1583, 804, 2009
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  8/04/2009
        	1.Fixed bug of set 32 characters SSID in Virtual WiFi can't set & get
		2.When adapter be unplug,the enable/disable checkbox will be hid.
		3.Fixed bug "When WPS PIN Select AP , before sitsurvey AP complete , click cancel will crash."

  Comment: 'VWiFi SSID'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1584, 814, 2009
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  8/14/2009
        	1.Separate AP Mode & VWiFi Mode in Win7

  Comment: 'VWiFi SSID'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1585, 818, 2009
  Released By:   Jacken
  Release Date:  8/18/2009
        	1.Fix Win7 AP Mode set profile error and auth item error 

  Comment: 'AP Mode'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1586, 825, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  8/25/2009
        	1.Delete AUTO Link Profile on Ad_Hoc Mode. 

  Comment: 'Ad_Hoc Mode'
  Name:          RtWLan
  Version:       700, 1587, 901, 2009
  Released By:   Karl
  Release Date:  9/01/2009
        	1.Increases the accurate judgment to insert(plug-in)/Unplug the card (Use few CPU resources). 

  Comment: 'chack plug-in/Unplug'
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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